Sleeping Over, Shrinking Down

by MassDriver

First published

Trixie isn't sure she'll have a good time at Princess Twilight's slumber party... but when a potion spill causes the other attendees to shrink, she finds a way to have some BIG fun.

Trixie still has a hard time accepting gestures of friendship from Twilight Sparkle. At Starlight Glimmer's insistence, she comes along to a weekend-long slumber party with Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, but things are a bit tense...

Thanks to a spilled potion, Twilight's cake becomes infused with magic - and when everyone besides Trixie takes a bite, they suddenly shrink and become impervious to harm. Now Trixie has a trio of unbreakable sex toys, and the weekend is starting to look like a lot more fun...

Contains: Size Difference, Shrinking

Chapter 1

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Trixie Lulamoon knocked, then shuffled her feet nervously on the front step of Friendship Castle, frowning and huffing as she waited for the doors to swing open. She felt a gentle pressure on her wrist: the warm, comforting hand of Starlight Glimmer.

“Are you okay, Trixie?” asked Starlight.

“Trixie is…” she took a breath, forcing herself to be honest. It didn't come naturally. “Trixie is concerned that Twilight may have invited her to this get-together out of… pity.

Starlight patted Trixie’s hand. “Trixie, I know that making friends is a process. And an effort. But Twilight deserves your trust. Believe me, her offer of friendship is genuine.”

“But will she ever trust Trixie? One could hardly blame her for keeping me at arms’ length.”

“Trixie,” said Starlight. “What I did was literally a million times worse than what you did. And Twilight and I are very close.”

“Trixie will do her best,” said Trixie. She turned back to the double doors and waited a moment before speaking again. “Hang on, why are we waiting?” she asked. “Don't you live here?”

Starlight broke into a laugh. “Sorry - when I saw you knock on the door, I thought it would be funny to just wait until you realized…”

She reached for the door’s handle, but just before she could touch it, the door swung inward. Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship, was on the other side - along with an orange unicorn girl that Trixie didn't recognize.

“Hi girls!” said Twilight. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Why did you knock?” said the orange one. “Twilight, didn't you say Starlight lives here?”

Trixie groaned.

“Okay, so this is optional,” said Twilight, hurrying into the room ahead of the other three, “but I couldn't resist.” She rushed from the door to the opposite side of the room, and Trixie let her eyes slowly scan the room as they followed Twilight’s path.

Twilight had set up a cozy little “living room” in the center of the castle - there was a couch, a TV, a coffee table with snacks laid out… and a changing screen that Twilight ducked behind, only to return with several garments of clothing slung over her arm.

“Okay,” said Twilight, “my friend Rarity has been working with a sleepwear brand, and she showed me some of their products and I just couldn't get them out of my head while I was planning our little slumber party!”

“Slumber party?” scoffed Trixie. “Is that what we’re calling this?”

“Oh, hush,” said Twilight playfully. “I never got to do this when I was a filly, and besides - none of us are too old for fun, or for girl talk, or pajamas. And speaking of which -”

She handed out a set of clothes to each of the other girls. Trixie held hers out in front of her - it was a silk pajama top and bottom, in a blue slightly darker than that of her skin, with her cutie mark on both hips and over the left breast. It felt wonderfully soft and smooth - it was probably a finer garment that almost anything Trixie owned. The other girls got a set of pajamas based on their own color schemes, and Twilight kept one for herself.

“Like I said, it's optional,” said Twilight, “but whether you feel like wearing it or not, it's yours to keep.”

“Aw, Twi,” said Sunset, “you don't have to, like give us gifts…”

“Well, I did. It's done,” said Twilight. “Besides, what would I do with them? Put on a set of Sunset Shimmer-patterned pajamas and walk around going ‘Rrrr, I'm Sunset Shimmer, grrr’?”

Sunset laughed. “That is what I sound like,” she agreed.

“Anyway,” said Twilight, “there's a changing screen over there, or you can change in the bathroom across the hall if you prefer.”

“I'll go first,” said Starlight. She began to pull her shirt upwards before she even got behind the changing screen, treating Trixie to a glimpse of midriff. Trixie fought back a blush as she watched her friend disappear behind the screen - she couldn't help but imagine Starlight pulling her shirt over her shoulders, shuffling out of her pants, getting down to nothing more than bra and panties before pulling on her custom pajamas…

Starlight stepped out from behind the screen, twirling to show off her personalized jammies. The fit looked near- perfect, and they showed off Starlight’s pleasing curves better than sleepwear had any right to. Her bust stood prominently beneath the thin silk, and the pajama pants hugged her butt closely.

Starlight motioned Trixie towards the changing screen. “These feel great!” she said. “Go on, try yours on!”

Trixie couldn't say no to that. She went behind the screen and stripped, feeling her face grow hot again as she did so. Stripping down in a room with three other mares was stirring up complex feelings; part of her wanted Starlight to be more than a friend… and while her grudge against Twilight Sparkle still simmered, she couldn't deny the princess was beautiful. If Trixie was honest with herself - which was almost as difficult as being honest with others - then she had to admit that Twilight’s beauty and brilliance were part of why Trixie had become obsessed with her as a rival.

Oh, and Twilight’s other friend, the mare who'd introduced herself as Sunset Shimmer, was pretty hot too. Tall, busty, friendly… seemed like someone Trixie could get along with.

Trixie emerged from the screen, and was greeted by a row of smiling faces. “You look great!” said Twilight. “Does it fit okay? I had to take a few guesses…”

That was a strange thought to contemplate. Twilight Sparkle, speculating about the composition of Trixie’s body and the width of her curves… “Trixie thanks you,” she said. “The pajamas are quite comfortable.”

Her stomach rumbled, and her eyes drifted towards the snack table. “Would it be all right if The Great and Powerful Trixie started on the snacks?” She asked. “I am somewhat peckish.”

“Sure thing!” said Twilight. “Oh, before you have too much, though, I have a cake from Sugarcube Corner I want to share while it's fresh. Let me just change, and I'll grab it from the kitchen.”

“No need,” said Trixie. “Trixie will retrieve the cake.”

“Oh, okay,” said Twilight. “Except… I know you've been in the castle before, but the path between this room and the kitchen is actually a little confusing. That's the thing about castles that magically sprout from crystal seeds… there's really no opportunity to decide on the layout beforehand.”

“Trixie will manage,” said Trixie, and made her exit. She set off to the right, which she hoped was the correct direction.

Her intention, in retrieving the cake, was to do something helpful to demonstrate her thanks for being invited. But she found herself grumbling as she navigated the hallways. “Hmph, poor Twilight Sparkle,” she muttered. “Has to be a princess who everyone loves. Has to live in a big castle that sprouted out of the ground. Who cares if you didn’t get to design the layout? It’s free real estate!”

But after several wrong turns and a lot of backtracking, Trixie had to agree that the path to the kitchen was pretty confusing. In the end, she had to navigate by glancing out of windows, observing the setting sun, and orienting herself towards the part of the castle where she knew the kitchen to be. Once she arrived, it didn’t take long to locate the cake in the fridge.

“Not as big as I thought,” said Trixie, setting the white-frosted dessert on a countertop. “I guess it’s the right size for four people. Hmm, didn’t see any knives in the other room…” She dug through drawers until she found a blunt knife, suitable for a cake, and cut it into four pieces with two long strokes. She looked around for a suitable place to discard the knife - but she realized there was a lot of frosting clinging to it. “Shame to waste this…” She licked the knife clean - up one side, down the other - and set it in the sink.

Damn good cake,” Trixie admitted. It was simple vanilla, but vanilla - done well - is goddamn delicious and everybody knows it. Trixie picked up the sliced cake and headed back towards the living room.

At least she intended to head towards the living room. But she hadn’t kept very good track of the path she’d taken to get to the kitchen, and she soon found herself hopelessly turned around - walking in circles, holding a cake, looking like a proper fool. At least no one was around to see it.

Walking down an unfamiliar hall, Trixie pushed open a door, hoping to find a room she recognized. If she happened to find Starlight Glimmer’s bedroom, or the main hall, she’d at least get an idea of where she was. But it was neither of those places - instead, it was a smallish room lined with glassware and strange tools. Trixie’s magical education wasn’t especially broad, but she recognized an alchemy lab when she saw it.

Her curiosity piqued, she stepped inside, looking for a place to set down the cake. There was an unoccupied corner of a table that looked fine. It was uncomfortably close to a slender vial containing a bright blue fluid, but that would only become a problem if some outside force caused the vial to tip over, and really, what were the odds of that?

Setting down the cake, Trixie looked over the beakers and devices, reading labels, trying to find something she recognized. Lately, she’d been studying magical theory and practice - mostly because Starlight praised her when she demonstrated that she’d learned something new. That felt really good.

But before she could recognize anything, there was a voice from behind her, speaking her name. A gentle voice, but any interruption would have been startling when she assumed she was alone. She whirled around, her long blue ponytail whipping behind her. Her hair whipped hard enough, in fact, that it could have tipped over the slender vial of blue liquid that had been next to the cake she set down. And if the liquid spilled, the spongy cake might have soaked it up, becoming infused with its alchemical properties.

But if such a thing happened, Trixie wouldn’t have seen it. And Twilight Sparkle, standing in the doorway, wouldn’t have seen it either, as Trixie’s body was in the way.

“Twilight!” said Trixie. “You… followed me?”

The accusation seemed to rankle Twilight, but only briefly. “I came looking for you,” she said. “I’m really sorry about the castle, it’s weird. But, uh… I’ve got some delicate experiments in here, and… well, the door should have been locked, that’s my fault…” Twilight laughed nervously. She wore her awkwardness adorably, Trixie was forced to admit. And her purple silk pajamas didn’t look half bad either.

“Trixie would not have touched anything,” said Trixie. She turned to pick up the cake, then followed Twilight out the door.

“Hey, finally!” said Sunset, her eyes following the cake as Trixie sat on the couch and placed the cake on the coffee table. “Twilight’s been talking up Sugarcube Corner since I got here. Come on, serve it up!”

The living room didn’t have a cake-cutting knife, but it did have four plates and four forks. Twilight distributed four slices… then frowned in confusion at the one she gave herself.

“It’s… blue?” said Twilight. The cake was indeed blue - the frosting was still pure white, but the cake itself was a bright, cheerful blue. “It’s supposed to be vanilla.”

“Oh,” said Starlight. “Blueberry, then? Well, it’ll still be good.”

“Yeah, I’m up for a blue-flavored cake,” said Sunset, picking up her plate and fork.

Trixie picked up her plate and regarded her slice. There hadn’t been any blue on the knife she’d used to cut the cake, she recalled - just white frosting and crumbs of white cake. While the other three sank their forks into the blue cake and took a bite, Trixie hesitated.

And that proved to be the correct choice, because Sunset, Starlight, and Twilight put their hands to their chests - and then vanished. Their silk pajamas, instantaneously vacated, fell to the floor in heaps.

Trixie yelped, rearing back in the couch. She set her plate down - wisely - and looked down at the piles of rumpled silk that the girls had left behind. The piles were… moving. And yelling. “Girls?” Trixie offered meekly. “Starlight?”

All at once, the silky piles began to stir - and Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight all dug their way out of their respective pajamas. They were no more than a couple inches tall, and entirely nude. “Holy shit!” said Sunset, looking around herself at the suddenly gigantic room. “Twilight, did you plan out some kind of shrinking adventure for our slumber party? Even I know it’s not cool to use transformation magic on people without their consent…”

“No, I didn’t do this!” said Twilight. “Although… sudden shrinking after consuming food, and…” She slapped herself across the face, hard, making the others flinch. “Diminished pain response. This is exactly the effect of a potion I’ve been tinkering with.”

“Are you accusing Trixie of something?” said Trixie.

“Well, the cake was definitely dosed with that potion,” said Twilight. “If it’s an accident, that’s okay, Trixie.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie made no accident!” Trixie bellowed. “You assume Trixie is accident-prone, simply because she lacks Twilight Sparkle’s royalty… or Starlight Glimmer’s magical brilliance… or… or whatever Sunset Shimmer has.”

“Got a totally bangin’ pussy,” supplied Sunset.

“Okay, it doesn’t matter if it was an accident or not,” said Twilight. “The important thing is that we fix this. Trixie, can you lift us up onto the table?”

“Certainly,” said Trixie. She scooted forward in her seat and lowered her hand to the carpeted floor. The girls climbed onto her outstretched hand, their little hands and feet tickling the sensitive skin of Trixie’s palm.

Trixie felt her heart race, and the hot blood that it pumped soon arrived in her blushing face… and in her womanhood. Trixie had long entertained fantasies of dominance - and throughout her travels, she'd occasionally found partners willing to indulge those fantasies. But this was no fantasy; as she raised the two-inch-tall mares towards the tabletop, feeling the meager weight of their bodies in her palm, she felt real power. These three tiny, beautiful, naked mares were entirely at her mercy.

For the moment, Trixie played it cool and simply set the girls on the table as she'd been asked. “So, Twilight,” said Starlight Glimmer, stepping off Trixie’s hand, “tell us about this potion.”

“Well, the shrinking is actually more of a side effect,” said Twilight. Its primary purpose is to render the subject invulnerable to all forms of harm.”

“Wait,” said Sunset, “invulnerability is great, but why combine it with shrinking?

“It's not very practical, I confess,” said Twilight, “but the hybrid potion is mostly for testing purposes. The ingredients for the invulnerability effect are hard to come by, and combining it with the shrinking effect allows me to create more potion to test with. Plus, there are… potential applications for the combined effect.”

“Just how invulnerable are we talking?” asked Starlight.

“You could stand in a column of dragon fire,” said Twilight, “or let a skyscraper collapse on top of you. Anything more extreme than that, it's a little difficult to test…”

“Well, at least we don't have to worry about getting squashed,” said Starlight. “How long are we stuck like this?”

“That depends on the dosage,” said Twilight. “We each only had as much as a single bite of cake could absorb, so... probably less than a day. But we’ll know more if Trixie can take us to the alchemy lab.”

