> Cold night in the Soarin Dash home > by SoarinDash-lover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One, snowy night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside the wind was howling, the snow was blowing ferociously, and the cloud house above Ponyville was quiet and warm. Inside that house were two married Wonder Bolts, Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies, with their oldest colt, Spectrum Skies, their middle colt, Snowy Dash, and their three day old filly, Color Wheel. The house was calmer than normal, mostly due to Dash and Color Wheel taking a nap and Soarin keeping Spectrum and Snowy quiet so they could sleep. "Tag, your it again Snowy." Spectrum said for the hundredth time that night. "I'm not even playing anymore Spectrum. I stopped playing like 20 minutes ago." Said a very unamused Snowy Dash. "Ohh, come on. One more time, I promise I'll take it easy on you this time." Snowy just looked away and said nothing, his white mane with navy blue streaks in it and his white wings the only thing visible. "Please, please, please, please, ple-" "I SAID NO!!! WHAT PART OF NO DON'T YOU UNDERS-" Snowy started screaming but was soon cut off by a much more threatening voice and in a tone that sent chills down the colts spines, "I thought I told you both to be quiet so your mother and sister could sleep. I promise you both if they wake up because of either of you you're in big trouble. You know your mother hasn't got much sleep since Color was born. If I have to tell you again, you-" "Soarin?" He was cut off by the voice of his wife and the tiny grunts of Color Wheel waking up from her nap. Soarin's eyes shot to the top of the stairs and into the tired eyes of his beloved wife. "Is everything alright, I heard screaming and thought someone was hurt. Color woke up to so there's no chance of falling asleep again." Dash said with a big yawn followed by the little filly in her hooves to stir and open her emerald eyes. Her rainbow mane covered some of her eyes but Dash quickly moved the strands away before she could start crying. Her light blue coat looked just like her fathers. “Dashie? Why don’t you let me take Color so you can sleep? It looks like you need it more than I do honestly.” Soarin said sincerely. Snowy and Spectrum just sat there and waited for the their dad to scold them again. “Nah it’s fine. Besides, I couldn’t go back to sleep anyway.” She said looking at her sons with a playful little grin. “I’m gonna go get Color’s bottle, she’s probably hungry.” With that said, Dash climbed down the rest of the stairs and walked over to Soarin and whispered in his ear, “Don’t be so hard on them. They were just playing with each other. You can’t tell me you didn’t get like that with your brothers. I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson, just go easy on them.” She pecked his cheek and smiled at him. He looked at the colts then back at Dash who was looking at him a playful “You know I’m right, as usual." Soarin sighed and said, “Ok, you’re right I shouldn’t yell at them like I do. Dang I hate it when you’re right.” He said playfully as he looked at Dash as she turned away and headed into the kitchen. “I’m always right” She said before she disappeared. Soarin chuckled and turned to Snowy and Spectrum who looked mortified when their dad looked at them. “Don’t worry, you guys aren’t in trouble. You’re mother has a way of making everything better.” The colts visibly relaxed and sighed. “I’m sorry.” Soarin quickly apologized. Snowy and Spectrum’s eyes grew three times the size. “Why are you sorry daddy? We were the ones acting up and you didn’t wake mom up?” Snowy said tilting his head and dropping his ears. “I know but I yell at you guys when I shouldn’t. I was a colt to and I know you guys just want to play. Heh, me and your uncles used to cause so much trouble when we were younger, drove our parents nuts. You guys haven’t done half the stuff we used to do and the stuff you do isn’t half as bad hehe.” Soarin chuckled as he recalled the memories with his brothers. When he didn’t hear anything in response he looked down and saw his colts in front of him sitting down with starry eyes. “You guys want to hear about it don't you?” “Yes” They replied in unison, but there was a third voice that said yes. They all looked over and standing in the kitchen doorway with Color Wheel in one hoof and a bottle on the floor in front her was Dash. “I think a story would be perfect right now. It’s not like there’s anything else we can do with the storm outside.” She said as she looked at her boys. Her colts looked very excited and Soarin looked amused, “and I bet if your really nice to daddy he’ll make some of his famous hot chocolate and I can start a fire. I’m sure there are other stories to tell.” As soon as the words “chocolate” left her muzzle the colts were immediately up on their hind legs with their front hooves on their dad's chest with the biggest puppy dog eyes Soarin and Dash had ever seen. Soarin looked up at Dash with wide eyes as his colts continued to beg. “There is no way you’re gonna be able to so no to that. If you can you’re not the softy I married.” Dash said with a sly smirk. “Alright let's go. You guys go get ready while I-“ Soarin never got a chance to finish because before he could blink, Snowy and Spectrum were already in the kitchen. Dash looked back and giggled at the sight of her over eager sons. “What were you saying? I don’t think they care.” Dash said in a fit of giggles. Color Wheel started giggling along with her mother even though she had no idea why her mom was giggling. Soarin smiled and walked over to her. When he got close enough he nuzzled her cheek and kissed her nose. He bent down and gently kissed Color’s head. The little filly cooed at the touch of her father and looked up into the loving eyes of her parents. Dash looked into Soarin’s deep emerald eyes and he gazed into her beautiful magenta ones. They started to lean towards each other, less than a centimeter apart- “DAD! COME ON!” Both of there eyes shot open. There noses were touching but they were just short of eachother. Soarin groaned and Dash just playfully sighed. Snowy and Spectrum’s head popped out of the kitchen, “Ewww!” they said in unison. Soarin pulled away and playfully glared at the