The Aura Of Music

by Kumare Tanamaru

First published

Octavia is a quite pony, and has a passion for music, but her sister is even quiter and passionate.

Octavia has been a famous musician around Canterlot, but what most people don't know is that she never leaves without one pony by her side. Her sister Aurora. Aurora has lived in her older sister's shadow for as long as she can remember. She decides that it's enough, and tries to voice out to people at the Canterlot Garden party, hosted by Fancy Pants. This Violinist must undergo what it is like to go through the emotional ride of music. With love, friendship, and blood getting in the way of her, Aurora must overcome these challenges to face the true aura of music.

Will her music be a strong enough voice?

Will she make a name for herself?

And how can she do so without hurting her sister, or her friends?

Fiddler In The Garden

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"Come now Aurora," Octavia said. "We really must be going. We don't want to be late for our performance at Fancy Pants' garden party."

Aurora looked away and frowned.

"It'll be okay." she said hugging her sister. "Things will be different this time."

How is this time any different from the others? What will be life changing about this time?

Aurora's expression changed to annoyance.

"I know you don't believe me, but I have a feeling that tonight will be great for you. Let's go sis." she said walking out the door.

Maybe she's right, Aurora thought. Maybe it will be different this time. she smiled slightly and walked out the door, with her instrument in hoof.

Octavia was up on the stage first. She was busy setting up for the performance, and didn't want to be disturbed, so she sent her sister to find Fancy Pants for a chat.

How am I supposed to do that? Aurora thought. She has an interesting mind alright... Oh, there he is. Here I go. she swallowed hard and approached the high-class pony. Aurora tapped him on the shoulder and winced at the possibilities that were coming.

"One moment dear." he said glancing over his shoulder. He finished his conversation with the pony that he was speaking with and turned around to see the purple and yellow pony looking at him with a scared look. "Yes dear? What is it?"

What am I supposed to do now? she thought.

Aurora raised her hoof and pointed towards the stage.

"Hm. Oh, the orchestra! Yes, splendid aren't they? I've heard so much about them!" he said with enthusiasm

Aurora sighed and waved him to come with her.

"My, my. Quite the shy one, are we? Very well. I will follow you."

Aurora blushed and smiled a bit, then led the pony to the stage.


Octavia was speaking with one of their band mates and looked obviously occupied. She seemed distressed for some reason. Aurora stamped her hooves into the pavement in a specific rhythm that caught Octavia's attention.

"Please excuse me," she said politely to her band mate. "My sister called me." she abruptly ended the conversation and walked to her sister.

"Oh," she said from far away. "You've brought Fancy Pants. Thank you Aurora. Good evening, Fancy Pants." she said bowing her head slightly. "I want to speak with you about the performance. How long are we supposed to play for? You gave us no blueprint, so I would very much appreciate some instruction."

"Ah, of course! I'm very sorry, please accept my apology. Now, I want your finest set-list for this evening. I want you to play for at least an hour."

Aurora's eyes widened.

An hour? she thought with her pupils growing smaller.

"We would be happy to oblige, my good sir. Come, Aurora. I need you to help me set up a little more. Enjoy your evening Mr. Fancy Pants." she said with a slight smile.

Aurora looked at her sister with a worried look.

"Don't give me that look Aurora." she said without turning around. "I know you haven't played for that amount of time yet, but you'll be fine." she said as she stopped to wait for her sister. She looked her in the eyes, smiled, and fixed her younger sister's tie. "You look beautiful. We're going to knock 'em dead tonight, right?" she said holding out her hoof.

Aurora looked at her and smiled





These four things are all you need to make music come to life.

"Mother would be so proud of you. Of how much you've grown as a musician, a pony, and a woman." she said as she hugged her sister tightly.

"And now, I bring you: The Midnight Orchestra!" a voice said on the loud speaker.


The crowd cheered and applauded the orchestra. It had been forty minutes. Octavia winked at Aurora and called the strings to attention. Aurora looked around the crowd in confusion. There was a white pony that kept going in and out of the building, and had even taken a croquet mallet back in with her.

What's that pony up to? she thought. She readied her bow and was about to start playing when six ponies, including the white one that took off with the game hammer, came bursting into the garden in a conga line. The pony at the front was a completely pink pony, and was armed with a cannon. The second pony was a yellow Pegasus, and had a light pink mane. The next Pegasus was a sort of light blue, and had a rainbow colored mane. Following her was an earth pony that had on a cow-pony hat, and was a shade of orange. At the end was a purple unicorn that was holding a blasting record player.

What is going on? she thought lowering her bow.

The ponies stormed through, digging up weeds, feeding the animals, eating obnoxiously, dancing crazily, and wrecking the name of croquet. Octavia glanced at her sister, and then began to put away her Cello. Aurora took this as a hint and quickly scrambled for her case as well, to prevent major damage to her precious instrument.

Who are they?! she thought, glancing to her sister.

"I have no idea!" she said to her.

Suddenly all of the ponies in the garden gathered around Fancy Pants and the six rampaging ponies.

"You know these ponies?" Fancy Pants asked the white one.

The white pony looked around in a scared and embarrassed manor as the chatter of the crowd arose. She walked towards the crowd and spoke.

"Yes," she said. "Yes, I do know them. They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends." she said looking over her shoulder to her counterparts. "And they are, without a doubt, the most important ponies I know." she said with glossy eyes.

"Important ponies?" somepony retorted. "These ruffians?"

"Don't make me laugh!" said a the female pony next to him.

They laughed and Fancy Pants cut them off.

"I, for one, find them charmingly rustic! And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely." he chuckled. "I dare say, every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one!" he said.

The rude ponies ran up to the white pony.

"Oh, I'd like to place my order right now!"

"I think you should get two, hm?"

The white pony ran from their presence to join her friends.

"Eh, yes. Now then, how about you introduce me to your friends?" Fancy Pants said.

"With pleasure!" the white pony said.

The white pony went on to introduce to Fancy Pants her friends. The ponies stayed there and chatted for a while as Octavia walked up to Fancy Pants.

"A word?" she said to him.

"Of course!"

"Are we going to get paid for this? We did have to put up with a lot after all."

"But of course! You need to make a living somehow, am I right? Yes yes, seventy-five bits each should cover it, hm?"

She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you so much for your generosity Mr. Fancy Pants. We'll clean up right away."

"Oh come now my dear filly," he said "Stay and mingle for a while! Your company will be much appreciated."

"If you want, Mr. Fancy Pants." she said with a smile.


"Come on, Aurora!" Octavia said rolling her eyes.

What do you suppose I do? her expression said.

"Just mingle around a bit, it can't hurt anypony! Please? For me? For your sister?" she said with a huge smile on her face.

Aurora sighed


"Hurray! Now get out there!" Octavia said giving her sister a slight push.

Well, Aurora thought. Here I go. Mother, I hope your watching.

Just remember dear, Confidence, Honor, Love, Passion. These four things are all you need to make music come to life.

