> Monster In Her Bed > by GivingSpider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters used here are the property of their respective owners. - Moonbeams traversed an incredible distance through the cold void of space. There was a subtle humor to be found in the fact that despite the journey they failed to penetrate the room. Heavy curtains prevented illumination as effectively as they helped keep the heat inside. Winter had come and brought the usual inconveniences of cold weather and colder nights. With the outside world effectively kept outside; it was almost as if it didn't exist. The heavy snowstorm and freezing temperatures were all denied access to the house by barriers of wood, glass, and fabric. For all of nature's fury and the timeless presence of the moon to be thwarted by mortal design was an amusing distraction as well as a curious one. Fluttershy softly smiled to herself as the elements continued to hammer at their home. Discord's various improvements to the structure were firm testament to his unquenchable thirst for defying the natural order. Everything seemed to be an opportunity to rebel against something and he wasn't one for wasting them. She wondered briefly if their union was another act of defiance. She wondered if he had tempted the wrath of Gaia Everfree every time he crawled or slithered into their bed. Fluttershy deeply inhaled and her smile curled into a grin. The only thing he never dared make a joke out of was their conjoined lives. Even if he got a rise out of the way the wind howled through the trees when he casually gave the forest his middle claw; she was worth more to him than any of his games or schemes. The Draconequus uttered a low growl in his sleep as his paw found its way around Fluttershy's waist. The subdued beast's heart pumped against her back with a steady tempo like a well oiled machine. The warmth of his coat seeped into her body through her pale blue pajamas adorned with pink and yellow butterflies. The human lay with back pressed against his chest, her legs gently wrapped in his tail, and his claw apparently detached from his arm and softly holding her toes. The sound of his breathing resonated in her more than the storm. Fluttershy squirmed slight in her place, shifting her position just enough to nudge her mate. Discord let out another animalistic sound as he shifted as well. His tail relaxed and his legs pushed his frame upwards. Fluttershy blushed as his paw shifted. They were still spooning but there was something a bit naughty taking focus from the tender moment. The innocent and unconscious gesture of holding her turned into an accidental but less than innocent position. The paw gently rested on her breasts. Discord's broad lion foot that he used as a hand slowly roamed as if he was looking for where it used to be. Fluttershy gulped in silence as wandering slowly began to resemble caressing over her shirt. Her mind snapped to an awareness higher than when she was just cuddling him. The storm outside began to get pushed aside by a very different act of nature. Her breathing quickened and her temperature rose from something other than the blankets and his coat. Discord continued to gently trace over her and several thoughts danced in her head. A primal need began to whisper in the back of her head. The woman considered sneaking off to take care of herself where she wouldn’t disturb him. She also thought about waking him up to finish what he started. She lightly bit down on her lip as another possibility formed. The Spirit of Chaos had on several occasions given her permission to sample every temptation of the flesh with him. Every carnal urge and every scandalous act was fair game. His active participation was optional and in this moment, the opportunity was present. Fluttershy carefully moved her hands towards her chest and met the paw. With an equally careful motion she guided the paw from her breasts and down her stomach. Discord grunted in his sleep as he found her waist. Fluttershy squeaked softly as she began moving the paw again. She guided him under her shirt and ventured back up again. The Draconequus stretched his tail as he found her petite flesh again. She lay motionless as the paw resumed the soft caressing. Her face became more flush as she drank deep the sensation of him almost massage a personal region. Fluttershy was now very awake and aware, more than what could be said for Discord who seemed very unaware that he was getting conscripted to help her masturbate. Fluttershy breathed with anticipation and urgency. Her hand carefully slid under the waist of her pajama pants and she traced her womanhood. Naughty fingers met her moistened folds and seemed to explore on their own. The only thing between her and satisfying her needs was a single fact: The waist of her bottoms was mildly uncomfortable for her wrist. Without thinking she quickly tugged them along with her panties to her knees. Her bare bottom was now pressed against her fully nude husband and her cheeks turned a bit more crimson. The sleeping beast stirred again and for a moment he squeezed her left breast as he shifted. A surprise gasp escaped her as she felt a very familiar appendages poke her thigh. The paw resumed fondling her chest as it clicked in her head that she might have influenced a dream he was having. His very erect cock twitched and she almost jumped. A low groan slipped out of her as the claw wandered from her foot and gripped her pajama pants. The chaotic grabber tugged her lower layer of