> Friends should care > by Speedy Silverstreak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 20 bits?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a summer day in Canterlot Twilight and Rainbow Dash were busy having a yard sale at Twilight's house. So far both the girls made a decent amount of money selling some of their old science equipment and sporting goods. As Twilight went to go check their earnings Rainbow put on a devilish grin and sorted through the old storage boxes. Rainbow Dash was still upset at Twilight for accidentally selling her favorite guitar on Ebay the week before and decided to get even by selling one of Twilight's favorite things. As she rummaged through the various storage boxes she stumbled upon a old violin case. She opened it to see a old violin in very good condition with all the detailing and varnish still there. As she picked up the violin Dash thought to herself ‘huh. Must be something from Twilight's grandfather or something.’ her smile turned into a grin that could rival a Cheshire cat. ‘Well I don't think she'll mind if I sell it. After all she DID sell my favorite guitar and all that.’ Rainbow Dash then took the violin and placed it on one of the tables ‘This will make sure she knows not to go through my shit.’ As Rainbow watched the tables she noticed a friend of hers from school looking at the old instrument. “Hey Vinyl” Dash said “What can I do for you?” The DJ looked over and smiled at the athlete. “Hey RD” Vinyl said “I'm looking for a gift for Tavi and thought this looked good enough for her. How much do you want this for?” Rainbow looked at the violin and gave a cocky smile to the DJ. “Oh my grandfather's old violin? Twenty bits and it's all yours.” Vinyl set down the violin and fished in her pocket until she pulled out her money. After counting twenty bits Dash took the cash and gave Vinyl the violin. “See ya Vinyl. Hope Octavia likes the gift.” Dash said as she waved goodbye to Vinyl. As Vinyl left Rainbow Dash walked back up to Twilight's house just as the girl walked out. “Sorry I took so long.” Twilight said rubbing her shoulder “My mom called saying their almost back home. Did we sell anything while I was gone?” Rainbow contemplated weather or not to tell Twilight and decided to tell her. “Just some old violin that I found in the boxes. Sold it for twenty bits to a friend of ours.” Dash said as Twilight went wide eyed. “A…….a…...oh no.” Twi said as she ran to the boxes. As she dug in a panic sure enough she found the empty case with no violin in it. “Rainbow Dash…...you sold the violin that was in here?!” Rainbow looked at the frantic girl and shrugged her shoulders. “Eh so what? It's just a old violin. An old, stupid…..” “An authentic Stradivarius…… and you so…..so…...so…..sold it for twenty bits?!!” Twilight said as her eye twitched. Rainbow smiled and waved the cash right in front of Twilight's face. “Am I a business woman or what.” Dash said to her shocked friend “That's what you get for selling my favorite guitar on Ebay last week Twilight. Do not go through my shit anymore.” Just then Twilight's parents pulled up to the curb and turned off their car. Twilight went from shocked to panicked as her parents got out and walked up to them. “Hi dearies” Twilight Velvet said as she embraced the two “Did the yard sale go well as expected?” While Twilight struggle to say a word Rainbow Dash spoke in a victory tone. “Aw yeah we sold some stuff! Who would've knew that science and sports stuff go like hot cakes! The last item sold was actually some old violin that I think was Twi’s grandpa's. Wasn't it a strata vari something Twilight?” Dash said as she bumped Twilights shoulder. Both Twilight Velvet and Night Light looked at their daughter in shock as Twilight twirled her hair with a large blush. Twilight watched as her parents facial expressions switched between shock to anger and disappointed until Velvet fainted into her husband's arms. “Twilight…...why would you do this?” Night Light said to his daughter. Twilight looked at her father in shock as he outright blamed HER for this incident. “B-but dad. I…...I didn't…..” “No Twilight. No excuses for this. You knew how much that violin meant to your grandfather and mother. Go to your room and stay there until your mother wakes up. Then we can find a fitting punishment meant for you.” Night said in anger as he picked up his wife. “But dad I…” “I SAID GO TO YOUR ROOM!” Night screamed causing both girls to recoil from the blue skinned man. Dash looked surprised as Twilight ran inside in tears as Night Light calmed down. “I'm sorry you had to see that Rainbow” Night said as he adjusted his grip on his unconscious wife. “That violin was given to Velvets father as a gift from his wife. She shortly passed afterwards and Velvets father used to play for her at night to cope with the loss. It was passed down to her and eventually was to Twilight. But I guess not anymore.” Rainbow looked at the older man in surprise as Velvet regained consciousness. “You should get going Dash. I have to get my wife inside the house before she passes out again.” As Night Light helped Velvet inside Rainbow looked up at Twilight's room to see her standing at the window crying at her. As Dash was about to wave goodbye Twilight closed her window curtains and disappeared into her room. Rainbow Dash was concerned about her friend but decided it wasn't her business and headed home. The next day the girls met at Sugarcube Corner to hang out with each other except for Twilight. All the girls except for Dash were concerned about their friend because she was never late to anything and always messaged them is she was or not coming. “Where do you think she is?” Sunset said “It's not like her to be late.” “Ah don't know sugarcube” Applejack said as she sipped her cider “Am just as worried as y'all are.” As the girls chattered Rainbow Dash sat nervously quiet in her spot. She knew that she was a part of this and was nervous on speaking up about it. Soon the doorbell got everyone's attention as they turned to see a terrible looking Twilight. Her cheeks were red and her eyes bloodshot and tired while her hair was frizzy and her glasses were poorly on. The girls quickly went to Twilight to comfort her only to watch in shock as Twilight brutally slapped Rainbow in the face knocking her to the floor. “I hope your happy!” Twilight said as