Down and Dirty With Fluttershy

by Red_Beard

First published

You weren't expecting to interact with anyone on your day off, but the world has other plans for you. Now you're faced with a Fluttershy who's feeling dirty and needs your help to get wet.

A knock on the door interrupts your musings on your day off of work. On the other side of the door is a rabbit, sent on a mission from Fluttershy who needs your help with a very special activity.


Contains human on large anthro pony lovemaking. Nothing too kinky, but warnings are cuddling facial and size difference.

Wherein you rub her down and get her soaking wet

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Your day off.

You imagine that most people longed for their days off. It's often described to you in a way that makes it seem like people and ponies work five days a week just for the two day pay-off on the end. Not you. When Mayor Mare mentioned with a not-so-subtle verbal promulgation that she needed a receptionist that could work weekends, although you didn't jump at the chance, you found yourself interested and ended up applying for the job. Of course, as soon as you walked in with the application, she hired you without even reading it, stating that the position was yours so long as you expressed interest.

The job ended up being one of the best things that happened to you. Mayor Mare is as bookish as they come (not unlike yourself) and often takes the paperwork to do herself. You've never watched her work, but she seemed a devil with a quill and parchment, often moving through 4-foot-tall stacks of paper every day with time to spare. All you had to do was take appointments, check to make sure they didn't interfere with other meetings, keep the lobby tidy, and keep a smile on your face. Most of your day was spent reading, and you even took up to drawing occasionally.

All of that culminated to today. A day where you just didn't know what to do. You generally ran all your errands after you left work, as Town Hall was an optimal distance from just about anywhere you needed to be, you didn't really have any friends to speak of, and your only real hobby was reading, which you got to do plenty of just about every day. So, you generally just sat in your house letting the day waste away. It's getting late now, you aren't sure of the exact time, but you can tell by the color of the sky out your window that the sun will set in the next hour or so. You sit in your recliner in the living room, only half engrossed on your latest copy of Daring Do, mostly because this one seemed a blatant copy of Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx, however you know not to question the possibility of things from this world having parallels from your own.

Sokai is currently burning to death, but you really couldn't have less interest. Just as your finger glides down to turn over the next page, there's a quiet rap from your door. It caught your attention well enough, as there wasn't anyone you knew who had a reason to come over, let alone this late. You bookmark your page and set the book onto your coffee table before standing up and walking to the door. You twist the knob and pull the door open, only to see nothing in front of you. You poke your head out slightly, looking to the sides of your home and see no pony for quite a distance.

"Damn kids," you mutter audibly to no one in particular. "Let's all go play pranks on the human." A mocking tone prominent. You close the door and return to your recliner. Just as you begin to sit down there's another louder rap on your door. You sigh and straighten yourself back up and head back to the door. This time you're quick about it in order to catch the troublemakers in the act. The door flies open and you prepare your best scolding old man speech, but you're once again greeted with an empty doorway.


You begin to close the door, only to find something has stopped you from being able to close it all the way. You look down and see a tiny white foot wedged between the door and frame.

"Oh, shit." You open the door slightly and on the ground you find a slightly annoyed rabbit staring up at you with arms crossed.

"Sorry little dude. Didn't see you there." You'd recognize that attitude anywhere. It's Fluttershy's pet rabbit, Angel.

"What can I do for you, buddy?" you inquire of the fuzzball. He responds in kind with a come-hither motion, and takes off in the direction you know Fluttershy's cottage is in. Whatever he needs, it seems to be urgent. With no better way to spend your evening, you take off in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage, with not a clue in your head as to what's in store for you.


You're short. Not in a human sense, but 6'2 compared to pony height means you're well below average. Walking through town reminds you of this fact. Looking around you see the different ponies towering over you, and although they weren't so big to make you uncomfortable, it was still something you always had on your mind. Earth Ponies were the worst offenders. They on average stand about two feet taller than you, and prime specimen like Big Macintosh and his sister went so far as two and a half. You had first assumed when you arrived that Earth Ponies were nothing special compared to their horned and winged cousins, but boy were you wrong. They pack on muscle with almost no effort, and their green thumbs mean that there's no shortage of food. Most earth ponies are full bodied and chiseled, with extra thick legs and arms that get work done.

