> Gambleshy > by Prismfire Productions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > When the chips are down... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice fall day. The temperature was a bit on the cool side, something that Fluttershy knew was a harbinger of the first frost that was sure to happen by the end of the week. Still, all was peaceful, just as Fluttershy liked it as she made her morning rounds. The neighboring animals knew when it was time for their daily breakfast, and each had learned the designated areas for feeding. She had just finished tending to the birds, and was about to see about her favorite fox Cross, when she saw her dear fur baby curled up and coughing. “Oh… oh dear…” Fluttershy said as she rushed over and held the fox close to her, in the process feeling the light red fox’s fever. “My little Cross fox, seems you have come down sick.” The female fox gave short, quick yip as she told Fluttershy how she was feeling, eventually falling asleep due to lack of energy. Fluttershy had dealt with this before, eleven times to be precise, and knew that the fox had come down with the equivalent of a nasty cold. “Don’t you worry my dear Cross,” Fluttershy said while moving inside and fixing the vixen a soothing herbal honey blend. “Once you drink this I’ll go and see about see about buying you some medicine ok?” Once again, the fox gave a weak yip as Fluttershy started to have the poor animal drink the blend. As the fox relaxed and fell asleep, a small thought crossed the butter yellow pegasus’ mind as she slowly flew towards Ponyville. “I really hope that I still have enough in my stipend to cover the cost of the medicine, especially since it has gone up in price due to that failed healthcare change.” Fluttershy landed at the edge of town, having got herself too worked up to continue the flight. Apprehension continued to build, her steps slightly off balance, as she entered the bank. The mahogany floors seemed to amplify her hoofsteps, making each *clip clop* drill into her brain as her heartbeat made it difficult to hear fully. She could see the teller talking to her, but the mare behind the counter sounded as if she was talking through a tin can from a distance. Fluttershy was only able to snap out of it by the teller giving her a concerned shake. “Fluttershy,” The teller, Bit Slider, asked as she tapped the pegasus’ shoulder. “are you feeling ok dear? I know that the feather flu has broke out in Cloudsdale, even Rainbow Dash has it, and I am just concerned that you aren’t coming down with it.” “Oh umm...” Fluttershy squeaked, looking at the floor embarrassed as she took several deep meditation breaths. “No, I’m fine, I was just deep in thought is all. Yes, I heard about the outbreak, Rainbow even had to cancel a tea party with me because of how she is feeling, but the last letter I got from her said that she was feeling better.” Bit Slider smiled. “That is good to hear Fluttershy, so what is the purpose of your visit today?” This was it, the moment of truth, and she knew that Angel’s increased snacking despite her best attempts to put him on a diet would come back to haunt her. “I am here for a balance inquiry. As you know, Mayor Mare gave me a monthly stipend to help me tend to the animals at my cottage. I was wondering how much I still had left in it, one of my foxes came down sick and I am just seeing if I can cover it.” “I will be glad to assist you Fluttershy,” Bit said with a smile. “just let me go get your log books out of the back.” “Thank you.” Fluttershy said in a solemn tone as she pawed at the floor with her hoof. When Bit returned, the older mare led Fluttershy to a table and sat beside her as they started combing through the balance history. “Seems you have been going through your stipend more the last few months.” Bit said with mild surprise. “Have you thought about submitting a request to the princesses for an increase?” “Oh heavens no,” Fluttershy replied, her face now half hidden by her mane and her voice even quieter than normal. “especially after the recent rebuilding efforts caused from our fights with the Storm King. I feel like most of the treasury should go to making everypony’s lives back to a sense of normalcy, even if it will last just a few months or so.” Bit gave the pegasus beside her a warm smile. “That is highly noble of you Fluttershy, and I do not say that just because you are the former Element of Kindness. As long as I have known you, you always put everypony’s needs before your own. Why don’t you ask your friends if they could spare you a few bits to help.” “I would…” Fluttershy said with a small sigh as she skimmed through the books, frowning at how little was left for the month. “However I can’t, my roof collapsed last winter from the weight of the snow and I am still paying them back for that. They each wanted to refuse my offer, but they caved when I wouldn’t stand down from it. Even with that fifty bits I see I would be short, I can’t have my dear Cross sick.” Bit remained quiet for a long minute before speaking, having been deep in thought. “Hmm… well, I heard that