clothes down to her ankles before joining the paw at her chest. Fluttershy softly moaned as she unconsciously teased her clitoris. The sensory button shot a jolt up her spine. Her breathing began to match the pace that Discord had taken with her upper body. The Draconequus growled almost hungrily as he shifted again. This time his penis slipped between her legs and rested a mere inch away from her opening. Without thinking about how deep down the rabbit hole she was wandering; she slowly caressed the organ with her free hand. The beast gave another growl as she lightly gripped him and gave a single pump. Her other hand continued the task of sating her own needs and she could feel his breathing become heavier. The rising and falling of his chest against her back was more noticeable. Discord's body shifted again and she could have sworn that he faintly thrusted into her hand. The kneading of her bosom continued and the woman gradually began to match his pace with her own actions. Fluttershy dipped a single finger into herself and let out a moan a bit louder than she wanted. The majestic monster behind her growled in response and abruptly gave her breasts a slightly firmer squeeze. She froze and a single thought penetrated all her senses: Did she wake him up? Fluttershy froze in her place; one hand around his stiff penis and the other hand cupping her sex. The paw and claw started moving again and Discord made a sound that was much more understandable than an animalistic growl. “Why did you stop?” Fluttershy could only let out a surprised squeak as his words drove into her. Discord playfully thrusted into her hand again before giving the back of her neck a soft nip. “When did you wake up” Fluttershy managed to whisper. Her body wanted more but her mind was abruptly jolted away from her physical desires. “Right as you put my paw under your shirt” The Draconequus replied plainly as he softly squeezed her captive chest. “I didn't say anything because you seemed to be enjoying yourself. I thought I'd let you drive to your heart's content. Clearly I've apparently influenced you a tiny bit. I didn't think you had it in you.” Fluttershy's blush returned with a vengeance. Her husband's cock twitched and his lone fang dragged itself along her neck. “So tell me” Discord said with notes of unfiltered lust in his voice. “What are you going to do now? Fluttershy fidgeted in her spot. Not only was she caught in the act but Discord had elected to egg her on. On top of that; he seemed completely on board with what just happened. The chaotic entity had chosen to encourage the bout of debauchery. Fluttershy laid still in silence and listened to his breathing. She could still feel his pulse in his cock. The paw and claw on her breasts had stopped moving; as if waiting for permission to keep going. Her thoughts squarely landed on the notion that Discord wanted to see how far she would go. It was as if he was simply curious about how far she could be tempted. She started to wonder how many things he would let her get away with. “Remember how I told you that you could have anything” Discord mused as he gently traced a lone talon along a nipple. “I wasn't joking. This sort of thing fuels me. Catching you like this is just leaving me hungry for more.” The Draconequus playfully gave another single humping motion, his cock sliding in her hand and his body pressing against her bottom. “Just remember that everything you do risks rousing the beast” Discord continued in a half growl. “Go ahead. Just take what you want. Let yourself go and let your true nature come out to play. The old saying how it's the quiet ones who are the kinky ones; admit that in your case it's true. Take what's yours while you can…then I'll show you what my feral urges wants.” Fluttershy found herself slightly tightening her grip. The mental image of Discord ravaging her like a wild animal dragged her further from the embarrassment of being caught. She wasn't sure if it was his words, tone, or the fact that she was already worked up; but she wanted more. Fluttershy wanted satisfaction. She wanted the rush of an orgasm and the afterglow. She wanted carnal congress with the living embodiment of chaos. She wanted to leave human modesty in a corner and make it watch. The woman's body ached with unfiltered lust. A few months ago and she would have suspected that magic was used to bring her to where she was. Sure out in the open her more personal desires and the truth about Discord’s true self was a secret to be locked away but in their own home; she wanted everything. Fluttershy practically forgot her earlier embarrassment. “Promise me” Fluttershy whispered in urgency. “Promise me that I won't see it coming when you take over.” “You want that” Discord coyly replied as his claw resumed cupping her breast. “I thought this was your game. You sure you actually want me to just take control? Wasn’t this about you?” “Are you saying you would go back to sleep and let me play by myself?” “If you wanted me to.” Fluttershy paused in her thoughts. Earlier it was enough to do what she was already doing. The thought of her lover unconsciously being part of her self love indulgence. She traced her most personal region again and elected to let herself go. “Not this time” Fluttershy said with a soft moan as she gently pushed back against him. “I want to be surprised. I want to be taken when I least expect it. I need you…I need this.” Discord playfully growled as his weight sunk into the mattress. His body relaxed and his paw