Illusions Chaotic Adventures

by Arron

First published

Discord loves chaos, but to keep this going while he's imprisoned, he does something nopony can think of.

Before getting turned to stone, Discord creates a child of his own to stir up chaos while he's imprisoned.

Join Illusion on an adventure as he, once a former human, wakes up in this body. With a name he randomly comes up with and the troubling times ahead, what will he do to survive in this pony world.

Pony made by Kilalaaa!

This also is my first story!

Chapter 1

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"Huh!" You spring up, floating in the air during a chocolate rain cloud storm wondering, as a human once before you try to get up, only to realize some major differences in the way your arms and legs work.. or arms and hooves "..."

You would freak out on this only to notice that everything becomes as sunny as day.. it confused you, wondering if the weather on earth has gone crazy and your just realizing it from the time that your finally out of the house.

You look around only to notice everything is colorful, and You think back on what happened just a few minutes ago, chocolate rain? When was that a weather on earth... with each growing second of worry that you ended up in a testing zone you try and get your body to work.

"WAAHHFHH" with a sickening hit to the head you realize that you flew yourself right into a tree that was somehow next to you without noticing, it honestly scared you.

"How did I get this high up? And why am I under the tree branch and still in the air, is gravity here messed up?"

You look around you, or mainly check on your body, at first you notice you don't have wings on your back, so you can only guess that you somehow self levitated.

"I can fly now? That's awesooooooounf." The moment you get excited you fall at break neck speeds and somehow not ending up breaking your neck.

"Okay, if I can figure out this self levitation that I somehow seem to have, then I should be able to figure out the rest of my new body?" So you begin to use your brain and somehow figure it out in no time as the information just flew towards you.

Huh, this is easy.. okay! Now you need to move your hooves, but on closer inspection, you notice that one of them has fingers, or atleast three of them.

"Ah, this should be a little easier, but not the actual hoof on my left arm, people are gonna think I'm some sort of human and horse mix." This sends a horrible chill down your spine as you realize that you might not even be human anymore, and where you are to be exact.

As you look around you notice a town not so far away, it seems you were dropped off somewhere near a town. Now questions began to cloud your memory again as you question why there houses look like there from the past, is technology delayed here? No time to find out.

You begin your slow leavitation to the town as to not go so fast and end up smashing the entire town to crumbles with your levitation. As you near the town, you notice colorful horses....

"WAIT COLORFUL HORSES?!?!" What why?! Why the hell are there colorful horses running this town? Where are the humans? What? A sign to your right says "Welcome to Ponyville" and realization hits you.. a world run by ponies... thoughts of fear cloud your mind as you begin to think humans ended up being enslaved, but as you look around.. you don't see anything.

"Something seems amiss here, I wonder wh..." Someone cuts you off with such a loud scream that terrifies you and messes up your levitation, slamming you into a house. "Owww..."

"Oh nooo! It's Discord but disguised as a pony, somepony, anypony, get Twilight and stop this creature before chaos rules again." This alarmed you, it made your hair stand on end for some apparent reason, like an alarm system started to sound off, literally.

"Ow it's so loud, make it stop, STOP! It completely stopped it somehow, were you magical? Self levitation is magical, well then maybe you are, ah stop getting distracted and focus at the task at hand, and stop talking to yourself."

Then you start hearing some alarmed and stressed voices. "That can't be possible, we just turned Discord back into stone.. he couldn't have escaped."

You slowly float yourself out of your crash zone and notice a group of six ponies staring right at you, three had surprises on there faces and the other three have scowls. It scares you a little at there reactions at seeing you and you began to wonder what you really looked like. Wait they can TALK?

"My goodness Twilight, he's just so adorable and cute and small, he has the look of Discord but he's a filly, and he looks terrified. I don't think that's Discord, Twilight." The yellow one says as the purple ones face twisted into curiosity, it was a little offsettling.

"Well he does look like he has genuine worry on his face, but remember girls.. Discord is a master of games and manipulation and he could just be playing us!" That seemed to make some of them not look at you the same, so you had to think quick and come up with a plan.

"WAIT, wait... I'm not whatever this Discord fella is, I just got here, I don't even know what's going on, why is everyone so scared of me? Do I look ugly? Am I hurt?" Curiosity was getting the best of you during this situation, it was like watching a new game show something confusing like Deadpool where he breaks the fourth wall.

"Well girls, as the element of kindness, I believe that he is telling the truth.. and even Applejack can agree right? We can't just assume things because of his looks." Applejack turned her head away from the yellow one and gave you a hard stare. "What he says is true, I can tell."

Twilight, which you assumed as the purple one, walks up to you. "Where are you from, is your father Discord? Are you trying to hurt ponies?"

That name Discord, it's like he's world famous or something. "N-no... I don't even know who this Discord per-pony is, I don't even know where I came from, and no.. I don't wanna hurt anyone."

You say this as calm as you can, you don't want them having upset feelings toward you or any suspicions. Then Twilights face turns into worry and caution.

"So you have amnesia, clearly forgotten memories about where you are from, but do not worry.. As Princess Celestias student, I'll make sure to fix you right up after we take her to visit you in the afternoon." Good. They believed that lie, and hold up what? Princess?

Chapter 2

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You began wondering where they were headed as you floated along with them, it seems like they are heading towards a tree... with a door that you somehow can see from all the way over here, it's odd really."So umm Twilight, is there a reason were headed to that Treehouse over there?"

Twilight had a look of surprise, even she couldn't see the door to her home from this far yet, something about your eyesight seemed odd to her, she assumed it's just that you look like Discord and have his eyes. "Yes, we're gonna go get my assistant to write a letter to the Princess to let her know that we are on the way, very good eyes you have there by the way."

"Jeez, thanks Twilight.. but I doubt it's cause I look like him that gives me such good eyesight." It was probably cause you have some sort of magic that lets you, curiosity was eating you at this point.

The pink one flew at you so fast, it startled you a color even whiter then your fur. "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie and I noticed you're new here, do you like parties cause I know everyone likes parties?" Pinkie was practically jumping in one spot so fast.

"Uhh yes?" The moment you said that, she exploded into confetti and disappeared.

"Hehe, I swear.. Pinkie is just so crazy ah honestly think that one day, if it were possible, that she'd do a party all over equestria in one spot!" Applejack had a look on her face as if this always happens, she even had a huge smile about it, it calmed you down knowing that she'd mostly be fine.

"Well, Pinkie tends to be over the top most of the time, I Rarity, don't support such act amongst the public." She said it like a noble would, atleast, from what you remember in books and stuff, that she did.

While everyone was talking, Rainbow was eyeing you suspiciously as in she was thinking so hard on something and no one else was noticing it. "So uh, is anyone gonna ask why he's able to fly with no wings! No wings! I don't think that's natural, I mean come on Twilight! You should know that isn't anything normal."

