Secrets and Lies (original)

by keithsterling

First published

This the original story

In the year 2035 on the planet of sol the conflict between Solar Empire and New lunar Republic has slowly escalate a regional conflict could break out very soon. But in new Equestria Princess Twilight Sparkle watch helplessly as her mentor Celestia and Luna begin a war that no one could win. Know if conflict spill out from that Region her small country of New Equestria and her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle country of Crystal Empire could fall. Princess Twilight Sparkle with encouragement of her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle has reach out to New Equestria Strongest ally New Sirius and wolf defense force for military aid to protect her small country. President Veronica Sterling head of New Sirius agree to sent aid if New Equestria can get the backing of United Animal Council Security council.


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United Animal Council Meeting report:
Escalating conflict between Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic
Dated June 25 2035

Global Conflict: unlikely

Regional Conflict: to be expected

Peaceful regional: Perhaps if both side can agree on a peace statement put forth by New Equestria and Crystal Empire (outlook not good)

Request for military assistance from the United Animal Council from New Equestria put forth by the ruling body of Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Passed)

Second motion for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by the ruling body of Princess Cadance Sparkle. (Passed)

Third motion for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by Prince Shining Armor Sparkle from the Crystal Empire. (Passed)

Delegate from Darkling Empire under rule of the Empress Chrysalis motion for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Reject)

Delegates from other members of the United Animal Council for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Even)

Delegate from New Sirius lead by President Veronica Sterling for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Strongly passed)

(Note: Military assistance will be handled by New Sirius Rapid Deployment Force under advice of the United Animal Council)

Delegate from Solar Empire under rule of Empress Celestia: motion for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Absent)

Delegate from New Lunar Republic lead by President Luna: motion for military assistance from the United Animal Council for New Equestria put forth by Princess Twilight Sparkle. (Absent)


The Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic live for years in peace under the command of their rulers…..until a small company from the New Lunar Republic military assault a Solar Empire Regional Outpost killing all troops posted there. The New Lunar Republic head President Luna said she didn’t order the assault on the Solar Empire outpost. Empress Celestia didn’t believe her claim, because the region where the outpost was located was highly contested by the Empire and Republic. The Region is only a stones throw from the New Lunar Republic border.

Peace talks between the Empire and Republic began, led by Princess Twilight Sparkle head of New Equestria and Princess Cadance Sparkle head of the Crystal Empire. Talks were going well until the New Lunar republic outpost in the same region was assaulted by a larger company from the Solar Empire. They eradicated the troops posted there. The attack forced both Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance Sparkle to flee back to their countries before they got sweep-up in the Regional conflict between Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic.

Princess Twilight Sparkle knowing that her small New Equestria defense force couldn’t protect New Equestria or the Crystal Empire if the conflict between the Empire and Republic expand out from their lands, sent a request for military aid to New Sirius and Wolf defense forces….New Equestria strongest ally, President Veronica Sterling said she would send military aid if New Equestria could get the backing of U.A.C, Princess Twilight Sparkle with the help of her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle agree to do so. President Veronica Sterling knew if she sent Military aid to New Equestria without the backing of U.A.C the balance of power in that region would tip against New Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Both countries couldn’t withstand the war intact and the two Princesses would end up dead.

After several months of deliberation within the U.A.C Security Council and the UAC general assembly, the motion to send Military aid to New Equestria from the United Animal Council was put before the UAC general assembly meeting in June for a vote. Knowing that the motion would pass with enough votes, President Veronica Sterling sent an Executive order to Wolf Defense Force Sector Command base in New Sirius to assemble New Sirius Rapid Deployment Force.

Chapter 1

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January 1 2035 1000 hrs new Sirius standard time: coast of New lunar republic- Coast battery 101

Coast battery 101 is a concrete and steel reinforced larger square outpost bunker, housing a long-range missile launching system. It points out across the channel that separates the New Lunar Republic and Solar Empire from the island countries of New Equestria and Crystal Empire. Both countries share the same large island and have alliance with each other. In the Coast Battery command center, five NLR ponies’ morph communication technicians monitor the mainframe. Suddenly red smoke fills the room. The five communication technicians inhale the red smoke and promptly pass out. As stallion morph, wearing the uniform of a NLR colonel enters the command center with a gas mask over his face.

“Now to reprogram the missile targeting system….that hot shot New Equestria pilot Captain Rainbow Dash should be on patrol in the channel,” stallion exclaims as he begins then with great skill, the stallion finishes reprogramming the system,

“Halt!” yells NLR Lunar guard Sergeant armed with heavy laser rifle….The stallion quickly presses the enter key as soldiers open fire killing the NLR colonel,

“Quickly tech….stop that countdown!” orders NLR Sergeant as the mare tech runs up to the computer and begins to try to break into the system,

“T -10 seconds till payload launch…..” The computer voice says as the tech types faster on the keyboard,

“T -5 seconds till payload launch….last time to halt launch” The computer voice says as the doors opens on top of the bunker, locking the Launcher in place. Sweat runs down the mare’s forehead as she tries to break the code lock on the system,

“T -4…..3…. target locked on” says the voice as three small doors reveal the missile warheads,

“2….1….Launch…..have nice day” the computer voice says as the whole bunker shakes. The mare drops to her knees as three smoke tails streak into sky heading toward its programmed program target.

At that same time pushing her FF-4I interceptor falcon fighter to its limits by pulling off a high risk stunt over the channel was Captain Rainbow Dash. After coming out a dead pony drop the mini holo camera on top of the control panel flicks on and the holograph head of lavender Alicorn appears. A gold crown sits behind her horn.

“What do you think you are doing?…..if you crash that fighter the New Equestria air force is going to be out one fighter…..I will not be able to order a second fighter till sometime next year……do I make myself clear Capt. Rainbow?” says the lavender Alicorn testily,

“Yea….yea…yea” Rainbow Dash answers as she waves sarcastically her five finger hoof looking hand in the air at the hologram,

“Since you became a princess….Twilight……you changed” Rainbow comments as Twilight’s face gazes with shock,

“Well of course I have changed…..I have a county to run, ponies to keep fed, bills that must be paid and a Military to keep supplied…….I have so much on my plate that I do not get a chance to sleep for any length of time. Doctor Fluttershy says I should rest at least once….but I cannot.” Twilight’s voice sounding frustrated with not having enough time in the day to finish everything she has to do, a moment later a second mini holo camera flicks on the holograph head of a silvery-white unicorn with a royal purple mane wearing captain’s cap.

“Commodore Rarity? What are you doing?” Twilight exclaims as the unicorn smiles involuntarily at Twilight,

“My job Princess, monitoring communication lines….feel better now….did you blow off all that steam?” Rarity inquired as Twilight shakes her head,

“I am sorry girls….being this Princess Twilight Sparkle is the hardest thing I have ever done. I wish Empress Celestia would have let me train a little bit more….before giving me the ruler of New Equestria…..I am not ready to rule.” Twilight depressing herself as a third mini holo camera flick on the holograph head of a light orange earth pony with a tied-up blonde mane,

“What’s with all this who haw? Princess are you saying you’re not ready to rule?” the earth pony exclaims as Twilight’s eyes blinked with incredulity,

“Major Applejack!? everyone listening in on this communication between me and Captain Rainbow Dash?” Twilight distressed as Twilight waits for fourth mini holo camera to flick on and the head of pink earth pony with curly mane appears,

“Well of course I am listening in! I am here in the communication center doing repairs on the same lines you are using to talk to Rainbow Dash! I should really thank you for shocking me when you opened the lines to Rainbow Fighter!” Applejack Vexed as both Rainbow Dash and Rarity snickered under their breath,

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the NES CC Generosity, a New Equestria navy tactical command ship (under the commanded of Commodore Rarity) a NE Seapony apprentice sits in front of her radar screen monitor. Suddenly three triangles marked one; two and three appear from the very edge of her screen and streak across.

“Commodore! We have three bogeys closing in fast from east!” The Seapony apprentice yells at Rarity,

“Are they aiming at the Generosity?” inquiries Rarity,

“No!…. it looks like there target is…(gulp)…….Capt. Rainbow fighter!” The Seapony apprentice calls back. Just as Rarity is about to warn Rainbow, her hologram blinks off,

“Rarity! What’s is going on!? Rainbow’s hologram just blinked off!?” Twilight inquires as Rarity just flicks her hologram off,

In the emergency backup communications center (locate in the basement of the New Canterlot Royal Palace in the city of new Equestria) a pale faced Princess Twilight Sparkle adorned in a beautiful gown sits uneasily in front of her communication station. Every so often she nervously taps her horseshoed clad hoof on the ground under her chair, as her lavender wings open and close spontaneously on her back. Pacing behind Twilight was her ever faithful assistant Spike. Spike stands a good 6 feet tall and is known in this world as a guardian Draco.

