New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic

by Rayna Q.

First published

MLP AppleDash school girl human style!

Under unfortunate circumstances Applejack has been transferred to a high class High School only to meet Rainbow Dash, a student whom AJ slowly starts to have feelings over. The catch being she already has a girlfriend, hard family issues and a serious past with Gilda. Twists and turns of confessions and secrets filled with drinking games and injuries might convince this jock of who she truly loves. Will AJ have it in her to survive this twisted love triangle, this jock who has more to her then her cover shows, or the past relationship that threatens her very life? It's a mix of Appledash, Pinkiedash and Raritwi full of fun and mischief you can't resist. (Description by: CosmosoGurl)

New Girl

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New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic

Chapter One: New Girl

This place so furan yet back in my mind; way back it’s like a blimp, no more like a horrible unwanted case of déjà vu. The sun always a bit too bright the streams always seeming to slap the slick mossy rock beds in an even beat. The birds, the butterflies…hell, even the flowers seemed to be a tone lighter. This place so furan, so unwanted, yet so inviting, pulling me in…engulfing and suffocating.

This new place I now call home.

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfiction
Written and Illustrated by AppleDash-Crazy

Chapter One: New Girl

AJ ran a hand through her golden hair. “I feel like the under end of a barrel…” She took another look at the seemingly painted town, “This place here looks photo shopped.” The train slowly jerked forward, causing the country girl to take a sharp breath in. “Y’all can always turn yourself around, no reason ta get off here AJ…go back ta ya fancy life in Manhattan…”

Even as she let the words fall from her lips she knew it was impossible; there was work that needed to be done. Well that and, her jade eyes nervously looked out the train window again. Sighing and feeling her face heat up as her eyes fell over her rather large extended family. The Apples poured throughout the train station platform taking up most of the space. They were all looking at her and calling her name, AJ’s younger sister Apple Bloom smiling widely waving a “Welcome Home”-banner back and forth.

“Welcome home AJ! WHAT Y’ALL DOIN’? COME GET YERSELF OUT HERE!” Apple Bloom shouted, joy displayed across her young face.

“She looks so much older now…“ AJ allowed her back muscles to relax, she unfolded her fingers and wiped the sweat that had formed on her palms off onto her worn jeans. The one thing she missed about this place…her smile widened as she looked over the tough Apple family. “I missed the mud on ma boots.” She laughed and waved at the crowd of family members.

“Come on!” Apple Bloom yelled again, this time with slight irritation.

“Oh stop your hootin’ and hollerin’ little miss…” AJ’s body moaned in protest as she pulled herself up from the seated position. She gave her no longer defined muscles a strong stretch.

“Shoot, ah should probably move myself around next time.” She reached into the cubby above the seat and intertwined her fingers into the small backpack. “Alright AJ, it’s time ta say ‘hey’ to ya family again.” She spit into her palm and ran the liquid over her bangs, slicking her bed head down before she set her Stetson onto her head.

The blonde made her way out of the cart, a soft breeze instantly greeting her as she stepped off the platform, letting her know just how stuffy the old train really was. “Ah haven’t been in Ponyville for ah minute…”

“Eeeeeuppp.” AJ’s face brightened, only one person could make such a boring sound! She shifted her gaze to her left and was overjoyed to meet with a pair of identical jade eyes.

“Big MAC!” AJ flung herself at her older brother, wrapping her arms around his large torso. “Well ah be a horsefly ya gotten huge!” She backed away and looked over her orange-haired brother. “Ya have at least grown a foot, nah more!”

“Eeeeupp.” Mac said flatly and grabbed AJ’s bag from her, flinging it over his shoulder. AJ glanced down, noticing he had the rest of her luggage in his arms as well.

“AJ! AJ!” Quickly turning on her heel, AJ twisted down and scooped up her noisy little sister. “Ah missed ya, big sis!” Apple Bloom giggled and tightly wrapped her thin arms around her sister’s neck.

“Dido.” AJ had to fight to keep the light girl in her arms.

Ah really need to work out somethin’ fierce…

“How old are y’all now anyway? Ninety somthin?” AJ asked her sister slightly confused.

“Hahaha, nah AJ, I’m eight!” AJ felt her heart tug, she’s already so much older…

“And ah’m in third grade now!” Her sister explained proudly.

“That there is wonderful! Ah’m so proud of ya!” AJ smiled weakly and let her sister slide off her neck.

“Ah shucks…” Apple Bloom beamed up at her big sister. “Do ya want to know the best part!?”

“Alright, shoot!”

“Me and ya going to be goin’ to the same school!” Apple Bloom yelled, jumping up and down in excitement.

“Wow, wow, wow! Now hold on there a sweet apple picking minute…” AJ held her sister still, “There’s been a miss understandn’. I’m here to look out for Granny Smith, that’s all little miss. I got no time for school, and besides ya being in third grade and all, so…”

“Well actually….” It was Mac who spoke, “Granny made it ah point t’ get ya back in the books.”

“Yeah, but Mac I’d be a mighty big third grader, don’t y’all think?” AJ raised a brow.

“Hahaha, sis yer crackin’ me up!” Apple Bloom grabbed her sister’s hand, “We aren’t in the same class or grade! We got ya signed up to go ta Equestria!” AJ felt her jaw slightly drop.

“Eques…Ah can’t go ta Equestria, sis! Not with my bad, err…school situation.” AJ mumbled, she was too busy practicing her manners back in Manhattan to even attend school. So, in the
end, she dropped herself out.

“Don’t ya worry sis, we know some high end people back at Equestria an’ they agreed to let ya start up this here commin’ school year.” AJ leaned in as Apple Bloom motioned her to get closer. “Of course because their high end schooling, ya have to start a grade behind.” Apple Bloom said in a hushed voice. “…y’all know: repeatin’ tenth grade…”

“Yeah sis, y’all don’t know how much that there just isn’t happenin’…” AJ patted her sister’s head, “It was a nice jester though.”

“Actually sis…” Big Mac put a hand on AJ’s shoulder, “Tis like I said, Granny only wants ya here if yer attend schoolin.”

“Yes, I heard y’all the first time.” AJ pouted “And it’s like ah said, too much work needs to get done, I’m here to help out with Grand…”

“And y’all can help out after school!” Mac gave his sister a demanding look; AJ sighed. As much as she would like to argue, she knew if it’s what Grandma Smith wanted, then it’s what Grandma Smith got.

“Well, shoot!” AJ kicked dirt up into the air with her boot “…when y’all say it so kindly, I guess I have no other option then ta go…”

“Yay! That’s the spirit, sis!” Apple Bloom held onto her sister’s waist. “Ah’m so happy to be going to the same school as ya…well same school, but different building’s…y’all know what I mean!”

“I sure do, Sugarcube…” AJ had attended Equestria back when she was Apple Bloom’s age. The worst thing she remembered was the difficult lessons and the horrible uniforms. The school had three main buildings. One for the elementary and middle school, one for the high school, and one for their college students. Spread around the large campus, there were also buildings for the library, dining hall, and for those who lived there -the dorms-, along with other random buildings for sports and clubs. The school was made out of an old castle, and to AJ, it was a bit over the top. “…ah am so glad to be goin’ back…yay.” The blonde rolled her jade eyes, not trying to hide her lack of joy, which made Mac crack a grin.

“Ah come off it, sis! The uniforms aren’t so bad now.” Mac chuckled and patted the top of his sister’s hat, rustling her golden hair before walking over to a large faded red truck.

“Oh that’s soooo funny, Mac!” AJ huffed, back when she went to school the uniforms were not just bad; they were downright embarrassing! She followed her brother over to the truck and watched him load her bags into the back.

She quickly said hello to the rest of the Apple family who had dropped by before hopping into the back. “Bye, big sis! Ah will see y’all at school tomarra’!” Apple Bloom shouted from the group of Apple’s. “Oh and tell Granny I said hi!” she added.

“Ah will, Sugarcube!” AJ cupped her hands over her mouth as she shouted at the disappearing speck that was her sister. After they turned a corner, AJ looked over to her brother: “So we aren’t stayin’ at the farm, are we?” she soberly asked.


“Granny Smith has gotten really bad hasn’t she?”


“Are we stayin’ in town, so that we can be closer to the hospital?”

“EEuep…” Mac rotated a wheat straw in his mouth and slowed down the old farmer truck, pulling into a apartment building.

“Are we there already?” AJ looked out the truck window and at the plain, yet very earthy apartment buildings.

“Ah got yer things, ya just head on up…” Mac tossed his sister the keys. “It’s unite M105, upstairs.”

“Alright, are ya sure ya don’t need any help?”

“EEuep …” Mac began to unpack the truck. “Oh, an’ our Nabors can be a bit loud…well, one at least.” AJ nodded her understanding and began heading to the unite.

“Ah really ain’t feeling this whole Equestria thing…but it’s for granny Smith.” She put a smile on her face before walking up the stairs and over to the door that said ‘M105’. “And besides…” She opened up the brown door. “…it may be fun.”

“Who is whhatt?” AJ paused when she saw Grammy Smith lying on the floor.
“Granny!” She ran over and slowly brought the older woman’s head up. “Ah y’all alright?”

“Oh yes, yes Fluttershy! I’m mighty well, thank ya.”

“Ah, flutter-what!? Nah Granny! It’s me, AJ!”

“AJ…AJ….nah, doesn’t ring no bell.” AJ was shocked, hurt. Ah didn’t know it was this bad, not recognizing family this isn’t right.

“T-That’s not really important, Granny…what ya doing lying down here for, did ya fall?”

“Have ya tried that bustle sprouts and yogurt recipe yet, Fluttershy?” Granny Smith asked before going into a coughing fit. “Oh and tell ya cousin I do like ta dance fine…I got a hip in mah step.” AJ had a look of horror, but before she could say anything Mac came in and wrapped an arm around the frail woman.

“This happens from time ta time sis…” Mac said softly as he picked their Granny up.

“Who are ya? Put me down!” Granny Smith wiggled in Mac’s arms, without any luck. “Oh Pinkie, ah didn’t know ya was this strong.” Granny said and seemed to relax.

“I’m going to take her ta bed, y’all make yourself at home now. Your room is down this hall, second door on the left.” AJ just nodded, not sure how to take in the situation. “School’s bright and early tomorra, so try and get some shuteye. Yer uniform should be on the desk in yer room.” With that, Mac turned around and left the doorway carrying the confused Granny Smith in his arms.

“Well that was harsh.” AJ felt a shiver go down her spine and shook herself off. “Why did it take me this long to come see her? I feel like I’m too late, like ah am just here to send her on her way.” Her stomach twisted at that thought. “Ah I think ah will pass on supper.” She walked over to where Mac had dropped her luggage and picked up as many bags as she could. “Alright, tomorrow before school, ya be doin some pushups.” She told herself determined to both distract herself and build her lost toned muscles.
She walked down the hallway Mac had disappeared into, pushed her door open with her boot clad foot and dropped her belongings onto the floor. “Alright AJ, time ta pass on out.” She yawned into her hand as she set up her alarm clock. Shutting the door and making sure it was locked, she stripped down and plopped onto the soft bed. “Another thing I missed about this place, the nice warm nights.” She sprawled across the comfiture in nothing but her plain underwear, her eyelids becoming heavy as she quickly found herself in dreamland.
Her dreams were restless, those of running away and getting lost. Dark, heavy forests and smells of…smells of…bacon? AJ’s eyes slowly fluttered open, sun streaming into her open window; the light violating her vision. She quickly snapped her eyelids shut and pulled the thin sheet over her face.

“No way ah’m gettin’ up…” With that, her alarm started the blast she ignored it for a few moments before accepting defeat and walking over to her new dresser. Giving a rather large yawn, she slammed her fist onto the snooze button. “Let’s see, if it be six here in Ponyville…then it would be…” She quickly did the math in her head and frowned. “…two in the mornin’ in Manhattan.” She jumped; startled as three large bangs came from her door.

“Uh sis, how do y’all like yer eggs again?” AJ’s mouth watered at Mac’s question.

“Ah like them scrambled!” Her mouth curled into a smile: “Eggs and bacon…Mac must be preparing his famous country breakfast, I wonder what the occasion is…?” Her eyes looked over to a dry-cleaning bag next to her alarm clock; with further examination she noticed the navy blue colors of Equestria’s uniforms. “…awh that’s right, the occasion is ta sucker up to me for this whole Equestria nonsense.”

“Sis, ya goin’ ta be late!” AJ sighed as her brother yelled from the kitchen.

“Ya, ya give me ah sec!” The blonde yelled, cracking her door a bit before closing and locking it back in place. She threw her gray underwear into a messy pile on the tan carpet. Yawning again, she walked over to the private bathroom in her bedroom.

The apartment was nice in size; however compared to the historic farm house or even the Orange’s residence, it was a bit on the snug side. She turned the water on, putting her palm into the quickly heating stream. “Equestria…” She bit down on the inside of her cheek. “…ah have half a mind to bet Big Mac purposely…dang it!” AJ snapped her hand out of the now boiling water and cranked up the cold. “…awh what ya sayin AJ, Mac wouldn’t make yer life miserable on purpose.

“Even though he is known to get back at people without making it too obvious…and ya did ditch him an’ the rest of the family for the past few years…” AJ stepped into the steaming shower. The warmth streamed down her un-worked muscles, she looked into the large mirror positioned on the shower wall. It was noticeable that her body had changed from being away; her once toned and tanned figure was now a shade lighter and skinny.

“Ah look scrawny as all heck…” She squeezed a bit of soap into her hand and massaged it into her golden hair. Backing up to one of the walls in the small shower, she proceeded to do a wall sit as she scrubbed. “Time to get some muscle mass back…I wonder if ah should join a sports club or somethin’…”

Having finished her shower she went through her still packed bags with shaking legs. “Ah will unpack these latter…” The blonde put on another pair of gray toned underwear and went over to the dresser. “…gosh darn it…” Giving a hard stare down at the uniform in front of her, she reluctantly ripped the bag open and pulled the navy skirt, white button up, gold vest, black socks and navy jacket on.

AJ looked in the mirror on the dresser once more, attempting to smile…the uniforms weren’t too bad now. As she twisted her finger around the golden neck bow, a pout formed on her lips. “Ah look girly…too girly.” She took off the navy dress jacket and vest, and un-tucked the white button up from the skirt. “Now I look like a street punk…” The blonde sighed and threw the jacket back on; leaving the vest behind. “Ah guess ah will just have to settle for girlish.” AJ grabbed a red hair ribbon out of one of her bags and walked out of her room as she braided the long wavy strands down one side.

“Ah wish hats were aloud at the school…” She said as she approached the kitchen.

Mac looked up at his sister and smiled, handing her a piece of toast. She looked down at the bread in confusion, expecting bacon and eggs along with it. “Yer late.” Mac said with a smile. AJ whipped her head over to the clock that hung from the wall.

“Dang it!” AJ grabbed the toast from her brother and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks a bunch, Mac! See ya this afternoon!”


AJ raced out of the house, looking down at her cell to view the time. “Ah no, it’s already seven forty! Ah’m never goin’ ta get there on time!” She sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her, but soon they cramped up. “Awh there’s no way I’m slowin’ down, legs! One too many wall sits I guess…”

“OH NO! HEY YOU! WATCH OUT!” AJ’s green eyes shifted to the left, staring down into wild pink orbs.


Pain shot through the blonde’s right side as she was pinned to the concrete. Her breath was knocked out of her, her mind still trying to gather what just happened.

“Oops, hey sorry about that…” Something shifted on top of the country girl and she moved her gaze up. Her jade eyes widened as she looked at a pale-skinned, rainbow headed girl. “Are you alright? You don’t really look too good.” The bright-haired tomboy shifted again, AJ felt her face heat up as the girl on top of her cradled her sides and put a hand on the blonde’s forehead.

“What in the hey do ya think yer doin’!?” AJ practically bucked the girl off her.

“Well geez, what a rude way of saying ‘thanks’ to someone who so thoughtfully made sure you were cool!” The rainbow-headed girl crossed her legs on the floor and put her hands on her hips.

“Made sure ah was ‘cool’?” AJ got off the ground, wincing as her side stung. She looked behind the girl and saw a dented rainbow and black-colored bike, the blonde relaxed slightly. “Oh shoot, ah’m sorry Sugarcube!” The rainbow haired girl looked up, her pink eyes looked questionable.

“Ah didn’t know ya bike brakes went out on ya…are ya alright?”

“Wha- hahaha!” The pink eyed girl stood up and put a hand on AJ’s shoulder as she continued to laugh. “My brakes didn’t give out!”

“They didn’t?” AJ cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Then why did ya slam into me?”

“I slammed into you because you got in the way. Didn‘t you hear me say ‘hey watch out’!? I mean, normal people tend to move out of the way when they hear that, not look over to the direction it comes from.”

“Well if yer brakes were workin’ just fine, then why didn’t ya slow down!?” AJ’s voice was starting to rise again in irritation.

“Hahaha, well it’s obvious that you’re new around here! My name’s Rainbow Dash…and I never slow down!” Rainbow Dash outstretched her hand, and AJ just stared down at it; completely dumbfounded.

“Are ya pullin ma leg?” The blonde felt her eye twitch as she slapped the girls hand away. “Ya could have pulled yer brakes BUT YA DIDN’T WANT TA SLOW DOWN NONE!?”

“Yep, that’s basically it…but it’s not like I ‘didn’t’ want to slow down. Someone as cool as me physically couldn’t have pulled the brakes.” Rainbow Dash said with a serious face as she fixed her ponytail. “Anyways, I‘d just love to hang out with you, but I can’t risk being late for school again.”

“Oh shoot!” AJ pulled her cell out of her pocket. “It’s seven fifty-five! Ah’m goin ta be late for mah first day!”

“Well, if you want to ride ‘bitch’, I can give you a lift!” Rainbow grinned as she lifted her bike off the ground and patted the back of the seat. AJ didn’t seem as amused as she glared at the other girl.

“Ah would rather get hit by a bus.” She responded dryly.

“I wouldn’t say things like that, you know: with your mornings luck…you seem kind of ditzy.” Rainbow grinned wider as AJ’s face started to turn red with anger. “Okay, okay.” The pink eyed girl put her hands up in defense as she climbed over her bike. “Suit yourself.” With that, she pushed off and was gone down the road in a blur.

“Calm ya self down AJ, it’s not like she meant ta crash into ya…” As soon as she took a step towards the school, a loud bell sounded off in the distance. “Oh no!” AJ started to sprint again. “This is bad! Dang ya, RAINBOW DASH!”
AJ walked in her first class as the teacher was taking role.

“You’re late.” The gray haired man noticed soberly as he looked over to AJ, “You must be Applejack.”

“Uh yes, Sir.” AJ could feel all the eyes on her, causing her face to heat up.

“I understand you being new, and this is a large campus. However, we do not condone in tardiness.” AJ couldn’t make eye contact with her teacher or classmates, “And because you were accepted into this school even though you were held back, I and the rest of your teachers were instructed to keep a tight leash on you. One more slip up from you could get you kicked out, do you understand?” The male teacher wasn’t yelling, but his voice was strict…with what seemed like pity.

AJ shook her head in understanding, knowing that her face was as red as a tomato.

“Alright, you can take a seat next to that girl.” The teacher pointed a finger to a shy looking girl who quickly swept her bangs over her face to hide her eyes, “It seems like her lab partner won’t be showing up again.”

“Alright, thanks...and my deepest apologies.” She did a quick look around the room before taking her seat next to the cherry blonde girl. “Hey there, my name’s Applejack but people tend to call me AJ.” AJ said in a hushed voice. “What’s yer name?”

“F-f-faaaa…” the girl mumbled, causing AJ to raise a brow at her.

“Umm…excuse me but what was that?” AJ cocked her head to the side at the squeaking sound that came out of the girl.

“F-f-f-f-aaaaaaa…” The shy girl covered her face again and sank into her desk, her face becoming very pink.

“Her name’s Fluttershy…” AJ looked behind her at a pair of odd looking boys. “She’s really shy, but she will come around, just give it some time. People call me Snails, and this is Snips, we are assigned to your classes to make sure you stay focused.” Snails cupped a hand over his mouth. “And don’t worry, Twilight won’t know about you talking in class…ya know, because we are cool like that.”

“Uhh alrighty then, thanks a bunch.” The blonde looked away from the two un-proportionate boys and back to the front of the class.

The rest of the day, AJ tried her hardest to stay focused but with “Snails” and “Snips” glued to her every move it was kind of distracting. Not to mention that Fluttershy followed her around like a lost puppy, not getting to close but it seemed like the girl didn‘t know what to do with herself. Even though they only had first and third period together, the light strawberry-headed girl seemed to be everywhere she was.

AJ actually was impressed with herself when she finally broke away from those three at lunch and was able to relax on one of the schools rooftops. Of course, being on the school roof was strictly off limits, unless the garden club was planting things on it. However, AJ had already broken one rule today so why not make it two?

And besides, how could this ever be against the rules? The view was amazing and the breeze that reached this high was so nice and crisp. AJ combed her fingers through her braided hair, letting it loose as the wind picked it up. She smiled to herself, joy filling her from the inside out. “Ah do admit, back in Manhattan the breeze and view ain’t nearly this grand…”

The door to the roof creaked open with a sharp noise. AJ froze, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end…

Oh no, ah’m busted!

“Oh oopsy woopsy daisy!!” AJ turned around fast, ready to plead for mercy only to stop and find herself looking over to a very bubbly-looking girl.

The symbol embroidered on the girl’s jacket pocket showed that she was a Senior…however that wasn’t the only thing that stood out about the girls uniform: instead of the normal black shin-high socks that were required by the school the girl wore old-fashioned hot pink and blue polka-dotted legwarmers. Her reddish, almost hot pink hair was teased and in a curly mass on her head; her shoes matched the legwarmers, and so did the many bracelets and ribbons added to the dark blue jacket and skirt. But that wasn’t what stood out the most, AJ could feel the heart beat in her throat. A purple and gold band was sewn around the bubbly girls arm, marking her high rank as one of the main three student body leaders. AJ was doomed…

“I’m soooo super duper sorry about interrupting! I didn’t even know anyone else would be up here! But here you are up here and letting your hairsy’s go all wild Nelly, it must be a special magical awesome-sauce moment you’re having with yourself! Aaaand I, Pinkie Pie, must be reeeeeeeally interrupting, major mood killer to our obvious grand ol’ special magical awesome-sauce moment, so I would like to just let you know that this won’t ever never ever never evvvvveeeerrrrrrrrr…..”

“PINKIE!” AJ flinched as another voice came from the doorway, she extended her neck to see who it was, but the doorway was too dark behind Pinkie Pie. “Let’s just go find an unoccupied roof….I have a serious itch to scratch.” The pink girl bounced happily to what the voice said.

“Oookay dookily oookie!” Pinkie Pie waved widely at AJ before bouncing down the roof doorway and shutting the door behind her.

“What in the hey just happened?” A long, deep bell rumbled under AJ’s feet, letting her and all the high school students know that lunch was over. AJ quickly tied her hair back into a braid and picked up her lunch mess. “Time to get back to school I guess…this place really does keep ya on ya toes though…”

First period sucked that much was true; but by fourth AJ had gotten the layout of the school down to a fine art. She smiled as she comfortably sat in her Trigonometry class, early and able to look over the new math book as she waited for the other students to pile in.

Put on ya brave face AJ, ya know Math ain’t ya strong point…and ya ain’t got no clue what any of this means, but this is a start of ah new semester they shouldn’t start ya off to hard…

“Alright class, take your seats; to those of you who are new this semester, my name is Mrs. Oliver.” The female teacher wrote her name on the smart board above the week’s schedule, which to AJ’s dismay, was packed.

Mrs. Oliver was about to say something else, but before she could the door to the room flew open. The girl standing behind it made AJ ball up her fists: rainbow-haired nuisance. The country girl watched Rainbow Dash panting from the doorway as though she had been sprinting down the halls of the school. The girl looked up from her bent-over position and gave the teacher a wide grin.

“Late again, Ms. Dash.” Mrs. Oliver noted dryly.

“Oh come on Cheerilee…” Rainbow said, addressing the teacher by her first name. “…it’s not my fault that this place is huge…I mean there’s big,” Rainbow held out her right hand. “…and then there is just plain excessive.” She held out her left, causing a few snickers from the classmates.

“Alright, that’s enough showing off, Ms. Dash. Take your seat please.” The teacher sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“Sure thing, boss!” Rainbow did a quick salute to the teacher before turning around. She locked eyes with AJ and froze, a large sidewise grin spreading over her face. “It’s my crash buddy!” Rainbow shouted happily, the class looking between the two and whispering.

“Don’t talk ta me.” AJ said, shooting her a warning glare; by now everyone in the class was staring at them.

“Y-you’re friends with Rainbow Dash?” Snails asked from behind AJ. “…lucky…” AJ ignored the scrawny boy and stared hard at the colorful girl.

“Fine…talking isn’t the fun part anyway.” Rainbow said with a wink, causing AJ’s face to heat up.

“Wh-what are ya’ll gettin at?!” Rainbow ignored AJ and sat down in the window seat next to her. “An-and…uh mean, and why are y’all sittin’ there?”

“This is my seat; now if you please would be so kindly as to not talk to me…” Rainbow looked over and smiled up at AJ, “…we’re holding up class.” The pink-eyed wonder nodded her head towards the rest of the room, AJ looked out over the class; everyone was quiet and looking at them. AJ’s mouth felt dry.

Never in mah life have I been so embarrassed in one day then today…dang that Rainbow Dash.
Her gaze snapped back to the other girl who now had her head rested on her desk and appeared to be asleep.

AJ couldn’t help herself but to stare at her relaxed face before taking a look at the girl in whole. This morning she really didn’t get a good look at what her new enemy looked like; and was she
a sight to see.

Instead of the normal school uniform, hers had a few changes to it. She didn’t wear the navy blue jacket; instead, she only had the white button up on, it wasn’t tucked in and looked to be at least a size too big. Maybe the shirt came from a male school uniform; the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows which showed off sporty arms. The tie she wore around her neck was definitely off of a male uniform, all females were supposed to wear gold ribbons not…black man ties. Under her skirt, she wore tight black shorts that came down to her mid-thigh, probably because she rode a bike. Her shoes were against school dress code as well, converse in a classy high school…ya no.

And even if the school board could overlook the changes in her uniform, there would be no way that her hair was naturally rainbow colored! Taking a closer look at her roots, AJ noticed light, almost white blonde hair…and her eyes must be contacts!

Rainbow opened a dark pink eye and smiled: “Like what you see?”

“Ya wish.” AJ frowned at the tomboy and looked back to the front of the class, she heard a snicker come from Rainbow. Actually, AJ did like what she saw; even though the girl had a rough-looking wardrobe, her face was very feminine. Her skin was a light pale color, her nose was small, her legs and body were toned…not to mention those lips… and that rainbow ponytail really did suit her. She sighed at her thoughts.

Looking out the corner of her eye, AJ saw that the girl had returned to ‘sleeping’ only this time, she had rolled her head to face the window.

Who is this girl anyway?

AJ smiled widely as she looked around her last class, gym. She was in need of a real solid workout, even if it made her stiff and sore for the rest of the week.

The circle building was like no other gymnasium the country girl had ever seen. The track was on the second story of the large building, running along the side of the wall. There was a nice sized pool that doubled as a tennis court when the cover was dropped. With just about any other sport area you could think of along with an indoor field and a glass roof that allowed the sun to peek in, this place was like a sportsman’s paradise.


AJ quickly spun around to the direction of the voice: “Ya Coach?”

“Because you are new I will let this slide just this once…” The large man walked over to the girl. “…today is Monday, and Mondays in my gym are always laps in the pool. So unless you plan on going in the water in your track uniform I think it would be best if you go change into a swimsuit.”

“Oh huh, yes Coach Snow, sorry Coach.”

“Quickly now, we haven’t got all day!” AJ started to jog back into the locker rooms.
She quickly made her way over to her tan locker and stripped off her PE shirt while doing the combination. “Today really isn’t yer day, AJ.” She mumbled and reached for her bra clasp.


AJ paused, she knew that voice…

Rainbow Dash! What is she doin’ here?

“Pinkie, what are you do…sh-shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Shhh~ Dashie.”

AJ slowly made her way through the endless mass of lockers towards the voices.

What’s goin’ on in here?

“B-but Pinkie…this really is a bad idea.” Rainbow’s words sounded muffled, somewhat gasped.

“Oh don’t be a party pooper Dashie, no one will find us! They are all out being fishes!” AJ paused at who she assumed to be ‘Pinkie’ talking.

They are right behind here…I bet their up to no good.

