You will coil the nurse now

by THEJamiboi

First published

Soarin and the Wonderbolt's are out enjoying Hearth's Warming late at night in a pub, Spitfire, meanwhile, decides to prank Soarin with a lamia potion.

Soarin and the Wonderbolt's are out enjoying Hearth's Warming late at night in a pub, Spitfire, meanwhile, decides to prank Soarin with a lamia potion. Unfortunately for him, Spitfire hadn't read the label and Soarin's transformation did not go to plan and he wound up in Ponyville hospital taking away Nurse Redheart's holiday as well. But it's okay, he can make it up to her with his new lamia talents.

A nice smexy story of Soarin the lamia X Nurse Redheart the best carer in the world~ Contains: A lamia, hypnosis, stallion on mare, coils used for bondage purposes, humping a thick coil, normal sex and a hoofjob Don't like, don't read, otherwise ENJOY!

You will coil the nurse now

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One! Two! Three! CHUG!” The group of fliers chanted as the two Pegasi sat across from each other raised their tankards up, gulping down the frothy cider faster than was probably safe.

To loud applause, the mare of the pair emerged, looking like Santa with a beard of orange-y white foam around her blue furred mouth “That is two drinks you have to pay for me.” She said with a chuckle as the stallion smacked his tankard down a bit more forcefully, only half drained, wiping his mouth “Don’t pout Soarin,” Rainbow said tilting her head drunkenly, a trio of shot glasses already dotted around her “Is-it’s Hearth’s Warming Eve in an hour, smile.” Rainbow said leaning back into her chair.

“I’ll get you those drinks, Crash, least I can watch you fall over backwards then.” Soarin grumbled standing up and walking away tugging on his coat to find his wallet.

Rainbow laughed merrily as she took another shot, her captain, Spitfire leaning over to inspect Soarin’s drunk now he was busy collecting two fresh ciders for an already toasted Rainbow Dash. Spitfire tugged Soarin’s drink over and took out a small vial of purple liquid, the label covered by her hoof slightly. Spitfire careful dipped a single drop in and was just about to cork it when Rainbow looked over bleary eyed.

“What you got there, Spitfire? Something to edge your watery drink… wait… that’s Soarin’s…” Rainbow frowned as Spitfire made to hide the bottle but the mare was surprisingly swift for somepony so wasted “I’ve seen this before… ish… it’s Twilight’s stuff.” Rainbow slurred rolled her head to look at Spitfire “Why you got this?” Rainbow asked.

“I just wanted to play a prank on Soarin, things have been quiet and he’s been getting slow and sluggish on the uptake in training and bumping into things as if he were wider than he actually is. Thought his body ought to mimic that fact.” Spitfire said with a smirk.

“Really, with this?” Rainbow asked glancing at the bottle.

“You know it?” Spitfire asked surprised “I thought you just recognised Princess Twilight’s logo.” Spitfire glanced again at Twilight’s cutie mark, which she had reworked into a copyright marking for her popular product.

“Course I know it, I’ve had some, if you want to prank Soarin you ought to drink it yourself he figures out how it works you’re gonna BE the prank, not the pranker!” Rainbow warned “See,” She tilted the bottle to show the label clearly “It says how the change works and what you-”

“RAINBOW YOUR POURING THE WHOLE THING IN!” Spitfire shouted tugging the now empty vial away as Rainbow blinked slowly in surprise at the now purple shaded drink “That cost me a hundred bits,” Spitfire said pushing the contaminated drink aside from herself “I wanted to try some, now I’ll have to get more because of you, Crash.”

“Not my fault you didn’t put the cork back on!” Rainbow cried as Soarin returned setting the two tankards down beside and picking up his tankard from beside her taking a few gulps as he sat down.

“I was going to then you snatched it away.” Spitfire argued.

Blaze, who had been observing the fight noticed Soarin gulping the last of his drink down “Should Soarin have drank so much of the potion?” She asked, not sure of its effects.

“What potion?” Soarin asked setting his tankard down and his voice made Spitfire snap her head over in his direction.

“No, he… oh Celestia, Soarin!” Spitfire groaned.