and claw lessened their grip. He slowly resumed the masquerade of being asleep and unconsciously fondling his mate. Fluttershy let out a hushed moan as she began slowly stroking him again. The thought of being abruptly mounted by a surprised beast looking to reestablish dominance over a small act of disobedience burned in her. The current position was equally tempting. The illusion of manipulating Discord proved to be more fun than the sensations from her earlier moment of weakness. Both her hands slightly quickened in their actions. Her breathing became heavier and the stimulation of her chest got a bit more eager. Fluttershy's hand and inner thighs slowly became wet from her actions. The fluid from her own body crept from her finger and into her palm as the cock in her other hand leaked a small sample onto her legs. The delicious scandal of her actions were more stimulation than the act itself. Knowing that at any moment the beast would be fully roused added an enticing tension similar to being tied down to the bed or over the couch. Her attention to her well lubricated love tunnel became more fevered and the strokes given to Discord had gained speed. Fluttershy could still hear his growls and feel his heartbeat against her back. Both her hands grew slick with juices and the Draconequus' sounds became labored. His paw and claw continued massaging her breasts at a composed rate. Part of her forgot that he was only pretending to be asleep. His illusion was practically flawless in execution; which suggested that his sudden ‘awakening’ would feel all the more surprising. She continued to serve her physical desires and tempt the beast. Discord's breathing kept up the heated pace from earlier. Fluttershy groaned a lust fueled tone as her body suddenly ignited. Every nerve carried the shockwave of her climax and keeping her self composed was a lost cause. Her hand froze in place as she reflexively clenched around two fingers. The hand gripping her companion kept going with the same gusto as earlier. Discord uttered a carnal growl and gently nuzzled her hair. The woman's pulse slowly steadied itself as she rode the aftershock of her orgasm. The rush of every sensation suddenly being amplified all at once took her mind off her husband and his weeping cock in her hand. She reclined into his body and slowly massaged his erection. The fondling of her chest had subsided with she reached her peak. The heavy scandal of her actions lingered after reaching the conclusion. Fluttershy started to wonder how he was going to play the rest of their night. Fluttershy deeply inhaled and caught the scent of strawberries. Her eyes darted around the dark room in search of the source of the strange development. A soft squeak escaped her as she felt his stiff cock twitch in her grip. She let go of the organ and slowly shifted in her spot. She sat upright, the sheets coming up with her. Through the darkness she could vaguely see her husband's mismatched body. The paw and claw casually fell from her breasts and landed in her lap. A firm growl was heard from the monster in her bed, sending a familiar chill down her spine; reminiscent of the soft caress of his paw on her bottom before a playful spanking. She squirmed slightly into the mattress and the grabbers fell from her lap. The paw and claw remained motionless. Fluttershy slowly reached and took gentle hold of the penis and almost jumped as he suddenly rolled onto his back. She stealthy leaned in and kissed the tip, finding the source of the strawberry aroma. With a slight giggle she gave a single pump to the shaft. Clearly this was a trap, but it was Discord's trap. Not taking the baited hook would result in him getting something through a different angle. Fluttershy uttered a heated breath. The game was to provoke him, right? Fluttershy adjusted her position, moving the covers aside as she crept. Her pajama pants and panties came off her ankles and lay forgotten. The woman moved onto all fours in front of Discord, hovering herself over his broad tail and crotch. She leaned forward and gave the head a soft lick and was greeted by a dollop of flavored pre and a low growl from her mate. Her eyes darted around until she spotted his paw and claw idly laying on the bed. Her lips traced the length of the sensitive tip of his penis and received another small sample. With a smirk and an amused hum, she took the tip into her mouth. The throbbing organ slid inside and she was greeted by the altered fluids. Fluttershy slowly descended halfway down the length before rising back up. Her hair casually cascaded down, blocking most of her vision except for what was right under her. Savoring the taste and the power over him; she softly bobbed on him. Discord grinned to himself as his left eye made it's way to the night stand. She didn't seem to notice that he animated her hair into taking away most of her field of vision. He savored the sight of the pink adorned head rise and fall for a moment before closing it. There was a sudden blackness that was replaced by a new sight almost as quickly as it came. From the new vantage point, Discord got a clear side view of his human wife. His claw flexed and her hair shifted just enough to expose her lips sliding up and down on his manhood. Her elbows and knees were anchored to the bed and her supple rump was elevated, practically presented for him. Another growl came out and he very faintly shifted. The woman froze with his cock still in her mouth. Her lips clamped down a little tighter as she