> The Princess and the Pauper > by Arkidonius > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Love me like you do. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The princess and the pauper. A (“Life is Strange”/Equestria Girls  Crossover) smutty fanfiction. Written by Arkidonius. Twilight Sparkle : Max Caulfield Victoria Chase : Sunset Shimmer Warren Graham : Spike Kate Marsh : Fluttershy Nathan Prescott : Rumble Dana Ward : Rarity Mark Jefferson : Svengallop Rachel Amber : Rainbow Dash ‘Now I know for sure I’m in the Twilight Zone.’ Twilight Sparkle stands in front of her door in her own room, fingers pressed tightly against the small piece of paper with beautifully written penmanship. She’s been staring at it for minutes now. Reading and re-reading it. Making sure she’s not imagining anything. She isn’t even sure how long the note was in her room. She had been so preoccupied with other other things that she failed to notice it until recently. Stepping on it with her bare foot after changing out her day clothes. Twilight has been in a hazed state all day since her encounter with Sunset on the dorm steps.The once pristine Sunset Shimmer of Blackwell covered in white paint looking so...embarrassed. As busy as she tried to make herself, what with Spike, getting jumped by Rumble, and even running into Moondancer of all people today. Twilight just can't shake the feeling and thoughts of seeing the Queen Bitch of Blackwell actually being...human. Twilight had always believed in the good of people but Sunset always knew how to try her patience. But it seems, finally, she’s made a breakthrough. She had always said, how weird and depressing it was to have someone so beautiful and so talented have to act so nasty to get their way. She always acts so confident, so poised and sure of herself. And she should! Sunset is easily one of the most talented people at Blackwell. So then why did she seem shocked when Twilight called her photos Avant garde-esque? Like suddenly she was shocked to get validation when she didn’t expect it. She lets out a shaky sigh, her adrenaline and anxiety spiking through the roof. She’s certain that if she doesn’t sit down, she’ll end up on the floor a shaking mess. ‘Sunset wants me to go to her room...and….talk to her? I-Is it about earlier? Does she regret deleting that picture? Is this some elaborate hoax to embarrass me? No...No. She’s not evil. Even if she does use my full name. Maybe I’m overthinking this. Maybe this is all innocent and she wants to ask me to breakfast at the Two Whales tomorrow! Oh...who am I kidding…’ Twilight groans, pressing her fists into her eyes, rubbing at them in a potentially harmfulway. She had just changed into her pajamas. Some nice comfy, slightly baggy grey sweats, and a cute yellow t-shirt with a cookie saying, ‘BITE ME’. She was really looking forward to just sleeping today off, but with this note in hand, she knows that’s not an option anymore. ‘I’ll just...go over for a second. Who knows, maybe she...needs help with Chemistry. At...1 in the morning. Dog, Twilight...you really are an idiot sometimes. Just go you chicken!’ Twilight has crumpled the paper in hand enough to white knuckle it. She puts it on her bed and flexes her fingers a bit to get some feeling back. Quietly, she opens her door, peeking down the hallway. She doesn’t expect anyone to be up. But with how thin these walls are, she’s afraid if she so much as sneezes, she’ll have the whole building on her ass. Thankfully, Sunset’s room in right in front of hers, so she doesn’t need to go far. Her heart is beating so loudly it makes her ears pop. Her muscles feel tight and she’s stuck in a pose with her right hand raised to knock...but she never does. Instead she just stares at the wooden door. Going through a million scenarios in her head. Suddenly she’s second guessing this whole thing. Maybe Sunset didn’t mean to put the note under her door. Maybe she got confused. Maybe it wasn’t even Sunset at all, and instead someone else to just wake up the woman for the sole purpose of her getting yelled at. Right now, the only light is the faint moonlight coming through the window that illuminates the hallway slightly. Twilight takes a few more moments to gain her composure. One deep breath, then a second...a third. Before too long she realizes that if she doesn’t do SOMETHING, she’ll just fall asleep standing up. ‘Right. Here I go. Sunset Shimmer, I, Twilight Sparkle, am at your command. Pfft...as if.’ Twilight knocks, drumming the back of her fingers on the door softly twice, then a third after a brief pause. An irregular rhythm. ~~~ It had been hours now. Sunset laid down on her bed, sprawled out like she was in distress. She was on her stomach, looking at her digital clock across the room. It was about to turn into just past One in the morning. She groaned and rolled over. This was ridiculous, unheard of even! People listen to her when she demands things. Demands. She blinked once at the very thought. She always gets her way, people line up just to be spat on by her. Why not Twilight…? She wouldn’t think about it. She couldn’t. Twilight would come. She’d have to. She...had to? Sunset sat up slowly, her grey shirt hanging off one of her shoulders. She looked down at her hands. She remembered writing that letter. Sunset looked to her desk. All around it, were the remains of what had to be twenty failed attempts at penning something she would WANT someone to read. It was such a simple request, yet it had taken her over an hour. Something so miniscule, yet had her almost sweating as she fought back the weird feeling in her stomach. She stood up slowly, still woozy from earlier. She walked slowly to her refrigerator, kicking a few small bottles. Wine coolers. She was above something so low as the kind of thing gross soccer moms drink and talk about how their men can’t fulfill them, but...this was a desperate time. Also, looking like soda, it is a lot easier to get them smuggled in by some poor geek who wants a favor in the future. He wouldn’t get one though, and she had proof he had bought alcohol for a minor with a fake idea. The poor bastard was doomed to be her slave until it was boring. She smiled at this thought, the room still slightly blurry. She had been a mess as she waited. She had taken a shower immediately after coming inside the dorm, the wet paint in her hair not quite dry. It came out easier than she thought it would, but her clothes would be ruined forever. Wet through, and then covered in paint. It’s not like she couldn’t replace them, but she had broken them in finally. That little itch was finally gone, and she had gotten the seams to line up perfectly with whatever negligee she would put on underneath. Walking into her room, towel wrapped around her, she had gone straight to her desk. The only thought on her mind being ‘I need to talk to her.’ It was okay...right? She had been civil with her. Not her usual bitchy ‘Look at me! I’m Twilight! I don’t care what ANYONE says about me!’ Prude. Loser. Asshole. And yet...nothing made her feel more jealous. She shook her head as she reached for her stationery. The very idea of being jealous of ANYONE or ANYTHING was preposterous. People got jealous of her, not the other way around. She had grabbed her pen and started to write. ‘Dear Twilightine, I-’ No. Gross. Into the trash it went, balled up loosely. Let’s try this again. ‘You know who I am, I can’t believe you wou-’ What was she, eleven? Another failure. This went on for an hour, every failed attempt causing her to audibly groan in frustration. Several times evening tearing up. And then tearing up more at the idea of her getting upset that she couldn’t write a simple letter to a person she did not like. Ridiculous. ‘Twilight, come to my room tonight. I need to speak with you. Do NOT stand me up, I know where you sleep. S.S.’ This was what she had finally settled on, putting maybe too much flair on her initials. She finally smiled as she folded it into a nice, neat square. She stood up, her towel falling awkwardly to the floor, it having dried onto her slender form as she sat. She cracked her neck. Her back hurt from the chair, her neck and eyes hurt from strain, and her hand was not use to that much writing. Or action of any kind. She went to the door, her only thought being on the letter. She stopped as she reached the door, frowning as she glanced down at her exposed chest. Well, her exposed everything. Sunset let out a sharp breath and furrowed her brow. Obviously she couldn’t go out in the hall like this. Even if it was the girls dorm, she had modesty. Besides...she actually cared what people thought of her. And her walking around naked was not something she wanted to get started with anyone for anything. She went to her closet, taking every step with a light, sure, ballerina like gate. This was her room, her castle. Naked or not, she owned it. There was nothing wrong with being proud in one's own court. Sunset looked into her closet. Bra? ...no, no reason. The day was done, and no one else would see her. Well...maybe one person, she hoped at least. But it wasn’t someone she had to be proper and modest for. Not in her own room. Sunset knew Twilight use to be friends with that gross rebel girl...Moondancer. She was sure the things they must have done together far outweighed any little nip-slip that may happen with her. She reached for a solid gray shirt. Silk, mostly. Perfect for the night air and the night light, as the sun was just beginning to set. Plus, it could come off easy. Wait, why did that matter? Sunset’s hand froze on the shirt. This wasn’t ok. A boy was not coming to visit her, not that any boy was WORTHY of stepping foot into her room...no matter. She wanted to be comfy. She slid on the shirt, and turned to one of her dresser drawers. ‘No reason to put anything on underneath’ she thought to herself as one of her hands gently ran over the neatly folded pile of, what apparently counted as, underwear. Most of them having no more material than what you would think would be clothes, all different colors and patterns. Swirls of lace and gentle satins, as well as things that were more practical. She was a woman after all, things did come up that she wouldn’t want to ruin what made her feel attractive. She smiled at this thought, why wouldn’t she ever be pretty? To anyone and everyone? Finally choosing some grey sweats to put over herself, she stepped out of her dorm. Directly in front of her was the door. The door to the room that held the person she couldn’t just ask in person. How easy it would be in fact, to simply knock and say “Twilight. My room. NOW.” Nope, we have to be a child. And leave a secret note. Of course we do. Her heart was racing as soon as she leaned down. Why was this nerve racking? It’s just a note. A summons if you will. A Queen must be willing to speak with the rabble, even the highest can pen a note to the small. She slid the note under the small crack in the door, and tiptoed back to her own, almost dancing. She was elated. This ended quickly as she caught hold of herself again. This was stupid. No, this was ridiculous. Sunset groaned as she closed her door. Should she just go back in and take the note back? It wasn’t like she hadn’t taken other things from Twilight’s room before. She walked over to her refrigerator, opening it to grab a box of cookies. TWILIGHT’S cookies. This was what she meant, this was nothing. That girl was nothing. She placed one in her mouth, chewing it slowly. Somewhere in her mind she heard her mother screaming about calories and dentist bills. Sunset frowned. She couldn’t enjoy anything. She wondered if Twilight’s parents were also black-holes devoid of love. Probably not. That’s why she’s normal. Sunset busted out a laugh when she thought that. Twilight, normal. Right...as normal as she was poor. Wait, she was poor. Sunset placed the cookies back and went to her bed. It wouldn’t be long now. Soon Twilight would come knock on her door, and she would open it. And she would see her empress sitting upon a fluffed throne of silk and pillows, waiting to be knelt down before, and to have her whims accounted for and taken care of. It was now nine in the evening. Sunset was glaring at the door with an angry expression. If she could shoot fire, she would be. And it would strike the arrows and the daggers her eyes had been throwing previously. She was being stood up. By a girl! By Twilight. No, no she was not. This was not happening. Sunset rose from her bed and began to pace her room. This wasn’t right. Maybe there was a reason? There had to be. She absent mindedly grabbed a statuette from on top of her television. She twirled the small figure, a girl with funny colored hair. Maybe Twilight was out? She did have weird friends. Maybe she was off being weird and taken garbage pictures of more garbage. Or her face. Was there a difference? Probably not. She frowned. She wanted to pout, this wasn’t fair. She wanted something, she was asking- no, she had demanded Twilight see her. NOW. But no...now she was the one alone. Why wasn’t she with her friends right now? She should be. Or planning something for her Vortex club. But no, she was waiting alone in her room, the day now turning into night, for a girl she did not like, to enter into. Sunset grabbed her phone. Should she text her? Oh ya, that wouldn’t be odd. ‘Hey, Twilight.’ ‘Yes?’ ‘Check your room, there is a note under your door.’ ‘Wut. How do you know that?’ ‘Just FUCKING go to your room TWILIGHT!’ Oh ya, she totally wouldn’t look crazy like that. She looked at the screen. Her friends had been trying to get ahold of her. Of course, the drones are worthless without constant commands and praise from the leader of the hive, but they could wait. And they would wait. For now, she was upset, and needed comfort. But not too much, she didn’t need her room smelling gross before Twilight came over. Though...the idea of Twilight stepping on a condom as she walked into the room delighted her. Just another way she could lorde over her, another thing she could do better than Twilight. She went to her messages. The number wasn’t saved into her phone. It didn’t need to be, the person didn’t matter. She sent a message. ‘You. I need a favor.’ She had begun typing the response. She knew what he would say, and she didn’t want to wait. He responded. ‘Yes?’ Quickly she sent her message. ‘Bring me booze. Something sweet, not too strong, and get it to me soon. You owe me.’ He didn’t owe her, but he wouldn’t know that. She couldn’t even picture his face. Some loser she had gotten chemistry answers from. Maybe? It didn’t matter. She sent one more, not even bothering to read what he sent. ‘Leave it outside my door. Knock once and then get lost.’ She locked her phone and gave it a gentle toss onto some clothes on her floor. Maybe she should pick up a bit. Maybe she should get a dorm maid. Not long had passed when she heard the knock. A single knock. Sunset’s heart leapt up into her throat. Was it Twilight? Could she be trying to be coy, and being sneaky? Did she know what this was? Was she in a towel? Sunset blinked at her last thought. Nonsense, it has to be the nerd with the booze. As she opened the door, she was half disappointed as she saw a simple plastic bag outside. She brought it into her room, trying to make it clank as little as she could. She climbed up onto her bed with her little bag of treasure. Screwdrivers. Great, now she was forty and in a failing marriage. But, free booze was free booze. She would simply yell at him later, if he was worth it. If she could remember his face. She laughed as she unscrewed the top of the first bottle. She raised it to her soft, delicate lips. She let the lime and orange flavored watered down alcohol gently pour into her mouth, the tingle of a soccer mom's guilty nectar lash at her tongue. She laid back on her bed, one hand draped over her navel as she lay there. Gently, almost inaudibly, she could make out the unmistakable music of a violin. Why was Fluttershy up this late playing? Didn’t she have a bedtime? I’m sure it was written in one of those bibles of hers. Sunset smirked at her joke. It wasn’t funny, the menopause drinks must be kicking in. She grabbed another as she looked at the clock, it was almost eleven now. She frowned again. Shaking her head, she was now back in the present, unaware as to why she had bothered to recall earlier events until just now. She reached for Twilight’s cookies, and stuffed another greedily into her mouth, stumbling over to her desk to lay the box there. You know, in case Twilight got hungry, she could feed her cookies. Sunset stopped as the box dropped to the desk. What? Feed her cookies? Was she a pet? Or was Sunset way too drunk still? She needed water. Besides...Twilight was still nowhere to be seen. She grabbed a bottle of water she prayed was not actually vodka in disguise, and drank. She was right, just water. Laying back down, water bottle empty near her bed, she wanted to cry. Her buzz was wearing off, and now she was left with regret, disappointment, resent, and a feeling of emptiness. Did...did Twilight hate her that much? Was that note now all over FaceSpace? Were people laughing at her? She didn’t know...instead, she laid there, hoping that sleep would grab her and throw her down into unconsciousness. It did not, and she turned her head back to her clock, it reading fifteen minutes past one in the morning. And then, she heard a knock. A simple double knock, and then a third after a pause. Her world stopped. She became aware of her uncombed hair, her slightly greasy face, the sweet alcohol remnants on her breath. Fuck it, too late now. “Come in.” ~~~ Twilight grabs the cold doorknob, twisting it to the side tightly as she peeks her head inside. “Sunset..?” She whispers, not allowing herself inside all the way. Her blue eyes scan the room, she expected Sunset’s room to be cleaner. I mean it was earlier when she was in here getting proof for Rarity, but again, that was earlier. Now there’s a towel, bottles and an empty water bottle by Sunset’s bedside. She drags her gaze up at the woman, looking disheveled. Another mental note she never thought she’d see.. “I uh...got your note.” Twilight’s voice is soft, but still a bit hoarse from her nerves. She’s leaning against the door for support. Not because she’s afraid but...well, ok. Maybe a little afraid. I mean this is Sunset Shimmer she’s poking her head at to see at 1 in the morning, she didn’t even expect her to be up still! “S-Sorry it’s so late, I hope I didn’t wake you. I didn’t see the note until...fairly recently.” Twilight looks back into the hall, to make sure no is looking, because at this rate, she wouldn’t be surprised to have the entire town watching this bizarre interaction right now. When she’s sure no one can see, she slides her thin body through the smallest possible slit between the door and the frame as she can, slipping into Sunset’s room before shutting the door. Twilight stands rigid by the door, afraid to advance any further unless told. She lightly beats on her thighs with her balled up fists. With the way Sunset is looking at her, it’s not hard for Twilight to want to look literally ANYWHERE but at the woman on the bed. Especially the orange shoulder that’s left out from the shirt falling slightly to the side. ‘You’d think with how rich she is, Sunset could afford clothes that fit.’ “You. Are. Late.” Sunset said this with acid on her words. How DARE she even bother to come up with an excuse to give?! “You mean to tell me, that you’ve been in your room this whole time, and just NOW decide to see my note? Ha!” She tried to sit up further, but she slipped a bit. Coming down on her palms, her shirt sliding further down her shoulder. Twilight’s posture stiffens, she’s quick to raise her hands in defense. “N-No of course not Sunset! I was just out for most of the day. And it was late by the time I got back and I still had some things to do. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was super important. You could’ve just texted me. I would’ve responded faster.” Twilight’s eyes frantically flick between Sunset’s face and her shoulder. Her left hand decides to grab at her right elbow, slightly shielding herself from the situation. “Oh? And what exactly could you have been out doing, Hm? Do you know how long I’ve been waiting? ME? I do not wait for anything.” Sunset slammed her hands down onto her bedding again, her words just slightly slurred. Her hair falling a little more out of place. Twilight squints at Sunset. “Are you…” She looks at the bottles on the floor, never once assuming they were recent. “Have you been drinking?” She asks in a slightly stirred up voice. Sunset squints back at Twilight, never bothering to pull up her shirt, the top of her left breast showing slightly as she gathers her fire. “What I have been doing is none of your business. And even if I have, it is YOUR fault. See this? All of this? That’s you Twilight!” She waved her hands at the mess, not really even making sense to herself. “Maybe you should have been here sooner. You know what, if you are going to be like this, why don’t you just leave.” Sunset folded her arms and turned away. Twilight looks around like she’s on some prank show. Never mind the fact she got in her business, but she’s not allowed to ask Sunset about hers? And how was any of this Twilight’s fault?! Now she wants her to leave?? “I don’t...I thought you wanted to talk about something? You made it sound serious! But now you can’t go two sentences without berating me. For nothing I had anything to do with.” Twilight crosses her arms as well, rebuking the drunken rich child. “That’s just it Twilight. I wanted too. And now I don’t. You’ve made it painfully obvious that you don’t give a SHIT about anyone else in this world but you. So go, leave. Head back to your sad selfie cave. And don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. It’s worth more than you.” Sunset sneered as she stared at Twilight with emerald fire eyes, her face set into a neutral scowl, her default. That would teach Twilight to make her feel less than the best. She was ALWAYS the best. “Go fuck your selfie Sunset, I don’t have time for this bullshit.” Twilight huffs with an angry scoff. “Don’t ask me to come over just to kick me out. If you want me to go, then I will. But I won’t be coming ba-...are those my cookies.” The phrase comes out as a statement rather than a question. She knows they're hers. She’s been wondering where they went. She’s been craving that chocolate chip goodness for hours now! How dare Sunset just take them! Sunset gives off an unaware, innocent smile. She has completely forgotten what she just said, happy that Twilight has noticed the snacks she brought out for her. “Yes, did you want one? They have fudge in them! See?” She stands to go grab them...but trips as her foot gets wrapped up in her bedding. She falls over the edge, hitting the floor with a dull, meaty thunk. She lets out a pained “Oof” as she hits the ground. Twilight jumps, “Cheese and rice Sunset! Are you ok?” The woman scampers to Sunset’s side, trying to help her off the ground. Her flare of rage from arguing now suddenly being replaced with concern. ‘Things that tall shouldn’t fall down…’ “I’m...erm...no.” Sunset looks up, tears in her eyes, a large red bump forming on her forehead. She turns her head back to the cookies on the desk, trying in vain to reach out to them. She whimpers instead and drops her hand. A single tear falls from her eye, landing on the back of Twilight’s hand. “...orry…” Sunset says this quietly, not looking at Twilight. Something swells in Twilight’s chest. Every fiber of her being screaming to help the woman on the ground. ‘I’ve never seen Sunset like this...is this what she’s like when she’s drunk? That bump will hurt tomorrow…’ “Come on Queenie. Let’s get you back in bed.” Twilight puts a gentle hand on Sunset’s shoulder, her other tenderly grasping at Sunset’s arm, trying to get her to stand up. “And don’t worry about the cookies, I know all about the fudge goodness.” With Twilight’s help, Sunset sits back up in bed, still sniffling as another tear rolls down her face. She looks at Twilight, and then back to the cookies on the desk. She needed them, she got them for Twilight. Well...she stole them for herself, but that was earlier. WAY earlier. She was a different woman now. Sunset looked Twilight in the eyes and let out a soft whimper, turning her head to look at the cookies, and then outstretching a hand. Like a toddler. She looked back at Twilight with wide eyes. “I’m...sorry. Please don’t go.” Twilight isn’t sure how to really respond. She just kind of stares at Sunset. She’s never felt more sorry for the woman. Once she’s back in bed, her hands let the woman go. She does sit herself down on the bedside. She looks at the cookies and then back at Sunset. ‘I’ve never known of a situation where cookies didn’t solve everything.’ Twilight plucks a cookie from the box, breaking it in half. Of course it breaks off unevenly. She gives Sunset the smaller half. Mainly because Twilight wanted to be a little selfish and fill her craving, and she didn’t want Sunset to eat too many sweets while drunk. Her violet, doe like eyes send a peace offering with the cookie half. “Here. My mom always used to give me sweets when I got hurt. Made me feel better. I’ll spare you the lecture about taking them another time.” Twilight softly exhales a small chuckle of sorts. The chocolate fudge already beginning to melt onto her fingertips. Sunset takes the small cookie piece, smiling as she does. But she isn’t sure what Twilight means by a lecture. She hadn’t done anything wrong. She looks up at Twilight’s soft eyes. Then she frowns. She takes her cookie piece and pushes it up into Twilight’s face, then down onto her lips. She keeps pushing, at one point even making little airplane noises, trying to get Twilight to open her mouth and eat the cookie. Twilight’s eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. “Sunset...what are you doi-hurmph!” Twilight gets cut off as the cookie is shoved into mouth, causing some crumbs to fall onto the nice, white bed sheet. Twilight cups her hand under her chin, catching any further crumbs. She can't really comprehend what just happened. Did Sunset Shimmer really just...force feed Twilight a cookie while making airplane noises?! In her stunned state, she just eats the cookie. Why not, right? She can chalk all this up as drunk behaviour that Sunset is mostly likely not going to remember tomorrow anyway. Twilight can humor her for the meantime...she can do that. Right? Sunset smiles, having completed her task. She has fed Twilight a snack. Good, now she can’t leave. She was a good host, and guests love snacks. Her face quickly pulled into a tight frown though, her lilac lips pressing together. Right, the note. The reason Twilight was here. Sunset stood up and walked across her room, far enough from Twilight as she dared. Twilight makes muffled noises of protest when Sunset gets out of bed. Shoving the rest of the cookie in her mouth, scrambling to let the crumbs in her hand not hit the ground. “T-Twilight?” She asked this timidly, unsure of what even she really wanted to say. She stood there in silence for, what to her, felt like an eternity. She needed to just come out and say it, but how? She couldn’t do this. She needed more to drink...but she was out, remembering that she had placed all the bottles next to each other and knocked them down with a rolled up sock like they were bowling pins. She turned around slowly, and met Twilight in the eyes, who was still sitting on the bed with a curious expression, almost cautious. Her own sweats were hanging on the edges of her hips, the drawstring not bothered to be tied. Her grey shirt, not quite long enough to cover her navel, was still hanging down her shoulder, tempting to fall off as well. And she had nothing underneath those. She could feel her clothes about to tumble off, but this was more important, she’d fix it later. But that very tiny pin prick on an idea of her accidentally stirpping for Twilight...she became aware of her nipples pressed up against the fabric of her shirt. Finally she took a breath. “Twilight...why...were you nice to me today…? Is it because you felt bad for me? Or was it because you really wanted to? Because I don’t get it…” She turned away again after she had finished. She was trying to hold her breath. Whether it was the pain from earlier when she fell, or it was the drunk wearing off and she was now aware of how stupid this all was, the tears wanted to flow. And she was not about to let that happen in front of Twilight. She had already seen her a mess twice now in one day! That was enough. Twilight tilts her head to the side a bit. She knows what she wants to say, and she knows what Sunset wants to hear. Should she tell the truth? No.. surely that would make things worse. Sunset is already a mess over a simple act of kindness. “I...what? Sunset, I don't know what you mean.” Twilight tries a different approach. Maybe she can coax Sunset into revealing why she's in shambles right now. Twilight can't help but feel responsible. I mean she is, but, still! She's always seen Sunset Shimmer as this strong woman. Being nice was something Twilight didn't expect her to hold onto. She even texted her that they weren't friends right after the fact! She still has the text! Then again, today has been so bizarre, Twilight wouldn't be surprised if she made that up too. As sad as it seems, if today actually DID happen, if her and Sunset end up fighting, she could always just...change it. With a raise of her hand and some borderline nauseating visuals, Twilight could say all the right things to keep Sunset happy. She's done it with everyone else so far. ‘But this is different somehow. I'm not trying to get information or not get caught for something. Sunset is being herself...to an extent. Raw and open. Vulnerable. Taking advantage of this seems wrong. I already used my powers on her once today, and look how things turned out.  Even though I had an excuse.. I'm starting to actually feel guilty about it. Who knows when this will happen again. No. I can't use my powers here. I won't! I'll be honest too. I'll just have to use my words carefully.’ “I mean...why did you bother? It was like you were expecting me to get wet and then have my clothes ruined, I saw the look on your face. Like you had planned it all. You looked so...SMUG!” This last part came out way more harsh. Sunset was aware of her clenched fists, and her wide stance. She was mad now. Very mad. Maybe this WAS Twilight’s fault. Maybe this was part of some game. That had to be it. Make her look like an idiot, and then what? Make her wait when she wanted something. She probably had a room full of those weird friends right now, waiting to jump in and laugh at her some more. Sunset turned around again, and wrapped her arms around herself. She couldn’t hold it anymore. She let out a tiny sob that shook her shoulders just slightly, her fingers digging into the backs of her arms, her head tucked down. Twilight winces back at Sunset’s words. Harsh. But not totally undeserved. Twilight stands to her feet, rubbing at the back of her neck. A nervous tick she’s always done. “Sunset...I...I know it seemed like I wanted it to happen, and maybe I even had a part in it. But I didn’t expect it to get that bad. I felt like shit after it happened.” Twilight hates the feeling of being so dependant on her powers now. It’s the first day she got them, and yet she abuses it. But she wants to do anything she can to just stop those depressing sobs coming from Sunset. She hates it when anyone cries, but seeing her bully do it, makes her feel weird and out of place. Like she’s intruding even though she was invited. “Oh, so you MAYBE had a part in it Twilight? MAYBE!?” These words come out like a shriek, the tears now flowing freely from Sunset’s eyes. “Why don’t you just stab me in the chest while you are at it! Friends don’t do that Twilight!” Sunset flung herself onto her bed...maybe  a bit more dramatically than she should have. She landed face down and grabbed one of her pillows, tucking it up into her. She bawled into it, but kept one hand out, inching its way towards Twilight. She was mad at her but...she was the only other human there. No reason to throw someone away when they could comfort you. The bedding had tried to remover her pants from her, the top of her butt now being very visible, all of her a slight shade of pink tinged orange from the heat of her sadness. “It’s alright Sunset...but you...said we weren’t friends?” Twilight watches Sunset fling herself to the bed. The crack slip catches her eye, but her being a crying mess is more important. She’s not a creep. She won’t oogle the poor woman in distress when she’s sure she didn’t even mean for them to fall slightly. She stays put beside the bed. Not moving to grab at or rub Sunset for comfort, she’s afraid to make things worse. Somehow. Sunset lays there and sobs her little heart out for a good few minutes, at one point forgetting Twilight was there. Once she was able to compose herself, she turned her head a bit to the side, her vision blurry, but was able to just make out Twilight’s form. “Well...don’t just sit there.” This was more of an order, and she turned her head back to being buried once she finished. She was upset. People don’t let her be upset. That isn’t how this works. She felt herself scoot just a fraction of an inch closer to Twilight. “And fine...I’m sorry Twilight. It is ok then…” Twilight just continues to stand. “Sunset...I already apologized. Had I known spilling paint on you would’ve caused you to act like this, then I wouldn’t have done it. I don’t know what you want me to say. I should probably just...head back to my dorm.” Twilight motions to the door weakly with her hand, taking a small step in that direction. Just because Twilight doesn’t like to see people cry, doesn’t mean she always knows what to do. With Sunset being drunk, it seems something small would set her off. Twilight isn’t good with conversation like this. Which is why she loves her powers, but she made a promise to not use them right now, to herself. “So...you did do it then, on purpose?” Sunset moves her head back so she can look at Twilight, tears still silently flowing out of her. One of her hands moves up and grips onto Twilight’s pajama bottoms. She looks up at her with big eyes, almost pleading for something. An answer, comfort, anything. Twilight lets her body slump a bit. Her hands fall to her sides. She looks at Sunset with sorrowful eyes. “Yes…I did.” Sunset never took her eyes off of Twilight. She wasn’t sure how to react. Twilight looked like she was sorry, like she was ashamed in some way, but was she? Sunset hadn’t really gotten to know Twilight outside of petty insults and the classes she had with her. She didn’t seem like a person who would do something so vicious. But...Sunset was. And maybe that’s why she wasn’t upset. Given the chance, she would ruin whatever Twilight had as well, and she knew it. Maybe this was revenge for something she had done. How many people had she exploited THAT very day? Maybe as many as she could count on one hand. So maybe this was the way things are. She didn’t have to like it, just deal with it. But maybe she didn’t want to. Maybe she...wanted more. Sunset sat up, crossing her legs and scooting a bit closer to Twilight. She had that scowl on again, but it was more serious instead of angry. She was studying Twilight’s face closely. Twilight watches Sunset. Like a snake ready to bite. She stares back, not as serious, but just as concentrated. Curiosity as to why Sunset is staring at her, regret for making her like this, anxious to run away...her palms begin to sweat. She’s afraid to move, to wipe them on her sweats  or anything else. She could feel her blood flowing everywhere, nerves tingling from her fingertips to her toes, which are starting to get cold from being barefooted for so long. Sunset leans in just a tad closer. Her eyes squinted just a bit. “Apologize to me.” This wasn’t really a command, but maybe a challenge? Twilight blinks. Sputtering back a bit. “Wha-?” Hadn’t she said sorry multiple times tonight? “I said, apologize to me, Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset moved in a bit closer, legs still crossed, arms still laying gently in front of her. She was trying to burrow into Twilight’s eyes with her own. She felt so sure of herself, but what did she want her to do? She wanted Twilight to mean it for one, even though she was sure she already had...but those clothes were expensive. More so than anything Twilight owned, of that she was sure. She wanted Twilight to do something, she just didn’t know what yet. It had to be real. Twilight struggles to keep eye contact with how intense Sunset is being. “Uh..sorry? I really didn’t mean to make you miserable, I just wanted you to let me inside the dorms.” Sunset scoots closer again. “No Twilight. Apologize. To. Me…” Every word got softer as she said it, her face only about eight inches or so from Twilight’s. Sunset could smell whatever Twilight had used to wash her hair. Something light, yet...practical. Nothing as ostentatious as what she requires for body, yet...alluring? In fact, everything about Twilight, her face, her freckles, her weird shirt with the rude lettering, nothing was bad per say. She kept her face how it was, never flinching as she got closer. Twilight wants to back up. Sunset is too close. She’s suddenly overstimulated and surrounded by the smell of Sunset. What is that? Lavender? Citrus? Maybe it would be easier to tell if  her nostrils weren’t slightly burning from the smell of alcohol wafting in Twilight’s face from Sunset’s breath. If she wasn’t nervous before, hot dog was she nervous now. Apologize? What was Sunset going on about? Twilight’s eyes frantically scan over the woman’s features. From her tidy pixie cut hair that’s now a bit disheveled, to her piercing green eyes, supple pink pouty lips. She’s carved from apricot marble, even this close up and in her drunken state. Twilight can't help but feel so...inferior. Her dull purple streaked hair that has stray ends flying in every direction all the time. Her unsightly freckles that she tries to not be self conscious over all the time. She unconsciously licks at her chapped lips. Feeling slight jealousy over Sunset’s. But she must use all the right products money can buy. Chapstick was probably applied religiously. “Sunset I don't...understand.” The only reason Sunset could hear Twilight’s voice, would be because she’s so close. Hell, even Twilight could barely hear herself. Though that might be because her heart is beating in her ears. “Shhhh…” Sunset leaned in closer now. She put a finger up to Twilight’s lips. Her breathing was heavier, coming only out of her mouth now. Her cheeks were flushed as she look at Twilight’s expression. This wasn't her, and this wasn't Twilight...but she liked it. She said it again, this time almost like a whisper. “You're sorry...so...apologize to me.” Twilight’s hot breath hits Sunset’s finger. It was a simple gesture, but it made her whole body jerk slightly. Sunset has always bullied and gotten in Twilight’s personal space, but NEVER has it become physical. She’s not even expecting to be hit or anything, but just the sheer contact seems so foreign to her. Her breathing could match Sunset’s in sync, maybe. But Twilight would bet she herself is breathing a bit heavier. Holy crap it feels like there’s an elephant on her chest. “I-I’m...so…” Twilight looks at Sunset through lidded eyes. Her voice softly caresses and vibrates off the slender finger pressed against her. She can’t think of anything coherent. She should leave. She should REALLY, REALLY leave. To not be so stunned by whatever Sunset is doing at the moment. But she’s busy short circuiting to be rational. Sunset leans in closer, scooting her body towards Twilight. She removes her finger, and instead, presses her body up against Twilight. She gently wraps her arms around her waist. Twilight is so warm...Sunset smiles, resting her neck against Twilight’s, she whispers again. “Please Twilight..?” She whispers this directly in her ear, then hesitates. Maybe it was the remnants of cheap, old woman alcohol. Maybe it was the fact that she was lonely, and had been a roller coaster of emotions. Maybe it was because the last person who tried to be intimate with her had failed horribly. On a side note, if she did this...who would know? Twilight wouldn't say anything. And if she did, no one would believe a word. Sunset leaned her head up, and softly, so softly it could have been argued it didn't happen, gently placed her lips around Twilight’s earlobe. Twilight’s body shivers the moment Sunset wrapped her warmth around her. She’s standing, and Sunset is on her knees on the bed, resting against Twilight. She’s absolutely positively certain Sunset can feel Twilight’s heartbeat through her chest. Her hands are to her sides, fingers spread out like she’s being electrocuted. She’s doesn’t move. Doesn’t breathe. ‘Ok Twilight. You’ve got to draw a line here. Clearly...CLEARLY she’s delusional. She would never be like this with you. She hates you! You hate her! Well...I mean, I wouldn’t say I HATE her per say…’ Twilight feels something soft...so incredibly soft brush against her earlobe. A gasp shoots out of her without meaning too. She screws her eyes shut so tightly she’s sure she’ll make herself go blind. She’d be lying to herself if she didn’t admit this was nice. Nicer than she’d like to imagine. Sunset is just looking for comfort. She wants an apology. She was just crying a second ago! Hell! She even made airplane noises with cookies tonight! No. Twilight doesn't do this. She can't just...have sex with someone because they’re vulnerable and they need it. Something like that should be...special. Right? At least that’s what Fluttershy tells her on their tea dates. Which...she REALLY needs to schedule one after tonight. Sunset smiles when she hears Twilight gasp. She has her now. She slowly begins to move up her ear, her teeth lightly grazing it. She’s inhaling through her nose now, seemingly attached to the scent Twilight is giving off. She’s soft, her clothes are too, so is her hair. Sunset brings one hand up from behind Twilight and runs her fingers through the back of her hair. She doesn't knot her fingers, but instead lets Twilight’s hair flow through them gently. Her other hand dances downward, hovering above the hem of her pajama bottoms, fingers teasing the edge. She gets to the top of her ear, and bites. Not hard, but hard enough to where it couldn’t  be mistaken. Then, she starts to suckle on it. Her body pushing up against Twilight’s, trying to find some sort of rhythm. She can feel her breasts push up against Twilight’s now, neither of them very big but it only serves to make her aware of how close the two are, aware of the heat coming off of them both, and aware of Twilight’s heart, pounding so hard she can feel it no matter where she is. She can’t do it. Standing is too hard. Her knees turn to jelly. Her skin feels like it's on fire. Any smart person would tell you to stop letting the flames lick you. But jeebus, does it feel good. Twilight is one of those full body blushers. It starts from her face, then gradually makes her skin from the neck down turn pinkish red on top of her light lavender. The blush flows over her body slowly, even in the dark, it’s visible to a degree. Fortunately, or unfortunately, due to Sunset turning Twilight into mush, making her body buckle, it allows Twilight to do a sort of awkward roll out, away from Sunset’s warm body. “I-I, I gotta go...I gotta go!” Twilight stumbles over her own feet, over the bottles, and stray clothes to dart to the door… Sunset falls forward as Twilight pulls away navy commando style. This has never happened before. No one has run away from her like this. But it’s not anger she feels, it’s rejection. But...worse. She can handle men not wanting her after a while, but this was a new sting. Something about this was harder to take, much harder. Sunset panics. She feels her breath pick up and then shorten, her stomach tightens into this knot of pain and butterflies. Her skin prickles up as an enormous wash of heat comes over her. She acts. Sunset stands up, and dives over her bed, landing on her stomach near the edge, propping herself up with on hand, the other hand has Twilight by the wrist. “Twilight wait! Please, don’t go!” She is frantic. Twilight’s skin is burning. Her flushed face turns to look back at Sunset. The scared doe looking at something much more afraid than she is. Something more miserable looking. “S-Sunset...please...you’re not thinking straight. Let’s, talk tomorrow? Ok? I can come over, b-bright and early.” “You’re lying Twilight. I...I know that look. Please don’t go...stay with me.” Sunset tightens her grip on Twilight’s wrist in a panic. She can’t let her go. She won’t come back, they never do. She’ll lie and avoid her. Suddenly she’ll change classes, not look at her in the eyes anymore. Just like the boys...just like everyone. She will be left with guilt, and shame, and regret, and longing. Did she even want this? Was...was Twilight right? She hadn’t even done anything with a girl before. Well, nothing that wasn’t egged on by a group of drunk Vortex pledges anyway. So why was this a thing? One thousand different ideas began blowing through Sunset’s mind. Most of them trying to explain this away. It began to mess with her, she couldn’t stay focused. She felt her hand start to weaken its grip. If she didn’t want to be here she couldn’t make her. She felt the tears coming back. “Please…?” Twilight lets out a heavy breath she didn’t know she was holding. She’s in pain. She wants nothing more than to stay, but she’s afraid of what she’ll do. How it’ll affect the dynamic between her and Sunset. That when she’s sober, she’ll come to her senses and hold this over Twilight’s head forever. Make her feel like a fool for letting her guard down. Twilight takes a few moments to stifle the thoughts. She’ll just have to deal with them later. Take the insults head on, like always. Slowly, Twilight rotates her wrist in Sunset’s grip, at first, sliding it out. But before Sunset’s hand would drop, Twilight would hold it tenderly in her own. Being a support. “Ok Sunset.” Her voice dips down an octave, to a scratchy yet comforting sound. She takes a step in the woman’s direction. Standing at the end of the bed, just holding her hand. “I’ll...stay. I won't leave you alone. I promise.” Sunset smiled gently, tears trickling down her cheeks still. She pulled Twilight back toward her, trying to get her back onto the bed. She knew she wanted her to stay. But not for how long, or still...for why. None of this made sense to her, and she guessed, maybe not to Twilight either. She looked like she was expecting a beating at any second. Sunset shivered. She was cold. It was cold, and the two of them have basically been wrestling on top of enough blankets to warm the arctic up given enough time. Sunset gave Twilight’s hand a squeeze, then a little tug toward her as she let go. She rearranged herself and pulled back the covers of her bed, sliding her barely clothed form underneath the folds of soft material. She pulled more back, enough for Twilight to get in. She patted the side free with her hand, her other hand supporting her upright. After some tugging and pulling, Twilight clears her throat, and follows Sunset’s hints. She’s in this for the long haul now. Might as well just do what Sunset wants. Nice going Twilight. You just had to be nice didn’t you? The small, thin woman shifts to one side of the bed, sitting upwards with the blanket covering her lap. She’s quiet for now. Not sure what to say. She’s expecting, possibly hoping that Sunset will find this comfortable and just fall asleep. Saving Twilight from anymore embarrassing noises..ugh. It’s not that she doesn’t want to be here. Sunset’s presence can actually be nice when she’s not trying to just dominate anything you do. When she’s not towering over Twilight or making fun of her for being a hipster, she isn’t bad. Sunset lays down and pulls the blankets up to her chin, but then makes a face as Twilight is just...sitting up. Her bed is MORE than big enough for the two of them, but Twilight is just...sitting there. Acting like she doesn't care. Maybe she needs coaxing? That had to be it. Sunset moved one of her hands to tug Twilight down, but wasn’t really looking where her hand was going. She placed her hand right near Twilight’s inner thigh, and tugged. She could make out the hem of her underwear when she grabbed her, and the insides of her legs were...WAY warmer than she thought. She tugged her towards her and down, moving Twilight’s pants down a bit as she pulled. Sunset was trying to stay playful, she hoped it was working. Twilight shoots her hand down to stop Sunset’s pulling. She can tell she’s being playful. Which, again, is bizarre to see. “Ok! Ok Sunset, I’ll lay down. No need to pull my pants off.” Nice Twilight. Way to not sound like a creep. Sunset blinks, then smiles big, showing all her teeth. She giggles a bit, seeing how flustered Twilight is at her own sentence. “I mean, If I have to. Now get in here. I’m cold. You look uncomfortable as well. I don’t bite.” Sunsets face fell. She had literally just bit Twilight on the ear. “Well...you know…” She looked away, red faced. She shifted a bit in the sheets. She was impatient. There goes Twilight’s blush again. Starting at her face before her body gets engulfed in pink. “Yeah well..I know what you meant. And I guess it is pretty cold..” Twilight shimmies under the blankets, her toes accidentally brush against Sunset’s. They’re like icicles for sure. “Jeez Twilight, you’re like ice!” Sunset wraps her warm feet around Twilight’s, and then entwines their legs as well. “Come here, poor thing. You should have said something.” Twilight did not, in any way, shape, or form, feel cold. In fact, heat was pouring out of her body from every pore. Sunset was now super close to Twilight’s face again, her hands resting delicately on her chest, right where her boobs were. She smiled. Twilight went stiff as a board on her back as Sunset slithers her way over, intertwining their bodies like a snake. Her hands grip at the sheets by her sides. Not allowing herself to wrap around Sunset. “W-Wow Sunset, I didn’t take you for a snuggler..” Twilight tries to keep the atmosphere light hearted. “Ya, me either.” Sunset rolled her eyes, but kept her smile so she wouldn’t seem rude. That was also probably a first. She placed both of her hands over Twilight’s breasts, moving them around lightly. She gave a gentle squeeze, then wrapped her arms around Twilight and pulled her in. “I just need a hug. It’s been a day…” Twilight swallows back a light moan in her throat. Twilight’s mind is in turmoil. ‘Does she even realize what she’s doing!? Just...copping a feel?! I’m not going to survive tonight..dead before twenty-one. I didn’t even get the chance to platinum Fallout: Equestria. Lame. You know what. She’s right. It’s been a day. And dammit if she can just act like this, then I can do stupid things too. Neither one of us are going to want to relive tonight anyway. I need to lighten up. As Moondancer says...live like it’s your last day.’ Twilight nods, “I know exactly what you mean Sunset.” She lets out most of her stress and tight muscles with a slow exhale. She shoves her arm under Sunset’s neck, letting her use it as a pillow, allowing her other arm to rest atop Sunset’s. Cuddling. They’re actually cuddling. Never thought Twilight would live to see the day. If someone had told her this would happen earlier today, she would have made Moondancer punch them in the face. Sunset looks at Twilight with wide, puppy dog eyes. This is nice, she’s nice. Of course...what would happen now? At this point, Sunset didn’t even feel buzzed anymore, whatever was left of the cheap, sad-mom booze she drank earlier was gone, but she didn’t feel like she wanted to do anything different. What would she do though? If she quit being mean to Twilight, people would know something was up. She had to keep up appearances, she had a job to do after all, it isn’t easy being the queen. And yet...what would Twilight do? What if she acted like nothing had happened? She already had her in her bed, but what if that’s where it ended. What if Twilight went back to her pranking, throwing more water and paint on her. Making her life harder than it already was. No...she had to not let that happen. She had to do something that would keep Twilight from changing her mind, to keep her in control. This made Sunset frown. No, she didn’t want control. Not from Twilight. She was a nice girl, ya we all have our problems but look at her now, letting Sunset use her arm as a pillow as they lay under the blankets, she didn’t even flinch as she got familiar with her chest. But still, that could mean anything. She didn’t know how close Twilight was with her other friends. Sunset had to let her know it was different. But why did it HAVE to be different? Sunset looked down, studying the shape of Twilight’s collar bones. “What are you thinking about..?” “Huh? Me? Oh..Well..” What WAS she thinking about? Really she had just started to enjoy the moment. For once not thinking about much tonight. “I was more..feeling, than thinking.” “Feeling? Feeling what?” Sunset had brought her hands back to Twilight’s chest. Twilight’s eyes had shifted from looking at the ceiling to look down at Sunset with slight shock. Yes, still. “Uhm...well, the moment? Just being in a new environment.” Twilight struggles as she speaks. Trying to not seem frantic, alas, she fails horribly. “I’m not used to being so close, or in your bed and could you please watch where your hands go? You’re starting to send out weird vibes.” Twilight regretted the word weird as soon as she said. There were better things to say than...weird. Sunset is already all over the place. Before she can let Sunset respond, she tries to fix it. “N-Not a bad weird but like...you know...just...d-different?” Twilight prays that doesn’t set Sunset off.. Sunset blinks. Her face is so...innocent. “Well, I would hope you weren't use to being in my bed, this is the first time you’ve been in it. I hope. And how is this weird?” Sunset gently began to rub Twilight through her shirt, spreading her fingers wide to encompass both her chest mounds. This was...nice, oddly. WAY better than the things she would be doing with boys by now. Her face soured, and then drove the thought away. This wasn’t about this. She was spending time with Twilight now, she wasn’t about to ruin it. Twilight’s breathing comes out a bit harsher through her nose. Sunset certainly has big hands...I mean everyone knew that, and if you ever made notice of it, she would make you truly fear for your life. “It..It just is? I never assumed you were ok with being this close to a girl. Let alone me of all girls. Not that long ago we were fighting and being nasty to each other. Now we’re...cuddling in your room?” The arm resting on Sunset’s is a bit tense, her nails beginning to dig into her skin ever so slightly. Sunset stopped her hands for just a moment. She pondered what Twilight had said. She continued to explore Twilight’s chest as she spoke, finding where one of Twilight’s nipples had decided to make itself known. “Why do you say that? Why can’t I be close to a girl, or you? I didn’t think anything had to be made known. Besides, why give it a word? If that’s what you are getting at. Labels are so...old. And people focus on them too much. Besides, I think you’re pretty. And I’ve...always kind of…” Sunset stopped, she didn’t want to say her next words. Instead, she gave Twilight a squeeze. Twilight just takes Sunset’s rubbing. Her chest is beginning to feel more sensitive. Damn nipple. Go back down you traitor! Heat begins to pool out between her legs, she shifts a bit to try and hide it. “Alright...who are you and what have you done with Sunset.” Twilight huffs. As turned on as she’s getting, what Sunset just said hit a note with her. “You don't believe in labels? Well I don't believe that you don't believe in them! You call me out all the time for being a hipster. That’s all you do to people is label them. Me the hipster, Fluttershy the bible thumper. Moondancer, the drug dropout? I don't trust you’re really that drunk anymore Sunset, so drop the innocent act. You forget I’m at the brunt of all your insults on the daily.” Now she had to say it. “...it’s because I’m jealous ok…” That was it. It was out. She supposed they were past secrets now. Sunset was groping Twilight and had her ear in her mouth earlier. That’s like second base. No more secrets. Twilight lets out an insensitive laugh. “Jealous?! Of what? Me? Have you lost it?” Twilight smirks. “No Twilight...I’m serious. I’m jealous of you. Of...all of you.” These words fall dark on the bed sheets. She gives Twilight’s boobs a harder squeeze, maybe out of anger, then drops her hands. Instead, she wraps them back around Twilight and pulls her close. Twilight is mad. Twilight might leave again. Can’t have that, no. We need her now. We are getting vulnerable. The Shimmers don’t get vulnerable. Well, that’s what she was told from when she was very young. But this shimmer gets vulnerable...and right now she is. And right now, she knows Twilight is the only one she can trust with these feelings. Is that way she’s groping her as well? Trying to get some sense to what is going on? Is she connecting all of her emotions together, so every form or bond of trust between another human has to become inherently sexual? Slow down Sunset...that’s a talk for a therapist. For now, keep it together. She pulled Twilight back close to her, her face laying into Twilight’s chest, one of her knees perfectly in between her legs, feeling the soft, damp heat coming out from her. Sunset smiled. At least that was happening. Sunset was just better at hiding hers. The rough squeeze earned Sunset a gasp from Twilight. It was the perfect mix of both pain and pleasure. Now she’s being constricted in the worst, (best) way possible. “Nngh..Sunset...ok, I get it. You’re jealous.” Twilight tries to situate herself away from the knee, and to not just suffocate. “But...of what? That I don’t need to talk down to people to get what I want? Because you could too, ya know? Do anything and go anywhere. Because you have talent. I’ve said this. Seriously, Mr. Svengallop  isn’t a bad guy and look at him. That could be you!” Sunset presses her knee up harder into Twilight, she knows what she is doing. She can feel how hot she is, feel how swollen parts of her have become. She kept a giggle in her throat, wondering how uncomfortable and constricted she must be, a sexy woman throwing herself all over the timid one. Her parts betraying the tough face she is putting on. Sunset could feel her knee start to get damp, ever so slightly. “I don’t want to be him Twilight...I...want to be you. Any of you. I talk down at you all because...I have to try and convince myself you all are worse than me, so I can stay alive and happy in my own little bubble of wealth and perfection, but it’s not...it’s not great. What you have is great.” Twilight bites her lip to keep any noises down in her throat. Sunset really is starting to do a number on her. She wants to call Sunset out on her movements, but right now they’re talking about more important matters. “Then just stop!” She says a bit more loudly than wanted. Blame her climbing libido. Her voice cracks a slight bit. Who knows if she’s telling Sunset to stop acting the way she is with people, or her ascending knee into her sensitive being.It seems her cheeks are just stained with pink. Sunset looks up at Twilight. She pulls away her hands, her legs, her body. She backs away, pain in her eyes. She has a blank expression on her face. Ya, if only it were that simple, but it isn’t. It was more complicated than she knew, the things ingrained in her as a person, as a lady. It was ridiculous. Sunset rolled over onto her back, her arms flat at her sides. She looked up at her ceiling. She said nothing. Twilight lets out a heavy and slightly relieved sigh. Her body is her own again! So, why does she feel so much colder? She just wanted Sunset to stop driving her nerves up the wall, but now she seems even more bothered than before! Christ, her hormones need to make up their damn mind! As she just lays there to try and regulate her breathing, she turns her head to look at Sunset. “Um...Sunset? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell..” Sunset laid there, unmoving. She kept her eyes fixed on the ceiling. She had no words, why should she? She could explain as much as she wanted to Twilight, but she wouldn’t understand. It would be like explaining air to a fish. And it made her angry, and then feel stupid. She laid there. A single tear rolled out of her eye and down here cheek. She had cried a lot tonight. ‘Great going doofus. You made her cry again. You’re the worst at this…’ Twilight’s expression went to a pained one. Slowly, she turns onto her side. She’s got to fix this. Somehow. Do something. Anything! In a panicked haste, Twilight worms her way under Sunset’s body. Her back, really. Digging her way under her like a dog searching for a buried bone in the dirt. She shoves her body in head first. Pushing and shoving herself beneath the woman. “I...Twilight, what are you doing?” She doesn't move, and this comes out like an annoyed sigh. She was losing her mood fast, and once it was gone, it would be hard to get back. She did not move to stop Twilight though, just a bit curious of what this was. Twilight makes cute little grunting and huffing noises as she just ignores Sunset and just keeps trying to get behind her. Making everything awkward as all hell, trying to force Sunset to sit up, as it would be the only way to let Twilight behind her. Her head gently but persistently rams itself against Sunset’s side. Sunset sits herself up, one of her eyebrows raised as she watches Twilight behind her. She is trying not to laugh. Was she part mole now? Twilight giddly keeps pushing, seeing as her efforts were working. Once Sunset sits up, even sees she’s trying to act like she doesn’t enjoy it, Twilight flops to sit up as well. With a quick hop, she’s on her knees with her hands in front of her. Her hair all tousled and mused. But her eyes shine brightly. It’s really quite a sight, she’s just missing little floppy ears and a wagging tail. Her small smile is pointed right at Sunset. Letting her good attitude try to shift Sunset’s sour one. Sunset blinks a few times, a small smile building on her face. She extends a hand and pats Twilight on the head. “Um, good girl. There there.” Sunset giggles, moving a hand to her mouth to try and hide it. Twilight has soft hair. Twilight shuts her eyes as she laughs quietly. Her smile growing. The head pats were nice. She opens her eyes slowly, glad she made Sunset a bit happier. “Hey...I was thinking..” Twilight has a soft voice, like there’s a sort of sound barrier she’s afraid to break. “Ya? Of what?” Sunset had tilted her head. “Do think we could compare photo notes sometime? I’ve been meaning to ask but...you know. I think it would be cool try and learn each others styles.” Twilight innocently asks with wonder in her eyes. Sunset let her smile drop just a bit. This was not what she expected. A thought touched her mind, just for a moment, and then it left, but it was strong enough for the embers in her loins to re-ignite. She looked at Twilight’s face, focused in on her smile. As quick as she could, before Twilight could fight, because she knew that she would, both hands went for her head. One hand wrapped around her neck, the other under her chin, fingertips grazing her cheek bone. She kissed her, her lips pushing hard against Twilight’s. It was powerful, full of force, and repression. But she also wanted it to leave an impression. Twilight doesn’t exactly have the best experience with kisses. She’s only kissed one person in her life and was with a boy in 5th grade behind some bleachers at a dumb football game. His lips were everywhere and sloppy. It didn’t last long, which she was grateful for. But it had stuck with her to this day. When Sunset kissed her, it’s more tight lipped. Small. Softer. MUCH softer. She just can’t move to reciprocate it. She stays so still in her seated position that her muscles are starting to ache and burn. The most her body automatically does on its own, is just slightly pucker back. Her eyes are wide open. Staring at Sunset’s face. If you ask Twilight what she was thinking, you might hear a robotic noise of her limbs beginning to fall over slightly. Sunset pulled her face back slowly, their lips tugging at each other before breaking away, the kiss was forced together so powerfully that it left Sunset tingly. She looked into Twilight’s wide eyes, before lowering herself back onto her back, one arm behind her seductively, the other running up and down her own chest. Her grey shirt was laying over, still far down on her shoulder, her entire left boob was showing, nipple and all. She knew it, she didn’t care. She had a warm glow to her. For now, she felt like a greek goddess. Something forbidden. The look in Twilight’s eyes did little to put out the fire inside of her. If Twilight was closer, she could probably feel it. She WANTED her to feel it. Twilight watches Sunset fall. Her wide eyes are glued to the boob for a solid fifteen seconds before flicking up to her face. Twilight has no more blue in her eyes. They’ve been engulfed in black from all the dilation. Her arms shake. Her breathing comes out as pants. She opens her mouth to speak. To voice her opinions! To ask why she did it! To ask for more! To guffaw! Anything! After a few moments of just having WWIII in her mind, while her eyes just continue to fuck Sunset, she decides on the best choice of action. The best motto. Fuck. It. If Sunset so clearly wants this, then damn it all to hell, so does Twilight. She’s just a human. And who is she to turn down this Aphrodite of a woman before her. It’s been a fucking day. What’s one more dramatic event? Time travel powers? Check. Seeing a storm to wipe out the town? Check. Seeing her childhood friend after five years? Check. It snowing in eighty degree heat? Check. About to fuck and lose her virginity to her ridiculously attractive bully? Double check. Twilight turns off her brain. No more thinking. No more delaying what everyone knew was going to happen anyway. Twilight lets herself fall on top of Sunset. Shifting her weight to be on top of her waist. Her legs on either sides of the woman’s hips. Their collective heat just making everything unbearable. Twilight’s hands rest beside Sunset’s head on the pillow while her lips come to meet Sunset’s once more. Capturing them like a perfect photograph. Two opposites colliding. Instantly she dives into tugging and playing with Sunset’s lips with her own. The two make collective sounds of smacking and sucking. If anything it just adds to the effect. The fire that has set Twilight’s body ablaze. The smoothness of their lips allow for easy gliding. Twilight can’t help but let out a quiet moan, which Sunset would end up swallowing. Kissing Sunset, being on top of her, feeling her heat..it awakens something primal in Twilight. She’s normally so held back, so reserved. She’s always had a backbone, but this is something different. You would think for someone who has no experience with any of this, she should take things a bit more slowly, warm up to it. Learn. Pay attention. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t take the Fluttershy approach.  Twilight wants to rip Sunset’s clothes off to feel more. Touch more. All of it makes Twilight dizzy with lust. She’s almost angry that she isn’t situated enough to use her hands. She wants to touch Sunset. Lose herself in the woman who has never been so open before. Allowing herself to be so emotional, Twilight takes it as the highest compliment. And the biggest turn on. Her kisses start to come off a bit rougher just after a few seconds. More frantic, needy. Never in a million years would she deem herself worthy of Sunset. By god is she not going to let her regret it. Sunset keeps her eyes closed as Twilight awkwardly begins to kiss her lips, fumbling around weirdly with her hands. Sunset smiles into Twilight’s lips. She feels like a young boy, on top of his first girl, unsure of what to do or how to please her. It makes her want to laugh, but she can’t. Twilight is busy...she thinks. Did she want this? It would be a lie to say that she hadn’t been leading her on. Twilight was just way better at reading the signs. She could feel Twilight’s heat on top of her own. It made her feel fierce, excited, in control in a way. She liked it, liked this. Her hands ran up Twilight’s back, scratching it gently, rubbing in the middle of it. She was trying to relax her just a bit more for what she knew she wanted to do, regardless of what might happen. “Twilight...what do you think you are doing..?” She keeps that air of authority as she pulls away from Twilight’s lips. She puts on a scowl and looks disappointed with a hint of anger. She’s curious what Twilight will do now. Twilight pulls away with heavy panting. Her eyes bore into Sunset’s. “W-What…?” Her hot breath comes out in puffs against the woman’s lips. She’s still on her hands and knees awkwardly above her. Sunset lets out an audible giggle now, her scowl melting away immediately at Twilight’s face. She’s cute. You should tell her that. “You’re cute Twilight.” Sunset leans up and gives Twilight’s lower lip a quick bite, pulling back again, her hands still rubbing and scratching Twilight’s back. Her smile is still big. Twilight lets out a weird choking noise from the lip bite. “I’m...cute?” Her skin feels like it’s burning wherever Sunset touches her. Like she’s leaving a trail of fire behind her nails. Twilight is actually slightly embarrassed of herself from the fact just after a few kisses she’s a disoriented mess. “Ya...but just a bit. Don’t get too full of yourself now.” Sunset puts back on her face of pride as her hands go down and slide up underneath Twilight’s shirt. She reaches upwards until she finds her Bra. With one quick movement, it unclasps in her fingers. She pulls her hands back out, raising an eyebrow up at Twilight. Twilight’s eyes flick down and to the side, like she can somehow see her bra being unclasped. It was a shocked reaction. Suddenly her body goes stiff, staring down Sunset. A mixture of emotions swirl over her face. “A-Are you...sure? I mean are we..really going to..?” Twilight internally scolds herself from the lack of confidence. Could she sound anymore like a virgin? Her bra just kind of hangs off her loosely off her body, only staying in place from her shirt still being on. “You saw my boob, I want to see YOURS. It’s only fair Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset uses her full name this time, her voice having the light, fluffy air of confidence it usually does. She bites the inside of her lip, trying to hide the uncontrollable excitement flowing through her. She can feel her heartbeat between her legs. “Well...I’m waiting Twilight.” Her hands go back up Twilight’s back one more time, digging in with her nails as she pulls down. Her hands drop to the side when she’s done, still looking up at her. “Ahh..” Twilight moans under her breath, trying to make it seem like it was a sigh. The nails are going to be the death of her. “Right, Ok. That makes...sense.” With a heavy gulp, Twilight leans back up. Her body rests atop Sunset's pelvis. Twilight’s heated energy has steamed off into nervousness. Something about taking her shirt and bra off for Sunset rattles her to the core. With her tiny little dainty fingers, Twilight grabs the bottom of her shirt lifting it slowly. It raises past her belly, slowly revealing the underside of her lilac breasts, taking the bra up with her so they both come off in one go. She awkwardly holds onto the garments with her right hand. Not tossing them or setting them at the end of the bed. Just clutching them in her hand. Sunset’s eyebrows raise for just a moment, her eyes getting wider for a fraction of a second before going back to normal. Twilight didn’t have much to work with. Of course, neither did she, but this just made Twilight seem cuter. MUCH cuter. Her breasts were evenly shaped, which made her jealous. Sunset’s right boob was just a tad bigger than her left, though it would be hard for anyone who wasn’t a perfectionist and obsessed with her body to know. They were perky, her dark erect nipples for of youth and energy. Sunset could feel her mouth water. “Alright Twilight. Now what.” She put back her ‘I’m in charge’ voice. Twilight slumps a bit at the words. She scoffs in slight irritation. Of course Sunset would be like this. Why did she expect any different? Twilight drops her shirt and bra, letting them land on the bed with quiet fwop. She crosses her arms above Sunset. Tucks them right under her breasts, making them seem larger and fuller. Two can play this game. “Well? I’m not going to be the only one here with their shirt off. Might as well match me since your shirt seems to have a mind of its own anyway.” Twilight snarks. Sunset glances down for a moment. Her boob hanging out of her shirt again. Twilight was right, it did sort of have a mind of its own. Of course, that is why she picked it. Keeping her neutral expression, Sunset pulls off her shirt in one motion, never even lifting herself up far. Benefit of expensive material. Her breasts move up just a bit with her shirt, and she tosses it at Twilight’s face. It rolls down to land in between them, Sunset smiling at this playful gesture, DYING to see Twilight’s little frustrated face. She was dying from her excitement, any idea could see that, or in Sunset’s case, FEEL that. This was obviously the most sexual she had ever gotten, maybe even with herself. The shirt ruffles Twilight’s hair, making her bangs curl and have fly out ends go in various directions. Sunset was right. It made Twilight pout. That little pink, swollen lip protruding outwards slightly. She didn’t do such a good job hiding her eyes as she watches Sunset’s breasts sway slightly from the shirt. Sunset got what she wanted, maybe it was only fair Twilight got what she wanted. It was fast, so fast maybe it was always like that. Sunset moved her hands back to Twilight’s back, then vaulted upwards, Twilight tumbled down onto her back, and Sunset was now straddling her, both of their lower mounds touching underneath their clothes. The heat of their connections became obvious to both of them, the scent of their excitement filling the air. Sunset leaned in, smashing her lips against Twilight’s, forcing them open with her tongue, then driving it into her mouth as far as it would go. She began to wrestle with Twilight’s tongue, pulling away every so often to feel her lips against her, then go back in. Air was hard to find, the the two of them giving off gasping breaths when they could. Sunset felt her mind begin to grow fuzzy and cloudy. This was hot. One hand still was behind Twilight, but it had migrated to her neck. Sunset’s other hand was now in front, desperately grabbing at Twilight’s boob. Her whole hand squeezing it in its entirety. She needed this, wanted this. She would not give up. Deciding to give Twilight a bit of respite, she moved to Twilight’s neck, sucking lightly at the skin. Sunset just sucked down Twilight’s moans. The sheer pace Sunset went at made it difficult for Twilight to keep up. Struggling to not break apart like fine china. Her head cranes to the other side where Sunset’s lips are not, eager and willing to let her ravish at the skin. Twilight’s hands slither into those short blonde locks. Pulling at the roots from behind, forcing her closer. God she needed to be closer. To just lose herself in this. She had all the time to worry and fret later about the consequences. “Twilight...give me orders, little girl. Can’t do anything if you don’t tell me…” Sunset’s voice is light, wispy, like a gentle ghost of passion. Twilight growls. Sunset is toying with her, she knows it. “A little...,” Twilight tugs on Sunset’s hair, ripping her lips away from Twilight's neck making Sunset's head arch back in slight punishment. “...compassion would be nice.” “Oh, and what have YOU done for me to give you compassion? No, I’m just going to keep playing with you.” Sunset jerks her head forward. It hurts, Twilight’s hand held on like a vice in her hair. She latches back onto Twilight’s neck, digging in with her teeth as she sucks, both hands now tightly gripping both of Twilight’s boobs. “Ah!” Twilight gasps.”P-Pretty sure,” She stutters out through pleasure, “me being compassionate-Hah…! Is the reason you..you’re so hot for me.” Twilight manages out with a smirk. Her body wiggles and writhes beneath Sunset, her back slightly arches into her hands. Something about those words pricks a needle of anger in the back of Sunset’s mind. She stops sucking, her hands quit squeezing, but don’t let up the pressure they are giving off. What does she do? Mouth her concern? Tell Twilight she’s wrong? But she isn’t wrong. Twilight did that, gave her compassion, showed her real genuine care and feelings. Twilight didn’t have to help her with the paint and water. Twilight didn’t have to come to her room. Twilight didn’t have to comfort her while she was drunk, when she wanted to cuddle, when she made her mad and acted like a dog. But...this was also Twilight’s fault, she admitted to doing it, even if she left out how. Sunset left Twilight’s neck, and moved down to one of Twilight’s nipples. Her tongue chased around it as her hand went behind Twilight to support her, her other hand now gently massaging Twilight’s other boob. She looks up at Twilight. “Is it? Tell me what you did. Prove it.” Sunset’s face is...odd. It’s not serious and scowling, but not caring or hot. It’s something different. Twilight looks down at Sunset with a flushed face. Her half lidded eyes trying to decipher the look on the woman’s face. Her vice grip on Sunset’s hair has slackened. Now her hands just kind of rest there, letting the blond strands get tangled in her fingers. “What do you mean, prove it?” Twilight licks her lips, goosebumps erupt on skin from Sunset’s tongue running over her erect little bud. “...Tell me what you did.” It was a simple request, Sunset’s voice earnest and innocent. “I…” Twilight closes her eyes and takes a few breaths to gather herself. “I turned..the sprinklers up and, unhooked Samuel's paint can so it would...break and fall.” Hurt. A flash of fire and thunder in her eyes, follow by a downpour of hurt. Pain, betrayal, karma. Her eyes showed a tremendous amount of regret, and given the situation they were in now? Sorrow. “That’s...not what I meant.” Sunset leaned in, her forehead landing in the middle of Twilight’s chest. She wanted held again. Twilight’s breathing slows, its semi regular again. Part of her is grateful. She was getting lightheaded. Her hands on Sunset’s head now just pet her. Soothing the pulled hairs from moments before. She saw the look. She knows that look well from other people. But she’s seen that on Sunset earlier before. On the steps. When she first came into the room. Seems Twilight has a knack for making Sunset upset. Twilight looks up at the ceiling while Sunset lays on her. She thinks of what to say, let alone HOW to say it. She told Moondancer...she could tell Sunset, couldn’t she? But was it worth it? Moondancer is her partner in crime. To try and figure why she got these powers in the first place! What would Sunset be? Her...partner in bed? Tell her about her powers because she’s upset over some paint? No matter how Twilight spins this, she can't think of a valid reason to reveal what she can do to Sunset without sounding like a mad woman. She could do a test. Have Sunset say or do something, then rewind to prove it. But it might scare her. Put her into a more hectic state than she’s already in. So...what? Should she just lie? Keep playing dumb? No. No that isn’t the right thing. She wants to trust Sunset, give her the benefit of the doubt, even though she has a million reasons not to. Twilight takes a deep breath, her chest lifting Sunset’s head with her, she doesn’t release it into an exhale before speaking. “I’m not like you. I can’t stand seeing someone being in trouble or in pain. So I just...wanted to make you feel better, even after you were so mean to me. I can’t help it. I always want to see the good in people. Even though I know I’m not so perfect myself. I meant what I said earlier. You have talent. You have style...more than me in every sense. Even though you’re a bully, I can tell there’s reason behind it. You don’t mean most of the things you say. You think you’re untouchable, but Sunset...I’m just like you. We just handle things differently. When I saw that side of you, I knew. And god I just...couldn’t stand it. It was horrible to see you not...be strong.” “But...you’re the one who made me like that. You wanted me to be upset, be hurt. You wanted me to be laughed at. You’re right...maybe you are just like me.” Sunset looked back up into Twilight’s eyes. “But, at least you came back to help...you didn’t hold it over me. I would have. I would have forgotten it and moved on, and If you would have wrote me some stupid letter, I would have put it all over FaceSpace and talked about how desperate