“Rainbow Dash is ok……right Twilight?.....right?” Spike inquires insisting for the tenth times since joining Twilight in the back up communication center at the palace,

“I just don’t know, Spike…….I don’t know.” Twilight’s voice cracking as she slowly runs her hand up her snout as a single tear runs down beneath her hand splashing on the upper leg of her gown,

“This NES CC Generosity…..please response royal palace…..this NES CC Generosity…. Response.” The voice of Rarity can be heard over the radio,

“NES CC Generosity…..this is the royal palace…..switch to holo com.” Twilight replies as she flicks the toggle switch next to her left hand activating the mini holo camera on her control panel,

“Roger…Royal Palace….switch over to holo com.” Rarity answers as the mini holo camera flicks to life and Rarity’s holograph head appears once again,

“How is Rainbow Dash, Rarity? Can I talk to her?” Twilight asks as Rarity shows a nervous smile,

“Rainbow Dash is fine….but she doesn’t want to talk to you Twilight” Rarity comments repositioning her cap,

“What!? Why not?!” Twilight surprised voice inquires,

“Well, Twi…… she thinks you are going to make her pay for the fighter being shot down and how she figures it by the time she finishes paying you back Twilight…..she is going to be as old as Granny smith.” Rarity explains as a great gust of laughter explodes out of Twilight. After composing herself Twilight take on more intense look,

“What happened out there, Rarity?” Twilight inquires sitting back in her chair crossing her leg,

“Three Sams were fired from the east… ponies at my ship radar station were able to back track the tails….the missiles were fired from Coast Battery on the coast of the New Lunar Republic….the New Lunar Republic openly fired on the fighter belonging to New Equestria and Princess Twilight Sparkle……Why are Empress Celestia and President Luna trying to drag New Equestria into their little regional conflict?!” Rarity says hotly slamming her fist on top of her command desk,

“It looks like that Rarity……this all started when a submarine belonging to the Solar Empire sunk NES DDG Magic. A New Equestria guided missile was destroyed on surface patrol in an outer channel far from the coast of Solar Empire…..” Twilight explains as she sighs, a look of concern quickly disappears from Rarity’s face when a tear runs down Twilight’s cheek,

“I know it’s hard for you Twi to face the possibility that your beloved mentor Celestia is trying to hurt you….but when she ordered the attack on the New Equestria ship….she set these events in motion and New Equestria now needs their Princess more than ever….so please Your Highness, what are your orders?” Rarity says giving confidences to the heartbroken Twilight,

“If my ponies need their princess…..A princess I shall be…..It hurts deeply to think my beloved mentor Celestia is trying to hurt me….but as you say Lt. Colonel Rarity when she sunk my ship she set the events in motion….eventhough my relationship with Celestia was like a family……I have a new family of ponies that live in New Equestria and all of you… I am not going to let Empress Celestia and her Solar Empire destroy my family…..that is for sure.” Says Twilight taking charge and assuming her title as Princess of New Equestria,

“So as for my orders….as soon as commander Rainbow Dash stops lying around….. I want you, Lt. Colonel Rarity commander of New Equestria army and Commander Rainbow Dash commander of New Equestria air force and the rest of my court here at the Royal Palace so we can begin making plans and not get caught off guard like this again.” commands Twilight,

“Wait your highness…. I am wondering one more thing?” Rarity exclaims as Twilight sit back down on her chair,

“That is?” Twilight inquires,

“I am looking at this missile attack on New Equestria though the eyes of a commander…..President Luna is no dumb head of state….she knows strategy and tactics….both sisters do….” Rarity comments,

“So?” Twilight comments,

“So why make such a huge tactical mistake by attacking a county on your weak side flank…even though the whole military of both New Equestria and Crystal Empire is at best two companies of 160 troops…that will force you to split your military in two to guard against an attack on your weak flank……all Empress Celestia and her solar empire military need is one tiny sign of weakness and she will push right into New Lunar Republic territory and have a firm hoof hold deep inside her sister’s Republic.” Rarity explain as the light goes off for Twilight,

“I see what you mean, Rarity…….as of this moment, the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic are in a stalemate…..Neither side is giving an inch.” Twilight comments as Rarity break off communicating with Royal Palace.

January 6 2035 (a week later) 1500 hrs off the coast of Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic

Sitting off shore from the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic the (NES CAG Laughter. A New Equestria guided missile heavy cruiser) waits as Seapony recruit program coordinates into the ship’s firing system in full view of a Solar Empire coast base 2 well out of range of the base navel guns. As the Seapony recruit finishes putting in the last coordinates, the ship’s rear missile launchers turn and lock themselves in place. The missiles rises into firing position.
“Ready captain” the Seapony recruit said,

“Good Recruit…..set the timer on first launcher -5 seconds and the second launcher -4 seconds. Helm once fox trot two is airborne. Set course at full speed to meet up with the sub. Once we are all aboard the sub it will sink the ship…making it look like the Solar Empire sunk it.” The captain orders as the timer expires and the whole ship shakes as fox trot one take flight in the direction of the capital city of New Lunar Republic Mare Serenitatis, four seconds later the ship shakes once again as fox trot two takes flight in the direction of the capital city of the Solar Empire: Canterlot.

In the Old Canterlot Royal Palace in the capital city of Canterlot, Empress Celestia sits behind her desk, attire in a beautifully tailored white/gold gown, doing her empire’s paperwork. Every so often she would tap her horseshoed clad hoof on the ground impatiently in front of her, as her white wings with a hint of pink are folding and unfolding on her back. How much Celestia hates doing paperwork. It that’s one of the reasons she wed, so she can have her husband, the Emperor, doing the paperwork and she can rule the Solar Empire. But her husband was far more cunning than her; he appointed himself Foreign Envoy from the Solar Empire and started traveling around the world trying to make as many allies for the Solar Empire as he can.

“Oh that husband of mine!….he gets to travel around the world….while his wife is stuck doing paperwork……even though he knows that I hate doing paperwork.” Celestia vexed as her purple-pink eye catches a glimpse of the gold wedding ring on her finger, which makes her eyes sparkle,

“But he does love me with all his heart and I love him with all my heart. It’s tough being a pure Alicorn. It’s unending loneliness. If I did have my husband or my sister around, it would be far harder to live this long….without someone to spend my very long life with and love unconditionally.” Celestia says beaming fondly as the mini holo camera on her desk flicks on and the holograph head of a crazed looking Luna stares at Celestia through her hologram eyes,

“What in Celestia name!?...... Are you trying to do, dear sister, start a war with the New Lunar Republic!?” Luna vexed snapping Celestia out of her daydream,

“What sister?.....start a war?” Celestia very puzzled,

“No sister!” Celestia exclaims,

“Then why did you launch a missile into my capital city!?” Luna says testily as a huge explosion shakes the royal palace knocking Celestia off her chair onto the floor of her office and numerous mini holo cameras flick on and holograph heads pop up around Celestia’s desk,

“You’re Imperial Majesty….. A missile just hit in the center of Canterlot….all emergency units are heading to the scene of the impact.” A SE solar Guard corporal reports from a vehicle heading towards the impact site,

“Sister, what is going on?” Luna inquires as Celestia blinks with surprise getting to her feet,

“My capital city was just hit by a missile!” Celestia exclaims flicking off most of the mini holo cameras leaving the emergency holo camera and Luna’s holo camera on,

“What, you too? I am sorry for thinking you fired it, Celestia.” Luna apologizing,

“It’s fine Luna….I know we have had our difference in the past….but I will not break the peace treaty between Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic… do that would mean destroying both our countries and sacrificing so many of our loyal ponies for minuscule gain.” Celestia says diplomatically as Luna relaxes,

“Thank you sister…..but we have a bigger question that needs to be answered…” Luna commend,

“Who?” Celestia answers,

“Correct” Luna exclaim,

“Luna…did any of your radar stations pick up the missile that hit your capital?” Celestia inquires,

“I am sorry Celestia….all my radar stations are down for repairs….a virus attacked my mainframe….but my techs say they should be up in a few hours.” Luna explains as Celestia rubs her chin,

“What about your radar stations, Celestia? You’ve been upgrading them of late” Luna comments as Celestia’s breath catches in her throat,

“How in the world did you find out about that?” Celestia eyes widen with alarm as Luna snickers,

“I didn’t….your surprised look when I asked gave it way.” Luna explains as Celestia gawks in disbelief,

“Oh you’re so rotten Luna!….but anyway let me check.” Celestia comments as Celestia flicks on the mini holo camera linked to one of her radar stations. Soon a holograph head of a unicorn mare communication technician appears,

“Yes, your Imperial Majesty?” the mare inquires,

“A missile just hit the capital…..did you pick it up?” asks Celestia as mare searches through the date for any signs of a missile signal,

“Got it…the missile entered our airspace at 1800 hrs and impacted soon after…it looks like it was launched from off our coast.” The mare explains an intelligence report from the coast base prints out,

“Your imperial Majesty…it looks like we have updated the intelligent report from the Solar Empire coast base 2.” The mare says tearing the paper off the printer and reading it over. The mare eyes widen in alarm,

“No?….it can be?” The mare’s mind reels upon reading the updated intelligent report from solar empire coast base 2,

“Tech!..... What does the report from Solar Empire coast base 2 say?” Celestia calls as the tech retunes,

“Solar Empire coast base 2…. saw the ship that fired the missiles clear as day” the mare reports,

“Good!.... what country does the ship belong to?” Celestia exclaimed as the tech sends the intelligent report to the Royal Palace, before flicking off the holo camera without a word. Slowly the intelligent report prints out and Celestia’s tears the paper off.