She looked to Trixie, gazing up at the increasingly worrying expression on her face. Her long blue fingers flexed anxiously, as if she was imagining herself grabbing a two-inch-tall mare. She was looking at the three of them like new toys she was very excited to play with.

Twilight put her hands on her hips, trying to strike an authoritative posture despite her small stature. “Trixie-”

Trixie’s hand shot forward and grabbed Twilight, squeezing her tight. “I think I would prefer you call me The Great and Powerful Trixie.

Twilight squirmed angrily in Trixie’s grip. Trixie wasn’t hurting her - the potion was working as intended - but her fingers were too strong for Twilight to break away from. “Trixie,” she grunted, “I really hope you’re kidding.”

With her other hand, Trixie flicked her finger into Twilight’s face. The impact would normally have been colossal, given their relative size, but thanks to Twilight’s invulnerability it felt like getting hit by an oversized pillow. “It’s the Great and Powerful Trixie,” said Trixie, “And the Great and Powerful Trixie does not take orders from insects. Do you still think yourself a princess, little mare?”

“I’m not ordering you to do anything,” said Twilight, “But I opened my home to you because I thought you had changed. Please don’t tell me my trust was misplaced.”

“Oh, spare me the moralizing, Twilight,” said Trixie. “You just explained that your potion makes you invincible. If it’s impossible for me to hurt you, how can anything I do to you be evil?”

“Well, that’s an interesting quandary,” said Twilight, glowering at the looming face of her captor. “The philosophy of ethics is kind of a dry topic for a slumber party, but I would be more than happy to have that discussion if you would take us to the alchemy lab, Trixie.

“I don’t think so,” said Trixie. “Trixie would prefer to settle the question in a more practical manner. If Trixie can make you enjoy this, then you will have to agree that there is nothing wrong with it.” She opened the hand that held Twilight, but not to release her. Instead, she extended the pinkie of her other hand and pressed it against Twilight’s crotch.

“Ooh, Trixie feels a bit of moisture down there,” she cooed, rubbing her finger up and down. “Could it be that the alicorn princess enjoys being small and powerless? You pitied Trixie, mocked her weakness, and now she holds such power over you. Think upon this fact, Twilight Sparkle. Think upon it and grow wet…

“Mmmh,” mumbled Twilight, squirming beneath Trixie’s invasive finger. “I never… pitied you, Trixie… I’m sorry for making you feel that way...”

“An apology?” scoffed Trixie. “Apologies are exchanged between equals, little thing. What I expect from you is worship. You still haven’t called The Great and Powerful Trixie by her proper title…”

“Not going to,” groaned Twilight. “Don’t want to… encourage this behavior…”

“Twilight Sparkle, you are no fun at all,” said Trixie. “How about you two? You’ve got to be better sports than the prissy princess.” With her magic, she lifted Starlight and Sunset and levitated them into her palm on either side of Twilight. “Starlight, what do you think about all this?”

“I think you should go easy on Twilight, Trixie,” said Starlight Glimmer. “She’s really trying to be nice, you know.”

“Yeah, I mean… this is a fucked up kinda thing to do,” said Sunset. “I was actually kinda stoked to be tiny and naked, but Twilight doesn’t seem like she’s down.”

Trixie fixed her eyes on Twilight - the two-inch-tall princess was writhing helplessly in the palm of her hand, letting out tiny, shuddering gasps as her pussy leaked little drops of fluid onto the tip of Trixie’s pinkie. She looked like she was close - so this seemed like a good time to ask. “What do you say, Twilight?” asked Trixie. “Should The Great and Powerful Trixie… stop?

“No!” shouted Twilight. “No, no, please…” she was groping herself, stroking at her tits, trying to work her body towards climax. Her breasts were tiny little things now, but still wonderfully round and perfectly proportioned. She was the most perfect little doll now, a plaything that moaned and squirmed for Trixie’s pleasure.

“Sorry, princess,” said Trixie, “but your friends seemed to think I should…” She pulled her finger back from Twilight’s pussy, and Twilight gasped as her orgasm was agonizingly denied.

“Nooo…” Twilight moaned, her chest heaving.

“Ah, it pains Trixie’s tender heart to see you suffer like this,” said Trixie. “You will see that Trixie is reformed - for Trixie will grant you mercy. And she will share your pleasure with your more open-minded friends…”

Trixie brought her open palm, and the shrunken mares within it, to her lips. The girls saw her mouth yawn open, displaying straight white teeth - and a wide, flat, slick red tongue. The tongue rolled out from her mouth and settled on the bodies of her toys, covering their thighs, their cunts, their tits.

Trixie felt three distinct tastes leaking from the marehoods of her playthings - each of them only supplied the tiniest drop, the the flavors were delectably rich and musky. She ran her tongue over all of them, stopping to flick her tongue over each tiny slit, attacking each little love button with pummeling force. Now that her other hand was free, she sent it down into the silken depths of her pajama bottoms, where it discovered her aching womanhood.

Once she got a taste of all of them, she focused her attention on Twilight, flicking her tongue against the princess’ pussy with all her strength - it would have been brutal, painful if Twilight hadn’t been magically invulnerable. But the potion protected her, filtering out everything but the pleasure. Her tiny body tensed, her pussy throbbed, and she came.

Trixie lowered her hand, letting Twilight ride out her climax as the other two sighed in disappointment. “Damn, Trix,” said Sunset, “Don’t leave me and Glimmer hanging.”

Trixie scoffed. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is benevolent, but she is not running a charity. It is Trixie’s turn to be serviced, small ones.” She withdrew her fingers from her pajama bottoms and held them above the three mares in her hand, letting the fluid clinging to her skin gather into droplets that dangled from her fingertips.

“Please Trixie,” said Trixie, “and you may have the privilege of… communion with her divine marehood. For now, let its fragrance fill your tenses and ignite your passions.” She let a drop fall from her fingertip, land on Twilight’s breasts, and splash the other two.

Sunset, finding some of Trixie’s wetness on her face, licked up the warm, musky fluid and let it linger on your tongue. “Anything for you, Great and Powerful Trixie,” she said, giving Trixie a sultry smile.

“I think you’re being ridiculous,” said Starlight, “But I’m in the mood for a wild night… O Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“You really… should not be encouraging her,” muttered Twilight, still breathing heavily as she recovered from her climax.

“Easy for you to say,” said Starlight. “You already came.”

“Yeah, let the rest of us have some shrunken fun,” said Sunset. “I want The Great and Powerful Trixie to smother me with her tits and anoint me with her pussy juice, but if you’re not into it, I’m sure there’s a corner you can go sit in.”

“Face it, Twilight, this is where the party is,” said Starlight. “You can submit to The Great and Powerful Trixie, or you can be the odd mare out at your own slumber party.”

“You two are hopeless,” groaned Twilight.

“Worry not, Twilight,” said Trixie, “You will not be left out. You are invited to the joyous celebration that is Trixie’s body… even if you are only invited out of pity.

Trixie turned her body sideways, laying across the full length of the couch, and dropped the girls onto her trim belly. They attempted to rise to their feet - but the soft silk of her pajamas was a difficult surface to get one’s footing on. “All right, little ones,” said Trixie, “before you stands the flawless bosom of The Great and Powerful Trixie. Ascend my tits and you will be rewarded.”

Starlight Glimmer, on her hands and knees, crawled towards Trixie’s breasts. Sunset went after her, scrambling to catch up. Twilight, with a heavy sigh, finally managed to get to her feet - and she walked at a lethargic pace to Trixie’s mounds.

“Come on, little princess, catch up!” said Trixie, using a cupped hand to shove Twilight closer to her tits. “Your friends will become Trixie’s favorites if you do not show the proper enthusiasm! I may not be able to hurt you, but I can think of some consequences you may not enjoy...”

This threat, however vague, was enough to get Twilight moving. She and the others started to climb up Trixie’s left breast - but it was hard going at first. The fine silk was as difficult to climb as it was to walk on, and each of them found handfuls of material slipping out of their hands, sending them tumbling back to square one.

But soon - too soon, for Trixie’s taste - they began to work their way up the curve of her tits. She didn’t want her “game” to end so quickly, not when those tiny grasping hands and little climbing feet felt so good on her sensitive skin. She materialized magical fingers inside her pajama bottoms and stroked her slit, and her body began to quiver with the quickening arousal.

Trixie’s shaking tits turned a challenging time into a downright hostile one. Her body was bucking, shaking off the tiny, naked mares who were struggling to ascend it. “Hurry up, girls,” she groaned, grinning down at the three tiny aspirants. “You are Trixie’s toys, and Trixie wishes to be entertained!”

“Oh, Great and Powerful Trixie, I am yours,” cried Sunset. “Use me, use me up and toss me aside…”

“You are being ridiculous, Sunset,” growled Twilight. “Indulging Trixie is sending entirely the wrong message…” She pushed off from the side of Trixie’s breast and flapped her wings, easily ascending until she landed astride her nipple. “Okay, look, Trixie,” she said, “I understand if-”

Cheater!” cried Trixie. “Using your wings? Such unsporting conduct! Girls, punish this miscreant!”

Twilight felt a hand close around both of her ankles, and she was yanked backwards. As she toppled from Trixie’s breast, she saw Starlight and Sunset grinning at her. Twilight scowled - and then yelped as she bounced off of Trixie’s tummy. The impact wouldn’t have hurt her, even she hadn’t been magically invincible, but it did cost her the lead in the boob-climbing race. The other two girls made it to the top, both of them raising their hands triumphantly.

“Hmm, too close to call,” said Trixie. “Trixie supposes you are both the winners. Very well, Trixie will dole out the rewards and punishments now…” She picked up all three of them at once with her magic. She brought Twilight up to her face, meeting the princess’ disapproving scowl with her own toothy grin. Then she dropped her into her pajama top, nestling Twilight between her breasts.

“As for you two...” said Trixie, turning her attention to Starlight and Sunset. She rolled over, lying face-down on the couch - and slipped each of the two girls beneath her nipples. With all three girls pinned by her tits, she rested her weight on her chest and squeezed her breasts together.

“Trixie knows what you are thinking,” said Trixie. “There seems to be very little difference between the reward and punishment Trixie is administering. Well, there is a very good reason for that, tiny ones.” She pushed the magical fingers deeper into her pussy, probing her wet folds. “You see, The Great and Powerful Trixie is… very fickle, and never had any intention of treating her toys fairly.

She rocked her body back and forth, rolling the flesh of her tits over Sunset and Starlight - who, for their part, seemed to be having a blast. They pumped their hips against Trixie’s breasts, stimulating themselves as they teased Trixie’s nipples. Their motions felt worshipful, totally subservient, devoted to Trixie’s pleasure.

But even more stimulation was the angry thrashing of Twilight Sparkle, held tight between Trixie’s tits. She was earnestly trying to escape now, fighting with all her strength - and to overpower her, all Trixie had to do was hold her tits together. That knowledge sent flares of arousal through her cunt. Having Twilight Sparkle at her mercy had been an obsession ever since Trixie’s first humiliation at her hands, and neither time nor reformation had diminished the strength of that fantasy. Of course, the fantasy had evolved over time: first she’d imagined putting Twilight in stocks… then in handcuffs… and then in furry handcuffs and latex. But this form of domination - reducing Twilight to a nearly insectoid size and holding her captive between her tits - was more intoxicating than anything she’d imagined.

“Mmm, Trixie loves her toys,” moaned Trixie. “Trixie loves to play with her toys… Trixie loves how they squirm… how they’re small enough to fit just about anywhere… and they love to play all sorts of fun games…” She slipped her hand down between her tits, pressing down on Twilight’s squirming form. “And most of all, they love being Trixie’s toys… They never think about anything besides helping The Great and Powerful Trixie have… earth-shaking orgasms…”

She felt her pussy throbbing around the magical fingers within its folds, and she sped them up, vibrating them against her clit as her climax built. Her body jerked, and she bit her lip, stifling a moan that soon grew to powerful to contain. She cried out, squeezing Twilight in her fingers as her body shook. Wetness spilled over the fine silk of her pajama bottoms, and her writhing body kneaded the flesh of her tits against Sunset and Starlight’s tiny, trapped bodies.

Panting and red-faced, Trixie lifted Twilight from within her cleavage and gave her a gloating smile. “You know,” said Twilight, “when the potion wears off, you will have to face the three of us and answer for how you’ve treated us.”

What potion?” said Trixie, feigning confusion. “Why, Twilight, you’ve always been The Great and Powerful Trixie’s cute little plaything, and you always will be! There’s no ‘shrinking potion’ that’s going to ‘wear off.’”

“Okay,” said Twilight, not appearing to be amused, “I didn’t even say it was a shrinking potion, so you obviously know what I’m talking about. I mean, it wasn’t a very persuasive attempt at gaslighting to begin with, but I’m just saying, it had logical inconsistencies of top of that.”

“Sweet Celestia, you are no fun at all,” said Trixie. She lifted her body and looked down at Sunset and Starlight. “Girls, surely you agree that the three of you have always been Trixie’s toys, and that Twilight’s memories of being a full-sized alicorn princess are nothing but a fanciful delusion.”

“Oh, for sure, Great and Powerful Trixie,” said Sunset. “We’ve been your faithful little sex dolls our whole lives.”

“Yeah, I’m ‘yes-anding’ this too,” said Starlight. “Totally on board.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” said Trixie. “Now you’re going to help Trixie with one more thing…” her eyes scanned the table, looking for specific shapes among its snack bowls. The television’s remote control seemed to be what she was looking for - she picked it up and then levitated all three little mares at once, pressing their bodies against its surface. The “handle’ of the remote - a section without buttons - was rounded, smooth, phallic - and it was this section that she pressed their bodies against.

“Your little bodies are so easy to play with,” said Trixie. “If I wanted you to touch yourselves, it only takes the tiniest bit of magic to bring your little hands down into your pussies…” All at the same time, Trixie’s magic yanked their hands down to their crotches, and they felt their own fingers penetrating their folds. “We shall come together, all four of us,” said Trixie. She rolled over, lying face-up on the couch, and pulled down her pajama bottoms.

