> MLP at Hogwarts > by SeleneMizutani > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Not-So-Ordinary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV It was another 'ordinary' morning. Well, if you could say it is really 'ordinary'. The stupid alarm clock rang loudly,"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Ugh. The clock is so annoying. I just want five more minutes in my super comfy bed. "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" I wish the beeping would stop. Quite suddenly, the alarm clock stopped ringing. "Huh? It only rang ten times, and it stopped? The instruction manual said that the alarm clock should ring for 60 times before stopping?" I wondered. Unusual things always happen when I'm here. The weirdest thing is they only happen when I'm in the area. My neighbors think I'm mental and refuse to let their children play with me. Same thing happens in the school. That's why I don't have any friends. I sat up and checked my watch. It's already 8:01. Time for another day. What should I wear for the day? I opened my closet and a wave of color hit me. All my clothes are vibrant and colorful. "I wish that I don't have to choose my clothes and find a perfect set for today..." I muttered. A gust of wind whipped around the room, lifting a tank top and leggings up in the air, and they came to rest on my bed. What just happened? Why do every wish I make comes true? That's quite creepy. I said,"Never mind! It's just a coincidence." I changed into the clothes on my bed, and I was amazed that they looked just perfect on me. My brother, Rainbow Blitz was calling me from below,"Dash! Breakfast time!" "Fine!" I yelled back, and I descended down the stairs. Blitz was waiting for me beside the railing. He said,"Hey, Dashie. Another 'ordinary' morning?" I stuck my tongue at him and we burst into laughter. My parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were making pancakes in the kitchen. Mum was doing good, but I'm not quite sure about Dad. A pancake was stuck on the ceiling, and yet more burnt pancakes on the floor. Mum sighed, and facepalmed. "Breakfast's ready!" she cried, ignoring Dad. She set the table in the usual formation, and put two pancakes on each plate. Blitz pouted,"Only two? That's not enough!" "Your dad was supposed to make two more each, but who told him to burn each and every one?" replied Mum, smiling. I sat down at my spot at the table, beside Blitz. "Oh, I wish that we get a better breakfast than this one." I said to myself. All of a sudden, the pancakes flew up into the air, and landed in the rubbish bin, while freshly baked waffles appeared out of nowhere and gently placed themselves on our now empty plates. Mum, Dad, and Blitz stared at me. "Um...that must be a trick of the light. Food can't fly." I explained. They knew I was lying, but it was in the family to lie when I do something weird. Mum said,"Remember all the weird thins that happened over the years?" "Like the time she made the house explode?" suggested Dad. "Or when a cat on the street suddenly turned into a pig?" "Or the time she grew wings and did a Sonic Rainboom?" "Or the time she touched a rope and it came to life, catching everything it sees?" "Or the time she vanished into white light and reappeared five miles away from here?" "Or the time she made everything in the street turn into solid gold?" "Or the time she was holding a ruby when ten more appeared from thin air?" "Or the time she destroyed a hill with her mind?" "Or the time-" "Stop it!" I cut off. Blitz looked at me. He asked,"Actually, sis, why do such weird things only happen to you?" "No idea." I replied, eating the waffles. They were quite good. Scrumptious, in fact, for waffles that appear out of thin air. Mum said,"Anyway, sweetie, tomorrow is your birthday. Where do you want to go?" "I want to stay at home and write some more songs. I love singing, you know." I said. Dad exclaimed,"On your birthday? We were planning to bring you to somewhere good." "My friends will celebrate with me tomorrow. We love music very much. That's what brought us together in the first place." I answered. "Oh. That's why you're in the best band in the school. And the lead singer and guitarist too!" commented Blitz. I couldn't help boasting a little,"Of course! I'm awesome!" "Rainbow Miriam Dash! No bragging!" scolded Dad. Mum nagged,"Yeah. You can't find friends if you boast!" Ugh. Mum and Dad is so annoying. Ten minutes later, I finished my breakfast (which appeared from thin air), and I went back to my room to play my guitar. I have two guitars, one acoustic and one electric. I picked up the acoustic one and played some warm-up chords. Then I launched into song. One that I wrote myself. What's My Name Song: What's My Name (Rainbow Dash didn't write this, and try to imagine Uma as Rainbow.) The final chord rang out, and I heard applause. Blitz had entered the room without me knowing. "Wow, sis. I knew you had talent, but not this much. This song is AWESOME!" he squealed. I smiled. I love everyone to love my songs. "Thanks, bro." I replied. He took up my guitar and tried to imitate me,"What's my name? What's my name? Rainbow. Feel the power!" His voice was totally off-key, and his guitar playing is terrible to the ears. I winced, and he burst into laughter. "Of course I was kidding. You're so much better at it than me." he said. I also laughed, as he fell onto my bed, and chuckled. Life is so good now, in the middle of the summer, 25th July. If life could be always like this, it would be perfect. But I don't dare to think what will happen in September...I would be bullied again... At least I still have my friends and my family to support me. Life would be better, it will. It will. > 26th July...Special Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV The day passed on with me writing another new song. Dark Horse Song: Dark Horse (Make Me Your Aphrodite) This song is awesome, in my opinion, one of my best yet. Night fell, and I fell asleep, dreaming about being a superstar and having everyone knowing about my name. -TIME SKIP (26th July)- Morning came, and today I woke earlier than usual by a constant tap-tapping on my window. I opened my eyes blearily, stretch and yawned. I checked my watch. 7:30. Too early. The tapping continued. I sighed, exasperated, and turned towards the window. The next thing I knew, a scream erupted from me, and Mum, Dad and Blitz came running. "Dash...What happened? It's 7:30 in the morning!" asked Blitz. I just gaped at the window. An owl was tapping the window with its beak, and around it's left claw there was a letter tied to it. Mum, scared of birds of all sorts, cried,"Oh my gosh! I didn't know that owls stay awake in broad daylight! It must be a hyper breed!" Dad opened the window, and the owl flew in, dropping feathers all over the room. It came to a stop right in front of me, hovering about two meters high. "Hey, Dash. The owl looks like it wants to give you that letter." said Blitz, stepping back. I reached out a hand and untied the letter from its claw. On the envelope said: Ms. Rainbow Dash The furthest bedroom on the second floor. 2729 Cloud Drive Canterlot "Huh? Which spy or stalker will know which bedroom I sleep in?" I wondered. I opened it and drew out a parchment. I read aloud: HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY Headmistress: Headmistress Celestia (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorceress , Chief Witch, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards and Witches) Dear Ms. Rainbow Dash, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1st September. We expect your owl by no later than 31st July. Yours sincerely, Deputy Headmistress Luna Dad and Mum stared, first at the letter, then at me. "Um...what does it mean, expect our owl?" muttered Mum, barely audible. I felt into the envelope again, and pulled out another piece of parchment. It read as below: Ms. Dash, Since you are Muggle born, we have some instructions for you here. The owl who came to your house just now was trained to deliver your answer back to us. You just need to sign the consent form in the envelope and tie it on the owl's leg, and it will fly back to us. As for your books and equipment, you need to go to the middle of Canterlot City, and find Diagon Alley. Only wizards and witches know where it is, so you can go to a pub called the Leaky Cauldron, and there will be some wizarding families. They will trade your Muggle money with you, so you could buy your books and equipment. They will take you to Diagon Alley, and you could buy your things. Also enclosed is your ticket to Hogwarts. You need to get on Platform 9 3/4, and to do that you need to go to King Cross' station, also in the middle of Canterlot City. Ask other wizarding families how to get on the platform. The train leaves at 11:00 sharp, so don't be late. You can choose whether to go home for the winter break, but I suggest that you stay at Hogwarts to practice your magic. Also remember that underage witches or wizards cannot use magic outside school boundaries, until 17 years old. Usage of magic outside school grounds will result in expulsion. Looking forward for a great year with you. Yours sincerely, Deputy Headmistress Luna. Dad looked ecstatic. "That...that explains the weird things! My daughter is a witch and is about to go to a magic school!" he cried joyfully. He and Mum pulled me into a hug. Blitz broke the mood by saying,"You need to fill in the consent form first." I broke free from the embrace and shook the envelope violently. Out fell another piece of parchment, a form, and a train ticket. Mum picked up the form and scanned it. "Hmm...it said to sign here and tie it onto the owl." she said. She took a pen and signed her name with a flourish. The owl fluttered over, and I took the form and tied it to the owl's leg. It took flight, and flew out of the window, out of sight. Blitz was reading the piece of parchment. He read aloud: HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY UNIFORM First year student will require: -Three sets of plain work robes (black) -One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear -One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) -One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings) Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags SET BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following: -The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk -A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot -Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling -A Beginner's Guide To Transfiguration by Emeric Switch -One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore -Magical Draft and Potions by Arsenius Jigger -Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander -The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble OTHER EQUIPMENT: -1 wand -1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) -1 set glass and crystal phials - 1 telescope -1 set brass scales Students may also bring an owl, a toad, or a cat. PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST-YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICKS I stared at the piece of parchment and asked,"Do we really need this much stuff for magic school?" Mum smiled and replied,"We will support you, darling. We have a witch in the family!" She jumped up and down like a kid. Blitz just stared. I think he's jealous of me having magical powers. I walked over to him and said,"Hey, Blitz. Sometimes I wish I don't have any magic in me. It could be annoying at times. You see? I'm not popular in school, while you are the hottest boy there." He grinned warmly. Good, he's back to normal. "It's your birthday today, remember? We'll take you to that 'Diagon Alley' today to buy you your stuff for Hogwarts." said Dad, who was re-reading the books and equipment list. I said,"Fantastic! Let's get to the middle of Canterlot City now!" > Leaky Cauldron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV With a loud roar of the engine, we set off. I knew the car trip was gonna be long, so I gazed out of the window. The scenery passed by in a blur. I knew the letters by heart, and my thoughts transferred to the list of books and equipment I needed to buy. What spells will we learn? What things could they achieve? How are we supposed to make potions? Dump a load of stuff in cauldrons and mix them together? And what does 'the Dark Forces' mean? Terrible magic that has killed innocent people? Or spells evil wizards use to poison someone? How do I buy my wand?? Just choose one, or draw lots from a lottery machine? Or maybe it will fly towards you when it feels like it? I must have zoned out at some point, because the next thing I knew, Blitz was shaking me. "Dashie, wake up! We're at Canterlot City!" he called. My vision was very bleary, and I could only make out Blitz's shadow bending over me. He said again,"Get up now! We're at Canterlot City!" I opened my eyes completely, and got off the car. We were in a busy and crowded street, people jostling us as they passed us. Mum and Dad looked around for that Diagon Alley, but Blitz said,"You think a wizard street would be in everyone's plain sight?" "Yeah, right." muttered Dad. I piped up,"What about checking the streets? It's got to be here somewhere." "Good idea!" replied Mum a little too enthusiastically. I walked among all the criss-crossed streets, until I saw a tiny, grubby-looking pub tucked away in a secluded street. Beside it were a big bookstore and a record store. People passing it simply looked from the bookstore to the record shop, not noticing the tiny pub at all. Suddenly, I had this creepy feeling that we were the only ones even able to see it at all. I didn't dare to mention this, in case someone heard this or my family thinking I'm insane. There hung a old, faded sign bearing the words 'Leaky Cauldron'. I took a deep breath and with Mum, Dad and Blitz following, I stepped into the Leaky Cauldron. A cheerful bartender was stationed behind a counter. I noticed that for such a place, it was really dark and shabby. "Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron. Newcomers, aren't you?" said the bartender. Dad replied,"Sir, could you help us to get supplies for this school?" He pulled out the acceptance letter from his rather large pocket. The barman opened it and read it from top to bottom. After five minutes, he looked up. "Sure. You're Muggles, aren't you? Well, I know a family of wizards who could help you. Wait here, can't you?" said the barman, left the counter and walked away. Once the barman was out of earshot, Mum whispered,"What is a Muggle? Is it rude?" "It's a name for non-magical people." answered a voice I never heard before. I whirled around sharply and saw a boy slightly older than me. He had pale green skin and a golden messy bun on top of his head. He said,"Us wizards call your folk Muggles." The bartender returned and introduced the newcomers (yeah, there are more than one),"This is the Shy Family. They are a pure-blood wizarding family, and they are delighted to help." "Mr and Mrs Shy, their son Zephyr Breeze, and their daughter Fluttershy." he added hastily. Dad greeted politely,"Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistles, son Rainbow Blitz and daughter Rainbow Dash. She's the magical one." Mr.Shy said,"Welcome. How could I help you?" They walked aside and started talking intently. Mum asked,"Mrs.Shy, could we exchange our money for some wizarding money?" "Sure. A dollar of your money to a Knut." replied Mrs.Shy. "Um...what's a Knut?" asked Mum, fumbling for her wallet. Mrs.Shy answered,"Sickles, Galleons, and Knuts are wizarding money. 29 Knuts to a Sickle, and 17 Sickles for a Galleon." Mum pulled out a million dollars and said,"Is this enough?" Mrs.Shy's jaw dropped open. "Yes, that enough. Come over here, I'll exchange these for some of my money." she said. The two mothers walked over to the counter and started counting money. That left Zephyr Breeze and Fluttershy. Blitz approached Zephyr and asked."Hi. I'm Rainbow Blitz. How's it like being a wizard?" "Awesome! You can learn magic, cast spells, and brew potions!" replied Zephyr. They chatted about wizard and Muggle stuff. Bla bla bla. I walked over to Fluttershy and she cowered. "Hey. I'm Rainbow Dash. How long have you been in Hogwarts?" I asked. "Um...I'm starting this year." she whispered. I said,"Me too! You got the letter?" "Yes. Today." she replied, more confident. "Me too! We could go and buy our stuff later!" I said happily. "Okay." Fluttershy answered, smiling. Suddenly, I remembered what the barman had said. 