> Ocean Mares > by TheWraithWriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Setting Sail (Metaphorically) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yes," "No," "Yes," "No," Vinyl Scratch frowned. "Bon-Bon-" "No, no, damn-it Vinyl, fucking no," Bon-Bon said, whipping her head back and forth furiously. Vinyl sighed and leaned back against the wall. This was why being best friends with Bon-Bon was sometimes such a pain. Vinyl was an excitable woman, she tended to have problems sitting still or thinking things through before she did them. If she saw something she wanted, she would just jump right in after it, consequences be damned. Bon-Bon was almost exactly the opposite: A quiet, low energy kind of gal. She could just sit and think or read or whatever for hours. She was also a notorious worrywart. For months she actually refused to use the communal showers because 'what if no one is there and I slip and fall and knock myself out and the drain clogs and the water fills up past my face and I drown!' And when Vinyl said to just shower when other people were there, Bon-Bon responded with: 'But then they'll see me naked!' They eventually managed to snag a room with a built-in shower. Speaking of which, Vinyl and Bon-Bon were in what passed for their living room, as in a large space with a sofa and a TV separated from the kitchen by a small counter. Bon-Bon was currently sitting on said couch, arms crossed over her more than modest chest and eyes firmly shut. Vinyl waited a few moments before speaking again. "Bon-Bon, you haven't even told my why you don't want to go." Bon-Bon drew in a sharp breath and let part of it out, her shoulders slumping and her eyes opening slowly. She shifted her body and looked at Vinyl. "Promise me you won't laugh." Vinyl shook her head. "Bon-Bon, why would I-?" "Just promise me," Bon-Bon pleaded, to which Vinyl quickly nodded her head. "Okay, okay, I promise I won't laugh. Now what's wrong?" Bon-Bon chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment before answering. "I can't swim." Vinyl blinked a few times and shrugged. "So?" "So? So?!?" Bon-Bon shouted, or as close as the soft spoken woman ever came to shouting. "It's on a cruise, ship, Vinyl!" Bon-Bon shook her head and looked away. "What if we sink?" Vinyl snickered. "Come on, Bon-Bon. These things are sturdier than the ground we walk on." It was true, as Equestria was long overdue for some sort of world-ending earthquake. "We're not gonna sink." Vinyl finished, moving from the wall to sit down beside her friend. Bon-Bon sighed. "Fine, but what if I fall overboard? What then?" "Ptsh," Vinyl scoffed, wrapping a comforting arm around Bon-Bon. "You're not gonna fall overboard. They got tons of railings and safety features to make sure that doesn't happen. And even if it does, they'll know in a second," Vinyl snapped her fingers. "And then they'll send out a search team to rescue you." Bon-Bon chewed her bottom lip. "Why do you want to go on this cruise anyway?" Vinyl withdrew her arm and lightly punched Bon-Bon in the shoulder. "Hey!" "Weren't you listening earlier? It's a pleasure cruise." "So?" Bon-Bon whimpered, rubbing her shoulder. "So, pleasure cruise is code for sex cruise," Bon-Bon perked up. "Sex cruise?" Vinyl nodded. "Yeah. And you're pretty much guaranteed to get laid, or they have to refund your ticket." Vinyl leaned in to whisper conspiratorially in Bon-Bon's ear. "I heard that if they get halfway and you still haven't gotten any, the captain herself will get down on her knees and blow you." Bon-Bon crossed her legs and squirmed in her seat. "Nng, that's not true, Vinyl." Vinyl grinned evilly. "It could be. Only one way to find out." Bon-Bon started chewing on her bottom lip again. Vinyl smirked. Bon-Bon was just the cutest thing. It was a real shame that she had the whole cock and balls thing going on. Because, if it was just the pussy, Vinyl wouldn't have to book the cruise in the first place. Bon-Bon finally spoke, her voice as squeaky as her cheeks were red. "Y-you promise we won't sink?" Vinyl took Bon-Bon's hand and gently squeezed it. "Even if we do, I'll let you use me as a flotation