there is a new place out in Los Pegasus that could be of interest. The buffalo are running it to help rebuild Lodge City after the wildfires, chances are you will lose more than gain but it is for a good cause.” Fluttershy thought about the possibility, and despite a small part of her wanted to chase it, it still felt uncomfortable. “I don’t know, just what kind of place is it?” “Something that is right up your alley,” Bit said presenting a flyer. “you are the best card player on this side of the Smokies. Everypony from here to Appleloosa knows how good you are when it comes to seeing through bluffs, and this would put you on a bigger stage. Ponyville always was seen as a quiet town, you know that, and over time several have taken advantage of that fact.” The teller’s remark struck a nerve with Fluttershy, one that she thought would not ever be messed with. “Look Bit, everypony from here to Canterlot knows I beat out the former Saddle Arabian diplomat at poker. I was dumb to even take up that dare in the first place, but you know how hard it is to try and talk Rainbow Dash out of something once she has her mind set on it.” Bit simply smiled. “That is a fact, but look at all the good that came out of you winning that game. Every bit he ever stole was rightfully returned, the relations between Equestria and Saddle Arabia are better than ever since they elected their current one, and everything turned out for the best.” “What about the civil massacres?” Fluttershy countered, now a little angry. “Just going to act like they didn’t happen? Thousands had untimely deaths and their blood is on my hooves.” Bit looked at Fluttershy as if she had grown a second head. “Birth and death, as well as peace and war, are all part of life Fluttershy. You honestly going to blame yourself for what happened just recently with the Storm King?” “Well, no…” Fluttershy squeaked, but Bit kept her from continuing. “Of course not! So why is that situation any different Fluttershy? You quit playing because of something that happened that was outside your control, eventually you are going to have to let it go.” Bit placed her hoof on Flutteshy’s wither in support trying to cheer the saddened mare up. “So what is one more tournament? You can do this and retire by helping yourself and defending Ponyville’s honor for all the years of grief.” The deep feeling inside Fluttershy returned, and she was suddenly aware of the faint smell of apples trying to distract her. “Seems to me that this would be benefiting you more than me Bit, is this some sort of revenge scheme perhaps?” A sinister gleam, one that made Fluttershy shiver, appeared in Bit’s eyes. “Why be that harsh about it? The way I see it nopony loses since the jackpot is set at a certain amount. They get the extra bits, Ponyville gets some notoriety, and you get enough bits to last a while. What do you say Fluttershy?” It bubbled and toiled in her mind, and although she felt like it was slightly wrong, Bit did raise some good points. She was scraping the bottom of the figurative barrel and had no other choice as she finally relented. “Ok, I’ll do it, but I get 75% of the pot. Deal?” “Considering that will still give me 2,500 bits, that is fine by me Fluttershy.” Bit Slider said as she bumped hooves with the timid mare. “You better hurry, I heard from Rarity that spots were filling up fast for the tournament when she was delivering a package to Jet Set.” “I guess I will be on my way then,” Fluttershy said as she headed for the door. “thanks for everything Bit Slider!” “Any time!” Bit called out as Fluttershy exited the building. As for Fluttershy, she had started feeling hungry and knew exactly what she wanted. “I am sure Applejack wouldn’t mind if I visited, after all I need a snack in order to make sure I don’t have to make any more stops.” Fluttershy thought as she neared Sweet Apple Acres, making a large swoop around the property until she found her friend. Fifteen minutes later, she found the farmer returning from the south fields with a wagon full of freshly picked apples. She subconsciously drooled at the sight of them, but had enough manners to know to ask first. “Howdy Fluttershy,” Applejack said wiping her brow as the pegasus landed. “wha’ can I do fer ya?” “Umm…” Fluttershy was eyeing the apples like Princess Celestia would a Red Velvet Cake. She was slowly losing to her urges but was holding her ground the best she could. “I was wondering if you had any apples to spare, I’m heading to Los Pegasus to enter that poker competition and I need a snack for my trip.” Applejack blinked. Being the keen eye she was, she knew exactly why Fluttershy would come to her for apples instead of simply stopping in Sugarcube Corner. It made her uneasy considering her last encounter with Fluttershy’s “other half”, but she felt as if she would be a bad friend by refusing the request. “Alright, ya can hav’ some on the condition ya don’t go an’ dismantle the rest of mah harvest.” “Wasn’t planning on it,” Fluttershy said with a deadpan. “but whatever you can spare would be a huge help.” “No problem.” Applejack said as she set aside