colts. “Fine. If you thought that was disgusting you guys might want to go back in the kitchen.” Soarin said with a devilish grin as he looked at Dash who had a quizzical look on her face. “What are you talking ab- mphhh” She was cut off when Soarin grabbed her shoulders, pulled her towards him without crushing Color Wheel, and kissed her on the lips. Dash began to close her eyes and kiss back. It was just a simple kiss but the colt’s reaction was priceless. Snowy’s white face looked a little green and Spectrum’s cyan face was turning red from embarrassment even though they were the only ones there. “Ok you’ve proven your point you guys can stop now.” Snowy whined. Soarin and Dash pulled apart and Color Wheel just looked up at them, she had no idea what was going on so she just kept looking at her mother and father. “Alright we get it, you guys love each other and express it in a very disgusting way, can we go make the hot chocolate now dad?” “Did you guys get all the ingredients and supplies out?” Soarin said with a knowing grin, still holding onto Dash’s shoulders. The colts just looked at each other nervously. “I take that as a no. Did you wash your hooves?” The colts just continued to look at eachother. “Why don’t you go do that so I can help mommy or else, we ain’t making it.” The colts disappeared into the kitchen and the sound of running water was heard. Dash and Soarin both chuckled. “Alrighty then. Let’s go put that fire on.” “Are you sure you’ll have time? You know Snowy and Spectrum take after their mother. There charming, fast, and awesome.” Dash said as they made there way over to the fireplace. Soarin put the wood in the fireplace and lit it. Dash grabbed some blankets and pillows and set them around the fireplace. Color was on the couch watching her parents. She thought the pillows and blankets were her nursery were she played. She started crawling towards them and didn’t realize the couch ended. Soarin looked back to see Dash placing the pieces of furniture around the fire, he also saw his filly getting close to the edge of the couch. He panicked and rushed over to her in a nick of time because just as he got there she had reached the end of the couch and didn’t stop. Soarin gasped and caught her and pulled her up to his chest. Dash looked towards them after hearing her husband gasp. “What happened? Are you alr-“ she cut herself off when she heard Color start crying. She completely forgot about what she was doing and rushed over to see what was wrong with her little girl. “Shhh, shhhhhh, it’s ok, daddy’s got you, you’re all right, shhhhhh.” Soarin said to the crying infant. When Dash approached, Soarin gently gave Color Wheel to her and the filly’s cry’s started dying down from the familiar warmth of her mother and father. Dash started stroking the fillies mane. “She started crawling off the couch. I got to her and she started falling. I think she’s ok, probably just a little scared.” The filly stopped crying and opened her eyes, she looked at her dad with watery eyes and started reaching for him with her tiny, light blue hooves. “I think she wants her daddy right now.” Dash said softly giving Color back to her dad. “Thank goodness you caught her. Just another way of proving what a terrible mother I am.” Dash said shamefully. Soarin looked at her with surprise. “I almost let or daughter fall off a couch and all the other things that happened when Snowy and Spectrum were babies, don’t look at me like that.” “No ones perfect Dashie. I made mistakes to. At least it all worked out right.” Soarin replied. Dash just smiled and Soarin looked down to see the filly start snuggling into his chest. “Mom? Dad? Is Color Wheel ok? What happened?” Spectrum said from behind Soarin. Both parents looked back to see a worried Snowy Dash and Spectrum Skies. “We’re still gonna have story time right?” Both parents chuckled. “Color’s fine, she just had a little accident. Yes we’re still having story time, as long as you’re both ready this time.” Soarin said handing Color back to Dash who cradled the filly in her forehooves. “Let’s go.” With that said both colts brightened up and raced back to the kitchen. With one last kiss on the cheek Soarin followed. Dash laid down by the fire with Color Wheel snuggled against her chest. Even though she couldn’t put a hoof on it, Dash felt like there was something she was forgetting. She looked around, blankets, check, fire, check, hot chocolate, getting there, kids, hard to forget, one goofy husband, of course that’s a check Dash just couldn’t remember what she had forgotten. She soon shrugged thinking it wasn’t important enough to remember. Color started to fidget lightly, causing Dash to look down and smile. Color was already a hoof full but so were Snowy and Spectrum when they were little(er). Dash thought back to when she had them. When Spectrum was born, it was a nightmare. Neither Soarin or Dash knew how to be parents, they got the hang of it but when Dash found out she was pregnant with Snowy when Spectrum was only 1 and half, that was challenging. Dash giggled as she remembered Soarin running around like a chicken without a head. She felt so bad during the last few months of her pregnancy Soarin was- Her thoughts were interrupted when Color started sniffling, signaling she was about to start crying. As quick as she could, Dash cradled the filly and started rocking as best she could while laying down. She was so lost in thought she didn’t realize how long it had been since the boys went to the kitchen. “Looking for this.” Soarin’s voice said from above her. Dash looked up and mentally face hoofed when she saw Color’s bottle in Soarin’s hoof. “At least she can enjoy something with the rest of us.” He said with a sly tone. Little did he know how stupid Dash felt for forgetting to feed her own daughter. Soarin handed the bottle to Dash before she could say anything. Before Dash had time to blink, Snowy and Spectrum were already laying down beside her with there own hot chocolate. “Looks like someone’s excited.” Dash said as she looked at her colts you began nuzzling into her left side which was facing the fire. Soarin smiled at the sight of his children snuggled up to their mother. He put Dash’s drink in front of her, seeing how her hooves were full. “Thanks Soar.” Dash said as Soarin laid