> A Second Chance > by FictionFreek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Take my Hand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growing up we all seem to strive for the same thing, all pushing for that life where after all our hard work we’d finally be able to live comfortably. So, for years we’ll do what we are told, we study hard and work harder for it. Each year pushing harder than the last, each obstacle met we’ll overcome and rise above it. Looking back, it was hard to believe that something, anything, could possibly go wrong when everything seemed to right. But while we’re pushing, while we’re climbing and looking only for that bright future that we were all promised. We often forget or maybe never expected that somewhere along the way we’d finally slip. And before we knew it, before we could stop ourselves, we’ll have fallen straight to the bottom. All that hardship, all that promise, now equating to nothing. Some might be able to pick themselves up and dust themselves off before climbing again. But there are also some who can’t, and after a while it becomes clear that they will never climb again. I was, unfortunately, one who could never get back up. Powerless to do much of anything but watch as everything I’ve built up came crumbling down. There was no rope, no safety net, not even so much as a hand held out. Nothing to keep me from hitting bottom, and I will tell you this, it hurt more than you could imagine without experiencing it. And after having gone through this for so long I can say that I wouldn’t wish this on anyone else. Especially not when the first snowflakes finally fall. Winter. Oh, just the thought of it would be enough to send a chill down my spine, but right now I didn’t have to think about it. Because today I was experiencing it, the subzero temperate, the blistering winds, and worse of all, the snow. I remember a time when I’d watch the snow fall with bliss, a twinkle in my eye as though I was watching magic. But that bliss was gone now as I bowed my head and felt each flake fall atop my head. Bundled into a ball with several rags draped around me for warmth. But it wasn’t enough. With every blow of the wind the cold would bleed through, my body trembling, begging me to get out of the cold. But there was no out, there was nowhere for me to go with I didn’t have a means to pay. I looked up to the bowl I placed in front of me, hoping that someone had dropped even the smallest of donations. But no, much like all the times before it was empty. I look up to the people walking by, on occasion one would look to me. But just as our eye met they’d immediately look away as if it’d never happened. And all I could do was watch it happen, as much as it hurt, as much as I wish I could beg them to find it in their heart to help, I couldn’t. I bowed my head again trying so hard not to let that one tear slip out and just burry the pain. I’d had years of practice but it wasn’t always easy, and sometimes I just couldn’t contain it. Softly I sob as time passed out, knowing that it would be another bitter night. All I could do now was sit here, hoping that I can make it till morning. “Excuse me…” I flinched slightly, the voice came out of nowhere and it sounded really close. I looked up and saw someone, a woman kneeled down in front of me. Dawning a cannery yellow jacket with long pink hair. She stared at me, a smile so warm it threatened to banish the cold around me, for a moment I had almost forgotten about it. The silence dragged on for a moment, having been caught off guard by someone actually acknowledging me. “H-hello.” I finally managed to say, wondering what she might have to say to me. “My name is Fluttershy, um, can I know yours?” Again, I was left to pause, I’ve honestly never expected anyone to just ask me for my name. I looked around me everyone else continued to walk, as if they weren’t apart of our world anymore. I then look back to her, her smile never waining and somehow making me feel safe. “Velvet.” I finally say “My name it Velvet Lilly.” No sooner as I said my name did a strong wind blow, some of my rags blowing away as a result. I reached out for them but it was no use, they were out of sight in a matter of seconds. I let out a small whimper as I try to bunch together the rest of the rags, hoping to keep the wind from seeping more than it already had. As I did the woman, Fluttershy, stood up. She was looking into the distance, the same direction where the wind had blown my rags away. “It sure is cold today.” It might have been rude but I let out a small scoff, saying it was cold was an understatement. “Would you like to warm up?” I’m not sure what caught me off guard harder. The idea of someone offering me a way out of the cold, or looking up to see her hand stretched out. I look to it and then back to her with a feeling of apprehension. “There’s a coffee shop not too far from here, we could drink some and eat something.” The prospect of coffee and food was enough to make my stomach growl. I blushed a little but all she did was let out a small giggle. “Sounds to me like you’d enjoy that, come on, it’s my treat.” I gulped slightly, I had no idea who this woman was and I also had no reason not to trust her. So, I forced the butterflies in my stomach to calm themselves. I took her hand and she helped me up, more rags falling as a result leaving me with no protection from the cold. But as I hissed from the chill it was, to my surprise, suddenly gone. I looked over to Fluttershy and saw her jacker was gone. It didn’t take long to notice it as looked over my shoulders, the jacker