Unicorns are, height wise, the middle race. Although you've never seen a really overweight unicorn, they're generally the least lean of the bunch. You'd pack on a few extra pounds if you had telekinesis too. Whereas earth ponies through the ages mainly focused on physical prowess for mating purposes, unicorns focused on healthy reproductive traits. This means that unicorn mares have wide hips and large breasts, and the stallions, from what you've heard, are more likely to be well endowed. This made typical unicorn mares your ideal kind of woman: The THICC kind. When you first arrived, you developed a huge crush on Sparkle-butt, but thankfully a fiasco with a letter and a doll helped you realize she's batshit insane, so you managed to drop it.

The pony who came closest to your height was Rainbow Dash, but even she was a good eight inches taller than you. Pegasi in general are more likely to be short and lithe, but even rainbow was considered short among her winged peers. Strong toned legs and seemingly an absence of body fat defined your average pegasi build. At first you were shocked by how large pegasus legs seemed in comparison to their bodies, but Twilight explained to you that, from an evolution standpoint, pegasus who didn't have strong enough legs to land quickly without receiving crippling injury were less likely to pass down their genes. After seeing the rainbow mare crash head on into things regularly, you began to wonder if the same logic applied to their skulls.

Everypony is also naked. Surprisingly, though, it's never been a big deal. Pony fur makes for excellent built-in clothing, especially when coats were thick in the winter time. Stallion equipment has a sheath, and mare equipment is obscured by fur. So long as a mare is standing up, and nothing is erecting her nipples, they seem almost sexually featureless. Your roving mind eventually catches notice of your surroundings. You've managed to find yourself at the bridge at the beginning of the small path that winds up to Flutter's. Glancing up at the home, you notice Angel once again, not so patiently waiting for you to finish your journey. As you start to cross the bridge, you see the bunny hop around to the back of the house and not reappear. You guess Fluttershy is behind the house.

As you round the corner behind the pegasus' cottage, the scene that greets you is baffling. Directly in front of you stands a tall, feminine, bi-pedal mud monster. Its back is turned to you and you can hear it quietly communicating with a distinguishable white bunny. No sooner had you noticed angel was he directing his paw in your general direction. The figure in mud quickly turns around, and upon seeing you, its bright cyan eyes widen and from its lips escapes a faint "Eep!" Your brain puts the pieces together pretty quickly.

You cock your head slightly, "That you, Flutter-Butter?"

The mudmare now identified as Fluttershy looks at you with recognition in her eyes. She wraps her arms around herself defensively and avoids eye contact. "Oh, umm. H-hey."

"Angel seemed to be under the impression that you needed my help with something. Everything alright?" You inquire of the sunray pegasus.

"Oh. No... it's fine, really," Fluttershy all but whispers.

In response to this, Angel stomps his feet and crosses his arms.

You sigh and try to give her your softest expression. "Angel doesn't seem too happy to have walked across town for me just for me to be turned away. You can tell me, Flutters. I'll do anything I can to help."

Although she has loosened her grip on her body, she still hasn't made eye contact. "I don't know. It's just something really awkward and I don't want you to feel weird about it..."

You take a couple steps closer. "Why not just tell me what it is you need and then I'll determine if I'll help you?"

"W-well, I..."

"And if I can't help you we can work together to find someone who can."

Perturbed by your persistence, she groans and rolls her eyes. Her hands go to her sides and she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Pinkie Pie and the Cakes are in Manehatten Rarity is in Canterlot Applejack and Twilight are too busy Aloe and Lotus are booked full and I wasn't planning on even asking you but I was thinking out loud near Angel and I wondered if you were busy because I know it's your day off but I didn't mean for him to take that as an order to go get you but the next thing I knew Angel was gone and after a few minutes he came back and told me he got you and I didn't have time to tell him no because you were here already and that's not all to say I don't appreciate your help but I didn't really expect you to come and I'm really really sorry."

You take a second to process. She really is flustered. More so than usual, that is.

