Chance Meetings

by cierragp

First published

Little moments in time that brought two ponies together.

Love is always a game of luck.

Some ponies just get lucky. Those little moments, however, are much more generous...

Sometimes, the first time things happen are coincidence.

But when it is the second time, third time, fourth time, fifth time...It's too bad that she doesn't see much of him. It's too bad he doesn't see enough of her.

It is hard admitting you love someone. It is harder admitting it when you think - no, you know, nothing will ever happen.

1. The Grand Galloping Gala

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Soarin always admonishes himself for being careless. Then he forgets.

This time was no exception.

He watches as his pie falls to the floor with a look of horror, frozen and slightly miserable on the inside.

However, his face doesn't stay that way. It transforms into one of slight awe when he sees a quick flash of rainbow and his pie in a mare's hooves.

Uh oh.

He knows her.

"You saved it. Thanks. " He says, keeping his cool, even if he feels the temperature rising a little. It's not much, but he can feel his face going a little red.

"Hey, no prob. " She replies, smiling a little more. He thinks it's too bad he doesn't see her smiling like this often enough.

"Hey! I know you. You're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won The Best Flyer Competition." As Spitfire nudges in, he exits quietly with his pie, before devouring it a little too quickly. Well, he had a whole day of practice and performing - he deserved a little indulgence, but Spitfire probably wasn't agreeing.

"Hay yeah! Name's Rainbow Dash."

"Well, Rainbow Dash. Looks like your skills saved us again. Oh, well, at least they saved Soarin's apple pie. " He hears in the background, but he could care less about Spitfire's subtle mocking of him being a glutton. Pie was pie.


Rainbow was here for the Wonderbolts, and only them.

It was too good a chance to miss when she saved her idol's apple pie - after all, every press had published things in the past about Soarin's love for apple pies. She might not have cared for pies herself, but when it was her idol's pie...things were different.

"You saved it. Thanks." She could see his face too clearly from here, green eyes shining, a smile that spread throughout his face.

"Hey, no prob." Casual, casual, casual, she reminded herself.

"Hey! I know you. You're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won The Best Flyer Competition." The leader of the Wonderbolts? The leader? She was elated, even if she showed only a small part of it.

"Hay yeah! Name's Rainbow Dash." She hoped he caught it. No, she prayed that he caught it.

"Well, Rainbow Dash. Looks like your skills saved us again. Oh, well, at least they saved Soarin's apple pie. " Spitfire laughed, and she couldn't help but smile a little more.


The gala was in ruins. Spitfire was probably more than a little too relieved to be out of mingling with ponies she neither liked nor cared for, and most of, she was gone.

It was good for Soarin's little plan. It was too good to be true.

Heading towards the cafe, reasoning that it was good for him to be getting something to drink (it was an excuse for a good donut), he saw from far away several ponies...and her?

He could feel a little heat creeping up his face again. What exactly was happening? She was pretty, but a life of working with those who were considered the most beautiful of the beautiful had desensitized him to beauty.

There was no time to think of that. Ten paces, five, zero...he entered the shop. bells jingling, her turning around and wide eyed with recognition. Was it a good sign?

"A latte please," he said, as Pony Joe stepped out, "oh, and a donut. "

"Soarin, I thought you were an insomniac." Spitfire rolled her eyes when he turned around.

This was one of the times where he regretted picking coffee.

"I'm tired. And we're going back to Cloudsdale." He reasoned, but she was having none of it.

"You need to stop eating sweets. They make you dumb. But I think you're already dumb enough." With that, she left in a huff.

Someone giggled. Someone else snorted.

Soarin turned around to see Rainbow and her pink-maned friend in a frenzy. He sighed but smiled a little.

"Oh don't worry, we don't think you're dumb. Just don't get fat. " The pink mane yelled, and both of them collapsed into another fit.

2. The Royal Wedding

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"Would you like a dance?" He tapped her on the shoulder, praying that she would say yes.


He had his answer.

Holding out a hoof, he led her to the center of the dance floor. Immediately, she could sense more than a few pairs of envious eyes staring daggers at her.

"Ummm..." she whispered, "are you sure?"

"Very." He smiled and guided her hoof to his shoulder.

"Do you not see those ponies...staring?" She continued.