Reunion Poneys Nouvelles

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Aurora filled her glass with punch and sighed.

What am I doing here? I have to stay because my sister wants to make some new friends, and hit on new colts.

She tilted her glass towards her and stared into her reflection.

Nothing, She thought.

Nothing at all.

She sighed again and thought about her mother, and what she would have told her at this point in time.

Keep your head up, never let your heart kill itself.

"Hi there!" said a purple unicorn. "Are you enjoying yourself? I'm sorry about earlier.." She said as her expression changed from welcoming to apologetic.

The pony scanned Aurora quickly and focused her eyes on Aurora's bow tie.

"Oh?" she said surprised. "You're in the orchestra! That's really nice! You must play very well in order to make it into that ensemble. I'm Twilight Sparkle by the way, and I really am sorry for getting our parties mixed together. My friend Rarity couldn't keep herself away from business!" she said snickering a bit.

Aurora stared at her with a small smile.

She's... actually talking to me. I can't believe it!

"Anyways, what did you say your name was again?"

Aurora's face suddenly turned to surprise.

Oh my gosh, what do I do?

She sat there staring at her for a couple of seconds, boiling in her own sweat from embarrassment. She searched the garden for her sister, but she was no where to be found.

"Twilight! Hey there birthday gurl! ah've been lookin fer ya! We're about to leave. Pack yer things now, we don't want tuh git back too late."

"Alright Applejack." said Twilight.

The purple pony turned to Aurora and smiled.

"It was nice meeting you... Uh..."

Aurora thought hard, raised a hoof, and then ran away. Twilight sat there for a second, feeling utterly confused. When the yellow filly came back, she laid out a piece of paper on the table and started writing on it. She took her time in writing the extensive letter and looked up every so often, as if to check if Twilight was still there. She finished and handed it to the purple pony.

"I'm very sorry Twilight, please forgive my silence. My name is Aurora, it was splendid meeting you, and I hope that we can be good friends in the future! Would you mind telling me where you live, so that my sister and I may visit? I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little trip! She's been dying to get out of this place for a very long time, and I think that the fresh air, sunshine, and chatting of friends that you can depend on will be very good for her indeed. I don't mind that you stormed the party. In fact, thank you! If you didn't come along, I would have had to play my solo on the violin (That I don't have memorized yet). To answer your statement from earlier it wasn't very hard to get into the orchestra, I am the sister of Octavia, the cello player. I'm not very good and I could be much better, but I don't have the time to sit down and practice much because Octavia has to write music all the time which leaves all the house chores to me."

Twilight looked up at Aurora and smiled.

"I don't really understand why you couldn't have just said that, but who am I to question my friend's methods?" she said smiling.


"I live in Ponyville by the way, and I would love to have you over as a guest any time! You and your sister! Well, Aurora was it? I have to go, but please come visit me in the library anytime you feel like. I'll see you later!"

Aurora nodded her head and was smiling with a furiously pounding heart. Twilight turned and trotted off to meet the rest of her friends in the main building, and that was that. Aurora jumped up and down in an overjoyed fashion and then stopped upon realizing she was making a scene.

I've got to tell Octavia!

Aurora reared on her hind legs and slammed them into the ground in a rhythmic fashion as quickly as she could.


"What is it? Is something wrong? What happened??" Octavia said panting and wheezing.

Aurora handed the letter that she had wrote to her new friend Twilight with a huge smile on her face.

Can we go?? Please please please?? she thought

Octavia directed her attention and read for about a minute or so.

"Looks like you've made a new friend sis! I'm so proud of you, but you know I have to write another ensemble to sell to the Canterlot High School."

The excitement was wiped clean off of Aurora's face, and she looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry sis, but right now isn't a good time. I'll have to finish the music first."

Aurora's face lit up and she stared at her sister in excitement.

How about if I help you??

"Hm... now there's a thought... What did you have in mind?"

What's the theme of the music?

"The theme is 'Nature.' I still need a portion for spring and autumn, and I'm fresh out of ideas."

If we go there, you can spend your time writing outside in order to come up with a good feel for nature!

"I dunno sis. It's kind of risky..."

Aurora batted her eyelashes to her sister and begged with her glossy eyes.

"I'll tell you what, if you can get packed in the morning, we'll leave in two days. I have to personally give one of my pieces to the princess. She promised a load of bits, and I don't want to be tardy. Deal?"

Aurora nodded her head and jumped in excitement.

I finally get to start my life away from music! Mother? Are you watching? If you are, thank you so much. Tell father I said hello, and that I love him. I've got to pack, so don't wait up!

Aurora darted off into the direction of her house with her violin as her sister walked slowly behind her, with her cello in a cart behind her.

Una Visita Splendida

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Aurora stamped her hoof into the ground impatiently.

"Alright, alright! Geez, you're really excited about this huh? I take it that you're all packed?"

Aurora nodded and then motioned her hoof to another bag that was sitting next to her light yellow suitcase.

I don't want to be late sis! I can't wait to see my friend Twilight Sparkle again!

"ALL ABOARD!" a voice called out.

"We had better get our seats sis. Come on, it should be fun since you've never been on a train before." Octavia giggled.


Aurora looked out the window and sighed in joy. She had never been away from Canterlot, and never had very many friends, and when she did, they thought something was wrong with her and left her because of her problem. She was content that now she had a friend that accepted her silence. A friend that would be there for her when her sister wasn't.

"You look lost in thought." Octavia said taking a sip of her hot tea. "What's on your mind?"

Aurora smiled, but did not turn her head. She was content with life. She had nothing to worry about.

Octavia laughed to herself, and sipped her tea silently.

I wonder why she's so eager to get there? She only met this mare a few nights ago, and she's been going on non-stop about wanting to go to Ponyville. I dunno... It just seems strange for her to have friends.

Octavia finished her tea and looked into her empty cup. She smiled and looked at her sister. Aurora was looking out the window and yawning.

"I think it's time we get some down time anyways. Let's sleep, shall we?" Octavia said scooting closer to her sister.

Aurora smiled and nodded.

I have a big day in the morning. I don't want to be tired meeting my new friend.

Aurora yawned and felt Octavia put a blanket over her. Aurora closed her eyes and thought.

I finally get to start my life.

Aurora let out a grateful sigh and fell asleep.


Aurora open her eyes and saw her sister hard at work humming and writing notes on some staff paper.

"Let's see.... I'll have it change to 6/8 here.... and maybe change the key... probably just take everything up an octave..." she said rummaging around in recesses of her mind.

Octavia looked out the window and squinted from the morning sun. She finally looked at her sister and noticed that she was awake.

"Oh, you're awake. How did you sleep?" she said smiling slightly.

I slept alright... As well as you can sleep on a train I guess. Aurora thought with a drowsy smile.

Octavia giggled and returned her eyes to her staff paper. Aurora got up and looked over her sister's shoulder in curiosity. The piece was entitled: "The Aura Of Music: Written by Octavia-" The rest of the title was cut off by Octavia's hoof tapping on her clipboard in frustration.

