> Prelude to the World Cup > by DestinyDecade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot High, Equestria City – 2:30 PM The bell rings loudly, signaling the end of another school day. For many of us, it’s the sound of finally being free from all the crap that goes on in here. I look around, seeing everyone leaving the classroom. My friends are not far off either. Getting up, I grab my stuff and leave the room to meet up with them. The five of us walk through the hallway, with each heading to our respective lockers to get what we need and head out. A tightly knit clique is what we are, the Four Sides. Our group formed two years ago and on my first day as a transfer student. What started as a simple challenge soon blossomed into a group that desires to bring out the best in all of us. Look where that got us. “So, you guys are excited for the grand opening of the F Word tonight?” I ask my friends. “The fact that you are working at that restaurant is clearly proof of it Roy,” answers Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer is someone I’ve known ever since I transferred to Canterlot High two years ago. She also has another name that people refer her as: the Pendulum Princess, or as I call it, Little Miss Pendulum. She finds it to be annoying but it’s only because she’s one of the few people in this city that has a firm understanding of Pendulum Summoning. The only other person is a teen named Yuya Sakaki, a circus performer from Malami City. But she’s more of a Standard student than anything else. That and I have very strong feelings toward her… to the point where we fell in love. “You’re working for Dean Ramsay. I’m surprised he’s going to own a restaurant again after Hell’s Kitchen went under years ago. He should be lucky that I had to convince Chancellor Akaba to allow it. After all, Duel Academy never forgets. They never forget,” Snips responds. Like Sunset, Snips is a student of Canterlot High. Back when we were sophomores, Snips had a reputation of being the worst duelist in the school. But like everything in life, my arrival in Canterlot High two years ago brought something in him that awoke his dueling spirit. Little by little, the kid endured a lot of crap while becoming stronger in the process. He even took on a famous Duel Academy student named Yuri. Despite losing to him once, he would defeat him and would inherit his dragon. Then the next year that followed, it’s as if he would be possessed due to having a Duel Academy jacket draped around him. It was due to Gordon Ramsay joining Canterlot High as Dean of the Fusion Division. Snips would end up facing Ramsay on multiple occasions with the last one making Ramsay realize his failure and hubris. Hell, Ramsay was going to resign as Fusion Dean until Snips convinced him otherwise. When all was said and done, Snips went to Duel Academy for summer classes, despite having done better grades-wise. By the time he returned for senior year, he appeared in glorious fashion. I’m serious with that. Believe me, the first day had him coming by with the song “Glorious”. I mean. Geez! Snips was now dressed as an elite Duel Academy student. It’s made better that he is also a liaison to Duel Academy, hence why he represents the school along with several transfers. He may be a strong duelist, in fact, many see him as one of the most powerful but he is someone who wants nothing more to be better. “Yes, I know. They never forget. Are you going to quit mentioning it? That motto’s more outdated than your jacket. Speaking of which, did you even consider washing it?” I tell him. “I just had my jacket washed two days ago. It can’t be that bad!” Snips tells me. “Maybe you should consider caring more for your hygiene than anything else,” Sunset responds. Snips goes silent in seconds. Another student chuckles a little and says, “I think Sunset makes a valid point Snips. Duel Academy isn’t just elite in how students duel but how they look too.” The student in question is none other than one Twilight Sparkle. She’s a transfer student from Duel Academy. Where do I even begin with her? She used to be known as the Queen of Duel Academy, a mirror image of Abacus Cinch. Hell, with how she was, she even made Yuri, fearful of her. Last year, she along with a group of other Duel Academy students gave us trouble. She beat Sunset Shimmer and “destroyed” her deck. But while she was out, we had to take the reins and deal with her cronies. It’s that we began to learn the other summoning mechanics and using them, we sent most of her group called “The Seven” packing. Sunset eventually recovered and decided to face Twilight again. It was fierce. It was rough but holy crap was it crazy. In the end, Sunset pulled off a miraculous counter and defeated her but Twilight’s mind was a major wreck. She didn’t give up on her and eventually Twilight made a full recovery. We all helped her to the point I insisted she joined our group, much to the others dismay. She returned to Duel Academy, ditched the outfit and decides to wear an outfit that best suits her. Oh and I also forgot that she seems to have a thing for Sunset. I don’t question it but if it makes Twilight happy, I’m game. “Says the girl who got all evil and crap and tried to take us all down last year. Hmmm?” Snips’ quickly responds. Twilight becomes blunt with this response, “You’re not helping.” “Are you all done here? We got to get going,” says another student, Snails, who approaches with a calm yet cold demeanor. Out of all of us in our group, Snails is the one that been through the most. I mean that literally. One year, he would be a cocky son of a gun who always loves a challenge. The next, he’s a different person. Well that’s mostly due to the fact that two doppelgangers from two different dimensions showed up to give him a choice: hope or despair. He chose both and it was not the best decision to make. His mind became a wreck but it was those same doppelgangers that healed him. Unfortunately it created a side effect. Realizing that his decision angered them, they decide on a different approach: containing his free will. When I noticed he acted different, I would get word from my doppelgangers that the same people who made him choose are responsible for it. Since then, I made it a vow to free him from them and to regain his smile. But despite this, he is still a friend to us, almost like a brother. “Calm down. It’s the end of the day and you expect us to be on the move. Why don’t you lighten up yinzer,” Snips rebuts. We all become silent. Snails literally has a look of anger in his eyes, mostly since Snips decides to be an utter idiot by referring him as that word. I forgot to mention that unlike the rest of us who live in Equestria City, Snails is from Heartland, a part of Heartland City where it’s home to those who are poor. He and his family are one of the few that live there cause the town’s mayor had it as a place where he could help the poor and yes, in Heartland, the poor take priority over anything else. You can say that the kid had a pretty rough upbringing. Heck, his parents were lucky enough to send him here so that way he can maybe have a better life. But anyway, Heartland City citizens are full of pride and they value their home more than anything. Snails is no exception. The word “yinzer” is a slang word that you shouldn’t say to someone from Heartland City. Calling them a yinzer is like asking for a death sentence and this has happened twice. The last time that happened… let’s just say that Snips should know better than to do that especially in the front of the Xyz Dean. He didn’t live it down. “Didn’t Dean Sombra tell you not to refer me by that name? You do know what happened the last time right?” Snails tells him. Snips quickly replies, “Oh I remember. Are you still bitter that I kicked your butt on the first day? Because you were mad as hell. Most of the school wasn’t happy with it either!” “You also know that many of the students here are from Heartland City right? You didn’t just insult me with that. You insulted the Dean along with many others!” He shouts, blowing things out of proportion. But Snips delivers a counter of his own, “Says the guy who decides to insult Duel Academy. See this jacket I’m wearing right now?” “What is your point?” “My point is that just as I call you a yinzer, you have the audacity to insult Duel Academy… and more importantly, me. You also know that many Duel Academy students transferred here right? One of them is right here with us!” Snails turns to see Twilight who, yes, isn’t pleased with this. I never thought that things would get tense but not this tense. “Long story short, you need to lay off the insults. Like you, we value our pride. Duel Academy used to be the top school in the entire world next to Heartland Academy and finally Canterlot High. Many of the students see Duel Academy as the true echelon and I know both schools have had a bitter rivalry for years. And the fact that many students from both schools are here is like a powder keg was just set here and it’s ready to erupt… all cause of us!” Snails thinks about it for a moment and says this, “I see your point.” “Good. So for now, try keeping your emotions in check. It’ll do you a lot of good. Besides don’t you think you should be heading off for your podcast thing? I can never understand how a guy like you gets to work for some radio jockey that looks like Tony Stark,” Snips wonders. “The less said about that, the better,” Snails’ reply is quick as heck, “I only got the job because of that summer internship I had. Every time I see that guy, it’s like having to deal with him at school.” “No kidding,” I interrupt, “He’s a teacher here in this school and I give him a name that best suits him: Krim Steinbelt.” “Touché, Roy,” Snails interrupts back, “He doesn’t take that name well.” “Can we like head out already? I’m more looking forward to what’s coming up tonight right?” I tell them. Everyone’s in agreement for once and we finally head out of the school. Yeah. Tonight’s a big deal because of the grand opening and all but I have this feeling it’s going to be home to much more. Oh wait. I never had the time to introduce myself. May as well since everyone is heading off to gear up for the big night. I see them off while I head to the parking lot, get my motorcycle and drive off. My first stop: My penthouse in one of the city’s towers. Oh. Right. Introductions. My name is Roy Starfall, best known as the Blossoming Stardust. I’ve been living in Equestria City since the day I was born, though my memory of my time when I was young is a bit fuzzy. I was once a Commoner, living in an orphanage in the city slums. Not a pleasant life, I know because back then, there was a motto this city had: “Winners win everything. Losers lose everything.” Unless you have the desire to be a winner, you will not get far in this city. As luck would have it, a man named Fancy Pants came by the orphanage. It caught my attention and he was interested in adopting. Upon seeing me, he felt something about me but he wished to test my skill. So we dueled. Despite having a mish-mash deck, I won albeit… barely. That was the day my life changed as I went from a Commoner to living amongst the Topsiders. The next few years prove to be testing times but it only fueled my desire for something more. It was when I started going to Crystal Prep for freshman year that I knew the gears were about to turn. Despite having to adjust to a different place, I did well in my studies. But the problem was that the place felt like a prison than anything else. Why? Because of the school’s No Dueling policy. Nobody opposed it and it