“No!” Celestia shriek before falling unconscious,

“Sister!....what happened?!…….sister!” Luna cries out in a fearful voice as the office door is open by ruggedly build dark blue unicorn stallion with a crimson mane a wearing soiled business suit. He quickly runs over to the unconscious Celestia,

“Guards!” the stallion calls as two royal palace guards run into the office,

“Yes….your Imperial Majesty?” the royal guard’s answers as the stallion picks up the unconscious Celestia and passes her into the arms of the two guards,

“Please carefully take the Empress back to our bedchamber, so she can regain consciousness…I’ll check on her a bit later if she has not come to.” Stallion explains as the royal guards nodded their head and leave the office with unconscious Celestia,

“Huh? What’s this?” The stallion exclaims he notices the paper on the ground where Celestia was laying, he picks it up,

“A intelligent report from Solar Empire coast base 2….Mmm” the stallion exclaim as his eyes widen with alarm upon reading over the report,

“Oh…brother-in-law…thanks Celestia you are there…what happened to Celestia?” Luna inquires as Justice takes his wife’s chair at her desk,

“Celestia passed out after reading this intelligent report” Justice explains,

“That must be the intelligent report about the missile attack on both our capitals. The missiles were fired from the coast. So it must have been a ship, but whose ship?” Luna explains as Justice’s stomach knots,

“The ship belongs to New Equestria and Princess Twilight Sparkle…..Twilight attacked both our capitals without warning. That’s an act of war against Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic.” Justice explains sadly as Luna had a wounded look in her eyes, turning off her mini holo camera without a word,

“Damn it!….why did you do it Twilight?……Celestia loves you and I did to. Why would you hurt Celestia my beloved wife…she believed in your ascending and made sure that you had all the skills to be a greater ruler than Celestia has been……why Twilight…..why?” Justice heartbroken, after composing himself Emperor Justice Silverlight presses the button that links the Royal Palace to all Solar Empire military bases in the empire,

“All Solar Empire military personnel prepare to deploy…..our target is New Equestria and Crystal Empire……For the Empire!.....for our Empress!..... Fight with honor!” Justice orders as the troops begin arming themselves,

“All New Lunar Republic military personnel prepare to deploy….our enemy is not the Solar Empire….but New Equestria and Crystal Empire…..This will be our finest hour!….for the republic!….for our mother the moon!……crush New Equestria and Crystal Empire under our steel hoofs!” Luna orders as her troops begin arming themselves,

“Troops of New Equestria and the Crystal Empire we are small in number…..but great in heart and soul……This Island, this beautiful island is our home. We built it with our hands, we walk on it with our hoofs……we made it grow. I would be lying if I said we’re going to win. We are up against the Solar Empire finest army and New Lunar Republic’s greatest weapons……but I will not let this island fall without a fight………so raise your arms to defended our home!” encouraged Twilight as the troops raises their arms and called out.

Long live our princess Twilight Sparkle and New Equestria!

Chapter 2

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June 30 2035 1000 hrs new Sirius standard time-Battle for new equestria

The battle with combine forces of the Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic has raged on for four months now on the island of New Equestria. In that time the combine forces of New Equestria and the Crystal Empire have held their own against the unending Solar Empire army and finest weapons of the New Lunar Republic. But also in that time, the combine forces of the New Equestria and Crystal Empire have lost something in a brilliant strategic move perpetrated by Luna and the elite guards units of both armies. The two flags of Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic now fly over the capital city of New Equestria and the New Canterlot royal palace forcing the army to abandon both.

The lost of capital city of New Equestria and New Canterlot royal palace has demoralized the New Equestria army. Against the advice of her most trusted royal guards, Princess Twilight Sparkle adorned her battle armor and armed herself with an assault laser rife equip with a grenade launcher, sword and laser pistol.

“Princess!…Please don’t do this…if you fail in battle this war is over and New Equestria will fall!” The royal guard’s voice shrills with horror as Twilight slaps an energy clip into the bottom of the rifle with the heel of her hand,

“I will not fail in battle, captain….if I don’t do this…..then the war has ended….my capital and my palace will fall….that quick stoke dispirited my troops and being ordered to abandon what we build broke the back of my troops……if they can see that their Princess is fighting right beside them and not hiding while they die on the battlefield…….hope will return to their hearts…..I know it’s a long shot…..but a long shot never the less.” Twilight bravely spits on her thumb to clean the tiny window with a shot countdown on the side of the rifle,

“Yes, I understand Princess… are the real heart of New Equestria….your troops follow you and only you….if you would allow me and the other royal guards…we will follow you into battle….for our princess!” The royal guard captain encouraged as all the royal guards’ arm themselves with heavy assault rifles, swords and laser pistols,

“I am no fool… leading my troops is a meaningless gesture without reinforcements from Wolf Defense force. My island is lost….we can’t continue to fight forever….before long my troops will be crush and I will be left in the hands of Empress Celestia…..eventhough she started this war with me!…..there’s no way to know what she will do to me for resisting her…..I can only hope for banishment or it will be a long painful imprisonment for me.” Twilight thought dishearten. Tears formed in her eyes as she took her time to set her hoof on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, weaving nonstop at great speed through the naval battle rage in the channel between the Solar Empire and the island of New Equestria was an armored small assault boat. It left from one of the ports on the coast of the Solar Empire designating the nearby island of New Equestria. A long pink, violet and blue eternal mane and tail whip behind the pilot of this vessel as the sea water splashed on the white battle armor….Emblazed on the upper part of battle armor chest was the a yellow sun mark. Secured next to the pilot on the wall of assault boat was a six foot long pole-arm with a cleaver like axe and a slender spike, a favorite weapon of the pilot.

“That ungrateful cur!…..I taught her everything so she can be a greater ruler then I!….I show her secrets only the princesses are privilege to!…..I entrusted her with the safety of my Equestria and secretly guided her to those elements of harmony which brought me back my sister Luna!...Now that cur is trying to take over my Solar Empire and Luna’s New Lunar Republic!......after I have given her so much! she is trying to take what I built, my empire!….my family!… happiness!.......this will be the final battle!….prepare yourself Princess Twilight Sparkle!......Empress Celestia Silverlight is coming to settle once and for all who will rule this regional!” Empress Celestia Silverlight says venomously as flames burn in her purple-pink eyes beaching her boat on the sandy shore of New Equestria, before tearing the weapon off the wall and leaping into the packed sand of this beach,

“And it will not be you!” Empress Celestia Silverlight says coldly as her white wings with a hint of pink fully extend out from her back and she takes flight toward the frontline where she know her target Princess Twilight Sparkle will be.

At the frontline a red and blue laser fire lights up the battlefield, as numerous exploded pot marks the land in front of two armies. Crouched down behind a toppled wall of buildings was Twilight Sparkle. Quickly she reloads her rifle with a fresh energy clip just as a red beam hits inches from her golden horseshoed clad right hoof.

“Princess!... Cadence’s Crystal Empire troops on the right flank are holding off the 2nd regiment of new Lunar Republic army…..Lt. Colonel Rarity troops on the left flank are losing ground to the 4th legion of the Solar Empire army….if she doesn’t get help soon Lt. Colonel Rarity will be forced to abandon her position….leaving our left flank open to attack by the 5th legion of the Solar Empire army.” The scout’s reports as Twilight gasp,

“Alright….sent the 15th New Equestria company to back-up Lt. Colonel Rarity troops on the left flank. With her leadership, those green level troopers shouldn’t break…..also tell her if it starts going bad for her, fall back to the Crystal Empire…..I will not lose Rarity in this battle.” Twilight commands as the scout quickly gathers the company and leads them to the left flank,

“Scout!” Twilight calls as her scout moves over towards her,

“Yes, Princess?” the scout inquiries,

“What are the statistics of my troops?” Twilight inquiries,

“The 1st and 2nd royal palace guard company has been knocked out of battle by the 5th Solar Guard and the 8th Lunar Guard company…..the 5th princess’s royal palace company still holds this small town….but quickly lost parts of the town to the 1st Empress’s royal century” the Scout reports with dead silence, Twilight pops her head up and sees her troops looking skyward.

