How to survive the equestrian wasteland.... As a zombie

by Kanna

First published

A zombie goes to fallout equis

So... The name is Matt, Matt Davis i just finished school and... Well i died, 1000 years later i got resurrected as a zombie in some hell hole called Equestria. It looks more like something out of the Fallout franchise. Like ghouls, Deathclaws and then there is me... A little zombie who is.... Well undead and i can't die. Well i have tried committing suicide a few time's but nothing has worked. Even destroying my brain hasn't worked.

Oh yeah then there is that thing that everyone thinks that i am a mindless monster and that i want to eat them all.

Fucking racist bastards.

Oh and i forgot to tell you that after i was resurrected i forgot everything and everyone when i was alive. Except all the zombie movies i have watched. Isn't it ironic?

So.... Yeah a guy dies gets resurrected as a zombie in the equestrian wasteland and is just trying to not die again from boredom.

Oh before you go reading this story i should add this... When the mega spells dropped they broke the gate of tartarus. So you'll see a little more than just the common wastelands animals and creatures.

Might add more genres as the story proceedes.

Picture is not mine it's Jakub kasiars. I desperately need to get a better pic for this story.

Escape from the laboratory

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Year 2018
Before the first war

The walls and the ceiling we're i was we're white. There was a table and a black chair in the corner of the room, next to my bed that had flowers on the bed sheets. And just so you now i didn't put them on there willingly, i just don't have anything else to put on there.

I was currently in my black coloured boxers and T-shirt, just chilling on my bed watching meme compilations from YouTube, and eating potato chips.

I got a few texts while watching memes but i didn't really care and just swiped them away. Minutes passed in silence, while i was watching memes with my headphones on.

When i put my hand in the potato chip bag i found out that it was empty. "Well shit. I quess i have to by more" i thought.

I unplugged my headphones and laid them on my bed. I opened my closet and got a pair of jeans out, put them on and picked up the money i always keep on my table. I counted it 5.60$ "I quess that has to do" i thought.

My room was located on the second floor and the main door was downstairs and i needed to go through the mess what once was the hallway what was now filled with packed up stuff.

I had just moved to this house today, it was a decent place to live in. 6 rooms the kitchen, bathroom, living room, two quest rooms and my room.

I walked down the flight of stairs and went to the main door. I put my shoes on and opened my door.

I walked outside in the bright summer sunlight. My front yard was rather small, there was big fences surrounding the yard, you couldn't really see over them you have to stand on a rather tall chair to see over it, even i did, i was rather tall 7,4 feet and still the fences we're winning in the height game.

If i walked 3 feet away from my door i would've be standing on the street, yeah a rather small yard, but hey at least it doesn't take me hours to just cut the grass.

I ran to the road, why running you ask? Because i wanted to get my chips and get back in my comfy bed as fast as i could, but the world didn't want that and the few milliseconds that i was on the road a truck that was going atleast at 90-100 mph hit me on my right side and sent me flying in the air.

The last thing's that i saw was that the concrete road was approaching me, very fastly if i might add.

Year 3058
After the third war

I woke up with a jolt, i was currently in a white room filled with rotting corpses of all sizes and shapes, human to.... Some species that i don't know about. Some of them had their heads cut off and some of them were so rotten that i couldn't even look at them.

I quickly crawled backwards until i hit the wall of this nightmare room.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled. I started to search for an exit. I found what looked like a sliding door on the other side of the room where the corpses where.

"Of course, my fucking luck" i said "Wait what the hell am i doing here?" I asked myself. "And why do i only remember zombie movies and games?"

I looked around trying to see some other way out of this room but to my disappointment i didn't.

So i gathered all my courage, hoped that these corpses weren't zombies and started walking through them to the only escape out of this room.

I accidentally stepped on one of the decapitated heads that was right next to the exit and the skull broke, letting my shoe to go right through it's brain and the sound of it was so gross that i cant put it into words. I shuddered "Shit" i lifted my now brain-ish leg out of the head and opened the door.

I quickly walked out of the room and shut the door as fast as i could and laid against the door for a few minutes.

I had a look at my surroundings i was in what looking like a storage room that was filled with various scientific stuff.

