> My Little Pony: Equestria without Celestia > by Spider-Mane Noir > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Little Ego > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time there were two sisters who ruled over the land of Equestria. One elder raised the sun and the younger raised the moon. For years the two reigned together as equals, bringing harmony to the land, but the older sister grew greedy and selfish. In her desire to hold her subjects love for herself she sought to create an eternal day, to burn the world with her sun. Only using the Elements of Harmony was the younger sister able to defeat her and banish her to the moon. From then on she would bring day and night with a daily eclipse. But it is said that on the longest day of her thousandth year of exile the being known as Daybreaker would return to enact her vengeance. “Uggh”, groaned a light blue pony, “Why must I study these tedious history books? During my break no less!” “Princess Luna said it was important for you to focus on stuff besides magic tricks.” Said a small green dragon with a shrug as he carried a stack of books toward a shelf. “If you’d just let somepony help you, then maybe you could actually be doing something fun. “The Great and Powerful Trixie could not care less about the doings of ponies long gone Spike.” The unicorn said with a toss of her white mane. “Umm… Wasn’t that last story about Princess Luna?” asked Spike raising a non-existent eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure she’s still alive.” Trixie raised her hoof to argue but stopped halfway. “You know perfectly well what Trixie meant. Trixie would much rather be using her stunning skills in sorcery to astonish the world than sitting here and studying.” she said, pouting. “And no other ponies could possibly help me. Trixie is better than all of them anyway. I don’t need anypony’s help.” With a flourish she pulled out a cape and pointed hat covered in stars. With her horn she activated a spotlight that shone down as she threw her front hooves out in a shower of confetti. Suddenly the bulb in the light went out “Wait a minute! What did that book say?” Trixie rushed over to her desk and turned on her lamp. “Daybreaker will return in one thousand years… Spike what happens this week?” “Uhh, the day after tomorrow’s the Summer Solstice. Luna’s gonna leave the sun uncovered for longer than usual and everypony is going to have a big party.” “Right. The longest day of the year. Spike, take a note!” The dragon pulled out a scroll and pen. “What exactly is this about?” “If I can warn Princess Luna of Daybreaker’s return then she’ll be so grateful that she’ll have to have to teach me more magic!” Spike rolled his eyes. This was the way Trixie’s mind usually worked. “Right… Well, ready when you are.” “*Ahem* Dear princess Luna, The Humble and Studious Trixie..” “Seriously?” “It never hurts to embellish.” Trixie said with a huff. “I’m just saying,” said Spike, shrugging, “that’s not strictly true…” The unicorn just glared at him for a moment. “As I was saying. The Humble and Studious Trixie has discovered a potential threat to your kingdom. The being known as Daybreaker may be returning during the solstice which, as you know, is the thousandth year to the day since her banishment. I therefore recommend that steps be taken to prevent her from arriving in Equestria. Perhaps I could come to the palace and assist you? Your student, the Obedient and Respectful Trixie Lulamoon.” With a burst of green flame, the letter was sent. “Now we just sit back, relax and…” Spike suddenly belched out a new scroll. “Well that was quick. What does it say?” Spike unrolled the paper and began. “My dear student Trixie, Thank you for your concern. I am well aware of the story you are referring to, but I assure you that everything is well in hoof. I think that spending so much time alone is starting to make you a bit paranoid.” The young dragon looked up from the letter. “See?” He said smiling, “Nothing to worry about!” Spike turned to Trixie. She stood there, one eye twitching and a grin forced across her face. “Right! That’s. great…” Early the next day, just as the sun was being uncovered Trixie and Spike were making their way to the small town of Ponyville via airship. Spike was reading another message to Trixie, who sat with her head hanging over the side. “I’d like you to go to Ponyville and oversee the organization of their Summer Solstice festival. I will be appearing there in the evening to cover the sun for the night and bring the celebrations to a close. I have enclosed a short list of things for you to check on, and while you are there be sure to make some friends.” Spike added a bit of emphasis on that last part. “I can’t believe it! I The Great and Powerful Trrrixie, being forced to waste her time with ordinary ponies. Lets just get this over with so we can go back home.” The ship landed just as Ponyville’s streetlights were beginning to turn off. Trixie leapt off immediately, trailing her cape behind her. Spike turned and thanked the crew before quickly following. A bright yellow earth pony in a poncho came trotting down the street humming. Why don’t you try making friends with him, Trixie?” “Ugh. Fine.” She walked up to the earth pony and held out a hoof. “Hello. The Great and Powerful Trixie has seen fit to…” Before she could continue the stallion gasped in shock and sped off. “Oh well, I guess he wasn’t interested. Alright Spike, the first item on the list is the catering. Someplace called Sweet Apple Acres. …Where is that?” The dragon pointed above her head. A glowing sign bearing the words Sweet Apple Acres pointed away from the town. Trixie blinked. “Trixie knew that! I was just making sure you also knew.” “I know, I know.” The two made their way toward the outskirts of Ponyville they saw several large structures spread out across the landscape. Bright lights emanated from within. Spike stared. “Wow, what are those?” “Do I look like a farmer to you Spike?’ Trixie snorted, “How would I know?” Spike rolled his eyes and continued toward the nearest building when he suddenly realized the unicorn wasn’t following. He turned around and saw her staring off in another direction. “Trixie? Triiiixieee?” he shouted while waving his claw in front of her eyes, “What are you looking at?” “That.” Said Trixie pointing at somepony approaching them: a large red stallion with a halved green apple for a cutie mark. He pulled a cart full of apples, not that the mare was interested in that. She quickly zoomed over. “Grrrreetings!” she exclaimed, her face mere inches from his, “I, the Meek and Helpless Trixie, have travelled all the way from Canterlot for the Summer Solstice festival. If only there were Somepony who could show me around.” “Uhh…” The stallion stared, wide eyed and clearly unsure how to respond. An awkward silence hung in the air for a few moments. Spike quickly interjected. “Actually, we’re here about the catering for the Solstice festival. Could you help us out?” “Eeyup. Follow me.” He began walking towards the nearest building. “Ahem. So what does a fine stallion such as yourself do here?” Asked Trixie. “Grow apples.” Entering the building, Trixie and Spike saw that it was in fact an enormous greenhouse full of apple trees. Lights, far brighter than any they’d ever seen, shone from the ceiling. Seeing their looks of confusion, the red pony explained. “Apples like it better when there’s a lot of light.” Suddenly another voice came out of nowhere. “Howdy there Big Mac! Who are these?” An orange Earth Pony mare sidled up. “They’re here about the food for the festival.” Replied the pony now known as Big Mac “Well then why’re yah standin here bein’ all quite like? Hey, Everypony! We Got Company!” “Uh… Applejack, Ah dunno if that’s such a good…” He was cut off by a stampede of ponies flooding into the greenhouse. Trixie and Spike found themselves surrounded by desserts and ponies as Applejack listed off a series of names that neither of them would ever remember. “Well,” Said Trixie forcing a smile, “It looks like everything is in order. So, we’ll be going!” “Awww. Ain’t yah gunna stay for lunch?” asked a small filly with a pleading expression on her face. All the others crowded even closer, with the same look in their eyes. “I… That is I…” Trixie’s horn lit up and a puff of smoke appeared. When it cleared she and Spike were gone. A short while later the two where walking back into Ponyville. “Why couldn’t we stay Trixie?” questioned Spike. “I thought you liked attention” “Didn’t you see the looks on their faces? They were completely insane!” “Even Big Mac?” “… What’s the next thing on the list Spike?” Trixie muttered pulling her hat over her face. Spike opened up the scroll to look at the list. “It says we’re supposed to speak to some Pegasus about the weather. But I don’t see anypony up there.” Spike said as he looked up. Even in the dim light of a permanent sunset something as large as a pony should have easily visible. “Whoever this pony is isn’t doing a very good job.” Said Trixie with a smirk. “It looks like a shower is about to break out any second.” “LOOK OUT BELOW!” Trixie looked up for a moment before something crashed into her and left her seeing stars. A shock of cold water woke Trixie with a start. “I think she’s waking up!” she heard Spike’s voice say. As Trixie became aware of her surroundings she saw a gray pegasus landing before her. “Are you okay?” She asked with a vague Manehatten accent. “I got a little mixed up while I was flying.” with a nervous grin she gestured with a hoof to her eyes, which were pointing in opposite directions. “I’m fine!” said Trixie using her magic to squeeze her cape out. “Are you in charge of the weather around here?” “Well, usually I deliver mail.” She said rubbing the back of her neck. “But, Rainbow Dash said she needed somepony to help her out for the festival. And then she went on break. And then she never came back… Wait a second.” “Why are you still here if this isn’t you’re job?” “Well I can’t just leave! Even if my eyes make it a little hard to catch the clouds.” She smiled and flew off. “Well, gotta get back to work!” The unicorn and dragon watched her fly off for a second. “Who was that?” asked Trixie. “She said her name was Derpy Hooves.” Spike said. Trixie stared at him. “No really, what was her name?” “Derpy Hooves” “Fine, if you won’t tell me then lets just move on.” The blue mare trotted away rolling