In the sky, moving quickly towards the frontline, was a figure carrying something; a cheer goes up from the rear guard of the Solar Empire army and continues all the way to the frontline as an unstoppable wave. The figure shot straight up into the sky before getting lost in the bright sunlight. Twilight quickly shields her eyes from the bright sunlight just enough to make out the faint outline of an Alicorn. A sudden spurt of adrenaline courses through her veins when she recognizes who the Alicorn is,

“No!” Twilight exclaims as her face becomes a mask of terror. The Alicorn folds up her wings and drops like a stone to ground below. A foot above the ground, she unfolds her wings again stopping her descent and lands softly on her two golden horseshoes clad hoofs, before driving the end of her weapon into the ground next to her.

A wave of panic rushes through Twilight’s troops like a wildfire with the sudden appears of the head of Solar Empire Empress Celestia Silverlight the most powerful Alicorn to live during this time. Twilight can sense the fear though her troops as they look into the face of a destructive power of the sun. To regain control of her panicking troops, Twilight tosses aside her rifle and draws her blade,

“Come out Princess Twilight Sparkle!.....come face me!.......I, Empress Celestia Silverlight head of Solar Empire challenge you to a one on one duel!….. For the fate of this region!” Celestia Silverlight’s royal Canterlot voice booms from the Solar Empire lines as breaths quicken from the New Equestria lines. Boldly Twilight steps out from behind the wall and stands face to face with the Sun Empress, Celestia,

“I am right here beloved Ex-mentor!....How did it come to this?” Twilight inquires her heart wrung with pity as Celestia yanks her halberd out of the ground and points the spike towards Twilight,

“Did you not think it wouldn’t come to this…..My dear Twilight…. a final showdown between to two Alicorns….you and I?” Celestia speaks calmly swing her halberd in a great arc in front of her,

“But still…..why must we fight…..Celestia…..was I not your fateful student for many years?” Twilight trying to remind Celestia of what they had as Twilight’s stomach shrives,

“Shut up!.....face me like a true royal Princess!” Celestia shouts sourly keeping her halberd pointing towards Twilight,
“No!…Celestia….I refuse.” Twilight says bravely her heart pounds in her chest placing her sword on the ground as Celestia runs up to Twilight at full speed and begins kicking her around the battlefield trying to force her to fight, After a few more kicks, Twilight’s hand comes to rest on the handle of her sword,

“I will not fight you….beat me as much as you like, Celestia…..I will not pick the sword up.” Twilight groans knowing Celestia’s powerful kicks broke a few of her ribs,

“Pick up the sword!...Twilight!....fights like a princess!” Celestia demands raising her halberd ready to strike down Twilight the moment she picks it up.

“No!” Twilight exclaim wincing and removing her hand from the handle of her sword, depriving Celestia of her honorable victory,

“Celestia!.....I am ashamed of you!.....where’s the honor in killing an unarmed opponent!” a disappointed male voice booms as the frontline slowly separates, Celestia’s eyes widen with concern, from the troops appears Emperor Justice Silverlight Celestia’s husband and most honorable unicorn to walk wearing his white body armor carrying a partisan pole arm,

“Where’s that honorable Alicorn that I fell in love with!” Justice speak with bitter resentment towards his wife Celestia, trying to force someone who had refused to raise her weapon against her to fight by forcing her to,

“I am doing this for us!......she’s trying to take everything from us! ” Celestia calls back trying to justify what she is doing to Twilight as her eyes blink with incredulity. She wonders why Celestia would think she is trying to take everything from her,

“Justify all you want Celestia!.....You are not doing it for us!…..You are doing it for yourself!......Eventhough you want her to be a great ruler than you! can’t face the possibility that ponies will forget the great sun Princess Celestia and only remember Princess Twilight Sparkle….how very sad for the Alicorn that I love so much…so very alone, so powerfully and yet so sad at the same time, unable to face the future without a Princess Celestia legend!”Justice says frigidly as Celestia’s heart breaks and begins crying. She drops her weapon on the ground, before collapsing to her knees as her legs gave out.

June 30 2035 1600 hrs new Sirius standard time- off the coast of island of New Equestria in view of the crystal Empire and crystal palace-on the bridge of the BES CC Black stars.

On the bridge of BES CC Black Star, a tactical command ship, a mare morph watches on several holo view screens of the battle on the island of New Equestria waiting for the right time to start the next phase of her plan. A smile of malicious delight crosses the mare’s face and a menacing laugh fills the bridge.

“How easy it was to get this war start…..Celestia fears being forgotten…..makes my plan that much easier to execute……I should thank you, my two beloved sisters…..this will spelling both your dooms….ha...ha…ha. .Ha…ha…ha…ha” The mare exclaims ominous flicking on a mini holo camera in front of her. A moment later the holograph head of horse wearing a helmet with a skull like face plate appears,

“Yes, your ladyship?” the horse inquires,

“Lt. Colonel….begin the amphibious assault on New Equestria…..crush those weaken armies” the mare orders as the horse morph salutes the mare.

One by one hover crafts flying a flag with white shooting star mark on a black background begin coming ashore from the sea. Once on land, the hover crafts drop their ramps deploying units after units of infantry solders all wearing black body armor with a shooting star mark on the upper chest and a helmet with a skull like face plate, armed with pulse mini guns, assault rifles and other types of weapons.

Meanwhile back on the right flank of the battlefields the fighting between New Lunar Republic army and the Crystal Empire army continues. The resistance put up by Luna’s niece Princess Cadance Sparkle and her Crystal Empire army has put a major hurt into the New Lunar Republic army, to the point that most of her Aunt Luna’s reinforcement are close to being depleted with no gain to speak of. But Princess Cadance Sparkle and her Crystal Empire army has fared no better than the New Lunar Republic army. Her own reinforcements are even closer to being depleted which will force her to retreat back to the Crystal Empire and leave her sister-in-law Princess Twilight Sparkle’s right flank open to attack by the New Lunar Republic army, an option she doesn’t want to do.

“I am sorry Twilight….but I can’t afford to die here….what a beautiful day in New Equestria,” Cadance thought looking into the clear blue sky of New Equestria with a sigh, leaning her laser sniper rifle against the wall beside her as she cleans the dust off her light pink body armor with her hand,

“Princess! We are under attack from our flank!” A crystal mane scout cries out in a voice raw with terror as Cadance looks towards the beach,

Moving in a wedge shaped toward her flank were the solders in black body armor with a skull like helmet armed with pulse mini guns, when they’re are in range the solders open fire quickly taking out her troops on that side.

“Damn it! Troops protect our flank” Cadance orders picking up her laser sniper rifle and begin trying to take out targets from the new troops attacking her,

“New Lunar Republic troops join the Crystal Empire armies…I will not let my niece be killed,” Luna orders as her remaining troops quickly join Princess Cadance Sparkle and her Crystal Empire army trying to stop the new threat on the flank,

“Thank you auntie” Cadance says thankful for her Aunt Luna’s help,

“We might be on opposite sides my dear niece….but you are still part of my family and no one attacks my family!” Luna confides as Cadance and Luna begin trying to thin out the new threat,

“Remaining Crystal Empire troops fall back… new Equestria lines!.....before we are crushed” Cadance orders as her army begins falling back to the New Equestria lines followed closely by the New Lunar Republic army who are falling back to the Solar Empire lines….letting the new threat take the empty position.

At the center of the battlefield an uneasy peace has taking hold between the Solar Empire army and the New Equestria army as Emperor Justice Silverlight try to reassure his wife Empress Celestia Silverlight that as long as he’s married to her, he will keep Sun Princess Celestia’s legend alive so she will never be forgotten. As Celestia’s eyes moist with joy knowing that her husband Justice will keep his promise and she will never be forgotten. Suddenly the tender scene is broken up as Princess Cadance Sparkle, and President Luna, in a panic, arrives in the center of the battlefield followed by what’s left of their troops.