device." "A-and," Bon-Bon swallowed loudly. "And you promise I won't fall overboard?" Vinyl chuckled and wrapped her other arm around Bon-Bon's shoulders. "I'll hold on to you the whole time. It'll be like we're joined at the hip. I mean, unless one of use it getting laid, that is." Bon-Bon laughed. "Okay then. When do we leave?" "Tomorrow," Bon-Bon pulled away. "Tomorrow?!" Bon-Bon jumped off the couch. "Vinyl, we can't just pack up leave for a cruise tomorrow!" Vinyl smirked. "Sure we can! All we need to have is bathing suits, lube, and condoms and we already have all of that!" Bon-Bon shook her head, beginning to pace around the room. "But we can't just... How long is this thing anyway?" Vinyl shrugged. "Eh," "But, but, but what about our classes?" Bon-Bon asked. Vinyl waved her off. "You already passed all of yours and I've flunked most of mine." "What about our jobs?" Vinyl gave Bon-Bon a sideways look. "You sell candy online and the club has a 'when you show up' work basis. Plus we've got plenty saved up." It was Bon-Bon's turn to give Vinyl a sideways look. "Okay, you have plenty saved up. But I already paid this month's rent and bought the tickets. Anything else comes up, I'll owe you when we get back." Vinyl got up and walked over to Bon-Bon, placing her hands on the baker's shoulders. "Come on, Bon-Bon. This cruise isn't just about sex. I mean it's mostly about sex," she said quickly, giggling. "But it's also about going out and meeting new people. People that won't give two fucks if I like girls or you have a dick." Bon-Bon was chewing her lip once more. "You swear nothing bad is going to happen?" she asked meekly. Vinyl laughed and drew Bon-Bon into a hug. "I swear nothing bad is gonna happen. And when have I ever been wrong?" > Setting Sail (Literally) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There it is!" Vinyl cried excitedly, pointing ahead. Bon-Bon looked up, shifting her sunhat to continually keep the sun out of her eyes. She followed Vinyl's outstretched arm and pointed finger above the heads of the crowd to their destination. The ship was massive, painted dark blue and dazzling white. It rose above the water, dozens and dozens of decks stacked on top of one another, each and every glass window sparkling in the sun. On top, four massive smokestacks rose into the clear blue sky, completing the look. The ship looked majestic just floating in the harbor. Bon-Bon imagined it would be even more impressive once they set sail. Although, she wouldn't be able to see it sailing all majestic-like, being on board and all. There were probably some videos online. "Come on," Vinyl grinned, pulling on Bon-Bon's arm and pushing through the throngs of people between them and the ship. Well, 'people' was something of a generalized term now. Bon-Bon didn't often think about it, as she mostly only saw other humans on campus. The crowds cluttering up the port were a mix of Humans and Equines, with members of a few dozen subspecies and mixes thrown in as well. It had been over eighty years now since 'Linking of the Worlds' or whatever it was called. Bon-Bon may like going to class hell of a lot more than Vinyl did, but even she had difficulty paying attention to what happened years before she was born. All she knew is that she was technically living on an alien world. One with an eerily similar atmosphere, ecosystem, and layout. Hell, the Equines even called their Caribbean the Caribbean too! Vinyl was getting more aggressive the closer they got to the ship, less slipping between people and more shoving them out of her way. Bon-Bon found herself repeating a string of apologies as she was dragged along, her face turning redder and redder by the moment. They eventually broke through into a small clearing, stopping to catch their breath. They were right next to the ship, close enough to hear the water gently lapping against the hull. Bon-Bon craned her head back to read the name painted along the side of the ship. SS Panzuri. "Vinyl?" Bon-Bon asked, looking from the ship to her friend. "Yeah?" Vinyl looked back over her shoulder. Bon-Bon pointed up at the ship. "What's 'Panzuri'?" "It's one of those foreign