My New Life

by Hardwired

First published

This kid's life was like any other, until this portal changed his life for the better... or for the worse.

This is the story about a boy, that's me! That liked the series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but neither my family or friends approve of this, I'm bullied in school because of this, and the principal nor the teachers seem to care, but all my life changed when suddenly, a portal sucks me into the world of Ponyville!

What mishaps may I encounter? Come and join me!

Chapter 1: Beginnings

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I was just hanging out alone at recess, as I sat down on a bench by the cafeteria, the wind felt cold on my back, I wasn't wearing my jacket since I left it in the classroom, as I opened my lunchbox, I started wandering off to my own, happy world, Ponyville.

Whenever I was feeling down, or just straight out bored, I wander off to my happy place, I always think about all the great adventures I'd have if I went there, I always thought there might be some mysterious way to enter Ponyville, and actually live among them, as one of them, because of this wild reasoning, I created my OC, short for Original Character, Hardwired, he's this small, green, stallion, he wears glasses, and he's pretty nerdy, kind of represents who I am.

I saw my lunch... "Ugh, PB&J sandwich..." I thought to myself as I saw the soggy sandwich, but suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by one of my classmates, James, I like to call him my own personal bully.

"Hey," He said, "What you got there, did your momma cut you out a little pony lunch?"

"S-S-Screw off James," I said, "D-D-Don't you have anything b-b-better to do with your t-t-time?"

Something you should probably know about me is that I was born with this stuttering problem, it's pretty annoying at times though.

"It's just ridiculous that you like a show about ponies!" He said with a devilish chuckle.

"A-A-Anything wrong with t-t-that?" I responded, flustered.

"It's a show for little girls!" He just started laughing, then he "accidentally" shoved my lunchbox off my legs, as my PB&J sandwich hit the concrete floor.

"T-T-The hell is w-w-wrong with you?!" I answer, quite mad, "T-T-That was the only thing I-I-I had for lunch, a-a-and you drop it on the f-f-floor" I stand up, ready to fight, but I know that I shouldn't since he's twice my size.

"You want to fight?" He said, "I'll be merciful, I'll let you hit me first, come on, you'll probably be a whiny bitch and run off."

I didn't hit him, knowing that I would probably get destroyed, but, he just starts laughing! "I knew you were a whiny bitch!" He said, "Want me to show you a real punch?" Readying up his punch.

"N-N-No!" I said, scared for my life.

"Good, now, get out of here, before I beat you up." He said, I hurriedly ran off to another bench as far away from him as possible.

In moments like this is where I start thinking about Ponyville. I make up my own imaginary world to not be lost in the dark cloud of depression.

I go back to class, still wondering about Ponyville, making up my own stories when I get interrupted by the teacher calling my name.

"Kyle?" The teacher said, waving a hand in front of me.

I lift my head to see the teachers mean stare looking straight into my sleepy eyes.

I try to look as awake as possible. "Y-Y-Yes, T-T-Teacher?"

"Kyle! This is the third time you've slept in class, we're both going to the principal's office, now!" She said in a serious and mad tone.

The principal's office never meant anything good, so I didn't want to go.

"D-D-Do I really h-h-have to go?" I said. "I-I-It's just I don't f-f-feel so well, and think that I-I-I should probably g-g-go to my house and get some r-r-rest."

"You are coming with me young man, and you won't run off like last time" She started pulling me by my ear, it felt like if someone was just pulling a piece of skin, what I'm trying to say is, it really hurt.

"OW! N-N-Not so h-h-hard!" I said, whining a little. All my other classmates around started giggling.

We start approaching the principal's office, I feel more nervous the closer I get.

After what seemed like hours, we finally arrived.

"So, Kyle Sanders, according to Mrs. Peterson, you've slept 3 times in her class, is this true?" The principal said.

"P-P-Please, d-d-don't call me by my full n-n-name..." I said in a quiet voice.

"I can call you whatever I want, young man, you still haven't answered my question, did you or did you not sleep in Mrs. Peterson class?" He said with a menacing tone.

"Y-Y-Yes, I-I-I did sleep in M-M-Mrs. Peterson's class." I said, not wanting this discussion to last any longer.

"I see... just send this note to your parents, and the next time you sleep in her class, you'll be suspended."

"Y-Y-Yes... Sir..." I said, lowering my head admitting defeat.

"Mrs. Peterson, you are free to leave with your student." He said.

"Thank you, sir." She said.

Let's fast-forward a few hours, I'm at my house, about to tell my parents about the note, I'm sweating because I'm so nervous, I know they'll not let me talk to my online friends for an entire 2 weeks, who have the same interests as me, ponies!

"U-U-Uh... M-M-Mom..?" I said anxiously.

"Yes, darling?" She said.

