> Sexy Time > by darkwalker787 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Only chapter. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today in canterlot castle inside Princess “Celestia’s” office her helper Hoxy D Heart who was having ever-growing thoughts about his princess. But those thoughts were breaking apart because of the castle sized stack of papers next to him. They been in her office since the earliest part of the morning writing on these papers. “Ughh! Princess, I have to be completely honest with you I rather fight your entire guard force and be torn apart then do this ever again. Like seriously I don’t understand why you need to sign two hundred  pieces of paper today.” Hoxy was the type of person who wasn’t afraid of letting people know how he feels about anything. Sometimes his mouth got him into trouble. luckily this time that won’t happen because the Princess understood where he was coming from. He threw his arms in the air in frustration because he was tired of writing. Just for good measure he kicked himself back stretching his legs on the desk which felt good. Hoxy hated the fact that he’s been sitting at his desk for most of the morning signing papers. The smell of ink, paper, and perfume mixed together so much that it was hard to tell which one was which. He closed eyes hoping something exciting will happen today. “Well these two hundred pieces of paper are all important in one way or another, Hoxy. Trust me but we have a job to do and we gotta get it done. Also why my entire guard? Why not some or even half? I wouldn’t want you to get hurt too badly.” They sat across from each other desk facing desk. The smell of ink, paper, and perfume filled the room. The perfume of Princess Celestia was the only smell Hoxy would focus on anytime he would catch a whiff of it. Hoxy’s nostrils, welcomed the very strong smell of fresh cherries. It was a favorite of his. “Hoxy pay attention. You still have papers to write on.” she snapped her fingers multiple times to get his attention. “Unh oh sorry. I’m just bored and my hand is starting to hurt a bit. Also never underestimate the power of boredom it’s very dangerous. ” his feet came down from his desk, and he shook off any weird feelings in his hands. Truth be told he barely understood what these papers were saying. Too many big words, sentences, statements and suggestions. How can anyone even begin to understand 10% of what is being said on these papers. What would be the consequences if these things would just burn to ashes? He thought to himself. “I certainly don’t need that warning. Oh well let’s take a break and come back to it. Ugh, I’ll be right back have to go get some more water. Try not to burn anything while I’m gone ok?” “No promises here.” Hoxy secretly loved the dress his Princess was wearing. Just an all red and black female suite with matching flat dress shoes. Hoxy was really paying attention to her body because her tits just seemed the right shape, her curves showed every step she took. She left the room leaving Hoxy alone with his thoughts. “Man I want to fuck that woman.” He said out loud then immediately shut his mouth in fear of anyone hearing that. But also he felt some relief. “Man she’s got me wrapped around her fingers and she doesn’t even know it. Maybe she knows and just doesn’t care. Either way, I like my current impossible fantasy.” He managed to get a short giggle out of himself. Celestia came back in at the end of his giggle. “Hmm, did I miss something?” She handed him a large cup filled with water. She sat back down at her desk and just looked at him. “Just thinking to myself.” The water was refreshing really helpful to calm his inner panic. He also caught the smell of her perfume again. “Hopefully it wasn’t totally insane. Too much holding your feelings will hurt you.” “Trust me I don’t have that problem.” He grinned at her. She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, how many do you have left?” He looked to his left and saw the small stack of unsigned papers. “I say about ten. I can take some of yours if you like.” Oh, how Hoxy wished he could say a little more than just that. Celestia looked at her stack of papers and back at Hoxy. “Hmm, since you said something. Here are some easy ones. All those are just no. Those guys could just lick the bottom of my feet.” Should he take the chance? He wondered to himself if it was worth it at all. Eh, what’s the worst that could happen? “You know some people would that do anyway if you just told them too.” Celestia