"Please Rainbow, you're still the only one that doesn't notice the similarities he shares with Discord? It's clearly obvious, I mean.. at first I thought it was something I should think about but then I came up with him actually being able to use chaos magic, though it seems he doesn't know how to use it still which is good, I don't want him ending up like Discord." Twilight had put allot of thought into this while she was on the way to the library, she'd been in so much thought that she bumped right into the door. "Ow."

"Well, here we are.. let's all get right in and have some tea while I get Spike to send the message!" She sounded excited to be able to probably see her teacher again, and to see what thier gonna do with you.

You all walk in and to your surprise, it's still tree interior and detailed like a real living tree, you wonder how it's still alive and looking healthy.. maybe it's under a spell.

As you watched Twilight talk to what you assumed was Spike, you began to worry, if there are Princesses.. what if they don't like how you look and it offends them? What if your attitude offends them, you began to visibly sweat. "Um T-twilight, what if I offend the Princess in some way..?"

Twilight looked at you with a kind smile, a very nice one actually. "Don't worry about offending the Princess, just be nice and respectful and speak when asked to and you should do fine, Princess Celestia isn't at all cruel or mean.. she's very kind. Now, let's wait for her response, I know during this time that she is very busy with dealing with day court if I'm right."

"Yeah, the Princess is cool, not as cool as me.. she's probably a little lower of cool but still cool, you know what I mean? But yea, Celestia really never gets angry unless you threaten to hurt her ponies." Raindow finishes that while serving herself some tea and quickly gulping it down.

"Ah know that from mah personal experience, that the Princess is most kind, and very honest. There's nothing to be afraid about." Applejack also did the same with her tea, but a little faster then Dash as to show a challenge.

"Have you seen the clothes the Princesses wear, it's so beautiful, so marv-" Rarity looks at both Applejack and Rainbows expression and corrects herself. "Ahem, I mean.. the Princesses manners are just wonderful, oh how I wish I could be a Princess."

Twilight looks from Spike to you with a happy smile. "Yea, there is absolutely nothing to worry about."

Eventually during the tea time, the others that were with Twilight bid farewell and went home, they waved you goodbyes and bid you farewell with the Princess.

"Twilight, why are your friends so kind to me? I thought they'd be suspicious or look at me weird like the others in town looked at me.. but that isn't the case with you and your friends?" This honestly made you curious as to why, and were hoping it wasn't just some sort of act.

"Oh no, it's not anything like that... we treat all the other ponies with the magic of friendship, and you haven't even done anything wrong for us to look at you that way, sometimes the ponies can be frightened with unnatural causes that occur in this town like Discord or Nightmare Moon." This calmed your intense curiosity, but then you started to have this feeling, a feeling of trying to mess with someone, and when you looked at Twilight, it grew stronger.. like you wanted to prank her with something fierce.

The feeling was so strong that you asked a question to stop yourself from thinking too much about it. "O-oh, well then who's this Nightmare Moon character?"

"Nightmare Moon was a being with the thought to make the night eternal, at first.. we didn't know it was Princess Celestias sister until we used the elements on her, though we still don't really know as to why her sister turned on Celestia, I believe it has to do with jealousy mostly, especially since not allot of ponies celebrate the glorious night." Twilight felt it was sure that it was the reason as to Lunas attempts to do what she did and eventually forgave the lunar alicorn.

"I don't know Twilight, I always thought the night was pretty, even if I sleep mostly in the early afternoon till the next day.. I am the best baby dragon here after all! Spike said it with such excitement about himself as if he imagines himself being a hero, saying it loud enough for us to hear while he was somewhere in the library.

"Oh well, the night is beautiful." It really was, you remember as a human when you would look out at the stars and wonder if life existed beyond them, which came true in all actuality now that you ended up here.

The moment you finished saying that, a burp sound came from somewhere in the library and the dragon known as Spike came running to Twilight, she took the letter and read it to herself and looked surprised after closing it up. "Well, the Princess would like to meet with us tomorrow, I'm guessing she's busy so since your probably not even from around this town and most likely not have a home, you can spend the night on the couch, do some reading and studying, I did promise Fluttershy I would go help watch her bird singing practice, come with me Spike."

They both bid you farewell and left you alone in the house for what felt like hours as the sun went down, and Twilight hasn't even returned... but again for some reason, that feeling of causing something was coming back to you, so you rushed up and grabbed a book on history and began to read to distract yourself.. eventually you grew tired and lost that feeling and happened to fall asleep on the couch during the time, sleeping peacefully since you first got here.. and while you slept, a certain Alicorn spent all night trying to get into your dreams and failed to do so, it angered her.

Chapter 3

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Unaware of what was trying to get into your dreams, you notice you weren't having a what you call a normal typical dream. Everything was chaotic, it almost seemed to real. As you look around yourself, you notice a being of mismatched animals sitting on what looks like a throne. "Uh hello? Who are you?"

"Finally you went to sleep, you don't know how dreadfully boring it is to sit around here and create chaos in your mind during my wait" He turns his throne towards you with a serious expression on his face and a mustache above his eyes "Now down to business son, yes, I did say son... You see, during my amazing and beautiful tyranny, I had come to realize I was alone. I'm a being of greatness and beauty and blah blah, that I decided to create the unthinkable, something everypony would go mad about, you see... no one expects the mighty Discord to have a son, or even be able to create one, but here you are, you will become something that we can both do, cause chaos and rule the world, eventually the ponies will want to 'reform' me and use my powers for 'good'... and it hurts to even say that. What I'm saying is, when it does happen... you will join me on little adventures of chaos, oh yes, masterful plan there Discord just masterful."

You looked at this dude like he was fucking crazy, and what did he mean by causing chaos? "Uh.. what do you mean by causing chaos and ruling the world? Wouldn't they like, use something to stop you with it?"

Discord snaps his talons and appears right in front of you with a tacocat shirt. "Well you see, you're right about that... there are these things called the 'elements of harmony' and they are so powerful that they can seal up anything.. or remove something, I honestly don't know how it works, but... What I do know is that they can't kill, and yes! They can trap you in stone too, as you can see, you are basically me... I created you, which means you are as chaotic and powerful as me, and I may or may not be able to remove you.. sadly I made a small mistake, but I can trust you into being my only friend and son, will you?" You picked up some concern in his voice, aswell as a small tinge of sadness but other then that, he was hiding his feelings good.

You think on this hard, sure.. You could help him, but why? What's the main reason? What if he wants to use you for something dark? What if he's batshit crazy? These ran through your head, but the most asked question in your head was of how you'll learn to use your powers and for what about your old life. "Well yea, I guess... but I have a question."

Discord smiles, and in a flash he teleports infront of his chair while looking at you. "Ah yes, ask away, I'm all ears!" When he finished saying that, ears formed all around his body.