Interesting... It seems kind of...

"Scattered? I was thinking the same thing, but then again music is scattered about the place. You know that better than I do! Sometimes I think I put too much pressure on you with my writing... I want you to be great, I really do, so I write complex rhythms and pitches because I want you to push yourself. Which reminds me, you didn't play your solo at Fancy Pants' party." she said looking at Aurora's violin case. "Why don't you play it for me now? I really wanted to hear it." Octavia said picking up the case and handing it to her sister.

I-I don't think that that's such a good idea sis... she thought with a nervous look on her face.

"You didn't practice it did you?" Octavia said sighing.

I-I tried! I was too difficult for me... Aurora said, saddened by her sister's disappointment.

"It's alright. Just try your best. Here." Octavia said unlatching the violin case. "Play your heart out."

Aurora took her bow and violin and sigh in nervousness.

"Just remember: Confidence, Honor, Love, Passion." she said with a warming smile.

Aurora raised her bow and sat there quietly breathing to herself.

"Would you like me to count you off?"

Aurora nodded her head and closed her eyes.

"One, Two, One Two Three Four."

Aurora gently swiped her bow out of the strings, producing a wonderful note that brightened the room. She sped up and changed the positions of her bow rapidly, gently slowing down to a Pianissimo with a decrescendo and Molto Ritardando. Her technique was almost flawless as she let the note run from her bow, into the air, and down the train for everypony to hear.

There were whispers in the halls of:

"Where is that music coming from...?"

"It's so beautiful."

"I remember when my mother played her music for me when I was just a foal..."

Aurora payed no attention to the whispers in the hall and kept playing. Her strokes became more fierce, but with the ferocity came the gentle waves of calm that came from the wooden instrument. Aurora felt the music flowing through her. She felt the natural flow of the notes coming out of her bow and into the air. She stopped at a silent fermata and paused without opening her eyes. She continued with her music and spouted out a barrage of beautifully crafted half notes. She pulled her bow away from her instrument and began plucking the strings in a various pattern of notes in a sad natural tune. Octavia's eyes began to water at her music being played by the pony that she loved ever so dearly: her sister Aurora. Aurora ended with a fermata on a whole note.

"Bravo, Sister." Octavia said wiping the tears from her eyes.

Aurora opened her eyes to see a crowd standing in the doorway to the sister's cart. Aurora blushed and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"That was splendid!" one of the ponies said clopping his hooves together.



"Excuse me miss?" one of the ponies asked Aurora.

Aurora looked up with an upset and red face.

"I am taking soloists, like yourself, solos into a collection for my students. Would you mind recording that so that I may transcribe it into sheet music for my students?"

"I have the sheet music here. It's part of a piece of mine." Octavia said pulling out a section of her music. "I don't have a use for it, so you may have it. I created this for especially for my sister here, so you may want to ask her what she's willing to do. It is her music."

"Ah, thank you! Um, miss?" he said turning to Aurora "Will you please play this for my students? I will pay quite handsomely!"

Aurora nodded her head and shook the pony's hoof in excitement.

"Good day to you miss..."

"Aurora." Octavia answered for her sister.

"Thank you and good day miss Aurora. I hope to see you very soon!" he said smiling and making his way out of the cart.

"Well, that was very nice of him! I'm happy for you Aurora. I'm also very proud! You played the entire solo not only by memory, but with your eyes closed as well! Mother would be proud!" Octavia said standing up to hug her sister.

Did I make you proud, mother? I was nervous. I miss you, and dad as well... I love you both. Stay healthy and warm. I'll talk to you later. Aurora thought to herself.

She put her violin back into her case and sighed.

Maybe I should take all this music more seriously. I've been told time and time again that I have a natural talent for it. I could be as great as my sister, then we could play together and be a family orchestra. That would be nice... She thought

Very nice indeed.


"Well, Ponyville is coming up. Are you ready Aurora?"

Aurora was staring out the window with her head pressed against the glass. She nodded her head unblinking and felt a hoof on her shoulder.

"Then get ready to get off the train. I packed everything you took out, so all you have to do is grab your bag. Come on, stop looking out the window and pay attention!" Octavia said prying her sister from the glass.

I'm so excited! I can't wait! Let's wait by the door! Come on Tavi!

Octavia rolled her eyes and couldn't help but face-hoof.

"You should calm down... We still have to find the library once we get there. I hope you sent the letter to your friend so that she'll know we're coming."

Aurora blushed and backed a few steps.

"You didn't, did you?" Octavia said sighing. "Well, then I guess a surprise visit might be nice."

The intercom sounded and a masculine voice came on the sound system.

"This is your conductor speaking, we will be arriving in Ponyville shortly, so please stay in your seats as we come to a gentle-"

The intercom was interrupted by a sudden stop, followed by shrieks of ponies who must've been thrown from their seats.

"Stop... Please excuse my... Co-worker. She's new. Have a great time in your destination!"

Octavia was a mess. Her mane was messed up from being frightened, and there was tea in her hair, as well as her sister's. Both sisters looked at each other and began to laugh as they got up out of their seats and headed towards the door.


Aurora stepped out of the train and took a whiff of the new and unfamiliar air as she walked around looking at the new and incredible sights of Ponyville. Aurora trotted around the place seeing all there was to see without taking any consideration of the time, or where they were going, or what they were carrying.

"Aurora...? Aurora? Aurora!" Octavia shouted at her sister. "Can we please find the library and put our stuff down before we go sight-seeing?" Octavia said pulling her cello case around to her sister.

Oh... Right I'm sorry... Aurora thought apologetically.

"It's alright, just calm down until we get settled, please? I'll ask for directions. Stay here, okay?" Octavia said turning her back.

Stay here. Got it. Aurora thought to herself. Wow... such wonderful sights! What's that? Oh, a bakery! I'll be sure to visit there. Aurora thought to herself.

Aurora looked around the down in excitement as she spun around in a daze. She smelled the sweet, fresh air of the small town and sighed.

"Alright Aurora. I got some directions to the library. Let's get going. Grab your stuff."

Aurora looked at her sister and then picked up her violin case in her mouth.

I can't wait to see Twilight! Aurora exclaimed to herself.

"Settle down there sis," Octavia said as she walked off without Aurora. "We're not there yet." she said giving her sister a warm smile.


There was a knock at the door and Twilight gained a sort of upset look at this. She was studying a new spell, and didn't want to be disturbed.

"SPIKE! Can you get that please?" Twilight called out.

"Ah! S-sure T-Twilight." Spike responded as he dropped a bunch of books onto the floor. "I honestly don't see why you can't get the door," Spike whispered to himself. "You're not the one who's always carrying stuff."

There was another knock at the door, this one slightly impatient.

"I'm comin'. Hold your horses." Spike said walking over to the door.

Spike opened the door and much to his surprise there were two ponies standing there, both with musical instruments.