a whole basket full of the juiciest apples in the batch. “I do hav’a question, why not take da train instead of flyin’?” Fluttershy figured that the former bearer of Honesty would ask that, and had an answer at the ready. “Same reason I want the apples, I have gotten better at controlling my bat side, but I want to see how others respond to me in that form.” “Fair ‘nough Fluttershy,” Applejack said putting her hoof on her friend’s wither. “jus’ be careful ya hear? And good luck.” Fluttershy wrapped her forehooves around Applejack and pulled her into a hug. “I will Applejack, I promise.” “Good.” Applejack said as she ended the hug. “Now I gotta be goin’, that way Granny doesn’t get mad about me missin’ lunch. Cya when ya get back.” With that Applejack left heading back towards the farmhouse, leaving Fluttershy with her basket of apples. Finally alone, Fluttershy let her craving be settled as she took a bite out of the apple. The crunchy flesh was easily broken by her teeth, the scrumptious insides leaving her mouth with an explosion of flavor as she felt her body start to change. The first thing she felt was her normal pegasus magic start to change, most of it being disregarded unless it was beneficial to apples. The new, altered magic started to pulse through her and made her cutie mark start to flash. The three butterflies started to warp, stretch, and bend before finishing as solid pink bats as her coat color became duller, her mane and tail becoming more ragged as they grew. “Just a little bit more…” Fluttershy thought as her senses shaped, her normally-short fangs growing to their full length. Then, as her ears grew tufts and fluffed up, her wings twitched and burned and flared out as they started to molt. The preened, well-kept feathers were no match for the power of the transformation, falling to the ground as the bones changed shape and the skin over them stretched into a membrane as they became those of a batpony. Fluttershy, who’s eyes became more light sensitive and adapted to the night, hissed in pain from the sun and made her retreat to the canopy. “I am so stupid to leave my sunglasses at home…” Flutterbat said to herself with annoyance as she munched on an apple, suddenly feeling tired as she drifted into Luna’s realm. “Now I have to wait until night to head home, but I hope Applejack don’t mind me napping her until then.” > ... you go all in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s moon was already high in the sky when Flutterbat finally woke up. The cool night air flowed through her mane and tail like the gentle stroke of a cool hoof, caressing her and letting her know that it was time to set off on her journey. However, when she saw just how high the moon was, a cold jolt rushed through her body. “Oh crap! I'm running late, really really late!” Flutterbat thought, as she quickly stretched her leathery wings and took off into the sky, heading for home instead of Los Pegasus, to pick up a few things and check on Cross. When she arrived at her house, she found everyone asleep, but she knew the one who was likely just settling down. “Angel, can you come here a minute please?” The bunny, whom many thought was a demon confined into the form of a cute little furball, stomped his way down the stairs and stood in front of her with his paws crossed. Even though he couldn't speak, Flutterbat knew that he was asking “What do you want to wake me at this hour?" “Angel, I know you are mad and I will make it up to you with extra carrots later, but you have an important job to do.” Flutterbat said, as she made her way over to the closet, grabbing a hat and a pair of shades. “I need you to keep an eye on Cross.  Make sure that the fever doesn't get any worse ok? I will be back, hopefully, by sundown tomorrow. If not, I guarantee to return by sunrise the next day.” Flutterbat then left, leaving Cross in Angel’s capable paws as she headed for the train station. Due to making countless veterinary visits over the years, she knew the schedule by heart, with the “Early Bird Express” leaving in less than fifteen minutes. The ride was free, because any sane pony with a lick of sense was asleep at this time of night.. “I really hope this is all going to be worth it,” Flutterbat thought, as she took her seat, the gentle rolling hills outside the window visible with her night time vision. Using the scenery to ease her mind, she imagined herself gliding over them, finding an isolated apple tree to settle in and feast as she started to doze off. “Then again, of course it is! I refuse to borrow any more bits and this is going to make Cross better. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that my dear fox gets better, although I wonder how many bits I will be able to bring home a night if this fails…” Flutterbat then fell asleep, soothed by the cool night air coming in through the windows. Time slowed to a crawl as she rested in the moonlight's embrace, only to be woken by the sound of the whistle blowing, which hurt her sensitive ears and made her get a small headache. Looking around, she saw the train slowing as it approached the Canterlot terminal. The earliest hints of daybreak loomed on the horizon, and a quick glance to the castle showed two magical auras on its' balcony. Luna’s deep navy blue was at work lowering the moon, while Celestia’s golden yellow was raising the sun to signal the start of a new day. On a normal day, most ponies would still be sleeping or just getting started with a nice breakfast of toast and haybacon, but today was different due to the influx of ponies hoping to strike it rich. The streets were packed, shops opened and filled as their owners hoped to get in the black for the year. Amongst the sea of passersby was a close friend of Flutterbat, and due to the fact he was not a pony he stuck out like a sore hoof. “Why hello there Flutters,” Discord said making his way over to the batpony, dressed in a well crafted tuxedo. “Here for the event no doubt?” “Yes I am,” Flutterbat said while lowering her shades, blocking the morning sun out of her eyes. “Cross got sick and I need the bits to get the proper medicine, damn the nobles for that blasted reform. Although, the flyer I saw said it was supposed to be in Los Pegasus, what happened for it to change overnight?” “The fact Cross is sick is unfortunate, but you know I am no longer allowed to directly interfere with personal matters, at least not since I accidently caused Twilight and Starlight to swap bodies for a week,” Discord said, while giving Flutterbat a registration form. “As far as the tournament, the mayor of Los Pegasus shut down the casino since he said it was not rated to handle such a large crowd, therefore the princesses moved it here. This was not an overnight change either, it was decided last week so you must have saw the original information.” “Well then…” Flutterbat said, as shrugged the situation off, filling out the form and returning it to the draconeques in front of her. “So what are you doing working as part of the tournament? You normally hate doing community service, or have I finally broke you Dis?” “This is to make up for the Storm King fiasco Mis-” Discord coughed, catching himself before he dug himself a ditch he would never get out of, even after  Flutterbat eventually passed on. “Depends on your definition of breaking. Yes, you have shown me the ways of Harmony and friendship when no one else would, but I am not one of your fluffy pets either.” “You are not a pet,” Flutterbat said rubbing a hoof through Discord's mane, making him hum in content. “however you are still fwuffy and nothing you do can change that. I’ll tell you what, after Cross gets better you come over for a sleepover and I promise to make it worth your while.” That prospect made Discord briefly blush before he gathered himself in the best professional manner he could muster. “I do look forward to it, and since you are signed up, you can head over to the convention center to try and get a jump start on climbing the leaderboard. Take care and good luck.” With that Discord took his leave, resuming his job of getting everyone registered as Flutterbat made her way to the convention center.  The building was massive, the largest in town that was not the castle, and normally hosted various events and plays from the local drama group. The finely polished and detailed marble had been brought in centuries ago as a “thank you” to Celestia for helping the Zebra reclaim their ancient grounds from a rogue group of Yaks, yet it still shone as if it was brand new. Inside, was a lavish interior of silk Neighponese drapes, Saddle Arabian carpeting, and Dragon Land crystal chandeliers which made the whole room pop. The common area was multipurpose, being able to be rearranged depending on what was on the schedule, and today it was filled with various tables for the different betting amounts. Off to the side a mini bar was already in service, and Berry Punch already looked to be plastered like paint on a canvas. By the door, there was a sign-up sheet looking for volunteers to help rebuild Lodge City, and Flutterbat frowned when she saw that only Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie were on the sheet. None of them were in the tournament crowd, otherwise she would have already bumped into them, so she wrote her name down so at least somepony in the tournament was represented. When she had read the flyer, she had no idea what specific card game was going to be played, and the total number of scenarios she thought about while dreaming was somewhere over nine thousand. A quick glance at the nearest table made her crack a mirthful grin, the game of choice was her own specialty, Bites Hoof ‘Em. As she headed for the 10&20 Blind table, however, she felt a claw stop her in her tracks. “Well isn't this different…” A gruff sounding voice said, and when Flutterbat looked the claw belonged to a rather rough looking griffin. “A batpony out in broad daylight. You up past your bedtime, or has the thrill of winning lots of shiny bits caught your eye like a ripe mango field?” “Different subspecies of batpony,” Flutterbat said, trying to keep her voice level, but behind her shades the stare was something fierce. “Yes, I