'Pure-blood wizarding family'. What does that mean? "Fluttershy, what is 'pure-blood'?" I asked. She replied,"People who are born from wizards and witches, and half-bloods and people who has a witch mother and Muggle father, or vice-versa. You are a Muggle-born, which means that you are born in a non-magical family." "Oh. You're so lucky to be a pure-blood. To know so much about magic!" I exclaimed. "But I wish sometimes that I could know more about Muggle things. That's why I want to take Muggle Studies in Year Three." said Fluttershy happily. Dad and Mr.Shy came back. "We'll go to Diagon Alley once we have exchanged our money." said Dad. Mum walked over with Mrs.Shy in tow. She said,"We're done over here." Mum shook the money bag she was clutching. "Everyone here? Alright, let's go!" said Mr.Shy. We went through the Leaky Cauldron and headed to a brick wall in the distance. Mrs.Shy took out her wand and tapped three times on a unnoticeable brick in the wall. Instantly, the brick quivered, and in the middle, a small hole appeared, growing bigger and bigger, until we were facing an archway onto a cobbled street. I gasped. "Welcome to Diagon Alley." said Mrs.Shy, smiling. > Diagon Alley > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV Wow, wow and wow. That was the only word I could think at the moment. Shops selling different stuff were lined neatly along the cobbled street, and the sun was shining brightly. "This is...wonderful." I gushed like a fangirl. Mrs.Shy replied,"Yes, isn't it? When I was a schoolgirl, I thought the same." We stepped through the archway, and looking behind me, I saw the archway close back into solid wall. Amazing magic. They were right under my nose, but I never even noticed them. So stupid. Mum, Dad and Blitz were gazing around in surprise. Of course, thy're non-magical. Unlike me. They had never known wizards and witches, like me, until when I got the owl. I wish I could have one. Zephyr Breeze said bossily,"We need to go to Gringotts to get some wizarding money. Mum doesn't have enough to trade all of yours." "Yeah, yeah, got it." I said while rolling my eyes. He was staring at me in an unsettling way and I backed away, like nothing had ever happened. We arrived at a snowy-white building which towered over all the other shops. "This is Gringotts, the wizard bank." explained Mr.Shy,"Wait here, while we get some more money." The Shy Family passed a goblin (really? OMG!) and walked through the bronze doors, and disappeared from sight. We waited, and waited, and waited. Blitz kept on tapping his foot while staring round. I suppose that he was anxious to go and check out the shops. Well, so do I, but I don't show it. After what seemed like forever, they came back out, clutching bags of money. Blitz was jumping up and down by now. "Are you guys ready?" he asked impatiently. Mum answered,"Yes!" (too enthusiastic) Mrs.Shy said,"We'll go get your uniforms, then go to Flourish and Blotts to buy your books, buy cauldrons, scales, telescopes, potion ingredients, wands, and pets if you want." Mrs.Shy took us to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and we (me and Fluttershy) stood on stools to fit up our robes. "Well, can you tell me more about Hogwarts?" I asked. Fluttershy replied,"There are four Houses, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Hufflepuff takes the kind students Ravenclaw takes the wise, Gryffindor takes the brave, and Slytherin has particular choices, takes only pure-bloods or powerful half-bloods and the loyal." "Hope I'm not in Slytherin. I haven't got a chance 'cause I'm a Muggle-born." I said. She said,"There might be exceptions..." "What sport do you play?" I asked again. She answered,"Quidditch. It's the only wizarding sport. There are seven players on each team, three are Chasers. They try to put a red ball called the Quaffle into goal hoops of the other team. The Keeper guards the goal hoops from other Chasers scoring. Two Beaters hold bats and hit Bludgers, two moving balls which try to knock people off their brooms, and hit them towards players on the opposing team. The last player, the Seeker, has to find a small golden ball with wings, called the Snitch. It's very fast and hard to find, so the Seeker has to be very observant. The game only ends when the Snitch is caught, so it can go on for a long time." "Wow. I won't mind having a go at it at Hogwarts." I commented. Fluttershy said,"There's Quidditch tryouts every year! I'm planning to go for it." Meanwhile, Madam Malkin finished fitting up our uniforms, so we payed (of course we have enough money) an left the shop. Next, we (The two families) went to Flourish and Blotts. When I stepped in the bookstore, I was like "Amazing!". Books adorned every single shelf in the room and the title were so interesting. There were books about historical events, potions, dark arts, and so much more! Fluttershy helped me pick out the books I needed for the first year, but I saw a lot more good books I wanted. I ran over to Dad and Mum and begged,"Please please can I buy some more books for extra reading?" "Ok, Dashie, since we have tons of money to spare." replied Dad as I hugged him. I took up an armful of books and went to pay with Fluttershy. After that, we went to different stores to buy pewter cauldrons, scales, telescopes, but the most interesting one was the apothecary's. There was a stinky (ew!) smell in there, but it was so fascinating! Potion ingredients of every size and shape were everywhere like feathers, herbs, rocks, roots, and so much more. Mr.Shy helped me and Fluttershy buy some basic potion ingredients for our first year, while I stared at unicorn horns and beetle eyes. We left the store and walked to a store called Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC. With Fluttershy taking the lead, we entered the shop. The store was piled high with thousands of wand boxes. I stared from one end of the room to the other, stunned. "Nice to meet you." said a gentle voice. An old man was looking at us. "Oh, Mr and Mrs.Shy! I remember your wands! Oak, eleven inches, rather flexible and dragon heartstring with maple, thirteen and a half inches long, swishy, right?" Mrs.Shy nodded and smiled. "New term this year, I expect? Which are the ones starting?" asked Mr.Ollivander. I stepped forward with Fluttershy. "Ah. Then, with no further ado, I'll just take your measurements and help you choose a wand, ok?" All of a sudden, two rolls of measuring tape started measuring us or their own. Mr.Ollivander went over to the countless boxes and took down some. He handed a slim wand to me. "Hazed and phoenix feather,ten inches, take this and give it a go." he said. I took the wand and lifted it, but it was snatched from my grip. "No, try this, redwood and dragon heartstring." I tried it again, but I got no further from taking it before it was yanked from my grip. "No, not this- maybe try this, holly and unicorn hair, thirteen inches, bendy." I picked up the wand, and suddenly felt an glowing warmth in my hand. I raised it and a shower of rainbow sparks shot out and swirled around me, creating a blinding aura. Everyone shielded their eyes. The rainbow sparks swirled faster, and I was lifted up into the air. I grew a pair of beautiful cyan wings, pony ears, and hair extensions! Amazing! "Wow! I've never seen magic like that from a newbie!" gasped Mr.Ollivander. I landed back on the ground and grinned broadly. Life suits me alright. Fluttershy took slightly longer than me, but in the end she sent pink sparks out with her new ash and dragon heartstring wand. We paid and left the store, with Mr.Ollivander waving us off. "Are you gonna get a pet?" asked Fluttershy,"I've got an owl at home already, but I have to share him with Zephyr." I turned to look at Mum. She sighed and smiled, clearly reading my mind. "Yes, of course you can." she said. We went to Eeylops Owl Emporium, and ten minutes later, I was holding a cage with a adorable snowy owl inside it. "I'm going to call him Engine." I said. We went back to that piece of wall, while Mrs.Shy tapped that brick again, and walked through the Leaky Cauldron, and back to Canterlot City. We said goodbye and got back in the car. What a great day. > The Journey on the Hogwarts Express > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV A month later (September the First) Finally! It's the big day! (squeals like a fangirl) Mum, Dad, Blitz, and I set off very early, at 9:00. We arrived at King's Cross an hour and half later. I packed my trunk the day before. I put my robes, books, and stuff in there, but some extra things to make me feel more at home. I originally wanted to bring both my electric and acoustic guitars, but Blitz pointed out that electricity may not work over there at Hogwarts. So, I decided on my acoustic guitar and some personal stuff of mine. Of course, I brought Engine with me. (Remember who he is? Rainbow's pet owl) King's Cross was very big. Platforms lined every wall of the place. Blitz was carrying my trunk for me an he put it on a trolley nearby. I found platform 9 straight away and platform 10 beside it, with a ticket box separating the two. "Huh? Where's this platform nine and three-quarters??" wondered Mum. I answered,"Duh, they're wizards. It must be somewhere but hidden in some way." We didn't dare ask someone about the platform nine and three quarters, someone might think we lost our minds, since they are Muggles. Well, Mum, Dad and Blitz are Muggles too. Suddenly, a family of three consisting of a man, a woman and a boy pushing another trolley entered the train station. What's more, they had an owl with them. "Muggles everywhere...I say, where's the platform?" asked the woman, who was pushing the trolley. The boy about my age replied,"Nine and three quarters! You remember?" I shyly walked over to then and asked,"Excuse me, but are you a wizarding family? I don't know how to get on the platform." "It's easy. Walk straight at the ticket box over there and don't be scared you'll crash. That's the main point." the boy answered. The man added,"Oh, and by the way, we're the Skies Family. One of the remaining pure-blood families in the world. Our son, Soarin, is starting this year too." Dad, Mum and Blitz also approached us and Dad said,"Our daughter is the magical one in our family." "What about Mum and Dad?" I asked,"Could they come on the platform with me?" "No, sorry, You have to say goodbye here." replied Soarin Skies. I turned to my family. "Good luck, Dashie. Write to us." said Mum, failing to hold back her tears. "I will." I replied as Blitz stepped forward. He said,"Here, wear this. As a memento." He gave me a stunning rainbow charm bracelet and I put it on. "Thanks, Blitz. Well, see you next summer." I answered. Soarin's mother interrupted,"Soarin will go first and you can follow him." Soarin walked forward holding his trolley and started running. He didn't collide with the ticket box, instead disappeared through it. "Bye!" I called, as I rushed forward, pushing my trolley, and was about to meet the crash, when... It didn't come. I was on a platform. A sign overhead said: Hogwarts Express. A wrought-iron archway had appeared where the ticket box once was, saying:Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. I did it. A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to the platform, steam gushing out from the chimney. People were everywhere I could see, chatting and talking to each other. I suddenly felt very left out. The boy Soarin had disappeared into the crowd, along with his parents, who followed me through the ticket box. Pushing my trolley, with Engine's cage on top, I wandered from train compartment to train compartment, but all of them were full. Well, except for the one in the end. A girl with blonde hair, green eyes, and country clothes was in the compartment. She saw me and smiled warmly. "Howdy. Need some help with your trunk?" she greeted. She also had a country accent to her voice. I nodded, and with impressive strength, she lifted up my trunk and the cage, and put them down on the nearest luggage rack. "Thank you. I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way." I said. "I'm Applejack. A half-blood." Applejack replied. I asked,"Which of your parents are a witch or a wizard?" "My mother was a witch. Well, until she died." she answered. "Really? I'm so sorry." "Never mind. Anyway, actually I'm a descendant of Harry Potter. His granddaughter married my grandfather, they gave birth to my mum and uncle, and Mum married a Muggle from the Apple family. That's why I'm a Apple and a Potter." I said,"Wow. I read about Harry Potter from my extra books. I'm a Muggle-born. I only knew I was a witch when I got the owl." "I've been looking for this day forever. I knew about Hogwarts since when I was a little girl." said Applejack. I sighed,"I wish I could be like that too. I want to know everything I could know about the wizarding world." "Hey, actually you should be a Ravenclaw with minds like that." commented Applejack. Suddenly, the compartment door slid open. Fluttershy walked in. "Um...can I join you? All the other compartments are full." she whispered, but I heard her. "Sure!" I replied, as Fluttershy found a seat next to me. Now I'm in the middle, with Fluttershy on my left and Applejack on my right. A voice rang out: The Hogwarts Express will leave in 5...4...3...2...1! A whistle sounded and the train started slowly moving. Applejack and Fluttershy both leaned out of the window and waved to their parents. I wish Mum and Dad were here. Fluttershy noticed the awkward silence among us. "Rainbow, what's the matter?" I answered sadly,"I miss my mum and dad. they would love to come with me but the problem is on the barrier." "Aw, sugarcube. I also miss my parents. They just found a hour to see me off and they have to go back to work. They're always busy." comforted Applejack. I cheered up and said,"Well, how's it like at Hogwarts?" Fluttershy, the only pure-blood in our group, started telling us about the Sorting, the lessons there, and much more. Time flies. Two hours have passed and we were starting to get hungry. The compartment door opened again and a witch pushing a trolley went in. "Anything off the trolley, girls? You must be hungry." she greeted. We took out our money bags, and bought some stuff. "Huh? What are these? Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans? Chocolate Frogs?" I wondered aloud. Applejack replied,"Oh, you're a Muggle-born, that's why you don't know. Chocolate Frogs, hence the name, are frogs made from chocolate. There are cards of famous witches and wizards to collect too! Like this one I've got. Dumbledore." I opened one of the Frogs and tasted it. It was good. I took out the card and found: Harry Potter. "Harry Potter is the most famous wizard in wizarding history. He had escaped the evil Dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, countless time and eventually succeeded in killing him for good. His friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, ran the joke shop Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and became Minister for Magic, while Harry Potter himself was Head of Magical Law Department. " I read. Applejack peered at the card. "Yeah, that's my ancestor." she said. I said wistfully,"Being related to such a famous wizard is good, right?" "Not really. People bombard me with questions at me like I'm a celebrity all the time. It's annoying." she replied. I finished the Chocolate Frog and went to open a pack of Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans. "Be careful with that." warned Applejack. "Why?" I asked. Fluttershy answered,"When you mean every flavor, it's really every flavor. You can get chocolate, strawberry, coconut, and a lot more, but you can also get grass, bogey, earwax, and everything you could think of." "I love good dares. Hey Applejack, I dare you to eat this!" I said playfully, taking out a weird green one. Applejack popped it into her mouth and gagged. "Blech! It's broccoli." she said. We spent another hour eating our food, but I saved a Chocolate Frog and some Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans for Blitz. He loves candy so much. Yeah, he drools every time he sees something sweet in front of him. Fluttershy started telling us about her brother, who owns a broomstick and what he did the past weekend. "Zephyr was such an idiot! I told him not to and he just grabbed the broomstick and kicked off! I went after him on land, but before I knew it, he smashed headlong into a tree, ricocheted off it, hit our house, leaving a dent, and smashed on a Muggle helicopter! The Muggles on scene needed a Memory Charm!" said Fluttershy. I burst into laughter. That was so funny. "But what's a Memory Charm?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy replied,"A charm used to modify other people's memories." The train compartment burst open for the third time I was inside it. A girl with fiery orange and yellow hair, orange skin and bright turquoise eyes, accompanied with a girl with yellow-ochre hair, mint skin and ochre eyes, and another girl with white hair, ochre eyes, and light brown skin stormed inside. "Who the freaking hell are you??" asked Applejack rudely. The girl with fiery hair replied, smirking,"I'm Sunset Shimmer, and this is Lightning Dust and Gilda." Assuming from their looks, I guess Lightning Dust is the girl with yellow-ochre hair. "Since you are first-years, (which we are too, in a matter-of fact) we should warn you, don't mess with us." said Lightning Dust. She snatched up my cage with Engine in it. Gilda cooed (see sarcasm?),"Aw, what a cutie? Who's owl is this?" "Mine." I replied, staring at the ground. Sunset Shimmer stalked over to me. "Listen close, rainbow freak." She pulled me up by my hair. "We are the most popular girls in this year. Mess with us and I swear you will pay." she threatened. I stuttered,"Y...Yes..." Sunset threw me back onto the ground. "And by the way, I can read minds, so tread around me carefully!" she added, before tossing her hair and strutting back out of the compartment, flanked by Lightning Dust and Gilda. "Mudblood." I heard a distinctive voice say. > The Sorting Hat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV After hearing that word, which I don't know what it meant, Applejack and Fluttershy were like: . Applejack stood up violently from her seat, and Fluttershy made a move to rush for the door, screaming,"You...don't call Rainbow that!" I forced Applejack back into her seat, which was very difficult because she was so strong. After calming Applejack down, I pulled Fluttershy back with all my might and forcefully sat her back down. "Guys, I'm so sorry but it's just for your own good! Did you hear what Sunset said? Don't mess with her!" I cried. Applejack shouted,"Rainbow ! She insulted you!" I was taken aback. "What does that word mean, anyway?" I asked tentatively. "Mudblood is another, ruder word for Muggle-borns. Meaning that they have, dirty, filthy, common blood." replied Fluttershy, still fuming. Oh. I changed the subject by talking about Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons, and Applejack and Fluttershy finally relaxed a bit. After ten minutes, Applejack left to go to the bathroom, and when she came back, a purple-haired girl with blue eyes was following her. "Hello, darling! I'm Rarity! I'm a half-blood. My mom's a Muggle and my father's a wizard. Nice to meet you!" the purple-haired girl said cheerfully. Applejack explained,"She's Rarity. I met her outside the bathroom just now and we hit it off." "I'm Rainbow Dash and this is Fluttershy. She's a pure-blood while I'm a Muggle-born." I introduced myself. Rarity said,"That's nice! Can I sit with you? Just now I was sitting with some others, but when they asked me to come with them and bully other people, I refused and they kicked me out." "Bet you ten Galleons that you're talking about Sunset Shimmer." I said. Rarity sat down on a vacant seat and said comfortingly,"Don't worry, I was bullied when I was a little girl too. You'll get over it." The four of us chatted happily for the remainder of the train ride. We changed into our robes (Fluttershy reminded us to do that since she had Zephyr to tell her) and got off the train. We left our luggage behind because it would be sent up later. You never know. The Hogwarts Express stopped. Students filed out noisily, chattering loudly. Suddenly, a loud and rough voice called out,"Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! Fir's-years!" "That's the gamekeeper in Hogwarts, Hagrid." whispered Fluttershy to the three of us, but her voice was so very soft, only I heard her, and I said it again for the benefit for the others. Once quite a large crowd of students had gathered around Hagrid, he led us all, slipping and stumbling, to a riverbank. There were boats lined along the dock, and Hagrid cried,"No more than four to a boat!" I, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity chose the nearest boat and boarded it. I got my first glimpse of Hogwarts. Amazing would be an understatement. A vast castle with windows sparkling in the night sky. It had so many turrets and towers! "FORWARD!" cried Hagrid, and all the boats started moving slowly. Wow. Everyone, including me, was staring at the massive castle in the dappled silver moonlight. The lake was as clear as glass, so clear that we could see the bottom. 