waited to see if he was going to get up. Fluttershy's mouth was filled with the taste of strawberries and her mind burned with the small amount of power she had over the Draconequus. She also was feeling the rush of adrenaline that came from the looming possibility that the tide could turn at an instant. A single step too far, a single sucking motion too strong, a single noise too loud; and the beast would catch her in the act. At any moment he could push her head all the way down. He could grab her hair and decide the speed of her movements. She sucked a little harder from the tension. Discord could also put on a true show of feral dominance and rut her senseless. The leash she was holding was fragile and every shift and twitch reminded her. Fluttershy's body burned with another flare of desire. It was what she asked for: to be surprised and taken by his wild side. The looming reality that all her leverage would be gone made her mind race with images of being mounted. Fluttershy resumed milking his dick with her lips and received more small doses of his strawberry seed. Discord growled a more roused tone and his wife paused in her movements again. His claw and paw silently made their way around the bed. The claw took a spot to her left and the paw stopped behind her. The plan of attack had formed and all he needed to do was act. The beast watched as she resumed her actions. The sensation of having his cock sucked weighed a lot heavier than the angle he watched it from; but his instincts were making demands for more. His carnal urges slowly became harder to suppress. He could almost distinctly hear his own voice whisper in the old language of his race: “Fuck her”. He summoned his eye to return to his head. Discord wanted a side angle shot of her cheeks being filled by his seed but tonight was about her needs. She wanted to be usurped from a throne without warning and pretending to sleep through giving her a mouthful would be difficult to pull off. Fluttershy moaned in anticipation as the broad growl came out of her mate. She felt like she had taken a step off a cliff and was falling. There was only the decent and knowing that he was going to safely catch her. The night ultimately rested on his mercy and restraint; and she fully trusted him. Her tongue dragged along his twitching organ as her mouth continued roaming. Her loins were screaming for more. Her body temped her mind into giving the order to ride him while he lay on his back. Fluttershy came off his cock with a faint pop. She brushed her hair aside and looked at his closed eyes. Her head had led her down a very scandalous path this evening. From masturbating next to him and coaxing his assistance to an act of simulated somnophilia; the Spirit of Chaos had proven true to his word to help her explore all her deepest and darkest fantasies. Her limbs seemed to move on their own and she slowly crawled forward. Fluttershy straightened herself out over his cock, her womanhood hovering above the weeping cock. Her hand gently held him steady as she lowered herself, taking his penis inside her. Her most personal region stretched enough to let him in and squeezed. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung agape as a sound moan came out. In this fleeting moment; she was truly dominant over the majestic monster. She steadily descended until she sat on his pelvis. Fluttershy gazed down at his face and grinned. The cowgirl position wasn't new; but this level of presumed control was. She clenched herself around him and drank deep the rush of the sensations. Her mind snapped to a new focus when she felt his paw firmly clap her bottom. A surprised squeak came out and his claw gripped her hair, giving a mild tug, forcing her to look into his now open eyes. All the control she had was gone. Her fragile leash had been swapped out for a collar reinforced by old world magic. Discord growled wordlessly as he fixed his gaze on her. Fluttershy squirmed in her spot and another swat landed. The Draconequus regarded her with a hungry and feral stare, like a creature who just had their territory challenged. Fluttershy bit her bottom lip and a chill shot down her spine. Her eyes softened and conveyed a silent surrender. The beast's answer to her actions would leave a lasting impression about the consequences for testing his authority. She squirmed again and recieved another smack on the butt. The inevitable carnal congress seemed like it would be exactly what she wanted to provoke from the ancient creature. The claw subtly tugged her hair again and she meekly followed. The pull guided her into dismounting. The paw rested against her bottom as she found herself guided onto her knees. Discord rolled onto his stomach and slithered around her, keeping his eyes on her. The woman's heart pounded in her chest as he stalked around her. The paw traced up her back and joined the claw in her hair. A firm growl was uttered as the parts tugged her downwards, guiding her back down onto all fours. She squeaked as the pulling continued until her head rested on the mattress. Fluttershy squirmed in her place and received another swat. She fidgeted and felt another. The only thing permitted was to present herself for the beast. She bit down on the sheets, listening to the slithering chaos serpent continue to roam the bed in a circle around her. His claw felt her hair and slowly traced along her back. She gasped in delicious tension as the claw slowly cut down the fabric. Her last remaining garment fell from her body in