Trashing Rarity's Outfits

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Rarity has to go through several outfits in the day due to getting dirty.

Rarity gets into one messy mishap after another, and has to change her outfit several times that day as a result.

The wam in this story is E-rated, so it'll be another of my tamer stories. (Besides, we could totally see this happening in an episode of the digital series) I want these to be set apart from my T-rated and M-rated stories.

May also contain some light Rarijack.

One Outfit After Another

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Rarity woke up to her alarm on a Monday morning. She groaned and got out of bed. She showered, changed into her usual light blue T-shirt and purple skirt, did her hair, had her breakfast and coffee, and walked to school. She was thankful it was a nice sunny day, and that she didn't have to walk through the rain.

As she approached Canterlot High through the field, the sprinklers suddenly turned on without warning. Rarity was instantly soaked through, and her hair was now flat.

"Just great..." Rarity complained.

She was more concerned about her hair than her dress, which would usually dry off by lunch. After drying her hair and trying to comb it, she went to class, and sat through a normal mathematics and English class.

At recess, she sat outside with her friends. Her hair had dried but her dress was still damp.

"Did you fall into a river or something on your way to school?" said Rainbow Dash. "Cause it's not raining today!" She'd had a lot of experience running to school in the rain, as had the other girls.

"No, the sprinklers turned on unexpectedly," said Rarity.

"I got this big cake for the dessert competition after school today," said Pinkie Pie, "but this morning when I checked it was gone! I wonder what could've happened to it?"

"It may have been a pack of bunnies," said Fluttershy. "Angel led a rebellion against me last night because I couldn't find a cherry to put on his salad. Watch out for the bunnies until I catch him and talk some sense into him."

After recess was history class. Today was one of those days where they never did any work, the teacher was just giving a lecture on historical events from about a hundred years ago, including a world war they suspected had been started by the sirens.

What Rarity hadn't noticed was a humongous cake hanging directly above her desk, on a plastic plate suspended by four wires. It had a lot of pink frosting, whip cream, and cherries on it.

The wires were connected to the ceiling through devices that could attach to any surface. And, holding the remote to control them, peeking in through the classroom door, was Trixie. She thought it would be absolutely hilarious to play this trick on Rarity.

Trixie pushed three buttons on her remote.

All but one of the wires holding the cake up disconnected, causing the plate to tilt on its side, and sending the cake falling directly on Rarity.


Rarity squealed in surprise as she was covered from head to foot in cake frosting, with a cherry on her head. She froze, shocked at the messy state she was in. Frosting dripped off her skirt and onto the floor below.

Some of the students started to laugh, while Trixie stood outside and said "The Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!"

Principal Celestia stood behind her, looking very annoyed.

"Oh, so that's where my cake went," said Pinkie.


At lunch, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack sat at the cafeteria table. Rainbow Dash was helping Scootaloo with throwing a discus, but said she'd be there soon.

"Where's Rarity?" said Fluttershy.

"Probably in the showers," said Sunset.

"I heard Principal Celestia saying she was giving Trixie detention," said Twilight.

Rarity walked into the cafeteria. She had taken a shower, dried and combed her hair, and changed into a light blue tank top and a short pair of skintight purple shorts. She looked just as lovely as she had in her dress.

"This is why I always pack one extra outfit, just in case some disaster like that should happen," said Rarity. She walked over to one of the two empty chairs.

"No don't!" said Pinkie.

Rarity sat down and immediately felt something squish under her. Her eyes went wide, and she stood up and looked at the seat. She had sat on a strawberry pie with a whip cream topping. Her beautiful shorts, which she had just changed into, now had whip cream and strawberry filling on them.

"I meant that for Rainbow Dash as a prank," said Pinkie sheepishly. "She always laughs about it."

Rainbow Dash returned. "Sorry I took so long. I hope I'm not too... Whoa, what happened?" She said, noticing the state Rarity was in.

"Rarity sat in your seat," said Pinkie, holding up the squashed pie she had put there.

Rainbow laughed. "That is so hilarious!"

Rarity was not amused. "It's not funny! I didn't bring a third outfit."


Once school was over, Rarity ran home and changed into a pair of purple jeans, not unlike those worn by Aria Blaze, which looked just as lovely on her. She didn't have to change her shirt this time.

She decided to go to Applejack's house and ask her to go for a walk with her in the park. This was always nice and relaxing and relieved stress.