words, Bon-Bon." Bon-Bon frowned. "I know that. What does it mean?" Vinyl snickered. "I'll tell you when you're older. Bon-Bon opened her mouth to argue but quickly decided against it. She could just look it up later. It probably just meant 'flower' or 'mountain' or something and not 'eat humans here'. Probably. "Ha, there it is!" Vinyl said, pointing ahead to gangplank. "We're almost there!" Vinyl didn't wait for a reply, reaching back and grabbing Bon-Bon's hand once more dragging her through the crowds. The people here were at least less tightly packed than they were further up the docks, which meant distinctly less shoving on Vinyl's part. Bon-Bon was still saying her apologies, but the faces they passed seemed to be much less annoyed than before. In fact, most of them seemed almost glad to see a pair of nubile humans brush past them. Bon-Bon wasn't yet sure how she felt about that. Please don't let Panzuri mean buffet. They were almost to the gangplank when they ran into a wall. Not a literal wall, though. In between them and their way onto the ship stood the largest creature Bon-Bon had personally seen. Green scales glinted in the sunlight, covering a massive tail at least five times long as Bon-Bon was tall and nearly twice as thick. The tail was attached to a similarly scale-covered torso, seeming to take the place of the creature's legs. The snake-lady, Bon-Bon assumed the creature was female based on the striped sundress they wore, was also making her way to the gangplank, although at a considerably more languid pace than Vinyl had been. The DJ was hoping from one foot to the next. All she had to do was step over the snake-lady's tail and they would have a straight shot to the gangplank. Bon-Bon could never do it, the very thought of it making her nervous, but even Vinyl seemed hesitant to. And so, Vinyl excitedly shuffled behind the snake-lady. There were too close now to move around her, but she was clearly going far too slow for Vinyl's liking. Bon-Bon held tightly to Vinyl's hand, worried that Vinyl just might try to step over the snake-lady's tail. She looked around nervously, knowing that Vinyl's fidgeting was going to attract attention. She was right. There was an Equine walking beside the snake-lady, wearing loose shirt and shorts, revealing quiet a bit of her thick, bright pink thighs. She looked over her shoulder at them just as Bon-Bon was staring at said thighs. Bon-Bon instantly flushed red and looked down, pulling her hat low over her face to hide her embarrassment. She stayed like that for a few moments before sheepishly peeking out. The pink Equine girl was looking directly at her. The girl ran hand through her short bob of blonde hair and poked the snake-lady's arm, pointing back at Bon-Bon and Vinyl. The snake-lady craned her head back, her face certainly a match for the rest of her. She smiled sheepishly, revealing enough sharp teeth to make Bon-Bon nervous (which wasn't much), and quickly drew her tail closer to the rest of her body. "Sorry," she said, thin cheeks flushing a slightly darker shade of green as she started up the gangplank. The Equine girl let the snake-lady go past, moving to walk beside Vinyl and Bon-Bon. "Sorry about Val," the girl said, falling into step on Vinyl's left side while Bon-Bon walked on her right. "She's really into the sun, y'know? I told her to hurry up, but..." the girl shrugged. "I'm Twisty, by the way." "I'm Vinyl," Vinyl replied. "And I'm Bon-Bon," Bon-Bon said, quickly adding, "And it's okay. There's no rush, right Vinyl?" Vinyl smirked. "Actually-" Bon-Bon elbowed her in the ribs. "Ah! I mean yeah, who wouldn't want to enjoy the sun?" the albino said, pulling her hand out of Bon-Bon's to rub her side. Twisty snickered. "Ugh, I know right? It's been snowing pretty much non-stop back home. This is the least amount of clothes I've worn in weeks." Twisty stuck her hands in the pockets of her shorts, or as much of her hands fit in the tiny pockets anyhow. "So, I gotta ask. You two together?" "You offering to-?" Vinyl said, earning another elbow from Bon-Bon. "Gah, why?" Twisty snickered again. "I'll take that as a yes." Vinyl shook her