thin ribbons and she whimpered silently. She could feel his weight moving and shifting until he stopped behind her. Fluttershy started to shift to look behind her but a firm clap effectively discouraged it. The growling slowly became less Discord and more something else. He was still her husband but he was also letting himself succumb to the instinctual fact that mounting was a display of dominance; and her activity was a challenge that could not be ignored. No matter how submissive she behaved; he would not be satisfied until he answered her accidental declaration of power. Fluttering groaned into the sheets. She wouldn't be satisfied either. Discord moved his body over his mate, putting his weight into pinning her down. His cock prodded her entrance as he growled firmly into her ear. The invading penis pushed into her with a firm thrust and she let out a muffled moan into the mattress. The Draconequus descended until he penetrated her to full depth and held her still. His powerful frame pulled back and pushed back in with a fluid motion. Fluttershy soundly called out as the beast began showing her who was in charge of their dynamic for this particular evening. The taste of fresh strawberries was slowly being replaced by the slight aftertaste of an unflavored cock. Discord had just taken away what she thought was her last standing trophy from her earlier activity. It was as if she never helped herself to his vulnerable body earlier. His thrusts became harder and faster and her moans got louder. The Draconequus was using her body with the same fevered desperation that she felt when tending to herself. Animalistic grunts and growls drowned out her moans and squeals. Discord gave a hard thrust and paused at full depth. The beast slowly lifted himself from her back without retracting. Fluttershy could only imagine the sight of her mate rearing up to his full kneeling height, looking down at her like he had broken a usurper. “You know better than that” Discord mused coyly as he traced her bottom with his paw. “You know what I am. You know what happens when you provoke me.” Fluttershy playfully squeaked as he suddenly spoke. “The way I was rutting you like a savage was something you brought on yourself” the Draconequus continued. “As punishment; I'm going to let my wild side have it's way with you.” Fluttershy let out a vocal moan in response. Her own carnal hunger prevented her from playing any roles. “But before I do that” Discord said as his tone slowly went from horny and playful to serious and stern. “The sane half of me is going to punish you before I turn you over to the savage.” Fluttershy could only groan and gnaw on the sheet between her and the mattress. Discord pulled back and gave a hard thrust, forcing her to squeak. She felt his paw firmly clap her bottom and she let out a surprised yelp. His organ pulled back again and she received another swat. The invading cock rammed back inside her and she received another spank. Her loins burned with lust and her face became flushed. Discord committed to a steady rhythm of rough penetrations and timed swats. His hips and his paw met her bottom in a steady, merciless rhythm. The woman bit the blanket harder as a mix of grunts and moans escaped her. The tenderizing of her helpless rear and the diving of his Draconequus organ sent her to a higher level of awareness and pleasure. The growing heat in her backside as the delicious stimulation in her vagina both drove her deeper over the edge. The disciplinary blows and steady pounding kept telling her a simple fact: that she was his. She squirmed in her spot and felt his claw grip her waist, holding her presented ass still. “Stop moving” Discord half barked as he gave another firm love tap. “Accept your punishment. Do not resist. You'll just make it harder on yourself. There's a lot more that could happen.” Fluttershy paused in her thoughts. The continued thrusts and swats seemed slightly dulled after his remarks. Her tenderized bottom wore a delicious heat and her lions were almost ready to fire off another climax; but the veiled promise of giving her more was tempting. Her entire evening was built on braving the risk of a supposed punishment to gain even just a taste of pleasure. The woman groaned as lust fueled schemes burned in her head hotter than her bottom. With a sudden surge of effort, she gripped the bottom sheet and pulled herself forward enough for Discord's member to slip out. “As you wish” Discord said in a low tone as his tail snaked under him and coiled around her ankles. “Don't say I didn't warn you.” Fluttershy squirmed and wriggled about as the tail gripped her ankles. She stretched her arms out with the intention of pulling herself further away but her mate's paw and claw held her waist firmly enough to prevent any effective forward motion. She squirmed in vain, deliberately provoking the beast once more; her only real noteworthy movements involved swaying her slightly pink rump. Discord's weight shifted again and he leaned over her. “If spanking you isn't getting the point across” he growled into her ear as he pinned her down under him. “I can just as easily find another way to punish you.” Fluttershy groaned in anticipation as his body heat sunk into her body. The feeling of his fur pushing down on her again teased her senses. His loins pressed against her tender bottom as his arms rejoined his paw and claw. The parts he used in place of hands traced from her shoulders and moved to hold her wrists still. She squirmed slightly and