“What?” Soarin asked once more “What I miss?” But Spitfire didn’t get to answer, at that moment a sudden wrenching tug in Soarin’s stomach made him stand up, audibly grumbling strangely.

“Maybe it isn’t meant to be mixed with alcohol…” Rainbow said a little soberer now.

“Soarin you alright?” Spitfire asked but Soarin merely sprinted out of the building.

A tumble of swirling snow that was whitening the ground outside the pub diminished Soarin’s view of the street, the sound of merry carols and singing going strong back inside, it was close to midnight now and the excitement was growing, but Soarin hardly heard that. He stopped in the middle of the street staring ahead as his gut twisted and he felt a sudden pain in his back legs, falling forward landing in the snow. There was the sound of clicking, like bones breaking from a hard impact but no sound of being hit to drown the gruesome sounds out. Soarin whimpered, the cold suddenly seeping in and he felt drowsy, then he was asleep and cold… so cold he felt as if he were a corpse, but still with enough life left to be aware he’d died.

Rainbow’s Silhouette appeared in the pub doorway followed by the other Wonderbolt’s “What’s happening to him?” Blaze cried fearfully at the growing, twisting mass that was Soarin.

“He’s changing and he’s gone cold blooded we need to get him to Ponyville hospital, I dunno what that potion might have done to him considering his intoxication!” Spitfire shouted and her team descended on the fading Soarin.

Nurse Coldpack was twirling a pen in her hoof, occasionally standing it upright until it fell over with a soft clunk on the table. Folding her hooves under her head Coldpack stared at the night filled sky outside the cosy warm hospital, with only the long-term patients left, Coldpack could only sit at the door and wait for the Hearth’s Warming Eve festivals to begin for the patients. How she wished she’d booked her holiday sooner, the hospital, surprisingly, hardly ever got any accidents on the day itself and so it was dead boring to just sit there and watch the clock hands spin so… damn… slowly…

The lobby doors banged open and several panting ponies trudged in, pulling something that swished and dragged along the floor, far too big for them all. Coldpack stood up and gasped, recognising the Wonderbolt’s and the fact they were carrying one of their own members between them, trailing out the door. Spitfire paused, letting go of Soarin’s right front leg and grabbed his hind legs… or what they had fused together to form. His body, waist down, was split into a torrent of bright light blue scales with a dark blue belly leading out the door into the snow-covered drive, copying his fur and mane. Spitfire noticed the death like coldness to Soarin’s tail and sighed as she heard a quiet moan from his slumped pony body. Blaze pulled Soarin along followed by the other members.

“We need a lamia trained nurse, I believe you are now required due to the new lamia alliances to provide medical care for them… he’s not normally a lamia but… surely they can help!” Blaze said with a wide panicked expression.

Coldpack leaned over her desk, staring down at Soarin, she’d never actually seen a lamia before “Nurse!” Spitfire shouted closing the doors to seal out the cold somewhat for Soarin.

“R-r-right… Redheart is our only trained nurse for this b-but I should be able to get her!” Coldpack said almost dropping the phone until she let her magic do the work.

Redheart was sprawled in her bed, the covers looping around her body, her mattress visible save for the tiny ball that was the shivering pony. Her electric heating had blown due to an overload in the power grid, so the whole street was freezing, the only thing that did work was Redheart’s phone, and that was sort of useless seeing as every other pony on the street had already screamed for heating, she was going to be exhausted for the festivities tomorrow. But when the phone began to ring, Redheart still answered swiftly thanks to her training, but she felt a bubble of eagerness for tomorrow’s fun pop at its sound.

“Redheart, there’s… a lamia… a changed lamia pony… anyway, a lamia here and we need you, now please!” Redheart recognised Coldpack’s frightened voice, or what seemed like it at least, and sat up.

“Calm down, I’ll be there shortly.” Redheart rubbed her forehead groaning as Coldpack hung up, course she would be going in… well at least they had heating!

“Okay… okay Redheart will be here soon… um… he… he can’t stay in the lobby… room… need a room…” Coldpack looked down at the list set in front of her “Follow me.” Coldpack said, trying not to squeal at having the Wonderbolt’s marching after her as she led them to one of the vacant single rooms, stooping as if to help carry Soarin’s tail then changing her mind and grabbing some paper to jot down Soarin’s arrival, skirting around him.