don't mind a nice mango on occasion, but I prefer a nice juicy apple. So how abou-” The griffin didn't give Flutterbat the chance to finish, pinning her down and clamping her muzzle shut with a rope his partner tossed over to him from behind the bar. “Somepony please notify Princess Celestia that I have secured a highly dangerous vampony and need assistance bringing it to the dungeons.” “Oh, I don't believe that will be necessary.” Princess Celestia said, for she was the one who had spoke, as she entered the room. Everypony gulped and took a step back as her tone burned into the griffin like a Frozen North frostbite. “seeing as how I was heading in to give the welcoming speech. I happen to know the pony you have bound and pinned beneath you, and she is one of the very few I would trust my own life with. Now, I suggest you let her go.” “Let her go?” The griffin asked, with a huff as he tilted his head slightly. “Has ruling the nation so long made you senile? Vamponies are very bad news for anyone, and there are countless cases of a single vampony turning entire towns into their thralls throughout griffin history. I suggest putting this one over a vat of garlic water in her cell and keep her there until she states her true intentions. If that doesn't work, then suspend her over the crocodile pit in the bog.” Flutterbat audibly gulped, and was visibly shaking at the suggestion, until Celestia freed her with her magic. Despite being free, the batpony cowered under the Princess of the Sun as multiple scenarios involving her death ran wild through her mind. However, Celestia’s muscles tensing snapped her out of her mental vortex of doom, focusing instead on what the alicorn was going to do. “So,” Celestia said, her tone turning into one that felt like pure plasma. “you still are refusing to back down? You do realize that I could easily have you arrested for false imprisonment with intent for bodily harm, causing a public disturbance, implied torture, and crimes against a defender of Equestria. I am giving you one last chance, either apologize and leave or face the consequences. Considering all the witnesses here, you wouldn't stand a chance in court, so I suggest you take the first option.” “Fine, I’ll leave,” The griffin said with a grumble, giving Flutterbat a glare that was quickly shot down. “But I still warn you Princess, keep a close eye on her, her kind are not to be trusted.” That comment really got under Flutterbat’s fur. Due to being scared, she had been doing a good job keeping her temper under control until this point, but with the fear gone nothing was there to hold her back. Even her other half was ticked off, an impressive feat due to how much it took to make the timid pegasus mad, but the batpony that she currently was had a way shorter fuse. “So you’re oing to condemn me just because of what I am?” Flutterbat said, as she prepared to lock in her Stare. “Just because of stories of old? That is very low of you to do so, and what gives you the right to have such a 'holier than thou’ attitude, just because you are a griffin? Yes, ponies have a very bad past with wars, but even your kind had two of the bloodiest in recorded history. ‘Condemn one to condemn them all’ is down right wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself, and need to change your way of thinking before it gets you hurt.” “That sounded like a threat,’ The griffin said, spitting in Flutterbat’s direction, hitting her on the cheek. “In front of the princess none the less, and you dare say I'm above others? I come from a very prestigious bloodline, and my father is the Griffinstone representative in the Court of Nations, so he will be able to get me out of jail.” “So you are a noble then,” Flutterbat scoffed, as she wiped the spit off her, extremely annoyed. “That explains your attitude. This may come as a shock to you, but you are not better than any other griffin, nor anyone else. Nobility is just a title, a rank given to those who are supposed to be leaders and do what is in the best interests of the population. You are not supposed to abuse it or use it to get out of trouble, but should use it to set an example. Am I better than anypony? No, I'm far from it and far from perfect, but I do what I can to defend Equestria and any who live in its’ borders.” Flutterbat slowly approached the griffin, intensifying her glare as she did so. If her normal, pegasus Stare was a paralysis agent, then the batpony version was rattlesnake venom. The griffin shook in place, unable to look away from the deep red pits of fury that was piercing his soul. “Wh-what are you doing?!” The griffin, said with a whimper, the strong face he’d had just moments ago non-existent. “Some sort of mind control? Princess, stop her at once!” Unfortunately for him, Princess Celestia was preoccupied making sure nopony tried to interfere. Flutterbat stood over him, putting her muzzle against his beak, and leaving him no choice but to look into her eyes. “Now look, I didn't come here for trouble or to cause a scene, but you did this to yourself.” Flutterbat said in a soft tone, no malice in her