and stupid you were. But you didn’t...you came here anyway…” Sunset started to cry again, silently, the tears gently trickling down her face. She put her forehead back on Twilight’s chest. She listened to her breathing, her heartbeat, her rhythm. Slowly, she moved her mouth back to Twilight’s left nipple. She began to suckle. The hand that was resting on Twilight’s other boob began to venture south, slowly sliding down her belly, past her navel. It found the hem of her pants, and went inward. She placed it delicately on her mound, and applied just the easiest of pressure. She could feel Twilight’s heartbeat just as strong here as she did up there. Twilight hums. Not so much in pleasure, well, mild pleasure. But mostly content and comfort. “I know. That’s why I could never understand why we couldn’t be friends. But then maybe it’s because we’re too much alike, that it makes us to stubborn to admit it. I get mad. You pushed my buttons, so I went overboard to get you to do what I wanted. You? You just make people your slaves because you can. No one has to do anything to you. But..Sunset....” Twilight looks down at the crying woman, suckling her tit, “You wouldn’t have wrote me that letter if you didn’t regret any of it.” Twilight runs her fingers through Sunset’s hair. Petting the woman. “You’re not a cold robot. You have emotions too. And when you showed them, and didn’t get scolded for it, it threw you off the rails. I came in here, because I wanted to see more of that. Albeit, I was a little scared, but I want to be that person that makes you feel safe enough to not act the way you think is the best. I want you to understand, that people don’t need a reason to be nice.” Twilight leans her head down a bit, having to strain just slightly, and places a tender kiss on Sunset’s head. The tears continued to fall as Sunset continued on sucking. She had never been talked to like this, treated like...her heart mattered. It hurt, her heart, but it was a new pain. Maybe it wasn’t even pain, but the feelings in them were so new, so foreign, she had no other words for them. Her parents were strangers, they would never be like this. Well, not that she WANTED to be intimate like this with her parents, that's gross, but...just the words, the ideas. Her mother was just like her. Power, control, money. These were the things that drove her. A daughter just happened to be thrown into her plan, and she raised it because she had to. Her father...again, was there only to supply Sunset with money and favors. And if she wasn’t the best, these would end. Other boys, other girls even, were either playthings or people meant to give her things. DO her bidding. But Twilight, in this moment, was showing her actual affection. Actual feelings, actual...love. But that kiss, that little forehead kiss, drove her over the edge. Sunset broke her lock on Twilight’s nipple, and fell back onto the bed. She placed one arm high above her head, the other reaching to grab one of Twilight’s hands. She placed it on her hip, one of which was sticking out of her pants, begging to just be removed already. “Make me naked Twilight...Love me.” Twilight Sparkle has seen a lot of things. Some really fascinating things. Most of them just from today. But this certainly takes the cake. Seeing Sunset just willingly let Twilight be with her like this, never once in her wildest fantasies had she expected things to go like this. Twilight rolls her body to her side, she gazes at Sunset softly while she slides the woman’s sweats down her long and slender legs. Legs that anyone likes to imagine wrapped around them a time or two.. The sweats get place on the floor by the bed in the heap of discarded clothes. Twilight is still staring at Sunset. “Sunset,” she’s beginning to realize the name slips out with ease now. “Is this...uhm...I mean we’re not..” Twilight struggles to finish her statement. “...not what…?” Sunset places a hand on Twilight’s face, holding it. She strokes her cheek, her voice coming out as a velvet whisper. She dips her slender fingers gently down into Twilight’s waistband, wanting her to join her in the physical vulnerability. Everything about Sunset is gone. With that simple head kiss, Twilight tore down the Iron curtain that was Sunset's emotional blockages and walls. It was gone now. Anything and everything could happen now. New walls would be built, new boundaries would be set up after...but for now...Twilight had thrown open the door to Sunset's soul, and had stepped in and set up camp. Twilight shudders at Sunset’s fingers, making it more difficult for her to respond. She wants this, she wants this more anything. But something feels...wrong. The way Sunset is now, the way she’s looking at Twilight. It makes her numb. But she isn’t sure if that’s a good thing yet, “Are you just...being with me like this, because you’re not used to nice people?” Nice Twilight. Sound even more like an ass. “W-What I mean by that is, I know we don't...exactly get along so, I don't want you to think you have to do this in return for what I did. Plus...Plus I don't want to read too much into this, just in case. I’m not sure I can handle a uh, one night stand? B-But I don't want to just assume that this makes a-a thing you know? Because I know, that you know, that..that everyone knows that would be...weird.” Shut. Up. Jesus tits, shut up Twilight. Stop talking. Why are you ruining this wonderful thing?! That’s it. Never leave your room again. Sunset didn’t let go of Twilight’s face. She still stroked her cheek, a gentle smile replaced her neutral mouth, making her face soft and glowy. “Maybe that’s part of it...but I’m doing this because I want to. Because I want to be with you. You’re right. We don’t get along. So...maybe we should change that…” Sunset scooted closer. She could feel Twilight’s uneven breath on her face, feel her gently squirm at her touch. Sunset's other hand had decided to pull more at Twilight’s clothes, or what she had left on. She was like a tiny oven. “One night stand? Do you really think me so shallow, Twilight?” Sunset raised an eyebrow, her lips an inch away from Twilight’s again. “I don’t want to. Which is why I asked. But we both know how crazy things have been tonight. We could both being saying things we don’t mean because we’re caught up in the moment?” Twilight squirms slightly, her upper torso being the only thing above the woman. “You don’t want to change.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement, one that made her face fall. “Twilight…” Sunset still stroked her face. “I-I do...but, I just don’t want it to be for the wrong reason..” “And what reason would that be?” Sunset looked Twilight in the eyes as she began to gently rub her chest, trying to play the seductive goddess once again. Twilight sighs with pleasure. “It doesn't matter now.” The hipster gives up on reasoning, knowing she won't get anywhere. Twilight focuses on Sunset's warm hands on her chest. She looks at the goddess with a sense of nervousness. “I've never...done this before.” “Wait, with anyone? Twilight are you…?” Sunset looked surprised as her hand stopped. Her eyes flicked downward towards Twilight’s still hidden mound with curiosity. Twilight looks away shyly. Red flaring across her face as she hums. “What? No! Let me see!” Sunset jumps up, pouncing on Twilight, pressing her back down on her back, her hands going for her pants, desperately trying to tug them down. She was way too  excited about this. Twilight squeals. “S-Sunset! Stop! Wait a second!” Twilight frantically scrambles to cover herself. “You can't just-!” Sunset stops, Twilight’s pants around the bottoms of her hips, the crease of her mound just starting to show. “Oh? What can’t I do?” “You can't just…!” Twilight huffs and puffs as her flustered self. “It's..it's nothing special you NEED to see..” she looks away, not having the nerve to look at Sunset. “What if...I told you I did need to see it.” Sunset leaned in close, playfully licking Twilight’s belly button. Twilight cautiously peeks over at her. “Why..?” Her voice is so soft she herself almost misses it. “Because you get to see me. ALL of me. And I want to see all of YOU...Twilight.” Her tongue travels south, gliding over what bit of skin is showing. She can almost taste Twilight’s excitement. “...but if you are so shy...I’ll let you get rid of the rest.” Sunset propped herself on an elbow, eagerly waiting what she hoped would be her reward. Twilight squints down at the woman with slight annoyance. “It's…” she stops short with a sigh. “Oh nevermind.” She grabs the hem of her sweats. She's still nervous. She understands why it's only fair, but Sunset doesn't have to stare at her like that. It shakes her to the core. Her tongue making the tiny hairs on her body stand from goosebumps. With a centering exhale, Twilight pulls down her sweats. Underwear too, because she might as well. Her being releases a wave of heat along with her own smell of arousal. Her legs are closed tightly though. This is it. She's naked. Sunset is naked. They're both naked. Twilight feels so dirty. So aroused. So alive. Had Twilight known Sunset was going to pull a stunt like this, she would have shaved more recently. She only has short stubble. Not enough to rash Sunset's face or anything, but enough not feel as prepared or pretty as she could be. “Oh my...Twilight…” Sunset’s eyes grow wide. She licks her lips, inhales deeply through her nose. She begins to snake her way forward. Bot her hands rubbing up Twilight’s legs, her fingers turned inwards. She stops when she gets to Twilight’s middle. Only her legs hiding what Sunset wants. She inhales again, looking at Twilight. Regardless of the lust blasting through her core, she is waiting for permission. Twilight has her face hidden behind her hands. She feels Sunset's hands and they leave her hot and bothered beyond belief. Twilight hasn't touched herself in quite a bit so the attention she gets is simply agony. But she can't admit that. It would only make Sunset more smug. She's already being given the opportunities others have never gotten. Seeing her naked. Kissing her. Fondling her. That damn inhale she keeps doing to smell Twilight that is so filthy and pervy but so fucking hot. “Twilight....” Sunset’s voice was matriarchal and authoritative, but also...dominating in a way. “Are you going to let me do this to you or not?” She tilts her head a bit, putting back on her scowl. Leaning in to lick the space where her legs were vice pressed together. Twilight yelps before quickly covering her mouth and shutting her eyes. Her legs twitch in response, loosening up a bit for Sunset to pry apart. “O-Ok...sorry I'm just...you're just…” “What am I, missy?” Sunset says this while she begins to finally pull apart Twilight’s legs. Twilight looks down, letting her hands fall away from her mouth to speak. “What?” She says in that cute confused tone that's dripping with arousal. Her little virgin flower unfolds before Sunsets eyes as she gets spread. Sunset can’t help but stare at Twilight’s honey pot. The entire thing glistened with her excitement. She subconsciously licked her lips. Her hands twitched, her breathing picked up. Everything about what she was looking at was so...innocent, so sexy. She could tell here Twilight was not very skilled in landscaping herself, probably only doing it so she would feel sexier, and not for any person. Sunset leaned in close, inhaling very deeply and audibly one more time. She planted a soft, light kiss on the tip of Twilight’s clit. Twilight covers her face once more. Seemingly, her go to thing now. To hide her expressions. “Must you do that...you perv...” the insult was half assed. What little fight she has is fleeting out with a hiss through her teeth after Sunset kisses above her bundle of nerves. Part of Twilight wants to yell at Sunset to stop teasing and just touch her directly. Again, she can't bring herself to that point...yet. Sunset opens her mouth wide, her tongue coming out and landing in the space between Twilight’s folds. She moves it up, then down, only once. Twilight’s soft skin parting for her, eager for something, ANYTHING to be inside her. Her juices tickle Sunset’s taste buds, her eyes closing out of ecstasy. “Mmmm.” The only noise Sunset can make as she closes her mouth, licking her slips, trying to savor the taste of Twilight’s untouched peach. Twilight's muffled gasps and sighs stay behind her hands. She's starting to sweat. Juices flowing out of her with no problems, mixing with Sunset's saliva. Her hips jerk and move in certain ways depending on what Sunset does. One hand drops from her face to the bed sheets. Gripping at it so hard her knuckles turn white. Her entire lower half feels warm. And anywhere Sunset is now feels cold. Sunset has no qualms about digging in, her tongue aching for more, to be deeper. She can feel Twilight’s tightness as it grips her tongue, feel her tiny ridges untouched by anything other than Twilight, and now probably herself. Sunset’s hands are like Vice grips on Twilight’s legs, keeping them apart in case she decides to close them again. Her mind begins to grow foggy from the allure of Twilight’s hot musk. All Sunset can process is the taste and scent of the girl in front of her, nothing else even makes sense. It doesn't have too. One of Sunset’s hands goes up, and her thumb presses into Twilight’s swollen button, moving it in a gentle circle. Twilight may be new to most of this, but Sunset is not. She knows how to please someone. Twilight screams behind her hand. The sheet threatens to rip from the strength that only comes out her in the heat of passion. Twilight isn't aware of where she is anymore let alone her actions. Her right leg actually lifts itself and rests on Sunset's back. Her ankle digging in, pulling her in closer. She needs Sunset closer. Deeper. She needs to feel more. More. More! God it's all so much. She's so hot. Her head pounds and her legs feel tight. Her stomach muscles spasm. She's not usually this active on her own. Sunset brings out something crazed in her. Twilight's hair is all over the place. Her nipples reach to the ceiling. Her love juices coat Sunset's face, filling her mouth as she begins to coax something more out of Twilight. Her walls spasming. Sunset reaches up and grabs a hold of Twilight’s leg, hard. Not in a forceful way, but damn...that ankle was digging deep. She pulls the leg back, pulls her face back, and looks at Twilight, blinking. “Well. Looks like someone enjoyed that.” She wipes her mouth off on Twilight’s leg. Then nibbles a bit on her knee. Her eyes are wide and hungry still, like a tiger on the prowl. Twilight breathes heavily. Her body goes slack, only slight tremors ripple through her body. She's both relieved and slightly ashamed. Normally she can last longer...guess not tonight. Her hands fall to her sides. Her chest rising and falling as she waits for her body to not feel like it's on fire. She doesn't even have the energy to snap back at Sunset. “Oh no! Did Twilight get tired~?” Sunset slithers up Twilight’s body again, this time to her face. She grabs ahold of her cheek and turns it toward her, kissing her. She drives her tongue into Twilight’s mouth, swirling it around hers, making her taste her own juices and her saliva. Sunset pulls Twilight’s body in close, one hand back on Twilight’s right tit, while her other hand begins to press again Twilight’s quivering mound. Sunset slides her middle finger inside of Twilight. “Oh my...you weren't kidding. You’re so...tight.” Sunset could almost make out Twilight’s little virgin seal, something she had not felt in...erm...when DID she still have her hymen? That didn’t matter. What mattered was Twilight quivering around her finger as her inner folds massaged it with every little spasm. Sunset took her time slowly pulling it in and out, her mouth resting up near Twilight’s ear. Twilight grips at Sunset's shoulders with her hands. Nails digging in deep enough to leave crescent moons. Twilight's little marks. She's tasted herself before. In a weird mastubation haze, she came to the conclusion she wasn't a fan. But she didn't say anything when Sunset kissed her. Somehow she made it more bearable. The finger caught her off guard though. It almost hurt, but from being so worked up, it could've been worse. It was still enough to make her throw her head back in a deep