> adventure on Ecestrea!!! > by Choya > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the wear dragon pony! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Sparkle was Twilight Sparkles other brother but not Shining Armer. He was an awsom pony tho and he did a ton of cool stuff around pony vile. One day he saw a purple dragon (Spike of corse) and said hi. Spike said hi who are you and Jerry said I am Jerry Sparkle! Spike said are you related to Twilight and Jerry nod. Well follow me because I am going to see Twilight rit know! They both walked into the library and Spike pulled a gem out of nowhere an d ate it. He went upstairs and came back with Twilight Sparke. Omg bro!!! said Twilight and she hug he. Where did you go to pony vile? Iwas at the train in canter a lot and went hear. No pony knew but Jerry was a wear dragon pony!!! He turn into dragon when he saw spikes jewels and evvery pony was scared becase they thout Spike was the only nice dragon. Jerry sad NO WAIT I AM A NIC DRAGON and no pony trust him because why should they he is a dragon. They al ran to him and chase like the running of the leafs and he was sacred of the ponys. So he flu to the ever free forest hide in a cave. Later that day Spike found his cave and came in. Hi Spike said Jerry are you gonna tell everypony where I am so they can chase here to? No said Spike i want to live here because no pony likes me anymore. I am realy sorry is it my falt said Jerry? No said spike it was gonna happen sumday when I get big. Okay you can live in this cave said Jerry and he turns back ito pony. But wont Twilight Sparkle miss u? Yes Spike said sadish but she will miss you 2 and I would live a ton longer then her any way. No way she wont miss me any more she thinks i am a monstar or discorde or some thing! Dont worry they dont evern think u are the dragon but they do say u kid naped me. This is bad said Jerry so lets make some beds and sleep we can go find fod tomorow. Spike took all his stuf wich wasnt a lot just some snacks and pencels and his basket bed thing. HE put the mall in one off rooms and Jerry said he herd a nois and look out! the cute mark crosaders waked in and appel blom said look its spike! they alll see him and ask what are you doing in a cave every pony says u got kid naped by Twilights bro! They said look it is Spike why is he here? and gone to save him. But Spike said no I live here i cannot stay in ponyville anymore! Why askd Apple Bloom? Because they do not like dragons! he said and started to cry. You can never tell anyone where I went or that you seen me anywhere. They all say okay and leave becase their cute marks are not really cave exploring or dragon finding but they thout it mit b so they were lookin for Spike to save him. Meanwile Jerry was shoping at pony vile for food. He found a bunch of posters that said WANTED DRAGON PONY THING ON LOOSE! REWARD! HE KIDNAPPED A BABY DRAGON THAT NAME IS SPIKE PLZ SAVE HIM!!!!! so he ran and every pony rekognized him and chased him. Rainbow Dash came down from cloud dale and flew fast after. She tacled him and put hoof cufs on him and took him to the apple farm and tied him up and called Twilight Sparkle to talk to him. She got there and said where is Spike why would you kidnap him bro and she cries? He said no I didnt kidnap him I ran away when I turned intoa dragon and everypony was sacred and Spike followed me. He doesnt want to live in ponyvile any more because he nows he will have to go when he gets big. Twilight thot it was a lieing and said no way Spike would never do that now give him back! I wont unless he want 2 cum back to the town he lives in the forest now after that he turned into andragon and flu away to the cave when Rainbow Dash wasnt looking. > THE PLOT THICKENS!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry and Spike wet to Fluttershies house. They asked hher to help them live in the forest besuz she knos a ton of stuff about forests but then she sais no i cannot help u and you should go cuz twilight is coming. You wont tell her will you asked Jerry and flutter said nope? but she lied because Twilight Sparkl eis her best friend. Twilight camw down the path and said hi and Fluttershy said the hi and they walked into the house. Twilight i saw Spike and he was with your bro! Twilight didnt understand y Jerry woud do some thing like kidnap a baby dragon maybe it has some thing to do wit the other dragon people saw in pony vile? She made wanted posters and put them all over like in sugar cube cornir. She also sent one to Celestea which was hard becus Spike couldnt send it so she did it. The next day Celestea came in a charot and said hello Twilight Sparkle i heard your baby dragon is missing that is relly bad. I will get some of my gards to look everywhere for him becus they dont have anything to do now that you ponies have beaten all those bad guys with harmony. THANKS PRINCES said Twilight and she bust into ters. But my bro not Shining Armer but Jerry Sparkle took him i think! Oh this is bad i thiank we need to arrest him he could be a bad guy maybe! I wil stop his dragon naping! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jerry and Spike were workin on the cave they live in and they found a huge ton of gems under the place they werre gonna put the beds so they ate them and talkd. So how are you a wear dragon said Spike to Jerry. He said he was biten by dragon and changes in to dragon and maybe he will be a dragon forever. Spike said thats weird and Jerry agrees. They kept talking alll night and had fun and ate gems. Spike told Jerry all about Rarity and Jerry said to tell her how he felt and they fell sleep after a while. To bad they didnt know that the gards were looking for them! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spike and Jerry sneaked into Rarities dres shop. Jerry heard bout Rarity from Spike and told him to go tell her how he feels. So he did. He waked in to the store and said hi Rarity. Rarity went from lookin realy sad to very happy when she sees him. Oh my little Spikey wikey! she shouted and ran too him. She levetatid him up and hugs he. I thought you were gonna be gone 4ever! she also said. Nope Spike replide. I just came 2 tell u sumthing ive ben holding back for a looooooong time. What is is it asked Rarity? Well I always had a crush on u for a really long time and i always knew u wouldnt think the same things about me. Is that why you were always to help? said Rarity. Yes said Spike. Oh well i dont really knwo wat to say Spike but i hav a speceal some pony already who is is asked Spike well i rely shoud not tell you i dont want you geting mad at him. Spoke said no i just wanna kno! No way Spike! We would never be together!!! Now go home Twilight realy worried! Y are you not letting her kno u are safe dude? She said before she run away 2 call Twilight Sparkle. Then a bunch of gards came in and yelled IT IS THE DRAGON GET HIM! and chases him. One of them grab Jerry but he buked him and ran off. Spike ran way too and was cries becase Rarity didnot liek him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They both runs back to cave and Spike was sad. Jerry said its ok because but Spike interpted him and yelled NO ITS NOT OK I LOVE HER! and cry more. Jerry wasnt sure what to do next and he went into the other room and got two gems form a pile. He said here have a gem and they say down and ate them together. Spike said that the red gem he was ating was Rarity's favorite gem a ruby and then almost cried agan. But Jerry hug him and says just calm down you need some time to calm. Spike says thank you Jerry you are great friend. They finish their gems and Jerry went to bed and Spike sat outside and thout but didnt cries any more and then went inside and sleep. > Garbel ataks! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armer that is Twilight Sparkles bro came 2 pony vile and said hello little sis i hears ur baby dragon is missed? and Twilight said yes and our bro Jerry Sparkle took him! He is a wear dragon pony! We need to sop him he could be a bad guy! Oh no said Shining Armer not my little bro! He use to be such a cool dude! Well i in charge of findeng him now so dont worry i will find the bro! It is so sad that he is a bad guy now tho and Celestea wants to capter his stupid scaly butt now. OH LOOK A DRAGON he shout and he and Cadince who aslo came ran over 2 the dragon but it was not Jerry and Spike it was Garbel! He said hi am looking for Spike we have un finest buisnes. They said NO WAT WE DO NOT LIKE DRAGONS ANY MORE and tries to chase him away but Garble was tuff and mean and he breather fire at the ponys and they almost got burned but Shining Armer put up a shield like in the weding one and the fire only cracks it. So Garbel says fine i will ask that pony that saves him last time i fout him. He rant o Twilight and grab her and flu away. NO SIS NO COME BACK!!!!!!!!! Spike hears Garbel from a log distence and is scary becase he wasnt hard core enouf to life with those dragons. He remembered the time he tries to be with dragons not ponies. Hey Spike you dont even have wings hahaha! they all said even though he was cool. You are jut like a pony! they also says. He saw Garbel carrying Twilight Sparkle through sky and was not sacred any more HE WAS MAD! We have to save her! he says and Jerry agreeing. But how he said and they didnt even know where Garbel lives. We can do it latr for know we have other thing to have to do! They went to Canter Lot and sneaks into castel and talks to Luna. She was rely nice to them and was hapiy to talk to people for ones. Well i mite be abel too help u guys said Luna but on one condetion. What they said. I want to go with you i never get to go on adventure except to moons. And they all say lol at her joke. So Luna joind their adventure and help them find Garbels lare! --------------------------------------- Spike and Jerry and Luna were at Garbels lair and they went in. It is a cave in a mountin. There was lava on the floor and everywere else and Luna uses magic to make the lavas go away becase Jerry and Spike didnt have wings and Luna cood not leave them behind. Then they went into next room and there was GARBEL! He is on a pile of gems like the one he pushed Spike of in that episode. He sais hey Spike we have un finished busyness. Spike was REALY MAD and went into rage! He charge at Garbel and bites his tail and he yelleD OWWW! And Garbel tried to shake his of. Jerry rums up to Garbel and turns his hoofs in to claw and slashs him. He yells OWWWWW agan and then Spike lets go of his tail. Luna was lookin for Twilight and finds her in cage. She started unlocking it wit magic. Jerry keeps atack Garbel and Spike does to and evently he flu away. Teilight wokes up and Spike hug her. Im so hapy to see u she says. And Spike says I missed u to! Luna said I will make sir u will not be hated by every pony any more and Jerry thanks her. They all hug and climb on Jerrys back and fly to pony vile. Shining Armer say STOP CRIMENAL! and stops Jerry with magic and the Luna and Twilight and Spike stop him. They al talk and then Celestea tell Jerry he can live in pony vile if he wanted to. And Jerry thanks every pony and goes back to the cave he lifes with Spike and they all visit him all the times. Eventuly Spike got big like he said and leaft town and lives a cave next to Jerrys. They went on a tons of adventures togeter. Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armer died evently but they still live a long time. Rarity fells in love with Spike a years later and she love him long time and move to his cave. THE END!!!