Spitfire, Rainbow and Blaze managed to get Soarin to flop onto the bed, rolling him over as if he were sleeping on his back then sitting him up against the pillows, his tail dragging back towards the door, nopony bothering to stop the fact Soarin had the door pried open.

They stood there, Coldpack taking in their concerned faces, etching them into her mind and switching out Soarin, her least favourite of the Wonderbolt’s, for her own limp form as if they were mourning for her.

Redheart sprinted through the swirling snow, holding a thick scarf to her face as it tried to fly away. The lobby was empty, Coldpack had no doubt followed the patient, but hadn’t left her any idea where to go. She couldn’t really wait for her either as it could be life threatening. Redheart trotted down the hallway glancing left and right then pausing, seeing a trail of snake coils leading into an open door, motionless. Redheart walked over, casually pushing the tail into the room with Soarin, those present looking over as the door clicked shut.

Redheart remained silent, taking in their faces, recognising Rainbow Dash the most considering she had been present under her care previously, then Soarin on the bed, before speaking “What seems to be the problem?” Redheart asked approaching the bed.

“We were out drinking and… Soarin managed to drink some potion that made him into a lamia.” Spitfire said and the others kicked, admired the ceiling or whistled in explanation of how this had occurred.

“Riiiiight… do you have the potion bottle?” Redheart asked sceptically.

“Sure, here you go.” Spitfire said hoofing over the potion for Redheart to inspect.

“Let’s see…” Redheart turned the vial to read the labels and warnings out loud to them “Product is safe for consumption before or after meals and/or standard medication. Product is not recommended to be ingested with alcohol or other mental affiliated drugs!” Redheart looked up at the guilty looking Spitfire “In case of ingestion with alcohol ensure consumer is kept warm and comfortable until the toxin has purged from their system, then continue to enjoy your coily fun.” Redheart had to resist rolling her eyes at the blatant favouritism to lamias in that statement.

“Mr Soarin is also immensely cold, as lamias are cold blooded it would not be ideal for him to travel in this weather… I take it he also drank the whole thing?” This time, Rainbow looked guilty “Very well, when he wakes up I shall inform him of his situation.” Redheart said “Best to leave him to rest, I doubt having a group of intoxicated friends will help him recover faster.” Spitfire answered a few more questions regarding where Soarin had been when he passed out and when it had happened, then, with their concerns for their friend sated, the group filed out to continue enjoying the festivals… even if Soarin would miss out this year, there was always the next.

Redheart sighed, thinking the same thing, but wishing it was next year when she’d miss it instead of right now. Redheart moved over to Soarin and began to pull his tail onto the bed so it would be beside him. Halfway through the task, Soarin stirred slightly from the heat and shifted his head, opening his eyes and looking around dimly.

“Good evening, Mr Soarin. You passed out outside Ale’s pub after you were given a lamia potion. You’ll be staying at Pony General Hospital until I clear you.” Redheart said gently and soothingly and Soarin groaned, reaching up and rubbing his eyes before looking at his body, hardly able to believe it. There was a tube of muscle and scales where his hind legs and tail should have been, glimmering and shining, rolling down across his bed and piled around it haphazardly.

“You had the potion in your alcohol, which isn’t advised. Your system will still purge the toxin from your body and then you can carry on as normal.” Redheart explained.

“Thank you… can I… move?” Soarin asked.

“Your motor functions shouldn’t have been impacted… oh you mean your tail, yes… can you move this point?” Redheart touched a section of Soarin’s tail, pressing on it firmly, she took great notice of how smooth and strong Soarin’s tail felt and how it slipped and rubbed the frog of her hoof slightly as she pushed down.

Soarin blinked, he could feel his tail being poked, like the nerves of his legs had been stretched out… with a light push, Soarin flicked Redheart’s hoof away “Excellent, Mr Soarin, now here… here…” Redheart helped Soarin adjust to his body for a few minutes, starting with more points of focus, Soarin feeling oddly delighted when he managed to pull it off for Redheart, then moving on to lifting the coils she touched and curling them around.