“Trixie is so wet,” said Trixie. “You will nearly drown in her fluid, little ones…” The girls saw Trixie’s cunt drawing closer, looming large - its musk was all-encompassing at this distance, and even Twilight, in spite of herself, felt her fingers begin to flick against her own womanhood as the fragrance intoxicated her.

Trixie groaned, rolling her head back, as the remote penetrated her pussy lips. The girls felt her slick folds swallowing up their feet, coating them in warm fluid up to their ankles… then their knees… and then they were waist-deep inside Trixie, fingering themselves as Trixie’s fluids mingled with theirs.

Squirm for me, girls,” moaned Trixie. “Writhe and twist within me, stroke my walls, feel my heat…” She thrust the remote deeper, carrying the girls with it, submerging them completely in her pussy. They squirmed inside her, kicking at the walls of her pussy; depending on the temperament of each mare, the kicks might have been an expression of arousal or of defiance, but it was all the same to Trixie. At their size, the little mares could do nothing but pleasure her.

Trixie began to thrust the remote in and out of herself. Each thrust sunk the two-inch-tall mares into her pussy at a speed that, to them, was breathtaking. For Starlight, Sunset, and Twilight, being thrust into Trixie’s pussy was like riding a rollercoaster, with stomach-dropping ups and downs every second - and all the while, they were touching themselves, their hands glued to their pussies by Trixie’s magic.

And Trixie was getting herself close, thrusting harder and faster as the growing sensation of climax spread out from her core. “Mmmh, fuck…” she grunted… “You girls better be close… because Trixie is… very… fucking… close...

Trixie came, and she thrust the remote into herself as far as it would go. Her walls clenched in orgasm, constricting rhythmically around the three shrunken mares. The strength of her pussy’s walls would have been crushing, had the girls not been magically invincible - but instead it was simply overwhelming. Walls of slick flesh closed in on them, covering them in musk and heat, driving each of them past their limit. Deep in the caverns of Trixie’s cunt, they cried out in bliss as they writhed inside her.

Trixie eased the remote out of herself - but that’s about all she had energy for. Her arm flopped over the edge of the couch, dangling the remote over the carpet. Her magic faltered, and Starlight, Trixie, and Sunset fell to the carpet. From above, there was the sound of heavy, peaceful breaths. Trixie was asleep.

Twilight, her mane and tail sodden with Trixie’s fluids, cast a withering glare between Sunset and Starlight. “I cannot believe you two,” she said.

“Aw, come on,” said Starlight. “It was fun! And it can be more fun, if you’ll hear out my idea…”

Trixie was startled awake by the sensation of magical shackles simultaneously closing around her wrists, ankles, and neck - although she was far too disoriented to correctly identify what was happening. As her eyes snapped open, all she saw was the cruel smiles on the faces of Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight. They were above her, she couldn’t help but notice. They were back at their normal size.

When she opened her mouth to speak, Starlight’s hand shoved something blue into her mouth - and Sunset held Trixie’s nose, leaving her no option but to swallow what they were feeding her. On the one hand, it was delicious - a sweet and moist vanilla confection - but on the other hand, its azure hue made it quite obvious that it was no ordinary vanilla cake.

She swallowed every bite of the slice they gave her, every crumb and speck of frosting - and then, after a brief sensation of falling, she found herself buried in blue, silky darkness. She threw out her arms, trying to navigate the folds of her pajamas, but her friends did the job for her. Twilight yanked away the pajama top Trixie was stranded in, and she fell onto the couch cushions. Now, when Trixie stared skyward, the cruel smiles of her friends were very, very far above her.

“So that dosage should keep her tiny all day long?” asked Sunset.

“Yes, I’m certain of it,” said Twilight. “And as the slumber party’s host - and as the party most aggrieved by Trixie’s behavior - I’d like to have the first crack at her.”

“Sounds fair to me,” said Starlight. “Whatever you do with her, I’ll just have to come up with something even more wild…”

“N-now see here,” stammered Trixie, “The Great and Powerful Trixie will not be-”

“Oh, I think that title suits you even more poorly than usual,” said Twilight, reaching down to grab the shrunken mare.

Chapter 2

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“You must be quite pleased with yourself,” muttered Trixie, making herself comfortable in Twilight’s palm. “You finally have Trixie at your mercy, and you can take your revenge for her various misdeeds in any way you please. You can finally express the contempt you’ve had for Trixie since the first time you met her.”

Twilight, making her way barefoot down the castle’s halls, looked down at Trixie with a bemused expression. “Are you under the impression that this is the first time I’ve had you at my mercy, Trixie? I’m a mighty alicorn, brimming with magical power, and you walked right into my castle. You’ve been at my mercy since the second you stepped through the door.”

“Well, I suppose-”

“Not to mention the incident with the Alicorn Amulet. Once you took that thing off, you were powerless and surrounded by people who you’d spent several days abusing. Who would have stopped me if I’d decided to haul you down to my lab and strap you to a table?”

“You did not have a lab in your library, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I did, actually!” said Twilight. “The Golden Oaks Library had a giant basement, and I set up a lab there. It’s all gone now, though!” She stopped at a door that Trixie might have recognized, if she were still at her full size. It was the lab Trixie had wandered into the night before, the one where she’d spilled Twilight’s potion into the cake. Once Twilight pushed open the door and set Trixie down on a table full of stopped-up vials and flasks, though, Trixie realized where she was.

“I don’t suppose you’ve brought Trixie here to give her the antidote to the shrinking potion,” said Trixie.

“The antidote is time, Trixie, as you’ve seen,” said Twilight. “I didn’t make an antidote, partly because I hadn’t planned on using the potion you wasted anytime soon. Do you know what was in that potion, by the way?”

“No, but Trixie suspects you’re going to tell her.” said Trixie. “Is it some ingredient worth ten times as much money as Trixie has seen in her entire life?”

“Well, that depends on the quantity, I suppose,” said Twilight. “But a few pounds of dried dragonroot would cost more than most working ponies make in a year. That potion had a little pinch of it.”

“Trixie supposes she is sorry for wasting it,” said Trixie.

“By the way... “ Twilight leaned down over the table, her face looming above Trixie. “That was an accident, wasn’t it, Trixie? You didn’t dose the cake on purpose, did you?”

“You really think Trixie would do something like that?”

“Well, I’m not sure,” said Twilight. She jabbed a finger at Trixie, pinning the miniaturized mare against the table. The force of her jabbing finger would have been enough to crush Trixie flat, if not for the potion that made her impervious to harm. “Sometimes I suspect I’m not the best judge of character, Trixie. Sometimes too trusting, sometimes not enough… What I do know is that you didn’t take a bite of your cake. That behavior is, shall we say, consistent with what I would expect of a mare who knew something was wrong it it.”

Trixie struggled underneath Twilight’s fingertip. “Trixie would not do something so reckless as to dose you with a randomly selected potion!” She protested. “Even if I hated you enough to do it, surely you don’t think I would do that to Starlight?”

“No, I don’t think you would,” said Twilight. She moved her finger down Trixie’s tiny body, until it rested on her crotch. “It doesn’t make sense unless you knew the potion was harmless… and you couldn’t know that unless Starlight told you what sort of tests I was doing…”

Twilight twisted her finger, grinding the tip into Trixie’s crotch. The shrunken mare was impervious to harm, but not impervious to pleasure… and so the pressure on Trixie’s vulva began to make her pussy slick.

“...But I didn’t tell Starlight what sort of experiments I was planning,” continued Twilight, ignoring the squirms of the little pony she was tormenting, “So the only way she could know what sort of potion I was making… is if she came into the lab, took a sample, analyzed it…” Twilight paused, her brow furrowing in thought. “Okay, on reflection, it’s pretty unlikely that you did this on purpose. But you still deserve a punishment for the way you took advantage of us…”

Twilight lifted her finger and picked Trixie up in her magical aura, levitating her to another table and laying her atop a small metal tray with raised edges. She felt magic pulling at her wrists and ankles, holding them against the surface beneath her. The metal was chilly; cold, Trixie discovered, was another thing she wasn’t impervious to. She shivered as the chill hit her skin, feeling goosebumps rising on her flesh. “What sort of lab equipment is this?” she asked, knocking on the metal tray with her fist.

“Well, before I answer,” said Twilight, “I want you to keep in mind that you’re currently invincible, and that I’m generally not prone to violence when dealing with ponies who have wronged me. And even if I was, it’s not-”

“What exactly are you building up to?” asked Trixie impatiently. She struggled, but found that she couldn’t move her arms or legs.

“You’re on a dissection tray,” said Twilight. “I was trying to preface that information by reassuring you that I don’t intend to dissect you.”

“You’re just awful at intimidation, Twilight,” said Trixie. “If you want to dominate me, you need to frighten me. You could have at least tried to convince me that I was in real danger. Take it from a seasoned performer, Twilight; you need to know how to set a mood.

Twilight turned her back on Trixie. “I’m not going to take advice on showmanship from you,” she said. “I mean, you’re not even the real Trixie Lulamoon. You’re just a Trixie clone I cooked up to do my fucked-up experiments on.”

Trixie sat up in the dissection tray. “W-what?”

“You’re not even the first one,” said Twilight, her back still turned. “You’re… the thirty-third, I think? All those little Trixies, all thinking they’re the original, right up until the end… sad, really…”

“Twilight,” stammered Trixie, “What are you-”

Twilight spun around and leaned down over Trixie, putting her giant grinning face just an inch away from Trixie’s cowering body. “Frightened yet?” she said. “Did I set the mood well enough for your tastes?”

Trixie yelped, covering her face, and when she peeked through her fingers she saw Twilight chuckling at her fear. “Now that you’re properly intimidated,” said Twilight, “Let’s get started.”

“So… you were just joking,” said Trixie.

“Of course I was joking, Test Subject T-33,” said Twilight. “I mean… ‘Trixie.’” Twilight made quotation marks with one set of fingers; the other hand held a thin metal rod. “Do you know what this is for?” she said, waving it in Trixie’s face.

“No, Trixie does not-”

Twilight thrust the metal rod into Trixie’s pussy, and the cold metal made the shrunken mare gasp and shudder as it penetrated her. Twilight was being rough with her, trusting that the potion protected her from harm; she thrust the metal rod deep inside Trixie, and she pumped it in and out with little motions of her fingers.

“This is fun already,” said Twilight. “I’m still angry at you for taking advantage of us, but believe me - I understand how much fun it is to have another pony completely at your mercy.” She lifted the rod slightly, using it to draw circles around Trixie’s tiny clit. “You’re so small, Trixie,” she said, with a slightly cruel smile. “Do you feel small? Or do I just look really, really big?

“Mmm… do not quiz Trixie…” mumbled Trixie, “...while you are touching her pussy…” She squirmed on the tray, as much as her magical restraints would allow. Assaulted with this kind of stimulation, she normally would have tried to cross her legs or grope her own tits… but all she could do was writhe feebly, pinned down by Twilight’s indomitable magic.

“I’ll bet you do feel small,” said Twilight. “Even when you’re not shrunk, I bet just looking at me makes you feel teeny tiny. Princess Twilight Sparkle, always handing you your ass and then taking pity on you… Just thinking about me makes you feel like a little speck, doesn’t it, Trixie? And that’s a feeling The Great and Powerful Trixie just can’t handle. ”

“It’s quite clear,” grunted Trixie, “That you enjoy making Trixie feel that way…” Not being able to move was torture; all she could do was thrust her hips, letting the rod go deeper inside her, hoping to get herself off quicker.

“I haven’t been trying to make you feel small,” said Twilight. “Not before now, anyway. But I give up! You imagine me to be some sort of nemesis, so I’m going to give you what you clearly want. I’m going to torment you, keep you helpless until your tiny, feeble little body squirms and quivers and cums… maybe then you’ll like me, Trixie. Maybe you’ll even worship me.”

“I will not-” gasped Trixie - but Twilight didn’t seem to be listening. Her fingers let go of the metal rod just as her magic aura took hold of it - and her magic was moving the implement with exceptional precision. Its movements became mathematically perfect, executing flawless circles around her almost microscopic clit and rubbing quick, powerful rhythms against her g-spot.

Trixie moaned in absolute despair. Twilight Sparkle’s intelligence and analytical mind had once again granted the princess an absolute victory over Trixie. She was so good at this, so impossibly, infuriatingly good at this. Nerds weren’t supposed to be good at sex! They were supposed to be fumbling and awkward. But Twilight - her colossal purple tits dangling overhead, casting a deep shadow over the table - approached pleasure more like a science than an art. Trixie’s shudders of pleasure and helpless gasps were just more data for the ingenious princess to absorb… and the more she knew, the more refined her technique became. With the tiniest flicks of the metal wand, she had Trixie teetering on the edge of climax, struggling vainly against her magical restraints.

Trixie would do anything to be allowed to cum. Just moments earlier, Trixie had been incensed at Twilight’s suggestion that Trixie would worship her… but if Twilight demanded worship now, Trixie wasn’t sure she’d be able to stop herself. She’d never needed anything as badly as she needed this climax…

And then Twilight let Trixie cum. No worship, no begging, Twilight just gave it to her. And as pleasure coursed through her body, shooting outward from her throbbing cunt, she stared upward at Twilight Sparkle’s smiling face. Trixie’s climax came as such a relief, such a blessed respite from the unbearable tension in her pussy, that Twilight suddenly looked beautiful to her. She saw Twilight as a towering, benevolent goddess, granting tiny little Trixie the biggest orgasm of her life.

Panting, Trixie fell back against the metal tray. Her slick pussy, overflowing with fluid, clenched with orgasmic aftershocks, sending bursts of pleasure through her extremities. Red-faced, gasping, Trixie felt herself settle into the afterglow… but when she looked up at Twilight, the princess didn’t seem to be enjoying herself nearly as much.

