> The Liberation Of Equestria > by Shadowflameking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The kingdom of Equestria, the shining jewel of the world known for having peace reign for over a thousand years, at least, it used to. The caribou invaded just a year ago and had using corrupting crystals placed in every city town and village had taken control of most the stallion population as well, and the only place that was still resisting them was the Crystal Empire, if they where able to corrupt the crystal heart then the entire world would fall to the caribou's ways. Sadly for the caribou the crystal ponies had weird crystal rifles that shot energy beams, while very old due to the fact the empire had these before it vanished over a thousand years ago the caribou had developed powerful ballistic weapons, since when the empire vanished the technology needed to create energy weapons was lost even to Equestria. Crystal ponies where firing on caribou that dared try to get close to the empire's barrier which protected them from attacks both magical and physical such as caribou artillery. "We can't hold out much longer Cadence, the shield needs more power to stay active due to all the shots being fired through and at it, does the empire have any other way to defend itself against invasion? I know you and I have been going through those old scrolls that had been forgotten in the archives since before Sombra took over." Shining sat next to his wife at a large desk littered with old scrolls and books. Cadence smiled. "I think I've found something Shiny, its a summoning spell that should summon a golem powerful enough to defend the empire from the caribou, but there is a catch to it, once it's here it can't be sent back, so if it turns on us we are pretty much fucked." Shining sighed. "Well we don't have much of a choice, because the barrier will fall soon and when that happens we are screwed, so lets just get this over with." Shining and Cadence walked to a field just forty feet away from the barrier, and pulled out the scroll, and as per the instructions on the scroll they used there magic to burn a runic circle that was thirty feet long and wide into the ground before placing magic infused gems around the circle at certain points before they lit there horns up and charged the runes around the circle, there was a hum of power and a blinding bright flash of light and a large boom there was a 40 foot tall metal golem in the circle, just standing there. Meanwhile at a certain airport in the Commonwealth the Brotherhood of Steel stared in shock at where Liberty Prime had just finished his startup checks before disappearing in a bright flash of light. Just as Shining was about to ask Cadence if something went wrong the golem spoke in a voice that shook the very ground beneath them like a male version of Celestia herself had gotten angry at somepony. "Warning: Forcible impact alert, scanning for Chinese artillery." At that exact moment caribou artillery shells impacted the barrier causing large cracks to form on the surface. Cadence fell to the floor her snout bleeding, she had been helping keep the shield up like when she had done with Sombra outside attacking to get back into the empire, but the golem didn't seem to like the caribou trying to shell its position. "Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged." Prime stomped out of the barrier and started firing his head laser at caribou artillery teams within half a mile of the barrier, causing some of the shells to explode and causing many caribou to die from the heat and blast of the shells rather than the laser itself. "Holy shit kill the metal golem! kill it now!" Caribou who had lived aimed their rifles and machine guns at the massive machine and started shooting, doing fuck all for damage because their rifles and machine guns fired bullets using black powder, and the bullets themselves had no metal jacket coating the lead they where made of, so the bullets that hit Prime just mushroomed and fell off. Liberty Prime's head turned to the large mass of caribou shooting at him from trenches. "Communist target acquired, Anchorage will be liberated." Prime reached behind his back and grabbed a mark 28 nuke before throwing it at the caribou, killing most of them instantly and causing others to die from burns not even a dragon could hope to inflict upon another. "Embrace Democracy, or you will be eradicated." "Mages! I want a shield up NOW!" The commander yelled at a group of fifty caribou mages, their horns lit up orange before a large dome barrier formed around the remaining caribou forces. Prime stomped up the the shield, not even ten feet away as caribou watched in awe and terror and what it did next. "Significant obstruction detected, photonic resonance barrier. Revised stratagem: Initiate photonic resonance overcharge." Prime placed his hands on the barrier of clearish orange light and the mages inside screamed in agony as thousands upon thousands of volts of electricity was sent through their spell strait into their antlers, causing many to die either