History Can be Sexy

by garatheauthor

First published

When Sunset says that history can't be sexy, it's up to Twilight to prove her wrong.

In the middle of their university year, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer get into a heated debate over what is the least sexy field of study on campus.

One thing naturally leads into another, and it turns out that the debate isn't the only thing that's going to get pretty heated.

First story of my Equestria Girls: University Edition series.
Proofread by TheStripes and TheInfernalQueen
Cover Art by Zack
Story Contains: Bondage, Spanking, D/s, and history.

This received a fan reading from The Infernal Queen Cassandra.

History Can be Sexy

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Sunset Shimmer laid on her living room couch, lazily flicking through the contacts on her phone.

“Hey Twilight, can you help me with something?” she asked.

Twilight poked her head into the room.

“What’s up?”

“I’m having an argument with Dash and I need your input.”


“What’s the least sexy field of study?”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Pardon?”

“Like, which one is the best at just killing the mood?”

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t really know, engineering?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, that’s what Rainbow said too.”

“What about you?”


Twilight looked insulted. “Excuse you! History can be plenty sexy.”

Sunset snorted. “Oh yeah, I’m sure learning about a bunch of old dudes writing treaties is totally sexy.”

“I’ll have you know that history is chock full of sex symbols. For example, Alexander the Great. He was a total hedonist and probably threw banging orgies.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure some five foot six Greek manlet was a total dreamboat.”

Twilight walked out of the kitchen, hands planted on her hips.

“I bet I could get you off using only historical references.”

Sunset looked away from her phone, smirking. “Oh yeah?”


“Wanna bet on it?”

“What’s the stakes?”

Sunset pursed her lips, thinking about it. “Hmmm. If you can’t get me off in like, I don’t know, half an hour then you can’t wear clothes for a week. Well…in private anyways.”

“And when I do get you off, you have to do the same for me.”

Sunset grinned and offered her hand. “Deal.”

Twilight shook it.

With the agreement concluded, Twilight gestured for Sunset to make room before thumping down beside her.

“Now I need to warn you,” Twilight said. “This is going to get pretty metaphorical.”


“Yes, metaphorical. As in I’ll be using a lot of metaphors.” Twilight looked to her. “Now first, I need you to take off your pants.”

“Is that a metaphor?”

“What?” Twilight shook her head. “No… I just need you take off your pants.”

Sunset smirked before standing up and stepping away from the couch. She then spun on her heels to face Twilight, cocking her hips slightly to the left. Her fingers nimbly undid her fly. Gravity then began to pull her pants downwards, being assisted by the methodical shaking of her hips from side to side.

Sunset noticed Twilight grin at her choice of panties. They were a pink and white polka dotted pair with a little bow on the front.

They were very cute.

“Aren’t those Fluttershy’s?” Twilight quipped.

Sunset chuckled. “Probably? I don’t really know, things are getting pretty communal between us.”

Twilight, who was wearing Rarity’s bra, nodded in agreement.

Sunset kicked off her pants before making her way back to the couch. As she approached, she swayed her killer hips back and forth before plopping back down next to Twilight.

“Alright, do your worst, Sparkle,” she said before leaning back.

Twilight started by holding up a single finger.

“We’ll start with some Revolutionary War history.” She curled this finger. “This is George Washington.”

Sunset snorted. “Hey George.”

Twilight then placed her finger on Sunset’s outer thigh, gently tracing a large circle around it.

“Now your leg is the Delaware River. So, as you may know, George Washington was famous for crossing this river.”

George began to slowly cross the Delaware, moving to Sunset’s inner thigh.

“Now your panties are the cover of darkness.”

“What? That doesn’t make sense.”

Twilight used her free hand to shush her. “Shhh. Remember this a metaphor.”

Her finger… George… whatever… began to move along the banks of the Delaware River and across Sunset’s panties before resting on their waistline.

“Now, George Washington slipped under the cover of darkness.”

On cue, Twilight shoved her hand right down the front of Sunset’s panties.

Sunset exhaled sharply.