voice as she let the Griffin out of the ropes that were holding him. “I came here for one reason only, to win enough bits to cover the cost for one of my pet’s medicine. I'm giving you two options, apologize and we get this tournament underway, or you go running like a chick to Griffinstone. What's it going to be?” The moment Flutterbat dropped her Stare, the griffin bolted out from under her and sped off into the sky, his eyes full of fear. The crowd was silent, unsure of what to do next until Princess Celestia spoke. “That was an unforeseen delay, but now that the matter has resolved itself, I proclaim this tournament underway! Good luck everypony, and I will return tonight with my sister to watch the finals.” Everypony started to make their way to their seats, but Flutterbat was pulled back by Celestia before she left. “Just between the two of us, don't worry about that griffin. His father is visiting in a few weeks to work out a new trade agreement, and I will bring his actions up during the talk.” “Thank you Princess Celestia,” Flutterbat said, a smile forming on her muzzle that made a fang catch the light and glisten. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I got a tournament to win.” The hours passed like a blur, and so was the movement up and down the leaderboard as the participants were slowly eliminated one by one. It was right after the change of the guard, when Celestia and Luna exchanged their places in the sky and returned to the community center, when the final two competitors took their places at the main table. The first one was Flutterbat, who had surprised everypony with how calmly she acted whenever her chips were down, and giving her opponents a pat on the back when they were eliminated. Across from her sat Upper Crust, one of the most notable ponies in Canterlot, and who also was the Geology Professor at the local University. Unlike the way Flutterbat had treated the competition, Upper Crust boasted every time she eliminated another foe from the field, which made the crowd rally behind the underdog batpony. “So what do you plan on doing with the prize money if you win?” Flutterbat asked, as both mares were dealt their hole cards, careful not to break the neutral mask she wore at the fact she had a pair of kings. “And I raise you 100 bits.” “I call.” Upper Crust huffed as she put her bits in. “What do you mean if I win? I fully plan to win so I can buy me a nice statue for my garden, made out of the finest Saddle Arabian gold. You are a good card player, that much I’ll give you, but you have been extremely lucky by facing inferior competition. Your time is up, for you have met your match.” The flop made Flutterbat’s breath catch in her throat, for along with the ace of diamonds, were the other two kings. It was almost too good to be true, but she knew she had to play this right to end it as fast as possible. “Another hundred.” Upper Crust smirked, “I raise you to 150.” Something deep down made Flutterbat hesitate. Between the fact Upper Crust had raised her, despite having a near-guarantee win with four kings, and the dark gleam in the unicorn’s eyes raised her guard. Now, not only was she paying attention to the game, she reached out with her ears to make sure nopony was helping Upper cheat. “I call…” Flutterbat said in a tone that nearly dropped to her pegasus level, her confidence briefly wavering until the turn revealed a seven of hearts. “200 bits.” “I raise you to three.” Flutterbat gulped, but she had noticed something. Right as the turn was laid down, a very faint tapping came from somewhere to her left. A quick glance out the corner of her eye showed Upper’s husband, Jet Set, standing perfectly still and contently watching. Everything clicked in the batpony’s brain. The tapping was so soft and fast, it could have been mistaken for  shifting weight between forehooves, but Flutterbat knew better. “I call.” Flutterbat said with a smirk, making Upper shift and Jet Set sweat in place as the river was laid down. It was the Ace of Spades. And once again there were two, very faint taps. “I call protest!” Flutterbat said jumping to her hooves, shocking all of those in attendance. “Jet Set has been helping tip his wife as to what cards are being played.” “Do you have proof of your accusations?” Jet Set asked, as he and the princesses approached the table. “Or is this because my wife will defeat you?” “I guarantee if you look at Upper Crust’s cards it will be a pair of aces, that deck was rigged for her to beat me. However you forgot to consider batponies have a heightened sense of sound, which means much better hearing, so I heard Jet Set tapping his hooves as the cards were flipped.” The couple's countenance slightly dropped, the two unicorns cutting their eyes to each other before Jet cleared his throat. “So? What does that have to do with anything? Not only that, how could the deck been rigged in her favor when it was shuffled by Princess Luna before the round began?” “An old slight of hoof trick a friend of mine taught me,” Flutterbat was careful not to actually say Trixie's name, for the magician’s safety