“You know, I was really going to make you wait,” said Twilight. “I was gonna do the whole orgasm denial thing, see if I could make you beg… But you know what?” She lifted the metal rod out of Trixie’s pussy and twirled it with her magical aura. “It’s not as much fun as I was expecting. I’m so focused on your pleasure, I didn’t really bother doing anything for myself. I mean, you’re the tiny little captive and I’m the all-powerful giant princess. If anyone should be having a good time, it’s me.”

Twilight put a finger to her chin. “Actually,” she said, “I do have a spell that’ll help me have some fun… and it actually might help the two of us understand each other a little bit better.” She cast a spell on Trixie, surrounding her body in a tingly purple aura.

“I don’t feel any different,” said Trixie. She tugged at her restraints - still firm, still unbreakable. “What did you do?”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Twilight, magically lowering the thin metal rod back onto Trixie’s pussy. “All you have to do is…” she sucked in a sharp breath, at precisely the moment the rounded end of the rod touched Trixie’s pussy lips. “...Just relax and let yourself feel everything I’m about to do to you.”

Twilight stirred the rod in Trixie’s cunt, feeling her way around the walls of her pussy. “Ahhh,” Twilight sighed, “Are you enjoying this, little Trixie? Ooh, I know you are. I know… exactly… how good this feels…”

Trixie lifted her head - the only part of her body she could really move - and looked at Twilight. The colossal princess did seem to be enjoying herself a lot more than before; her mouth was hanging open, and she was pumping her hips rhythmically, as if she were touching herself… but both her hands were gripping the table, nowhere near her pussy. “What are you doing?” grunted Trixie.

“Mmm, it’s a fun little spell,” said Twilight. “Links our nervous systems… so whatever you feel, I feel. And thanks to your invincibility, you’re the perfect little toy. A little sexual voodoo doll for me to play with. No matter how rough I get with you, all you feel is pleasure… and we feel it together, Trixie. We’ll cum together.”

Both mares, big and small, gasped with pleasure as Twilight’s magic maneuvered the metal rod’s tip onto Trixie’s tiny little clit. “Aah!” Trixie cried, her muscles tensing. “Sharing our sensations is… uncomfortably intimate! The Great and Powerful Trixie does not wish to be used in this way!”

“Okay,” said Twilight. “Noted. I hear and acknowledge that you don’t want to be used like this.” She vibrated the rod against Trixie’s clit, gasping as her body shared Trixie’s pleasure. “But here’s the thing, Trixie… I really want to use you like this. So I’m going to.”

“Of course,” groaned Trixie. “You care nothing for Trixie…”

“You say that,” said Twilight. “But I can feel your heartbeat quickening when I abuse and dominate you, little Trixie. Thanks to this spell, I can feel exactly how horny it makes you to be helpless. Your pride forces you to struggle, Trixie, but your body wants this.”

Twilight penetrated Trixie’s folds again, sliding the metal rod along the sensitive spots of her inner walls. “And with a little experimentation, I can figure out exactly what turns you on. What happens, I wonder… if I tell you just how tiny you look from up here?”

Twilight felt a jolt shooting through her pussy, and her smile grew wider. “Oh, you liked that, Trixie. Don’t try and deny it, you tiny little speck. I can feel how much you like being small and naked and helpless.” Twilight lifted one hand from the table and swiped a fingertip across the shrunken mare’s chest, stroking Trixie’s tits with the lines of her fingerprint. “You know, Trixie... seeing you like this, touching your tiny little body… It makes me feel so big.” Pleasure surged in Trixie’s pussy, and Twilight shivered with delight.

“I like being big,” whispered Twilight, leering at Trixie as she stimulated the little mare’s pussy. Twilight turned her body around, mooning Trixie with her colossal purple ass. “I like having a big butt-” She sat her ass on the table, making the metal tray beneath Trixie rattle from the impact. “I like having this big beautiful tail-” She swished her tail over Trixie’s body, brushing the tiny pony with an enormous curtain of purple hair.

Twilight hopped down from the table, turned herself around again, and leaned down over the table, dangling her breasts over Trixie. “And I like having these big, round, purple boobies…” Her body jolted. “Oh!” she gasped, as Trixie’s pleasure resonated in her pussy. “That got a big reaction! I guess The Tiny and Helpless Trixie likes great… big… titties.

Twilight descended further, leaning so far over the table that Trixie’s entire field of vision was dominated by the sight of Twilight’s boobs. “Oh Trixie, you’re so small and my boobs are so big!” she teased. “Oh, this is really doing it for you, isn’t it, Trixie? You love Princess Twilight Sparkle’s big royal boobies, don’t you? You love being tiny and weak so my boobs can squish you flat…” She rested her chest on the table, enveloping Trixie’s body between her tits - and her magic was still working the metal rod in Trixie’s pussy, bringing her within a hair’s breadth of sexual release.

“Do you want me to shrink you some more?” asked Twilight, she soft flesh of her breasts rising and falling with her heavy breaths. “Do you want to be even teeny-tinier, little Trixie, so my big sexy boobs look even bigger? Do you want me to drop your tiny body onto my tits and shrink you down, down, down, until I can’t even see you? I can make you so small that you’ll be lost forever, until my body becomes your whole world, and… oh fuck, Trixie, you’re cumming… we’re cumming together…”

The two of them shuddered with their shared climax, each one crying out and twitching in the same intervals as their pussies throbbed in unison. Twilight clung to the table, standing on trembling legs as her cunt dripped its honey onto the floor… and Trixie moaned in the darkness of Twilight’s cleavage, her cries absorbed by the giant purple boobs that surrounded her. Twilight staggered back from the table as the climax tapered off, and with a little flare of magic she disabled Trixie’s restraints.

“Well,” said Trixie, scowling as she sat up. “You’ve had your fun with Trixie. Am I free to go?”

“Oh please,” said Twilight, grinning as she brushed sweaty bangs away from her forehead, “I know for an empirical fact that you enjoyed that, Trixie. And you are not free to go. The other girls are going to take their turns with you.”

Trixie crossed her arms, trying to look dignified. “Very well,” she said. “Trixie will persevere.”

“Oh, and by the way,” said Twilight, a smirk pulling at the side of her mouth, “That idea that made you cum? The one where I shrink you down to nothing and you live on my tits? That offer’s still open, little Trixie.”

Trixie groaned and fell backward, laying flat on the metal tray.

Chapter 3

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“Is this your bedroom?” asked Trixie, gazing up at the distant ceiling. “It's… nice.”

“Wow, such effusive praise from the Great and Powerful Trixie,” said Starlight Glimmer, deliberately jostling her cupped hand to knock the shrunken unicorn off-balance. “Well, you've invited me into your caravan plenty of times, but this is the first time you've been in the castle… so I figured I'd bring you back to my boudoir for a little one-on-one girl time.”

“And what sort of… ‘girl time’ do you have in mind?” Trixie asked.

“Oh, probably more or less what you're expecting,” said Starlight, falling backward onto her bed. “Tiny little Trixie is going to get up close and personal with my great big pussy.”

“So, a standard sort of villain comeuppance,” sighed Trixie. “Trixie feels as though Twilight already covered this territory, as she so often does when Trixie does something morally questionable. Trixie treated the three of you like sex toys, and Trixie now knows what it feels like to be toyed with.”

Starlight Glimmer lifted herself up into a sitting position, extending her legs and pressing the soles of her feet together. She dropped Trixie onto the bedspread, and the little blue pony bounced once before settling onto the soft surface. “I still think you're being too hard on Twilight,” said Starlight. “She's not all about comeuppance. She tries to make her enemies into friends - I know that better than anyone.”

“Oh?” said Trixie, staring up at Starlight’s towering body. The bigger unicorn still wore her shimmering lavender pajamas - they were a loose fit, but they still flattered her beautiful, slim body. “I suppose turning Trixie into a subject for her twisted sexual experiment is her idea of ‘making friends’?”

“Is that what she did?” asked Starlight, smirking at Trixie. “I bet she made sure you had a good time too. Come on, be honest - I won't blab to Twilight. Did you have fun with her?”

“Trixie came twice,” said Trixie, avoiding Starlight’s gaze. “And she did not mind it. Twilight was… skillful, and creative, and…”

“And sexy?” Starlight asked. Trixie just frowned. “Come on, you and I both know that one of the most infuriating things about Twilight Sparkle is how fucking hot she is.” Starlight stuck her fingers down the front of her pajama bottoms, stroking the lips of her marehood as she spoke. “She’s brilliant… powerful… kind… surrounded by wonderful friends… and on top of all that, she’s gorgeous. Someone like you or me sees a mare like that, and thinks to herself, why does she have everything?”

With one hand still stroking her pussy, Starlight poked a finger into Trixie’s chest. “Well, you don’t have to envy her looks, Trixie,” she said. “You’re hot - and you’re also fucking adorable now that you’re shrunk down like this.”

“Th-thank you,” muttered Trixie, trying to keep the blush from showing on her face.

“Well, even if you don’t trust Twilight, I know you trust me,” said Starlight. “So even if you don’t want to be her friend, you’ve still got me… and I bet I can be kinkier than her.” She lifted her finger from Trixie’s chest and raised her hand, curling her fingers into a menacing claw. “Now run from your big, kinky mistress, or I’ll catch you.”

Her hand descended, and Trixie rose to her feet and scrambled out of the way. Starlight was obviously toying with her, and her hand moved at a languid pace, giving Trixie plenty of time to get out of the way… but there was nowhere for the shrunken pony to run. Starlight’s legs had her boxed in; when Trixie reached her ankles and tried to clamber over them, Starlight shook her off.

Starlight’s grasping hand came closer, and Trixie ran towards the giant mare’s knee. Starlight’s bedspread was an unforgiving terrain, difficult to keep her footing on, but Trixie managed to stay ahead of Starlight’s hand - purely because Starlight had no intention of actually catching her. If Starlight had actually been trying to snatch her up, it would have been easy… but instead, she let Trixie stay one step ahead of her, always slamming her hand down just behind Trixie.

Trixie pinballed around the little pen than Starlight made for her, darting this way and that. It was almost more tense than actually being pursued, because Trixie knew that Starlight could choose to grab her at any moment. As soon as her giant tormentor decided to move things along… it would all be over.

Trixie’s path brought her to the intersection of Starlight’s thighs - and Starlight’s hand slammed down hard behind her, sending a shockwave through the bed’s surface. Trixie stumbled, and the shockwave hurled her forward, right into Starlight’s crotch, where her long fingers were still stimulating her colossal cunt. Trixie clung to the material of Starlight’s pajama bottoms, barely keeping herself upright - and as she caught her breath, her nostrils filled with the rich scent of the giant mare’s pussy.

Starlight chose that moment to strike, clapping her hand against Trixie and pinning the shrunken unicorn against her crotch. “I got you,” she teased, rubbing her hand against herself, kneading Trixie into her crotch. “I think I ought to find a safer place for you… someplace tight and warm that you won’t be able to run away from…”

She closed her fingers around Trixie and lifted her butt off the bedspread, working her pajama bottoms off her midsection and down her legs. “You know,” said Starlight, “you stole something from me, Trixie.”

Now that her lower body was bare, Starlight Glimmer’s soaking pussy was out in the open and leaking musky fluid onto the bedsheets. Starlight brought Trixie, still grasped in her hand, right to her glistening lips. “No!” protested Trixie. “Trixie would not steal from you, Starlight!”

“No, you did,” said Starlight calmly, pressing Trixie’s body against her marehood. Her pussy poured like a waterfall, drenching the shrunken mare in sweet musky fluid. “There was something I wanted very much, Trixie, and you took it without asking. Without even knowing it wasn’t yours to take. You naughty little slut.”

“That shrinking potion was my idea, Trixie,” said Starlight, as she mashed Trixie’s face deeper into her cunt. “I was dropping hints for weeks, talking Twilight’s ear off about the research potential of a shrinking potion that made the target invulnerable. I didn’t even know she was working on it! But before I even found out, your big ass knocked the potion into a cake, of all things.”

I wanted to play with a tiny Twilight,” said Starlight. “I was going to dose her with the whole potion and make her my little toy for days and days. I was going to stuff her between my tits, jam her in my pussy, sit my big fat ass on top of her…” She put a finger to her chin. “You know, I never figured out whether I was going to ask permission, or just shrink her by surprise. I feel like it would be way hotter to surprise her, but I think that’s the villainy talking…”

“Well, it doesn’t matter now,” sighed Starlight. “I don’t have Twilight… but I have you. So you and me are going to pack in a lot of fun, before I have to hand you off to Sunset…”

“Mmmph, do your worst,” muttered Trixie, as pussy juice poured down her face.

“My worst?” asked Starlight. “Well, how about you wrap those soft blue lips around my nice thick clit and-”

They both froze as they heard a knock on the bedroom door. “Hey Starlight?” said Spike’s voice. “I think I left something in your room, are you in there?”

“You know what?” said Starlight, in a low voice. “Better idea.” She pinched Trixie between two fingers and shoved her deep into her cunt, flexing the muscles of her marehood to hold the shrunken pony tight inside her. “I want to feel you squirm in there while I deal with Spike. See if you can make me moan, little Trixie.”

Starlight stood from the bed and walked to the door, pulling it wide open in one motion. Spike was on the other side, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans just like usual. He was a handsome young adult, having grown into a tall, sleek body as he reached sexual maturity, and Starlight had found herself drawn to him as she spent time in Twilight’s castle. He was kindly, deferential, and naive… and Starlight’s villainous side wanted to deflower the handsome young dragon.

“Hey there, Spike,” said Starlight. “What do you need?”

“Remember how I lent you the player’s manual for Ogres & Oubliettes?” said Spike - who was looking Starlight in the eyes, and clearly hadn't noticed that she was bottomless. “I don't think I ever asked for it back, but I need it now. Do you have it?”