“Is this all necessary?” Soarin asked suddenly.

“You ingested a whole vial of the potion and the effects usually last a few hours per drop… it could be a long while before it wears off as I believe the more recent potions have increased in potency.” Redheart explained.

“You get many transformed lamias?” Soarin asked dragging his tail around the room, watching it slide along at his command.

“No, but I have to keep up to date with what is available to the public, as I am trained to help lamias if they need medical aid.” Redheart explained, glancing at the sliding tail as well, watching it swish back and forth on the floor “Though you… are my first lamia patient, natural or not…” Redheart admitted before snapping back to reality.

“Nurse?” Soarin asked softly.

“Yes, Mr Soarin?” Redheart asked.

“Um… I’m rather cold… can I warm up, please?” Soarin asked with a hopeful smile.

“Of course, apologises, I forgot that you won’t be accustomed to your new body temperature yet. I’ll go get some hot water bottles.” Redheart said heading for the door.

“Wait… um… I was hoping I could… just… coil you?” Soarin asked flushing a little.

“Me?” Redheart asked glancing back, surprised “You want to coil me up?” Redheart confirmed as Soarin nodded.

“Yes… please?” Soarin asked more politely.

Redheart glanced down at Soarin’s tail, looping around the room now Soarin had stretch his coils out a bit, twisting and turning all the way around until it reached the mass on the bed surrounding Soarin himself, she could see as he breathed the muscles in his tail expanding and contracting, rising and falling, Soarin’s scales stretching and rippling “Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to warm up your coils a little that way, I can get the water bottles later once you’ve warmed up a little.” Redheart said approaching Soarin’s bed, focused solely on the coils inviting her in.

Soarin watched Redheart as she climbed onto the hospital bed with him, crawling along until she touched his coils, feeling the warmth from her body radiating against him like an opened heat pack and seeping into his coils. In an instant, Soarin knew he wanted-no NEEDED that heat Redheart was flaunting! And with surprising swiftness, the closest coils snapped over as Redheart squeaked in surprise and was dragged over roughly to Soarin as the coils spun and looped over her, balling up the little heat pack that Redheart had become.

Redheart wriggled and squirmed in a panic, the bulk of Soarin’s coils pressing on her back as she was bound in a mess of coils, a few inches off the bed being rolled around to spread the warmth throughout Soarin’s coils, who was laying back sighing contently. Redheart, noticing Soarin’s expression, began to relax a little, she’d panicked that he was attacking her or some primitive self-preservation instinct had kicked in and she was going to be crushed, but it seemed Soarin was merely trying to warm up as he had said.

“Thank you, Nurse,” Soarin said sitting up to look at Redheart’s tiny head poking out of the bundle of coils surrounding her “Are you comfy?” Soarin asked unable to resist smiling at the cute expression on Redheart’s face.

Redheart’s mouth was currently covered by a coil over her mouth, her initial instinct was to shake her head in the hopes Soarin would let go of her face, but as the coils shifted and rubbed around her, Redheart’s quiet moan was more audible than any attempts to dissuade Soarin from keeping her coiled. Soarin flushed at little at the cute moan and squeezed his tail a little, Redheart squeaking like a little toy, it was just too cute!

I need to coil her up. I want her to stay in my coils and warm me!” Soarin thought with a slightly desperate need for this natural heat, and Soarin slid closer to Redheart to inspect her coily tomb.

Redheart looked up and gave a tiny little gasp, Soarin’s eyes appeared to be shifting, his pupils dilating into a black spot each and then… then spinning, around and around in his eyes… around… around… around her mind… Redheart felt dizzy looking between both spinning eyes, as if she were experiencing the sensation of falling but… also of being… caught… it numbed her mind and thoughts which twirled around and slipped away as if they were flour through a sieve. Redheart blinked slowly, moaning softly, what was Soarin doing she wanted to know… so she could ask for it later…

Soarin tilted his head a little, Redheart rubbing her head into his coils to try and follow like a mirror, as he noticed Redheart’s eyes both widen and unfocus, glazing over slightly before a spinning black spiral filled her eyes, twisting around in a lazy slow pattern, filling her eyes with that enticing black swirl. Soarin lowered the coil around Redheart’s mouth, which was hanging open in awe.