"What about Rainbow?" You noticed she neglected to mention the skittle mare.

She sighs and opens her eyes, finally making contact with yours. "I don't know. Wonderbolts practice should've ended a couple hours ago, but she hasn't been back down to Ponyville, and I can't go up there in the state I'm in." Referring to her muddied state.

You chuckle, "That reminds me, why are you caked in mud?"

"I have Applejack's adorable piggies for the week. The Apple Family reunion is happening and they needed the space where the pigsty is. She helped me set up a temporary one for them to stay in here."

She throws her hands up. "I-I know what you're thinking! They've only been there for a little more than a day, and I was far away from where they, um… 'do their business'. Thankfully since it's only mud I felt comfortable getting all the other chores done, but now it's all dried up and it'll be harder to get out."

"That still doesn't explain why you're covered."

"Well... I went to feed them this morning, and they were such good and energetic little piggies. They wanted to play so much, they crowded around my feet and I accidentally tripped on one. Once I was down there I decided I might as well play with them, and I didn't even think about how dirty I was getting."

You understand, and while there are still a few questions you would like to ask, the sun is starting to set. "So what do you need me for?" You finally inquire.

Fluttershy closes up again, folding her arms over her chest. You can swear you see her blushing madly through the mud. "I-I.. I.. need help getting cl..."

Oh boy, here we go. "You need to speak up, Butterball," you tell her with concerned eyes.

She somehow managed to shrink up even more. "I need your help getting clean.

You still can't hear her, and you take a step closer. "Its okay, you can tell m-"

"I NEED HELP GETTING CLEAN!" she blurts out suddenly, and then covers her mouth with bother her hands.

You swallow. It isn't that big of a deal, but the thought of running your fingers over her definitely heats you up inside.

"Why do you need help with that?" Is the response your dumbstruck brain managed to squeeze out.

Her hands come off her mouth and she drops her head down. "I don't really have a way to get my back or my wings, and I can't see my back to know if I got everywhere."

You know wing cleaning is a two-pony job, so it's not too surprising. You've been here for years, and it wouldn't be the first time you've preened some feathers.

"That shouldn't be a problem," you tell Fluttershy and also yourself.

Fluttershy lets go of the breath she's holding. "Thank you."

"First thing we gotta do, though, is get you hosed off."

She giggles, "Yes. My shower and carpets probably wouldn't like the abuse. Come over here." Fluttershy leads you to a small metal tub near her chicken coup. You notice a water spigot with a hose attached. "This is where I give the smaller critters a bath, but I can stand here while you use the hose."

You walk over to the hose and unravel it. You lift the handle and water begins to flow. Facing Fluttershy you ask, "You ready, Flutters?"

Standing in the tub she gives you a light nod.

"Okay." You place your thumb on the top of the hose for a wide spray. You can feel the cool water as it passes by your thumb. "It's a little cold, just a warning."

"How cold is i-EEP!" Her body stiffens when the cold spray hits her body. Liquids don't really care about pony fur.

"Shit! Sorry, Shy!"

"It's okay!" she responds with a shaky voice. "Could you turn it down a little? The spray is kind of harsh."

You aren't really sure how you're supposed to turn down a spigot, so you do the next best thing; you angle it up so it's pouring down onto her instead of blasting into her.

She sighs. "Still cold, but much better." She begins using her fingers to work the water into the dried mud on her fur. This is the easy part, and it only takes her a couple minutes to get most of the gunk off. Your arm is hurting from holding the hose for so long, but you don't mind. When Fluttershy is satisfied she unfurls her wings to their full extent, and allows the water to run off them. Closing her eyes, she turn her head to the sky slightly, and a look of bliss washes over her face. Her arms come out to match her wings, savoring the sensation of the cool droplets of eater land on her body, and it what a body it is.