“Do you know why George Washington had to cross the Delaware under the cover of darkness?” Twilight asked.


“So he could ambush a Hessian Camp.”

Within a matter of seconds George Washington plunged deep into Sunset’s Hessian Camp.

Sunset jerked forward and gasped, a quivering moan falling from her lips.

Twilight wasn’t done however.

“Now George wasn’t alone. He had the Continental Army with him. So, he used this to surround the camp.”

Sunset closed her eyes and felt a two-pronged assault move along the perimeter of her camp. They teased the edges of it, probing for a weakness. However, their commander was clearly patient as Twilight continued to only press her advantage with only a single digit.

Twilight leaned in close and a burst of warm air brushed against the nape of Sunset’s neck.

Sunset didn’t need to open her eyes to picture the smug grin Twilight bore.

“So, with the camp surrounded,” Twilight continued. “Washington finally ordered an all-out assault.”

With that, the two forces teasing the Hessian perimeter made their move. Before she knew it, all three columns of the Continental Army were within her warm and inviting Hessian Camp. They showed no mercy as they rapidly hammered away at her pitiful defenses.

A lewd, pent-up moan bubbled at the back of her throat. Her hands gripped the couch cushions, digging her nails into them.

Twilight moved ever so slightly upwards, her lips brushing against Sunset’s ear. “It’s okay to surrender, Sunset. It would be… historically accurate.”

“I hate this,” Sunset mumbled in a tone which conveyed the opposite.

The Continental Army must have received some very good intelligence, because they soon discovered Sunset’s G-spot. This completely undermined any chance of a successful Hessian defense.

A moment after Twilight pressed against it, the moan that was bubbling in Sunset’s throat was unleashed into a fractured melody of pleasure.

Inside of her nethers, a pressure began to mount. It was a tense sensation which betrayed that she was on the road to losing Twilight’s little game. Even more embarrassingly, she was going to lose it so soon.

Then as swiftly as they arrived, the Continental Army withdrew, leaving behind a rather ravaged encampment.

Sunset dared to open her eyes, only to see three soaking wet fingers wiggle in front of her face.

“Why did you stop?” Sunset whined. “I-I was so close.”

Twilight bore a predatory grin as she extended a single digit, bopping Sunset on the nose with some of her fluids.

“Because you gave me half an hour to play with you and I’m going to savior every little moment of it.”

“F-fuck,” Sunset muttered with a shaky breath.

Twilight offered all three fingers, brushing them against Sunset’s lips.

“Clean them off.”


“Did I stutter?”

In reply, Sunset took the fingers in her mouth, suckling them clean.

“Good girl,” Twilight cooed.

She withdrew her fingers. “My next lesson is going to require some props to help… enhance the demonstration.I’ll be right back.”

She stood up and walked towards their bedroom, pausing about halfway there.

“Oh, and Sunset?” Twilight said.

Sunset looked to her. “What?”

“You better be naked by the time I get back.”

With that she slipped into their room.

Sunset just kind of sat there for a moment, breathing slowly.

Then the words sunk in.

She sprang to her feet in an instant. “Shit!”

Within a matter of seconds her panties flew off, her shirt arced across the room, and she’d won her struggle against Applejack’s bra.

When Twilight returned, Sunset stood butt naked in the middle of the room, looking down at the bra victoriously.

Sunset noticed that Twilight’s gaze fell to her privates. Which, thanks to the brutal raid by the Continental Army, had been left absolutely drenched.

Sunset’s attention then turned to what Twilight held.

Oh jeez, Twilight was going full D/s today.

In her hands was a crop, some rope, a couple of vibrators, and their collar.

Twilight walked over and placed these down upon their coffee table.

“Alright, next we’re going to talk about the Thirty Years War. First, I’ll need you to turn around.”

Sunset nodded and turned away from Twilight. Being able to put the pieces together, she instinctively folded her arms behind her back.

Twilight walked up from behind, placing one hand on Sunset’s hip and using the other to show off the rope.

“This is the Holy Roman Empire.”