AJ peeked around the locker and her eyes widened, her knees buckled; she couldn’t breathe.
“…and besides, Dashie…” Pinkie had Rainbow pinned to a locker, her hand under her skirt as she stroked back and forth. “…we didn’t get to have our ‘roof time’! I bet you still have that itch, did I get it yet?”

“P-P-Pinkie, I huuuh.” Rainbow was panting, her face and chest were red with a blush; she bit down on her bottom lip.

“Oh Dashie you’re going to have to speak up…how about now? Did I get that itch for you?” Pinkie grinded against Rainbow and began to lick her chest, unbuttoning her shirt the rest of the way.

“Pinkie, will you stop talking and just kiss me already!?” Rainbow shouted, she needed something to block out her moans.

“As you wish…” Pinkie let go of Rainbows wrists; within moments Rainbow had brought the pink-haired girl to the floor. She stripped off the rest of her shirt and began engulfing the bubbly girl with deep kisses.

AJ shook her head; she backed away a few feet, then sprinted to her locker, grabbing her swimsuit and rushing to the bathrooms.

I must be seein’ things, there‘s no way that something like that...

She paused and slammed her head on the bathroom stall door. “Why, would they be…they are both girls and they were…Rainbow she’s…” Her wide, unfocused eyes shifted back and forth images of the two girls bodies ran through her head. Her face was hot, her fingers twitched. “Breath AJ, of course something like that can happen, there are girls like ‘that’.” She was shocked as her eyes became blurred with tears she took in shaky breaths as she blinked them away. “Damn, what’s wrong with ya AJ?”

Today was not her day…

New School

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AN: This chap has yet to be beta'd...just a heads up
DC: I don't own MLP: FIM...only this story...enjoy~

New Girl

Chapter Two: New School

The leaves were hushed as they danced quietly in their branched homes. Their green masses like a silent ocean atop an earthy backdrop. Uniformed students filed out of a large ancient castle, those who had dorms lingered around and gossiped. Exchanging laughs and stories with friends and lovers. A blonde headed girl raced out of the packs, standing out as she shot down the long stone steps and out the iron gates that led up to the schools main entrance.

“Ah just gotta get out of here…” AJ mumbled to herself as her legs swerved down the side of the school. A rainbow haired girl watched as the new girl hurried out of the castle; taking note of the tears that softly ran down her freckled face.

“Dashie! Lets take a bath!” Rainbow sighed and let a smile form on her lips as she closed the curtain to her window.

“Ya, alright that sounds cool…just give me a sec alright Pinkie?” Rainbow didn’t wait for an answer from the bubbly girl as she walked out of the dorm. “…I need some air.”

“Ooookie dokally okky!!” Pinkie bounced into the bathing room and added bubbles to the heavy flow of water that came out of the tub. “Is it just me Pinkie, or does Dashie-poo seem to be a bit off today?” Pinkie Pie asked herself, concern in her voice. “…nah it’s just you Pinkie Pie, and besides she has a lot on her mind with the whole sporting thingy!” She started to hum to herself as she emptied out the plastic bubble container.


“How’d ya day go AJ?” Mac asked as his sister entered the apartment, his happy smile quickly faded away as he looked over the panicked girl.

“Ah am sorry Mac but there is jus’ no way am goin ta be able ta stay here with ya’ll.” She walked past her brother and into the hallway that led to the bedrooms, Mac followed behind her silently. “Ah really am sorry, but uh think ya am just goin ta have ta hightail it out of this here town and back ta Manehattan on the next iron horse…”

“Granny jus’ went to the hospital.” Mac said behind his sister causing the girl to look up from packing her things.

“What, is she alright?”

“Eeeup, fer now anyway the doctor said she was havin trouble breathin…” Mac leaned on the doorframe. “She is stable now, should be home in the next couple of days or so.” AJ relaxed her shoulders and let her head sink low. “The ol’ girl is runnin on her last leg AJ. She won’t be around fer much longer. Now ah understand if ya’ll want ta go back ta ya fancy life in Manehattan, but do ya think ya’ll can hold on out fer a few months, if that?”

“Ya…of course uh can Mac.” AJ quickly whipped away any lingering moister from her eyes onto her sleeve before making eye contact with her brother. “Jus’ a rough first day ya know.”

“Eeeup…” Mac nodded his head in understanding. “It will get better with time.” The large man turned around and left the girl to her thoughts.

“Ah really wish ah could believe ya Mac…but.” She mumbled to herself before sinking down onto her bed. “…ah really wish ah could believe.” Rainbow Dash, who in the hey are ya? Why are ya in my mind, and most importantly…She grabbed her chest tightly, why did seeing you with someone make me feel so helpless? “Oh snap out of it AJ!” The country girl sat up and slapped her face with both hands. “You were jus’ shocked to see two girls in that… uh…there situation.”

Do you like what you see?

“Ah most certainly do not!” AJ shouted out and pulled out her English book. “Now it’s time ta focus! Ah mean shoot, why waist ya time thinkin about some loud mouthed, showoff who doesn’t know how ta use her brakes, and makes out…among other stuff in the girls locker room. Not ta mention she has lack of tact, an…ah shoot ah am startin ta sound like an Orange…” She shook her head and looked back down at the work sprawled out in front of her, Rainbow Dash just who are ya?


She was awake before her alarm had even gone off. She would like to say because she was starting to get used to this time zone, however that wasn’t the case. Outside her door she could hear two voices in the kitchen…

“…and then me an Scoot were like YAHOO!!” AJ pulled her pillow over her ears in an attempt to block her sister’s talking. “…ya should have seen the look on Sweetie Bells face! Priceless I tell ya!”


“So when does AJ get up fer school?” AJ was wide awake as her sister started pounding on the door. “Ah come on sis, no wonder ya’ll were late fer ya first class!”

“Come on Apple Bloom, give AJ ah brake she’s still gettin used ta the time switch…” Mac came over to the door to pull the small girl away, only to stop once AJ opened the door.

“Ah it’s mighty alright Mac, ah had ta speak with Apple Bloom anyway…” She give her brother a small smile as she pulled the red headed girl into the room.

“Ohhh so what do ya’ll want ta talk about big sis?!” Apple Bloom half walked half jumped over to AJ’s bed and proceeded to bounce up and down on the mattress.

“How did ya’ll know ah was late fer class?” Apple Bloom stopped bouncing at her sister’s question; the young girl started to giggle.

“Well news flies mighty fast in Equestria sis, ya’ll should know about that.” The small girl straitened out her elementary uniform, the one piece dress seeming to be a bit to big. “…and ya’ll the top talk around!”

“Wh-what ah am?” AJ was a bit confused as she waited for her sister to continue.

“Ya sure are, everyone is talkin about the “new girl” with the blonde braid and cute ascent. Ya are especially popular with the RainbowPie, and Rainbow Dash fan clubs.”

“The what fan clubs!?” AJ’s eyes widened at the mention of Rainbow Dash.

“Well ya’ll familiar with Rainbow right?” AJ nodded her head slowly. “Well she has her own fan club at the school, actually Scoot was the one who told me about ya’ll bein “top discussion” in the group. Apparently they think ya’ll might be some kind of competition or conflict with the RainbowPie fan club.”


“Ya, ya’ll know?” AJ just raised a brow at her sister, who huffed. “Seriously sis ah know ya not much fer gossip but literally everyone knows who the top couple is in Equestria.”

“Top couple?” AJ bit her lip, not liking where this was going.

“Ya, ya’ll know who Pinkie Pie is right, that hyper senior gal?” AJ looked away and nodded. “Well her and Rainbow Dash are, well ya’ll know a couple of sorts. They are widely known in and out of Equestria, they are kind of like…the power couple. Even before they started goin out, though if I had ta say who was more liked I would put my vote on Rainbow!” Apple Bloom jumped up as she said the girls name. “Scoot joined the RD fan club way back in our first year at Equestria and ever sense then it’s done nothin but get bigger and more talked about!”

“Ah didn’t know that Rainbow was so well known…”

“Are ya kiddin?” Apple Bloom studied her sister’s face and let out a sigh. “So are the rumors true sis? Ah ya really making a love triangle?” AJ’s eyes widened and she snapped her gaze to her sister. “Ah mean ah didn’t see you once yesterday…were ya hangin out with a certain rainbow haired jock?”

“Apple Bloom! Of course not, there’s absolutely no way that ah would!” AJ took a breath and ran a hand through her hair. “Listen, what ya hear are just rumors started up so fan girls, and boys can get their kicks nothin more ya hear?” Apple Bloom seemed a bit disappointed but she shook her head in understanding. “Good now ah will be out in a moment and we can walk on over to that nightmare ya callin a school.”

Apple Bloom giggled again, “Ah right sis, but make it fast ya’ll don’t want ta be late again!” The small Apple walked out of her sister’s room with a hop in her step.

“Ah will be right on out…” As soon as her sister left the room AJ fell to her knees. “They are just stupid rumors that are bound to go away soon…oh dear whatever higher power there may be, please let this whole thing pass! And please, please, please don‘t have Rainbow hear about them!”
Rainbow stormed down the long stone halls, a large pout on her face…fists clenched by her sides. Students watched, not daring to get in the way of the obviously pissed off idol.

“Probably something with student council…” A dark haired Scoot said into a recorder, she shifted uncomfortably from her position in the bush.

“Ya’ll know that’s unhealthy right?” Apple Bloom sighed walking up to her dazed friend.

“…something is going down with Rainbow, maybe a brawl will happen between her and Twilight…” Scoot ignored her red headed friend.

“Don’t even bother trying to talk to her.” Sweetie rolled her eyes, the two elementary students shared a laugh as their friend hurried after the Rainbow haired upperclassmen.

Pushing the heavy wooden doors with a large bang, Rainbow entered the student council room. “What the fuck is this shit!” The jock slammed a red slip of paper just inches from the dark skinned student presidents face.

“Why good morning to you too Rainbow Dash.” Twilight moved a chunk of dark hair behind her ear. “And to answer your well stated question, that’s a final warning slip that clearly….”

“I know what it is you smartass!” Rainbow put her hands on her hips. “What I want to know is why I woke up to it stapled on my door!”

“Stapled?” Twilight looked over to her vise-president. “Rarity I specifically asked you to tape it up.”

“Oh sorry Twilight darling, I just thought it would be a bigger impact if it was stapled. I will have the cleaning crew patch up any damage to the door pronto.” The second in command took of her glasses. “I promise it wont happen again.” Twilight nodded to the fashionable girl.

“There, no more staples.”

“It’s not about the staples!” Rainbow slammed her hands down on Twilights desk. “It’s about what the fucking note said!”

“Such bad manors and taste in words.” Rarity huffed from her seat.

“Really Rainbow I know you’re the head of the sporting committee, but your still part of the student government. Meaning you are smart enough to read and understand the meaning of that note.” Twilight rearranged a few papers that were flung out of their stacks, due to the rainbow haired girl. “But if I must I will explain it to you.” She cleared her throat.

“You are a disgrace to the highly groomed and pampered wardrobe of this fine institute.” Rarity interrupted Twilight.

“Shut your mouth! Pampered wardrobe my ass…”

“Rainbow, Rarity please lets keep things civil.” Twilight shot Rarity a warning glance. “What Rarity was trying to say, is that your uniform…needs a bit of improvement.” Rainbow looked down at her uniform.

“Really I think it looks cool, it suits me just fine.”

“Well unfortunately it makes you stick out like a sore thumb.” The president said as calmly as she could. “The school is having its annual check up by the district, and we can’t have students neglecting the dress code. You are required to wear the assigned uniforms given to you at the beginning of each school year, showing both grade level and ranking in the school.”

“Oh don’t give me that crap.” Rainbow sighed. “Look, I don’t wear the “proper” girl uniform because it was designed by a pervert.” Rainbow pointed an accusing finger at Rarity.

“A pervert!” Rarity seemed appalled, “Why I never…”

“Yes a pervert who doesn’t even wear the proper dress code look at that scarf around your neck I didn’t see anything about replacing bows with scarves in the student handbook. And the skirts are way to short if I go on my morning bike rides, or even run through the halls you could see my underwear so the black biking shorts are a must!”

“You could take off the shorts once your done with the bike ride, and running in the halls is against the school rules anyway.” Twilight said as she continued rearranging papers. “And get rid of the male top and tie please.”

“Why? The female tops are basically the same as the male ones they are just so much tighter I don’t want people seeing my bra line!”

“You wear a sport bra that hardly matters…” Rarity laughed.

“See pervert even knows what type of bra I wear, and I have big enough tits so that it does matter!” Rainbow again pointed her finger at Rarity who grew red with anger. “And really be honest Twilight do you see me, Rainbow Dash wearing a girly ribbon around my neck?”

“Once you put on the jacket no one will be able to see anything, and that doesn’t matter you are wearing a ribbon.”

“Okay how about this, I will ditch the shorts and the male top but only if I can keep the tie and not wear the stupid jacket.”

“You have to wear the jacket and the student government band around your arm and get rid of your hair.”

“I will wear the stupid band and the stupid jacket but there is no way I am going back to blonde, also the contacts stay.”

Twilight took a second to think it over. “Alright but you still look to much like a tom to reach school standards, take your hair out of the ponytail and get rid of the shoes.”

“No one touches the hair Twilight, it stays up but I will put on the stupid flats.” The two gave each other a small nod of agreement. Rainbow turned to walk away. “Oh and good luck with making Pinkie change her uniform she wont be as civil as I was.”

“Ya I know, I’m actually slightly scared…I think I will have Rarity do that one!” Twilight laughed.

“What now Twilight that’s just cruel!” Rarity let out a whimper.

“Ya having a pervert change the clothing of another pervert…” Rainbow laughed as she exited the large room, feeling Rarity’s glare.


“Alright so we just have ta make a small incision here an…” AJ looked up from the lab desk over at the white faced girl. “Uh sugar cube are ya’ll aright?”

“I’m alright, just going to pass out a little…” Fluttershy said quietly before looking away from the frog and holding a hand over her mouth.

“Ah come on the thing can’t feel anythin it’s already dead.”

“D-D-Dead….” Fluttershy shivered slightly.

“Dang AJ you trying to make her fall over or what?” AJ looked up from her scalpel, a frown forming on her face as Rainbow Dash made her way over to the two.

“Why of course not, what are ya doin…”

“Want to see something cool?” Rainbow hurried over to the frog and pulled up her sleeves. AJ’s eyes widened, she looks good today better then yesterday…more girly. “And then you just cut away this thing…”

“What are ya doin!” AJ shouted as Rainbow removed the frogs heart with tweezers.

“Showing you something cool, shill out.” The jock turned on the sink that was in the middle of the lab desk.

“But we weren’t supposed ta remove the heart until step five! And what in the hey are ya doin here anyway!”

“And wala!” Rainbow stuck the heart in the steaming stream of water, AJ opened her mouth in shock as the small heart started pumping. “See cool right? Look Fluttershy I brought this small creature back from the dead, no need to worry but a thanks is encouraged.” Fluttershy looked as though she really was about to pass out. “Look at the little thing go it’s like a beating red peanut! Budump, budump…budump.” Rainbow started making noises every time the heart went up and down.

“I-I’m going to be si-sick…” Fluttershy sprang from her seat and wobbled out of the room on shaky legs, the teacher was already at the door opening it for the dazed girl.

“Ya, ya’ll just cost us the lab!” AJ shouted clenching her fists.

“Budump….budump …look its still going!”

“Hey I’m talkin ta ya!” Rainbow looked up from the heart and turned off the water, grinning at the irritated country girl.

“So what if we go out of order, it needed to be removed and washed anyway.”

“What do ya mean “we” this is Fluttershy’s and my lab and ya just can’t…”

“Actually I’m Fluttershy’s lab partner, I agreed to let you into our station because sometimes I have Student Government first period.” Rainbow pointed to the purple band that showed her high ranking.

“Ya part of SG?” Applejack said shocked, it was near impossible to get a seated position and a purple band meant that she was one of the three student leaders of Equestria’s high school division.

The ranking went Purple: President of Student Body, President of Sport and Festival, and President of School Clubs. Then there were the vise presidents who wore White, third in command wore Red. AJ looked over the purple arm band again, still in shock.

“But tenth graders can’t be one of the three…” AJ said unable to look away from it.

“Ya well I’m just that cool.” Rainbow smiled and turned the water back on. “Badump, badump…”

“Ya have got ta be kiddin me…”

“Nope, also I looked it up and we have the same exact schedule…what are the odds?” Rainbow laughed at AJ’s shocked face. “And I was amazed to find that you were held back, you don’t seem the type…”

“Ah am not the type!” AJ huffed and sat back down, getting back to the lab work.


Rainbow Dash slept through almost all of English, she didn’t even show up for Art by the time lunch rolled around AJ was starting to wonder if the rainbow haired wonder was still as school or not. “Maybe she’s having locker room time…” AJ lowered the sandwich from her mouth and let out a sigh. “That there really isn’t ya business.”

“Hey your AJ right?” The country girl looked beside her to a pink haired girl who happily sat down on the bench next to her. “My name is Pinkie Pie! But people call me Pinkie and because you’re a person, I think you are a person right? Anyway if you aren’t then what are you, a pony hahaha! So because you are not a pony or a monkey or a vampire! You too can call me Pinkie! You aren’t a vampire right? I have never met a vampire, if they sparkle I would soooo smash them up into little bits and put them all over my bedazzled dream catcher so that I could have lots of sparkly fairy dreams…do you belief in fairies?”

“Ummm, hey ya I’m Applejack…” The blue eyed girl just sat there expecting more from the freckled faced underclassman. “…people sometimes call me AJ…and no I don’t belief in fairies.”

“Ouch…you just killed a small helpless fairy! But your straight to the point I like that!”

“Ya well could ah help ya‘ll?”

“Again straight to the point! Well I have a free period, you know Seniors don’t normally have lunch with Sophomores, or Freshmen or heck we don’t even eat with the Juniors! But free period means that I can, and seeing you all alone over here made me sad so I thought I would invite you to eat with a bunch of fun cool awesome people! But seeing as though the bell is going to go off in 1 fun super party 2 fun super party 3 fun super party!” With that the lunch bell went off. “I just came by to invite you to sit with us on Monday! Also I just had to talk to you about how you would go about turning sparkly vampire wannabes into a fine powder…guess that talk will just have to wait! Byyyyeeesss!!!!” The pink haired girl giggled off with large bounces, leaving AJ completely confused.

“You will soon learn to not take everything she says seriously.” Rainbow laughed sitting down besides AJ and putting an arm around her shoulders. “Now come on shake Pinkie Pie off we are going to be late for Trig.” Rainbow grinned and stood back up.

“Gosh I hate math…” AJ collected her things, still slightly dazed.

“Then why did you take the Junior level math class?”

“Because ah am supposed to be a Junior.” AJ huffed and walked past the pink eyed girl. “Why are ya everywhere ya am?”

Rainbow put her hands on the back of her head and followed the girl. “Maybe I’m not everywhere you are, you just notice every time I am…either that or you are stalking me.”

“Ah am not stalkin!” AJ shouted, not slowing her pace.

“What a shame I would love to add another cute stalker to my list…”

“Why are ya so flamboyant about bein a skirt chaser!” AJ snapped clenching tighter onto her book bag as they walked inside the large math wing.

“Hahaha, skirt chaser?” Rainbow laughed. “That’s just great! Skirt chaser! That needs to be made into a t-shirt I would so wear it! And if you meant, Lesbian it’s because I know who I am and I am not afraid to show it!”

Who are ya Rainbow Dash?

“So I think a better question is…” Rainbow walked a bit faster to catch up with AJ, wrapping her arm around the shorter girl once again. “…who are you?”

“I-I’m…“The blonde felt her face heat to the touch, she fit so snug in Rainbow’s arms like they were meant to be side by side. “…so not interested!” AJ elbowed the bright haired girl in the side, causing Rainbow to suck in a breath.

“Oh that’s fine, I like them when they are hard to get!” Rainbow laughed and stopped. “I will see you later, by my little country green-eyed beauty.” AJ ignored the girl and continued walking, she stopped.

“Wait ah gosh darn second what do ya’ll mean “see me later” we have the same…” She looked behind her but the girl was gone. “…class. Dang what ah nescience.”

Trig and PE went by fast, without a single glimpse of a rainbow anything. AJ kept telling herself she was glad…however she couldn’t help but feeling slightly disappointed.

“Ah need ta talk ta someone about sports, me bein scrawny is startin to eat at my pride.” AJ said to herself as she locked her PE locker, panting from the workout.

“Umm…Applejack…” AJ looked up from her locker and gave a small smile to Fluttershy.

“Hey there sugar cube, I haven’t seen ya all day. Are ya feelin better from this mornin’?”

“Ummm ya I…I need to borrow notes…I mean if that’s alright with you.” Fluttershy moved her strawberry hair over her face, and looked at AJ with one pleasing eye.

“Oh of course ya can…” AJ reached for her bag, her arm shaking a bit from over worked muscles. “…with one condition that is…”

“Condition?” Fluttershy asked cocking her head to the side.

“Ya do ya’ll know who ah can talk ta about joinin the track team?”

“Oh yes of course, I mean I’m not one for sports…but I can take you to someone who is.”

“Thank ya sugar cube!” AJ said happily, handing the shy girl her Biology notebook.

“Oh no need to thank me…” Fluttershy turned away. “Um follow me…if you want.” AJ smiled up at the girl and began walking next to her.

“How did ya’ll know where ta find me anyhow? Ah didn‘t think we were in the same gym class.”

“Oh no, I don’t take gym like I said I’m not into sports so my councilor let me do band with the seniors instead…I play the triangle.” AJ let out a small laugh, the triangle…that suits this meek girl. “I remember Rainbow Dash mentioning having the same schedule as you…so I knew you would be in the gym last period.”

“Oh, so ya’ll close friends with Rainbow?”

“Yes, me and Rainbow have been in the same classes since kindergarten. She is a really nice girl once you get to know her, so just try to give her a chance…I noticed you two don’t really get along.”

“Well it’s hard gettin along with someone so in ya face all the time, did ya know the first time ah met her she crashed into me!”

“Oh yes, she told everyone that…” Fluttershy giggled into her hand, “…she made the face you made when you fell down.” AJ pouted at that. “I just hope you two get along when doing sports, if not it could get dangerous…”

“Get along durin sports?”

“Ya she’s the head of the track team.”

“Well shoot, then could ya’ll take me ta someone about the volleyball team instead?”

“She’s the head of that too.”

“Swim team?”

“She’s the coach of th…”


“Umm, she’s the president of the sport and festival so basically anything that has to do with sports and or festivals…”

“Alright where is she?” Fluttershy pointed out to the field and AJ lifted her gaze to the direction. Her eyes widened.

Rainbow in all her glory stood out in the middle of the dome building, she wore male shorts and a matching white sports bra. A whistle settled to her lips as she studied over the team of boy and girl athletes running along the second story track. She looked like a natural leader looking over all the players, calling out any mistake or fumble as they jumped over the well placed hurtles. Her body was built like it was made of marble, pale but really well toned, she was perfection…it was that moment AJ knew, she knew without a doubt Rainbow Dash was her sworn enemy she would overcome her, beat her with all she had to offer…

“…unfortunately that’s not a whole lot right now.” AJ said out loud.

“What?” Fluttershy gave AJ a confused look.

“Ah nothin, thanks a bunch for bringin me here.” Fluttershy gave a weak smile at AJ’s words.

“Of course, thank you for the notes I will give them back Monday…oh and please if you want try to get along.” Fluttershy gave a slight bow before leaving the large dome building.

“Easier said then done…” AJ was caught off guard as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders, her face heated up as breasts were pushed into her back.

“My stalker has finally arrived!”

“Damn ya ta all heck Rainbow let go of me!” AJ shrugged the girl off. “Ya’ll all sweaty!”

“Well of course I’m all sweaty I have been working out, unlike someone.” Rainbow smiled. “You were slacking last period, and if you even think for a second that you are going to make my team then your going to have to get your sweat on right away!”

“Alright ya will go dress down again…”

“No time for that, my team has just finished their two mile mark it’s time for them to hit the water. That means you get up on the track and do eight…no ten laps.” AJ opened her mouth to argue but Rainbow blew her whistle. “Durpy you finished last again, fifteen pushups! And as for you, why are you still standing there? Get a move on!” AJ frowned and reluctantly started up the stairs to the top of the track.

“Not even four laps and ah feel all tuckered out…” AJ panted as she forced her legs to go faster, fatigue making her lose feeling in them for a few paces. She looked down at the group of ten or so athletes making laps in the water. “Ah have never heard of ah track team having to do water exercise, ah guess that’s what happens when ya have a coach who does everythin.”

A loud whistle blew, “Applejack keep your eye on your goal!” AJ froze up and fell on her face, she heard a snicker come from Rainbow, “Now that’s just plain pathetic…get a move on!” AJ growled but refused to give in. She pushed herself back up and began gliding down the track a new energy keeping her going, hitting every hurtle with ease and balance. Take that Rainbow, ah can feel ya watching…an ah am doin great!

AJ caught a glimpse of Rainbow staring at her, the team having moved to alternating lunges. She is impressed…Rainbow’s face went serious and she frowned, putting the whistle back to her lips she blew. “Applejack!”

“What did ah do wrong now!” AJ shouted stopping in her tracks hands slammed on the railing.

“Just wanted to say your panties are really plain!” Rainbow started to laugh, AJ’s jaw dropped…and looked down at her skirt, from their view point… “The team and I really have not been getting a good show, you are under worked out and with gray panties…you really aren’t that good of a sight.”

“Why ya little…ya planed thi…” AJ shouted but Rainbow blew her whistle, cutting her off.

“Durpy who said you could stop lunging to laugh? Tell the pathetic one your sorry, that’s just rude.”

“I am real sorry Rainbow Daaah and to you too pathetic one…” The blonde girl known as Durpy said flatly.

“Good now give me fifteen pushups! And you! You still have four laps to go so move it!” Rainbow whistled again and her team started doing kick ups in place, then ran over to the pool to begin another set of laps. AJ sighed and began running, this time aware that the whole team could see her underwear. Damn ya Rainbow…

By the time AJ had finished her laps the team had already completed their cool down sessions and were now heading to the lockers. The blonde leaned against the railing of the track, taking time for a breather both because she needed it and because she didn’t want to talk to any of the team members.

“So today was overall a great day.” AJ looked beside her as Rainbow mimicked her stance of leaning over the rail. “You did great, I could tell that you used to be one hell of an athlete…what happened?”

AJ studied the girl but decided there wasn’t any other motive for her question. “Well ah moved away, had no time fer school nor any room to work out.”

“Well if you will have me I promise to get you back into shape in no time flat!” Rainbow grinned. “And I never…I rarely brake promises!”

“Well shoot, that’s one great promise…I’m in.” AJ pushed off of the railing and spit in her palm outstretching her hand, Rainbow’s smile widened and she did the same shaking the country girls hand.

“Stay here after gym on Monday, if you show up in your skirt again you will be running and swimming in that uniform got it?” AJ glared slightly at Rainbow’s words, pulling her hand away.

“Ya, ya ah got it.”

“Alright, Pinkie’s waiting back at my dorm got to go.” Rainbow was about to turn away but AJ’s face stopped her. “What’s wrong?”

“Well ya see, ah was just wonderin are ya and Pinkie really…the “top couple”?” AJ asked, better not to beat around the bush. Rainbow just raised a brow. “Ah mean ah have never heard of such ah thing in ma life, top couple and all.”

“Oh wow, AJ…” Rainbow backed the blonde up against the rail; cupping her cheek with one hand and pining AJ‘s right hand to the rail with the other.

“What are ya’ll doin…”

“Let me get a good look…yep I’m sure of it!” Rainbow’s grin swept across her face. “…the look of jealousy, and here I thought I was just chasing after a lost cause, you like me don’t you and you are mad that I am with Pinkie aren’t you?”

“Ah really don’t know what ya’ll…”

“Be honest with your feelings Applejack no need to hide them!” Rainbow leaned closer to the jade eyed girl, so that their lips were only inches apart. “The truth is I like you AJ…“ She’s gonna kiss me, what do ah do! Push her off AJ! But instead of pushing her off AJ placed a hand on the other girls back, her eyes closing slightly…tilting her head to the side. “…even if your underwear are super boring…” AJ’s eyes shot open and she used the hand on Rainbow’s back to pry her off by the sports bra.

“Stop joking around Rainbow Dash! How many times do ah have ta tell ya’ll before ya get the picture ah have absolutely no interest in ya whatsoever! So back off!” AJ shoved the girl away and stormed down the stairs.

Rainbow’s face didn’t carry her signature half smile, her smirk completely gone. “She actually wanted me to kiss her, that could have gone bad.” Rainbow sighed.

“A joke can only go so far Rainbow,” The jock looked up to the voice.