excelled more in education than anything else. But when I came around, it slowly began to change. I may had been a student and a really good one but I was more of a rebel than anything else. I hated their uniforms and I also hated how the policies only hold students back. The Friendship Games was no exception and we kicked Canterlot High’s butt but not everyone was happy, especially the principal Abacus Cinch. Abacus cares more about pride than anything and I refused to hand my deck to her. So instead I called her out on that No Dueling policy and challenged her to a duel. I knew the risks and failure meant expulsion. It didn’t worry Cinch one bit. Before I took her on, I met a fellow who gave me a card and said that it would be the thing that would lead to my destiny. I didn’t understand it at first but when I took her on, I finally knew. I knew Cinch was underhanded but not like this. Her deck consisted of cards that were confiscated by other students. I called her out on it but she didn’t give a damn. She didn’t care. It was then that the card that fellow gave me was what I needed to win. I did win and the policy was abolished. Cinch was going to get the last laugh and expel me but that was null and void when the Equestrian Education Association vetoed it. My actions alone brought a light back to the school but it also brought a darkness that would continue to linger. I transferred to Canterlot High for sophomore year and the rest as they say is history. As for Abacus Cinch, she had to resign amidst pressure from the E.E.A. and she would end up being more of a problem in the years to follow. Whether it being in charge of Equestira City Security only for everything to come crashing down or enacting a big revenge plot by manipulating two people and nearly ruining their lives. For all I know, whatever she plans on doing, I will stop her. No matter what it takes. Okay that got way out of hand. I know you’re reading this and you’ll be saying, “What does this have to do with today’s tale?” Nothing. I’m just putting it there as a refresher to my origins. But yeah, as for me I transferred to Canterlot High during sophomore year, met a group of students that share the same dreams as I do and the rest is history. Flash-forward two years later, our group added one more: Twilight. Amazing how so much can change within a long time. I can be wrong about that. But yeah, I was driving around the city for a while until I reached a part of the highway that takes me to the top of one of the city’s many towers. Did I forget to mention that Fancy Pants adopted me? Yeah. That. Anyway, I reach my place and take the time to get myself cleaned up. Proper hygiene. After a shower and a good meal, I feel refreshed. Nothing could make this day any better… except for a phone call. “Hello. This is Roy, who’s this?” I wonder. “Starfall? This is Ramsay. Are you set for tonight?” Turns out that it’s Dean Ramsay on the phone. “I’m ready. I just need to dress for work. Is everything set for the grand opening?” I ask. “Yes. We are ready but I’m worried that this will bring more harm than good.” “Just take it easy. Everything will be fine. I am going to help you with this.” “You better be right. The Grand Opening will be happening in two hours. Be there 30 minutes before and don’t be late. You may be a valued employee in Hell’s Kitchen but I will not tolerate lateness of any sort. Is that clear?” “Yes sir,” I let out a sigh before hanging up. It makes me shake my head in disappointment. Ramsay still has this hotheaded personality that I always remember. My problem is that it may do more harm than good. I get dressed in my usual garb. My hair is dual colored: blue with little bits of red on top. They’re held together thanks to a black headband I’ve had for quite a long time. As for my outfit, it consists of a white jacket with black borders and blue stripes on the sleeves and a white jumpsuit that has red, blue and black stripes that meet in the center in a chevron pattern. I also put on a pair of white gloves and my jacket also has black elbow and kneepads and yellow shoulder pads. I also put on a pair of black and red boots. Once I’m fully dressed, I get my helmet and head out of my penthouse. On my Duel Runner, I drive off to Canterlot City, the center of Equestria City. As I did so, I begin noticing the daytime sky turning from a bright blue to a vivid orange. The sun is setting and it helps give the city a bit of vibrant feel. Seeing the sunset in this city is truly a delight. I can’t say it enough how amazing it is. Now if only traffic was less of a hassle. Yeah I know that the grand opening and all that but it’s the guest list that’s the problem. After 20 minutes, I made it into the city itself and parked my D-Runner in the nearby parking lot. “That’s a relief,” I say to myself, “Now to head for the restaurant.” I don’t waste time. I make it to the place where Ramsay’s restaurant, “The F Word” is located. Thankfully I arrive early. Ramsay notices me. We greet each other with a handshake then it’s down to business. “Tonight’s the night. Have you got an idea of the guest list?” I ask. “Plenty of guests but the biggest one is already causing quite a stir,” Ramsay’s response catches my eye. “Let me take a guess.” Ramsay doesn’t give me a chance to guess, “Keep that guess shut. I don’t want things to leak out but apparently it’s attracting more than just our VIP guest. It seems the presidents of both Kaiba and Leo Corporation, respectively have decided to join in on this event.” This catches me by surprise. “What? Seto Kaiba and Declan Akaba? What do they want?” “Apparently it has to do with the VIP himself. Whatever it is, I am leaving nothing to chance. Security in this grand opening will be tight. No exceptions,” Ramsay assures me. But I counter with this, “If it has to do with these two, you’ll need a lot more than just increased security. That will not be enough to contain two presidents who have a disdain towards each other. It also doesn’t help that Leo Corporation has filed a lawsuit against Kaiba Corp. for patent & copyright infringement regarding the Solid Vision system aka the ARC System. It’s a powder keg that’s just waiting to erupt.” “I am aware. The trial has not begun yet but whatever the reason, I will take no chances on this. None whatsoever,” Ramsay is still holding his ground on this. “Just make sure that there is a VIP Table for my friends. They are going to be here for this event and plus, I work here. I’m willing to give up my benefits for them,” I tell him. “I will make the arrangements. Just get yourself ready for work. There will be a competition here on this day so let’s make opening night a memorable one,” Ramsay tells me. I nod and then head off to suit up for tonight’s grand opening. As the sunset goes away, the sky becomes a nighttime wonder. Stars shine all over the night sky, many of the city’s buildings start lighting up. It is one heck of a sigh that’s for sure. The F Word is a restaurant consisting of three floors. The first floor has two kitchen stations in the middle, one for each respective team. The rest is filled with tables and chairs for people to sit and eat. Second floor also has many tables and chairs as well. As for the third, well that’s a secret. We ain’t revealing it until much later. But yeah, as I prep up, many of the guests start coming in. Many well-known celebrities from all over the world start coming in. Some were musicians, famous movie starts and others being well known pro duelists. Many of them are still in the pro dueling scene such as Mai Valentine, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor and others. But there were those who’ve already made a name for themselves in some parts of the world. This is turning to be quite the opening. I notice that my friends are there too so that’s a plus. Ramsay got the VIP table set up and with the four of them seated, I head to the table to meet them. “Liking everything so far?” I ask them. “Wow. This place looks amazing,” Sunset responds. “No kidding. I didn’t think Dean Ramsay would make it possible,” Snips explains. “Yep. I had to chip in and help as well because I wasn’t going to let it go to waste. You guys know that right?” Everyone nods in agreement. It’s true. I’m the kind of person that wants to do what’s best for others. It’s another reason why I’m someone who wants hope. “We all do. At least that’s good enough,” Sunset tells me. That has me letting out a sigh of relief. “By the way, have you guys seen who’s competing in Ramsay’s little contest?” I follow. “No. Why?” Sunset wonders, taking a look afterward. We all did the same and both teams start coming into the place. Pinkie Pie, a student of Canterlot High, leads one group. In fact, three other students who are part of her cooking club in the school accompany her. Interesting that the entire club is taking part of it. On the other side however is a group of students from Crystal Prep led by a student named Sugarcoat. The instant she notices me, her face becomes one of contempt. I don’t know why but I guess some of Crystal Prep still harbors a grudge over what I had done years back. I’ve moved on from what happened. I’m in a better school and all I hope is that the students at that place do the same. “Yep. Canterlot High vs. Crystal Prep. What better way to commemorate your grand opening than with this,” I say. “Two teams competing for one prize. This will be fun,” Snails responds. Twilight doesn’t say a word. She notices that some of Crystal Prep’s team is people she once knew. One by one, we look at Twilight with utmost curiosity. Before long, every one of us are looking at her. This gets her nervous. Can we blame her? “What?” She asks us. “You know them, do you?” I counter. “Uh yeah, I do. They used to be my classmates before I transferred to Duel Academy,” Twilight answers. “Classmates? You never told us this,” Sunset rasps. “She never tells us anything. All I ever hear in the walls of D.A. is that Twilight is a bookworm than anything else,” Snips tells us. “You guys aren’t helping you know?” She has a point. “We can talk about it later. Right now, I got to split. I start my shift. See ya!” I head off to meet with the boss. The others look flustered by my sudden departure but their attention then shifts back to Twilight. “Okay Twilight. We’ll have our talk later but if you want to still be a part of this, we need to know more about you… aside from the fact you nearly brought hell to us last year,” Sunset tells her. Twilight looks at the three and takes a deep breath before replying, “You’re right. I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me huh?” The others wholeheartedly agree. Meanwhile, I arrive meeting with the other waiters. Ramsay goes over the details on tonight’s events and that there are going to be a ton of VIP guests. Many of which are famous duelists that have made their mark on history. We all learn of our objectives and what we have to do. He then dismisses us, then shifts his attention towards me. “We’re opening up in 5 minutes. Where were you?” He asks me. My reply is as quick as my wit, “Having to check up on my friends at one of the VIP tables. I know what I got to do.” That quick reply doesn’t convince the fusion Dean, “This is serious Roy! Our grand opening will either make or break us both. Quit slacking and let’s go!” “Yes sir!” I don’t say anything else. I head out and get to work. I notice both teams getting ready to make dinner for all the guests. Boy it’s going to be quite insane, I tell you. As the restaurant fills up, things were gearing up for one insane night. Once the restaurant is filled