Fluttershy isn't typically attractive by Pegasus standards, but she is drop dead gorgeous by unicorn and your standards. She's a curvy mare, with junk in all the right places; breasts that are easily an F cup, with wide and full hips and an ass that could topple an empire. During a drunken escapade with Rainbow she let it slip that she has body issues. After a growth spurt when she gained her busty features, the kids in Cloudsdale had found something new to bully her about, so she doesn't really ever approach stallions. Rainbow wasn't even sure she was straight until a few ciders had gotten them into some boy talk. (Rainbow tends to have loose lips under the influence of cider)

Now she's wet. You can see her fur and mane clinging to her body, accenting her curves even more than normal. She's a total knock-out, and it doesn't take long for your mind to wander. You imagine how her supple breasts would feel in your hands, how those pillowy thighs would feel around your waist and around your head, the way her hindquarters would jiggle very time yo-

"Ok! I'm done now!" Her voice cuts through to your caveman brain, despite how soft it is. You realize now that you've been staring, and the pink flush has returned to Fluttershy's cheeks. You quickly remove your thumb from the hose and lean over to push the spigot down. Without making eye contact, she says "There's a towel over there on a hook on the wall. Can you get it for me?"

Scrambling to the hook, you make a quick apology "Sorry for staring!" you manage. The erection that had been forming in your pants has quickly disappeared due to the embarrassing situation. Heading back to Fluttershy, you hold out the towel and the pegasus takes it from you ever so gingerly. She uses the towel to remove enough moisture to get her to stop dripping.

"Ok," she says, handing the towel back to you. "Let's get inside before it gets too dark." You notice, now that you're not distracted, that the sun has almost disappeared over the horizon and it will likely be dark within the next few minutes, what with how fast the cycles change here. After putting the towel back on its hook, the two of you make your way into the cottage. Following her into her cottage, you eventually make your way to the staircase. While going up it, you're treated to another spectacular view of Flutters' deliciously plump rear. Her tail twitches, and although it doesn't give you a view of the goods, it's an incredible tease. Now that you're in her bedroom, she turns to you again.

"Thanks a lot for your help so far." Her face is still flush, and her voice is essentially a whisper. "If you don't want to continue, I can just do the essentials and then go to the spa tomorrow. It really isn't a big deal. You've told me why you wear clothes, and I guess that means you weren't used to bathing with somepony else back home.

Now that you're on equal footing and close, the height difference between you two becomes more apparent. You have to tilt your head to not be staring directly at her breasts. This mare was about to give you permission to run your hands all over her gorgeous form, and she was so self-conscious she was asking you if YOU were okay with it.

"It's a pretty normal thing here, right?" She nods in response. "Then if you're okay with it, I am too." You smile with those words. You wouldn't deny that there's definitely a selfish reason why you're doing this, but you can also honestly say that the main reason is because your dear friend asked for your help. It's not as though you came over here expecting for this to happen in the first place.

The smile you receive back fills you with a lovely warm feeling. "I have some stools already inside from when I give Angel some cleaning. I'll go sit down and face away from the door so you can come in."

She turns around and walks into her bathroom.

This is it.

Now or never...

You can't believe you're about to do this.

You strip yourself of all your clothing and fold it up next to the door. You decide to give a small warning before heading in.

"Alright, Fluttershy. I'm coming in now."

You open the door and the first thing you notice is the absolute massive size of Fluttershy's bathroom. You wonder how such a small bathroom could fit inside such a small cottage. So you decide to ask just that.

"There's no way this fits in here."

"Oh! I had almost forgotten. I had mentioned a while back to Discord how much I missed showers in Cloudsdale. They make them especially big for ponies with large wingspans. As an apology for turning Angel orange for a whole week, he made this for me. It's technically a pocket dimension."

You're completely distracted by the room. Everything looks so modern, almost like it's something you would've seen in a mansion back home. The tiles are a pristine white as well as all the features. It reminds you all too much of a Japanese bath house, except here only one mare is ever expected to use it. Finally, your eyes come across the best sight in the room; Fluttershy herself. Her figure is lined out well as her yellow fur is very distinguishable from the white tile across from her. She's facing away from you on a stool. Behind her is another one, presumably where you'll be sitting.

You approach, your hands shaking with nervousness and your mouth dries up. You're about to bathe one of the most beautiful women you've ever laid your eyes on. You sit down on the stool behind her.

"May I start the water?" she asks you.