head, pushing Bon-Bon away to avoid more abuse. "No, we're not," Twisty just smiled. "Okay," They came to a halt at the top of the gangplank. The snake-lady, Val presumably, was talking to the imposing man guarding the ship entrance. "Nice to see you again, Miss Morlin," The man said, nodding to Val. "I hope you have a pleasant time." Val looked over to Twisty, a knowing smile on her lips. "Oh, I'm sure I will." Val began slithering inside the ship, Twisty quickly moving with her. Vinyl and Bon-Bon moved to follow, but found their way blocked by the man. "Alright then, I'll just need your tickets and passports." A worried look flashed across Vinyl's face. Bon-Bon bit her lip. She knew that look and she knew what it meant. Vinyl never said anything about a passport, so Bon-Bon didn't think to bring hers. And Bon-Bon wasn't sure if Vinyl even had a passprot. "Um..." Vinyl laughed nervously. "Are you sure you need to see them? I mean, it's not like we're, uh, underage or anything." The man crossed his arms. "Sorry ladies, but I don't know you. Which means I need to see your passports before I- "Oh, Thomas?" Val said, suddenly appearing beside the man. "Did I forget to mention? They're with me." The man seemed startled by the snake-lady. "They are?" Val smiled sweetly, brushing her fingers over Thomas's chest. "You know me, Thomas. I've got a big appetite. And I'm starving, so the quicker we all get inside-" her fingers trailed lowed down the man's shirt "-the happier I'll be." The man blushed and nodded. "Okay, Miss Morlin. If you vouch for them, then they're okay with me." He moved aside. "Sorry about that," Vinyl flashed him a big smile. "Don't worry about it," she said, quickly following Val inside the ship, dragging Bon-Bon along. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior. A long, wide hallway stretched out before them, the floor were plush velvet and the walls were lined with lacquered wood. A ways in the hall split into three more hallways. There Twisty stood next to a coiled Val. Vinyl quickly made her way over to them, Bon-Bon just a step behind her. "Thank you so much. I thought he wasn't going to let us in!" Vinyl said gratefully. Val shrugged. "Don't mention it. Most folks don't think to bring their passports with them their first time and I hate to see anyone miss their ship." Val smiled with a bit too many teeth. "Especially a pair of cuties like you." Twisty elbowed Val. "Hey!" Twisty smirked and shook her head. "Ease up, Val. Let them unpack before you invite them to our room. We're in room eighty-seven A, by the way." she winked. "I'll remember that," Vinyl grinned. Bon-Bon nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the next. "Vinyl? I kinda gotta..." she squeezed her legs together. "Hm? Oh! Gotta run, catch you later?" Vinyl said, slowly backing down one of the hallways. Twisty smiled and nodded. "If you don't find us, we'll find you," "Vinyl," Bon-Bon whispered urgently. "Yeah, yeah, we're going," Vinyl said, turning and picking up the pace. "I thought I told you to go before we left." "I did," "So what's this then?" "It was hot, I drank some water," "You still got the bottle, right? Just-" "Vinyl," Vinyl snickered. > Panties. Or Rather, a Lack of Them > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl was unpacking their bags when Bon-Bon stumbled out of the bathroom. If there was one thing Bon-Bon could already say she liked, it was the bathroom they had. It had a shower!  She stopped and leaned against the wall, feeling unsteady on her feet, almost like she was drunk. As she tried to center herself, Bon-Bon looked around the room. It didn't look too different from any of the other hotel rooms Bon-Bon had been in. The carpet was unusually fluffy though, soft enough to sleep on, Bon-Bon wagered.  "You okay?" Vinyl asked as she held up two different pairs of frilly panties to examine. They were both Bon-Bon's, but the candy-maker chose not to bring that up for the moment. "I'm fine," Bon-Bon said, taking cautious steps over to the bed where their bags lay. Both of their bags lay open, with Vinyl elbow deep in Bon-Bon's. "Hey, does the floor seem... unstable to you?" "No," Vinyl said, pulling out a third undergarment. Bon-Bon sighed and snatched her panties from Vinyl's fingers. "Those are mine, Vinyl." "Yeah, I know," Vinyl said, sticking her hand back into Bon-Bon's bag. "I need to borrow them." "Why?" Bon-Bon said as she pulled her bag out of Vinyl's reach. Vinyl sheepishly twiddled her fingers. "'Cause I forgot to pack any," Bon-Bon sighed. "Well, just wear the ones you have now until they smell. Then I'll go down to the washing machines and wash them for you. Like I usually do." Vinyl bit her lip, blushing lightly. "Yeah, about that..." "You're not wearing any panties, are you," Bon-Bon slowly brought her hand to her face. "Like I said, I forgot them." "I can understand forgetting to pack them, but how did you manage to forget to put any on?" "Hey, it could happen to anyone," Vinyl said, sounding oddly defensive. "But it only seems to happen to you. And give me those!" Bon-Bon said, pulling her other panties out of Vinyl's hands. She quickly shoved them back into her bag and began rooting round inside it. "Look, I got a few spare pairs you can have, okay?" "Okay," Vinyl said, crossing her arms. Bon-Bon's normally organized travel bag had become a mess after Vinyl's tampering, so it took her a good minute to find what she wanted. Eventually, Bon-Bon found her spares and pulled them free.  "Here ya go," she said, holding them out. Vinyl balked at the offered undergarments. "Granny panties? Bon-Bon, how in the fuck am I supposed to get any hot poon wearing these?" Bon-Bon rolled her eyes and tossed the panties at Vinyl. Happily, they landed square on her face. "Gah!" Vinyl jumped back, clawing at the comfortable fabric covering her face and hip sunglasses. As Vinyl continued to wrestle with her greatest foe yet, Bon-Bon quickly unpacked her bag. She didn't have too many clothes with her, figuring that she would be spending most of her time in the room anyway. She packed her clothes into the helpfully provided chest of drawers near the bed. In the bottom went all of her things, whatever clothes Vinyl remembered to pack would go in the middle, and the top would be where they put all the 'essentials', as Vinyl called them. Sunscreen, their combined stash of aspirin, and a few spare books.  Bon-Bon glanced over. Vinyl was still on the floor fighting against the great might that was unsexy underwear. Biting her lip, Bon-Bon quickly dumped the more embarrassing things she had packed into the drawer. Namely, a bunch of condoms, a few different bottles of lube, and a big jelly dildo named Frank. Bon-Bon had just closed the drawer when Vinyl clawed her way up the side of the bed, the waistband of the panties clenched in her teeth.  "Very fuckin' funny, Bon-Bon," Vinyl said through her mouthful before spitting the garment onto the bed. She pulled herself up into a standing position and brushed herself off. "But seriously, can't I have a different pair?" Bon-Bon shook her head. "Beggars can't be choosers, Vinyl." Vinyl blew out a breath. “Fine. I don’t need to wear underwear all the time anyway, right? Just one less thing to take off when things start getting spicy.” “Right…” Bon-bon said with an uneasy frown. Vinyl raised an eyebrow. “Hey now, what’s that look?” Bon-bon sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “Vinyl, I have a really bad feeling about this.” Vinyl scoffed. “Bon-bon, you have really bad feelings about that pony mexican place we always go to.” “I got food poisoning!” Bon-bon said, flushing bright red. “One time,” Vinyl replied, raising her hands defensively. “Out of all the times we ate there, you got food poisoning once.” Bon-bon averted her eyes. “Still…” Vinyl let out a long sigh and sat down next to her friend. “What is it?” “I… I’m nervous, Vinyl.” “What about?” Bon-bon turned to Vinyl like the blue haired woman had grown another head. “What about? Vinyl, we just got on a cruise ship that I didn’t even know existed until yesterday. And I suspect you didn’t either.” “This again?” Vinyl smirked and shook her head. “Bon-bon, you need to learn to live a little. You’re not going to have anything around your dick other than your hands if you don’t get