"I get gawked at all the time. It's perfectly okay. Takes some getting used to though." He twirls her around and she slips. Then she felt a pair of hooves holding her up, steadying her hooves, and staying there. "But if you wish," he stepped closer, "we can always stay out of the spotlight."

"Okay." She nods.
She was having too much fun dancing, but oddly, she felt a little alone.

Then a word, a hoof, and she was in the arms of someone she had been dreaming of for too long.

Words flew past like drops of water and soon they were at the center of the dance floor.

She felt a hoof settle at her waist, then applying small amounts of pressure. She had never been good at dance, but it helped immensely.


It wasn't just one dance, but two, but three, all too much dancing, until both of them were too tired. He took her by the arm and led her to a much more secluded pavilion. She was tired, leaning against him, slightly limp.

"Are you okay?" He broke the silence.

"I'm...okay...I guess?" She was wheezing slightly, and he wondered what exactly had happened. The sonic rainboom was tiring, but he knew that wasn't everything.

"Sit down, Rainbow. I'll get some water for you." With that, he left.

Oddly enough, she felt a little happy to his offer of water.

Silence, she told herself mentally.

You are not going to think one word or one thought that he might even have feelings towards you. It isn't happening.

Besides, he's a Wonderbolt. You want to be a Wonderbolt. There is nothing happening between the two of you.

She repeated those words and rocked back and forth.

He found her like that. She blushed and stammered and explained that she got carried away. He was a little too concerned for her to keep her attitude and to remember what she thought of when he was gone.

He poured her a glass of water. She took it and tried sipping in a way that Rarity wouldn't object to. She failed.

"It's fine. One day of pretending to be like Canterlot ponies gets tiring. I still have trouble after five years." He gives a lopsided smile that melts her heart. Just a little.

With that, she relaxes.

"Thanks." She murmurs. He looks her in the eye. Under the moonlight, his fur was a pale grey, and his eyes stood out a little more. A hint of a smile reaches them.

"What for? This?" He gestures at the cup and pitcher. "Anyone would've done that."

She shakes her head. "You're too generous."

"Listen," he says, tilting his head, "a mare as amazing as you...who wouldn't?"

She feels another stupid blush creeping up her cheeks. "Well, you're not just anypony."

"So I'm not a pony?" His smile widens comedically. "Ouch, I feel hurt."

"Hey, that was a compliment. You're a Wonderbolt. It isn't in everyone." She deadpans, tilting the glass backwards. "Much better."

"Okay okay...mares..." he sighs dramatically for her benefit, and they laugh.

"Do you ever get lonely?" The question pops out of her mouth, much too soon for her to comprehend. She clapped a hoof over her mouth, but it was too late.

"Of course. Who doesn't?" He doesn't smile. It wasn't a joke. "Do you?"


"Everypony does." He tilts his head again, and she reminds herself to keep herself calm. Soarin was a little too handsome, better looking than what any knife could sculpt a face into. "But you? You haven't answered me, Rainbow Dash."

"What you just said." She copied him, and brought her glass up. "A toast?"

"A toast it is." The clinking of glasses sounded, too loud and bright in the still night, far away from the celebration.

"Is it too late?"

"What, to have fun?" He laughed. "It's never too late, unless you're tired."

"I have to return to Ponyville." She doesn't want to meet his eyes for the disappointment she would see. She didn't want to see the absence of it either.

"That's..." He doesn't smile, and he doesn't know what else to say either. "I enjoyed talking to you. A mare like you...I say I am lucky to ever meeting you. May we meet again."

3. Rainbow Falls

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"By chance we meet again." Soarin smiles when Spitfire is not there to admonish him for being distracted. He says he has a good reason.

"Of course." Rainbow is all too happy. Friends? Friends are enough for her. She had endured enough teasing and interrogation from Pinkie Pie, and the realization that having romantic interest was an excuse for her friends to make fun of her.

It is too soon when Spitfire has him continue practicing. It is too bad for him that he doesn't get more time. But practices he does.

To make up for his laziness, he is the only one in the air. A bit of envy rises when he sees Spitfire and Fleetfoot enjoying massages, but as they would put it, he brought it upon himself.

Anything was distracting. Cheering? Of course.

He doesn't see the hoop until too late, until he feels a part of him being ripped away and watching feathers fall.

Fifty, twenty, ten...he sees ground nearing and he knows that he may not ever stand up again.

Then he felt the impact. It wasn't painful, as he thought it would, but strangely soft...and fluffy. Opening his eyes, it was Rainbow Dash, saving him a second time. Was it too much?