“Twilight what do you want…”

“…keep your head straight…” The student president said watching as the country girl sprinted out of the gym. “ don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

New Home

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AN: This chap is waaaay shorter then the rest....view it as a filler chapter...also this one has yet to be beta'd
DC: I only own this story, MLP:FIM and the characters belong to Hasbro

New Girl

Chapter Three: New Home

“Alrighty then there ya go granny, ya’ll comfy?” AJ looked over her grandmother as the elder women nodded. Due to the troubled breathing the doctors had to place a tube down the women’s throat. “Now that tube wont be there fer long, so no worries just fer now alright? And ya‘ll can‘t be suckin’ on these hard candies for the next twenty-four hours okay?” Granny Smith nodded again, it deeply saddened AJ that her grandmother, a women who raised her was left in a helpless heap but…

“A-ar-are ya’ll really alright granny, do ya’ll need another pillow?” Apple Bloom sniffed from their grandmother’s bedside, trying to fight back tears but failing miserably. No matter how heavy this here situation gets, ah must stay strong fer everyone…that’s why ah am here after all. Granny shook her head at Apple Bloom’s question. Besides even though grandma has a bunch of machines connected ta her, today has been good, she is fully aware…and ah am sure she recognizes who ah am.

“Grammy, ya’ll do know who ah am right?” The elder women raised a brow and gave AJ a ‘no duh’ look. “Am ah Big Mac?” Granny folded her arms over her chest and gave a small huff, “Alright am ah AJ?” Granny rolled her eyes and nodded. “Well shoot, ah think ta’day really is ya’ll best day yet!”

“Really, really ya’ll think so big sis?” The small red headed girl jumped up and down next to her sister in delight. “Ah should go tell Mac!” Apple Bloom jumped from the stool she had been standing on and out of the dimly lit room. “Hey Mac! Guess what!….” AJ laughed at her sister and looked back down at the now sleeping grayed women.

“This must be real serious if we are celebratin’ ya’ll bein able to recognize family…ah am sorry granny that ah haven’t been around as of late…ah just…” A soft knock came from the front door, AJ paused and listened she had to strain her ears to hear a few more soft knocks. “…ah will be right back granny.” AJ walked out of the room as Granny Smith opened an eye and reached under her pillow, she pulled out a hard candy and popped it between the tube and her tongue, a large grin formed on her cracked lips.

“Hello can I help…” AJ paused as she opened the door, and looked over the girl standing there fiddling with her wavy hair. “…what in tar nation are ya’ll doin here Fluttershy?”

“AJ?” Fluttershy pushed her feet nervously on the ground and lowered her gaze. “I-I-I um was just um granny…ummm…” The fragile girl’s face heated as she finished her sentence with a squeak. AJ just cocked her head to the side and raised a brow, unsure of what to say to the girl standing outside her door.

“Flutters…it sure has been ah while.” Mac walked up to the door and motioned for the girl to come in.

“Ohhhh is Pinkie with ya’ll this mornin?!” Apple Bloom ran over and grabbed the timid girl by the hand, pulling her into the living room.

“Umm, no Pinkamena is getting ready still so…” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off and she nervously played with a small bag.

“That girl takes forever, with all that there hair spray and such.” Apple Bloom put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

“Will someone please explain to me what goin on?” The older Apple sister asked walking up to the two girls.

“Fluttershy always comes by ta check on granny an give her ah new book ta read…” Apple Bloom pointed to the bag the shy girl was holding, she then leaned in to whisper in her sister’s ear. “…but just between you and me granny never reads them, she jus likes Flutters company.”

“Umm…Applejack if you don’t mind me asking…umm…” Fluttershy looked to her feet. “Why are…”

“OH SHOOT!” Apple Bloom shouted causing the strawberry headed girl to squeak. “Ah almost fergot! AJ here is my big sis!”

“Big…” Fluttershy walked over to AJ and grabbed her hands gently. “I’m so so so so sorry that I didn’t know we were next door neighbors…please forgive me, if you want to that is.”

“Nabors?” AJ brightened a bit and smacked the frail girl on the back. “Well shoot sugar cube ya’ll don’t have ta be sorry about not knowin, ah am glad we live so close!”

“Really?” Fluttershy smiled and AJ nodded her head.

“Well of course, now ah have someone ah can talk to it really is nice living so close…” AJ was cut off when her sister let out a squeal of excitement and ran to the door.

“Pinkie! Pinkie!” The younger Apple jumped up and was caught by a bubbly, neon pink girl…who too began to jump up and down.

“Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom!” The two were at the entrance to the house bouncing and giggling. “I just love, love, love bouncing and shouting names!” Pinkie Pie giggled happily, but stopped when she noticed AJ. “Oh my gosh no flipping ducky wucky way! Do I spy an AJ!?” AJ was taken off guard as the bright girl flung her arms around her and started jumping up and down. “Applejack! Applejack!”

“…ya sugar cube ah am not goin ta do that…” AJ looked over to Fluttershy for an explanation.

“Oh umm…well you see me and Pinkie Pie are umm well…cousins…” Fluttershy stumbled out, “…and umm well you see we kind of live together…next to you sooo….”

“Wait so…” Pinkie Pie is ma neighbor? AJ looked at the girl who was now passing out pastry goods to her sister. Why does that upset me? Probably because ah saw her an Rainbow…and no matter how much ah bleach ma brain some things just can’t be unseen. There’s that an…AJ looked over the bright girl, she really is pretty, annoying but really pretty no wonder Rainbow…

“Ohhh! I have an amazing wow-wonderful just outstanding idea!” Pinkie Pie sprang over to her cousin and AJ. “Weeeeeell do you want to hear it, do ya do ya do ya!? Ohhhh pinkie-please say yes if you don’t I will be all pinkie-sad!” Pinkie grabbed her gravity-defying hair and pulled it down slightly. “…and if I’m pinkie-sad I will look like this! Which isn’t any fun for anyone…”

“Will ya’ll stop talkin!” AJ snapped and the girl zipped her mouth happily with her fingers. “Good now then what is your idea?” The pink haired girl tapped her fingers to her chin in thought and then put up three fingers.

“Ohh three words!” Apple Bloom giggled, AJ let out a sigh and face palmed. Pinkie Pie clapped her hands and put up her pointer finger. “Ohh ya’ll first word!” Pinkie clapped again and put her pink gloved hands on AJ’s shoulders and began to shake wildly. “AJ! My big sis is ya’ll first word!” Pinkie Pie clapped again.

“Oh for the love of…when ah said stop talkin ah didn’t mean…”

“GO! Go is ya’ll second word!” Apple Bloom shouted, cutting her sister off.

“Now this here is just ridicules…”

“With us!” Fluttershy giggled and clapped slightly as Pinkie pulled her into a hug.

“You got it you got it!” Pinkie pulled her cousin and Apple Bloom into a hug. “AJ should go with us shopping!”

“That’s more then three words…” AJ sighed.

“Oh it would be so much fun if you came with us AJ…” Fluttershy smiled sweetly.

“Ya, there is just no way that I would ever consider goin shoppin’…”



How in the hay did ah end up coming anyway? AJ nervously kicked dirt as five sets of eyes looked her over.

“So you guys are next door neighbors?” Rainbow let out a slight smile. “Sweet…”

“And how is it that you just realized this?” Rarity asked Pinkie.

“Well you see this silly willy nilly is allllllways late so we never leave at the same time, plus I allllllways stay after school with Rainbow!!” The pink haired girl grabbed her girlfriends hand. “And Fluttershy is doing the garden club thingy so we never leave at the same time!”

“Ah am not always late…” AJ tried to defend herself, but trailed off. Ah hate being put on the spot…

“Well it is really nice to meet you AJ, I have read so much about you.” The girl named Twilight said as she took AJ’s hand and shook. “You must tell me all about Manhattan, I mean I grew up in Canterlot and Manhattan is kind of similar but they are different types of high class.” The nerdy looking girl pulled out a note book. “Ready when you are…”

“Twilight darling maybe you shouldn’t pressure the girl, I mean look at her…” Rarity placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, and to AJ’s dismay everyone looked at her. “The poor girl is beat red…we don’t want to ruin her lovely completion anymore now do we?”

“Perv-alert!” Rainbow shouted causing Rarity to cross her arms.

“I am not a perv!”

“Oh look at her lovely completion…” Rainbow twisted her voice to sound like Rarity’s accent, she used the back of her hand and swept it over AJ‘s cheek; AJ slapping it away. “Just a word of advice Rarity, that is one bad pickup line.” The rainbow haired girl looked over at AJ, “Like really you have to watch out for this one, all she wants to do is get in your pants.”

“I think you have me mistaken for you!” The high-class girl huffed, sticking her nose in the air.

“Girls! Can we please not start this again when we have a guest…” Twilight smiled at AJ, “…sorry it’s an ongoing battle of who’s our groups perv.”

“Which is just ridicules, she is so the perv looking at all those girls...” Rarity pointed at Rainbow, stomping her healed foot.

“No you’re the ridicules one! Have you seen the outfits she make “those girls” prance around in, it’s a no brainer that I’m going to do a bit of eye-raping!”

“You are just awful! Talking about looking at other girls when your girlfriend is present, how do you think Pinkie feels?!” Rarity placed a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Actually, silly-Rarity me and Rainbow tend to look at the other girls together…it’s hot.” Pinkie giggled and shrugged. “…you know really sets the mood.” Everyone looked at Pinkie only slightly shocked.

“Ya…guys has it ever crossed your minds that maybe Pinkie is the perv in the group?” Twilight sighed.

“Actually it has crossed my mind multiple times…” Rainbow looked at her girlfriend and winked.

“Hey or what if it’s Fluttershy!?” Pinkie jumped and gave her cousin a questioning look. “Always the quiet ones you have to look out for…” Fluttershy’s face turned red.

“N-n-n-no I’m not….I couldn’t…” The girl pushed her bangs over her eyes and mumbled quietly to herself.

“Or Twilight!” Pinkie pointed a finger to the bookworm.

“Me?” Twilight raised a brow.

“She does have a point Twilight dear, you are always reading those romance novels.” Rarity adjusted her ruby rimmed glasses as she looked over her friend.

“Eye-rape.” Rainbow quickly said under her breath.

“I am not eye-raping Twilight!” Rarity snapped, causing onlookers to look over at the group; AJ attempted to hide her face with her cowboy hat.

“Hey you guys are being rude.” Rainbow ignored Rarity and looked over to AJ. “Why exclude our new member? Who knows maybe the country girl has a dirty side?” AJ tightened her jaw, damn you Rainbow why put me on the spot again? “…well do you? Have you ever rode it cowgirl….”

“Rainbow that’s enough…” Twilight crossed her arms over her chest. “…if you continue to talk like that Fluttershy might just pass out…again…” Everyone looked over to the shy girl who was now a dark shade of pink, huddled on the ground.

“Wow Fluttershy, who knew you were so sensitive?” Rainbow said in a lusty tone, causing the girl to put her hands on her ears.

“Rainbow!” Rarity and Twilight said at the same time.

“Okay, okay I’m done…sorry Flutters.” Rainbow smiled at the still blushing girl and walked over to Pinkie, taking her hand again. “And when are you too going to stop being pussies and actually start to date?” The pink eyed girl flashed a glance to her two dark haired friends.

“Just because you swing that way with your best friend does not mean we do!” Rarity screeched.

“Awh, Rarity I’m your best friend?” Twilight asked giving the other girl a hug.

“Of course Twi.”

“See soooo gay for each other…I mean everyone knows what happens between you too on those long nights of office work….“ The two dark haired friends eyes widened, and Rainbow quickly changed the subject. “And besides Fluttershy is my best friend…” Rainbow paused and looked between Applejack and Fluttershy. “I just had an awesome thought! Now we have an even amount of people, soooo AJ and Flutters should so hook up and then we will have a full group of dating people!”

“No.” AJ said flatly.

“Wow AJ that was one harsh turn down.” Rainbow teased and looked over to Fluttershy who was now starting up her blush yet again. “Have you no consideration for this kind soul?”

“Oh Fluttershy ya’ll know ah don’t mean it like…”

“Hahaha, Rainbow you really do know how to put the award in the words “award” and “situation”!” Pinkie Pie laughed loudly. “But too bad for Apple of the Jacks, the girl she likes already likes someone else!” Applejack paused, her face going white what is Pinkie talkin about? “Fluttershy is soooo deeply in love with big-hubby-Mac!” Applejack let out a sigh, I thought she was talkin about Rainbow and…

“Hey wait a sec, ya’ll into my brother?” Applejack raised a brow to the girl who was now starting to shake with embarrassment.

“No, well I mean not well yes…if…” Fluttershy couldn’t find her wording.

“Ohhhh a lovers quarrel…” Pinkie teased making the rest of the group laugh.

“You know we really should have taken the train out to Canterlot for shopping, even if it is three hours away the selection would have been much more fabulous.” Rarity said with a huff as she examined the stores they passed, obviously not impressed.

“Ya well everything in Canterlot is way more expensive.” Twilight sighed. “And if we went there I would have to stop by and say “hey” to my family, it sucks going there over brakes so why would I want to over weekends?”

“But your little brother is just sooo cute.” Fluttershy let out a squeal and a small smile.

“Ya and he is going to start school here soon, meaning he will be staying in my dorm…” The nerdy girl looked over to Rainbow. “I really don’t know how your able to go home every weekend, even if you get the house to yourself it would just be a pain.”

“Ya well I get a bit of Rainbow time, it’s really relaxing.” Rainbow let out a small laugh. So Rainbow lives alone? AJ thought to herself, taking mental notes of all the people she was with.

“Plus Rainbow your house is just dashing, no pun intended.” Rarity laughed at her own joke. “Oh and are you planning on staying at Pinkie’s tonight?” Rarity asked with a raised brow. “Because it’s nearly 4:00 and if not you should probably get on a train…”

“Awh look at you Ms. Perv trying to see if I’m sleeping with my girl tonight?” Rainbow teased, pulling Pinkie in and giving her a kiss on the neck.

“Ohhh you sooo should come over tonight! You don’t mind do you Fluttershy?!” Pinkie asked as she bounced up to her cousin.

“Umm well…last time…” Fluttershy looked away.

“Oh right silly me I almost forgot!” Pinkie laughed. “Last time little Flutters here walked in and saw me and Rainbow…”

“T.M.I.!” Rarity screeched.

“….on Fluttershy’s bed.” Pinkie finished.

“God have you no morals!? Poor Fluttershy dear you can stay at my place tonight.” Rarity grabbed the shy girl by the hand.

“Why so you can get in her pants?” Rainbow said seriously. “That’s a low blow you know Fluttershy wouldn’t be able to push you off, or say no.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” If steam could come out of ears, AJ was sure Rarity would be doing just that.

“Then it is settled! Fluttershy will stay at AJ’s tonight!” Rainbow pushed the shy girl over to AJ.

“Will ya stop tryin ta hook me and Fluttershy up already?!” AJ snapped as Rainbow grinned.

“Who said anything about hooking up?” Rainbow winked at the blonde. “Well we know what’s on your mind now.” AJ clenched her fists.

“IM HUNGRY!” Pinkie shouted and raised a hand. “Lets go to Sugarcube Corner and get cake!”

“Sounds like a great idea!” Rainbow grinned and patted her stomach the group all agreed and started walking to the bakery, Twilight putting a hand on AJ’s shoulder to stop her.

“That’s weird.” Twilight said to AJ. “Normally Pinkie doesn’t get jealous…” The dark haired girl looked at the blonde. “…with the way she’s acting she must see you as a real threat.” AJ looked over to the rest of the group who was now a block away, at the head of the group Pinkie and Rainbow laughed with fingers intertwined. “Are you?”

“Am I what?”

“A threat?”

“…of course not Twi.” AJ looked away.

“Really? Because everyone else seems to think you are, personally I think you are a great person AJ, you seem nice and hardworking.” Twilight’s face went serious and she looked AJ in the eye. “However these are my friends, they are my life and if you are a threat to this wonderful system we have going on I will become your worst nightmare do you understand?”

“I promise you ah would never…”

“Good, just keep that promise and we will be good friends okay?” Twilight smiled and patted AJ on the back. “Welcome to our little group, I am glad we can be friends.”

AJ nodded and watched as Twilight walked away, ah hope ah’m not getting in the way here…


(Later that night)

“I-I-I’m sorry I don’t want to be a burden or anything…” The shy girl looked away from AJ. “I-I-it just that…”

“Oh Fluttershy no worries, ah was plannin on havin ya’ll over tonight anyway, Mac said it was alright as long as we kept it down.” AJ motioned for the girl to come in.

“Oh-okay umm thank you for having me over.” The girl walked into the living room, playing with her hair nervously as AJ placed a hand on her back, guiding her over to her room.

“This way sugercube.”

“Hey Applejack…” Fluttershy went to AJ’s bed and sat down. “…do you not like my cousin? I mean I hope you do, I know she can be outgoing and always in your face but…”

“Oh it’s not that ah ‘don’t like her’ its just that we are different, ya know?” Fluttershy nodded at AJ’s word.

“And do you umm…like Rain…”

“No I don’t like that self centered, rude, perv…”

“But you do…” AJ stopped her rant and raised a brow at Fluttershy.

“No ah…”

“You do, I can tell…you give her this look…” Fluttershy looked up at AJ from her seat. “…it’s a look that Pinkie gave her when I introduced them a few years back, it’s the same look. You like her but you don’t know why…you don’t know but you do, you just do…right?” The calm girl didn’t wait for AJ to answer before she continued. “…I’m sorry AJ but everyone gives Rainbow that look…she has a way with girls that makes everyone; even when people are mad at her or in a physical fight with her, they just…give her that look.”

“Then why are ya’ll tellin me all this…”

“Because Rainbow she gives you that look as well…” Fluttershy looked away from the country girl. “…like I said everyone gives her that look, but she never…Applejack you said you don’t dislike my cousin…but you are going to hurt her real bad.”

“Fluttershy it’s just like I told Twilight earlier I would never…”

“But you already have!” Fluttershy jumped off the bed, her fists at she side, tears began falling from her face. “Rainbow doesn’t give Pinkie that look anymore, I mean I know she loves her but the look…it’s not there. And it’s because of you…” The girl whipped her face.

“Ah didn’t mean ta cause no trouble, ah am sorry…”

“N-no you shouldn’t be apologizing Applejack it’s not your fault, it’s mine I’m just getting worked up…” The girl gently rested her head on AJ’s chest and wrapped her arms around her. “I am sorry, I’m not mad at you…Rainbow is my best friend, she has been in my life for such a long time and Pinkie…Pinkie is so dear to me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, promise not to hurt anyone please…”

“Fluttershy…” AJ pulled the shaking girl into a tighter hug. “Of course ah wont hurt no one…”

“Sooooo Rainbow…Fluttershy’s out of the house.” Pinkie unzipped her pink and green spotted shorts and let them fall to the floor. The bouncy girl placed her leg on the couch Rainbow was laying on and slowly crawled up to her girlfriend who was grinning widely as Pinkie cradled her.

“Oh is she now?” Rainbow lifted a knee to meet with Pinkie’s crotch, earning a soft moan from the other girl. “…were you that cruel to feed her to Rarity?”

“Hehe, of course not silly…I got inspired from what you said today.” The blue eyed girl leaned over Rainbow and began licking her neck.

“Inspired?” Rainbow said quietly as she slipped a hand under Pinkie’s bright shirt.

“Ya…I thought the idea of having a group of girls dating would be hot…” Pinkie began unbuttoning Rainbow’s nightshirt. “…so I sent her over to that country girls house.”

“Country girl? Wait…” Rainbow sat up and softly pulled her girlfriend off by the shoulders. “…you actually sent her over? Dang Pinkie I was only joking about that.”

“Ya well it seemed like a swell idea so I just…”

“Well It’s not ‘swell’ Applejack isn’t…”

“Interested in you.” Pinkie huffed and folded her arms a crossed her chest.

“What? No she isn’t into girls, I mean I thought she was…she looks like the type but…I think pushing her like this might be bullying.”

“But she is into girls Rainbow! Come on don’t give me that, she was just the first chick, lesbian or not to not have the hots for you.” Pinkie pointed to her nose. “But when I first saw her on that roof my Pinkie-Gaydar was going off like crazy, like my nose wouldn’t stop twitching!” The girl then pointed to her boobs, “…and then my nipples got hard!”

“Ya but your gaydar could be wrong I mean AJ….”

“Rainbow hun…I Pinkamina Diane Pie am never wrong!” Pinkie positioned herself over Rainbow again. “And right now I bet Fluttershy is getting a little country action, it’s good for the girl.”

“Ya but AJ…”

“Oh for the love of baby alligators can we stop talking about Applejack already!? I mean is it really the time? Your shirt is undone, I have no pants on, and I am sure you can feel with that knee of yours that I am as wet as a yoga mat!”

“Hahaha, yoga mat? Dang Pinkie your so random…” Rainbow pulled her girlfriend in for a deep kiss. “But really you don’t think Fluttershy and AJ are…”



New Friends

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AN: I’m sorry that this chap is like a sea of words! Like really it’s almost ridicules! 22 pages and nearly 9,000 words?! And I got a new beta so hopefully this chap is a little better…(the second half of this chap is my favorite so far btw!!) This is also the last chapter I have written up so….you will have to wait a while for any new updates…just a heads up. But I post faster to my DA so go to and look up AppleDash-crazy if you want quicker sneak peeks and updates…

DC: MLP: FIM and it’s characters belongs to Hasbro…I own nothing but this story. Enjoy~
New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic
Chapter 4: New Friends

Dark purple slowly melted into a light pink haze as the warm night lingered and fought for its last surviving stars to remain bright in the sky, reluctantly losing the fight as the first beams of husky oranges and brilliant yellows burst into the rich colors that composed the morning sky.

As if by impulse the birds flung themselves at the first sight of the sun, peaking over the canopies of the orchards on the outskirts of their small, quiet town; the winged animals calling out their songs as their natural alarm woke them, forcing the rest of the town’s animals to awaken.

It was a normal scripted morning for Ponyville, a morning which a certain blond- headed, apple-eyed girl was finding hard to get used to. She scrunched her freckled nose in annoyance as unwanted light beamed into her room.

“It can’t be mornin’ yet…” the country girl yanked the firm pillow from under her face and pulled it over her head, using a foot to close the bothersome blinds and smother out the peaceful awakening.


“Son of a…” With her other foot AJ back kicked her dresser, smashing the alarm clock onto the ground. She kept her other foot awkwardly positioned against the window to make sure the curtain wouldn’t blow open.… and that’s when she heard it.

A muffled giggle sounded from beside Applejack, and she froze. In her sleep deprived state she hadn’t noticed the weight next to her; right next to her.

She sucked in a breath as she felt whoever it was lean over her. Too heavy to be Applebloom, too light to be Big Mac. Rough fingers graced across the back of her neck, moving AJ’s golden hair away, and quickly followed by a wind-like sensation against her spine. AJ’s only guess was this person was blowing onto her neck.

With one move Applejack shoved the unknown figure from her bed and grabbed her pillow, raising it over head in anticipated defense; ready to throw it at a moment’s notice.

Rainbow stumbled off the twin mattress, caught off guard by the sudden attack and landing on her rear with a small thud. She rubbed her butt for a second before looking up at AJ’s panicked, confused face.

“Bwahahaha!” the jock burst into a laughing fit, falling to her side ad gasping for air between loud fits of giggles. “Soooo worth it!”

“What in the hay…” AJ looked away from the tom and to the other familiar figures that were standing before her.

“Sorry to wake you this way Applejack…” Twilight started as Rarity pulled a bedazzled comb out of her purse and sat next to the still confused country girl, brushing out her matted golden hair.

“What are ya’ll doin’ in my room?” AJ said in an annoyed tone, glaring at Rarity who was busily working out the knots.

“Well, you are our friend now, and we were worried for you…” The dark skinned student president spoke with a smile as she grabbed AJ’s uniform from her dresser, tossing it to its rightful owner.

“Worried for me? What are ya gettin’ at, Twi?”

Twilight sighed, “Well, we would hate to lose you because of your... tardiness…”

“Lose me?” AJ attempted to shoo Rarity off with a hand, receiving only an angry slap on the wrist before the diva continued her work.

“Ooooooh silly willy dumpling head!” Pinkie Pie jumped on the bed and bounced up and down. “what Twilly was trying to sayyyyyyyyy~” with that the bubbly girl burst into song. “Iiiiif you are late and oh so tardy, you will be not so happy, our school is strict and cannot be tricked for if you’re late and tardyyyyyy, you will have an early explosion date!”

“She’s... singing?” Applejack pouted in annoyance as Pinkie started clapping her hands to the beat of her song.

“That’s Pinkie… you’ll get used to it…” Fluttershy said with a smile, and handed AJ a muffin. “you should eat some breakfast,”

AJ nodded, taking the muffin from the calm girl as she watched Pinkie with disbelief.

“…but we are your friends so we will lend a helping hand! Forging papers, brushing hair, getting you up, if you’re really late, we will even feed you breakfast in a cup!”

“Okay, okay Pinkie I think she gets the point,” Twilight took a muffin from Fluttershy and stuffed it in the neon girls mouth, Pinkie instantly stopped singing and started to hum the tune as she munched on the muffin.

“We are here to make sure you get up on time and get ready,” Twilight stated strictly. “as both your student council president and your friend, I will make sure you don’t get expelled!”

“Thank you Twi- thank all of ya’ll- but ah can manage on my own. Really,” AJ stood from her small bed. “it’s just that Ah haven’t gotten used to the time zone switch yet, but when Ah do Ah’ll be fine.”

“Well, from the crazy yoga pose you were doing this morning,” Rainbow finally spoke from her seat on the floor, giggles still lacing her words. “I would say you should just take our help.”

“And as fer you!” Applejack bit the bottom of her lip, starting to turn red with anger. “exactly what do ya think you were doin’ this mornin’, touchin’ and blowin’ on my neck?”

“Well, you smashed your alarm clock. I couldn’t think of a better way to wake you up,” Rainbow rested her chin on a knee and cracked a wide smile, staring up at the country girl.

“Just don’t do it again.”

“Oh, just a second AJ!” Rainbow shot up from the ground.

“What do ya want?” AJ looked back to the jock to see her pink eyes snaking up and down her body.

“Nice underwear. Very plain, but they hug just the right spots. Curvy…” AJ’s face went beet red as she looked down at herself.

How could I have forgotten Ah wasn’t wearin’ anything?!

“GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!” she panicked and pushed Rainbow out the door, the others giggling quietly as they followed suit and waited for their friend to get dressed.

“Why couldn’t Ah be wearin’ matching underwear…or somethin’ that wasn’t white,” AJ said out loud to herself, still blushing as she looked herself over in the mirror. “Oh what am I sayin! Why should Ah care what Rainbow saw! That pervert!”

Applejack shouted just loud enough for those in the hallway to hear, the magenta-eyed antagonist chuckling lightly.



Applejack waded into the old, dusty art classroom pathetically. Usually the room hosted a large still life, made up of nude manikins and various animal bones, but today the stage in the classroom was empty. A substitute teacher sat, tapping a pencil at his desk.

“Teach out today?” AJ asked as she took her seat next to Fluttershy, who nodded a quick response. “Ay idea why?”

“Skiing trip,” Twilight answered with a light tone as she took the remaining seat next to Applejack. “but his official report says ‘Strep Throat’.”

“It amazes me that you get so much personal info on everything,” Rainbow huffed and sat down next the dark haired girl. “seeing as I don’t, and we have the same ranking!”

“Well if you paid attention a little more often, you would know these things,” Twilight stated mater-o-factly.

“I only pay attention to things that spark my interest,” Rainbow grinned “speaking of which, how ya doin’, Apple’s?” The jock gave the country girl a wink. AJ only rolled her eyes.

“Too bad Ah have no interest in you,” Applejack laughed as she pulled out her pencil and began taping a blank sheet of paper to her desk.

“Bout time you came up with some flirty comebacks,” Rainbow said excitedly, turning to a distraction across the room. “Hey Rarity!” Rainbow waved to her lone friend sitting a few rows behind them. “We finally corrupted Freckles!”

“Will you please refrain from shouting?” the substitute asked sternly as he got up from the desk. The man was large, and not in a flattering way. “I don’t know what your teacher normally does. I am an English sub normally, so I really don’t know what you guys would do in this type of class. Would someone mind?”

“We figure draw,” of course Rainbow was the first to speak up, not taken aback or afraid to answer any questions... her way.

“Well what figures do you draw?” The teacher asked, looking over the cocky girl.

“Well we draw naked, sexy plastic chicks we find in dumpsters. And dead things, like road kill,” Rainbow said cracking her signature half smile, and earning a few immature chuckles from her classmates. The teacher just looked horrified. “you know, normal ‘artistic’ stuff.”