laughed like for real laughed. She put her hand over stomach because it started to hurt. But that didn’t stop her clapping her hands at the end of the moment. Score one for today for Hoxy in his mind. It took a minute for his Princess to catch her breath. “How very right you are, Hoxy. Thanks for bringing up some fun memories, Hoxy. I needed that.” “You’re welcome, Princess Celestia.” After 15 more minutes of quiet writing, celestia found something interesting. “Oh, a red employee. With a red piece of paper and dark black letters. Hoxy, should I read the message?” “Eh, why not? If it’s personal I was never here.” “Ook, I’ll read it out loud since it’ll be a better ending to this boring hour.” “Dear Princess Celestia, you probably already received a lot of messages like this one before. Let me get straight to the point. You are this young sparks fantasy. Not sexually but in moral and personality. I’m not sure how to explain that last sentence because I’m stupid and I don’t want to make myself seem stupid in front of you. But um if it means anything to keep up the good work Princess you make me and a lot of other people very happy. Make sure to tell Princess luna the same thing! Your’s truly young sparky.” Hoxy felt his heart grow five times bigger. “Well, that was totally different from what I was expecting. Letters like that are really sweet.” The letter was correct she has Received letters like this before. But letters like these always reminded her how much good she does every day. It brought this happy feeling you can only get from helping people in a good way. “That was another thing I needed today. Hoxy since your done bring those papers to the usual place and the rest will happen on it owns. Once that’s done come back here.” “Got it.” Hoxy picked up all the paperwork with his magic and went to the normal places along his way there. After his rounds, he came back to a Princess laying her head down on her desk but still very awake. He sat on the corner of his desk facing his Princess. “The paperwork is finished. Today is just getting started isn’t it?” He was annoyed just by thinking about what the rest of day has planned  for the both of them. Hoxy deeply prayed on the inside on the small chance something exciting will happen today. “Yup we’re going to be busy today. So what’s next for today?” The Princess summoned out a sheet of paper and ran down the list. “Meet some people and hear their stupid problems, canterlot has some things I need to attend, have Hoxy lick my clit, take some.. wait what! Who?...luna!” Hoxy was on the floor laughing and dying. There’s a small part of him that wishes he could do that. To say Celestia was embarrassed would be an understatement. When Hoxy got up form the floor his princess’s face was on fire. He couldn’t tell she was pissed or extremely pissed off. “Well, that’s an interesting list. She got you there princess. It’s scary how you two get back at each other.” Celestia looked at the prank her sister did. It was quick and clever celestia had to admit that herself. “Grr..yea she’s gonna pay for this one big time. Anyway, let’s go around the city hopefully it won’t take long.” Celestia up got and walked past Hoxy. She was about to open the door when Hoxy grabbed her other hand. She looked back at him, and his bright red hot face expression was not hard to read. “Uhh, Hoxy you ok?” She knew he always liked her. “Gotta say this is a bold shot he’s taking. Today’s so busy though. I could say no but that would be boring. Eh, fine I’ll play along with your prank luna.” She thought to herself. “To be perfectly honest, Princess Celestia it has been a morning.” The inner fight within himself was great he wondered how he didn’t die the moment it started. “If you don’t like it we’ll never speak of it again. I’ll even…” Celestia stopped him from speaking with her magic. She breathed in and out loudly. “Damn it, luna...today is going to be even busier after this.” Celestia said under her breath. “Fine Hoxy, satisfy me.” Celestia’s horn glowed and she put a sound proof spell. She sat down on her desk and undid her top exposing her red bra. She winked at Hoxy. “Your eyes were on me all day correct? Well, now you have permission to touch Hoxy. Tell you what if you do a good enough job we can take it to my bedroom. If not this never happened.” Hoxy just got the hardest boner he ever had. That sexy tone of voice of want and desire. She switched it on so quickly. The bitchy attitude was also a nice touch, that he never expected to like. “Uhh, I’ll try my best