As Rarity walked by Pinkie Pie's house, she saw Pinkie pulling a large cannon across the sidewalk.

"Whatever are you doing?" said Rarity.

"I'm taking this cannon to Rainbow Dash's house!" said Pinkie. "We're gonna have a really fun party over there and I'm really excited to see if this new cannon works!" She raised her arms in the air, accidentally triggering the lever.

The cannon was facing Rarity at the time, and it blasted a large blob of whip cream at her. Rarity barely had time to realize what was going on before the whip cream landed on her, submerging her completely.

"Oops..." said Pinkie. "Well, at least it works! I'm gonna have to refill it now!"

Pinkie dragged her cannon to her backyard while Rarity climbed out of the white fluffy mountain that had fallen on her. She was covered from head to toe in whip cream, and she was starting to get very annoyed.


Rarity approached Applejack's house wearing a beautiful white dress. It was plain rather than puffy, and went down to her feet.

Applejack was feeding the pigs when she saw Rarity.

"Hoo, Rarity, you look mighty pretty in that dress."

"Why thank you," said Rarity, feeling better already. "Would you like to go for a walk at the park with... Aaaah!"

Rarity stepped on a skateboard Scootaloo had left when she and Sweetie Belle had come to pick up Apple Bloom and go to the theater to watch a Daring Do movie. She slid towards the pigpen, hit the fence, and fell face first into the mud.

Applejack laughed. "Are you all right, Rarity?"

Rarity stood up, but, shocked at what had happened, she lost her footing and fell on her butt. Her white dress was covered in mud, and she just sat there, appalled that another of her outfits was ruined today. Well, she would be able to wash it, but that was beside the point.

One of the biggest pigs did a belly flop next to her, splashing her with more mud.

"Don't worry Rarity, I've got you covered." Applejack hosed Rarity down, though she remained in sitting position.

"That's very sweet of you, but I simply must change into something else." Rarity stood up and turned around, but a smaller pig ran in front of her. She tripped over it and fell face first in the mud again.


Applejack waited outside Rarity's house for her, and before long, she emerged, completely clean and wearing a sparkling purple skintight jumpsuit.

"How do I look?" said Rarity, turning around.

"You look great, as usual," said Applejack, and she meant it.

They enjoyed a nice walk in the park. Rarity was careful around the sections of mud, but she avoided falling into them. She sat on the bench with Applejack and they talked for a while.

"I'm so sorry you had to see me get so messy," said Rarity.

"At least ah get to see you in that many new outfits," said Applejack.

"I thought you weren't into fashion."

"Your outfits always look nice on you."


They stood up and continued their walk. Soon they passed another muddy spot on the side.

"Wait, you're not going to throw me into the mud so I can change into another outfit, are you?"

"Not unless you want me to."

Suddenly, several rabbits hopped by, circled around Rarity, and sprayed her with ketchup, mustard, vanilla frosting, and chocolate syrup. Angel was at the head of the pack, spraying Rarity with ketchup and mustard at once.

"Oh! I beg your... Ugh! Stop this at once!"

Once Rarity was covered from head to foot, with not a single clean spot left on her jumpsuit, the rabbits laughed at her. They hadn't sprayed Applejack, they knew it would annoy Rarity more.

Fluttershy came running up to them. The rabbits hopped down the path, and Fluttershy continued her pursuit of them.

"I can't believe this," said Rarity.

Then she slipped on some of the ketchup and mustard on the path and fell backwards into the mud.


Rarity and Applejack returned to the park after yet another trip back to Rarity's house. Now Rarity was wearing one of her exercise outfits, a pair of short dark blue skintight shorts and a matching midriff tank top.

As usual, Applejack thought she looked lovely, and she was flattered.

"This time," said Rarity, "we shall finish our walk and not run into any-"

Not paying attention to where she was going, she strayed off the path, slipped on a muddy slope, and slid down to a deep puddle of muddy water.

"Hang on Rarity," said Applejack, sliding down on her feet. "I'll help you out."

"I'm fine," said Rarity as she stood up, every inch of her dirty and soaking wet. She started to walk up the slick slope, but slipped, fell on her face, and slid back into the puddle.

"Ah was gonna show you to there," said Applejack, pointing to a nearby slope leading up to the path which was much less steep, and all grass rather than mud.


