An Amulets Fate

by CursedFate2000

First published

After a strange dream in which he encounters a equally strange pony, Cursed bumps into that same pony in the real world who says that she has been looking for him for a long time

At the end of a simple but boring day, Cursed Fate sleeps only to have the same recurring dream. This dream of a simple shadowed pony looking creature calling out for his name. For a long time he just considered this is just be a strange occurrence and the dreams would stop, only to encounter that same shadowy looking pony that says she knows him and has been looking for him.


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The blinding sun began to set over the sharp horizon as it gently disappeared behind the Ever-free forest. What remained of the slowly fading light, shinning over the town of pony-vile, was cutting though the dark living room curtains of one of the many homes there where a unicorn named Cursed Fate was using his light purple magic to play on his console in his new but empty room. He had dark Purple fur and light blue eyes. His mane was spiked similar to Spitfire only dark red with neon blue tips and had a tail that was curved like a large blade, the bottom half dark red and the top neon blue. Lastly his cutie mark was that of a PS4 controller, something of which Cursed didn’t understand as it looked different to the pony station 4 controllers that he owns. As he played his game, he became distracted by the sun. Its’ piercing beams blinded both him and his view of the TV. He used his magic to fully close the curtains only for it to distract him and die in his game, a deep voiced sounding pony talking though his screen in response to the kill.

“Ha, take that you voice changing wannabee, no pony can defeat the-“

“I’m gonna stop you right there,” Cursed said calmly as he lifted his controller back up with his magic, “First off, you think I use a voice changer, buddy I can’t even afford to get a new PC. Still stuck with Vista of all things. Plus lets not forget that this game is almost 10 years old, I brought it pre-owned for 5 coins. Secondly, I got easily distracted so you got lucky.”

“So what, I’m still undefeated,” The pony replied back amusingly.

“And third,” Cursed manoeuvred some buttons on his controller as his in-game character, a almost perfect copy of him except for wielding a sword which it held close to it with magic, preceded to flip above the other ponies character as it tried to attack Cursed with his gun only for Curseds’ character to teleport behind and slash at the other ponies character, ending the game in a draw, “don’t be smug when you haven’t even won the game yet.”

“You, son of a...I demand a rematch, you cheated!!!” The other pony screamed though the screen, the voice of the pony turning deep into a feminine sounding one.

“No can do, it’s getting late. Enjoy you day buddy, and maybe you should fix your voice changer.” Cursed replied back calmly.

“Ha, I bet it’s because you know you’ll lose to me isn’t it, well after all I-“ Cursed turned off his console, tired of hearing the pony brag as he headed out of his living room. He switched off lights with magic as he trotted down the dark hallway, trying to avoid walking into any of his moving boxes as he headed towards the stairs at the end. Heading up, he looked at the rows of family pictures leading up the stairs smiling softly before reaching the top and heading into the first room of the right. It lead to the Front bedroom, his bedroom, in which there were a few boxes lying around and a simple sleeping bag.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll start getting this stuff unpacked." He unzipped his sleeping bag and shifted into it, before quickly falling asleep.

Cursed began to walk though a pure white room, seemingly endless, as he began to hear a voice in the distance. It was faint and soft. Cursed started to walk closer to the voice, trying to make out what it was saying. He walked for almost 5 minutes before getting close enough to just about hear it.

"Fate, your there?!" The disembodied voice yelled out.

"Over here!" Cursed responded, starting to move quicker towards the voice.


"I'm here, can't you see me?" Cursed replied, looking round the empty world as he was unable spot the creature calling his name.

"Ah perfect, you're finally here." Before Cursed could turn to see the creature he heard behind him, he felt a sharp burn on his shoulder.

Suddenly he woke, his shoulder still stinging as he noticed that he had tossed and turned into the radiator near him. He quickly looked out though the curtain window only to once again be pierced in the eye by this time a rising sun. Opening the curtains fully, he used the light to check his burn only to see no real harm. He lifted himself up to look out the window to see if anything is happening today. He looked down the street, seeing ponies carrying presents and gifts, as he tried to recall his dream once again.

Tenth time this month, and each time I just closer and closer but I made some form of contact with the voice, Cursed thought to himself, I wonder, will I stop dreaming of that place now? Hold on a sec what's happening down there? Cursed lifted open his window and he lent over the barrister, looking at what seemed like moving boxes.

"What's happening today, I'm kinda new here."

"Nothing for you to know about," the wobbling stacks of colourful presents responded, "but if you're new, watch out for Pinkie Pie." The presents continued to make their journey across the street as Cursed noticed a donkey tail wagging behind the gifts. Before he could process what the donkey meant by what he said an object hit off his head. Cursed let out a small yelp before then frantically looking up and down the street to find the culprit, only to find nothing.

He pulled himself off the window ledge and looked for the object thrown at him only to find a strange container with a simple note strapped round the top saying 'To Fate, drink this'. He looked at the bottle closely as well as it's contents which seemed to contain harmless looking water. Not trusting it however he threw it back out the window, closing it behind him and beginning heading downstairs only to find at the bottom of the stairs a shadowy looking figure coming up. Seeing him at the top, the figure dashed up quickly as Cursed ran back into his room to get away from the figure. He began to rummage though his moving boxes as the unknown figure began knocking on his down.

"Let me in you idiot!" The figure yelled though the door, its voice strangely soft and feminine in nature, very familiar to him. Cursed pulled out a metal sword, holding it with his magic, as the door holding back the figure started to burn from a lime green acidic liquid pouring though its centre. Once it finished its job, causing little the floor under the door, the shadowy figure walked into the room. "I told you to drink the potion," She said staring disapprovingly at Cursed. She had Pure black eyes with dark red pupils as well as a dark blue fur. Her mane was short and black, with thin strips of red going though them while here tail was long and like a reversed S shaped, it to matching her hair colours. She also had bat ears and wings which she flapped quickly to shake a little dust off them. Cursed raised his weapon towards the strange looking pony in-front of him only for her to walk round him and towards the window behind him, in which Cursed noticed her upside down red pentagram cutie mark.

Cursed attempted to leave the room quietly only to be stopped by another figure behind him. One second later he started feeling a sharp pain on his head, his vision and sound becoming blurred and muffled as he began falling onto the floor, the two creatures beginning to argue about something before Curseds vision went black