moan. “Fuck Sunset…” her voice is so hoarse from screaming a second ago. Her hand is the best muffler. “Yes sweetie? Tell Sunny what’s wrong…” She was using her own damn nickname. What the fuck was wrong with her. She whispered this into Twilight’s ear. She wanted to be condescending. In charge, in control. But...something about Twilight’s pure pleasure, her innocence...or maybe...it was how genuine it all was. Sunset was beginning to slip. She kept up an even, slow, almost teasing pace with her finger, Twilight’s hole tugging on it and gripping it every time she pulled her finger out. Twilight angles her head back down. Her eyes are half lidded. Something gentle and soft behind them. She stares at Sunset longingly. She gets lost in the woman. “P-Please…” Sunset has done it. She's actually done it. She's made Twilight beg for her. For her attention. Her sexual touches. Her… “M..more…” Twilight's nails drag down Sunset's back. Leaving a blazing red trail as they go, when she reaches her hips, she pulls her closer, peppering kisses along her jawline. Sunset is overwhelmed at this point, pulling Twilight’s lips back up to kiss her. She goes for more. Sunset’s index finger moves to join her middle. It is a tight squeeze. She goes easy at first, doing no more than the tips. She waits for Twilight to open up for her. Gently, Sunset gets both her fingers inside of Twilight, the heat and grip coming from Twilight is astounding. It almost makes Sunset jealous. She continues the rhythm of the fingers going in and out, arching the tips up just a bit, this slight angle pushing up into the top of Twilight, trying to find her one special spot. Twilight breaks her lips away, shoving her face into Sunset's neck. Her hot breath beats off the skin. Each pant comes out as a moan or a grunt. Twilight's hips roll and gyrate with Sunset's fingers. Matching the rhythm. Each pump lets her fingers slide in a bit deeper each time. Before too long, Twilight has engulfed both the fingers. Making them slick with her hot nectar. Twilight shudders against Sunset. She bites and nips at her neck and shoulder. Licking any bite wounds she makes. Being so tender and soft with Sunset's body as she fingers her. “Oh god…” Twilight clings to Sunset like a lifeline. Sunset leans in closer to Twilight’s ear, “Cum for me Twilight…” Her voice is so gentle, so tender. She picks up her fingers speed. Her other arm wrapping around Twilight’s panting body. In this moment, she can’t imagine being anything but protective over her. She buries her nose in Twilight’s hair. Twilight hums, nodding against Sunset's shoulder. It's so easy...cumming on command for Sunset. Her walls squeeze her fingers, clenching down and suffocating them. Sunset could feel Twilight's body this time as she unravels. As she holds Twilight, she could feel the tiny woman breath quickly, her body tensing with each breath before exhaling one long shuddering breath that fades to a whimper. “Sunset..” Twilight hugs Sunset against her. Her hot skin burning. Her heart thuds against her ribs painfully. Orgasming twice so quickly... Sunset did that. “Shhh...I’m here. Sunny’s here…” Sunset stroked Twilight’s hair gently as her finger speed slowed to a crawl. She didn’t want to over stimulate Twilight. As motherly as this was, and oh god...did it feel so good, so right and natural, Sunset was still hungry, hungry for more. Twilight’s juices were flowing out of her like a tiny stream, leaking onto the rest of Sunset’s hand. Slowly she brought her pinky finger in, rubbing it on the slickness still coming out of Twilight. She pressed it up against Twilight’s pucker, and began massaging softly. Twilight jumps, almost violently. She whines and whimpers. Squirming to get away from the fingers invading her even more so than before. “Hey now, no no, don’t run away.” Sunset continues the pushing of her pinky, Twilight’s own juices betraying her as the finger begins to slip in, The rest of Sunset’s fingers beginning their pumping motion yet again. Twilight shouts loudly at the finger. Possibly the loudest she's been yet. She didn't have time to hide it. “S-Sunset...stop!” She whines. Her body is still very much lubricated from her fluids, but that little pinky is causing her much distress. Let alone the fact she's now hyper sensitive. Sunset's touches now hurt just a tad more than they please her. “It-It hurts..!” Twilight scrambles against Sunset. Her hands desperately trying to grab onto something. “Oh...baby, does it? Do you really want me to stop?” The first half of that sentence was sultry, fiery. But the second part was genuine. Sunset’s pinky had stopped moving, her other fingers continuing, if not hurrying their pace. If Sunset had hurt her, she needed more pleasure to make up for it. Twilight winces, she lets her body fall to the mattress, but she doesn't just lay there like some slut, she growls. Grabbing a handful of Sunset's breast and taking a nipple in her mouth. Flicking the bud rapidly with her tongue, sucking with force and purpose. Her other hand grabs the other. Kneading it roughly. Twisting and flicking at the nipple. Assuming that this was a more aggressive form of yes, Sunset slowly pulls back her pinky, feeling Twilight protest against the movement, her tiny hole twitching as she does. Giving her finger a little wipe on the blankets, She wraps her arms around Twilight, shifting herself so she lay on her back. Using some force, she pulls Twilight on top of her as she play and sucked on her boobs. She spreads her legs wide so Twilight sits in between them, the heat from her warming Twilight’s belly. Twilight throws her head back in a moan. Gasping out as she’s tossed around and her tits being focused. Her hands weave into Sunset’s hair again, holding her where she is. Lightly pulling between head rubs. Their sweaty bodies mingle together as Twilight’s center remains a wet, lubricated mess. Even the slightest brush of her thighs sends a powerful jolt through her body, making her jump and twitch slightly. She sort of hovers over Sunset’s lap, the last thing she needing is more contact. At least right now. She uses this time to let her body cool off, regulate her breathing, let any sweat dry. The only thing she holds onto is Sunset’s hair and the scent of their love making in the air. Her lover seems to have rubbed off on her. Twilight would have to use that pun for another time. Sunset wraps her legs around Twilight, her feet crossing together. She forces Twilight’s groin into her own, giving a forceful push into Twilight. Her head is back, her eyes pressed closed. She doesn't need to pretend something else is happening, or that someone else is doing her. Twilight is making her feel so good...so real. It feels like they are both covered head to toe in each other. Sunset can’t remember the last time anything made her this wet, this excited. She sneaks a peek down at Twilight’s head, still sucking on her breasts. It’s so much...too much. Too much? Too much! Sunset feels her insides start to tighten, a familiar yet unfamiliar congestion start to build in her core. She grunts loudly, a primal, unladylike noise. She begins to grind her folds into Twilight’s, feeling their juices mix together, feel Twilight’s little squeezes and contractions outside as she forcefully rams into it over and over again, feels Twilight’s swollen button pass over hers. It’s so much...it doesn't take long. Sunset has been pent up and saving all of her strength until this moment. With a final push up against Twilight, followed by her legs tightening into a death grip, she screams out “Twilight!” as she cums hard, feeling a bit of her pleasure squirt out onto Twilight’s hole. Good lord, no one has ever made her do that. She un-arches her back and plops down gently, her legs still tight around Twilight, gasping for air. Somewhere along the events of Sunset grinding herself against Twilight, the woman let her breast go with a popping noise. Her moans and grunts mixed with Sunset in the throws of passion. Twilight rolls with Sunset, biting back any pain for this moment, for Sunset to feel as good as Twilight did. She rams into her almost as hard as the woman below her did. She’s fairly sure there might be some bruises later, but for now it’s the greatest feeling she’s ever received. Sunset crying out Twilight’s name makes her smile inwardly, clutching her body to hers. When she cums, Twilight kisses all over her. Her shoulders, neck, jaw line. Treating her like a porcelain doll. She slides off Sunset, laying on her back as well. But she shimmies down the bed a bit, and she gives Sunset an impatient look. She jerks her chin forward, “Come here...” Twilight is in some haze, seeing Sunset unravel leaves her wanting more. She totally understands why Sunset was so relentless with her earlier. Still trying to catch her breath, Sunset obeys, her mind in a submissive state. Trying to get her jelly limbs to work, her flower still dripping it’s nectar onto the bed, Sunset drags herself over to Twilight where she directed. She was panting a bit, her hair even worse than it was before. “I’m..coming Twilight..” Her voice was sultry and smooth, but desperate like a child's. Twilight helps worn out little Sunset to her new seat. She grabs at her hips, pulling Sunset to hover over her face. The heat coming off her warms Twilight to the core. Her scent invading her nostrils like a pleasant perfume. Her mouth waters, licking her lips she peers up at Sunset with innocence in her eyes. They’re both a mess, yet so beautiful. “Sunny...let me taste you…” Twilight lightly tugs on the woman’s hips, trying to guide her down so she doesn’t have to crane her neck. Making a guttural, primal noise, Sunset grabs at Twilight’s legs and slides down her body. Sunset stops in front of Twilight’s personal space, immediately dropping her head with sniper-like aim, and drops her puckered lips onto Twilight’s clit, sucking like her life depended on it. She drops her hips that Twilight is tugging at, feeling her folds land on the general area of her face and mouth. If that’s what she wants, who is Sunset to deny her such a request? She can feel how wet she still is, for Twilight to taste her would be the easiest thing they’ve done so far. Sunset can feel her whole body begin to gently vibrate, her belly full of butterflies. Twilight greedily forces Sunset down onto her face. Diving in with her lips and tongue like some starved beast. Her tongue glides around, like ice skating, to take in and feel Sunset’s little flower. All the nooks and crannies. Lapping at anything that happens to slide into her mouth, mixing with her own saliva. Sunset doesn't know what to do. For someone so nubile to sex...Twilight really knows what she’s doing! Sunset loses her grip on Twilight’s clit, her head dropping down and rolling to the side. “....fuck...Twilight!” Her nails dig into Twilight’s leg, her hips vibrate and shake in Twilight’s grip. She begins to let out loud moans of pure ecstasy, unable to control herself. “Don’t y-you FUCKING stop you BITCH!” Her swears come out as screams. Twilight moans, her voice reverberates against Sunset’s wet cave. Shaking her walls as she tongue fucks the woman. She dips it in and out of her, twisting and turning, curling it up and down. It may as well just be her finger. Off and on Twilight will slide it around Sunset’s clit, flicking the happy little bud back and forth furiously before slurping down anymore juices that happen to come out of the screaming woman. She even gets a little kinky, by slapping Sunset on her bare, supple ass after the insult. But, she only finds it more fun to her, so she adds a couple more slaps for her benefit, a little sad she can't see the pink that’s sure to form. Sunset lets out a small squeak with every spank, forcing herself to chew on Twilight’s thigh to contain herself. God this was unreal, Twilight was a freak. A thought passed through Sunset’s mind. “M-Twilight…” The rest of it came out as a garbled moan and jumbled up mess. Sunset couldn’t even focus on her own task, substituting her mouth for two of her fingers again, shoving them in without warning, pulling and pushing them around, hoping to stir her up into a mess. She tries to ask again. “M-Twilight! Put ...you...Ah!” She can’t, her clit is on fire, her ass pink and sensitive. Twilight groans as Sunset’s assaults her once more where her legs meet. She vigorously shakes her head, slapping her tongue around Sunset in retaliation. Her nails rake and claw down the woman’s ass. Maybe she’ll like a taste of her own medicine. Twilight swipes her tongue upwards, past her leaking cavern and dances, swirls around her little rosebud. Hinting at where her pleasure maker is heading for next. Twilight can't even fathom how easily she went from 0 to 100. Spanking Sunset? Having her on top? Fuck, she’s getting ready to dip her tongue in her ass. Are you sure all this time travel didn’t mess with your psyche? “D-do it...my ass...your finger…” Sunset still can’t make human words. She’s losing it, she’s overstimulated. Twilight is destroying her in ways she never thought were possible before, in ways no boy has even come CLOSE to doing to her with all of their awkward flopping. Instead, she goes back to sucking on Twilight, her fingers still pulling in and out of her. She tries to spread them as much as she can without ruining Twilight’s maidenhood, trying to break her the way she is now. Twilight puts her tongue back to Sunset’s clit. Sliding not her pinky, but her longest, slender finger. Her middle. Tori’s pucker couldn’t possibly be more lubed up. Twilight gently pokes and prods at the opening. Trying to force her way in, slowly albeit. Good thing she recently clipped her nails. Her lower half quivers while Sunset does her own damage. Her harsh breathing pelts against Sunset, keeping her nice and warm. Sunset groans as she feels Twilight’s finger enter her ass...and then keep going. Her eyes rolled back as she felt Twilight penetrate her inner sanctum, not even she had been there before. She felt herself squirt a little again, as an orgasm rocked through her, all of her walls in both tunnels spasming hard. She was going foggy. Mad Twilight lost it somewhere between fingering Sunset's ass and being soaked in her juices. Her thighs clamp down on the woman's fingers, squeezing them so tightly inside herself. Even if she's not moving anymore, lost in the pleasure, which is what Twilight wanted..she slides her finger in a bit more quickly. Curling it inside her walls. Twisting and keeping it busy while she's now tasked to lick the woman clean of her cum once again. Sunset feels Twilight’s fingers digging deep inside her asshole, her tongue licking her folds clean like a puppy. She collapses on top of Twilight, finally spent. She’s out of strength and fluids. Her cheek landing on Twilight’s mound, her body going limp and dead weighting on top of her lover below. She shakes uncontrollably, a smile on her face as she twitches. Twilight lets her head fall back onto the pillow. Her breathing irregular. Every time she blinks she sees white specks. Her hands limply rest on Sunset's thighs. Her body twitches off and on. She just basks in Nirvana a bit longer with the woman. “T-Twilight..?” Sunset asks this meekly, as the hormones and chemicals of their amazonian excursion wears off. She slides her body off of Twilight, their sweat and slime all over their bodies making her just kind of slump off like a slug, lazy. “Yeah..?” Twilight responds quietly. There's a sort of sound barrier that she's afraid to break. Afraid to ruin what peace is left in the air. Her number body just lays still while she tries her best to hold whatever conversation Sunset wants to have while she stares at the ceiling. “What does this mean now…?” Sunset was almost one hundred percent sure that Twilight was thinking the same thing. Or at least she hoped. “Honestly...I know what I want...but, right now I’m dealing with a lot of stuff. And it’s not exactly safe. I don't know how to say it without making you angry. But I don't want you involved. But I still want you...does that make sense?” Twilight sighs, covering her eyes with the back of her arm. A sudden burning in her throat is a good indicator that she needs to get out sooner than later. But after what they just did, she wants nothing more than to stay, but she can't guarantee