The Great And Powerful Plush

by Calmed Equine

First published

Have you ever felt that your life is nothing more than a disgrace after another? Then what if I told you I know a way to stop that?

Have you ever felt that your life is nothing more than a disgrace after another? That luck has never smiled at you and you want to stop that? If your answer is yes, then here are the instructions to change your situation once for all. Follow them to the letter and at your own risk.


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Have you ever felt that your life is nothing more than a disgrace after another? That luck has never ever smiled at you and you want to stop that? If your answer is yes, then here are the instructions to change your situation once and for all. Follow them to the letter and at your own risk. I will not take any responsibility if anything bad happens to you. Having said that, let's begin.

First of all you will need a brand new lantern with functional batteries and a watch you can carry on your wrist, although the latter one is only optional and not really necessary. After you've made sure that you have these objects in your power get out of your house, go to your nearest bus stop and stay there until midnight. The watch will help you in order to measure the time. Remember: Time is essential here.

At 12 PM, a huge black bus will arrive and his driver, a hooded figure, will open the door and ask you where you are going. Tell him that you need him to take you to the 235 Avenue near the Faust Street and he will ask you to upload. If you mention any other direction, the driver will close the door in your face and start his bus, disappearing in the night.

Get on the bus and sit wherever you want, since all the seats will be empty. In less than five minutes the driver will warn you that they have arrived. Get out immediately and don’t tell him a word, nor even to thank him. If you take too much time to get off, the driver will close the door and the next stop will be Hell itself, where your body and your soul will be trapped in an eternal cycle of pain and suffering, and no one will ever notice that you're gone.

Once you've exit the bus and this one has already departed , you will notice a large old and abandoned house that occupies the entire opposite block, whose number plate matches the address you previously specified to the driver. Enter without fear, since the door will be open. Make sure the flashlight is in your hand.

Once inside the House, use the flashlight to illuminate the long, dark corridors. You can scroll and investigate the entire mansion at your whim, but whatever you do, do not go to the basement, which will have the word "DISCORD" written with capital letters in the door. If you dare to open the door, a colossal and grotesque creature with the head of a horse and deer antlers will come out of it and drag you into the darkness of the basement. There it will proceed to tear you apart and devour you, leaving your bones for the spiders that live in there.

Once you have finished looking around, go upstairs in order to reach the top floor. There will be nothing more than a grey wooden door that will lead you to a room as battered and neglected as the rest of the house.

When you enter the room, you will find a little girl with a skin pale as the Moon, long reddish hair and deep green eyes, who will stop playing with her dolls and rise from the floor as soon as she has seen that you've opened the door. She will greet you by saying that she did not expect any visits and that it is nice to meet you. Then she will proceed to make you three questions you must answer in the following way:

“Do you know my name?”

“Your name is Lauren.”

“Do you like My Little Pony?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Who is your favorite pony?”

“My favorite pony is Firefly.”

If you answer at least one of the three questions wrong, the girl will sketch a cruel smile on her face and will proceed to break your neck with a superhuman speed before you can even blink. If on the contrary you have responded each question correctly, she will show you a friendly smile and will ask you to you stay where you stand, that there is something she wants to show you. If you value your life more than anything else in the World, do what she says and don't make her get mad at you. And whatever you do, do not tell her your name.

The girl will look among all the stuffed animals and figures of ponies that she has in the big, brownish trunk located next to her bed and will be with you again in a few seconds, showing you what you've come to steal: a dusty brilliant azure unicorn plush with pale cornflower blue tail and mane. Its eyes will be made of buttons and it will be dressed with a purple cone-shaped hat and cape, with drawings of stars in all colors and sizes. She will tell you that it is the great and powerful Trixie, her most valuable possesion. That Trixie will always bring good luck to its owner.

Now it is the moment you've been waiting for. Hit the girl in the face as quick as you can, take the doll with you and exit the room immediately, locking the door behind you with whatever you have on hand. Whatever you hear the girl yelling, do not turn around, or you will lose precious time.

The girl will soon destroy the door, and once she has reached you, she will kill you without any second thought. Leave the house as soon as possible and never come back.

Now with the Great and Powerful Trixie plush in your hands, all your hopes and dreams will come true. You will be successful in anything you want. But if by any chance you break the plush, strip it away or let someone else take it away from you, the girl will soon find you and... Well, I don't need to explain you what I will do to you, Do I?