> A Nightmare Once More > by Lyle Daydream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What is the night? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it fate? Was it already decided? I was powerless to stop all they needed to advance and what came of it, my sense of self? I’m supposed to be the power of the kingdom, even more so the Tia, a role only understood by myself, and yet... “Princess Luna?” My eyes finally opened to remember where I was, a place among the castle gardens surrounded by dozens of ponies royal and common alike. There was, unfortunately, a slight rain cast to which Tia ordered a very effective terrace to be built over the party area. My attention was turned to the voice’s origin to find Celestia’s beloved student staring at me with concern and curiosity. I was quick to greet, my inner thoughts well hidden beyond the terms of a simple smile. “Ms. Sparkle, and how are you this evening?” “Great, I just got done speaking for the community of magic. Have to admit though, it was really boring.” “They always are Twilight, no one said that speaking for an hour on end is exciting. Unless we count you in your younger days.” “I was...a bit of a nerd wasn’t I?” “Nerd? How rude of me to even think of such a thing. I’d say over-ambitious is a proper term, not to mention a little stuck up.” “Inde--hey, I’m not stuck up.” I swear I could see the actual worry in her eyes for a moment. Was she actually genuinely worried about how others see her? “On the contrary my dear sister’s student. Before my sister moved you to Ponyville, I remember she said you were quite the introvert.” “Making friends was the best thing that could have ever happened to me then, else I would have been stuck in that library forever like you and--oh...sorry.” I waved it away with a hoof, my smile never fading despite the truth within. “It’s quite alright young one, it’s been quite a while since anyone even mentioned the event.” “Whew, thought I was gonna have to bring Pinkie’s cupcake platter again.” “No no, that’s fine as well. I would like to actually taste the food for a while more.” “Are her cupcakes really that bad?” “It’s not that they’re, as you say, bad, it’s just they’re...overwhelmingly sweet. Too sweet for even a child like Flurry Heart to comprehend.” “I’ll have to try them once or twice when I have time of course.” “And a lot of water, might I add.” We both let out a slight chuckle, the seriousness of my earlier misfortune fading ever so simply into the air, at least I assumed. “By the way, are you ok?” “Come again young one?” “It’s like you were lost in your own mane a minute ago.” Lost in the stars Celestia would say, when I grieved and wondered for my part in the world. But years of false content have taught me to hold onto the smile I possess, to hide what I don’t want to show. “I’m fine young one, just admiring the night sky. I’m also pleased to know you care for my safety so much.” “I am a fellow princess, the princess of friendship at that, how could I not?” “I imagine what kind of princess you would have become had I not become that nightmare.” “I couldn’t say myself nor have I made any progress in inventing a spell to view alternate realities.” “Alternate realities spell? Are you trying to upstage my sister?” “No no no, not at all.” “It was only a joke young one. It was nice to speak with you before you get lost in your fellow magic students.” “It was a pleasure princess. Wait, you’re not gonna stay for the party?” “But are I not the Princess of the night? I suppose I’ll just drop everything and let the nightmares happen.” Twilight’s eyes were obviously annoyed. “You sure know how to make someone feel guilty Princess.” I smiled and playfully stuck my tongue out to which Twilight smiled. “I shall take my leave now. I bid you farewell for now Twilight.” “To you as well Princess Luna.” My walk was calm, regal, and illustrious until the sight of all those ponies finally held no ownership over my personality. I felt my entire body shiver, and I began to breathe very heavily. “If she had found out what I had been thinking this entire time, I would’ve...no no Luna, calm down. She can’t come back, she won’t.” Strolling back to my abode, my guards were quick to realize my heightened state of awareness. “Are you ok Princess?” “Quite fine actually, and you?” “Um...good.” “Good huh? You must be terribly bored then. How about you take the night off?” “R-really?” “Of course, equip your best clothes and enjoy the party outside.” “W-why thank you, Princess.” “You are most welcome, run along now.” “Yes, Princess.” I’ve never seen a pony so eager to get away from protecting his princess. Upon closing the door, that large breath I had been internally holding finally came rushing out. It was both a relief and a curse to be alone in my own private quarters as I lay upon the bed. I made the realization in my time alone, was I actually considering it? It was dangerous and reckless but that battle at the castle says it all. Tempest redeemed herself years ago, Twilight has grown much older in that time evidenced by her height, and time has since scattered the storm king to the wind. So why do I feel so weak, so vulnerable without something that would obviously doom my kingdom? I can remember the time I didn’t feel so forced into royalty, I was young and my mane hadn’t even come in yet. It’s funny, how naive I was compared to Tia. Mother would be disappointed if she even set eyes on me now. “No time to dwell on such things now. I must make my nightly rounds in the dream realm before returning to the party.” It would’ve been bliss to be this at peace if I were internally there equally. It still ravaged my mind as I walked, and every inch only made the feeling linger longer. Am I a princess or a queen? A princess...or a queen? Am I worthy of mother’s position? Would it allow me to protect my subjects ever the more or...subjugate them? Why am I asking myself these questions in the first place when I am the princess of the night already, it’s just-- “Hmm?” My head cocked, something caught my attention in the realm of dreams. I looked around with confusion. A whisper here? It was common for dreams to showcase this action but something was different about this, it was closer to me than it was to any of the dreams I was passing by. I must have turned my body 180 degrees almost 3 times just listening. No one but me could have infiltrated this realm, no one. My sigh led my eyes to finally close and soothe my nervous brain with the silence. Still, I felt it, a feeling of weakness, vulnerability, of her claiming to be stronger. “No. I must perform my duty.” Determination lifted my wings, surveying the countless amount of dreams and nightmares alike. There was a small boy named Simple Record, a boy who was rather gifted with musical arts. The dream had plagued him for weeks without end, the thought of performing for his fellow peers and seeing the admiration turn into pity and disgust. I was quick to show him the error of such a thought as is my duty but... The song he played in the end, it was...one of such you wouldn’t usually hear from someone so young. He was quite aware of the sadness he and many others felt, and his song reflected this. It sent me into even more thought about the entire thing and at this point, I couldn't help but cry. He asked if I was ok. Of course, I responded with a smile and praised his ability to sing his words with emotional beauty. That was apparently the effect he wanted after all. I took my leave and proceeded back to the realm of the conscious. “Time to rejoin the party I suppose.” The party was still lively thankfully, Twilight in that time had only been through a small portion of the fans she had generated in the speech. Yet I hadn't seen my sister though, most likely taking her time to arrive as to, prepare herself for the long night of royal speech and nobles. That’s when I heard it, that flash of magic behind me causing me to spring into the air with all the might my wings could muster. “T-Tia, I told you about that.” My only sister sat directly behind where I was standing a moment ago, a smile on her face as she giggled. “My my, a princess of the day scaring the princess of the night herself? It seems impossible considering the circumstances, that is unless you’re simply not paying attention.” “Humorous sister. Humorous.” I said finally letting my hooves touch the ground in haste. “And where have you been all night?” “In my quarters simply preparing for the banquet.” I hummed in disagreement. “You mean catching your breath, dear sister. I know those magic types can be quite the handful.” “You know me too well Luna. As you would also know, those reporters will bombard you no matter what the event is.” “All too well, unfortunately.” Not like I could forget, the first time I finally stepped out of the castle, reporters were lining up in the streets. “Um...Tia?” “What is it, sister?” “Do you remember...mother?” “Of course, why do you ask?” Could I tell her, convey what I had been feeling these last few weeks since the Storm King’s attack? Should I? Would it even change anything inside? “N-nevermind. Let us enjoy the party before we’re overwhelmed once again.” I hadn’t handled that well, the suspicion was growing in her expression and I feared she might ask the question I wish not to answer, I think. “If you say so, Luna.” (Sigh) that was close. The party made its way from area to area, from the gardens to the royal chamber and back. Each time more and more guests arrived and I, my sister, and Twilight were naturally the center of attention. I can see one particular figure in the distance however, perhaps she can ease my mind. “Tempest Shadow, how nice of you to make it.” “Princess L-Luna.” With that, she bowed. “It’s an honor to be in your presence.” “You act as though we didn’t forgive Ms. Shadow. You are the captain of my royal guard after all.” “A-apologies Princess, it's just...all the damage that me and my men caused...I still feel like I've got a lot to answer for." “And have you not done your fair share already? Do think yourself beneath us? "N-no, not at all...well...maybe." "Oh Fizzle, you'd only be beneath us if didn’t accept the redeeming process in the first place Tempest, not all villains do after all. You could even become a princess if you wish.” The blush that appeared upon her cheeks, a welcome respite from the night's worries I have to admit. I had almost forgotten her disdain for her real name. A shame really, it honestly is an adorable name. “M-ma'am I...would prefer if you called me Tempest, please. No princess would have a silly name like that. Besides, I...am missing my horn and I have no wings like Twilight does. I'd be an absolute failure of a princess." “Is that how you view it? Do you really believe my magic and wings are the sole reason I became royalty?” “Well...I wonder what it would be like to have it back sometimes? You all perform such amazing feats of glory with your horns, even Twilight has taken to opening a school for such a thing.” “It is nice to idolize someone isn’t it?” “I’m sorry?” “You say we performed feats of glory with it, but what about those we accomplished without it?” Nothing. “Twilight has done plenty in her time without the use of magic and so have others.” You need me. “I recall Starlight Glimmer talking to you about something similar once, mentioning she and a few others took the changeling empire without even a sliver of it.” You are nothing without me. “Twilight’s student? Yes, I remember.” “Then you know that one doesn’t specifically always need magic or even wings to fulfill their goals.” I am your strength. “Well...” “And I remember you showing extreme prowess in physical disputes, something no princess is quite as skilled in as you.” “Well...you're not wrong there I guess.” “No guessing Ms. Shadow, only hope. You will become a princess if you wish, and I will personally see to it.” We can teach her. “Wow, I...I think I’ll consider it.” “I’m glad then. Enjoy the rest of the party Tempest.” “You as well Princess.” Our conversation had ended and we were well on our way to tending to our own friends but that voice...what was it? It wasn’t mine, it didn’t belong didn’t to Tempest. I do not doubt that these whispers were within my thoughts, my own subconscious but what they were uttering was...unlike me. I stopped dead in my hooves, taking in a simple bench not too far away. I need to sit. The bench was far from comfortable, not as comfortable as my own quarters, but to get off my hooves was worth it. I let my mind drift, was I tired, did I deprive myself of sleep? No no, I’ve been sleeping since two hours ago, I couldn’t be. Are you going to ignore this. My eyes shot open, surveying the area. There wasn’t anyone in particular that seemed to be getting my attention nor who seemed to be conveniently uttering those exact words. “I’m going crazy, I know I am. I’m so lost in my own thoughts that my mind is making stuff up. What a theory that is. Is this real enough for you? Suddenly my vision flashed a hint of purple, and in the second I could see something. For only that moment, something was there and now it’s not. I was beginning to breathe heavily, I couldn’t hold it in. Something is wrong with me but what? Surprise! I jumped back, I downright hurdled over the bench and onto the ground with a fit of heavy breathing defining the term hyperventilating. Rain poured onto me like I had some kind of magnetic attraction, all the while, Everyone was quick to turn their attention, including Twilight, my sister, and Tempest. Twilight was quick to flash to my position, inspecting me in concern. “Princess Luna, are you alright?” “Dear me sister, you’re practically shaking.” It took me a while to get to my hooves, unstable, but standing by some measure. I tried my best to smile, to put some act, but it was too much to do even that. “I-I’m fine. I picked up a bit of a nightmare from my rounds tonight, nothing serious.” Was I convincing them, I still couldn’t smile nor fake my response effectively but... “Sister, may I recommend you return to your room and rest? I will check on you later.” “R-right, I thought the same. I bid you all farewell.” Again, my mind wavered within my quarters. These things are mine...my room...my bed...my body...my mind...my night...These are my possessions...no, not the night, especially not the night. I do not own it, I do not claim it, it is of nature, not of my creation. I can’t forget that. That voice...was her wasn’t it? She can’t be forming, not again...as long as I remember what Mother said. “This sucks...” “And why is that my daughter?” “I’m practically the same age as her and her mane’s already changed, mine’s still white and blinding not to mention she already gave her first speech last week.” “I tried to push you to attend as well and what did you do? You sat in your room and played with your magic the entire time.” “Well, I just got it, who wouldn’t?” “You are quite the brat, my dearest daughter.” “H-hey.” “But you are my daughter nonetheless and I want you to succeed where I didn’t and more. To be a princess is more than just having magic you know.” “Really?” she said sarcastically. “Don’t sass me, Luna. Yes, magic is not the basis of a princess or even a queen or king, nor is it being an alicorn. At the end of the day, the goal of our royal family is to guide the people through peace, conflict, and tragedy. Your sister realizes this, do you?” “It seems kinda boring though.” The mother smiled. “Between you and me, it is. I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve fallen asleep on.” “See you wanna be out there and adventure too don’t you?” “Of course, but those were my younger days Luna and my duty is now to my people. Adventure or not, I wouldn’t leave them behind for anything.” “Oh...well I just wanna get good at my magic first.” “A common goal I suppose. If it will better help you understand your role as future queen then allow me to spread some advice.” “Advice?” "When you first activated your powers, you have moved the moon, only by an inch, but an interesting inch. Your powers are over the night if I’m not mistaken, a trait you get from your father.” “Can I conjure spells of ultimate darkness and shroud my enemies in it?” The mother began to worry about her daughter’s judgment. “Well...no, not yet. You could in the future but as time comes and goes, you’ll understand that’s a bad idea half the time, your father learned the hard way.” “Oh yeah, that week you were really mad at him right?” “That’s right,” she said gleefully. “And your father will never forget that. Ever. I want you to know that your magic is risky, it can overcome you at times or take you to new heights, it's all about how you think when using it.” “Think?” “Your emotions Luna, they are a huge part of what you are. If used in anger, your power will convey the feeling. Control your emotions and use it with a just heart, and I’m sure you’ll master it. Hehe, your mane may even change to accommodate such mastery.” “R-really! No way no way, I gonna train all day and all night until I get it!” “So much energy in that little body, it’s almost unreal. Also Luna.” “Hmm?” “I want you to also remember something. Your magic isn’t everything, there may come a time when you’re forced to use your brain instead of your horn.” “Pfft, My magic’s gonna fix everything, just you watch Mom.” “(sigh) This child is gonna get me in trouble one day, I can just see it.” Luna had finally stopped bouncing around enough to tug on her mother’s dress. “Hey, mom?” “Yes, hon?” “Can we go play outside?” “But it’s almost midnight.” “I know but I’m wide awake for some reason.” Her gentle smile lit a spark of happiness in Luna. “As you wish my dearest daughter.” > Is it me? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m so...tired...I only got a moment's rest and even then, I’m unbearably dreary, I can’t understand why. I rolled out of bed in literal terms, hitting the floor with a thud. It hurt my wings, my mind rattled as if beads filled it...breathe Luna, breathe. One hoof at a time. One...not even one muscle in my body was listening as my hoof became jelly instantly. I could barely hold it up let alone stand but I am a princess, I cannot let this impede me. Left...then the right. The struggle became key in this fight, It was getting too hard to even attempt but...I just need to get all my hoofs on the ground. “Sister, are you all right?!” My mind was quick to notice my sister’s entrance to my room, a look on her face any sibling would give their younger in this particular situation. “T-Tia?” “What happened, are you alright?” I wanted to show no weakness, I wanted to feel fine but I couldn’t. It felt like the backlash of a really bad migraine. I felt sick, my body still would not obey me, and yet. “I’m...” “Don’t you dare say you’re fine, you’re on the floor sister and that warrants concern. Twilight also noted a puzzling encounter just before I arrived, one that had painted you as quite disconnected. Are you well sister?” She asked me firmly. “There is no need to worry sister, I think I may have caught a fever last night.” “Perhaps, it all does account for all the strange symptoms you were exhibiting, that and you’ve been asleep all day.” “All day?” I turned to the window, nighttime again. Is it a coincidence or...no Luna, not even a thought toward...her. “I apologize for the inconvenience. I shall return to my duties as soon as possible.” But first I would need to effectively stand up. “Luna, I am concerned, you’re acting quite strange.” “How so?” “You’ve outgrown such reckless behavior, knowing that you’re in no condition to move. That being said, we celestials do not get sick often. Is there more to it?” She stared at me with more than just a concerned expression this time. This time, it was a questioning stare. “You’re doing it again Tia.” “Doing what?” “That overly concerned sister bit.” “I just want to make sure you’re ok.” “Then why not do that instead of assuming something underneath the surface?” She looked away, she actually turned away from my obvious suggestion. Closing her eyes, she sighed a long and powerful sigh. “My...apologies, I got a little carried away. I never meant to--” “Just help me up please?” “Right.” Using her taller stature to support me was enough, but instead, she magically supported my limbs to their eventual full stretch. Had I made her afraid to even touch me or am I thinking too much into it? “Thank you.” “You’re still weak from the whole ordeal sister, you need rest.” “I’ll be fine Tia. I can still perform my dut--” I felt my hoof give way only after one step, like a pile of rocks crashing down a cliff if Tia hadn’t been there to halt my fall. “You stand corrected dear Luna. Stay in bed for now.” “But...my presence is required in the realm of dreams, I can’t leave the children to their nightmares.” “I am quite aware Luna, but your health comes before your duty. Please stay in bed if you can help it.” My duty as a princess...I can’t just shun it. It shall haunt me for the rest of my days if I don’t at least try to resolve the issue. “You don’t understand sister, you’ve seen what can happen if I let the nightmares go unresolved.” “I think the populace can survive one day without your protection Luna. Please, you will cause more unrest than calm in your state, especially to me.” How am I supposed to accept this? You don’t. “As you wish sister, but only for this night.” “That will hopefully be enough to cure your body of its ailment.” I can’t sleep...I can’t move...I’m frozen like a block of ice...stuck in this infernal bed while the dreams are at the mercy of anything the nightmares can throw at them. I shouldn’t be worried, they’ve survived longer bouts without me. But still, I can’t fight the fact, that something is wrong. Is it just my imagination? Haha, yes yes, my imagination. As long as I think that, I should finally be able to sleep in pe--But what of the musician? The young one, Simple Record, he is fine. He’s having a nightmare again, I can feel it. He’s scared, alone, still feeling unease about the entire ordeal. Are you simply going to leave him to that fate? I can’t leave him to a fate like that, not when I can do something. I stood as best I could, easier this time around but my body was still unwilling to accept what I was destined to do since becoming the night’s eternal princess. I stumbled, quickly catching myself before hitting the ground. “I can do this...I can do this.” At the flicker of my magic, the portal opened. I struggled to step through letting my breath out in a deep sigh as I finally entered 100%. “Alright, now to fulfill my du--that whispering again.” It was as clear as day, I’m not mistaken after all nor am I crazy. It was...in here with me whatever it was. Tell me, what is it you seek? “I seek only to better those who dream.” That was before, but what of now? “What else could there be?” Power, do you not seek that as well, a means to protect those around you? “I already have power, I am a princess once again after all.” But that didn’t stop Tempest from defeating both you and your sister, did it? “We were caught off guard.” Or just too weak? Admit it, you couldn’t have defeated her at your current level, could you? “I tried... I tried so hard but...” You needed something more, you know exactly what it was. “No, it will stay locked away, hidden forever within the depths of the dream realm. It shall never touch another living soul as long as it lives.” Oh won’t it, there are plenty of capable hosts. “I refuse to let it do so. I will stay here as long as needed.” Oh but just look at you dear, you’re obviously not in any capable form to do so, rest awhile and rebuild your strength. “I can’t rest...not while...” A yawn? No, not now, not while I still have a duty to the ponies of Equestria...but, I would adore the idea of sleep right now, against my better wishes. I need to move...I need to. You can’t do anything in this state, please rest, I beg of you. “Maybe...for just a moment.” My hooves grew weak, I found myself etching closer to starry ground, and soon my eyes closed allowing me to slowly drift off. That’s right princess, sleep...sleep so that you may help others...and me... “And me...how nice...to help.” “...na...Luna!” A voice...it’s familiar. Suddenly I felt my entire body lunge back, the whisper had gone, but a new voice had replaced it. It was Tia’s. “Luna, wake up now!” I jumped, suddenly feeling the energy return to my person. I was still weak, but the dreariness, the drowsiness, they dissipated into thin air. “What...happened?” “You entered the dream realm despite me telling you to rest.” “T-Tia, I can explain.” “Can you?” “My conscience told me that Simple Record was in trouble. I couldn’t leave him to be invaded by nightmares.” “Dear sister, you do realize that you were in mortal danger correct? You told me specifically what would happen if you fell asleep within that realm.” “I’m sorry, I just felt so tired...My conscience was telling me to sleep, to rest.” “What is your conscience, Luna? You keep referring to it as if a separate entity.” Celestia’s eyes widened, then focused back onto mine. “Who were you talking to Luna?” “It was my mind.” “Your mind doesn’t suggest obvious mistakes, you’re smarter than that. Was it your conscience you were really talking to?” “I...it was a voice.” “A voice.” “It