“Cadance what’s going on?” Justice inquires as his niece Cadance and his sister-in-law President Luna out of breath arrive in front of him,

“Sorry uncle….but a new powerful force is come up the road behind us!” Cadance explains out of breath,

“Cadance is right Celestia and Justice…..that force pounded down both our troops!” Luna explains out of breath,

“Twilight do you have any troops left?” Justice inquiry,

“Yes!” Twilight answers,

“Good, forget the battle between the Solar Empire and New Equestria….if this new force is as powerfully as Luna and Cadance say…..It’s time to defend New Equestria from them….so let’s team up.” Justice exclaims as Twilight gathers her remaining troops and joins force with the Solar Empire, New Lunar Republic and Crystal Empire. Quickly the four Alicorns agree to give command over to Justice for this battle, why there command their own troops in the field.

In the distance coming up the road, in a cloud of dust, the first sighting of the blacklight army troops appear. Leading the army is the pulse minigun infantry once again being used as a shock trooper unit to breach combined forces of New Equestria army lines. Before the pulse minigun Infantry could close the distance on the New Equestria army lines to open fire Justice raises his hand and orders:

“Open fire!”

The quick command catches the shock troopers by surprise, the laser fire tears into their ranks taking out a large number of solders, forcing the remaining to seek cover behind walls and blow out homes in small town.

Watching the whole scene unfold through broken windows of damaged homes in the town was a translucent figure reporting back to what’s going on in the town. When the figure feels safe, the figure presses a button on its right arm dropping a cloak. Looking through the window is a 6ft figure, wearing a light gray nano-bot special force’s combat body armor with an integrated helmet sticking out. On top of the helmet was a pair of vulpine ears protected by a shell that enclosed the ears but left the front of the ears in steel mesh. A rusty reddish long bushy tail with a white tip stuck out the back of the armor. Around the figures waist is a utility belt with a holster containing an ERI custom pulse pistol, long steel tube. Numerous pouches with extra energy clips were across the figure’s body. Hook to the back of the figures body armor by way of the nano-bot was a bag containing ERI custom pulse sniper rifle. Across the figures chest was an ERI custom commando mini pulse assault rifle.

“Come in wolf one this is fox one” a female voice says over the radio,

“Wolf one here come in fox one…what do you have to report?” a male voice inquires over the radio,

“Wolf one….the Solar Empire….New Lunar Republic….New Equestria and Crystal Empire armies have join force against the fifth army from an unknown country.” The female voice reports over the radio,

“What? one a fifth army from an unknown country?” the male voice exclaims over the radio,

“Roger wolf one….that changes the mission operation from observing to engaging does it not?” the female voice inquires over the radio removing the bag from her back uncovering her ERI custom pulse sniper rifle and begins to set up her sniper nest in a damaged home,

“Technically yes….. Fox one..But don’t engage till the operation commander gives the ok.” The male voice explains, a moment later there’s a long pause till the male voice speaks again,

“Fox one you are free to engage targets…..your job is to make sure the four rules are kept alive.” The male voice explains as the heads of Celestia,Luna, Twilight and Cadance appear on the fox one hub system of her helmet, she quickly identifies the locations of each ruler on the battlefield,

“Wolf one….all targets identified and located on the battlefield.” The female voice explains,

“Roger fox one….begin taking out targets….we will be joining you soon.” The male voice comments,

“Roger wolf one…..going hot!” the female voice exclaims.

In the damaged house fox one has finished set-up her sniper nest after activating the cloaking system built into her combat body armor which also cloak her sniper rifle. She flicks her rifle on, then she switches from distancing binoculars optic to her high speed targeting sight after fine-tuning the reticule in her visor she is ready to fire. Thinking quickly fox one focuses on the sniper fire of Princess Cadance Sparkle. Using the timer in her helmet she times how long it takes Cadance to fire a shot off from her laser sniper rifle. When she figures out the timing she synchronizes with Princess Cadance Sparkle sniper fire taking out two targets at once, throwing blacklight troops into a full panic.

“Huh?” Luna exclaims surprised watching her niece Cadance put the troops on her side of battlefield in a full panic by taking two soldiers out at once with one shot,

“No…that can’t be right….her laser sniper rifle is the same version as mine…to take out two targets you would need to pull the trigger the moment you fire your first shot. It causes the rifle to heat up…which forces a cool down.” Luna thought watching two solders drop with single shot,

“What’s that?” Luna exclaims spotting a pulse energy shot a moment after Cadance took her shot heading in the same direction as Cadence’s shot,

“A synchronize shot….that explains why Cadance could hit two solders at the same time.” Luna comments watching a second solder drop.

June 30 2035 2000 hrs new Sirius standard time-the new equestria alliance military field camp-Just outside the ruins of new ponyville-the plains of New Equestria

The ruins of new ponyville is emotional journey for Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends the first town to be build in Twilight new land was new ponyville an exact copy of the old ponyville now a town under the flag of Solar Empire. Sitting around the huge campfire at the center of field camp was Celestia, Justice, Luna, Cadance, shining armor, twilight, and main five for pass few minutes Luna as been trying to explains to everyone that someone is trying to help them, but nothing of them believe her.

“I am telling the truth….there was third sniper taking out targets….I sorry Cadance but you are not that good.” Luna comment as Cadance had downcast look in her face,

“Let say I believe you Luna….there was third sniper on the battlefield who was it?” Justice inquiry doubting,

“If I knew that Justice….I would tell…..but I don’t” Luna comment looking toward twilight sitting with main five,

“Huh? If you think it from the Wolf defense force…may be…..but after my capital and Palace fell……Luna…..I lost contact with Wolf defense force military… I have no way to find out.” Twilight explains as Luna had sheepish grin on her face, as Celestia chuckle softly,

“I might be able to answer that question” A male voice exclaims from the inky darkness around the outside of campfire, quickly all horns of everyone who had a horn around the fire begin to glow with a light spell trying to locate the source of the voice,

“Huh? That voice sound familiar?” Celestia thought stopping her light spell stepping away from her husband Justice into the inky darkness of the campsite.

Butterflies begin to form in the stomachs of everyone gathered around the campfire as the sound of several footsteps moves closer and closer to them with no source to make them….everyone eyes begin to dart maniacally about, trying to pick out the objects making the sounds as their hearts begin to pound in their chests. There sudden violent rustling of leaves nearby, Twilight shriek and let loose a magic bolt from her horn.

“Ouch!” Luna exclaim loudly and painfully as the magic bolt strike Luna on her hoof causing her to hop about on one hoof in pain,

“I am sorry Luna….I did not mean to” Twilight apologetic as five figures seem to appear out of thin air wearing identical colored combat body armor with excepting of different styles of tails stick out the back of the armor,

“Medic go see what you can do for her….remember she not a normal mane….she pure Alicorn.” The male figure comments as the figure with sable and white moderately long tail walks toward Luna,

“So you are a pure Alicorn….you do look any differ from a Pegasus or unicorn or earth pony….what make you special from the other three types.” The female Medic comment as she examine Luna’s hoof after having her sit down on the log, Lune gape in stunned silences after being correctly identify as a pure Alicorn,

“Do take this the wrong way…..but how do you know that I am a pure Alicorn….we Alicorn don’t travel to often to other places like a Pegasus or unicorn and earth pony do.” Luna inquiry as the female Medic wraps a bandage around her hoof after removing her horseshoe from her hoof,

“Well my commander wolf one download a dossier of species in Equestria into my MCV and you look like the picture in the dossier of pure Alicorn.” The female Medic explains as Luna and medic continue talking to each other,

“My call name is wolf one.” The male figure comment shakes Justice hand as Celestia steps back into campfire light,

“It is you wolf one…how long has it been?” Celestia comment as wolf one heart leaps in his chest and Celestia rest her cheek against her hand,

“Your highness?…what a pleasant surprise meet you again….it been about three years since I conclude my initial recon of Equestria…..there would have been other recon operations in Equestria, if you didn’t help me get a complete picture of Equestria during the initial recon operation…..” Wolf one explains as Celestia smile sheepish at him,

“I enjoy helping you….it help other people understand what equestria once was.” Celestia comment,

June 30 2035 2100 hrs new Sirius standard time-the new equestria alliance military field camp-main campfire center of field camp

Sitting by the main campfire at the center of new equestria alliance military field camp was wolf one, like all we on eve of large battle wolf one is unable to sleep. A moment later wolf one hears clicking come toward him and Celestia walks up to him.

