> The Soldier, the Princess and the magic smokepipe > by maylin864 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long time ago in the coldest winter in a dreadful snowy blizzard night, a tall dark stallion in a black cloak standing in the dark forest, waiting for his dark friend. "Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, when is she coming my master. That old hag is taking so LONG?!" the little pegasus cried out so angrily to the dark stallion. “The more I’m standing in this cold, the more I freeze to DEATH!” "Calm yourself Cozy Glow, our friend is bringing us a new companion for our mission," the dark stallion said with calm voice. “And why do we need an extra pony? Can we just get it ourselves and skip whoever we are finding?” “If we get an extra pony Cozy, that pony will be both pawn and bait.” The dark stallion glared at Cozy into with a serious look. Cozy Glow crosses her front legs while flying back and forth. "I hope Chrysalis find any foolish pony soon Master Sombra. This is getting BORING!" Cozy Glow sneered. While listening to the whining pegasus, Sombra finally spotted his tall mare friend walking ten feet away in her velvet green cloak with holes on her legs. Chrysalis saw Sombra back while walking along with a blue unicorn pony with pale cornflower blue mane with very pale cerulean stripes. Chrysalis wave to Sombra back to give him the signal that nopony else is following them. "Here she comes little one,” Cozy turn around as she saw Chrysalis and the blue unicorn. "Finally!" Cozy was relief out of boredom. Sombra on the other hoof is waiting for them until they come to him face to face. "You're late my friend," Sombra said with a disappointed look. "Sorry my dear patience master, I just making sure we got everything ready." Chrysalis apologized as she vows down to him. "You found what we need?" Sombra asked. "It's hard to pick any foolish pony on the street, but I found this one who got the item we have been looking for,” whisper Chrysalis while pointing out a young blue unicorn. "Hey old hag, when is the great and powerful Trixie is going to get the treasure you told me about?" the blue unicorn shouted. Cozy Glow gave the blue unicorn a question looks and whisper to Chrysalis. "Hey Chrysalis, where did you pick this halfwit up? " "In the lower place of the kingdom where stupid thieves live, " Chrysalis answered. "I even got that stupid old junk you want." Trixie pulls out half of the piece of a crystal star with her magic. Sombra reaches out for the crystal with his magic, but Trixie yanks it back. "Hold on sir, my treasure, " said Trixie. Cozy flies by and grabs the crystal star from her grasp. “HEY what the?!” "Trust me, my greedy young mare. You'll get your just reward very soon." Sombra smile with satisfied look as he uses his magic to pulls out the second half of the crystal star from his cloak. As Trixie, Cozy and Chrysalis watch Sombra connects the two pieces together with his magic, the crystal star begins to glow. Finally, it flies out of Sombra's magic, scaring Cozy and Trixie, and is off straight towards the snowy forest. "Quickly follow the star!" Sombra commanded. All run off in the forest, following the glowing star that zoom fast as a shooting star. "Faster you fool, we cannot lose sight to where it is leading us!", Sombra shouted. The star still flies fast until it reaches a large icy boulder. The star plunge into the boulder. The star glowing blue as a light on the boulder. But then the boulder begins to rise high as a mountain. "What in equestria is happening?!" Trixie scream as everypony felt an earthquake. All four of them fall to the ground as the mountain is transforming into a giant ursa major 's head, with two glowing rubies as the eyes. Once the mountain finish transforming, everypony stares at the mountain with impressed looks on the faces. "Finally, I been searching that place for many moons," said Sombra. Looking at the mountain gave Sombra a delighted joy. "What is this place?" Cozy asked. "The Mountain of Glory, where it contains the most powerful magic and ultimate treasure in Equestria, " said the proud Sombra. Sombra could not help but smile at the place he been looking for, until Trixie rudely interrupted him. "So, let me get this straight, we came all the way to find like what this stupid smoking pipe that you guys are desperate to get it in this this bear smell cold mouth," Trixie question Sombra with an unsatisfied appreciation. Sombra’s magic grabs Trixie’s cheeks and pulls her to Sombra, so he forces her look at him disappointed in his bloody eyes. "Watch your tongue young mare,” Sombra scolded Trixie while squeezing her cheeks with his magic very firmly. “We need you to find the guardian first in this mountain, once you find and finish talking to that guardian, she will lead you to the smoking pipe. Once she leads you to the pipe, bring me just the pipe, you can have the rest of the loot, but the smoking pipe is mine!" Sombra lets goes of Trixie as starts to approach the bear's mouth, which forms the entrance to the mountain first. Trixie chuckles with glee as she goes. “Hmph, how dare he treats me like this? Stupid tall dark handsome stallion!” Trixie mentally thought in anger while blushing with embarrassment. “At least I’ll get these gems and bits in this mountain. I can finally be rich and well respect by those poor loser ponies who rejected me,” Trixie thought to herself. “And once I get that stupid item the care so much, I will just trick these fools for hiring the Great and powerful Trixie.” When Trixie slowly reaches the entrance of the mountain, she was blown away by a wind coming from the mountain. When Trixie was on the snowy ground, a zebra appears from the mountain in her red velvet cloak. The zebra trotted forward to see who the unwanted intruder in the mountain. "Who dares comes and enter will all the nerve, are you here to try and take what you think you deserve, " command the zebra. "It is I, the Great and powerful Trixie who have come to your mountain.” Trixie bow down with her ego and pride. The zebra stares down at Trixie with an unpleasant look, she gave the ignorant blue mare an advice "Heed my warnings young foolish mare. There is something you have to be aware.” “The pony who will enter this dreadful and dangerous place. The pony must have bravery, love and grace.” “The wrong pony who will not take