She drew the rope back and Sunset could feel it being skillfully wound around her wrists.

“It was a loose confederation of mostly Germanic duchies, cities, principalities, and arch-bishops who were ruled by a single emperor that bound…” The knot was tied nice and tight. “…them together.”

Sunset wasn’t sure what exactly this knot was called, or even how it was tied, but it was more than effective at restraining her.

“Now during the 16th century, the Reformation happened, bringing Christian Europe to its knees.”

Twilight gestured at ‘knees’ and Christian Europe got the memo, dropping to the floor in front of the coffee table. Then with Twilight’s guiding hand she leaned forward, resting her torso on the table and sticking her hindquarters into the air.

Twilight took advantage of her vulnerability by dragging a pair of fingers slowly down Sunset’s spine, causing her to tense up.

“Christian Europe was a big place and included many kingdoms. France…” Her fingers went lower. “the Italian city states…” Even lower. “Sweden, Denmark.” They now rested against her tailbone.

Twilight drew her hand back. “But for this example, we’ll focus mostly on Germany. Which will be divide into two categories.”

“Catholic Germany.”

Her hand came down swiftly, smacking Sunset hard on the left asscheek.

Sunset gasped loudly, shuddering at the slight tingle left behind by the blow.

“And Protestant Germany.”

Her hand then smacked the right asscheek, equally hard.

“Fuck,” Sunset muttered.

Once the sting had subsided, Sunset couldn’t help but snicker.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m just wondering what Germany did to you, to make them my ass.”

Another blow was swiftly delivered, forcing Sunset to gasp.

“Hey, what’s that for?!”

“You were being an ass.”

Sunset grumbled. “That wasn’t a historical reference, you cheater.”

Twilight smirked, picking up the collar and tangling it in front of Sunset.

“And what’s that supposed to symbolize?” Sunset asked.

“That… is a very complicated answer which involves topics of trust, responsibility, roles, communication, and power relations. In the context of history? It isn’t really needed. I just think it looks really cute on you.”

Sunset grinned. “Fair enough. I’ll chalk it up to artistic liberties.”

Twilight snickered as she undid the collar, carefully draping it over Sunset’s neck and pulling the clasp closed in the rear.

Sunset loved this collar. The way it felt around her throat, being tight enough to be a noticeable and constant reminder of her submission, while being loose enough not to constrict her breathing. That, and it looked really awesome. It was made of this thick red leather, with a clasp of silver in the rear and a thick metal ring dangling from the front.

“Now, the Thirty Years Wars began with the Bohemian Revolt, which saw Protestant Bohemia win a series of victories over the emperor.”

These victories were metaphorically marked off by Twilight picking up the crop and delivering three firm blows to Sunset’s left flank. Each blow caused her to bite her lip a little harder and let out a tiny, pent up groan.

“However, Spain and other Catholic kingdoms soon took notice of this and intervened in the situation.”

For Sunset, this scenario was represented by the intervention of a bullet vibrator deep into her moist situation.

“This, of course, caused chaos.”

Chaos came in the form of Twilight cranking the vibrator up to a nice, middling setting.

This drew a lewd crescendo from Sunset.

“The Bohemian Revolt was short-lived however, and soon ended with a Catholic victory at the Battle of White Mountain.”

Twilight grinned sadistically.

“It was a crushing blow to the Protestant side.”

When the crop came down on Sunset’s Protestant flank like the crack of a gunshot.

Sunset’s eyes instantly snapped open and a pained yelp rushed forth. She was unable see her rump, but she had no doubt that the crushing blow had left a bright red mark.

Twilight placed her palm against the inflamed area, soothingly rubbing it.

“You alright?”

Sunset nodded. “Mhm.”

“Good, because…” The hand was removed as the crop returned, resting motionless upon Sunset’s rump. “…history is not going to be kind to you.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “With the Bohemians dealt with, the Catholics invaded the Palatinate and won a series of very decisive victories.”