He could walk. There was hardly any pain. But the wing...he felt his heart sinking upon inspection. Not a lot of blood, but it was crooked and mangled to a point he felt scared.
The doctors did say it wasn't as bad as it looked. It would heal, they had said. but Spitfire shook her head.

"It's not going to be in top form. Soarin, you shouldn't be flying in that case. Besides, we want to win, don't we?" She had said.

He nodded. But somehow, he felt slightly betrayed. How?

"C'mon Soarin, it's fine. This is a one time deal. No biggie. Next time we're not letting you drop out." Fleetfoot nudged him.

Despite it all, he said nothing. All he was thinking was, who would replace him? The other Wonderbolts were not anywhere near, and counting the days, even if they arrived today there was not much time to practice or to get the team working well.

That injury was inconvenient as hell, he decided, and fell asleep. After all, with his trademark dark circles, he could use a little extra rest.
It was too soon, too fast, for her to be with the Wonderbolts. Yet it still happened.

Things came one by one.

Suit. Glasses. Training. Rhythm. Pace. Exercise.

It all happened too quickly, but Rainbow relished it. Relished the sense of accomplishment, relished the lack of need for waiting.

Flying was her life. Flying was all she lived for.

"Rainbow Dash, you got a minute? " It was Spitfire who snapped her out of a little daydream.

"Uh, sure. "

Fleetfoot smiled strangely.

"You could really be an asset to our team, so... we want you to join the Cloudsdale team. Permanently. "

One thing went through her mind.

What was Soarin going to do?

She snuck back, gulping down water before she heard a voice.

"It's not easy practicing with two teams, is it?"

"They want me to fly with them! It's like a dream come true! " Rainbow protested, although she could feel Twilight's look chipping her protest away little by little.

"If you fly for Cloudsdale, Pinkie Pie won't have anypony to cheer for. Rarity's uniforms will never be seen. And Applejack will have slaved over those apple brown bettys for nothing." Twilight sighed.

"Oh, but I really wanna fly with the best team! What would you do? " She shook her friend, who turned her head to the side.

"I think this is a decision you have to make on your own. The race is tomorrow, so you'd better make it soon. " With that, she left.

What had she done?

More accurately, what was she giving up? What was more, winning, or her loyalty?

It was too much. Simply too much.

Watching Soarin, she had an idea...

The very next day, she showed up in a wheelchair, bandages, casts, splints...all that she could lay her hands on.

"Woe is me!" she groaned.

"What's happened? " Fluttershy stepped forward tentatively

“Ow,” she winced. "I hurt my hoof...and my..."

"All of them? " Spitfire raised an eyebrow. "All?"

"I, uh, tripped on a-a foam hoof and landed on a... [mumbles, near unintelligible] pokey stick coming out of the ground... " Rainbow looked to the side and hoped the flush would fade soon enough.

"IF I get my hooves on that [matching unintelligible gibberish], it'll be in big trouble!" Pinkie screamed.

"There is no way I can fly now. " She let a small tear.

"Do you think you'll be better by tryouts? " Fluttershy wheeled her off.

"I'll be lucky if I ever fly again!" She groaned. "I just need a little rest."

"Oh, don't worry, Rainbow Dash. We'll take care of you... or, at least, somepony will. Like, a medic or-or a doctor, or a nurse. "

Fluttershy was all too relieving. It would be a lot easier to keep up this pretense with her doting on her patient.
By the time her friends left, she was slightly tired from all the acting. The curtain slid open. She groaned and cursed under her breath. Nothing like a little interruption to get her tired.

"You sure have nice friends. Nopony's been by to visit me. Eh, too busy practicing, I guess. " He says casually, but she sees one too many signs of grief.

"Well, hopefully your wing will be better soon. " She avoided the topic of friends.

"Oh, it's fine. I-I'm just keeping it warm in case my team wants me back. " No one was convinced, not even Soarin himself.

"What do you mean, 'wants you back'? Spitfire and Fleetfoot told me that you were still too injured to fly!" She blurted out before she had a chance to think, and the way his face fell told her more than she wanted to know.

"And they told me that they were worried I wouldn't be one hundred percent by the tryouts, so they were going with somepony else! "

It was hard to watch him struggle before returning to his normal, carefree smile.

