Just A Gay Afternoon

by mairon987

First published

just a short little gay thing i wrote for my gay au cuz reasons for my human au (RarityxPinkiexRainbow ot3)

uhhhhh human au i made up where Rarity, Pinkie, and Dash are dating. Pinkie and Rarity are already married before the "canon" starts and Rarity is stressed about possibly doing something wrong. give rarity snuggles please

just a one shot gay

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"I never said that I would."

"But you also never said that you wouldn't, Rainbows."

"Get out, Zeph."


Rainbow Dash groaned heavily the moment the door closed to the penthouse, knowing the boy outside could hear her all too well, but not really caring. Throwing herself onto the couch, she screamed into the cushions with the melancholy of a rabbit who realized that carrots weren't actually the best food for their diet, and then glared up at Rarity.

"Why? Why the hell did you let him into my house? Why?" She growled, her words muffled by the pillow she had pulled closer to hug. Of course, she knew why, but still needed a reason to complain after the chore it was to be around Fluttershy's brother.

"He's almost as connected to the latest trends as I am, sweetness," Rarity hummed, taking another pin from its resting place and threading it through the dress she had Pinkie wearing. "That, and he knows how to connect hairstyles into outfits better than I do, so-"

"So he gets to help when asked, yeah, yeah." Rolling onto her back, Dash stared at the texture of the ceiling, starting to count the nibs and curves out of pure observational instinct. "Still doesn't mean that he doesn't annoy the shit out of me, Rarity."

Rarity snapped her fingers, waking Pinkie Pie back up, who had happened to doze off while standing and slouch a little. "I know, and I did warn you about seven times over the course of the past few dasy that he would be coming over. You could've left for a run or even taking Pinkie out somewhere."

"We're going out?" Pinkie gasped, suddenly excited as she beamed at the two of them. "Ooooh, where are we going? Somewhere fancy? Fun? Fancy fun? NO! Wisconsin?"

"Why would we go to Wisconsin?" Rarity and Dash were staring at the girl now, who rocked back and forth on her heels while humming a sudden, made-up tune about the state.

"Cheese, man. They have, like, soooooo much cheese in that state."

"If you want cheese, there's some in the fridge, babe." Dash blinked slowly, exchanging glances with Rarity.

"OH SHIT NO WAY!" Despite Rarity's immediate protests, Pinkie shimmied out of the dress Rarity had been working on, leaving it in a messy clump on the pedestal she had been standing on. Grubling about the seams and how long it would take to iron out the wrinkles, the she folded it over her arm with a sigh and then carefully placed it onto the coffee table nearby.

"Well, *that's* on pause for a hot moment." Her work stopped for the time, Rarity waslked around to the other side of the couch, gently nudging Rainbow Dash out of the way so she had room to sit. To her surprise though, and enjoyment, Dash placed her head on Rarity's lap as soon as she had sat down, and handed her the remote.

"Anything but fucking HGTV, Rarity." She warned once and once only. "Because, I swear to god, I will punch the t.v."

"I don't doubt that." Rarity snorted, flicking on the t.v., which had HGTV on for a single moment of heavy tension before she quickly switched channels in order to sate Dash's rage. Eventually settling on a showing of one of the first Daring Do movies and turning the volume down to a comfortable backround, Rarity pulled out her phone and began ticking away, checking her email and texts for updates or responses to the sketches she had sent out earlier that day.

"Anything new, babe?" Yawning and making polite conversation, Dash glanced up at Rarity, a soft exhale escaping her as Daring barely managed to make a jump on the t.v. "Or everyone still giving you trouble over that . . . that . . . fuck, what was it, I'm sorry."

"The Newdale Deal." Rarity corrected with a tired smile, sighing as she tossed her phone down next to her. "No such luck there, I'm afraid. The board on the other side is refusing to budge even a little, even though my bid into the contract is perfectly fair! Honestly its a little infuriating how those higher-ups ignore sensibility from anyone with general business sense just because they've 'Been In The Business Longer.'" Her hand was idly brushing Rainbow Dash's hair, occasionally stopping to hold her head and run her thumb over her cheek. "If I had any other way to help them see the *smarter* choice in this matter, I would, but . . ."

"But what?" Dash was leaning into her hand now in an almost catlike way. "Need me to punch some bitches for you, or . . . ?"

"I can set fire to their offices!" Pinkie offered from the kitchen, eating cheese sticks like a heathen and biting them instead of peeling them like a sensible person. "Like, on an individual level. I'm small and fast. Like a shadow. A ninja. A ninja's shadow." She skipped over to the couch then, and leaned over to plant a light kiss on Rarity's forehead. "Lemme at em'."

Rarity giggled, blushing lightly now. "That's sweet, darlings, really. But I'd rather not commit coperate espionage in order to get what I want. This'll have to be worked out like business-minded individuals.

"Where's the fun in that?" Pinkie and Dash spoke at the same time, snickering and grinning at Rarity before Pinkie bounced in place, and hopped over the couch, landing squarely on Rainbow Dash's stomach. Wheezing and cursing, Pinkie was pulled down in front of Dash, kisses placed on her neck as she was forced into being spooned. Pinkie squealed and kicked, her small body fighting to get out of Dash's grasp, but it didnt't quite work out for her. So, within a few seconds of struggle, she sighed and nestled back up against her girlfriend while letting out a sound that was akin to purring, but that didn't surprise the other two in the slightest.

"You think they're ever gonna let her say 'fuck' in one of the movies?" Dash asked no on in particular after a few minutes of silence between them. Rarity was still petting her head and Pinkie had dozed off comfotably in Dash's arms, but snapped back away at the sound of her voice. The question caused the other two girls to giggle, and Pinkie was the first one to answer.