Rarity had all her outfits from today in the washing machine, and was sitting on her couch with Applejack. Rarity was wearing a pink pair of pajamas, and Applejack was wearing her usual blue pajamas.

"This has been a much better night than the rest of the day," said Rarity, who had gotten over the messy incidents. "That apple pie was simply divine." She leaned her head against Applejack.

Once they'd done their usual activities for their sleepover, Rarity got into her bed while Applejack slept in a sleeping bag in the living room.


Rarity woke up to the sound of her alarm, pulled down her blankets, and sat up, yawning and stretching her arms.

Before she could get out of bed, the rabbits jumped up holding bottles of ketchup, mustard, vanilla frosting, chocolate frosting, chocolate syrup, and butterscotch syrup, pointing them at her and grinning mischievously. Angel held another strawberry whip cream pie in his hands.

"Oh no... not again..."

After the Fashion Show

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It had been four days since the day in which so many of Rarity's outfits had gotten dirty. They had cleaned up nicely, and Fluttershy had finally persuaded Angel to stop his mischief.

A fashion show was being held at Canterlot High in place of the last class today. Naturally, Rarity was competing, and so today she was wearing the dress she was entering in the show, which was one fit for a princess. It was a fancy-looking white dress, though not more puffy than her regular dress. It was sleeveless with the slightly puffy kind of shoulders, and went down to her feet. On her feet she wore purple high heels. Quite often today some of the other students would compliment her dress and tell her she'd win the fashion show, as did all her friends, even Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Rarity sat impatiently through her classes, grateful that Trixie, who was also entering the fashion show, wasn't pulling a cake prank on her again. At lunch she made sure the chair she picked didn't have a pie on it. Although it wasn't really necessary, because Rainbow Dash had already sat on the pie Pinkie had set and was laughing about it with her when Rarity had arrived at their table, but Rarity wanted to make sure after what had happened Monday.

After what felt like days, last class finally came. Everyone went down to the auditorium, and Rarity and the other fashion show contestants stood behind the stage.

Trixie was wearing a darker blue shirt, a purple miniskirt with blue and aqua striped tights underneath, and a purple cape with a magician hat.

"You're probably wondering why I didn't sabotage your dress," she said to Rarity. "Well, I didn't need to. You will never have the amazing show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"I beg to differ, but I at least appreciate that you're playing fair," said Rarity.

"Plus, Trixie didn't want to get detention again."

One by one, the six girls in the fashion show were called onstage, each standing still, posing, and turning around. Trixie was fourth, and Rarity was fifth.

Finally, all of them stood onstage at once. Rarity had to admit to herself, some of them had very nice outfits, which made her nervous.

The judges, Celestia and Luna among them, talked for a bit. Then, Celestia spoke into the microphone.

"We have decided that the winner of today's fashion show is..."

Rarity held her breath.


The audience applauded, with Rarity's friends cheering the loudest, especially Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy saying "Yay."

Rarity was overjoyed at winning the fashion show. "Oh thank you, thank you so much!"


When the bell rang, Rarity walked out the front doors of Canterlot High with her friends.

"I knew you were gonna win!" said Rainbow Dash.

"How could you possibly not?" Applejack blushed a little.

"Yes, your dress is so lovely," said Fluttershy.

Rarity gave her friends a big hug. Then they each walked their separate ways to go home. Except two of them. Rarity was enjoying the sunny weather as much as winning the fashion show and headed toward the park to go for a walk.

"Do you mind if I go with you?" said Applejack.

"That would be wonderful, darling."


After going for a relaxing walk at the park, Rarity and Applejack sat on the bench for five minutes, talking about how lovely the day was.

Then, Applejack stood up and said "Ah better get goin'. Ah got work to do around the farm."

Rarity stood up. "Good luck, Applejack." She gave her a hug and they walked their separate ways, each to her house.

Of course, one way the human world was different from Equestria was that the weather could be unpredictable, for there were no pegasi controlling it. Despite this, the weather could suddenly change drastically. One minute it was sunny, and the next, it was full of dark clouds.

Rarity barely had time to say "Oh no..." before it started raining hard. She was soaked through in seconds, her hair assuming its Wet Mane style.

The park she was at was a fair distance from her house. Rarity ran through the rain, splashing through the puddles as she ran, and often being splashed as cars drove by her.

Oh, I bet Applejack is enjoying this right now, thought Rarity. And Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are probably splashing about in the puddles. She giggled a little thinking about it, often amused at her friends' antics. She didn't like the rain much for what it did to her hair, but at least it had held off until after the fashion show.