“Well umm… where are these objects?”

“Mr. Art-dude keeps them locked in the basement,” Rainbow continued, pointing a finger to a locked door. “he always has the keys.”

“Fine…” the substitute sighed in relief. “draw portraits for today.”

“Ooh, are you going to be our model?” Rainbow grinned. “you kind of remind me of the manikins. You should totally strike a pose.”

“I know who you are Ms. Dash,” the sub spoke sternly as he looked the girl in the eyes. “you think you’re the class clown? Well I have news for you! People laugh ‘at’ clowns Ms. Dash, they do not laugh ‘with’ them.”

Dash raised a brow.

“But Mr. Sub-dude,” Rainbow said as sweetly as she could. “you have me mistaken. I’m not the class clown... I’m the class dike.”

Rainbow’s words earned her a roar of laughter from her fellow classmates, the teacher just looking at her dumbfounded…

“Partner up and get to drawing!” The teacher sighed, ignoring what Dash had to say.

“What a pain.” AJ chuckled. it truly amazed the farmer girl that this rainbow haired wonder could so easily speak her mind. She was so sure of herself to the point of it being annoying and show-off-ish but the jock was just so confident...

“So are you just going to keep looking at me or are you going to ask to be my partner, cowgirl?” Rainbow had her devilish side smile on as she stared, waiting for AJ’s response.

“Ah wasn’t goin to ask to be your partner!” AJ looked away from the jock.

“Well I was going to ask you…”

“Oh please be in our group AJ?” Fluttershy asked calmly as she grabbed AJ’s hands in hers. “the class isn’t even and I would just love to be in a group with you and Rainbow.”

“Oh, well alright sugercube,” AJ let out a surprised squeal as Rainbow wrapped her arms around the back of her.

“Will you let me paint you like one of my French girls?” Rainbow laughed loudly.

Time ticked by as the class slowly came to an end. Rainbow had received a detention for drawing AJ and Fluttershy in lingerie, which caused Fluttershy to nearly pass out and Applejack to throw various objects in Rainbow’s direction.

“Those two fight so much,” Rarity noted as she finished up her detailed charcoal drawing of the student president.

“More like flirt…Rainbow better watch it though. I would hate for Pinkie to get hurt,” Twilight sighed and stuck her tongue out in concentration as she worked on a stick-figure meets a blinder graphite drawing of Rarity. “Done!” Twilight smiled and looked it over, then stared at the smiling vice-president; she pouted.

“Oh let me see dear…. What on god’s green earth is that supposed to be?!” Rarity screeched as she looked over the creature Twilight had drawn. “I-Is that a monobrow? Dear lord I look stoned!”

“Well I tried getting the eyes to look Asian so I followed this books steps, and I didn’t have enough room to fit the eyebrows but leaving them out would not be an option so I might have made them a ‘tad’ unibrow-ish,” Twilight rubbed her head in embarrassment. “but besides that I think the rest is spot on.” She smiled, and Rarity just let her mouth hang open.

“Baaahahahaha!” Rainbow let out a roar of laughter as she approached her friends; she took the picture from Twilight and put her arm around the shocked Rarity. “I think Twilight captured your essence perfectly!” Tears of laughter built up in the jocks eyes. “It’s like Rarity meets ‘The Scream’!”

“You really think I look like that… that thing?!” Rarity whined at Twilight she stomped her healed foot before pulling out of Rainbow’s arm and out of the class.

“I will never sub for an art class again. Ever again,” The sub huffed as the lunch bell rang.


“Oh WOW-zwer-roooo!” the pink haired neon girl jumped up and down, her cheers muffled by the chocolate bread that hung from her mouth. “oh this is sooo cute!” she looked over the half naked portrait her girlfriend had drawn.

“It is nothin’ of the sort! it is perverse,” Applejack mumbled, trying to think of how she ended up eating her lunch on the school roof. “isn’t bein’ up here against the schools rules or somthin’?”

“Well because we all, besides you and Fluttershy, make up the student government it is our duty to make sure no students come up here and possibly get harmed,” Twilight said as she munched on her sandwich.

“So ya’ll are basically bending the rules for all ya’ll benefit?”

“Well sure!” Rainbow grinned. “I mean we bent the rules for you and Flutters, I mean unless you want your alone time with her.” The jock raised her brow a few times.

“You even got the breast sizes juuuuuuust right!” Pinkie shouted as she bent over to examine AJ’s breasts, her happy face just inches away.

“Excuse me, do ya mind?” AJ blocked herself with her hands.

“NOPE-ITTY!!” the pink haired girl giggled and bounced over to her cousin to examine her breasts as well.

“Oh right, that reminds me,” Rainbow pulled out a piece of paper and began writing as she stood up and sat close to Applejack, who tensed up. “we are hosting a surprise birthday party for Pinkie.”

Applejack just nodded as she slowly munched on her sliced apples. Rainbow’s pale leg was cool as it slowly rubbed up against AJ‘s.

‘Is she rubbin’ against me on purpose?’

The farm girl sucked in a breath as Rainbow leaned in and whispered, her warm breath blew on the farm girls face as she slowly closed her green eyes.

“...did you get anything that I just said?” Rainbow seemed slightly amused with the reaction she got out of the stubborn girl.

“…umm, could ya just repeat the last bit? It’s kind of windy so ah…” AJ felt her face heat up at Rainbow’s sly grin.

‘There is nothin’ embarrassing about this situation, so stop blushin’!’ AJ yelled at herself.

“Wind...right,” Rainbow laughed, handing AJ the piece of paper before standing up and walking back to her previous seat.


"New Girl" Chapter 4 part 2 of 2

Chapter 4: New Friends

“2809 Cloudsdale heights…..”



AJ clenched the piece of paper in her fist and threw it towards the empty trash bin in her small room. She watched as it bounced off the rim of the metal container, and rested on the floor under her desk. Sighing she rose from bed and picked it up, using her thumb to smooth out the crinkled note.

“The party starts at 8pm,” she read the first scratchy line, the note memorized word for word. Each messy letter had been studied throughout the past week. “The party starts at 8pm Saturday night, my place.”

Rainbow’s place…

“….2809 Cloudsdale Heights,” AJ felt small beads of sweat form on her palms, quickly she used her jeans to wipe them off. “call me anytime (831) 230-DASH.”

Rainbow’s number; also memorized.

“I am really looking forward to seeing you there, don’t let me down Freckles! -RD.” Looking over the slightly torn notebook paper AJ sighed again, this time walking the note over to the trash and properly disposing of it.

“It’s not like ah’m bein’ rude or nothin’,” the jade eyed girl said to herself. “Ah simply can’t make the trip all the way to Cloudsdale. Ah mean that’s a solid three hour drive and ah can’t just take Mac’s car all night; and the train stations closed by six.” AJ nodded at her very reasonable excuse. “Ah will just apologize come Monday,” She sat back down on her bed and pulled out a few books. “besides, Ah have way to much studyin’ to do, and Ah couldn’t go to that party, even if ah wanted to.”

“Hey AJ?” the blonde looked up to her large brother who stood in her doorway. “Flutters and two other girls are here, somethin about a party or what not?”

“Oops sorry forgot to tell ya!” AJ jumped out of bed and pulled on her dark brown cowboy boots as she threw together an overnight bag. “sleepover, Pinkie’s surprise party.”

AJ quickly kissed her brother on his prickly cheek, then ran over to the other room and did the same to her sleeping grandmother. She grabbed her hat off the counter and kissed her sister on the head.

“It’s in Cloudsdale so don’t wait up, Ah’ll be back tomorra at some point, love ya bye!” AJ shouted and waved to her chuckling brother as she shut the door behind her.

“Bout’ time that girl got out,” Applebloom sighed as she looked up from her coloring book.



“Darling! For heaven sakes, who did your hair?!” after about an hour of Rarity fidgeting she finally spoke up and began pulling pieces of frizzy hair behind the blondes ear.

“Uhm, Ah did?” Applejack moved her head away from the dolled up girl.

“But it’s a very messy braid,” the dark haired girl bit her lip, obviously annoyed by the country girls scruffy appearance. “that I’m sure you worked very hard on…”

“I think she looks fine,” Twilight spoke up from the driver seat, looking back at the two from the rear view mirror.

“Says the girl who thinks a monobrow and stoned uneven eyes looks pretty,” Rarity stuck her nose in the air.

“Oh come off it already, Rarity, that was nearly a week ago,” Twilight huffed in annoyance. “Besides I already apologized for that.”

“I think you look lovely, AJ. Your cowboy hat and those boots, they really suit you,” Fluttershy pulled her head out of the window for a few seconds to give AJ a weak smile before grabbing her stomach and returning to the cool breeze.

“I told you to eat before we left,” Twilight rubbed Fluttershy’s back a few times. “You know you get car sickness.”

“Do you see that?” Rarity said quietly to AJ, motioning to the girls up front.

“See what?” AJ raised a brow.

“Twilight…she has obviously moved on! I mean one little fight and she has no problem with having Fluttershy be her right hand girl,” Rarity looked between the girls at the front of the car. “Twilight was already at Flutter’s apartment when I showed up to pick you up, she didn’t even ask if I wanted to sit up front with her, and now this!” Twilight was still patting the meek girls back. “I mean I’m a bit car sick too you know. Who’s going to pat my back?”

AJ scratched her head a few times before stiffly patting Rarity’s back, a bit hard. An awkward silence grew between the two. “Somehow me consoling ya doesn’t quite feel right.”


AJ placed her hands back in her lap.

“Maybe Twi is goin’ to Fluttershy because ya’ll are still mad at her? Maybe if ya just forgave-”

“That is so not happening,” Rarity cut AJ off.

“Well ya can always pat ya own back.”

“That would be simply pathetic.”

“Okay girls, we’re here!” Twilight interrupted the two as she giggled happily. “I love Rainbow’s house.”

The car pulled up a long, twisted road that went straight up the side of a mountain. The road, to AJ’s surprise, was white. With some of the angles the car was going, it almost seemed like they were driving upon a cloud. Both sides of the long, very animated road were decorated with cherry trees and other various colorful plant life.

“This is Rainbow’s house?” AJ asked in awe as they passed by a waterfall statue with beams of multicolored lights shooting out. On the statue the address ‘2809 Cloudsdale Heights’ was carved clearly.

“Of course not,” Rarity said with a giggle. “This is the road up to her house.”

The car reached level ground and a large white gate opened; a suited older man waved happily to the girls as they drove past.

“Is that her dad?” Applejack waved back.

“Oh no that was Geoffrey,” Fluttershy sighed as the car became more even. “He’s the butler.”

“The wha…” AJ raised a brow.

“And his name isn’t really ‘Geoffrey’.” Fluttershy giggled. “Rainbow has always called him that because she thinks ‘Jack’ isn’t very bultlery, so the name kind of just stuck.”

“And just a bit of a warning- don’t mention Rainbow’s parents.” Twilight spoke strictly. AJ nodded.

“Oh, now that’s Rainbow’s house,” Rarity shook AJ’s shoulder to get her attention, not that she really needed to. AJ’s mouth fell agape as a large white mansion came into view.

“That’s a… ah house?!” The others giggle in response. “More like a castle!”

“That’s what I thought when I was little,” Fluttershy said with a small giggle, as she remembered her childhood. “like Rainbow was a prince or something. Oh and I don’t mean that in a rude way; when we were younger Rainbow always said she was the ‘man of the house’ so people used to call her ‘the little prince’.”

AJ paused for a second to look away from the house, she thought over what Fluttershy had said, then burst into laughter as the car came to a stop.

“Okay guys hurry up!” Rainbow yelled as she ran down the long marble steps, “Pinkie is on her way over, so we only have a little bit of time to set-”

“Ya used to call ya’ll self ‘the little prince’?!” AJ practically rolled out of the car after Rarity, tears of laughter filled her eyes, her hat dropping on the ground.

Rainbow stopped walking down the steps and shot an annoyed glare over to Fluttershy, who shifted uncomfortably.

“Umm sorry Rainbow, I didn’t think about how that could be embarrassing. I truly am very-”

“I’ll deal with you later!” Rainbow blushed slightly and pointed up to the large double doors. “We need to move our butts and set up! Rarity, Twilight, you two are in charge of the decorations, Flutters you show AJ to the kitchen, I gave our workers the day off so you guys will need to make the food and drink-”

“I refuse to work with her,” Rarity said bluntly pointing a finger to Twilight who face palmed.

“Please, get over yourself Rarity.” Twilight walked up the steps.

“I refuse!”

“Uhh! We don’t have time for this!” Rainbow jumped down the rest of the stairs. “You and Twilight know how to decorate, Fluttershy is too slow and AJ...” Rainbow looked down as AJ picked her hat off the ground and smacked the dirt off of it and onto her jeans. “AJ doesn’t seem the type to know how to hang pink, frilly streamers. So you need to get over the unibrow thing and help out Twilight. This is not about you, this is about Pinkie!” Rarity huffed and mumbled under her breath as she made her way up the stairs.

“Now Flutter’s you do remember where everything is right?” The girl nodded. “Okay. Everything in the kitchen is marked for the party, just set up the trays and bring everything out into the ballroom.”

Rainbow turned her attention to the country girl. “AJ you’re with Flutter’s.” AJ looked over Rainbow’s serious expression; it was a look she had yet to see on the rainbow headed jock. She was in work mode, and it looked good on her.

“Sure thing Prince,” Applejack smiled as the blush returned to Rainbow’s face. The country girl didn’t wait for a response and made her way up the steps, followed by Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, I swear, if you mention anything about our childhood!” Rainbow called after the two, a light chuckle to her tone.


“, the bullies were really being mean to me again, and out of nowhere this little blonde headed girl- or boy- I couldn’t really tell what she was back then…” Fluttershy rambled as she continued telling various stories about their jock friend. “…anyway out of nowhere Rainbow smashes the biggest one into the locker and tells him ‘hey tubby, like picking on little girls? How would you like to get your ass kicked by one?’ And at that point I passed out, because my young adolescent ears weren’t used to such language.”

Fluttershy emptied the last bag of chips into the large container, and AJ picked it up as they walked out of the large kitchen.

“But when I woke up Rainbow was by my side in the nurse’s room, of course she started yelling at me for being so weak, but after that day I followed her around everywhere. She protected me like a big sister! And we have been friends ever since.”

“So you guys have been friends for a long time?” Fluttershy nodded as they walked up the wide set stairs, arms full of food. “And ya’ll both been going to Equestria since elementary school? Wow, I think Ah would just snap. Ah went there for a bit when Ah was younger, and Ah hated it!”

“Well I went because my parents got me a full kindergarten through twelfth grade scholarship thing, and Rainbow goes because her dad owns the place.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… hold the phone sugar cube, this day is just getting too weird for me. Rainbow’s dad owns Equestria? Like the whole school?”

“Yep, he owns a lot of schools, business, practically all of Cloudsdale and Cloudsdale Heights. Her mom is the real power behind everything, though. I mean her dad might own a bunch of things, but her mom runs everything.” Fluttershy lowered her voice as they reached the doors to the ballroom.

“I’m not sure if Rainbow wants you to know all this so keep it between us okay?” AJ nodded and followed the girl into the room.

“You are so selfish!” Twilight screeched at Rarity who, of course, was sitting on a long low couch.

“What?” the diva ignored her ex-best friend. “Rainbow did you hear something?”

Rainbow looked like she was about to explode with anger.

“Rarity I know you can hear me!” Twilight shouted again only for Rarity to look at her nails. “Stop being so childish!”

“Rarity! Twilight!” Rainbow finally shouted. “I swear to god if you don’t stop this bull shit I will pu-”

“Master Dash sorry to interrupt,” Rainbow stopped mid-threat and looked back at her butler. “But Ms. Pinkamina has arrived.”

“Shit, shit, shit!” Rainbow sprinted and went through a few bags before pulling out a couple balloons and tossing them to Geoffrey. “Distract her! Make some balloon animals or something!”

Geoffrey sighed and nodded, obviously used to Rainbow’s weird requests. The man left the room.

“AJ!” Rainbow grabbed the country girl by the shoulders and handed her a few streamers. “You’ve roped cattle before, right? Good!” Rainbow continued before letting AJ answer. “Just throw this around the chandeliers!”

The jock then handed Fluttershy a bag of confetti. “Act like its bird seed, and all the seats are the flying shit-rats!”

Rainbow ran over to the other end of the room, flipping off Rarity and Twilight as she passed them. When she reached the large cabinets she quickly typed in the code and opened the enormous doors, pulling out big bottles of liquid. AJ watched as Rainbow began pouring one of the clear liquid bottles into the punch bowl.

“Uhh that’s the last of the streamers, and... did ya’ll just spike that punch?”

“Yes,” Rainbow set up the rest of the bottles on a small side table, and grabbed the confetti from Fluttershy, tossing it by one of the fans, sending the little multi colored pieces of paper across the room.

“Uhm, Rainbow?” Twilight looked downstairs from the opened balcony. “Pinkie is showing Geoffrey how to make giraffes,” the rest of the party held back their snickers as they looked out the windows, the nicely groomed butler now wearing a bright pink balloon crown and sitting cross legged on the porch with Pinkie. She showed him how to fold the giraffes back.

“Hey Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted off the balcony, the rest of the girls quickly backed away into the room.

“Oh, hey Dashie!” Pinkie jumped up from her seated position, grinning at her girlfriend. “Sorry I got so super distracted by Mr. Geo! I will be rrrriggghhhht up, I mean, you do have a little itch for me to scratch right?” Pinkie giggled and winked.

“Uhh, yeah babe maybe you can itch it later,” Rainbow tightened her jaw, hoping her friends didn’t get what Pinkie was saying.

They did.

“Awhh come on Dashie! I got this new type of dildo!” Twilight snorted as she attempted to muffle her laughter.

“What’s a dildo?” Fluttershy asked the blushing, shocked AJ.

“And I made sure that it wasn’t made out of latex, you know, cause last time you had an allergic reaction when wearing the harness?”

“Pinkie! That’s enough!” Rainbow put her hand over her face in embarrassment, taking a peek through her fingers to look at AJ’s horrified face.

‘Great now Apple’s thinks I’m a total freak.’

“Why? What’s wrong Dashie? Why are you blushing?” Pinkie shuffled through her bag and pulled out the phallic blue object. “Look it even has this little tip in it that vibrates so when you’re wearing it, it will tease your clit so you get pleased as well, and-”

“Oh my god Pinkie please shut up and just get in here!” Rainbow’s face was almost purple as she refused to look at the rest of her friends, who’s jaws had dropped.

“Ookily dockily oky! Now that I’m 18 I can get all kinds of fun toys!” Pinkie giggled as she walked past Geoffrey. “She really is an impatient one!” She said to the surprisingly not shocked butler.

“What’s a clit?” Fluttershy asked Rarity who looked horrified.

“It means puppy killer,” Rainbow stated with a cough. “So don’t ever repeat it okay?”

“What? That’s just awful! Why would a puppy killer please you?” Fluttershy asked innocently, and now AJ couldn’t help but laugh.

‘Great,’ Rainbow thought. ‘Now she’s laughing at me.’

“Shhh!” Rainbow shouted. “Everyone don’t say anything! Here she comes!”

“Ya I’m sure she’ll be ‘coming’ a lot tonight,” Rarity giggled from her seat. Rainbow just shot her a hard look before turning off the lights to the ballroom.

“Ooooohhhh where’s my Dashhhhieeee?!” Pinkie called as she threw the doors open. “Hey where are all the lights? Silly you know I like to do it with the lights on….”

Before Pinkie could say another word Dash flipped the lights back on and the group of giggling friends did their best “Surprise!”

“Ahhhh!” Pinkie shouted and then giggled and jumped up and down. “Oh my gosh girls I was totally Pinkie Pie surprised!” She went around and hugged all her friends. “Thank you all!”

“You are welcome Pinkie,” Fluttershy said seriously. “But please, maybe hanging around with puppy killers is a bad idea, okay?”

“Okay! Duly noted!” Pinkie laughed and pulled the calm girl in for another hug.

“Alright.. let’s get this party started…” Rainbow said, very unenthusiastically. “I need a shot.”


“*Hick* Now that was a letter four er five,” Rainbow held up three fingers “six shots?”

The jock burst into a laughing fit and rolled over on the ground, her head resting on AJ’s lap. “Oh freckles how the night sun shines through your golden mane and those grassy green eyes… that are spinning! Laying down! Bad idea! Sky! No ceiling! Spinning! Oh god why are your grassy eyes spinning!?”

AJ laughed at the completely intoxicated Rainbow Dash as she pulled herself off of the country girls lap and back into a standing position. “I’m alllllright.”

“Sure ya are sugar cube, and by the way that was only five shots fer ya,” The jade eyed girl laughed again and stood up, walking back over to the group of friends who where drunkenly dancing. Besides Fluttershy, who was in the corner still trying to sip down her first shot of punch-diluted liquor.

“Hey don’t walk away from *hick* me cowgirl!” Rainbow hobbled over to the girl and wrapped her arm over her shoulders. “You think you can drink more than me blondie? I have yet to see you touch a single dropitty!” Rainbow paused. “Hehe dropitty, like Rarity and drop…itty.”

“You’re not makin’ much sense Rainbow,” AJ was fully amused.

“Your face! Isn’t making much sense!” The jock took a few wobbly steps backwards, taking her rainbow hair out of the ponytail, the multicolored strands falling loosely to her mid-back. “This calls for a drinking contest!”

“No ah really shouldn’t…”

“Drinking contest!” Twilight and Rarity, who seemed to be making up yelled happily from where they were dancing on each other.

“Yay! Drinking contest!” Pinkie pitched in after mixing up a Daiquiris and handing it to Fluttershy, who put down the shot and smiled at the more fruity drink.

“Now girls, come on, ah shouldn’t,” AJ shook her hands out in front of her in defense.

“Awwwh who’s a little farmer chicken? You’re a little farmer chicken, yes you are, yes you are,” AJ pouted at Rainbow’s baby talk. “Pttttch you’re just afraid of my pure awesomeness, and your complete lack of …it!”

The girls let out giggles, and AJ folded her arms across her chest.

“Well ah was goin’ ta say ya’ll shouldn’t let me compete against ya Rainbow because ah would totally wipe the floor with you!” AJ smirked.

“Oh ya?!” Rainbow wobbled past Applejack and over to the small table. She poured herself another shot. “I have a six shot head start!” With that the jock knocked her head back and downed the warm liquid. “Yaawhooooo!”

AJ laughed. “Okay, but don’t tell me ah didn’t warn ya…”

“Oh! I, Pinkie birthday girl Pie, would just love, love, love, to pour the shots!” The neon girl jumped up and down excitedly and grabbed six glass shot glasses out of the unlocked cabinets.

“Bring it!” Rainbow grinned looking AJ in the eye.

“Oh ah will!” AJ grinned back and took the first two shots from Pinkie, with two swift flicks of her wrist she downed them as though they were water. “Mmmmmhmmm. That hit the spot.”

AJ patted her stomach as the fluid warmed up her insides.

“Now, now Pinkie I’m a country girl and us country girls know how ta drink so I’m goin’ ta politely ask if ya’ll keep them shots commin’ in a nice even pace?”

Pinkie nodded excitedly as she sloppily poured the bronze liquid into the remaining four glasses. “Thank ya mighty kindly Miss.”

“Oh ya!” Rainbow tapped the table a few times looking for words. “Well... your face!”


“And this makes six,” AJ spoke through a only slightly slurred accent as she took back the shot.

“So now they are even people!” Twilight shouted in a reporter voice into a birthday hat. “What will happen next?!”

“Hehehe, Twi darling, you are so funny!” Rarity stumbled as she walked with only one heel still on.

“*Hick*” Fluttershy giggled into her hand, swaying back and forth as she held onto her still mostly full drink.

“Pinkie! Fifth shot! Er I mean,” Rainbow paused searching for the right answer.

“It’s yer seventh shot... Prince,” AJ said the name with a wink, which made Rainbow bite her lip and smirk.

“Oh, say it again,” Rainbow said starring into AJ’s eyes.


“Prince!” Pinkie interrupted AJ and pushed a seventh shot into Rainbow’s face, the jock clapped her hands once before taking the shot and sloshing it back. She paused.

“Wow,” The pink eyed girl leaned forward and placed her hands on AJ’s shoulders for support, everything was spinning, voices were muffled, it was as though she was out of her body.

“...ash… Dash!” Slowly things picked back up their normal speed. “Hey Rainbow are ya’ll okay?”

Rainbow straightened herself up.

“Never better, my country friend, never better-” with that Rainbow shuffled her way over to the sound system. She cranked up the volume and pulled Fluttershy off her seat and onto the dance floor. The meek girl giggled and began swaying back as forth and Rainbow jumped around.

“Alright Pinkie, hit me up,” AJ said smiling at the birthday girl who poured the shot to the rim. “Uhh ain’t that a little full?”

“What’s wrong country girl? It’s only a bit past the shot line?” AJ looked down at the shot which had at least an extra half shot in it. “Come on silly willy nilly we are missing the parttttaaayy!”

“Well, ah guess it’s alright,” AJ grabbed the glass and chugged it back. She had to blink a few times before she offered a hand to Pinkie and the two girls walked out to the dance floor.

AJ couldn’t really remember what she was dancing to, or whether or not it called for line dancing… but she was doing it! And she was having fun! No one paid much attention to the beat they just went for it, limbs, Pinkie’s cloths, streamers, and other various things flung out into random directions, completely destroying the room.

“Alright double me!” AJ smiled, a new confidence coming up as she was handed the drinks she knew she would regret.

“Me too!” Rainbow slurred and hung herself over the small table.

“Are ya sure, sugar cube,” AJ patted the jock on the head. “You could always just give u-”

“I never lose!” Rainbow interrupted the blonde and took her drinks from Pinkie. AJ shrugged, and took back both the shots with ease; she wobbled a bit but shook her head and seemed fine. Rainbow looked down at both the shots in her hands. She looked up at AJ and her girlfriend.

“Alright, well here goes nothing,” Rainbow took back one shot, held it in a bit longer then she should have, and started coughing.

“Shoot, Rainbow, ya’ll should just hold on for a sec,” AJ put an arm under the other girls to help keep her balanced.

“Ooooh no,” She let out a few more coughs. “…not… losing!” Rainbow brought the shot up to her lips, the smell filled her nostrils, her hands shook; everything shook. The rainbow haired girl didn’t even notice the glass drop until she felt the liquid splash onto her bare feet.

“Okay, yer done,” Applejack looked up at Pinkie who nodded her agreement.

“Done with what?” The jock asked, her legs seeming to give out as she placed all her weight onto AJ, which wasn’t much but AJ wobbled and placed the other girl down. “Why are my feet wet?” Rainbow seemed annoyed. “Pinkie I told you I wasn’t into that type of stuffs!”

“I know Dashie. You just sit down and rest for a little bit, okay?” Pinkie gave Rainbow a hug.

“Okay but you go have fun,” Rainbow mumbled as her eyes started closing and opening slower and slower.

“But I want to make sure your going to be alright,” Pinkie protested, concern coating her words.

“It’s fine. Your party. Have fun.”

“I can’t leave you alone!” The neon girl looked back and forth between the group of dancing friends and her girlfriend.

“It’s fine… Apple’s… Apple’s will, my head on her lap,” Rainbow gestured for Applejack to sit down besides her, which she did. Rainbow scooted herself over the country girl and placed her head in her lap. “See? I will be taken care of.”


“Pinkie. I want Applejack.” Pinkie looked hurt for a second before smiling.

“Thank you Rainbow, thank you Applejack!” The neon girl stood up. “Thanks for letting me Pinkie! Enjoy my parttttayyyy!” With that the girl pulled on a birthday hat and ran out onto the dance floor.

AJ smiled, happy that Pinkie didn’t take Rainbow’s words the wrong way. She looked down at the delirious Dash, her pink eyes only partly open.

“Ya know,” Applejack moved a bit of Rainbow’s loose hair out of her eyes. “Ya’ll look much prettier with ya hair down.”

Rainbow chuckled at AJ’s words.

“Anyone would look prettier after how much alcohol we’ve consumed.”

“No really Rainbow,” AJ stroked Rainbow’s face a few times with her hand, making Rainbow smile and let out a few moans. “ya really are pretty.”

AJ moved her face closer to Rainbows.

“Really beautiful,” the jock moved her head to face the country girl. She closed her pink eyes. “...and sexy.”

Applejack leaned forward; she could feel Rainbow’s hot breath on her lips.

‘What in the hey are ya’ll doin’!?’ AJ’s eyes snapped open and she pulled her head away, just moments from kissing the intoxicated Rainbow.

“What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” Rainbow pleaded as she wrapped her arm around AJ’s head, weakly attempting to pull her head back down.