Oh, of course, thought Starlight. Twilight had encouraged Spike to spend the weekend elsewhere, so that she and her friends would have some uninterrupted girl time, and Spike was staying over at Sweet Apple Acres with his friend Big Mac. Starlight had been curious about the tabletop roleplaying game Spike played; it was something she'd missed out on in her friendless childhood.

And borrowing the book had also been an excuse to get a little closer to Spike. She'd been slowly getting Spike more comfortable around her, but now - with Trixie writhing in her pussy - she felt like accelerating those plans. “Yeah, I think it's somewhere around here,” said Stalight. “Come on in.”

Starlight turned and walked towards her dresser, shaking her bottom and swishing her tail as she went. Spike couldn't help but see that she was naked below the waist; his eyes went wide as he watched the round purple cheeks of her ass. “Woah, Starlight-” he stammered.

“What?” said Starlight, looking down at herself as if she was just noticing her half-naked state. “Oh, Spike, this is no big deal. Heck, you deserve to see this, after that time I walked in on you…”

A few weeks back, Starlight - intending to catch a peek at Twilight in the shower - had instead walked in on Spike. That was when her appreciation for his handsome dragon body had blossomed into full-on lust - because Spike had been stroking his impressively long, thick dragon cock as the shower's water cascaded over his sleek scaly body.

“Oh, geez,” said Spike. “Well, I guess we're even. I'll just… get out of your way, if you've got that book…”

“Oh, we’re not nearly even,” said Starlight, turning to face Spike. I got to see all of you, from your smooth chest to your big cock… so we're not even until you see my titties, Spike.” She pulled off her pajama top and tossed it aside, arching her back to thrust her chest in Spike’s direction.

“Okay, well… we’re even now?” asked Spike. He was nervous, almost panicking, seeming like he wanted to run… but he couldn't tear his eyes away from her tits and her dripping pussy.

“Hmm, I don't think so,” said Starlight. She reached out and grabbed Spike’s wrist, pulling him inside the bedroom. “You see, after I saw you in the shower, stroking that lovely fat cock, I went and touched myself… I played with my pussy, thinking about your hot body and your big dragon cock, until I came hard.” She pulled him close, bringing her face up to hers, and kicked the door closed behind him. “So I still owe you an orgasm, Spikey. We won't be even until I make that thick cock shoot a big sticky load of dragon cum.”

“Oh, geez,” gulped Spike. His pants grew a sizeable bulge, evincing his arousal, but nervousness was still holding him back. “I don’t know if Twilight-”

“If Twilight would what?” said Starlight, sneaking her hand underneath his shirt and sliding her hand up his chest. “Approve of two fully grown, sexual beings enjoying each others’ company? She doesn’t get to decide who you can fuck, Spikey… and even if she did, do you really think she would stand in your way?”

She slid her hand back down his chest and snuck her fingers into his pants, making him shudder as she grazed the smooth flesh of his cock. “Twilight cares for you, Spike. She wants you to live a rich, satisfying life… and she’ll be so proud of you when you tell her how you plowed Starlight Glimmer’s pussy and shot a nice hot load deep into her tight wet cunt.”

Trixie had been dutifully squirming in Starlight’s pussy, stimulating her giant marehood - but when she heard what Starlight was proposing, she froze. Trixie had been imagining that that Starlight was going to jerk Spike off, or suck his cock… but letting him fuck her pussy was a plan that had troubling implications for the shrunken pony. The pussy she was occupying was about to get crowded, and she didn’t care for the idea. She kicked at the walls of Starlight’s cunt, trying to fight her way out… but she only succeeded in arousing the giant pony further.

“Holy shit,” whispered Spike. “Yeah… okay…”

“Well all right then,” said Starlight. She unzipped Spike’s pants and let them drop, then fell back onto the bed and pulled up her pajama top. Spike just watched, gawking at her bare tits and her juice-slicked thighs, until he realized that he should probably remove his shirt too. He pulled it off hastily, exposing his slim chest and its smooth, gleaming scales.

“Mmph, you are a handsome beast,” growled Starlight, sprawling herself on the bed. “I bet you fuck like a real monster, Spikey.”

“Oh yeah,” said Spike, puffing up his chest as he approached the bed. “I’ll conquer you, Starlight, I’ll, uh, add you to my p-pussy hoard…”

“Ugh, don’t embarrass yourself, Spike,” Starlight groaned. “You’re a good-looking guy with a big cock. Let your body do the talking and just fuck me.”

Spike spent a brief moment deciding whether or not be offended by Starlight’s dismissal… and he wisely decided that getting laid was far more important. Rather than open his mouth again, he let his instincts take over and pounced onto Starlight.

“Ohh, that’s more like it,” said Starlight, as Spike’s body settled against hers. “I can feel the heat of the dragonfire inside you… let me feel that hot cock, Spike. I’m fuckin’ ready, just stick it in…”

Spike was still hesitant, fearful of making a mistake, and without Starlight’s urging he probably would have taken it much slower… but he couldn’t ignore a direct order from the beautiful mare. He slid his cock into Starlight, shuddering with arousal as her warm, wet lips welcomed him. His thick dragon cock was a tight fit, but Starlight was overflowing with fluid, and Spike had no trouble sliding the first six inches of his cock into her marehood.

And for Trixie, things were getting uncomfortable. Once she felt the walls start to shift, she used her magic to illuminate Starlight’s pussy - and at the entrance of the warm, fleshy cavern, Trixie saw an immense red cockhead, with a slit as wide as her mouth. The colossal dragon cock slid forward, faster than Trixie could retreat, and the tiny unicorn mare got rammed by dick. Gasping for breath, filling her lungs with musky air and the scent of dragon precum, Trixie clutched at the head of Spike’s cock as it pushed her towards the back wall of Starlight’s cunt.

“Oh yeah, get me deep,” moaned Starlight, arching her back as Spike went further inside her. “I want that dragon cock to hit every inch of my tight little pony pussy…” She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him deeper into her, until his cock hit the back wall of her cunt.

Trixie was thrashing inside her, kicking against the head of Spike’s cock and thrusting her fists against the slick walls that surrounded her. Starlight smiled as she imagined Trixie’s distress - and Spike felt the small impacts of Trixie’s kicking feet against his dick. It seemed strange, but he didn't want to say anything about it; being inside Starlight felt too good, and besides… maybe this was normal? This was Spike’s first time after all; he didn't want to embarrass himself by asking questions about a totally normal part of sex. So he just pulled back his hips and thrust again - with Trixie clinging to the head of his dick.

“Harder,” gasped Starlight. “Fuck me harder, I need you to punish this pussy…”

Trixie braced herself, wrapping her fingers around the edge of Spike’s cockhead. She knew it wasn’t her pussy that Starlight wanted Spike to punish - she wanted Spike to ram his cock into her little shrunken pussy prisoner. It was cramped, and wet, and tremendously undignified… but at least Trixie’s invincibility prevented it from being painful.

In fact… as humiliating as it was, the actual physical sensation wasn’t so bad. As the thrusts got faster, the impacts against her body became more stimulating. Her crotch was positioned right over Spike’s slit, and each spurt of pre was a powerful gush of fluid against her pussy. The more it went on, the more tempting it became to just give in and start enjoying it.
“Spike,” moaned Starlight, toes curling as her climax built, “Spike, you’re a big, strong dragon… you’re a fucking firebreathing beast… plunder my fucking cunt and fill it with a hot fucking load…” she slid her hand down to his ass and grabbed his cheeks, squeezing the firm scaly flesh.

“You better fuck me hard and cum quick, dragon boy,” said Starlight. She wrapped one hand around the base of his tail and yanked on it, making Spike whimper in surprise. “Twilight’s still here somewhere… what if she finds us, Spike? Oh, Spike, I’d be in so much trouble for deflowering and corrupting her innocent assistant with my naughty wet pussy… Oh you better cum quick, Spike… you gotta cum, you gotta shoot your hot load from that big thick dragon dick…”

Starlight’s dirty talk seemed to be working; Spike’s hips moved faster and his cock throbbed inside the walls of Starlight’s cunt. He wasn’t exactly a skillful lover - his technique was nothing but long grunting thrusts - but the size of his cock and the strength in his hips was more than enough to bring Starlight to the edge of climax. “Oh, Spikey, I’m gonna cum,” she moaned. “Fill me up, Spikey, I need that dragon cum…”

Deep inside Starlight, Trixie felt the walls of her pussy prison begin to shift and contract around her. Starlight’s cries filled the air, and her pussy flooded with fluid, becoming even more humid and musky than before. Trixie had entirely given in at this point; the overwhelming feminine scent and the presence of the colossal cock made her too horny to just stay still. She was still clinging to the head of Spike’s cock, but now she was humping it too, grinding her pussy against the drooling slit of the giant dragon dick. And the giant shaft was throbbing now, meeting her thrusts with rhythmic pulses of arousal. Trixie felt herself getting close…

But Spike beat her to it. With one final seismic throb, his cock shot its first powerful gush, hitting Trixie right in the pussy with a cumshot as powerful as a firehose. The cum shot her backwards, breaking her grip on Spike’s cock and plastering her against the back wall of Starlight’s pussy. His cock shot again and again, hammering Trixie’s pussy with huge volumes of thick fluid. Her body shook and she cried out, climax overtaking her as her surroundings started to flood with cum.

Trixie cried out - too small, and buried too deep, to be heard by Spike or Starlight. Pinned between pussy walls and cock flesh, she rode out her climax… and when the pummeling flow of cum flooded Starlight’s pussy completely, she drew a deep breath and held it, shutting her eyes tight as warm, thick cum rose above her head.

Once her climax faded, fear began to fill the space it left behind. Would invincibility protect her from drowning in cum? She started to swim blindly forward, ready to fight her way past Spike’s cock… but luckily for her, Spike pulled out at just the same time. The cum flowed towards the front of Starlight’s pussy, and Trixie - once she wiped the cum from her face - could breathe again.
“Mmm, that was fuckin’ good,” gasped Starlight, lying flat on the bed, her mane clinging to her sweat-soaked forehead. “But Starlight needs some alone time, Spikey. Grab your nerd book off the dresser and run along.”

Spike hesitated. He thought about asking whether the two of them might do this again - or to confirm that Starlight really did have a good time - but he was still afraid to embarrass himself, and he decided it was safer just to do what Starlight asked. “Okay,” he said, hopping off the bed and grabbing the player’s guide from the dresser. “Bye, Starlight.” He rushed out the door - aiming himself towards the nearest bathroom to clean himself off - and left Starlight alone with her little cum-soaked pussy prisoner.

And as soon as he was gone, Trixie crawled out of Starlight’s cunt, dragging herself onto the bedspread. Grumbling, she rolled her body away from the thick puddle of cum that was leaking from Starlight’s womanhood. “Starlight,” she groaned, “Trixie has… never… been so degraded… so used… she has never felt so absolutely filthy as she does right now…”

Starlight lifted her head to look at Trixie, shooting her a satisfied grin. “So you’re saying you had a good time?”

Chapter 4

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“All yours, Sunset!” said Starlight Glimmer. She held out a clear drinking glass, which held the shrunken girl inside it.

Sunset took the glass and lifted it to her face. “Why'd you put her in a…” she squinted at Trixie. “Oh, I see. She's a mess.

“Excuse me?” grumbled Trixie.

“You're one to talk, Sunset,” said Starlight. “I can still smell Trixie’s pussy all over you.”

“Yeah,” said Sunset, “but little Trixie here is absolutely soaked with… wait, is that cum? Where'd you get cum?”

“Oh, I'll let Trixie explain that,” said Starlight. “Her sexual history is her own story to tell.”

“Well, this night will be a hell of a story for Trixie to tell,” said Sunset. “She's grappling with giantesses, pleasuring a princess, narrowly escaping the clutches of one villain only to fall into the hands of another…”

“Ooh, Trixie, you love exaggerating your accomplishments!” said Starlight. “Start thinking of how to spin this one, it'll be a great addition to your act!” She walked off, leaving Trixie alone with Sunset.

“Well, Trixie is at your mercy,” said Trixie, leaning despondently against the wall of the drinking glass. “Do what you will with her.” She stared out through the glass walls of her prison, watching the walls of the castle go by. She couldn't tell where Sunset was headed; even at normal size, she didn't have a clear sense of the castle's layout.

“The thing is,” said Sunset, “ever since I stopped being, y’know, evil… I just get a sick feeling in my gut when I think about being cruel to someone. It just reminds me of the person I used to be.”

“Trixie can… understand that,” said Trixie. “So you not going to torment Trixie, then?”

“Nah, we can just have a little fun,” said Sunset. “I'm not even mad at you, Trix - I actually liked what you did with me when I was little. Being inside your pussy like that, getting soaked in your pussy juice…” she sighed happily. “Really fuckin’ hot, honestly. I don't know if you can tell, since you're dripping with sex slime, but I haven't showered since I got back to normal size. I still smell like your pussy, Trixie, from head to toe.” She grabbed a lock of her hair and brought it to her nose for a long, lusty sniff, shuddering in pleasure as the scent hit her.

“Trixie is happy you enjoyed it, Sunset Shimmer,” said Trixie. Inside the glass, she rose to her feet, feeling some of her confidence return. “Perhaps you agree that Starlight and Twilight were too hard on her?”

“I'm not sure about that,” said Sunset. “But there's no bad blood between you and me. Anyway, the reason I mentioned how I smell like your pussy is, I figure the two of us could take a bath together! I need it, and you definitely do.”

Trixie patted at her hair, smearing the mix of pussy juice and dragon cum that was clinging to it. “The Great and Powerful Trixie would not object to a bath,” she said. “And taking one with you does not sound bad at all. Trixie is starting to think she should get to know you better.”

“I sort of feel like I already know you,” said Sunset, as she opened the door to a luxurious-looking bathroom. “There's a girl at my school who has your color scheme, your speech patterns, basically your whole personality.”

“That is… quite the coincidence,” said Trixie.