It kinda made you laugh but you had to focus. "So... What happened to me about my old life? Did I die? Or did you snatch me away? Also, how am I supposed to learn about my chaotic powers... who's gonna teach me that?"

Discord looked at you like you were an idiot, snapping his fingers, created a chalk board with Master Discord on it. "Alright son, first... Who am I? Answer that question first."

You look at him with a angry expression, is he basically asking you that cause you sounded stupid? "Duh, you're Discord.. master of chao... oh... ah, well shit."

Discord smirks at you, and holds up a letter 'A' towards you. "Ah you see, here's an 'A' for figuring out the question." He giggles crazily and looks away from you. "Ahem.. now about who's gonna teach you chaos, it'll be me! Once im freed of course, but that will be for awhile, and now to your second question... you died, it's that simple, you simply just died... I know about your old life simply because during my tyranny I was watching you, bullied, harassed, and betrayed... and yet here you are, smiling, and making friends! What killed you is simple, I'm surprised you don't remember, you were walking into class and a group of bullies started throwing rocks at you, a large kid threw a decent sized rock at your human head that it simply broke your skull and splattered blood everywhere.. it was, gruesome... ahem, what I'm saying is that the impact was strong enough that you simply passed away, and being the best chaotic being around, I couldn't let that happen. So, that answers both your questions, now may I ask my own?"

Wow, you were killed by those old bullies from high school all the way to college... damn... now your fucking pissed, but yet, you realize you can't do nothing now and calm yourself down. "Sure go ahead and ask, I'm pretty sure we don't have allot of time left in my dream anyway, I always woke up early in the morning."

Discord snaps his tail hair and you notice a 'best son shirt' appears on you. "Ah yes, now... you're going to be meeting Princess Celestia yes? Well then... when she asks for you to use your powers for good and stuff, i want you to promise me that you'll disagree with her, don't tell her that I told you anything, don't even mention to anyone about this dream, your powers are for you to use as you wish, nopony can say otherwise. But yes, will you do such a simple task for me? It's wierd knowing that someone so bad and evil to these ponies will ask you this question, but surely you can understand that, for an immortal like me, a god like me... loneliness has it's way, and I've always wanted someone I could share chaos with." Suddenly his expression becomes dark. "And if you say anything about me being mushy and soft towards you, I will prank you so bad you'll be left flying into space!"

Woah, that scared you, to think he could just change his expression like that instantly was creepy, no wonder the ponies kept saying his name in fear when you first arrived, most likely cause they just hated him and how he ruins the normality of things. "Don't worry, my mouth is sealed and shut, and... thanks for giving me this second chance, I honestly don't deserve it, I'm pretty sure any other human that has died never really got the chance of reincarnation. But really, thank you Discord." You run to him and hug him, it causes him to tense up and for what felt like hours, slowly hugged you.

"I haven't received such a hug in so long... AHEM, sorry sorry, ow... this hurts, enough... stop hugging me and let's talk about other matters, this happy stuff is horrible to someone as great as me." He pushes you off and starts rubbing his paws on his chest, then snaps his talons and takes you to some weird home in your dream.

"What is this place?" You asked in curiosity of a child, it was weird...seeing stairs leading to nowhere and the furniture on roofs and walls.

"This place, you mean our place? Yes, it's our home, and since we're going to be beings of perfection and chaos, we'd have to live in what we call the chaotic dimension, our powers are absolute everywhere but here... Oh no in here we are what you humans would say as 'Op'. Our awareness levels are multiplied ten fold as everything else. No limits for short!" He sounded so excited, like a baby receiving some lame ass toy that breaks in less then a day.

You thought hard, a blank stare on your face as you looked around, he can't just give you all this without something in return... You look at him and carefully choose your next words. "There's a catch isn't there?"

Discord smirks evilly and looks towards you, he taps his fingers in the air but you hear a sort of wooden sound being tapped on. "Oh yes, there is... glad you have a brilliant mind on these things, see the catch is simple... I'm going to get to mess with you and torture you in the most worst possible way possible, so chaotic that you'll beg for mercy! Hahaha." Lightning strikes around him as he laughs evilly.

"WAIT WHAT?! YOU'RE JOKING? You wouldn't do that to me, why would you do that to me, I thought I was your friend." You we're sure he was joking about the lengths of how he'll use his chaos on you, everyone seemed to fear him, but no one said that he killed anyone, so thank fucking god on that... atleast you knew that he can't... He also did give you a home of your own, powers that you can't fully use yet, and a new and what seems peaceful life. Yea, you can't be mad at him for that.

"Oh, please don't be mad, I am giving you things anypony would ask for... a new life, power, chaos, amazingness, beauty, perfection... ahem. But yes, you are going to be my son and friend and in turn, I will do the same, just in my own way. Now, onto something that for some reason nopony has asked you for, your name... What will you call yourself?" Discord was surprised the six element holders didn't ask for your name, which was weird... but he felt it was just luck.

You thought about it, and thought hard... as a gamer you used to call yourself things that were in optical illusion videos, wait... that's it! "I know, I know.. just call me Illusion, that seems like a fitting name for me."

Discord chuckled, he thought it was brilliant. "Good then Illusion, as your friend and father, that is a good name that you chose, now I must ask another question... if, ummm, if you were offered to betray my friendship for some 'HARMONY' would you decline them and betray your only true freind?" He asked that with a sad expression, he feared you'd abandon him just for that.

This wasn't hard to think about either, Discord has given you the impossible, new life, etcetera. If it weren't for him, you'd not be here. "Yea Discord, I wouldn't betray you like that, even if it meant happiness forever, which if I were to think about it, it sounds boring."

Discord looked away with a small smile. "Good, now..." he looks at you with an evil smirk. "When I am to be unsealed, you should expect my arrival, I will try to cause chaos.. but I doubt they would let me, so I'm going to try secretly to cause it, you can join me in doing so... but I bet once I'm released, that they won't hesitate to use the elements on you either, and they'd probably keep a very close eye on you in case if you were to be playing them the whole time, I just hope that with my excellent skills in being around for eons that I'd be able to manipulate them into allowing me to conquer Equestria, then we will be the new rulers and bring a land of no rules! Hahahaha!"

It wasn't even scary about his plan, you didn't really care about the ponies, but you felt kinda bad for Twilight and her friends, hopefully they can come to an agreement and not seal him up in the end. "Alright Discord, hopefully you'll succeed in whatever you try to get, I just hope that I don't end up being caged up in a house while they release you in fear that I'd join you, the fight is yours to pick and fight off with."

"A shame really, but oh well... now time to allow you to wake up for the next depressing day of harmony, I do wish you farewell Illusion, now look down." He chuckled to himself and had a huge smile while pointing down at the floor.