Sunset’s safety… Sunset sat up, wrapping herself in a blanket. “No. It doesn't. But...I get it.” Sunset sighed and stood up, walking to her mirror and grabbing a hairbrush. She began to try and brush out everything that day, all of her emotions, her sin, what they had just done. She kept her eyes tuned on her reflection in the mirror, avoiding Twilight all she could. “I have things going on too...it wouldn’t have worked anyway. It’s fine.” She sighed again. Twilight sits up. “Sunny...” Her voice is doing that thing again. Where it sounds like it cares. While Sunset brushes away her feelings, Twilight sits and stews. Purposely trying to make the woman look at her. “Please..I just said that I want you.” Sunset sighs and turns around to look at Twilight, the bed sheet draping off of her like a toga, hairbrush in her hand. “Really? Because that isn’t what it sounds like. It sounds like you are trying to make some kind of excuse.” She was pouting. Twilight grabs a pillow, covering herself with it bashfully. Because now of all times she’s shy. “Of course not Sunset. Had this happened yesterday, I would have asked you to the two whales right after…” Hanging her head, Twilight looks away to the side. She wants to be better at this. She wants Sunset to have someone to be open with. Someone to be herself. Get inside that shell and not make her so self conscious. And Twilight wants to be that person! The way she’s looking at Twilight right now though causes her nerve to waver. She knows how this looks, how this sounds..it’s just another thing to add to the list to fix after she gets a better hold of the situation at hand. She grabs a fistful of the bedsheet, fighting to rewind and just sing sweet nothings to Sunset. To keep her happy, because that would be easier to handle. But she made a promise to herself. Maybe..she could just tell her...outright. Be honest..would that be better…? “Well...why not now? What’s stopping you from asking me now?” Sunset stood there, running her fingers over the bristles of the hair brush in a nervous tick. She frowned at Twilight covering herself up with that pillow. She was going to get it gross. Twilight looks at Sunset with pained eyes. “I just...because things...suddenly got really complicated for me and I’m worried that if I involve you,” with a shaky breath, Twilight barely admits the words, “you could get hurt.” “Twilight...I’m a big girl. I mean, look what we both just did.” Was she right? She thought she was right. But why did she care? Normally by now, she would have asked whoever to go ahead and leave, regardless of who’s room it was. “I know that.” Just mentioning the previous events brings a red hue to Twilight’s cheeks. “But this is on a different level. You’re just going to have to trust me on this. W-When it’s all over, I’ll come find you. And we can go to the Two Whales. I promise.” Twilight stands, putting the pillow back down on the bed. She stands before Sunset, still very much nude and bare, unlike herself who’s covered in a bedsheet. Twilight is vulnerable, her toes curl into the rug beneath her feet, her fingers are clenching and unclenching. But her her gaze never leaves Sunset. Because she REALLY needs her to believe that she’ll come back. But she knows the level of trust that’s asking for. “Oh. Right. You’ll come back for me. Like they all do. Look...if you don’t want Moondancer to know about this, fine. I won’t even talk about it.” She took off her sheet to cover Twilight, turning around to continue brushing her hair. She was quiet. “...if you wanna go to bed, the door is there. Or you can stay here...I may not sleep for a while.” Twilight accepts the sheet. Tightly holding it to her body. She’s looking at the ground before Sunset turns away. She’s quiet for a couple seconds. But soon, her small feet silently walk their way behind Sunset and hugs her. She nuzzles her cheek right into the woman’s spine. Her nails dig into her skin from the front. Twilight desperately holds onto Sunset, just falling into a comfort from them hugging. “I don't expect you to humor anything I say, I’m sure you’re set to just wait for one certain thing to happen. But whether you believe in me or not, I will come back. I swear it. I’ll come back for you. This isn’t about Moondancer, or what anyone else thinks. I wouldn’t have come in here tonight if you didn’t mean something to me. So, mentally prepare yourself Shimmer.” Twilight smirks against Sunset’s skin. “Because this won't be the last you see of Twilight Sparkle!” She couldn’t help herself, Twilight gives Sunset’s back a little playful nip. “...right.” Sunset has lost the playfulness she had before. She was back to what she was, cold, flawless marble. Twilight’s small bite on her back pulling out whatever heat she had left in her body. She pushes Twilight’s hands away and hastily tugs back on the clothes she had crumbled away with Twilight. “I need to pee.” With that, she turned and left the room, leaving the door open a bit, signaling she would at least be back. She didn’t even look at Twilight. Twilight gets shoved around like a doll. Watching Sunset go with a defeated expression. She’s alone now. She looks around awkwardly. Looking at nothing and everything. While Sunset is gone, Twilight’s inner demons now yell at her and are louder than ever. She should leave. Write a note saying something dumb like, ‘I’ll be back.’ Get dressed, never speak of this. Clearly Sunset is going to do the same. Twilight would be willing to bet she acts like this night never happened and she had some weird fever dream. She needs to decide before Sunset comes back. Twilight said all she could, and is ready to accept whatever brunt of Sunset’s hate she wants to throw at her. She meant what she said about coming back. And now after what they’ve done, there’s NO WAY Twilight can just let Sunset think this would be it. No chance in hell. She gets dressed. Sliding into everything with quick wiggles and grunts. But...she can't seem to find.. ‘Where is my...oh!’ Dropping to her knees she stretches her arm under the bed, fumbling around to grab her night shirt. Sunset comes back into the room, face washed, hair fixed, the light scent of bathroom soap on her figure. Her eyes looked a bit puffier though, had she been crying? AGAIN? No one would know. A Lot of tears have happened tonight already. Didn’t matter. She was a big girl anyway. Who was she kidding, no she wasn’t. Her eyes darted over to see Twilight had gotten dressed, probably getting ready to bounce away back to her room, never to be heard from again. Oh joy, just like everyone else she lets inside of her. “So. I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” Sunset sits down at her desk, grabs one of Twilight’s cookies, and then opens up a text book. She didn’t even know what it was. She reached up to turn on her over head lamp. “Aha!” Twilight snags her shirt. Ignoring what Sunset said. “Got it!” She turns it around, flaps it in the wind, examining it before putting it on. She smooths it out. Turning to look at Sunset. She takes it upon herself to snag a cookie. Sunset looks at her and glares….but says nothing. What can she say, they are Twilight’s cookies. She sighs, notably, attempting to get attention. Twilight giggles, covering her cookie filled mouth. “Oh, don't you sigh like at at me Sunset. It won't work.” Shoving the rest of the cookie in her mouth, Twilight presumes to...er, glomp. She glomps Sunset from behind while she sits on her chair. She hugs her tightly, almost choking her. Pressing a kiss into her nice hair, bound to get some crumbs from her mouth in it. “I gotta go. But I’ll see you later.” Twilight isn’t sure where this sudden energy came from. She’s just rolling with it. I guess leaving on a happy note from her side is better than the both of them being sad and quiet. “Twilight...I don’t want to go back to normal. But I don’t think that’s an option...is it? You have things you have to do, you have something going on that is keeping you from, well us, from changing what we are. But maybe I don’t want to. But It’s not a choice, is it?” Sunset looks at Twilight before she leaves. “You might be back...but what if you aren’t? More importantly, what if you come back, but we have to pretend it never happened, or was some drunk hallucination. I’m afraid we will have to anyway...so how about this?” Sunset stands up and hugs Twilight again, trying to avoid getting cookie all over her. “We do this...once you leave, we go back to normal. I’ll hate you...and you keep doing whatever it was you felt for me. We act like nothing was different. But then when you want it to change, even if it’s just for a second, give me one of these…” Sunset opens up her phone, and swipes through her photo gallery to a flower. “...it's a fire lily. It’s my favorite flower. It’s incredibly beautiful...but all of the flower is very poisonous. Kind of like me…” She looked away, then composed herself with a quick breath. “They normally only grow in Africa, but the flower shop downtown has a greenhouse that can grow them.” She looked up into Twilight’s eyes. “...I’ve never told anyone this, it was the flower my Grandmother used to give me on my birthday before she died. Even she knew I could be a snake. It was her little joke, but I fell in love with them. You bring me one of those? I’ll...well… I’ll be a kitten in your arms.” Sunset closes her phone and sits back down, wanting to turn toward her desk, but also wanting to freeze time. What an odd concept. Twilight stands there, dumbfounded. The hug was unexpected, but pleasant. She's been silent the entire time Sunset revealed what all is in her heart. Now she's telling Twilight that when she's ready to continue..whatever this is, to bring her a poisonous flower. ‘Huh. Sunset is a romantic. I want to be surprised but, it's the least surprising thing ever. I guess what IS surprising is that she enjoys the sentiments, not feeling like she just deserves them.’ Twilight makes a mental note to write down the flower information deep in the back of her mind. For now she just smiles at Sunset. “Ok Sunny, just give me time, maybe a week?” Twilight puts down a time frame, suddenly invigorated to solve all of life's questions with Moondancer sooner than ever. “By then, we'll have figured out what we're doing. I know what I want. Just..sit tight. Wait for me with your pretty self. Can you do that?” Sunset clenched her fists, her eyes wanted to yell. But she held it in. “You have one week Twilight. One. Week. And then…” She didn’t finish. She didn’t want to. If she made a threat, it might run the risk of coming true. She sat down, and gave a little nod. “Either way Sunset, you'll have an answer.” Twilight backs up. Keeping her smile locked onto the pouting woman on the bed. She hits the door before knowing it. Her hand scrambles behind her to open it. Twilight is gone as quickly as the deal is made. Shutting Sunset's door a bit loudly in her excited haste back to her room. Her safe haven. Her mind is clouded with promises of what if’s and could be’s..there's a fire in her belly that commands her to write in her journal about what happened, but instead she's too busy looking up google images of the fire lily. First, meeting Moondancer spiked her adrenaline and anxiety, now Sunset. She's being pulled in two directions at once. She gets to reconnect with Moondancer, her best friend. And she couldn't be happier. Now there's an idea her and Sunset could be...something. She feels like a kid again. So excited and haywire. She's not even sure what she wants from either one of the girls. Obviously she wants friends. Her best friend. She wants Moondancer. She missed Moondancer dearly. They're partners in crime! Nothing could separate them. Granted, being around Moondancer causes poor life choices, but that comes with the friendship. They just do things that are clearly wacked out to others, but so normal to them. Being friends with Sunset is something else entirely. It's..like a weird high. Just being in her presence spikes her blood pressure, completely opposite from Moondancer's presence. Given the one big difference is that she hasn't slept with Moondancer. So, does she love Sunset now? Is that what that means? Her finger stops scrolling through the images. Her body goes a bit numb at the thought. Wasn't this the problem just a few moments ago? Not knowing what the feelings were? Twilight said she wants Sunset. And she does. Frankly in both ways. Her sudden adventure state of mind caused her to black out the memory of being with her in bed. Because suddenly the idea of just being Sunset's friend in the BEST way seemed more shockingly appealing. She gave herself a week. One whole week. To figure out her powers. Find Rachel. Stop the storm. Her heart feels like it stops beating. Could she really do all that, so soon? Now she's starting to panic. What if she can't? What if something happens where ...no. Twilight can't think like this. It'll hinder everything. Her drive will go away and right now she's needs this. She'll find a way. She'll make everything perfect. Make it right. Be a superhero! She can see the dream now. Having Moondancer by her side with Sunset's hand in her own. Hopefully..ideally..Rachel will be there too. One week Twilight. That's MORE than enough time. Super Twilight is on the case! That dream...is too good to give up. It makes her unfeeling to any other possible outcomes. Because she can time travel. If something doesn't work, she'll fix it. There is no room for error. A gift from God. She couldn't be happier. She locks her phone, setting it on her nightstand before making herself like a turtle under the covers. Forcing herself to fall asleep. But that never works for anyone. ~~~ Time. Time has a funny way of doing things. You can try to fight it, try to run from it, but sometimes, fate is real. Fate is inescapable, fierce, and does not care about you or your heart. Fate hurts, and fate does not forgive or excuse. The funeral was small, but it was hard to be there. Sunset had been busy with her own problems. Rainbow Dash had been found, or at least what was left of her. Her favorite teacher was arrested. Turns out he was some sick freak who took pictures of girls drugged up. She had already said her apologies to Fluttershy, and had tried to her best ability to help clean up her reputation. Before things got way too out of hand. She couldn’t help but feel hurt though...somewhere deep in her core. She had been friends with her, she thought. But those days were long gone, and the same had gone for Rainbow Dash. Two deaths official now, but she wasn’t sad. Not on the outside anyway. She felt weak and sick, scared and tired, worthless maybe even. For once, not everything was about her. She knew it, but she didn’t care. Not this time. But she couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. What bothered her the most was how she could not take her eyes off of Twilight. Twilight Sparkle, who bawled her eyes out and fell to her knees hugging her chest, like she was trying to keep her heart together. It was a hard funeral for everyone, but for someone who hadn’t seen her supposed best friend in years...she took it hard. More than once, she even could have sworn she felt Twilight look at her, almost with a longing. She had hugged her before she retired to her dorm, but something about it was...different. Weeks later...she heard a knock on her door. It made her jump just a bit. She didn’t think she was expecting anyone. She slowly walked to the door and opened it. Dressed in some fancy hipster clothes, was Twilight. “What do you want Twilight. I ha-” She didn’t finish. The wind was pulled from her lungs like she had been kicked. Her eyes went wide as she focused on her. Twilight had pulled her hands out from behind her back. In her hands was a flower. Light purple mixing with red in it’s slender petals. How could she….? How could she know. This was ridiculous, Sunset hadn’t shared that detail with anyone...or anything. Sunset looked up at Twilight, who was now smiling. Part of her face still red from earlier. Catching a choke in her voice, Sunset managed to squeak out, “...do you want to come inside…?” Twilight had already begun to walk inside when she said this. Sunset swallowed hard, and shut the door with a gentle smile on her face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END