I saw a wooden door in front of me and walked up to it. I opened it a little bit and peered in the room.

It looked like a giant lab that was abandoned, the walls we're painted white as was the ceiling. There was also tables that had glass bottles with some liquid in them, on the floor there we're rather large pieces of glass. The lights we're on but they we're at their braking point and went on and off at some times.

There we're also a few skeletons laying on the floor with what looked like lab coats on them.

I opened the door, let myself in and closed the door quietly.

A few minutes passed while i was exploring the room. When i got bored i looked around to see if there was a exit. I found one, a iron door that had a window in it.

I walked to it and tried to open it but it was locked. I looked through the window and saw a rather long hall with doors lining up the side's they also had windows in them.

It took me a minute until i realized that there was a note on the bottom left corner of the window.

Pip-Colt use only

And there where a door lock should be was a tiny hole for what seemed for a plug or something like that.

I started looking around the room for a 'Pip-Colt' i started looking for one of those from the tables and cabinets that we're in the room but couldn't find anything.

When i walked to one of the skeletons that had old lab coats on them i saw something weird. They weren't human their skulls looked more like a horses or a pony's the second thing i saw was that all the skeletons had a weird things on their wrists.

I picked one of them up and a skeleton hand dropped from under it.

It looked like an oversized alarm clock that you could hold on you're wrist.

It was black and had a big screen on it, also some buttons and other things on it.

(COME ON! You know what a pip-boy looks like do i really have to describe it? And also i couldn't get a pic because the world is fucking me in the ass)

And on top of the screen was carved the words 'pip-colt' on them.

I strapped it on my right wrist and walked towards the door. I pulled a small lead out of it and put it in the hole. (Please don't take that out of context)

The door clicked and i pulled the lead out and put it back in the pip-colt.

When i entered the hall i looked at the door's but stayed in the middle of the hall and continued walking.

Some of the windows had blood on them and some we're cracked.

"Jeez, this is like a shitty horror movie" i thought and continued walking forward.

A few minutes passed while i was just walking through the REALLY long hallway.

Suddenly the hallway ended. in front of me was an elevator. "Can i just please get out of here?!" I said to myself as i walked towards the elevator.

I pressed the button to call the elevator. It took the elevator 2 minutes to come to this level but i wasn't usually the one who complained about waiting, so i waited for it peacefully.

When the doors opened a horrible smell hit my nose as i looked at what was in the elevator. There was one of those horse corpses nailed to the back wall of the elevator. Slowly bleeding.

There was only one difference i noticed from this individual and the skeletons, this one was breathing, slowly but still breathing.

I walked in the elevator and pressed the button that would take me to the roof of the building.

As the doors shut i turned around and saw that the pony-human hybrid was looking at me. "P-please.... Kill me" it said in a low and raspy voice.

"It wasn't like i was going to get any information out of him anyway" i thought.

I then proceeded to pull out one of the nails that we're hammered in it's hands. He grunted at the pain but didn't say anything.

"You sure you want to me to kill you?" I don't know how i don't care taking a life out of this weird world but i ain't complaining. I have a weird feeling that i will bee needing to do this more often.

It's eyes widened a little before going back to normal. "yes" it said

"Well goodbye" i said and quickly put the nail through his skull braking it in the process as it went into his brain.

His breathing stopped as i pulled my hand out of there. "Was i a bodybuilder? Because i don't think that just anyone could break someone's skull with their bare hands" i thought as the elevators doors opened.

I turned around and walked outside. I looked up to see the green sky but i didn't see the sky because the green clouds we're blocking the way.

"Fuck you too clouds" i said

Ooh... Shiny!

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I was looking at my surroundings from my new vantage point. There was a few dead trees around this weird lab/insane aslym thingy. There wasn't really any vegetation around this place for miles. Just rocks, some weird looking animals and a few bodies here and there.

One thing did peek my interest though. There was this large crater a few miles south of here, i decided to check it out when i had the time though.

I had also seen a small farm to the west of here, so i decided to check that out first.

I had also found a rusty fire escape a few minutes ago. When i was half way down it the stairs below me broke. "Come on! I don't weigh that much!" I yelled as i fell to my doom.