“May I join you?” Celestia inquiry

“Be my guest your highness.” Wolf one comment as Celestia take a seat beside wolf one on same log he sitting on,

“First of all…stop call me your highness….my name is Celestia.” Celestia comment as she heard a low hiss and watch as the wolf one removes his helmet, Celestia blink with surprise looking back at her was handsome young male sepia colored wolf morph. Even by equestria standards wolf one was handsome looking,

“If you want me to call you by your first name….then please call me by my first name…my name is Keith.” Keith comment placing his helmet on the log as Celestia just smiled,

“If I knew that you were this handsome I would have helped you a lot sooner…then I did Keith.” Celestia comment as she blush a bit,

“May I ask you something Celestia?” Keith inquiry as Celestia crosses her ankles,

“Sure what Keith?” Celestia answer,

“What happen to Equestria, Celestia?......this not the equestria that I remember from my initial recon were I met you.” Keith inquiry as Celestia’s heart aches with nostalgia of her old Equestria,

“You remember what I told you Keith in your report…..Equestria was create on friendship and working together (Keith shaking his head)….well after you left it start to change my ponies started to forget what friendship and working together was…. feuds start to break-out across my Equestria… royal forces were spread so thin try to stop the feuds, that enemy I thought were no threat became a huge threat to equestria….with the elements of harmony in the tree put there by twilight and her friends and the tree of harmony slowly dying because of all the feuds… equestria start to fracture….we four princesses try are best to hold equestria together……but in the end we four princesses were not strong enough to reunite equestria under the rule of the princesses again….so we were force to break equestria into four lands….The Solar Empire….New lunar republic….New Equestria and Crystal Empire…… Harmony reign in the four lands for years as each princess calm the feuds in their own lands…till this war start.” Celestia explains as feeling of a cold fist closes around her heart as tears stream down her cheeks splashing on her white body armor,

“Now hold on Celestia…this not the Alicorn I remember three years ago…the Alicorn I remember was very kind, patient and understanding…..she let a stranger explains what he was doing there and then offer to help him discover what made her Equestria great…..this new Alicorn has lost her core belief and replace it with doubt and hopeless that what every she tries it will change nothing…..if this who the Alicorn is…..then I have never met that other Alicorn and you are not the Celestia that I befriended went Equestria was whole….you are that stranger and it was not me.” Keith explains optimistically grabbing hold of Celestia’s hands from her snout, setting them on her lap as Celestia face brightening with new hope,

“By Celestia light…how lucky I have become that you came back went you did wolf one…I mean Keith…..I lost my core belief that friendship was magic…the one thing I really believed in….you gave it back to me, my dearest friend….Now I know what I must do for my equestria….but it can’t be done till this war ends.” Celestia explains get up and heading back to her tent so she can get some sleep before the coming battle,

July 1 2035 1000 hrs new Sirius standard time-island of new equestria-the battle for the plains of new equestria and ruins of the town of new ponyville-the new equestria alliance lines on the outskirt of new ponyville

A heavy fog from the sea conceal the plains of new equestria giving the ruins of new ponyville a dreadfully foreboding of the coming battle as the skeletons of once beautiful ponyville home lay damaged stick out through the cold whiteness of the blanket of fog. Standing with their troops were the rulers waiting for the fog to lift so the battle may begin anew.

Standing with Solar Empire troops were Empress Celestia Silverlight and her husband Emperor Justice Silverlight, her husband’s face pales as he look toward wolf one standing nearby. Standing with the New Equestria troops was Princess Twilight sparkle, her five friends look at each other as stress line forms on each of their brows looking toward wolf two a she-wolf a member of wolf one unit standing nearby. Standing with Crystal Empire troops was Princess Cadance Sparkle and her husband Prince Shining armor sparkles, shining armor smile spastically as he looks toward cat one a female cat a member of wolf one unit standing nearby and finally standing with the New lunar republic troops was President Luna her face grows haggard with worry know that this could be her last battle unless something happen to help her fight other day.

Hidden by the heavy fog on the oppose side of the battlefield four mobile artillery pieces from blacklight army move into position after the initial assault against New equestria alliance position which most of troops were lost, the field commander decided to call in the big guns and pound the position at a distant….then sent in the troops to clean up and execute the four rulers to clean the way for a new ruler to take over new equestria and whole regional. Slowly the fog lifts artillery spotter at the front begins coordinating fire on the new equestria alliance position with deathly accuracy. Caught by compete surprise the troops begin to panic as shells explode all around them.

“Wolf one do what you promise me!” Justice calls as Keith draw a small gun from a pouch on his side and run toward Celestia who trying to shield herself from the flying bits and pieces of earth,

“Keith!? What are you do…..?” Celestia exclaims as she falls unconscious from single stun blast from Keith stun gun, he carefully picks Celestia up into his arms as Justice smiles thankful at Keith for keeping his promise,

“Live on…my beloved and dear Celestia….our Equestria still needs their Sun princess to reunite her….I sorry my beloved wife but I can’t keep that promise I made, you must now keep your own story alive, by reunite this broken land of equestria for all our faithful ponies and ponies from then on.” Justice heartfelt as single tear splash upon the wedding band on his finger, as he kisses his faith wife Celestia for maybe the last time, a tear runs down Celestia’s cheek from her closed eyes.

chapter 3

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July 1 2035 1200 hrs new Sirius standard time- 381 nautical miles from the island of New Equestria-Medical bay of wolf defense force expeditionary carrier fleet on the Flagship NSS CVA Full moon

The NSS CVA Full moon is standard size aircraft carrier with one squadron of Wolf defense force assault helicopters and two squadrons of mixed wolf defense force nova class light fighters, Vortex class medium fighters and falcon class heavy fighters. In large rectangular room on the lower desks of carrier Princess Twilight sparkle; Princess Cadance Sparkle and Empress Celestia Silverlight lay unconscious on three hospitals beds in the medical bay of the full moon after being stunned by 1st Elite royal infantry white wolf and evac aboard the Flagship. Notably absent from the medical bay was President Luna being the only one of the rulers to voluntary be evac to the NSS CVA Full moon, the command of the operation has allow her to look around the carrier as long as she doesn’t enter any restricted area of the ship which President Luna is more than happy to obey.

“Uunnnhhh” Twilight moans,

“Uunnnhhh” Cadance moans,

“Uunnnhhh” Celestia moans

A pairs of deep purple eyes take on a hunted look as there look into the fluorescent ceiling lights of a basic white rectangular room on the lower decks of armored ship, Slowly Princess Twilight sparkle face grows chalky as she sits up in the hospital bed and looks around the room very perplexed not knowing where she is. Princess Twilight sparkle let out a great sigh of relieve as she spots her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle lay on the bed next to her and like her slowly come to. Twilight turn her head and spots Empress Celestia Silverlight still unconscious very slowly come to.

“Well I see at least two of you…have come to.” A female voice comments from double doors to the front of the room,

slowly the two princesses look towards the voice standing at the door was extraordinary attractive vixen morph in her early twenties with shoulder length sepia colored hair and feline shaped cobalt blue eyes, her elegant 6ft even sepia colored with pale gray highlight pelt was encased in aqua colored skirt uniform on collar was gold wolf head pin and two silver cross pins, why a pair of black pumps were on her white furred or socked pawed feet, up to her elbow on both her five finger hands was white fur or gloved, why long sepia colored with pale gray highlight bushy tail suck out the back of the white lab coat walks up to Twilight.

“Let see….eyes reaction to my pen light….heart sound good” The vixen comment as she examine Twilight with a small pen light from the pocket of her lab coat checking her eyes, followed by the stethoscope listening to her heart,

“Well your highness…Do you have any blurry vision?.....throbbing headache?.....sick to your stomach?......any discomfort in your joins or muscles?” The vixen inquiry sitting on the edge of bed as Twilight shook her head no,

“Very good….let me examine this other Alicorn and I’ll be happy to answer any question your highnesses have…..why we wait for third Alicorn to come to so I am check her.” Vixen comment as she went to work examine Princess Cadance like she did to Twilight went she finish she pulls over a chair and sits down on it crossing her legs,

“First of all who are you?” Twilight inquiry

“My name is wolf Knight/ Chief Medic Veronica Sterling….I been charged with taking care of three of you” Veronica answers,

“Were are we?” Cadance inquiry,

“You are a boarded the Wolf defense force NSS CVA Full moon a carrier and the flagship for the WDF expeditionary carrier fleet we are 381 nautical miles from island of New equestria in the open sea.” Veronica answers,

“How did we get here?” Twilight inquiry,

“You four were evac from island of new equestria after the unknown armies start shelling the new equestria alliance position on outskirts of new ponyville.” Veronica explains as Twilight and Cadance faces glazes with shock remember the terrible sound of explodes and ponies scream in pain as the shells hit,

“My…my…my…ponies.” Twilight voice shrill with horror as sickening wave of terror welling up from her belly,

“I am no Princess!….without these wings!….I just a unicorn!” Twilight voice becomes high and hysterical as she begins trying to rip her wings off her back by tearing the feathers out.