Too lost in thought, she didn't notice as she entered a dirt field, which the rain had turned into very slick mud. Rarity slipped and fell butt-first into the mud.

That was... unpleasant. This is one time rain is useful, because at least it will wash all this filthy muck off-

At that moment, the rain stopped, but the clouds lingered, though they were lighter than they had been when it was raining. The sun wasn't drying anything anytime soon.

Rarity groaned and sat in the mud for about ten seconds. Then, she pulled herself together and got to her feet. She had just taken one step when her high heels caused her to slip and fall face-first in the mud again.

She got up on all fours and wiped mud out of her face. Her beautiful dress was now covered with mud, as was her hair. Why was it that none of her outfits could ever escape getting messy like this?


Rarity was suddenly splashed by a wave of mud. What little of her that was still clean no longer was. She was completely covered in mud.

"My goodness! What on Earth..." Rarity looked over to see who had splashed her, although she was sure she recognized the voice.

"Oops... my bad!" Pinkie Pie sat nearby, her pink dress also covered in mud but looking like she was enjoying it a lot more than Rarity.

"Pinkie Pie! Well... I'll let it slide this time because I was already dirty. Just... watch where you're... cannonballing." She didn't bother asking why Pinkie would cannonball into the mud. She was Pinkie Pie, and she liked doing weird things, plus neither she nor Applejack nor Rainbow Dash minded getting dirty, as they constantly reminded her.

Rarity stood up, trying her hardest not to slip again. She took a step forward, cringing as her shoe squished into the mud, but keeping her balance. Slowly she took another step, and another, and another. She wanted to get out of this mud field as soon as possible, so she was making her way toward the nearest edge.

She had just reached the edge, when, a little too rushed to get out, she was less careful with her next step. She slipped on the slick mud and fell on her butt again.

Pinkie, who was rolling around in the mud like a pig, giggled. She couldn't help it. It was so funny to watch Rarity get dirty. Not that she could really get any dirtier.

Rarity got back on all fours and crawled out of the mud, not wanting to risk another unpleasant fall.

Despite her muddy state, she was relieved that she was out of that dirty area, and she couldn't wait to get home and shower.

She ran as fast as she could towards her house, her muddy high heels making slight squishing sounds and leaving footprints.

To her dismay, she ran into a detour, so she took the next closest path. Unfortunately, it was a dirt road, which, after the rain, was now a mud road. Rarity knew this was the fastest way home, and her dress was already saturated with mud, so really there was nothing to be lost by taking this path.

Rarity ran down the road, her shoes making squelching sounds as they splashed through the mud. A bit of extra mud splashed onto her dress but she didn't care at this point.

Then a pickup truck drove by her from behind, splashing more mud on her.

"I beg your pardon!" said Rarity, wiping the extra mud off her face. "How uncouth!"

The driver either didn't hear her, or didn't care.

"Whatever," said Rarity. "It's not like I can get any dirtier."

She resumed running, but when she reached a section of road that went slightly downhill, she slipped on a particularly slick section of mud, and slid in a sitting position down the muddy road.


The bottom of this ramp turned, and the corner happened to be right next to a swamp. As soon as Rarity reached the bottom of the ramp she went flying forward and fell face-first into the swamp water.

Rarity got into a kneeling position. She was wrong - she could get dirtier than before. Now she was covered in not only mud, but foul-smelling green swamp water.

As she got to her feet and turned around, two racecars suddenly sped by on the dirt road, splattering her with mud and surprising her into falling on her back.

"Ugh, this is absolutely disgusting..." Rarity sat up, repulsed by the state she was in. Why were two cars even racing on a muddy road in the first place? Of course she could imagine Rainbow Dash doing it on foot. Rainbow loved to race and didn't mind getting dirty. She even seemed to like it a bit. Rarity couldn't imagine why. Dirt and mud repulsed her so.

She got back to her feet, stepped out of the swamp a lot easier than she had gotten out of the mud field, and continued to run along the mud road. Swamp water dripped off every inch of her dress and her hair and onto the mud below her.

She finally reached another corner, beyond which was a field across which was her house. She ran faster, in more of a rush to get home now that she was dirtier than ever and smelled bad. She nearly slipped on the mud again, but kept her balance this time, too tired of slipping and falling down.