“Ah need ta get some air!” the country girl moved Rainbow’s head carefully off her lap. “Keep ya face to the side in case you vomit.”

She didn’t hear Rainbow’s protest as she quickly moved out to the balcony.

“Were are you going?” Rainbow lifted herself up into a sitting position.

“What are ya doin’ drinking like a sailor, and callin’ Rainbow sexy!” AJ hit herself on the head and leaned against the railing. “Well she is se- that isn’t the point! You almost kissed her ya empty headed fool! I am such an idiot.”

“Yes, you are an idiot!” Rainbow shouted as she attempted to walk onto the balcony. “Who leaves a drunk girl just laying there?” She wobbled.


“Hey there Freckles,” Rainbow slurred as she approached the blonde.

“Hey, listen, what happened- Ah wasn‘t goin’ ta do what you were thinking Ah was goin’ ta do.” Applejack lied to the intoxicated girl. “Now you’re really wasted and shouldn’t be walkin’ around.”

“Says the chickittyy who has had more bubbly than anyone else,” Rainbow slung an arm around the girls shoulders, grinning widely as she let out a hiccup. Applejack laughed at Rainbow’s drunken expression.

“Yeah, well Ah am a country girl. We know how t’ hold our booze.”

Applejack smiled weakly. She knew she should pull the girl off of her. They should both go to bed- in separate beds! But... something about being held by this Rainbow Dash... plus the fact that everything was slightly blurry... Applejack really didn’t care.

“Well I’m no light weight,” The younger girl stated. As she stumbled over nothing she was forced to wrap her arms fully around the cowgirl, the blonde’s newly tanned arms catching her.

“Careful! Are ya alright?” Dash looked up dazed, her vision going in and out as the liquor worked its magic. She looked over the worried face; freckles giving the tan skin texture, green orbs adding to a nice rich contrast.

“You know, you’re the beauti-f-f-ful one,” Rainbow put a hand on AJ’s cheek and tilted her head to the side. “Please no more teasing me. Just... kiss me. I need you.”

“Rainbow, ah need ya too, but not like this,” Applejack lifted Rainbow back to a steady standing position. As soon as the blonde was sure Rainbow could stand she let her go and took a few steps back. “Not like this, if ah was going to ever kiss ya we both have to be able to remember it! It can’t just be a drunken fling.”

“But I can‘t wait!” Rainbow wobbled over closer to the country girl. She used the railing to steady herself as she placed a hand atop of Applejack’s own. She was warm.

“Rainbow,” AJ looked down at their hands, and turned hers to intertwine fingers with the pale girls. “what do ya want from me?”

She wasn’t in the least bit mad with the girl, more like tired; confused. She turned her gaze over to the tomboy and locked eyes with the saddened face. Rainbow sucked in a shaky breath as her eyes started to water.

“Oh Rainbow, please don’t cry!” AJ rapped her arms around the taller girl’s neck, holding her close.

“I-I-I’m not crying!” Rainbow lied as she buried her face into the locks of golden hair. “I’m sorry! I’m such an ass!”

“No, you’re not!”

“Yes I am! I’m always hitting on you, always making you uncomfortable; always teasing you. I’m leading you on when I’m already with someone,” Rainbow shook. “I’m making you want me; I’m making myself want you!” She sucked in a shaky breath. “...I love Pinkie, I fricken am in love with her!”

AJ felt a stab of pain. Right in the heart.

“I know ya do sugarcube. Ah know…”

“Then why!?” Rainbow pulled her head away from the soft hair and rested her forehead on AJ’s. She looked back and forth between both the green eyes; searching for the answers. “Why do I like you so much?” The tom used her thumb to gently stroke the other girls pink lips. “Why do I want you so bad?”

“Your drunk, Rain-” AJ lost her words as the other girl pushed her head down to her neck and gently bit the soft skin. “R-Rainbow what are-” The county girl felt her body react on its own, melting into the other girls as Rainbow opened her mouth and began to lick the side of her nape, and down to her collar bone.

“Rainbow! Yer drunk! Ah’m drunk!” Rainbow sucked as hard as she could on the tan neck, Applejack attempting to shove the other girl away, but only managing to lean more into her.

With the sudden closeness Rainbow took her opportunity to reach under the girls top and used her palm to firmly massage Applejack’s breast. Applejack let out a deep moan; surprising even herself.

“N-n-no! Not like this-” AJ jerked away, suddenly causing the unsteady rainbow haired girl to fall forward, bringing both the girls down hard.

“Ouch… what was that all about!?” Rainbow was oblivious to AJ’s reaction, as she rubbed her spinning head.

“Ya were gettin’ too friendly, and ah-”

“What is going on out here!?” A screech made both the girls jump.

“Pinkie Pie! Nothin happened!” But as AJ looked between the neon girl’s shocked face and to where she was, with Dash cradling her hips, and her shirt stuffed into her bra…. “Now ah know this might look bad…”

“What looks bad?” Twilight’s voice came from behind Pinkie Pie as she too looked over to the two girls. “Oh. That looks bad. I was starting to wonder where you two went.”

“But really, Ah can explain!” AJ shouted even more frantic. “Rainbow will ya help me out here?”

She looked to the girl who was pinning her to the ground, her pink eyes unfocused as she slowly swayed back and forth. She wasn’t going to be any help.

“Oh I just have to get a picture of this!” Rarity laughed and took a snap of the two with her phone as she hung her arm around the not-so-happy Twilight’s shoulders.

“Please, explain then!” Pinkie put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot. AJ couldn’t lie to her new friends. She looked to Rainbow begging for help.

And she gave it to her.

Before the sound had reached her ears, before the smell caused her to gag, AJ felt the warm, chunky liquid from Rainbow’s gut slime down her stomach, and onto her lap. Rainbow ignored the fact that she vomited on the girl and began spitting the sticky strands of spit and bail that remained stuck in her mouth. AJ stared in disbelief at the other girl, her mouth open; unable to find words.

“Ewww that is so discussing and morbid! I definitely need a picture of it!” Rarity took her phone out again and began taking multiple shots. Pinkie and Twilight just stood there unsure if they should laugh or rush to help.

“Oh, sorry about that AJ,” Rainbow said whipping her face with the back of her hand and began flicking some of the larger chunks off of the shocked girls stomach. “I guess I should chew my food better huh?” She laughed drunkenly, AJ opening and closing her mouth, still unable to produce sound.

“Oh thank you so much Apple to the Jacks for trying to help my Rainbow!” Pinkie Pie bounced over to the country girl and pulled her into a hug, careful not to get any goo on her. “I’m sorry I was so super quick to judge! Can you ever pinkie forgive me?!” The girls eyes were watery as she pleaded, AJ just nodded, still in shock.


Applejack scrubbed as though she had never seen soap in her life. She nearly went through the whole bar of very Rainbow Dash scented soap. She paused and looked around the open bathhouse style bathroom; the large unenclosed wall showers and the deep center marble floors that dipped into a steaming tub.

All of it made her feel small, and weak, and very open. Very naked. The entire house made her feel the same way Rainbow made her feel. Even the soap.

“She must use this a lot,” She brought the bar to her face and took in a deep inhale, the smell of sea and rain hit her and filled her with instant comfort. “Why does she make me feel so opposite all the time?”

She tightened her grip, causing the slippery bar to slip out of her grasp. She sighed.

“No way Ah am reaching for the soap in this bathroom,” She chuckled at her bad joke and made her way to the large bathtub, the steaming water instantly clearing her head and making her relax. Now she could be alone with her thoughts. AJ stared down into the water.

“Why don’t you know how to help me?” She asked her reflection. “Ah just need your help, an- is that a hicky?!” She looked closer to the moving reflection in the pool.

“…son of a…..”
AN: I really hope that I can manage keeping this rated T…what do you think? Drinking, vibrating strap on dildos, puppy killers, groping, vomit… I pushing the “T” rating a bit far? Do you think I should change it to “M”? Or am I good? Also please, please, please leave a comment or review! I love getting the good, the bad, the ugly…it makes me push myself to be better! Plus all comments encourage me to update faster so even a “lol”, “good job”, “you suck!”, “pervert!” Any of those will make me happy!

Remember faster updates on my DA! AppleDash-crazy at!!

New Anguish

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New Girl

Chapter 5: New Anguish

The blonde haired, green eyed beauty let out an exhausted moan as she fell to her knees. It was hard to breath; her vision was a blur and her muscles had gone numb about an hour ago. Each slow, heavy breath drawn from her lungs was echoed from behind her.

Sweat streamed across AJ’s brow and down her freckled nose, beading at the tip of it as pale fingers found their way around the base of her neck. The country girl let out a small sound of pleasure as the lean figure behind her began to massage down her neck to her shoulders.

“Oh come on,” the rainbow haired jock laughed, slightly amused. “Just one more…”

“…why?” The cowgirl’s thighs burned and shook in her bent over pose. “…why are ya’ll pushin’ me so hard?”

Rainbow smirked at AJ’s annoyed face. “Don’t you like it rough, cowgirl?”

“Quit bein’ such a perv.”

“Think about it this way,” Rainbow quipped. “Your mussels are going to hate you no matter how many laps you do. However, in the long run, more is better.”

The blonde rolled her eyes before pushing herself back into a standing position.

“Just one more lap?”

“One more.”

“You’re on!”

AJ burst down the track, Rainbow close on her heels. Quickly, the star athlete eliminated the distance between them, matching Applejack’s pace. The two competitors took turns leading, ducking in and out, always pushing to be a step or two in front before both falling back in place.

“This is the grand finally Freckles!” Rainbow laughed as she sped up a few more paces. “You’re going to have to do better than that to beat me!”

“Oh don’t be so cocky…” AJ paused as nausea found its way up her body, her mouth filled with saliva. “…oh horse apples…”

She ducked into one of the openings to the track and hugged the nearest trashcan; emptying out the small lunch she had hours before.

“Hell yeah!” Rainbow launched her fist into the air for emphasis. “I so won- Hey AJ, where you at?”

The jade eyed girl groaned at the sound of Rainbow’s cheers, about to answer but was interrupted as another set of dry heaves kicked in.

“Oh…” Rainbow kicked the ground awkwardly a few times before walking up to AJ and holding the girls hair back as she stuck her face into the dirty metal bin.

“Ah…” AJ coughed out. “…am never drinkin’ ever again.”

The cowgirl groaned and turned herself around so she was sitting against the trash bin. Rainbow chuckled, sitting down next to her friend.

“Yeah, well, you were able to hold your liquor better than me.” Rainbow swallowed her pride in an attempt to make the blonde feel better. “…now hold still, your sweat is making your hicky show again.” AJ blushed slightly as Rainbow reached inside her bag and fished out the cover-up Rarity had given her. “You’re going to have to lean your head to the side.”

AJ obeyed, and closed her eyes to the feeling of Rainbow’s rough fingers gliding down her neck and over her collarbone.

“Enjoying yourself?” Rainbow laughed. AJ shot her that could boil water, but couldn’t help but to laugh as well. “Freckles, you need a breath mint.”

“Oh shut it!” AJ snatched the cover up from Rainbow and stood up on shaky legs.

Rainbow raised a brow at the outburst until she noticed the joking smile on her friend’s lips.

“You’re one weird girl you know that?” The two chuckled as AJ helped the magenta eyed girl up.

“Same time Monday?”

“Every day until you get sick of me.”

A shadowed figure watched from a safe distance as the two girls walked the track down towards the stairs.

“It’s a good thing they are getting along…” The figure grabbed her head. “What are you talking about Pink?! That’s MORE than getting along and you know it!” The pink haired girl bit her lip. “How would you know? Rainbow is allowed to have friends- they are acting more than just friends!” She felt tears form in her eyes. “What do we do? Rainbow is a jealous girl…use that against her.” She grinned.


“Spike, please!” Muffled yells could be heard bouncing throughout the dorm halls. “Will you just be quiet and go to bed!”

“But Twilight, I’m still thirsty.” The third grader rubbed his tired green eyes.

“You’ve already had three glasses of water…” A knock came from the student presidents door. “Now look what you have done.” Twilight sighed as she walked to the door. “Sorry about the noise.” She paused and looked over a very happy Rarity, who was holding an arm full of various sewing supplies. “Rarity… not a good time-”

“Why of course it’s a good time! It’s the winter ball Twilight!” The heeled girl pushed her way past her friend and dropped the supplies down onto her purple bed. “We have till Thursday to do all the fitting! Starting with yours!”

“We have school tomorrow.” Twilight motioned to her almost drooling step-brother. “Plus, it’s my brothers first night here.”

“Oh Spikey-poo!” Rarity kneeled down to bring the boy into a hug. “I haven’t seen you sense you were this tall…”

“Miss Rarity…” Spike swayed as the woman squeezed him. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Time for bed.” Twilight opened her brothers door and gently pushed him towards it. “Your vacation is over, and you have your classes starting tomorrow, Spike.”

“But I’m still thirsty…” He frowned at his sister’s glare.

“Goodnight, Spikykins.” Rarity waved and blew him a kiss, and Spike grinned. Twilight shut his door.

“I wish you wouldn’t tease him so much,” Twilight sighed, as Rarity pressed her bust against her back and wrapped her arms around the student presidents waist.

“Oh Twi darling, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rarity hugged the other girl tighter from behind. “Now then take your clothes off.”

Twilight felt her face heat up.

“What!?” The dark skinned girl spun around and faced her friend.

“Take your clothes off,” Rarity stated again. “We need to get your dress fit- oh! Your being a pervert, aren’t you?”

“No,” Twilight pouted as she began unbuttoning her purple night shirt. “I’m not!”

“No, not like that Twi. Slower.” Rarity gave her a wink; she glided her fingers down Twilights neck and leaned her head down to unbutton the rest of her shirt with her teeth.

“R-Rarity, not now… my brother is in the other room…”

“Oh it’s not like you make any noise anyway. Now take your pants off, slow like. If not I can help with that too?” Rarity licked her lips and Twilight pushed away from the girl and finished undressing.

“Not now okay? Just give me the dress so I can put it on.”

Rarity frowned, but obeyed.

“You know, this whole friends with benefits thing doesn’t really work if there are no benefits, Twilight.”

Rarity motioned Twilight to put her arms up. She did so, and Rarity slid the dress over her.

“Well benefits come when the time is ready, not just when you’re in the mood. Plus I can’t think about things like that when I’m so busy. Winter brake is coming up! We have exams, the sports festival, this winter ball thing, and as being student body president I have to be on top of all of that.”

“That’s why I came here tonight, Twilight. you know you never have to be on top of me, just sit back and I can help you take a load off.” Rarity tightened the dark purple bow on the back of the violet dress, taking a step back to examine her work. “I hope the color matches James’s tie.”

“His name’s Joe.”

“Joe- James- what’s the difference?” Rarity fidgeted with Twilights collar, and patted down the silky material that hugged Twilight’s body. “Whoever he is, he’d better not try anything at this dance that could upset you.”

The two-toned purple silk hung loose around Twilight’s collarbone, but hugged tightly down to the small of her back, falling loose once more at her knees.

“What he tries isn’t your concern.”

“Maybe it’s not, but someday when you decide that your ‘I’m straight but like to secretly fool around with my best friend’ thing makes no scenes, and we can finally be…”

“And this is why I can’t do this with you anymore, you get too attached.” Twilight huffed, and began getting undressed. “The dress fits perfect, once again thank you Rarity for the amazing job- ooph-”

Twilight’s breath was knocked out of her as Rarity brought her down onto the bed pining her in place.

“It’s not like you stopped me the first time!” Rarity was pouting, and Twilight refused to make eye contact. “You can’t do this to me Twi! We have been at this for years! You can’t deny that what we have for each other is more than just…”

Twilight brought her lips up to her friends, stopping the girl from talking. After a moment, she broke the kiss.

“Friends with benefits is what I feel for you, don’t get that twisted with anything else.”

Rarity nodded, and kissed her friend again.


“Come one- come all! Come and see me at the ball!” A pink haired girl jumped up and down throwing streamers and balloons into the air as she danced around her brightly colored booth, which was placed inconveniently in the dead center of the school courtyard. Other senior students ducked and covered as they attempted to find a quieter place to have their lunches.

“As president of your school clubs comity, I Pinkie Pie have officially opened the Equestria High School Winter Dance! The music club will be hosting this winter ball themed dance so get your heels and gowns ready!!” The neon girl was slowly gaining an audience as she passed around the ticket order board and hummed into her microphone. “This week the tickets are only $20! They will be doubled at the door so huuuurrry, hurry up!”

She danced around on her stage, collecting as many names as she could.

“Hey Pink?! Will ya put a lid on it?” A white and purple headed woman dressed in leather walked up to the booth. “You called?”

“Oh hey Gilda! And that depends, what would I put a lid on? A jam jar? Oh- I love jam! Me and the Cakes made this new awesome jam that you just have to, have to try!”

Pinkie handed a random senior the microphone and gave the punk girl an awkward hug, shoving a spoonful of jam in the taller girl’s mouth.

“Thank you so super much for taking time out of your busy day to come back to this place, that you dropped out of last year to meet up with me, Pinkie Pie! You like the jam?” She didn’t wait for a response as the girl spit the jam out and whipped her face on her hand. “I have so many things to go over with you! Well actually I only have one, but it means a lot to me that you do this, so if you do this then it would mean like a thousand favors all in one to me and-”

“Pink, you haven’t even asked me yet and its already a no.” Pinkie stopped talking and tilted her head to the side. “For one, you stole my girl, two, I hate you, three, your long rambling annoys me, and four- I hate you.”

“Then why did you come all the way out here?”

“Rarity did a nice job on this year’s uniforms. Wanted to push my luck on hitting on some high school chicks.”

“Well that’s what this is all about!”

“Hitting on high school chicks?”

“No! I have this really beaut- I mean hot friend, smoking! -and she needs a date to the dance.”

“No. I don’t do dances you know that.”

“But- but she’s a country girl! And she has freckles!” Gilda turned around. “She’s blonde!” The older girl paused.

“Playing my thing for blondes?” Gilda laughed half-heartedly. “Why should I do this for you? I know there is a hidden agenda, there always is with you.”

“Rainbow is falling for her,” Pinkie said under her breath.

A grin formed on Gilda’s face.

“Let me get this straight. You stole my girl from me and now a year later someone else is about to take her from you?” Pinkie looked at her neon feet. “How does it feel? Does it hurt at all?” Pinkie nodded her head, without looking up. “Good.”

Gilda turned back around.

“Wait! Please!” Pinkie grabbed onto her arm. “I know that I have no right asking you to do this, to help me… I was wrong to do what I did to you!” Gilda pushed the bright girl off her. “Please, just think about it! Applejack is really cute, she is definitely interested in girls, single, and Rainbow… really likes her. So even though it is helping me you would get a date with a hot chick and you would be able to get back at Rainbow for hurting you!”

“You really are fucked up!” Gilda yelled, gaining a few stares. “Rainbow is your girlfriend, and you would want to hurt her like that?”

“Please.” Pinkie avoided the question. “Here are two tickets to the dance, free of charge. Just think about it and text me if you’re in. If so, I’ll let Applejack know she has a date to the dance. Just- just think about it.”

Gilda shook her head, but took the tickets from Pinkie.


The streets buzzed with the sound of busy people getting off work. The school was empty, with kids neatly tucked into dorms or at home, studying for the finals before the winter break. Frost was creeping into the small town, preparing itself to fully take over and dominate with the hard edges of the winter freeze. The first half of the school year was coming to an end, causing a wordless tension throughout the town as it found itself stuck in the middle of the year which could no longer be considered new. However, one clothing shop, located conveniently downtown was closed, seemingly ignoring the holiday rush.

“And then she had the nerve to tell me that we were nothing but friends!” The owner of the pristine shop said irritated as a few girls knocked on her window, Rarity pointed to the closed sign and pulled her curtains closed tightly.

“But aren’t you guys ‘just friends’?”

“That’s beside the point, Dash.” Rarity stopped her pacing for a moment to fix her hair in the mirror, and then continued.

“What are you talking about, isn’t that the whole point? You guys are fuck buddies right?”

“No! I mean- yes, technically, but I thought we were heading in a more solid direction.” Rarity looked up at the ceiling as she spun on her heel and sat on a red sofa. “I mean in a more of a tell our friends direction.”

“Yeah I guess I can understand that. I mean it’s kind of weird being the only one who knows.” Rainbow let out a huff. “God damn Rarity this thing is so confusing to put on, I can’t tell which side goes up and which goes down.”

“It’s sleeveless darling, the blue part goes around your chest.” Rarity shook her head. “And I just had to tell someone. Flutters is too sensitive to know of such a thing, and if I told Pinkie she would go straight to her and blab that big mouth off.”

“Are you kidding? Pinkie Pie is queen of keeping secrets.”

“Oh I know you’re just trying to defend your woman, but I personally don’t believe that one bit.” She picked up a hat and started messing with a few stray feathers. “Are you almost done in there?”

“Almost. I really don’t know how you guys can wear these things.”

“Those ‘things’ take me forever to craft and they are gorgeous!”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep your weave on lady.”

“They are called hair extensions, not weaves!” Rarity paused from the hat and put a hand on her hip. “Do you think Twilight would get jealous if I showed up to the dance with someone else? I was thinking of asking Blue, her older brother. Do you think that would get her blood boiling?”

“Blue is with Cadence now.”

“Really…? Well that sort of fondles my plan.”

“Personally, I would just leave her alone, give her space. You do know she’s practically straight besides you right?” Rainbow peaked over the dressing room curtain and raised a brow at her friend.

“Of course I know that darling. It’s something we discussed right after our first time.” Rarity picked up a few jewels and started attaching them to the hat. “I’m straight too- no, actually I’m boy crazy- but something about being with Twilight… Rainbow, I think I’m in love.”

“No shit, could have fooled me.”

“Oh hush up,” Rarity rolled her eyes.

Rainbow let out a laugh as she opened the curtain.

“Oh, it’s a masterpiece!”

“The dress?”

“Oh no, sorry I was talking about this hat, isn’t it dashing?” Rainbow face-palmed and awkwardly attempted to walk around in the heels. “The dress, looks lovely too, you wear it quite well. However…”

“It’s not right.”

“Exactly, something’s off.” Rarity put down the hat carefully and walked up to examine her work more carefully. The backless dress was skin tight, hugging her thighs five inches above her knee. The strapless top was a sky blue while the rest of the dress was black with two rainbow strips on either side. The heels matched the dress, black with a blue bow and a rainbow heal. “It’s too…”

“Girly,” Rainbow pouted.


“I can’t move.”

“This would suit Twilight better, don’t you think?” Rarity looked over the dress. “Just change the colors.”

“Love is gross.” Rainbow looked in the mirror. “And this dress needs to be cooler by at least 20%.”

“Ah Rainbow you are by far the pickiest of our friends. But I shall take on the challenge and see what I can come up with. Maybe a nice pencil skirt instead.” Rarity picked the hat back up and pulled out the feather she had just put in. “Now it’s a masterpiece.”


“Hey! Hey! Apples! Up here! Iiiiiiit’s Pinkie!” Pinkie Pie yelled happily from her post on top of the schools track. The country girl looked up giving the neon girl a small wave and a questioning look.

“Hey yourself, are ya runnin with me and Rainbow today?”

“Oh no, I’m very busy with the dance. And so is Rainbow, she has to go to a surprise dress fitting at Rarity’s and then she has to go to a student counsel meeting with us members to talk about the dance, sports festival other boring things.” Pinkie let out a sigh. “Just a bunch of things to do that isn’t fun at all.” She smiled. “But I have something supper fun to talk to you about!” With that the pink haired girl grabbed one of the support beams from the track and slid down the pole. Applejack let out a small laugh.

“Oh really? And what do ya need to talk with me about?”



“Yes my little apple!” Pinkie put an arm around the taller girl’s shoulders and stretched her other arm in front of them. “Women, and the upcoming dance, and a certain someone who doesn’t have herself a lady friend to take to that said dace and-”

“Whoa there partner, now ah think its bout’ time I clear the air and let ya’ll know I’m not into girls.” Pinkie raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side. “I’m not a lesbian Pink.”

“Hahaha! Oh you’re funny! Why of course you are! When I’m around you my Pinkie Senses go mad! My nose twitches and nipples get hard, and you know what that means.”

“No and ah really don’t want to…”

“It means you’re as gay as a flamingo in a stripped purple vest and a blue top hat walking a miniature poodle!” Applejack looked slightly horrified. “And that you should just own it!”

“But I’m not, ah like guys.”

“Really? So which guy are you taking to the dance?”

“Well ah haven’t got myself a date yet, ah actually don’t think ah will be goin’.”

“Not going! Not going? What are you a crazy lady!” The older girl grabbed the blonde by her shoulders. “Lesbian, straight, bi, heck even if you were part pony, if you are my and Rarity’s friend you are definitely, definitely, absolutely not allowed to miss this dance! And you are not allowed to go dateless!” Pinkie hugged the apple girl. “Do you promise me you will be there?”

“Well shucks, ah’ll just have to think about it.”

“No, you have to promise!”

“Okay, okay! Ah promise.”

“Cross your heart.”

“Yes ah cross ma heart.”

“Hope to fly, sick a cupcake in your eye?”

“Uh, yeah, sure thing.”

“Sweeet! This is going to be so Pinkie-tastic! Just one more promise to make.” Pinkie put her hands together in a pleading motion. “So you’re not into girls, this I now know, not totally convinced, but I understand.”

“Just come out and say it already.”

“Well you see, there is this friend of mine, she is super nice and also really super lonely.”

“Pinkie, ah really-”

“Please! Gilda is really nice! She is all by herself, and she is really shy about asking people out. Plus, it’s just one night and she doesn’t expect for you guys to become a couple or anything.”

“Have ah met her?”

“No, she left the school last year.”

“Ah don’t know, girls really don’t do anything for me Pink.”

“Well, she’s kind of a girl, kind of not.” Pinkie put a finger to her chin. “She’s much more manly then anything really. I mean she makes Rainbow seem like a girly girl, like Rarity-ish.”

“Dang, really? That’s hard to imagine.”

“Yeah, she even mentioned last year getting a sex change when she gets out of college, if she goes to college. So if your open minded enough I guess you can just look at her like she’s a man. That way you’re going on a date with a guy, right?”

“Does it really work that way Pink? Ah mean she would still technically be a girl.”

“Technically yes, but she is really confused and I’m sure that if she went out with someone as nice and understanding as you AJ, I believe you could help her become more confident with herself.” Pinkie gave her friend a small smile.

“Ah still don’t know.”


“Well, ah mean when you say it like that… ah guess it would be okay, just for one night that is.”

“Sweet blueberry muffins!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “Oh you really mean it?”

“Stick a cupcake in ma’ eye.”

“Yes! You’re the best AJ! I knew I could count on you! She will be so happy to hear you said yes! Oh, I’m going to text her now!” Pinkie Pie pulled out her cell. “Do you mind if I give her your number?”

“No, of course not.”

“Okay, sent.” Pinkie smiled up at the green eyed girl. “Now, I already gave her your tickets so she will give you yours when she picks you up.”

“Actually, can we just met here, ah don’t want to confuse ma family by bringin’ a woman over.”

“Oh sure thing, I’ll let her know. Also, Rarity wants you to go over to her place after school tomorrow for a dress fitting.”

“She made me a dress?”

“Why of course silly-willy-pumpkin head! You’re part of our group now!” Pinkie Pie gave the country girl a tight hug. “I have to go to that meeting now! See you tomorrow AJ!”

Applejack waved, slightly taken aback from the pink girls happiness as she skipped away.

“What ah spazzy little…”

“What did Pinkie want?”

“Holly mother of- Rainbow where did ya come from?”

“At Rarity’s, thought I would swing by see if you were out here waiting for me.” The jock yawned and stretched.

“Don’t you have a school meeting?”

“I always have school meetings; think I’m going to pass on this one.” She smacked her lips together a few times. “I’m hungry, let’s go grab some grub, freckles.” AJ shrugged her shoulders and followed her friend out the gym.

“By the way you’re driving.”


“Ya’ll eattin’ that for dinner?” Applejack looked discussed as Rainbow picked an instant meatloaf out from the frozen section.

“Hey don’t give me that face; Seven 11 makes great frozen meat!” The jock stuck her tongue out at her friend and began making her way over to the front of the store. “Plus I need to get my energy up for the sports festival. These are necessary calories; maybe I should get two…”

“Hold it there partner.” AJ put a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. “You call that there ‘food’ a proper way of getting your body ready for the sport festival?” Rainbow just blinked and raised a brow. “Not only is that not a proper meal, it is downright disgusting, most likely fake through and through. Not to mention the high possibility of you catching a worm or nasty bug from it.”