Quickly Cadance jumps out of the bed and puts Twilight into a bear hug to keep her from hurting herself as Veronica sticks a med-gun into twilight’s neck, pulling the trigger sent the medicine into her body, Slowly her eyes start to close and she stop fighting,

“I think it will be best…to keep her asleep for now….but it your call your highness…I am only asking because you happen to have her same last name of Sparkle.” Veronica explains look at Princess Cadance thinking,

“Yes, I am her sister-in-law….what every you think is best doctor for twilight….is there anything else we can do for her….. I don’t want to keep drugging her?” Cadance inquiry worried,

“Well aboard ship right now is wonderful Counselor by the name of Archangel Knight/ binary Knight Goldie Sterling….she trained psychologist…she works with all kinds of morphs in the WDF and civilian level….Twilight can talk to her for as long as she wants… my professional opinion I don’t think it normal for a Alicorn to try to tear her own wings off her back…..but that just my opinion I don’t work with any Alicorn back home.” Veronica comment,

“For you not knowing about Alicorns….you are right it is not normal for Alicorn to tear her own wings off…..but Twilight is brand new Alicorn….I been an Alicorn for some time now and my aunts were born Alicorns… please could sent of Miss Sterling….so twilight can talk to her and by the way is there anywhere I can get a bite to eat?” Cadance inquiry as her stomach growls,

“The ship has a cafeteria….I hope you have strong stomach your highness.” Veronica Joking as Cadance double over with laughter something she needed to do to cheer herself up,

As Cadance and Veronica left the medical bay on their way to the cafeteria Empress Celestia Silverlight purple-pink eyes open up and she sits up. She swings her legs off the bed, stands up and walks over to Twilight’s bed. She been awake for a while faking that she still unconscious till she could figure out where she was. So she witness Twilight trying to tears her own wings off her back which hurt her greatly because she one that transform her into Alicorn.

“I am so…so….so sorry…my faithful student….Justice was right….all along I rush you to soon into ruling your own land….I was fool….Damn it now this war not only will cost you your ponies…..but your heart and mind as well (you could never go back to who you were that very friendly unicorn that I cared for)…..I am the only one to blam for this.” Celestia dissolve into tears as her legs give out, holding Twilight’s hand tightly in her.

July 1 2035 a few minutes after 1200 hrs new Sirius standard time- NSS CVA Full moon central communication block.

The NSS CVA full moon’s central communication block is located in the middle section of command tower on the flighty desk of carrier. It small heavily armored area with computer terminals and monitor screen manned by four communication operators at all times. Sitting in front of her computer terminal monitoring her communication station was tan colored doe a head set sits around her neck as she let out huge yawn. She been working around the clock coving two other doe’s shifts and has yet to go to bed.

“Damn! do I get myself into these things?.......I should have say no to Emma and Martha went they ask me to cover their shift” the doe thought as her eyes become heavy with sleep,

“Huh?” the doe exclaims as she bring her head set up from around her neck and put it back on her ears, quickly she adjusted microphone on her head set and begin to type on her keyboard into her communication terminal,

“What!?” the doe exclaims went she recognize the emergent frequency and begin typing faster on her terminal, she quickly records the broadcast onto a crystal date cube and eject it from her system, tears the head set off and runs out of the room with the crystal date cube tightly in her hand down the stairs to the operation commander’s living quarters on the first floor of the command tower.

In the operation commander’s living quarters pouring over the best map the WDF has of the island of New Equestria was model-gorgeous she-wolf morph in her late forties with shoulder length sepia colored hair and lentil shaped sky blue eyes. Her 6ft even very athletic sepia colored pelt was encased in black nano-suit and on her fore-arms was a mini-computer vambrace and normal vambrace, a sepia colored torpedo-shaped tail stuck out the back, why a pair of black knee-high boots was on her pawed feet. On the collar of the nano-suit was gold wolf head with two gold bars. This she-wolf was Wolf Knight Lady Morgan Sterling the commander of wolf defense force expeditionary carrier fleet and operations commander for operation: Gleaming shield.

“I wish the WDF map of new equestria was more up to date…it hard to plan the operation from this old of map….most of these things is no longer their and until one of the princesses come to I am flying blinded.” Morgan thought slamming her gloved fist on the table on top the map, growling under her breathe at the out of date map,

“But at least this dossier that Keith gave me is helping me know what I am up against….It look like all of the inhabitants of new equestria call himself ponies….most rare of these ponies are Alicorns….there are rulers know as Princesses….only two Alicorns are known to be pure Alicorns…….Princess Celestia: the sun princess and older sister…..Princess Luna: the moon princess and younger sister…..Princess Cadance: the princess of love and princess of the Crystal Empire is the niece of Celestia and Luna (her base was that of Pegasus)….the newest Alicorn is Princess Twilight Sparkle(her base was that of unicorn) after fixing a spell done by a historical figure of equestria past called Star swirl the bearded she became a Alicorn and was crowned a Princess….but this dossier doesn’t tell me why the land of Equestria broke into four lands now.” Morgan reading the dossier on her MCV as there knocks on the door,

“Come In!” Morgan calls as the doe open the door,

“My lady…..I just receive a distress call on the emergent frequency…here a recording of the call” Doe explains handing the crystal date cube to Morgan who put it into her MCV and play it,

This Emperor Justice Silverlight husband of Empress Celestia Silverlight anyone on the emergent frequency that hear my voice myself and seven other are trap on the island of new Equestria we need immediate EVAC. Most of us are badly wounded…we can’t escape without help…..we will be waiting for EVAC……. were it all Started…..come quickly.
“Emperor Justice Silverlight? Is that the last name of that female Alicorn in the Medical Bay?” The Doe comment,

“Yes, Empress Celestia Silverlight and intelligence report say she is married….but I have never met the Empress or Emperor… I can’t confirm if the voice on the recording is her husband or not….But I know someone who can and he should be in the medical bay with Empress Celestia……he befriended Princess Celestia on his mission to Equestria.” Morgan comment leaving her living quarters on her way to lower decks.

In the Medical bay sitting on Celestia’s bed talking to her apologizing for stun her was Keith, he told her that he make a promise to her husband that what every it takes he would get her safely away from the battlefield so she wouldn’t be killed and went a Wolf knight make a promise he will never break it.

At the desk in the Medical bay talking to Veronica was Princess Cadance after talking to Veronica for some time she learned that Veronica is the First cousin to Keith a wolf a surprise to her, after Veronica explained how Sterling clan works a huge grin appeared on Cadance’s face knowing that beyond Equestria the power of love is strong….something she believe in whole heartily.

Sitting on her bed with her arms wrap tightly around her knees trembling was Princess Twilight Sparkle….her organized and analytically mind can’t make senses of what happen to her and her ponies in this war she was forced into by someone else….her insecurities about fitting in has been replace with deep desire to become an outside again with no friends to protected….her desire to impress Celestia is gone…..all she wants now is to awake up from this horrific nightmare and be that young unicorn mare again and not a Alicorn or Princess, tears stream down twilight’s face like a waterfall as her logical way of think fails her.

“Is this first war Princess Twilight has been in…since become a Princess?..... Celestia?” Keith inquiry as Celestia’s lays her legs down next to her as she traces the golden horseshoes upon her hoofs with her finger,

“Yes” Celestia answer sadly,

“How very sad for her…..being crowned a princess and losing all your citizens in war someone else force her into…..what about you Celestia you don’t look fazed about war.” Keith comment as Celestia remove her golden horseshoes from her hoofs and set them on small table next to her bed,

“Between you and me… mother and father were killed in a war went I was very young…so I grown-up very fast to take care of my little sister Luna… war has no effect on me….but poor twilight doesn’t have the heart to face something like this alone without her friends she made….she is loses….but talking about war you don’t seem fazed about war yourself Keith.” Celestia comment as Keith shook his head,

“Before the Wolf defense force and united animal council was founded all my homeland knew was war….clans fought for everything….during that time many clans were killed…but through all of it my clan stay out of clan wars… clan lose many patriarch and matriarch during that time….but we grew stronger each time…..It was not till my Great Grandmother Victoria Sterling say that enough and set to work trying to find a peacefully way to set these clan wars.” Keith explains as Celestia just smiled,

“So we are more alike then I first thought, Keith….we both lived though war and grew stronger because of it…..we both want a peacefully way to stop war….so I am more thankfully that I met you three years ago…..I hope you feel the same way as me, Keith” Celestia comment,

“I do Celestia….but the big question is …..” Keith comment,

“Can twilight grow stronger like us or will war tear her up inside.” Celestia explains as there both look toward Twilight, lost in a depressing of someone else making.