didn’t sound like mine, but I’m sure it was. It sounded as if I were thinking the words.” “Luna...are you in control right now?” “Control of what?” “Your mind?” “Y-yes. I am completely aware of myself.” She looked at me with questioning eyes once more before letting out a sigh. “Luna, I’m worried about you. You’re acting out, more than usual.” “I just wanted to protect their dreams.” "And you can, when you’re all better. This is childish you know, even for somepony like you.” “I know.” I know all too well. “Luna please tell me what’s wrong, what is it that’s eating at you so much.” She sat down in front of my weak form, smiling that sisterly smile and looking at me with hope. I struggled to muster up the courage to tell her, to even lift my head to look her in the eyes. “It’s about...the Storm King invasion.” “Ah yes, young Tempest, what of it?” “What of it? We lost Tia!” I’m not with child, I’m not without regret for my own actions, so why did I just snap? “Tempest was able to defeat the princesses of the ponies with such utter ease it was embarrassing.” “But is that not why you hired her to captain of your nightly guard?” “Her skill is undeniable, but should it be more powerful than us, the ones who raise the sun and moon?” “Luna, you’re tearing up.” What is...tears? I can’t stop them, they just keep coming. The more I talk, the more I feel like it wasn’t worth it at all. I wiped what I could away and turned toward the night sky in the window. “We shouldn’t have been defeated so easily, not by just a mere pony, no matter how skilled.” “You’re thinking about this all wrong Luna. We were outmatched, our enemy unknown.” “Unknown or not, what makes us so weak? Why can’t we protect our own subjects in half the encounters we come across? No, it always comes down to her.” “Twilight?” “Yes her. I don’t hate her adoration for you or magic, nor her skill, but she isn’t us Tia, we protect the kingdom, not her.” “Luna, what is wrong, this doesn’t make sense?” I stopped, the tears of frustration now tears of dedication. “Have you ever wondered something...what if I or even you could control the power of our other selves.” “Other selv--I refuse Luna. Those two are unstable, unpredictable, they would enslave hundreds and annihilate millions more.” “But then we could protect our kingdom, just like I did before.” “All those years ago Luna, you became something that nearly destroyed our society. If you want to become that which protects the ponies then this isn’t the way." I closed my eyes and turned back to her. What was I saying, why am I saying this...these aren’t my words Tia, you have to believe me. “And why not, the power is ripe, supreme, and if I could control it, I could protect them so much more.” I could see her form jump as my eyes reopened to her. “You’re reverting Luna, you have to calm down.” “I am becoming better!” “You’re becoming a monster!” An arrow to the soul, my body, my mind, it all felt hot like it was on fire. I grunted, closing my eyes and backing up into the wall. A few seconds of reality eased my mind, and soon I felt my consciousness start to return to me. I slowly moved my eyes back up to my sister’s, her face was now at ease, as was my soul. “I just...don’t wanna be weak anymore.” “You are not weak dear sister, just missing a part of yourself at the moment. Your mind is escaping you without proper rest and I believe your own room is adding to the stress. I think it would benefit you more to sleep in my bed until you can properly rest.” “And what of you?” “I’ll be there as well so that my presence can hopefully ease your mind.” “Sister, you’ve always been the most generous between us. Reminds me of mother.” “Mother would be proud to see how far you’ve come since the incident Luna. Let us return to my room for the time being alright?” “Yes, let's.” Using her magic to place one of my hoofs over her body, she supported me out of the room, closing the door upon our exit. Still, I can’t help but stay confused. Where did that all come from? Is it trying to fight her way back into control of my body? There’s nothing else that fits besides it...but I mustn’t think of that. In due time, a few more hours of peaceful rest, I should be rid of the horrid nightmare. Her room was just as bright and radiant as I remember, the door still led to that fire burning elegantly in the fireplace, and the cushion she so happily rested upon moved only an inch since I last saw it. It was a sight to ease the mind, a memory before my mind was invaded and forced to conceive a jealous lie to my own heart. “Tia?” I asked. “Yes Luna?” she replied before laying me down softly on the cushion. I felt the heat radiating throughout my body as she took a position next to me, comforting me with her warmth. “What do you remember...of when mother when around?” “Hmm? It has been a century or two since I recalled the events, so not quite that much, at least not detail for detail. I do remember when she let us decorate our rooms, however.” “Oh yes...wasn’t that the day you accidentally burned a percentage of your mane off.” She giggled at such a thought. “Me, the princess of the sun, burning my mane off thanks to this very same fireplace. It was unheard of, quite embarrassing on top of that.” “I’ll never forget it, you had to get your mane cut down to your neck to let it grow back properly.” “I was technically a filly for two weeks.” I and my sister both found humor in the situation and despite my weak situation, I was laughing hysterically, as was she. I could feel myself drifting off, a yawn escaping me at the moment. “Tia...I miss her, I miss them both.” “As do I sister, as do I.” The young girl annoyingly played with her hair, as if something was missing from it. “Celestia dear, it is not that bad.” She simply huffed at that comment. “This simply will not do Mother, my mane this short, I could pass for a tomcolt.” Rolling her eyes at the obvious, she stepped forward to try and comfort her daughter. “I apologize for that but I did warn you.” “How was I supposed to know that I am not immune to fire.” “Just because you can control fire doesn’t mean it can’t hurt you, that is not why we put a fireplace in your room.” Concerned eyes met her mother's. “It’ll grow back right?” “In two weeks' time yes.” “Two weeks without any hair, I’ll be the laughingstock of the entire schoolyard.” “You’ll be fine dear, just look at Luna, she embraces her short mane.” “She’s always had a short mane though.” Suddenly the mother’s expression grew stern. “You’re being a brat, Celestia, you will be fine trust me.” “But what about the other kids? Even if I am the princess, they’ll make fun of me.” That stern face easily crept into a smile, her eyes closed in addition. “If any of those boys mess with you, just tell a teacher. If you can’t make it to a teacher...don’t be afraid to aim for the face and don’t let up until it stops shaking.” “M-mom, you’re getting creepy again...” “Oh sorry, a simple blast to that general area will do it just as well.” “You’re actually telling me to do something so uncouth?” “I didn’t become queen by letting ponies step all over me. You shouldn’t be either.” “S-sure mother.” “Now you get ready for bed, your father will be raising the moon soon and I still have to see to Luna’s room. And who knows, somebody might actually like your short hair.” “I hope so,” Celestia said with a sigh before exiting her room. The mother was quick to flash to Luna’s room, opening the door to an interesting sight. “Are you planning your room like I tol--what is that all over you?” “Uh...I can explain.” “Can you? Let’s hear it then.” “Well...it’s...just...I was gonna...” The daughter laughed, sticking her tongue out in the process. "You were supposed to be planning your decorations over an hour ago dear. Do you mean to tell me that you’ve been sitting here dressing up the entire time? Where did you even get that fur from?” “Uh...well yes, and from the guards.” The mother’s expression had easily become annoyed. “I told you about telling the guards to sneak you in things.” “I know...” the young one said with a sad expression. " I just wanted to see how I would look.” “Looks of oneself aren’t always everything Luna. You and Celestia could both stand to learn that. There were times when I was on the verge of fashion disaster and I still had to give a speech.” “Hehe, that was a funny picture.” “Being bald is not fun--calm down calm down. Anyway, do you at least have a general idea of how you wanna decorate this room?” “Yes and no.” “Theme at least?” The young one thought about it for a moment. “Nighttime?” “That’ll work just as well I suppose.” “So, is Tia ok?” “Hmm? Fine for the most part. Her confidence may be low for a few days so try to encourage her new mane style until it comes back.” “I tried to stop her.” “Really, because from her account, she noted almost too specifically that you were and I quote ‘rolling on the ground laughing’ after putting her out.” “Oh...that. See I was lost in the moment and--” “No excuses honey, no matter how funny it may be, you shouldn’t laugh at someone’s despair... in front of them. Always take it to another room, always.” “You're a dork mother.” “And you're both brats, I think that balances us out. Do you perhaps want to come with me to the store to pick out your own decorations?” With a couple of happy hops, the mother already knew the answer. “Come along.” The two walked in conversation, Luna blurting whatever designs she had on her mind, and her mother stating realistically what was possible. However, upon reaching the carriage, Luna grew a bit fatigued. “Wow, I’m so tired all of a sudden.” “It’s an effect of the roles you and your sister will hold one day. As one would expect, you grow ever the more tired during the day, as your duty lies within the entirety of the night. You’ll get better at fighting the drowsiness though.” It was only a matter of time before the mother’s horn lit up with magic within the carriage, taking the sun in her hold and lowering it to allow the father’s night to slowly shadow the land. The process took until their arrival in the city, and soon ponies were making their way into their homes to rest. “Hey Mother, I always wondered something.” “And what is that?” “So if Father is normally fighting back sleep in the daytime when ponies are awake, and then he’s constantly awake during the night when nobody else is, does he make friends or even talk to anyone?” “It was a hard concept to understand back in our early days but yes, he does.” “Oh, and here I thought father was alone for the majority of his days.” “You’re kidding, with how much that chatterbox talks, he can’t help but make friends.” Luna giggled before the two entered the store. The mother internally sighed however, she knew the truth to Luna didn't, about what the night really means for those who control it. That was the first time I ever questioned it. Questioned what it was like to be a ruler of the night. To be in control. > It could be me? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s mine…all mine…I want it all…the night…my subjects…they’re all… My eyes opened to my surroundings, still in Tia’s quarters thankfully. The fireplace, the stain on the rug from the party she threw once her hair grew back, all still the same. I let out a sigh of relief, stretching my neck to relieve the tension I was feeling. With an audible pop, I exhaled in satisfaction. “So much better.” Everything seemed a bit better. My thoughts were clear for once, My body didn’t feel as though it was a separate entity, It was a wave of relief washing over me to even feel this amount of clarity and relief for an hour. “By the heavens, I could cry from this relief.” “I’d hope so,” Tia uttered as she awakened removing her comforting wing from around me. “I did do my best to comfort you, dear sister. And that was quite a loud and uncouth action of you, what would the nobles think?” “My neck was quite tense, nor do I see a single noble around to utter those cursed words.” We both laughed and proceeded to our hooves, Tia taking time to stretch out her limbs as did I. “And you say I’m uncouth.” “I am a normal pony like everyone else as are you sister. I assume there’s nothing we’ve done they haven’t.” “Like sleep all day until the moon comes up?” “You and I both know that day wasn’t for the unknowing, I was quite exhausted from those reporters, they bombard you till the lights go out.” “Sleeping all day is my thing sister I am the princess of the night after all.” “Hehe, indeed you are. Speaking of night, how were your dreams?” “Less…foreboding. It was peaceful enough to quell any doubts I had prior to sleeping.” “Thank heavens, I thought I was going to have to give you that stern talking to.” “Come again?” “That one that mother used to always give us.” “Don’t remind me,” I said shivering. “It’s not like I cried every time she gave it to us…but I did and that was her plan I assume.” “A dozen different times she gave us that speech and all those times she made us regret everything we ever considered.” “And that creepy smile she gave us.” We both looked at each other, shivering in unison. Tia turned to her window, that royal glow surrounding her horn as the light began to fill the room through the closed curtains. I was aware she could raise the sun with expertise as could I with the Moon, but to do it without physically being able to see it, she was quite powerful. Even I would have to exit to the balcony to make sure the moon went where it needed to. However, despite all this, something about the light made me close my eyes, trying to adjust them slightly to my sister’s light. It was bright, brighter than ever before, much too bright. “Sister your light is…blindingly marvelous.” “My light is nothing special sister.” “I’d have to disagree, sister, it’s been so long since I’ve even admired it so, I’m practically blind. “Your eyes will adjust dear sister. Come now, I believe breakfast is needed, I am much too hungry. My eyes didn’t control my mind, I slowly made my way toward the door as best I could. “I’m starting to think you may love food too much sister?” “What is that supposed to imply? She asked with a slight rise in her voice. “Oh nothing, perhaps it may imply that I did feel a little bit of pudge when I was lying next to you.” “Are you serious? I can’t be putting on weight, what would the nobles think, our friends?” She gasped. “What would Twilight Sparkle think of me, her idol and teacher reduced to a fat blob?” “Tia dear, I was only kidding please calm down. You’re in perfect shape I promise.” Tia could only glare at me, those eyes of hers shining with a bit of anger. “You’ve got me contemplating so much exercise in one minute, and you think that’s funny?” “Well sorry for making a joke dear sister.” “A joke indeed, If I were forced to work out, you’d be there every step of the way with me.” “What? Why? I’m very slim for my figure, as are you?” “Yes, but Tempest has shown us a physical prowess that is too great to be ignored. It would be beneficial to at least learn how to physically defend ourselves, better for our people even.” “That does present a grand point.” We entered the dining room, a grand hall of extreme grandeur, made in the image of two dozen nobles when it only seated two sisters, and their students half the time. The light shining through the windows was greater here than it was back in Tia’s room. We had been walking for quite some time, and yet, it was still too much. Maybe a backlash of the fatigue I had been feeling before, or perhaps my mistake in the realm of dreams has given me a lasting side effect of sensitivity to daylight for heavens knows how long. “Are you ok Luna?” “Huh? Oh, fine sister, I’m just surprised is all.” “Oh really? About what may I ask?” she said quickly whispering to the kitchen chef before turning back. “Just how barren this room was back then, you remember right?” “This room used to be so full of different things back then.” Luna stumbled a bit but eventually brushed her hoof across the table. “This table was all it took. It came that morning…and we were—” “Shocked…I remember.” Tia and I both looked confusingly at the strange and rather large table now occupying the room, It seated at least 24 ponies alone, and more if you added a few corner spots. Mother was easily as stumped, her expression in even more confusion than our own. Tia, finally picking up the courage between us, finally addressed that rather large elephant. “Mother…what…is this?” “I’m not quite sure myself. I didn’t authorize this in some state of sleep, did I?” “Actually,” a rather gruff voice said from across the room. “I authorized it.” Mother looked at our father with surprised eyes, as did my sister and me. “Why oh why dear husband, have you brought this table into our home?” He cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “Why are you talking like that?” “Like what my love?” “Stop it.” He said with a slight annoyance in his voice. “Oh fine, and here I was trying to make the fight fun.” “Fight?” “Yes fight, as in what is this giant table doing in our family room?” “It is a change that was worth making.” He stated with slight confidence in his tone. “The nobles are coming over for dinner tonight, and I need a proper place to seat them all.” “I’ve never known you to play nice with the rich and stuck-up snobs of our society, why so suddenly?” “As the royal family, we must keep an air of pride about us. I’d rather not have rumors spreading of our rather uncouth practices.” “Ok, so number one, we’re not royalty, leave that assumption at the front door on your way in. We’re just like any other normal pony out there, we just happen to live in a bigger house than most. And two, you could’ve put that table anywhere in the house, but you took away our only room for bonding?” “It was a worthy sacrifice, we never spend any time in it anyway.” “Correction, you never spend time in it. I and my daughters happily play here every Sunday, even though things get a little rough sometimes.” “The cleaning ladies have informed me of your…playtime sessions.” “That hole in the wall was there when we came in. Look, the point is, you need to get rid of this table, or at least put it somewhere else.” “We need to make nice with these rich snobs, else our reputation will be down in the ditches with the griffons and the dragons.” “Make nice? Husband, have you truly ever considered your own family since you became friends with that horrible line of bluebloods? You used to care for me, your children, not what some stuck-up diplomat thought.” “Those stuck-up diplomats are the reason we live so nicely now my dear.” “I really don’t care, I’d live in a hut on the side of the road if it meant our life was happier than this.” “Ugh, I don’t have time for this. Listen, the nobles will be here in an hour, clean yourselves up and be on your best behavior.” My mother could only stare in anger, her eyes closing as she stared back at us with a smile. “Girls, we’re going to be on our best behavior…aren’t we?” She said opening her eyes only slightly to reveal immediate evil intentions. I turned to Tia, her eyes just as fearful as mine. “Y-yes mother.” We both replied. “Good, let’s go get ready for the nobles then.” “Mother, what are you planning?” Tia asked. “Nothing my dear, just a simple greeting to the nobles, they are our guests after all. Come along.” Tia gulped in unison with me as we exited the room, that ever-so-creepy smile still present on my mother’s face. I have a bad feeling about this. “I can never forget that day sister,” Tia uttered. “She had us utterly ruin that day for our father.” “The table didn’t fare too well as well. As a matter of fact, I distinctly remember father having to buy at least 3 different replacements for it.” “Before he put a magic spell on it that made it virtually invincible.” “That day…it wasn’t a day I like to think about, those two fighting about cats and dogs all the time after that point.” “Father wanted to embrace the royalty, Mother wanted to be a family.” We both looked at each other. “Who…do you suppose won in the end, Tia?” “I can’t say for sure…not now…not for a while. I suppose both of them won in their own way.” She said turning back towards the table. I sighed. I already knew the answer to that question, it didn't take magical feats of time manipulation to see who had won. But was it for better or worse? Did we walk our own path, or did they influence us in some way? It’s hard to tell when both sides made a valid point, if in very drastic ways. “Tia, do you think they did a good job of raising us?” “Hmm?” “Mother and Father, do you think their methods and goals…influenced our own actions here and now?” “I can’t be sure of that Luna. We have our own desires and goals, yes, but those two were on another level of pressure. After all that happened, I can’t say I cared more for my reputation than I did my family. I was confused, scared of becoming something I didn’t want to be.” Her words felt deep, true to their very core. Something you didn’t want to become? Like me…like her and her darkness. “Did he…” It was at this point that I unknowingly shed a tear, I wasn’t sure why…not even when or what thought could have stimulated such an action, but it slipped down my muzzle like a stream drawing Tia’s attention. “S-sister, you’re crying.” “I am?” “Here allow me.” She wiped away the freshly shed tear only to gasp in shock. I was still temporarily blind at this point, so my surprise was expected when she took in that large breath of air. “W-what is…” “T-tia, what happened…are the pancakes burnt…are—” She placed a hoof on my chin and gently lifted up my head. I closed my eyes in unison as the light flooded in. “Luna, open your eyes.” “Tia, I can’t, remember? They’re highly sensitive right now.” “Try sister please.” I tried, I tried as hard as I could. Each time the light pierced within my sight, it felt as though somepony was purposely flashing everything with white. I tried…again…and again…but every single time I did so, the light came so suddenly and forcefully that I instinctively jumped back. “Like I said sister, they are still recovering. Perhaps it was my mistake in the realm of sleep that made them this way, but only time can fix—” “Somepony please close the curtains if you don’t mind.” “Yes mam.” A guard responded before quickly running over and closing the curtains. The room was now draped in a small set of darkness, I could strangely tell, not dim enough, however, the light still poured in from what cracks it could but it was easier now. “Is that better?” she asked me. “It’s…tolerable…I can feel the light fading away…my eyes aren’t reacting as much.” “Then open them." “There is nothing wrong with me sister, my eyes are just a bit damaged from my earlier issues.” “Luna, I’m not sure that’s the case. Nothing you’ve done prior to this has caused such symptoms. Please open your eyes, I have to be sure.” “If it will quell your assumptions sister, I will attempt it again.” Slowly my eyes opened, easier to do so now that the light wasn’t as intense, but something in my soul, in my heart, was telling me that something was indeed off about these symptoms. My suspicions were confirmed when Celestia’s breath escaped her, her eyes widened as mine finally did. She was in pure shock, pure nervous, confused shock. She stared into my eyes with complete and utter horror, as if being assaulted by some ferocious beast. “T-tia, what’s wrong, your face is…concerning?” “It’s…nothing…” she said unsure of that answer at first. Suddenly she beamed with a smile, fake might I add. I’m no professor, but I’ve put on enough fake smiles to know when someone’s using one. “Sister, you worry too much, you are fine, finer than fine. You were right, your eyes are just a bit sensitive to the light right now and need a little more rest.” “You seemed indifferent about that answer Tia.” “Not at all my dear sister, I was a bit too worried is all. Come now, you can take the rest of the day off in my room. As a matter of fact, I’ll go and make my special pancakes and bring them directly to you, in bed, how does that sound?” I cocked an eyebrow. Was she really attempting to soothe my suspicion with the promise of her special pancakes? Because honestly, it was working. It would rival even Pinkie Pie’s taste in flavor if mass-produced. “I suppose that sounds…rather divine.” She motioned a guard toward us. “May I ask you to accompany Luna to her room?” “Y-yes mam right away.” The guard responded. “I shall be there soon Sister.” I smiled, fake of course. “I shall be awaiting those glorious pastries, Tia.” Seeing as how half the castle wasn’t exactly covered in curtains I could just close, I depended on the guard for directions. To think I’d been living in this castle so long, I almost assumed I knew it like the back of my hoof, apparently, I was wrong. The old castle just outside Ponyville was much more memorable in its structure. As we finally reached the room, I thanked the guard and made my way inside as he took up position outside. I fumbled a bit with my magic to close the curtains even tighter than they already were. Finally, my eyes weren’t twitching with every little movement. I opened and with unfortunate success…I could see. It was clear as day as if the issue hadn’t even started in the first place. “What is this…feeling?” It’s…deep within me…something small…something different…This isn’t some common symptom of sensitivity…this feeling is more than that…it’s as if I belonged in the darkness entirely. I was curious about something. I can see now that I felt no discomfort when moving and testing my pupils which is odd, again as if the problem never existed. I wanted to test this. My magic wrapped around the base of the curtain and with a slight tug, I let a sliver of light in. As soon as it entered, my eyes regretted the entire decision. I closed the blinds with a huff as I jumped back in surprise. “That answers that question.” “But Princess…” a voice, outside the doors. I listened closely, the voices were familiar. “She seemed fine a couple of days ago, I thought it was simply fatigue?” “Twilight, this is more than just simple fatigue.” “How so?” “H-her…” Celestia stopped, she was breathing hard, hyperventilating in simplest terms. “H-her eyes were…they were…” “Princess Celestia please calm down, you’re going to break something, and I don’t know if I can fix you.” “It’s not normal Twilight, when this happened the first time…it was nothing like this.” “Can you at least tell me what’s wrong with her eyes?” “I…you’ll have to see for yourself…” “It’s been years Princess, I don’t think cryptic hints will suffice this time. Me and my friends have been through enough friendship quests and the school is prospering unlike any other. I would appreciate a straight answer.” “Older though you may be, I still cannot provide a simple word-for-word description, it’s…not something you can put into words.” “As you wish princess, I will wait patiently then.” I knew it, there was something more to this. I can’t wait any longer, I must survey the condition. I quickly made my way to the bathroom, easier than expected with this weird effect of night vision. I turned toward the mirror closing my eyes and letting loose a breath. “Alright…what has life got in store for me now?” Slowly, surely, I opened them. In this dark, any normal person would have been blind but me…my eyes were in some state of pure natural instinct. I could see everything as if I had some type of light source in my eyes, literally, my eyes were glowing…my eyes were… not mine. The pupils were slits, not circles, and the irises…were pure white…not any color at all. This is what she saw…this is what made her so afraid, so unnerved to even look in my direction. What was I becoming? > It never belonged to me? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mother ever so quietly snuck into the room of her sleeping daughter, a smile permanently etched on her face, for today was of special notability. "Luna Honey, it's time to awaken." She lay sprawled out in her bed, quiet as the night sky outside, silently shifting and mumbling in her sleep. "No...don't take my...cake...mmmm..." The mother could only giggle, whatever she was dreaming was probably silly. "Luna dear," she uttered as she slowly shook the alicorn. "Get up please." With a quick and swift motion, a beam of magic escaped Luna's horn. "That's my cake!" The beam proceeded to ricochet off the mother's quickly built shield, flying thankfully outside the window. "Oh...sorry Mother." "Did you just try and blast me?" she said with an angered expression. "N-never...well, perhaps the person I thought was making off with my cake. Weird dream, I can't even begin to explain it." With a chuckle, that permanent smile returned to her face. "Well, it would seem I was right to choose this night then." "What do you mean mother?" "Walk with me my dear daughter, I shall explain on the way to the throne room." Luna yawned and slowly exited her bed, throwing on her crown and following her mother out of the room. "So, will this be another training session for my magic, or perhaps I'll finally get to move the moon around as Father does?" "Yes." The daughter began to silently cheer before she made quick notice of the words, which turned her expression to confusion. "Wait which one Mother?" "Well let's just say, it is a part of your magic, but it is also equally important to the night." "I don't follow." The mother smiled and stopped by a window, directing her attention and seemingly Luna's up to the night sky, and the full moon that illuminated it. "You and your sister have grown quite big in the last century, even quicker than I thought. What was once my two bratty daughters--" "Hey!" Luna said in retaliation. The mother giggled at her insult and continued. "What once was two bratty girls, has now become two princesses worthy of the title. Your speech has improved from the kids you once were, and your attitude, manners, and etiquette as well. Although I can't judge, I have been learning a bit more here and there myself. Either way, you're growing up to be fine mares of society." "But mother, I thought you were against the idea of playing nice with the nobles." "I was until somebody, your idiot of a father, decided it would be a good idea to create that blasted system of rules. It used to be about family, but now more than ever, we have to be the face of the kingdom." "But those rules are there to protect us aren't they?" "To some degree, but others just seem to impose more power than I'd like to have. Anyone used to be able to walk to our front door and ask for a friendly day out, not even the guards we had at that time paid them any mind. Now we have to be escorted everywhere and it's just...so annoying." "Wow Mother, now you seem like a brat." "Perhaps, but that's what happens when your father doesn't question me on any decisions for the kingdom. Anywho, you as the princess of the night are coming of age, and your powers of the night are beginning to grow. They will be stronger in due time but for now, It's time I show you what your role is as ruler of the night. Of course, we'll need to impose on your father, who should be the one teaching you in the first place." "Why isn't he?" "He said he was busy, whatever that means." "Sounds like he's being lazy. Is it really that complex?" "Complex? No, not at all. Time-consuming on the other hand, maybe." The two of them made their way toward the throne room, the giant doors opening upon their arrival and the father sitting ever so silently on his throne chair. His eyes gave an air of frustration, his body and his unkempt beard showed his age, and his stance represented just how dedicated he was to the cause of being the king. Despite the facade he tried to put up, he looked extremely tired, his hooves seemed like they ached for a bed and more. "Shouldn't Luna be in bed?" He uttered in a foreboding tone. The mother annoyingly huffed at that comment. "Do I have to remind you what part of the genes she--never mind that. Tonight is a special night husband, the night that Luna must begin her study of the realm of sleep." "The dream realm, as it's more commonly known, is off-limits to her for now. I cannot have her throwing tea parties and playing with dolls inside." "Ah ha ha," the mother uttered with that smile still painted on her face. "There is no reason to ruin the moment dear husband, Luna's power is finally beginning to come in. If she doesn't learn how to control her powers now, she may have more than enough trouble later on. Besides, you are the one who should be teaching her in the first place." The father seemed to only snarl at that comment. "My method of teaching is that she learns when she is ready, on her own. Right now she is simply a little girl who doesn't even understand the basic concept of her role." The mother was trying her best to hold onto that smile she had been producing since she woke Luna, but at this point, it was becoming evident the father was intent on changing her mood. "If only you would see her and hear her speak, you would see she is of rightful age, as is Celestia. The future queen of the sun has already accepted her duty to the people, and with such prowess in her training, I expect Luna to be even better with her duty to the night. At least allow her to see the realm of--" "Firstly, It is known as the dream realm, please refrain from your idiotic nicknames, Queen of the Sun. Second, I have no time nor patience to deal with a moody baby, just look at her, the uncertainty in her eyes is overwhelming." Luna could only look on in shock as those words stung both her and Mother like a batch of bees. To address his own wife in such a formal tone when they're married, and to put his own daughter down like a high school bully. Was this really the stallion she married all those years ago? Either way, the mother had had enough, her smile fading to a frown and her eyes narrowing toward her stubborn husband. "Ok, here I was trying to keep it as nice and neat as possible, but you wanna fight, I can see that. Are you seriously that ignorant? Depressed even? Perhaps hit your head as a filly and are truly damaged?" "You would do well not to insult me, Queen." "First of all, why is it so hard to say my name? Or even just wife or special somepony or any of the cute nicknames we came up with in our past? Does our marriage mean anything to you?" "We are not babies anymore, those names are inappropriate in this, a place in which we are looked up to as society's highest." "Don't give me the second-rate blueblood bullcrap husband. This is unlike a family, to address your wife in such a manner, to put down your daughter on the day she is fated to learn the craft that you have become so skilled at. Are you not happy for her?" "By her age, I was able to open portals completely on my own. If she wishes to learn her fate, she will figure it out for herself." "They are not like you, you dolt. They learn through teaching, through example, which you would know if you'd stop pointing your nose in the air like a stuck-up noble for two seconds." "I need not spend every day in their presence to know what they need." "You don't spend any time at a--You know what, forget it. Since you, king of the night, are not making even a tiny attempt to teach your daughter what her role is, I need you to open a portal to the realm of sleep so that I may." "That is an inexcusable use of my powers, she'll learn on her own." "You stubborn no good stallion, she'll get into more trouble than good that way, as you did. We're trying to lead them down the right path to their future without them stumbling like a newborn filly remember?" "That was my weakness and as nobles, my daughters will see to it that those same cracks do not form, it would be disgrace otherwise." "Just open the portal you jerk!" The awkward silence between the two defined the phrase "Silence is deafening" as well as ice-defined cold. The mother stared at the father with absolute hatred in her eyes, a look she didn't even shoot her worst enemies. And the father only stared on with a look of annoyance, something you would never think a husband to shoot his own wife. "Fine, I will accompany the two of you for 5 minutes, not a minute more." the father said, his horn sparking with energy as the portal appeared and he stepped down from his throne. "Come along Luna..." The daughter hesitantly began following her mother toward the portal, her face twisted with sadness toward their constant hatred toward each other and even a hint of fear. As the portal closed behind them, the father stepped into the background, his eyes closed in what seemed like anticipation for the end of this "lesson." "You're five minutes begins now." He uttered. "Be silent you stingy old buffoon." the mother stated quickly motioning Luna to her side as she began to walk. "Now Luna, this is the realm of sleep, where all the dreams and nightmares alike for every pony in Equestria, even some non-ponies, reside." "It is officially classified as the dream realm, not the realm of sleep." the father chimed in. "I said be quiet you dolt, you didn't want to teach her in the first place!" The father didn't even react to that comment, only closed his eyes and continued mentally counting the seconds. "As I was saying, the realm of sleep, or dream realm as that buffoon calls it, is the realm in which all dreams are compiled, and it is your sole duty to watch it over it." Luna mentally jumped back. "W-wait, watch over all of it, you mean every single dream here? But aren't there countless ponies in Equestria now, like hundreds, thousands, millions even?" "Yes it is dear, and while it may seem like a daunting task--" "Shouldn't be that hard, she is my daughter." "Oh, now you want to take responsibility for her!" "I shouldn't have to, she's old enough to figure out--" "She's not like you..." She uttered with venom in her tone. "She needs to learn on her own time..." The father replied with the same level of poison. The two looked at each other for quite a while, before the mother sighed. "Fine, we're done here." "Very well, then Luna shall return to bed and you and I shall talk," he said opening the portal back. "Luna is not going to be tired anytime soon fool, and I refuse to talk to you anymore tonight." "Are you disobeying me?" "You're not above me you condescending son of a--Just leave us alone," she said picking up Luna with her magic and placing her upon her back as she walked through the portal. "And expect to sleep in the throne room again!" The mother stared out the window as Luna looked at her in concern. Their walk down the hallway back to her room had been a silent one, the air so tense, you could cut it with a knife. And now, no words were even thought to be uttered, at least one would think." M-mother..." "...I'm sorry." "Um...I'm s-sure father is just--" Magic hushed her mouth. "No Luna...I am sorry for what you saw today. It was not our best day believe it or not. It's best you forg--" "No." The daughter blurted releasing her mother's magic with her own. "L-Luna?" "I refuse to ignore this any longer Mother. For a century we've had to sit back and listen to you and Father fight relentlessly, over and over, again and again. I know I'm not the only one who's taken notice either, the guards speak of it on their time off, the nobles speak of the constant times in which you two show up in two different carriages, even the children of the Canterlot know there is something wrong here. And most of all, my sister is the most troubled of all. She barely returns to the castle now, if only to sleep, and even then I barely see her." "Celestia is...just accustomed to being outside, she is the ruler of the day after-- "Stop making excuses!" Luna said, the energy flashing around her for a second, making her mother jump back at least a foot. "L-Luna...y-your eyes ar--" "Just leave me alone!" Luna blurted out, her body disappearing into her room with immense speed, the door slamming soon after. The mother could only lower her eyes to the floor, her thoughts pointing toward the future, a future in which her own daughters disgusted her and their father...she refused to let it happen...but could she truly turn the tide of that fate? Again and again, time after time, I attempted to stare out the window in thought. It used to be my only escape, a way to compile my thoughts and have the sky itself answer them, no matter if it was filled with the stars of my night or the blue of the day. But today was different, very different. Each of my attempts ended with continuous failure, as I would expectantly have a blinding white light shoved into my, now, almost draconic pupils. Each time I was violently pushed back from the window sill, my body fell helplessly to the ground as I hissed in pain and closed the curtain with whatever magic I could muster. I'm confused...and scared of what this means. This isn't just some random sensitivity to the light, like a bad headache or having your pupils dilated. This was true hatred for the light, I despised the way it felt with every fiber of my being now, how it made my eyes close instantly with regret, how it seemed to sting my very skin with a burning sensation. But why, why now? The reason seems obvious, yet so very far from the truth. Is Nightmare Moon trying to return? No, I sealed her entire existence deep within my heart long ago, the probability of her return to my form is impossible without some type of help. But then what could it be? We need to talk... We need to think... A thought isn't required here...only an action. You're the voice I heard...back in the dream realm. But then who are you? I am but a voice of the past, here to apologize. A voice of the past, Nightmare Moon I presume? I know not of a Nightmare Moon... But did you not try to lure me to sleep in the dream realm, to take over my body, to throw my kingdom into turmoil once more? ... I take it your silence means yes? I was not trying to take over your body. Then what is your true intention? Are you the reason my eyes are like this? ... "Answer me!" "Sister dear?" I heard Tia's voice call from outside. My body instantly froze up at the thought of Tia's judgment, looking at me as if I was some kind of animal, gone crazy, gone insane, talking to myself as if it were truly someone else.."We are entering sister, please take care to shield your eyes." I immediately took my wing and did so, the sound of the door the only thing I could make out as the light flooded in. In stepped two sets of hoofsteps, which I can assume to be Twilight's, and soon the sound of the door closing made me lower my wing in relief. "Princess Luna, are you ok?" The young student asked. I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes to the young princess, her reaction would no doubt be even more dramatic than my sisters. "I-I am fine..." "There is no need to hide the truth Princess Luna, Celestia has informed me that there is something that ails you." "She is only concerned, dear Twilight, my eyes are fine. I...I wish not to worry you and my sister, It is only temporary." I could feel the quiet of confusion fill the air for a few moments, the two exchanging whispers in the deafening silence. "I haven't mentioned your eyes yet." It was then that I realized my mistake. "Oh, well then never mind, it's nothing." "Princess Luna..." she uttered in a concerned tone. "Please show me your eyes." "My apologies dear student, I believe they're still sensitive, even the tiniest bit of light will cause me discomfort." "I can just easily cast a spell to drain the light from this room Princess, it won't be a problem." "I have to disagree Twilight, I need only keep them closed for the remainder of the day and I shall be fine." "I hate to say it Princess Luna, but you are rather defensive of your eyes. Is there reasoning to that action?" "Defensive? Whatever do you mean?" "I saw them, sister." Tia cut in. "Your eyes, they are not normal." "My eyes are fine sister, you need not worry." I could hear Tia's hoofsteps approach me slowly as she sighed. "As a princess of this kingdom, the state of your eyes concerns me, but as a sister, the fact that you hide them concerns me more. Please allow Twilight to see them so that she may understand what is happening, that of which I do not." "I am fine Tia, I promise you." "Trying to protect us isn't working sister, open your eyes." "I-I'm sorry, but I must refuse." "Cease this game Luna, open your eyes." "Tia I...I can't." Do not open them. "This may be worse than we fear Luna, you must let Twilight assess the situation." "I-I refuse." Do not open them, no matter what she says. "Luna please." "No." "Luna!" I have no idea where it came from, perhaps it was the obvious tension building between us, the accusations, the underlying assumptions I know they had that I was returning to that of evil. Either way, I couldn't control the sudden anger that built inside me so fast I could barely act to contain it. With a swift motion, I stomped my hoof and tightened my stance. "Leave me alone!" I roared, whipping up a wind that shouldn't have been possible indoors. It sent their hair into a frenzy, only adding to the unnatural force that seemed to push the two of them back all the way to the back of the room, and the slight rumble that shook the floor and the various things off their shelves. As I stared at them, a single tear falling down my left cheek, I realized I had inadvertently opened my eyes, showing them in full detail. I wish I hadn't. What I saw was fear, confusion, horror, all the things that I hadn't instilled in a pony ever since the nightmare that was Nightmare Moon. "I...I didn't mean to...I--" The two must have stared for what seemed like forever before Twilight finally spoke up. "I hate to say it Luna but, I believe Celestia's earlier assumptions may have been correct." "C-correct? What do you mean?" "She informed me sometime earlier, that perhaps you were reverting to the form without your knowledge." "Without my...n-no, not possible, I refuse that answer." "Luna it's--" Tia began before I so rudely cut her off. "Nightmare Moon is not returning!" I am not a nightmare! I tipped over slightly...catching myself on my front hooves only barely. Where did my strength go? Where did everyone go? I can't see...Twilight and sister, their voices are...d-distant? "Where am I?" "Sist..." I heard Tia call out to me. "Twilight, get nurse Redhe..." I could feel...my vision fading in and out...my hearing cutting in and out...was I dying...maybe just passing out...what is this? "My Queen!" A guard desperately called out to the mother, who had just returned from another "interesting" meeting with the nobles. "Please calm your voice, I am extremely irritated and tired of talking to those snobby royals and that idiot of a king." She uttered yawning and rubbing her eyes in the dreary state. I am sorry mam but please come quick, your daughter was found passed out in the garden out back." "Wait What?" instantly she perked up, her dreariness a thing of the past. "W-which one?" When did this happen?!" "Princess Luna mam, a guard on patrol found her unconscious not even half an hour ago.." "Why was I not informed of this sooner?!" "Princess Luna apparently told some of the guards that they could go home early. We are not sure what she was doing in the garden, but it seems she did not want to be seen." Enough waiting then, quickly, show me to her." "Right away." The mother entered like a storm, pushing past the multiple nurses and immediately toward the unconscious girl on the bed. "Luna? Luna, please wake up?" "Mam, please calm yourself." A young nurse uttered beginning to hold the princess back with magic. "She will be fine, I checked her vitals myself." The mother looked over, her sense of dread and worry fading as the nurse came into view. "Dr. Redheart, thank the gods you're back from that honeymoon, will she be okay?" "As I said Princess, she will be ok. I made sure to check her vitals as quickly as possible and her unconscious state is not lethal in any manner. Although...there is a curious development." The mother quickly took hold of the doctor's shoulder and pulled her close. "What is it? Is she sick? I thought you said it wasn't life-threatening!" "Calm yourself, Princess, it isn't, at least that I know of. I have to admit I haven't seen anything like it before but...it doesn't seem to be causing her any illness as of right now." "What do you mean?" Dr. Redheart and the princess stood on either side of the bed, the mother growing ever the more curious about what could've happened. "Would someone please dim the lights?" "Right away Dr. Redheart." A nurse uttered before closing all the blinds in the room. "Why...are we--" The mother began before the nurse shushed her. With a slow tedious motion, Mother Redheart slowly lifted Luna's eyelids with her magic, revealing to the mother the affliction which she was expecting. "In my 30 years of medical expertise, I have never seen this type of affliction." The mother could only sit back in confusion, her mind asking more questions that could be factually answered. "W-what...is that...why are they...glowing?" > Who I Was Before > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It. Wasn't. My. Fault. I...I didn't do it...I didn't mean to I...I just wanted us to be a family again...Mother...Mother please look at me...look me in my eyes and tell me you love me...please? I-I'm begging you. Do you wish to see them again? I...I do...I don't want them to be mad at me anymore. Then do the right thing. When my eyes fluttered open at that moment, I didn't quite know what to expect as my pupils met darkness with satisfying clarity. I attempted to sit up, my entire body felt like it had been thrown to the moon and back, but still, I persisted until eventually, I was level enough to assess my surroundings. I was in a bed in the infirmary it seemed, although it had been heavily modified to accommodate my unique situation. Even with the curtains drawn, I could make out the moonlight of the night, rain falling like a blanket just outside the nearby window. the sigh that left my body could not have been filled with more unease, my thoughts immediately falling toward what I had done before darkness swallowed my consciousness. I couldn't be...reverting could I? Was I truly becoming that monster again...simply awaiting the moment I would be tethered to the darkness like a ball and chain for the third time? How could this be happening again...I have not embraced the darkness in any ill state of mind, have I? No, never again Luna, you've made that mistake one too many times, against Tia, against Twilight and her friends, and especially with the Tantibus. Whatever this is, it isn't my fault. "If I am ever to figure out what ails me, I must make an effort to check the progress of my plight, whatever it is. I have to be certain, no, 100% sure, this isn't the work of Nightmare Moon." I made what effort I could to find my hoofs on the ground when deja vu struck me like a raging chimera. My hoofs slipped from under me, sending me to the ground with a hard thud. "Equestria be damned, will my absence of strength never end?! Calm yourself, Luna, slowly now..." I uttered as I took a deep breath and slowly ordered my muscles to stand. With each second, it seemed it would be an eternity before I would even be able to get to my hooves, let alone begin walking. However, my doubts seemed to cease when I found myself finally on my hooves. "Good...baby steps Luna, let us proceed to the bathroom." Step...step...ste-- I physically put all the strength I could into holding myself up as my hoof wobbled underneath me, eventually settling and allowing me to continue. With each step, I felt no progress in my body listening to me as it was naturally supposed to. It was as if it had a mind of it's own and was openly defying me every step toward my destination. Finally, with more than 3 minutes put into simply reaching a simple bathroom, I slid the door open and stepped inside. Hesitation filled my eyes, afraid of what would be staring back at me when I finally peered into that mirror. Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the truth of it all? Listen to me, sounding like I'm in some kind of fairy tale. Still though, it...terrifies me...to wonder. Would it be Nightmare or some strange variation of her? Are my eyes still unable to stand light, are they still sharp and slim like a dragon's? In some strange fantasy of mine, one devoid of logic and reason, always grounded by a happy ending, the latter would have been better than the former. However, my reality is much different from that of Twilight and her friends, because when I finally opened my eyes to greet those white slits staring back at me, still glowing as if to be lit ablaze, I shed a single tear. What I saw wasn't a flowing mane with stars captured within no, what had greeted me was a regular blue mane devoid of its usual uniqueness and a singular strand of white luminescent hair among the blue. At least I was confident in my ability to oppose Nightmare Moon's return, this...this I was unsure as to what was even happening. "Perhaps I am overreacting but...I have never once in my life even as Nightmare Moon felt this powerless to understand it, to manage it. My body is stripped of strength, my mane has become...unusual...normal even, and I refuse to accept light into my very being hissing and clawing like a moody kitten..." More tears began to stream down my muzzle, like a river trying to break a dam, my body collapsing to the floor as the weakness finally overtook it. "I'm struggling to understand a-any of this...I'm so scared...M-mother... P-please mother...w-what in Equestria is happening to me?" Did mother always hat--wait a minute...hmm, I wasn't talking about that right? Like I was saying, my mind felt at ease--no wait a minute, I wasn't in the bathroom, I've just been sitting here, staring, waiting for the door to finally open and for someone to tell me I was going to be ok. Either way, something was most certainly off about this strange phenomenon, and I fear...that Celestia's resea--I mean Twilight, Twilight's Research may yield nothing useful. That's when the knob of the door clicked open. I was quick to shield my eyes before the light reached waiting patiently as the door clicked closed. "Princess Luna, are you finally awake?" "Twilight dear, what news of my sister's research do you bring?" I could see the confusion on her face form as she approached the bed with a plate of food. "Actually Princess, I was the one researching your condition, Celestia only asked me to bring you something to eat." "And what of Tia, will she come to visit." "She'll only be a few minutes more but yes she will." "Splendid, simply splendid," I said magically picking up a fork on the plate and beginning to eat. "Um...and what of your research?" Twilight sighed sadly kicking at the floor in defeat. "I couldn't find a single thing about these types of symptoms. Anything matching it word for word is virtually impossible for you to contract since you're technically immune to common diseases, and even poison joke seemed to fall short." "That is unfortunate to he--oh, what of--" "Already checked your personal library." she interrupted. "I hit a dead end there too. As far as we know, the world is completely void of any information concerning the biology and or general life of early alicorns like yourselves and those who came before you. Whatever this strange affliction is seems to be unique to alicorns only, or perhaps just you." I slowly slid my plate to a nightstand and turned my attention downward in sadness. "So that would imply that I made to go through this myself not even knowing what it is or how it was caused?" "I'm afraid so." Those words made me sigh with anxiety in my very bones, however, Twilight noticing quickly took hold of my hoof to reassure me. "Do not worry Princess, Me and Princess Celestia will help you through this, I can always get Pinkie to plan a party to make you feel better you know." "It is quite alright Twilight, I shall handle it as best I can. Until then, I believe I shall find a way to entertain myself until the symptoms die down, or at least until I am able to stand the light." "If you need something to do, I can help with that, I have a ton of books and board games back at the castle." "That would be most appreciated Twilight, thank you. Also...could you perhaps bring me a notebook?" "A notebook?" "Um yes. I wish to record my thoughts...for future reference about this illness." "Sure Princess, actually I have one right here," she said simply pulling a notebook out of nowhere. "Do you always keep one of these on you?" I humorously asked. "You never know when something needs recording, so of course, I have to be prepared." I felt a chuckle escape me as I took the book with my magic. "You are such a nerd Twilight." "Hey, that's not true." She uttered with a pout. "Anyway, I'll be back in a little bit if I can dig out the goods one quickly." Twilight gave a gentle smile my way before exiting the room, the sound of her teleporting making me sigh in relief and fall back into the bed once more. It isn't that I despised her presence or I just wanted the solitude, it's just...why do I feel so guilty? What is it that makes me feel like this? Am I guilty and if so, of what? I haven't withheld information, I haven't been faking these things...so what is it that makes me so bound to guilt? If I am not guilty, then why do I feel it so? I am not sure, what haven't I told her? No, I am right about this, I haven't withheld anything. Then why do I feel so guilty? My attention was drawn to the notebook, my glowing white eyes focusing intently on the blank cover. "It's a good thing I asked for this, I would think it smart to record my thoughts, perhaps it will shed some light on my...condition." With a few moments of searching, I was finally able to procure a feather and some ink, turning to the first page and lowering the quill to write. However--should I write about being an alicorn or...maybe about the ways Alicorn's age--no no wait, my condition that's right, I need to write my thoughts, that's right. Princess Nigh--Princess Luna Day 1 My name is Princess Luna, the princess of the shad-- Night. Recently I have begun to experience strange symptoms in daily life. Extreme loss of physical strength, began exactly 2 nights ago, in which I found myself extremely fatigued and without control of my own limbs. I simply believe it to be because of said fatigue, perhaps not taking enough breaks when in the dream realm. I, however, may also owe this to a mistake in which I fell asleep in the realm of sleep, which is strictly forbidden. Strange sensitivity to all light, even small ones like stars. It started at approximately...I believe I've been out for only a few hours judging by the daylight still trying to pour into my room. I began to react casually to the light, only shielding my eyes when necessary. Since then it has escalated to being rather aggressive towards any irritation of the light, even going as far as to begin physically hissing at even the slightest glint. I feel odd...I felt this feeling for quite some time now...It isn't guilt now that I question it...it's fear? Yes fear...no not just fear...guilt as well...or was it? Am I mistaking that for happiness? Maybe Irony...I've been feeling nothing lately, nothing at all. No fear, no guilt, no happ-- I feel odd...I've felt this way for quite some time. It isn't happiness now that I really question it. It's...hmm...sadness? Joy? It feels like a warm feeling inside but at the same time, It breathes something cold into my body. I will continue this when I understand it more. Sincerely, Princess Luna "Is it serious?" The mother asked. "As far as I know, no mam." Dr. Redheart replied. "However, it seems has left some rather odd symptoms, a strange sensitivity to light and near-constant fatigue. Such symptoms have confined her to her room and bed respectively." "And Celestia?" "She has not awoken yet from her slumber, she has no idea." "Thank the gods." the mother said with a sigh of relief before her expression once again turned sour. "I hate to ask this as I'm I already know the answer, but what of my idiot husband?" Dr. Redhear sighed at that question. "He has been informed." "And?" The mother asked as Redheart turned her attention away from her gaze. "He...simply said he would be along within an hour or two, after his meeting with the nobles is done." "Selfish son of--" the mother almost let slip out as she stamped the ground with her hoof hard enough to rattle the equipment sitting on a counter. "His flank is grass when I get ahold of it. Dr. Redheart, if you don't mind, please continue your research on this condition, the king and I need to have a word." "Oh my, I hope you won't hurt him too bad mam." "I make no promises." Within seconds of leaving the infirmary, the mother found herself storming through the hallways of the grand castle, stopping as her eyes met the giant doors ahead of her. She let out a grunt of frustration as laughing ensued from the other side, opening the doors and slowly making her way in. As expected, there was the father, sitting atop his throne like some type of god with a wide smile upon his face and surrounded by equally like-minded fools. "What. Do you think. You're doing?" The mother sternly asked. Like an alarm, her voice echoed over the sound of their laughter, causing each one of those stuck-up snobs to immediately freeze like blocks of ice, as opposed to the father who simply turned his gaze to her with disappointment. "I'm sorry?" The mother huffed at such a nonchalant answer. "If I have to tell you what you're doing wrong this time, I swear to god, I will drop this entire castle on you." The father's eyes widened in embarrassment before he shooed away his companions. As the last left the throne room and the door creaked shut, the father stood to his feet in anger. "That was most inappropriate dear, do you know how that affects our image to the--" "I don't give a pony's flank about your stupid reputation." "Then what, pray to tell, is the meaning of this intrusion into a very important meeting." Suddenly the father felt his entire body yanked down from his throne, slamming into the ground directly in front of his wife, a smile strangely enough painted on her face. "Oh honey, you're such a handsome man." "Um...then--"He attempted to utter before his mouth was yanked shut by magic. "I didn't say you could talk. Like I was saying you're so handsome...and so incredibly stupid at the same time. I'm almost convinced you don't care about your family at all and instead wanna spend all of your time kissing the hoofs of those stuck-up snobs you call friends." The father attempted to squeeze out something until her magic once again reaffirmed it's grip on his mouth. "I said no talking. Now here's the deal, you are going to go into your daughter's room, and actually try to comfort her, got that? Nod if you got that?" the father nodded vigorously. "Good, and when you're done, we're going to have a serious talk about you've been neglecting your family recently kay?" As her magic released it's grip, he gently massaged his muzzle, walking toward the door. However, he stopped and nervously laughed turning back to her. "Um...which daughter is it, may I--" His sentence was interrupted by his own throne chair hurtling through the door, sliding down the hallway, and scaring the guards outside half to death. "Who in the hell do you think it is?" "C-Cel--" A loud growl like a wild animal immediately sent a shiver up his spine. "I m-mean Luna?" "See I knew you could remember, now hurry along," she uttered happily. The father found himself down the hallway within a few minutes, slowly sighing as the door to Luna's room came into view with two guards standing in front. For a second, he hesitated to ask them to enter but soon coughed to get their attention. "M-my king?" they responded in unison. "A-at ease. I've come to see my daughter." He managed to choke out. The two guards stared in confusion for what seemed like an eternity, even going as far as to whisper among themselves. However, they could not deny such an order and proceeded to open the door. To the guard's advisement, he entered quickly shutting the door behind him as the pitch-black enveloped him. "Who has entered?" "It is me Dr. Redheart." "M-my King? You came to see your daughter much earlier than I expected, I'm shocked. W-well not shocked like you don't care or anything but--um...I've been watching over here so far and--" "Ms. Redheart. May I have some time alone to assess my daughter's condition?" "...R-right away sir." She nervously uttered. "Please refrain from moving her or emitting bright lights." "Thank you Ms. Redheart." As she exited the room, the father slowly made his way to her bed, his eyes running over his seemingly lifeless body and watching as, even in sleep, she struggled to produce the strength to even flip herself over. For once in his selfish life, one could see a hint of regret form on his face. Still, he found himself to be rather nervous about it all, placing his shaky hoof upon his daughter's body and shaking her a bit. She wiggled a bit slowly letting her eyes flutter open much to the father's dismay. "M-Ms. Redheart...Is it time to eat already?" she said wiping her eyes and yawning. "Actually--" Her eyes immediately went wide as if her father's voice was an unexpected explosion. "F-father?" It was stunning at first, a true fact of the unknown as the father stared into those glowing white slits, entranced, confused, completely stirred from his initial thought of the situation. L-Luna...what happened to you dear "Y-you came to see me? Like really came to me?" "I apologize, I was in a very important meeting when I heard about your...condition, It was incredibly difficult to find time to leave, but when I saw the chance, I came as fast as I could." "R-really? But Ms. Redheart said you wouldn't be able to get out of it no matter wha--" Within seconds her eyes squinted to test her father's words. "Why are you here father?" She uttered with a complete change in tone. "I promise I came to see you dear, I was worried about my daughter after al--" "I see..." she uttered slowly stepping from her bed and onto the floor. The father quickly gasped as she easily walked to a nearby curtain, apparently without the fatigue or weakness he had been informed of. "And what, pray tell, made you so inclined to come see me, Father. Did mother order you to, or were plans of ignoring me and my sister so perforated that you had no choice?" "L-Luna?" he said with confusion in his words. Has she always talked like this? Even as a noble, kids do not usually contain this level of vocabulary. "Have you always talked like this?" Luna laughed like some kind of harpy. "Oh father, you are quite the jokester, I knew my mother married you for a reason." "W-what?" "I guess you wouldn't know would you father, seeing as how for the last century, you've been completely missing in action. It's my deduction as a lead scientist of having a family, that you don't care about us." With that, Luna closed her eyes and proceeded to open the blinds to view the full moon outside. "Luna!" The father quickly exclaimed as he proceeded to quickly scoop her up with his magic. However, something about this felt off. When he took note of the situation, there Luna was, staring up at the moon as if her prior affliction had no meaning, and even more, her horn was surrounded by a strange vortex of various white strands of energy. His magic seemed not to even reach her, and what's more, his body had become numb, unable to move. "Do you see Father, I am fine, there is no need to worry." "L-Luna I cannot move. What is the meaning of this, has your magic grown that powerful already?" "Already? Ha! I've been working on this for over 20 years father, it was a slow and gradual process. But ah, that's right, you wouldn't know would you father, with you being so "occupied" lately. You've barely been able to attend even one of my magical training sessions. But you know what it's ok, I know just how busy you are King." The father could only attempt to shy away in fear as a single strand of that white energy seemed to be invisibly tied around his horn, gleaming like a string in the moonlight. "L-listen Luna, I've changed I assure you, I have been rather busy these last 100 years, I know. You must understand that for the sake of the nation, to assure the future that you will grow up in, one must take to the duties of the kingdom." "Is that so? And what of 3 weeks ago, when you were asked to train me in the ways of dream walking? I distinctly remember you saying you refused to because I needed to learn on my own." "Learning from experience is the best way to learn my daughter, that's how my parents trained me." "And you know what's funny, you are absolutely right." "I-I am?" "Indeed." the father felt his control return to him as the white energy released his horn. "As per your advice, I have been training profusely in the ways of entering the realm of sleep, and I've gotten pretty good at it." "W-well that's great, I'm so proud--" "Be proud or don't be, it matters not to me. I, however, am not so proud of you Father." "W-what do--" "I have seen many things fathers, nightmares, peaceful dreams, even silly ones. But one thing that surprised me, was a particular curious dream, 9 over the course of the last 3 weeks, that involved you specifically. Now I wasn't sure whether or not that was you, so I made sure to dig into your whereabouts each time I saw you." The father felt himself internally explode from these words, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead. "I'm sure Mother would love to know that you have been sneaking out to the dream realm every other night and courting various other mares in their dreams." "L-Luna, this isn't like you, what happened to my sweet little girl?" "You sweet little girl doesn't exist father. Instead, here stands in front of you a stranger that you've refused to know since my birth, and now this stranger has all the evidence she needs to see you burn." "I am your father Luna and I will not tolerate this. Now come back to bed or--" Suddenly his body was slammed into the hard and cold floor and his magic and body numbed again as he fearfully looked up to Luna's glowing pupils. "Or what stranger, you're gonna beat me as a parent would? Ground me as a parent would? Maybe even scold me as a parent would? Are you seeing anything in common with these answers? You had a chance to redeem yourself, perhaps even in my sister's eyes, you could redeem yourself. But not me, never me, I shall hate you until the end of time and beyond." "W-what do you want me to do then? I'm trying to make up for my mistakes now, please just let me be a father for once in my life--" He stopped as a feeling began to pierce his head, a feeling of regret, a feeling of sorrow, a feeling of pain, as the tip of his horn rolled in front of him. For a moment, it didn't register, it did not compute until the pain made itself clear. As soon as he screamed, magic clamped his muzzle shut only allowing for a muffled shriek of terror. "There there father, it's alright it's alright, Doctor Luna is here. Oh my, it looks as though your horn has been snapped in half, how unfortunate," she uttered releasing the hold on his muzzle. "P-ple--please." he muffled through a stream of tears. "Just let me g-go. I'll leave, I'll go, I'll step down as king and never bother this family ever again." "Is that a promise?" She asked with a smile upon her face. "I-I promise...I p-promise." Luna processed that thought for a moment, before picking up his horn with magic and somehow, someway, reattaching it, no effort required. The father was in shock watching as magic emanated from it once more. "You have a week to get your affairs in order and leave this castle, you've been a terrible father long enough." As soon as the father felt his control return to him once more, he bolted like a lightning bolt out of Luna's room, blowing past the guards as they stared at him in confusion. "Princess Luna, are you alright?" both guards called as they slowly entered the room and closed the door. Standing at closed curtains was Luna, her white eyes staring back at them shining like a predator's in the pitch-black room. "I am perfectly fine Mr. Guard, but me and Daddy did not quite see eye to eye." I woke up with a gasp, my eyes darting around the dark infirmary like I was being hunted. Heat stuck to me like honey, I felt melted to the bed, equally as if my blanket atop my frame would melt into me at any moment. "When did I go to sleep?" I slowly dragged my dreary body out of the bed, wanting nothing more than to splash some cold water on my face. I did so with impeccable timing, rushing to the bathroom and immediately turning on the sink to do so. When I lifted my head to stare back into the mirror, my eyes went wide, my breaths became shallow, and my hoofs shook the ground in shock. Another few strands of hair had become white like the moon, and what's even stranger. I made my way out of the bathroom and staring back at me, was the sight of the moon, unagonizing and completely within the realm of view from my eyes. I can see light again. But why. What's going on? Is the disease finally leaving my body? But then why is my hair-- For the first time through this entire ordeal, I...had a feeling. This feeling is indescribable but...it feels like me...like something that I'm responsible for. It wasn't the work of Nightmare, or even my own regrets for letting her come to light in the first place, whatever this is, I can't change it, I can't stop it. It is destined. "I know what this is now." > The Real Luna? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Princess sure has been through it these last few days, although this is getting a bit repetitive. Am I Nightmare Moon, am I an enemy, how many times is this going to happen in one decade, seems to me like she's just being overdramatic. Dear Celestia, I need a nap. "Oh Mr. guard?" Without warning, those words penetrated his confidence, making him stand at attention from his daydreaming state. "You didn't fall asleep did you?" he heard from behind the infirmary door. "N-no mam." He stuttered back trying his best to seem as though had been standing upright this entire time. "H-how may I assist you, Princess Luna?" The stallion couldn't help but question the silence that followed, almost as if he had been talking to no one in the first place. He waited a moment, a moment more, but still, no response followed. He almost considered going in to check on her, but knew that it would be very awkward for him and her if he just so happened to walk in on her in the midst of her sleep. There'd be a hint of awkwardness about it before he finally, the princess would simply evaporate his existence from reality. The mental experience alone made him shiver in fear. But then, a voice clear as a day sounded. "Mr. Guard? Sentinial was it?" "Y-yes mam, that's indeed my name, I'm shocked you knew." "Oh don't be silly Sentinial, I've always admired you, you are my favorite guard after all." Damn my past self for ever spouting any negativity at Luna's issues, she's certain to have figured it out. I'm dead, I just know it. "I'm honored Ms. Luna, truly I am." "Would you do me a favor Senti?" P-pet names? There it is Sentinial, the calm before the storm, buttering you up before she razes you down to your armor. I'm dead, I'm so dead! "Y-yes mam?" "Would you be a dear and come in here a moment, I seem to be having a little trouble with something." "Y-yes mam, right away mam." Here we go Sentinial, remember, show confidence, show confidence. If you're going to die, it's going to be on your terms. He opened the door with a gentle motion, the ominous creaking of the door seemingly giving him no doubt about the situation. He slowly entered the room, his eyes noting one thing and one thing only, just how dark it was in this room. Even with the curtain slightly open, there seemed to be no light filtering into the room. "Princess Luna mam, where are you?" "Right here dear, I just can't reach this pesky glass of water." "I hate to say it Princess but I can't quite see...anything, could you be more specific?" "Right here, by the bed, can you not see me?" "I'm sorry my princess, it's pitch black in here, I can barely see my own hooves." "Oh, I see now. Well then, allow me to assist you then." "What do you--" He was immediately consumed by a mix of confusion and fear as those two white eyes shone in the darkness. However, those feelings were set in stone as something else began to shine along with them. "P-Princess...Luna?" "Why yes, Mr. Sentinial?" "W-wait a minute, that's not my name." "Oh, is it not? I am truly sorry for that, my memory has been a bit odd as of late. Perhaps I could make it up to you?" "Princess, that w-won't be neccessa--" he stopped, his entire body freezing like a glitch on a computer screen. "Oh do not worry dear guard." She uttered as her eyes suddenly appeared behind him, a cold breath escaping her onto his neck. "I insist." "Am I to understand that we alicorns shall live forever then?" "I think you misunderstand Twilight, we do not live forever." "Then you're using an aging spell? or would that be a De-aging spell? Maybe a youth spell?" "No spells Twilight, only our biology." "It just doesn't make sense, perhaps as alicorns, our enhanced magic slows down the death of our cells, or--" "Twilight dear, please calm yourself. As much as I enjoy your theories, I've completely forgotten about--" "P-p-princess Luna." A guard stammered out as he rounded the corner and literally tripped into the ground. "P-Princess Celestia." "Guild? What in the heavens happened to you?" she asked helping him to his hooves. "I-It's Princess Luna, she's...she's..." "My sister? What happened to her, is she alright?" "S-she requests your presence in the throne room." "Twilight, can you request Nurse Redheart as--" "S-she requests her presence as well, actually...only you and her." The guard added. "Only the two of us?" "Y-yes mam." Celestia and Twilight turned to each other for a moment, their eyes both confirming a slight "confusion" in the situation. "Well then, I suppose we shouldn't keep my dear sister waiting, right Twilight?" "Not at all Princess." she nervously uttered. "Please rest here Guild, you look truly terrible," Celestia said with a comforting tone as she and Twilight began making their way toward the throne room. "Twilight, before we enter, could you do something for me?" "Uh sure Princess, but shouldn't we be on our way to the throne room?" "Indeed, but this will only take a moment." They arrived a few minutes later than I anticipated but all is well, this won't ruin the grand reveal, no no, the guest should always be fashionably late I always say, not like father and how he always wants to be perfect in the noble's eyes, so annoying. As I sat upon my own throne, I heard a knock at the doors, my attention of preparation was immediately shifted toward greeting my guest. Oh dear me, they're here, they're here, does my mane look alright, does my breath stink? I thought as I breathed into my hoof and tested it. Minty Fresh as always, I am ready. "Sister, Twilight, don't be shy, come in come in." The doors slowly opened, the white and purple hoofs slowly clacking along the cold floor as their eyes wandered ever forward. I removed the rug, for a dramatic reason of course. "Sister? Sister, where are you?" "We heard you were all better Princess Luna?" Twilight added. "Although I would like to test you for after-effects, are you feeling any lingering symptoms, any new symptoms?" I watched as the two pairs of eyes wandered around the room, forever lost. Celestia never quite got how I did that, although I doubt she needed it seeing as how she found her own ways of disappearing. "Twilight, we may have been horribly pranked," she said with a giggle. "I knew my sister had a sense of humor but this is rather awkward now isn't it?" Twilight returned her own giggle at the situation. "I believe this is more of Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie's specialty, perhaps she invited them over." "Let us see to the infirmary then, Luna no doubt used this as a way to lighten our mood before revealing herself to be perfectly fine." "I agree, let me just flash--" Silence, no magic, no flashing. "Um, let me just--Um Princess, do you think you could maybe flash us there?" "Whatever is the matter Twilight, is your magic acting up?" "I'm not quite sure, perhaps I used too much, or maybe I'm too stressed." "Quite alright, we shall have Nurse Redheart take a look at you as well." Celestia lifted her horn to the air and concentrated, however, no magic seemed to emanate from it's tip. "I...can not as well? Perhaps something has gone wrong near the castle, we must investigate once we ensure Luna is safe, come Twilight." The two of them stood there still as rocks despite Celestia's words. "Weren't you going to start running?" Twilight confusingly asked. "I was, weren't you going to follow?" "I was, but...I can't seem to move for some reason." "Neither can I...Twilight I fear something is truly amis--" She uttered before her body, as well as Twilight's, suddenly began walking of it's own free will. They slowly made their way over the thrones, Celestia sitting upon hers and Twilight taking the ground next to it. "T-Twilight, I can't control my movements, something has possessed our bodies." "I'm trying to negate whatever it is Princess but, I just can't seem to use any m-magic..." Their eyes were suddenly drawn toward the royal doors, as they began to slowly, ever so slowly creak open and my voice began to fade into the room. "Come, little children, I'll take thee away Into a land of enchantment Come, little children, the time's come to play Here in my garden of shadows Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way Through all the pain and the sorrows Weep not, poor children, for life is this way Murdering beauty and passions Hush now, dear children, it must be this way Too weary of life and deceptions Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away Into the calm and the quiet" The doors began to show my presence as my hooves finally took their first steps into the throne room. I could see the look on their faces, confusion, shock, surprise, as they stared down my features. Imagine your surprise if your sister, who had been well known for her starry appearance suddenly appeared in front of you, unlike herself. I believe this is the exact reaction. "When I was far too worried about the raging storms outside day by day, mother would come and sing that song to me, and it worked every time to soothe my nerves. I figured it would allow you to feel the same relief, Tia." Celestia's face was frozen, with the earlier confusion I mentioned, but now, in thought, trying desperately to come up with an answer as to why I was here I was here, I'm sure. "It..." she began before pausing once more. "It can't be..." "Never thought I'd get a chance to stretch my own limbs again," I said finally taking the time to let out the tension in each body part. "Sister..." I uttered letting a sniffle escape me. "I thought I'd never see the day..." I simultaneously watched and stretched as Celestia's confusion shone through her actions, her gritted teeth, her inability to look in the eyes. What was equally interesting was her student, who seemed as lost to the situation as a baby kitten. "Princess Celestia, what's going on?" she asked looking back at me, studying me. Why is Luna's mane--and her eyes, have they ever been that--and she's just so much younger? Princess, I hate to ask but...Is there something you're not telling me?" As soon as those words came from her mouth, I let their bodies be their own once more. For a second they didn't understand exactly what that meant as I began to take steps toward them. However, within a second, I rushed Tia, falling into her embrace with tears beginning to stream from my eyes. Tia's body language seemed taken aback by the action, but eventually, she let a hoof glide over my body pulling me into her embrace even further. "Luna..." she uttered. "I've missed you so much, sister...when I woke up, It was dark and cold and I couldn't see you or mom, or anyone..." I continued to cry into her embrace as she continued to hold me. "Sister, I can't believe you're here..." "Oh Tia, you don't k-know how scared I was...walking around that shadow of a castle, forced to relive the happiest memories like they were real. I couldn't stand it...but I know it wasn't your fault or mother's, it was an accident." Celestia looked at me with a smile, although I knew that smile, a smile I had been performing for half my life. "How did you get out of your-- "My room? The guard was quite nice, I said he could go home. I know you probably wanted me to rest but I just had to come to see you sister, I just had to." "Luna I--" I had to do something before she tried to fix it. "I'm just so glad to be back!" I cried out snuggling once more into her embrace. "If not Mother, then it's good to at least see you, and just look at you...went from to pink hair to rainbow hair, magic that could almost rival mine," I teased with a giggle. "It will be perfect again...just you and me, ruling over Mother--well I guess it's our kingdom now, just like Mother wanted right?" "Luna...there's something I need to tell you." I looked to her with confusion but deep down, I always knew there was something wrong about this moment, it was almost too perfect. "Um," Twilight began from behind us. "I hate to interrupt but um, I'm lost to no end Princesses. It's just...I missed you? Princess Luna, you've been here the whole time, every day beside your sister, ruling as the princess of the night. Is this a symptom, is this why your hair is like this, or maybe even your eyes?" "Tia? What is she talking about?" I asked. "Luna, that is...what I wanted to tell you." "Maybe this a personality disorder? I could run some tests and perhaps even see what cause--" "Twilight." Celestia interrupted in a stern tone almost completely knocking Twilight off her hooves. "Please...please just be silent and listen, for it may cause your judgment of me to...change." "Princess that's silly, even if you were the reason the world almost got destroyed, I would never judge you negatively, that is well below me." "You may find that philosophy hard to uphold." "I'm 100% sure princess, please, what is going on?" She sighed, pulling me from her embrace and to her side where she comforted me with her wing. "Twilight, this is Luna." "I know, that is Princess Luna, princess of the night right?" "No," she uttered with a sign of grief on her face. "Twilight, have you ever once wondered our first names?" "I just assumed your titles were your first names, right?" "The one that you know is Princess Luna, a princess through and through. The one from our childhood, however, this Luna... is known by many names. Luna, Magna Luna, or by her full name, Brillare Luna Luminosa. It's confusing I know but just listen to me when I say that, this is the Luna of my childhood, the Luna who never liked the idea of royalty, the real Luna." Twilight paused, her expression shifted, then shifted again, then shifted again. She was confused, then afraid, then confused again, even questioning the reality of the situation. "The...real Luna? As in, this isn't the same Luna, the Luna who became Nightmare Moon, the Luna who raises the moon every night? Th-that doesn't uh, m-make sense, I mean logically and even magically, I haven't heard--s-so this Luna, right here is a completely different person?" "Twilight, please calm yourself, you're having a moment." "But this just doesn't make sense," she said beginning to pace the floor around here. "How can it be the real Luna if it's the same Luna, I mean is it a memory spell, or maybe a multiple personality disorder? But then how would it explain the white hair and the eyes and--" "Twilight please." Celestia reaffirmed as she used her magic to magically plant Twilight's flank to the floor. "Please...this is just as hard for me as it is for you." "I just don't understand," she uttered. "And you will, after I explain it to you...both." "B-both?" Me and Twilight said with surprise before receiving a gentle nod from Celestia. "Luna, you assumed your disappearance was accidental...that is," she said turning her gaze away from my own. "Not true..." "W-what? Sister, what are talking about? N-no, you know what, let's just not talk about it, I'm here, you're here, let us get back to how things were before, when they were normal when we used to hang out every day, talk about what would do if we ever--" "That's the thing sister, this isn't normal, it will never be. You wish to act nothing happened, I wish not to hold in the guilt I've been feeling ever since...please..." I looked to my sister, despite all attempts to turn her attention away, I could see that was completely dedicated to this decision, just like she was before. "I...I don't want to hear it." "What? But you need to hear the truth sister." "I care not about the truth, I just wanted to be here in the real world with you, is that so much to ask?" When I began to feel magic tug at my body, I immediately let the silver strings of magic begin flowing out of my horn, invisibly tying themselves around the horns of both the mares. Within seconds the magic faded and they could not move. "S-sister, what is this p-power?" "You're just like father, never around, never once cared about me, only about your own feelings. I don't want to be alone anymore sister, whatever fake Luna you've been talking to for a century can stay where she came from, where I was." "But y-you have to understand...It w-was my fault, you deserve the truth." "All the truth will do is drive us apart, I don't want that!" I said as my magic grew more intense, apparently putting a strain on Tia's body as she grunted in pain. "I-I, Tia, I didn't mean to..." I was quick to release them from my magic, immediately taking a step back as guilt began to feed into my own emotions. "Look I...I just want to live life like normal again...whatever this truth is, whether you're responsible or not...please keep it to your thoughts, I wish not to hear it." "Luna..." she uttered before I turned away. "I need a little while alone...in my room." I had no hesitation in removing myself from the throne room, however, once the doors finally closed behind me, I realized. She was right. I craved an understanding, the reason for why I ended up there, and so, I watched and listened as Celestia took to her throne once more, rubbing her temples in frustration. "Princess? What...was that about?" "Twilight, there is so much you do not know, and I am sorry." "Princess, everyone has secrets, some small, some big, it's not your fault." "But I could've resolved all this...so long ago, it's my fault, all my fault she ended up this way." "Will you...tell me?" Twilight asked as she took a seat in my throne chair. She groaned, trying her best to beat the lingering fear she felt. "I shall...but you will not like it. When we were little...and still growing into our powers...I sealed away Brillare Luna Luminosa in a place that lies beyond the Dream Realm, and what came back...became Princess Luna..." > Or was I just a fake? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 years after the discovery of Luna’s condition For the better part of 2 years...I held my judgment. I wanted to be there for her, to see her get better but...I do not know, I just felt...different about her now. The night the tension began, I was wandering the hallways, waiting for dinner to begin. That’s when I came across Mother and Dr. Redheart having a conversation. “How is she?” I heard Mother ask as she joined Dr. Redheart at the hallway window. “She’s happy is the least I can say. I know this situation has not been ideal but Luna has been more or less comfortable with the prospect.” “That’s good to hear...at least she’s getting some type of freedom out of this.” “And what of Celestia?” “I can’t say anything has really changed for her. She still attends school, goes out with her friends, but...” “But?” “I fear this night and day separation may be putting distance between my daughters. I have not seen them greet each other in nearly a week.” “Your worry is completely understandable mam,” she replied before removing her glasses and cleaning them. “Even though we still do not know the cause of such an ailment, it seems as though Luna and Celestia have adapted to their own routines nonetheless.” She returned the glasses to her face before letting out a sigh. “Unfortunately, their plans for the days past have not intersected, at least to my knowledge.” “Luna was always a night owl before this incident anyway, I can only hope that on some level, they still speak to one another when they can.” “As do I mam. Still, I just can’t shake that this could have somehow been avoided.” “How so?” “Well...perhaps I could have done something more. Weeks after the illness's discovery, I was elected as head of research on Alicorn's biological study. As a doctor, I was confused as to why I was suddenly a scientist but found pride in the status nonetheless. However...I made the mistake of thinking I could still be a full-time doctor and research your family at the same time. While work took up most of my day, the rest of it was spent taking care of little Luna and Celestia. I had almost no time to actually research your kind.” “You cannot blame yourself for something that is obviously not your fault.” “But mam...” she said removing her glasses and rubbing her temples. “It obviously was my fault. Had I actually done my job and researched you, we probably would have a cure.” “So, you’re saying you regret taking care of my children?” the mother asked with an annoyed look on her face. “N-no mam, never, it would be a crime to even think it. As much as I wanted to speak out against it, I knew I had no power over the king, being their secret nanny was the only thing I could do.” “Then you most certainly have done nothing wrong Ms. Redheart.” “M-mam?” “If you hadn’t been there to hold my family together, my idiot of a husband most certainly would have broken it. Thank you Ms. Redheart, for being their second mom. It’s almost as if I should have married you instead.” “M-mam?! That is highly--” she paused as a blush filled her cheeks. “Inappropriate...” Mother let out a hardy laugh as she returned her attention toward what they had been watching outside the window. I could not quite see what from my angle. “Her magic has come so far since her first lesson.” “Well, I suppose we can thank her personal teacher for that, even if he is a bit on the young side.” “Ah yes, young Galaxyswirl is most certainly gifted. He’s led my daughters so far ahead, it won’t be long before they surpass even the most advanced techniques the schools could teach. Of course, while Celestia has already begun to raise the sun on her own, Luna is without a teacher.” “The king...where did he go so suddenly?” “I’m...unsure as to the answer. There were no clues regarding it, only an empty room and a neatly cleaned bed. Seeing as how he almost always forgets to make his bed, I had hoped that meant Luna had changed his soul for the better.” “Unfortunate that it meant something else.” “Unfortunate? Ha! Give me a break Ms. Redheart. He was a selfish husband and a terrible father who only cared about his role as a politician and a king. Good riddance I say, now I can raise the two of them the way they were meant to be raised.” “M-mam, you truly think that? Even if he was a terrible stallion, I still feel he deserves some respect.” “I...suppose...not...” “Ugh, you’re beginning to sound like Luna mam.” “Hehehe, I guess she’s rubbing off on me huh? It looks like her training is almost done for the night, we had best begin dinner preparations.” “Yes, mam.” As the two of them disappeared from sight, I rounded the corner to find out just what they were looking at outside. I couldn’t stop the yawn that followed, I had been up most of this night simply waiting. When I reached the window, my eyes narrowed, I gritted my teeth, hoof angrily twitched with frustration. There she was, my darling little sister, alongside Galaxyswirl as they finished their magic lessons for the night. For what seemed like forever, I studied her movements, watching as Galaxy mentored her every step. “It’s...not her...she’s...not.” I wanted to be happy for her, to see her freedom, to see her happy, but something deep down would not let go of suspicions. Mother had hope, Redheart had science, and I had confusion and concern. Even if it seemed otherwise, I had doubts that she would heal properly. Would I ever be able to call my sister normal again? Would I one day be able to take her into the morning light once again? I just wanted to return to the ways things were when mom and dad were happy together. But unknown to even myself, I was afraid. Not afraid of a god, not afraid of the illness itself...I was afraid of the nightmare I thought my sister had become. My memory has not failed me, I know what I saw. That night, Mother asked Father to check on you, sister, to give him some sense of what was going on. When he emerged from your room, I expected to see...renewed fathership, a look of regret for his neglect. I want to believe that he was so displaced with guilt that he left us but Instead, he was terrified, stricken with more fear than the fear of death itself. Regular guilt doesn’t cause the level of fear, looking over your shoulder, jumping at even the slightest sound...he was deathly afraid...of you. “Sister?” My mind came back to reality as I turned to see Luna, her luminescent white hair shining in the moonlight. “L-Luna? When did you--” “I’ve been learning how to teleport, getting pretty good that you didn’t notice huh?” “I-indeed, you’re certainly making much more progress than I am with it. I assume Galaxy has been more than a worthy teacher?” “Are you kidding? I’ve been learning and mastering things left and right thanks to him, teleporting, flying, and lasers, coooool lasers...well, kind of,” she said directing my eyes to the dozens of streaks of dirt in the fields outside of the courtyard. “Oh my, the groundskeepers are certainly not going to appreciate that. What else did you learn?” Those eyes...they’re looking at me again “Um...let’s see, I think it was just basics after that point, although I can project energy from my horn much more accurately now thanks to it. I could even blast those idiots that made fun of your hair, wink wink.” “Luna, that will not be necessary,” I uttered with a chuckle. “My hair has fully grown back and I am a lot smarter than before, such a mistake will not happen again. Besides, I’d rather blast them myself.” Staring...stop...stop looking at me...stop it... “Ooooh, is my darling goody goody sister finally gonna start her rebellious streak? Don’t tell me you’re gonna go all goth on me when you’re already so pretty.” Luna teased. “Stop it would you, that is certainly not my style. If I’m going to do it, I’ll do it with this mane and this mane alone, just so they know who’s the princess here.” “Confidence, I love it. You and I have to have a quick magic spar sometime.” “O-oh my, I-I don’t quite know about that.” Imposter...those...are not her eyes... “Oh come on, what’s the problem? We have yet to be scolded for breaking something?” “Yes that is true, we can most likely thank our titles for that...however, I just feel as though I’m not sufficiently ready to go 1 on 1 with you. Your magic is near leagues above mine at this point, how would that be fair.” “Hmm...I suppose that makes sense. Well then you get better as fast as you can and come back to me, I’ll be waiting.” “Duly noted sister.” Luna suddenly gasped as she lifted her nose into the air. “I smell pie...sweet delicious pie...” Before I could even say a word, Luna disappeared in a flash of light as another giggle escaped me. “It’s like she’s still a little filly sometimes.” I began to slowly walk down the hallway, opting for a quiet stroll to the dining room. As I walked, however, my mind once again drifted to the elephant in the room. I mean, she seems like her old self, still goofy, still way too focused on her magic studies, still sporting that same mane glowing like a night star. It looks like Luna, acts like Luna, but can it really be her? Everything is the same...except for those eyes...glowing...staring...draconic slits...they’re not her eyes...they’re just not... I soon reached the double doors of the dining room, pushing them open to the sight. A series of slightly smaller tables covered the dining room like a restaurant, a dream mother had wanted for quite a while. Not a restaurant of course, but the idea of giving more than just her family a place in the dining room. Most of these tables were for the staff and guards to sit in their respective circles of friends as she was sure had their own likes and dislikes with other staff. Sitting at a table in the middle of the dining floor was Luna having a casual conversation with Dr. Redheart, her smile simply enticing the Doctor into listening to her go on about her night. How can they stand to look