down in front of her with his right side facing the fire. He continued to gaze at his family as Dash began to feed Color, who happily accepted it. The look on Dash’s face was kind as she looked at their daughter eating, her face was that of a caring mother who wanted nothing but the best for her little ones. He shifted his gaze to Snowy and Spectrum, who had begun sipping their yummy beverage while cuddled up to Dash’s side. He couldn’t be happier. He had a loving wife who blessed him with three wonderful foals. “You guys ready to hear the story now?” > Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yes!!! Tell it!" Snowy and Spectrum said at the same time. Dash just chuckled at her sons enthusiasm. Even though she had heard this story from Soarin's brothers and seen them rough house a few times before, she would never stop him from telling it. "Alright. First, is everypony comfortable?" Soarin asked jokingly. The colts simply nodded and snuggled against their mother, Color Wheel happily drank her milk with her mother watching over her, and Dash just wrapped her tail around the colts snuggled to her side and brought her filly closer to her chest. She looked up at Soarin with a look that said it all. "Ok, let me think, where to start. Oh right...." It was a warm summer day in Cloudsdale. Outside one of the many two-story houses, there were five colts playing outside with a a big ball. Both parents were inside cleaning up the last time they played with a ball inside. “Catch Soarin.” The oldest, Frigid Luck, called out to his younger brother. Soarin looked around but couldn’t see the ball until it was to late. The ball came flying towards him and hit him hard enough to send him flying. “That’s gonna hurt.” All the colts cringed but immediately brightened up when they him come back with the ball and a new mark on his right side. “I technically caught it.” Soarin said, struggling to fly. “My turn.” As soon as those words left his muzzle, all his brothers went wide eyed, “Catch Gusty!” After saying that, Soarin threw the ball at him and covered his ears. The ball was heading right for a giggling Gusty Snow. Right before impact, Gusty jumped up and slammed the ball to the ground and he jumped off before the ball bounced up and headed for one of the big, kitchen windows, where they could see their dad was right in the path of the big ball. “Oops” was all Soarin could say before the sound of a window breaking and a grunt was all that was heard. “SOARIN DID IT!!” All the colts yelled pointing up at Soarin. Soarin just slowly descended and landed on the ground with a soft plop. Their mom came around to see what the noise was and was shocked to see their big kitchen window shattered, her husband knocked down with a bruise on the side if his head, and her five sons with guilty expressions on their faces, none looked as guilty as Soarin though. Warding groaned and rubbed his bruised head. "Alright why is it Soarin's fault this time. From what I understand, you were all playing with the ball." Warding said as Crafted Petal helped him up. "Why don't you guys go sit on the couch while me and your mother clean up." Warding said to his children. All of them began flying through the hole and to the living room but when Shielded Spark got to the window, Risky Thrill nudged him a little too hard trying to get his attention and caused Shielded to cut his left front leg on a shard of broken glass. "Owww! Mommy, daddy!" Shielded immediately stopped flying and clutched his left leg with his right. Before anything else happened, Soarin rushed to his brother while his parents got the others away from the glass. "Hey, it's ok, shh, it'll be alright, mom and dad are coming, they need to get the others away from the glass. Calm down." Soarin said hugging his brother tightly. Shielded calmed down a little bit. The other ones wanted to help but their parents kept them back and corralled them into the living room. Soarin sat there holding his brother, waiting for his parents to come back. "Soarin, honey, let me see him, go with your dad." The sweet voice of his mother said while stroking his mane and gently taking Shielded from him. Warding came up and picked Soarin up, away from the broken glass. Petal cradled her youngest, "Shhh, don't worry, you're alright, mommy and daddy are here. Let's go get you fixed up, alright, then we can watch a movie, ok?" She tried comforting her child. Shielded's sobbing started dying down and he nodded against his mothers chest. He was still clutching his left leg. Petal kissed his cheek and looked at her husband holding Soarin away from the glass, "Why don't you go calm the boys down and make sure they're alright. Come into our bathroom when you're done, I'll need your help." Warding nodded and looked at his youngest. "It's alright pal, you're brothers will be right in the living room when you're done." Warding smiled at his son. Petal hovered over to a nearby bathroom and closed the door. Warding watched until the sound of running water was joined by the sound of a light sniffle, coming directly from his hooves. Warding immediately looked down to see a teary eyed Soarin trying to hide his face from his dad. "Hey, what's wrong pal? Please tell me you didn't cut either!" Warding panicked for a moment and looked Soarin over. When he didn't find anything he cradled Soarin, "What's wrong?" "I-it-it's my f-fault." Soarin stammered out. Warding was shocked for a moment. "What's your fault Soar? You didn't do anything wrong, heck you were just playing around of this is about the window." Warding said trying to comfort his son. "It-it's my fault Shielding got c-cut. If I had never broken the w-window none of it would've happened." Soarin explained. Warding just nuzzled him and carried him into the living room, where the other three colts were waiting. When they saw Soarin close to crying they immediately sprang off the couch and zipped over to him. "Alright boys, sit down, leave Soarin alone. I know I wanted you guys in the living room to talk about the window but you're just colts, everything's forgiven, just don't do it again, Gusty." Warding gave his son a sly grin. Gusty looked around nervously. "I know you were the one who slammed the ball causing the window break." Warding gently laid Soarin down and sat next to him. "Come