"That somepony else was me! Until, uh, well, until I got hurt, that is. " Rainbow reassured him.

"I guess we're all out of luck. Cloudsdale won't qualify without three fliers, and Ponyville won't qualify without you. Too bad... " He muttered, and turned over.

Rainbow stared at walls.

What choices should she make?

Was it illusion, or was it a rainbow? The glass sitting atop her counter reflected tiny thin slivers of light that formed a faint rainbow. She saw the flag, the symbol, the magenta.

She knew.
"Thank you. " They were the first words he said to her, as they walked away. Everyone else was gone, and he offered to accompany her. Why would she refuse.

"No problem, but why?" She asked, turning to look at him.

"For letting me see myself flying in the Equestria games. For letting me back on the team. " He paused, and stepped closer. They stopped. "More or less so thanks for simply being here. It's better with you."

"Of course!" Rainbow flipped her mane. "I'm awesome. We all know that."

They laughed. "Well you are right. I won't deny it. If anyone does, send for me and I'll deal with them."

The smile left her face. "Why are you doing all these things for me?"

"Why not? Is this not how I should be treating you?" His smile vanished. "Are you unhappy about anything? Speak and I shall listen."

"I don't know. It's just, I'm not used to it." She turned away, embarrassed.

"Oh Rainbow, if only you knew." He smiled and shook his head. "Do not worry. Just get used to it here."

"That being said, do you mind helping me sometime? I need someone to help me with my tricks, but Fluttershy just cowers most of the time. She doesn't enjoy it, and I don't want to force her." Rainbow smiled shyly.

"Why not? Of course I will help as long as I have the time." He smiled and held out his wing. She held out hers.

4. Apology

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Soarin still felt guilty. Why was he always too quick to jump to conclusions? What he had done was not forgivable at all.

At least he sent in the flowers. That much should help a little at least. If anything, he just hoped that she knew that he cared, even if he was absolutely horrible. Had she never forgiven him, he would've taken it. What he had done, after all, was no small thing.

He sent a note too.

Meet me at seven at the pavilion in the royal gardens if you are still willing to forgive me.

I was an ass. Please forgive me. I understand if you don't and I won't ever force you to. Just stay well and stay happy.

Please, please, don't blame this on anyone else. If you have to, blame it on me.


He hoped it was enough.

Too much time spent musing in his room? Maybe, but he had a good excuse. Even Spitfire stayed away.

He packed a sandwich, hay fries, and pie. Well, no one could say no to pie.

It was ten minutes of waiting before she came, stepping softly and eyes red. Not that it was hard to notice, either. Her face was slightly puffy and her mane flattened to cover more of her face.

"I'm sorry, Dash, I really am." He looked down. "I was horrible."

"You were." She rolled her eyes. "Out of all the ponies that" Her breath hitched and she faced away to avoid letting him see the tears.

"Tell me it's all better." He wrapped his hooves around her, then his wings. It felt right.

There was the distinctive coldness of water. Were they tears?

Without a doubt, he knew they were.

Soarin felt the weight on his heart double. Or triple. It was hard to tell.

What had he done? If anything, he was not rational as he liked to pride himself in.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how to make this easier for you." He lowered his head.

"I don't either." She muttered, sniffling, her back shuddering.

"You saved my life two times." He said. "Three times, if you count the pie." He winked.

"Four times. I didn't whack your sorry butt for this. I showed remarkable restraint." Through the tears, she smiled.

"I'll let you, but just let me live after."

"You're not worth it. Eh."

"Ouch, do you have any idea what you're saying?"

"Of course I do. Did you not?"


"Well of course, because ponies who look nice generally used all their energies on primping." She leaned against him. "Too bad you still need that pedicure."


"Nevermind. Not important."

"Please tell me it has nothing to do with torture."

"It has everything to do with torture if Rarity is around. Can't avoid one with her around."

"Ouch. I guess, well friends. I swear that Fleetfoot has never stopped putting nasty things in my things, and getting Spitfire riled up about my messiness." Soarin shrugged halfheartedly, still holding Rainbow.

"Guess we're even. I should have a talk with Fleetfoot." Rainbow replied drily, curling up. "Besides, this is comfy as hell. Damn, never thought ponies made such nice cushions."

"Glad you're happier. I can't stand watching you cry. It's horrible. And knowing that it was me who made you cry is worse." Soarin sighed.

