> Satan's first strike > by Robert Emerald Fountain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Concern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One evening, 7 weeks into Neighsay's sentence, the doctors at the hospital in Canterlot were examining why he was having pain in his head. They did not understand what they saw, and even Luna did not understand it. He was sent to the Crystal Empire for examination as well, but neither Cadence or Flurry Heart could find out what they saw. So, Celestia called the Lemurian Star for help. "Brandon, we need assistance. Neighsay is having pain in his head, and we do not understand what is showing up on the screen.", said Celestia when she established radio contact with him. "We will be on our way in the morning. We will take care of whatever it is, and make sure he knows why he had it.", Brandon responded to her. They arrived the next morning at the Crystal Empire. They beamed Neighsay onto the ship, and began tests on him to find out what the heck was going on that caused his head problems. However, the tests all came back normal which meant that it was an unnatural cause. Link began to worry that Satan may have been in on this. He told the crew and they got nervous about it too. Colin began to take CT Scans to search further, but the screen did not show anything suspicious. They were beginning to wonder that they would not find anything and that he just had really serious headaches. Then, a story he told them, dictated otherwise. > The report, and the removal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Before I attempted to attack the school, I was awakened by my comrades screaming for help. When I got to them, they were all dead on the floor. There was blood everywhere. Some of their throats had been cut, while others had been stabbed multiple times with a knife. I was suddenly smacked, and I passed out. I was staring straight into his cruel face when I woke up. Then I was grabbed and held down by two of his soldiers. I saw him pull a tiny device from a case, and then my eyes were covered. A foul-tasting piece of leather was shoved in my mouth, and it tasted like mud and acorns. I felt something on my left cheek, and then, agonizing pain in my ear as something went inside me. I passed out again, but I was alone and no longer blindfolded when I woke up. My comrades' bodies were gone, and I began to feel wierd. Since then, I have had agonizing pain in my head, as if something is jammed in there.", Neighsay explained between pained groans. Brandon put the information together, and developed a hypothesis. "Lie down with your left ear up.", Brandon instructed as he got out a curious piece of equipment, and prepared to use it. "What is that thing?", Neighsay asked as he did so, and looked at the device. "Satan has created something called a Neural Bug. It is a tracker that enters your brain and gives whoever planted it, the ability to control your mind. The device that Brandon is getting ready to use, will pull it right out.", Colin explained as he held Neighsay down with seatbelt-like straps. Neighsay became nervous and chattered his teeth when Brandon placed the extractor over his ear, because it felt cold. It felt even wierder as the machine suctioned itself to his skin. Brandon powered the device on, and began to search with the attached x-ray monitor. Colin had him bite down on a silicone mouthguard to cope with pain. "Come on *long pause* Come on.", Brandon said to himself as he searched harder. "It's on the move.", said Link as he noticed bulging under Neighsay's skin. "Captain, you're going to lose it.", Colin said as the bug began to disappear from the screen. "No I'm not.", said Brandon with determination. Then he hollered, "CLEAR!", once the bug was centered in the targeting reticle. A piston went up on the machine and electricity sparked as the machine whirred to life. Neighsay felt the electricity, and it did not feel pleasant. After a moment, Brandon squeezed the trigger, the piston dropped, and the bug was yanked out. As the machine stopped whirring, the bug was ejected into a glass tube, with a bit of blood. Neighsay was relieved when it was over, but he passed out, a minute or two later. > Clash with Satan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "BRIDGE CREW, GET UP HERE NOW!!", Stephen cried. "RADAR SHOWS THE DARKSTAR HEADED THIS WAY!" "What is the Darkstar?", Neighsay asked. "It is the lead ship in Satan's fleet.", Link said. They began to fly towards Canterlot, and armed their weapons for battle. Soon, all of their allies began to get ready. The Darkstar materialized and began to open fire. Flurry Heart put up a shield and the Christians fought back. They boarded personal ships and flew into the action of the fight. Brandon fired an EMP to short out some of the weapons long enough to break the Darkstar's shields. They totaled the main turrets and began to open up the hull. Satan flew out on his ship and demanded a strict talk about why Neighsay was removed from his contact victims. "What is the meaning of this?", he demanded as he showed them the results on his chart computer. The screen showed "Disconnected" next to Neighsay's name. "We could not let him do anything else under your control.", Brandon spat. "Release them, NOW!", Link yelled, referring to Neighsay's comrades. Satan cackled and flew off. Brandon realized they would have to get the comrades out themselves. They began to gear up with every means necessary, and got up before dawn the next morning. They appointed Flurry Heart to come with them, calling it her first field mission. > Infiltrating Satan's base > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neighsay could not come and assist, because after the bug was removed, neural damage was found present, and he had to have surgery. In other words, he was in the hospital, in recovery. One of their other allies, Malladus, who used to work for Satan, but was fired for so many failures, was with them during the infiltration. Malladus knew Satan's tactics, and his security measures. He had always been a huge help when they recruited him. He helped them find the safest entry point and got them in. They found where the comrades were held, and were shocked by what they saw in there. "Can you believe this?", Malladus asked as he looked at the holding cells. The comrades were wearing halos that induced a dreamlike, sleepy state. They were in liquid filled capsules, with breathing tubes down their throats, and wires plugged all over their bodies. They were not moving either, almost as if they were inside a fluid jail. The wires were connected to monitors that showed vital signs. Intravenous lines ran to bags of anesthetics to sedate them if they woke up and tried to get out. Brandon drew a knife and sliced open the membranes on the cells and started pulling the sleeping comrades out. The IV lines were removed and the plugs were yanked out. Alarms went off and they worked quickly to get back on the Lemurian Star. Once onboard, they surgically removed the plug points, and healed the sites with Genesis. Three days later, the papers all over Equestria said: "ERS HQ BACK UP AND RUNNING. RESCUERS BACK ON SCHEDULE.". The Christians were relieved that the mission went flawlessly for the most part. They held a "Welcome Home" party for the comrades when they were awoken from their trance. Neighsay was glad that his helpers were not killed. They continued to do their job, until they would breathe their last.