My spine was the first that hit the dirt and snapping in the process.
But somehow i didn't feel pain. I was a little confused but then shrugged it off, because i thought that my species couldn't die that easily. But how would i know? I have forgotten nearly everything!

I got up from the hard ground and headed towards the way i saw the farm.

While i was walking i was humming a familiar tune. I don't know how i know it but i ain't questioning it.

When i got to the farm the only things that weren't destroyed was the house.

Well it was kinda destroyed. It was a red two story house that you could find in a normal farm. The roof was caved in, that means that i can't access the upstairs.
I walked up to the door of the house and opened it. From the pressure of just opening it, the door fell and broke.

I only glanced at it once before walking inside. I was greeted by the sight of a dirty and trashed room that once looked like a... kitchen? In front of the door? Okay not questioning.

Suddenly i heard moaning, it sounded like someone was in pain. (you dirty bas-) I started walking towards the sound. It was coming behind a door that was next to a few cracked and moldy chairs.

I slowly opened the door and peered in the room. What i saw gave me chills on my spine. In the room i saw a tall figure that had only black jeans on eating a still alive pony/horse thing that i saw in the lab.

The pony was wearing what looked like dark green combat boots and trousers. It's white shirt was teared open by who i think was the taller creature.

Now it was eating away at the ponies organs. It then started sniffing the air like it smelled something. It then looked behind itself and saw me.

I froze in my place, not by how scary it was but because. "You're one ugly motherfucker"

It had burnt skin, didn't have a nose and it had a piece of the horses liver hanging from it's mouth. "You have something here" i touched the part of my mouth where he, i think it's a he, had his 'food'.

He dropped his 'food' from his hands and stood up, he started walking towards me.
Well more like limping than walking because he had a combat knife in his right leg.

"Oh you wanna fight?!" I asked him. He just cept walking towards me.

I take a few steps back and he still is walking towards me.

When he was 2 feet away from me he stopped.

He was now staring at me, for some unknown reason. I took a step towards him and he then jumped at me.

He landed on me and started strangling me. Well i don't really need air. Oh and also he also tried biting my face off.

I grabbed the knife and pulled it out of his leg, witch caused him to growl. I then pushed his head upwards with one hand and sliced his throat with the another, blood sprouts from his neck coating my face in a small layer of blood.

He struggled to keep breathing but eventually he fell limp, now dead.

I pushed him off of me and stood up. "The hell is wrong with this place?" I thought.

I kept the knife that he had and went to loot the other corpse. I crouched next to the corpse and checked it's pocket's i found two things: 20 bottle caps and a black handgun. A 10mm to be exact.

"This gun looks pretty good" i thought, while checking how many bullets i got from the corpse. 51 bullets, not bad.

When i was done looting i got up and walked back next to the ugly guy, i lifted my right foot over his head and stomped on it a few times, just to make sure he is dead.

When i was done the bottom of my once black boot was now deep red color, and also soaked with blood.

I decided that it would be also a good idea to loot this house, or what was left of it.

It only took me a few minutes to loot anything worth of carrying, like: 5 shotgun shells, a few bottles of beer, a metal chest plate and a map. I don't know who keeps just 5 shotgun shells and metal chest plates in their house but i ain't questioning, because it's mine now!

When i was done looting i didn't really have anything to do after this so i decided to go outside again to find.... something to do.

"Where to go?" I asked myself when i stepped out of the front door of the ruined house.

"Meh I'll head west cause why not?" I thought and started walking that way.

But by only looking at that way and seeing a creature this big, and intimidating only a mile away from me chasing a two headed cow, i decided it would be a good idea to head the opposite direction.

"Yeah fuck that!" I said and started running east towards a rising moon.

So... This happened

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While i was walking/running and definitely not wetting myself, away from that monstrosity, i found myself in a forest, or what once was a forest that now was full of dead trees rotting away.

I had to jump over them just to get me away from that thing.

"The hell was that?!" I thought "it was as huge as a...a i don't remember what it is but it's tall as that"

When you mix jumping over dead trees and thinking of something else and not paying attention to what you are doing you could face plant on a stone. And that's what happened to me.