The crop drew back and smacked Sunset repeatedly on her bottom, each hit landing upon the right side of her ass. These were nowhere near as strong as the crushing blow which set this turn of events in motion, but they stung nonetheless.

Once the final blow landed, Sunset felt the crop move between her thighs. Thankfully it did not come crashing down against her swollen lower lips. Instead the rough material was dragged slowly and delicately across them.

When Twilight withdrew the crop it was practically bathed in Sunset’s arousal.

Twilight coyly smirked. “You’re awfully wet for someone who said history is the ultimate mood killer.”

“S-shut up.”

Sunset instantly regretted the rude tone she’d taken.

Twilight’s expression soured. “If you’d rather, we could just stop. How about that? I could just turn off the vibrator and watch you take the slow and agonizing route away from the edge.”

She backed this threat by grabbing the vibrator’s controls, turning them down to a very low and unsatisfactory rumble.

Sunset whimpered. “N-no… please.”

“Please what?”

“Please let me cum.”

“Hmmm.” Twilight tapped a finger against her lips, pondering it. “I’ll think about it. Though I need you to do something for me.”


“Tell me that history is sexy.”


“Tell. Me. That. History. Is. Sexy.”

“History is sexy?”

“Say it like you mean it.”

“History is sexy!” Sunset belted out.

Twilight returned the vibrator to a useful setting and Sunset let out a satisfied moan.

“Good girl,” Twilight said.

She grabbed a second vibrator. This one she taped to Sunset’s clit.

“Now, after the invasion of the Palatinate, the Kingdom of Denmark intervened on the Protestant side.”

This intervention was turned to a nice low rumble. It was far less potent than its Catholic counterpart, which buzzed away inside of her with great ferocity. Though a little vibration could go a long way when it was channeled through someone’s clit.

Before Sunset could really adjust to the sudden stimulation, the crop was reapplied roughly against her right buttocks.

She cried out in surprise.

“Unfortunately for you, their intervention resulted in three crushing defeats at the hands of the imperial faction. They were rather devastating defeats, so for the sake of historical accuracy…”

The first potent blow was followed by two of equal strength. Each resulted in a yelp from Sunset, followed by a quivering whimper.

She had no doubt that the right side of her ass probably glowed at this point. It certainly felt properly tanned.

Another vibrator was selected, and this one was gently taped to the swollen and incredibly aroused right lip of Sunset’s lower pair.

“Thankfully for the Protestants, and your poor little bottom, the Swedish intervened in the conflict.”

And boy did they ever intervene, because that vibrator was cranked up to a degree which bordered on overstimulation.

Leave it to Twilight to use education and technology to try and get a woman off.

Sunset tensed up and closed her eyes, feeling a pressure begin to mount, once more, between her thighs.

How much longer was it till that half an hour mark was up?

Twilight reached for the crop and began to drag it across the mostly untarnished left cheek of Sunset’s rump. Compared to the fiery warmth of her other flank, this one felt positively frigid.

Though Twilight made sure to remedy this as the crop was drawn back and, for the first time in ages, her left flank bore the brunt of its blow.

“Now Sweden at this time was a rising power in Europe and their military was well trained. This allowed them a series of victories in Northern Germany against the Catholic League.”

Sunset soon found herself cursing Sweden as blow after blow was delivered to the Catholic forces. These were matched three hundred and fifty years later as the crop marked her rump. It wasn’t long before Sweden, via Twilight’s firm educating hand, had managed to tan Sunset’s relatively unscathed flank a nice tender shade of red.

“And at the end of the Swedish phase, a very costly and decisive victory was achieved…”

The crop was drawn back and Sunset tensed her rump, readying herself for one final blow to come crashing down on her Catholic side.

“When the Spanish destroyed the Swedish army at the Battle of Nordlingen.”

Sunset’s eyes bolted open as the crop cracked through the air and slammed down hard upon her unprepared right flank. She cried out loudly, both from surprise and the stinging pain.

Twilight smirked and put down the crop. Instead she placed her hands on Sunset’s rump, trying her best to sooth the pain.

