> A Not So Proper Courtship > by BibiG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Requirement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So... what I'm getting from all this you're saying is that you'll never end up with anypony." Rarity waved a hoof dismissively at the direction of the bored looking Rainbow Dash, who have flew into the boutique on a whim, asked if Rarity had a marefriend on a whim, and now, was really, really regretting that decision. Rarity, who clearly have either not noticed or wanted to finish her hour long spill of what she wants in a marefriend, continued. "Now now Rainbow Dash, this is why I often never explain a proper needed courtship, nopony understands! But that is why I need to find a proper special pony of my own, only they well understand! Only they will know the proper courtship! Only they... oh!" Rarity have progressively become more and more dramatic, hooves sweeping through the air gracefully, voice becoming louder and louder, but all that stopped as what she assumed to be a new customer trotted through the door, the telltale bell announcing their arrival. Rarity turned, smiled, and swept her bangs to one side, as professional as she could be. "Why, hello there my dear! Are you here to pick up the magenta dress, or maybe that utterly lovely cyan suit, truly... Applejack?" Rarity sputtered to a stop, then stepped closer, a more natural smile growing on her face. "What a surprise Applejack! You, of all ponies, are the last pony I'd expect to see to see requesting something from my boutique! Or are you here for an enlightening conversation with yours truly?" "Well actually, Ah was kinda hopin' you would take these..." "...Because I already held a wonderful conversation with Rainbow Dash and..." Rarity ended up talking over Applejack, and clearly intended to continue on, until a hoof jabbed into her side, eliciting a surprised gasp from her and a glare directed at the offender. "Rainbow Dash! Do not do that, don't you know that is rather painful? Especially to a delicate mare!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, then suddenly put a hoof over Rarity's shoulder and pulled her close, pointing towards Applejack and whispering just low enough so Applejack won't hear anything more than a murmur. "Yeah, that's why I did it. Stop blabbering and look at what she's holding, doofus...!" Rainbow Dash let go and Rarity spared more than a glance towards Applejack, actually looked at her this time around. She was holding something, yes, green and leafy, but no red, couldn't be her apple crops. But as the other colors became more apparent, pink, yellow and other bright colors, Rarity drew her head back in surprise, shock obvious on her face. "Are... are you holding a bouquet?" Applejack looked down at the hoof wrapped around the flowers, giving a hearty laugh. "Well, Ah just like to call them a buncha flowers, but sure, they a bouquet. And, Ah said Ah'd like you to have 'em, 'cause you like this sorta stuff." Before Rarity could say another word, not that she could have, her tongue felt like it have quite literally become a knot, Applejack plopped the flowers into Rarity surprised hooves, then drew back, a small, nervous smile on her freckled muzzle. "Now, Ah am real sorry Ah ended up ploppin' this on ya real sudden, but I think you're a sweet mare, ya know? I, kinda hope Ah'm sayin' this all right, we prolly aren't similar, but Ah had to come out and say it even if Ah'm pretty busy today, 'cause that's how I always do!" "I, I don't, what...?" The tongue-tied feeling have remained in Rarity, and have only increased as Applejack gone on. "Gotta talk, you know!" Rainbow Dash have been enjoying the show silently, but couldn't help calling out a small piece of advice, snickering. "Aw, shoot!" Applejack suddenly looked up at the windows, squinting at the streaming sunlight. "It's gettin' to be late! Big Mac don't got all the work today, gonna need to help 'im out! See ya Rarity, and you too Rainbow Dash!" She spun quickly and strode outside, clearly starting to gallop as the door swung close with a slam. The slam seemed to snap Rarity out of her state but she still stared at the flowers she now held for a few seconds, eyes wide. Those seconds didn't last and she shifted the flowers to one hoof, speaking once more. "See there Rainbow Dash? T-That was not a proper way to court a mare such as myself! Why, these flowers are c-clearly from the store next door! If I am to be swept of my feet, she will have to try harder than her farm mare life have taught her! If she is to gift me flowers, they must be unique and in a unique vase! In fact, you go tell her these requirements Rainbow Dash, you are an expert in speed!" Rainbow Dash sighed, wings carrying her into the air. "Seriously? This is not gonna be a fairy tale. But I'll