“Redheart, are you alright?” Soarin asked getting a little closer, unsure why Redheart was acting like this.

“Yes… I… your eyes… so pretty… got to… watch… them…” Redheart said managing to push herself forward so she inched closer to Soarin who flushed at the proximity to the cute mare who was almost literally drooling for him, or at least his eyes.

Soarin was no Twilight Sparkle in terms of brains, but even he could put what was happening together. Redheart seemed to be compelled to follow his eyes, which must be doing something, likely the same as her own only more powerful. With this in mind, Soarin smiled “So… will you do what I ask to keep watching them?” Soarin asked and Redheart nodded once quickly, concerned the spirals might disappear, her mind had such a pleasant, thick, hazy, buzz now “Very well, crawl forward.” Soarin said laying back on the bed and opening the top of the cocoon so Redheart could wriggle out.

Redheart followed after Soarin’s eyes, crawling atop his body and standing over him, resting her nose on his as she smiled, staring into the glowing spinning swirls “Good girl, it feels good to watch, good to obey. You enjoy it, enjoy being toyed with, you get to watch my eyes when you do.” Redheart’s smiled grew and her eyes, which had been slightly relaxed, suddenly shot wide open again and Soarin had a feeling her mind had just blown like a light bulb “Redheart?”

“Yes, Master?” She asked, stiff and still like stone.

The word ‘Master’ made Soarin flush, an immense amount of power had just fallen onto him now that he ruled over Redheart. Ideas fluttered about in his head, twisting like little snakes and he acted on one at random “Massage my body.” Redheart nodded at Soarin’s command and leaned back.

Redheart looped her legs around Soarin’s tail and hugged them tightly, rubbing them against her warm fluffy chest up and down, nuzzling the belly scales with her face. Soarin’s new tail felt oddly sensitive and he moaned and sighed deeply from the affection “Now, wrap the biggest coil you can around your neck and kneel.” Soarin ordered and Redheart jumped up, glancing around until she found a coil as wide as her body and picked it up, with some difficulty, even with her natural pony strength aiding her but she still managed to drape it over her neck, looping it back around to press upon her back.

Redheart knelt on Soarin’s coils, returning her gaze to his now she had completed her order “That looks perfect on you. Do you like how nice it feels to have my coils looped around you, rubbing and pressing in?” Soarin didn’t know where the words were being drawn from, perhaps some primal skill for seducing prey that lamias had?

“Yes Master, it feels incredible!” Redheart gasped pitching forward, Soarin tugging on her neck so she gagged a little, but refused to lean back, unconcerned about the coil squeezing her neck into putty.

“So good, my strong coils gripping, squeezing and controlling you, you love how they feel on your… body…” Soarin flushed as Redheart leaned forward a little more trying to push herself forward, rocking her thighs and waist on his tail, moaning softly as she enjoyed the sensation of thick scales rubbing underneath her.

Redheart placed her hooves in front of her and rocked her body back and forth, her swirling eyes trying to roll up, but they were locked on Soarin’s, who was staring at the nurse with a heated face “W-what are you doing?” Soarin asked shifting slightly where he was laying, feeling a sudden burst of heat from Redheart.

Redheart gasped as she pitched forward, holding herself still as if petrified in place “I-I’m sorry Master your tail just feels amazing, I couldn’t help myself… I’ll stop.” Redheart said shifting to sit back up properly.

“Don’t,” Soarin said softly “Don’t stop… hold out your front hooves.” Soarin ordered and Redheart complied, resting her thighs on Soarin’s tail again, who felt the sensation of something wet running down the side of his scales.

Focusing on Redheart’s hooves, so he didn’t loose himself immediately at this, Soarin looped Redheart’s legs up in thick figure of eights and held her legs upward pulling taunt and lifting her up, causing Redheart to stand on her rear legs, the coil she’s sat upon being left behind briefly, revealing a soaking line of glittering liquid trailing up to Redheart’s pussy, which was now visible now the coil hiding it had moved. Soarin glanced between the quietly panting Redheart and his own damp coils, before raising it up and pushing Redheart’s waist up, so her body curved a little, standing on the tips of her hooves and wriggling back and forth nearly suspended in mid-air.