"She better scream it at Dr. Caballeron or else I'm suing the company." She nudge Dash with her elbow. "Remember what Twilight told us? How Professor Yearling and Caballeron would-"

Rarity interrupted, her smile widening as the memory came back. "Have screaming matches in the middle of the halls, and even-"

"During classes, oh god I feel sorry for her." Laughing now, the three of them reveled at the idea of seeing the bookish teacher from the local college scream at a nearly forty year old man with a horrible case of five o'clock shadow.

"No, no. I'll do you one better." Pinkie sat up, but received a groan from Dash, who's hands were now grabbing at the empty space that Pinkie had been occupying. "AH, Daring Do!" Pinkie's mocking accent of the doctor was downright atrocious, but it's what sold the joke even more, even as she broke into laughter with every other word. "Would you kindly hand over the Idol of Trevanus and then get the FUCK out of my way!"

They all broke then, Pinkie falling back over into Dash's arms while they shook and howled with laughter. It wasn't a few minutes later that they were all gasping for air, giggles still escaping them as they reverted back to how they had been earlier. The only difference was that Pinkie was facing Rainbow Dash now, and had hidden her face against her neck in order to start planting kisses in as many places as she could while humming.

Rarity stretched her arms above her head, a long, content sigh leaving her before her hand returned to caress Rainbow Dash's cheek. There was a bit of silence then, the only sounds being Pinkie's quiet humming and kisses pressing against Dash, and the television playing a dramatic soundtrack as Daring Do swung on a vine.

"Girls . . ." She spoke softly, just barely above the sound of the movie playing. "This is okay right? Living here, our lives, and us? We're-"

"We're okay, Rarity." Gently pushing Pinkie off of her neck, and glaring playfully at the sight of a mark on her shoulder, Rainbow Dash sat up and looped her arm over the back of the couch. "I know where you're going with this, and *yes,* we're okay."

"But are you sure?" Her face was hidden behind her hair now, but the subtle tremor in her normally confident voice was enough to give her emotions away. "I mean, you know I'd never want to press, and I know you hated how I tried to micromanage your wedding, and even after that there was-"

Pinkie didn't her rambles continue past that. She slipped into Rarity's lap, carefully taking hold of the trembling girl's cheeks and kissing her nose softly. "Honey, it's okay, it's okay." She murmured, jerking her head for Dash to move to the other side. Nodding and moving without a word, Dash took Rarity's hands after she had moved to where she could see the poor girl's face and brought them to her lips for a gentle kiss. "Look, we know we're not the easiest people to work, or even live with. But you do that *and* still run your company. You don't have to keep worrying about stepping between us, or over us, or even under us." Dash gave her a look at that line, but Pinkie cut her off with a glare. "Remember what we said when we asked if *you* were okay with all this?"

"You called me one of the most beautiful people you know, and then immediately asked if I wanted to go make out as a way to 'make it official.'" Rarity shook her head and wiped her eyes with a hand before gingerly placing it back in Dash's. "And then Dashie yelled at you for being to forward, but stopped when she saw that I was crying. I was just . . . I was just so touched and happy and-"

"And nothing has changed from that moment." Rainbow said gently, kissing her hands againand moving closer to kiss her cheek. "I promise."

"I pinkie-promise." Nodding seriously, Pinkie kissed her cheek in the same spot Dash had and then gently wrapped her arms around Rarity's neck. "I love you, Rarity, so *please* stop stressing about this.

"Its not healthy, hon." Dash nodded and squeezed her hands gently. "I love you too, but you have *got* to stop stressing so much. We worry about you cracking."

"Oh you worry about me snapping?" Rarity gave a small, sniffling laugh, her cheeks a dark red from blush and emotion as she gave Pinkie a knowing look. "Rainbow "Ride or Die" Dash is telling me not to stress about my work and life."

"The planes are safe oh my god!" Exasperated , Dash let go of Rarity's hands, already beginning to rant about the amount of safety protocols she went through on an hourly basis while gesticulating wildly. Pinkie giggled and nestled her head against Rarity's neck, kissing it softly like she had done to Rainbow Dash only a few minutes prior, and listened to her girlfriend rant with a content smile on her face.

]Rarity was glad for the change, the normalcy of Rainbow Dash angrily defending her life decisions, and definitely glad for the ghost of pressure on her hands where Dash had held and kissed them, and even more so for the weight of Pinkie's body against her own, and the kisses she brought with her. She almost started crying again right then and there, overwhelmed with the happiness she felt in the little moments like this, adn kissed Pinkie's head in return while Rainbow's ranting started to die down at the sight of the looks her girlfriends have her.

She pouted. "Don't give me those fucking cute faces while I'm angry. I can't be mad when all I wanna do is kiss you guys."

"What's stopping you?" Pinkie teased with a wink and giggle, nuzzling closer to Rarity with a look so innocent it could kill any amount of self control a pilot had.

And it did, in fact, kill any amount of self control the only pilot in the room had, as she quickly pushed the other two cuddling girls down and started a barrage of kisses that would last for the better partt of the rest of the hour. It carried on into the rest of the night as well, but that's whenever Rainbow stopped being on top, but that wasn't the important part of what had happened.

What was mattered was that Rarity did cry again later that night, trapped between the barely-clothed bodies of her girlfriends and a pile of messy pillows and blankets. She cried at the simple sound of their breathing against her body, and the comfort they brought as the minutes slowly ticked by. She cried kissing their heads and brushing their hair, wondering how she was so lucky, and begging that whatever was listening to never take it away from her. She couldn't afford that.

She was too far in love with the two girls curled up against her body to let them go, and the other two felt the exact same way.