her eyes. “No, really! That’s what she said her name was! I swear by Luna!” yelled Spike running after her. The two arrived at Ponyville town hall where they were to inspect the decorations. Inside was a light purple unicorn mare meticulously setting up streamers. Spike walked over and extended a claw in greeting. “Hi, you must be in charge of decorating. I’m Spike.” “Oh hello,” the unicorn, hardly even turning to look. “I’ll handle this.” Trixie said with a toss of her still wet mane. From her cape, she pulled a miraculously dry firecracker which promptly exploded. “GAAAAAAAHHH!” the unicorn jumped throwing ribbons everywhere. She spun around and quickly tried to gather up the scattered décor. “Oh, hi there!” She said, noticing the others for the first time. “My name’s Sparkler, the best organizer in Ponyville!” “I am the Great and Powerful...” “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSPPP!!!! What happened to your mane?! And your hat?!” “Ah, yes. Trixie had a run in with a rain cloud earlier.” “I refuse to let you run around town looking so disheveled.” Sparkler snatched Trixie’s hat and produced a blow dryer seemingly from nowhere. The device sent a gust of wind into her face and left her mane spiking up into the air. “Say, while you’re here could you help me out with something?” She pulled up a rack full of hats. “I need to decide on the best theme for the Ponyville hat festival! Could you try these on while I get some capes that match?” She trotted into another room, not noticing Trixie lunging after her. “Nopony, messes with the Great and Powerful Trixie’s sorcerer hat and gets away with it!” She screamed as Spike dragged her out of the building. “Its! Not! Worth! It!” he grunted. “grumble, grumble, grumble” “Relax Trixie, the only thing left is the music.” The dragon and unicorn arrived at a warehouse on the edge of town. A loud hammering sound emanated from inside. “Are you sure this is the right place Spike?” “That’s what it says here?” stated Spike looking down at the scroll. With a shrug Trixie walked over to the door and loudly knocked. The noise within stopped and the door opened. “Well Howdy there! What can I do yah for?” A yellow unicorn stallion with a red and white mane popped out and began wildly shaking Trixie’s hoof. “Flim’s the name!” He released her hoof, but it continued shaking until Spike grabbed it to stop. “We, we’re here about the music for the festival.” Stuttered Trixie as she regained her bearings. “Oh sure! Just one second!” Flim ran inside and soon returned with a large machine covered in gears and valves. “Behold the Insta-Choir-Organ-Grinder 5000! The finest automatic music player in all of Equestria. Able to play up to 10 instruments at once for up to 3 hours!” With that he pulled a lever and the device exploded in a cloud of steam. “Oh, Buck the valve came loose again!” He rushed at it with a wrench. “*cough* This’ll *cough* only take a minute!” “Um. Will this be working on time for tomorrow night?” Asked Trixie. “Absolutely! Just. One. More. Got it!” The ICOG 5000 began playing an incredibly catchy yet irritating song. "Whaddya say to that?!" “I can still hear it Spike!!” Trixie was pulling her hat over her ears as she and Spike arrived at the library where they were to be staying. “Oh relax. It wasn’t that bad” the dragon replied walking up to the door, “Huh, it’s unlocked.” “Who cares! I just want to relax already!” the unicorn practically galloped inside. “Where’s the light?” “SURPRISE!!!!” Every light in the building suddenly turned on at once and confetti flew everywhere. A stallion with poofy brown mane jumped up in Trixie’s face. “Hidoyouremembermemyname’sCheeseSandwichyousawmeearlierIwastheonewhowentuptoyouandwent*gaaasp*causeI’veneverseenyoubeforeandifI’veneverseenyoubeforethatmeansyoumustbenewandifyou’renewthenyoudon’thaveanyfriendsheresoIinvitedeveryponyhereandnowyouhaveLot’sandLot’soffriendsdoyouwantagrilledcheesesandwich?" “AAAUUUGGGGHHH!!!” Trixie dropped a smoke bomb and disappeared from sight. “*Gaaassp!* She’s gone! ...Neato!” Trixie spent the rest of the night and most of the following day hiding from the town’s insane inhabitants. That evening she snuck out and met up with Spike at the Town hall where everypony was gathered for the closing of the Solstice festival. In the crowd she could see the various ponies she’d met the previous day. Cheese Sandwich was chatting wildly, Flim was making some minor adjustments to him machine (“He’d better play a different song” she thought.), Sparkler was trying to keep her decorations in order, that gray Pegasus was eating an entire plate of muffins, and Big Mac was managing a dessert stand with his family. His bright orange mane was sticking out from under his baker’s hat in a goofy way. Wait a second: bright orange. Why did that color remind her of something? “Mares and Gentlecolts!” it was something important. Why wouldn’t that Mayor stop talking? “…Princess Luna!” The crowd’s collective gasp suddenly drew Trixie’s attention. Princess Luna was gone! Outside the sky suddenly shone brighter than it had in living memory. In a massive burst of flame, a pure white Alicorn with a fiery mane appeared before the crowd. “Finally I am Free!” Oh. Right.