“You… you look very nice.” Soarin complimented and Redheart smiled.

“Thank you Master, I think you look lovely too.” Redheart admitted “Shall I rub your tail with my body?” Redheart asked suddenly snapping her back legs together, squeezing Soarin’s coils.

Soarin nodded and Redheart began to rock her body back and forth steadily, rubbing herself all over Soarin’s coils. As Redheart pitched back, her now winking pussy was just barely visible, leaving a trail of cum over Soarin’s coils as she coated him in her lust. Soarin took in a heavy breath through his mouth, not knowing his sense of smell had changed with his transformation, the scent of Redheart’s heated body and the faint musk from her pussy made his own crotch feel oddly confined and pained, like when he wore his fly-suit and got overtaken by one of the mares in the Wonderbolt’s. Soarin, with a strange need for a little force of will, looked down, inspecting his tail. At his waist, his fluffy pony body split almost unnoticeably away into scales, forming a neat kite shield pattern flowing downward. Soarin patted along the top where his cock use to be as he felt the tension suddenly ripple up his spine. Soarin rubbed, curiously exploring his body, around the spot that had caused it, and with an odd lewd grace, his scales slid away and his cock flopped up knocking his own hoof away.

Redheart’s legs tightened around Soarin’s tail and he looked up to see her staring “Shall I take care of you master?” Redheart asked but Soarin smiled, the coils around her hooves curling down and covering her face like a hood, Redheart moaning behind her gag as Soarin slid closer.

“Don’t worry, Nurse. I can manage.” Soarin said softly, tugging the coil Redheart was still humping away at from her. Soarin sat Redheart on his lap, using the mechanical bed to raise himself up into a proper sitting position. Redheart was made to sit on Soarin’s cock, her bottom lips opening to welcome him inside her burning folds. Soarin bit his lip, feeling the Nurse gripping him as tightly as he was gripping her, and judging from the muffled cry behind her new face mask, the Nurse was just as delighted by the intrusion.

Soarin lifted Redheart up and down like a toy, the mare moving her free hind legs to get comfortable as she was lifted up and down Soarin’s length without regard for her own pleasure. But Redheart didn’t care, her Master’s pleasure was her own and every thrust sent electric shockwaves into her mushed-up mind, the spinning spiral, still visible even in the dark confines of her coily mask, working in harmony with her pleasure to break her down deeper and deeper. Redheart moaned as Soarin began to rock her up and down in a steady tempo, as if she were jumping up and down, slamming onto his shaft with a heavy, wet slap. Redheart tensed, feeling herself peaking, was master about to cum? She couldn’t tell and the spinning spiral, his thick strong coils, and his long cock were all too much to resist as Redheart came, her whole body quivering as if dancing atop Soarin.

Outside, Soarin stopped, letting Redheart slam down on his cock as she rode her own orgasm high, drooling all over his cock and down the coils over her face. When Redheart finally fell still, Soarin lowered the mask, staring at the drooping, sleepy eyes of his ‘carer’.

“Enjoy yourself?” Redheart nodded with a content sigh “Would you mind finishing me, since you went first?” Another nod, anything for Master Soarin.

Redheart flopped, falling forward, resting on Soarin’s chest as Redheart tugged herself up off Soarin’s cock and crawled down to his shaft, wrapping her hooves around the soaked shaft. Soarin stretched out his tail, leaning back as Redheart wrapped her hooves around his cock, rubbing up and down, her own cum serving as a natural lube as she rocked him as fast as her hooves would always. With little effort, Redheart soon had Soarin shooting up into the air and covering the sheets, Redheart watching with a deep flush as she sat up.

“Wow…” Soarin gasped.

“Indeed, Master.” Redheart said softly, still staring as his cock slowly turned limp “I better get us cleaned up before somepony comes to check on you.” Redheart said sitting up and heading for a small bathroom, not looking back.

“Alright… and then we can cuddle?” Soarin suggested.

“As you wish.” Redheart said quietly as she entered the bathroom, taking off her cap “I’ll get you back for this Soarin.” Redheart purred with a glint in her blue eyes.