"Maybe next time just not jump to conclusions..." Rainbow glared at him. "At least I don't."

"I don't want to make excuses, but there was evidence. I'm sorry, Rainbow, for doubting your integrity." Soarin looked away.

"So? I get it. It just hurts, okay?" Rainbow snapped.

"Rainbow, please, I never wanted to hurt you."

"Your intention is not my concern. Really, I thought being high up would make you more reasonable." Her face softened. "I wish you knew me better."

"Same." Soarin let a smile escape. "Then tell me, what is your favorite color?"

"Red," Rainbow replied. "You?"

"Blue. Favorite food?"

"Cider. It's not food...but it's good. You?"


"Could've guessed that one." She laughed. "Hobby?"


"Doesn't look it."

"I know I know, but can we please not delve into that? You?"

"Sure. Flying."

"Favorite uh, I've ran out, sorry." He smiled sheepishly.

"Eh. I'm awesome. You know that."

"Guess I do." He smiled. "Forgive me now?"

"Sure. But it's late. Tomorrow?"


5. What's on the lips of a drunk

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"Another one."

The bartender eyed her suspiciously, but Rainbow didn't care. Five shots was not enough to get her remotely tipsy.

When the glass came, she downed it all too quickly. Here on the outskirts of Canterlot, she didn't have to worry about her friends knowing.

Twilight would offer her articles and studies on alcohol. Rarity would watch her like a hawk and keep her distracted. Pinkie would throw a quitting party. Fluttershy would actually get angry. Applejack would shake her head and tell her many things she didn't want to hear.

Besides, it wasn't like she got drunk all the time. This happened about once or twice a year.

She just felt down. There was no reasonable explanation, just that she didn't feel well. It helped to forget things. It helped for no reason.

Another shot down.






Her head felt dizzy. She felt the room spinning. There was no voice to come out of her mouth.

Vaguely, she felt something drop. She really couldn't care less.

The next moment, she was overwhelmed with the urge to close her eyes.

She did.

The next thing she felt was a ringing pain to the head.

"Are you feeling alright?" An all too familiar face emerged.

"Yeah..." She combed down her mane praying that it was decent.

"You don't sound very sure." He said gently. "Here, tea."

It took only an instant for it to be all gone.

"What, happened?" She formed those words carefully, trying not to expose the sorry state of her voice.

"You were raving about your friends, you love life, your career, Scootaroo's...? Wings?" Soarin searched for words.

Oh god.

O dieu.

What had she done exactly?

Silently, she vowed to never drink more than five of those anymore.

"Now answer my question. Why, of all things, did you get drunk?"

"I don't remember." It was a lie, and they both knew it. Still, no one said a word.

"Next time, tell me. I'll coach you in flying if I have to. Just avoid getting drunk or doing stupid things. Rainbow, that was frightening. For everyone's sake, please don't. It's bad for you."

"I heard enough from Twilight, don't worry. This doesn't happen often." She flashed a wide smile. It didn't fool him.

"Of all ponies, Rainbow, why do you act in front of me? You know, that if you want to, you can tell me anything. I won't judge. I'll sit here and listen and give you a shoulder to cry on." He took her into his embrace, "Besides, you told me enough yesterday. I guess I should be happy, but I'm worried that at this rate you'll never tell me anything unless you had ten shots in."

"Ouch. What did I say, exactly?" Rainbow pulled away a little and faced him.

"Don't get embarrassed, but you did say you liked me."


"What, don't you want me to know?"

"You told me late enough." Rainbow giggled. "Now one less thing to worry about."

"Then do you want to know anything?" Soarin offered.

"Why, yes. Your response?"

"I'm sure you don't feel even half as much as I do." He deadpanned.

"How sure?"

"More than sure." Soarin wrapped his wings around her too. "At least, at this rate, Spitfire's going to have to stop trying to set me up with other mares. I don't know if you want to hear it or not, but I don't like anypony else. Just you. From the gala, it was just you."

"I don't know. I'm not big on relationships. I've never liked that many ponies." Rainbow shrugged. "But this is comfortable, damn."

"Glad you're happy. Anything for my favorite mare." He winked.

"Pft." Rainbow made a face. "Cheesy. I'll kill you if you tell anyone else, but I'm perfectly content."

"Of course. I'm amazing."

"I'm the awesomest."

"Is that a word, even?"

"It is now."