“Oh, no, not a coincidence,” said Sunset. “I'm from a mirror universe. Well, not from it, but that's where I live, anyway. Kind of a long story.” She set the glass that held Trixie on the rim of the large porcelain tub and began to disrobe. Her pajama bottoms dropped to the thick bathroom rug, and she pulled off her top and tossed it against the wall.

From inside her glass, Trixie watched Sunset lean down and turn on the water. Sunset had a gorgeous body, with shimmering orange skin over slim curves. As Sunset tested the water’s temperature, her smooth round bottom bobbed above Trixie’s head, and the shrunken woman found herself entranced. This was nice; instead of being at the mercy of a giantess, Trixie was just observing one, appreciating the shapely perfection and colossal size of her body.

One the tub was about half full, Sunset slid herself in, sighing happily as the water embraced her body. “Ahh, that’s nice,” she said. “Way bigger than the tub I've got back home, too. You ready to join me, Trixie?” She lifted Trixie’s glass, tilting it slightly over the bath water.

“Actually,” said Trixie, “Trixie is a strong enough swimmer, but she has never quite been in this sort of situation. A body of water thus large, in a container I cannot swim out of, shared with a creature thousands of times my size… Trixie is concerned for her safety.”

“Well, I'll take care of you,” said Sunset, “but actually… can you even drown? You're supposed to be invincible. See how long you can hold your breath.”

Trixie pulled in a deep breath and held it - and as the seconds ticked by, she realized she wasn't experiencing the typical discomfort - no tightness in her lungs, no insistence from her body that she needed to draw another breath. The magic that kept her invincible, it seemed, also made breathing unnecessary. “It seems that Trixie cannot drown,” she said. “Very well, Trixie is ready for her bath.”

Sunset turned the glass upside down, letting Trixie drop. The fall, from Trixie’s shrunken perspective, was some thirty feet; she hit the water hard, sank below it, and kicked her way to the surface.

That quick dip in warm water already had Trixie feeling renewed. The smell and stickiness was washed from her skin and hair, and the humiliation seemed to come off in the water as well. The water wasn't calm, though; the faucet was still pouring, filling the tub, creating a current that buffeted Trixie toward Sunset’s enormous body. Having no particular reason to swim against the tide, she let it carry her into Sunset’s cleavage.

“So are you going to, er, scrub Trixie?” Trixie asked, craning her neck to look up at Sunset’s face.

“Oh,probably,” said Sunset. “But let's see what fun we can have first. Let's see…” she looked over the side of the tub and reached down to grab something. “Ooh, look!” she said, lifting a toy boat into view. “Twilight has bathtub toys! Do you think she plays with toys in the bath?”

“Trixie would love to learn embarrassing details about the Princess of Friendship’s personal habits,” said Trixie, “but perhaps she simply keeps them around for when her niece visits.”

“Oh yeah, her,” said Sunset. “Well, anyway, this thing’s just about the right size for you, don't you think?”

Trixie scoffed - but there was a bit of a laugh in it. “You want Trixie to play pretend?” she asked. “Act the part of a sea captain?”

Sunset dropped the boat into the water. “You can tread water, or you can be a tiny sea captain on a toy boat. I'm starting to think you're no fun, Trixie.”

“Trixie is the most fun,” fumed Trixie. “Let me onto that boat, Sunset.”

Sunset scooped up Trixie, along with a handful of bath water, and let her hop down onto the deck of the toy boat. Trixie stumbled as she found her footing on the plastic ship; the vessel was mostly hollow, and Trixie’s landing made it rock from side to side. She staggered her way to the ship’s wheel - a plastic ring that spun but was otherwise purposeless - and clutched it as the boat evened out.

“Now you're the captain!” said Sunset. “Go on, explore the porcelain seas!” She waved her hand in the water, creating a wave that propelled Trixie’s boat towards the far side of the tub.

Trixie spun the ship’s wheel, confirming for herself that it didn't do anything to steer the ship. The toy boat was a little too heavy for Trixie to move with her magic - so instead she used her magic to create a rudder beneath the ship. By rotating it, she was able to steer the ship a little, turning it in circles as the current moved it along.

“Hey, you're having fun!” said Sunset. “Right?”

“There's a bit of fun to be had,” said Trixie. “Being small isn't all bad, I suppose - as long as you're not being tormented.

“Oh, sure, no one likes being tormented,” said Sunset. “But playtime isn't any fun unless there's a little conflict, right?”

Sunset took hold of the toy boat with her magic and steered it back towards her body. “For example,” she said, “what if your humble vessel encountered rough seas?”

Sunset waved her arms beneath the water’s surface, creating choppy waves that rocked the toy boat. Trixie held tight to the ship’s wheel, turning the magic rudder she'd created. Sunset’s magic was stronger, though - Trixie had no hope of actually steering the boat anymore.

Sunset grinned, chuckling ominously as Trixie’s boat drifted towards her body. “And what if sea monsters attacked? What would the intrepid and seaworthy Trixie do then?”

“Excuse me?” said Trixie.

On the port side of the toy boat, a huge orange hand arose from the water, its fingers waggling menacingly. It lunged for the boat - but Sunset jerked the boat away from it just before her fingers could touch it. “What are you going to do, Captain Trixie?” Sunset taunted. “Are you going to fight back? Abandon ship?”

“I don't think there's much Trixie can do,” said Trixie, her feet skidding on the boat’s deck as Sunset turned the toy in circles on the water. “And Trixie is beginning to think you are just as much a tormenter as the other two.”

“It's not me doing it, it's the monsters!” said Sunset, as her other hand surfaced from the water. “Ooh, there's two of them! Who could have seen that coming?” Both hands closed in on the boat, menacing it with swipes that the boat - still under Trixie’s control - narrowly avoided. The undulating fingers reached out towards Trixie in slow motion, forcing Trixie to duck beneath them as she struggled to keep her footing.

And then the “sea monsters” went in for the kill. Both hands clutched the toy boat, dragging it slowly down into the water. “Oh no, looks like this is it!” said Sunset. “Is the captain going to go down with her ship?”

“It is not in Trixie’s nature to go down with the ship,” said Trixie, backing away from Sunset’s fingers, “but there does not seem to be anywhere else for Trixie to go…”

“Wait, what's this?” said Sunset, sinking lower into the tub. “The sea monsters are retreating! Looks like you're drifting too close to land…”

“Land?” asked Trixie. “I suppose you mean those?” She pointed towards Sunset’s breasts, which - aside from her head - were the only parts of Sunset’s body above the surface of the water.

Sunset maneuvered the boat between her tits, wedding it tight between them. “You're safe now, Trixie,” she said, in the shadow of these two orange cliffs.”

Trixie stared up at Sunset’s breasts - two walls of orange flesh, curving upwards towards thick red nipples. Now that the “danger” had passed, Trixie was free to admire Sunset’s body; her breasts were impressive even at normal scale, and at this size they were a true spectacle. Trixie put her hand against one of them, feeling the soft, smooth skin.

But the wall of flesh suddenly bulged inward. Trixie stepped back - but soon found her back up against the other beast. “Oh no, the cliffs are closing in on you!” Sunset said. “You'll be crushed!”

Sunset, Trixie reasoned, was squeezing her breasts together. She ran towards the back of the boat, trying to escape the walls as they closed in - but the giant tits closed in too fast. Trixie was smushed between the enormous orange boobs, tapped in darkness.

Trixie wriggled upwards, fighting to escape Sunset’s cleavage. She experienced a moment of panic at being trapped in the lightless, airless space - but then she remembered that she didn't need to breathe. Still, she kicked her legs and struggled to escape; she had no idea just how long Sunset planned on keeping her trapped, and she preferred to take action rather than wait around.

Sunset probably would have let Trixie out sooner, in fact, if she didn't feel the tiny girl struggling between her tits. It tickled, and Sunset wriggled happily, squeezing her boobs tighter as Trixie struggled her way upwards. Finally, the little blue girl emerged from Sunset’s cleavage, pulling herself up and yanking her legs out of the crevasse.

Now that she was free, Trixie took a couple awkward steps on the surface of Sunset’s left breast - then let herself collapse onto the giant red areola. Sunset stopped squeezing her breasts, and they fell back into their normal shape; Trixie lay atop her left breast as it wobbled and went still.

“You're finally on dry land!” said Sunset. “I bet that feels good.”

Trixie rolled over, so that she could look up at Sunset’s smiling face. “Trixie supposes that it feels fine,” she said.

“Of course it does!” said Sunset. “You should be enjoying yourself more, Trixie. I know I liked being bossed around by a big sexy woman. I would have loved to relax on your big blue tits, Trixie.”

Trixie patted the orange skin beside her. “Trixie does enjoy lying atop a giant breast, Sunset, and your body is lovely… but rather than permitting me to enjoy the experience, you seem determined to inject artificial drama into this scenario.”

“I don't know what you mean, Trixie,” said Sunset. “But if you’d like to discuss it, I'd be happy to-” she paused, appearing shocked. “Oh no, Trixie!” she said, “the island is sinking!”

Trixie sat up and saw that the “island” was indeed sinking - it seemed that Sunset was using her magic to gradually lower her left boob into the water. “More games?” said Trixie. “The Great and Powerful Trixie won't be sunk so easily…”

Setting her sights on Sunset’s other breast, Trixie backed up until the rising water lapped at her heels. Then she took off sprinting and hurled herself across the divide between Sunset’s tits, landing with a wet smack against the side of the big orange boob.

Trixie’s body clung to Sunset’s skin, but she could feel the adhesion starting to slip - so she dug her fingers in and started to climb. But the curve of Sunset’s breast was too steep, and there were no handholds to grab onto. Trixie gelt her body beginning to peel away from Sunset, moments away from tumbling into the water…

And then she felt something big and soft at her back. She could barely see anything, but the thing engulfing her felt like an enormous sponge, a big purple loofah that poured water over her back as it pressed into her.

“If you’re fed up with games,” said Sunset, “then let’s just do what we came here to do. You and me are going to have a bath! Come on, little Trixie, help me scrub my tits.”

Sunset lifted her upper body out of the water and began to run the loofah over hear breasts, pressing it deep against her skin. “Ooh, feels nice,” sighed Sunset. “I can feel your tiny body helping me get clean… How about you, Trixie? How does it feel to touch me like this? Does it make you feel nice and clean?”

Trixie had already felt pretty clean, but this process was having an effect on her; being scrubbed back and forth against Sunset’s skin was starting to arouse her. Her pussy glided against the surface of Sunset’s breasts, her slick lips getting wetter with each stroke.

“This is fun,” said Sunset. “And I think you're having a better time than you let on. I get the feeling you're always trying to prove yourself, Trixie, but I think you'd be happier if you were just tiny… and cute… and had a big sexy girl like me to take care of you.” She moved the loofah lower, down her smooth tummy and onto her belly button. “Nothing to prove to anyone, no one to impress… you just get to be an adorable little toy for a girl to play with.”

Sunset rubbed the loofah in shorter, faster strokes, running Trixie up and down along her belly button. Trixie began to shudder, her pussy relentlessly stimulated by the rapid friction against Sunset’s skin. “Ahh, I think my tits are nice and clean now,” Sunset sighed. “There’s just one more part of me that needs to get clean…”

She moved the sponge lower, plunging it beneath the water. Trixie reflexively held her breath, before recalling that she didn’t need to breathe - and in the darkness, she felt smooth skin give way to moist pussy lips. Sunset began to “scrub” her pussy, using the soft loofah to stimulate herself and rubbing the tiny, trapped Trixie against her clit.

“Ooh, Trixie, I love getting clean with you,” she moaned. “You and me are good together, aren’t we? You go where I put you, you touch me wherever I want you to… Are you enjoying yourself down there? It’s only fair that you enjoy this as much as I do. I want my cute little pool toy to have fun when we’re splashing around… and I want my cute little sex toy to get off when I get off.”

Sunset’s clit was right up against Trixie’s pussy - rubbing against her, even penetrating her, sliding against her wet lips, bringing her closer and closer to a powerful climax. From above the water, Trixie could dimly hear Sunset speaking, but she wasn’t catching the words - just the teasing tone and the telltale groan of a woman approaching orgasm. The two of them were going to come together - or near enough to it.

“Ah, fuck,” gasped Sunset, “This is… really working… I hope it’s working for you too, Trixie, because I’m just about ready to cum… My big pussy is getting ready to cum all over your little one…”

Trixie felt the pulse of Sunset’s pussy - a cunt big enough to swallow her whole - throbbing like an earthquake against her body. Trixie was helpless, barely able to move, caught between the enormous womanhood and the giant sponge - and there was nothing she could do to stop her oncoming climax. She writhed against Sunset’s body, her hips shuddering, until her body reached its limits and she lost herself in orgasm.

And Sunset didn’t last much longer. Nectar flowed from her pussy into the warm water, and her quaking body made waves in the bathwater as she came. Groaning, she fell limp in the tub, slumping down and sighing happily. Her grip on the sponge loosened, and Trixie paddled up to the surface. She swam lazily to Sunset’s shoulder, climbed atop it, and draped herself over it. “Is that all?” asked Trixie. “Is there more you wish to do with Trixie, Sunset Shimmer?”

“Well, the bath is over,” said Sunset, as she rose from the tub, “and I shouldn’t be greedy. As long as you’re still tiny, Trixie, I should bring you back to the others so everyone can have fun with you.”

Chapter 5

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Trixie hopped down from Sunset’s hand and onto the low wooden table. This was where the slumber party had began - the cozy room with the wide couch and the big television, nestled between the more ostentatious rooms of Friendship Castle.

When Sunset arrived with Trixie in tow, Starlight and Twilight were already sitting on the couch, wearing the pajamas Twilight had provided them. Trixie, of course, was wearing nothing; fortunately there were no doll clothes anywhere in the castle, or it might have occurred to the other girls to play dress-up with her. Trixie was reminded of her nakedness when she saw Starlight and Twilight staring at her; there wasn't anything obviously lustful about their gazes, but Trixie was keenly aware that either girl could easily pick her up and use her for another round of “fun.”