on boys." He beckoned to them, opening his wing. Soarin stood up and sat down against his father's flank, Frigid went and sat next to Soarin, causing him to smile, Risky went and settled between his dads front legs, and Gusty cuddled close to Frigid and Soarin. Warding settled his wing on them and started stroking Risky's mane with his hoof. "I have to go help your mother now. I'll be right ba-" Warding stopped when he heard the soft sounds of snoring. He smiled and gently stood up. He picked Risky up and placed him with his brothers. He couldn't stop smiling at the sight of his sons all cuddled and sleeping together. "Thanks for the help, Wardy." Warding turned his head towards the voice quickly. Petal was standing there with Shielded on her back. He had gauze wrapped around his left leg were the cut was. "Luckily the cut wasn't that deep. He'll be alright, won't you Sparky?" Petal asked her son. Spark just nodded and looked at the couch, expecting to see his brothers waiting to watch a movie with their parents. Instead he saw his brothers cuddled together and sleeping. "Looks like your brothers are out for the count. Why don't you join them Sparky, we'll watch something when everypony's awake. Alright?" Before she could even finish, Spark already had his eyes closed and soft snores could be heard from him. "I'll take that as a yes." Petal giggled. Warding walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "We have amazing colts." He whispered, not wanting to disturb his foals. He picked up Shielded and put him on the couch with his brothers. "How did we get this lucky. Heck, how did I get this lucky." Warding said looking at Petal. Petal walked up to him and pecked his cheek. She smiled at him and got on the couch. She laid down in a position so her foals were nestled in between her forelegs. Warding joined her and laid across from her. Petal lowered her head and rested it by her foals. Warding placed his head on hers and they all joined each other in Luna's dream realm. "Wow, you and our uncles really were more troublesome than us dad." Spectrum said when his dad finished the story. "Yeah, we were loads of trouble. Our parents always put up with us though. That wasn't as bad as when your uncle Risky and Gusty decided it would be a good idea to bring a bunch of snow clouds to our wedding. That was a disaster." Soarin said with an unamused look. When he didn't hear anything in response he looked towards his family and noticed the colts were listening intently. They had both drained half their mugs and Color was being burped by Dash. She had only taken a few sips of her beverage but she was busy. When Color gave a tiny burp after several firm but gentle pats to the back, Dash brought her down and cradled her. "Hey mom?" Snowy asked enthusiastically. "What?" "Can we have three more brothers. We already have one filly, good enough right. The next baby we have has to be a colt, then two more after. Or maybe you can have two pairs of twins. Then there'd be six of us. Please can we have at least three more colts?" Snowy asked his mother. Before dash could say anything, "Boys, leave your mom be about the subject of more foals. let her at least recover from having Color Wheel. It's only been three days. Plus, we are not having three more foals. Maybe one more, two would be pushing it a little." Soarin told his sons. "I think having five foals would be nice. I grew up an only child and I got lonely pretty easily. Besides, remember when I was pregnant with Spectrum? What I said to you the day before I had him." Dash said to Soarin. He smiled as he remembered her words. "Now you have to tell us about your guys's wedding and what mom said to dad when she was pregnant with me." Spectrum said. Snowy looked just as eager to hear the stories. "Alright. Since I told the last one, mommy gets to pick and tell the next one." Soarin said, nuzzling Dash's cheek and pecked her lips. Dash returned his affection with a nuzzle and peck on the cheek. "I want to tell out wedding story. That was still one of the most amazing days of my life. Also, if you think about it, it was prettier after all the snow." Dash said to her husband. "Alright, enough suspense. Tell us." The colts complained. Dash smiled and nuzzled both of her colts and her daughter. "Alright....." It was a beautiful day in December. For two pegasi though, it was one of the most important days of there lives. Dash was in her dressing room getting her dress on. It was a beautiful wedding gown, it was white and faded into a rainbow towards the bottom, it had golden trim and small diamonds all over it. The veil and train had rainbow colored vines on it and diamonds outlining each vine. Along the bone of her wing all the way to the tip was a light golden covering that didn't interfere with the movement of the wing. She had golden shoes like the ones she wore at the gala but these ones had six gems, one for each color of her mane. Her mane and tail had been curled and braided and Rarity found a way to add small jewels. The finishing touch, which took the most coaxing, was the eyeliner and eyeshadow. Dash loved the dress and Rarity worked so hard on it. It fit her perfectly. "Rainbow, darling, please calm down. I need to finish something on your dress." Rarity complained. Dash sighed and stood still. All her bridesmaids were there getting ready. Rarity did an amazing job. Her bridesmaids were Twilight, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Flutter Shy, Spit Fire, and Fleet Foot. Rain Bolt was her best mare. Since there were seven bridesmaids, Rarity decided to use Dash's six colored mane for the colors and decided to double one color, Apple Jack had a lovely red dress, Pinkie had a light orange dress, Spitfire had the yellow dress, Twilight and Flutter Shy had the green, Fleet had the blue, and Rarity had the purple. Rainbolts's dress was a light purple that faded into a dark cyan blue with white and gold trim. "Oh Rainbow, you look so beautiful in your dress." Flutter Shy said. All the others nodded in agreement. "Thanks Shy. I'm so nervous, what if Soarin decides he doesn't want to marry me? What if he leaves me for a prettier, better mare? What if-" Before she could go on, "Dash calm down. Me and Fleet have known Soarin since we we were foals. He would never do