tell her, you want me to take those flowers off of your hooves too?" She asked this as a joke, not actually expecting Rarity to hold the flowers out. "Yes, please take this little bouquet! Now hurry along, I have work to do as well!" Rarity tossed the flowers into the air, to be caught by a startled Rainbow Dash. "Wow, ok, that's cold. Guess you really are bent on this whole, completely proper courtship thing, huh?" Without another comment, Rainbow Dash took off, towards an open window instead of the front door, outstretched wings managing to not even graze the wooden frame, her path clearly taking her towards Sweet Acres. Rarity watched her go before she then returned to her designs, ignoring the small twang in her chest she felt as the flowers disappeared from sight. She shouldn't feel any type of sadness, she only wanted the best, and if Applejack was trying to be that pony, she would have to step up. Rarity straightened out, feeling better. And if Applejack didn't step up then she wasn't good enough. > Unique Ways to Do Things > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity have not forgotten the little gift requirement she have told Rainbow Dash to deliver to Applejack, oh no. But that have been a while ago, a week almost, and it appeared Applejack really have given up after hearing Rarity's request. So she have left to treat herself to a wonderful meal at an outdoor cafe, maybe a suitor who will be fine with being told to do something will come by! Rarity flashed a dazzling smile at the young waiter with her drink, who smiled nervously back. "Thank you. My goodness this looks good! I may not need anything else!" She slid the drink closer as the waiter set it down with a startling wobble. Thankfully, nothing spilled, and Rarity waved as the waiter left. She always loved those sweet little workers, they never asked for a tip, she always gave one of course, why wouldn't she, but it was good that she never felt pressured to! She took a sip of her drink, eyes closed in bliss as the fruity flavor danced through her taste buds. Truly, this was perfect, nopony around was being crude, the sun streamed down onto her name just right, and the drink was delicious! The only thing that could make things better was a perfect suitor too...! And, as her mind was tempting fate, a blue blur shot right past her, stopping on top of the canopy of the cafe, a familiar drink held in it's hooves. "Rainbow Dash! I have told you countless times, you must ask before you have some of my drinks, it's only polite!" Rainbow Dash took a loud, obnoxious slurp from the fancy looking cup before calling back down at Rarity. "Ok, can I have this super fruity drink!? And plus, somepony you'll wanna see is coming down that road right there!" Rarity, whipped her head every which way, thoughts racing and voice warbling excitedly. "Oh, is it a famous designer!? Royalty perhaps?" Still a nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Applejack stuck to the back of all her thoughts. But it couldn't be, it's been nearly a week, she must have given up! Rarity was proven completely wrong as an orange mare turned a corner, holding yet another bouquet, if it could be called a bouquet, it appeared to be a straw hat held upside down with bundles of flowers placed carefully inside. Still, it was obviously Applejack, and for some reason, Rarity felt a slightly annoying sense of relief. And she felt just the smallest bit panicked too, as every pony nearby turned to see Applejack too, no doubt alerted by Rainbow Dash. Applejack sped up as she caught Rarity's eye, skidding to a stop at the fence of the outdoor cafe. She seemed more unruly than ever, legs covered in mud, mane held in a loose sort of ponytail instead of something tighter, and she even had dark circles under her eyes. But even then she held the makeshift bouquet over the fence with her usual smile. Rarity couldn't help but feel guilty as she stood up and took the gift, if only so Applejack could drop her hooves. "Phew! Ah finally found ya! Thought y'all be eatin' somewhere, just couldn't figure out where the heck!" Applejack sounded just as cheery as usual despite her tired appearance, deepening Rarity's feeling of guilt. Rarity placed the flowers on an empty table next to her, looking between it and Applejack, a question on the tip of her tongue. "Why a hat? And why tiny flowers?" "Why, those wildflowers! Dug 'em up straight off a mah farm, a few are kinda wilted and stuff, but those ones are a few days old. And that hat is mah old hat, needed a use for it anyways!" Rarity blinked a few times, unsure what to say, unsure what to feel. Applejack have actually listened to the requirements, in a strange way yes, but listened. And Rarity couldn't deny this was a nice gesture, just as she couldn't deny she may or may not have been hoping to