'HEADS DOWN!" cried Hagrid again, and we all bent our heads as we passed under a curtain of ivy. We were floating along a dark tunnel, and Fluttershy clutched my arm tightly. After passing an underground harbour, we clambered out of the boats, and onto rocks and pebbles. Unbeknownst to anyone, I slipped six beautiful ocean-blue stones into my robe pocket. Hagrid led us up another passageway in the rock, and we finally arrived at Hogwarts. Walking up the stone steps, we crowded around the huge, oak front door. Hagrid knocked loudly. The door slowly creaked open. A witch with long purplish-blue hair in jet-black robes stood there. “The firs’-years, Professor Luna.” said Hagrid. Professor Luna opened the door wide, and we entered Hogwarts for the first time. The Entrance Hall was gigantic. My house could fit there with space to spare. The stone walls were lined with flaming torches, the ceiling was so high that I can’t see the end, and a stunning marble staircase facing us led to the upper floors. We followed Professor Luna into a small, empty chamber to the right of what seemed like a hall. Hundreds of voices were all talking at once. The rest of the school must be here. “Welcome To Hogwarts. The start of term banquet will start shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is very important, because, in Hogwarts, your house will be something like your second family. You will have classes, sleep, and spend free time with your house. The four houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Each house has its own history and has produced outstanding witches and wizards. Your triumphs will earn your house points, while your misdeeds will lose points for your house. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the House Cup, a great honour. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a while in front of the school. I suggest you try to look your best for your first impression on your fellow peers.” said Professor Luna sternly. Rarity immediately pulled out a hand-mirror and began checking her reflection. I just tidied myself up a bit. Five minutes later, Prof.Luna took us to the Great Hall. It was amazing. Thousands of candles lit the room above four long tables, floating in midair. At the top of the Hall, another long table stood, filled with teachers. She brought out a stool with a frayed, patched hat on top in front of us. What are we going to do with it? I wondered. Maybe we are going to pull slips of paper out of it, telling which house we should go to. I don't know. Suddenly, a large rip in the hat opened and the hat began to sing: Oh, you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave in heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart. You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil. Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind. Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap! But, my dear students, This year, I have something important to say. A threat is approaching our dear school, And we have to unite to save the day. You can chose to believe or not, But, what I'm saying is your worst fear. I have gave my warning, and that is all. So, let the Sorting now begin. Hear hear! After the Hat had sung its song, the Hall erupted into applause. Prof.Luna raised her hands and everyone gradually fell silent. "Now, when I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be Sorted. Applejack!" Beside me, Applejack stepped forward and sat on the stool. Seconds after she put on the hat, it cried,"GRYFFINDOR!" The table at the far left burst into applause. Applejack turned and smiled at me before she joined her house. "Dash, Rainbow!" said Prof.Luna and I went to the stool and put on the hat. The last thing I saw before the hat dropped below my eyes was everyone staring at me. A voice in the hat said,"Hmm...you've got all the qualities from all four of the houses. Kindness of a Hufflepuff, wisdom and curiosity of a Ravenclaw, bravery and daring of a Gryffindor and strategic like a Slytherin. But which should I put you in?" I just stared at the black inside of the hat. "What's that I sense? Loyalty, stronger than any I saw before in my history. Now I know which house to put you in. But there's never been a Muggle-born in that particular house before. Well, there is always a first time." Then it shouted to the whole Hall,"SLYTHERIN!" What? > The Feast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack POV The hat shouted to the whole hall,"SLYTHERIN!" What? Rainbow seems like a pretty nice girl. Why would she be in Slytherin. The Slytherin table on the second from the right burst into applause. Rainbow cast a anxious look at me before walking over to her new house table. "Fluttershy!" "HUFFLEPUFF!" "Griffonstone, Gilda!" "SLYTHERIN!" "Dust, Lightning!" "SLYTHERIN!" "Pie, Pinkie!" "GRYFFINDOR!" "Rarity!" "HUFFLEPUFF!" "Shimmer, Sunset!" "SLYTHERIN!" "Skies, Soarin!" "GRYFFINDOR!" "Sparkle, Twilight!" "RAVENCLAW!" "Trail, Blaze!" "SLYTHERIN!" These were the names I caught from the long list. The others, I forgot. A lady in emerald-green robes with pastel colored hair stood from the High Table. "Welcome, everyone to Hogwarts! Tuck in!" she called. There was a rousing cheer from all the tables as the empty plates and goblets filled with delicious food. I chose some roast beef, chicken, gravy, carrots and peas and piled them on my plate. My elder brother, Big Mac, was sitting next to me. He said softly,"Weird that rainbow-haired girl went to Slytherin, isn't it?" My mouth was full, so I can't speak, but I nodded vigorously. I made a mental note to ask her about it tomorrow. A pearly-white figure suddenly floated to me and sat don in the vacant spot on the other side of me. "Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington at your service. I'm the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower." said the figure. I just stared with my mouth open. I never knew that there were ghosts in Hogwarts. "I'm Applejack. Nice to meet you." I replied. "Hope you new Gryffindors will help us keep the record for the House Cup. Us Gryffindors had won the Cup for like 100 years! I got to taunt the Slytherin ghost, the Bloody Baron about this since Harry Potter came to Hogwarts." said Sir Nichola-what now? I totally forgot his name! Big Mac whispered to me,"He's Nearly-Headless Nick." Apparently Nearly-Headless Nick heard that, because he said,"Yes, that is my nickname." He tugged his left ear, and his head swung off his neck and dangled there like it was on a hinge. Wow. "Awesome, huh? New Gryffindors give the same reaction every year." said Nick. He flipped his head back on his neck. A girl opposite of me with pink poofy hair squealed,"That was fun! Can you teach me on how to do it?" "Hi. Name's Applejack. Yours?" I asked. "I'M PINKIE PIE! NICE TO MEET YOU, JACKIE!" she cried, and the whole table stared at her. "I'm a half-blood, Harry Potter's descendant. You?" I said. Pinkie replied cheerfully,"I'm a half-blood too! I love Hogwarts so far!" The rest of the meal went like this, with all of the Gryffindor first-years chatting happily together, but I sneaked glances towards the Slytherin table, and saw that Rainbow was sitting alone, everyone avoiding her, and a tear, unnoticeable to the others, rolling down her cheek. We went to bed after the feast, and I was sharing a room with Pinkie and three others which I didn't know their names. Before I fell asleep, I thought of Rainbow Dash, helpless and alone. I must talk to her. Rainbow Dash POV I slowly walked over to the Slytherin table, in the midst of the applause. I found a spot and sat down. The rest of the Sorting went without a hitch. Fluttershy and Rarity were both in Hufflepuff, and that boy Soarin who taught me to get on the platform was in Gryffindor with Applejack. Sunset Shimmer's gaze was focused on me. I tried to look away, but her gaze bore in deeper. She whispered to a boy with fiery hair like her and he nodded uncertainly. A girl asked me,"Are you a pure-blood or a powerful half-blood?" "I'm a Muggle-born." I replied. She gasped in shock and cried loudly enough for the whole table to hear,"There's a Mudblood disgracing our house here!" "Really?" "Where?" "Oh, the disgrace!" "How could this even be possible?" "Our purity destroyed!" The girl pointed at me, my futile attempts to hide failed. Sunset Shimmer shouted,"Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood!" The entire table took up the chorus, and a tear rolled uncontrollably down my cheek. I couldn't eat anymore, so I just pushed my plate and goblet away. After the feast (if you could call it one), a prefect led us out of the Great Hall, and to a staircase. It moved!! "The staircases here in Hogwarts will take to wherever you want to go if you say it." said the prefect. "The dungeons!" he cried, and we followed him down the staircase. Portraits on the wall started speaking. "Hi! Welcome!" "Nice to meet you!",etc,etc. I smiled at the portraits, but I was the only one to do so. The others just walked past with haughty expressions on their faces, making the portraits slightly downhearted. We arrived at a piece of solid wall. The prefect said,"You need to say the password to get into your common room. The password is 'pure-blood'." The wall slid open, and we stepped in. "Girls go this way, while boys go the other!" cried the prefect, as he gestured me to go to the left side of the common room, where there was a staircase. All the girls went up the staircase, as I remembered another excerpt from Hogwarts: A History The four founders thought that boys are less trustworthy than girls, so that is the reason why girls can go into the boys' dormitories, while the boys can't go into the girls' dormitories. A door marked with the words: First-Years was nearest to the staircase, and I walked inside. Our trunks have been sent up, and I found mine beside the bed nearest the window. Engine's cage was on my bedside table, and when he saw me, he let out a delighted hoot. Three other girls entered the room, and my heart dropped. "So, here's the Mudblood." taunted Sunset Shimmer, flanked with Lightning Dust and Gilda. I backed up against the wall. "L...Leave me alone." I said. Lightning Dust flopped down on her bed, and jeered,"You're a disgrace to our noble house." Gilda stormed forward and pinned me against the wall. I struggled to no avail. "Mess with us and you'll pay." she said harshly. She clutched my throat. "Yes..." I finally managed to say. She threw me to the ground. I panted, gasping for air. "Leave the Mudblood alone. She's filthy." said Sunset Shimmer, her gaze fixing on me. They crawled into their beds and fell asleep almost immediately. I slowly picked myself from the ground, changed into pajamas, and lay down on the pillows, staring at the ceiling. Tears trickled uncontrollably down my face. Life's not fair. Ii was three hours later before I drifted into a nightmarish sleep. > New Life in Hogwarts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV Flashback (in the dream): My aunt, Firefly, and my uncle, Rainbow Blaze were back from their trip to Manehattan. Oh no. They pushed open the door of my room, if you could call it a room. It was so small that there was barely enough room for me to stand, let alone sleep. "Have you done your chores yet, you bitch?" asked Uncle, grabbing me by my hair. I nodded my head vigorously, but he doesn't take it in. He took out the abnormally long list of chores, half my height, and pointed at the one marked: Sweep The Basement. "You haven't done this, right darling Daydream?" asked Aunt, dragging her daughter, Daydream, inside the room. Daydream replied,"Yes, Mum! Dash is laughing at me again!" Lies. Aunt and Uncle were furious. "You'll have to pay, you piece of shit!" Uncle threw me to the floor and he started whipping me with a long whip. I sobbed silently, because if I cry out loud, I get fifty more lashes. I cried without a sound on the floor, feeling the painful blows on me. I woke with a start. The nightmares kept coming since a year earlier. After leaving the hellhole. My aunt and uncle's house. It's a mansion but it's a living nightmare to me. I checked the clock hanging on the wall. It's 5:40 in the morning and breakfast doesn't even start till 7. I knew from experience that after I wake up, I can't sleep again. I took my acoustic guitar and went to the common room. It was empty. To express my feelings, I wrote a song and sang it softly. Because Of You Ever since the 'event' with my aunt and uncle, I never dared to trust anyone. I wish the world would treat its pawns all fairly. We are all pawns of life, just a mere speck of dust in the vast game of chess. One wins and one loses. You either swim across or die trying, and I think I'm almost drowning. I sang the chorus again to myself: Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid... Applause sounded from the stairs leading to the boys' dormitories. A boy with fiery hair like Sunset Shimmer and turquoise eyes was leaning on the banister, staring at me. He slowly descended down and stopped in front of me, where I was sitting by a table. "Hi. I'm Blaze Trail. What's your name?" he asked. I replied,"Rainbow Dash." "I'm Sunset Shimmer's twin brother. Heard that you are a Muggle-born, right? That's a record." he said kindly as he took a seat beside me. I edged away. I said,"I'm a Muggle-born, or as you Slytherins say, Mudblood." "No, I never call anyone that. It's so rude. Anyway, your voice is very good. Who wrote that song?" asked Blaze. "I wrote it myself. I love music." "You have very amazing talent. Do you have anymore songs?" "Yes. This one: Perfect. I know it's more like a boy's song than a girl one, but I wrote it with a boy's point of view." I answered. Perfect After the song, Blaze applauded enthusiastically. "That song really expressed my emotions! I wished every day to have a girl who really likes me for who I am." he said wistfully. I said,"Yeah, I wanted someone to care for me, after the...event with my aunt and uncle." "What event? Come on, tell me, I swear I won't tell." he pressed on. I backed away. "No. I promised myself I won't tell anyone till I'm ready, and I'm not ready just yet." I checked the clock hanged on the wall. "It's 6:30. I gotta go." Without looking back, I stood up abruptly and ran, taking my guitar and lyrics, ran back to my dormitory. Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda were still asleep. Phew. The last thing I need is for another round of insults. I changed into my new robes, with the new tie, badge, and scarf in silver and green, the house colors of Slytherin. I wish I knew why I'm in Slytherin... Applejack POV I woke up at 6:45, disturbed by Pinkie's loud snoring. My roommates also woke up, rubbing their eyes. "Excited for the first day?" asked Spitfire, a girl with fiery orange hair. I replied,"You bet! I've been longing for this day since forever!" "I'm a Muggle-born, so I just knew." said Pinkie, who woke up and joined our conversation. The last girl, who said nothing, but walked out of the room with her stuff. She had white hair and pale blue skin, complete with magenta eyes, like Rainbow Dash. Me, Spitfire and Pinkie went down to the Great Hall for breakfast, checking the notice-board. No news. We sat down at the Gryffindor table. The High Table was filled with teachers, including our head of house, Professor Luna. I heard that Professor Chrysalis is Head of Slytherin, Professor Shining Armor is Head of Ravenclaw, and Professor Cadance is Head of Hufflepuff. Rumors have it that Cadance and Shining are married, and Chrysalis and Sombra, the Defence Against the Dark Arts are dating each other. Big Mac told me he saw them kissing in the grounds one night. The gold plates on the table filled with delicious goods. Bacon, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, the lot. I filled my plate with a bit of everything and ate. The food was so- good. My roommates were chatting. "Hey. Know what's classes?" "Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Astronomy, and the rest." Footsteps sounded from behind me. "Gryffindor first-years, I got your timetables here." Professor.Luna handed me a piece of parchment. I looked at it, and saw that I got Potions with the Slytherins first thing after breakfast. Then, Charms with the Ravenclaws, History of Magic and Transfiguration with the Slytherins again to finish off. Good! I could meet Rainbow there. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Four lessons in the first day of school?! You gotta be kidding me!" cried Spitfire,"I'm stupid at these!" Pinkie Pie chirped,"Okie dokie lokie! I love making new friends!!" I mentally facepalmed. If this is what it's going to be like for the rest of my life here, then I rather go to a Muggle school. The girl with snowy-white hair just stared at her timetable and fell into her platter of eggs. When she got back up, her face was covered in gloop. I burst into laughter. "Hey. What's your name? I'm Applejack." i greeted. She replied,"I'm Fleetfoot, a half-blood. My dad is related to the Skies family and my mum is a Muggle related to the Dashery bloodline." "I have a friend in Slytherin called Rainbow Dash. Is she a relative of yours?" I asked. "I don't know, but my mum told me to look out for a girl with rainbow hair and magenta eyes like me." "That must be her! Anyway, you are related to the Skies family? They are one of the remaining pure-bloods here!" "Yeah, Soarin Skies' my cousin. He's so annoying sometimes. We always get into arguments about which of us play soccer best. Soccer's a Muggle sport. I taught Soarin. He only knows Quidditch." "Okay, I wish I could be as good as you. I know a @$$#0!e which harasses me all the time. But he's a Muggle, thank Celestia." I said. "Hey, look at the time! We should eat quicker or we'll be late for Potions!" I dove back into my plate and ate in record speed. > Bubbling Potions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV I went down to breakfast by myself. The moment I entered the Great Hall, everyone's eyes were on me. I guess news about me being a Muggle-born spreads fast. I found a seat in the corner of the Slytherin table, and the ones nearest me edged away with looks of disgust on their faces. I'm used to it. I took some food and ate it silently, avoiding all the stares I got. Suddenly, a professor with black hair and blue eyes walked along the table, passing out parchment to the students. She came over to me and snarled,"Well, you're the Mudblood disgracing our noble house, right?" "Y...Yes." I replied. She slapped a piece of parchment on the table and left. I picked it up and saw my timetable. Potions first with the Gryffindors, then Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology with the Hufflepuffs, Transfiguration with the Gryffindors to finish. Sigh. Another hard day. At least I can see Applejack twice. I headed out of the Great Hall and walked along the Entrance Hall, singing a song I just thought of in the moment. Fight Song I wish I could live a happy life, carefree, never to worry about obstacles... The bell rang, and students filed out of the Great Hall. It's time for Potions. Luckily, I brought my books with me, so I went straight back to the dungeons. The other Slytherin and Gryffindor first-years were lounging against the walls and they booed and jeered at me as they saw me. Slytherin because I'm a Muggle-born, and Gryffindor because of the Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry. I read about that in one of my extra books. Trying not to notice, I opened my book of One Thousand Herbs and Fungi, reading the page about Bezoars. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it acts as an antidote to most poisons, but they are really rare. Applejack and Blaze Trail left their crowd and stood next to me, earning more whispers and glares from the first-years. The professor I saw in the hall stalked along the hallway, and people hastily jumped out of the way. Blaze leaned over and whispered,"That's Professor Chrysalis, the Head of our House and she's our Potions teacher. She could be really mean and nasty if you cross to her bad books." "I know. She called me a Mudblood at breakfast." I replied softly. We followed Professor Chrysalis into the classroom. The other Slytherins and Gryffindors found groups and stood behind tables, leaving me without a pair. Yeah, 'cause they think I'm a Mudblood and a disgrace. I get it. I found an empty table near the corner of the room and put down my books and potion ingredients on the table. A rustling sound came from the front of the room. Applejack took up her stuff and walked down along the tables to where I was standing, everyone staring at her, even Professor Chrysalis. She went to the empty spot beside me and put down her things. "Why are you with me, AJ? I'm a Mudblood, a disgrace." I asked. She replied,"Because I believe in the inner beauty of people, no matter their house. Even though we should be rivals, but I want to make an exception. You look you need it." Professor Chrysalis slammed her hand on the table and we all stopped talking and looked at her. "Good. As everyone knows, I'm your Potions teacher, Professor Chrysalis. We are here to brew antidotes, poisons, and mysterious draughts. Potion making is sacred, and I doubt any of you dumbheads could do it properly." Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, and some girls and boys I don't know stood a bit straighter. "Potions are hard to make, hard to find, and hard to drink in the proper way. You are here to learn some of the deepest secrets ever known in the wizarding world. Now, before we start class, may I ask the Mudblood what is a bezoar?" She pointed at me when she said that. I replied calmly,"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it acts as an antidote to most poisons, but they are really rare." Professor Chrysalis looked shocked. Of course she didn't expect that. "Correct. Now, I will teach you how to brew a simple potion to cure boils." She wrote down the ingredients and method on the blackboard and the class started making the potion. I chopped the ingredients and placed them into the cauldron I brought with me. Applejack stirred the potion as I whispered some tips. "Seven clockwise stirs and add two clockwise stirs." I whispered. The potion immediately turned brightest green, just like the color described on the blackboard. Applejack gasped in shock. "B...But the instructions said only to stir seven clockwise times!" she said under her breath. I replied,"Um...I thought this would work better after all the extra reading I did." Ten minutes till the end of the lesson. Professor walked around the tables, checking the potions we made. At Sunset's she wrinkled her eyebrows. At Blaze's she gaze a nod. She came to ours. Suddenly, she smiled at us. What????? "This is the perfect potion! Everyone in the classroom, come over to see what a good example this group made!" The first-years rushed over and peered in my cauldron. "It's amazing!" "Wonderful!" "So good! Looks like a winning potion!" "Fantastic!' "Awesome and cool!" Professor Chrysalis scooped some of the potion out and put it into a small bottle. "I need a sample of this, just in case. You don't mind?" I replied,"No, Professor." She put the bottle in her pocket. "This group, stay after class." The bell rang, and the class filed out of the classroom, leaving me and Applejack behind. "For a Mudblood, this is amazing! Maybe I shouldn't judge someone by their parentage." she said happily. Applejack answered,"Of course, Professor." "Thanks, Professor. I changed the instructions a little to brew this." I said. Prof. Chrysalis said,"Really? Turns out it worked well!" "If we may, we need to go to our next class. Are we free to go?" asked Applejack. "Yes, you may go." I packed up my stuff, poured the potion into two bottles, gave one to Applejack, took up my cauldron and left. I know she would need it. Anyway, I have a bit too much. Antidotes are a necessity in life. > Hidden Secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV It's Defence Against the Dark Arts. I put down my cauldron and potion back in the dormitory, took my textbook The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection and left. Don't wanna be late. As I descended down the staircase, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda blocked my way. "So the Mudblood hasn't packed her bags and went back to her common town? Well, you don't belong here, Mudblood." taunted Sunset. I backed up against the banister. "W...What do you want this time?" I asked fearfully. I never told anyone, but I was brutally bullied when I was just a little girl. It caused trauma and I never went back to normal. The scars are still here, carved on my skin. Lightning Dust said,"We want the potion you made in class just now." "No. It's mine. Brew your own." I replied. Gilda threatened,"GIVE IT, OR ELSE." I backed up as far as I could go. "No..." I whispered. All of a sudden, Sunset Shimmer kicked me hard in the stomach and I clutched to the banister for dear life. She kicked me for so many times, each one hurting more than the last. I dropped down on the staircase, my robes flying. Lightning Dust held my hands behind my back while Gilda pulled out the potion in my robe pocket. She gazed at it, mesmerized. "Well, this is the handiwork of a Mudblood." Sunset laughed. "I'll have it." -TIME SKIP (Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson)- I walked into class and sat down at the back of the classroom, alone. Battered and bruised, it's lucky the robe sleeves are long enough to hide my injuries. Flashback: "I'll have it." I struggled against Lightning Dust's grip as hard as I possibly could, but her grip was like iron. Sunset pushed me down the staircase, which was about thirty steps. I fell with a bang. Luckily, no one heard it. "Say that you're a Mudblood!" ordered Sunset. I managed to reply,"No..." Gilda punched me as hard as she could. I screamed. "SAY IT!" I knew there was no escape. "I'm a Mudblood." I whispered. "LOUDER!" "I'M A MUDBLOOD!" "Good." They left me alone, in a heap on the floor, taking my potion with them. I just sobbed without a sound. Back to the present... The door opened. A professor with silky black hair and black eyes stepped in. He swept a look upon the class and we fell silent. "Good morning. I am Professor Sombra, your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here to teach you how to fight against the most terrible magic, Dark Arts. They could hurt you, control you, or even kill you, so you need to be careful. We will learn a practical spell today. Even though you are supposed to learn this in your second year, Headmistress Celestia told me to teach it to you now. Does anyone know what Expelliarmus does?" he said. I raised my hand. "Yes? The one with rainbow hair? Tell me your name when you answer, that will be easier for me to remember your names." I said,"I'm Rainbow Dash, and it has been known to knock an opponent backwards in some cases, as well as disarming them. This may depend on whether the spell strikes an opponent's wand or body." I read about it in my textbook: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection "Very good. We will try it now. Everyone say Expelliarmus! One, Two, Three!" "Expelliarmus!" cried the class. Professor Sombra said,"Good. Now we'll try it with wands. Wands out, please! Everyone find a partner!" Everyone formed pairs but me. Suddenly, Blaze Trail walked over to me. "I'll be with you." he whispered. "Now, one of you try to disarm the other! One, Two, Three!" "Expelliarmus!" cried half of the class this time. No one succeeded, the wands lost heart halfway and dropped onto the floor. Prof. Sombra said,"Now, the other half!" "Expelliarmus!" cried the rest, including me. What I didn't expect, Blaze's wand flew out of his hand and I caught it, astonished. "Look! Someone's done it!" "Really? Who?" "The Mudblood? WTF?" "Why could she do it and I can't?" "It's not fair!" "SILENCE!" Everyone stopped talking and looked down. I sneaked a glance at Professor Sombra. His eyes were wary. Why?? "Everyone try again!" And so it went on for the rest of the lesson. I did it for five times, while everyone else...failed. Why only I could do it? The bell rang. We said goodbye to Professor Sombra and left, but I hung behind to see what would happen. Alone in the classroom, Professor Sombra subconsciously touched his left forearm. He pulled up his sleeve and I saw a queer tattoo on his arm. It was of a shadow and two bright, piercing green eyes. Creepy. Prof. Sombra sighed sadly and pulled down his sleeve. Before he could see me eavesdropping, I ran, ran away back to my common room. I hate being there, but it's the only place I could go, no one likes me cause I'm a Slytherin. It's not my fault that my parentage is different. You think I want to be called a Mudblood? I remember everything. Since I was a young girl, my aunt and uncle treats me like crap. They keep on calling me a slut, whore, bitch and every rude word you could think of. I was forced to do every single chore in the house, like a descendant of Cinderella. If they think I misbehaved, I'll be chained up in the torture chamber for days without food or drink before they release me. Until a year ago, Mum and Dad finally came. They finished their business in Manehattan, and came to take me away from that living hell. Finally. FINALLY. FINALLY. I arrived at the dungeons. "Pure-blood." I said, and the wall slid open. I entered the common room and was cornered by a gang of older students in Year 4. Oh no. Not again. I can't stand another beatdown. > What I Never Told... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV Oh no. Not again. I can't stand another beatdown. "So what, Rainbow Crash?" said a boy with dark brown hair, light brown skin and grass-green eyes. Another boy with grayish-white hair, pool-blue eyes and dark brown skin taunted,"More like Rainbow Trash! Ha ha ha ha!" I know if I retorted, or tried to leave, it will be even worse. Aunt, Uncle and the other bullies taught me this. "You're a disgrace to our noble founder, Salzaar Slytherin and his house! Get out, Mudblood!" jeered yet another boy with gray skin, and black hair. His hair covered his eyes, so I couldn't see the colour. "Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood!" everyone in the common room chanted along with the three bullies. I backed away against the wall, as they advanced on me. I know I can't avoid the beatdown now, as I don't know how to Apparate and it's prohibited in the school. Nothing I can do. Nothing I can do. NOTHING I CAN DO. NOTHING I CAN DO. "MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!" they continued chanting. The boy with dark brown hair snarled,"Remember us. I'm Hoops, this is Dumbbell, and Score. We're gonna be your worst nightmares. 'Cause that's what we do." The boy I assume is Dumbbell suddenly punched me in the abdomen. Again. I fell, unable to keep my balance after that blow. I know what's next. I braced myself for it. It's gonna hurt. I was right. The boys gladly delivered punch after punch and kick after kick. Ten minutes in, I started coughing up blood like crazy. My robes were stained with blood and every inch of my body was hurting so bad. Just then, when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, and Gilda entered the common room. Sunset Shimmer said,"Ah, can I join in? That looks like fun." "Yeah! I need more helpers anyway." replied Score as he punched me again. Now it was worse than ever before. You try to have six people beating you up as hard as they could. All of sudden, one of their hands swung by, colliding with my temple. An explosion of pain sounded and everything faded to black. Blaze Trail POV The Defence Against the Dark Arts class was fun! Rainbow was talented. She's the only one in the class that could do that Expelliarmus spell. I tried my best, but I still can't do it. I went to the Potions classroom to take back my vial full of that antidote, but it was smoking. I failed. Definitely. It stank as I took it back to the common room. People in the hallways backed away from the stench. I had an urge to throw it as far as I could and run, but it will result in teachers decking points from our house. I arrived at the stretch of wall to our common room and said the password,"Pure-blood." The wall slid open. I stepped in and saw a shocking sight. Rainbow was lying against the wall unconscious, and Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Gilda, Lightning Dust and Sunset Shimmer were beating her up. A pool of blood was under her, and she looked extremely white and pale. The rest of the boys and girls were cheering happily, chanting,"MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!" OMG. How could they? Beating someone up and cheering for the bullies?! That's not justice! I told no one this but from the moment I saw her in the train station, I was smitten by her. The casual attitude of her talents, the imploring glances...I wish I could have her for my very own. Flashback: I was at King's Cross with my twin sister, Sunset Shimmer and my parents, Golden Ray and Sunrise Glimmer. They were pure-blood, one noble family, and they told me and Sunset everyday to make a decent marriage, and not to stain the pure-blood line of our family. I saw a rainbow-haired girl with shimmering magenta eyes walking along the platform, looking into every carriage and backing out. I assumed she wanted to find a seat. But Mum was talking to me, and I can't go to help. I saw her enter the compartment in the end, and never came out. Well, she's happy now. "Remember to write to us!" said Sunrise. I nodded and entered our compartment, putting our stuff down. The train started, and all I could think was about the rainbow-haired girl on the platform. Stop it Blaze! You don't even know her name and you're falling for her? Halfway into the journey, Sunset left the compartment with her friends, Lightning Dust and Gilda and came back an hour later, looking pleased with themselves. "Just found targets to pick on." she explained. I asked,"Who?" "A girl called Rainbow Dash. Mudblood, she is." replied Lightning. Yeah, my sister could read minds. I said,"That's not right, Sunset." "Pff, I couldn't care less. I hate her and that's it." she answered carelessly. Oh no. Back to the present... A slapping sound awoke me. Rainbow was still being brutally beaten by my sister and her friends. Time to stop them. "Hey! LEAVE HER ALONE!!" I yelled. They stopped and turned towards me. Sunset asked,"Blaze? What are you doing here?" "This is also my common room, so what else? Now, leave Rainbow alone. She needs medical treatment." "No, so what you're gonna do? Be the knight in shining armour and save the damsel in distress?" "Here to take her to the hospital wing!" Before they could react, I shot past them and grabbed Rainbow, rushed out of the common room with them hot on my heels. I couldn't care that my robes were also stained with Rainbow's blood. "STOP THERE!" I ran for my life, turning into a door pretending to be solid wall and took the shortcut to the hospital wing. I burst inside, startling Madame Amore. "What...What happened?" I thought back on Rainbow's songs. Would she like others to know the truth? NO. "Tripped over barbed wire. Hurt pretty badly. Please help her, Madame Amore." Madame Amore is the matron of the school. She's kind, caring and friendly. She picked up Rainbow and set her down on the nearest bed. Waving her wand, she muttered,"Vulnera Sanentur." Rainbow's injuries healed quickly. "She needs to rest a while and she could go." Good. > Story Sharing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV I was back in my aunt and uncle's house, in the basement, to be exact. I tried to move, but with a gasp of shock I found that I was chained like a