princess.” Hoxy came close to his Princess ‘s face and their lips connected. At first, came shock for Hoxy he’s kissing the person who’s been a big part of his fantasies for a while now. At first, their lips moved slowly up and down in a pattern. Hoxy wanted to remember this feeling for rest of his life. Her lips were smooth almost perfectly matching his in size. He could taste her lipstick but what flavor? Celestia broke the kiss to answer this question. “Cherry lipstick. You like?” “Yea.” Hoxy went back in for more. A little faster this time and more lip biting. The breathing between the two became heavier and they acted looser. Soon Celestia’s tongue entered Hoxy’s mouth. He let her tongue take charge of the rounds. Their tongues circled around each other. Hoxy tasted the lipstick on his tongue. He liked it alot. Celestia’s arms came around Hoxy’s back rubbing up and down. Then she pushed his head into hers. Their horns sparked a little bit. Hoxy tried to keep up. The next few sparks proved to be a little too much for the young man. “Ahh..ahh.., just wow.,” he said taking deeps breaths. He felt Celestia’s finger lift his head, they made eye contact. “Is that it, Hoxy D Heart?” The full name? Did she just? That sounded like a challenge he couldn’t pass up. She had this grin that worked on him and he needed to get rid of it. “No it’s not, Princess Celestia.” Hoxy’s horn glowed and he grabbed his Princess by the shoulder. “My room. Now!” He snapped his fingers with his other hand. They appeared in Hoxy’s room on his bed. “Ohh that was surprisingly excellent. Didn’t expect you to get bold like that, Hoxy. Can you keep it up though? Or will my little helper fall under pressure?” On the inside, Hoxy was really enjoying his Princess acting like a cocky bitch. On the other hand he knows she deserves it. He knocked her over further on the bed. His body on top of her’s is something he always dream would happen. Again their eyes meant. Her black, purple, and lust filled eyes were pretty to look into. The two shared another wanted kiss. Celestia’s teeth playfully dragged Hoxy’s tongue outward. She sucked on it moaning, this gave Hoxy soft chills around his body. He tried to do the same to her but she wouldn’t let him. She gave a no no giggle. “Oh you are such a tease. I really like this bitchy, cocky you.” The giggle from his Princess was short but he appreciated it. “Yea I know. So what now? You have me right where you want me don’t you?”  Honestly only one question came to Hoxy’s mind. “When’s the last time you last called someone master?” This time he had the grin. He’s wasn’t all too confident in that roll but he did have a few things he wanted to say without bursting into flames of embarrassment. Celestia smile didn’t go away she only had a finger on it. “Ohh does someone here have a little fetish they want to fulfill? Mmm, we can play that game if you want.” That literally almost melted the young man. He face lit up with a thousand suns and his horn sparked big time. “Mmm, I didn’t break you did I, master?” The Princess knew how to work him even when it’s supposed to be the other way around. “Uhh, No! You didn’t. Do me a favor and sit on the edge of the bed.” Without saying a word she did what she was told. Hoxy stared at her back planning his next few moves. The mixture of nervousness, excitement, and hornyness was turned all the way up. But one step at a time was the only way to go right now in his mind. Celestia jumped a little when Hoxy’s hands started to rub down her body. He started on her shoulders and slowly rubbed down her arms. Hoxy couldn’t see it but Celestia’s face was all smirk. She was not regretting this decision one bit. “You know I want to fuck you right?” In Hoxy’s mind that felt good to say. Especially to the Princess of all people. “You’re not the first one to say that to me. I mean have you seen my beautiful body? I’m gorgeous.” Hoxy rolled his eyes in agreement. A idea also came into mind at the top of the eye roll. “I know. Just because you said that.” Hoxy grabbed the Princesses flowing hair and pulled back. It wasn’t too hard or at least he hoped. Her ear was right next to his mouth now. “I don’t wanna hurt you too badly. But I will if it means getting rid of that cocky attitude, I will.” He whispered but also playfully bit her ear. The sudden mood change was fun for the both of them. “Ahh but master I wanna get hurt. I’ve haven’t been punished in a while. Can I at least get a nice hard spanking on my white, round, ass please?! I’ll even pull off my red