She had just left the mud road and was running across the field, when suddenly, it started to rain hard again.

Rarity closed her eyes and raised her head to the sky. She had never been so happy to be caught in a rainstorm in her entire life. In less than ten seconds, all the mud and swamp water was washed off her. Her dress did still have some brown and green spots on it, but she knew the washing machine could get these stains out.

Breathing a sigh of satisfaction at being cleaner than she was a minute ago, not caring how wet she was, she walked at a slower pace back to her house. She was still going to shower and restyle her hair first thing when she got home.


The next morning, Rarity ran across the field to Canterlot High. It was Saturday, but the girls had planned to meet up at the statue in front of the school to have a day of fun, as they would usually do on the weekend.

Rarity was wearing her usual purple skirt and light blue T-shirt. She had put her dirty dress in the washing machine and it was now as good as new, without a single stain or hint of the swamp smell. Her hair was in its usual lovely style.

She spotted the statue where the other girls were waiting, except Twilight and Sunset, as they hadn't arrived yet. As she ran towards them, she did not notice the mud puddle ahead of her, or the stray cat that walked in front of her.

Rarity tripped over the cat and fell face-first in the mud.

Rarity vs. Trixie

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It was the week after Rarity had won the fashion show and gotten her winning dress very dirty. It was Monday, and school had just finished for the day.

Rarity was wearing her usual outfit, her purple skirt with a light blue T-shirt, which had washed perfectly after Saturday. After all, her outfits had cleaned up from far worse than just mud, and Rarity always had the strongest detergent possible for her washing machine. She had been annoyed at the cat she had tripped over, but couldn't stay mad at a cat for long.

Rarity was walking across the field to her home, hoping it wouldn't suddenly rain today as it sometimes did. But, if it did, rain was better than mud, even if it messed up her hair.

She was surprised when Trixie walked in front of her. Trixie was wearing her usual outfit, consisting of a blue shirt and a purple miniskirt that was blue along the lower edges.

"Trixie will have her revenge for winning that fashion show!" She threw a can of whip cream and a bottle of butterscotch syrup to Rarity's feet.

"What are those for?" said Rarity. "Do they have some sort of... hidden ingredient?"

"No, they're for our duel! A syrup and whip cream duel!" She held a can of whip cream and chocolate syrup. "By the time we both run out of ammunition, whoever is covered with the least substances wins!"

"No thank you. It doesn't sound very... very clean. Challenge Pinkie Pie, she'd love that kind of thing. She'd probably TRY to lose so she can eat it all off herself." She giggled at the thought, even though she'd hate to be covered in whip cream and syrup herself.

"Pinkie Pie didn't defeat the Great and Powerful Trixie in a fashion show!" Trixie sprayed Rarity in the face with whip cream, getting some on her hair.

Rarity wiped the whip cream out of her face and felt her hair. "Oh it... is... on!" Rarity picked up her containers and sprayed the front of Trixie's shirt with butterscotch syrup.

Trixie sprayed Rarity's skirt with chocolate syrup, getting some on her legs as well. Rarity ran around Trixie in circles, spraying her all over with butterscotch syrup and whip cream. The third time Rarity ran in front of Trixie, Trixie sprayed Rarity's side with chocolate syrup and whip cream at once, getting both parts of her outfit dirtier and causing her to squeal.

As Rarity sprayed Trixie more, sure she was dominating their duel as Trixie wasn't able to dodge very well without her smoke bombs, a part of her felt this was actually fun, even if she hated how dirty she was getting. Maybe if she got a little less prissy she'd even challenge Pinkie Pie one day. But, not any time in the foreseeable future.

After several minutes of their "duel", Trixie sprayed whip cream at Rarity, hitting the sleeve of her shirt, and then she ran out. Rarity sprayed Trixie in the face with the last of her whip cream. Trixie wiped the whip cream off her face and sprayed chocolate syrup at Rarity, but she ducked, avoiding getting any dirtier. Trixie tried to spray Rarity again but she was out of syrup. She could only wait until Rarity ran out of butterscotch syrup.

Rarity sprayed Trixie with butterscotch syrup, which hit her directly and saturated her further before she ran out.

"Our duel is over!" said Trixie. "Lavender Lace, who won? It was totally Trixie, right?"

"Um..." Lavender Lace, whom Trixie had asked to be the judge, looked at Trixie and Rarity.