now draped over me. I looked back to her with disbelief, left with just a light sweater underneath she gave up her warmth for me? “Come on, let’s get inside.” From the fireplace of the coffee shop to the warm drink in question flowing through me, I was finally able to feel something other than numbness. The feeling of having some food in my stomach was also a very nice bonus. My table manners were kind of missing at the moment, but given my last meal was several days ago I think I can be forgiven. It wasn’t until the final donut was gone did I finally take some time to actually breath. I sat there for a while, it’s been a while since I last felt so full that I just wanted to enjoy it. “Did you like it?” Fluttershy had sat across me the while time without saying a word. Simply sitting there in silence while on occasion ordering some more treats to the table. I sat up straight on my seat and nodded my head happily. “Y-yes I did, thank you so much for this.” We sat there for a while and talked of just about anything. We told jokes, we laughed, and in time I just felt the world sort of slip away. I was able to feel happy again after Celestia knows how long. But unfortunately, we all have to be drawn back to the world sometime, and for me it was the sudden chill which brought me back. Someone had opened the door to the coffee shop and let in the cold. I looked out the window, watching as the snow began to fall harder, remembering that soon I’d have to go back out there. The warmth, the feeling of being full, it would all be gone soon, and there was no stopping it. All I could do now was enjoy this moment and hope that someday I’d be able to experience it again. I felt her hand on my shoulder not long after, I could see the apologetic look she had in her eyes. But none of this was he fault, she isn’t the reason I was out in the streets after all. “Your clothes don’t really seem like winter gear.” Well that was an understatement. I’ve lost count of how long I’d worn the same clothes. Dirty and filled with holes they weren’t really worthy of being called clothes anymore either. “Yeah well, it’s kind of hard to buy more when you’re some nobody on the curve.” I saw her wince and I instantly hated myself.“S-sorry I, I didn’t mean…” Way to go Velvet, someone decided to feed you and you go ahead and snap at her. I shook my head and got up, handing Fluttershy back the jacket she had loaned me. I’m pretty sure I did enough damage, I wasn’t going to try and come up with an excuse now. “Thank you for the food, I-I won’t be a bother anymore.” I turned away, and while I dreaded it, I made my way to the door. I braced myself for the cold again, but something stopped me just short of the door. A hand placed on each shoulder, gently preventing me from going any further. “It’s okay to let out your frustrations, Velvet. When life is hard on you sometimes you just wish you could scream. Trust me, I know the feeling of trying to keep it all bottled up and I know it’s not fun or easy.” Fluttershy turned me around and looked me in the eyes. “I also didn’t bring you here for warmth just to send you back into the cold.” I’m glad I didn’t hurt her feelings, but also a little confused, did she have more in mind? “I understand that your clothes have seen better days, so I was thinking that maybe we should get you some new ones.” I watched Fluttershy pull out a phone from her pocket, dialing up someone’s number before waiting for them to answer. “Hello, it’s me. Are you available right now?” she asked followed by a couple hums in agreement every now and again. “That sounds perfect, we’ll be right over.” After hanging up she looked back to me. “Okay then, we’ll need to make another stop, if you don’t mind that is.” I try not to pry; the meal was more than I could expect from today. But the look in her eyes made it hard to refuse her offer, so I nodded my head. “As long as it’s no trouble that is.” “None at all, here, I’ll call us a cab.” Fluttershy handed me the jacket again, not giving me much of an option on the matter there. The cab showed up not long after and the two of us were quickly loaded up and heading to the next destination. I think I remember the address Fluttershy told the drive but I couldn’t be sure. Wherever it was I was already planning on picking something cheap, so long as it was new clothes I didn’t need anything too extravagant. And given someone else was paying for it I couldn’t just break the bank like that. “Velvet, Velvet wake up.” I think I made what was the most un lady-like snort of my life. Waking up in a car, someone shaking me awake, I think I almost punched her out of instinct. But lucky for me it all suddenly came back to me the moment I saw her face. It was Fluttershy, and the car I woke up in was the cab she’d call for us. After having a full stomach and something comfortable to sit on it’s no surprise I fell asleep along the way. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I rubbed my eyes of the sleep, trying to compose myself after that short freak-out. “No, it’s fine, I’m sorry I dozed off.” Fluttershy waved me a dismissive hand, telling me that I looked like I needed it. And boy howdy did I ever, that was probably the best nap I’d have in a long time. “Come on, we just arrive.” Fluttershy opened the door to the cab and climbed out. I joined her a few seconds later. Fluttershy planned on helping me get some new clothes. And of course, I was planning on getting the basics, so long as I had a jacket I would be happy. “We’re here.” I looked up at the store and suddenly any plans I may have had were blown away. This wasn’t just a clothing store, it was a fashion shop, and by far one of the most popular in Manehattan to boost. This had to be a mistake, right? The taxi drive must have just taken us to the wrong address by mistake. “Um, are you sure this is the place?” I asked, maybe she hadn’t noticed it yet. “I’m sure, Coco’s inside waiting for us right now.” Fluttershy opened the door to the shop and motioned me to enter. I took a hesitant half step at first, but eventually I managed bring myself inside. I looked around, now that I could see the inside I started to notice something. “I’ve been here before.” “Oh?” I turned to Fluttershy who was close behind, with each passing second, I would grow a little surer of it. “Yeah, for the grand opening.” I rubbed my arm and looked to the ground, the next part was a tab bit embarrassing. “I uh, snuck in during the festivities and helped myself to some of the food. I-I didn’t stay long, just till my pockets were full.” I could see Fluttershy’s open widely for a moment. As if something in her mind had just lit up. She walked up to me and, for some reason, gave me a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you sooner.” I blinked, what did she mean by that? Before I could even ask her though we were greeted by a voice. “Oh, Miss Fluttershy!” I turned to see a blue haired woman with a flower in her hair. Fluttershy let go of me and walked up to greet her. “Is this the woman you told me about?” Fluttershy nodded her head and turned back to me. “Coco I’d like you to meet Velvet Lilly,” I wasn’t really sure how to respond, a simple smile and wave of my hand being all I could come up with on the spot. “She’s in need of some new clothes, and I was wondering if you could help.” “Oh, you know I’m more than happy to.” Coco walked up to me with a smile to match Fluttershy’s. “If you could come with me, we can start with your measurements.” She took me by the hand and before I knew it we were making our way towards the back of the shop. Fluttershy didn’t follow this time though, instead she waited behind, telling me she’d wait till we’re done. With the jacket and a few other things cast aside, Coco started taking my measurements as she said. It was a little odd, I’d never really had mine taken before, definitely not from such a high-end place. I still can’t believe Fluttershy managed to book us here. Though given that I seem to be with an acquaintance of hers, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask? “So, um, how do you know Fluttershy?” I tried hard to make it sound like casual conversation, something to pass the time. “We’ve been friends for a few years now.” Well that might answer that question. “She’s actually one of the girls to help with the grand opening of the shop. Plus, she’s closer friends with my boss, so I guess you can say she’s really in the know.” I guess she really has some pull around here, which would explain why she’d bring me here. “She’s a really nice girl, always hoping to help people in need. Kind and gentle, she’d never hesitate to help someone off the streets.” I looked over to Coco, she seemed to know more than what I’d heard Fluttershy say over the phone. And with what she’d said before it was like she was used to something like this. Was this something she was used to, am I not the first person Fluttershy’s brought here? “Just know that you can trust her, Velvet, more so than anything.” With that Coco walked away, vanishing behind some curtains and leaving me to my thoughts. I was a little confused yes, you don’t just say something like that out of the blue and expect someone not to be after all. About a minute or two passed before she came back, something folded in her hands. “I managed to find something in you size, try them on to see.” They looked great, and best of all they looked warm. I grabbed hold of the clothes, Coco placing a bag on top of them and leaning closer. “I also threw in some undergarments. There’s a shower over there, please, take your time.” With that Coco bowed to me and left again. Once she was gone I turned towards where she was pointing, my heart pumping with the promise of a shower. I didn’t waste time, I made my way to the shower so I could finally clean off after a long time. I was full, I was clean, and now I was fully dressed, all in all I felt like a whole new person. And I’ll be honest it felt amazing. Once I was finished in the shower I made my way back to where Fluttershy and Coco were waiting. The latter seemed to be attending to a customer, but Fluttershy was close by to greet me. She gave me a look over, “Coco really has an eye for picking out the right clothes, how do you like it?” that was an understatement, I absolutely loved the feeling of being comfortable in my own body again. “And have you looked in the mirror yet?” I paused, I’d been so wrapped around just enjoying the feeling of being clean that I forgot to see just what I looked like. I started to look around, I know what I look like, I’ve seen my reflections in windows before. But now, now was something different, I had to look different than I did an hour ago. So just what did I look like now? “Here, this way.” Fluttershy started pushing me from behind, leading me to a catwalk in another part of the shop. I could see them, several mirrors placed around them to reflect whoever was standing in the center. I was a little less than patient now that I saw them, quickly I went for a full sprint towards the catwalk and stood in the center. In that moment I saw myself, and the sight was a little too much for me to take in. In moments I felt it, all the emotions I’d repressed