panties so you can finger me.” If Hoxy didn’t already have a precum wet spot in his pants he would now. The image immediately filled his head. His heartbeat went up imaging the Princess having a orgasm on his fingers. Of course he wondered what she tasted like. "That sounds like fun. Sadly I have other plans." He thought to himself. He let go of her hair and undid her bra. The Princesses perfect round tits would be quickly covered by his hands. His hands were rubbing them at different speeds. “Wow, these things are wonderful.” He smacked her right tit. “Ah!” Hoxy smiled at that reaction. He then smacked her left tit. even harder. Her wings even extended a little with the excitement. “AH!” She reacted. This put an idea in Hoxy’s head. “Lay back and put your head on my lap.” “No. Make me.” "She really wants to play this game, doesn’t she? Ok, I’ll play along." Hoxy thought to himself. His horn glowed and a magic right appeared in front of celestia’s neck. Hoxy moved back a little to make room for him and his princess. The magic neck strap wrapped itself around celestia’s neck and forced her head onto Hoxy’s lap. The magical strap disappeared. They looked at each other smiling. Both of them having fun with each other. “Now that’s better. Ok, let’s play a game, princess.” “What kind of game?” “I’m going to ask you a few questions of different variety. If I don’t like your answer I’ll smack your tits. Am I correct in assuming that you like having your tits smacked?” “You are correct, master. Can I suck your dick while you ask me questions? It be must be hurting being hard for so long. Just let me lick the tip.” She felt his boner poking at her for a while now. Of course she liked it and is getting tired of Hoxy’s partner hiding from her. She was surprised at Hoxy’s answer though. “You can’t. Not until I’m ready.” The Princess was really having a good time playing with her helper. She also enjoyed his hands rubbing her tits. He didn’t rush at all. He took his time feeling inch of her breast. His fingers pinched her nipples which did make her moan more. “Now question 1. When was the last time you masturbated?” Kinda generic question but he’s making this up as he goes along. “Last week. I rubbed my clit with my fingers because I missed doing it. Toys spoil me too much.” She looked at hoxy with no shame which only made his blood blush worse. But that didn’t stop him from bending forward to kiss her with tongue and pinch her nipples. The kiss didn’t last long because he wanted to keep playing this game. “Question 2. How badly do you want to be licked down there?” “Oh, my pussy wanted your fat tongue inside it from the moment we got in here, master. I’ll be a good girl from now on if you just please give me oral.” Hoxy rubbed her head and again bent down to kiss her. His hands though smacked her tits a number of times. She moaned in his mouth and really enjoyed this little game. The kiss lasted several minutes. So did the smacks. Celestia’s tits were beginning to turn red but that didn’t bother her one bit. Hoxy broke the kiss again to catch his breath again. This time Celestia’s horn glowed and her magic reached Hoxy’s pants zipper. His dick came out like a jack in a box. It was wet with pre-cum all around the organ. Seeing this gave the Princess a wing boner and the biggest blush Hoxy’s eyes have ever seen. “Hey, I didn’t say you could do that. Go ahead if you really want it that bad.” The Princess moved her tongue up Hoxy’s member to taste his pre-cum. A lighting strike of pleasure hit Hoxy like a truck. He almost didn’t believe this was happening. The Princess licked all of Hoxy’s pre off his dick with no problem. She had this confident smile that said “I’m going to enjoy toying with you”. “Ok master I will. But first.” Celestia did a quick spell to flip Hoxy over. He was kinda surprised to himself under his Princess . “From now on we’re doing this my way.” She had this hungry look on her face that he couldn’t ignore. All he could do is nod. “Good. Now satisfy your princess.” Celestia turned around, and put her pussy near Hoxy’s face. To him it was damn near perfect. His tongue ran slowly, up to her clit, and back down again. His tongue pushed inside, moving in circles. The taste of his princess’s juice was really nice on his tongue. He also felt what was happening on the other end of his body. Celestia’s mouth and magic was all over his dick and balls. Hoxy felt the magic vibrating his balls. It felt a army of a thousand tongues touching them at once vibrating. His dick was surrounded