> Unremarkable Married Life > by Ghouleh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 of 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t easy being married to the Goddess of Love, but Shining Armor did his best. First, one had to take the more physical aspects into consideration. Gone were the days when Cadance was only slightly taller than him. Did alicorns ever stop growing..? If Celestia was any indication, then sooner or later they’d need a bigger bed. No, an even bigger bed. That presented its own challenges, but also unexpected boons. Would it happen to Twily, eventually? He snickered at the thought. It seemed ludicrous to think she would outgrow him, but the possibility seemed very real. Second, there was the scent. Put simply, his wife smelled ever-so-faintly of candy, which lingered where she passed. He had heard hushed banter between the Crystal Guardsponies about which candy. In truth, it varied, he suspected, with her mood. There was also the heat. He had noticed it with the Royal Sisters before – their bodies were warmer than ponies’. His sister once theorized about it being a byproduct of the large amounts of magic coursing through their bodies at all times – and indeed, eventually it happened with Cadance as well. The so-called glow some reported feeling in the presence of alicorns was, perhaps, more real than they would think. That meant eschewing blankets altogether. There was just too much mare, and the heat radiating off of her meant that cold just couldn’t touch him. It was a nice excuse to sleep whilst losing himself in her soft fur, not to mention her wings, when she felt overly affectionate – which was always. Covering himself with a blanket would end up with him hotboxing on his wife’s warm candy scent. Not a bad thing by any means, he thought, but ultimately unhelpful when a good night’s sleep was needed. After all of that, there were the more esoteric aspects of their marriage to consider. Love, she had told him, along with things such as affection and of course lust were like tides. They ebbed and flowed, taking new shapes as time went on. Cadance said she could see the tides, so to speak, and even change their course. In this, she watched over her subjects much like Princess Luna watched over their dreams. Mostly, however, she enjoyed riding the proverbial waves, and seeing where they would take her next, for she was affected by them as much as anypony – neigh, even more so. This influenced many tiny aspects of her behavior, but mostly in that no two nights in bed were alike. Shining had gotten used to it back when they were still dating, always keeping an open mind. This had led him to discover entirely new experiences that greatly enriched their love lives – though he never quite ceased to be amazed at how bottomless the well of new, spicy things was. Finally, there was the point in which those things began affecting him. Rumors had reached him of how the guardsponies’ didn’t linger solely on his wife as she passed – but also on him. He could feel it. His fur became softer, smoother. His body was slowly becoming more toned and curvier. Were his eyelashes growing too? He couldn’t quite tell. His sense of ponies’ emotions became much sharper, as well. He supposed nopony one could live side-by-side with an alicorn for so long without incurring some side effects. Maybe Twily could shed some light on this? Not that he was complaining, though. A recurring if private comment among soldiers of both sexes was how their prince was becoming more fuckable each day. He made a mental note to reprimand these sorts of comments. As an ex-soldier himself, he knew how levity was important and crass comments were just a way to blow off steam – but he was going to be a father soon, and he didn’t want his daughter to be exposed to such crude comments. Inwardly, though, he allowed himself a moment of selfish pride and delight. To turn heads when he walked beside Cadance was no small feat! Perhaps he would broach the subject with her, and see if the guards would be willing to test that theory. And so it was that one morning, both he and his wife woke up and looked deep into each other’s eyes, and realized they both felt gayer than a bag of rainbows. They chuckled. This wasn’t exactly new – it was just the tides, after all, and more than once had he gotten up to realize he was craving stallion, or that his wife was hungering for a mare – but it was the first time they both had it at once. Furthermore, the usually domineering alicorn was feeling like being dominated for once. They shared a conspiratorial married chuckle. He and Cadance often faced these things like a fun problem with an equally fun solution. And regardless of their preferences for the day, they still loved each other so very much, they would not like to do this without one another. And so it was that, that night, after royal duties were concluded, the royal couple sent for the Crystal Guards who had originated the crass comments about him. This was also nothing new. Many ponies had shared their bed before, and many more would. To call it the most poorly-kept open secret in the Crystal Empire would be too generous. The Empire, having been kept in stasis for a thousand years, still had in place ancient laws of Primae Noctis. The crystal ponies had been oddly unwilling to change it, and Shining suspected it had something to do with how much they loved their Princess. It soon became apparent that being picked out for this resulted in a great boost of status for the bride and/or groom, and somehow made the Crystal Heart ever-so-slightly stronger? Eventually she and Shining had decided to count this as a blessing, and picked out brides and grooms who seemed at once worthy, willing and interesting. But sometimes, like tonight, it was the palace guard who would share in that boon. Shining’s