> Forget Your Reality... > by The Pony of Lost Legend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "All I want is someone to talk to.." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Why does no one want to be around me? I think i'm fun to be around!" Pikamena says to the hall monitor as he walks past her cell. He rolls his eyes and keeps walking. "Aw come on Aurther~ I'm just a lonely girl behind bars for a reason I don't know. I just want someone to talk to...," She looks to him. Her light blue eyes drowning in sadness. Aurther didn't even know how she knew his name. For she'd been locked in there years before he started working for this god awful place. Unlike the other monitors, Aurther felt sorry for Pinkanema... She for one, couldn't remember why she was even here... But he kept his post and kept walking. Pinkanema sighs from her cell and tears well in her eyes. "All I want in someone to talk to....All I want...Is someone to hug me. I've never had a hug before. If I have...It was so long ago I can't remember...," she turns and walks to the center of the bland room. Sitting down in the center like she always did, she put her face in her knees and started crying. But it wasn't long before a little happy voice pops in her head. "Why such a long face?? You know I hate seeing you cry!" it asks. Pinkanema rubs her head with a small smile as tears roll down her stained face. "See! That's better!! Now..how can I make that smile bigger??" The happy voice giggles. Pinkanema wipes her tears away. "P-Pinkie, can we go on a adventure?," she asks. Pinkie giggles again. "Of course we can silly! Let's go!!" > "Close your eyes and take a deep breath..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkanema opens her eyes to see what she called her 'happy place'. Ponies brushed passed her, they smile and wave her. And she even smiled back. Pinkie Pie. That's who these wonderful, kind, creatures knew her as. She wasn't an insane psycho, instead. She was a bright, happy, pink mare that everyone loved. She got to throw parties, she had friends, and most of all....She wasn't alone. "Hia Twi! You comin' to my party later!?" Pinkie asked, jumping up and down in front of the young alicorn. Twilight Sparkle smiles with a soft chuckle. "Of course I am, Pinkie," she says. "I'll see you there!" she then walks away with her muzzle in a book. Pinkie jumps along, happy as can be when she comes upon another of her friends. It was a mare with a light pink mane and shy blue eyes. "Hi Fluttershy! You wanna come to my party too??" she asks the mare. Fluttershy whimpers but gives a small smile and a nod. "Y-Yes..o-of course Pinkie..," Fluttershy replies. Pinkie hugs her tightly, earning a squeak from the shy mare. "Hurray! I can't wait to see you there! Would you mind telling Rarity and Rainbow about my party?" Pinkie asks. "I don't want them to feel as though I left them out!" Fluttershy nods again. "O-of course I can Pinkie....see you later..," Fluttershy waves shyly and walks away. Pinkie smiles brightly. "Now, time to go get started on that baking!!" > "If it's a party...how come no pony came...?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie had finished setting up for the party. She'd spent hours baking and decorating. Now, she stood waiting at the door to waiting for them to arrive. 15 minutes late....They still hadn't shown up. But Pinkie didn't give up hope just yet. She stood at the door with a bright smile. 20 minutes....her smile began to fade into a frown. An hour late....Pinkie starts to cry. "They should be here by now...," she whispers feeling a pain of sadness in her heart. "if it's a party....how come no pony came...?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkanema opens her tear filled eyes to find herself back in her contained room. She laid down and curled up in tight ball, sobbing softly. "Even my imagination doesn't want me to be happy," she sobbed. "I wish I knew what I did to deserve to be in here..." The hall monitor passed by her cell. But this time he stopped in front of the cell with a sigh. "Pinkanema....? Are you okay?" He asks. Pinkanema perks up. Auther nor anyone else had even talked to her before. "N-No...," she says softly as she walks to the cell door. He smiles kindly. And opens the cell before stepping in. He cups her face with his hand. "I could get in a lot of trouble for being here...," He says in a whisper. "But I can't stand to hear you cry in here anymore...I know what it's like to be alone.." He whispers. Pinkanema looks to him. Her eyes shimmering with hope. "C-Can I ask you something Aurther?" she asks. He nods. "What is it you want to know Pinkamena?" he asks. "What does a hug feel like? I-I--" she is cut off by Auther as he hugs her tightly. "You tell me..." He chuckles. Her eyes tear up again as she hugs him back, sobbing softly into his shoulder. "I-It feels....w-warm....I like this feeling..." Pinkanema whispers. He smiles. "That's right...I like it too..." Auther whispers back. She giggles softly. "Auther??" "Yes Pinkie?" "Will you be my friend?" Pinkanema asks. He nods and hugs her again. "Of course I'll be your friend....Your best friend" He tears up as her feels her sob in his arms. He had finally made her happy. After so many years of being alone... she had made her first friend. And so had he. "I'll come back later Pinkie my dear..." He says, pulling away from the hug at last. She looks to him with a small smile. "Promise?" she asks. "I promise. Get some rest Pinkie. I'll be back when you wake up." Pinkamena nods and crawls into the small bed in the corner of her room. Auther smiles one last time and walks out. As he walked down the hall, he thought of the girl he had just become friends with. It made him feel great to finally come out of his shell and make a friend. Auther had gotten this job hoping to escape man-kind and just be alone. But in the end...Nothing really went to plan. Everything happens for a reason....And Aurther....He didn't mind that. Instead he was glad he had met Pinkanema...for she was just like him...alone, afraid... And waiting.... For a friend. > -Bonus Chapter- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After 3 years time, Pinkadema was finally on her way of getting out of her own prison. Auther and her had developed something 'special' over three years. After getting caught the once by on of the guards, Auther had been reported. But instead of being fired, he was allowed to spend time with his best friend. Pinkadema began becoming happier and happier, even her hair had fluffed up and bounced and she walked. It made him happy to see her happy, and that's why he was the one who was making sure she had a place to go. "You have everything Pinkie dear?" He asks her as he shuts her suitcase. Pinkie was a name he called her instead of her real name, he had use to listen to her talk to herself. Calling herself by a different name, wishing she could be someone else. She smiles and nods. "Yep! All set and ready to go!," she said, almost singing her words. He chuckles and she jumps on his back, he had promised to piggy ride her out of this hell hole and that was what he was going to do. Besides, she wasn't heavy at all and her suitcase only had a very few things in it. Auther picks up her suitcase and wraps his arms around her legs to keep her from falling as he walked out of the cell. Pinkadema smiles cheerfully to each hall monitor and guard as we pass them. Some of them give her a nod and even a smile back. She really was a lovable person.. "Alright Pinkie, are you ready?" He asks, standing in front of the door out. She nods and hugs his neck. "I was born ready!" she giggles. He smiles and nods respectfully as one of the guards opens the door for them. Stepping outside Pinkadema looks to the sky and gasps. "Oh Auther it's amazing!" she asks, getting down and standing on her own. Auther smiles. "It sure is," he says. She takes a deep breath. "It's everything I've every dreamed of....warm...happy...and...beautiful...," she says with tears of joy in her eyes. "And the sun on my skin feels just like your hugs!" Auther chuckles and takes her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. She looks to him with a smile, tears running down from her crystal blue eyes. Auther sets her suitcase down and wipes her tears away. "Come now Pinkie....let's go home," Auther says softly. She nods and smiles. "Okie dokie lokie."