Rainbow let out a snort. “A worm? You’ve been watching too much late night TV. I’ll be fine.” She looked down at the frozen meat. “I’ve been eating this stuff for years and it hasn’t messed with me yet.”

“Naw, besides the fact that ya thought it would be a great idea to dye yer entire head rainbow and dress like a thirteen-year-old boy.”

“Hey! I know you did not just insult the do.” Rainbow pointed up to her head. “And for the last time I’m always in gym cloths so I am always prepared!” The country girl rolled her eyes and smiled as she pulled the frozen meat loaf from her friends hands. “Hey…”

“Now there ain’t no ‘heys’ nor ‘buts’. You are comin’ over for supper at my place.” Applejack tossed the hunk of meat into the cooler and wiped her hands on her jeans.

“Really? Sweet! The grub better be good!” Rainbow hooked an arm through the blondes arm.

“You really have no manners do ya?” Applejack blew her bangs out of her eyes and held onto her hat as Rainbow pulled them out of the convenient store, the jock waving wildly to the annoyed cashier. “Normal people would have said ‘I hope I wouldn’t be a bother’ or ‘Are you sure I won’t be intrude‘n?” The country girl rambled as she unlocked her big faded truck and the two hoped in. “But no…”

“But no, I’m not a normal person,” Rainbow interrupted and smirked widely. Applejack let out a small laugh and shot her friend a look. “…Oh, I mean, I wouldn’t be taking up too much room would I?”

“That’s better. and Hun, ya couldn’t take up too much room even if you invited the whole track team.” Applejack turned the key in and punched the top of the dashboard, making the ignition rollover; Rainbow bent her head to the side. “My family is having their monthly get together at the barn; there will be a ton of good-ol’ Apple folk…” Applejack looked over at Rainbow. “…and guests.”

“Well if there isn’t a possibility of me interrupting then why on earth did you do that long boring speech on manners?” Rainbow pouted as Applejack shot her another glare and pulled out of the parking lot.


The Apple-Family Orchards, on the outskirts of Ponyville.

The Apple Family’s Orchards were famous for many things; their apple dumplings, apple cider, apple pies, apple strudels, apple jam, and the list goes on and on. They were the main source of any apple needs for Ponyville and many, many towns surrounding. People were known to travel miles around to get a taste of the plump, mouth-watering treats the Apples made daily.

And today, like many days before, the big freshly painted, but hard worked famous red barn was packed with family, friends, and surprise guests alike. People came to these dinners for good old fashion fun, gamboling, gossip, friends, but most of all for the Apples cooking and company.

“Did you see that!” Three young friends yelled excitedly as a horse shoe found its way with ease around a metal pole. “Well did you did you!?” The biggest of the three girls jumped up and down. “I’m so going to be a professional sport star! That’s my hidden talent!”

“Ah’ can see it now! Scoot the amazing and wonderful…” Applebloom paused for a moment. “…er…horseshoe thrower-er!”

“Well it doesn’t sound cool when you say it like that…” the short haired girl folded her arms over her chest.

“Yeah Applebloom, its obvious Scoots going to be a pro-thrower of things!” Sweetie Bell smiled, proud of herself.

Scoot made a sour face, and was about to defend her title as something caught her eye. “No…way…”

“What? Ya don’t like that name either?” The young Apple rolled her eyes. “So picky…”

“Everybody, be quiet and lower your heads!” Scoot demanded as she made bowing motions with her hands.

“What? What’s wrong with her?” Applebloom poked the taller girl in the head a few times.

“I think I know… wait, hey isn’t that Rainbow Dash walking in with your sister?” The purple haired girl pointed to the entrance of the barn.

“Why, ah’ll be a horse sniffer…” Applebloom scratched her red head at the sight. “Why are they together?”

“Well they are friends, right?” Scoot finally looked up from her bent over position to the two older girls, who had now gained the eyes of a few other party guests. “Or is the love triangle between the RainbowPie fan group and the AppleDash fan group real?”

From across the room, Rainbow’s eyes fell upon the three little crusaders.

“Why is your sister and her friends staring at us?” Rainbow scratched the back of her head nervously and gave a slight wave to the three girls, resulting in a squeal of excitement from Scoot.

“There are a lot of people starring at us, Sugarcube.” Applejack grabbed Rainbow by the arm and started dragging her over to the long center table just in time for Big Mac to give out the dinner call. The room’s attention left the two girls and the various games they were playing and soon the table was crammed full of chatting Apples and their guests.

“So this here is the famous Rainbow Dash?” Grandma Smith said with a weak smile from her wheelchair, she took a puff from her oxygen tank then gave Rainbow a look over.

“Yes Mrs. Smith, I’ve met you once before when I was visiting with Fluttershy.” Rainbow returned her weak smile, Applejack choked on her cider.

“Hahaha! Mrs. Smith? Ya don’t have to try and be all proper and such!” Applejack hit Rainbow on her back.

“I know that!” Rainbow kicked her friend hard from under the table.

“Ouch! Ya little…”

“I was just trying to be nice,” Rainbow pouted, but then let out a little smirk.

After a few moments of silence, Granny Smith spoke up again, towards Rainbow Dash. “Is it true that you’re a dike?”

Applejack once again choked on her cider at her grandmother’s blunt words. A few people that overheard went awkwardly silent waiting for the jock’s response.

“Grandma Smith! That there is no way to talk to someone!” Applejack sat up in her chair trying to defend her friend. “You yourself taught me better than that, so what gives you the…”

“Hahaha!” AJ paused her heroic speech and looked over at her friend as she burst into laughter. “Are you a dike? An old lady asked if I was a…hahaha! Well I am sure as hell not a lipstick!” Rainbow whipped away a few stray tears from her laughter fit.

“See now, she thinks I‘m funny.” Grandma smiled and put a large portion of cobbler onto the rainbow haired guest’s plate, who happily gorged herself. “Now apologize ta yer elder for that sharp tongue of yours...” Grandma smiled a toothless grin.

“Yes Grandma Smith, ah I’m sorry…” AJ sat back in her seat.

“…Now then,” Granny Smith turned her attention once again to Rainbow Dash. “When are ya going to marry my granddaughter? Ah ain’t goin’ ta be living forever ya know?”

Rainbow spit out her cobbler and burst into another set of laughs, holding herself up by wrapping her arm around her shocked friends shoulders.



“That dinner was an absolute disaster…”Applejack lowered her hat so that she didn’t have to make eye contact with her friend. Rainbow leaned up against the opposing wall in the dimly lit halls of the Apples house.

“I think your family is fun, and I think they like me.” Rainbow pointed a thumb to herself. “Can’t you hear the wedding bells of our big redneck wedding?”

“Hey! That’s offensive!”

“You’re right, it’s not a redneck wedding unless someone is pregnant.” Rainbow feigned a disappointed look. “I lack the equipment, but we can still try?”

“Rainbow Dash!”

“Shhh! People are trying to sleep.” Rainbow laughed at Applejacks pouted face. “So now what freckles?”

“Now you go home, and Ah’ll see ya tomorrow.” Rainbow raised a brow as Applejack pointed to the end of the hall which lead to the front door.

“But you drove?”

“Yeah, and Ah can drive ya back!”

“I would much rather have a sleep over,” Rainbow winked at the annoyed country girl as she made her way up the long staircase.

*Beep* *Beep* Rainbow looked down at her phone.

Incoming text: Pinkie <3. Hey Dash, are you over at Twilights or something? Should I wait up for you? Xoxo.

The jock sighed and quickly typed out a response Rainbow: No I had dinner with AJ’s fam, don’t wait up, I love you.

She turned her phone off and put it back in her pocket.

“Well are you coming freckles? I don’t know the way to your room.” Applejack shot her a look but didn’t say a word as she lead the other girl to her room.

“That was Pinkie on the phone right? She won’t be upset at ya, staying at another girl’s house will she?” Applejack slowly opened her door.

“No, she shouldn’t be. Pinkie isn’t the jealous type. Plus me and you are just friends, so there aren’t any issues.”

“Just friends…” Applejacks shoulders sunk as she opened her door. “And that’s all we’ll ever be, so don’t you try anything tonight, got it Dash?”

“Like I would try anything with your flubber butt anyway,” Rainbow laughed.

“Well, if ah have a flubber butt then you have a flat chest,” Applejack shot back.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I do not have a flat chest! I have tits! Do you want to see my melons?” Rainbow started pulling up her basketball tee.

“Ah’d rather pass sugar cube,” AJ pulled her hat down over her eyes and opened her door. “After you.”

“Dang your room is tinny.”

“Well not all of us can own mansions ya know.” AJ rolled her eyes and sat on her orange and brown confider that rested on her twin bed and began un-tucking her jeans from her boots. Her eyes found their way over to her friend just in time for the jock to pull off her top. “What the hell Rainbow! AH thought ah was clear on not wanting t’ see yer melons?!”

“Gosh, get a grip AJ you see girls changing all the time in gym class, besides you can’t expect me to sleep in these close can you?” Rainbow started pulling off her sport bra, and quickly AJ flipped around in bed; her face burning with a blush.

“Ah guess not…”

“Where are some cloths I can borrow?” Rainbow asked as her gym shorts hit the floor.

“There’s a dresser in the closet, the second drawer has my sleepwear.”

“You mean pjs?” Rainbow laughed as she opened the door and helped herself into AJ’s cloths. “Oh my, what have we here! I never took you for the type of girl who wore black laced panties- wait are they see through? And matching bra! Wow, I have to see you in this!”

“Ah said second drawer ya pervert!” AJ whipped around to yell at her friend but was stopped dead by the sight of her bare back and legs. “So smooth…”

“What was that?” Rainbow asked and started turning around, AJ quickly looked away. “You know you really are a hard one to figure out AJ, I just can’t get my fingers on you.” She closed the closet door. “Okay your virgin eyes are safe, you can look.” AJ slowly turned around, still half blocking her gaze with her hand. Her breath got caught in her throat. Rainbow stood in front of her wearing one of her button up orange shirts and her pair of boy short underwear. The rainbow strands of hair that were usually kept tight in a ponytail were let loose down the small of her back. “It’s kinda big.”

“Did none of my bottoms fit?”

“Duh, you’re a flubber butt, remember?”

“Just because you have the body of a little boy does not make me fat!” AJ pouted as Rainbow climbed into bed.

“Your turn freckles, I promise I might not look.” AJ rolled her eyes and made her way to her dresser.

“So has Rarity made you a dress for the dance yet?” Rainbow yawned as she sank deeper into bed.

“Yeah, I have a fittin’ for it tomorra.” AJ quickly buttoned up one of her matching orange night shirts and shimmied into a pair of brown shorts.

“Good luck with that. Rarity is going to be on a whole new level of annoying that you have never seen. She’s going to complain about the look, freak out the whole time and in the end she won’t change anything but say it looks “dazzling”.”

“Yeah, ah will admit that sounds like hell.” Both the girls chuckled together and relaxed as AJ turned off the light and settled down into the covers.

“So freckles, because you’re going to be one of “those” dateless girls, I will be generous and see if Pinkie will loan me out for a few dances. You know, because I’m nice like that.” She let out a snort as Applejack elbowed her in the back.

“Ah am not that despite thank you!” AJ sat up; arms crossed over her chest.

“Shh, people are asleep!” Rainbow sat up as well and gave her friend a wink.

“Besides I have a date.”

“A nameless date?”

“No she’s not nameless!”

“She, hey?” Rainbow’s smirk got wider and she lifted a brow at the blonde. “I knew you were into chicks, I just knew it! You could deny it all you wanted but Pinkie’s gaydar is magical I tell you.”

“For peat sake ah am not into girls!” The blonde looked away from her friend, a frown forming over her tanned face. “This is a onetime thing, the situation just came up… ah really don’t have to explain myself to ya Rainbow.”

“One time thing? So she must be sexy right?”


“What! Can you blame me for being curious?” Rainbow’s smirk turned into a grin. “How far have you gotten freckles? Has she kissed your lips?” She scooted closer to her silent friend. “Has she kissed your neck? Your collar bone? Your chest, hell has she kissed you down here…?” Rainbow began to slide her hand over AJ’s lap.

“What in the!” Applejack slapped her friend’s hand, causing the jock to roll back into bed with laughter.

“Oh AJ you should see your face! I didn’t think it was possible for anyone but Fluttershy to get that red!” Rainbow laughed harder as the country girl smacked her in the face with a pillow, and Rainbow was quick to smack her back. “Anyway, back to being serious, I really am curious as to what she’s like.” The rainbow haired girl got up and leaned her head onto her friends shoulder and let out a yawn. “I need to know that she’s good enough for you AJ.”

“Rainbow, Ah…”Applejack relaxed her tense body, and hugged the pillow her friend had hit her with. “Well to tell ya the truth, she’s a blind date. Ah never met her and apparently she left the school last year so Ah doubt you would know her.”

“Oh so you like older chicks?” Rainbow snickered. “Looks like I never even had a shot. What’s her name?” Rainbow paused. “Only graduating seniors I know that are into girls are Vinyl and Octavia, who are apparently still kicking it, Bon-Bon and Lyra who are definitely still together and Spitfire…oh don’t tell me you’re going out with Spitfire! Oh I’m so jealous!”

“No, her name was… Glenda? No, Garland, Galena…” AJ thought hard about the name and didn’t notice as Rainbow slowly moved off of her shoulder and started to scoot away from her. “…er Gina…oh somethin’ like that.”

“You mean Gilda?”

“Yeah! Ah think that’s her name, possibly ah’m not that sure though; only heard it once.”

“Oh don’t play dumb AJ!” Rainbow shot her a hard glare and jumped out of bed. “I know you’re not dumb!” The jock pointed an accusing finger at the confused apple girl. “Are you doing it to get back at me for the jokes I play? Or maybe it’s just for attention?! Either way it’s not a way to make friends!”

“What in the horse apples are ya talkin about sugar cube?” AJ used her hand to slightly move Rainbow’s finger out of her face.

“And don’t try to distract me with your cute country accent!”

“Ah’m not… that’s just the way Ah talk…”

“See! Right there changing the subject and trying to distract me!” Rainbow was now pacing back and forth, hands entangled in the hair on the top of her head. “But you’re not fooling anyone! Is it because you’re trying to make me jealous? Are you trying to get a rise out of me to see if I like-”

“Now hold your horses!” Applejack pushed herself out of bed and walked right up to her friend; grabbing the jock by the collar of the shirt, catching the rainbow haired girl off guard. “You know what Rainbow, this right here; this is your ugliest trait! Why in the hey seed does everything in this god for sacking place have to revolve around you!?” Rainbow opened her mouth to answer. “Keep ya mouth shut, I’m talkin’ now! You have no right to get upset when I go out on a date with another woman, because believe it or not every girl is not in love with your jealous, selfish ass! And heck, not every girl is going ta be willin’ to wait for you!” Applejack’s face was red with anger, her jaw clinched; she took a deep breath. “Now then, ah am completely exhausted, goodnight Rainbow Dash.” The country girl climbed into bed.

“Well screw you too.” Rainbow mumbled under her breath, only half caring if her friend heard her or not. The jock climbed into bed next to her blonde friend. “Hey AJ?” The country girl let out a moan. “I know who Gilda is… she…”

“Rainbow ah really don’t want ta hear it. I’m too tired.”

“Alright, fine, goodnight! Don‘t say I didn‘t try to warn you.” Rainbow sighed and curled up into a ball, her eyes staying open for most of the night.

12:50 pm

The Rainbow haired jock spent her day out of school, having left the apple orchards before dawn. She freely roamed the town, undisturbed by people, due to the downpour. Her clothing and hair had been soaked through hours ago. But that was the least of her worries. Her face raised towards the sky, visions, and memories, no not memories, ideas that had yet to happen continued to storm her mind much like the clashing weather above her. Her heart pounded, not sure if the wetness on her face was due to the falling rain or if she had started crying.

No! She wasn’t crying, she doesn’t cry! She’s pissed, furious; she stopped and punched a wall next to her.

“How could she be doing this to me?” Rainbow hissed through clenched teeth, not sure if she was talking about her ex or her friend. “Who does she think she is, toying with my emotions? That fucking cunt!”

She smashed her fist into the wall again, pain vibrating its way through her arm. Pausing; her glared gaze found its way to a nearby ally and she let out a few heavy pants, her breath white against the air. “Amazing, right G… how I always find my way back to this same ally. This fucking ally, I hate this place.”

She barely was able to pick up her waterlogged vans as she dragged herself across the empty street.

“Hey Gilda!” Rainbow’s fists were held tight to her sides. She couldn’t see the other girl, but she knew she was there, she could smell her. Her eyes adjusted and she saw the glowing face as the older woman took a deep drag of a cigarette. The high schooler spit on the ground as she approached the woman in the ally. The white haired girl let out a mouthful of smoke, before she let a grin snake across her lips.

“Hey Dash,” She turned her head and held Rainbow’s hard stare. “Why isn’t this expected.”

“Why the hell are you taking Applejack to the dance?” Rainbow’s stare was hard and her lips quivered.

“Hahaha!” Gilda ran her hand through her hair before she brought the cigarette back to her lips. “You know Dash, that’s why we could never work out. You’re too jealous for me.” Rainbow bit her lip and cracked her knuckles. “…oh you’re so hot when you’re angry.”

“Fuck you!” Rainbow lunged at the bigger girl, punching her in the face. Gilda was quick to recover, spitting out her cancer-stick and grabbing Rainbow by her wrist, pinning the girl to the ally wall.

“Been there, tasted that.” Gilda used her free hand to grab onto Rainbow’s crotch. The jock clenched her teeth and squirmed, kicking her feet furiously. But to no avail against the bigger, stronger woman’s grip. “I have a hot little piece of country ass now… you’re all worn out.” Gilda laughed at Rainbow’s glare. “But why not?” The older girl glided her tongue across Rainbows face. “For old times’ sake?” Her words were like venom in Rainbow’s ear, she was now heavily panting as she continued to fight wildly against the wet ally wall.

Gilda was grinning as she brought her lips down hard onto the other girls. Rainbow’s eyes widened, she snapped her head back and in one quick motion brought her head down painfully against the other girls.

“Son of a….” Gilda stumbled back. “You head butted me!” Blood slid down the white haired girl’s brow and mixed with the rain as she held onto her head.

Rainbow wiped her mouth and held a hand onto her forehead as well. “God, G I hate the taste of your nasty ass mouth.”

“You fucken little spoiled bitch.” The white haired woman popped her neck and walked over to block the entrance to the ally. Rainbow swallowed hard but straightened herself out and rolled up her sleeves, a cold chill sneaking its way up the back of her neck at the realization of her mistake. “I guess since mommy and daddy aren’t around I will just have to teach you a lesson myself.”

“Bring it!”

It only took Gilda two steps to get over to Rainbow, her fist already flying wildly through the air. Rainbow was quick and slapped her hand away before it could do damage. However her foot slipped on water and oil slick ground as she attempted to braise herself from Gilda’s impact. Her ankle twisted awkwardly and the jock let out a howl of pain as both her and Gilda’s weight smashed down onto it. She dropped to the floor as a snapping sound filled her ears and rang through her head.

Gilda; blinded by Rainbow’s condition, continued straddling the injured girl punching her in the face and stomach. Each blow causing the bruised Rainbow Dash to go more and more numb. She lay there, mouth open desperately fighting for breath as her eyes went in and out of focus.

“Oh come on Rainbow, I remember you being tougher than this.” She smiled, and grabbed a fist full of Rainbow’s hair, her face twisting as she pulled a knife from her boot and flipped it open. “You’ve got too girly Rain, far too girly, and I know it’s that Pinkie’s fault. Or is it my fault? I knew I should have fought to keep my woman, to keep you strong and tough. You’re so weak now it’s hard to look at you.” She used the dull side of the blade and ran it across Rainbow’s cheek, smirking as Rainbow closed her eyes and clenched her teeth.

She pulled Rainbow’s hair so she was forced to look into Gilda’s eyes. The bigger woman brought a gentle kiss onto her lips, and held it for a few seconds. “I loved you, the old you. You know, I really, really did. But now you make me sick.”

She punched Rainbow in the face once more, her lip starting to swell. Then she grabbed a hold of her hair again.

“I also miss your old hair, looked better than this long girly shit you have going on.” She pulled her head to the side again and started sawing away at the long strands of rainbow colored hair. Rainbow, despite her pain jerked furiously, knowing it was a lost cause. “That’s better. See you tomorrow night Dash.” Gilda stood and threw the chopped ponytail on top of Rainbow’s soaked, panting body. Rainbow laid there in the ally, closing her eyes, knowing she was completely defeated.
6:00 am

Smooth, her voice, her body, her touch. Soft, the moans that escaped the other girl’s lips, the way their bodies collided becoming one so naturally. Gentle, how their breasts touched causing friction with each inward movement, the way skin groped skin. Insanity, the way this woman made her feel.

Yes, overwhelming insanity that she welcomed so freely. This was natural, this felt right. She was meant to be in this woman’s toned arms. “Dash.” The name of her lover felt like silk falling from her lips, her brain fogged as she panted, fighting for more breath. The other woman’s fingers stopped their work.

“Relax.” The rainbow haired woman leaned down and placed a light kiss on the blonde’s forehead. “I will be gentle, I will take care of you AJ, just relax.” The farmer’s face reddened deeper, she would have never guest Rainbow to be so caring. She obeyed her partner’s words, and relaxed her tensed body. The pink eyed girl took it as a sign to move forward.

Torture, the way her body slowly snaked down her, her kisses sending shocks to every bit of skin her lips touched, how bad she wanted the contact to finally happen…

And then it did.

As soon as her hot breath, warm mouth found its target, AJ’s back arched. Her mind spun as soon as Rainbow made that contact…”D-Dash…”

No, not Rainbow. As soon as she made that contact. AJ moved her hand away from herself, her back falling back onto the mattress. She opened her jade eyes and glanced around her sun kissed room. She was all alone. Reaching down she pulled her underwear back up her thighs and dragged herself into a seated position. No pleasure was to happen this morning, not with the thoughts that haunted her mind. Not haunted, but pleased.

“Damn it all to heck…” She rested her chin on her knees. “I do like her…” Tears threatened to fall but she quickly blinked them back. “It’s not fair, she’s ah…ah menace. Ah menace that I like.” She flopped back onto the cold bed and looked blankly at her ceiling. “No, you don’t like her AJ. Now be honest.” She was slightly shocked as a few tears escaped down her checks, though she did not wipe these ones away. “You’re very much in love with that rainbow-haired menace.”

New Worries

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New Girl

Chapter 6: New Worries

Two years earlier…

A smirk formed on pale, dry lips as the girl shivered in the dark, her fingers desperately fighting with an empty lighter. "Son of a bitch."

"Oh come on G." A skinny figure reached out of the darkness, prying the cold plastic from the white fingers. "Just give it here."

"Watch yourself Dash!" The older woman snapped at the sudden movement of her friend. "I almost had it!" She slumped back against the ally and crossed her stiff legs as she placed an unlit cigarette into her now frowning lips.

"I'm a master at these things; you know that G," The young girl said, laughing as she scratched the side of her head that had been shaved. She stuck her tongue out at the other woman as a dim flame danced over the lighter. "I have just the right touch." She winked one pink eye as she held the lighter up to Gilda's cigarette.

"Ha, as if Dash." The white haired girl took in a deep drag, then smashed her lips tightly around Rainbow's. They fought for dominance, both knowing that the bigger woman was going to win in the end. And she did, as her hand glided up the rainbow haired girl's dark top.

"Uhh…" Rainbow moaned as she broke the kiss, smoke gliding its way up into the sky. Gilda placed the cigarette back into her lips inhaling as she used her other hand to undo Dash's baggy pants. "Hurry up G!" Rainbow squirmed as the bigger girl pulled her hips up by her belt.

"Well if you didn't wear so many buckles…"

"Well if you would use both hands…" Rainbow was cut short as Gilda ripped apart the fabric around her crotch. "…hey those were good pants….uuuuh!" She fell back onto the ally floor as the woman pulled the blue underwear away from Rainbow's thighs and buried her face into her crotch. "Fuck, fuck, fuck…" Rainbow's mouth was wide open as she panted. She bent her head back, face looking up to the sky above the ally. "I love you G…"

"Stop talking," Gilda growled before going back to work. Droplets of rain started to beat down with her rhythm, starting slow but quickly starting to pour down hard.

"G…Uhhh…G, stop, stop, it's raining! We, we got to go…" Rainbow lightly placed a hand on the girls head, stopping her from moving. The rainbow haired punk positioned herself upright and started rubbing at the thick black makeup running down her light cheeks.

"Fuck." Gilda stood up and looked down at her soaked cigarette. "Don't suppose you have another one?" Rainbow shook her head as she, too, stood up. "Damn, why does it always rain when we are together Dash?"

"Because G, I always bring the rain."

New Girl:
Chapter 9: New Worries

Present Day
3:00 pm

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" Rarity squealed. "Why didn't I see it before? It would look soooo much better if I put a flower here don't you think?" Rarity pranced around the country girl as if she were a brand new toy. The dark haired girl's heels clicked as she made circles around AJ. Lightning flashed, brightening up the colorful shop walls, and thunder followed quickly after it. Fluttershy let out a squeak and held her hands over her ears. Rarity patted the girl's head and closed the window.

"Flower…on my bottom?" The freckled girl pouted as she grabbed onto her backside. "Don't ya think that's a bit much?" Rarity ignored the girls comment and started looking through her florist collection.

"I wonder if I would have enough time to order a daisy…"

"Please, Fluttershy, will you talk some kind of sense into this lady?" AJ pleaded, looking horrified.

"Um, well Rarity, the dance is tomorrow…you know only a daisy would look good with it, and there really isn't any time to order, so..." The now relaxed girl got up from her seat and walked over to the mirror as she examined her pastel green and yellow long sleeved dress. She did a little twirl and giggled.

"Oh, maybe your right, Flutters." Rarity walked behind the county girl and examined her rear side. "No, of course your right, I just wish I had more time." She walked over to her chair and picked up a hat. "No matter what I do, it's not going to be complete without that daisy." She picked up the feather she removed the day before and placed it back onto the top, then sighed and put the hat back down.

"Aw, don't look so bummed, sugar-cube!" Applejack got down from the raised circle platform and walked over to the three-way mirror Fluttershy was at. "This dress is by far the best one ah have ever seen. You've only known me for five months and you already got ma taste and style down perfectly. Ah love it!" She picked up the long gown and did a few cha-cha moves, causing Fluttershy to let out more small giggles.

"Oh, I'm so glad you like it!" Rarity hugged herself and looked over the two girls. Applejacks dress was brown, green, and orange. The top was tight and tied behind her neck, creating a brown choke necklace look. The top opened into a diamond shape on her chest to show off a bit of cleavage. It had two layers of leather tassels looping down her sides, and the bottom opened up into a loose mermaid-style gown. Her heels were close toed, and had a belt buckle connecting the heel to the base of the shoe. The country girl laughed as she looked over the fake spurs that were connected to both shoes. She tightened the brown glove on her left hand and did a quick spin.

"Yep, this sure is perfect for me."

"Oh, um, Applejack?" Fluttershy said quietly as she made her way over to her friend, heels clicking. "Sorry to interrupt, but Macintosh is on the phone, and he says he's been trying to get a hold of you…"

Applejack took Fluttershy's phone. "Mac, what's goin on?" She paused. "What? My phone died an hour ago…ah don't understand! She was doin' so well last night. Is she okay?" The girl took a few deep breaths and listened to her brother on the other line. "Okay," She paused. "Alright, ah will be over there in a sec!" She handed Fluttershy her phone and started to undress. "Sorry girls, family emergency, have to go."

"Is it serious?" Rarity asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Granny's in the hospital again. Mac says she wasn't responsive this mornin'. Couldn't breathe right, somethin' blocking her wind pipe." She paused as she pulled on her jacket and put a hand over her eyes. "Ah bet she fell asleep with one of those hard candies in her mouth." She choked up and sat down. "Ah always tell her not to do that."

"AJ…" Fluttershy said, patting her friends back.

"Ah'm always telling her, but she's as stubborn as a mule."

"I know sweetie. How's this, I will take you to the hospital so you don't have to drive like this in the rain, and Fluttershy will take your truck back to the apartment? Would that be alright with you Flutters?" Rarity asked as she went over and gave Applejack a hug.

"Yes that's fine with me. Will you text me when you guys get there and let me know how she's doing?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes filled with tears. Rarity nodded.

"Thank you, you guys." Applejack wiped away a tear and cleared her throat. "Alright, lets get goin'."

3:25 pm

The rain stung her face and her body violently shook; her head rolling around. "Stay awake," She mumbled to herself, shaking her head. "Just stay awake." She was panting, burning up, despite the bone chilling temperature. She didn't know what she was doing here, she didn't know who she was waiting for. All she knew was that she was in deep physical trouble, that she needed a doctor; and that she hated the doctors. "Ah!" She yelled out in pain as she used her sore, shaking arms to drag her body over the last three stairs.