at those eyes... “Ah, Princess Celestia, over here.” Redheart called out. I made my way over before taking a seat opposite of Luna. “And how are you today Ms. Redheart?” “It could have been better young miss. There was a patient that truly believed he had been kidnapped by a cult and the hospital was just a front.” “R-really?” “He had suffered a devastating hit from a cart going downhill at a blinding rate. He received massive brain trauma upon impact and is sedated as of now.” “I just can’t imagine being in your position Doctor. Having to deal with ponies like that, especially if there’s...” I shivered at the thought. “Blood...ugh...” “You completely exaggerate it, young miss, blood is not as bad as you think it is.” “I’d rather not touch anything that comes out of the pony body thank you, just icky.” Redheart giggled. “And what of your day?” “Well...we had a history test today and I might have...failed...it.” Both Luna and Redheart blinked in confusion as they stared at me. “Wait wait wait,” Luna began. “You actually failed something? You? Stop looking at me... “It’s a bit surprising I’m sure.” “A bit? You’re supposed to be the queen of intelligence who aces each and every test like the back of her own hoof. Me and the guards even started calling Ms. Know it all becaus--oops, was not supposed to let that one slip out.” “Oh haha, very funny sister. Yes, I failed one little test, not a big deal. My head just wasn’t in the right place today.” “Oh dear,” Redheart chimed in, going over to check me for any sign of a fever. “You’re not feeling anything are you, irritation to sunlight, depression, sensitivity to sound--” “Ms. Redheart, I’m fine to trust me, there’s no need to worry.” “Whew, well at least I can calm my nerves now, don’t need both of you coming down with whatever this is. I must go check on your mother with dinner, I won’t be long.” As Redheart exited into the kitchen, Luna began to speak to me. What she didn’t realize is that I had suddenly tuned out, that feeling of suspicion coming back stronger than ever. It made me stare, stare at those white luminescent slits that Luna now called her eyes, it spoke to me and what it said scares me to this day. Fake... Imposter... Not her eyes... This isn’t my sister... “What are you...” I uttered. “H-huh?” Luna paused. “What are you talking about?” “What. Are. you?” “Celestia, you’re freaking me out. You didn’t lie to Ms. Redheart just so you wouldn’t have to get a shot did you?” “Answer. The. Question.” “I’m a pony just like you duh. You ok, you’re looking a little...suspicious.” She gasped. “What are you hiding, did you get a new coltfriend? I promise I won’t tell mom--” “Silence whatever you are.” “Is this some kind of roleplay or...what?” “Did you think me stupid, ignorant, maybe blind? I know what you did and you can’t pull the veil over my eyes.” “C-Celestia, you’re scaring me seriously.” “What did you do to our father?” “D-dad? Mom already told us, he hopped on a boat to heaven knows where.” “But why? What did you do to him that made him so...scared?” “I don’t follow.” “Monster...imposter...” she said taking a step onto the table. “You have no right to inhabit my sister’s body.” “What are you talking about, I’m Luna, you idiot.” “Liar! If you were really my sister, you wouldn’t have those eyes!” “Ooooook, you are seriously losing your cool now. I’m just gonna go get Redheart so she can take a look at you.” Before Luna could even make a move out of her seat, I tackled my sister from her chair and to the ground. The two of us wrestled around for quite some time before I finally pinned Luna underneath me. “I’ll cleanse this evil from your soul, do not worry dear sister.” “Get off me you dummy, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Both Mother and Redheart rushed quickly out of the kitchen, gasping as witnessed me doing something to Luna with her magic. I turned to them with triumphant eyes only to see their horrified ones. “P-princess, what is the meaning of this?” Redheart uttered. “Celestia, release your sister at once.” Mother sternly ordered. “M-mother, you know as well as I do that this isn’t Luna. Something has inhabited her body, using it as a vessel, I’m sure of it.” “I don’t know what kind of fairy tales you’ve been reading lately but that is nonsense and you are so grounded after this, get off her immediately.” The two of us were locked in a stare for a moment, Mother sternly looking upon my now sorrow-filled eyes with disappointment and shame. “I’m sorry Mother, I’m saving her life and there’s nothing that will change my mind.” “Get off!” Luna yelled as a burst of magic blew everypony and everything away. Tables and chairs alike crashed against the wall with crushing force as Mother, Redheart, and I landed with audible thuds. Within a second before I could even get to my hoofs, my body suddenly became immobile, unwilling to listen to my brain’s command. “What is your deal!” Luna screamed as tears flooded out of her eyes. “Here I am trying to enjoy what little happiness I do have and you have to go and ruin it! You’re always accusing me of something I didn’t do, what’s your issue?! Are you jealous?! Do you find some sick comfort in accusing me just because I’m better than you?” “L-Luna.” Mother called out finally getting to her feet. “Please calm down, you know your sister cares deeply for you.” “Oh really, then why does she feel the need to continuously push me under the cart? When I broke your favorite vase on accident, she blamed me like I purposely did it? When she got mad at those girls who were making fun of her hair, she turned to me for advice. When she hurt them, she told you that I gave her the idea when all I said was to put them in their place, not send them home for a day. Now here she is accusing me of being some imposter sister when she hasn’t been my sister for the last two years.” “Luna, I’m sure your sister meant well.” “When I was trapped in my room and couldn’t go anywhere during the day, she never visited, hung out with her friends after school instead. Did she mean well by that? When I was finally able to go outside during the night, She always completely avoided me, didn’t even give me a thought. The only reason we’ve talked as much as we have is that I coincidentally see her in the hallways. Does she mean well by that? “Luna, that is a ridiculous statement--” “There you go again taking her side ugh! If it weren’t for the way dad neglected me, you would have never even given me the time of day, it’s all about little Celestia and the raising of the sun, happy faces all around apparently.” “Luna that's enough.” Mother said as she attempted to approach only to find her body immobile as well. “W-what...is this? I can’t move.” “This is my power mother, the power that I, and I alone gained.” She said letting the strings of magic tied around the horns of myself and Mother become visible in the light. “Father was a jerk, so I used this power to make him go away.” “Luna...you didn’t.” “He neglected us, he neglected you, all he cared for was his status and sleeping out with other mares in their dreams. Don’t you understand, I saved this family.” The look on all our faces was horrified, concerned as Luna narrowed her eyes in anger. “So, even with that information, you still take Celestia’s side. You should be proud of me, I saved this family. No words from you sister, were you wrong about me all along?” “...” Luna once again narrowed her eyes as I chose to stay completely silent. “I knew it...you’re so...jealous of my power, why do you even care? “...” “Answer me! You care but you don’t, you want to help but you avoid me, make up your mind!” “...Just...let me help you.” “I don’t need your help. Just because you’ve chosen to embrace your future role as the queen doesn’t mean everyone needs your help. Tsk, you know what just...forget it...You can forget calling me sister ever again.” A second later, our bodies were our own again, Luna simply vanishing from the room, no magic light, no sound, simply gone. “Y-you’re serious...you...you did that? You caused that?” Celestia nodded her head, a single tear falling down her cheek. “I was young...I was stupid...and...she was right, I had a lot of flaws that she didn’t hesitate to point out. I was jealous of her magical ability, I felt the need to concern myself with everyone’s problems just because I was the princess, and after that night my father left us, I was also deathly afraid of her. As her sister, I should have been more understanding, more of a role model than a judge.” “P-princess...what were you thinking, you’re usually so calculated and calm, that’s how ran Equestria without her for so long.” “Yes, what everyone sees now is the way I am. But Twilight, this was the event that made me the way I am today. I never wanted to commit the heinous crime I was about to ever again.” 3 years after the discovery of Luna’s condition Things...hadn’t gotten better, Luna had begun to keep to herself more often. Throughout the day she would sleep, refusing the on-the-clock care she had been receiving since her condition started. Throughout the night, she would take various books on different topics and shut herself in her room. Neither my mother nor Dr. Redheart could get her to come out, not even Galaxyswirl was able to coax her out with magic lessons. This went on for a year until one day...it finally came to a finale, the day I sealed my real sister in the void beyond. “How is she?” my mother asked as they stood outside my door. I didn’t hear Redheart respond for a moment, I did not want to assume the worst so I waited until I heard a sigh from her. “Luna is...I just don’t want to...” “Ms. Redheart, it’s ok...please just tell me.” “She’s not doing as well as we’d hoped, her decision to isolate herself has rapidly enhanced her condition.” I could hear the pain in my mother as words to respond choked in her throat. I knew that pain because it was the same pain I was experiencing. I wanted to make things better but...if Luna would not let me in, I could not help her... “How bad is it now?” My mother was finally able to choke out. “She’s...worse.” “How worse?” “Mam I--” “Just say it would you?” Redheart sighed. “Whatever this illness is...has begun to spread...at first it was her eyes, now...now her entire body, every inch of fur has turned black as the dark side of the moon. Combined with those piercing white eyes and the glowing white mane It’s...I can’t help but be terrified mam, I barely recognize the child now...” I shivered as I pictured my sister, a black mass of powerful alicorn anger, and it was all my fault. “I see,” my mother began. “It’s going to be ok Ms. Redheart, we’ll fix this. Celestia only needs to apologize for the path to recovery to be opened again.” “I will hope with all my heart that you’re correct mam. Even if Luna is angry right now, I hope that she will be nevertheless amenable to the prospect.” “As do I. I need a moment with Celestia, can you do me a favor and check on her?” “Right away mam...please do be gentle with her.” “I will defintely try my best.” Hoofsteps made their way away from my door as the handle turned and slowly slid open. “Celestia dear, I’m coming in.” I held my tongue as she quietly entered, the door closing as I felt her eyes finally lay upon me, quietly reading a book. “Are you...ok?” “...” “There’s no need to give me the silent treatment young lady. “...I could be better...mom.” “You could fix this by just apologizing.” “Why...why should I?” “Celestia, it has been nearly a year since you two stopped talking to each other. Don’t you think it’s time to accept your mistake and make this up to your sister?” “Mom, you don’t understand, I wasn’t wrong. She’s not herself anymore, especially after that night in the dining room. I’ve been trying to tell you for the longest time to just let me cleanse the evil from her spirit, I even know the perfect spell for--” “That is quite enough young lady.” She interrupted. “You are so obsessed with this crazy idea that you’ve forgotten just how much of a treasure having a family is. I will tell you this one more time, otherwise, I will start punishing you. Your sister is the real Luna, she is not an imposter nor has she been possessed by some strange entity. She is sick, under the distress of an illness and she needs all the support she can get.” “B-but moth--” “No buts young lady. You have been very rude to treat your sister this way and I will not stand for it. As your mother, I am ordering--” She paused, her eyes hinting at a sliver of regret. “As your mother...I am...asking you...to apologize to your sister and make amends. With your father and his hold over this family gone ...we are going to be happy, do you understand?” Mother...I could feel it as a tear streaked down her cheek, I could see it in her eyes as she looked at me, I could believe as her hoof came to rest on my back. I had made things worse...much worse than she wanted them to be. For 2 years, she watched Luna slowly get better, slowly adapt to her new life, and I ruined it in one night. This was the guilt father should have felt, and yet here I am instead, taking his place. That thought alone led me to my sister’s room, Ms. Redheart coming out only a second after I arrived. “Oh, Princess, how nice to see you here.” “Is she...ok?” “She has begun to talk if only a little. I think we can safely say she’s beginning to open back up.” Redheart seemed a bit shocked when a wide smile painted my face. “That’s great! Please tell me, do you think she’ll ever come out again, you know, to train with Galaxyswirl?” “I...don’t think so young miss. I only just got her to talk to me and that took this entire year just to do that.” “W-what if I apologized...that’s what I came here to do.” “Perhaps it could work but even then, I do not expect her to open back up the exact minute you do so. It might take weeks or months to make it up to her. Are you prepared for that?” “Y-yes Ms. Redheart, I’ll do anything, everything, I just want things to go back to the way they were before.” “Oh my, you’ve not shown this amount of enthusiasm since the incident. Where is this coming from?” I groaned through my smile, secretly hoping that she wouldn’t ask that. “Mom was very persuasive.” “And it only took a year. Very well, go on, I’m sure deep down, she’ll be excited to see you.” Dr. Redheart took her leave as I stood in front of the door to my sister’s room. Moments later, I was still standing there. In this grand attempt to make amends, my body seemed frozen to the spot like it was encased in ice. I hadn’t seen my sister in over a year, but the way they described began to slowly eat away at my confidence. Black as the night with hair and eyes that shine like the moon. That description alone only sought to bring back all those doubts and suspicions and create new ones. Fake... Imposter... You failed...Luna is lost... That thing is your new sister... “No.” I blurted out trying to shake the thoughts out of my head. “No more doubts, she is my sister and I failed to understand that. I need to make amends so that she may finally be happy again.” I wanted to stride through the door with that thought in hoof, tell her I’m sorry and be done with it. However, my attempt to move was slow and unusual. My hoof...was shaking. Even after all this time, even after I quelled what doubts I could, I was still afraid. After an entire year of brooding and depression, what exactly would I see when I opened that door? My imagination alone made me shiver in fear, my magic gripped the handle of the door, shaking as intently as I. I swear I could feel the door itself shaking from its hinges as I turned the handle and let it slowly slide open. Darkness. That’s all I saw when the door was finally wide open. An empty black void. Nevertheless, I had to make amends. I entered that darkness into her room, the door shutting behind me by itself. I jumped with an audible squeal and heard a laugh, unlike anything I had ever heard before. I turned in the darkness wondering where it was coming from until two white eyes made themselves known. The darkness around me quickly dissipated revealing the rest of Luna’s room and Luna relaxing upon her bed with a book in front of her. “Hehe, It has been quite some time since I’ve seen that amount of fear on your face dear sister.” “L-Luna?” “Who else would it be?” That question had many answers in my mind. They were right, black body, white hair, piercing white draconic eyes, it was as if she embodied my nightmares entirely. However, something much more noticeable caught my attention as I continued to speak. “Luna, it’s...so nice to see you.” “Is that sarcasm I detect?” “N-no no, I really mean it. Sister, it has been nearly a year since I made that mistake of accusing such a harsh thing.” “I’m only teasing sister,” she uttered with a chuckle before getting to her hoofs and walking to the center of the room in front of me. “Look, I understand you’ve come to apologize.” “Y-yes, I most certainly.” I blurted with nervous excitement. “I want to say I’m sorry and I wasn’t thinking straight and I just feel like the biggest failure of a big sister ever, If I have to plead and beg for your forgiveness, I shall not perish the--” “Sister please, calm down, you’re putting way too much effort into this. Besides, I already forgive you.” “Y-you do...you truly do.” “Even I...had doubts about my condition, what it truly was...what it truly meant. Mother, Father, Ms. Redheart, and even I believe it is a unique illness, one that only Alicorns can contract and suffer through. Good thing, that means no normal pony will ever have to see their loved ones like this. However,” she said turning to peer into my eyes with hers. “I had my suspicions that perhaps something else was reaching out to me from beyond our knowledge, and I guess it was my fault.” “W-what do you mean?” “I didn’t remember much of what happened, but then during this year of solitude, it all came flooding back to me. In my search for bettering my magic potential, the night I was discovered I had sent a good majority of guards away for the evening, all so I could get in some extra practice on a specific set of secret magic techniques. In doing so, however, I unwillingly called forth whatever this illness is. I kept that truth from everypony as long as I could, but I guess it was now or never. You were not wrong to accuse me, I brought this upon myself.” “S-sister, I hate to say it but that’s just...idiotic!” “Oh?” she uttered. “To think that you would be ignorant as to not mention that before. Do you have any idea how much grieving was done for you, how many nights mother cried herself to sleep thinking that you would never recover?” She let out a guilty yet pained groan, my scolding obviously doing it’s job. “And to think that the cure could have been in whatever spellbook you used that night all these years and you chose to keep it a secret.” “I too must apologize then. Mother had been showing you so much attention before, all I wanted was a little attention myself. I like Ms. Redheart and Galaxyswirl but...I wanted my own parents to notice me.” “I completely understand your plight, Luna, I’m sorry I yelled. But you must realize the consequences of this action. If you wanted attention, you need only voice that opinion in a constructive matter, Mother and myself would have indeed listened.” “I’m...s-sorry.” “It is ok, I also forgive you. Please gather yourself while I relay this information to Mother. I’m sure she will be beyond furious with you and you may end up grounded for years once your cure is done but nonetheless, she wil--” “N-no...I’m sorry.” she once again uttered. Before I could even react, my body became immobile, that strange magic string now tied around my horn once again. “L-Luna, w-what....is the meaning of this?” I struggled to say. “I do regret the way it made Mother feel, I do regret all the sorrow and confusion I caused you and Ms. Redheart as well, however,” she said as she slowly approached me, a soft and sincere smile on her face which made me uneasy. “I choose not to regret the potential it gave me.” “So...you’re interested in power, is that it?” “Mother taught me never to chase power, to not let not my emotions consume me. However, my emotions were all I had on simple days and nights just like this...Father was out bedding some random mare and leaving us to fend for ourselves. Mother was the only thing keeping me tethered to sanity when Father would constantly scold me for needing his help, would ignore my pleas for attention, and would treat our mother like dirt. She was our saving grace.” “I...just don’t understand Luna. You got attention from Mother and yet, you’re angry about it?” “Sister...I know what I said and in truth, I’m not angry about her showering you with attention. I’m angry that Father never gave us the same. Instead, he ran away from getting what he deserved!” she bellowed, a blast of energy following and making even her grand bed slide across the room. “He caused me so much grief and anxiety, told me that I was weak and that I didn’t need him in order to become strong, scolded me for asking for help when I was clearly struggling right in front of his very eyes, left me alone and sickly for a bunch of snobby rich jerks. And even when I did finally accomplish my goal, there was no “good job” or “nice work” just a scoff and a look of disappointment, all this when I was only but a filly who couldn’t even move the moon more than a few inches at a time. “L-Luna...I didn’t know it was that bad...” I had my suspicions, yes, but I never knew the details of the situation at hand. In our early youth, I had never once taken the time to truly look at our father and see him for the monster he was. I had hints and thoughts put into my head by overhearing conversations between Ms. Redheart and Mother, but I only assumed that to be the usual issues most married couples faced. I was so focused on living a normal life and becoming the next queen alongside Luna that my eyes were clouded with blissful ignorance, and I believed Luna was exactly the same. I had no idea until now that Father had treated her this way. As I made that connection, Luna proceeded over to the curtains, a little light from the sunset still poking through. Her magic gripped the sides of the cloths and tore them open revealing the late-day sun to her as it began to slide underneath the horizon. “L-Luna, you’re eyes you ca--” She didn’t move, she didn’t flinch, she didn’t hiss. She was staring directly into that sun with no consequences. “I thought the heavens hated me, put this curse upon me to solidify my failure as the princess of the night. But now, I can see that they gave me a gift. A gift that I’m going to use to show all these ponies who believe themselves above anyone what true terror is, especially our father. My heart stopped as those words entered my ears. “T-terror? Luna, you wouldn’t, this is the making of a tyrant.” “This is making of great queen sister! I will give those who are hurting this chance to fight back against their oppressors, rich or poor, young or old, it does not matter who it is, they shall have a stage to stand for themselves.” “What you preach...is anarchy.” “I preach salvation, a way out of the life I had to go through.” “Luna, I wanted to be wrong about you, want to be wrong about you still. But now...you truly are a completely different pony.” “I’m the same Luna you’ll always know sister, I simply became stronger for my people.” She opened the door to the balcony as Mother began to raise the moon on the horizon. With a swift hint of magic from her horn, the moon stopped in its tracks. Without so much as a flinch of effort, she had wrested the moon from my mother’s grasp and raised it high into the sky herself. As she stood upon the balcony, her eyes glanced back to me for a second, her smile growing even wider as she redirected her attention back to the city sitting beneath the castle. That’s when she began to sing, a familiar little tune that our mother sang to us when we had trouble getting to sleep. However, coming from her lips now, the song only succeeded in making me even more uneasy. 🎵”Come little children, I'll take thee away. Into a land of... Enchantment. Come little children, The time's come to play. Here in my garden of... Shadows. Stop...stop singing Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way. Through all the pain and the... Sorrows. Weep not poor children, For life is this way. Murdering beauty and... Passions. Stop...Stop! Mother didn’t sing it like that...she didn’t mean for it to be used like this! Hush now dear children, It must be this way. To weary of life and... Deceptions. Rest now my children, For soon we'll away. Into the calm and... The quiet.”