chase off Applejack from any more affectionate gestures. So she decided to stay neutral, and so, nodded towards Applejack, slow and steady. "I give my thanks Applejack. This is an appropriate gift." Applejack leaned forward, eyes searching before backing away, smile turning sheepish. "Oh, Ah... Ah haveta admit, Ah was hopin' for a little more than that, honestly, but that's alright." She gave a small nod as well then continued on the sidewalk, steps slower and quieter than she ever really is. Rarity flinched as a loud, rough voice from up above interrupted the scene, clearly upset. "Boo! I can't believe I have to say this but that was mushy. Like, cute mushy, and I never say that!" A grumble of agreement came up, a few mares and stallions glaring straight at Rarity. Rarity wrinkled her muzzle, one hoof raised at Rainbow Dash. "What do you suggest I do, ask her out on a d-date?" She stuttered on the last word, a nervous flush going right through her whole body as soon as the word left her mouth. Rainbow Dash spread her hooves, even the one still holding the rapidly emptying drink. "Uh, yeah, duh!" That answer was simple and simply stated, but it caused a embarrassed Rarity to trot in place, away from where Applejack left, and towards it. "Oh fine! But I will ask how I wish to!" Despite this attempt to appear impartial, Rarity still rushed after Applejack, mind trying to justify that she was moving quickly to get this over with. Yes, that was the only reason. Truly. "Applejack, dear! I have decided, as a reward for the gift of course, that you will be allowed to take me out on a date tomorrow." Rarity was expecting the loud whoop, and felt a smile creep it's way onto her face at the sound, but didn't expect the surprisingly powerful hug, even it was Applejack. Applejack quickly spun the lighter Rarity around, setting her down while still moving. "Aw, Ah shoulda known those flowers would have won you over! Don't worry you're head Rarity. Ah, know you all fancy and want more fancy stuff, our date will be that! Lemme just prepare!" And just like that, Applejack took off, way more happy, and hooves clopping loudly even from a distance. "Ooh! I smell a success for her and craziness for you! You want me to take these flowers away too?" Rainbow Dash have followed, holding the bouquet tightly in her forelegs. "No!" Rarity's shout surprised even herself, but her message have obviously came across so Rainbow Dash passed the flowers to her, and she held the flowers extremely carefully afterwards. Rainbow Dash smirked. "From what I see you like her. You, fancypants queen, likes Applejack!" Rarity pursed her mouth, nose up. "I like her as a friend. She will have to do so much more to even be considered by me. You will have to deliver my new requirements again, I'm sure you're aware." "Yup, I knew you'd say that, just don't be too harsh, mare gave you a bunch of flowers in the way you asked! That's marefriend material right there! So... what's all the requirements?" > Scary Compatibility > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity looked at the list on her table, frowning. The list should have been delivered to Applejack yesterday, but Rainbow Dash have refused to, going on memory alone. "Oh Celestia... she likely added her own twists on all this." Hopefully she got the general gist of the rules down. And there wasn't even many rules, Rarity believed she was being generous! Applejack simply had to pick her up at Rarity's home at seven sharp, in the most formal wear she could muster, take her to, at the very least, a three-star restaurant, then be the mare equivalent of a gentlecolt! Simple! The doorbell knocked Rarity out of her thoughts, and knocked her heartbeat into a frantic rhythm. She found herself smoothing down her straightened out mane before she caught herself, she was beautiful, why was she worrying? Actually, why was she worrying so much at all, she only liked Applejack as a friend, this was just generosity. Instead of thinking more, her thoughts were going in circles after all, she left her table, calling out, "I will be there in a moment!" She didn't swing the door open, no mare should, but the sight before her caused her to unfortunately forget to say a greeting. Applejack was in a dress, an actual yellow, genuinely pretty dress, and that alone managed to be surprising. Yes, she wasn't wearing make-up, but she somehow was still a beauty, which Rarity never thought she would ever, well, think. Especially about a farm mare! "I have to say, your appearance is put together nicely!" She gestured vaguely at Applejack, not exactly sure where to point, mostly at the dress, but there were other good points too! Applejack seemed blissfully unaware of Rarity plight, smiling extremely genuinely. "Aww, well, Ah'm glad to hear that! This dress ain't from you're boutique