tears quickly formed again “I hope your little fun was good for you! I was yelled at for hours on how I was a bad daughter and how I broke my mothers heart! That violin was a priceless antique that belonged to my family and you just sold it! OVER A DAMN GUITAR OF ALL THINGS!!” As Rainbow was helped up Twilight continued her rant. “After yelling at me they took garbage bags and got rid of all my equipment. All my studies, books, computer and tablet gone! While dad took them to the recycling plant mom made me call grandpa and tell him I got rid of his most prized possession. Do you know how hard it is to be disowned by your own grandfather? DO YOU?! I hate you Rainbow Dash! WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS!” As Twilight opened the door she turned to the now crying Rainbow Dash and gave her the middle finger. “Burn in hell you rainbow haired bitch!” Once the commotion settled the girls sat back at their table as Mr. Cake closed the bakery. Rainbow Dash felt small in her spot as the five others all looked at her with mixes of confusion and slight anger. “Dash. Talk” AJ said as she scowled. Rainbow looked at her friends before talking quietly. “I…...may of sold Twi’s grandpa's violin for twenty bits at her yard sale to get back for selling my guitar.” The girls looked in shock and soon disappointment at their rainbow haired friend. “Darling” Rarity said “Twilight told us about that violin. You did know that Stradivarius violins are of the rarest and most valued in the world right?” Rainbows sheepish look gave Rarity the answer he all needed. “Rainbow. There are only around five hundred left in the entire world and you sold it for twenty bits? Over Twilight selling your guitar because she was helping you clean up your room? She said afterwards it was a accident and that she would've paid you back right?” Rarity's words hit Rainbow like a brick as she let the words sink in. She knew that because of her own selfishness and greed she gave up her best friends prized family heirloom for a stupid guitar. Dash groaned and covered her face with her hands. “Your right Rarity.” Dash said looking up at her friends “I was selfish and gave away something close to Twilights heart. Not only that but to her mothers and grandfathers heart as well. I have to find a way to make this up to her and her family.” Later that night Twilight sat in her baren room crying on her bed. She felt betrayed by her friend and her family since she was blamed for selling her family's most priceless heirloom. As she was crying she heard a knock downstairs and her parents answering. She heard her parents gasp and question the visitor and heard the muffled sound of a girls voice. As this went on she then heard footsteps approaching her door. She heard a knock and her mother opening the door. “Twilight?” her mother said “Can we talk please?” Twilight noticed the sound of guilt and regret in her voice and sat up to see her parents standing at her door looking at her. Velvet and Night looked at their daughter with sadness on how she looked. “Twilight….. we're so sorry.” Night said as he sat down and embraced his daughter. “We overreacted and didn't listen to you try to explain yourself. We shouldn't of went so far on a punishment but now your mother and I realized we shouldn't of punished you at all.” “He's right Twilight” Velvet said as she also embraced her daughter. “That was your friend Rainbow Dash. She explained everything about the guitar and selling the violin. She said she felt sorry for everything and went as far as spending her savings on buying it back. It was difficult for her but ms Melody was willing to give it back once she understood the situation. She actually only came to tell us and return the violin then left. She also told us about your little issue at the bakery and that she was sorry. That was when we realized that we went to far.” “Your mother and I agreed to buy you new equipment and see if I can get some of your old equipment back from the plant. We're also gonna explain this to grand dad and hope he won't be that upset. We again are so sorry my young Twilight and hope you forgive us.” Twilight just sat there processing everything until finally breaking under the stress and hugged her parents crying. After a few minutes Twilight eventually cried to sleep as her parents tucked her in and left her room. The following day Twilight was helping her mother carry groceries into the house. As they were finishing up they noticed Rainbow Dash walking towards them. Velvet excused herself into the house while the two teenagers stood there in a awkward silence. “Look. Twi….” Dash said before sighing “I'm sorry. I shouldn't of been so much of a jerk to you. I understand now that the whole guitar thing was a accident and that I shouldn't of got rid of a piece of your family. I was just arrogant and upset and didn't think about the consequences till after it happened. I just wanted to say I'm sorry and that I hope you forgive me. I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore. You had all rights to call me a bitch and slap me yesterday.” Twilight pondered on this while Rainbow waited for a response. As she was about to turn and leave Twilight spoke up. “Rainbow Dash. What you did hurt both me and my family a lot. And yes trying to make up and fix your mistakes is a good start but it's better when you don't try to do what you did without thinking rationally. It's gonna take time but maybe sometime I'll be able to trust you again with being around me. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch and saying your not my friend. But this is gonna take time to fully heal for both of us. You understand right?” Rainbow turned to face Twilight and nodded her head. “Of course Twi. Maybe next time I'll try to use my brain and not my emotions. Will the girls and I see you at practice on Friday?” “Of course.” “Okay. Bye Twilight and…...sorry for everything.” Dash said as she waved goodbye and jogged away. Twilight watched as her friend went around the corner and disappeared from view. As she entered the house and went to her room she pulled out her phone and checked Ebay. Sure enough Dash's guitar was currently being shipped to her house and that she was winning an auction on a rare electric guitar as well. Twilight smiled as she set her phone down and read one of her new books for the rest of the day.