my advice, the pony will shall pay the price.” Cozy and Chrysalis look at each other curiously to think what the zebra means. “To find what you are looking for in the dark, is the pony shine like garnet with a hidden spark. " Trixie move forward again to not show fear and no looking back. Trixie hesitates, then moves one hoof inside the cave. With great apprehension, she put her hoof down. Nothing happens. Relieved, she begins her walk again. Then another wind comes from the zebra magic. Trixie cowardly turns back, but the bear's mouth slams and shut. “That fool, “cried out Chrysalis. The mountain collapses back to a boulder again. All that are left are Sombra, Cozy, Chrysalis, and the two separated halves of the crystal stars. “To find the treasure in the dark, seek out the garnet with a hidden spark, "echo the zebra while everything turns back to the normal snowy place. Cozy unburied herself from the snow, coughing out all the snow as she does so. "Seriously, we are so close to get that place, how are going to get that stupid pipe?!" Cozy holler once again as she picks up the leftover crystal on the snow ground. “And look at my little hooves and legs, I am getting frostbite in the middle of the cold.” Cozy Glow heads straight to her master to give the remaining. "Easy Cozy Glow. That guardian seems to see Trixie has a big ego and unworthy. " "I Guess that explain why she is not the chosen one." Chrysalis smirked and kind of relief that Trixie will not brag again. On the other hand, hearing Cozy cussing now is starting to irritate poor Chrysalis. Cozy start whining again with an extremely sarcastic tone. "Oh golly, this is going to be great, how are we going to get that STUPID magical pipe, and this is going to give me a... mph" Sombra silence Cozy with his magic for a minute. “So, what is the plan now my master? Since that egotistic mare has failed us to get the pipe, what are we going to do now?” questioned Chrysalis. Looking at her master, Sombra answer her back. " Now, we must find the one who can enter that mountain?" "So, we are on this scavenger hunt again my master?" Cozy ask Sombra to hear his answer "Yes, I believe we have a new mission again ladies,” Sombra answered back again while rubbing his chin with his front hoof. “So, for now we are going search for this, garnet with the hidden spark." After he said these last words, Sombra leads his minions to go to visit their neighboring kingdom called the “Crystal Empire”. > Hard life as a soldier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days later, in the east of the deep snowy forest around the morning. In a small old broken little cabin that is far away from the Crystal empire, there lived a poor soldier. The soldier is a tall dark orchid slender mare with a broken horn who was called by the named of Tempest Shadow. Tempest lived with her small hedgehog companion, Grubber. Tempest and Grubber use to go to war in order to protect the innocent ponies and other creatures from danger. Tempest was the fearless and trickiest soldier ever in the battlefield. But after the war was done, she was left jobless. Her parents were dead from the plague, and she can no longer live in her old cabin anymore. Tempest did go to her sisters in the nearby town and asked them to support her until there was another war. But her siblings reject her offer and refuse to let her live with either of them. Tempest still remember her sisters tease her a few days ago. Thinking back at those painful memories. “Tempest, as a soldier you the best and strongest in Equestria. But as unicorn with a broken horn, you are quite useless to work with an unstable magic,” said the aqua green sister. “You tell her Glitter Drops! Not to mention that you might scared our future hubby and our friends, little sis,” said the blue unicorn sister. “But if you want to go find a job, I suggest you so like go to the Crystal Empire.” “Yeah, I heard they should give a decent job for a pony like you.” “So like, don’t ever ask us again about living with either of us.” “We are finding ourselves a rich husband to live a better life.” “Now go scram and don’t comeback!” “Unless if you are more decent and lady like!” After hearing those harsh words coming from her own sisters’ mouth, Tempest stood up and walk away along with her hedgehog friend. They head toward the door. “Come on sister Spring Rain, only that fat rat will cry for her.” “HAHAHA good one,” Spring Rain finish laughing and slam the door behind Tempest’s back. “I’m not useless,” Tempest mumble to herself as one tear from her eyes fell to the ground. “And I am not a fat rat, I am a hedgehog!” shouted back Grubber. “Come on Grubber, let’s go home,” Tempest said with a calm voice. Tempest and Grubber starts walking back to their old cabin. “Tempest, Tempest, Tempest, Tempest!” “Huh.” Tempest’s flashback was interrupted by Grubber when he saw Tempest spacing out. “Are you ok?” said the worried hedgehog. “Not really Grubber. Let’s finish packing our things, so we can head out immediately.” While packing up their belongings, Grubber ask another worry question. “Tempest, do we really have to leave our cabin.” “Yes, I’m afraid so Grubber.” “But why can we just fix the house by ourselves? We have lots of tree outside to fix it back.” “We can’t afford to pay off the taxes for this place. There is no choice but to look for work and a new place to live.” Grubber sigh. “Huh, alright. But I still can’t believe your two gold-digging sisters are so mean to you. They can’t even give us a scrap of food or bits for Celestia sake. “ “Now Grubber, there is no point. Let’s go to the Crystal Empire. I’m sure we’ll find a better job and a better place, “said Tempest with her hopes. “Did you pack all of your stuffs?” “Yep, ready as I’ll ever be. I’m going to miss this place,” said Grubber with a sad face while wearing a backpack. “Me too.” After finishing pack their belongings, Tempest and Grubber walks to the broken cabin door and left their old home for good. Around two hours later, Tempest and Grubber finally made it to the Crystal Empire after walking in the snow very long. As they enter the gate to the Crystal Empire, Grubber look around with an admiration look. He saw crystal foods in the markets, crystal clothes in a boutique and even the houses are made of crystal where all the crystal fillies are playing. “So, Tempest is the Crystal Empire