dog to the wall. The heavy metal door creaked open and in stepped my uncle. He selected a whip with tiny spikes at the edges and advanced towards me with it. "Well, little slut, looks like we can have some fun now." he chuckled. I pleaded and begged,"Please don't hurt me, Uncle! I'm sorry! Please!" "It's too late, you whore." He raised the whip and brought it down HARD on me. I screamed. "Uh uh, no screaming unless I say so. One scream, a hundred more strikes." he said idly. I tried to hold the pain, but after ten more strikes I screamed again. "Then, one hundred more it is." He whipped me senseless, and I tried but failed to hold in my screams, so this went on for goodness knows how long. After what seemed like forever, Uncle decided that I was too noisy. "You bitch, I told you not to scream! Well, there's a way to shut your fuck up." He took off his pants and shoved his ***** right inside my mouth. That did it. I couldn't even make a sound. Uncle continued shoving it inside and whipping me in the same time. I sobbed. I woke up with a start. No another one of these nightmares... I opened my eyes and saw a blank, white ceiling, a piercing white light hanging from it. A blurry figure was leaning over me. He called,"Madame Amore, she's awake!" Huh? Wasn't I back in the Slytherin common room being beaten up by the bullies? A mop of familiar fiery hair and turquoise eyes was gazing at me. "B...Blaze?" I tentatively asked. He replied,"Yes, Rainbow. What?" "Wasn't I in the common room?" "Yeah, but I got you before they did any lasting damage and took you here. I lied to Madame Amore that you tripped over barbed wire, so stick to that story, ok? Even though what she did is unforgivable, but Sunset is still my sister. I don't want her to get in trouble." I said,"Ok, but why?" "I don't want my friend to be hurt." he answered with warmth. My instincts reacted, and I pulled him into an embrace. He hugged back, one hand around my neck and the other around my waist. Only Blitz would do that to me, and that's why I trust him more. "I have something to tell you, but swear against Slytherin's name that you won't tell anyone." I said. Blaze asked,"What?" "After my birth, Mum and Dad got a job in Manehattan, and they were too busy to take care of me. So I went to my uncle and aunt's house to live. It was a living nightmare. They abused and mistreated me, and locked me in the basement for days till I almost starve to death. Until a year ago, Mum and Dad came to take me away. Even they didn't know about the abuse. Ever since, I went back to Cloudsdale to live with them, and everything has been fine." I confessed. "H...How could they? Bastards!" he whispered in sheer anger. I said,"I know...it was me who experienced all those." Just then, Madame Amore, the matron, walked over. "Rainbow Dash, you're fine to go. Your injuries are healed, but still be careful." "Ok." I replied. Blaze helped me off the bed and I slowly walked out of the hospital wing. Blaze Trail POV Luckily Rainbow was okay from that ordeal. How could her aunt and uncle, her blood relatives do that to her.? No wonder she was so terrified from the bullying! I walked through another shortcut and saw Sunset. "Sunset? What are you doing here?" "I heard everything. If you keep approaching that Mudblood, I'll tell her secrets to everyone in this school." she threatened. I protested,"No! Her soul is already damaged to an extent. Don't hurt her. She doesn't deserve this." "I could read minds, duh. I know what she thinks about last night in her dream." "Please. Don't hurt Rainbow. As a brother, I should warn you that bullying isn't gonna work." "It would. I know." Sunset turned and left. Should I warn Rainbow? I really don't know now. The bell rang for class. Well, I'll see her there. I still have the way there to decide. Sunset Shimmer POV That Mudblood. Messing with my brother. She's gonna pay. Or else my name's not Sunset Shimmer. I went to Greenhouse No.1. Professor Cadance was there waiting for us. She's Head of Hufflepuff House. Kindness and Love are her best virtues. She taught us the basic stuff about Herbology. That Mudblood was listening intently with a pink-haired Hufflepuff beside her and a purple-haired by her other side. They must be friends. I hate her. Disgracing us. Lightning Dust leaned over and whispered,"Got any gossip about the Mudblood?" "Yeah. She's abused by her aunt and uncle when she was younger. Great for the school to know." I replied. Gilda said,"Oh! Good stuff! That will teach her not to mess with us!" Professor Cadance asked,"Does anyone want to help with this plant?" The Mudblood raised her hand, and Prof.Cadence called on her. Teacher's pet. She already wound Professor Chrysalis around her middle finger. Why does she have to be such a pest? But she made a perfect example. The Hufflepuffs clapped, and my brother. Ugh. She's foul, disgusting, and worthless. She shouldn't be in the school in the first place. A disgrace to us. Wearing our noble green and silver like she owns it. The class proceeded without any events, and after Transfiguration, where Professor Luna taught us the basics, and showed us how to turn a match into a needle. I had a few goes, but failed. The closest I went to was setting the match on fire. Gilda and Lightning were in the same shape. I sneaked a glance at the other Slytherins and Gryffindors and saw that my brother was failing, like me. But, the Mudblood was working with a blonde girl wearing a Stetson hat, a girl with bouncy pink hair, and a girl with snowy white hair and magenta eyes. She succeeded on her second go and is turning the match into a needle and back with ease. It's not fair. > Revealing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack POV After History of Magic, which is taught by this dull professor called Prof. Maud Pie, Pinkie's sister, and she only drones on and on, and most of the class nearly fell asleep. It was a massive relief when the bell finally rang, setting us free from that speech. We went to Transfiguration, taught by our Head of House, DH (Deputy Headmistress) Luna. She told us the basics of Transfiguration, and showed us how to turn a match into a needle. I saw that Rainbow was sitting alone (again), and dragged my new friends, Pinkie and Fleetfoot, over to her table. She was immensely grateful. We whispered while transforming that match into a needle. Rainbow got it right on the second try. She really has a talent for magic. I wonder why she isn't in Ravenclaw. I said,"Rainbow, why you're in Slytherin?" "My loyalty brought me here, quoting the Sorting Hat." she replied sadly. Pinkie interrupted,"Oh! Because you have all the qualities of the four houses, but your loyalty is the strongest, right?" "How do you know?" gasped Rainbow in pure shock. "Just a hunch." Fleetfoot said,"Rainbow, I have to tell you something about your family." "What is it?" Rainbow asked. "You're my cousin. Mum's related to the Dashery bloodline. She told me before school to try to find a rainbow-haired girl with my magenta eyes." Rainbow gasped again. "Really?" "Yeah. It's the truth." Fleetfoot and Rainbow embraced. Aww...so cute. I said,"Alright guys! Now we got this family problem solved, let's solve this magic problem in the bargain!" We all laughed merrily. Rainbow tried her best to teach us to do it properly, but we still couldn't do it. Professor Luna came to check on us. "Rainbow Dash here could do it perfectly!" squealed Pinkie. Prof.Luna nodded as Rainbow turned the needle back into a match with ease. She said,"Good! This is the fastest progress I've ever seen in a mere first-year." Rainbow smiled as she turned the match into a...bird and it flew out of the open window. The class except Sunset Shimmer's table gasped. "Wow!" "How could she do it?" "I wanna do that too!" "Hey! Teach us!" Here we go again... -TIME SKIP- After the class, me, Fleetfoot, Rainbow, and Pinkie walked down to the lake to practice since classes had ended for today. "I don't know why I could turn the match into a bird!" Rainbow was exclaiming. Pinkie was bouncing in front of us. "Woo-hoo! Rainbow is super cool! Hey, that rhymes! Like 'Hoo' with 'Cool!' Because the word structures are similar and-" Fleetfoot cut her off. "Yeah, Rainbow is awesome and all, but how could a first-year do such advanced magic? We were supposed to learn that in the second year!' she commented. Rainbow said,"I don't know! It just worked on its own!" She raised her wand and turned a flower planted in the ground to a giant tree for us to take shelter. Wow. Luckily, we were the only ones there, so no one will mob us again. We sat down, leaning against the transformed tree, and Rainbow pulled out her Potions homework and started scribbling furiously. Abruptly, she stopped after five minutes and asked,"Applejack, do you still have that sample of potion we made in Potions class?" "Yeah, what?" I said casually. Rainbow leaned over to me and whispered,"Sunset Shimmer and her gang snatched mine from me and beat me up for protesting." Unfortunately, Pinkie overheard and gasped,"WHAT? Why would they do such a thing to you?" "Because I'm a Mudblood." Rainbow replied, turning back to her homework. Fleetfoot said,"Don't call yourself that!" "At least when I do they would leave me mercy." Rainbow sighed and continued doing her homework and we couldn't get anymore information out of her. After what seemed like centuries, the dinner bell rang, and we stood up, preparing to head back to the Great Hall for dinner. Before leaving, Rainbow took out her wand again, and turned the tree back into the flower. Amazing. We entered the Hall, only to be met with glares. I took a closer look, and found out that the glares were aimed for Rainbow. She parted with us, and sat down in a corner of the Slytherin table. A minute later, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda Griffonstone waltzed into the hall, holding a notebook. Uh oh. Rainbow Dash POV I sat down at the Slytherin table, avoiding the other's glances. Suddenly, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, and Gilda Griffonstone waltzed inside, holding my...DIARY! Oh no! What should I do? That contains my super private stuff!!! Without caring for what will the others' think, I stood up and rushed out to them. "That's mine! Please give it back!" I cried. Sunset Shimmer held the diary out of reach and taunted,"Aw, little Crashie can't get her diary back, huh? Well, I know for one that there's some juicy secrets in here!" The hall gasped. "Please don't, Sunset Shimmer! Please!" I pleaded. Lightning Dust said,"Let me read some of these secrets out. It's good to share, right?" Holding it out of reach, she opened the diary and read," Dear Diary, Today is another hard day, as usual. Uncle beat me with a wooden rod for five hundred times today, while I had to wash the dishes, sweep the floor, dust the carpet, and much, much more. In fact, the to-do list my aunt gave me was so long that it went from the top of the door to the floor, trailing down the stairs. It's not fair. Why does Mum and Dad have to abandon me in this hellhole when I was just an infant? I was abused, I was mistreated, and beaten and tortured every day. Why did they do this to their own blood? When will they come back for me?Looks like never, at this rate. It's going on for the most of ten years and it'll never stop. Sometimes I wish I could give up. The bullies in school saw my wounds today in biology and taunted me for it. Luckily a teacher on duty saw it happen and stopped it before it became worse. Oh no! Uncle's coming with the whip in his hands. Talk to you tomorrow. Rainbow Dash" She snapped the book shut and smirked around the Hall. The Professors were aghast, as so were my friends, but the others burst out laughing. Before I knew it, I collapsed on the floor, crying into my robes. "Is this true. Mudblood?" asked Sunset Shimmer. I eventually managed to get myself up and said while crying,"Yes! I never told anyone...BECAUSE IT HURTS!" The Slytherins started throwing assorted food at me, like potatoes, peas, turkey, and whatever you could imagine. Soon, the Hufflepuffs joined in, followed by the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. I was soaked through in gravy and pumpkin juice. I can't take it anymore. They exposed my secret and now they're throwing stuff at me when I'm innocent. I spun around and rushed out of the Great Hall, hearing my friends call: "Rainbow! Wait!" "We can help!" "Stop and listen to us!" "Please! Running away won't help!" I ignored them and ran, running like my life depended on it. > The Forbidden Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV I ran, and ran, and ran, out of the Hall, out of the main doors and across the grounds. I don't know where in the wide world I was going at that time, but all I wanted then was to get away from the school, so I ran. Ahead of me was a dark and gloomy forest. Good! No one would think to look there. I rushed headlong in, leaving the grounds behind me. Tress were growing everywhere, and I muttered,"Flagrate." The spell was a marking spell, and it left a fiery mark on trees when I passed them, marking the way back out. It also gives a burning light, so I didn't need to use the lighting spell 'Lumos' to see in the pitch dark. I ran deeper into the Forest. I remember what Principal Celestia said yesterday, about how this is forbidden for students to cross. Well, there's no going back. I don't care. Expulsion isn't important to me. In fact, I'm hoping for it. Shadows lurked around every corner and I kept looking around, aware for monsters and beasts. Suddenly, a silvery figure leapt out at me. I took a closer look, and saw that it was a unicorn. It was pure white, but the dappled silver moonlight reflected off its coat. It doesn't seem to be dangerous, but I read in one of my books that unicorns deserve great respect and preferred the woman's touch, so I bowed to it. It bowed back, and I stepped closer and patted its head. It's majestic and graceful. I wish I could tame it. The unicorn seemed to know what I was thinking, because it suddenly spoke,"How do you do? I'm Mythica, the leader of the unicorn herd in this Forest. I heard you crying and came out." "Hi! I'm Rainbow Dash, and I'm from Hogwarts. I ran here because the students there were bullying me, so I came to get some personal space." I said. It said,"Rainbow, I think I could help with that. Come, ride on my back, and I'll take you to the rest of my herd. They won't hurt you because I'm the leader, and they have to obey me." I nodded, and Mythica knelt down on its two front legs and I clambered on, keeping my shoes out of its fur, not wanting to stain it. "By the way, I'm a girl unicorn." said Mythica. I smiled and replied,"I thought you were a boy at first glance." She cantered off, and I wound my fingers into her mane to stay on. Since I was on a unicorn, the creatures I passed stepped aside for us to pass, and didn't hurt me. Phew. I rode on like this for ten minutes or so, and we arrived at a clearing, where about twenty unicorns gathered, including some gold foals. They were adorable. "This is Rainbow Dash, my new friend I met in the Forest." introduced Mythica. I got off her and said,"It's nice to meet you." A female unicorn gasped and cried,"I can feel your magical powers! They're stronger than anything I know!" "Really? So that must be the reason I was better than all my classmates in my classes." I said. "I'm Willow." said the female unicorn. "I'm Fern." said another. "I'm Atlanta," said a third. Gradually, all the unicorns introduced themselves, and said that I was welcome to visit them anytime I wished. Mythica wondered out loud,"You are the first human being that could communicate with us, Rainbow." "Really? That's good! I promise when I want to visit, I would come. I have so few friends back at school anyway." I replied. Willow brought a handful of silvery white thread. "These are hairs from our tails. It came from the first unicorn ever lived in here, Moon Spark. She told her descendants to give these to someone you think it's worthy. They have amazing powers. It's used as strong rope, wand cores, and much more. They're very valuable." she explained. I accepted the gift with words of thanks. Suddenly, I heard distant voices. "Where are you, Rainbow?" "Come back!" "Please! The professors are looking for you in the grounds!" I said,"My friends are here. If you don't mind, I should be going." Mythica nodded, and I clambered back on her back and she cantered through the Forest, following the fiery path I made with my wand. As we rode on, I saw shadows ahead and Mythica stopped. Applejack burst out of the trees and sighed with relief. "Rainbow! You're here! Headmistress Celestia sent us to find you while they are searching the grounds! Come back with us!" she called. I got off Mythica and said goodbye. She disappeared back in the trees. Pinkie, Rarity, Fleetfoot, and Fluttershy came out among the shadows. "Why could you speak to that unicorn? What were you saying?" asked Fleetfoot with a puzzled look. I was speaking another language without realizing! I answered,"It just came out." We went back down the fiery path and arrived at the entrance of the Forest. Rarity said,"Darling, never get lost again! We were only able to find you with this path someone had marked out!" "Huh? I marked it out myself! Using the spell 'Flagrate'." I said. Fluttershy whispered in my ear,"That's a highly advanced spell! No first-year was able to do that before!" "Flagrate." I said. The tree before me suddenly was marked with a fiery mark. Everyone gasped. "Wow." they said in unison. Three professors rushed to us anxiously. "You girls are okay! Never go into the Forbidden Forest again!" shouted Professor Chrysalis. She walked over to me and checked me for any wounds. "You could have been killed!" cried Professor Sombra. He was wielding a wand. Professor Cadance said,"Let's go back to the school! And what's that you're holding??" She was staring at my bunch of unicorn hair. "A unicorn in the Forest gave it to me." I replied. Prof.Chrysalis exclaimed,"What?! You met a unicorn?!" "It jumped out from the trees, but I learnt from books that you have to treat them with respect, so I bowed and it bowed back. When I patted its head, it suddenly spoke and said her name was Mythica. I introduced myself, and she took me to the rest of her herd. She is the leader, and the unicorns said I had amazing magical power and gave me this as a present. They said I was worthy of it. Mythica took me back and I met Applejack and the rest of the girls. They were surprised that I could speak to unicorn because they didn't understand what we were saying." I answered. "I never heard of that! No one was ever able to communicate to unicorns before! And you befriended a whole herd!" said Prof.Sombra. They escorted us back inside the school and I went back to my dorm, where I changed and fell asleep almost immediately. > Bullying Problems in Slytherin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV I woke up, and looked at the clock mounted on the wall. It was only 6:00 am. Too early. So I walked down to the common room to write music (again). I made this song which teaches you to move on with your past. Shake it Off You don't need to care about what others think. Be yourself. I sang the chorus, the part I liked most. 'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off Blaze stepped down from the banister and sat down beside me. "Whoa. Cool song you've got there, Dashie." I winced at my pet name. I seldom let people call me that. I said,"Don't call me Dashie." "Ok, princess." I mentally facepalmed. Blaze is very annoying sometimes, but he's a good friend. That's why I trust him with my secret. Even if the whole school knows now. My past. My freaking embarrassing past. Before I knew it, a tear had rolled down my cheek. As usual. Blaze saw. Of course he did. "Rainbow, what's the matter?" he asked. "They know. The school knows about Aunt and Uncle." "It'll be okay, Rainbow." "You don't know, Blaze. Everyone told me that when I was younger but nothing changed." A familiar voice said,"Yeah. 