by a really wet tongue going in circles. “Ohh ah Ah! Oh, princess... I’m gonna cum if you go any further!” He moaned trying his best not to sound defeated. Celestia didn’t stop her tongue moving in circles around his cock head, she only moved faster. To stop her Hoxy shoved two fingers inside her and moved both of them in a very specific way. His fingers moved in small circles going up until he hit a special spot. When he did Celestia stopped her assault on him. “Oh FUCK, Hoxy that’s not fair. I didn’t say you could find that spot.Fuck that feels good!” She told her body to tighten around his fingers in order to keep them at her g-spot. It also didn’t help her when she felt her clit being exposed to cold air and Hoxy’s tongue moving in all kinds of directions. She moved her hips with his tongue to get more pleasure. “Oh fuck yes! Hoxy I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face!” His response was faster movement. “OH OH AHHH IM FUCKING CUMMING SO FUKKING HARD!.” Hoxy felt the full force of his princess’s orgasm. She squirted, on his face but he didn’t mind because she tasted so good. She got off of him, and rolled over next to him. The Princess had to catch her breath for a second because that was amazing. “So how did I do?” She looked at him and could only make out her helper again. This time Hoxy took the lead when they started to kiss. He rolled on top of Princess Celestia to insert his tongue in her mouth. Celestia tasted herself fully. “Mmm, I taste good.” Her tongue licked up on his cheek to taste more of herself. “Very good even.” “Yea you do. I honestly didn’t think I could make you squirt princess. Soo guess that’s a point for me.” He said with a wide proud smile on his face. Celestia got up again and crawled to Hoxy’s penis. She looked at him with a sexy look only she could give. “Well, that point of yours is going straight into my mouth.” Hoxy blushed bright red and his penis only throbbed harder. “That’s so bad and sexy at the same time. Just please finish me off already you, slut.” “As you wish, master.” Celestia didn’t close her eyes when she took Hoxy into her mouth. She moved slowly to get a rise out of her student. His moaning was music to her ears. This gave her an idea. “Hoxy moan my name or you’re not cumming today got it?” He nodded and she went back to work. She licked his head and scrotum with precision. His balls were covered in her spit. Slapping his penis across her tongue only made him moan louder. “Ah, mm, ooohhh, Princess Celestia that feels good.” Faster and deeper was the only thing Celestia thought now. Hoxy saw her mouth open wide and close on his penis. His princess’s mouth was warm but he felt himself go deeper. His heartbeat got faster, his eyes widen as he felt his princess’s throat take his rod. In the middle of this amazing feeling, Hoxy got another idea. He put reached for the princess’s head and tapped her. “Hey since your going to do that I might as well fuck that pretty face.” She stopped sucking and spoke up. “I thought you never ask.” Celestia got on her knees and her mouth stayed open. Hoxy stood up on the bed and took aim. His penis fully went inside Celestia mouth and throat. “Damn, Princess Celestia your such a slut.” Back and forth hoxy went. He put his hands on his princess’s head and pushed harder. Slowly he went faster and faster. Celestia had no trouble with this only encouraged Hoxy by pushing him further down her throat. “Ahh! F..cuk I’m cumming!, Princess Celestia!” For the final few storks, Hoxy went as fast as he could pounding his Princess ‘s face. To Celestia, his cum tasted like bananas. Hoxy fell back on the bed. “Ah ah. Wow..amazing.”Celestia swallowed everything Hoxy gave her. “Your welcome, Hoxy D Heart.” She came next to him and made out with him. This time the Princess let Hoxy suck and moan on her tongue like she did him earlier. “To be honest I lost track how many times we made out today.” Celestia giggled. “Doesn’t matter. Thanks, Hoxy I needed that. Now if you’ll excuse me we I’m gonna take a shower we still have a full day ahead of us.” She got off the bed and started to walk towards Hoxy’s bathroom. “Awww! I knew wasn’t gonna get out of this.” “Of course not. Tell you what if you do an excellent job today I’ll let fuck me in the ass.” she said while showing her rear side. Hoxy grinned. “You really know how to push sexual buttons don’t you, princess?” “When you lived as long as I have you tend to learn a few things.” She gave him a wink and then walked away with a big smile on her face.