that great?” “I don’t know Grubber. Let us hope we can find a job soon……,” Tempest pause as she heard a racket above one of the crystal houses. “STOP!”, cried out the little yellow earth pony guard with red hair. “Get back here, you vermin thieves!” the orange earth pony shouted. Seeing the view from the crystal roof, Tempest saw a pale earth pony, an orange dragon and a cerulean griffin with ragged clothing, who are running away from the guards. “If I ever catch one of you y’all, I’ll have my lasso around y’all heads! You no good hooligans!” When the three guards trying to surround the three young thieves, the pale pony look at his comrades. “Do we have to steal a basket of cupcakes?”, asked the pale young earth pony to his comrades. “A basket of Crystal berry cupcake! And yes, because I am hungry and dragons like to eat gems and crystals,” answered the orange dragon. Looking back at the guards, then down at the basket of cupcakes. “Pffft, that guard is just making a fuss over those cupcakes,” said the cocky griffin. “Hey guys, we better jump if we want to ditch these guards now,” the orange dragon demanded. “Alright, let’s jump now!”, shout out the griffin. As the pale pony is holding on the basket with his mouth, the dragon and the griffin holds the pale pony by two of his front legs while flying all the way down to the ground. The two flying thieves drop their pony friend safely on the street. “Thanks guys,” said the young colt. When they heard the guards shouting at them, they look up. “There they are,” said the little guard. “Come on, let us catch these vermin. They won’t get away so easy!” As the guards quickly went to the stairs in the house, the three thieves immediately hide inside a wagon filled with crystal vase. As soon as the guards came out from the Crystal house, the orange mare command the other soldiers to split up. “Hey you, the one with a broken horn, have you seen a pony, a griffin and a dragon anywhere,” the serious orange mare asked Tempest. “No ma’am, why?”, Tempest said with a calm but serious tone. While the poor little hedgehog stays behind Tempest to be away from the aggressive orange mare. “If you ever find these hooligans, tell us immediately. They are criminals for stealing food.” As the orange earth pony finish with her question, she saw her comrades with a disappointed look. “Any sign of them brother?” “Nope,” said the tall strong red stallion. “Aww man, these thieves are good!” “Don’t worry Applebloom, will fine these criminals soon. For now, they gotten away. But we will meet them again. Come on y’all let’s head back to our position.” As the three soldiers runs back to the castle, Tempest waits for them to be far away, until they are out of sight. Tempest heads toward the wagon full of crystal vases and tap her hoof on the vase where the three thieves are hiding. “You can come out now, little ones!” “Is the ghost clear?” ask the dragon. “Yes,” answered Tempest. “Thank you so much,” said the happy pale colt. When the three little thieves came out of the vases, the griffin gave Tempest curious look. “Why did you save us,” asked the griffin with concern. “You do realize we just stole these foods from a bakery?”, the orange dragon confesses. “I just know what it is like to be poor. And since you guys are getting into trouble this early in a morning. My guest is you have a family to feed and to take care of. Am I correct?” “You can say it like that,” said the blushing griffin. “So, what brings you to town?”, asked the dragon. “Just looking for a job.” “And an empty house to sleep tonight,” the hedgehog added. “There aren’t any empty homes in this place Miss umm…” The pale pony pauses as he trying to know her name. “Shadow, Tempest Shadow young one.” “And I’m Grubber it nice to meet you um?” “Oh, my bad. The named is Sandbar. The griffin is Gallus and the dragon is Smolder.” “Well since you save our life from those guards, you are welcome to our place,” the dragon offered. “Well I…,” Grubber cut off Tempest and he ask them with an excitement look. “Really, you guys have a place for us to sleep?” “Sure, you save us from trouble. So, it’s fair enough to save you some trouble,” said the griffin. “Come on, let’s go before the guard find us again,” said the pale pony. After they finished their conversation together, the three thieves lead the two new guests to their hide out. Making sure no pony else is following them. On the west side of the lower part of the crystal empire that is almost near to the snowy side, there lived a young yak, a changeling and a hippogriff. They lived in a magical treehouse that is twice as large than the crystal houses. While the changeling is on a look out for her friends or an intruder, the hippogriff and the yak preparing plates in the dining room. “Are they here yet,” ask the hippogriff. “Not yet Silverstream,” said the changeling. “Yona hope the others can make it in time,” said the yak. “Yeah me too, these guards now a days are very aggressive and strict!”, Silverstream point it out. As the changeling is almost getting bored, she spotted her comrades with two new strangers. “Hey guys they’re back and they brought two new faces! “, the changeling called. “Really, what did you see Ocellus,” Silverstream asked her excitedly. “A tall red violet unicorn and a small spikey hedgehog.” “Is the new pony and hedgehog dangerous?”, asked the yak. “I don’t think so, they don’t look like enemies. Oh, they got food!”, Ocellus respond their question. “Food? What kind?”, asked Silverstream. “Crystal berry cupcakes!” “Cupcakes!”, said the excited yak and hippogriff. With so much joy with Yona and Silverstream, they head toward the door and stairs to exit the crystal treehouse. “Cupcakes are best cake!”, Yona yelled. “Hi guys! Hi new friends!” Silverstream also yelled. As the two head toward their comrades. Sandbar pause as he saw two of his other comrades are coming to him. “Woah there, Yona! Silverstream!” When Yona and Silverstream almost reach their friends, Gallus and Smolder stop them by holding their tails until they stop. Lucky Yona and Silverstream didn’t touch Sandbar, Tempest, and Grubber by four inches away. “Thanks, Gallus and Smolder,” said the gratitude Sandbar. “We just save the food!” “Right!”, said Tempest with a smirk. “Glad your all back!”, yelled Silverstream. “Hey Sandbar, can you introduce us to your two new strangers?”, asked Ocellus. “This