A moment later the double doors into the medical bay are opened by a sepia colored middle-age she-wolf, she scans the room quickly with her sky blue eyes as her face brightens upon spotting Keith sitting on the edge of a bed occupied by white with hint of pink coated mare, her wings are folded on her back, a gold tiara sits behind her horn on top her head and pair of gold horseshoes sat on the table next to the bed. Around her neck was small gold collar with purple gem stone in middle.

“That mare must be…Empress Celestia Silverlight the friendly Alicorn Keith befriended in Equestria went he was sent for a recon mission by the United Animal Council….She doesn’t look anything special…except for the pair of wings on her back and horn in the middle of her head…she just look like a normal white mare…..huh… Keith spoke of her I expect a goddess or something….huh.” Morgan thought rolling her eyes as she approaches the two of them,

“Greeting commander…..What can I do for you?” Keith inquiry salute her as Celestia sat quietly,

“I need both your help” Morgan regard critically, that was quickly pick-up on by Celestia directed toward her and not Keith…Celestia bush the comment off herself, ignore the unfriendly she-wolf for Keith sake,

“How can I help?” Celestia inquiry as Keith shook his head,

“We receive this distress call….I am hoping one of you two can identify the voice on it.” Morgan explains as she turns on the recording as Celestia and Keith listen closely to it, Celestia’s face become flush with happiness as she wipes away a tear from her cheek with her finger hearing her husband Justice’s voice on the recording knowing he still alive,
“That my husband’s voice…I know it anywhere…Justice is still alive…Twilight….Cadance….come listen….” Celestia calling as both twilight and Cadance join them to listen to the recording. Cadance and twilight hearts soars upon hearing that seven other are with Justice,

“Thank Celestia….Shining Armor might still be alive…..Because I have some serious talk to do with him about having someone stun me.” Cadance bitter but happy,

“I am so happy….my friends are still alive…but as of right now, I can’t face them…not as their friend or princess….my mind is not the way I wanted it….I don’t think it will ever be right again…my heart feel the same way…..I have to leave from New Equestria my home for sometime till my mind is back to normal or close to it….I can’t rule my ponies like this a broken Princess and Alicorn…..Dr. Goldie Sterling say she had a clinic in New Sirius that can help me….went my friends are safely on this ship….I’ll inform them that I am giving up the throne to New Equestria till I am fix and appointing one of them to rule in my place….I am sorry my mentor” Twilight thought depressed as Twilight’s skin grows clammy and begin to tears up,

July 1 2035 1700 hrs new Sirius standard time the officer’s living quarters aboard the Flagship NSS CVA Full moon

Sitting on a chair next to a table in the dim lit living room of the officer’s living quarters aboard NSS CVA Full moon waiting wearing rose pink slightly below the knee dress without her golden horseshoes on her hoofs was Princess Twilight Sparkle her eyes bloodshot from crying as she look at her faded gold tiara once her pride now sits on the table next to her a physical manifest of her trouble state of mind. Her wings remain folded tightly against her back; a small suitcase sits next to the chair.

“The helicopter is fueled and ready to lift off went you are ready your highness.” A young wolf pilot comments opening the door to inform her,

“Gallant….how long is the trip?” Twilight inquiry

“It will take about 5 hours to arrive in New Sirius, after two mid-airs refueling.” The gallant answers,

“Thank you Gallant…I’ll be along soon….I have one more thing to do before I leave.” Twilight comment,

“Yes, your highness…I’ll be waiting for you.” The gallant comment as he closes the door and heads to the helicopter to get it ready to take off,

A moment later their a second knock on the door of living quarters, this time the door was opened by Rarity wearing a very fashionable orchid colored military style skirt uniform of New equestria military officer.

“You sent for me….Twilight?” Rarity ask bowing to her princess and ruler,

“I did Rarity…I have something to ask you to do for me….why I am trying to heal my mind.” Twilight explain using her magic to float her gold tiara onto Rarity’s head behind her horn,

“I want you to rule in my place as the Princess of New Equestria….till I can once again rule my ponies as proper Princess of Equestria.” Twilight explains slowly pick up her suitcase from next to her chair as Rarity stand as if shot and waiting to fall,
“But Twilight!....I can’t rule in your place….I am not, an Alicorn and only Alicorn can be princesses in Equestria….I am just a unicorn…a very gorgeous unicorn if I say so myself ….but not a Alicorn and not a princess” Rarity exclaims using her magic to float the gold tiara back to twilight,

“Please Rarity….do this for me as a friend…it hard enough to leave my friends and all my ponies went there need their princess the most…..but till I can think clearly again….this Princess is no use to anyone…..not even herself.” Twilight voice a lifeless monotone as she walk up to Rarity,

“All right….I’ll do it Twilight…..I’ll be the princess….but I want you to get your head on straight and come back or I might not give you back your tiara went you are well… look so striking in my royal purple mane….do you think? (Tapping her mane with her hand)” Rarity comment joking as she hugs Twilight and wish her a speedy recover.

On the flight deck of NSS CVA Full moon a light gray 57 ft long sea-wolf helicopter sits the main propeller slowly begins to warm-up, on the side of the helicopter was painted a gold wolf head the mark of the Wolf Defense Force. Twilight stands flabbergasted as she exit onto the Flight deck a straight line of various morphs wearing dress uniform leads her toward the helicopter as she passes the solders salute her and say “Princess”…Twilight begins to tear up again she has barely met these solders sent to help save New Equestria and there are showing her all the respect of her station.

At the end of the line standing next to the helicopter were Twilight friends wearing the same very fashionable orchid colored military style skirt uniform of new equestria military members, she hugs each of them in turn.

“Your highness” A voice says behind her, twilight turn around standing behind her wearing the full dress uniform was Keith…offering his dress gloved hand to her,

“Thank you Sky knight Sterling” twilight comment taking hold of his gloved hand and allows him to lead her to side door with the staircase leading into the helicopter, her bare hoofs click metallically on the steel deck as their approach the helicopter,

“Twilight wait!” A voice calls from behind her, Twilight looks over her shoulder and see Spike running toward her carrying an overstuff suitcase with him,

“Sir Knight” Twilight politely as Keith lets her hand go and step back, putting his arms behind his back,

“Yes, Spike?” Twilight comment as Spike catches his breath,

“Your every faithfully assistant Spike….is going along, princess.” Spike exclaim setting his suitcase down in front of him as a downcast Twilight look toward Keith who shook his head no, tell her he had nothing to do with this,

“I am sorry Spike…..but you can’t come along this time…..Where I am going is no place for a young dragon like you to be going…..this something I have to do on my own….please understand Spike.” Twilight explains heartbroken at leaving Spike behind,

“No mother!..... I don’t understand…You will not leave me behind…I am going if you like it or not.” Spike stubbornly as Twilight once again start to cry,

“Son please…don’t make me do this….I love you so much… hurt so much to do it…but…” Twilight dissolve into tears,
“I hate you spike!....I never want to be your mother!.....I never want a son!....You were a test for me and that all!…..a simple test!...That I fail!....You are a fail test!.....A test I can never retake or try again!.....So good bye!” Twilight voice thick with insinuation as her weak heart broke even more inside her chest

“A fail test” Spike voice cracking as Twilight quicken her pace surprise Keith who is to be her escort till she arrive at the clinic in new Sirius, at which time he may go on R&R for a week till he return to duty.

Inside the passenger compartment of the Sea-wolf helicopter en route to a helipad on the coast of the New Sirius, Twilight sits her face etched with sorrow after telling Spike she didn’t want him as her son which broke her heart even more.

“Princess?” Keith say,

“Call me Twilight, Sir Knight….I don’t feel much like a Princess right now…not after what I did.” Twilight comment sadly,

“Twilight?….did you care for that dragon at all?” Keith inquiry as twilight breath catches in her throat,

“How insulting!.....I thought knights are honorable….I guess you are not a knight…if you were…. you wouldn’t have asked a Princess that kind of question!” Twilight indignantly as Keith yawn,

“You did answer my question, Princess….did you love him?” Keith inquiry,

“I’ll answer your question….just that I don’t have to talk to you again….Yes, I love him very much….like any mother would love her son.” Twilight exclaimed,

“Then why are you so sad about it….if that not the pure love…what is?” Keith comment,

“You did something that hurt you very much…..not out of malicious….but out of love….everything you say hurt…..hurt you most….but you did it because you love him so much……If that not mother’s love then what is.” Keith explains causing Twilight to stop and think for a while, till she unbuckled her seatbelt trotted over to Keith, put her arms around him and kiss him on the cheek…….as snicks came from the cockpit at the front of the helicopter.

“Have you two heard the call name Angel one….I can pretty much make sure you two never fly again….understand…pilots.” Keith threaten as the two pilots went back to flying the helicopter,