I tripped because my boot hit one of the rocks that were on the ground and i face planted on a rock, i then heard a cracking sound when my face hit the stone.

"Ugh who put that rock there?" I asked seemingly no one. "This is getting ridiculous, me just tripping over everything and breaking everything. Well at least it cant be worse than this"

Then i suddenly heard a roar a from somewhere behind me and i froze. "Well shit"

I quickly got up and started running in the opposite direction of the roar.

A few minutes passed, of me running away from the roaring thing and nearly (NOT) pissing myself again.

Suddenly i was out of the dead forest and i was on a hill. I looked around to see if i would find anything where i could loot or get some cover, and surprisingly i did, a small town that was in really good condition "I hope i can get something good from there" i thought and headed that way.

I stopped when i saw a sign that read "Welcome to ponyville TARTARUS" The word ponyville was crossed out and the word tartarus was written in what i assume is blood.

"The hell is tartarus?" I thought of it for a minute but when i remembered nothing of that word i went into the small town.

The first buildings that i saw we're a still somehow alive tree that was a building, i don't know how it's still alive if you live inside of it and all this radiation but i ain't a scientist and how would i know that it could survive that kind of crap.

The other buildings that i saw looked all the same. Hay roofs and wooden walls that we're all painted the same, well if you don't count in all the random blood splatter and all the headless bodies lining the walls.

"I think it would be better to be inside" i thought. I slowly and silently went into the tree/house thingy.

When i opened the doors i found out that this was a library emphasis on the word was, because it was now a slave camp or something like that. There was also balls of meat hanging from the ceiling. Why do they remind me of meatballs? There we're cages lined up against the walls and inside there was those horse people, they all looked starved and half dead.

There was a cage hanging from the ceiling as well but i didn't see what was in there.

I then went behind some random scrap that was in the corner so nobody would see me. I believe that the guys that owned this place and these slaves would come back any minute.

A few minutes passed in silence while i was saying "any minute" in my head over and over again.

"Any minute now..." I thought. I had been sitting in this corner for about half an hour and i nearly fell asleep.

An hour passed while i was in the corner behind all the junk. Then suddenly the door to the library opened and i heard a rough voice talking about something.

"You know that we need them rose" said a black furred and dark blue mained horse thing, he was wearing leather armor and was carrying a double barrel shotgun.

"But i need one to satisfy my needs~" said a female horse when she stepped in the library. Her fur was pink-ish and her mane was blue, she was also wearing leather armor and carried a pistol.

They went upstairs while still continuing talking about how the slaves shouldn't be molested and fluffed.

I got up as quietly as i could from my hiding place, i glanced at the slavers and looked around again to see if there was anything worth taking from this room.

I then spotted a door to my left when i was done looting. I got a bobby pin and 3 bottle caps. I then went to the door, slowly opened it and hoped that the door wouldn't make any noise when opening it.
Luckily it didn't and i went in the room.

It was a kitchen and a dining room, a few chairs and a table to my left and a cooking station to the right of me. I saw another one of the horse creatures stirring something that was in a pot in front of her.

I slowly pulled out my combat knife and started advancing on the unsuspecting target. Well untill one of the floor boards broke and my foot went through it.

When she turned i saw that her coat was blue and her mane was yellow, she was also wearing leather armor like everyone else in this damned library. The only weapon she had though was a wooden spoon.

"Intruder!" She yelled "Well shit" i thought.
I ripped my foot out of the planks and threw my knife at her.

But of course the it missed. I pulled out my gun, unloaded two bullets in her head and reloaded. "49 left" i thought.

Then the door was kicked open and the guy with a shotgun shot two times at me, i didn't get in cover in time and i got hit on my left hand.

"Well thank the gods that it didn't hit my head." I thought.

I ran behind the table and kicked it on its side and got cover.

"Damn you! That was my favorite table!" The female shouted at me when she shot it.

They we're getting cover from the other room and shooting me from the door.

Then what scared me shitless was when the guy shouted "Grenade!" I ran to the room where they were in and just saw when he pulled the pin off the grenade. I shot the guy and jumped behind a cage that had sheets over it.