is Tempest Shadow and Grubber, their new from town.” “Tempest, Grubber, meet the rest of our comrades, Yona the yak, Ocellus the changeling and Silverstream the hippogriff.” “Hi. is nice to meet you. Where you from? What is your favorite color? Are you a soldier? No are a warrior…..” “Woah Silverstream they just have a long journey. Let’s head in the treehouse and we’ll talk inside the dining room,” suggested Sandbar. “Sounds good to me,” shrugged Smolder. So the thieves and the former soldiers went straight to the crystal treehouse. When Tempest and Grubber enter inside the thieves’ home, they were amazing of how the six young thieves can live in a treehouse filled with everything they need, except for food and clothing supplies. The sofas are cover in gems. Furniture made in crystals with different colors. The structure inside of this tree house is very nifty. There are even eight crystal chairs in the dining room. Sandbar and Smolder walk toward the kitchen and preparing veggie stew for their old and new friends. “Go ahead, make yourself comfortable,” Ocellus offered. Tempest let herself in the dining room and sit on a nice-looking chair with red crystals for decoration. “I’m impress. So how do six young thieves like all of you can afford to build this tree house out of scrap?” “This treehouse wasn’t really built by scrap.” “What do you mean?” Tempest stares at the young thieves to hear any answers from one of them until the yak spoke. “Yona saw crystal seed thingy grows on the grounds quickly. Then boom a treehouse!” “What Yona is trying to say is this treehouse was kind of given to us,” said worried Sandbar while stirring the soup. “So you got this treehouse for free?! that is awesome!”, asked Grubber while sitting in the blue crystal chair. “No, we got it by trade!” said Gallus. “What did you mean by trade?” questioned Tempest. The six young thieves gave each other a sad expression. Then Sandbar broke the silence moment to explain how they got the treehouse for a trade. “A few days ago, our former unicorn thief named Trixie found a piece of a blue crystal in one of the jewelry stores. The six of us steal food to eat.” “While that lazy Trixie, steal only trinkets and jewelry to make herself look rich and pretty,” complained Smolder. “Yeah, she even refuses to sell this item in exchange for food! And we’re hungry,” Silverstream added. “Or even giving the gem for a snack,” said Smolder. “We even have a hard time finding a house for ourselves. And all of us argue with Trixie about the gem must either be sold or return it to the store until the night we meet a strange mare,” said Gallus. “How strange?”, Tempest asked. “This mare pony is tall creepy in a green cloak with holes on her legs. Gives Yona the chills”, Yona explained. “She offers us money in order to exchange for a piece of crystal, but that greedy Trixie refuse and asked why it is so important,” said Gallus. “So that hooded mare convinces Trixie about find a treasure as for reward that she can keep it to herself,” explained Ocellus again. “We ask her how we can be sure if that’s all she wants,” stated Sandbar. “Creepy pony gives us magic seed, and said plant the seed, and we have house for us thieves!” Yona explained again. “After we accept the trade, Trixie travel with the hooded mare and never returns,” Silverstream said. “Before Trixie left, she told us she doesn’t wants to hang out with us anymore because she claim that we are useless creatures with no future. She never came back to us, the seed we planted immediately transform into a treehouse in just one minute?”, Sandbar said. “That’s very rude of her. She shouldn’t have said that and treat you so horrible!” Tempest stomped her hoof in angered if she ever sees this mare alive. Tempest asked again. “Did the black hooded mare and Trixie ever came back.” “No, thankfully. I admit she gave us a home but why after this broken piece of crystal,” Smolder said with a thought. “And you huh…,” Tempest stop when she heard horn music playing outside from the window. Grubber sees Tempest stood up from her seat and walking to the daylight window, looking outside far away where she can see the castle. The other thieves follow Tempest as well. Tempest sees a tall white stallion with golden blonde mane in a blue sapphire clothing, who is trotting on the main crystal street heading to the castle. Grubber saw him too, outside the window and points at the white stallion. “Who is that?” “Oh, that is Prince Blueblood, from another kingdom,” explained Ocellus. “Looks like he is on his way to the castle,” said Sandbar. “Yeah, another prince for the princess,” said Gallus. “OOO OOOO, I hope the princess will like that suitor!”, said Silverstream with excitement. “I doubt that,” said Smolder. “And why is that Smolder,” asked Tempest. “I heard that Princess Twilight doesn’t get along with the other suitors very well,” the dragon replied. “Ever since the old king pass away, his son was only in charge half of the kingdom,” said Ocellus with a sad tone. “So princess pony has to be married in order for her to gain other half of the kingdom,” said Yona. “Why can the Prince marry any other princess since he older?” Tempest is seeing something suspicious about why the princess must be forced in arranged marriage. “Because any royal daughters must rule with a king. If you’re a prince in the next in line, they can, or they don’t need to be married. Also, if she cannot find a prince to be married, she must marry the king’s old friend from the other kingdom,” answered Sandbar. “That’s just sexist and cruel,” stated Tempest while waving her hoof. “Every prince enters the castle. Then tomorrow, they will be out of the castle with a sad or angry impression,” said Sandbar. “I bet he will be rejected by tomorrow at eight in a morning,” Smolder said. “Pfft, he be out by nine to noon,” claimed Gallus. “You’re on,” Smolder determined staring right at Gallus eye. “Hey guys supper ready,” yelled Sandbar holding the pot of veggie stew. So the eight of the creatures gather around the table. They ate their stew and cupcake for the night. After finishing their meal. Six of the thieves wash the dishes and head straight to their bedroom. Silverstream show Tempest and Grubber to a bedroom they can sleep for tonight. Grubber and Tempest put their backpacks on the floors. “Here is your room! I hope you like it! Anything else you