by the voltage or simply take their own life by slicing their throats to end the pain, either way the barrier collapsed. The commander stood their for a few moments. "SOUND THE RETREAT! I WANT ALL CARIBOU OUT OF HERE NOW!" Any caribou able to cast spells pooled their energy into the mass teleportation spell the commander was doing, before they where gone in a violent flash of orange light. King Dainn was not the nicest caribou, far from it since he was the one to start all this fucked up shit to begin with, but he never expected his commander and a handful of soldiers to teleport into his throne room with no notice or warning. "Commander Iron Hooves what the hell is the meaning of this!?" He dragged the commander forward with his magic. "Sir, the Crystal Bitch and her slave have summoned some kind of huge metal golem, our weapons had no effect on it and we had to retreat, I am sorry I have failed you my king." Dainn looked at the commander for a few seconds before his horns glew and the commanders neck snapped. "I don't tolerate weaklings, I want this city fortified and every caribou on the walls with a gun!" Caribou guards aside from his personal guard rushed to fortify the city, but their efforts would be in vain, because nothing could hope to stop Prime from spreading freedom. Liberty Prime looked to the south, his sensors detecting the energy the caribou had used was around that area, and he began stomping towards the source of energy. "Anchorage will be liberated." Cadence and Shining Armor looked at Prime as he stomped off, causing the ground to shake with each step and Shining turned to his wife. "I think the caribou are fucked, that thing took them out without a problem." Shining grinned and helped his wife back to the crystal castle. During Prime's trek to Equestria he had encountered no resistance, until he hit Equestrian soil where he was shot upon by random caribou warriors, he just stepped on them and kept walking, his goal? the huge castle on a mountain in the distance and nothing short of a nuke would have any hope to stop him. Suddenly large shadows hovered above Prime, it was a fleet of caribou zeppelins, large ships of iron floating due to a unicorn who had been sympathetic to the caribou's cause, they aimed their cannons at the golem, only to get shot out of the skies one by one due to Prime's head laser striking the engines of the craft causing them, and the gasses that powered the ships to explode and crash to the ground, Prime just walked through the twisted metal and flames looking like some demon from hell had come back for revenge, continuing on his way to Canterlot. King Dainn watched from Canterlot through a telescope as his fleet of zeppelins was turned to burning wrecks of twisted metal and flames, and seethed in rage, he had taken Equestria and turned it into a male paradise, and this thing was going to try to ruin it, no matter for he had the powers of a god and surely he wouldn't loose to that metal being. Prime kept walking and started climbing the mountain, and two hours later reached the gates of Canterlot only to get pepperd with bullets and other projectiles. "Obstruction detected. Composition: Marble supplemented by stone and wood. Chinese blockade attempt: futile." Liberty Prime threw a nuke at the gates of Canterlot, blowing them and most of the wall in that area apart into rubble, before he continued to walk through the gates unaffected by the fire of the caribou's weapons. Prime turned his attention to the caribou shooting him. "Communist threat assessment: Minimal. Scanning defenses..." A blue light came from Prime's eye laser and started scanning the castle, and the rest of Canterlot in the process. He set his sights on the castle, the castle made mostly of WOOD and stone."Structural weakness detected. Exploiting." Prime shot his laser at the wooden parts of the castle, causing it to set ablaze with bright red fire, before turning his attention back to the caribou shooting at him. "Initiating directive 7395, destroy all Communists." Prime threw a nuke at those shooting him, and shot his laser at others, and any who got to close where stomped into red paste with no remorse by the giant robot. King Dainn watched in rage, before he grabbed his antlers glew orange and he shot a laser at Prime, the same laser he used to defeat Celestia and take her kingdom from her like one would take a toy from a foal, only to have it only scorch Primes chrome paint job a little, Prime looked to Dainn. "The last domino falls here." After Prime finished turning the caribou guards to paste he stomped his way to Dainn. "You have no hope to defeat me! I am King Dainn! I am a GOD! you are NOTHING! compared to ME!" Dainn shot his rifle and his magic at Prime. Liberty Prime only said one sentence. "I am Liberty Prime, I am America." He threw a nuke at Dainn, said caribou raised a shield but it shattered with the heat and force of the blast, also killing Dainn and freeing Equestria from caribou control now that Dainn's corrupting crystals had no magic being pumped into them, causing them to shatter.