"I'd like to say something, but what do I say to something like that?"

"Agree with me."

"Fine, you're awesome. You're also mine."

"Right. You're mine too."

6. Is on the mind of the sober

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"So, what do you think?"

"Mon Dieu! Rainbow Dash, why didn't you ever tell me?" Rarity squealed, “You should've!”

"Okay, okay, but don't tell the other girls." Rainbow sighed. "I'll trust you to be reasonable on this because you have experience. I don't want them to be too excited."

"Of course, of course." Rarity grinned. "But you'll tell me everything, won't you?"

"Besides, I don't even know."

"Rainbow, he did say so."

"What do you think? What ponies say aren't always what they think." Rarity sipped her tea calmly, "Try some, it's good."

"No, no thanks. You know me..." Rainbow grimaced at the thought.

"Aw, Rainbow, it's not bad at all."

"'s bitter, weirdly flavored, and I don't like cream."

"Oh never mind. Do you want a makeover though?"


"What? I mean, it doesn't hurt to be pretty."

"I don't like him. Not anymore, at least. We agreed to just not mention things."

"Rainbow Dash, are you being a coward?"

"I'M NOT! FINE! I'LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!" Rainbow huffed and sat down.

What had she done?


"So, what exactly did I do?" Soarin asked guiltily as he watched Sptifire go from becoming her namesake to dying of laughter.

"I think, she likes you. She wasn't lying, you know. No one can keep up a lie when they're drunk. If there's one piece of advice you take today, she is a goddamn lightweight. How she managed to stay awake after a bunch of shots is a mystery."

"What do I say..." Soarin shook his head. "You're no help."

"Well, I, of all ponies, might be." Fleetfoot giggled. "You two would make adorable babies tho-OWWWWWWWWW!"

Spitfire rolled her eyes at Fleetfoot and sighed. "I have her under control, and you may say whatever the hell you want to."

"Do I do anything? It's awkward."

"Of course you do. Remember, the Grand Galloping Gala this year is coming up. Take her out or else."


"Why not? She did say so?"

"She took those words back. Spitfire, SHE TOOK THEM BACK."

"Oh, you're enraged. Good. Keep this level of passion up." Fleetfoot piped.

"Oh will you shut up." Spitfire whacked her across the shoulder. "You're not helping. Get. Out."

"Nah I'm good." She sulked. "But you know, if you guys ever get together, I'm on your wedding list. Right? RIGHT?"

"Yeah yeah yeah." Soarin muttered. "Best if it never happens at this rate."

"I can offer you one bit of advice, Soarin." Fleetfoot said, serious for once. "Look good. Smell good. Smile and stop frowning."



"Too much excitement?"

She heard a familiar voice that she wished she wasn't too familiar with.

"Probably. I mean, that's not an everyday occurrence even in Ponyville." She forced a laugh. Why did it sound so awkward?

"So I've heard. That dragon, a princess, all these things. Life's not exciting enough. Just flying, training, and getting yelled at by Spitfire."

"I doubt it's not. I mean, you are in the Wonderbolts."

"It doesn't take much to get used to. If you don't, you're not going to make it." He wanted to slap himself. "Well, it doesn't take much to get kicked out. Everyone on the team right now was near to getting kicked out. Some of us got kicked out and got back it."

"Ouch. Competitive."

"I guess. Doesn't take many ponies to put on a show, and it's always quality over quantity."

"I agree with the last bit. Guess it's right."

"Guess it's right." Soarin smiled. "Guess you're right. Well, you usually are."

"Thanks..." Rainbow trailed off. "Now who's up for a donut?"

"Spitfire will kill me, but that is if she finds out..." Soarin winked.

"Then what are you waiting for? First one there isn't paying!" She sped off.

"Wait! Dammit." Soarin muttered and tried to catch up. She had at least twenty paces on him and he wasn't sure if he could ever catch up. He wasn't trained for speed. Despite that, he less than ten behind when they stopped.

"Eh. I still win." Rainbow beamed.

"Ouch. Cheater..." Soarin laughed. "But I was paying anyways."

Before long, the donuts were reduced to small crumbs, and the glasses only had a hint of strawberry foam left.

"That was good." Soarin offered.


"You have strawberry foam on your face, Rainbow." He smiled. "Maybe you want that off?"

"Eh." Rainbow tried licking around her mouth.

"No, up." Soarin laughed.