with diners who are hungry for what these two teams will bring out, Ramsay gets the show on the road. “Ladies and gentlemen, I like to thank you all for coming. Welcome to the grand opening of my new restaurant, The “F” Word!” everyone cheers in response to his announcement. “And before anyone asks, F stands for Food. Now then, today we have a restaurant full of hungry diners. Many of which are celebrities. As you see here, these two teams will be serving dinner to all of our guests. On one side, we have four students from Canterlot High here to prove their worth. On the other are four students from Crystal Prep who wish to show the world what their skill is made of. Both teams will compete to see who will come out on top to win a $10,000 grand prize!” One minute the crowd cheers, the next everyone wonders who of the two teams will win that prize. “Not only that but we have VIPs aplenty including one who will be making an announcement that you wouldn’t want to miss. Well then, I think it’s time we get to work. It’s Pinkie Pie & the Canterlot Sweet Cakes vs. Sugarcoat & the Crystal Shadows! I take it both teams are ready yes?” Ramsay sees both teams at the ready. One team is dressed in pink, the other is dressed in violet. “Good. Without further ado, let the competition begin!” And both teams don’t waste time. They’re at work and sure, all of them are teenagers who have aspirations and dreams but I don’t think having to serve 100 diners in this restaurant is like you’re asking for a breakdown. I really don’t know why. But the good news is that Ramsay brought in two Sous chefs, one for each team to assist them. I meanwhile along with several others have to serve food to the diners. Ramsay did say the mega-spectra VIP is going to show up tonight. Let’s pray that he does. Back at one of the VIP tables, Sunset and the others get a good view of the contestants in question. “Canterlot High vs. Crystal Prep? This reminds me of the Friendship Games three years ago. The only difference is that it’s 4-on-4 and all about cooking,” Sunset says. “That’s right,” responds Twilight, “For Canterlot High, we have Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity and on Crystal Prep, there’s Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap.” “I have to wonder if it was Pinkie’s idea to bring them along. She’s part of the school’s Culinary Club. The least she can do is bring her group,” she follows. “That’s Dean Ramsay’s doing,” Snips interrupts. “What?” “Yep,” He continues to explain, “I overheard Ramsay talking to Pinkie to bring 3 of her friends for this. She didn’t waste any time choosing who she wanted. If it meant to make his new restaurant a bit lively, why not.” “Still… Pinkie has her work cut out for her. Her team is up against Crystal Prep and you know that school is a highly competitive one,” follows Snails. “Competitive?” Snips counters, “You wish! Crystal Prep is ranked #4 amongst the Top 10 Schools in the world. #1 is you guessed it, Canterlot High.” “Mostly because of us,” Sunset counters back, “We’re the reason why students from every corner of the world are coming here. But it may not mean a thing when it comes to competition.” “Don’t we have the Friendship Games for that?” He asks. Sunset answers, “That’s not for another year. By then we won’t even be in the school much longer. We’re all seniors now.” “Go fig.” They continue to watch both teams work their butts off in making food for everyone in the restaurant. I, meanwhile, do my best to serve all the guests especially the VIPs. Speaking of which, it’s at this point I start getting to know some of them here. “I thought you two retired years back. Never thought you’d make a return in the dueling scene,” I say, speaking to a pair of duelists sitting in one of the tables. “You can’t keep a good duelist down. Besides, I put time towards my well being than anything else,” replies one duelist, Rex Raptor. “Well Rex at least you’re doing better than I ever could,” says the duelist on the other side, Weevil Underwood. “Don’t you have anything better to do than being a cheat?” Rex tells him. “Says the guy who owes rent this month for the apartment!” Weevil counters. “Guys, calm down. Can you at least for once try to enjoy yourselves? You’re not the only VIPs here,” I tell them both. They look around to see other people being a bit peeved over them having an argument. Within seconds, they stop what they’re doing and keep quiet. It saves my job a little because I hate how petty arguments can occur anywhere. We don’t need it at the grand opening and I don’t need Dean Ramsay blaring over me. It sucks. “Good. Maybe you guys can take it easy tonight. Forget your troubles. Focus on having fun. That’s what matters… along with the big announcement coming tonight,” I bow before departing, leaving those two to enjoy their dinner. Moving onto the other tables, I would get to know many of the VIPs there. At least it’s interesting to say the least but at the same time, I learn from many of them and how they duel. I turn to see my friends have already been served their dinner. Well at least I’m happy for them. An hour has passed. The competition between both teams continues on. From what I’ve been hearing, Pinkie’s team is having a strong lead while Sugarcoat’s tailing a bit. It can be any team’s game. But then I get a message from one of the waiters. Yep. He’s here. After serving another guest, I meet up with Ramsay. “Is he here?” I ask him. He gives me a straight nod, “What do we do?” Ramsay responds and is straight to the point, “You leave things to me. In case anything happens, I’ve got myself covered. Just remember to keep yourself civilized during the announcement.” “Understood.” We both depart. I head upstairs to help out with any guests. Ramsay meanwhile, heads to the first floor and makes the announcement known. What follows is going to be what I consider one of the craziest moments ever seen. “Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, I know you all are patient for this so let’s get right to the chase. I mentioned earlier that we have an extremely important VIP coming. Well, the wait is over. I bring you one and all our special guest. He is the father of Duel Monsters, the man behind Industrial Illusions. I give you, right here today… Maximilion Pegasus!” Everyone starts cheering for the arrival of Pegasus. Lo and behold, there he is. This is insane. My friends get a good look and even they are surprised by his arrival. Well, to think that this place has someone like Pegasus here in Equestria City least of all on this restaurant. It’s awesome. Pegasus was a man with finesse. He’s best known for his gray hair that reaches down to his shoulders and covering his left eye. His red suit is clear as day and silver shoes to boot. Yep. That’s him. It is the real deal. “Pegasus? Here?” says Sunset, shocked by his arrival. “Yep. This guy is not just any legend. He’s the one who’s responsible for giving us the legendary duelists we know today,” Snips explains. He has the same look of shock as everyone else here. I show up, catching everyone by surprise but they are more bewildered than anything else, “So… like what you see?” “Roy, you knew that Pegasus would be coming here?” Sunset asks me. I don’t say a thing but this alone gets them more curious. I knew that if I did tell them, they would hound me so I may as well take the plunge and give them a nod. “Dude, why didn’t you tell us?” Snails quickly asks, “I mean, sure. I know he wants to surprise us but come on!” “I have my reasons,” I answer, “Ramsay gave me an NDA meaning I can’t. Is that good enough of an answer? Or are you more concerned over what Pegasus will announce. That’s what you want to know right?” Everyone nods wondering as well, even Twilight. For some reason, she seems a bit quiet. Can I blame her? No. Anyway, we all get a look at what’s happening downstairs and boy it’s going to get interesting. “Thank you for coming Pegasus. It is an honor having you here,” says Ramsay. “My pleasure. I never thought you would own a restaurant again after so long. So good to see you at least still have that drive,” Pegasus replies. “But let me ask and I know my guests want to know too. You said you have an announcement you wish to make. Tell us. All of us here on this restaurant certainly wish to know.” Pegasus simply nods. But I notice something odd about him. Normally he’d have a bit more energy and would be a bit smug. Not in this case. It’s a bit concerning but I hold my feelings aside for it for now. “Alright. Before I do make this announcement known, I have something else I like to make. I have been with Industrial Illusions for many years and I have seen duelists blossom from Duel Monsters’ success and go on to make a name in the world. It warms my heart to see you all here and yet I am feeling like I’m on the verge of tears,” Pegasus tries to hold himself together. “I know this is not as easy to say but… as of next year, I am stepping down as president of Industrial Illusions.” This announcement is a shock… one of many. But that is the least of our worries. “Pegasus…” Ramsay wonders. “You wonder just as much as everyone here,” Pegasus tells him, “I have been a part of Industrial Illusions for a long time. I wish nothing more than to see it prosper in the hands of the next generation. Nothing else. That and I feel a retirement is needed for me. But I guess that’s not the reason I’m here isn’t it?” He chuckles before continuing, “Don’t worry. The best is yet to come for you see, although I plan on stepping down, I wish to enact one final act that I hope to bring duelists from all over together. And what is it you ask? Simple. It’s a tournament… a Duel Monsters tournament that will make Battle City look like a cakewalk in comparison.” Everyone wonders in curiosity what kind of tournament. We watch and see. “This tournament is unlike any you have ever experience. Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, Genex, Fortune Cup, World Duel Carnival. All of them are nothing compared to this. A tournament so big that it will bring everyone from all over the world. In a way, you can think of this as World Cup. That’s right. My tournament will bring the world together to see who truly is the greatest. Hence forth, I christen this… the Industrial Illusions World Cup!” And with that, it has been confirmed. Pegasus announces that he’s stepping down as Chairman of Industrial Illusions… but not without making something like this. A tournament so big that it’s bringing the entire world together for one objective: to see who is the greatest duelist in the world. That is his magum opus: the Industrial Illusions World Cup. Cheers soon follow from everyone whether it is the guests here on The “F Word” or even the crowd outside that’s watching all this. It’s great. Nothing can ruin the moment… except for one. “Are you out of your mind?!” A shout like that silences the crowd. Pegasus turns around to notice a face he knows all too well… Seto Kaiba. He simply smiles and replies, “Oh Kaiba-boy. Long time no see. I take it you didn’t receive your invitation didn’t you?” “I’m in no mood for your games. Tell me. Why do you decide to host a tournament now huh?” Kaiba asks him. “What Kaiba-boy? You think that my announcement of me stepping down has to do with this? Absolutely not,” Pegasus’ answer is clear and concise but there’s this feeling that he may be hiding something more. “Don’t lie to me Pegasus. I know you are up to something and I will get to the bottom of it. That is a promise,” Kaiba’s threat may be serious but it’s an empty one, as Pegasus already figures out. “I would be more concerned over what’s happening with Kaiba Corp. than with me,” See what I mean? Kaiba becomes silent since Pegasus probably knows. For anybody wondering, Seto Kaiba is president and CEO of KaibaCorp, a multinational gaming corporation. Focusing on both entertainment and gaming, it is one of several companies that center on Duel Monsters. With Industrial Illusions being the center due to creating the card game, many companies were formed around it. Now why is this a big deal? It’s because KaibaCorp has had its fair share of competitors that challenged them. Many of them would either go under or end up being bought out by them… until there was one. One company that stood up to KaibaCorp and set itself apart. That company was Leo Corporation, located in Malami City. Leo Corp. is one of KaibaCorp’s rivals that stood out for one reason: the Solid Vision System. Compared to holographic projectors, Solid Vision made them look cheap. The system allowed monsters to come to life… literally, as in having mass. Meaning they are real. This alone is what allowed Leo Corp to take a big piece of the pie to the point where Industrial Illusions would see them as the top gaming company. This in turn has put KaibaCorp in serious financial straits. It got so bad that they had little choice but to work with Leo Corp. if they are to survive. That’s when the trouble began. KaibaCorp had gotten access to some of their technology, allowing them to provide better Duel Disks for duelists. They started to reverse-engineer the technology until they had what they needed to outwit and beat Leo Corp. This didn’t sit well with Leo Corp. & it’s president and CEO, Declan Akaba. When Declan found out, he went on the warpath filing a lawsuit against KaibaCorp for both copyright & patent infringement. This in turn put KaibaCorp in a major bind since many within the company pretty much had a hand in this. It had been several months since then and though KaibaCorp is still around, they’re on borrowed time mostly since he knows his company is going to go down the drain if he loses. And it’s what Pegasus meant by those words. Hearing them stopped Kaiba in his tracks. As if that isn’t enough, he notices someone he doesn’t want to cross paths with… the Leo Corp president himself. Declan straightens his glasses, his sight towards Kaiba is one he ain’t letting go. Well maybe because he knows that Kaiba’s going down. It’s a matter of when, not if. This already has Kaiba on edge. “Flaunting accusations I see. You haven’t changed Kaiba,” says Declan. His sight still locked onto Kaiba. “Akaba… you’re here too?” Kaiba replies, trying to compose himself. “What else. The Leo Corporation also sponsors this tournament Pegasus has given us. I take it you prefer to wonder why it is happening… or are you more concerned over your company’s future?” Declan’s tone becomes cold. “Oh Declan my boy, nice of you to join us,” says Pegasus. “It is a pleasure Pegasus,” Declan follows, praising him, “I didn’t expect you to make this announcement so soon.” “Well, I thought it would be appropriate,” Pegasus’ answer couldn’t be any obvious. “Fair enough.” As this confrontation continues, the five of us look about. Many of us have bewildered looks while the rest try to piece it all together. I meanwhile, simply am curious by how this will go down. “Kaiba and Akaba here? This is crazy,” says Snips. “Crazy is an understatement,” follows Twilight, “Since both of these boys are sons of famous people.” “That’s right,” I answer, “Seto Kaiba is the adopted son of the late Gozaburo Kaiba, the previous president while Declan is Leo Akaba’s son from his second marriage. Leo Akaba was the Leo Corp’s preceding president before he stepped down years ago to be head of Duel Academy & the E.E.A.” “Second marriage?” Snails wonders. “Yeah. Leo Akaba married twice. His first wife died due to complications during childbirth plus they had a daughter named Ray. His second wife is alive and well and in that marriage, they had 2 kids: Declan and Riley,” I explain. “Ray Akaba? So she’s Declan’s stepsister. I heard about her in my time in Duel Academy. She’s a renowned Pro Duelist,” Snips tells us. Twilight nods as well since she also knew about her. “Yep and if that tournament goes live, she’ll be there. I’m more wondering what else can go wrong in a place like this,” Knowing how this is turning out, it’s going to get worse. “So Kaiba, are you trying to prolong your company’s suffering? If you are trying to then it won’t work with me. You know full well what you did… and how you allowed it. You are lucky I decided not to bankrupt you because it would be too easy to,” Declan tells him. Kaiba roars right back with a response, “What are you trying to say? You want to make my suffering worse than it already is? You’re already doing a good job at it. I had to fire most of my employees for pulling this stunt! And now they’re going on to accuse me of being responsible for it all!” “That’s because you are responsible Kaiba. Everything happened on your watch,” Declan’s accusation stands firm and still does. “Are we done?” Kaiba asks him. Declan nods in refusal, “No. In fact, we are far from done. Since your company is also co-sponsoring this competition, you should in your best interests abide to whatever terms Pegasus provides.” “Uh Declan my boy, I don’t think that is necessary,” tells Pegasus, struggling to find the right words to say before composing himself, “After all, this tournament is one that Kaiba can’t refuse can you?” Pegasus’ behavior annoys Kaiba. Having had previous experience with that, he shrugs it off but knows he doesn’t have a choice. “Good point Pegasus. Any tournament I see is something I will challenge. It won’t stop me from reaching my goal as being the number one duelist in the world!” His sight then shifts to Declan, “Even if it means crossing paths with you.” Seeing Kaiba’s threat, Declan decides to bring a threat of his own, “You would say the same thing if Yugi Moto was here… but he isn’t. He’s focusing more on his studies than dealing with the likes of you. Not that it would matter because at least what he’ll bring out is better than what you can do.” “You dare threaten me?” Uh Kaiba… didn’t he just do that? “You could say that,” Declan responds to Kaiba’s question, “Is there a problem?” The tension between Kaiba and Declan is so tense that you can almost cut it with a butter knife. It’s insane. We all wonder what will happen. Would Kaiba challenge Declan? Or is Declan staying firm on his threat? Well that doesn’t take place thanks to something else that interferes. Someone bumps Kaiba, causing him to check who it is. To his surprise, it’s someone he knows well. Too well! “Kaiba,” says a fellow named Joey Wheeler. “Wheeler, what are you doing here? I thought you would never show your face again ever since I fired you from KaibaCorp!” Kaiba replies, in anger. “I got a new job now. I work for Leo Corp,” What a way to pour salt Joey. Kaiba meanwhile reaches a fever pitch with his anger, “I always knew you were pathetic but this takes the cake!” Upon seeing Declan, Joey looks at him and simply bows, “Pleasure to meet you Mr. Akaba, sir.” “No need for formalities Joey,” Declan replies, “Have you received the package?” “Yes sir. Right here,” This has Kaiba curious. “What is in that package?” Kaiba asks. Joey refuses to answer, “Answer me Wheeler! Why would you work for someone as slimy as Akaba?” Joey quickly answers, “Because his technology makes your crappy Duel Disks look lame. Plus Akaba provides better pay for his employees. You however don’t. Also this is none of your business.” “Anyway, with package in hand, your opponent is waiting for you upstairs. I hope you can give our audience a show tonight,” Declan tells him. Joey nods and then heads upstairs. He looks around to find his opponent but as soon as he spots me, right away he knows I’m his opposition. Just great. “Are you Roy Starfall?” He asks me. I simply nod in response, “Good. By my new boss’s orders, I challenge you to a Duel!” “Wait seriously? Now? I’m working as a waiter for this restaurant,” I tell him, “I don’t know if Ramsay would be okay with it, much less Pegasus.” “I know. But I can’t disappoint Mr. Akaba so I tell you, I challenge you to a duel!” “You want this challenge so bad? Okay then. I accept,” That should satisfy him. “Awesome! I hope you’re ready!” Joey wastes no time in opening up the package he’s holding onto and it reveals to be a brand-new Duel Disk. This duel disk is a mix containing the base for the Kaiba Corp. duel disks but the difference is that once it goes online, it’ll have the traditional Leo Corp. style blades. My guess that this is Joey’s custom duel disk since it carries some nostalgia. Joey then takes something out of the package and hands it to me. I look at it and finds that it’s my Duel Disk but it looks like that it had gotten a complete upgrade. I’m bewildered. Instead of a blue body, it’s colored white. “Oh yeah, I forgot to give you this. You sent this to Leo Corp. for repairs only to find that we can’t repair it. In other words, that Duel Disk you sent us was totaled,” Joey tells me. I look at my friends who are stumped by this. It’s a fact because my Duel Disk was severely damaged a few months ago. I sent it to Leo Corp. hoping that they can get it fixed only to find out that they can’t. Karma can really suck doesn’t it? “Roy, why didn’t you tell us your Duel Disk was shot?” Sunset asks. My only answer is this, “I spent weeks trying to fix it Sunset. And then when I realized that I can’t, I had to send it in. Had no idea it was totaled. That’s what happens when some light bound douchebag struck it, causing it to outright short circuit.” “You could have come to us. We could have helped you,” That probably won’t be enough Shimmer. “Even if I could, it wouldn’t be enough. At least you guys got your Duel Disks while I end up with this,” I look at it once more wondering if this is the same one I’ve always had. “But yeah, Mr. Akaba decided to just scrap the thing and send you a brand new Duel Disk. The good news is that this can also be integrated into your Duel Runner. We tested it and it works so yeah, you’re set,” Joey says. “Uh… thanks, I guess. Hopefully I can do a better job taking care of it,” I reply. But as I’m ready to duel Joey, something else has to get in the way. It’s Ramsay. “What are you doing? You can’t have a duel now!?” He says, “You still have to serve the rest of the guests here!” “Ramsay that can wait. Dueling right now is the one thing that matters. And besides, I haven’t dueled in months. I’m getting out of practice,” I tell him. “Seriously?” Yes Ramsay. Seriously. But Pegasus lightens the mood, “I wouldn’t worry Ramsay. Some entertainment is in order and I believe your guests here deserve at least that much. Don’t you think?” Ramsay thinks about this for a minute. Sure his restaurant is actually doing well on opening night and it would be better if something like this would help get the guests excited. Knowing that this is a lost cause, he simply sighs and allows it. Pegasus smiles in response. “Wonderful. I believe this will be the perfect exhibition match for the World Cup,” Pegasus says. Everyone cheers while I stare down my opponent Joey. With our respective dueling arms, we do a brofist. This in turn causes our duel disks to activate. Joey’s duel disk is a black body with a red blade while mine is a white body that reveals a green blade. In fact the shape of the green blade is the same as my old model. Now I know these guys upgraded this. “You ready for this? Mr. Akaba insists that I take you on,” He says. I don’t need to provide