learned two things. The first was that movement was more restricted than before. The second was something that made her eyes widen and her teeth release the sheet. Discord's cock hovered in front of her vagina, but it felt like there were two penis heads teasing her folds. “I'm about to let the beast out” Discord growled into her ear. “But before I do that; I'm going to make sure that your naughty ass will remind you in the morning what happens when you step out of line.” Fluttershy soundly gasped in surprise as one of the probing members adjusted it's aim. One cock remained at her love tunnel but the second was now pushing against her backdoor. The duel intrusion started slowly, both Draconequus organs probing her as if getting ready for full force motion. She squeaked as his breathing resembled the carnal tone from before. Discord's actions became less about fitting his own pleasure into the scene. There was barley a Discord at this point. There was just a Draconequus who woke up to being mounted in his sleep. Fluttershy took several deep breaths as Discord slowly explored deeper into her. She suspected the use of magic was the logical explanation for the relative ease. The feeling of being taken in both ways at once was a strange experience. The delicious stimulation of a cock in her eager womanhood contradicted the feeling of an equally endowed one in her rear. She briefly wondered how the different sensations mixed in her husband's mind. Fluttershy let out a high pitched squeak as she felt the beast's body meet her still tender bottom. Discord's members rested at full depth as he growled into her ear. The feral sound firmly announced the pleasure he was feeling but a subtle underlining message was obvious to her. Every action and sound had a clear meaning and after a night of such being his preferred method of communicating; it was an unmistakable statement: that she was his; not the other way around. Discord was her Alpha. He was always her Alpha. Fluttershy found herself biting the sheet again. Her mate slowly pulled back, the friction of the withdrawal made her slightly hiss. She didn't want him to leave. Discord promised to teach her a lesson. A sudden thrust from the Draconequus caused her to squeak a bit louder than she would have liked. The beast holding her down suddenly built up to a steady pace of firm motions. Discord reached the same speed and force he had when he was tenderizing her bum. Steady moans escaped her as he continued to claim her body. Growls and grunts filled the room along with her own vocalizations. Fluttershy screamed into the mattress as another orgasm shook her body. The monster in her bed continued the carnal enforcement of the bedroom's pecking order. Her hands clenched the sheet and she let out another euphoric shout as the twitching, throbbing cocks shot out her seed into her. The beast uttered a low growl and rested at full depth, depositing both loads with the same determined aura as his thrusts. Fluttershy reflexively gasped as Discord started pulling out of her clenched holes. She took a few moments to catch her breath; time that her mate permitted her to have. Discord's weight shifted and took her with him. Fluttershy gently pushed her body into his as he rested them in the spooning pose. The beast just softly held her, content that she fully surrendered to the master of the den. A low but soft growl came out of him and she softly hummed in response. She had no desire to break the scene with human words. The woman wanted to keep her wild, untamable mate for the remainder of the night. Discord softly nuzzled her hair as his tail gently wrapped around her ankles again. Fluttershy brought her hands to her chest and the paw and claw followed; holding them still. Physical exhaustion began to creep over her. A satisfied breath came out of her and Discord uttered another soft growl. The human yawned before murmuring to herself. The weather outside had not subsided. There was still winter's fury hammering at the walls. Fluttershy surrendered to her body once more and let herself begin fall asleep in her mate's embrace. It didn't matter what was going on outside as long as she had Discord. Even if he would never reveal himself out in the open; she still had him for what he truly was when behind closed doors. She vaguely caught the feeling of the covers slowly coming back over them. She suspected magic was involved. A wordless murmur was uttered and followed by a soft growl. Fluttershy wondered how far away they were from an entire session without human words. Her eye caught the alarm clock on the night stand and felt like the time was taunting her. It probably wasn't particularly responsible to resist sleeping as long as she had. In a few hours the sun would be up and there was much to do; things that a sore and exhausted body would object to. Fluttershy slightly wriggled to a slightly more comfortable position. Discord permitted the shift but kept hold of her. Waking up the next morning being tired and sore was rarely a deterrent from perusing nighttime debauchery. Her last thoughts before drifting off involved the possibility of talking to Discord about making a full attempt at wordless communication the next time they shared their bodies. Discord listened to his wife’s breathing and caught the moment she fell asleep. A yawn escaped him and he let his mind begin to drift away. For a moment it seemed like she might demand another round. He was starting to suspect that she had more of a wild side than he did.