any of that. He wouldn't stop talking about you when you started dating. He loves you and would never abandon you." Spitfire tried to calm her down. It worked and Dash gave a relieved sigh. "I wonder what he's doing?" Fleet asked. Soarin was a nervous wreck. He was in his dressing room getting ready along with his groom stallions, Thunder Lane, Fire Streak, Lightning Streak, Wave Chill, Wind Brisk, Smoke Stack, and Big Mack. Rapid Fire was his Best stallion. They were all making the final adjustments on their tuxes. Soarin's tux had six lightning bolt cufflinks, three on each sleeve. Each color matched his bride's beautiful mane, red, orange, and yellow were on the right and green, blue, and purple on the left. "Soarin, calm down. What's got you so worked up?" Rapid said noticing how nervous Soarin looked. "What if she changes her mind? What if she realizes I'm not good enough for her? What if-" Soarin was cut off when he felt a sharp pain in his left cheek and his head jerking to the right with a loud slapping sound. All the others in the room looked towards the noise, only to see Rapid Fire's hoof still outstretched and Soarin rubbing his cheek that had a big hoof print on it. "Oww, what was that for?!" "For thinking Dash would leave you for another stallion. She's the element of loyalty for ponies sake. You guys have been dating for five years, we were all starting to get annoyed." Rapid scolded. All the other stallions in the room nodded in agreement about getting annoyed, "Now stop your whining and get out there lover colt." Rapid pushed Soarin out the door and closed it. When he looked back all the others wore surprised looks. "What? I was getting tired of his mouth. Don't make me push you guys out the door early." Rapid threatened. After that warning, everypony else finished up getting ready and prepared to join Soarin. Princess Celestia stood by the alter. To her left was Soarin and his group of stallions that went Rapid Fire, who stood closest to Soarin, Smoke Stack, Big Mac, Fire Streak, Lightning Streak ,Thunder Lane, Wave Chill, and Wind Brisk. To her left was Dash's group of mares, Rain Bolt, closest, Flutter Shy, Twilight, Fleet Foot, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spit Fire, and Apple Jack. When the bridal song started playing, everyone stood and turned towards the doors, waiting for Dash to walk down the aisle with her dad. The doors opened and Dash, along with her father, Rainbow Blaze, began walking down the aisle. Soarin never thought Dash could be more beautiful than she already was, he was very mistaken. Her dress fit her curves and athletic form perfectly, her veil concealed her face but he could see through it a little, her train glimmered in the light. Soarin couldn't take his eyes off her. Dash was nervous but as soon as she locked eyes with Soarin through the veil, all that nervousness and all her previous worries washed away. Nothing could ruin this moment, not even the mysterious clouds inside the castle...... wait, what? All of a sudden it started snowing inside the castle. Dash and Blaze paused halfway down the aisle and everyone looked up at the mysterious snow clouds when Risky Thrill and Gusty Snow appeared behind them. "Sorry. Wasn't supposed to start snowing yet." Risky called down. Gusty was scratching the back of his head. "Everyone, please wait while my sister and I-" "Actually, your majesty," Soarin interrupted Celestia. Dash and Soarin exchanged a knowing glance at each other, "We don't mind. We can continue." Celestia looked at Luna who only shrugged. "Very well. Continue." With that said, everything continued. Dash's dress sparkled with the snow. When Dash and Blaze reached the alter, Blaze kissed his daughter on the cheek and took her hoof in his. "No matter whatever happens, you'll always be my baby girl. I love you, my little Dashie." Blaze whispered to his daughter. Dash smiled and a tear escaped. "I love you too daddy, always have, always will." Dash replied with a sniffle. The cold snow bit at her tear streaked cheek. Soarin smiled when he saw the small exchange and extended his hoof out when it looked like they were finished. Blaze took his daughter's hoof and put it in Soarin's outstretched one. When he felt Dash give his hoof a gentle squeeze Soarin gently pulled so they were now facing each other. "Fillies and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Rainbow Aurora Dash and Soarin Skies. Through their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one. At their request, the traditional vows will be followed by their own personal ones written for each other. When you are ready Soarin," Celestia said, motioning to Soarin. Soarin took a deep breath and began reciting the traditional vow to his bride, "I, Soarin Skies, take you, Rainbow Aurora Dash, to be my wife, my friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Soarin recited flawlessly. Dash was still teary-eyed from her father but now her magenta eyes were misty. Dash took a deep breath and recited her traditional vows, "I, Rainbow Aurora Dash, take you, Soarin Skies, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hoof, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." Dash said, sniffing at the end. Soarin looked at her through the veil, he knew she was amazing, but remembering two vows was hard, and they both remembered the first one without flaw. "Now, at their request, they have written their own vows for each other. When your ready Soarin," Celestia said again. Soarin inhaled deeply, and began reciting his personal vow, "Rainbow Aurora Dash, when we first met and every moment after, I've felt complete, like there was nothing missing any more. I always told myself I'd never fall in love but when I laid eyes on your beautiful face, I completely forgot about that. I made a new promise, to do whatever it takes to make you happy and keep you safe. I would rather die than see you unhappy. I promise you now that I will always look after you and protect you from any harm. I promise to love you everyday and never let you go, never betray you, and always cherish every moment I have with you, as long as we both shall live." Soarin began getting misty eyed as he remembered how long it took him to get all his emotions into one vow. He loved Dash with all his heart and would