"Um, hi? Sheesh, I didn't know Twilight needed music for her spells. Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Octavia, and this is my sister Aurora. We're here to see Twilight Sparkle? I know it's short notice, but we're here to visit Twilight, who is a friend of my sister. Is she in?" Octavia said looking around the library.

"Uh, yeah. Just a sec. TWILIGHT! HEY, TWILIGHT! IT'S FOR YOU!"

Twilight came out of her room and looked down angrily at Spike.

"I'm coming! Sheesh Spike, You know I'm studying up here? The least you could do is-" Twilight stopped herself as she moved her eyes from her purple com-padre to the guests at the door.

Twilight's face lit up in amazement. It was her old violinist friend from Fancy Pants' garden party.

"Oh! Aurora, I'm so glad you made it! Why didn't you tell me ahead of time? I could have planned better for this! Ohh! I'm so sorry Aurora! Here, let me get your stuff for you!" Twilight said taking Octavia's cart from her. "Spike! Get Aurora's things, will you? I have to go make some preparations for dinner, and I have to make sure everything is perfect, and... and... Ohh! Aurora, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry Twilight," Octavia said. "It's our fault for not making proper arrangements."

"No! You're my guest!"

Twilight, please, it's my fault... Aurora thought with her expression changing to sadness. Can we... Oh... Right, I need some paper.

Aurora turned to her sister and stamped her hooves into the floor.

"What is it?"

I want some paper! You know, scribble scribble?

Octavia's expression was blank and confused from her sister's ranting. Aurora finally got fed up and started acting out what she needed to communicate.

"Uh, I think my sister wants something to write on."

"Oh, no problem! Here!" Twilight said as her horn lit up in a brilliant purple glow.

Twilight levitated a stack of paper and a quill to Aurora and smiled at her.

"Consider it a welcoming gift! If you ever need to do so, you can just pull it out anytime!"

Aurora smiled and instantly began scribbling on her new gift. She wrote furiously without making any mistakes. When she was finished she turned it around for her friend to see.

"I'm so happy to see you again Twilight! I couldn't wait to get here! I'll tell you about the train ride later, but for now I have one question: can you take us to go sightseeing??

Twilight looked up from her letter to see her yellow friend smiling an enormous smile at her. Twilight replied with a smile of her own and nodded.

"Of course. I'm so sorry about not planning well, but if that's what you want to do right now, let's get going! Spike, get my book on Ponyville's history, we're going sightseeing!"

Spike gave Twilight a salute and ran off into the back room to find what she was looking for. Aurora, on the other hoof, flew out the front door in enthusiasm, not waiting for anypony else to get ready.

"Hey Twilight, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Huh? Oh, sure... I'm sorry, I still don't know your name."

"My name is Octavia, but that's not important right now. Listen, my sister is very fragile, and I want you to be her best friend. Since she can't talk she hasn't been making friends, and that worries me."

"That's something I was wondering about, why can't she talk?"

"She... Had a birth defect when she was born... It's a long and sad story... I'll explain more in depth later perhaps, but for now this is all I can tell you: our mother Musique had me a year before Aurora. When Aurora came around, she had a birth defect and couldn't speak." she said looking at the ground. "It's sad really, but let's make haste. We don't want the little one to run off on her own."

Twilight was too busy being shocked by the news she had just received to respond.

Birth defect? Why? I have so many questions... But I suppose they can wait...

"A-alright." she finally said. "Yeah, let's go. We've got a lot to see, and a lot to learn!" she said cheering herself up.

But that wasn't the truth, and Octavia knew it.

How could she just flat out say that Aurora would have died if she could speak?

How could she say she was the reason her mother was dead?


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"And this is Sugarcube Corner!" Twilight said closing her book.

"Well, that was pleasant. Aurora, did you enjoy that?" Octavia said turning around to look at her sister.

Aurora was busy eating a mess of cotton candy that Pinkie Pie had offered her awhile ago, so she didn't hear her sister's question.

"Well, that's the history of Ponyville! I'm glad you enjoyed my presentation!" Twilight said with a grin. "Well Aurora, what would you like too do next?"

Aurora's ears perked up and she looked up at Twilight from her sweet treat, trying to remember what was going on. When she remembered, she took out her parcel and quill and started scribbling on it furiously.

"I would like to look around the town myself, if that's okay with you and Tavi..."

Twilight smiled and nodded.

"Of course you can! I didn't get to know Ponyville so well by sitting in the library all day. What do you think Octavia?"

"I guess it'll be alright," she said uneasily. "You sure you'll be alright?"

Aurora nodded and put on a sarcastic worried look.

"Alright... Go have fun, but be back before 7! I don't want you getting lost!" she said giving her sister a hug.

Aurora rolled her eyes and trotted off into the distance to see the sights she had really wanted to see: the populace.


"I'm glad we came out here... Work has been exceptionally tiring this week with learning new drill. I'm so happy that I get to spend time with the mare I love." Trey said holding Fluttershy close to him.

Fluttershy batted loving eyes at Trey and kissed his cheek, to which he replied with a kiss of his own.

"I'm going to come by tomorrow, um, if that's alright?"

Trey laughed and smiled at her shyness that he adored.

"Of course it's alright. I just wish I could spend more time with you during the day to take care of the kids..." he said lowering his head a little. "I miss you all. I'm always thinking about you Flutterheart."

Fluttershy blushed as Trey came in for another kiss beneath the setting sun. After the accident, Trey and Fluttershy decided to settle down and have kids after the drama with the two love ponies had wound down. Since the little ones were born, Trey has had to work harder to get more money to support his family, so he hasn't had very much time to spend with his wife, or children.

"I wish you could stay home more often Trey... We really miss you. I really miss you." she said as she nuzzled her head into her chest.

"I know, I know... but you know I can't get off of work that often or I run the risk of losing my job. Not to mention that BOE and the area marching competitions are coming up, and we finally have a show that will knock the stuffing out of the Canterlot High band!" he said with confidence. "But," he continued. "I would give that up to see my family grow." he said kissing his wife's forehead.

Aurora watched this picnic unfold before her as she saw Trey and Fluttershy kiss and love each other. Something tugged in Aurora's heart that pulled her into a slight depression. She understood what she saw, and she wanted it for herself. She had never experienced love from a male pony herself, so she didn't really know what to do in a relationship. Perhaps it was just a dream, but she wanted a family of her own... She wanted a mate. Aurora caught herself shedding a few tears and quickly wiped them away as she continued to watch the lovers banter sweet nothings to each other.

I wonder why they call it 'sweet nothings,' Aurora thought. When it means absolutely everything to the other pony.

Trey had just finished kissing his wife and hugging her close when he noticed the yellow pony standing there watching him and Fluttershy be in each others presence.

"How long have you been standing there?" he called out to Aurora.

Aurora, surprised by this question, jumped back a bit as Fluttershy whipped her head around and blushed.

"Well? It's only a simple question, I didn't mean for it to be rude. You can come here and chat with us if you want."

Aurora stayed frozen, unable to think of what to do. Her mind raced as she took a step forward in experimentation.