"S-sure," you stammer back.

Fluttershy claps her hands twice, and above from unseen holes rains a warm shower of water. It comes out immediately the perfect temperature and the warm water helps to calm your nerves.

"Can you hand me the shampoo?" you ask of your host.

"Um... right."

Fluttershy leans forward to grab the shampoo bottle in front of her. The result is her flashing her tailhole to you as her plump butt rolls slightly off of the stool. The sight gives you an immediate erection and your mouth waters despite how dry it was previously. She hands it back to you without turning, allowing your shame to remain a secret. You decide it's better to not waste any more time or let your nerves get to you and you being your work. You start at her shoulders to build trust. Kneading the shampoo into her fur, you notice that the mare lets out a content sigh. That's good, you think. At least she's enjoying it. The shower is light enough that it allows you enough time to work in the shampoo without it washing immediately away.

You work your way down her shoulder blades, enjoying the feeling of her soft fur and skin under your fingers. In reaction to your ministrations, Fluttershy's wings open.

"Make sure you get underneath my wings too."

You hadn't really thought much about it as your brain was preoccupied with lewd thoughts, but you now notice that with her wings furled there's an area underneath that you wouldn't be able to reach. You apply some more shampoo to your hands and work them further down Fluttershy's back to the base of her wings. You gently press into the joints and receive pleasured moan of approval for your efforts.

Fuck you're so turned on.

You decide to take it a step further and really dig your fingertips into the joints. Her wings straighten out further, captivating you with their massive size. You notice your fingers are no longer reaching her despite not having moved from where you are sitting. It's then you realize that it's Fluttershy that moving, as she slumps to the left slightly causing her to lose balance.


Fluttershy squeaks as she falls off her stool, but not before instinctively trying to correct her descent with her wings and knocking you off of your stool as well.


You expect to hear your skull smack into the hard floor, but you're instead surprised to find you've landed on something very soft. You look down to see that you've landed directly on top of Fluttershy, your face inches away from her and her breasts mushing into you. Her face is bright crimson.

"SORRY!" she exclaims. "It just felt so good and I accidentally relaxed too much and lost my balance and I didn't mean to knock you off and I-"

Fluttershy stops talking as she notices you staring at her. Her blush gets even more intense as she looks into your eyes and you look into hers.

Now's the time, a little voice in your head tells you.

You tilt your head down and capture her lips with yours, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you make the biggest risk of your entire life. Initially Fluttershy seems surprised and confused, but after a few seconds she moans into your mouth and wraps her arms around you. Your lips move in tandem with each other. Her lips of unsurprisingly very soft, her fur makes them fuzzy but it's so soft it feels more like silk than any rough facial hair you would have. Before long, you're greatly surprised by Fluttershy being the first to slip in her tongue, which you of course let her do. Being bigger than you and an equine, her tongue is rather large in your mouth. She moans more as she explores your mouth with her tongue, feeling every ridge, point, and curve of your teeth. You remove your tongue from her mouth and suck on hers. The pegasus grants you a beautiful sexual moan in response.

After what seems like an hour of sucking face, the two of you finally cease and stare into each other's eyes. You move one hand up to wipe away her mane from her face.

"You're so gorgeous, Flutters."

Her blush gets an even deeper crimson, which you weren't even sure was possible. Despite the fact that you've been violating each other's mouths, it seems complimenting her isn't something she expects.

"Why don't we finish cleaning you up and then take this to the bedroom?" you ask the flustered pegasus.

You lean down and kiss her once more, this time taking her bottom lip between your teeth and she responds in kind with yet another moan.

"Yes, please." she responds after you let go of her lip.

You gently roll of off Fluttershy, careful not to land on her wings. You continue the bathing session, without any shame between you two. Through plenty of teasing and rubbing, the two of you finally finish. It's taken immense will-power not to try to fuck her brains out before you're finished, but you think it best to make sure the shy and often nervous pony is comfortable when you take that first leap.

Once you are done, Fluttershy claps her hands once again and the water stops. Replacing it is a light warm breeze.

A full body hair-dryer... Cool!