any other answer for this, “I’m game. Let’s do it!” Suddenly the area that Joey and I cover starts to rise up. Before long, everyone bears witness to the real treat behind “The F Word” restaurant. Joey and I are now on the roof with many of the city lighting up around us. Ramsay can only look in shock seeing this. Everyone else is as well, even my friends too. “This restaurant has now a rooftop? What is this?” Ramsay wonders, “I didn’t ask for this! Who’s responsible for this?” “That was on you Ramsay,” I tell him. “What?” He wonders. “Yeah. You know that if you want the restaurant to succeed, you had to attract the one thing that would get it going: duelists. Hence why you decided to add a third floor that when a duel takes place, the ceiling opens up allowing the combatants to duel and the audience to see,” I tell him, making him realize that all of it is going to be more good than harm. “I should mention that I also had a bit of a hand in it,” follows Pegasus. “You?” Ramsay asks. Pegasus simply nods. Without so much as a sigh, Ramsay simply mutters to himself “screw it” and lets the duel go as planned. Both Joey and I turn and head to our respective sides. I place my deck into the Duel Disk’s deck slot and in seconds, lifepoints are automatically set at 4000. The same can be said for Joey’s duel disk as well. Everyone who was in the restaurant, including my friends is going to be in for a hell of a show. “You ready for this?” Joey asks me. I respond with this, “I am. Show me. Show me why you are known as the legend with potential.” “Me? A legend? No no. The real me is no match for the legend. That much is clear. Let’s go!” We both then shout, “DUEL!” And thus our duel began. We both drew our starting hands and the game begins. Before Joey can make his first move, Kaiba moves upstairs with one thing to say. “Hey Wheeler?” he says. “What is it Kaiba? Here to mock me some more?” Joey asks. “Traitor,” That was all it took for Kaiba to not want anything to do with him anymore. What a grouch. “Interruption aside, I’ll start things off,” Joey tells me, “I summon Red-Eyes Wyvern (Lv4, ATK: 1800/DEF: 1600) in attack mode!” Joey summons his first monster, a red eyes dragon that has no arms but legs and wings. It fits the Red Eyes archetype since Joey is one of the few duelists that use it. Heck he’s one of the best. “I then end my turn by placing 2 face downs,” He says, ending his turn. (Joey’s LP: 4000, Hand: 2) “Not bad. Not bad for a first move. Let me show you mine,” I tell him, drawing from my deck. Since I went 2nd, I get to draw. “From my hand, I summon Stardust Knight (Lv4, ATK: 1500/DEF: 900) in attack mode!” I summon my monster, a knight of the Stardust army complete with sword and shield. This has Joey curious but I have a lot more up my sleeve. “Curious aren’t you? Good. The fun has only just begun. I then activate Double Summon (Spell Card) allowing me to summon another monster & I choose this, Arcane Apprentice (Lv2, ATK: 1000/DEF: 400)!” My next monster shows up, a hooded mage with a staff that can call out a strange armor. “Wait a sec, is that monster you summoned a Tuner?” Joey wonders. I nod and say, “Yes. It is a Tuner. I wonder if you have any clue what kind of duelist I am?” “I… I’m a bit stumped. What are you planning?” “May as well show you. Level 4 Stardust Knight and the Level 2 tuner Arcane Apprentice, let’s show Joey the power to TUNE IT UP!” Both of my monsters head skyward into the sky. Arcane Apprentice transformed into two green rings. They then encircle Stardust Knight, turning into four stars of light. Everyone watches, as a Synchro Summon is about to take place. “The stars gather & unite as one. From these stars offered, bring forth a warrior whose strength matches his determined heart!” A light pierces through and a new monster appears, “Synchro Summon! Emerge! Level 6, Stardust Assault Warrior!” (Lv6, ATK: 2100/DEF: 1200) The monster is a warrior, armed with twin piercers and trained in the art of combat is ready to take the fight to the enemy. Joey watches in amazement seeing a Synchro Summon happen. Many duelists like Weevil and Rex get a look and are also amazed. My friends however see it as just another day. Why do you think Equestria City is home to Synchro duelists? “So that’s a Synchro Monster… in all my years, I’ve never seen something like this,” Joey says, still amazed. “Wait,” I ruin this moment, “Have you ever seen a Synchro Monster before? You live in Domino City right?” “Well yeah,” He tells me. “Then how the hell did you end up getting a job working for Declan Akaba?” Joey hesitates before answering, “I… I had to move to Malami City in order to even get the job. There’s so much I haven’t known about Duel Monsters that I needed to learn the other summoning methods. I only know about Fusion and most recently, Xyz.” “I see. Well then, I may as well give you a lesson in Synchro starting with this! Stardust Assault Warrior, attack his Red-Eyes Wyvern!” I don’t waste any time. Stardust Assault Warrior attacks, striking Red-Eyes Wyvern hard and clean. It gets destroyed immediately and Joey’s lifepoints take a hit. (Joey’s LP: 3700) “Like you, I also end my turn by placing 2 cards face down. Now show me! Show me your strength!” I tell him, setting my cards and ending my turn. (Hand: 2) Getting up after the attack, Joey knew that this isn’t like any other opponents. Hell, I’m someone that will fight if I have to and I will do what I must to take the fight to him. He draws and the duel continues on but is disappointed with what he just got. “You’re lucky that monster of yours is strong but all I have is this. I play Red-Eyes Baby Dragon (Lv3, ATK: 1200/DEF: 700) in defense mode. That’s it for me,” He says. (Hand: 2) His next monster looks like a Baby Dragon but it was clad in black with red eyes. In fact, it’s a smaller version of a Red Eyes Black Dragon. I stay cautious. Knowing Joey, it’s part of something big and his two facedowns didn’t help. I don’t hesitate. I draw and don’t waste time. “My draw! Assault Warrior, attack his monster!” My monster goes in and attack. His Red-Eyes Baby Dragon was destroyed immediately. “Since my monster’s in defense mode, my lifepoints are safe,” Joey says, but I of course have to give him a reality check. “Such is the way how duelists behave. You see my Stardust Assault Warrior has a nice little trick,” My response surprises him. “What’s that?” “When it battles a monster that’s in Defense mode, you take piercing damage. My Assault Warrior has 2100 attack while your Red Eyes Baby Dragon has 700 defense. In other words you take 1400 points of damage!” “Not happening. Lucky for you, I activate my trap, Defense Draw (Trap Card)!” Joey activates it, negating the damage he’s supposed to receive. “Lucky move,” I mutter. “Defense Draw allows me to reduce all damage I take to 0 and lets me draw a card, like so,” He replies, drawing his card. Oh how this just makes the game a bit fun. “Lucky son of a gun,” Things just keep getting better for Joey. “And it gets better. When Red-Eyes Baby Dragon is destroyed in battle, it’s effect allowing me to summon this from my deck. Appear now, Red-Eyes Black Dragon (Lv7, ATK: 2400/DEF: 2000)!” Things just go from bad to surprisingly bad. Joey brings out the big guns. We all see it. A large black dragon approaches. Having red eyes, sharp claws, a long tail and a vigorous attitude is enough to get anyone scared over what it’ll do. To Joey, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon represents his soul. Having won it from Rex Raptor in Duelist Kingdom years ago, he has held onto it since and has used it as not only his best monster but also his personal friend. That says a lot. “And with my Red-Eyes Black Dragon on the field, who has the bigger advantage now?” Judging by his attitude, he has the advantage… only for now, “Also, my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon is then equipped to Red-Eyes, making it even stronger.” Red-Eyes roars loudly, its attack strength boosted up by a good amount (Red-Eyes Black Dragon’s ATK: 2700). I simply say nothing. He has the advantage and knowing his turn will come is enough for him to go on the attack. “I end my turn,” It’s all I can say. (Hand: 3) “My draw and with this new power, I order my Red-Eyes Black Dragon to attack! Destroy that Synchro monster of his! Inferno Fire Blast!” Joey shouts. His monster’s mouth opens up, gathering energy into an orb and then fires it straight at my monster. Within seconds, my Stardust Assault Warrior gets obliterated. I get sent flying from the attack and I land hard on the ground. Geez, it hurt like hell. (Roy’s LP: 3400) “You’re slacking off Roy. What’s wrong with you?” Snails shouts, catching me by surprise. “You are not helping man,” As if his words don’t help enough. “Come on Roy, get up!” Sunset follows suit, “You’re better than this!” I immediately get back up because I’m better than this… a lot better. “I’m up now,” My attention shifts to Joey who does nothing but smile. “Funny how you have a pack of friends that stand by you. I used to be part of that too back when Yuge was dueling about years ago,” Joey replies. “Really?” I wonder, “What has Yugi been up to?” Joey tries to come up with a response but his face tells the story. I still look at him, waiting for an answer. Heck, everyone here wants to know what has happened to one of Duel Monsters’ greatest. “Come on Joey. Have you been in touch with Yugi? Or haven’t you?” I ask once again. “I haven’t heard from Yuge in years. Last I talked with him was when he graduated from college. He dreamed about creating his own games to make people happy. He just announced his first video game called Spherium. I’m curious as to what it’s like,” He answers. “Wow. That’s cool. But at least I know that your friend has made his own mark in the world. Honestly I feel that what he’s doing is good.” “I agree. I end this turn by placing one face down. Your move Roy! Let’s see if you can strike back against this!” He says, ending his turn with a face down. (Hand: 3) “Be careful what you wish for Joey,” I tell him, “You just might get it.” Joey doesn’t say a thing. I draw my card and my move’s already been made, “I reveal my face down, Call of the Haunted (Trap Card)!” “What will that do?” Joey asks. I ignore him. “This trap lets me bring back a monster from my graveyard and equip the card to it. I revive my Stardust Assault Warrior!” My monster reappears on the field ready to do battle but I have much bigger plans. “Next I summon the tuner monster Attack Gainer (Lv1, ATK/DEF: 0) in attack mode!” My next monster shows up. A masked warrior with red hair appears. But he won’t be around much longer. “I guess you know what happens next correct?” Joey doesn’t respond. I continue my offense. “Okay then… With my level 6 Stardust Assault Warrior, I use my Level 1 Attack Gainer and tune things up!” Stardust Assault Warrior propels forward with Attack Gainer moving behind him. Attack Gainer turns into a white orb, flying past Assault Warrior and transformed into a green synchronous orb. Encircling Assault Warrior, it turns the monster into six stars of light that soon form a line. “The stars gather forth and with it, they unite as one. Oh sacred light, bring forth a power that strikes down all at light speed!” A light pierces through the stars and in its place a new monster emerges. It’s a white dragon that has bits of blue and light green all around. As it roars through the sky, it appears behind me. Everyone in the restaurant looks in anticipation and in awe. Even Joey is surprised, since he’s already seen a Synchro monster before. “Synchro Summon! Appear before me… appear before us! Level 7! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (Lv7, ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000)!” Clear Wing roars in response. With that, I have everything I need, “Before I go on the attack, I activate my Attack Gainer’s effect. When used as Synchro Material for a Synchro Summon, I can choose a monster on your field and cripple it’s attack by 1000. I choose your Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” Red Eyes starts feeling a bit uneasy and its attack power suddenly decreases. Joey can only watch, as his favorite monster no longer has the strength to fight back (Red-Eyes’ attack: 1700). Since it’s still my turn, I go for it. “Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, attack! Destroy his Red Eyes Black Dragon with Hell Dive Slash!” I shout. Clear Wing attacks, moving fast in a whirlwind that strikes Red Eyes Black Dragon, destroying it. Joey suffers a serious lifepoint drop but he holds his ground. (Joey’s LP: 2700). I do the same setting 3 cards face down and emptying my hand, “I end my turn with these. Now let’s see what you got. I want to see your real strength. Not the old ‘Heart of the Cards’ schtick.” “You want my best?” He tells me, “You got it! Let’s go!” I watch him draw a card and I feel that he has something up his sleeve, “Reveal face down, Red-Eyes Spirit! (Trap Card)” “I figure he had that up his sleeve,” I mutter. “This lets me target a “Red-Eyes” monster in my graveyard and Special Summon it, except for Red-Eyes B. Chick. So I bring back an old friend…” Behind him is his Red-Eyes Black Dragon, his ace monster appearing. Like Joey, it refuses to fall and personally it just makes my day better. But Joey isn’t finished yet. He has something else up his sleeve for sure. “Now I summon Gearfried but not just any Gearfried, oh no. I summon Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight (Lv4, ATK: 1800/DEF: 1600!)!” He then follows it up by summoning an iron knight with red eyes and a sharp blade to strike with. “Another Red Eyes?” I ask. Joey quickly answers, “Unlike Gearfried the Iron Knight, this one has seen his fair share of battles and he isn’t afraid to deliver the pain. But sadly he won’t be around to witness this. I activate Polymerization (Spell Card)!” Above him lays a spinning portal used for duelists whenever they fusion summon. Knowing Joey, he has experience with that mechanic and so have I. I’m ready for what he delivers with. “Polymerization is something I know way too well. With it, I can take monsters and combine their powers to create even stronger monsters. So I take my Red Eyes Black Dragon and fuse it with my Gearfried!” “Red Eyes, my old friend! Gearfried, my brother in arms! You two together can make anything possible. Now unite and team up! Bring forth a dragon that sears through all that stand in your way!” Gearfried and Red Eyes turn into red and crimson lights that spin in a clockwise motion. What comes out of this is a dragon created from the two materials used from it. Everyone looks in amazement, reacting with awe. It’s a Red-Eyes dragon except that its wrists have sharp blades on them. It roars as a result, getting everyone spooked. I watch as Joey smiles in anticipation, ready to unleash his new monster onto mine. “Fusion Summon! Ready at the draw! Level 7! Behold! Red-Eyes Slash Dragon (Lv8, ATK: 2800/DEF: 2400)!” Joey shouts. It roars, signaling its arrival and is ready to attack. I hold my guard and knowing Clear Wing, he’s doing the same. “Why don’t I show you what it can do? Now Red-Eyes Slash Dragon, attack his Clear Wing now!” Joey shouts. Red-Eyes with blade in wrist goes on the offensive, preparing to strike. As he does so, Joey decides to take it up a notch, “Now my Red-Eyes Slash Dragon’s effect activates! I can take a Warrior-type from my graveyard and equip it to Red-Eyes, raising it’s attack by 200!” “Just when you finally decide to make it harder for me eh?” I reply. “I take my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight and equip it!” Suddenly his monster gets stronger (ATK: 3000) and I know right away I’m in trouble. “You want to take down my monster right? Guess what? Not happening! I activate Impenetrable Attack (Trap Card)!” I counter. “Say what?” He wonders, surprised. “Let me explain. This activates during the Battle Phase and I can activate 1 of 2 effects. I can either take no battle damage or I choose a monster on the field and it can’t be destroyed by battle or card effects.” “Let me guess. You are taking the former right?” He asks. I give him my answer, “I choose the latter by choosing Clear Wing and protecting it!” Clear Wing takes the brunt of Red-Eyes Slash Dragon’s attack. It hurt but it’s better than losing my monster but I can’t say the same to my lifepoints (LP: 2900). “Impressed yet? I got plenty more where that came from but for now, I end my turn by placing these 2 face down,” He says, placing 2 facedowns and ending his turn. “Knowing you, you have something up your sleeve. Allow me to show you what I have up MY sleeve. I draw!” I draw and I then turn to my monster. It knows. “Yeah. I summon the Tuner monster Changer Synchron (Lv1, ATK/DEF: 0)!” I follow up with summoning a monster that looks like a small robot with wings and a flip switch on the top of it’s head. “Surprised aren’t you? Watch this! With my Level 7 Clear Wing as Synchro Material, I use it alongside my Level 1 Changer Synchron to tune things up!” Clear Wing goes airborne with Changer Synchron following along. Changer Synchron then becomes a large green ring that goes through Clear Wing who then transforms into seven small orbs of light. They become a straight line and suddenly a light pierces through. What follows is a summon that surpasses my previous one. “With wings of illustrious beauty, let them shine! Emerge forth and strike down all with brilliant radiance!” “Synchro Summon! Appear now! Level 8! Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon (Lv8, ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500)!” I shout. Clear Wing reemerges, becoming much stronger than ever. Most of its armor, including its wings has crystallized. It roars out as it appears and it knows what it must do. “I hear you loud and clear my friend. Now Crystal Wing attack! Take down that Red-Eyes Slash Dragon with Krystallos Gale Edge!” I shout out. As Crystal Wing moves in at high speed to attack, I add one little thing that really makes Joey’s feathers ruffled, “I forgot to mention one thing. When Crystal Wing attacks, it’s effect activates, raising it’s attack equal to the opposing monster. Since your Red-Eyes Slash Dragon has 3000 attack points, my Crystal Wing gains that much in attack strength!” Crystal Wing glows as it’s attack power increases (ATK: 6000) but Joey isn’t going to let my attack go through unscathed. If his monster goes, that’s it for him. He won’t let it slide, not for an instant. So Joey enacts his plan. “Let’s see your dragon go through this. Activate trap, Mirror Force (Trap Card)!” He shouts, activating the trap. This catches me by surprise for 2 reasons. One, because it’s the oldest trick in the book and two, does anyone still use Mirror Force at this point? Either way, I had to make sure that my dragon doesn’t take the fall. “So old-school. Let me show you a counter to it. Counter Trap activate, Trap Jammer (Counter Trap Card)!” I counter! “Trap Jammer?!” Joey wonders. “Yep. It only activates during the battle phase and it lets me negate any trap you trigger such as your Mirror Force!” Joey can only watch as his Mirror Force is immediately destroyed. “You’re done!” I yell. “Not yet! I got something else up my sleeve! Activate my other trap card, Nutrient Z (Trap Card)!” He is persistent. I’ll give him that. “You just don’t know when to give do you?” Joey’s response counters my own, “I never give up! It activates when I’m expected to take 2000 or more lifepoints. It then raises my lifepoints by 4000 so don’t think for a minute that this fight isn’t over!” Crystal Wing strikes Red-Eyes Slash Dragon destroying it. Joey’s lifepoints rise up only to take a major hit due to the attack. I will give him this. He has persistence. (Joey’s LP: 3700). “Red-Eyes Slash Dragon may have been taken out but he lives on in my monsters. When it’s destroyed in battle, I can resummon a monster that was equipped to it! I bring back Gearfried The Red Eyes Iron Knight!” Joey shouts, resummoing the Red Eyes Gearfried. All I can say to him is this, “I end my turn. And my Crystal Wing’s attack strength returns to normal since this can only be done during the Battle Phase.” (Crystal Wing’s ATK: 3000) “Good,” He replies, drawing his card, “Because I’m ready to bring out the big guns!” “If all you do is talk then I have more of a reason to defeat you now more than ever!” I shout right back. “Then let’s go!” He shouts after me. Everyone continues watching this duel unfold. Whether it be my friends who continue to see the fight, the guests that are eating and enjoying the entertainment, the chefs who cook for all who are here and even Ramsay and Pegasus himself. They all watch in wonder over who will come out on top. I only pray it’s me but knowing my opponent Joey, he has had his fair share of challenges but none ever come close against someone like myself. Looking at his hand and then the field, he’s set. I just have to wait and watch. “I play Pot of Greed (Spell Card) and this lets me draw 2 cards and then I reveal my other face down Jar of Greed (Trap Card). It lets me draw a card. I then follow it with Graceful Charity (Spell Card), letting me draw 3 cards from my deck provided I give up 2 in exchange,” He says. For someone who has drawn a lot of cards, he’d have to be really lucky if what he got would turn the tide. I stay put. He continues his assault. “Now I play this, Premature Burial (Spell Card)!” He shouts, “This lets me special summon a monster from the graveyard, as long as I pay up 800 lifepoints to do it!” (Joey’s LP: 2900) “Willing to pay any price huh? How quaint,” I reply. “Return to me now Red-Eyes Slash Dragon!” Within a second, he resummons his monster. But Joey isn’t done. “Now I play the spell Cost Down (Spell Card) and this can let me summon a high level monster easily.” “Is there anything you haven’t done by being a big blowhard?” I ask him. “You’ll regret that!” Joey quickly replies, “I release my Gearfried the Red-Eyes to summon my old friend, Red Eyes Black Dragon!” One monster ends up released as another monster reemerges and it’s another Red Eyes Black Dragon. Why do I feel like this is going to lead to something bad? “Now that I have everything I need, I’m bringing out the big guns!” Joey tells me. “Just get on with it. I hate it when guys like you have a tendency to brag,” I reply. “And I hate how people are so stuck-up just like Seto Kaiba down there,” He counters with Kaiba having overheard the insult. Kaiba gets upset but Joey isn’t fazed by it. “Okay, let’s see if I got this. I overlay both my Level 7 dragons, Red-Eyes Slash Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” Joey shouts, sending both monsters straight up, only to go straight down into a swirling black vortex. “Using both monsters, I activate the Overlay Network!” Suddenly a light explodes from the vortex and a monster suddenly reveals itself. “Red Eyes, imbue yourself in metal armor. Reveal yourself! Show us the potential that’s as limitless as the sun itself!” “Xyz Summon! Now rev it up! Rank 7! Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon (Rank: 7, OU: 2, ATK: 2800/DEF: 2400)!” Joey shouts. A new Red Eyes dragon appears. It’s body covered in metallic armor and it’s wings have engines that rev up and allow it to fly at high speeds. Alongside it, two light blue orbs encircle the dragon. Joey reacts in awe over what he brought out, as did everyone else. “Okay. This has now gotten interesting,” I whisper with a smile. “I take it you’re smiling aren’t you?” He asks. My smile sums it up, “Good enough for me. Now I add one final piece to this, the Dragon Nails (Equip Spell Card)!” Suddenly his Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon has special metallic nails suited for dragons. “Let me guess, this makes your dragon stronger right?” “You’re catching on. Dragon Nails only works on dragons that are of Dark attribute and it makes my new monster 600 attack points stronger!” Red Eyes Flare roars as it’s power increases (ATK: 3400). “Now it’s stronger than my Crystal Wing,” I said. Joey then follows up with this, “Yep. Best part is that as long as my monster has overlay units, it can’t be destroyed by any card effects making it indestructible!” “No monster is indestructible. Take it from me, I know,” I tell him. “Then let’s see your monster stand up to this. Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon attack his Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!” He shouts, ordering his monster to attack. It opens its mouth, gathering energy into an orb of concentrated energy. Normally I would come up with some quick plan or a surprise trap to counter it but for the first time, I have nothing. Nothing to counter what he has and of course nothing to bring out. With its energy set, Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon unleashes it all on both my monster and me. “Strike him down with Inferno Flare Shot!” As the attack heads for my monster, we all watch as Crystal Wing gets obliterated. I then hear a voice, asking if I knew what I was doing. It was my monster that spoke. One advantage of the Solid Vision system is that the monsters have mass but there’s something else. Something that only a few are aware of and it’s that monsters within the Solid Vision system have souls. It’s a scary thing. People say it’s blasphemy for duelists to understand the feelings of monsters but not me. Not my friends. Our bonds that we made with our monsters allow us to hear them, their thoughts, concerns and anything else that comes to mind. People say that we’re crazy. I say that something like this is what helps us become stronger. “Are you sure this move is the right one?” It asks me. “Yep,” I quickly reply, “Don’t worry. I have something up my sleeves anyway. Have faith.” “I trust you enough that you will make the right decision.” Before long, I watch as my Crystal Wing was destroyed by Joey’s monster. If that isn’t enough, I get sent flying due to the impact landing on the floor but it isn’t going to stop me one bit. Everyone here watches as I get back up from the attack. I may have lost my monster but not my spirit. (Roy’s LP: 2500) “You liked it didn’t ya?” He asks. “Oh I did. I got to admit you really surprise me with that dragon right there,” I reply. “I guess that’s what happens when I actually study on how dueling works. Man it’s been too long. But yeah, my Red-Eyes Flare has another effect!” Suddenly one of the Overlay Units it has bursts, leaving Joey’s monster with one left, “I offer up 1 Overlay unit so I can special summon a “Red-Eyes” Normal Monster from my graveyard and I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” This catches me by surprise as Joey resummons the same monster on the field. It’s insane. Now I not only got to deal with a Rank 7 Xyz Monster at 3400 attack but also a Level 7 monster with 2400 attack. Together it’s almost at 6000 points. Yep. I’m in trouble. “Two Red-Eyes for the price of one but you should be lucky I already attacked. Next turn is when I use both of them to wipe you out. I end my turn Roy. I wonder… do you think you can come up with a miracle to beat me? Show me! Show everyone here!” He asks, wondering if I could. I give him a rebuttal, “Says the guy who always has a way to come back after a tough situation. I know you too well Joey Wheeler. You would always come back from a near impossible predicament and win. If anything, you have the goddess of luck by your side!” “Goddess of luck? To be fair, I have been lucky in many cases but it only happens because anyone I face puts me in these predicaments. So in a way, I have a tendency to get lucky. Now my question is if you have what it takes to be just as lucky as me,” Again with this. I don’t respond to him. I simply think about it for a minute before making my decision. I mean… I’ve had my fair share of impossible odds and for one reason or another I would always come out of it swinging. But to think Joey telling me to see if I have the luck of the goddess is baffling. I don’t need the goddess to prove that I can do it. I always have what it takes. I look at my deck, placed my fingers gently on it and felt something. I felt a strange feeling. But seeing that I don’t have much option, I placed my faith in the deck that has never let me down in a battle. “Well what are you waiting for?!” Joey yells, “Are you going to draw or what?!” “Dummy… I draw!” I shout right back, drawing but as I did, the feeling continues to linger. Yes. It was the goddess of luck herself. She now blesses me and with this luck, I vow to show this guy what I’m really about. “Are you guys feeling something? Something strange?” Sunset asks, wondering about Roy’s sudden change. “No. Why?” Twilight replies. Sunset provides an answer, “I don’t know but… I think that Roy just pulled a Destiny Draw.” “Destiny Draw? You must be joking,” Snails wonders if Sunset was pulling their leg. Sunset replies by looking at him seriously. “I don’t think she’s joshing. I felt it too,” Snips follows. “We all did. Roy is full of surprises,” Sunset says, watching the duel slowly reaching it’s end. I let off a smile after drawing, “Guess now I have what I need to take the fight right to you huh Joey Wheeler.” “What?” He wonders, “What the… it can’t be.” “I summon Turbo Synchron (Lv1, ATK: 100/DEF: 500) in attack mode!” I summon a Tuner monster onto the field and it’s a small green monster that looks like the front parts of a turbo sports car. “You think that will stand up to both my dragons? You are mad!” He shouts, thinking that what I’m doing is lunacy. My smile didn’t fade away, “Joey, who said it was standing up against both dragons?” “What?” “Reveal face down, Brain Control (Spell Card)!” I activate a face down that catches Joey by surprise. “This lets me take control of a monster on your field at the cost of 800 lifepoints. Guess who I end up choosing?” I ask him. “Let me guess. You want to take my Xyz monster right?” He guesses. “Who said I was after your Flare Metal Dragon? That’s not my target.” I reply with Joey’s guess being incorrect. “Then what is?” It’s here I provide my answer, “I choose your Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” Brain Control activates (Roy’s LP: 1700) causing two hands to emerge and take Red Eyes Black Dragon from Joey’s field onto mine. But something’s amiss. I suddenly feel a sharp pain and then my lifepoints take a hit, a stinging of a hit. (Roy’s LP: 1200) “What the?” I wonder, “What’s this pain?” “Guess I never told you the other thing you have to deal with. You see as long as my Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon has Xyz material, it has access to another effect. For every time you activate a spell, trap or monster effect, you take 500 points of damage. Considering you played Brain Control, you really want to lose that badly don’t ya?” He answers. My smile turns to a look of anger. That won’t stop me one bit. “At least now I have what I need to pull off a game changer. I take the Level 7 Red-Eyes Black Dragon along with the Level 1 Turbo Synchron and TUNE THINGS UP!” I shout. Red-Eyes Black Dragon goes airborne with Turbo Synchron coming along. Turbo Synchron heads ahead and turns into an orb of light that suddenly becomes a green synchro ring. It encircles Red Eyes, turning into 7 stars that become a straight line. It doesn’t take long as a light pierces them both. The question is this… what will come out? “They say that in the universe of Duel Monsters, there existed two legendary dragons. Each of them represents a specific ideal. The Blue Eyes White Dragon, wielded by Seto Kaiba represents the ideals of power, destruction and pride. Red-Eyes Black Dragon on the other hand, has the ideal of violence and anger but deep within this lays an untapped strength hidden deep within. That is potential. I’ve seen you use Red Eyes for both fusion and Xyz summon. Now I’m about to show you a new kind of potential, one you’ve never even considered!” I shout. Joey is silent, wondering what I meant by this. “Dragon of unlimited potential, bathe yourself in synchronous light. Let it awaken within you a new form! Emerge now! Become one that echoes forth through the cosmos and beyond!” “Synchro Summon! Rise from beyond the stars! Level 8! Dragon of the stars, Crimson-Eyes Cosmic Dragon!” Crimson-Eyes Cosmic Dragon (Lv8, ATK: 3000/DEF: 2800) appears on the field. It’s a dragon that shares a similar look to the Red Eyes Black Dragon. There are many differences though. For starters, it’s body has a clear black sheen with bits of space-like energy emanating out. Not only that but its eyes are of a dark red, crimson. Its wings are more jagged, claws fierce and sharp and its roar echoes beyond. The arrival has everyone in the restaurant reacting in awe. Even Joey is in awe. He never really thought that I pull off summoning something as a Red Eyes Synchro monster. It didn’t take long before it would attract attention of an unexpected sort. A young man arrives in The “F” Word, watching the duel as it near its end. He says nothing yet he exudes an aura that resembles that of legends. He watches, wondering what will happen next. Back at the duel, I’m set to unleash what I have on Joey’s monster. This duel is now near its end. “Surprised aren’t you?” I ask him, “This is the potential I have here. Red Eyes Synchro!” “Red Eyes Synchro… it can’t be right,” He replies. “Now I’ll show you what it can really do. I activate its special ability. If a Red-Eyes monster is used as material to summon this, Crimson Eyes gains attack points equal to the monster that’s used for it. As I used Red Eyes Black Dragon to summon it, my monster now gets stronger!” I say and my Crimson-Eyes’ attack increases. (Crimson Eyes’ ATK: 5400) “But don’t forget my Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon’s effect! You just took a 500 lifepoint penalty!” Joey interrupts, causing me to feel pain. I know the risks and I’m willing to take any risk. (Roy’s LP: 700) “Trust me, I know. That’s why I play my final card, the equip spell Synchro Veil (Equip Spell Card)!” I shout and I take another penalty. Thankfully I still am not out of the duel yet. (Roy’s LP: 200) “Synchro Veil lets me equip it to a Synchro monster, raising its attack by 1000!” Crimson Eyes’ attack gets even higher and it’s here I decide that enough’s enough. (Crimson Eyes’ ATK: 6400) “No. Now it’s stronger than my Flare Metal Dragon. How? How are you able to come back with something like this? This can’t be!” Joey says, already out of options knowing what’s going to happen next. “Yep. It was fun facing someone like you but all good things must come to an end. Now Crimson Eyes, prepare for battle. Destroy Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon! Send it straight into oblivion!” I shout. Crimson Eyes goes into the sky, building