She let herself collapse onto the covered patio, her face now blocked out by the crying sky. However, she knew she didn't have enough energy to get her lower half fully off the stairs and into protection. Besides, she was horrified to see the condition she was actually in, to get her leg out of the cold so that she could feel the damage.

"Rainbow?" A soft voice sounded below, sounding confused. "What are you doing laying in the rain like that? You're going to catch a cold."


"Were you here all day?" She could hear the girl making her way up the stairs. "Is that why you weren't in class – oh my god!" Her friend sprinted up the last few steps, dropping her yellow umbrella down the flight of stairs. "Rainbow, what happened? You're bleeding!" The frail girl pulled off her coat and put it on top of the barely conscious rainbow haired girl.

"Am I?" Rainbow teased, smiling weakly. "Oh, it's not that bad…"

"Rainbow, your leg is twisted!" Tears started dripping from the soaked girls eyes, and she pulled out her phone. "Hello, I need an ambulance! Yes, yes now! 2018...2018 Maple drive, apartment number…Rainbow! Stay awake, please!"

"Oh, don't cry, Flutters! I'm fine, really," Rainbow chuckled as her eyes started to close. "You've seen me in worse conditions, remember?"


She could hear muffled sounds, Fluttershy's screaming, sirens, sobs. She could see the gray sky, the sun as it peeked to say hello, then darkness, then lights, then darkness. People standing in a crowd around her, their worried, shocked, horrified faces, then darkness. Her best friend's crying face.

"I'm sorry…"

"Rainbow, don't talk." Fluttershy's voice seemed to be miles away.

"I promised I wouldn't do this to you anymore."

"Don't talk…"

"I'm sorry."

Darkness. She could smell and taste the copper in the back of her throat, and the clean sent inside of a fast moving vehicle. She went in and out of watching them pump fluids into her, red fluids; blood. She could hear them asking her over and over what her name was, where she was born, how old she was. She couldn't speak, but more importantly, she couldn't feel. They asked her to move her foot, but she couldn't feel. She couldn't…

The next thing she remembered was the flash of light as they rushed her into the double doors of a white hospital building. She remembered blonde hair; worried, confused green eyes, and a freckled face. Pushed into an operating room. What's your name, what's your age, what happened to you, move your foot for us.

"I hate hospitals." Then all lights went out.

3:45 pm

"So she is alright?"

"Yes, as of now her vitals are stable." The doctor handed the country girl a few papers. "You must keep a closer eye on what your grandmother keeps in her mouth, those candies can damage the tubing we put in and clog up the airflow."

"Yes, ah'm sorry 'bout that." Applejack removed her hat and took the papers from the doctor. "Thank you very kindly fer taking care of my stubborn granny. It's always a pleasure, but ah do hope ah don't have ta see you anytime soon."

"I hope the same thing Applejack." The doctor let out a laugh and handed AJ a pen to sign the papers with. She took it and did a few scribbles.

"And there ya go. Thanks again, Dr. Hooves."

"You're quite welcome."

"Dr. Hooves to the main gate way C, we have an emergency at gate C. Repeat, Dr. Hooves to main gate C, we have an emergency incoming patient." The loud speaker went off wildly, echoing throughout the halls.

"Why isn't that lucky, we are already at gate C." The doctor re-tucked his scrubs. "You should probably get back to your granny."

"Alright, thank ya again." AJ turned around and started heading down the hall. She paused as she heard the two doors behind her open and Dr. Hooves start shouting orders and asking questions.

"Hello there, can you tell me your name? Where were you born…"

"She's from Equestria, Dr. I'm sure I've seen her…" One of the nurses said as AJ turned around the hall corner. Curiosity took the best of her as the fast moving group rushed past the hall entrance she had just walked into.

Her eyes widened as she saw rainbow hair and blank pink eyes staring directly at her, her face emotionless as the nurse held a hand pump to her mouth. "Rainbow?" She held herself against the wall, "Rainbow!" She was about to run after the group but was stopped as she felt a hand on her back.

"She has to go in for surgery," A blue eyed girl said softly as she wiped her red swollen eyes onto her sleeve.

"Fluttershy! What's going on? What's she doin' here…in that condition?"

"I don't know, I found her like that on the stairs in front of our apartments." Fluttershy wrapped her arms around the country girl and sobbed. "It's been such a long time since I've seen her like that, AJ! She said she was done with all that! She said she was done with it…with all of it!" AJ pulled her in tighter. "She said she was done with hospitals, done with making me cry, done with making me worry where she was going to be the next day, or if she was sleeping somewhere safe and dry! She promised me, AJ!"


"She has never lied to me before! I don't know how to deal with this…"

"Well, I'm sure it wasn't her intention to end up here, looking like that. She will be fine, and when she wakes up I'm sure she will give us all a reasonable explanation." Fluttershy seemed to calm down at AJ's words. However, the seemingly strong country girl was looking around, trying desperately to find the answers to the questions beating in her head, only to find blank white hospital walls staring back at her.

6:59 pm

This place was engulfing, welcoming. It seduced her to unconsciousness, made her feel welcomed and whole. Light, pools and pools of light, interrupting her internal sleep, dragging her from the dark, warm comfort of peace and quiet.

"Go away."

She held onto the feeling of nothingness, the feeling of weightlessness. No pain would be found in this place; no pain would be visible nor acknowledged here. Sound interrupted the calm tranquil place, as curtains were drawn back further.

"Ah ain't goin' nowhere."

Her eyes opened, the feeling of freedom leaving. Her once warm weightlessness was now heavy and cold. The pain was now almost over-bearing as it shot through her legs, arms, core, and face.

It took many moments for her blue-green, contact-less eyes to adjust, and when they did she frowned as she studied the room. White, mostly all white, and metal. The smell of hand sanitizer and old flowers from the person that was here the day before. "I hate this place."

"Then you shouldn't have been so stupid." The girl looked from her bed and over to the opposite side of the room. She smirked once she saw the green eyed girl.

"Hey there, freckles."

"Wipe that grin off your face!" Applejack shouted, her fists balled at her sides. "Are ya proud of yourself? You know how worried sick ya made everyone? Fluttershy is beside herself and-"

"I don't want to talk about the others, AJ, what I really want to know is how you expect to be my nurse in that outfit?" AJ frowned as Rainbow gave her a wink. "I think you need to get all candy stripper out pronto before you give me any lecture. Then I could use a sponge bath…"

"Rainbow! Could you be serious for once? Ah need to talk to ya for real, what in the hay happened?"

"What happened, AJ, is that my nurse sucks. Haven't you played Dr. and patient before?"


"What about cops and robbers? The 'train' game?" AJ's eye twitched. "Why, of course you haven't…little Miss Virgin." With that, the doors open behind them, followed by a soft knock.

"Hey, AJ, you should get some sleep. I will take next watch." Twilight peeked around the corner, relief followed by annoyance after seeing her friend smiling filled her dark face. "What is wrong with you, Rainbow?"

"I think I broke my leg." She moved the covers off her lower section. "Yeah, isn't that what casts are normally used for?" She paused and gave the hard white cast a few knocks. "Also, I think nurse Apple over there is a pervert, I'm not wearing my briefs."

"God, Rainbow! I'm being serious!" Twilight moved over to her friend and sat on the edge of the bed. "What happened, please don't tell me you're going back…"

"Twi, come on! This is me you're talking about!" Rainbow leaned back in bed and, despite the pain in her muscles, put her arms above her head. "I tripped down the flight of stairs, hence the reason Fluttershy found me crawling back up them." She laughed. "You know, you're always telling me not to run up those things Twi, especially in a downpour. I should seriously stop tuning you out when you talk. Oh, I didn't crack a tooth on it, did I?" She presented her grin to the annoyed Twilight.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that story," The student president frowned.

"Well it's the story I'm sticking with," Rainbow joked, letting out a laugh. "But if anyone asks, say I was in an epic battle to save Princess Applejack, and there was a dragon and a stroller with a baby in the middle of the road, and in the end I saved the day but those damn stairs got in the way. Honestly, what can ya do?"

"Rainbow," Twilight sighed.

"Stairs, Twilight. Stairs."

Twilight got off the bed and looked down at her friend. They seemed to exchange a silent agreement, and Twilight's annoyed expression quickly turned into worry and pain. "Stairs?" The student president sighed. "Alright then, I will go tell the others what happened. I'm sure they will be glad to hear it was your clumsiness and not your stupidity that won this time."

Applejack watched as Twilight left the room, her eyes filled with questions as the door closed behind her. "Hey, what did she mean by 'goin' back'? Fluttershy also mentioned-"

"Please don't ask me that, AJ, it was the stairs, okay?" Rainbow rested her head against the wall.

"I'm not going to just brush it off like Twilight did! Now, as yer worried friend, ah think ah deserve ta know what's really goin' on!"

"No you don't, because if you knew what she was talking about, if you knew what I did, what I put them all through," She pointed towards the closed door. "First, you wouldn't want to be my friend, second, you would wish I didn't tell you, and third; AJ, third, you wouldn't be going to that dance with Gilda."

"What?" AJ paused and looked down at Rainbow, disgusted. "Are ya kidding me Rainbow, you must be pullin' my leg! Please don't tell me this whole thing a big temper tantrum because of me having ah date."

"No, well I guess technically speaking it started out that way…but please you have to listen Gilda is bad news she…"

"No, now you listen here, Rainbow!" AJ walked to the door. "Ah am exhausted trying to be somewhat more than a friend with you. You're taken; I know that, you know that, and well, I have a date, and you have to get over that. We can be friends; you will be an amazing friend."

"Well then listen to me as a friend! Gilda is…"

"Oh be quiet! It's only one date, Rainbow, ah'm sure you will get over it!" Applejack slammed the door behind her.

"I'm not the one that will need to 'get over it' AJ. I swear if she hurts you-" She paused and pressed her nurse's button. "I need something in my system."

"Dashie!" Pinkie popped into the room. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I should have been home! I would have heard you fall! I was at Twilight's place and we got this call from Applejack that you were in the hospital in serious condition, and that you were bleeding, and in surgery. We could hear Fluttershy crying in the background and…" Pinkie Pie flung herself over her girlfriends lap, causing the jock to flinch. "I'm so sorry, but Twilight and I looked at each other and we both thought the worst, we thought that you were going back, we really did! Please forgive me Dashie, please!"

"It's fine, Pinkie. Thank you for worrying so much."

"Ms. Dash, you called for some more pain meds?" A nurse walked into the room with a bottle. Pinkie looked between the nurse and back at her girlfriend, and then to the medication.

"Dash…" Pinkie tilted her head to the side, her throat going dry.

"Oh, you must have pressed the button when you jumped on the bed," The jock laughed weakly. "But now that you're here, do you guys have Advil or something? My leg is starting to hurt a bit."

"Oh, well, these here will take away any and all pain and discomfort you are feeling…" The nurse started to walk towards the bed, Rainbow swallowing hard.

"She said she didn't want those." Rarity walked in, and put a hand on the nurse's shoulder. "She doesn't do well with heavy medication, upsets her stomach, maybe you can just bring the Advil, yes darling? The nurse gave a questioning look but walked out of the room, medication in hand.

"Falling down the stairs, honestly Rainbow how could you be such a ditz? Your blonde really comes through every now and again." Rarity rolled her eyes and sat down on the bed beside her friend, a comb and a pair of scissors in her hands. "However, I must say I really do miss your old haircut, it just looks much more mature on you. Next time you want it cut will you give me the honor? No offence, but you kind of suck at making a straight line."

"Yeah, yeah…" Rainbow huffed as Rarity started trimming the uneven locks of hair.

"And those bruises on your face will easily be covered with this heavy makeup I brought, so you don't stand out too much at the dance tonight. But that cut lip is going to be visible, especially with the stitches." Rainbow was taken aback and ran a tongue over her lip, and sure enough four hard stitches were firmly in place, going through the front of the bottom lip, connecting the torn tissue. "And the broken blood vessels in your eye shouldn't be that noticeable, especially after you get your contacts back in. And the cut on your cheek will be fine after a bandage…" The fancy girl hummed and paused to take the Advil from the returned nurse. "Thank you, darling, could you get her some milk to take this with?" The nurse sighed but said okay. "The only really noticeable thing is going to be the cast and crutches. But with your personality and my modified outfit, the whole look should work."

"Rarity, that's really kind of you…but I really don't think I can go tonight. I mean I'm really beat up and tired. Those stairs took it all out of me and…"

"Not going to the dance?!" Pinkie screeched and took the milk from the nurse. She took a large swag and spit the fluid all over the room, the nurse opening and closing her mouth, unable to find the words. "You can't possibly miss the dance! I am the head of the planning for this dance! How will that make me look? You being my girlfriend and leaving me dateless! Besides, you absolutely can't miss it just so you can stay at the hospital and mope, and there's also…don't you think it would be a bit unnerving in here for you, you could feel tempted…"

"Pinkie, I think she gets the point." Rarity sprayed the pink girl with water from the spray bottle she was using to dampen Dash's hair. "Rainbow, you are going. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it." The jock sighed and folded her arms over her chest. "Everyone wants you there, and I worked too hard on your outfit for it to just sit at my shop."

"Also," Pinkie jumped up and handed the milk back to the nurse. "Rainbow only drinks 2%."

8:00 pm

"Thank ya, Fluttershy, for helping me get ready," Applejack said, smiling as she examined herself in the mirror and watched her friend's gentle fingers glide through her golden strands. The skilled knots weaved in and out to form patterns of braids and curls down the country girls back.

"Oh, no problem, Applejack. I'm so lucky to be able to help you and Twilight out. Thank you for coming over!" She smiled. "Besides, I didn't want to stay at the hospital, being there made me sad. Not to mention I didn't want to be alone in the house, so I really should be thanking you two girls." She smiled at AJ in the mirror.

"Yeah, this is fun. I don't think us three have hung out alone before." Twilight was sitting on the bed, hemming the dress Rarity had given her so that the collar line wasn't so low. "Ouch," She stuck a finger in her mouth. "Needles are sharp, and Rarity is such a pervert. I don't care what she says, I'm on Rainbow's side for this one. My breasts were pretty much exposed in this thing." She got up and held the edited dress up to herself behind her two friends to examine her work in the mirror. "She won't even notice. I mean, she definitely will, but she will have to deal with it." The three let out laughs. "Oh, I'm Rarity, lets make the girls' skirts three inches shorter this year. Oh, I'm Rarity, lets make all my friends dresses short and backless." She paused and looked over Fluttershy's long sleeved dress. "…besides Fluttershy's. I'm Rarity, lets make their tit's hang free!" She pranced around, mocking her friend's voice to a key. Applejack was almost rolling off the stool in laughter. "I'm Rarity, lets pin my best friend in her living room and fuck her while her little brother is in the other room sleeping."

"Whoa!" Applejack stopped laughing. "Say what?"

"Oh, really, Rainbow didn't tell you?" Twilight stopped her mimicking. "Well, at least she can still keep a secret; as soon as Rarity told her I thought it would be everywhere. I bet she told you, right, Flutters? She tells you everything."

"Well, no, Rainbow didn't tell me…but I know." Fluttershy put down the brush, a large blush forming over her cheeks and nose.

"It's that obvious then?" Twilight sighed, taking a seat next to Applejack. Fluttershy picked up the heated iron and started to curl the student president's long, straight hair.

"Well, no, not really, but," The shy friend sighed, "I probably should have told you this sooner, Twilight, but I caught you two…after school in the student government class, it was late and…"

"You saw us!?" Twilight jumped, catching her ear on the hot curler. "Ouch!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Twi…"

"It's fine! Just…what did you see?"

"Well it wasn't just me. You see, me and the garden club were up on the bell tower's second level roof. We had just planted some flowers that open up at night." Twilights eyes widened, horrified to hear the rest. She glanced over at Applejack who was biting her lip, trying desperately not to burst into another laughing fit. "And well, you see, Rose yelled, 'Oh, my! Look over there, do you see those two!?' And then Snails starts to have an asthma attack…"


"Well, um, at first I thought that Rarity was hurting you, but then, well, you see…" Fluttershy's face was bright red. "…um, well, you were tied up against your desk, and you had a blindfold and you were…naked. Rarity we behind you in an outfit of sorts, and, well, she had a whip…"

"Hahahaha! Oh, lord, Twi, who would have known you were into that?!" Applejack was now on the floor, holding her stomach and laughing as hard as she could. "Ouch, my sides, my sides hurt! Hahaha!"

"Oh, shut up!" Twilight kicked Applejack, which just made the country girl laugh harder. "So, you're saying the whole garden club saw us…in that situation?" The meek girl nodded her head. "Damn, what was Rarity thinking leaving the window open?! Well, shit, I guess there really wasn't any point in taking Joe to the dance if the whole school already knows."

"What do you mean, Twilight?" Fluttershy tilted her head to the side. "Do you not like Joe? He's so sweet and nice and-"

"Totally gay," Twilight pouted and blew at a few strands of hair that were in her face.

"Yer telling me that you're a lesbian taking a gay guy to a dance?" Applejack shook her head. "Why can't you just be who you are? There's no reason to hide yer self."

"First, I'm not a lesbian, the woman I love is a lesbian...or bi, or whatever. Second, I am only taking him because, like Fluttershy said, he is nice and I found him crying. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that his parents would kill him if they found out, so I said I would be his "mustache". And third, after what happened with Rainbow's parents, I think I will pass on the whole 'coming out' thing."

"What happened with Rainbow's parents?" Applejack tilted her head to the side.

"Well, you see, when Rainbow was really young…" Fluttershy hesitated, not sure if she should continue. Twilight gave her a nod. "Well, when she was young, right after I met her…you see, Rainbow kissed me. We could have only been seven or eight. Anyway, her parents came in at that time and hit her really hard. I told them we were practicing for boys, and that's probably the only reason I was allowed to be her friend still. Anyway, a few years later, she came out. She got her first girlfriend when she was in seventh grade, so she was twelve, I think. She was really pretty, her name was BonBon."

"Rainbow dated BonBon? Like, Lyra's BonBon?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded her head. "Huh, Rarity left out that part of the story."

"Well, anyway, they dated for a few months, and Rainbow was going to take her to our schools spring fling dance. But once she showed up at BonBon's house in her tux and hair in piggy tails-"

"Oh, I remember that night!" Twilight shouted as she finished putting on lipstick. "That's the night we first met! I was at the dance, and back then I didn't have the best fashion sense – actually, I didn't have any kind until Rarity came along, not to mention those braces. Anyway, I was getting picked on by a group of bullies – that are now all overweight, by the way – and in comes Rainbow, in a tux and piggy tails. She beat them all into the ground!" Twilight paused. "Then she took a glass of water and dumped it on my head, called me a weak cry baby, laughed, and helped me off the floor. Then she laughed some more 'cause my hair frizzed from the water. She looked adorable, by the way. Totally outdid herself. You did her hair, right, Fluttershy?" Once again the shy girl nodded. "Anyway, go on with the story."

"So, when she showed up like that at BonBon's house, it was not the "date" her parents were expecting." Fluttershy continued to curl the president's hair. "They called Rainbow's parents and they were screaming over the phone, and while they were distracted, Rainbow took BonBon and they road their bikes to the dance."

"Are ya serious?" Applejack had picked herself off the ground and was completely in awe at the story.

"Unfortunately, yes," Fluttershy nodded as she put a purple hair pin in Twilight's hair. "So, once they got to the dance, everyone was watching them, questioning. I mean you have to understand that they were really, really young – probably the first two out-of-the-closet girls at our school – so the kids and teachers were confused.

"Rainbow swears that a teacher tried to separate them, but I wasn't there for that part. But what I was there for was when her father, the owner of Equestria, and BonBon's parents stormed into the dance. They stopped the music, made a huge scene, yelling, name calling, the works. They made BonBon cry and Rainbow was screaming at her dad. He even slapped her! Then, BonBon's parents took her out of school and put her in 'a camp to straighten out the crooked', as Rainbow put it," Fluttershy sighed.

"Are ya'll being serious?" Applejack crossed her arms over her chest. "Why can't people just understand that you can't control the way people feel? Love is an unstoppable force, and so is attraction."

"Yeah. Rainbow ran away and stayed at my dorm for a week before the school found out. They were going to send her home, but her dad just told them to give her, her own dorm." Fluttershy shook her head. "That was an awful time."

"Yeah it was, BonBon didn't come back to Equestria until she was a sophomore, which was when she met Lyra. They are still together, and I'm pretty sure they're engaged to be married." Twilight smiled at her completed hair. "Thanks, Fluttershy."

"It's amazing to know that ya'll have been friends for so long," Applejack smiled. "Were you and Rarity like that?"

"No, I absolutely couldn't stand that prissy diva for the longest time. But Pinkie and her were friends in the dance committees. Actually, they dated for about three months." Twilight bit her lip. "Or was it four…"

"Pinkie and Rarity dated?!" Applejack shouted, mouth open.

"Yeah, the summer before freshmen year, but they both knew it wasn't love. They just wanted to experiment with their bi-ness and stuff. They broke it off once school started." Twilight started putting on her eyeliner. "So, I was friends with Rainbow and Fluttershy, and then once Pinkie moved in with Fluttershy and introduced her as her cousin, Rarity was just brought into our group on a whim."

"Oh, don't say that Twilight! Rarity was your friend since elementary school, wasn't she?" Fluttershy sat on the bed and started putting on her heals.

"No, our parents knew each other since we were in elementary school. We were forced to hang out, not friends."

"But ya'll are in love now, right?" Applejack asked as she started zipping up her dress.

"Unfortunately." Twilight sighed.

"Have you told her your feelings yet, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, walking over to Applejack to help zip up the remainder of her friend's dress.

"Of course not, she would have too much fun with that." Twilight paused. "I plan on telling her after we graduate, that way our parents and the school board won't have too many issues."

"Ah wouldn't wait," Applejack stomped her healed foot. "Ah mean, if you know you're right for someone, if ya know that ya love that person, whoever they, are with all your heart…It just happens and ya can't stop it, even if you don't want it." The country girl stood next to her new friends in the mirror and examined herself. "But if ya wait, Twi, if you wait too long, she might not be there for you. She might move on, might find someone else. And if ya'll were meant to be together, if she is the one, then you both will suffer. Never endin' up with the one and only."

"And that is how you feel with Rainbow, right?" Twilight locked eyes with the country girl in the mirror.

"Yeah, unfortunately," AJ said wistfully as she closed her eyes.

"Then if you don't hurt Pinkie, and if there is a way to keep her with us in the group…AJ, I know what I said before, I know I told you to leave it at peace…but it's not at piece, we both," Twilight mentioned to Fluttershy, who sighed and looked away. "Have seen the way Rainbow is with you, how she looks at you, how happy she is, and you with her." Twilight put a hand through her new curls. "If you can find a way, a way without hurting our group…well, AJ, go for it. Get your one and only."


"And wish me luck on getting mine!" The dark skinned girl smiled. "This is going to be a night to remember!"

And that it was, for better or for worse, the group of new friends would hold this night in the back of their minds for years to come.

New Mistakes

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New Girl
Chapter Seven: New Mistakes


The sun had set deep over the mountains that surrounded the valley town hours beforehand. Casting the stars high into the sky, the natural light was given to the moon as the sun rested on the opposing side of the planet, far away from the loud music and colors that decorated the hard paved staircase, which twisted up to the main ballroom of the High School section of Equestria.

Students and their dates laughed, gossiped, and danced about the long line that stretched around and down the wide raised building.

“Please, keep it neat and tidy! Nice and not too messy!” Pinkie bounced about, defying gravity as she skipped and weaved through the mass of students. “Everyone who has already purchased tickets, please move to the right side of the line! You students who are oh-so-late in getting your tickets, don’t fret! We still have around 100 or so left! Just move to the left side of the line, if you could!” A few students shuffled around; some in the back moaned and started to count the people in front of them, trying to determine whether or not waiting in line was a lost cause.

“Hey Pinks, we’ll meet you inside, okay?” Twilight said as she patted her friend on the back. The party girl smiled and twisted around to face her friend.

Rarity had once again outdone herself with Pinkie’s dress, the colors were blue, yellow, white, and neon pink. The dress itself was strapless, but she wore a scarf tightly around her shoulders and long, white gloves to keep the cool night air off of her arms. The dress was tight on her chest, but bubbled out above her waist, going back in around her knees. She wore blue tights and her heels were mismatched – one pink, one yellow. A miniature bright blue and yellow hat with a white veil hung loosely on the top of her head.

“Oh, you three look absolutely B.E.A.utiful!” She exclaimed, jumping up and down as she examined Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy. “Rarity and Rainbow are already inside. I’ll be there as soon as this line dies down a tad-a-roo!”

“Okay, see you in a bit, Pinks,” Twilight replied, waving behind her head as she led the three to the front of the line. “Hey Joe!” Twilight gestured to a tan-haired, large senior boy once they were outside the entrance.

“Hey Twi, we need to talk. I just can’t do this.” He looked back and forth. “I mean, we are both in denial and it’s not healthy… plus, Flim asked me if I would join him tonight, and I said yes.”

“Wait, you mean…Flim, as in, the twin over at the College section?” Twilight cocked her head to the side. “He’s gay?”

“Apparently, he told Flam and then it spread like wildfire. He said he had his eyes on me since I served him his first doughnut, way back when we were still going to the same school.” He gave her a small hug. “Good luck with Rarity!” And with that, the boy walked into the dance.

“Jesus, does everyone know about me and her?” Applejack chuckled and Twilight gave her a dark look. “Well, ladies, in we go.” The three didn’t even have to show the front gate their tickets; as soon as they noticed Twilight, they just opened up and the girls walked in, no questions asked.

“Ah feel like we just cheated all the students waiting in line before us,” Applejack admitted guiltily, flattening out her dress as they walked into the room.

“Well, you did, my dear Applejack.” Rarity smiled as she walked up behind her three friends. “That’s what happens when you gain a power status here, or anywhere in life, I guess. You gain the power to cheat those beneath you.” The diva flipped her hair. “Rainbow and I are over there – what in the?! Twilight, did you edit your dress!?” Rarity’s face started to darken with anger. “How could you do such a thing to me?! You can only embarrass me so much before I can no longer take it!”

“Rarity, it’s just a dress…besides, I really need to talk with-” Twilight started.

“Just a dress? Just a dress!? Oh, ‘it’s just a dress,’ she says! Not a masterpiece I spent months preparing!”

“Oh, will you stop being so dramatic for once, Rarity? This is the worst trait in you! And I really need to talk with you about something! I’m ready to-”

“Twilight! How dare you?! Dramatic?! Do you want to see ‘dramatic’?!” Rarity screeched, interrupting Twilight yet again and gaining quite a few amused stares. “Hello, Equestria students! Look at me, everybody! Am I dramatic or what?” Rarity yelled, arms up in the air as she stomped away into the crowd of moving bodies. Twilight face-palmed.

“I can’t speak to women.” She glanced up at her two friends. “Go find Rainbow, I have to deal with this.” They nodded their understanding. With a scream of her beloved’s name, Twilight was off into the thickening crowd.

“…and then, in came this huge group of masked, ninja-looking dudes…” Fluttershy and Applejack both sighed at the sound of their friend’s loud voice, and turned their heads to the left.

“Oh my! Rainbow looks nice, doesn’t she, Applejack?” Fluttershy looked up at her open-mouthed friend. “…Applejack?”

Rainbow was sitting on the bleachers. Her hair had been nicely evened out; the back was spiked up and the longer bangs in front had been flat-ironed slick against her face. She wore tight black skinny jeans that hugged onto her long legs. One foot was sporting a red heel, the other, a cast, which had already been littered with colorful signatures. A black tube top with a rainbow stripe that ran down the left breast was cinched at her waist with a bright red belt underneath a black fitted suit jacket.

“Yeah, ah guess, but she looks like she’s going to a night club, not a high school dance.”

“I think she looks mature…” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

“And then this giant bald guy came in! I was like, ‘oh, no, how do I get out of this one?’” Rainbow raised her arms over her head to emphasize the man’s largeness.

“Oh, how did you get out of there, Rainbow?” A freshmen girl said, worry coating her words.

“Well, it was simply life or death, I had to do what a girl had to do,” She said ominously as she smiled. “I punched him in the nose and with this-“She kissed her fist. “-bad boy, smacked him in the face. He went down like a baby.” She shook her head. “I didn’t want to do such a thing, but I had to, in order to save Applejack.” The freshmen let out a squeal of excitement and Applejack raised a brow.

“Dafuq?” The farm girl started making her way over. “What’s she talkin’ about?” She looked over to Fluttershy, who just smiled and lightly shrugged her shoulders.