starting to seep out as tears ran down my face. I covered my mouth and fell to my knees as I continues to stare at my reflection. I never thought I’d look like this again, look like another person and not just some street rat. And Fluttershy was right there beside me, holding me as I sobbed uncontrollably. Letting me unload all these pent-up emotions I’d amassed over the years on her shoulder without a word. In time though the tears stopped, and I managed to contain myself, cleaning my face with a rag she’d given me. “I’m sorry,” I said with a sniffle, looking back at my reflection before looking down on the ground again. There was still a burning question on my mind, one I never really tried to ask before, trying not to be rude. But after all this, after everything she’s done to me in such a short amount of time, I just had to know. “Why are you doing this?” I looked up to her, Fluttershy tilting her head as she stared back at me. “I was a random nobody in this city, one of possible hundreds. Why did you pick me, why do so much for someone you don’t know?” She stared at me for a few moments, a smile slowly spreading across her face before she started reaching into her bag. “A random nobody?” she repeated “Last I checked your name was Velvet.” From her bag she pulled out a camera and turned it towards me. From its screen I could see a picture she’d taken, one of my when I was sitting on the street. From the looks of it she may have taken it only seconds before she’d spoken to me. “When I found you the last thing I saw was a nobody. Because I don’t believe that anyone is a nobody, failure, or a mistake. You were someone who needed help getting back on her feet, someone who just needed a second chance.” Fluttershy reached over and placed a hand on my shoulder. “And believe me, I know a thing or two about giving second chances. Even when some people think that it isn’t deserved, I’ll still do anything to provide it.” I heard what she said, and yet, I still had a hard time understanding. “But why, why do all this, what’s in it for you?” Fluttershy stood up from the ground and dusted herself off. Extending a hand at me as she’d done when I first met her. I took it and she helped me off the ground, looking back at me with the same warm smile. “Velvet, if I can wake up tomorrow knowing that you were out of the cold, then I couldn’t ask for anything else. Because helping other, extending a kindness to them that no one else had, it’s what I’m good at. You could even say it’s my element.” She added with a small giggle. I didn’t understand that last part, mostly because I was hung over something else she’d said. “Out of the cold?” “While I was waiting I did some research on your name.” Fluttershy pulled out her phone and showed me a picture I haven’t seen in years. A store website, Lilly’s Alike, the business I used to run before everything went south. “If I can ask, what happened to your store?” I looked away for a moment, the memory coming back to me just as she asked. I used to run a small flower arrangement store, Baby showers, funerals, anything and everything that needed flowers really. “A few years ago, someone came to me with a business proposal, a really good one. At the time it was all to good to pass on.” I turned slightly and wrapped my arms around myself. “But in my haste to get ahead in life I never saw it coming. They’d cheated me, took my business, and left me to rot with nothing to my name.” I could still see the look on their face, the total lack of humanity as they admitted it to me. “The Flim Flam brothers?” I gasped slightly and turned back to face her. “You know them?” “I’ve had more than one run in with them.” She admitted “They tried to do the same to a friend of mine. But we managed to overcome it. All I can tell you now though is they aren’t bothering anyone else anymore.” Small world it seems and knowing that she somehow managed to beat out some con artists made my feel a little better. “But what they’re up to is not why I brought this up.” Fluttershy turned her phone off put it away. “Back home there is a flower shop owned by three of the nicest girls you’ll ever know. They make good business, and in recent years they’ve become a little overwhelmed with their workload. They’re looking for someone with experience, and they’ll willing to pay well and have a spare room.” My head was starting to spin a little, a part of me reliving the last time someone gave me an offer that was too good to be true. “You’re…you’re offering me a job?” Fluttershy gave a small giggle and shook her head. “No, I’m offering you a new chance at life.” I think my heart skipped a beat, this was starting to sound too good to be true again. I wanted this, I wanted it more than anything in my life, but my heart wasn’t convinced yet. And from the look on her face, I think Fluttershy could feel it as well. “You’re scared, I understand that. Someone offered you the world and cheated you, now you think it’s happening again.” Fluttershy opened a zipper in her jacket and pulled something out, a rectangular envelope with a seal on it. “I can’t do much than just tell you to trust me, but I also don’t want to force you to do something you aren’t fully prepared to do yet either.” She reached out the envelope, holding it out in front of me until I grabbed hold of it.’ “What’s this?” “Open it.” I did as she asked, and the moment I undid the seal I was left with quite a sight. Money, and a lot of it just by looking at it. I looked back up at her, my hand trembling slightly “Velvet if you ask me to leave right now I will. I’ll walk out the door and you’ll never see me again, but you can keep that money and do what you want from here on out.” She reached out again and held my shaking hand in hers. “But if you can bring yourself to trust me, then I promise, you will never regret it.” I didn’t know what to do, I looked back at the money in the envelop. There was a lot, I could easily move out of Manehattan and find somewhere else. I could restart my life, try to finally get back on track after losing everything. But if I did choose the money, I feel like I’d still be alone in the world, and I’ve been alone for a long time now. Up until this woman I don’t know just randomly decided that I was worth giving another lease at life. In the end I still only had two choices, and yet both seemed to come with so many possibilities. Was everything she promised real? Would it all just go wrong again? Would I wake up tomorrow in a bathtub full of ice? Okay that last part was a little excessive, but that didn’t make this choice any easier. “Fluttershy, I want to trust you. But I need something, anything that can prove you are the real deal.” It was all I could ask for, yes, she has done nothing to me that would make me thing otherwise. But I’m too wise to the world around us to just accept something at face value. Fluttershy rubbed her chin for a moment, thinking of a way to prove herself to me I suppose. Eventually there was a small twinkle in her eyes as she snapped her finger. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her camera again. “I think I know what can convince you, come sit with me.” I nodded my head and followed her to one of chairs in the back room. I sat beside her and watched as she went through the files on her camera. “You asked why I picked you out of anyone else in Manehattan. Truth be told I usually pick whoever I can find, that is, unless someone points me in someone else’s direction.” From her camera a picture came up, showing a teenage girl clothed in rags like I was. “Ivory!” I said in surprise, she was one of the other homeless of Manehattan. Thinking about it now, I hadn’t seen her in a while. “A few months ago, I found her begging at the train station. She was thin, scared, and hungry, not unlike you when I found you. And likewise, she was weary to trust me, actually, she ran away the moment I asked if she’d like me to take her somewhere to eat.” I can’t say I’m surprised, Ivory had a rough life, dumped on the streets one day and ever since could never bring herself to trust anyone. “I spent days finding her, talking to her, and each time she’d run. Eventually I did manage to convince her to at least talk to me. It was rough, but I managed to get her to trust me, and in time I even convinced her to come with me away from this city.” Fluttershy pressed the next button on her phone, and a new photo appeared. It was of Ivory again, but she wasn’t alone, she was standing with other people, older ones. “Those are her new parents, she was adopted not too long after I took her to my home town. Now she’s happier than she could ever be, she tells me this every time I see her. I took this photo before I came back here today, and I asked her a question too. I asked her if there was someone she knew from here that she’d want to be given a better life too. You were the first person she mentioned, and she was quick to say it too.” Usually in this city it’s everyone for themselves, even I somewhat subscribed to that belief. But Ivory, she was just a kid, so every chance I got I would try to take care of her. Share some food, offer any clothes I’d managed to find. But her timidity always seemed to keep her at arm’s length. Seeing her picture now though, seeing how happy she is, it was heartwarming. “I wanted you to see that I took care of someone you knew. But she wasn’t the only one.” Fluttershy continued to click the next button, showing me more before and after photos of other homeless. Some I knew, and some I didn’t, but there were still a lot of them. “They don’t all end up living in the same town as me, but I did make sure that they found a better place somewhere. And I make sure to take these pictures, not just so they can see how different their lives have become. But so I can also show others in the future what it is I do, so they can know they can trust me.” I continued to look at the photos, watching others who had hit rock bottom manage to find their way back to the top. And with each more I saw, the more I realized I was silly to question it any further. So, I placed my hand on the camera, looking up to her I finally said it. “Fluttershy, I trust you.” She looked happy to hear it, and I was too. “Then we’ll leave as soon as we can, you can spend the night at my cottage and I’ll introduce you to the flower shop tomorrow.” I nodded my head and stood up with her, making our way to the door. But before we could leave, I needed to do one last thing. I stood in front of her and held out the envelop of money. I trust her, I don’t need to hold on to this money now, I could finally make my own again. At least, that’s what I was thinking, but she seemed to think otherwise. Gently she pushed my hand back, and I looked at her, puzzled. “Keep it, my gif to you.” I laughed a little, she’d already given me so much already, but I didn’t want to argue with her. “Tell me, are there more people like you in your home town?” I asked. “I can think of a few, I’m sure you’ll meet them yourself soon enough.” Well if they’re anything like her, I’m sure I’ll like them too. But that will have to wait for later, right now I just needed to follow her to what would be my new home. Ponyville.