The crenade exploded just a few seconds after i jumped here, blood and guts flew across the room coating nearly everything in blood.

I then got up and looked from behind my cover and checked that there wasn't anybody else in the room that wanted to kill me.

When i saw that there wasn't anyone alive anymore i got out of my cover and went to loot the corpses. The only things that i found from them that weren't broken or rusted were the guys shotgun and some bottle caps.

Then i went into the kitchen to look around if there was anything that i could loot, i went next to the corpse and grabbed all of her bottle caps.

I looked around for anything else i could loot from here and saw a safe.

When i approached it i thought that this could be a trap, but because i killed all of the others i thought that i was safe, for now at least.

When i tried to open it i found out that it was locked. "Mother fucker" but then i remembered that i had a bobby pin and i tried to open it with that and a screwdriver that i found next to it.

It took me a few minutes but i succeeded on opening the safe and when i looked in there i smiled for the first time.

"Oh hell yeah"

Pov change ???

I was looking for any sign of life through my snipers scope, i haven't seen anything or anyone except my fellow raiders coming here.

"I hope nopony came here when i accidentally fell asleep on guard duty" i thought while checking how much ammo i had.

I then heard hoofsteps behind me and thought that somepony was going to come here and take the lookout shift, but when i suddenly heard that lilly shouted "Intruder!" I jumped up and opened the door behind me and then went into the bedroom, i got cover behind the old and moldy bed that had just enough room between the wall and it that i could get even a little cover.

I pulled my revolver out and waited. I did hear that shade shouted grenade and then an explosion was heard and everything went quiet.

After a few minutes i heard hoofsteaps coming upstairs, i thought that it was a good idea to keep myself hidden and then strike if it wasn't shade or rose.

The being came closer to me and stopped when it was on the other side of the bed.

Suddenly a something grabbed me by the neck and pulled me up. I was looking at the wall at the time so i didn't see who picked me up.

I aimed my revolver at the attacker but he grabbed the gun out of my hands and threw it across the room.

"What is this place?" A deep voice asked me. "Why in tartarus would you want to know?" I asked.

"Because i don't know where the hell i am" The voice said. "You are in the commonwealth, dumb ass"

"The commonwealth, huh?" He then turned me around and i saw his face it was like the death itself was looking at my very soul (image him with more modern armor) he then smiled. "Well goodbye" he said and put a 10mm pistol in my mouth. The last thing i saw was the most scariest smile i have ever seen.

Pov shift back to me

"Well at least i know where i am now" i said and dropped the now dead body on the already bloody floor.

I went to the balcony and found a sniper laying on the floor. I picked it up and put it in my inventory, i don't know how it works but when i just slid the weapons on my back they vanish and then i see that they go in my pip-colt i need to stop calling it that. Maybe I'll call it a pip-boy from know on? Yeah that sounds better.

I went downstairs to the cages and pulled out my pistol from my inventory.

I looked in one of the cages and saw a starved horse creature that looked that it was only 10 to 11 years old, it had a blue mane and it's fur was brown. The only thing he was wearing we're a dirty white t-shirt, well you can't say that its a t-shirt because it looks more like a piece of cloth to me, he also had white trousers on.

"h-help please" said the small horse. I aimed my pistol at the lock on the door of the cage, the horse curled up into a ball, maybe because it thought that i was going to shoot it.

I shot the lock off and opened the gate. "You're free, now skidaddle before i change my mind" i said and went to open another cage.

It took me few minutes to shoot all the locks off from the doors and now i was down to 40 bullets in my pistol.

Now i was sitting on a chair in the corner trying to get all the bullets out of my left hand. "Jesus how many bullets did you unload into my hand" i said while glancing at the dead guy who had the shotgun.

I then looked at all the horse creatures sitting in the opposite corner of where i was. "Why haven't they left already?" I thought.

Then one of the children i freed walked up to me and looked at me with wonder in his eyes. I believe that i was the first slave that i freed.

"I am going now" i said to the slaves. I don't think anyone really cared

I got up and started heading out. I opened the door and stepped outside, but before i got to shut the door the kid shouted "Wait!"
I turned around and looked at him.

"Can i come with you?"