do anything for her. He just hoped that vow would explain just how much. Dash had small tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them away and took a few deep breaths to regain her composure. Then she recited the vows she made, hoping they would be as good as Soarin's, "Soarin Skies, all my life I used to do everything on my own and not depend on anyone else. Ever since I was foal and got picked on for being such a loner, I didn't think anypony would ever care about me and that I'd always be alone. I always thought I'd be the one protecting others but speaking to you made my walls come down for the first time. When we started dating I felt safe around you, I felt like nothing was ever going to happen to me again. I've loved you for so long. When you asked me to marry you I didn't have to think about my answer. I knew I was ready to truly become yours, to be tied to you forever, and to one day give us our own family to raise. I'm never going to leave you, no matter what stands in our way, no matter who tries to separate us, and no matter what secrets we have revealed to us. I will be there with you. I love you Soarin." Dash knew it took a lot to make Soarin cry, but he had a tear streaming down his cheek and a warm smile. There wasn't a dry eye in that castle after that. Celestia herself had to wipe a tear from her eye, even the other princesses had tears. "May I have the rings." Spike, after handing Rarity a handkerchief and wiping a tear from his cheek, stepped up between the couple with a blue pillow bearing two pegasi rings, one was a simple gold, stallion ring but the other had a blue heart with a silver loop holding it. Spike held the pillow up to the princess who took them in her magic, "Fillies and gentlecolts, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce Soarin Skies," Celestia clipped the gold ring on Soarin's longest primary feather on his left wing, "and Rainbow Aurora Dash," she clipped the other ring on Dash's longest primary on her left wing next to her silver engagement ring, "husband and wife. May they be united forever. You may kiss the bride." Soarin wasted no time, he grabbed her veil with his teeth and lifted it up and behind her head. Soarin was awestruck by how beautiful her eyes were. He smiled when she gave him a kind look that told him she was his and he was hers. He leaned in and captured her lips with his. This wasn't just any soft kiss, this was the seal for their marriage, their union. They tuned out all the applauding and cheering, they only focused on the pony in front of them, sharing a tender kiss neither of them would ever forget. When they reluctantly parted, they simply stared deeply into each other's eyes. The snow had fallen enough to completely cover the ground, they thought the snow was a nice, little, unique touch to their wedding. They were married, and they couldn't be happier. "Wow, sounds like your guys's wedding was awesome. Wait, is that the reason you guys like snow so much?" Spectrum asked. He and Snowy had drank about 3/4 of their hot chocolate. Color Wheel had fallen asleep snuggled against her mother's chest while Dash stoked her small mane throughout the story, Soarin had drank half of his mug, Dash had only about 1/7 of hers drank. "Yes, that's why me and your mom love snow. I still remember Rapid Fire slapping me." Soarin rubbed his left cheek were he had been hit. Dash and the colts giggled. "Hey it hurt. He really knows how to slap a pony." Soarin joked. "He's married to Rain Bolt, of course he knows about good slaps to the face." Dash said to her husband. Snowy and Spectrum chuckled at that remark, recalling a few small get-togethers were their aunt Rain Bolt had slapped their uncle Rapid Fire (They're not really related). "Now you guys have to tell us about what mom said when she was pregnant with Spectrum." Snowy said eagerly. "Alright, but after this story you guys need to tell some." Soarin said to his boys. "Who says we have anything interesting to tell." Snowy said with a nervous chuckle. Spectrum's eyes also widened. "Don't think me and your mother don't know about your guys's little adventures when me and your mom leave you with your aunts." Soarin smirked at his sons. "Alright we'll tell, but you have to tell us that other story." Spectrum confessed. "Alrighty then. Were to start. Oh I know......" > Sneaky details > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a warm, sunny, summer day, birds were chirping, squirrels were scampering, and bees were buzzing, making there sweet honey. Everypony was outside enjoying the outside weather with their friends and loved ones. Well... almost everypony. Up in the clouds there was a beautiful and eccentric cloud home with three occupants, well one was inside the other. Rainbow Dash was lying down on her back, enjoying the breeze coming from the open window she had her head sticking out of. Soarin was in the kitchen, preparing a little snack for the both of them. Dash was currently 11 months pregnant, due any day now, and she was scared and excited at the same time. She was scared since she had heard from her mother and Soarin's mother, Crafted Petal, that childbirth can be very difficult and painful, especially if it's your first time. She was excited because she was going to be a mother soon and with the stallion she loved with all her heart. "Hey beautiful. How are you feeling? You need anything?" Dash smiled when she heard that oh so familiar concerned voice. Soarin had grown even more possessive and concerned over the course of her pregnancy. She felt terrible, he did everything for her and always made sure she was as comfortable as possible, even if it meant he was tired and/or uncomfortable. "Well... there is one thing I kinda need." Dash said coyly with a smug grin, knowing Soarin couldn't see it due to her head being out of the window. She rolled over onto her side and looked towards him. He had a very focused face aimed towards her. "What is it? Name it and I'll get it for you babe." Soarin said with a gentle yet serious tone. Dash just smiled and put her head down, still facing him. "Everything alright Dashie? You still haven't told me what you needed." Soarin became increasingly worried. He was very obsessive and protective over his beloved mare and he wasn't afraid to admit