"Don't be shy," Trey said as he laughed at himself.

Trey knew shyness was what he liked, so he brushed off his comment and smiled at the harmless pony walking towards the lovers. When Aurora was about three feet away, Trey asked for her name and offered her a seat. Aurora took out her quill and parcel and began scribbling on it. Trey and Fluttershy looked at each other in confusion as she wrote, almost as if she was trying to tear the paper in half with the sharp tip of the writing utensil.

"I apologize for my silence, my name is Aurora. I... Can't speak. I'm sorry I was eavesdropping on you two, I didn't mean to. I was just curious is all. I've never seen anything like it. Such passion in my life only exists through music, and it's not even me. It's my sister Octavia."

"Well, I'm Fluttershy, and this is my husband Trey. You're welcome to stay and chat with us if you'd like..."

Aurora nodded her head and smiled. Trey moved forward a bit, intrigued by Aurora's letter.

"You say you have musical talent? What kind?"

Aurora took back her paper and thought for a second, then began scribbling on it. After she finished, she handed the paper to Trey for him to look at.

"I do have musical talent. I play the violin. I'm not very good, but I try really hard for my sister and mother. They were the ones who wanted to preserve the musical talent as much as possible. I wish I could be better, but I haven't had much time between practice, shows, and cleaning."

"Well," he said. "It just so happens that I'm a band director here at the local high school. If you'd like, you can swing by and watch us practice sometime. I think we finally have a show that will knock the stuffing out of the competition!"

Aurora tilted her head, obviously intrigued with what she was hearing.

"Our show this year is 'Phobia: What are you Afraid of" He said in a light bragging manor. "Isn't it genius?"

Aurora nodded and showed an even bigger interest in the situation.

"Well, the band practices at 8:00 tomorrow morning. We'd love to have you! I can put off some of rehearsal to show you around the sections as well if you'd like. We've got some pretty interesting characters in our band family. What do you say?"

Aurora smiled a huge, showing teeth smile and nodded profusely.

"Oh boy!" Fluttershy said. "I'll bring Flutterwing and Anacrusis along so they can see as well. They also might like you meet you Aurora."

Wow, Aurora thought to herself I can't believe that I'm being invited to hang out with one of Twilight's friends!


Aurora opened the door to the library and sighed a brilliant smile onto her face. 7:00, and not a worry in the world.

"Glad to see you made it back in time for dinner Aurora! Spike made it."

Aurora looked at her plate full of alfalfa and bean sprouts. There was a bowl full of steamed vegetables in front of her and her stomach growled.

"Dig in Aurora!" Spike said. "I made it special for you and your sister Octavia."

Aurora held out her hooves to Spike to her left, and Twilight to her right, in hopes that they understood.

"Aurora, dear, I don't think they do that before they eat." her sister said looking down at her plate.

Aurora blushed and slowly put her hooves into her lap and prayed a loud, silent prayer. She looked up and smiled sheepishly to Twilight and Spike, who returned the smile with a warm welcome. A tear welled up in Aurora's eye, but she held it back for the sake of the meal.

After the ponies had finished eating, Twilight showed Octavia and Aurora where they were to sleep for the night. It was their own room in the left wing of the library, and had two small mattresses laid out in a perfectly organized manner.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to wake me up." Twilight said in the doorway. "Goodnight!"

Aurora gave her friend a goodnight nod and looked at her sister.

Oh! I forgot to tell Tavi about the outing tomorrow morning!

Aurora fumbled around looking for her paper and quill.

"What are you doing Aurora?"

Aurora picked up her quill and carefully dipped it in ink. She wrote fiercely, and finished with a giant, pleading look on her face. Aurora handed her sister the note and patiently awaited a response.

"You want to go see a bunch of kids run around in the hot sun getting yelled at and playing instruments?"

Aurora nodded and smiled.

"And you want me to come...?"

Aurora sat there, waiting for an answer.

"Well... I guess I don't see why not. We'll be there promptly at 8, so don't stay up too late."

Aurora thought for a second and instantly buried herself in her blankets.

Tomorrow is going to be a blast, sweetheart.

Make us proud.

Prima Colazione e uno Spettacolo

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Yes, it's me. How have you been sweetheart?

"I haven't been doing very well without my voice mother... It's hard to make friends."

That's alright. You'll be fine. I'm so proud of you.

"Mother? Can I have my voice back?"

No! I mean... No sweetie... It's not your destiny.

"My destiny?

Yes... Your destiny is music, remember?

"But mo-"

Ah ah ah! No buts!

"Mother, please!"

I told you no! We are not going to discuss this any longer.

"Why won't you listen to me mother?!"

Why should I? You can't be heard anyways.

Aurora awoke and stared at the ceiling. Sweat dripped from her brow as she traced the roof with her eyes. Aurora lifted the rest of her body up out of the bed and gravity took over for the dripping sweat, which brought it spilling into her eyes. She flinched at the liquid going into her eyes and rubbed them.

Why would she say that... even in my dreams...? Mother... If you can hear me... Aurora squinted at what she had just thought. If you can feel me... Anything... I'm scared... I just had a dream about you...

*Yawn* "Hey Aurora... what are you doing awake?" Spike said as he walked up to the yellow pony.

Aurora looked down at herself and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Hey, are you al-"

Aurora reached out and grabbed spike in her hooves. She pulled him close and hugged him tightly.

"Um.. Aurora..?"

Spike felt something warm fall onto his head, and felt her breath stutter. Instead of saying anything, Spike wrapped his arms around the emotional pony, in an attempt to console her.

"Hey, it's alright... I'm here for you if you need me..."

Spike felt Aurora's breath stutter even more than before, and he held her tighter. He knew something was wrong. He didn't know what was making her so upset, or why she was so upset, but it didn't matter to him. And he knew that it didn't matter to her- all that mattered was that he was comforting her in her time of need, and she needed someone to cry on. He was happy to oblige.


"Oh, good morning Octavia. Did you sleep alright?" Twilight asked as Octavia stood in the doorway to the balcony. "Octavi-"

"Shh." Octavia hushed. She motioned for Twilight to come closer, unmoving, and completely focused.

"Uh... okay?"

Twilight stepped lightly and carefully in fear that she might mess something up. She looked through the doorway to see Aurora and Spike holding each other. Twilight could tell that Aurora was crying from her sudden movements, and the glistening of water reflecting from the sun as they dropped from her face.

"Oh, they're awake! Let's get them for breakfast."



"My sister needs to be alone right now."

"Alone? But she's with Spike!"

"You know what I mean Twilight. Just give her some time."


"Come on. Let's go fix some breakfast while we wait. It'll be fun." Octavia smiled.

Twilight nodded and looked back into the room where she had seen her two best friends.


"G'morning Twilight." Spike yawned.

"Oh, morning Spike! Ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm st..... Wait, you made breakfast?"

"With a little help from Octavia, yes!"

"Well that's a first..." Spike mumbled.