Rarity was covered from head to foot in whip cream and chocolate syrup, but she did have a few clean spots on her. Trixie, on the other hand, was completely covered in whip cream and butterscotch syrup. There was not a single clean spot on her at all. Syrup dripped off her hair and skirt more so than Rarity's.

"I'm really sorry Trixie, but... Rarity won."

"This cannot be!" Trixie was outraged, but regained her composure. "You may have vanquished Trixie today, but Trixie will get you next time!" Trixie stormed away, and, despite the state she was in, Rarity felt a sense of satisfaction at having beaten her at her own game.


Rarity showered thoroughly, leaving her dress on as it was just as dirty as the rest of her, and then changed into a light blue tank top and her purple Legend of Everfree shorts. It was a beautiful day today so she decided to go for a walk at the park.

She was enjoying the breeze, the clear sky, and being cleaner than she had been minutes ago, when Trixie, still covered in whip cream and syrup, tackled her off the path and down the muddy slope she had fallen down while walking with Applejack.

They slid down the slope and splashed into the muddy water at the bottom. Rarity stood up and gasped at the dirty state she was in.


"The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges you to a rematch!" said Trixie. "This time, a mud duel!"

Rarity and Trixie rolled around in the mud together, each trying to get the other down, and getting mud all over themselves. Both were completely covered in mud by the time Rarity got Trixie facedown, sat on her back, and held both her arms behind her back.

"Ow! All right! Trixie surrenders! You win!"

Rarity got off Trixie and stood up.

"Let's climb back up this way," she said.

They started to walk up the muddy slope, but Rarity stopped at the edge. Trixie tried climbing up, but slipped and fell back down. Rarity giggled a bit and walked over to the grass slope Applejack had showed her, while Trixie continued to try to climb up the mud slope, and kept slipping and sliding down.

As Trixie splashed into the muddy water for the twentieth time, she made a mental note to never challenge Rarity again.


Tuesday, after school, Pinkie Pie was on her way home, wearing a white and pink T-shirt and jean shorts, when Trixie stood in her path, wearing her now-clean outfit from yesterday, and threw a container of whip cream and butterscotch syrup at her feet.

"Oooh, tasty!" said Pinkie.

"This isn't for eating," said Trixie. "This is for a syrup and whip cream duel! The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges you! By the time we run out of ammunition, whoever is covered in the least substances wins!"

"Can I eat it after?"

"If you wish."

Pinkie squealed in excitement and picked the containers up. "This is gonna be so fun!"

After the Fashion Show, Part 2

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It was summer, and Rarity was entering a fashion show in town. She wore a skintight black sleeveless jumpsuit and high heels.

All her friends were in the audience, cheering for her.

Rarity made several poses while laying on a couch. One of them involved laying on her stomach with her feet in the air, resting an elbow on the couch with her hand on her hair. Another involved laying on her back with her legs in the air. Others involved her standing up and doing hair flips.

"She's gonna win this one for sure," said Applejack, who couldn't get over how beautiful Rarity looked in this outfit.

Once Rarity and the other contestants were done, they lined up on the stage.

"And the winner is... Rarity!"


"Congratulations on winnin' the fashion show, Rarity," said Applejack as they walked through the park. Applejack was wearing a white and green T-shirt and short, fairly tight jean shorts, one of her summer outfits. "Ah knew you would."

"Aw, thank you." Rarity blushed a little.

They sat on a bench and enjoyed the nice weather. Unfortunately, that weather wouldn't last.

The sky filled with dark clouds, and it started to rain hard. Rarity and Applejack were completely soaked immediately.

"You know," said Rarity, "this isn't so bad after how dirty I got over the past few months. If only it didn't mess up my hair..."

"Ah think your hair looks just fine when it's wet," said Applejack.

"Awwww..." Rarity did a hair flip. Droplets of water flew off her hair, much like Rainbow Dash when she was sweating profusely in the stage lights showing off so hard in the Battle of the Bands.

"That was plum lovely," said Applejack. Rarity blushed again.

"Would you like to walk with me in the rain?"

"I'd love to, Rares!"

They stood up and walked along the path. Rarity was enjoying this. Her skintight outfit was completely soaked, but it didn't look any less attractive.

After about ten minutes, the rain stopped, but the clouds remained in the sky. Rarity was surprised to find herself disappointed that the rain was over. Her hair was still in its wet mane style, but she knew Applejack liked it, and now she didn't mind it so much.