When you looked down, you grew scared, down below it was what looked like a pit of fire, and then you noticed you were falling. "I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D START THIS EARLY, WHAT THE HELL!?"

"Early? Please, this is the perfect opportunity, also... don't use profanity around the so little innocent ponies, they don't take kind to colts being mean, have fun burning in 'hell'. Hahahaha!" Discord floats up in your dream as he floats away laughing maniacally.

You fall straight into the fire, thinking it was gonna hurt you but it doesn't... oh what hell of a conversation, the fucker had to pull a move that early, and here you thought he was being friendly. Motherfucker.

Chapter 4

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You flutter your eyes open, feeling refreshed and good. You began to think about what happened during your dreaming and wonder why he had to pull such a scary dumb trick like that, you promised yourself you'd get him back for it.

You just remembered that you were sleeping on Twilights couch for the night. "Ah, even in this body my neck gets those pains when you sleep on it wrong."

You jump out of the couch and slowly begin to float your way into what you thought was a bathroom upstairs, you noticed Twilight wasn't in her bed so she might be off somewhere outside. As you enter her room and float towards the restroom door and enter it, you notice how it looked a little like a human restroom, you began to mumble to yourself. "Sometimes, I'm getting a feeling of nostalgia every time I look at these ponies, and what things they have done with their homes... to much similarities."

You float up to the clean mirror in the restroom and examine yourself, if you knew about horses then what you see for yourself isn't what you'd call a horse. Hell, seeing a bunch of pastel colored ponies isn't very horselike. But, from what you notice on yourself isn't like those ponies either... one lion paw and one sharp looking claw, then thier is also the two horns sticking out of your head, definitely not pony like.

"Maybe it's the fact that I look like that assortment of animals that I have to call father now, hell... if it weren't for him, I'd probably be suffering as a ghost or in heaven or something." You do gotta give it to him, everyone dreams of big second chances, a whole new life... and here you are living a new one.

You exit the restroom and float downstairs, you land on your hooves and begin to form ideas into your hands. "Okay, so... if I were to run into a situation to where I need to run on my feet? Hooves, claws, paw? Oh whatever, if I needed to, might as well learn to run and walk on these... and stop mumbling to yourself, idiot."

You take your first step and instantly fall forward and land on your backside, how you managed to do that was far behind your head for now. Getting up on your hooves wasn't hard, but taking the steps was, eventually you learnt how to walk and run on these damn things.

Once you finish your little expedition like you were a couple months old baby, you make yourself float again and fly up to read a book, but once your about to do so, you hear the door open and Twilight speaks. "Don't worry Spike, I assure you that he most likely doesn't even know who Discord is, only of what we had said or told him, I mean... give him some light here, he hasn't even caused any chaos yet."

Spike had a worried tone to his voice. "But, that's the thing... 'Yet' he hasn't done anything yet. Are you sure he doesn't need to be under extra supervision until Celestia says it's okay?"

Twilight gives Spike a glare as she closes the door behind then as they walk in. "Spike, you're being exaggerated, remember we have the elements in out possession and even if he were to try and attack us, all we'd have to do is imprison him into stone and deal with the matter later."

You look at the both of them from above, and before Twilight ask where you are, you gave them your current location. "I'm up here you know, am I really that much of a problem? All I have done was read books pretty much and talk to you girls."

Twilight looks at Spike again and then looks at you with a small smile. "Pardon Spike, he's usually never like this, and since we're his only family he usually gets overprotective. Anyways, how was your rest during your time here? Any nightmares? Well, from the way I saw you sleeping, I can surely say you didn't have any nightmares. You looked so cute during your sleep."

You blush and look away, why would she just compliment you like that... sure it's a girl and all but damn, she didn't need to do that. "N-no I didn't have any nightmares... and why the r-random compliment?"

Twilight smile grew and she slightly giggled. "I just wanted to see you all flustered, it's adorable and funny at the same time. Anyways, are you ready to see the Princess in the afternoon?"

You nod at that, knowing you could easily pull a move with this Princess and not have to worry about anything, she can't do anything to you cause you haven't done anything bad yet. "Yea, I think I'm ready, but... What are we gonna do while we wait for the afternoon time to come?"

Twilight had put allot of thought into this, she was wondering how much you knew about equestria and how it was founded. She also wondered how much you knew based on education levels. "Well, how much do you know of the foundation of Equestria, Mathematics, and Reading and Science, Culture behaviors, etcetera?"

Okay, you definitely don't know anything about the foundations, how everything started, Culture differences... but math, reading and science was definitely a thing you got. "Well, I don't know anything about the foundations and culture. But I do know everything else."

Twilight smiled, and got curious at the same time, she wanted to see how far educated you are in math. Twilight felt that you were just saying it to sound tuff. "Well okay then, I'll give you a mathematical question, what is two thousand one hundred and fifty two divided by four?"

You thought hard, quickly using the dividing tips that were given to you during the school years you took during your old life. In a matter of almost a while minute, you had the answer. "That's easy, it's five hundred and thirty eight. Hah! Take that, I knew it... I know I'm right."

Twilights mouth dropped, she couldn't believe someone as young as you who showed our of nowhere could solve something like that. Not even the student in Cheerilees class named Diamond Tiara could solve that in less then a minute. To say she was surprised wasn't enough, but yet... She still had to do what she came here to do.

"Well um, odd... we never asked for your name. I'm so sorry, we were caught up with so much stuff that we didn't ask you... do you forgive me?" Twilight gave you a very sad look.

"Oh Twilight it's okay, and my name's Illusion, sorry I didn't say anything about it. It's just I was caught up in all that happened yesterday, so you're fine." You assumed that they all were like that, except for the punk one, she seemed the one to already know it.

Twilight smiled at you, but then she slightly dropped it in thought. "Well, since you still don't know much about Equestria in general, I'm gonna have to enroll you into the school here. That means that not only you'll learn more, but you can make allot of friends!"

You almost flinched at the excitement she was having during that whole little speech, though now that you remember... you've always hated walking into a class room with no one you knew of, it made you extremely nervous and scared. "W-well... are you sure I need to go to school?"

Twilight looked shocked, what kind if colt would question if they need education? "No, a colts education is always needed no matter how much you know, I'm sorry but this is something important and I'm putting you into it. Don't be worried about it, there are other colts who go through the same experience as you do, and they eventually make lots of friends."

You thought hard on this, this is your second life. Maybe, you could enjoy going to school this time, for sure there aren't any bullies lurking around in what seems a happy land.

But then, what if it is like the way your old life was? All the torment you went through even towards school, but... this place doesn't seem like it'll be like that. Maybe, just maybe, you'll give it a try.

You look over to Twilight and smile nervously. "Okay Twilight, I'll do it. I just hope that I won't get bullied or something."