it and prove it to anyone that doubted him. Ask the stallion that ended up in the hospital last month for flirting with Dash when they were out shopping. Poor guy ended up with a broken nose, 13 stitches over his left eye, and a few broken bones. In Soarin's defense he had left to go grab something and when he came back the stallion was flirting with his wife while she was trying to lean away from him but he had his hoof wrapped around her neck. Soarin was not happy. "I want my big strong stallion to come cuddle with me." Dash said with a giggle. Soarin's eyes widened slightly but quickly became soft. Recently his Dashie had become quit the snuggler. He loved every second of it. "Alright let me finish getting-" "Don't worry about the snack unless you're that hungry. I want my big strong husband with me." Dash interrupted. Soarin gave no further protest, the snack was more for her anyway. He gave a goofy smile and began to walk towards her. "Well... I guess I could do that." Soarin comically quipped at his wife. When Soarin got close he gently nuzzled and kissed her face before moving to nuzzle and kiss her bulging belly. He stayed there for a moment with his muzzle gently against his wife's baby bump. "I can't wait." Dash smiled warmly at her husbands statement. She couldn't wait either. Soarin decided it was time to give her what she wanted and hovered over her and lay beside her. He gently helped her lay flat against her left side so her back was facing his right side. She giggled when she felt his hooves start wandering over her chest and abdomen. He rested his head on her neck and gently nuzzled. They stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying each-others company, "What do you want it to be Soar?" Dash suddenly asked. They decided to wait until birth to find out the gender. "I don't know. As long as it and you are happy and healthy I don't care what it is." Soarin gently kissed her along her neck and cheek before stopping at her nose. "Why babe? What to do you want it to be?" "I kinda want a colt like you. I also wanted to talk to you about something." "Talk away angel." "I don't want to push our foal to be a Wonder Bolt." Dash said, almost as quietly as Fluttershy. Soarin lifted his head and looked down at her with a perplexed look. What does she mean 'push our foal to be a Wonder Bolt'? Soarin knew that the press had had a field day when Dash's pregnancy was somehow released. That was another thing that Soarin got irritated over, the press always hounding them and flashing their camera lights at them whenever they went out in public. They asked a million question but the one that came up the most, from what they could hear, was 'Will your foal follow in your hoofsteps and become a Wonder Bolt?' "What do you mean Dashie? You know I'd never force anything on you or our baby." Soarin replied best he could. Dash sighed and looked away from him. Soarin's ears folded back and he lowered his muzzle to hers. "I just don't want to make our foal think it has to be a Wonder Bolt to make us happy. I mean, everyone thinks our foal is going to be a famous Wonder Bolt. I want our foal to do what it wants to do, not what everypony says it has to be." Dash said, choking up towards the end as a few tears squeaked out. She had gotten real emotional the last couple days. Dash was starting to cry a little, she was worried how Soarin would react, she was scared Soarin would be mad at her for not wanting their foal to be a Wonder Bolt like them. Soarin was shocked and worried. Why was his little Dashie crying, he wasn't upset or mad at her, he was actually a little shocked that Dash was expecting him to be mad. Worried as to why she thought he would force their child to be a Wonder Bolt. He gently started to nuzzle and kiss her neck, trying to soothe and comfort his hurt and weeping mate, "Shhh, shh, it's alright honey, I would never do that. I love you." Dash immediately stopped crying and started nuzzling back. "I hope it's a colt like you Soarin." Dash whispered, "Speaking of colts like you," she started to say with a small smirk, "I hope you understand this won't be our only foal. I didn't like being an only child and your brothers are some of the craziest stallions I've ever met, and I think giving this little one some siblings would be awesome. What do you think?" Dash began nibbling on his ear and rubbing his cheek with a hoof. "Dear Celestia I hope we have a filly at least, 5 colts was a hoof full for my parents." Came the witty reply. "I didn't mean we had to have 5, though, that would be awesome, I just meant we should have at least three or four." Dash said. "Whatever you say sweetheart." Soarin said, knowing it was just better to listen to her and agree rather than argue with her. So the rest of the day went by like that, Soarin holding Dash, rubbing her belly, talking to the foal, and just enjoying each-others company. When they awoke the next day Dash's water broke around 11 in the morning. The next few hours were spent in the hospital and at 4 in the afternoon, Spectrum Dash was born and named by his father. "Looks like I got my wish huh Soar." Dash said when he finished telling the story. Spectrum and Snowy had already drank most of their drink, only about half an inch remained, Soarin had about two inches, Dash had about a half of hers gone. "Yes you did love." Soarin replied with an amused chuckle. "Is that why you had me and Color, you wanted Spectrum to have siblings like daddy?" Snowy asked his mother. Spectrum looked a little shocked and fascinated by the story. "Yes, and I wanted to have a big family. So Soarin," Dash began with a devilish tone. "Yes Dashie?" Soarin asked cautiously. "Is Color Wheel are last foal or are we having two more?" "Well-" "Please!!!" Soarin was interrupted with a loud cry from both his sons. The sudden loud noise woke up Color Wheel and she had begun to cry. Everything turned to the loud wail of the foal that was taken out of the dream realm unexpectedly. Soarin stood up and walked over to Dash who had already begun calming Color down, but it wasn't enough. "Shhh, shhh, it's alright, you're ok, nothing happened. Shhhh, see, mommy and daddy are here, it's alright." Dash said in a soothing voice. Soarin shot an unamused glance towards his sons. Dash saw and glared at