As they neared a corner, Rarity looked up at the sky. "Do you think those clouds will go away or is it going to rain some more?"

"Rarity, watch out!"

Not looking where she was going, Rarity stepped past the corner onto a dirt path, which was now very slick mud. She slipped on the mud with her high heels and fell butt-first into it. She squealed slightly at the state her outfit was in.

"Don't worry your pretty li'l head, Rares," said Applejack. "You still look pretty even in the mud."

"Do I?" said Rarity. She laid on her stomach to do one of her poses from the fashion show. She made the same face she usually made as though she was enjoying herself, when she was really repulsed at how dirty she was. Applejack blushed, and Rarity let down her facade. "The mud ruins the whole thing."

"It doesn't for me." Applejack sat down in the mud next to her.


Rarity got back into sitting position and they sat side by side, in the mud, arms around each other. Rarity couldn't believe Applejack thought she looked beautiful covered in mud, but suddenly she felt she didn't mind the state she was in as much.

Then she stood up. "Would you like to race me down this path?"

"Are you sure? You'll get even muddier."

"I'm already covered in mud, and besides, didn't you say it doesn't make me any less divine?"

"Ah know you hate gettin' dirty."

"Oh, the damage is already done, and besides, it's sure to rain again."

They stood up and ran along the dirt path. As they ran, their shoes made squelching sounds, and mud splashed on their legs, Rarity's outfit, and Applejack's shorts.

Despite how dirty she was, Rarity was enjoying herself. She didn't think she could have this much fun in the mud.

As the reached the end of the path, which turned onto another concrete path, Rarity slipped again, as her high heels were less match for the slippery mud than Applejack's sporty shoes. She fell face-first in the mud.

"Ah win!" said Applejack. She turned around and saw Rarity. Applejack walked over to her and held out her hand. "You all right, sugarcube?"

"I'm fine," said Rarity, taking Applejack's hand and getting to her feet. "Just really dirty."

"Me too."

A raindrop fell onto Applejack's head. She felt it through her hat.

"Not for much longer!"

It rained hard again. It wasn't long before all the mud was washed off Rarity and Applejack. Rarity let out a sigh and closed her eyes as the rain fell upon her. It felt so clean and divine.

"We're gonna have to go back," said Applejack. "Wanna race again?"

"I suppose," said Rarity. "I just hope it keeps raining until we're back on the other side."

They stood at the end of the path, and when Applejack said "Go!", they started running. Running in the rain was even more fun than running without it before, perhaps because she was cleaner. Mud was splashing on her outfit as she ran, but the rain washed it off instantly.

Applejack was in the lead, and Rarity ran a little faster, but slipped on the very wet mud and fell on her back, sliding forward for a bit. She quickly got up and resumed running.

Even Applejack was having a hard time staying on her feet, despite having the advantage with her shoes and athleticism. As Rarity began to catch up, Applejack slipped on a slightly slicker patch of mud and fell on her butt.

Rarity considered helping Applejack up, but she'd fallen like this before, and Applejack was an athlete. She knew she'd be all right.

Soon Applejack overtook Rarity again, and they neared the end of the path.

Applejack and Rarity both ran faster, Applejack still in the lead. They slipped and fell forward, sliding through the mud to the end of the path.

Applejack touched the concrete path first as though it was a base in baseball. "Ah win!"

Rarity got into a sitting position, as did Applejack. "That was fun." They shook hands. "Do you do this with Rainbow Dash a lot?"

"Race on muddy paths in the rain? Of course! We love the challenge, and we don't mind gettin' dirty."

"I must admit, that was probably the least unpleasant time I got that dirty. Now let's stand up before the rain stops."

They stood up and let the rain wash any mud off them that remained. Then they started to walk to Applejack's house.

The rain stopped as they were halfway there. Rarity and Applejack were soaking wet, but clean.

When they reached Applejack's house, Rarity sat on the fence of the pigpen with her legs crossed, and did a hair flip with her wet hair.

"Rarity, you might wanna be caref-"

As Rarity finished her hair flip, she lost her balance and fell backwards into the pigpen. As she lay in the mud on her back with her feet in the air, a pig belly flopped next to her, splashing her with more mud.

"Don't worry, Rares. I got this." Applejack ran for the hose, and Rarity anticipated what was coming with excitement.