The result leaves your sexy companion with fluffed up fur, making her extra adorable and a hundred times more snugglable. But the raging erection you're sporting wants a lot more than snuggling.

Once you're dry Fluttershy grabs you by the wrist in an unexpectedly assertive move and pulls you into her bedroom. Once you arrive she sits on the side of her bed and beckons you over. Once there, the massive mare hauls you up and onto her lap, bringing you nearly face to face. Your hard-on presses into her soft stomach and Fluttershy attacks your lips with her own, obviously hungry for you. While you make-out, your hands snake up to her breasts and you begin massaging them gently. She raps her arms and wings around your body, wrapping you in a soft warm cocoon.

Although at this point most of your brain has regressed to a primal state, a small remaining bit of cognition takes note of how unrefined and frantic it is, a tell-tale sign of Fluttershy's inexperience. Taking one hand off her breast, you raise it up and cup her cheek, pushing her face slightly to signal a stop to her. She whimpers as your lips disconnect.

"Slow down," you instruct the pegasus with a whisper. "Explore and savor. Don't just kiss to be kissing."

After giving you a light nod, you both return to the kiss. This time her lips move at a leisurely pace. After learning each other’s textures and shapes, you both settle into a rhythm that's thoroughly stimulating. As the stimulation continues on, you take an opportunity to ask permission of Fluttershy by running your tongue along her bottom lip. Immediately, as if on instinct her mouth opens to you allowing your tongue to dive inside. Once inside, you begin to explore her mouth, tasting her and feeling all the different books available to you. You soon find however that her larger tongue makes its way past your own and into your mouth. You dare not wrestle her, knowing full well that she would dominate you, and elect instead to allow her to take your advice to heart as she explores all the textures of your own mouth. You must admit that she feels absolutely divine, almost as if she belongs there.

Before too long Fluttershy glides her tongue over your canines, throwing her fight or flight instincts into a tizzy. She shudders as her base instincts fight each other; one dedicated to her sense of being near a predator, the other her sense of lust. A hearty and deeply sexual moan escapes in that moment, making it clear that the sensation has only driven her further into the love abyss. Taking the cue, you take the opportunity to quickly withdraw your tongue and firmly, but gently, clamp down with your teeth on her tongue. The result is instant as she cries out again in bliss. You begin gently massaging her tongue with you teeth, causing the yellow pegasus to pant and moan simultaneously. All the while your hands have been massaging and playing with her enormous and soft breasts. In an instant, you take her extremely hard nipples between your fingers and squeeze, causing the mare to throw her head back (losing your grip on her tongue in the process) and cry out louder than ever before as her body moves into the throes of an orgasm. Her warm wings leave your body and snap outwards as her scream transitions into a silent cry.

Either through lack of strength or lack of will, Fluttershy falls backwards onto the bed, taking you with her. Your face is still even with hers and you look into her half-lidded eyes. It was a look you had only seen few times before; a look of total submission and bottomless lust. You begin to shift and wiggle your way down her plump, soft body. Your head eventually becomes level with her gargantuan breasts, and you waste no time slipping a diamond hard nipple into your mouth and reaching up with your hand to massage the other.

While you nibble, suck and lick Fluttershy's delectable tits, her moans become louder and guttural. You also take notice that your rock-hard manhood has lined up perfectly with the mare's pussy and begin grinding your cock against it in a silent plea to be let in side.

"OOOOOUUUUH!!" Fluttershy screams louder than ever in response to the sudden stimulation on her sopping wet pussy.

"Please!" She begs. "Put it inside!"

You need it just as bad as her, do you're happy to oblige. With a quick adjustment of your hips your next pump plunges your dick straight into her cunt, her natural lubricant making it happen with great ease. Your size difference is made abundantly clear as you pussy isn't as tight around your member as you'd like, but it's still plenty stimulating as the heat surrounding your cock makes it akin to sticking your dick in a furnace.

The sounds that were coming from Fluttershy stop, and for a moment fear takes a hold. Was your size not adequate? Had you disappointed her? You look up from sucking on her soft breasts to see her face scrunched up in a silent scream.

You smirk.