Aurora came out of her room and smiled at Spike who was in the kitchen. Spike motioned for her to come closer, and starting talking to Twilight again.

"Aurora's up. I hope you made enough for yourself Twilight."

"Don't worry Spike," Octavia said. "I made our breakfast. Twilight made you and her own. There's plenty."

Aurora came into the kitchen and inhaled deeply. She smelled the sweet smell of Appleloosan style toast, and the bitter-sweet smell of green tea and honey.

"Like what you smell, dear sister?" Octavia said.

Aurora nodded and smiled at her sister.

"So Aurora," Twilight began "Did you sleep well?"

Aurora's expression changed a bit, and she brought out her quill and paper.

"I didn't sleep very well, but I can assure you that waking up was the best part of the day so far."

Aurora smiled at Twilight as Twilight read her letter.

"Well, I'm glad that you're enjoying your- Ah..." Twilight was interrupted by Aurora hugging her tightly. Twilight smiled at this and hugged her friend back.

"C'mon, let's eat! I'm starving!" Spike whined.

"Alright, alright Spike. Keep your scales on!"


"Ahh. That was delicious... Where did you learn to cook like that Octavia?" Spike said, rubbing his pudgy belly.

"After years of being in Canterlot," Octavia said finishing her tea. "You pick up on a few things."

"So Aurora," Twilight began. "What are your plans for today?"

Aurora perked up and got her quill ready to write.

"We're going to see the high-school marching band today. She's going to be visiting some new friends she made, while I try to get some writing done."

"Oh... That's nice." Twilight said. "So, who are you going to see, Aurora?"

Aurora wrote down the names and gave it to her friend across the table.

"Fluttershy and Trey huh...? That's good! I'm glad you get along with my other friends as well. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. I've got a lot of studying to do." Not to mention I can't control myself when I'm around Trey...

"Well sis, it looks like it'll be just you and I today. Shall we be on our way? We need to be there by eight."

Surprise overwhelmed Aurora as she looked at the time. A quarter til eight. Aurora quickly ran into the bathroom to adjust her mane to look nice, and then took off out the front door of the library. Octavia followed her sister slowly out the door and waved to Twilight.

"I guess we'll see you later today. Take care!" she said closing the door.

"Now," Twilight said turning around. "Time to do some studying."


Oh my goodness, how could I have forgotten the time?! Aurora thought as she ran along the path. And for something this important? Goodness gracious!

When the band field came into view, Aurora smiled and ran a bit faster. She could see a tan pony with a green hat sitting in the grass not too far from the practice field. Fluttershy turned around to see Aurora running up to greet her, and she smiled slightly.

"Oh, good morning Aurora. I'm glad you could make it~! Just a second, Flutterwing~! Anacrusis~! Come meet our new friend!"

"Hi there! It's nice to meet you!" A little filly said to Aurora.

The filly was white, with a pink mane, and smiled greatly at her.

"Aurora this is Flutterwing, my daughter. And this is Anacrusis. Don't be shy, she's friendly."

A little colt stepped out from behind his mother and squeaked.


The little colt's coat was a light tan, just like his mother's, but had a black mane with red highlights in it, to match his father Trey.

"Wonderful, aren't they?"

Aurora nodded and looked out to the field with gleaming eyes.

"Welcome to the practice field, where we work hard, or we go home!" Fluttershy recited. "That's what they usually say. Oh, Trey should be here in a bit. He has to call for break first. It's only the middle of summer and they already have most of the first movement done. I don't really like this year's show... It's kind of scary... But I'm sure that it'll sound great anyways." She said as she smiled at her husband in the tower. "Come, sit and watch. They're doing the fear of spiders and snakes now." Fluttershy shuttered.

Aurora did so and continued to watch the band. She pulled out her quill and paper, ready to start asking to questions.


A metronome sounded four clicks, and then some silver drums from the front section sounded in a slow steady beat. Wind chimes complimented this, along with a set of bells, and the flutes. A sudden crash broke the soft noise, and the drumline took over while the front section aided with the silver drums. A lone snare drum in the front section began to play, and Aurora got to her hooves to get a better view. The drum played quietly, but articulately. The rest of the instruments in the section began part of the melody, while the woodwinds finished the rest. When the drumline came in, the music sort of fell to pieces, and the marching forms began to crumble.

"STOP!" Trey shouted at the imperfection. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? IT'S A BACKWARDS MARCH THERE!"


"I DID?"



The crowed cheered, and headed towards the school, where there were refreshments waiting for everypony who needed, or wanted one. Trey put his clipboard down and dove off of the tower, expanding his wings and soaring over to where Fluttershy, Aurora, and his kids waited.

"Oh, Aurora, I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Hey sis!" Octavia called to Aurora. "I'll be inside writing if you need me!"

Aurora nodded to Octavia and started writing something for Trey to read.

"That was amazing! I can't believe how great that was! With all the drums, and, and the instruments! There are so many! And they all look different!"

"I take it that you enjoyed it. I'm glad. Say, would you want to meet the section leaders? I'm sure you can learn a lot more about the instruments that way. What do you say?"

Aurora nodded in excitement, and smiled a beaming smile.

"Great! Come on down to the band hall, and I'll show you around while we talk to some of the section leaders. Fluttershy, are you coming with us?"

"Oh, yes. Come children~" She sang in her soft voice.

"I love that mare..." Trey sighed. "Let's get going Aurora! There's work to be done!"

A Well Oiled Machine

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Aurora and Trey walked to the band hall leisurely, and Fluttershy and the kids followed closely behind.

"Ah, here's our first section leader. Sunset! Come here please?"

"Sure thing Doc. Be with you in a minute. So anyways, I looked totally amazing that night, and I know he wanted to-"

"Fine, we'll just have somepony else be first to impress our guest..." Trey said with a sneer.

The red pony's ear twitched, and she turned around.

"New pony? Excuse me, we'll continue this conversation at a later date. Ciao~! So, who is this new pony Doc? I'm Sunset, the section leader of the most important section in the band: the Trumpets!"

"This is Aurora. I asked her to come out and see the band. She's a musical student as well!"

"Oh really? Do you play Trumpet? If you don't that's alright. I can teach you so you don't have to feel bad about not being able to!" she said with glee.

Sunset looked at Aurora writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Doc, you didn't tell me this was an inspection!"

Aurora gave the paper to the orange and blue maned pony and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I play the violin in an orchestra. I really like the way you've styled your mane! It looks pretty. You were great out there on the field, and I am very interested in possibly learning one of these instruments, but there are so many..."

"Pfft! It shouldn't be hard. Just pick Trumpet, it's the best instrument on the field! All we need is the rest of the band to get out of the way of our amazing forms and soothing notes! Why, the Trumpet is-"

"Alright Sunset, get your section together and talk to them. Make them march a few back sixteens, and then you can do double! Have fun! Moving along now Aurora."

Sunset snorted and walked off back to her section with an angry look in her eye. Aurora passed Trey a note, and he laughed.