🎵 “And all will know the wonder of my dark and jeweled sky, when all the world is wrapped In an eternal lullaby. So say goodnight to this, the final setting of the sun, tomorrow dawns in darkness; the nighttime has begun!” With those final words, that was it. Luna had gone far beyond the point of no return. Whatever she contracted from that spell, whether an illness or an entity that possessed her, was no longer a sickness or a guest along for the ride. Her thoughts and soul had now become one with the darkness residing inside her, she was in control and these decisions were now her own. She released me from her magic binding a second later before to my horror, hugging me. “Fear not dear sister, the only ones who should fear this eternal night are those like our father.” “I’m...sorry...” “I am doing what I must sister, there is no ne--” “No...I’m sorry...” “What are yo--” Tears left my eyes in gallons as magic filled my horn. Anger and confusion filled hers and I let that magic loose upon her. She skidded across the floor before turning those draconic pupils back to me in fury. I jumped and attempted to continue the assault until my body froze again and I dropped to the floor motionless. Without hesitation, she released a shockwave of magic that sent me flying. I’m sure my mother wasn’t quite expecting what she saw next. She was sitting in the throne room at the time, talking with Dr. Redheart before the castle began to rhythmically rumble. “What in Equestria is that, an earthquake?” “Doubtful mam, we haven’t had a tremor in a century.” The two of them continued to assess the situation until it was obvious what it was. I crashed the throne room wall tumbling to the floor. “P-Princesses, what is--” Redheart paused as she turned to me, coughing and struggling to stand up. “Oh no...she’s hurt....” “Celestia!” Mother called out as she rushed to my side. “What happened dear, speak to me!” “M-mom...I...” “Doctor, I need your assistance.” “N-no time...” I uttered. “Stop...please stop Luna...please.” Both of them watched as hoofsteps approached the hole in the wall and stepped through, their eyes widening upon the sight. “What has my daughter become...” “Stand aside Mother,” Luna replied with a sinister tone. “Luna calm down, you’re letting your emotions get the bett--” “I don’t need to calm down! I’m in my right mind.” “M-mom...” I choked out. “She’s not the mare she used t-to be...she wants to shower the w-world...in eternal night.” “That would be catastrophic...” Mother whispered to herself. “Luna, calm down this instant and apologize to your sister.” “Mother, you don’t understand, I’m doing the right thing. You always wanted a world of equality, peace, and generosity. Well this power, it can give it to us. When the world is bathed in eternal night, I shall make myself known to all those who call themselves better than others, including Father. I shall make who I can regret their snobbish actions, and encourage others to stand up to who I cannot. When the deed is done, I’ll lift the night, I promise.” “Luna, just because there’s a good reason behind it doesn’t mean it's justified, there are better ways to do this.” “Tsk, I guess what I said a year ago wasn’t entirely wrong huh? There you go again, taking her side like I’m the villain. Why can’t you ponies just see that I am powerful, that I mean to rule alongside my sister.” “I never thought you weren’t Luna.” “Liar!” she yelled as another shockwave sent her and Redheart flying to a wall, their bodies coming to a halt a second later as that magical string tied around their horns. “I’m just a joke...” she uttered with a sorrow-filled laugh. “All that time, you never cared about me, did you? Was getting Father off my back just some form of pity?” “N-no...” I replied weakly. “You’re t-telling yourself lies Luna, you know that’s not how it is.” “It doesn’t matter anymore. The night will reign until the lesson is learned, and if I have to go through you sister to do that, so be--” “How could you Luna...” Mother interrupted. “Huh?” “How could the both of you do this to each other, how could my family have gone so wrong...” “Because of our Father, Mother. He is the reason, and when I erase him from existence, we’ll be free of that fear.” “No no no, I can’t believe it...you were such a good child, I believed in you, I loved you...” “But he didn’t...I will make sure the world knows that this would have never come to pass if Father had just been a Father. Celestia is going to need medical attention Dr. Redheart, can you please take her to the infirmary? Ms. Redheart?” I didn’t want to believe what happened next. Through hazy eyes and even hazier hearing, there was a gasp from Redheart, something beginning to crackle like electricity, then 2 sets of hoofs began to rush toward Luna. She let out a gasp, one that truly seemed frightened and confused and then, in what had been a near-century since I heard it, Redheart screamed out, “Queen Elysia!” Silence. Quiet. Nothing at all. When I finally awoke minutes later from passing out, I was devastated. Laying upon the bottom of the throne was Mother, bruised and struggling to even lift her head, Luna at her side, stricken with guilt, fear, and sorrow unlike any I had seen on her face. “M-mother? M-mother!” I screamed as a jolt of energy pushed me to a stand and forced me to limp my way to her weak body. “M-mother, what happened?! Wait forget that, we need to get you to a--” “Celestia...it won’t be necessary...” “Don’t be stubborn Mother, we need only get you to the hospital then Redheart can fix you right up.” “Celestia...Luna...I would like to tell you something...” she uttered through pained breaths. “There was once a time when your father truly was happy, your births. When he first laid eyes upon you, Celestia, then you, Luna, I had never so much happiness on that stallion’s face before. He was so happy that he even decided to name you himself. Celestia for you...and Brillare Luna Luminosa for you. Hehehe, he was quite interested in the idea of the fancy names around the time Luna was born. You should know that your father didn’t have the greatest childhood either. His parents were strict and demanding, forcing him to get better on his own. When he saw you two, he was as happy as a puppy. I assumed that would be the breaking point, a way for him to break out of the chains that his parents had placed upon him. And all these years, I hoped he would see the opportunity that was given to him, especially you Luna. But I was wrong, this entire ordeal is my fault, for marrying a stallion I thought could change. The first taste of power and recognition and he used it to gain status and bed other mares. What an idiot I’ve been.” A pained cough escaped her, turning into pained wheezing and coughing. At this point, we knew exactly what that meant. “Please, my daughters...” “No...no mother...please no don’t!” I cried out. “Please...don’t let him be the end of our family....” “M-mother, please stop, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to please!” Luna cried out. “Hehehe... you two are brats I swear...Please...be kind to each other would you?” Silence, so silent you could a pin drop. Redheart was speechless. We were speechless if not for our sobs and sniffles. She was gone. Whatever Luna had done, had killed our mom. I could hear her muttering under her breath. “I’m sorry...I’m s-sorry...I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry...please forgive me...please please please...” For the first time in 3 years, my sister and I were feeling the same thing, sorrow, anguish, and regret. We knew what we had done and we regretted every single second. However, now that we're here, we can’t take it back, this story had to end somewhere. With tears in her eyes and anguish in her soul, she turned up to me. With tears and anger in my soul, I turned down to her. Our roles had officially switched. She was now the victim and I, the one wallowing in fury. I took a step, Luna quickly cowered in fear, tripping down the 2 or 3 steps up the throne and landing with a thud on the floor. “C-Celestia...p-please, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to.” With another step toward her, magic began to spark in my horn like a source of an explosion waiting to go off. “This is your fault...” Luna suddenly disappeared from my sight, gone in the blink of an eye, but I was too angry at the time, I would not let her go. I spotted her by the throne room doors about to exit. I flapped my wings and took off like a rocket. Before she had time to react I slammed her into the doors back first, air escaping through her body as she felt the impact. In my rage, I had forgotten her power, as she flapped her wings, grabbed me, and did the same on the opposite wall. I kicked her off and so it began. Redheart could do nothing but watch in shock as our silhouettes danced on the walls of the throne room, each flash of light depicting a hit on me then her then me again, back and forth until it seemed were at our limits, and yet we still found the strength to stand back up and continue the fight. This battle shook the castle, the very town itself, and even was destined to shake the heavens until finally for the last time, we were at our limits. Our bodies crashed to the ground motionless, feathers still smoking from the rampaging energy we blasted into each other, the room now in disarray as rubble fell from the ceiling. Through hazy vision and aching bones, I once again placed my eyes upon her as she did the same. Through a tearful voice, I heard her speak. “P-please...no more s-sister...I’m sorry...I’m sorry...” “You...y-you killed her...” “I d-didn’t mean to...p-please...she rushed me, I-I was scared and I released too m-much power...” “That doesn’t bring her back....and neither will this revolution of yours...” Despite the immense power she held in her body, I was able to get to my hoofs first and begin walking toward her. She tried to cower away until I pinned her under my body. “Luna...” “Celestia...” she whispered in a sorrow-filled tone. Magic filled my horn and pressed against her forehead. We both looked at each other one last time before a flash of light filled the room and everything went black. When I awoke, I was in my bed, covers tucked over me as if I had simply been asleep. It was as if everything had been some kind of strange dream. I made my way to the mirror. No bruises, no scars, no anything. “Did I truly dream all that?” It didn’t make sense at first so I went on about my day. I raised the sun first, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, the usual, then proceeded to my front door. When it opened... and then I saw her...it was... “Sister!” She happily squealed. “L-Luna?!” I said with surprise. “Oops, sorry sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I know it’s early and you just raised the sun, but I was just so excited about that promise you made to me yesterday.” “L-Luna...” “Uh...s-sister? You’re staring at me...” I twitched in confusion, my hoof came to touch her face as if I was still in this strange dream. I stretched it and mushed around like I was some kind of grandma who hadn't seen her granddaughter in years. “Y-you’re...real?” “Uh, yes I am...and that’s my face you're mushing there...Are you ok?” I had no words to say, no thoughts to give. It was her but it wasn’t her. Gone was the luminescent white mane replaced by a short light blue one. Gone was the dark blue fur and the black designs that crisscrossed over parts of her body, replaced by a blueish purple color. And by far the most surprising of all, gone were those draconic white slits and back were her beautiful teal eyes. When I say that at this moment, I had truly never known such...confusion yet blissful euphoria, I could not mean it any less. There she was, my sister, looking at me with that innocent expression. No thoughts of eternal night, no illness to confine her to the castle for years to come, this had to be a dream...but it wasn’t. > Rising Till Forever Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So...” I uttered as I slid down the throne room door. “That’s what happened...I wanted to...no, needed to dispense justice upon the corrupt but in doing so I...” I could have sat there for hours on end, thinking about what I did. I knew I had done something so unforgivable, not even my excuse of a father would have been able to look me in the eye. That thought alone allowed a single tear to flow from my eye down my cheek. I, myself, now remembered detail for detail, every emotion and sensation I felt that year...that night. All that darkness festering and building in my mind, the thought of giving ponies like my father what they deserved, the fight, my horrible mistake. Still...does that justify my imprisonment in that reflection for so long? “No no no,” I said trying to shake the thought out of my head. “Don’t think like that, none of that matters Luna. Even if I am the one responsible for this...I can’t let that get to me. Instead, I should be celebrating the fact that I’m home, that’s all that matters.” With a swipe of the tear from my cheek and my lips spread into a smile, I placed my hoof on the throne room doors and slowly pushed them open. As soon as my eyes met hers, anger filled her soul and within a second, the word, “You!” was screamed my way and I felt a weight push my body to the ground. “P-Princess Celestia?!” her student called out as my eyes reopened to my sister standing directly above me. “S-sister?” I uttered. “W-what is the meaning of this?” “How? How can you stand here and smile like that, like nothing is wrong? It’s because of you that she isn’t here...” I turned my gaze away from hers with guilt and regret. “Don’t turn away from me sister, answer me...tell me why I shouldn’t send you back right this instant?” Send me back...after all this time... “Because...” I paused trying to figure out the exact words I wanted to say, what would console her heart into accepting me once more after something so... unmistakably evil. “Because I’m afraid...” My sister’s eyes widened. “I’m afraid of going back sister, afraid of being in that world alone and regretful of my actions. I had hoped that perhaps we could put the past behind us and make amends but...I see now that I deserve to be there...I did kill our only mother after all.” “So you admit, your actions were completely uncalled for and it cost us the only parents we ever had?” I nodded. “Then you know why we must send you back. I’m sorry but it is for the greater good.” “S-send me back? No sister please, I do not wish to go back, not again. That place, that Void Beyond, it is a place without time, without real recognition, without a reason to exist, you cannot send me back, I can’t go back.” I cried out. “Would you rather it be Tartarus, sister?” “Why can’t you just accept that I did something wrong and let me make amends for it?” “Because there is no redemption for what you did and what you planned to do Luna. None.” As her horn lit up with magic, I did what I could to stop her, the magic string once again wrapping her horn and forcing her body to stiffen. “Y-you think this will quell m-my anger, sister. You have committed an unspeakable act and I must be the one to punish y-you, for my mother’s sake.” I was beyond words...she was moving with each word, actually fighting the magic that is meant to subdue even a ferocious dragon. And so...here I was once again, cowering in fear at the hoofs of my sister. So much for a celebration of my return. Instead, my party would be held in that world once more. Well, that is until a sudden flash of light caught my attention and no the scenery no longer matched my peril. Instead what greeted my eyes was a library, unlike the royal library I had grown so accustomed to. “W-what? Where am...wait, you? The student?“ “P-pardon my intrusion Princess but I just had so many questions to ask you and I wasn’t sure if I could stop Princess Celestia so I just decided to teleport us away but I’m sure she’ll find a way to find you again and I’m sorry I can do a lot more--” “Ok ok, no need to talk my mane off, it’s perfectly fine,” I said slowly getting to my hoofs, wiping the dust off with my wing before approaching the nervous student. “Where exactly...have you taken us?” “The library inside of the castle. I know it’s not very far and she’s bound to find us but it’s the best I could do on such short notice.” “It’s fine, I’m just so...confused.” “Princess Celestia seems to still harbor some feelings of resentment towards you.” “Well yes, but I’m a tiny bit more concerned about you. I sense strange energy from you...unlike most alicorns...” “W-well...if it’s anything, I wasn’t an alicorn all my life.” “So how did you gain them then.” “I figured out the true meaning of friendship--” “And then a bunch of lights and flashes later, boom alicorn right?” “Well if you wanted to s-sum it up, that is the gist of it.” “So...gained your alicorn status through hard work instead of a birthright did ya? I see I see...well then.” I said making her slightly cower as I gave her a menacing stare. “You have done something I cannot overlook.” “P-Princess?” “On behalf of the royal family...I must...” I continued to stare her down with my menacing silver slits making her cower as I got right in her face.” “I...will call you sister!” “C-come again?” “Sisters, me and you!” “I don’t follow--” “Titles Twilight, they suck. Princess this, Princess that, it’s all so...annoying...Instead, let’s ditch the fancy titles and just call each other by our names. My name’s Brillare Luna Luminosa. Or just Luna for short.” “O-oh wow...I didn’t think I’d be introducing myself to you for a second time. I’m Twilight...S-Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle.” “Since we’re honorary sisters now, I have to ask. How did you really get those wings?” “Like I said mam, by learning the true magic of Friendship.” “R-really?!” I shockingly exclaimed prodding and nudging them with my hoof. “And they’re real too...so you truly are a genuine Alicorn, even though you weren’t before. That’s...so...completely awesome. How did it feel to be transformed into one? Can you move the moon or the sun?” I gasped. “Or maybe even both?” Immediately a look of surprise shot across her face as I questioned her. “M-me, raise the sun and the moon? No no no no no, I could never figure out how to acquire such control over such a distant object. I simply have not yet studied the makeup of your powers to do so. Besides, I am completely unworthy of such an important task.” “Unworthy? I don’t believe that for a bucking second.” “P-Princess please, language.” “Censoring yourself is for the innocent Twilight, and nopony here is truly innocent. I tortured countless scores of my castle guards by making them think they saw shadow monsters all over the place for pony’s sake.” “I suppose--Y-you did?” “Yes, it quite the entertaining show to watch them scream only to realize it was just cute little me standing there.” We both giggled before Twilight suddenly faced me with a curious yet serious expression. “Princ--” “Luna please, we’re sisters.” “O-oh right. Um Luna, Is everything she said true?” My happy smile quickly faded. “I see...back to the topic I’m trying to avoid talking about.” “I’m s-sorry Luna, It’s just...to me, this is very...odd. If you’d rather not I unde--” “No no, my sister is right. I can’t just forget what I did so easily, even after all this time.” “So...she was right then, this is the real you?” “Yes. Everything you heard, everything she recalls is correct, not a detail exaggerated.” “Then you actually killed...” she began in a tone of shock before being cut off by a nod from me, my focus drifting elsewhere with guilt. “Are you...going to side with her now? Should I go back...to my prison?” “....” Her silence noted the internal conflict within, my heart almost sinking back into that void before she spoke up. “Luna I...I’d like to think that Princess Celestia is right...she is my mentor after all. But...right now I’d like to use my own judgment.” “I see...perhaps we could go somewhere more private then...I feel my sister will stumble upon us sooner than later.” “Then let us go to my castle. Even Princess Celestia won’t think to check there first.” Before Twilight could raise her horn to gather the energy she needed, I placed a single hoof on her shoulder ceasing her action. “Allow me.” Twilight’s eyes widened as I tore us from reality within the blink of an eye, an office of some sort greeting us within her castle. “This is your castle, isn’t it?” she curiously questioned. “H-how d-did...how did you...but we were just...was that instantaneous teleportation?” “Hehe, blew your mind didn’t I sis? Makes no sound, causes no flash of light, it’s almost as if you’re simply disappearing and reappearing wherever you want.” “B-but how did you know about my castle when--” “I looked into your memories, simple as that.” “Just like Sunset can...” Twilight’s brain felt like it had grown three sizes that day, a smile beaming across her face nearly a second later as she rushed me like a monster hooked on sugar. “I can’t believe you know such cool magic Princess, please, you have to teach me.” “Me and cool in the same sentence, that’s one you don’t hear every day. But apologies, I can’t teach you anything I have learned.” That once excited look of curiosity soon turned to disappointment. “Y-you can’t?” “Well I can buuuuuut...it’s not recommended. Weren’t you listening during that little history lesson?” Twilight paused, Her disappointment quickly switching to confusion...then realization...then more confusion. “I didn’t understand it completely, a spell that gives you power but makes you evil, it sounds...a bit far-fetched. I’ve heard of mind control spells, and body snatching spells, but nothing that innately changes a pony’s personality upon use.” “Well then, I guess not even my sister knows all the details. Do you perhaps have tea, I’d rather not tell the details of my life on a dry throat.” “S-sure, yes, um...I’ll be just a second.” She uttered in a hurry before exiting the room. Seconds soon turned to minutes, me letting out a bored sigh as I slowly walked over to the desk and began examining the books piled upon it. “So many books...Almost as many as the royal library.” She said sifting through the titles. “Geez, Twilight is such an egghead, just look at these, the biology of ponies, the study of psychology, true facts about the atom...and I thought Celestia was supposed to be the smart one. Wait...” I said placing her attention upon a specific book, one that stood out among the rest. “Nightmare Moon: The true story?” I levitated the book in front of myself, opening the first page and reading along. “Long ago, Luna and Celestia were both the rulers of Equestria, a land inhabited by ponies. Every morning, Celestia would raise the sun, and every evening, Luna would raise the moon. Together, they kept the balance perfectly. However, as time went on, Luna grew jealous: the ponies would be awake to enjoy the day and love, admire, and appreciate Celestia's work, but would always ‘shun’ and sleep through Luna's far more beautiful night. One day, Luna turned on Celestia, saying she should be the only princess in Equestria, and raised the moon before the bitterness in her heart manifested and transformed her into Nightmare Moon, a black mare of pure darkness. Celestia did not want to fight Nightmare Moon and begged her to lower the moon, but Nightmare Moon said her only royal duty was to destroy Celestia, and shot at her elder sister with magic beams, eventually knocking her down. Seeing no other way, Celestia reluctantly used the Elements of Harmony to overpower Nightmare Moon and banish her to the moon, creating the phenomenon known as ‘the Mare in the Moon.’ A thousand years later, on the longest day of that year, Nightmare Moon escaped the moon and made her return.” This Nightmare Moon...was that me? Or rather the one that was me? So was it...inevitable? “Sorry for the wait Princess, Spike had a hard time believing you were the ‘real’ Luna.” I nearly jumped out of my mane when I heard her voice behind me. I quickly placed the book back on the desk and turned to her, smiling and holding a tray with a teapot and two teacups on it. “Is something wrong?” she uttered, quickly switching from a smile to confusion. “N-no not at all...I was just wondering about something...I-it’s nothing hehe.” “If you say so.” With a hint of her magic, Twilight poured us both a cup before taking hers and setting the tray on her desk as she sat down. I did the same taking a seat on the floor next to her. Upon taking a few sips, I set the cup down before letting out a breath of relief. “I haven’t had a good cup of tea in years...reminds me how much I hate it. No offense, I just really don’t like tea.” “No need to apologize Princ--I mean Luna. So, about your power...” “Straight to the point, no more beating around the bush huh? Very well,” I said levitating the cup of tea to my lips and taking a sip before letting out a sigh. Of all the things I could’ve asked to drink... “The reason I can’t teach you any of the spells I learned back then...is of my own judgment.” “So they won’t turn me evil?” “Not in the way you’re thinking. Instead, you, yourself, will become your own worst enemy.” “I do not follow Luna...Is it a morality spell, does it change your point of view over time?” “It does none of those by itself. Instead, everything that happened was a side effect of my own powers, something that my own mother told me over and over again to control or they would get the better of me. When we were young,” I said standing up and beginning to slowly walk back and forth. “Everyone adored the idea of us becoming princesses. We trained, we learned, it seemed like our destiny...well not mine, at least, that’s not what I wanted.” Twilight immediately spit up her sip of tea in shock. I gave her an annoyed look, thankfully I was quick enough to bring up a magical shield before her unexpected spit take reached me. “Oops, sorry...But I’m just confused, y-you didn’t want to be a princess? But I thought it was unavoidable for somepony of royalty.” “Unavoidable by normal standards, yes, but I was anything but normal at that age. Instead, I...was truly infatuated with magic. Teleportation, firing a magical beam of light, dream walking, all these things were on my list of ‘way past cool’ while politics were more my sister’s speed. Sure I still gave my opinion here and there but, if we’re being honest, I was a bit of a ditz when it came to that kind of stuff. I didn’t really know or ever really study enough to give a solid answer as to ‘whether this year’s harvest should focus on peaches or pears,’ wasn’t really my style.” “So if you didn’t want to be a princess, then what did plan on doing, I mean what else could a pony of royalty do?” “I..” I began with a slight nervousness in my voice. “I wanted to...mmm...it’s kinda...unusual for a princess but...I wanted to be a leader of a military force, one that would protect Equestria from any threat.” I said with a smile on my face. “I would teach them the best spells we had to offer, give them the best training we could. It was my dream.” Twilight froze for a moment as those words entered her ears. “But...wait you...but Equestria doesn’t...we don’t have a military force, save for the royal guard.” “And I understood that, that’s why I trained my magic day in and day out. I wanted to start an actual force the world could rely on to protect them. The Royal guards are one thing, but they protect us and the castle. Most of them almost never see any true action and if they do...I hate to be that mare, but they’re not very good at their jobs. That’s why I decided that if anyone was going to be the ruler of Equestria, it would be Celestia. She would be the heroic heroin, and the equestrian army, as well as myself, would be the sword and the shield she’s holding. I always loved devising tactics and plans anyway, I found it more suiting than deciding on the future of the world.” “So if you were aspiring that goal, how did you--” “Greed.” I quickly answered, a look of sadness spreading across my face as quickly as that smile had come. “I got cocky...I wanted more power...more things to teach those who signed up. The things I was taught were good but...they weren’t great. And so I began searching for something, anything, that could give my warriors a fighting edge. And then I found that book...” “That’s right, you found some kind of spellbook before that night they discovered you with your condition correct?” “Yep. A Spellbook with spells that made what we had been learning in school completely obsolete. The two spells that you’ve seen me use more often than others are from that book. One that works only on unicorns, using their own magic to control their nervous system and stop them in their tracks via a magical string that wraps around their horn. The other is the instant teleportation spell. When I saw those words, my own daydreams took over my mind and I immediately wanted to learn them, and so I did so in secret. I studied and practiced until that fateful day when I sent the guards away. However, I made a fatal mistake, ignoring common sense. I found that book in my father’s study, hidden behind countless locks. Common sense would tell you, or anypony really, that the book hidden behind a country’s worth of security is there for a reason. As you know, however, my dad was anything but a loving parent. I sought his secrets because he would not mentor me, as a father and a fellow being of the night is supposed to.” “I see...so the book was something of your father’s past possibly.” “I don’t know either, all I knew is that instant teleportation was a thing and I wanted to learn it. What I failed to realize even then was that each spell had the same innate effect on your psyche, a lust for power. Through this book, I became ignorant of my emotions, wanting only to learn spell after spell to enhance my future army. I forgot the only lesson I remember my mother teaching me.” “There is more to being powerful than magic. Sometimes your brain and your bonds with ponies you love is as strong as any spell.” I let out a giggle. “It’s almost as if you read my mind, sister.” At some point, Twilight had pulled a chessboard from under her desk, offering me a game which I gladly accepted. As we played, we continued to speak, making moves in between each sentence. “Your move...I’ve learned a lot through my friendship lessons...that is one that stuck more than any other. It’s what makes us so formidable against any evil.” “Well young me didn’t quite get the memo. I craved magical power...each new spell was better than the last and I couldn’t resist. Then that night happened.” I said making my move. “I think I get it. It wasn’t a spell that turned you into that mare, it was your own powers.” “As you know quite well from the other Luna, negative emotions are a huge source of my magic. Anger, sadness, fear, these things fuel my power. But also, greed, gluttony, jealousy, pity, these things also fuel that fire. In my haste to learn more spells, to gain more power, to go against myself, my powers gave me that huge warning shot that was...you know, the glowing white eyes and stuff.” “So you could have avoided this?” “I know I know, wouldn’t the fact that you couldn’t see in any light and were forced to stay in a dark depressing room be the wake-up call? Well yes and no, I was a truly stubborn filly at the time. I didn’t want to believe that it was my fault I ended up like this so I threw the idea away, shut it out, locked it in the deepest recess of my mind, and continued to study that book. However, in doing so,” I said placing a hoof over where my heart would be. “I gave my heart to the darkness. I endlessly spiraled ever downward, thinking that my predicament was the price of power, a price I was willing to accept.” “I see now why it might be a bad idea to let those spells circulate. But still, you had a dream, one that could have bettered Equestria. You chose the right piece,” she said levitating her king and making her move. “You just made the wrong moves.” “That is an apt description. But those moves...that price...it...it wasn’t...” I uttered beginning to choke on my words. “It wasn’t worth my mother’s life...it never will be. I understand completely why my sister’s fury overshadows any apology I could ever make.” “But she didn’t know any of what you just told me though. If you were to inform her...I’m sure she’d understand.” “My sister is understanding believe me but...after our mother...I think not. You saw how she reacted when those memories came flooding back to her.” I said making my move before sighing and lowering my sorrowful gaze to the floor. “Years of grief have left her cold toward me, wishing only to avoid our past rather than facing it. But you believe me right, believe that I only wanted to help others?” She froze in thought as I turned my eyes back up to her, her levitated chess piece even doing the same. “If friendship has taught me anything...it’s that everyone needs a chance to redeem themselves.” “T-thank you, sister...truly.” “But,” she quickly continued. “I’m beginning to see that it takes time to earn trust.” “What do you mean?” She let out a sigh as she made her move. “I’m just...a little skeptical of it all now. My first lesson in friendship began when Nightmare Moon or the evil version of you returned from the moon. She wanted to cover the entire world in darkness and no pony could stand against that plan. No pony but those who truly personify what friendship is. It was the friendship of me and my friends that saved Equestria and turned the evil alternate version of yourself back into a good pony. That was the first time I felt friendship, the first time I ever felt like I did something that meant something to the world and not just a scientist behind a desk. But even after all these years of studying and mentoring me, she chose to keep such a huge secret from me, the student she personally took under her wing.” “Secrets...they are not something that is not so easily avoided. In her defense, she most likely did not plan for me to escape my prison nor that secret to ever get out.” “Still, she’s like a second mother to me, I felt we had more trust than that. Sure I would’ve been pretty angry if she had told me earlier but at least she didn’t wait until Princess Luna was suffering. I mean did any of those friendship lessons really mean anything to her or was she simply using that as a convenient excuse to hide your existence? That alone is enough to make me question her now.” “You need not question her sister. Celestia is a good pony, I know that for sure, she was just...lost, still is, as am I.” I sighed getting to my hoofs. “Looking at the context...I believe she’s right. Perhaps it is better that I return to my solitude and let the other me come back. Do you believe that as well?” “I...want to say no...but, what about the other Luna?” “I don’t know...only one of us can be in control and I think it should be her. She’s been her sister longer than I have, why should I deprive her of a life I threw away.” “L-Luna!” she exclaimed making me jump in fear. “S-sorry I, s-sorry it’s just...that’s not true.” she quickly blurted making me give her a curious expression. “You’re worth it, I think you’re worth it, I mean.” “You’ve changed your mind so quickly, don’t you care for the Luna you grew up with?” “Hearing your side of the story...it’s almost like...” she paused for a while, her hoof slowly gliding over her heart as her expression turned to one of grief. “It’s almost like...I can feel everything you felt...in my own heart. You wanted to become a symbol of power for the sake of everyone’s safety. But you were overambitious...you began to subconsciously seek more actual power than you needed. And in doing so, you forced your heart down a road of darkness and ended up on the end of a blade, so to speak. Because of that, you never got to live your life the way you wanted to. But...at the same time, The Luna I knew was just like Celestia, a second mother, a symbol of friendship, to everyone who now adores her when they used to think she was just a cold and mean nightmare. I feel it’s my place to say that I...love my Princess, disregarding any and all evil she may have committed." “Even more reason to accept my place and let her return. I don’t deserve a life I destroyed with my own two hooves, because of my own mistakes.” “That’s right.” I was taken aback by that response before she flashed me a now tearful smile. “Because you both deserve this life. That Luna was born of your mistakes but she’s made her own as well, she’s far from perfect compared to you. As a matter of fact, you could call this your Nightmare Moon story. You paid for your mistakes, you were sealed away but you came back, and now you seek redemption.” “We...both deserve a life...” First a sniffle, then a few tears, then full-blown crying. I could see through my tears, Twilight’s confusion, but I just couldn’t control myself. My hoofs became weak, I fell to my stomach with my gaze to the floor as I let a continuous stream of sobbing and wailing. “Oh dear Celestia, did I say something wrong? I’ll get the tissues, I’ll be--” “N-no no Twilight...it’s ok...just...give me a moment...” I said calming myself and getting to my hoofs once more. “It’s just, I’ve never really...had someone that wasn’t sister or my mother be this...concerned for me.” “Y-you never had a friend?” “What no, I’ve had friends, I’m not a total hermit, it’s just...most of them were casual friends, not like you Twilight Sparkle. You barely know me aside from the story you heard and yet you’re willing to put your faith on the line for me, without blood relation pushing you to do so no less. It’s...a new experience. Hehe, you and my sister are just like my mother.” “W-what? Me?” “Yes, you sister. She always liked to see the good in people, even my sorry excuse of a father. She was the genuine definition of this friendship you know so well, strong, determined, generous, trusting, and friendly, she was like an angel in her own right. Unless you made her mad, then oh boy, watch your back else you’ll catch a laser in the flank.” “Sounds a lot like my own mother.” We both giggled at that. “So...you know my story now, and you accept me. But that still leaves the issue of your Luna and of my sister and her thoughts on the matter.” “You need not go far for one of those.” My sister’s voice called out as she appeared out of thin air from behind a nearby bookshelf. “S-sister?!” I said with shock in my voice as Twilight flashed in front of my person. “P-princess Celestia wait, it’s not what you think.” “I know full well what I think my student, now stand aside.” “But you don’t understand, Luna is not the monster that you think she is.” “The murder of our mother, I think I understand completely what she is. Now stand. Aside...so that I may hug my sister.” “Huh?” I and Twilight responded in unison. “H-hug?” “W-wait, what’s going on here?” Twilight replied as if she had read my mind. “You should know that I know you better than you think Twilight. I was her only moments after you flashed her away.” “I thought you said she wouldn’t think to check there first?” “Twilight often forgets that I do keep tabs on her more than she thinks. If not in the Royal Canterlot Library, she’d be in her own.” “Geez...” Twilight uttered in defeat. “I thought I was more inconspicuous than that. But then wait, that means that you--” “Yes, I heard everything.” “T-then that means...do you...believe me?” I questioned. “Do you understand me...or...should I just accept it and allow you to send me back?” Celestia’s expression stayed as blank as a statue, staring into my very soul as she slowly approached. Twilight was quick to step aside as she neared me. “I...” I closed my eyes, waiting for her to utter an emotionless “no” and blast me back to the void. “I do.” My eyes opened, my mouth lay agape with a gasp. “Y-you do...wait, you do but...mother, I’m the one that...” “I haven’t forgotten,” she uttered, her horn sparking ever so slightly with magic. “Ever since all those years ago, when that Luna took over as my sister. My feelings toward you never went away. They boiled, they festered, and they became so significant that I shut the mere idea of you out and became convinced that that Luna was truly my sister.” My surprise became worry with those words. “I won’t forget what you did, Mother’s face as she breathed her last breath, all the anger I felt at that moment. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still feel the urge to strike you down where stand.” That one made me take a step back in fear. Even if my magic is superior, she inherited my mother’s rage, that of which I refuse to go against. “I digress, however, even if my rage is as hot as the boiling sun, Mother’s final words still ring in my head, over and over.” “Please...be kind to each other.” “Yes, even after that moment, Mother still believed in our family, that we’d continue to be...a family. And so I wave away my anger in favor of honoring my Mother’s final wish, and...” she uttered turning her gaze away from me as a single tear streaked down her cheek. “I wish to get to know my sister again...the real one. I know mom was the only one to ever say this when we were kids, but we’re kids anymore. Luna...I will always love you.” My heart was...beating so fast. It wasn’t fear...it wasn’t nervousness...I was happy. A feeling I hadn't truly felt in over 1,000 years. Alone. Cold. Regret. Darkness. The void taught me these feelings, every day of my life, reliving my shame over and over. Even still, I was just happy to finally see her after all these years. When she attacked me, I was all but certain she was still holding onto that grudge as was proven by her own words. I was ready to accept my fate, to let her send me back where I thought I belonged. And then...those three words, ones I never thought I’d hear her say again. Sister I... “Sister!” I happily screamed out as I rushed into her embrace. “Welcome home...sister. I missed you.” With tears now effectively streaming down my cheeks, I responded, “I missed you more than you know sister. For the longest time, I was...my heart was...there was just fear, and darkness, and grief. I didn’t know if I’d ever find a chance to come back, to make it up to you.” “I’ve let you stay in the darkness too long sister, It’s time you start thinking about the positives now, as will I. I thought I could push past my feelings when I saw you for the first time and yet--” “It’s ok sister, I understand,” I said wiping my tears. “When I was lost in the void, I thought I’d never get the chance to come back, but then I found something...a light inside myself, it grew and grew, showing me visions of what life could have been if I hadn’t turned out the way I did. I reached inside for the light and soon, I was here, in the real world once again. That light...was a lesson, a friendship lesson as Twilight puts it, that there is more to life, to a heart than just anger or sadness or even regret, it’s full of all kinds of feelings.” “And now that you’re back, we’ll experience them together. Happiness, sadness, success, and failure, we’ll experience them all.” I beamed a teary smile back her way. “Y-yes. Yes, absolutely, I’d love that.” Celestia gave her student a nod as a flash of light engulfed my eyes and suddenly we were atop a balcony in our castle looking out upon the city. I couldn’t help but give a relaxed sigh as all three of us stared out upon the city...my new home.” Journal of Magna Luna Day 1 Twilight told me that the other me had begun to keep her thoughts in this journal. She didn’t get farther than day 1 but I suppose I, unfortunately, had a hoof in that. I wish not to be mistaken, we are worried about my other self. Twilight has made a vow to figure out the logic behind a world hidden deeper than the dream realm but there is simply not enough information about that void beyond to go off of. All I know is that it was deeper into the psyche than even the dream realm was, and Celestia had accessed it completely by accident. Other than that, it will take time. Perhaps she’ll see the same light I did and find her own way back, hopefully. Day 2 It didn’t take long for me to settle back into the roots of my status. Celestia gave me a tour of the city today, absolutely breathtaking, well, if not for the snobs that filled it’s streets. Seriously, even after all this time, we still have to deal with ponies who think they’re the best thing to ever set a hoof in the world. It's completely different from my memory of it. It used to be a small city but now there are all types of species roaming it’s streets, shops that sell things I’d never even thought were possible, and the architecture, must have cost a fortune to build it. I suppose that must be due to Twilight’s adventures of friendship. Day 9 Twilight took it upon herself to introduce me to the friends she spoke of, even taking me on a whole week-long adventure to show me every part of Equestria. Gotta say, she and her friends did quite a good job of unifying these species under one hoof. The dragons barely talked to ponies when I was little, now they’re bartering with ponies like it’s their own backyard. I didn’t even know hippogriffs existed until today. Everything is so different but...so much better. I can’t wait to start doing things on my own.” Day 15 Ugh...equestrian politics are sooooo boring but Celestia says that even if I don’t want to be an official princess, I still need to know the ins and outs of well, princessing. I still don’t understand why we’re not queens but I'm not one to complain if means not pulling the pin on that magical grenade. The good thing that came out of it was officially learning how to raise the moon. After our lessons, me and sister actually spent the day in Ponyville, where Twilight lived before she moved back to Canterlot. Everyone there was so sweet and nice, although, I could have done without all the formalities. Seems the princess herself showing up in Ponyville is quite a rare occurrence. Day 30 Ok ok, calm down....oh geez, I can’t, I’m just so excited. Ok ok, deep breaths Luna, deep breaths. So I started drawing the plans for my special military force and something kind was off about it. It seemed too...ambitious, so I refined the idea of my army into something a bit smaller. I wish I realized as a kid that I didn’t necessarily want a whole army, that just seems like something a huge jerk of a dictator would do. Instead, I wanted it to be more like a special ops unit. Small and compact, with only about 10 or 20 members at the most. It just seems more effective to have a team that cooperates and knows each other and can work together than just throwing wave after wave of ponies at the problem. I call them, dun dun dunnnnnn...apologies, dramatic effect. I call them, Class Zero. Quick, effective, and on occasion, in and out like ninjas before anyone could even process the thought. Yea, it sounds a bit like Filly’s superhero dream, but It’s serious I promise, but that’s not what I’m excited about. What I’m excited about is that my sisters, Twilight and Celestia, were able to call a council and get every leader here in the same place tomorrow, just to hear my idea. Oh, I can’t wait! Day 31 ...Ok ok ok ok, I am literally jumping out of my seat right now. They rejected the idea. I know I know, how exactly is that good? Well, most of them rejected the idea except. For. One. Gilda. I was a bit shocked considering she was probably the least interested in all this princessy business, but she and even Spike argued my case to the rest. They changed their answers like magic and now, my idea’s approved. I’m gonna be able to train my very own task force, Class Zero will be the best force to ever grace the land of Equestria. Day 60 So it’s been a while, sorry about that. I’ve been working nonstop on getting everything ready. Training regime, a location for the task force to temporarily live and train at, had to be a bit secluded and away from popular locations in order to keep the task force a secret from any evil that may be out there. Ms. Applejack and Rarity were able to help me design the blueprints for the building, but that’s gonna take even longer due to its sheer size. Still, this is progress, Class Zero will live.” Day 130 It’s done, it’s finally done. I can’t believe it took this long but it’s finally done. The structure is literally the size of our castle, and all to accommodate 10 to 20 ponies, myself included. Of course, looking at the blueprints now, I can why it took so long. That Ms. Rarity sure likes to exaggerate her designs. Day 131 I started sign-ups for the squad today. Celestia and Twilight joined me as well to ensure no “suspicious characters” took the chance to infiltrate the ranks. As far as I know we’ve only gotten about 10 signatures, including Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and a face that the old me knew but the new me didn’t recognize. Her name is Fizzlepop Berry Twist, what a mouthful but such an adorable name, but she prefers to go by Tempest Shadow. She was captain of my guard but saw more interest in actually doing something than just standing around at the castle. I...I saw her broken horn...it brought back memories of my father...how useless he must have felt when I snapped it in two. I didn’t want to want to mention it but, I did pity her a little. That is until she showed me just how wrong I was. Even without a horn, she was like was the definition of strength, finesse, pure, and pardon my language, badass. I knew the moment I saw her that she was going to be my second in command, and not just because I was insanely afraid of her heightened prowess in hoof-to-hoof combat. Day 135 Welp, this is it Mr. Journal, 2 more days of prep and we’ll be on our way halfway across the land to a place cut off from half the population to train our dream team. It’s weird...I’ve been reflecting on everything lately. From when everything started to when I was lost in the void to right now. I can’t believe I went from dreaming of an army to being the big bad mare. It’s been a journey, a journey that I can’t help but feel...was meant to happen, no matter what supporters of the other Luna may think. Well, I need to sleep now, leaving in the morning. Day 136 12:00 PM It’s late...way too late. I can’t sleep for the life of me...I just... every time I close my eyes I see...no, I’m in a strange world. There’s nothing in this world. I’m standing on what seems to be....an expansive sea with a purple hue and a night sky that seems to go on forever. There’s nothing in this world at all. I call out for anypony like a lost filly, wondering if I’ll get an answer back. Nothing. But then something. A voice calls back. It seems lost too. I try to follow it and then, I’m met with a mirror...and staring back at me is a figure...that looks an awful lot like this Nightmare Moon character. It feels different than a dream, almost as if it’s reality and I can’t wake up. Perhaps it’s a nightmare, I am nervous beyond belief after all. We leave early tomorrow so I should really get some sleep. Day 137 5:00 AM ...I've...I’ve been having these...weird thoughts lately... like is any of this...for real or not?