or anything, but Ah thought it'd work for this fancy thing. Oh! Almost forgot!" She held a hoof up bent at an angle, looking a little confused. "Now, Ah think Ah'm supposed to take your hoof and say somethin' like prose, but Ah don't know that much so... ready?" Rarity froze for a second, not even reaching towards Applejack's outstretched hoof. This, this wasn't a perfect courtship already. But she felt so happy already. That was... strange, very, very strange. Still, she took hold of Applejack's hoof, smile a bit shaky. She shouldn't be feeling this charmed, she really shouldn't. Applejack led her across town and Rarity craned her neck around, figuring out where in Ponyville they were going. Cleanly cut hedges, even streets, good, good, this was a good part of their lovely town. Even with this evidence that Applejack was bringing to a nice restaurant, Rarity still let out a sigh of relief as a large, bright building crested into view. She didn't even know this certain restaurant, she just knew it was something she could tolerate, she was aware there clearly wasn't a dress code judging by a stallion and mare pair passing by with only hats perched on their heads, but beggers couldn't be choosers! "Good choice Applejack! I didn't believe you had it in you!" Rarity lifted her eyes to the golden decorations above, she wondered if she could implant a few of these designs into her own work. While some things were unoriginal, she couldn't tell you how many times she have witnessed a tiny, golden chandelier, she could shape those through her own imagination! Unfortunately, her raised gaze caused her to miss the smile dropping off of Applejack's face at her words, eyes furrowed and mouth taking on a tight line for just a moment. However, the easy smile was soon back on her face as Rarity's eyes met her's again. "W-Well, Ah try mah best. Ah think we can just sit somewhere, especially 'cause nopony is tellin' us anything." With that, they ended up taking a windowside seat, curtains drawn back enough to see the activities of Ponyville outside. "I'd call this as rather pretty spot, what say you Applejack?" Applejack squinted her eyes, then spoke, a laugh growing in her voice. "Ah'd say somepony must 'ave treated his mare wrong today." Rarity leaned to the side, spotting the scene as it played out. A ragged looking stallion, still in his tuxedo was chasing after a mare with tired eyes, wait, no, it was simply thick mascara. As he caught up she spun and began a rant. Well, Rarity assumed she was ranting, the wild gestures certainly suggested what the silence could not. Soon, Rarity found herself laughing, and nothing proper was in this laugh, it was raucous, high-pitched, and something she'd be embarrassed of if Applejack didn't join in. Before the laugh could wind down, Rarity placed her hooves on the table to try and steady herself, almost unconsciously. She noticed, however, when Applejack reached forward as if to place her own hooves on top of Rarity's. Which she failed to do as Rarity suddenly shot her hooves away from Applejack's, in an obviously intentional way. And just like that the little, amusing moment was done, and Applejack awkwardly crossed her forelegs on the table, smile increasingly strained. Rarity placed one hoof under chin, turning her head away from Applejack. What was she doing? This moment just proved neither of them act like the perfect couple together. So what if Applejack managed to make her laugh, she wasn't the perfect pony Rarity wanted. These thoughts evidently were not agreeing with her stomach, which seemed to shrink with every continued thought. This might be a long night... > Unfortunate Middle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The whole date, the dinner, who paid the bill, even most of the walk home, have been very awkward for Rarity. Judging by the stiff steps Applejack took, it was awkward for her too. She wasn't even trying to touch Rarity, who walked nearly a foot away from her. Rarity couldn't help but scuff her hooves at the stones at her feet with every step. Technically, this was exactly what she was aiming for, make it so Applejack left her alone, because surely Applejack couldn't perform any requirements that any proper pony could. And yet, Applejack have been doing well, not exactly perfect, which Rarity still felt stuck on, but alright. So chasing her off like this felt almost... wrong. She needed to end this night on a better note. For both their peace of minds, if nothing else. She cleared her throat, or at least tried to, she wasn't exactly too aware how to clear your throat to get another pony's attention. So it was more of a cough, which caused Applejack to look back at her, one eyebrow raised, but looking at her. "D-Did you enjoy the food? I thought the salads were superb!" That was not a good conversation