'Cause we're your worst nightmares." I looked up to see Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda descending down the stairs, leering at me. I gulped. Oh no. "MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!" they chanted and I ran. Ran to where no one will find me. I burst out of the common room and out of the dungeons. Out of the Entrance Hall and to the grounds. I know I'm not supposed to go in the Forbidden Forest again, but I had no choice. Still crying, I muttered,"Flagrate." and made a path I could follow without getting lost. It was brighter than last night, so I was able to see clearly. I wanted to find Mythica, but somehow I took a wrong turn, and was lost. At least I have the path. But my instincts told me to continue walking. I followed it, of course. Curiosity is a sin, everyone tells me. Don't go looking into things you shouldn't. But I disobeyed. I walked straight forward, into gaps between trees, and past different plants glowing with the morning sun and dripping with dew. Suddenly, I lost my footing, and only was able to grab on to a branch in time. I was hanging off a cliff, and one miss will mean instant death. I had to save myself, so I dared to say,"Wingardium Leviosa!" That was a levitating spell, but amazingly, it worked. I was lifted up into the air and the wind placed me back on solid ground. Phew. I always seemed to miss death by inches. I continued to walk on, this time looking at my surroundings before stepping forward. A lake appeared before me, and I gasped. The water was shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow, reflecting the sunlight. Leaves and greenery were growing along the edges of the lake, and giant lily pads were floating on the surface. It reminded me of the place where Blitz and I used to play. Flashback: "Hey sis! There's a lake over here!" cried Blitz. I said,"Really? Where?" He took me by the hand and ran to a clearing planted with willow trees. A lake was in the middle, shimmering with sunlight. "This will be our secret place from now on. Promise?" "Yeah!" Back to the present: I started crying again. I missed Blitz so much... The waters started swirling clockwise. A figure rose out of the water. It was a girl about my age, if not older, she had pale blue skin like me, pointed pixie ears, ocean blue eyes, blue and turquoise hair, and she was wearing clothes looking like they were woven from water. "Who are you?" she asked. I replied,"I'm Rainbow Dash, a student in Hogwarts. And you?" "I'm Aqua Marina. A water nymph. Why were you crying?" "I was bullied by bullies from my school. I came here for personal space." "Oh, that's too bad. Come sit here." She moved a lily pad towards me with her bare hands! I was stunned, but I sat down. It was softer than I expected, and the water made it feel bouncy. "Then, Rainbow, tell me more about them." I said sadly,"Because I'm a Muggle-born, and I'm in Slytherin, they keep saying I'm a disgrace to our house. They beat me up just yesterday." "Really? A Muggle-born in Slytherin? You must be amazing to do so!" "Yeah, the unicorn I met yesterday said I had very powerful magic." "Show me." said Aqua Marina (I'll be calling her Aqua after this). I took out my wand and said a spell I only read about,"Expecto Patronum." It said in the book you needed to focus on a happy memory to do it, so I thought madly about the day Dad and Mum came to take me away from my Aunt and Uncle. A wisp of silvery cloud erupted out from my wand. Aqua applauded. "Even though that's not a complete Patronus, it's very impressive for a first-year!" I said again,"Expecto Patronum!" All of a sudden, an animal burst out of my wand. It looked like a horse, but it's wasn't one. It was a unicorn with large, feathery wings! "I heard about this before! It's a legendary animal, an Alicorn!" cried Aqua in shock. I said,"Really? That's awesome!" "You really have magical potential. Come here in your free time and I'll help you enhance your magic. Mum always says that I know so much about magic." "Thanks!" I checked my watch. It showed: 7:30. "Oh my goodness! I need to be at breakfast at eight! Sorry, but I need to go now!" I said hurriedly. Aqua nodded, and vanished below the water surface. I got off the lily pad, and followed the path I made and rushed back to Hogwarts. I got to the Slytherin common room at 7:55, changing my grass-stained robes to new ones. I'll wash these later. I arrived at the Great Hall, and sat down at the corner of the Slytherin table, as usual. I don't want to be noticed. Since I'm a Mudblood. > Charms and Rhythms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV I ate my breakfast in record speed, pushed back my chair, and sprinted out of the Great Hall. I wanted to get down to the grounds and relax with my guitar. I saw Applejack staring at me and whispering to Pinkie and Fleetfoot as I left. Luckily for me, I got to my dorm without any run-ins with the Slytherins, and I got my guitar and Charms stuff for later, and went back out. I got down to the grass beside the lake, and pointed my wand at a patch of grass, transforming it into a tree like last time. I leaned against the tree and sang a song I wrote long ago: You Don't Know I wished to give up, to die, but my family and friends talked me out of it and I stopped, but I always wanted to end it all. Sigh. Now the school knows. The bell rang, and I headed to Charms class, transforming the tree back into the patch of grass. I clean up my messes. I arrived right on time, and saw the Slytherins, Gryffindors and the Ravenclaws. We're sharing this class with them. Suddenly, something slimy landed right on my head! I checked and knew it was the scrambled eggs from breakfast. More food hit me one by one, and I needed to stop it. FAST. I said,"Periculum!" Red spark shot out of my wand, and everyone backed away. "Mudblood! What was that!" gasped Sunset Shimmer. I said mockingly,"Want more?" I raised my wand and moved it through the air, drawing patterns with gold thread. I drew an Alicorn, a castle, and a phoenix in flames. Everyone oohed and aahed. That was a spell of my own. It's non-verbal, and the incantation is: Coruscent. Applause sounded from the end of the corridor. Professor Shining Armor was standing there, looking at the drawings. "Everyone get in the classroom now." he ordered and we obeyed. We found seats to sit, and Applejack, Rarity, Fleetfoot and Pinkie chose a table and beckoned me over. I obliged. Prof.Shining said,"We are here to learn charms. It's an advanced brand of magic, and you could do a lot with simple incantations. Accio, Expecto Patronum, Flagrate, are all great spells. Now, will everyone get a feather and start practicing a spell I want to teach you? It's a levitating spell, Wingardium Leviosa. You need to do the following hand movements, swish and flick. Everyone follow me, swish and flick." "Swish and flick." chanted the class, holding their wands. "Very good, now try this with the feather." He pointed his wand at a feather, said,"Wingardium Leviosa!" The feather floated up about ten feet into the air. We cheered. "Try it!" We each grabbed a feather and began practicing. I said,"Wingardium Leviosa!" The feather zoomed across the room and back. Applejack asked,"How do you do it?" "Put the emphasis on Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long." I replied. My friends tried, but all failed. Meanwhile, Prof.Shining walked over to me. "How did you do that charm you demonstrated in the hallway? And what is your name?" he asked. I said,"My name is Rainbow Dash, and the spark charm is Periculum, and the other charm is my invention, it enables you to draw or write in midair, and the incantation is Coruscent." "Well, that is an advanced brand of magic you could do, Miss Dash. Are there any other spells you could do? Could you do the Shield Charm?" I raised my wand and said,"Protego!" A transparent dome wrapped itself around me. "Good! And the most challenging of all, the Patronus Charm?" inquired Professor Shining. "Easy! Expecto Patronum!" I cried. My patronus, the Alicorn, shot out. The class gasped in awe. Professor said,"You are the most talented first-year I ever seen, You even surpass Hermione Granger! Could you tell us how you are doing this?" "You need to notice the rhythm of the words. The rhythm is what matters most of all. Like this song I wrote, the beat is easy to tell." I took out my guitar in my bag and sang: Roar When I finished, everyone was open-mouthed with shock. They obviously wasn't expecting that. "That song was...amazing! But what does it have to do with Charms?" asked Professor Shining. I replied,"It's not the song, but the beat. Follow the beat to say charms and it'll be easier. Wingardium Leviosa!" The table magically floated up into the air. I flicked my wand casually again, and it landed perfectly down. The class erupted into a sea of feathers. The other girls and boys ignored me again, just using my tips, but all failed. They only want my intelligence. They are just using me, save for Applejack and the girls, and Blaze, of course. The bell rang, and the class filed out, pocketing their wands. I headed back to my dorm, and put away my guitar. Sitting down on my bed, I started singing softly: This is Me I'm original, cannot be replaced! My mum used to tell me. This song is dedicated to her, for her help she has given. "Hey Mudblood!" cried a voice. Oh no. Not again. I can't stand this anymore. Sunset Shimmer was dangling my antidote between two fingers, and it was going to drop any minute. She stuffed it into her pocket. "Mudblood, get that shameless face out of my sight!" she commanded. What else could I do? I obeyed. I ran, ran to the only place I could find comfort, but someone stopped me from leaving. "Blaze?! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Here to check on you, silly. Are you ok?" I forced a smile and replied,"I'm fine." "Sunset again, right?" he said and I nodded shamefully. I said emotionlessly,"She won't leave me alone..." I sighed, turned, and walked away. No one knows what do I think about before I go to sleep... Yeah, I'm suicidal. I waved my wand, and I conjured a silver mist. This mist is really weird. It will make anyone who stand in it lose their natural voice and turn into a funny one. This effect lasts for two days, so I really wish Sunset Shimmer and her gang will step into it. I'm quite humorous sometimes, and I tell the best jokes. Depending on my mood. > How To Fly (Broomstick Lessons) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV A day passed, and now it's 6:00 in the morning. My mist worked like a charm. Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, Gilda, and quite a lot of people from different houses came into the Great Hall to dinner had queer and funny voices. For example, Sunset's voice changed to a squeaky, girlish, cute which wasn't at all like her normal slightly deep one. That boy Soarin from the train station had a grumpy tone to it, and it was so deep that you couldn't imagine. And they were going to talk like that for two days! OMG! I went back down to the common room and wrote a new song and it's just so perfect. Human We are humans, not gods, and it's suffocating that the world is forcing us to be perfect. I'm not your typical girl, even though I try my best, and it's not enough to satisfy the world... I saw that the notice board had a new piece of parchment stuck to it. I walked over and read: First-years will be having their first flying lessons TODAY at 11:00 in the grass patch near the broom shed. All first-years are expected, and no excuses are accepted. Madam Spectrum Cool! Flying lessons! I've been hoping for that for like forever. -TIME SKIP (Breakfast)- The Great Hall was packed. Blaze sat next to me and said,"So, flying lessons today, right?" I burst into laughter. His voice was ridiculous! Like a chicken squawking and trying to speak in human language in the same time. "Yeah, yeah. My voice has been like this since I accidentally walked into some weird silver mist yesterday." I said,"I invented it. It makes your voice change, but I can revert it. Want it? Normally it lasts for two days." "WHAT? You invented that mist? People laughed at me! Change. It. Back." he glared at me. "Oh, fine." I waved my wand and a spark shot into Blaze's throat, turning his voice back to normal. "That's better. Much better, but how did you make that?" he asked. I replied,"Inspiration from the golden mist Harry Potter walked into during the Triwizard Tournament." The bell rang and I went to my first class, which was Transfiguration. Professor Luna kept talking in a duck sort of voice, and the class kept laughing at every word she spoke. Finally she couldn't stand it anymore and started scolding the class. I don't want her to be angry, so I reverted her voice back to normal. The second class was History of Magic. Originally, Professor Maud Pie was very boring, but her new voice which sounds like a person pooing into a toilet, made the class much more interesting, and everyone was happy. I didn't bother to revert her voice. In fact, I wanted the effect to last forever. Maybe I could put the silver mist in her office every a couple of days. Finally, it was eleven o-clock, and us first-years, along with the Gryffindors, went down to the grass field beside the broom shed. Twenty or so broomsticks were lying neatly in two rows, and I picked one that looked most well-cared. Blaze and Applejack each took the broomstick next to mine. Madam Spectrum strode onto the field and we fell silent. "I see that everyone has chosen a broom. Now, put your dominant hand over it and say 'UP!'" she barked. The class followed and cried,"UP!" My broom flew straight into my hand, while Sunset's rolled over, Applejack's moved only a bit, and Blaze's hadn't even moved a millimeter. "Now, I will come over and correct your grip." said Madam Spectrum. She said that my grip was perfect, but Sunset's needed improvement. One up! "When I blow my whistle, mount your brooms and fly!" TWEET! I clambered on my broom and pushed my feet hard against the ground, soaring off into the air. This was awesome! Below me, hovering, were Applejack and Blaze. Some first-years were still on the ground, while Sunset was almost as high as me. I pulled on the broom handle, and it went up. Whoa. Amazing. I leaned forward and shot off like a bullet. The sky is mine. I could do anything. It felt so good. I turned left and right, flew in loops, twirls and spins. I could hear people gasping and cheering. I flew in a spiral pattern, and even Madam Spectrum looked at my direction. The wind whooshing past my ears, my robes flapping in the breeze...this all felt so good. I could do this all day. I heard the wind. The power. The rush. The speed. I flew around the grass field. "EVERYONE COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" bellowed Madam Spectrum. I turned the broom handle and land perfectly at the empty spot I first started, between Applejack and Blaze. They were looking at me, stunned speechless. "Whoa. Amazing." Blaze finally said. Madam Spectrum strode over to me and said,"Well, kid. You're a damn good flyer and you'll be a superstar on the Quidditch pitch someday. Remember that, and what's your name?" "Rainbow Dash." I replied. "CLASS! Remember this future star, Rainbow Dash!" She raised my hand up in triumph, and I couldn't stop myself smiling. Just then, some stupid person by the name of Pinkie Pie mounted her broom and flew up into the sky. Higher, and higher, and higher, till she looked down and gasped. Clearly she was scared of heights. She lost her hold on the broomstick and slipped, and fell, down, down and down. CRACK! The sickening sound echoed throughout the field. Madam Spectrum rushed over and checked Pinkie over. "Cracked ribs. Class, wait here while I bring her to Madam Amore, alright? One move, and I'll kill you." The two left and slowly walked towards the castle. Once they were out of sight, Sunset Shimmer darted forward and snatched something off the ground. "Oh lookie here. It's weeny Applejack's wand." she taunted. She still had that sweety girlish voice and I burst into laughter for the I-can't-count time this morning. Applejack yelled,"HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!" "Why should I? If you dare go get it yourself!" Sunset mounted her broom and took off. She was like fifty feet up. Before Applejack could do anything, I got on my broom again and flew up into the sky. "Give. It. Back." I demanded. Sunset pulled out my antidote for boils. She dangled it in midair and teased,"Hey, what about little baby Rainbow go get it for yourself?" She dropped both the wand and my antidote. I watched it fall and my instincts kicked off. I turned the handle and dived down. I was gathering speed, chasing the wand. The wind whipped my robes around but I couldn't care less. Ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet-almost there! I stretched out my and and caught the wand and my antidote in one fell swoop. Suddenly, a BOOM! The air around me exploded in all the colours of the rainbow and a rainbow trail appeared behind my broom. I knew that instant I need to do. With all my strength, I shot forward, grabbed some mud and grass from the ground and threw it up into the sky, still flying. SPLAT! I knew I got my target. I looked up and saw Sunset's face was covered with mud. I laughed and landed back on the ground, handing Applejack's wand back to her. I shoved the antidote in my robes. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" yelled a voice I only knew too well. Professor Chrysalis was striding down the lawn towards us. Oh no. > Sonic Rainboom! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV "Rainbow. Dash. Come with me." ordered Professor Chrysalis. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sunset smirk. I followed her back to the castle, up staircases, through passageways, and we arrived at an empty room. "Wait here. I have to go to fetch someone." she said and left. I waited and waited. With nothing to do, I started playing around with the antidote in my robes. It fell to the floor and smashed. Oops. I said,"Tergeo." The antidote was sucked into midair and hovered there. "Reparo." I muttered. The vial repaired itself and the antidote was put back into it. Like nothing had ever happened. Suddenly, someone said,"So that's the legendary girl in your house." I looked up and saw the Headmistress with Prof.Chrysalis. "Yes, Professor Celestia. She's a wonder. She could make potions perfectly in my class, and what I heard from other teachers was that she could do spells beyond her age. You saw it yourself. Tergeo and Reparo are spells students learn in their fourth year. And, just now, in the flying lesson, she did the legendary Sonic Rainboom." Prof.Celestia replied,"Oh, really? What do you ask of me?" "I want her to be a part of our Quidditch team . With her, Slytherin has a greater chance of winning." I interrupted,"Who's the Quidditch captain of our house?" "It's the awesome Keeper, Altius Glide. She's one of the best Keepers Slytherin has ever seen." said Professor Chrysalis. "Well, which position you think she would be in? She has the strength of a Beater, speed and agility of a Seeker, and good aim and balance of a Chaser. She would be fantastic in any of this three places." commented Prof.Celestia. "Maybe a Chaser or a Seeker. Her build isn't enough to be a Beater. A Seeker would be best for her." said Prof.Chrysalis. I cheered,"Awesome! I could fly more often!" "Yeah. She is definitely up to the test." laughed Prof.Celestia. Prof.Chrysalis said,"I'll bring Altius Glide over here to talk with her newest member. Wait." She left the room again. "So, Rainbow Dash, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" asked the Headmistress kindly. I hesitated. Should I tell her about the bullying? Duh, no! She will laugh at me for being a Mudblood. I replied,"I love the lessons, every single one. But every single professor says I'm so talented. Is this true?" "Yes. You can do spells beyond your age, and from what I hear, you could cast a Patronus. You can brew antidotes perfectly, and transfigure objects with ease. Your friend Applejack told me about how you turned a flower into a tree and back." "That's child play compared to inventing spells of my own. The Gold Thread charm was my creation. The incantation is Coruscent, the Latin for 'sparkle'. And I also took inspiration from the golden mist Harry Potter walked through in the Triwizard Tournament. I created a silvery mist that will change anyone's voice if they walk through it." I said. Prof,Celestia smiled,"So that's why a lot of the staff and students had such ridiculous voices." At that moment, Prof.Chrysalis came back with a girl about fifteen, she had beautiful sapphire eyes and blue, silver and gold streaked hair. "This is Altius Glide, the Keeper and Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Altius, this is Rainbow Dash, your new Seeker." Altius walked over to me and asked,"Professor Chrysalis told me a lot about you, Rainbow." "Really? That's good!" I said. Yeah. Because no one cares except my friends. Altius continued,"I think we should start training tomorrow. You need to know the rest of the team well before competing in our first Quidditch match of the year, Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Alright for you?" "Yeah, but where exactly is the Quidditch pitch?" I asked. "What about you wait for me in the Entrance Hall at 5:00, and I'll take you there myself." "Okay, but I have to go now. It's Potions with Prof.Chrysalis." I said. Prof.Chrysalis spoke,"I'll take you there." We left the room, Altius heading to her class, Prof.Celestia going back to her office, and I followed Prof.Chrysalis along corridors and shortcuts to Potions. "So, I saw your Sonic Rainboom. It's a legendary move passed along in a folk tale for thousands of years. You are the first one to do it." said Prof.Chrysalis. I asked,"Really? Can you tell me more?" Professor Chrysalis launched full-blown into a story. Myth says that someone will do an amazing feat called a Sonic Rainboom. An explosion of rainbow will erupt when someone is flying in a great speed, and a rainbow trail will follow him or her as she flies. A fortune-teller said once before,"The Rainboom should be respected, feared and loved because it's the most powerful magic in the history of magic. The one who did it is even greater than the Boy who Lived. He or she will bring harmony to the world. Everything will be alright when you see the rainbow in the sky." I was staring at her with a look of enrapture on my face. I'm legendary, even though I don't know it. But why does it matter? I'm a Mudblood, a disgrace. "I think I should go to class, Professor." I said, and ran away. I know the shortcuts of Hogwarts well enough to go anywhere I wanted. I read about them in my books. I hurried along the corridors to Potions. I knew what was coming next. When I arrived in front of the classroom, Sunset Shimmer and her gang was standing there, staring daggers at me. "MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD! MUDBLOOD!" the chant started again for the I-don't-know-how-many time. I know. I'm a FUCKING disgrace, a son of a bitch, an arsehole, right? I just know. Sunset came over and said loudly,"So, Mudblood, get your ass outta here and clear the stench in the hallway!" *GASP* Even for her, that was really mean! "Yeah! Go fuck with your slutty butt and show off your asshole in a whorehouse!" jeered Lightning Dust. "Cum on that dick of your shitfaced father!" cried Gilda. What the-? That is so rude! But I can't do anything but hear the insults being thrown at me. > Mythica and Aqua Marina > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV After Potions, where I succeeded in brewing another perfect solution, finally I had some time to be alone. I took all my homework with me and headed towards the Forbidden Forest, to find Mythica. I need some help now. I feel so sad. Following the first trail I made when it was my first time in the Forest, I walked along the trees and animals until I arrived at the unicorn land. "Mythica!' I called out. A majestic unicorn turned and galloped towards me as fast as she could. She cried,"Hey, Rainbow! Back so soon?" "I need to talk with you. Could you please bring me to the lake in the Forest? There's another friend I need to see." "Sure. Get on my back and I'll take you there." she replied. Mythica got onto her front legs and I clambered up on her back. She took off, and once again I felt the wind tossing my hair and robes around, but I couldn't care less. We passed trees, trees and trees. But occasionally I saw some kind of creature I never seen before. Finally, we arrived. I got off Mythica's back and said,"Aqua? Are you here?" She rose from below the surface of the lake like she did last time. "Hey, Rainbow. What's up?" I sat down on a lily pad and sighed,"It's the students. They keep calling me Mudblood and throwing stuff at me. Sometimes they would beat me up." "WHAT?!" cried Mythica and Aqua in unison. "How could they? The bastards!" yelled Aqua, her hair flowing above her head rapidly. I continued,"It's even worse today. They called me a bitch, a slut, and I deserved to be in a whorehouse. They even insulted my father as a shitface." "You should tell the teachers!" said Mythica in shock. I replied sadly,"No, I can't. I'm already the best in class and they are calling me a teacher's pet. If I tell someone, they will never stop. I have to get over it. Just like my uncle says, I'm a bitch and I don't deserve to live." I clapped my hands to my mouth. "What about your uncle?" asked Aqua. I told them my story. They gasped. "Oh! So that's why you burst into the Forest crying!" exclaimed Mythica. I nodded. It's hard to open up since I'm like an oyster, my shell closed shut. I took out my homework and said in a fake cheerful voice,"Okay, no more sad talk! Can we do my homework together? I need some company but I don't dare to go back to my common room." "Okay, what subject is this?" asked Aqua. I answered,"Potions." Aqua and Mythica started reading my piece of parchment and giving me tips. I listened and followed their advice. Before long, my homework was all finished. I closed my books and said,"Well, I have to get back to dinner. Bye." "Wait! I'll take you to the outskirts! It's not safe in the Forest when you're alone." said Mythica. I got on her back again and waved goodbye to Aqua, who in turn waved back and disappeared underneath the surface of the lake, which was glimmering from the pale moonlight. It's about seven now. Fifteen minutes late, Mythica dropped me off at the edge of the Forest. "Bye! See you soon!" I called, turned and walked towards the castle in the distance. When I entered the Great Hall, it was already packed with students, but I somehow managed to find a seat in the corner of the Slytherin table. Suddenly, Blaze slipped next to me and said,"Hey. Where did you go just now? I can't find you!" "Doing my homework." I replied. I just didn't say where. They will kill be if I told them I went adventuring into the Forest on my own. "Really? Can you help me with the Potions homework? I don't understand how to brew that antidote for boils." "Okay! I have nothing to do anyway." I said. Blaze said in confusion,"Helpfulness is a personality trait only found in Hufflepuff. No Slytherin ever helps others!" "The Sorting Hat said I had qualities in all four Houses, but my loyalty is what stood out." I explained. "But loyalty is also a trait of Hufflepuff. Why are you not in there?" Blaze asked. I answered,"I have powerful magical powers. Maybe this is the reason?!" "IDK." he sighed, and turned back to his roasted beef. I ate in record speed and rushed out of the Hall. It should be empty in the common room now. So I went there to clear my mind. I took out my guitar again and sang to myself. Human (13 Reasons Why) This is a variation of the song Human I wrote. I loved this song so much and I sang it every day in the shower. Shh. I sighed, and went to my dorm. I sat on my bed and took out my notebook in my trunk. I started to write: I messed up tonight I lost another fight I still mess up but I'll just start again I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground I always get up now to see what's next Birds don't just fly They fall down and get up Nobody learns without getting it won I won't give up, no I won't give in Till I reach the end And then I'll start again Though I'm on the lead I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail I won't give up, no I won't give in Till I reach the end And then I'll start again No I won't leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail Oh oh try everything Look how far you've come You filled your heart with love Baby you've done enough that cut your breath Don't beat yourself up Don't need to run so fast Sometimes we come last but we did our best I won't give up, no I won't give in Till I reach the end And then I'll start again Though I'm on the lead I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail I won't give up, no I won't give in Till I reach the end And then I'll start again No I won't leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail I'll keep on making those new mistakes I'll keep on making them every day Those new mistakes Oh oh, try everything My mum used to sing this with me everywhere, in the garden, in the park, on the streets, and sometimes we even sing it while sitting on the roof. I know that I'm only eleven, but I experienced much, much more than other eleven-year-olds. And I'm proud of it. > Quidditch Practice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Altius Glide POV That Rainbow sounds cool, but what I heard from my classmates was that she's a Mudblood, and she was abused by her aunt and uncle. Should I try to know more about her? She looks like she needs a friend. I know, from all those psychology classes Mum made me attend, that she's wearing a mask. She is clearly hurt from what others' say about her, that's why I didn't laugh at her when I heard her diary entry. Mum told me when she was fifteen, she was sexually abused by her classmates and has never been the same. Sometimes at night, when I need to go to the bathroom or to have a drink of water, I could hear her crying softly or screaming in her sleep. I want to help others like Mum. No one deserves to be bullied like that. Actually, when I said I needed to go to class, I secretly followed Prof.Chrysalis and Rainbow while they walked. I heard the story about the Rainboom, and I saw it when Rainbow ran away. I followed her along the shortcuts until she arrived at the Potions classroom. I heard everything they said. "Mudblood!" they jeered. But Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda said such mean things that even I was stunned. How could they?! I need to help her. I saw Rainbow's expression and her eyes. They were dull and sad. She lowered her head and just stood there. I need to do something, or my name isn't Altius Glide. -TIME SKIP (the next day 5:00 pm)- I waited in the Entrance Hall for Rainbow. She arrived, her hair tied back into a ponytail, flapping in the gentle breeze. "Hey, Rainbow! We'll start practice with the rest of the team today. But you need to buy a broom, for today, you can use one of the school ones." I greeted. She replied,"That's awesome! Can we go now? I want to get the hang of Seeking as soon as possible." "Whoa, whoa, whoa. No need to be so impatient. But I like your enthusiastic personality and passion. We need such players in the team to win." I laughed playfully. I led her out of the school, past grassy fields and to the Quidditch pitch. Beside me, I heard Rainbow gasp. "This. Is. Amazing." she said in awe. I answered,"I get responses from newbies every time like this. It's a wonder, I know." Five other people in emerald green robes were waiting for us by the goalposts. "Altius!" cried the tallest one,"You're here? And the newbie?" I called back,"Yeah! Wait a sec when I get her stuff." I walked into the changing room, got a robe in Rainbow's size, and took a broomstick for her. My broom was in my locker in the changing room, so I took it out as well. "Here. Your new Quidditch robes and a broom. I'll help you order a new one soon, don't worry, Rainbow." I said cheerfully. She replied,"Yeah, thanks Altius." But she quickly lowered her head down after she finished. She must be sad. "TEAM! GET YOURSELVES OVER HERE!" I yelled and Rainbow winced. I have a really loud voice. "Guys, this is our new Seeker, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, these are the three Chasers, Volar Blare, Sky High, and Luna Mist. The Beaters are twins, Helios and Ares." I introduced them. Volar has light purple hair, Sky has blue hair in a plait, Luna has golden hair, and Helios and Ares both have red hair with gold streaks. Rainbow said,"Hi. It's nice to meet you." "So, what'cha waiting for? Let's go fly, fly, fly!" cried Sky with a cheesy grin. I stopped her and said,"Wait! Rainbow, do you know the game?" "Yeah. I have to catch the Golden Snitch and we will get 150 points. The Seeker who catches the Snitch will end the game, right?" she replied. I nodded and called,"TEAM! MOUNT YOUR BROOMS AND FLY!" We got on our brooms and kicked off into the evening sky. I instantly saw that what Prof.Chrysalis said was true. Rainbow really is a pro on a broom, even if it is an old one. The team was staring at her natural movements in the sky, when she seemed to be enjoying herself. The Chasers started shooting goals at me with the Quaffle I set free, and I stopped them with ease. Meanwhile, Ares and Helios were hitting the Bludgers around with their sticks, and one zoomed really close to me. "HEY! WATCH IT!" I shouted and my voice echoed around the whole pitch. Ares nodded fearfully and hit the Bludger in another direction. Rainbow suddenly launched into a steep dive, attracting everyone's attention. "Got it!" she cried happily, and I saw the struggling Snitch in her right hand. I flew over to her and said,"Good job! Never seen the Snitch caught so quickly." Rainbow let it go again, and just hovered and waited. "What are you doing?" asked Volar suspiciously. She replied,"Giving it a headstart." Volar shrugged and shot a goal at me. I blocked it. A golden glimmer came from the far end of the pitch. Rainbow streaked towards it and caught the Snitch again. She really is talented. A future star. I just have to let her see that. This went on for the most of two hours. We got off the pitch, changed, and headed back to the castle together. We departed at the Entrance Hall, leaving me and Rainbow alone. I said,"Rainbow. I know what you are going through right now. Even though you are a Muggle-born, there's no need to be ashamed of it. My mum had experiences similar to yours, and she was never the same. But she always tried to look on the positive side of things, and to overcome her hurdles. Rainbow, you can do it too!" "Really? Are you even a Mudblood? Ever tried being insulted by your peers saying you're a slut? A girl who is a disgrace, a bitch, worthless, a nobody? Altius, you don't know what it's like. They tell me to get over it, but I'm only human! I'm not what you think I am, the superstar of Hogwarts!" replied Rainbow emotionlessly. She abruptly turned and ran away in the direction of the common room. I ran after her, calling,"Rainbow! WAIT!" > Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV I ran, away from everyone and everything. I could hear Altius running after me, calling,"Rainbow! Wait!" But I won't. I'm a Mudblood. Why would she even care about me? I'm a waste of space. No one cares. Aunt and Uncle abuse me. Daydream teases me. Mum, Dad and Blitz don't even spend the time to really talk to me. The teachers only pretend they care. The students call me rude names and bully me. I'm better off alone, in the Forbidden Forest, being chewed to death by monsters. I turned into a shortcut, a long and narrow passageway. I guess that no one will find me here, since it's a secret passage. I muttered,"Accio knife." A knife flew down the passage to me. I caught it and started cutting myself on my arms, writing words with each cut. Mudblood. Disgrace. Worthless. Nothing. Unloved. Freak of nature. Psycho. Idiot. Messed up. I didn't bother to clean myself up, even though I know the siphoning spell. Blood was all over the knife, my robes and my arms. I know no one cares anyway. The scars, emotional or physical, will remain. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. "Rainbow? Rainbow? Rainbow!" cried voices. Altius, Applejack, Blaze, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fleetfoot rushed to my side. "Darling? What happened?" asked Rarity. I just played with the knife in my hand. "W...Wait! Is that a knife?" cried Altius. She snatched it away and examined it. Fluttershy whispered,"It is one, Altius." Meanwhile, Fleetfoot started wiping off the blood on my arms and she gasped. She stuttered,"Dashie...what did you do?" She saw the words carved onto my arms. "Tergeo." muttered Altius, and the blood was siphoned off. Pinkie Pie started saying stuff randomly,"Why, Dashie? You're supposed to be happy! Should I go get you a cupcake? Oh! What flavour do you want? Strawberry Surprise? Chocolate Crush? Or...Lemon Love?' Maybe Cherry Pu-" "WILL YOU FUCKING SHUT UP?" yelled Altius. "Okie dokie lokie!" chirped Pinkie, and stood straight like a soldier. Applejack knelt down and whispered in my ear,"You're beautiful, unique, special, talented, a prodigy, a legend, and much, much, much more. Don't be let down by what others' say. (I wish my loved ones would say this to me...) No one can replace you, Rainbow. We love you." I said, my voice cracking,"Bu...But why m...me?" "Even though you're a Muggle-born, but you're the legendary girl who can do a Sonic Rainboom. You are powerful with magic, and can do magic beyond your age. You are also a good singer, a responsible student, and a good and loyal friend. You gave Applejack half of your antidote." said Altius. I shook my head and replied,"Because there's extra." "No! Believe us! We are always here for you, no matter what. I know you, because I experienced bullying back in first grade. Mum told me the same things, and I learnt that they are just jealous of me! They humiliate me to make themselves feel better, and I told the bullies so, and we became friends in the end. You can do it too!" encouraged Blaze. I don't want to believe them. I'm useless. Suddenly, a voice rang out in my head,"Dashie, it's Blitz." "W...What?" I said out loud. "Sis, I love you so much, remember that charm bracelet I gave you? It has a symbolic meaning to it. Your personality is colorful, like the color of your hair. You have a bright future, but you need to get over the dark times before you can see the light." I said,"Ok, Blitz. I love you." "I love you too." Someone was shaking me. "RAINBOW! RAINBOW! RAINBOW!" I opened my eyes and saw I was lying on the floor, and Applejack was shaking me like crazy. "You started talking to yourself and fell down? What's wrong?" she asked anxiously. I replied,"I believe you. I have purpose in this world." I stood up and walked back to my dorm. I wrote another song: I'm sorry mom and dad I know I've messed up bad I should've, should've done, should've done better. I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time I had to get my life To get my life together But I didn't 1993 you gave birth to me Sweet little baby girl had the world at my feet Before I could even stand. Cradled me in your right and your left hand a precious bundle of un-made plans. Hopes and dreams of bigger things a bright future so it seemed But that light grew a little less bright as I grew up we began to fight When I was 13 I was so damn mean Running away had nothing more to say Then I hate you But that's not true now I just don't I just don't, I just don't know how to say I'm sorry mom and dad I know I've messed up bad I should've, should've done, should've done better. I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time I had to get my life To get my life together But I didn't You never talk about me to your friends Because you must be so embarrassed I dropped out of college without any plans I moved back home I couldn't even pay rent. I was living on your couch trying to figure it out cutting myself up tearing myself down I'm sorry mom and dad I know I've messed up bad I should've, should've done, should've done better. I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time I had to get my life To get my life together But I didn't I'm sorry that I couldn't buy you that house upon that hill Or take care of all your medical bills I know I didn't make you proud I should've been someone by now But I never figured out how I'm sorry that I couldn't buy you that house upon that hill Or take care of all your medical bills I know I didn't make you proud I should've been someone by now But I never figured out how I'm sorry mom and dad I know I've messed up bad I should've, should've done, should've done better. I'm sorry mom and dad For all the time I had to get my life To get my life together... I'm sorry mom and dad I know I've messed up bad I should've, should've done, should've done better. I'm sorry mom and dad For all the time I had to get my life To get my life together But I didn't Sincerely, Your Daughter I know I messed up sometimes, but I will do better. I promise, Blitz, no matter where you are. > A New Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash POV After the unfortunate events of yesterday, I woke up at 5:00 today, surprisingly. I decided to go for a stroll (in the Forbidden Forest). I want to clear my head. As I walked along the lake, I rested my head against a tree, gazing at the rainbow reflected on the water's surface. It made me think of Blitz, and how's he doing in the Muggle world. Suddenly. a splash in the water caught my attention. A blue fog rose from the water. Aqua materialized "Hey Rainbow! Did I ever tell you I could appear wherever's there's water?" she greeted cheerfully. I waved and said,"Aqua! Hi!" "I saw everything in the passage from my crystal ball. Why did you do such things to yourself?" I hesitated. Flashback: "Rainbow!" "Blitz! I missed you so much! Did you have fun at Camp Everfree?" I asked. Blitz replied,"Awesome! But I'd rather stay at home with you." "Let's go to the lake now! I want to see the willows, the birds, and of course, the rainbow reflected on the water surface!" I cried joyfully. He nodded, took my hand, and we ran off into the glare of the sun, casting shadows behind us, as we faded into the distance. I opened my eyes, and saw I was staring at the sky, and Aqua was talking to herself. "And I have to do more research on crystal balls, and I have to practice my water powers..." she was muttering. I cried,"AQUA!" She snapped back to attention. "Yes, Rainbow?" I said,"You were talking to yourself. Are you OK?" "Um...yeah! Yeah! I'm ok, don't worry." she replied nervously. Obviously she's not. Aqua's a bad liar. I said determinedly,"You're not. You can tell me everything. I'm your friend, right?" "Well...it's my mother. I have ten sisters, actually, and it's an everlasting competition among us. To get our mother's attention, I have to study as hard as I could, but some of my sisters keep surpassing me. But thanks to you, I got praise from Mother! I wrote about a story about a nymph and a human falling in love, and she cried while reading. That day, I found out that my dad is a human, and he's dead. He sacrificed himself in the legendary Battle of Hogwarts. Thank you, Rainbow!" said Aqua, her hair flowing steadily along her dress. "Don't fret, Aqua. Nerves won't help matters! Just try your best and everything will go according to plan. You couldn't possibly know everything, right? I once felt like that when I was six, the worst in the class, but I found my potential in sports and music, and I became more popular. And now, I'm so happy! I have so much to feel grateful for!" I started to sing: Demons "See, Aqua? We have demons, but they won't take over. You have to control them, because no one could do that but you!" I encouraged. "No one is perfect, and no one is flawless. But everyone is unique, and no one could ever replace you. You don't need to care about what your other sisters think, just be yourself." Aqua slowly nodded. "Yeah, yeah, you're right. That's what mum told me and my other sisters. That helped a lot. Thank you for being there for me when no one is." she replied, a smile blossoming on her face. We chatted about studies and music together for the rest of the time, and we sang these songs in unison. Warrior[ Love Story Titanium Defying Gravity Space Between and much more... Suddenly, I checked the time and found it was already 7:50! Oh no! I'm gonna be late! "Aqua! It's time to go and eat! See you soon!" I said hurriedly and ran, watching Aqua fade under the lake. I burst into the Great Hall, and took a seat at the corner of the Slytherin table, next to Blaze and I gazed around the table. Altius smiled at me, and hurriedly turned back to her plate. "Hey Rainbow. Where did you go?" asked Blaze. I replied,"To the lake." "Homework again?!" he said, tone dripping with sarcasm. I said,"No. Thinking and singing." I said nothing and ate in silence. Aqua was right, everyone has pressure. But it's your choice to make the pressure affect you. And I'm not gonna do that, but I might, just might change my mind. I ate and left, not wanting to see the glares of the Slytherins following me. Walking up staircases to the Astronomy Tower, I thought of what I said. "No one is perfect, and no one is flawless. But everyone is unique, and no one could ever replace you. You don't need to care about what your other sisters think, just be yourself." Yeah, right. I only said that to comfort Aqua. I'm a piece of shit that could easily be gone. I don't deserve whatever you give me. If I die, no one will miss me. Gazing at the bright sun, I smiled sadly, with a hint of bitterness. I wished I could fly right now... All of a sudden, a strong gust of wind picked me right up and I was blasted into the air. "Whoa!" I called, as I flew above Hogwarts, passing rooms and windows. I swept my hand out, and immediately I was flying to the right. So I could control wind, huh? Awesome! "RAINBOW!" yelled a voice. I looked down and saw Blaze and Altius gesturing for me to get down. Well, ok! I flicked my hand down casually and I started to descend slowly, landing perfectly on the ground without a sound. "WTF IS THAT YOU ARE DOING!" screamed Altius and I winced. Too loud. I replied,"Flying." "IN MIDAIR?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?" Altius continued ranting. I said,"I don't know. I just wished I could fly and a gust of wind picked me up. I can control wind! It's amazing!" "How?" asked Blaze. I said,"Watch and see!" I raised my hand, thinking about the shock and delight just now when I was flying. Wind came, and lifted me once again into the air. "Woo-hoo!" I called, as the wind whipped me around. I knew my hair was a mess and flying, but at that moment, I couldn't care less. I started controlling myself like you would do in a video game, moving my hands along invisible controls. Flying around and around Hogwarts, Blaze and Altius just stared in amazement, while I smiled and laughed happily. After five minutes, I landed again on the soft grass, and the wind stopped. "W...W...Whoa, now this is something impressive." muttered Altius. I just grinned, as we walked back up to the castle, or, should I say, they walked, and I levitated. > Meeting the Headmistress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Celestia POV Rainbow Dash is amazing. She can do such impressive magic feats without knowing of her own brilliance. And she's polite, and easy to make friends with. How can I help her enhance her magic? Suddenly, my mind drifted off to what happened years before... Flashback: I was sitting by Professor Trelawney's bedside. She was fatally ill, and healers told me she's going to die soon. Professor Trelawney is like a mother to me, since I'm an orphan. Suddenly, her heart rate slowed, and I gasped. "T...Ti...Tia. c...come...over here." she whispered. I immediately rushed over to her, and knelt down. She said in a harsh voice I only heard once before,"W...When the first...first Muggle-born Sl...Slytherin comes to Hogwarts, t...then will the legendary...legendary Elements finally...reunite. She will possess i...incredible...magic powers, and...you have to teach...teach her how to enhance them...Tia...she will bring peace to the world, forever...with her friends...she will surely...step on a road to success...will...surely step on a road to...su...success..." Professor Trelawney fell limp and moved no more. I fell on top of her and sobbed, sobbed for no one to hear. Healers came, took her body away and I never saw my mentor again. "The words she said...I remembered them forever." I muttered to myself. A gust of wind blew in, and my papers were blown away. I sighed, and picked some of them up. A figure flew past my window and I looked closer. It was Rainbow Dash. She was floating in midair, moving her hands about, and laughing happily. Whoa. She can even control wind? I have to meet her privately soon. Rainbow Dash POV After all the lessons, I can finally go and do my homework. I was heading to the common room, when Blaze came running towards me. "Rainbow! Prof.Celestia wants to find you!" he cried, and passed me a note. I read it and this is what it said: Dear Miss Rainbow Dash, Please come to the statue of the gargoyle as fast as you can. Say,"Pear drop." to it, and the gargoyle will jump aside, and there will be a route to my office. There is something I have to tell you. Professor Celestia. So she wants to find me huh? Ok! It's not every day that you get a visit from the Headmistress herself. I must be important. Not. I'm worthless. But anyway, I headed down the corridor, and along passages. Finally, I arrived at the stone gargoyle. I said awkwardly,"Pear drop." Not knowing what to expect, it came as a shock when suddenly the gargoyle came to life and sprang aside, revealing a passage and revolving stairs. Whoa. This. Is. Awesome! I wish my room could have such stuff. I stepped on a rung of the stairs, an it started transporting me to the Headmistress's office upstairs. I arrived, and knocked on the ornate snowy-white wooden door. "Come in!" called a voice. I opened the door tentatively, and saw a beautiful sight. So beautiful that beautiful is an understatement. Professor Celestia's office was pure white, with streaks of real fire chandeliers on the walls and ceiling. Her desk was the colour of the sun, and stacks of papers were on top of it. Different ornaments were placed on shelves after shelves, along with elusive volumes of history and dark arts. What surprised me most was the stunning phoenix perching on Professor Celestia's shoulder, singing softly. "Hi, Rainbow. Like my office?" asked Prof.Celestia. I was so shocked that I just nodded. She continued,"I have to tell you something, but before I start, please sit down." Prof.Celestia waved her wand, and an armchair appeared out of thin air, and landed behind me. I sank into it. "What is it, Professor?" I asked as politely as I could. She sighed and said,"I asked about you from other teachers. They all said you are bright, and you understand the most difficult magic in minutes. You can do literally anything, and from what Professor Shining Armour said, you can produce an Alicorn Patronus." "Yes, Professor. Expecto Patronum!" I said, focusing my mind of the delight I felt when flying in midair with my hands. A silvery Alicorn burst out from my wand, and cantered around the room before it disappeared without a sound. "Do you know that an Alicorn is the most powerful animal in history? The phoenix is only second to it." said Professor Celestia, stroking her phoenix. It let out a high note, and I felt like I had drank a warm bowl of soup. I said,"Yes. It possesses amazing strength, it's tears have healing powers, and it's song is magical to all those who hear it." "Yes, but from what I know, you match the description of a girl in a prophecy. She has great powers, and will reunite the legendary Elements. I heard the prophecy with my own ears." Professor Celestia waved her wand again, and a screen appeared, showing a frail, elderly woman. She said in a harsh voice,"W...When the first...first Muggle-born Sl...Slytherin comes to Hogwarts, t...then will the legendary...legendary Elements finally...reunite. She will possess i...incredible...magic powers, and...you have to teach...teach her how to enhance them...Tia...she will bring peace to the world, forever...with her friends...she will surely...step on a road to success...will...surely step on a road to...su...success..." She fell silent. I looked back at Professor Celestia and saw tears brimming in her eyes. Being the comforting girl I am, I asked,"Professor? What's wrong?" "That woman...was my mentor. I was orphaned at the age of six, and Professor Trelawney took me in. She cared for me like a daughter, and she taught me the Inner Eye and its powers. I became a Seer, like her, but one day she fainted and I brought her to St. Mungo's. She died a week later, and I never got to thank her...I'm not worth of her love." sobbed Professor Celestia. Even though she is a professor, and I'm a mere student, but I hugged her softly and whispered,"It will be alright." She calmed down soon enough, and said."Thank you, Rainbow. For helping me. You're not like other students I taught. They back away in fear of me, and never dare to tell me their secrets." I smiled.