"Because she would have gone on blathering for a long time. Come, I think I see Starshine over there."

"Trey, I think the kids are tired... I think I'll take them home for lunch and a nap. I'll see you later~" Fluttershy said, giving Trey a long kiss on the cheek.

"Alright Flutterheart, I'll see you when you return!" he said blowing her a kiss as she walked out the band hall doors. "Starshine, would you come here please? There's someone I'd like you to meet."

"Oh, is it a stallion?? I'm on my wa- oh... who's this?"

"Star, this is Aurora. I asked her to come here to check out the band. She says that she might be interested in finding an instrument to suit her. So, why don't you show her a few things? Oh, and tell the other section leaders that she needs a look around. I have some business I can attend to."

"Alrighty, you're the director! Catch you later! So, Aurora, tell me something interesting about yourself!"

Aurora instantly whipped out her quill and began writing something down.

"Well... That's certainly... interesting..."

Aurora finished and gave the piece of paper to the black coated pony.

"I'm sorry for my silence Starshine... I can't speak... I'd rather not go into why, but thank you for doing this for me! Let's see, something interesting is probably that I make money off of my music. I'm in a known orchestra in Canterlot, and my sister is Octavia the Cello player... Oh, and I play the Violin.

"Well, It's always nice to see a new face! I'm Starshine, the section leader of the Saxophones. I first started playing Sax when I was in just a little filly. I guess you could say I was musically gifted from the start, and I have a passion for astronomy! Now that we know each other a little better, let me show you to the next section leader! I'm sure one of them will be around here someplace!"

Aurora smiled slightly and followed the mare who moved like a model, and was as beautiful as one as well.


"So, I've been searching for love ever since my first and latest break up... It's hard to cope with that sort of thing, you know?"

Aurora kept her focus of walking. She had never experienced love, so she didn't know what the first signs were.

"I take it by your silence that you agree," she said with a smile.

Aurora looked at her funny and faked a smiled.

"Oh come now, you mustn't take those kind of jokes personally. Most of the band does that sort of thing. Oh, look, there's Sugar! Sugar! Would you come here please?"

"Sure! What is it that you need?"

"Sugar, this is Aurora. She's new in town, and was invited by the Director. She is to be given a show around the neighborhood of the band family. I have to go warm up the Saxes, so I'll catch you two later!"

"Alright! Hi Aurora, I'm Susanna Savory, but folks around here call me Sugar. I'm the Tuba section leader, and the only girl in the section! So, what's your talent? I see you have a eighth note as your cutie mark."

Aurora pulled out her quill and paper and started writing. When she finished, she gave the paper to Sugar and waited.

"I play the violin in an orchestra. I can't talk, so please be patient with me."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm patient with everypony! C'mon, let me show you the 'Hallway.'"

Aurora gave a confused look, but followed the white pony through some blue double doors.


"This is the hallway where all of the practice rooms are, so it gets pretty crazy around here! I can only imagine what has actually gone down between these walls..." She said as she drifted of into a daze.

Aurora searched the room for something that might spark her interest, when all of a sudden, she heard a loud thump followed by laughter coming from behind two lone doors. Aurora tapped her acquaintance on the shoulder and pointed at the doors.

"Oh that? You don't want to know... That's... The Drum Room... Don't ever go in there. You hear me? Never. I don't want anything bad happening to you. Oh, there's Coronet, Coronet! Come meet our guest!"

"Do I have to...?" she mumbled. "I'm rather busy."

"Don't be shy, she won't bite! Take care of her! Bye~!" She said as she trotted off down the hall.

"Hmph. Alright, state your name and instrument."

Aurora took out her paper and quill, and got ready to start writing, when the blue pony snatched the paper out of her hooves.

"Aurora hmm? and you play the violin? Charming. Smashing. Well, I'm Coronet, section leader of the Clarinets, and blah blah blah, Neopolitan, she's your problem now." The pony said, throwing away her interest with Aurora's paper.

"Ooh~ a new comer~! My name's Neopolitan~! I play the Trombone~ You know, the one with the slide~? It's totally cool~!" The dazzling pink pony looked on the ground and read the paper.

"Ohh~ Aurora~! That's such a pretty name~! You and I are going to be great friends~ It seems as though you're on a quest to meet all the section leaders~! I'll help you~ Here comes Amp~ The Flute section leader~" she said. "She's my favorite~" she whispered.

Aurora smiled and waved at the white pony.

"Hi! Who've we got here?"

"This is Aurora~"

"Wow, pretty name. You new around here? I haven't seen you before."

Aurora nodded and smiled.

"She's on a mission to find out which instrument is right for her~ She already plays the violin in an important orchestra~"

"That's pretty neat! Who have you met so far?"

Aurora grabbed her paper and wrote down the names. After a little thinking, she finally finished and gave the white pony the paper.

"Let's see, I've met Sunset, the Trumpet Section leader, I've met Starshine, the leader of the Saxophones, Neopolitan the trombone section leader, Sugar the tuba section leader, Coronet the clarinet section leader, and now you, the section leader of the flutes."

"Hey, you're pretty good at remembering names! Mine is Ampina de Musiroe. Or Amp for short. Come on, you still have three section leaders to meet!" She said pulling Aurora by the hooves.


"This is Moonrise, he's the section leader of the Mellophones. Come say Hi Moonrise!"

"Yeah, whatever..." the pegasus said turning over on a stack of hay.

Amp sighed and turned to Aurora.

"Don't let him get to you. He's just lazy is all... Come on, there's Rex.... yay... Hey Re-"

"My name is not Rex. You will restrain from calling me that any longer. Ah, mademoiselle Aurora. How do you do?"

"You know her?"

"Ahahahahaha! You must be joking. No news is news to me. I know everything about everything that happens around here. My name is Emperor Gullion, but for some reason, everypony insists on calling me 'Rex.' Oh, darling, I love your mane. It's even more spectacular up close!" He said kissing her hoof.

"Come on Aurora, let's leave this 'king' to his throne..." Amp said leading the way.

"Do come back now! Adieu!"

"That lover-colt is always trying to hit on every female pony in the band..." she said. "Everypony except Starshine... I wonder why that is...?"

Aurora looked down the hall and saw a green pegasus walking down the corridor. He was sort of tall, and had a yellow mane to contrast his green coat.

"Ah, summer! Just who I wanted to see! This is Aurora. She's new, and Trey said to show her around the school and meet the section leaders. She is a musical student, and wants to possibly learn a new instrument."

"Oh. Okay, cool. Um, I'm Summer. I'm the drumline captain and tenor section leader. So, if you want to learn any percussive arts, just come see me or Forte. He can hook you up with Marimba stuff."

"Oh dang it! I forgot about Forte! We gotta go see him before I report back to The Man. Thanks Summer!"

"No Prob. See ya 'round Aurora."

Aurora nodded to him and smiled, to which he gratefully returned.