"F-F-First off, d-d-don't call me d-d-darling, I'm almost 15." I said, quite annoyed that after many times of telling her, she still called me darling.

"Sorry, why did you come here anyway?" She said.

"W-W-Well..." I said, embracing for impact. "I-I-I got another n-n-note from school a-a-about me s-s-sleeping."

"Kyle, we've talked about this, and you know what we said." She said, in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, mom." I said... I wanted to cry because I knew I wasn't going to be in contact with my only friends...

"You're grounded, 2 weeks with no electronics," She said. "You can go."

I went running to my bed to cry, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. I hid under the sheets of my bed and cried my sorrows out.

I fell asleep, thinking about all the not-so-wonderful things that happened that day.

But, suddenly, I get awoken by something, it feels like something is sucking me in, I grab onto my bed tightly, but that wasn't enough! I went through the portal, I thought, is this my end?

Then, I blacked out.

Chapter 2: Where the hell am I?

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I suddenly wake up, I realize I’m in the middle of the forest, I start gazing at all the Oak and Pine trees I see, but then, I actually remembered what happened. “Where the hell am I?” I thought to myself while still staring at the trees that went on for miles!

I start raising my hand, only realizing it’s a green hoof, that’s white on the top part, I slowly start to realize what is going on.

“G-G-GET ME OUT, GET ME OUT, GET ME O-O-OUT!” I screamed while flailing around everywhere, my glasses fall off, and I’m not able to see anything, after a while of searching frantically on the grass, I manage to find them, but I can't seem to pick them up.

"Do I need to pick them up with my mouth?" I thought to myself disgusted, "Maybe if I am really careful and grab them with my hands, I mean hoofs, I can put them on." So I did that, I was getting frustrated that I couldn't pick them up, but after many failed attempts, I finally managed to put them on.

I thought to myself “I know I hate walking, but I should probably start walking if I want to find civilization. Aaaand I should get used to walking on all-fours.”

I start walking in a random direction, still trying to find out where am I, it felt uncomfortable walking on all fours, but I knew I had to get used to it, I thought to myself "Am I in the Everfree?" I kept walking in that direction, stomping on all the autumn leaves I found… nothing.

“Am I just walking in circles?” I thought to myself, confused and mad, suddenly, I heard some rustling leaves, I assumed it was a big bear coming to attack me, so I did the only sane thing, run!

And then, I fell into the river, I knew how to swim, but I didn’t know I fell because I was looking behind me, I started choking on the water I swallowed, and could barely stay afloat as the river pushed me away, but then, a black and white striped hoof pulled me out of the water.

I started choking, but I managed to finally catch my breath, but when I looked at her, I immediately knew who it was.

“Looks like I saved you in the nick of time,” She said, “Come inside, even though you are covered in slime.” Zecora chuckled when she said that last part, I followed her inside, not saying a word.

As soon as I went inside, I looked at myself, and yes, I was covered in moss and algae, when I looked at it I tried to clean it off.

“I’m guessing you are not from these parts, but a cute stallion like you will surely melt hearts.” She said, looking at me with a small grin on her face, I started blushing, no one had ever called me cute in a long time.

I just gazed at her, amazed to have found her, she just shoots me a little grin, and keeps working on a potion. As I looked around, I saw all the magical ingredients she used to make the potions, I wanted to ask her stuff about that, but I was afraid I’d say something wrong, so I stayed quiet.

Zecora noticed this, and told me “It’s ok, no need to be afraid, I’m here if you need any aid.” Her voice had a soothing tone, which calmed me down, all of a sudden, my tail started wagging of excitement, I wanted to stop wagging it, but it just wouldn’t stop, Zecora just giggled.

I said, still nervous, but excited at the same time. “Uh… Z-Z-Zecora?”

Zecora looked at me. “Yes?”

“W-W-Where is P-P-Ponyville..?” I said, I was excited to be in Zecora’s hut, but if I wanted answers, I would have had to go to Ponyville.

“Ah, Ponyville, I see,” She said, “There’s no time to dilly-dally then, just follow me.” Then, she started heading towards the door, I followed her, I didn’t notice the door was still closed, so I just face-planted into it. Zecora chuckled and whispered. “Clumsy.”

Once we started walking towards Ponyville, I spotted some things I didn’t notice before, I saw some deer, I saw some beautiful flowers, Zecora picked up some of them, I thought she would probably use them for potions, I picked up a pretty orange flower on the way, and then, Zecora told me: “Here’s the road to Ponyville, just follow it, until you see a windmill.”

“W-W-Wow, thanks Z-Z-Zecora!” I said, quite surprised at her knowledge.

“You’ll know when you get there, as for now, farewell!” She said, waving goodbye at me.

And then, I just started following the path...