Twilights eyebrows raise and looks at you awkwardly. "Why would someone bully you? Here in Ponyville there ain't no thing like that, we are all kind to each other and help each other out no matter the differences!"

Surely she must be bullshitting you? I mean, just look at everything you've gone through in your previous life, sure it was in the past and not now, but you still had to be worried. At least, to Twilight you'll tell her that your just worried about it and that it won't be a problem in the future.

You look at Twilight and slightly smile. "No, no Twilight... I was just asking if it would be a problem, but now I know with your answer that I wouldn't have to worry about it. Thanks, Twilight!"

Twilight gives you a small gaze, usually small colts don't talk much in vocabulary until they've mastered the Equestrian language, but to her... she feels that there is more then meets the eye, she already knows that you speak to well for someone so young.

She doesn't pursue it though, so she focuses on the other task of the day. "Well Illusion, do you wanna go and do some shopping with me? All I'm really gonna do is go to Sugar Cube Corner and buy some cupcakes and then we head to the school house to get you signed up!"

You look up to her, and give her a big bright smile. "Sure Twilight, I wouldn't mind spending the day with you, other then read books... I pretty much have nothing else to do in terms of activitys."

Twilight nods and walks to the library door, she opens it and allows you to pass first as to be nice. Once the door is locked with her horn, you and her begin to walk towards Sugar Cube Corner.

During your walk, you begin to wonder how such things can change so fast during your life, your new life. Sure, there were many things you don't know about this place yet, but gazing around town and watching the ponies stare at you is a little unsettling. You didn't notice but Twilight followed your gaze and saw all the ponies staring, she just took it as them bring nervous to seeing you out and about.

As for you, it worried you. What if you do something wrong and they bring out there torches or pitch forks, or since you can obviously see horns on some of them, crush you with a magical spell. It was very scary at most, but you guessed as long as your with Twilight, there's nothing to worry about.

You were so in thought that you rammed your horns into Sugar Cube Corner door. Twilight looks at you and giggles while pulls you out with her hooves. "Oh my Illusion, you need to pay attention to where you walk, you wouldn't want to um, stab someone with your horns."

You lift your hoove to your head and give it a rub, it didn't even hurt that much but instinct told you to rub at them. "Sorry Twilight, I was just deep in thought about everything... won't happen again."

"Its okay Illusion, just a small mistake," Twilight pushes the doors to Sugar Cube Corner open and you both walk inside. It looks all like candy, and you wondered if you could eat this whole house... best off not leave the ponies homeless. You follow Twilight to the counter and gaze at the delicious treats. "Hello Mr. Cake, I'd like to buy a box of your pink glazed cupcakes please."

Mr. Cake smiles and gets the box ready. "It'll be 4 bits Twilight, oh... and who is this accompining you?"

Twilight levitates four bits onto the counter and grabs the box in her magic. "Oh, him? That's Illusion, he's new to Ponyville and fixing to start his life here. I'm just grabbing this cupcakes and then we're gonna head down to the school house."

Mr. Cake smiles and looks down at you. "Well then welcome to Ponyville! I do hope you enjoy our nice little town, and I also hope you make lots of friends at the school house!"

Wow, so nice and you just recently met him, back on earth it wouldn't be that way... one person with one look at you and they sneer at you. "Wow, thanks Mr. Cake, I'm glad that you're being awfully nice to me."

"Don't worry about it kiddo, I always enjoyed making the colts and fillys smile in our town." You and Twilight wave to him and begin your treck down to the school house, it wasn't that long away... hopefully whatever meeting you have will end quickly.

Twilight looked at you, or mostly your horns, she's never seen a pony with two horns, even Discord has only one horn but, this is something she just can't stop thinking about. If Twilight could, she would do tests on your horns to see if they both do magical releases, but she pushed it down into the back of her head as it would seem rude.

You could feel Twilights gaze all over you, and you were getting nervous about it. Why would she look at you like that do damn hard? "Um Twilight, why are you looking at me like that?"

Twilight jumped and turned her head hiding her blush. "Sorry. I was just intrigued on the two horns on your head, I've never seen anything like that. Even Discord who I guess is your father has only one horn. It's just mysterious if you ask me, I wonder if you c-Ow!" Twilight slams into the school house doors and rubs her head with her hoof.

You almost busted out laughing, but kept it at a snicker. "Woah Twilight, be careful there, can't have you getting that distracted."

Twilight blushes again but quickly shoved it down, she looks back up at the door for it to swing open. "Oh are you okay Twilight? You did hit your head pretty hard. Also, what is it that you need at this time of day?"

Twilight looked to you and then towards what you guessed was the teacher. "Oh no, I'm just bringing someone who's new to the town so they could attend your fine class. Illusion, say hi to Ms. Cheerilee, she's the teacher if this school."

You move from behind the door and wave a hoof at her with a small smile and a blush on your face. "Hi, m-my name's I-Illusion..."

Cheerilee looks at you and smiles, her smile slightly wavers when she notices your mane and tail, how you have two horns, she put the smile back on as to not seem rude. "Oh hello, I'm glad you wanna give me the opportunity to teach you every thing that I can teach you with. I'm looking forward into allowing you to learn here, but um... who will be doing the paper work? Unless you're the mother Twilight?"

Twilight gives a shocked look at Cheerilee and then shakes her head away from it. "No n-no, he's most likely an orphan and I'll fill out the papers for him, so when will he start?"

Cheerilee nods her head and looks down at you. "Well, it's not like he could start tomorrow, since it will be Monday and a new lesson will start that day." She then looks at Twilight." Just have the papers done by today Twilight and he can begin shortly."

Twilight nods at Cheerilee and turns around to head back to the library. "Well, alright Cheerilee... me and Illusion got a meeting with the Princess in the afternoon. But, I should have all the paper work done by the end of the day and I'll drop them off here for when I do. Have a pleasant day Cheerilee!"

You both wave each other goodbyes and head off to the library, only having small talk of how magic works with unicorns and if there are other Princesses who rule Equestria. What you found out was wierd, only 2 of them from what the current news is, and one of them represents the night, another thing is that they can both move the fucking Sun and Moon! Like what the holy fuck? Does the universe run different here? Damn! Apparently there thousands of years old too... now your meeting with the Princess is probably gonna be the most terrifying thing you'll ever have to meet with.

"So you're saying that they have unholy power and can destroy anything with there eyes closed?" You were freaked out about this.

Twilights eyes widen and then she raises her voice accidentally. "No, NOOO. The Princesses are not what you think they are. They are nice and loving and every thing about them is just nice! They always wanted peace and they worked hard to achieve it, so there is no need to accuse them like that."

You shake your head in a no motion to correct her. "I didn't mean it like that Twilight, I just meant it on how powerful they are, if she can move the sun, then she must be insanely powerful."