"I can't..." Rainbow was giggling.

"Here," He said, taking a napkin and wiping it off.

She pouted. "But I wanted the foam..."

"If you wanted it, just get another one."

"Eh. Diet."

"Dash..." Soarin shook his head. "Mares..."

"What?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, donuts are filled with oil. Can't blame me. I think Rarity's getting into me."


"More like hell yeah."

"You're perfectly fine. Why of all ponies are you on a diet?"

"I don't know."

"Let me guess. Rarity?"


"Stop being vague."

"Stop being a pest."

"At least I'm a hot pest."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Still a pest."

"Well you're just as much of a pest."

"Don't care. I'm awesome."

"And I'm handsome."

"I'm inclined to agree but I don't feel like feeding your fat ego."

"Ouch. Is my ego that big?"


"I'm a modest pony."

"A fool would believe that."

"Ouch, Rainbow, ouch."

"Ouch, Soarin, ouch."

"Okay, let's just, stop." Soarin laughed and she had to remind herself to not blush, not let her words falter, even though she liked the sound a little much.

"Maybe. Actually, yeah. At this rate shit would happen."

Soarin went silent. Was it Spitfire that told him to tell her again, even though they had not wanted to speak of it? Would it work?

"Ummm...are you okay?" Rainbow asked. Did he just realize something? More importantly, was he remembering those things?

"Yeah, I am. Just, depressed from the fact that Spitfire probably knows."

"Knows what?"

"A lot of things about me that she could use against me. Sibling perks..."

"Hold on. You guys are related?"


"Then why?"

"We're kinda siblings. We grew up together."



"The way she treats you."


"Did you?"


"Soarin! Why not!"

"She didn't look like she was interested."

"To hell with your sucky judgement! This one time you get a chance and you blow it! Soarin, I knew you were dumb, but I never thought you were this far from the center of the bell curve!"

"Sptifire...why do you care so much?"

Spitfire went silent. Yes, he had a point. Why?

Fleetfoot chimed in, "Because you need to end your sorry single life. You're a sorry excuse for a bachelor. You have mares throwing themselves at you left and right and you can't be trusted to fess up?"

"I did that because I cared! I don't want to pressure her.“ Soarin snapped.

Spitfire exchanged a look with Fleetfoot. Soarin was generally charming, suave, lighthearted... anything but short tempered. They had underestimated a lot of things. But romance...they sensed it.

"Okay, okay, we get it."




"Ouch Rarity, you never cared about anything else?"

"I saw you two! You two talking! Talking like that! Mon dieu!"

"Friends. There's this thing called friends."

"I don't care you two look like a couple. A perfect one."


"You need a few shots in. Nothing other than a few shots to help you spill the beans."


7. The voice from hell

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"Tell him again." Rarity shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked, flopping down, "I can't!"

"This." Rarity glared at her. "Will be your last chance. If you don't, you will not see him for another two years. He would be sensible to forget you."

"I know, Rarity, I just don't want ponies to think that I'm purposefully using him to get into the Wonderbolts."

"What do I say to that? Tell him and see what happens. I'd rather you know than not know."

"What if it was all an mistake? What if I imagined everything?"


"That's it! I'm done with this. I'm done with romance!"

Without warning, she flew off, knocking over several bottles of glitter and rolls of ribbon.

Rarity sighed.

"Soarin, now you know what I mean."

Soarin stepped out and nodded.

"You see what she is doing. I can't do anything more but hope. But you heard her, didn't you?" Rarity asked. "You heard what she said. She loves you, and she doesn't want to admit it either. I don't blame her for part, but we know her. Once she makes up her mind, nothing's gonna stop her."

"Maybe. I''ll do my best. Tell her, would you, that I love her too."

"I shouldn't. She'll be mad first before she sees reason."

"Then I will."

"I wish you luck, Soarin. Treat her well." Rarity said. "Now get out."
"Can I have a word, Rainbow Dash?" Soarin didn't hold much faith in Rarity, "I'd rather if it isn't in front of the world."

"Sure. No prob."

"I know I should not say this, but I like you. I always meant that. It wasn't to just make you feel better. I was just too chicken to correct you." Soarin starts.

"I wish I had the courage to say the same." Rainbow smiles sadly. "But you're leaving. I don't want to stay here and miss you the entire way."

"You are right." Soarin says. "But I'll be back every once in a while. I can't forget you, you know. Rarity told me some things."