starter, Rarity was aware of this. But it was the best she had at the moment, even if the few seconds Applejack just stared at her suggested even she was aware of the bad start as well. Still, Applejack shrugged, "Yeah, all that food was alright, all those condiments sure were a bit confusin' but... that's all, really." She stopped talking, and Rarity bit her lip, thinking as quickly as she could. Too much silence would most likely make everything awkward all over again! Rarity trotted a bit faster, almost stepping on the delicate hem of her white dress, an action that she wouldn't even entertain in any other situation. She gestured with one hoof vaguely, not even certain what she was saying at the moment. "Oh, but wasn't the dancing there lovely? I had no idea that eatery would allow ponies to come in, eat, then dance!" Applejack finally smiled, she still trotted along stiffly, but definitely not as badly as before. "Well, that's sorta the reason Ah picked that place. Ah can't sit around that long without so, Ah'm guessin' you know what Ah was hopin'." Rarity laughed, voice going high for a second, unfortunately, she did know. "Yes, yes, however! I doubt you could have kept up with me, I have danced ballroom many more times than I could count, I am practically an expert by now." Rarity found herself imitating a pose, one hoof coyly held out, and one hind leg stretched out, maybe as a joke, she didn't know, she was feeling desperate. Thankfully, Applejack snorted at the sight and stopped walking, facing Rarity. "Oh yeah? Ah've been dancin' mah whole life too. Box dancin', just dancin' dancin' y'know? Bet Ah could have worked some of that stuff into some sorta dance!" She tapped her hooves on the stones, getting a small rhythm before striking a similar pose to Rarity, her foot placement was clearly off but still! Rarity let out a snort of laughter too, stepping closer and bending a foreleg in a new pose. Applejack did the same and both fell out of the silly poses, laughing earnestly now. Neither fell all the way to the floor, but it was a close thing, Applejack leaning on a nearby lamppost, and Rarity having to put a hoof at her stomach, so it doesn't hurt, well, hurt as much as it could. However, when Applejack trotted towards her, still laughing and tilting to the side, and with a hoof out as if to steady herself on Rarity, Rarity found herself stumbling away before she could think. And before she could see the confused and, dare she say it, hurt expression grow on Applejack's face. "Rarity... you don't exactly like me like that, yeah?" Those were the words Rarity was already working towards to say, that she doesn't like Applejack like that, but at those words she suddenly shot over the distance she have backed away over, shaking her head, and trying to get her odd, odd thoughts into understandable words. "No! Believe me Applejack, it is not exactly like that!" Rarity felt the uncomfortable sensation of her fur and dress sticking together, no doubt because of sweat, despite the fact that it was night, and late at night at that. The sensation only grew worse as Applejack frowned, clearly not convinced. "Rarity, there's no reason to lie. Ah kinda already knew. You gave all them special rules even though you gave me a chance 'cause you knew Ah couldn't do everthin' you wanted. Heck, Ah'm not exactly happy myself you did that, but Ah still can see why you did that! But Ah'm just a farm mare, not perfect, and that's prolly not enough." Applejack ended this with a half-hearted shrug, and Rarity felt her heart sink. "I... I..." Didn't give a proper chance. Do like you in some way, maybe some is the way you want. Will not do anymore rules. Tried to make sure there would be no chance. Rarity thoughts were scattered, and none came out, leaving her uselessly opening and closing her mouth. Seeming to take this as some sort of sign that she was correct, Applejack sighed, then put on a small smile on her face. "Hey. It's alright! Ah said Ah already knew, so, not too much harm done!" She looked past Rarity, eyes falling on a building. "Oh, there's your house! Didn't even notice, guess you're home Rarity." Rarity cranes her neck to look behind herself, and sure enough, there was her house, her lonely, suddenly not as welcoming house. She turned her head back to the front as Applejack said one last thing with a tiny wave. "See ya around." Rarity scraped her hooves on the stone, more painfully than just scuffing her hooves, and far more likely to damage her dress, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Was there a way to fix this? She have spent so much time trying not to give all this a chance that now she had no idea what to do. But she was going to try, maybe with some help, but she was going to try! > Turn It Fortunate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh dear, oh dear, suppose I manage to mess up our situation even more?" Rarity found herself stuck in the limbo between knocking on Applejack's door and, obviously, not, Sweet Acres Farm's grass irritatingly tickling her feet. And stuck with Rainbow Dash, who flew a few feet above her. "Rarity, I didn't listen to your hundreds of sorta plans before you got this plan, aka, just talk to her! Now hurry up, I'm more invested in this than I ever am and I just might get a storm cloud here if you don't." To add a realistic level of threat to her words, Rainbow Dash increased her altitude rabidly, clearly aiming for the few lone clouds around. Rarity cupped her hooves around her muzzle, yelling, "I highly request you do not do that! I will knock, um... eventually!" Unfortunately, her words were instantly rendered moot as footsteps appeared, approaching the door. "Rarity? Is that you out there?" Oh dear indeed. It appeared she was going to have to explain things properly right now. Suddenly, her throat felt dangerous dry. What if this plan was wrong? It was too simple, she should have come dressed up, rehearsed something! But Applejack would probably not accept something like that, simple and sweet was the way to go, after all, everything had been too, dare she say, proper currently... or was it? Before her thoughts could spiral into the increasingly familiar pit of worry, that pit only grew each day, the door swung open, the squeak of metal and wood causing Rarity to freeze in nervousness more than she already has. Rarity seemed like the only pony having a small freak out, she doubted Rainbow Dash up above and out of sight would be having anything herself to be extremely scared about, while Applejack, thank Celestia she was the pony to open the door, simply held a confused look on her face. Rarity quickly stood straighter, the dryness of her throat migrating to, well, every internal organ, it was the only way to describe the sensation. Hopefully her physical, internal struggle didn't show. "Applejack! Darling, isn't it a nice day, better day than yesterday now. I-In fact, the day can only get better, as it turns out, I do care for you, in ways I myself am attempting to figure out. So we will attempt more dates, less requirements, more chances, and actually be happy, and proper, and more!" Rarity ended out of breath and stood gasping for air, vaguely aware she must have tossed her head around during her frantic speech, as a strand of her impeccable mane now hung right in the middle of her vision, partially blocking Applejack's entire body and face. But this block did nothing to obscore the shake of Applejack's head, and the almost annoyed crease in her forehead as she listened. "Rarity, you shouldn't lie to me, of all ponies! There's no need to be guilty or anythin', Ah know you don't like me the way Ah want you to, so-" "No!" Rarity shot forward in desperation, fearing Applejack may shut the door right then and there, and found her hooves at Applejack's cheeks, nearly squashing that poor face of her's. However, she still gave a firm shake, succeeding in making Applejack look her straight in the eyes. "Applejack, everything I uttered was absolutely true. I was abhorrent to dance around both our feelings, and feelings that may yet appear, but I promise you, that will be over." She coughed, quickly adding, "But only if you wish to continue, of course. Applejack put her own hooves over Rarity's, pausing for a few seconds and allowing the sensation of her fur to stick even while she deattached Rarity from her face. She didn't quite smile, nor frown, before finally saying, "Alright then. Maybe this'll be a mistake, but, we'll try again. Just, please Rarity, give a full chance for me this time around." Rarity shook her head rapidly up and dow, no doubt ruining what was left of her styled mane. "Of course! Yes! Count on me, I will take you on a date that is not full of rules! Full of proper dating, that's all!" She felt herself began to ramble and shut her mouth, an action she often would be unable to perform, instead, she lifted a hoof stiffly up to wave as Applejack shut the door with a slow creak. She could swear she spotted the beginnings of a smile on Applejack, but could have just as easily have not. She would have to earn that now. "Whoa, I never liked endings like that. You're a literal cliffhanger!" Rainbow Dash lighted down next to Rarity, and Rarity shook her head, chuckling. "Well now, at least I am not standing in the middle of a tragedy." And she found she was okay with the nature of this end, she could fix things, develop things, break everything all over again, but at least she could do something. And that was better than nothing when she felt something for the farm mare, something small but there, and once again, that was better that having nothing at all there.