Twilight shakes her head in understanding but she still felt that you meant it as a jab to the Princess. "Its okay, the most powerful being known to exist is actually Discord. From what Celestia told me, he can take both Celestia and Lunas powers combined with no effort absolutely. Discord used to rule Equestria for a very long time until the elements were used to defeat him, and that's that. I would say more but, there isn't any written history about that time."

Wow, so Discord is that powerful? He said that you and him are equally powerful before, so does that mean you are too? But why? Why would he let that happen?

Maybe he just did it for fun? Or maybe he thought with two very poweful beings, no one could stop him. Who knows? It's cool that you're this strong though, you think it best not to let anyone else know about it.

You think about this and the meeting with Princess Celetia that will be coming up in the next two hours, knowing your that powerful? Oh yea, you got this in your hands or hoof. Damn.

Chapter 5

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Back at the library, Twilight had Spike make some snacks for you and Twilight to be ready for the upcoming meeting. You cast your gaze around, in sweep thought as you process what's been going on lately and how nice everyone's been.

Sure, it's a color rainbow land, but even if it's a colorful rainbow land doesn't mean everything is sunshine and rainbows. Hell, your very being could be some kind of change causer or some stupid shit like.

Your mind goes back to that pink one and how she zipped off after saying you're new to Ponyville. It's an off thing for someone to do, and... you get the feeling that you'll eventually see her again in this very happy town.

During your time in wait for the upcoming meeting, you brung up conversation with the Purple Pony about the Everfree Forest and how it looks and feels so chaotic. You swear, that she went onto this history lesson with her mind about it and it gave you a god-damn headache that just shouted end it all!

By god, can this mare talk, usually it's a Hi or Hello. But damn, with this damn pony all she'd do is talk allot usually, it's something you noticed about her and it's annoying, severely.

"So hold on, you're telling me that the Everfree is fu-.... is naturally chaotic? How? I thought Discord had created that plain, but then... if I know how the elements work, it shouldn't be there." You knew that the elements were cleansers of some type, but it just doesn't really make sense.

Twilight had a thoughtful look to her face and concluded with something both of you were thinking about. "Well it could be some magical signature inside the Everfree that allows it to do what it does, maybe... just maybe, I could take some of the girls with me one day to take a look inside," Twilight turned her gaze towards you with a smile. "Maybe we could all go together as a friendly adventure and see the creepiness the Everfree has for us all, haha!" You both giggled at that, finding the little scary joke in it to satisfy the after snack you both had.

Twilight looked out towards the sun and got off her seat from the table, she grabbed the luggage and got everything to the front door. "Well, it's about time the chariot will arrive. Now, let's go wait outside for them."

You nod to Twilight and then decide to seclude yourself inside your mind, thinking about what could happen upon your meeting, if things were to go sour then you'd just fly away with your levitation. You didn't notice but you kept on walking forward until the chariot of Pegasus guards knocked you to your side when they landed.

"What the heck was that for?!?" You were furious about them hitting you instead of watching where they were going, in your anger you floated up into the air and pink little clouds started forming around you with high speed winds.

Twilight looked frightened but collected herself fast to try and calm you down. "Illusion, stop, it wasn't there fault that you practically walked right under them deep and thought! Calm down already, you're not even hurt!"

You looked down at Twilight with anger until you saw her sad expression towards you and calmed down. You'd not have gotten mad if they watched where they were fucking going, oh if this were earth you'd have beat them to a bloody pulp.

As you begin to calm down, the wind and clouds created in your anger vanished without you even knowing, Twilight decided to take this into consideration and make sure that no one angers you as to not know what you'd do if you were with your powers.

Twilight looked at the slightly frightened guards who had gotten prepared to defend her from you and your chaotic like powers that you seem to have. "Calm down sirs, he didn't mean any harm. I'm glad you made it on time and I'd like to be off as a soon as possible to meet the Princess already," Twilight was excited that she'd be able to meet her teacher soon and was rushing you and herself onto the chariot. "And Illusion, please behave. I'd like this little trip to go as smooth as possible with no issues for Princess Celestia always expects one hundred percent from us!"

Damn, you noticed how overly excited she is to see her, maybe it's because since its the Princess. Holy fuck these ponies and there expressions are gonna be the end of you one day.

You sat in the chariot and the Pegasi took off, and as you and Twilight soared higher and higher into the sky, you took notice of the very bright and colorful land. It was so weird going from a dim light world to a very bright colorful one. I honestly don't know why this shit bothers me anymore, if I had died, then just accept whatever new life was given to you by that chaotic god. Sure, it makes you happy that you aren't dead into whatever the afterlife is, but damn this world is way too friendly like, like a cartoon.

Twilight had a huge smile on her face as she gazed around, getting more excited the closer she got to Canterlot. While you, who grew a little worried... what if she decides you as a threat and slices your neck apart like a fucking ninja or some shit from God of War.

You'd think that the colorful bright world was all happy smiles but yet you still get thoughts about being murdered, goodness gracious. Happy land or not, no matter where you go, there is an opposite side to it.

You look to where Twilights gaze is at and saw a castle growing in size dramatically, it looked something like some Roman Empire building. Just as fast as it came to view, you landed in a chariot parking lot of sorts.

You and Twilight both get off the chariot, making sure to thank the guards, and then heading towards these large doors into the main castle. Twilight asks one of the guards where the Princess was and the guard took us into a huge dining area.

There you saw it, was the closest thing to a horse but with a pony face, horns, and wings... this gave you some sort of wierd feeling in your stomach, like Déjà vu.

The Princess took a sip of her tea, enjoying the taste she's loved for years that she's been on the throne. She looks up from her tea and notices Twilight, noticing that the Purple Unicorn was always smiling brightly when she sees her teacher.

Celestia sets her tea down and smiles at Twilight. "Greetings Twilight, how is my favorite student doing on this fine day?" Celestia quickly moves her eyes towards you for a second and then back to Twilight, her smile wavering slightly, you noticed it as something not good.

Twilight smiles so hard you hear a squee of some sort come out of her mouth. "I'm doing great Princess, and I've come along for that letter I had sent you about a new pony that showed up in Ponyville yesterday."

Celestia again casted her gaze upon you, she doesn't know why but she knows that you resemble something towards Discord and unlike him, you're unpredictable since she doesn't know what you're capable of. "It's okay Twilight, and I'm guessing that this is the friend you were talking about in the letter you sent me? He seems rather adorable doesn't he?"

You blushed at the compliments again, noting that she keeps eyeing you as if she expects some sort of trap from you. "Why does everyone have to keep calling me adorable or something?" You mumbled.

Twilight giggles slightly, and goes around the table to hug her teacher. "Yea he's a little odd one, but adorable from what my friends said, but... apparently he has no idea where he had come from, only that he was created by Discord.