more than anything. “They said a card, with a simple illusion spell, can be made to look like a different card. I believe you used it when nopony was looking, since the spell doesn't produce a magical aura on its target, and when the round began you dropped the spell. I guarantee that if you flip over Upper's cards, it will be the other two aces.” “You claim my husband helped me cheat, but you have the nerve to call my hand?” Upper Crust seethed, taking a step towards Flutterbat but was blocked by Luna. “Sounds to me like you were counting cards, so you are trying to cover your own cheating.” “No I was not,” Flutterbat said moving to the table and flipping Upper’s hole cards, and as she assumed they were indeed the other two aces. “However, you vastly underestimated me. You tried to play me as if I was, as you put it, extremely lucky to advance as far as I did. Instead you should have planned your strategy like you were facing a pro, which I am, having won several awards for it. I saw right through your bluff, because when the flop was laid down you knew exactly what I had, but decided to raise the bet.” “That doesn't mean anyth-” Upper Crust started to object, but Princess Celestia held out a wing to silence her, allowing Flutterbat to continue. “Thank you Princess,” Flutterbat said with a small bow before resuming. “All those facts combine to paint a very clear picture, you cheated. The tapping could have been thrown out, but as it happened when the cards were revealed it shows that was a minor signal to you. The only question I have is why? You are a successful professor, and part of the Canterlot upper class, so is cheating really worth it?” “How do you plead Upper Crust?” Luna’s words were as cold as frozen steel. “Based on the explanation, and the fact your cards were correctly guessed, I have no choice but to side with Flutterbat on this matter. You better tell the truth, because if I find out later that you lied…” Upper Crust took the hint and lowered her head, a shameful look surfacing. “Guilty… I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that backwoods, meddling batpony.” “Not the first time I've heard that,” Flutterbat said with a smirk. “Although, I know just what punishment is suitable for you.” “What punishment may that be?” Luna asked as she raised her eyebrow. Flutterbat leaned in close and whispered something in her ear, making the Princess of the Night’s eyes shine with mischief. “Jet Set and Upper Crust, as punishment for your crime, you are to spend the next year living in Ponyville. In addition, your personal accounts are to be frozen by the Crown and you are to make your living paycheck to paycheck. I hope this will teach you a valuable lesson in humility and caring for others, room and board will be provided by staying in Flutterbat's guest house.” The guards took the couple away, the mood turning joyous as the crowd started to celebrate. Due to Upper Crust’s cheating, that handed the prize to Flutterbat by default as everypony started chanting her name. When it came time to decide who would get the second place prize of 5,000 bits, it was Flutterbat who suggested it go to the last pony Upper beat. Twilight Velvet, who was the last pony eliminated, was brought to tears at the suggestion, and tried to have Flutterbat take it anyway. However, staying true to her element, Flutterbat refused and Velvet gave her a hug before running home with the prize to show Night Light. “First of all, thank you everypony for pulling for me today,” Flutterbat said, as she was presented with the winner’s prize, the crowd falling silent so she could speak. “I wanted to win, but I am not happy about the way I won.” Murmuring spread through the gathering, but a raised leathery wing  brought them back to silence when Flutterbat cleared her throat. “Let this be a lesson to you all, that lesson being cheaters never win, and I hope that each of you will consider taking the time to volunteer with the Lodge City rebuilding efforts. Time and time again, we have had our towns destroyed by villians and natural disasters. Each time, we all banded together to rebuild and in the end we were stronger than before. Should Lodge City be treated differently just because the town is home to buffalo? No, it shouldn't, we are better than that. Buffalo, Yaks, Hippogriffs, and Dragons are our allies just like the Crystal Ponies to the north, so they should be respected and treated with the same respect you give each other. After all, would you want help when you lose your home, and feel horrible when nopony offered to help?” Everypony shuffled in place as they came to their own mental conclusions, and soon enough each made their way to the sign-up sheet before heading home, the streetlights guiding their way like fireflies. Flutterbat, after departing from the community center herself and stopping at the twenty four hour pharmacy, boarded the next train back to Ponyville. "I promised to win for you Cross…" The exhausted batpony thought as she secured her belongings and settled into her seat, the medicine placed in her lap. "... And I kept that promise."