up energy into his mouth the same way Red Eyes Flare did earlier. Everyone watches, as we know how this will end. “With this, I hope you learn that there is more to the Red Eyes than meets the eye. Unleash your fury! Inferno Cosmic Storm!” My shout has Crimson Eyes attack. With enough energy, it fires a concentrated blast of cosmic energy. The blast destroys Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, reducing it to nothing but ashes. Joey sadly suffers the full brunt of the blast. His lifepoints suffer as well and with it, the duel is done. (Joey’s lifepoints: 0) I let out a sigh of relief that it’s over but at the same time, I can’t help but feel bad for my opponent. Let’s face it. At least he did put up a good fight. “Sorry I had to do this to you Joey but let’s face it. You actually gave me a run for my money. If it weren’t for the fact that I pulled a trick like that, you would have won. But I guess that’s not why you are here isn’t it?” I tell him. Joey looks at me and instead of disappointment, he has a look of intrigue, “Nah. I only wanted to duel you to test out the new Duel Disks for the competition. Looks like they went as well as they expect,” Joey replies. “All this for a test? Why did I accept this duel again?” I wonder but I shrug it off quickly, “Whatever. It was fun though. I did learn a lot from this but you Joey should take this and learn. You do have what it takes to be just as good as the legendary duelists. All you need is a bit of motivation in the right direction.” “Huh?” “Besides, it’s not what you can do with the Red Eyes… it’s how you use it. Thanks for bringing my Duel Disk by the way,” I tell Joey, leaving behind the Crimson-Eyes Cosmic Dragon card. “Hey Roy, this card. It’s yours,” He says but I interrupt him quickly. “Take it Joey. Show me you have what it takes to use it. I hope that when we duel again, you use it to unleash your potential. It was a pleasure Joey Wheeler,” I interrupt. Walking downstairs, I hear the cheers of everyone in the restaurant. It’s crazy. People are clapping and cheering for us. It isn’t just me but even Joey too. That was truly an amazing battle. As I went to the first floor, the guy that was watching the duel just disappeared. He’s gone. I look and wonder if Pegasus has seen him but he hasn’t. A few minutes later, things quieted down but since the duel took a lot longer than it did, the competition was postponed until tomorrow. Eventually the first night of The “F” Word went off without a hitch. If anything it was a big hit. Not only that but the duel attracted a lot of attention making it now a place for duelists to do battle, as well as a place to eat and relax. I look around to see if Pegasus is around. He still is so I got word that he wants to meet me. I don’t waste time. I went to meet him. “You wanted to see me Pegasus?” I ask him. “Ah Roy, pleasure. Your duel against Joey really impressed quite a lot of people,” He replies, shaking my hand. “How so? All of it was just an exhibition match for the tournament.” “I think you don’t seem to understand. That match you had was meant to show everyone what to expect when the World Cup takes place.” “When will it begin?” I wonder. Pegasus is hesitant to provide me an answer. Before he could, I notice something’s off about him. He begins to feel some kind of pain on his chest and starts coughing. I go in to help but he tells me no. Eventually he regains his composure and right away, I know what’s really going on. “Pegasus… you. It can’t be,” My hunch is spot on. “I guess you figured it out didn’t you Roy?” He tells me. “Yeah. You are dying.” “Yes,” Pegasus composes himself before answering, “I am dying. I’ve been living in this world for a long time. I have seen my fair share of moments. It seems that not even I am immune to the whims of fate. Age has caught up to me. I have been told that I only have about a year or two left to live.” “And you hope to see this World Cup of yours through to the end huh?” I ask him. Finding out that Pegasus may not live much longer is something I didn’t foresee. I’m surprised he never told anyone about it. “Yes,” He nods, “I have to. I did say that I am stepping down as chairman of Industrial Illusions. By the way, I have something for you.” He then hands me some kind of briefcase. Whatever it is, it feels light. So I ask him, “What’s inside?” “I think it’s something you may find to be advantageous. I know I want to announce when the tournament begins but it’ll take place… in one month,” Pegasus answers. “One month huh? Works for me. I look forward to taking part and hopefully coming out on top,” I assure him. Pegasus smiles and replies, “And I hope to see that happen… my dear little Roy-boy.” He then bows before departing. Roy-boy? Okay, now I’ve seen my fair share of nicknames but this takes the cake for sure. I still have no idea what Pegasus handed to me in that suitcase. I rather want to find out but I want to make sure that my friends see it too. So once I made a phone call, I had the others meet me at my penthouse. It doesn’t take long for them to arrive. That’s when I decide to reveal what’s inside. “Okay Roy, you called us so what’s in the suitcase?” Snails asks, wondering. “A gift from Pegasus. Not even I know what it is,” But something’s off, “Wait a minute, where’s Twilight?” “Uh, Twilight couldn’t join us. She had to head home to finish up on homework,” replies Sunset. I knew it. “I see. Then we’ll show her tomorrow. But for now, it’s time to reveal what’s inside,” I don’t waste time. Opening the briefcase reveals a group of things. The first being four cards but they aren’t ordinary cards. In fact they are the same cards we always use: the Four Dimension Dragons. The only difference is that all of them look different. Yep. Alternate artwork. Whoever drew them made them all look really amazing. The other was Duel Disks and they are similar in design to the ones my friends have. I’m not kidding. There are four of them here and with the one I have, it makes five. All of this was just an offer I couldn’t refuse. “Unreal,” says Sunset. “Pegasus gave you all this?!” Snips wonders. “Okay. I want to know how the hell you get to have all this?” Snails asks as well. “How would I know? Look. I got my own Duel Disk handed to me by Joey Wheeler. The others you see here… they aren’t mine. “So each of these belong to…” I reply to Sunset’s query with a nod. “Yep. Each of these belongs to you. Fitting how they share the model and characteristics as what you guys have,” As if it’s a bit assuring for them. Each of them picks up their respective Duel Disks. They wonder if there’s some kind of trick to it all & they begin asking me questions. It’s already enough to get me agitated. “All of them are the same so what’s the difference?” Snails asks. “How should I know?” I reply, “Test it!” Snails says nothing and places it on his wrist. It’s then he notices that the computer goes online automatically and recognizes him. But then his previous Duel Disk undergoes a “Data Transfer” sending all data into the new one. This shocks Snails but seeing the blade come to life assures him that this is a better model than before. Everyone else does the same and is pleased to see that it was simply quick and precise. Snips is more pleased since the blade of his Duel Disk is what it should be, a straight sword-like blade, not curved. “Much better. I always hated the curve design,” Snips says, smiling, as he’s happy with his new and improved disk. “They’re a bit lighter. I like it,” Sunset replies, “We give Twilight her disk tomorrow at school.” “Good plan,” But that’s when I decide to tell them, “Also, since Pegasus decide to give us our own dragons, we need to return the dragons we have to their rightful owners.” “Wait,” Snips interrupts, “So this means I got to return my Starving Venom back? The same one I earned after beating Yuri down two years ago?” “Yeah,” I answer, “You may have inherited that power but you showed Yuri that you can stand on your own two feet. Amazing how two years can change someone from being the worst to one of the best.” But I also include one other thing, “Why do you think last semester everyone in our school sees you as the most powerful duelist around. You did summon that dragon’s final form?” “Yeah. Tyrant Venom,” Yep. That’s assuring. I don’t say anything else. We each take out our dragon cards and place them in a group. These four cards changed us, made us stronger and in turn allow us to make our own mark in this world. But then we turn to see the four alternate art dragon cards. As each of us places our fingers on them, we felt a sudden sensation. It was no ordinary sensation. It was more like… a sign. A warning. We let go and that feeling went away. “You all felt that?” I ask them. “Duh. What was that?” Snails asks back. Sunset tries to figure things out but not even she has any info about it. Not even Snips. I touched the alternate Clear Wing again and it’s then I felt the sensation again. This time it’s clearer than before. The look on my face screams worry. Before I can try to figure it all out, I let go of the card. I have that same look that Sunset and the others are seeing. It’s nuts. “Well… what is it?” She asks me. “What it told me… is a warning,” I reply. “A warning? Of what?” She says. How can I be able to process that? “I don’t know. It kept mentioning one word… Zarc,” “Zarc?” “Who the hell is Zarc?” Snails asks me. “I don’t know & I don’t care. Whatever that warning is, I’m not letting it overwhelm me and I’m not letting these words push me down,” I reply, taking the alternate Clear Wing Synchro Dragon card. “Don’t you think that whatever it is could be something bad? It’s not like we’ve all had our fair share of bad situations,” Snips wonders in curiosity. He then takes the alternate Starving Venom card. “Whether it be a former Crystal Prep principal or a dark version of someone we know, why am I not surprised?” Sunset follows, as she takes the alternate Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon card. “Yeah. You weren’t even around for most of it. You got knocked out by Twilight early on, leaving the rest of us to clean up,” Snails follows, taking the alternate Dark Rebellion Xyz card. “And then I come in later on to eventually save Twilight… or do you forget that I have the ability to become a fusion called Pendulum Shimmer,” Sunset counters. I simply chuckle at it all. Remembering all these is enough to make me feel nostalgic. The others wonder if I’m laughing for amusement so they ask. “What are you laughing at Roy?” Sunset asks me. “Nothing. All of this just makes me want to reminisce. God, I feel old,” I reply. “We’ve been together since sophomore year. Twilight only joined us at the end of junior year and now we’re in senior year. That’s not very long,” She says with the others nodding in approval. “Still… you guys are like family to me,” I reply. “Dude,” Snails interrupts, “We are the only family you have.” “But yeah, it’s getting late so see you tomorrow?” Sunset wonders. “Yeah,” I reply, smiling in response. The others do the same and they depart. After we bid each other farewell, I went to my room and laid on my bed. I then take out the Clear Wing I got from Pegasus. I’m then reminded of what I heard and of the warning given to me. Zarc. Who is that? What is that? Even I don’t know but the fact that it decided to say something like this makes me worry. Why should I? I have all of the time in the world to worry about other things. But as I sleep, the card begins to glow. Is it a warning? An omen or what? Well, whatever the reason for this well, that’s a tale for another day. The end