need!” Silverstream cannot stop talking when it is comes to meeting new friends. “Thank you very much, will talk in the morning tomorrow Silverstream,” Tempest shows gratitude to the young hippogriff with a sincere smile. “OK, goodnight!” The hippogriff left while the two former soldiers pick a bed to go to sleep. “These young creatures are very nice; I’ll go to sleep in this short bed.” “Ok Grubber, tomorrow will go to find food near that snowy forest and then find a job to work. Understand?” Grubber yawn as he covers himself with a blanket. Looking back at his friend and nodded yes. “Ok, goodnight Tempest. I hope we’ll find snacks in this kingdom.” The hedgehog slowly covers his eyes until he is knockout. Tempest smile at her friend with relief and turn her head to the window. She stares at the window while she lay down on her bed, wishing for a better day for tomorrow. “Someday Grubber, we will find a way to survive and a home we can live in.” After staring at the castle, Tempest slowly we to sleep and starts dreaming about her and Grubber living in a comfortable life. > Hard life as a princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Weeks Before) A few weeks ago, before the arrange marriage in the castle of the Crystal Empire, there once live a widow king name Neighsay. Neighsay used to be happy with his two children. But when Neighsay has grown older, he has grown sicker as well. When Neighsay felt that he was about to die, he called his eldest son Shining Armor to tell him his final wish in the king’s bedroom chamber. Shining enters his father’s room, looking at his sick father in bed. “Shining Armor, I need to tell this final request before I passed away.” “What is it father,” asked his son with blue mane. Neighsay said to Shining with a low tone, “Shining, you now own half of this kingdom and you can get married anytime if you wish.” “I will protect this kingdom and Twilight with all my heart father,” claimed Shining to give his father relief. "As for your sister, if she is old enough to be marry, she must marry to a prince or king. But if she cannot find any prince to marry, she must marry my apprentice from the Umbra Kingdom. That you must promise me." Shining Armor drop his jaw when his father said his final request. “Father! What the Tartarus are you thinking, he seems too old for her? And I don’t trust him!” Shining Armor was a little mad at his father, knowing that is little sister will not like their father’s decision. “ME AND TWILIGHT DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH HIM AROUND! He always studies those creepy magic spells behind your back. His advisor and maid are acting very strange! The maid is acting too friendly and his bossy advisor is kept on flirting with me.” The old king starts talking with a sterned voice this time. “I said IF there are no other suitor available, then Sombra has the right to marry Twilight. I just want what is best for my little mare. Plus, Sombra promise me that if she has no one else to marry, he will take care of her.” Neighsay faces his son and smile at him while saying his last words. “Please Shining, take care of her, yourself and the kingdom while I’m gone…,” with the old king slowly fainted. The old king finally passes away. Shining Armor lower his head and tells his father to rest in peace while crying. (Current day) In the morning around nine, the door in the throne room bursts open by none other than Prince Blueblood. He marches out with a missing end of his blue sapphire cape and planning to leave for good. “Hmph, I can’t believe she has the nerve to do this to me,” cried out Prince Blueblood. “Woah there, what happen to you?”, asked Shining. “That rude dragon of hers ate my crown and my gems,” scoffed the arrogant prince. “She also rejects me because I’m too full of myself. Is this a joke?!” Shining looks at Blueblood’s cape and see it quite surprised in his mind. “I also can’t believe I got touched by a jewel eating commoner dragon! I’ll look for a better bride! With NO DRAGON!” With Blueblood left the castle, Shining look to the other direction and starts running to find the princess. “Oh boy, Twilight,” Shining whisper to himself. He searches to the hallway and the throne room, calling out his dear little sister. “Twilight! Twily! Twilight!” He finally spotted his lavender sister on the balcony. The lavender alicorn with long navy-blue hair in her silky ocean blue dress was reading her book until she slowly turns around. Seeing her white unicorn brother coming towards her. “Ah, there you are Twi …. What the?” Shining pause when he saw the little purple dragon with green spike stuffing a huge sapphire in his mouth. “Spike what is that in your mouth,” Shining Armor pointed out. “Nothing,” Spike said with a mouthful. “Let me see it, “demanded Shining as he put his hoof out. “No way, it’s tasty,” rejected the little purple dragon. “Spike, spit it out!” Shining Armor use his magic to move the gem in Spike’s mouth as he possibly can. But Spike won’t even give up either. “No!” “Give it!” “No!” “Give it or I’ll …. Woah!” Shining Armor fell to the ground as Spike walks away. “That explain why Prince Blueblood is pissed,” Shining said in a serious tone. “Come on Shining, Spike is hungry,” Twilight defend her dragon friend. “I know, his sapphires are tasty treat. Too bad his personality taste so awful and rotten,” said Spike. Both Twilight and Spike, laugh while Twilight cuddles with Spike, enjoying the moment. But until she looks up at her serious brother. “Ahem.” “Twily, I understand that you are not comfortable with this marriage, but our father did want you to marry royals only!” Twilight walk over to the owl cage while her older brother kept on lecturing her more. “Shining, I don’t feel ready to marry anyone yet and let a random stranger who just sees me as a princess. All I ever do is smile and wave all the time and I don’t even love one of them.” Twilight felt some depress while petting her owl to relax herself. “I know Twily. But we promise our dead father that once he passed away,” said the calm prince. “Father summoned you over me and told you his request behind my back!”, Twilight snapped. “Twilight, I just wants what is best for you and I don’t want father’s old apprentice to have your hoof in marriage!” Shining Armor still feels bad for forcing her in this situation. “And he is coming to visit us soon!” Hearing the alerting news from her brother, Twilight turn around to her brother with shock. “He is coming to our kingdom?