“Hey, Trixie!” said Starlight Glimmer. “So you girls shared a bath, huh? Probably a good idea.”

Twilight looked askance at Starlight. “So did you get Trixie messy when you played with her?” She turned to Trixie. “Starlight’s being kind of tight-lipped about what she did with you.”

Trixie met Twilight’s gaze, trying to keep any sign of emotion off her face. “Trixie would also prefer not to discuss it,” she said. She was still processing the experience of being inside Staright’s pussy while Spike fucked her; the memory made her pussy twinge, and she felt something like fondness when she thought about getting coated in dragon cum. As much as she wanted to say she hated being used like a toy, her true feelings on the matter were a bit more complex.

“So, what have you three got planned for Trixie now?” She asked, standing as tall as her shrunken stature allowed. “Have you decided to gang up on her for some inventive new sexual torment?”

The three girls met Trixie’s defiant stance with amusement. Sunset was the first to speak: “Not everything is about you, Trixie,” she said. “You're fun to play with, but we came here for snacks and movies, and we've been putting them off ever since you first shrunk us.”

“I'm sure you could use a break,” said Starlight.

“While the dosage wasn't precise,” said Twilight, “you should be shrunken for the next few hours. If anyone decides they want to play with you, I'm sure they'll let you know… but for now, we’re going to start up the movie.”

“Well, that comes as a relief,” said Trixie. She turned away from the couch and faced the television, sitting her naked bottom on the surface of the wooden table. “So what are we watching?”

Untamed Mare,” said Twilight, picking up the remote and starting up the film. “The remake. It's supposed to be good!”

Sunset grabbed a few pillows and propped herself up on them. “We should start sharing movies through the mirror,” she said. “The other world has a way bigger film industry.”

“Ooh, definitely!” said Starlight. “Yeah, we can-”

The film’s score started up, booming through the room’s speakers, and the conversation came to an end. Trixie did her best to get comfortable, but the surface of the table was solid wood, and she felt her butt starting to grow numb. She tried a few different positions, but nothing felt particularly relaxing.

She turned at looked at the couch. It would be much more comfortable on those soft cushions, sitting between two of the towering giantesses. Trixie even pictured herself sitting on one of their laps - maybe draping her body across Twilight Sparkle’s thigh. Maybe Twilight would reach down and stroke her like a kitten, running her gentle fingers down Trixie’s back…

Trixie forced those thoughts from her mind. Sitting on the couch was risky - there was a risk that one of the girls would want to play with her, and an equally large risk that she would enjoy it… but anything was better than feeling her ass get numb on this wooden table. She stood up and waving her hands, saying “Trixie would prefer to be on the couch!”

But the film’s soundtrack was still booming through the speakers, far more powerful than the voice of a shrunken mare. And each of the girls’ eyes was directed upward, at the TV - too high to see Trixie waving her arm on the low table. Even when Sunset reached down to the popcorn bowl to grab a handful, she didn't look down - she just blindly reached down and brought the popcorn to her mouth. One kernel fell from her grip and dropped onto the table, bouncing and rolling towards Trixie’s feet.

Trixie picked up the kernel of popcorn, and her stomach grumbled as she smelled the salty, buttery morsel - but she had an idea that might be even better than eating it. She set the kernel down, lay herself on the table, and propped her head up with the piece of popcorn. It's spongy texture made it a decent pillow, and it allowed her to watch the movie with a fairly comfortable posture.

But that first sniff of the popcorn had stoked her appetite, and the smell continued to torment her as the movie went on. She was tempted to pluck off a section of the kernel she was using as a pillow, but she didn't want to compromise its structural integrity - and she could get into the popcorn bowl to retrieve another kernel.

Or could she? She rose to her feet and looked around at the three snack bowls on the table. One of them was a bit smaller than the others, its rim closer to the surface of the table. Maybe she could get into that one…

She strolled across the table, once again waving one arm and calling out to the girls - but they still didn't notice her. She made it to the bowl, sized up the rim, and decided that this was doable. With a running leap, she grabbed the lip of the bowl with both hands and gradually pulled herself up.

Trixie let herself fall into the bowl - which contained not popcorn, but peanut-butter-chocolate morsels inside colorful candy shells. This wasn't ideal; at her size, Trixie honestly wasn't sure she had the physical strength to crack open one of these shells.

There was one advantage to being here here, though; it was a much better place to get the girls’ attention. Sooner or later one of them was going to reach down and grab a handful, and Trixie could give their fingers a good solid kick.

While she waited, Trixie turned back towards the screen and watched the film. It was kind of a saucy flick, she now realized; there was a woman on a stage, wearing a dress so short it practically put her cutie mark on full display, doing some kind of sexual song and dance routine. Trixie liked what she was seeing… and she wondered if it was making the other girls feel frisky as well.

And with her attention focused on the screen, Trixie didn't see the big purple hand that descended and grabbed her up. Along with a handful of candy, Trixie was conveyed to Starlight Glimmer’s open mouth.

Trixie screamed in terror as she saw Starlight’s yawning maw - the huge white teeth, the long red tongue, the deep black darkness beyond. She tried to make her presence known, punching and kicking at Starlight’s fingers - but before she could make an impact, she was tossed into the giantess’ mouth.

Panicked, she tried to move towards Starlight’s tongue - but a piece of candy struck her in the chest, knocking her right onto Starlight Glimmer’s lower molars. The giant girl’s jaw closed, biting down on the candy - and on Trixie…

And just as she got chewed, Trixie remembered that she was invincible. So Starlight’s teeth, big as they were, were harmless; they bit the candies in half and left Trixie unharmed. No longer panicked, Trixie grabbed a handful of chocolate-peanut-butter filling and put it in her mouth.

Now she just needed to get Starlight’s attention. She didn't want to get swallowed; even though she was invincible and didn't need to breathe - which would make the trip survivable - Trixie didn't want to deal with that. She dropped down between Starlight’s teeth and her tongue, and started pummeling the underside of the giant tongue.

That was more than enough to make her presence known. Starlight flailed in panic, almost falling off the couch, and then reached into her mouth to retrieve Trixie.

Trixie came out messy, covered in chocolate, peanut butter, and bits of candy shell. “Trixie!” said Starlight, after swallowing what remained of her mouthful, “what are you doing?”

“What is Trixie doing?” Trixie yelled. “Trixie is trying not to get eaten, you giant glutton!”

Starlight probably would have laughed off the insult, if she'd heard it clearly. But the film's dialog was filling the room, booming through the wall-mounted speakers, making it impossible to hear little Trixie’s voice. Starlight picked up the remote control, turned the volume down to a murmur, and looked at Trixie again. “Sorry, what?”

“Trixie was trying to get your attention, and you grabbed her and threw her in your mouth!” fumed Trixie.

“Well, I didn't mean to,” said Starlight. She smirked. “Are you sure you weren't trying to get eaten?”

Trixie wriggled angrily in Starlight’s grip. “Why in Celestia's name would Trixie try to get eaten?

“I think you just like attention, any way you can get it,” said Starlight - and then she popped Trixie back in her mouth, holding her by her ankles and licking the chocolate from her body. Trixie struggled, fighting fruitlessly against Starlight’s tongue as it ran along her curves. Up and down her tits, across her asscheeks, cleaning the sugary morsels from her skin.

Starlight leaned over on the couch, wrapping her arm around Twilight’s shoulders. It took Twilight a moment to get the hint, even as Starlight’s face loomed closer - but when she finally caught on, she pursed her lips for a kiss.

When their lips met, Starlight was quick to shove her tongue in Twilight’s mouth. Trixie came along with it, and Twilight ran her tongue over the shrunken mare’s chocolate-coated body, savoring the taste. After sharing Trixie with Twilight for a short time, Starlight pulled away, deliberately leaving Trixie in Twilight’s mouth.

Twilight pulled Trixie from her mouth and placed the shrunken mare in her palm. “I think Starlight’s right about you,” she said. “Even when you claim you're not having a good time, you clearly want to be the center of attention. It must have tortured you to be on that table while all of us were focused on the movie.”

Sunset smiled, clearly pleased with the way things were going. “So little Trixie wants to play again?” she said. “I bet she wants all of us focused on her, giving loads of affection to her tiny little body.” She leaned in, shaking her tits in Trixie’s direction.

“Trixie only wanted a snack,” Trixie protested. But the hungry eyes of the three giant girls were all over her, and it felt good. She wanted to know what these beautiful mares were going to do with her.

“Oh, Trixie, you can't fool us,” said Starlight, pulling her pajama top over her head. “Certainly not me, anyway. You're a showmare, Trixie, you love having everyone’s eyes on you. And I think we've all seen how much you love being small and vulnerable… and at the mercy of three big beautiful mares…”

Now topless, Starlight reached over and plucked Trixie from Twilight’s hand and placed the shrunken mare between her breasts. “There you go,” she said. “Nice and snug. Whoever gets her top off first, gets to share in the fun…”

Twilight wasn't the sort of girl who was quick to take her top off - and while she was hesitating, Sunset whipped her own top right off and scooted over to Starlight. Trixie watched Sunset draw closer, hypnotized by her bouncing orange tits, until the giant bust smushed against Starlight’s tits and smothered the shrunken girl.

Sandwiched between Starlight’s and Sunset’s tits, Trixie was once again lucky that she didn't have to breathe; the two giant girls locked lips, pressing their bodies close together, pinning Trixie’s body between walls of pillowy flesh.

Trixie struggled in darkness, writhing uselessly against breasts that seemed to weigh tons. The smooth skin of both girls’ breasts glided against her body, touching her from head to toe. The fragrance of their skin filled her lungs, and her pussy poured with nectar.

Twilight - having finally found the courage to get involved - crouched down beside the two girls and ran one finger from each hand down the slits of their pussies. They shuddered, moaning into the kiss they were sharing, and leaned harder into one another as Twilight’s fingers probed deeper. Trixie was held tight between their tits, rendered motionless by the intimate closeness of their bodies. She felt the powerful, racing beat of their hearts, the heat of their skin, the vibrating hum of their deep lustful moans. Trixie couldn't move, couldn't see, but her senses were overwhelmed by the colossal bodies of these two beautiful girls.

Then Starlight and Sunset’s bodies separated, and Trixie looked up and watched their lips come apart. Trixie had started in Starlight’s cleavage, but now she found herself lying on top of Sunset’s breasts. With a wiggle of her shoulders, Sunset got her breasts wobbling - which sent Trixie sliding down her skin, off the end of her breast, and into Sunset’s cupped hand.

“I think we got Trixie good and excited,” said Sunset. “Now we need to put her to good use. Where do you think she wants to go, girls? She's already done so much exploring, the busy little thing…”

“She's always welcome in my pussy,” said Starlight, leaning down so that her face loomed over Trixie. “She had a real party in there last time. You wanna get in there again, Trix? Wanna get wet and wild in Starlight Glimmer’s big purple pussy, you little perv?” She poked at Trixie, pressing her tiny body into Sunset’s palm.

“Trixie is not-” said Trixie, before another giantess spoke over her.

“Well, my pussy’s always open to a cute little mare like Trixie,” said Sunset. “She went diving in the bathtub, and she couldn't keep herself away from my big wet cunt. If Trixie has a favorite, she could have a second round with whatever pussy she loved the most…”

Starlight Glimmer tugged down the front of Twilight’s pajama pants and used two fingers to pull apart the princess’ pussy lips. Twilight gasped, and squirmed, but didn't fight back. “Maybe Twilight was her favorite?” she said. “Once you get a taste of princess pussy, I bet nothing else measures up. Mares and stallions all over Equestria would give anything for just a drop of Twilight Sparkle’s royal pussy juice, and Trixie got to practically drown in it…”

“Actually, she never really touched my pussy,” said Twilight, her voice wavering slightly as Starlight’s fingers played with her. “I had some creative ideas that didn't involve, uh, direct contact…”

Starlight and Sunset shared a grin. “Well, it sounds like Trixie’s shrinking adventure wouldn't be complete without a trip to Twilight Sparkle’s royal cunt,” said Starlight. “Here, let me introduce her…”

Starlight plucked Trixie from Sunset’s palm and lifted her to eye level. “This'll be fun for you, Trixie,” she said. “More than fun. It'll be healing. It'll bring the two of you closer together, Trixie. Once you're inside her pussy, tasting her fluids, feeling her marehood cumming all around you, you won't think of Twilight as a rival anymore. You might just fall in love with her.”

Starlight poked her tongue out and tickled Trixie with its tip - wiggling the slick tip along Trixie’s breasts, then down her smooth belly, and all the way down to her tiny little pussy. “T-Trixie is… doubtful… of your premise…” Trixie groaned, kicking her legs helplessly.

“No, I think she’s right,” said Sunset. She reached up and put a fingertip on Trixie’s upper back, running it slowly down her body. “You're so wrapped up in yourself, Trixie… don't you think you'd be happier if you were devoted to someone else? You'll go into Twilight’s big wet pussy kicking and screaming… and you'll come out worshipping her like she's your goddess.”

Sunset flicked her finger against Trixie’s bottom, giving her a spanking. “Even when you're back to normal size, you'll remember how it was heaven inside her cunt, and you'll stay lovingly by her side, serving her, just to be close to her divine pussy…” she flicked Trixie’s butt again.

“Mmm, I’m looking forward to that,” said Twilight, taking a seat on the couch and slipping off her pajama bottoms. “I’d love to get along better with Trixie, and if this is what it takes…” she leaned back and parted her pussy lips with her fingers. “...then let’s get acquainted!”

“And you were… not planning on asking Trixie’s opinion?” asked Trixie, still squirming as Starlight licked at her cunt.

Starlight drew her head back and sighed. “Of course not, Trixie,” she said. “What kind of giants would we be if we asked you what you wanted? If you haven’t accepted yet that you’re a toy, then maybe this will convince you…”

Starlight opened her mouth and placed Trixie on her lower lip - face down, with her upper half dangling out of the giant girl’s mouth. She closed her mouth again, pinning Trixie’s body between her soft, smooth lips, and once again used the tip of her tongue to tickle Trixie’s crotch. She knelt in front of Twilight, conveying Trixie through the valley of the princess’ purple thighs, until she kissed Twilight’s pussy and released the shrunken mare.