out there and at least talk to people.” Bon-bon kept frowning. “You have a point.” “You’re goddamn right I do,” Vinyl grinned wider, knowing she was breaking down Bon-bon’s inhibitions, as usual. “Like, that snake lady and the Equine babe that we met earlier. I mean, I don’t know how you feel about snakes, but you like ponies, right?” Bon-bon again gave Vinyl a sideways look. “Are you serious, Vinyl?” “When am I not serious?” Vinyl asked with the confidence of someone who had a habit of bluffing and getting away with it. “Blondie there was giving you serious ‘fuck-me’ eyes.” Bon-bon’s cheeks colored again. “You really think so?” she asked, almost like a school-girl asking if her crush really did like her. “Bon-bon, I’ve seen plenty of ‘fuck-me’ eyes in my time. And those were some serious ‘fuck-me’ eyes.” Bon-bon goraned. “Please stop saying ‘fuck-me’ eyes.” Vinyl laughed. “Whatever. She was into you, though. I could tell.” Bon-bon hugged herself. “She doesn’t know about… what I have down there, though.” Vinyl shrugged. “Then just tell her. Worst case scenario she’s not into dick.” Vinyl smirked again. “And then I can swoop in there and see if the carpets match the drapes.” “What about the snake woman?” “Oh yeah,” Vinyl tapped her chin. “I was getting a serious vibe that she at least dabbled in dick-sucking, so-” “Not that,” Bon-bon said, her blush deepening. “I mean, she and the pony girl were together. Are they both going to be okay with us just showing up and trying to, uh, have sex with them?” Vinyl chuckled. “I know you were bustin’ for a piss at the time, but that pony gal straight up told us what room they’re in. I think they’re super okay with us showing up for sex.” Bon-bon chewed the inside of her cheek while she thought about that. As much as she did like the idea of getting to have sex with someone, it had been a while after all, she wasn’t too sure about just going to some stranger’s room. Especially when said stranger was a giant snake with tits. “Vinyl, I need you to promise not to laugh.” Vinyl snickered. “What, again?” “Vinyl…” Bon-bon whined.  “Fine, fine. I super duper promise to not laugh at whatever dumb thing you’re worried about.” Bon-bon frowned, but she decided to let that obvious slight against her go. “Vinyl, aren’t you worried that… that she’ll try to eat us?” Vinyl’s shoulders shook, but she managed to hold her obvious amusement in. “I’m pretty sure ponies are vegetarians, Bon-bon.” “Not her, the snake!” “Oooooooooohhhhhhh,” Vinyl said, with a shrug. “I don’t know, that sounds kinda illegal.” “So’s murder, but people still do it.” “I think we’re going to have to end up stranded somewhere before we have to start worrying about people eating each other, Bon-bon.” Vinyl stood up and stretched.  “You said this was a sex cruise, right? Getting eaten is a sex thing.” “It is?” Vinyl raised her eyebrows. “Wait, how do you know?” Bon-bon suddenly found herself to be very interested in the pillows on the bed. “I-I, uh… I may have stumbled across it a few times looking for porn.” Vinyl’s grin returned. “Oh-ho-ho, that explains a lot.” “No it doesn’t, shaddup,” Bon-bon said, still looking intently at the pillows. “Kinky girl…” Vinyl said teasingly. “But, if it’ll make you less worried, why don’t we wait until after dinner to get us some poon?” Bon-bon peeked at Vinyl questioningly. “How would that make me less worried?” “Well, if they eat dinner first, then they’ll be too full to eat you,” Vinyl said, confidently taping the side of her head. Bon-bon snorted, but nodded. “Okay. Just promise that you won’t abandon me as soon as some girl bats her eyelashes at you.” Vinyl let out a mock gasp. “Bon-bon, are you implying I am even capable of abandoning my good friend? Even for something as alluring as eyelash batting.” Bon-bon chuckled. “Alright, alright. Just, for real, I don’t want to end up wandering around on my own.” “Couldn’t separate us if they tried,” Vinyl said, taking Bon-bon’s hand in her own. “Just so you know, this means if either of us gets laid, the other one is gonna have to stand there and watch.” Bon-bon tapped her chin. “What if it’s a threesome?” “Ooh, didn’t think about that.”