partner was a strapping specimen of crystal stallion, who he’d decided to call Purple for the evening. He ran his hands over his firm, glittering body, teasing him to return him the favor, and verify with his own senses if he was indeed becoming more fuckable. Cadance named her own guardspony Violet, and she was a downright stalwart type, seemingly undaunted by the task of pleasuring the large goddess before her. And yet, Shining suspected that that bravery wouldn’t last very long. Before allowing his wife to turn Violet into sweet-smelling mush, he collared her and held the leash, announcing that though the unfortunate guardsmare was hers to do with as she wished, Cadance herself was his. Tugging on the leash had the approximate effect of trying to pull the Friendship Express with a string – but it was the intention that mattered, and his wife all but slobbered in appreciation. He decided he would make out with Purple on top of her belly, just to further indicate who was on top here. The warmth radiating from her body was delicious on his thighs and especially crotch – and he could see his crystal stallion had felt the same. His turgid member rubbed lovingly against Shining’s, making the prince feel small by comparison and making his mouth water. Finally, Cadance’s warmth under his tail made him clench in need, dispelling any doubts about what awaited the loser of this clash of swords. As Purple began to envelop him from behind, Shining watched as Violet seemed about done with pleasing the pink alicorn with all of her might. The pony’s mouth seemed tired from suckling the large clitoris, and her bare chest heaved with the effort of caressing the pink labia with her tired arms, covering her in mare-honey and only succeeding in making Cadance more aroused. The prince looked back at his wife, and they shared a deep, meaningful look. She smiled, and he smiled back with a playfully ineffective tug of the leash. Nodding at the crystal stallion, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance moaned in perfect unison, as Purple’s penetrated him at the exact same time as the goddess pushed Violet headfirst into her waiting labia, sinking effortlessly in as the strong muscles pulled her up to her waist. Cadance began to moan in earnest. She need do nothing but feel half a mare wriggling inside her, filling her more completely than any stallion could. At least, not normally. This was a trip Shining had undertaken before, after all. The Princess rolled her hips in appreciation of the brave guardsmare’s efforts, letting her hot, moist velvety folds caress her. Meanwhile, Purple made love to her husband, tenderly licking and kissing at his neck, lightly pinching his sensitive nipples even as he thrust into the curvy white plot. He held Shining’s cock affectionately but did not stroke it. He wasn’t meant to be a stallion tonight, after all, and as such shouldn’t have the use of a stallion’s tools. Through it all, the prince struggled to at least appear in control. He stole glances at his alicorn wife, tugging at the collar, with the silent implication that she could look, should look – but could not touch. He heat radiating off of her belly, the warm bubblegum scent rising from her fur, it was all more than a little intoxicating. He decided to turn his back on her, denying her even the basic privilege of seeing her husband being taken. She would have to make do with watching Purple’s muscled back, his glittering glutes clenching with every delicious thrust. Shining knew well how these tiny acts of denial fueled the forge of her arousal. It was his wife who came first. Unsurprising, and he well knew this was more of an opening salvo than anything else. He had not yet found a limit the amount of orgasms the pink alicorn could have in a row, given sufficient stimulation. Violet came soon after, helpless to the quivering labia orgasming all around her. She began to squirt violently, powerful jets of clear, slimy mare juices spurting from between her exposed legs. Shining smiled at seeing such a clear signal of how much she was enjoying it. He could feel her wriggling through Cadance’s belly, underneath him and his lover, and that was just enough to push him over the edge. Purple’s hefty sack slapped against his, even as he punished the white unicorn for having too good a behind. His prostate, already on edge from Cadance’s tongue bath earlier(lubrication is important!) that night, had little defense against the crystal stallion’s virility. The anal orgasm was, in a word, heavenly, and he bounced his hips against him in response, trying to milk the guardspony and force him into a climax. Purple, however, would not be so easily subdued. Holding firmly onto his partner, he turned lovemaking into breeding, never giving Shining enough time between thrusts to recover, his tongue lustfully running along his neck, his hand clamped firmly on his member, never allowing him to be overstimulated. In the end, it was Shining who was forced into a second orgasm like a mare, his world reduced to the anal crucible where he was pounded into submission, his moans becoming musical in tone. Only then did Purple relent, bottoming out passionately inside him and ejaculating thick ropes of sperm which he greedily took in. Now it was his time to have warmth radiating from inside. Cadance, who had no intention of relinquishing Violet anytime soon, watched with gusto. Shining tried to wipe that smug smile off her face with another tug of the leash. He was expected to show dominance to a literal giant goddess who used living ponies as dildos, while being bred by a bigger stallion. A tricky proposition to be sure. But Shining Armor did his best. “Shining.” She said playfully. “Is that another stallion’s seed running down your legs?” “No.” He responded with a smirk. “It’s just – liquid pride.”