“ Twilight pace herself back and forth worrying about her father’s eerie apprentice is coming to see her. “I really don’t feel comfortable with him! He always studies those dark magic spells behind our father’s back. And his advisor and maid are acting very strange. The maid is acting too kind and the advisor is demanding and flirty.” Twilight look at her brother again with fear in her eyes, pleading for help. “That is exactly what I said to father Twilight, that is why I rather have you marry any other royal pony over him!” “Is he still trying to ask my hoof in marriage again?”, asked Twilight nervously. “Yes Twily, look just try to find any suitor as fast as you can. If he finds out you are still single, he will use our father’s wish against you.” “Shining, I understand the kingdom needs a king and queen, but I never have any real friends, “said the sad princess. “Ahem!”, the dragon cough. “Except you Spike,” Twilight smiled back at her dragon. “Thank you! “, the dragon smile with gratitude. “I don’t know any pony or anywhere else! Huh, I don’t even need a husband yet to support the kingdom” “Twilight , I ….”The prince was cut off when a Pegasus soldier told him an important news. “Your Majesty, the king of Umbra has arrived,” said the yellow Pegasus soldier. Twilight was stroke in fear when she heard her worst nightmare is in her home. “I’ll be there in the throne room, go and get ready,” replied the prince. The prince turns to his sister and put his hoof on her shoulder to comfort her. “Twilight, you’re a princess. Please do it for our dad and our kingdom. I won’t let him come near you with all my power!” “Why don’t you marry then, you are older than me, you’re old enough to choose a wife and you’re next in line to the throne,” Twilight pointed out. “I don’t need to marry now. Dad already knows I can take care of myself and I own half of the kingdom.” “Lucky you,” Twilight mumbled. “I’ll be right back little sis.” The prince left Twilight alone and heads straight back inside the castle throne room. “Don’t get froze again. Last time you choked”, Twilight warn him with concerned. “I won’t, “yelled the embarrassed prince. The poor prince still remembers the last time when the attractive advisor approaches him. He was speechless and stiff like a rock every time. He shakes his head off and tried to stayed focus on the meeting with his unwanted guest. After the prince is out of sight, Spike looks at his depressing princess with a worried look. “Are you alright Twilight?” “No Spike, what am I going to do? If I don’t find any stallion to marry, I going to be forced to marry Sombra. “ “Why did your father make you engaged with him from the starts? Isn’t he twice older than you?” Twilight looks at Spike to tell him why she doesn’t like the King of Umbra. “Sombra used to be my father’s apprentice when he was a colt. He studied hard advance spells, histories from other worlds, and the magic artifacts to do better with his magic. He usually busy when it’s comes to his studies. But when I was a filly, I caught him use dark magic by creating a mind control on the poor owlet.” Spike looks at Twilight’s owl with concerned. “Owlowiscious?”, Spike pointed the owl out. “Yes! Sombra was controlling Owlowiscious by obeying every Sombra’s request. While Sombra wasn’t looking, I help hide this poor thing hid away from him. I told father about what Sombra did, but father brush my opinion out. He claims that Sombra is just doing some research on magics. Who has ever put a nasty spell on a poor baby owl? When Sombra find out about the stolen owl, he secretly approaches me in my room.” The young dragon got his eyes widen that the stallion has the nerve to barge in the princess’s room. “What, he cannot do that! Did your father knew about this?” “No, that’s the problem. He went to my room that night when my father was asleep. He told me this…” Twilight looks out at the balcony, remembering that incident with Sombra. (Twilight’s Flashback) When the little princess was entering her room that was decorated with white crystal stars above her ceiling. Twilight was about to head to her new animal friend until she heard the door shut behind her. But there was no one at the door. Twilight tried to calm herself until she heard an unwanted sound. “Evening my little princess. “Twilight turn around and saw a tall young dark colt sitting on the princess’s bed as he stares at the princess pretty amethyst eyes with his green emerald eyes. “Sombra, what are you doing here?! Get out of my room!” “Sorry to disturb you my little princess, but you have something that is belong to me.” Sombra got up from the bed and use his levitation spell to hold the baby owl in his grasps. “Owlowiscious!” Twilight glare at the dark prince with anger, as Sombra is walking toward the little princess slowly. “How dare you harm a baby owl. Just what are you planning to do to him!” “This little creature is helping me with some research on advance magic spells!” “You mean dark magic spells!” Twilight stomp her hoof while try to use her magic to grab back her new animal friend. The young Sombra was amuse, seeing the young feisty princess fighting back to save the owlet. Wanting to blast him with her magic. As the dark colt shows his calm but a sinister looks on his face with amusement. “Come on, little one. It is not like I am hurting this creature. I even know you told your father on me that I am using dark magic,” smirked Sombra. “If I have proof that you are using those forbidden spells, I can’t wait for my father to kick you out of our kingdom,” Twilight determined. Sombra came closer until he was two inches near her. Then he bends his head over to the young princess’s ear and whisper. “I like to see you try my little pony. You wouldn’t want me angry, would you? “Sombra’s green eyes are slowly turning into red like blood. His perfect straight unicorn horn slowly growing bigger and curved, smooth, sharp at the tip and its gradients from dark gray to red. His teeth even grow sharp with fangs. Twilight’s heart was pounding so fast and was almost about to scream with fear. When suddenly, she heard her brother’s voice coming from the princess’s door. The princess was relief, but the dark colt was displeased and irritated. The dark prince transforms