"We gotta go outside now. Forte doesn't hardly leave his Marimba ever since he became section this year. He's only a Junior, and it's his first time on the leadership team. He drills the Front Ensemble pretty hard, but it'll all pay off when we have a great performance!"


"There he is... Good luck!" The white pony said walking away.

Aurora swallowed hard and took a few steps closer to the cluttered Front Ensemble.

"Quiet." He said. "Be as quieter than a mouse. Close your eyes. Do you hear that?"

Aurora closed her eyes listened for a second and looked around.

"Do you? I can hear it... It's lovely."

Aurora looked at the ground and sighed.

"Shhh... you mustn't be so hard on yourself. Don't give up so easily. Come closer." He said putting his hooves around her. "Listen with your soul... not with your ears..."

Aurora stood silent for a minute or so, and before she knew it, she could hear a sort of whispering. The slight wind carried a voice into Aurora, and she gasped for air.

"Wasn't that incredible?" The blue pony said opening his eyes. "It's always important to hear the voice of your instrument to find out what they need. Fortissimo Sforzando is my name, but I go by Forte for short. Who might yo-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence as he watched Aurora open her beautiful purple eyes.

Aurora was breathless. She had never seen such deep green eyes that seemed so loving. She had never had a colt holding her in his arms. She had never had these butterflies in her stomach, and she definitely didn't know what was happening to her.

"W-who are you?" Forte whispered as he stared deep into the mare's eyes. "I-"

"Aurora! Hey, I'm back. Did you meet everypony?"

Aurora looked away briefly from the stallion in front of her and she nodded at Trey.

"Good, ALRIGHT BAND! EVERYPONY BACK ON THE FIELD! TIME TO RUN MOVEMENT ONE AGAIN! Aurora, please come away from there so the Front Ensemble can play."

Aurora looked away and trotted slowly away from the front clutter. She heard wind chimes sway gently in the breeze and she turned around to see the Colt still staring at her. She blushed, and waved goodbye to the blue stallion.

Aurora? Forte thought. What a beautiful name. I can't wait to see her again...

"Alright Front Ensemble! Remember your dynamics!" Forte called out in hopes that Aurora might hear. "Let's make this a good run!"

Aurora heard the stallion say this and blushed. She could tell that he was trying to impress her.

It worked

That Queasy Feeling... What's it Called Again?

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"What are you smiling about?"

Aurora smiled wide and ran through what happened once again.

"Shhh... you mustn't be so hard on yourself. Don't give up so easily. Come closer. Listen with your soul... not with your ears..."

Aurora sighed and kicked a rock.

"Aurora? Hello?"

Aurora looked up and realized that her sister was staring at her. She blushed and looked away.

"What's got you so happy anyways? What happened back there?"

Aurora smiled at her sister and started prancing a little bit faster than her sister to avoid embarrassment.

"Excuse me? Equestria to Aurora, I'd like my sister back?" Octavia said jokingly. "What's going on? What's happening?"

Aurora rolled her eyes and stopped. She turned to her sister and took out her paper. She wrote slowly and carefully, probably to dramamticise the event.

"Well Octaivia, if you must know, I met a very nice stallion on the practice field! We didn't get much time to talk, but I've never felt so happy in all of my life! I have no idea what this feeling is called, but I like it!"

Octavia sighed and gave her sister back her paper.

"I don't know what it is either sis... I wish I did." she said with a tear welling up in her eye. "Let's just get back to the library quickly, shall we?" she said trotting along.


Aurora burst through the door, startling spike.

"Sheesh Aurora! Knock next time! You scared the scales right off of my back... Look at them... they're sticking straight up!"

Sorry Spike! Where's Twilight? Aurora look at him inquisitively.

"Uh... What? Do I have something on my face? Is it fear?"

Oh.. Right, I have to write it down! Silly me~ Aurora giggled.

She took her paper out and started writing. When she finished, she handed it to Spike for him to look over.

"Oh... Twilight's up stairs... She's having some trouble studying. I heard this loud crash earlier, but she didn't want me coming up there..."

Thanks Spike~! Aurora thought as she hugged him.

"Uh... You're welcome?" Spike said blushing a bit.

Aurora ran up the stairs and knocked on Twilight's door.

"I told you to stay out, Spike! Y-you can't come in here!"

Aurora looked at the door inquisitively and pulled out her paper.

"Spike just won't understand..." Twilight whispered to herself.

"I didn't want to think about it... But.. But... Oh!"

Tears began to flow through Twilight's eyes, and onto her pillow. Twilight began weeping in her pillow softly, trying to keep it from being heard. She lifted her head and kept back her tears as she looked at the hole in her roof.

It's not fair... It's not fair at all... Twilight thought as she cried loudly into her pillow again.

Aurora slid the piece of paper under Twilight's door.

"It's me Twilight... What's wrong?"

Twilight read the paper and put her head against the door. She stared at the note for a long time, and finally brought herself to open the door.

"Aurora!" She said sniffling. "Please, come in! Always need the company of a good friend!"


"So, that's it, huh? I've never felt like that before... So I wouldn't know."

Aurora's expression changed from hopeful, to sorrow, but Twilight held out her hoof for her to take.

"Although, I do know somepony who could help you. Pinkie Pie always has some weird feelings. Maybe you should go talk to her?"

Aurora nodded and smiled widely at her friend.

Thank you so much Twilight! She thought while hugging her friend. "You're my best friend!"

Twilight stopped for a second.

"Aurora... Did you just... say something?"

Aurora looked at her and shook her head.

"No... of course not. That's not possible. Sorry! Go and see Pinkie. I can't wait until you get back. I have to talk to you about something."

I'll be back soon! Aurora thought while nodding her head.


*Knock Knock Knock*

"I'll get it Pinkie. See if you can't get Chocolate to stop crying." The pink pony called out.

When he opened the door, he found a yellow earth pony sticking a piece of paper in his face.

"Um, hi? Who are you?" he said ignoring the paper.

Aurora shook the paper in his face, and he read it.

"Okay... I'll go get Pinkie. You can come in if you'd like! There are cupcakes in the kitchen if you feel you have a sweet tooth." he said as he walked into the other room.

Aurora looked around and noticed that there was a mess of chocolate frosting everywhere. She pondered why for a few seconds, but quickly abandoned the thoughts when a pink pony covered in chocolate frosting, and in need of a serious mane styling came out of the other room.

"Hiya! Oh, I've never met you before! What's your name?" She said with a tired, yet eccentric look on her face. "My name is Pinkie Pie! Welcome... Uh... Do you mind if I skip the welcome wagon and song...? I'm kind of tired." she said plopping down on the couch.

Aurora walked into the living room and handed the pooped pony a piece of paper.

"Huh? Feeling... Oh! You mean love! Of course I know what that is, silly! I mean, duh! I have Pineapple!"

"Could you not yell dear? I'm trying to get the kids to sleep." Pineapple said, peeking his head out of the other room.

"Oops, sorry! Anyways, lets have some snacks. We're going to have to wait for Pineapple to get here so we can tell you our story! It's a gem!"