Now you knew that it was a lie, and that you did know allot of things... where you were born, or some other private thing. Celestia seemed to be thinking about this, but what remained in her head was that what motive Discord has on creating you.

It's all to confusing, usually she'd know a thing or two about what Discord plans, byt here... she has no idea, sure he's very unpredictable but sometimes he does the same stuff over and over again. But now, now she knows that Discord isn't the type to do something constantly, and he will switch his game to earn his goal, this frightened her.

Though as it may be, Celestia kept on her thousand year mask. "That's a good thing you're making friends Twilight, but yet you haven't introduced him to me." Celestia giggles at her mistake.

Twilights eyes widened and with impossible speeds shoves you infront of her towards Celestia. "I apologize Princess, meet Illusion son of Discord? I think. Illusion this is Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and mover of the Sun."

So it is true then? That she can truly move the sun, this is something mysterious that you kept thinking about, usually it would be the sun in the center and the planet's orbiting around it, this world just makes no sense to you.

You look away nervously and think of a way to say hello. "H-hello Princess."

Celestia notices your hesitation, most foals would brighten up to her and instantly shove questions towards her, but instead of that reaction, you got all nervous, she concluded it as a plot that maybe you and Discord came up with but, she doesn't see any type of enjoyment in your features, unlike Discord, he's always got a huge smirk or some sick jokes into his acts.

Celestia leans down and pats your head with her hoof, only to yank back in shock. "Ow, you're horns don't like my touch."

Twilight reacted the worst, "Illusion! How dare you, do you think this is funny?! Why would you do that to the Princess!" She was fuming hard until Celestia put a hoof onto her and pointed towards you, Twilight instantly noting how frightened you looked. "Oh, well, I didn't know you'd get so scared like that, I'm so sorry Illusion... I didn't mean to go off on you like that!"

Celestia seemed to have taken that as a true accident, even though deep down inside yourself you felt this sick glee at what you did and it almost made you smirk, but you hid it well. "Its okay, I-im sorry, I don't even know what I did."

Celestia gazed at your facial features for any deception and found none, she smiled and leaned back up to take a sip of her tea. "Well, that was quite comical, even if it did hurt me a little. Now Twilight, you need to learn to control you're behavior around me like that, you act as if I can't take care of myself."

Twilight looked frightened at what Celestia said and slammed her head into a bow onto the floor, somehow unhurt. "I'm sorry Princess. Please forgive me for the mistakes I have made."

You looked at Celestia and saw her smiling, and then she giggled, Twilight looked up at her wondering if she did something wrong until Celestia hugged her. "My Little Pony, there is no need for that, I was only joking. Remember I used to be a big prankster for hundreds of years."

Twilight smiled, noting her teacher isn't upset at her, and gazed down at you, she hates that she has to leave, but she has plans with her friends today. "Well, if you'll excuse us Princess, me and Illusion will be heading off back home." Celestia bid you all farewell, while you walked out, you felt Celestia's gaze follow you hard until you left the palace, it sent shivers all over your body. You took the chariot home for some restful sleep, as for Celestia, she has a meeting to attend to with the Chaotic god himself.

Chapter 6

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After the flight home from Canterlot, you grew quickly tired and needed a big nap after today's happenings. Twilight was always a fun one to mess with, she seems to blow up on almost everything that happens around her, it's like that neighbor that complains about you playing music to loud in your own home.

You tell Twilight that you're off to bed and begin to get ready for whatever happens tomorrow for school, it's going to be a really horrible day because presenting yourself infront of the classroom was never your style, it's just embarrassing.

You float into the couch in Twilights living room and close your eyes as you think about the events that could happen tomorrow, it's like kindergarten all over again, and instead of crying cause your mother is leaving you, it's mostly gonna be you losing your freedom of the day by spending eight hours at school.

You open your eyes letting them wander around the room, why not just cheat all the information then? You are a being of chaos and it would be chaotic to be smart out of nowhere, but that would make everything here for your life boring.

Then that settles that question, you were given a second chance by god knows what, it's time you enjoy it unlike your previous life... who knows, schools here must be better then the ones at your home planet. Like, the teachers here might actually want to teach the class with expressions of happiness instead of misery.

You look at the roof of the living room, wondering about what you could do for yourself in the future as a being of chaos, "Gonna have to save that for later thinking."

You start to feel your eyelids growing heavy, and during that whole time as you drifted off to sleep, you were being spied on by a little pink filly with a tiara.

Chapter 7| School Presentation

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As you lay dreaming blissfully, Spike comes up to your couch and pokes your side, at first you didn't feel it but then he started to pinch you, which happens to wake you up with a scream, "Okay okay, I'm up, why are you waking me up so early?"

Spike looks at you like you've lost your brain, honestly, he expected for someone like you to be atleast more intelligent since you don't look like any other being in Equestria, "I woke you up cause school starts in like two hours. Honestly, don't see why you would want to go, with magic like yours, you could become smarter then Twilight!" You look up to Spike to see he has a huge grin on his face.

You began to think again on this, as to see why you would be going to school and not just becoming smart by cheating all the information, but that's what bothers you, cheating... You never liked cheating in video games cause it would get boring really quick. You come up with the conclusion to still go to school anyways, you're already signed up so why not, "Actually no Spike, it would be very boring. Plus, learning could be really fun sometimes, it just depends on the teachers dedication."

Spikes smirk fades away as he thinks on what you just told him, the points you have are kind of good, especially when he likes to help Twilight in her studies, "Yea, I guess you're right about that. I don't need school since Twilight educates me herself. She is a very excellent teacher, but sometimes I just wish she would stop staying on a subject for THREE hours!"

You widened your eyes at that, three hours? That's crazy. You would need allot of energy drinks to be able to at least stay awake for two hours of it. Seriously though, it surprised you that Spike could seriously take these classes with no issues, "Well Spike, you probably got a bigger brain then me, I mean, you've been here longer and stuff."

Spike giggles softly and then walks off to the kitchen. While he was making breakfast, you sat on the couch to ponder what could happen in your first day of school. You weren't afraid of what lessons you'd take, what scared you the most was the students you'd have to meet, "Honestly it terrifies me sometimes, fuck stage fright," You lift your nose up to the smell of pancakes, refreshing as they smell good, "Yea, pancakes are so good."

You quickly eat your breakfast and head out to school, Spike telling you that Twilight wakes up later since she studies so late, you couldn't understand that girl, how the fuck does she stay up reading books, it's fucking amazing.

You start to near the school, sweat covering your body already at what you might have to present yourself with, it's probably gonna be a total of twenty students in the classroom. You take deep breaths as you see the other kids walking in to the building, no one noticing you approaching.

You walk up to the school door and enter the class room, quickly finding an empty spot to take a seat in. The moment you entered, you can already feel the gazes of all the kids staring at you, wondering who the new student is. It shook you to the core, you hated attention like this, it's why every time in your previous life, you avoided doing class presentations.