Soarin. "They didn't mean to Soar, they got excited and forgot she was asleep. Calm down or do you want to be on diaper duty for a month?" "Sorry, I just get irritated when they yell like that." Snowy and Spectrum were both pressed against their mother and peering over her shoulder at the sniffling Color Wheel. She had stopped crying but she was still sniffling. When she opened her watery eyes and saw her mother and father she stopped sniffling and began whimpering and reaching out for Soarin. Dash looked up at him and smiled. “Guess she wants her daddy.” Dash said in a whisper as she began to pull Color away from her. Color didn’t like being pulled away from her mother and began to lightly cry again. Dash looked down and pulled her daughter in again but she reached up for Soarin again. “Maybe she wants both of you. Maybe daddy should lay down in front of you mamma.” Spectrum suggested. Soarin and Dash looked at each-other then down to the foal still reaching up from Soarin. “Let’s try it.” Soarin laid down right in front of Dash and scooted closer so her hooves, cradling Color Wheel, we’re lightly against his chest. Color stopped sniffling and whimpering and began to coo at the close proximity of both her parents. Soarin looked down and began stroking her soft mane and smiling. "Hey there baby girl. Feel better now?" Soarin gently spoke down to his rainbow-maned filly. "That was a smart idea Spec. Come here you two, there's room for our two favorite colts." The boys smiled and pushed their empty mugs aside and walked over to Color Wheel. "Soar, will you take Wheel?" "Of course." Soarin gently took Color in his hooves and cradled her gently. Wheel began to giggle and cuddle into her dad's furry chest. Soarin smiled and gently blew raspberries on her tiny belly. The filly began to squeal and laugh, her mother giggling at the sight, and Spectrum was smiling as his baby sister played with his dad. "Come on boys, it's your turn to tell a story." Snowy and Spectrum chuckled as Soarin played peek-a-boo with the baby. They soon decided to do as their mother said. Spectrum stepped over his mother's foreleg and snuggled against her chest, Snowy stepped over her foreleg and cuddled against her other one. Dash closed her forelegs up and nuzzled her boys. Soarin chuckled when Snowy and Spectrum both nuzzled their mother at the same time and lightly trying to push the other to get more attention from Dash. Color had stopped giggling and cuddled against his chest and began to coo when she saw her brothers join them in the cuddling. Soarin couldn't help but smile at his family, How did I get this lucky? A beautiful angel for a wife and she blessed me with three amazing, beautiful, and perfect foals I can proudly call my own, Soarin looked up at Dash and his smile somehow got bigger, the love in her eyes and the softness yet protectiveness of her face was an amazing thing to Soarin. Without thinking he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, causing her to look up and smile. They gazed lovingly into each-others eyes, emerald drowning in magenta and magenta getting lost and pulled in by emerald. Before either knew what was happening they were leaning forward and locking lips in a sweet passionate kiss. "Why do they always do this with us watching?" Snowy whispered as to not disturb his parents kissing session. Spectrum just looked at him and then back up at his parents then back to Snowy and smiled. "Even though we find it gross, it really is a sweet gesture. Remember Cloud Burst from school?" "Yeah, what about him?" "His parents don't like each other and always fight. You know how sad he always is and how he can't have family nights like we do. His parents don't even live together." Spectrum looked back up at his parents as they continued their soft, sweet kiss. He then looked down to his little sister who was smiling back at them. Spectrum loved his family with all his heart and was very lucky to have parents that loved each-other just as much as they did. "Hey Spec?" Snowy suddenly sounded sad. "What's wrong Snowy?" Came the concerned response. "Do you think mommy and daddy would ever split up? And if they did would we get split up to?" Spectrum was about to immediately tell his brother that was a terrible idea and it would never happen, but then he remembered all the foals he knew with split parents and how they were the ones you'd least expect. "That's never going to happen Snowy. Plus if something ever happened you'd never be separated." Both boys looked up and saw that their parents had stopped kissing and now their mother had her head partially tucked under their father's head and they were both looking at them with soft looks in their eyes, putting the colts at ease in an instant. Soarin took one of his hooves away from Color and began stroking their manes, "I promise, to all of you, Spectrum Dash, Snowy Dash, Color Wheel, and Rainbow Dash," Soarin looked at his wife and gently moved his head back and forth to rub against her head, "I will always love you and I will keep this family together and I will protect you all with every last fiber in my body. I promise." "I promise to. Boys, don't ever be worried about me and daddy splitting up, 'cause it's never gonna happen." For the next couple minutes the family simply stayed like that, Soarin and Dash nuzzling against each-other, Snowy, Spectrum, and Color snuggling against one-another between their parents. After a while soft snores could be heard between the parents. Soarin looked down and saw all three of his children sleeping soundly. "Well how about we-" another snore interrupted him and he noticed Dash had gone limp and her head had begun to droop. Using a hoof to stop her head, Soarin lowered her head next to the foals and smiled, "Guess we're not gonna hear a story from the boys, and we're sleeping down here tonight." Soarin grabbed a nearby blanket and draped it over Dash the best he could and grabbed a smaller blanket and carefully wrapped his foals up and laid his head next to Dash's. The family had been pulled into Luna's dream realm together as the blizzard raged on outside. Even though the colts didn't tell a story, there was still a lot of family time bonding. Every family has its ups and downs, but it's the families that stay together that have the most love.