"She WHAT?" Rainbow exclaimed. "THAT MARE! That mouth of hers!"

"Calm down, calm down. She was helping me." Soarin smiled. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here today."

"Oh...okay I guess?"

"A walk?" He asked, looping a hoof around her.

She nodded.

There was silence, too much silence for her bear.

"Why, of all things, do you tell me this?" She asks. "Of all things. Well, how was your day?"

"Because I want to." He flashed a quick smile and winked. “I do, you know.”

"How in the hell would I know?"

"If you had an ounce of romantic sense like your dear friend Rarity, it would've been obvious. I'm sad you don't." Soarin shrugged. "But it's you. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Thanks..." Rainbow drawled out. "You know, it does help."

"Wouldn't change you, Rainbow. Thank me later." Another wink, and she wonders if it is just her, or does the roguishness of his nature make him a whole new level of handsome.

She lets herself enjoy the wink and smile that comes with it.

It's a sneaky way of getting closer to him, leaning slightly against the base of his wing. Rainbow was never tall to begin with, and Soarin was.

Was it safety she felt?

"Anyways, I do like you. A lot more than you would think I'm capable of." He smiles sadly. "I didn't get the heart breaker reputation from nothing."

"It's fine." She reaches up to silence him. "Shhh."

He catches the hoof and holds it tight. "Rainbow, you know I'm fine with it."

"Just. Shush. I'm enjoying the moment."Besides, anything with you is good."

"Anything with you is good, Rainbow Dash."

8. Finale: Chances

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"What were the chances?" Rainbow asked suddenly.

"Of what?"


"I don't know." Soarin shrugged. "But it happened."

"I know that, Soarin." Rainbow smiled. "Except that it baffles me too much that I am the Wonderbolt and you are not. Still the chances of both of these things? It's called a miracle."

"I love you and we both know that is almost enough." Soarin lay his hooves on hers. "The feeling is mutual."

"Your silly little assumption is very correct." Rainbow curled up next to him. "Now, I don't have any shows the next week. We need to go to the cafe again. And we need to prank the paparazzi."

"Hell yeah." Soarin grinned. "But first, here is a little something for you."

He reached for a box Rainbow had never noticed before. It was a lovely burgundy, the wrapping shimmering like little stars.

"Soarin!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You have no idea!"

It was a little lamp that played all too many memories. Those first days in Ponyville...her competing career...her first day as a Wonderbolt...the Gala, all those things that she never wanted to forget.

"I asked your parents and your friends." He grinned. "They know you much better than I will ever do. Some things you might not want to tell me, and that's perfectly okay. I just want you to be really happy for once."

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't cry." Soarin coaxed. "You know how much it hurts for me to see that."

"These...are," She choked. "Soarin...these aren't...tears of...pain."

"Still. Ouch." Soarin joked. "I spent months getting this together and I get tears? Hey, at least I deserve a kiss."

"You do." She pecked him on the cheek. "But still, tears of joy. Can't beat that."

"Of course. I learned my lesson on your opinions." He laughed. "Don't contradict your marefriend. Don't think of yourself smarter than you actually are."

"Maybe, but you know about this more than I do."

"Except that it's also your birthday."


"It is. Rainbow, check the calendar."

"Oh. Wait. It is?"


"DAMMIT! I need my brain. Soarin, you know that."

"Why else would they opt to let you take a vacation? You know Spitfire."

"Uh, because I am a piece of shit?"

"More like insufferable." Soarin ruffled her hair. "You're the best the way you are, you know."

"Of course I'm awesome. Everyone knows that."

"Psh. Beat me."

"Sure." Rainbow grinned wickedly.

"OW! You know I haven't exactly worked out lately. Shouldn't spar. "

"I can tell. You're getting fat."

"I'm not. I'm just..."


"No. I'm building muscle. See, energy reserves!"

"You failed high school biology remember?"

"You still remember that?"

"Of course. Can't forget those detention sessions for our failing grades, can I?"

"Why? Rainbow, you forget everything except to mock me." Soarin placed a hoof over his heart. "Do you have any idea of how much it hurt?"

"Nope." Rainbow smirked. "But hell yes I know how to make you feel better." She wrapped her hooves around his neck. "Night. I'm tired."

"Night, Dashie."


"Hell yeah."

"I changed my mind. I want my revenge."