You slowly begin to pump your dick in and out, causing her to snap out of her trance and let out a sharp gasp.

"Oooo-ooh my gosh. Ohmigosh. Yeeeeeees"

What were originally screams have now reverted back to whispers as she tries to formulate into words how she feels. It's hard to formulate a coherent thought yourself as her was flex and squeeze against your manhood while you pound into her. One thought does breach the surface of your mind, and it's a reminder that Fluttershy's tit isn't currently in your mouth. You rectify it with post haste, this time switching to her other, neglected breast.

Your thrusting picks up in pace as you find yourself more and more desperate for release. The situation has thrown your own arousal into a state you've never experienced before now, leading you to finish sooner than you like, but if the clenching around your cock was any sign to go off of, Fluttershy has already achieved several climaxes.

As you approach your climax a single question floats into the forefront of your mind.

"Where do you want it?" You ask aloud, hardly realizing you had said anything at all.

The question snaps Fluttershy out of her enamored state, if only for a moment.

"On my face." She responds, almost too eagerly. "I've wanted it since the first day I saw you."

The normally shy mare has left you speechless. You never expected such a response from her.


I guess it's true what they say about the quiet ones.

No sooner than hearing those words does your climax arrive. You act on it quickly. You grab one of Fluttershy's hands from your backside and guide it towards your crotch. Withdrawing your cock, you place her hand on it. She takes the cue and begins pumping her hand up and down your shaft while you quickly shimmy your way up to her chest and are greeted with a sight that immediately sends you over the edge. With half-lidded eyes, she meets your gaze and opens her mouth letting her tongue roll out and hang freely, ready to catch whatever drop of seed comes its way. Your climax hits like a freight train.


Fluttershy moans as you paint her face with your seed. You're certain this is the largest load you've produced to date, and you can't imagine a better place for it to go. A few globs hit her tongue, which she happily withdraws into her mouth to swallow and then sticks back out to catch more. Your orgasm winds down as her face gets coated, until your balls are spent and collapse to the side from exhaustion. As you look over, you watch as Fluttershy uses her fingers to wipe the cum off her face and put it in her mouth. The sight alone threatens to bring back your erection.

Both of you are breathing heavily, the most recent events draining both your stamina immensely. You both stare at the ceiling in post coital bliss. After a few moments resting, you feel yourself begin to doze off before you're interrupted.

"Um..." You hear Fluttershy squeak.

"Yes, Flutters?" You inquire.

"Would you mind... um... if it's not too much trouble, I mean..."

After literally painting her face with your cum, you'd think she'd be more inclined to speak her mind, but that's Fluttershy for you.

"What's up?"

"Would you get back on top of me? I really liked holding you..."

You smile, deciding that she was more comfortable than the bed anyway. You climb your way back on top of the pudgy living pillow and rest your head between her breasts. You look up at her and meet her gaze. Her face is flushed, seemingly embarrassed by the show of affection despite your previous antics. You give her a warm smile that makes her avert her eyes but makes her return the smile nonetheless.

You smirk as a devilish thought fills your mind.

"So you've wanted me to spray my load in your face since the day we met, huh?"

Her entire face turns beet red and she covers it with her hands in shame. You chuckle at her antics. You plant a kiss on her breast.

"Well if it's any consolation, I've wanted to blow my load in your face since just about the first day we met too."

It wasn't. She tenses up even more in response, earning another chuckle from you. You nuzzle into her chest and wrap your arms around her as best as you can from your prone position. After a few moments, you begin to hear what you believe to be light giggling. Curious you look up at Fluttershy, who has one had covering her mouth as she laughs quietly.

"Something funny?" You inquire of the mare.

"Oh... just... I was thinking about how the reason you came over was to help me wash off, but you ended up being the reason I'm dirty again."

You smile at that, being able to appreciate the irony of the situation. You join her in her fit, laughing alongside her. As your bout of giggles wears down, she makes eye contact with you again, once again wearing a big smile that you can't help but return.

"I love you, Fluttershy." You tell her in your deepest sincerity.

Her cheeks become rosy, but this time she doesn't look away.

"I love you too." She responds.