“I would go on and talk about the French intervention but…it looks like you’ll already have enough trouble sitting down this week. It’d be wrong of me to make that any worse.”

Sunset laid there, breathing heavily.

The sting of Twilight’s crop had only barely subsided. All the while the vibrators continued to cloud her mind and drive her ever closer to orgasm.

Twilight’s gentle hands were not helping with that in the least.

“All you need to know is that in the aftermath of the war the Protestant side seized many Catholic lands.”

To emphasize this, Twilight roughly squeezed a handful of Sunset’s left flank, kneading her fingers into the still very tender flesh.

Sunset let out a crude little moan, her hips bucking forwards to try and get away from the sudden sting of Twilight’s grip.

Twilight responded by pulling her hand back and lightly spanking her. This had no right to even register a response. However, to Sunset’s still raw rump, it managed to draw a very audible groan.

“Oh…and I guess one more thing,” Twilight added.

She picked up the last vibrator, carefully applying this one to Sunset’s left lip.

“The war added fuel to an already chaotic European system.”

The vibrators were suddenly maxed out as an overstimulating assault crashed down upon Sunset’s nethers.

She gasped loudly and took in a shuddering breath of air. The overwhelming buzzing had sent her on a careening course towards orgasm.

Her breathing quickened as little rasping moans of air fell from her lips and the fire between her thighs only grew in intensity.

Twilight helped her along by rubbing two fingers against her swollen lips, collecting her moist arousal upon them. It didn’t take long for these fingers to become absolutely drenched. Once they were, Twilight pressed them into Sunset, rapidly fingering her with little restraint.

Sunset closed her eyes as her panting escalated, as the fires within her raged, and as the toys powered away at her swollen sex. It was just too much for her to handle.

She cried out loudly, repeatedly muttering ‘fuck’.

Then all at once the tension released as Sunset climaxed. Her juices rushed forth and onto Twilight’s awaiting hand. What she couldn’t catch gushed onto Sunset’s thigh or the poor carpeting below.

Twilight slowly removed her fingers, wiping them off on Sunset’s back. She then grabbed the various controllers and turned them off. All at one the stimulation ceased, being replaced with a satisfying glow which radiated throughout her.

Sunset let out a long and ragged exhale. “Whoa.”

Twilight smiled. “Enjoy yourself?”

Sunset slowly nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m glad.”

Twilight popped into the kitchen and grabbed a roll of paper towels. She tore off a few pieces and laid them out onto the coffee table.

She then walked behind Sunset and ever so carefully began to remove the toys. Due to how sensitive her post-orgasm body was, there were these little electric tingles as the tape was removed and the toy deep within her was slowly fished out.

Once a toy was removed, Twilight would place it upon the paper towel. As the paper towel was within Sunset’s gaze she could easily see just how wet she’d been.

It made her blush.

When all four vibrators were removed, Twilight turned to the rope. With an equal level of care, she undid the knot and unwound it.

Finally free, Sunset carefully stood up. She was a bit wobbly on her feet and her joints ached from the strained position she had maintained.

The first thing she did was head to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. She drained it in a matter of seconds.

The kitchen was also where her stove was.

A stove which had a clock on it.

“Hey Twilight,’ Sunset called. “What time did we start this?”

“Like, 4:30?” Twilight poked her head into the room. “Why?”

“It’s 5:07.”

Twilight was silent for a moment.

Then it hit her.


Sunset grinned from ear to ear. “That’s right nerd, take off your clothes.”

Sunset walked past her, back into the living room. She then flopped, butt naked, onto the couch. Even the softness of its fabric irritated her poor bottom. She tried to ignore this while grabbing her phone to text the girls.

“Who are you texting?” Twilight asked.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sunset could see Twilight begin to strip.

“The girls,” Sunset said. “I’m thinking we can have them over tomorrow.”

Sunset couldn’t help but snicker at Twilight’s sudden embarrassed blush.

So much for Miss Dominatrix.

“Will I be allowed to wear clothes?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, don’t worry.”

Twilight sighed in relief.

“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a little nudity.”