“So how did you break your leg, Dashie?” Another girl asked, seeming just as convinced with Rainbow’s story as the other one.


“She ran up a flight of stairs, slipped ‘cause of the rain, and broke her leg,” Applejack said flatly, arms folded over her chest.

“Oh come on Freckles, you stole the punch line!” Rainbow cracked her signature half-smile, her pink eyes snaking up and down the country girl’s body. “I didn’t even get to tell them about the dragon or the baby…” She paused. “But that’s okay; I guess we can just talk about how good you look in that dress.” Rainbow winked.

“Awwwhhh!” The girls squealed. “Were you there, Applejack? Did you see Rainbow trying to save you from the Chinese mob?”

“The Chinese wha-?” Applejack blinked, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

“No, unfortunately for both, me and Master Ku, Applejack ended up not being home. However, Fluttershy was there to see the aftermath! Weren’t you, Flutters?”

“Oh, yes, Rainbow certainly fought hard,” Fluttershy giggled. “However, you really had me worried.” The girls let out little sighs.

“I’m sorry.” Rainbow pulled the meek girl down into a hug. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course, Dashie.” Fluttershy smiled as Rainbow placed a kiss on her forehead.

“So cute!” The girls squealed.

“What in tar nation am ah bein’ exposed to?” Applejack felt bile rise up in her throat. “This is disgusting.”

“If you would excuse us, ladies, your dates seem lonely.” Rainbow laughed slightly. The group looked over to two annoyed-looking guys.

“Oh, alright Dashie, get better soon!” The girls blew her a kiss and walked away.

“What the fuck?” Applejack sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“I have to keep up my reputation,” Rainbow shrugged. “I’m a bad girl gone good, mob king turned prince! Those girls are from my fan club and if I don’t give them the story they want to hear, they will either think I’m weak, or a thug. I can’t have that going around.” The jock shook her head as she leaned back onto the bleachers.

“You’re insane.” The country girl spun on her heel and looked around the crowd. “Ah don’t even know what my date looks like.”

“Damn it, don’t tell me you’re actually going through with it AJ!” Rainbow looked away and folded her arms over her chest.

“Why of course ah am, why wouldn’t ah?”

“Oh, you have a date?” Fluttershy asked excitedly.

“Yeah, but it’s hard to find someone when you don’t know what she looks like.” Applejack pouted, taking a seat next to Dash.

“She?” Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, taking the other seat next to her old friend. “But I thought you were straight? Well, except for…” Fluttershy put a hand on her mouth and looked up at a wide-eyed Applejack, then to Rainbow, who luckily hadn’t noticed Fluttershy’s slip-up.

“She’s in transition.” Rainbow laughed, glad to see Gilda was a no show.

“Shut up!” Applejack hit her with her purse, which caused Rainbow to laugh even louder.

“What are you guys doing, sitting around?” Pinkie questioned as she bounced up to them.

“Waiting for you, sweet-cheeks.” Rainbow gave her girlfriend a wink. “But really, go on and dance without me, I can’t even stand.”

“Nonsense, I’ll just have to bring the dance to you, Dashie!” Pinkie took her scarf off and wrapped it around Rainbow’s shoulders as she danced on her girlfriend. Fluttershy seemed used to it as she lightly tapped her head to the beat. On the other side, Applejack just sat there awkwardly as her crush got a lap dance from her girlfriend.

“Ah’m goin’ to get some air,” Applejack said behind Rainbow’s back to Fluttershy, who gave her a small, understanding nod. The country girl stood up and walked into the crowd.


“Rarity!” Twilight pushed through the thick crowd of dancing people, the heavy music tuning out her words as she desperately shouted for her friend. “Rarity! Please, I need to talk to you!” The student president wobbled on her heeled feet as a large man bumped into her. Eventually, she fell to the ground.

“Twilight Sparkle!” The older man grabbed onto her arm and helped her up. “Don’t you look charming.”

“Thank you, Mr. Discord Sir, but I have to go…”

“But, Twilight, we have been looking everywhere for you! You must give a speech!” The man put his mismatching gloved hands together by his chin. “Don’t you think that would be appropriate?”

“On second thought…” Seemingly out of nowhere, the man handed the girl a microphone. She took it without question and pulled herself onto the stage. “Rarity!” This time, her voice rang out over the audience; the dj quickly turned off the music. “Uh, hi everyone…my name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm your student body president, and uh, I just wanted to say that…” Twilight shifted nervously. “I just wanted to say that…well, I didn’t prepare a speech, nor do I have any intention of giving one. Well, not to you guys anyway.”

Applejack stopped, halfway to the door. “What is that girl doin’?” She turned around and looked at the blushing dark-haired girl. “Oh no, she’s not planning on…she couldn’t possibly be doing what I think she’s about to do…”

“I’m up here because I hit insanity, or rather, it hit me. Not your normal idea of insanity, no.” She shifted. “You see, I’m madly in love with someone…”

“Woot! Go Twilight!” Rainbow’s cheers from the back of the room made Twilight, along with a few others, laugh.

“Thank you, Rainbow…but really, it’s true.” She looked over the crowd. “And I have hurt that said person a lot over the past few weeks – no, I’ve been hurting her for a very long time.” She paused, realizing what she just said. “Yes, I’m in love with a woman, and that is part of this insanity. Rarity?” She called her name, pleading into the microphone. “Please, I‘m ready, Rarity! I want to be with you! And I can’t find you, but I need you now! First off, because I can’t stand not knowing your answer for a moment longer, and secondly, I really would appreciate it if you pulled me off this stage…”

“Twi! Twilight, darling!” People shifted towards the entrance, looking at the diva who had been standing there. Rarity sprinted through the crowd, her heels clicking with every step. “I’m coming, Twilight! Get out of the way, people, can’t you see there is love to be had? Move it!” The girl paused at the bottom of the stage and held a hand out to the other girl. “Yes, Twilight! My answer is yes! And I love you with all my heart!” Applejack and Rainbow whistled loudly and people started to clap as Rarity helped a shaking Twilight off the stage. The two girls hugged, then backed away, pulling in again for a deep kiss.

“Another fan club in the making…” Rainbow laughed under her breath. She paused and looked over to AJ, who was staring at her. Their eyes locked and held for a long while. ‘I love you,’ AJ mouthed; pink eyes widened. Rainbow jumped out of her seat, but wobbled. She put an arm on the bench and looked back up, but the country girl was lost in the cheering crowd.

“Please, don’t…” Rainbow mumbled under her breath.

“Rainbow, lets go to them!” Pinkie shouted excitedly as she dragged her girlfriend over to their two friends.

“…don’t love me.”

“What was that, Dashie?” Pinkie asked.



“Ah am stupid, stupid, stupid!” Applejack kicked the now-grounded streamers. “She’s in there with Pinkie…and ah’m…”

“Out here, looking stunning.” Applejack paused and looked behind her. A girl with a half-shaved white and purple head and a short leather dress smiled back at her. “I’m assuming with that cute country accent and lovely golden hair, you’re Applejack?”

“Why, yes, ah am.” AJ blushed slightly at the girl’s words and rubbed the back of her head.

“Well, then it looks like I finally found my date.” The girl smiled and offered an outstretched hand. “My name’s Gilda, but you can call me G.”

“Well, G, it’s a pleasure to meet ya,” AJ said as she took Gilda’s hand and shook twice, “But ah’m kinda over this party, so ah think ah will be on my way…”

“You can’t leave just yet, Blondie.” AJ frowned at the name as the older woman took her by the hand and led her back into the dance. “I have to show you something first.”

“You two look so super cute together!” Pinkie laughed and let go of her girlfriend’s shoulders to clap.

“Why, thank you, Pinkie. I think we do, too.” Rarity smiled and placed a kiss on Twilight’s blushing cheeks. The four friends were out on the dance floor, dancing with each other to a soft, slow song. Pinkie wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s jacketless, bare arms.

“I wonder where Fluttershy and AJ went.” Twilight looked around the sea of people, trying to locate her two missing friends.

“Fluttershy is over there talking with – oh my, she’s talking with your father, Rainbow!” Rarity raised a brow, and the group of friends all stopped their dancing.

“What?” Rainbow wobbled on her cast. “What’s he doing here?” Sure enough, to her disbelief, Fluttershy was talking with the jock’s frowning father, who was staring the group of girls down. He shook his head, pinched the bridge of his nose, and without saying anything to the still smiling Fluttershy walked away, getting consumed by the crowd. “Oh no, he saw me!” Rainbow bit her lip and pulled herself away from Pinkie. “He saw us!” She grabbed the top of her head, and wobbled to one of the empty hallways.

“Rainbow!” Pinkie called after her girlfriend.

“Girls!” Fluttershy softly yelled at Twilight and Rarity, stopping them from following their two friends. “We have bigger problems than Rainbow’s dad.”

“What could possibly be worse than that bigot?” Rarity asked as she menacingly put a manicured hand on her hip.

“Gilda, I saw Gilda.” Fluttershy bit her lip.

“What? Where?” Twilight’s eyes widened.

“She was with AJ; they were going up the stairs to the attic.” Fluttershy pointed to the stairs that ran alongside and behind the bleachers.

“Why would they be going up there?” Rarity shouted, her eyes just as wide as Twilight’s. Fluttershy shook her head.

“We should tell someone; Gilda’s not allowed on school grounds.” The student president flipped open her phone. “I’m calling Blue.”

“No!” Fluttershy put a soft hand over Twilight’s phone. “You can’t call the cops, Gilda will turn Rainbow in.” Twilight tightened her grip on the phone, but reluctantly put it back into her cleavage.

“What do we do?” Rarity looked between her meek friend and girlfriend.

“We have to go tell Rainbow.” Twilight headed towards the hallway Rainbow and Pinkie had disappeared into.

Pinkie was up against a locker wall, consoling a panicked Rainbow Dash. “Baby, come on; he has to accept you sooner or later.” Pinkie was stroking Rainbow’s hair and rubbing her back.

“What if he saw Twilight’s speech?” Rainbow put a hand over her eyes. “Fuck, what if he pulls me out of school? What if he forces me to move away from you guys? Pinkie, I can‘t go through losing you all again!”

“You won’t lose us, okay?” Pinkie leaned up and kissed Dash on the forehead.

“Pinkie, you’re the only one who can keep me sane.” Rainbow shook her head. “I need you. You’re my closest, most trustworthy friend, Pinkie.”

“Friend?” Pinkie started, but couldn’t continue her thought as three girls ran down the hall, their heels sending loud noises echoing through the large space.

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted. “Rainbow, Pinkie…” She panted as she came to a stop next to the two girls. The president took a shaky breath. “Rainbow, Gilda.” The rainbow haired girl’s expression turned even more panicked. “Gilda, she…”

“No, Applejack!” Rainbow pulled away from Pinkie and made her way over to the other three. “Where are they? Where did she take AJ?!”

“How do you know she’s with Applejack?” Fluttershy asked, confused.

“She told me she was set up on a blind date with her!” Rainbow held onto her head as her voice shook in panic.

“Gilda was her blind date?” Fluttershy whispered in disbelief.

“What?” Twilight shouted. “What are you talking about? Why didn’t you stop her, why didn’t you tell her what she was capable of?”

“I tried, but she was too stubborn and wouldn’t listen!” Rainbow shouted back.

“Who would set her up with someone so awful to begin with?” Rarity pondered, patting Rainbow on the back.

“I don’t know, she didn’t tell me…”

“I did.” Pinkie said flatly, causing all the girls to go quiet. They all looked at her.

“Pinkie?” Rainbow looked horrified, hoping what her girlfriend had said was a crude joke.

“Yep, it was me, all right!” Pinkie giggled. “I didn’t tell you, Dashie, because I know you two had dated before, and that it fell out bad, and that she got you into some bad things. But it’s been a while, she is looking much better!” Pinkie patted her girlfriend on the back; Rainbow pulled away. “Oh, come on, Dashie, don’t you think they deserve love? Now everyone in our group…” She looked at her cousin. “…that is, almost everyone in our group, has someone!”

“Are you fucking insane?!” Rainbow’s hands and body were shaking.

“Now, Dash, try to calm down…” Twilight started, but Dash shot her a look. The jock was panting, her jaw set hard.

“I will not calm down! Pinkie, how could you do something so stupid!? You are so fucking stupid!” The rainbow-haired girl punched the lockers and then grabbed Pinkie by the collar, causing Pinkie to jump in surprise. Tears formed in her blue eyes. “She didn’t introduce me to the drugs, Pinkie, she is the reason I got on them! You don’t know what she put me through to get me to that point of low, Pinkie!” Rainbow pointed to Twilight and Fluttershy. “Those two know, I made them suffer, they saw everything, so at least they know how big of a dumb-ass you are!”

“Rainbow…” Twilight was hesitant as she approached her screaming friend. “Let go of Pinkie, Rainbow.” The jock tightened her grip on Pinkies collar. “You love her, you love Pinkie, let her go.” Twilight’s voice was soft and calm, but her eyes were full of fear.

“Don’t talk to me like I’m the idiot!” Rainbow’s eyes were narrowed as she glared at Twilight. “It’s Pinkie’s fault that this is all happening!” She jammed an accusing finger into the pink haired girl’s chest. “It’s your fault that I got hurt, and it’s your fault if AJ gets hurt…or worse! I will never forgive you for this!”

“Gilda did that to you?” Pinkie’s tears finally found their way down her cheeks as she ran a gloved thumb over Rainbow’s stitched up lip, Dash quickly pulled the girls hand away.

“Well a Chinese mob sure as hell didn’t!” Rainbow let go of Pinkie and looked to her other three friends. “Did they go to the old music room attic?” They all just looked at her horrified. “Well, did they?!” Fluttershy choked out tears and nodded.

“You promised, Rainbow…” Dash couldn’t make eye contact with the meek girl. “You promised you would never go back, you promised you would only make me smile, only make me cry tears of joy.”


“They’re in the music room, okay? So just go.” Twilight stepped between Rainbow and Fluttershy, her back towards Rainbow as she hugged the crying girl. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Dash.”

AJ looked around the old, dusted-over music room. “Why are we here?” She looked to the woman behind her. Gilda grinned.

“Old memories.” The white-haired girl placed a hand on the blonde’s shoulder and walked her in the rest of the way. AJ followed without question, but hesitated slightly once the older woman closed the door behind them. “The room's only soundproof with the door shut.”

New Melodies

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Two years earlier:


It’s melody danced off the dimly lit, soundproof walls of the attic. Unheard from anyone beyond those walls, and unheard from the large crowd below as they scurried into their seats, preparing for the choir's finale.

“Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright…..” A choir sang in a slow, peaceful melody inside the schools ballroom. People smiled and softly swayed in the bleachers.

“…Round young Virgin Mother and Child. Holy Infant so tender and mild.” A frosty night had set deep onto the campus as the winter festival finished its final acts. “…Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.” A bubbly, pink-haired sophomore girl bounced to the front of the stage to prepare her solo. “Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight…”

The tune lingered through the halls and up a staircase, the melody becoming muffled behind the bleachers, which were occupied by students, parents, and teachers alike. All were completely clueless to the skillful tune of the black piano that only stained the inside of the sealed music room.

“Glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing 'allelujah!”

And then the piano stopped. They were clueless to the musician, to her watcher…her predator.

“Christ, the Savior is born, Christ, the Savior is born. Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace. Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.”

They remained clueless as the choir finished, clueless as they applauded and wiped away the happy tears that stung their eyes. They were clueless to the blunt stop of the piano, to the loud smack as she hit the ground, to the liquid that streamed down her cheeks. They were clueless to the soundless room above them; the room where innocence was being torn apart.

“Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth…”


Beautiful, intoxicating music that only moments before was caught silent from illuminating the night. The tune was never again set free, never again trailed from the skilled fingers of the musician.

Music. Cut short, the piano screaming its discontent as silence took over the attic’s walls. Nothing but shadows escaped the foggy windows that overlooked an ice-coated school. Music. The last thing she was able to hold onto as she fought for her freedom, fought for her control, her pride, her life.

But as reluctant as she was, as strong, as dominant, it just wasn’t enough. From what the windows saw, the musician had lost. Her attacker was stronger, even more dominant. It just wasn’t enough as her innocence was torn apart, the only witnesses being the silenced piano and the ice that clung to the windows, desperate to get a better view. Her screams of agony, her fighting, and finally, her relinquish, never reached the outside world.

This shadowed figure she looked up to; this woman of her dreams, was the person who took everything away. The one she believed; she loved, was now her prison. A new musician was born that night, one who hated the tune.

New Girl
Chapter Eight: New Melodies

Present Day, 10:59pm

The laughter of students clashed with the gossips and tears of dateless teenagers who fought with the DJ for volume control. It was obvious that ticketless freeloaders had managed to sneak in with the rest of the crowd, pushing the maximum capacity of the old ballroom. However, no one seemed to mind as the crowd thickened and more found themselves flailing around on the dance floor. Everyone was sure to be here. Well, everyone except six well-known students. Regardless, the partiers remained clueless to their lack of presence.

“Soundproof?” The country girl bit her lip, sweat forming on her palms.

“Yes, I wanna play you a song…wouldn’t want to disturb the partiers below.” The white-haired girl turned the lock on the door to the side, locking the knob in place. This act went completely unnoticed by the blonde.

AJ looked around the old, dusted-over music room. “Oh, okay.” The blonde watched as G made her way over to the other side of the room, her green eyes looking back towards the door. “What do ya play?” A cold chill had worked its way up her spine, her mind telling her to make an excuse to leave the dimly lit attic, but no excuse could be found.

“The piano.” With that, Gilda pulled a dust-covered sheet off a large black piano. She took a seat on the faded wooden bench. “Come, join me.” She demanded as she patted the other end of the bench with her hand.

“Um, ah…” AJ bit her lip and looked back towards the door, then back to the leather clad woman. “Ah, ah've never been played a song before.”

“What?” Gilda raised a brow. “Don’t tell me Dash hasn’t played you anything!” She patted the seat again.

“Rainbow?” AJ’s shoulders relaxed and she made her way over to Gilda, taking a seat on the bench. “Are ya friends with Rainbow?”

A toothy grin formed on the older woman’s face, causing AJ to tense back up. “You could say we’re old acquaintances.”

“Did ya’ll used to date?” AJ asked quietly, her arms hugging herself in an attempt to keep warm. Gilda ignored her question as she opened the top to the keys.

“You really are sexy.” Gilda said, smiling as her eyes traced over AJ’s exposed thigh.

“Umm, ah…” AJ couldn’t make eye contact. The feeling this girl was giving her made her want to run, vomit, and scream.

Then, the music started. Beautiful tunes and complex rhythms twisted and filled the old attic with life and sound. AJ’s eyes widened in shock. She slowly put her hands down in her lap and looked over to the woman beside her. “Wow…” AJ felt lost in the music this wild looking woman was producing; it was like nothing she'd ever heard. Gilda‘s face was relaxed, eyes closed. “Yer good.” Gilda smiled slightly at the country girl’s words, her fingers skillfully trailing over the keys. “And, uh, ah guess yer not so bad-lookin’ yourself.” The music stopped, and Gilda’s face turned crooked once more.

“Dash taught me how to play on this exact piano. That’s the only song I know.” Gilda held eye contact with AJ until the blonde looked away. “She’s the real expert. I butcher that song compared to her, but I guess that’s because her rich-ass, preppy parents were able to give her the best teachers.”

“Now wait a moment! Ah never meet Rainbow’s parents, but that is no way of talking about them! And ah-” AJ was stopped dead sentence as she felt a hard, stinging pain against her face. It took her a few moments to realize Gilda had punched her.

“Don’t you ever talk to me like you’re above me, you got it?” Gilda smirked, her pupils dilating. AJ sat there, completely taken off-guard, her hand cradling her jaw.

“Who…” AJ shook her head and jumped from her seat. “Who in the hayseed do ya think you are?!” With that, she slapped Gilda with all she had. “Rainbow tried to warn me about you! And ah should have listened!” Her hand stayed on Gilda’s face for a few moments. Gilda didn't even flinch, her yellow eyes fixed on AJ’s emerald orbs. “Ah, ah should be on my way now.” AJ swallowed hard as she pulled her hand away and turned on heel.

“As if.” Gilda grabbed AJ by the wrist and brought the hand to the middle of the shocked girl's back, making her stop in her tracks.

“Let me go! Someone help!”

“Stop your screaming! These walls are soundproof, remember?” Gilda used her teeth to undo the bow around AJ’s neck, causing the top of her dress to fall down to her ribcage, revealing her bare collarbone and strapless bra.

“S-stop this!”

“I said shut up!” Gilda used her free hand to cup one of AJ’s breasts, rubbing hard on the plump skin.

“How dare you?! You bitch!” AJ kicked back, using the fake, but hard, spurs on her heels to smash into Gilda’s shin. The bigger woman was caught off-guard by the sudden attack and wobbled backwards. She smiled, then let out a laugh as she started heading towards the country girl. “Stay back, ah’m warning you!” AJ took off one of the shoes and threw it at the woman, who dodged it. “Stay back! Ah don’t want any trouble!” She went to grab for the other heel but instead was body-slammed by Gilda, who brought her to the floor.

“Please, fight me! That makes everything much more enjoyable.” Gilda laughed as AJ kicked and smashed her fists into her chest.

“Get off me you heathen!”

“That is why I enjoyed the taste of Dash so much.” Gilda’s words made AJ stop her struggling as she gave Gilda a confused look. “This room…it holds so many memories. This was the first place I met Dash; this was the first place I heard her play that silly music, and the first place I made her mine, just like I’m about to do to you.” Gilda’s smile was now spread wide across her face.

“Get-get off of me now!” AJ’s eyes widened allowing tears to stream freely down her face, blurring her vision. She kicked, she punched, she bucked with all her might.
It was all to no avail, as the larger girl didn’t even budge. With every kick, scream, hit, AJ grew more and more angry; panicked. Gilda seemed to grow more and more amused.

“Don’t worry, Blondie. Dash got her revenge on me about a week later. Pepper-sprayed my ass. When I came to I was tied down in her dorm.” Gilda used one arm to pin AJ’s hands over her head. She began licking down her exposed chest. “She was giving me this look, this look that really made me think she was going to kill me.” Gilda chuckled, then used her other hand and tucked it under AJ’s dress. “I really thought I was going to die, so you must understand my full excitement when she started touching me.” AJ closed her eyes.

“Shut up.” A fresh batch of tears streamed down her face. “Shut up! I don’t want to hear this!” Her eyes widened as she realized where Gilda’s hand was headed. “Let me go, don‘t ya touch me!”

“Let’s just say I don’t only come second best to Dash when it comes to piano.” She laughed and pulled AJ’s underwear down her thighs. “That girl has amazing skills with her fingers.”

“Fuck, fuck you.” AJ choked out. “You’re going to regret this! Ah swear, you will regret this.”

“That’s funny that’s exactly what Dash said,” Gilda laughed. “But it was her who regretted it most in the end, she became my partner in crime.” The bigger woman slid her hand up AJ’s inner thigh. “You should have seen the magic we worked in this room. Oh, the girls we brought in here. But don’t worry, Dash never entered this game. All the girls she brought here wanted her.” Gilda slid her hand up higher. “But, you see, much like Dash and the other girls I tasted, you’re going to be too afraid to tell anybody what happened in this room. Dash took my little game the hardest though. She went on some pretty extreme stuff, stuff even I haven’t touched. And, well, if you tell anybody about what happens in here, if you struggle, I will report Dash for the things shes consumed, the things that she did. If I don’t walk away free, neither does poor Dashie.”

AJ pulled her thighs together as tightly as she could, keeping Gilda’s hand blocked from her target. “Rainbow, Rainbow didn’t fall down the stairs, did she?” Her voice was shaky as she tried desperately to distract the woman.

“Fall down the stairs?” Gilda’s hand stopped moving. “Is that what she’s telling everyone?” The older girl laughed. “Didn’t I tell you? See, she knows to be scared of me.” She put her mouth down next to AJ’s ear. “You see, Dash was trying to save you from this fate. She came to me and gave an adorable attempt to be your hero. But I will always be stronger than her, that’s one thing she will never beat me in, because I have actually lived that life. Dash only pretends she has. And for her to challenge me like that, she must really care about you Blondie. Too bad it’s all your fault this happened to her. I bet she hates you now.” She looked down at AJ’s strong legs.

“Hate me?” AJ looked at the other girl's annoyed face, then at her darkened eyes. “It’s you who hates me. Ya are in love with her, aren’t ya?”

“Don’t make me gag you…oomph.” AJ smashed her knee into Gilda’s gut, catching the girl off-guard. The blonde didn’t hesitate to get off the ground. She quickly pulled her underwear back up and kicked Gilda in the face with her heeled foot as hard as she could.

“Well ah bet she hates you!” AJ ran to the door and pulled hard on the handle, it didn’t budge. “Open, please, open!” She looked over her shoulder as Gilda shook her head, still on the floor, trying to refocus. “Come on!” She reached down and tried twisting the rusted lock, which also didn’t move. “Help!” She hit the door with the palm of her hand. “Help!”

“You are going to pay for that…” AJ looked back towards the girl who was still kneeling down, blood dripping from her face.

“You broke my fucking nose!” Gilda spit some reddened mucus on the hard floor and stood up. “I guess it would only be fair if I returned the favor.”

AJ turned back to the large door, gave it one more pound before calling it a lost cause and running around to the other side of the piano. “Oh, come on. I know rednecks are supposed to be stupid, and you being blonde doesn’t really help your case. But I can see you, I will catch you, and I will make you bleed. You should have just let me have my way. That would have been less painful for you.” AJ bit her lip as she looked around for any possible weapon. Finding nothing, she glanced down at her dirty fist.

“Alright, bring it!”

“Just what Dash would’ve said.” Gilda put a booted foot on the piano bench, but paused as a large bang came from the metal door, followed by several louder bangs. “What the hell?” The white-haired girl looked away from AJ.

“Bad move.” With that the country girl kicked the other side of the bench, smashing it in-between Gilda’s legs, bringing the woman down with a hard thud and a loud cry. AJ didn’t hesitate. She sprinted to the door and started pulling on the handle with all her might. Her arms screamed in pain as her muscles were pushed, her hands numbed as the cold handle ate into them. Finally, the door gave, sending AJ to the ground.

“….jack!” A familiar voice echoed into the room. “Applejack!” Rainbow glanced over at Gilda who was huddled on the floor.

“Rainbow…” A new set of tears found their way to green eyes, but not of pain nor fear. She felt relief as she made eye contact with her rainbow-haired savior. “Um, ah…ah'm sorry, Rainbow.” Applejack started coughing as tears freely made their way down her beaten, dirty face. “Ah-ah-ah am s-s-so sorry.” She flinched as Rainbow dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around her.

“Shhh, AJ, it’s going to be alright, I’m here…shhh.” Rainbow stroked AJ’s hair and frantically started looking over the blonde's face and body, searching for any serious damage. Her violet eyes fell over the large rip up the thigh of the dress; the torn up underwear that were barely visible. Then to where AJ held the top of the dress to herself to keep her bra hidden. AJ looked away from Rainbow’s panicked eyes, noticing the anger in her face increase. Dash quickly took the dresses ties from AJ and tied them back together behind the blonde’s neck, covering the shaking girl.

“Rainbow, ah…”

“AJ, all I want to do right now is tell you how stupid you are, probably slap the daylight out of you, go over to that heap of shit," She pointed over to Gilda who was just starting to pull herself up. “And kick her in the teeth with my cast.” The rainbow-haired girl used her thumbs to wipe away the makeup and tears that had fallen down AJ’s cheeks. She held both sides of her freckled girl’s face and studied the green panicked eyes.

“Oh, Dash, you really know how to sweet talk the ladies.” Gilda snorted as she finally pulled herself up. She wobbled towards the two girls.

“Shut the fuck up!” Rainbow snapped, her breath sharp and fast; eyes narrowed. Gilda paused. She looked down at her legs. The impact from the bench had left them bruised and shaky, and her nose was definitely broken. She glanced back at Dash as the rainbow-haired girl stood, fists at her sides, jaw clenched, eyes…eyes filled with pure hatred.

“I have seen those eyes on you before Dash. Those eyes…do you want to kill me?” Gilda laughed. “You must really care about her…” She smirked, and shook her head before sprinting towards the door. Dash went to follow, but wobbled on her cast.

“Rainbow…” AJ wiped the remaining tears away. “Don’t.”

“No, I think it’s best if Rainbow went and got some anger out.” Twilight’s voice came from behind the door.

“Go on, sporty, go run it off,” Rarity pitched in. “We got it from here.” Rainbow ignored their comments, glanced down at AJ once again, and took off as fast as her leg would allow her.