back to his normal form. “Twilight is everything alright,” worried Shining as he opens the door. Twilight rush to her brother and hug him, as Shining Armor saw Sombra still holding on the poor owlet. “Sombra, what is the meaning of this?! Why are you in my little sister room?!” “I just came what is rightfully mine,” Sombra smirked. “I saw him use dark magic to control this poor owl, Shining,” cried Twilight. “He did?!That explains why I found a brown feather in Sombra’s room! Also found a bird cage on top of his creepy old eerie books too!” Sombra looks at the white prince with defeated expression, he knows he couldn’t win against him, so he decides to give up his testing subject. “Humph, if you really want that owl, you can keep it for now.” Sombra release the owl and let it land on Twilight’s back. “Really, why?” said the confuse princess. Sombra came closer to the princess once again to explain his reason while looking down at her. “Let just say this little bird will be my gift to you. There are always new test subjects for my studies. You my save this bird, but don’t gets your hopes up. When you’re old enough my dear, you’ll soon know what I want.” Sombra smiles at little Twilight and walks out of the princess’s room for good. As for Twilight, she scowls at the dark prince walking away and still fears what does he means by when she is old enough. “Twily are you alright?” Shining Armor check on Twilight’s limbs to see if the dark prince hurts his little sister. “I’m fine Shining. I’m fine.” Twilight turns around at the baby owl, the little bird hugs Twilight with gratitude for saving him from that sadistic colt. “Don’t worry Owlowiscious. Everything will be fine.” “Owlowiscious, why would you named him that?”, question the white prince. “Because he’s cute. Goodnight Shining.” Twilight pets her new friend and heads to her bed to finally sleep in peace. “Good night sis?” (Twilight’s Flashback end) “So, let me get this straight, that Sombra sneak in your room without your permission and threaten you with dark magic spells?!” “I’m afraid so Spike. Shining even tries to warn father, but still won’t listen. My own father favors him over his own children, just because Sombra have the same interest in magical artifacts. And now I know what he means by when I’m old enough. He knew my father was sick and ask my hoof in marriage behind my back and wants to marry me so he can rule this kingdom!” “No way, that JERK! If I see any scary ponies that I don’t like, I’ll disguise myself as a homeless ugly dragon so they will stay away from me and scare them to death.” Hearing her dragon last sentences, gave the lavender princess an idea. “That’s it! Spike you’re a genius, “said the excited princess. “I am?” Spike is confused and why did she say that. “Yes, Spike summon my seamstress now. And tell her to meet me in my room! “ “Ok Twilight, but why do you need her?” “Because Spike, I have a plan.” As Spike runs to find the seamstress in the castle, Twilight walks straight to her room to organize her plan. Meanwhile in the throne room, Prince Shining Armor sat in his father’s old seat and waiting for his visitor to enter. As he waits, he finally saw King Sombra with his two loyal subjects. On Sombra’s right side, it was Chrysalis. She disguises herself as a beautiful cloudy white unicorn mare with fair mint green mane, wearing her long peridot dress with black jewels and fancy laces to cover her collar and sleeves. As for the maid On Sombra’s left side, was Cozy Glow. She wears a yellow simple dress with a few ribbons for decoration. As for the dark king, he wears silver armor on his legs and neck since he himself been in a war, a crown with sharp points, and a red cape that covers his flank. “His royal majesty, King Sombra!” announce by the yellow Pegasus. The white prince signals all the guards in the throne room to be dismiss. As the guards left their position, Sombra bow to the prince as he starts speaking business with him. “Prince Shining Armor, it has been many years to see you grown up. How are you and your dear little sister?” “Were both fine, Sombra. What brings you to my kingdom?” “I heard that your little princess is having a suitor trouble, so I come to visit my old teacher’s children to see if everything is alright.” Shining glared at Sombra, he knows that Sombra is after his little sister. “MY sister can find a suitable husband soon Sombra. We can handle things from here!” “But your majesty, perhaps my king and I can assist you to help your dear sister solve the problem,” flirted the sleazy advisor as she winks to the prince. “Ahem, I am…. fine ma’am. I believe this conversation is over,” the blushing prince stammered as trying to resist the advisor’s charm. The young prince trying to dismiss himself until the little maid came up to the prince to continue their discussion. “Golly sir, we just travel all the way to your kingdom and just want to help your sister to find a special king or prince for her. We only want to see her happy too.” Cozy Glow gave Shining the puppy eyes look to make him feel little guilty. “That’s cute of you, here squirt have a lollipop.” The prince messes up Cozy Glow’s perfect curly mane and pulls a big red lollipop out from his pocket. Cozy looks terrified. Then the prince stuffs it in the little maid's mouth. Cozy grimaces as she tries to eat it. The advisor snickered at the poor little Pegasus choking on the big long cherry lollipop. Chrysalis turn her head to her king and declared. “Your majesty, it’s seemed to me that the young prince has certain way with dumb little fillies.” Cozy gave Chrysalis the dagger eyes, want to get back at that sleazy advisor for her insults. Sombra interrupts his loyal minion as he was still trying to talk royal business with Shining. “Ahem, as I was saying Shining Armor, if me and my advisor can help you with……” “I said NO Sombra!” Shining Armor cuts off Sombra as the young anger prince tries to decline the king’s offer. Shining stands up from his throne, walks toward the dark king and confronts him to back off. “BOTH ME AND TWILIGHT will find a husband for her without you or your royal subjects help!” While the prince keeps on scolding the dark king, Chrysalis slowly walk behind the white stallion’s back. She signals her king by glowing her horn, and Sombra nodded her yes to make her move. Chrysalis summon her magic with her horns and tap