Trixie fell into Twilight’s pussy and landed with a squish on the floor of her inner walls. Before Trixie could lift herself to her feet, Starlight’s tongue followed her into Twilight, pushing the tiny mare deeper inside. Trixie lay there, letting Starlight’s tongue slap against her as it probed Twilight’s pussy. The walls around her pulsed with life, throbbed with arousal as Twilight squirmed, and the princess’ sexual musk filled Trixie’s little lungs, growing richer with each breath. Trixie’s pussy was already running hot from Starlight’s affection, and now - surrounded by Twilight’s marehood - she couldn’t stop herself from giving in to arousal. She slipped her fingers between her thighs and pushed them deep inside herself, fingering her dripping cunt.

Starlight’s tongue swept up Trixie’s body and held it against the upper wall of Twilight’s pussy, rubbing her against the slick surface harder and faster. Trixie’s fingers were flying inside her cunt, playing at her walls, twiddling her clit, bringing her closer and closer to climax. Her mouth tasted Twilight, her nose breathed her powerful musk, and her heart, as much as she tried to resist it, filled with a feeling much like worship. Trixie didn’t want to feel that way about Twilight, but thinking about how big Twilight was, and how powerful the muscles of her pussy were, and how her body surrounded tiny little Trixie… those thoughts made her arousal grow and grow until her body shook and her pussy drenched her fingers in her juices.

“Ahh, Trixie’s wriggling inside me…” moaned Twilight, groping her tits as her hips shuddered. “Starlight, I’m getting close… oh, Trixie, it feels so good to have you down there… I want to shrink you down permanently… so you can live in my pussy and make me feel like this every day! Doesn’t that… mmmph… sound good? I know that’s what you want, Trixie… I can feel your love, I know you love my big… princess… pussy…”

Twilight came, her pussy muscles tensing all around Trixie, her fluids washing over her shrunken body. Starlight’s tongue took one last lick and receded, and Trixie slid out of Twilight, onto the soaking couch cushions.

“Ahh…” sighed Twilight. “Trixie has to be in love with me now. I’m so sure, I wouldn’t even bother asking her…”

“Well, now that Twilight’s satisfied,” said Sunset, “Here’s a little something I picked up while I was waiting for my turn!” She reached behind the couch and lifted a long, wobbly blue dildo. “Found it in your room, Twilight. It’s even Trixie’s color, more or less.”

“That’s a coincidence, I swear,” mumbled Twilight.

“So,” said Starlight, “we take Trixie, and…” she took the dildo from Sunset’s hand. “Hmm, that’ll be much better than that remote control Trixie strapped us to. But… hmm, Trixie can only be on one end, so who gets her?”

“I’ll take care of that,” said Twilight. “I’ll make sure she gets plenty of time with both of you.” Her magic surrounded Trixie and lifted her off the couch, dangling her body limply in midair. “Does that sound like fun, Trixie? You’ll get your second round with each of these wonderful mares. Just don’t fall too much in love with them… I don’t want you forgetting that you’re mine.”

“Please,” gasped Trixie, “Just give me a moment…”

“Toys don’t get to ask for a break, Trixie,” scoffed Twilight, using her magic to affix Trixie’s body to the side of the dildo. “We wouldn’t ask the dildo if it felt like fucking Sunset and Starlight. Besides, they don’t need much from you, Trixie. Just a squirm a little, like you did with me!”

Twilight picked herself up off the couch and motioned for Starlight and Sunset to take her place. They lay themselves sideways across the couch, resting their backs on the armrests and interlocking their legs. Twilight levitated the double-dildo down in between their bodies, setting the blunt tips of each end at the entrance to their pussy lips. “So are you going to take care of this yourselves, girls, or do you want me to put a little force behind it?” Twilight asked, meeting Sunset’s eyes, then Starlight’s. “Of course I want to give Trixie a rollercoater ride in your pussies, but I don’t want to give you girls more than you can handle.”

“Is that a challenge?” asked Sunset, narrowing her eyes at Twilight. “If you think we’re not tough, maybe you should give us a real rocky ride.”

“Uh, I think she was really just asking,” said Starlight. “For the record, I don’t want a rocky ride. Just play it by ear and make sure Trixie spends lots of time inside me.”

Trixie groaned and struggled weakly, unable to pull herself away from the dildo’s surface. “The Great and Powerful Trixie would prefer-”

“Oh, that’s enough out of you,” said Twilight. She shifted Trixie’s position, sliding her down to Starlight’s end of the dildo and shoving her inside the giant lavender pussy. “Sorry if that was too rough, Starlight,” she said. “I just didn’t want to hear that little hussy run her mouth anymore.”

“Gosh, Twilight,” said Sunset, scooting closer to Starlight, getting more of the dildo inside her, “I’m surprised to hear you leaning into the degrading dirty talk. Really didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Well, you know,” said Twilight casually, moving the dildo back and forth - deep into Starlight, then deep into Sunset, then back again. “You deal with enough villains, and you learn how to be… assertive. Forceful.”

“Do you think the other Twilight is capable of that?” asked Sunset. “It’s good to have a horny Twilight around…” She let her fingers slide down her belly until she was gently rubbing her clit. “I need to get both of you on the same side of the mirror sometime real soon… I kinda want two Twilights standing over me, calling me a dirty girl…”

“Sounds fun,” said Twilight. “Dirty girls with fun ideas get Trixie time.” She slid Trixie down the dildo, in Sunset’s direction. She watched the tiny mare writhing briefly, in the time she was between the two girl’s bodies, until she slid into Sunset’s folds.

“Ahh, there she is,” sighed Sunset. “Ooh, little wriggly Trixie, squirming in my big wet cunt… you’re so little, Trixie… are you just drowning in my pussy?”

“Ah, it is better with Trixie inside you,” sighed Starlight. “She’s only been gone a few seconds, but I already want her back so bad…” she stirred her hips, working the dildo deeper inside her. “Give it to me a little harder, Twilight… now that Trixie’s gone, I need more…”

“Sounds like you two girls are getting used to having a squirmy little Trixie inside you,” said Twilight. She knelt by the couch, running her hand across her friends’ smooth thighs as she pumped the dildo in and out of their marehoods. “I wouldn’t want to take that away from you…” She traced the curves of their bodies with her fingers, stretching her arms to feel up both sets of tits. “You know, I could make this permanent,” she said. “Trixie can stay nice and little forever, and we can all share her… pass her around…”

She slid Trixie deeper into Sunset, pinning her against the upper wall of Sunset’s cunt. She ground the little squirming mare into the slick flesh; Trixie would have been utterly pulverized, were it not for her invincibility - and Sunset shook violently, clutching herself as Trixie’s wriggling tickled her pussy. “Ahh, fuck, Trixie, you’re so good… I love you like this, Trixie, I want to keep you like this…”

Twilight slid Trixie out of Sunset’s pussy, holding her in between the two girls’ bodies for a moment. “Good news, Trixie,” said Twilight, looming over the shrunken mare, “We’ve got Sunset’s vote for keeping you tiny forever! Let’s give Starlight some time with you, you squirming little slut, and see if we can get her vote too.”

Trixie stared up blankly at Twilight, her body wracked by heaving breaths. “Twilight,” she moaned, “You… please, you wouldn’t…”

“I just might,” said Twilight coldly, sliding Trixie into Starlight’s pussy. Trixie was plunged into darkness again, surrounded by the now-familiar warmth and fragrance of Starlight Glimmer. She was pinned between Starlight’s walls and the floppysex toy, her body rubbing roughly against the dripping flesh. She could tell that the force of the thrusting dildo, and the pressure squeezing her body, should have been enough to crush her - but her invincible body only felt it as pleasure. Even the crushing force of Twilight’s magical thrusts felt like a full-body deep-tissue massage, powerful and sensual, touching her everywhere.

And Starlight’s pussy began to squeeze harder, clamping down on Trixie’s body as the immense climax approached. Trixie’s limbs shuddered, and her moaning mouth licked at Starlight’s dewy walls. The quiver of Starlight’s cunt became a forceful clench… then another, and another, as Starlight Glimmer’s cunt throbbed in orgasm.

Twilight’s magic tugged at Trixie, pulling her in Sunset’s direction. Trixie emerged into the light again, and she found herself staring at Twilight’s smiling face.

“Sounds like Starlight wants to keep you tiny too,” said Twilight. “Can you hear us talking while you're inside a giant pussy? Or are you too busy playing with yourself?”

Trixie looked down at herself, and realized that she was, in fact, touching herself; her fingers were all over her pussy lips, probing the folds of her marehood.

“So that's good news, little Trixie!” teased Twilight. “You get to be tiny forever! You get to play with big tits and go diving into deep, wet pussies every day… now get back in Sunset and make her cum!”

Trixie slid down the length of the dildo, gliding down to Sunset’s end. Once again the light was blotted out, subsumed by the darkness of Sunset Shimmer’s gigantic, sopping-wet pussy. Trixie’s hands were still at work in her pussy, stroking her walls and tickling her clit as her body squirmed inside Sunset’s cunt. She could hear Sunset moaning and feel her writhing, every motion like a tremor the reverberated through Trixie’s body. And Trixie knew that she was having an effect on Sunset too; she could feel Sunset’s body shivering every time she flexed her arms or kicked her legs. In spite of the vastly different size of their bodies, they were connecting, making love… and as Sunset’s pussy pulsed harder and faster, ramping up to climax, Trixie felt herself going over the edge too.

They came together, sharing a colossal, seismic climax. The walls of Sunset’s cunt tensed tightly, squeezing Trixie’s against the squishy dildo. The tightening muscles battered Trixie’s invincible body, pounding again and again as successive climaxes hammered at Sunset Shimmer. Just as their orgasms faded to aftershocks, Twilight yanked the dildo out of Sunset’s pussy, sending Trixie tumbling onto the couch. Soaking wet and trembling, Trixie rode out the rest of her climax as the other girls stared down with amusement.

“Ah, just took at her,” said Twilight. “We put her through a lot, didn’t we, girls?” She knelt by the couch and poked Trixie, eliciting a feeble groan from the tiny mare.

“I’d love to do more,” said Starlight Glimmer. “After I get a little bit of a breather… How much time do we have left before she’s back to normal?”

“I’m not sure,” said Twilight. “We’re probably close the the time limit, actually.”

Sunset Shimmer sat up, propping herself on her elbows and brushing a strand of matted hair from her face. “I think it’s going to be a while before I’m ready for anything else, girls… and Trixie looks like she’s real wiped out.”

The other girls took a closer look at Trixie. She wasn’t just tired, they realized - she was dozing off, her chest rising and falling with slow breaths.

“I guess she’s been through more than any of us,” said Starlight. “Even when you’re invincible, you can still get tired, huh?”

Twilight cupped her hand by the edge of the couch cushion and gently nudged Trixie’s sleeping body into her palm. For a few seconds she just stared at the little mare, watching her sleep. “Okay, let’s find a place for sleepy little Trixie, then we can-” she paused as an unexpected yawn struck her. “Actually, I think I’m almost as tired as she is.”

“I know I wouldn’t mind turning in,” said Sunset.

“Yeah, I suppose that’s enough fun for one night,” said Starlight, pulling herself off the couch. “This thing folds out, right?”

“Uh-huh,” said Twilight. “Give me a hand with this and we’ll have a bed that’s big enough for all three of us.” she looked down at Trixie, still snoozing in her hand. “I mean all four of us.”


When Trixie awoke, she nearly panicked. The ceiling was almost on top of her, the walls were too close - had the girls thrown her in a box?

But no - she was in a room, but the proportions of everything around her were disorientingly small. Being back to normal size felt unnatural at first, and she gave herself a moment to adjust-

And then something shifted underneath her; thrashing limbs and wriggling flesh. Trixie scrambled off the fold-out bed and caught herself on the wall, then turned to see Twilight sitting up in surprise. “Trixie!” said Twilight. “Sorry if I scared you - you were sleeping on my tummy, and when you woke up at normal size it kind of, uh, startled me.”

“That is quite all right,” sighed Trixie, still adjusting herself to the sight of Twilight Sparkle’s face at normal size. She’d gotten so used to seeing the princess as a colossus, her face - and her body - all staggeringly huge. She found herself staring at Twilight’s breasts, remembering when they had been ten times bigger than her. “So,” Trixie said, “Have you decided not to keep Trixie small?”

“Trixie,” laughed Twilight, “You must have known I wasn’t serious about that!”

“Trixie… supposes that she did know that,” Trixie sighed, “But… she could not stop herself from wondering if you would really do it… and what kind of life she would have if you truly made her your toy…”

“Well, I’m sorry if we got carried away and made it feel too, uh, believable,” said Twilight. “And… I really hope you had some fun. I’d love to have you back again, Trixie, and next time doesn’t need to be so… unusual.”

“Hmm,” muttered Trixie. “So… Trixie is free to go?”

“Of course!” said Twilight. “I’ll help you get your things together.”

As they gathered up Trixie’s clothes, Starlight and Sunset sat up from the bed, bleary-eyed and yawning. “Oh, are you going?” asked Sunset. “Bye, Trix! Hope to see you again sometime!”

“Yeah, and I’ll be by your cart later today,” said Starlight. “Bye-bye.”

Outside, in her robe and her hat, Trixie looked out over the world and couldn’t help but feel that it should be bigger. Being small had been frightening, but her life as a shrunken sex toy had been intense and passionate in a way that her normal life so rarely was. For her whole adult life, she’d built an identity as the Great and Powerful Trixie; being small and powerless should have been unbearable. And yet those memories were tugging at her mind, dragging her back to last night, making desire flare up once again. Trixie didn’t quite know how she felt about the slumber party… and she suspected it would take quite some time for her to sort her feelings out.