You lay your head down into the desk, hoping that they'll think you're asleep, "Ugh, can the class start so they can stop staring, at least for a little while..." You hear one more set of hooves come in and the door closes, the moment it does, all the students eyes leave you and focus on the teacher that entered, "Good day class, my name is Miss Cheerilee and welcome to a wonderful day of education. Today, we have a new student joining us, Illusion, may you please come up and present yourself?"

Dammit, you fucking hated that, you would probably look like a sweaty mess to them now as you walk up to stand infront of the class. As you slowly walk up you already thought of something to say to quickly end this, "Hello... m-my name is Illusion, I just moved here with Twilight and I-i'm looking forward to learning," With a nod from the teacher, you quickly get back into your seat, some eyes following you dead on as you head back, you gaze around the class secretly and notice three happy stares towards your direction from three girls, and when you look the other way, you notice two glares facing at the other three girls from two other girls, "I wonder what their problem is..."

Miss Cheerilee begins class, instantly going into a topic about how Equestria was founded, what surprised you was how energetic she sounds, most teachers you've had were bored or too tired to properly educate, honestly, you coming to school here might of been worth it.

She pulls out maps with different time periods of Equestria and how it looked like back then, it seems allot of the town's nearby haven't been there until just recently, it was awesome, though, from what you could see, Ponyville has like the biggest apple farm ever, like how the fuck?

It must have taken them years to at least grow all of it. You know that you wouldn't be able to do this, it's just so damn large, you'd rather be playing video games, yelling stupid dumbass words at online gamers then that.

You start focusing as you notice the teacher get into very important key points about Equestrias foundation, taking everything your learning and stuffing it into your brain as you wait for recess to start, the first thing you're gonna do is lay down under a tree and think god knows what, hopefully, none of the students bother you while you fucking try to sleep.

Chapter 8: Recess

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You patiently waited for Cheerilee to finish her discussion on Equestrian Foundation, and how Ponyville came to be. It surprises you that there lives a Pony Princess who to this day is still alive and was around since before the towns formation. Honestly, you thought that you wouldn't write as much as you just did over one topic, but Goddamn, there was so much she kept on talking and writing on the board, it drove you insane. It almost got to the point where you were just gonna start floating around the class when nobody paid attention to you, but that's basically impossible when you could hear the small whispers of the students talking about you, constantly eyeing you out, especially those three girls from when you first came into class.

Not even that, but when you eye your work, it's honestly hideous! Writing with your mouth is dreadfully hard, it's almost like you're writing from the day you entered Kindergarten, it hurts your pride not being able to write cursive like you used to. Fuck, if only video games existed here, you'd rather play whatever pony game they have here than looking and reading your awful handwriting.

As you wait for Cheerilee to finish her long discussion, you started to snap your paw-like-fingers and not noticing your surroundings change ever so slightly, until you get startled by some screaming. "Ahh! My Tiara, it's chewing my hair!" Turning your attention to what was happening, you busted out laughing at what was happening to the right of you, hearing laughter throughout all the class as the Pink Pony looks at you with such a glare you almost thought she was your angry cousin.

"Illusion, stop that this instant, fix whatever it was that you just caused and stop disrupting class." Snapping my attention to Cheerilee, I frown slightly and snap my paw-like-finger and notice the chomping noise suddenly stop. "Sorry Miss, I forgot I could do stuff like that." Cheerilee nods her head at you and finishes up her lesson, the bell ringing for Recess to begin.

"Yes!" You shout and quickly float out the class, spotting a tree that's in the playground as you float towards it and lay under it, getting comfortable and prepared yourself to sleep until you were so rudely interrupted.

"Hey Mister, what you did in class was so funny. My name is Sweetie Belle, this here to my right is Scootaloo, and on my left is Apple Bloom, what is your name?" You open your eyes to see not one, but three ponies surrounding you, their large smiles creeping you out slightly, though not wanting to be rude, you replied. "Uh, well my name is Illusion, I've just moved in with Twilight Sparkle and began class here just today."

"Oh we know who she is but, do you know Rainbow Dash? She's like the coolest Pony ever, right?" Said Scootaloo with a dreamy smile, guessing she might be a big fan of her or something. You thought about a good response and just threw something in quickly so you could hurry up and get back to sleeping. "Yea, I guess."

The other Pony, named Apple Bloom, whispered into Sweetie Belles ear and Scootaloos, in which they all grinned happily, all three of them extending their hooves at you, "Well, we have this little club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we noticed you ain't got a Cutie Mark, so we'd like to invite you to join us in finding our Cutie Marks together!" They all three practically shouted your eardrums off, physically speaking. Grabbing your ears and placing them back into their proper place, you smile, assuming this is a invitation to being friends. "Sure, why not!"

Your happiness was quickly interrupted from that Pink Pony you laughed at earlier in class, and accompanying her was a Gray Pony, they walked up all smug, laughing like a bunch of idiots. "You're joining their lame group? Please, you blank flanks can never find your Cutie Marks, you'll always be the bottom of the class!" Apple Bloom hearing this along with the other two, turns around angrily and steps forward, "Diamomd Tiara, and Silver Spoon, y'all always like to bully us when all we want is to achieve our Cutie Marks!"

Honestly, seeing them getting bullied like that pissed you off, and you flew right into her face, breathing angrily, eyes slightly aflame. "Diamond, how about you back off! Or I'll do what I did to you in class and this time make sure you don't have a mane!" Diamomd Tiara gasps in surprise, slightly scared of your threat, but quickly hid it away and turned around, lifting her nose high. "Hmph, It's not worth getting my good looks ruined by a Blank Flank and his dumb other Blank Flanks!" While she walked off, you angrily snapped your paw fingers and caused a cloud to form above them both and drenched them, quickly pushing the girls away with you towards somewhere else.

They laughed, thanking you for standing up to her for them, and all of you quickly shared a hug, before wandering off towards somewhere else to continue your own activities, until something and someone caught your eye. There was a Brown Pony sitting alone playing on what looks like an old Game Cube, so you eagerly flew into his face, your grin nearly splitting off your face as you stare at what game he was playing. "What game is that?" You asked him out of curiosity.

The Pony briefly looks up at you, and replies while keeping focused on his game. "It's Ponio, basically you're a hero Pony who saves the Princess from the evil Chaos Lord!" Now that you thought about it, the game looks drastically similar to Mario, except that some of the things look differently, just as you were about to ask more questions, the bell rang for class to start again, and you grew sad, the Pony groaned in annoyance and turned off his Game, looking at you and smiling. "My name is Button Mash, we should totally play some games, from what I saw, you looked interested in video games Illusion." I smiled, walking back with him to class, giving him a nod as you hope that whatever else the Teacher has to teach isn't dreadfully long.