on the prince’s shoulder to turn his face towards her eyes. The eyes of Chrysalis begin to glow eerie green. Chrysalis’s voice slows down and deepens. “My dear prince, you mustn’t worry. Everything will be alright.” Shining's eyes get a hypnotized look as he repeats a word she said. “Everything...will be...alright.” “Why don’t I escort you to your room, you must be tired from searching suitors for your little sister.” The royal clingy advisor walks with the prince to his room slowly. As they reach to the prince’s bed, Chrysalis unbutton his shirt, and slowly removes it. When she finally takes it off, she saw the bitten sapphire inside the prince’s pocket. She holds the bitten gem with her magic as she strokes the young prince’s chest. “My my my young colt, you have such a nice figure your majesty. I wish I could play with you more, but I’ll have your bitten sapphire while you take a rest. Ok darling?” Chrysalis gently push down the prince to his bed, climb on top of him, and stroke his face with her hoof. Chrysalis is so tempted to have the prince as her play toy, but her king wants her to focus on her work. “My prince, you should go to sleep. I’ll be back to play with you later. Goodnight.” She winked as she gave the mesmerized prince a goodnight kiss on the lips. Shining Armor is still hypnotized yet he slowly went to sleep.” Yes... goodnight.” After Chrysalis satisfied her lust for the prince and putting him to sleep, she exits his room. When she meets up with her king and the maid to the crystal throne, Cozy Glow spits out the candy from her mouth. “How long are we going to suck up with that stubborn prince?! Thankfully his annoying grouchy old father passed away. But his son is more annoying and peskier than him!” “Calm down little filly, at least the prince is kind of cute when he is under my spell. Hehehehehehehehehe” Chrysalis teased the fuming maid. “If this prince messes up my mane or put the big fat lollipop in my delicate mouth one more time, I going to use one of your magic artifacts to turn that JACKASS HALFWIT, INTO A DOLL! AND you stop fooling around make sure you got what we need Chrysalis!” “I can do whatever I what little maid, plus he’ll be a nice boy toy to play with.” Sombra looks at the crystal throne and aim his dark magic toward the crystal throne, which activate the secret stairway to his chamber. “Enough fooling around mares. WE have work to do.” The three of them walk down to the stair as Sombra transforming into his corrupted form. His straight horns turn back to curved, greens eyes turn to red, and fangs grow on his teeth. “Once we finish our job, I’ll rule this kingdom and put that foolish colt in his place. And his sweet little sister will be mine.” “And then he will a nice toy to play with in my new bedroom, “smiled the cunning advisor. “EWWWW, keep that to yourself, I don’t want to hear it!” The three ponies pass through a door and slam it shut tight so no pony else will enter. During the night in the princess’s room, while every other pony was asleep, Twilight secretly brought out her three magical nutshells from her drawer to pack everything she needed for her journey. For her first nutshell contain her clothes and three rings. The second shell hold books and maps. The third shell contain two magical items that can create any food she wants. A pitcher that can summon any drink the holder desire and a small little cooking pot that can grant any meal. After she is done packing, her dragon knocks on the door to call his princess. “Hey Twilight, I brought the seamstress,” whispered Spike. “Let her in Spike,” demand the princess. Spike open the door wide as the beautiful white unicorn with violet mane enters the princess’s room. The seamstress wears a pink dress with a couple of crystal blue lace around her neck. “Evening my princess, what is your bidding?”, asked Rarity while bowing down. “Rarity, I need you to create a coat for me tonight and fast please,” commanded Twilight. “A coat, I created so many coats that make you look fabulous for special occasion.” The curious white unicorn is puzzle, know that she creates twenty new coats for her princess. “I know, but this coat I’m asking you in to create that can make me look hideous.” “Oh my, why?” Rarity was shocked to hear this request coming from the princess. “I have my own reason,” winks the princess. “What type of coat do you want this time?” Rarity prepare herself to hear out the princess’s request. “I want a coat or cloak made out of every kind of bird’s feathers and animal furs in the kingdom.” “Oh well, that is a very odd request. But I will create this coat as fast as I can for you, your highness. It will take me ten minutes.” So, Rarity measure Twilight’s delicate body and run quickly to her sewing room to grab all the equipment she needs to finish the coat. While waiting for the unicorn to finish the coat, Spike looks at his princess with concern. “Hey Twilight, why do you need an ugly coat immediately.” “I’m going to run away and find a husband of my own!” “What, Why?” “There is no more hope to change my brother's mind and my father’s request.” “Do you really have to leave home?” “Spike, I can't stay here. I want to find my own suitor who only loves me for me. I want to see the outside world with my own eyes. And no one else to tell me what to do. Take care of my brother while I’m gone ok. I’ll miss you.” Twilight hugs her dragon companion as Rarity enters her room to show her the coat. Twilight grabs the coats with her magic and put on the cloak of all kinds of fur. “Before I leave, Spike, Rarity, don’t ever tell anyone about this night. It’s our little secret.” The two loyal subjects nodded yes and the seamstress head She walks to her fireplace to blacken her hooves and face with soot. “How do I look?” “Like a homeless pony.” “Good.” The dragon came up to the princess and hugs her. “Goodbye Twilight, please send me letters if ever you are lonely,” said the little dragon. “I will, send me an emergency letter if anything happens to the kingdom or my brother, ok.” “I will,” determined Spike. After they finish hugging, Twilight walks to the balcony, she begins to fly high in the sky until nobody can’t see her. She flew the entire night until she came to a great snowy forest. Being tired by flying a place to land, she spots a big hollow tree. She flew to the tree, sat down inside the tree and fell asleep.