> Red vs Blue > by SinWriter7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Moon Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 1: The Moon Rises (Kids Part 1) This Fanfiction is for my OC which is gonna be in Shadic Spark Dash's, Time Disruption Series! This is specifically to tell my OC's stories, Red The Hedgehog/Red Sun, and Blue The Hedgehog/Blue Moon! And let's get riiight into the Phase! *Intro Begins* *Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle* Intro Music "Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!" Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids "Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!" A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!" Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house "Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!" Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1 "Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!" Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!" Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager "I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!" Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen Red vs Blue A Dark Blue pony, he has black wings and a red horn, he wears a red hat, and he has a knife as his cutie mark is seen at 2 years old and he already can walk around and even speak, this was Blue Moon. "Hi Mummy! Hi Diddy!" well not properly but at least Blue could speak! Anyway Blue exclaims this as he hugs his parents. "Hi Blue" His Mom, who was named Skillet, says as she hugs Blue back, then after they finished hugging, His Dad (His name was Guitar because the name Piccolo was already taken) kicks Blue, but Blue moved out the way. "Looks like you now know how to DODGE!" Flute yells as he kicks Blue and Blue is sent into the wall before he falls onto the ground. "You really need to be a better father" Skillet tells Guitar, Skillet was a White Pony with Black Hair, Plus he wore Black Boots on all of his Hooves, and he had a Guitar as his Cutie Mark, meanwhile Guitar was a Yellow Pony with Orange Hair, She wore a Red Cape along with a Brown Hat along with some Red Boots, and she had a microphone as a Cutie Mark. "What he needs is a trainer, because face it we have pissed off a lot of people back in our days" Guitar responds, Skillet then smiles. "Indeed we did, And do you want Blue to have some pony as pretty and invincible as me someday?" Skillet asks as she cuddles against Guitar. "Eh, from the looks of it he'll be in love with a pretty pony, probably because he won't understand love, especially since we are the ponies raising him" Guitar responds, Skillet nods in agreement. "DODGE!" Blue was heard yelling then he immediately appears in front of Guitar and kicks him in the face, this sends Guitar into the wall also. "What the!?" Skillet yells in shock, Blue just chuckled. "Yay! Thunks for truning ma daddy!" Blue yells, then he hugs Guitar, Guitar shrugs and he hugs back. "One day you'll definitely have a great future" Guitar responds, but Skillet is still surprised by what Blue just did. "H-Honey?" Skillet asks, then Guitar gets back onto his hooves and Guitar signals for Blue to go back into his room. "Hehehe, looks like Blue is gonna be a invincible pony" Guitar puns, but Skillet groans. "You're starting to sound like Time Karma" Skillet responds, Guitar then chuckles. "And you're starting to sound like Dark Life" Guitar remarks, then Skillet glares at him. "Look just because Dark is my ex doesn't mean that I'm like him in any way" Skillet states, but Guitar rolls his eyes. "We are all in denial about something, Anyway, you ready to have 11 babies?" Guitar asks, then Skillet is seen pregnant. "Yeah, and I hope that Blue gets along with them" Skillet responds, then her and Dark walks outside, and Blue is seen looking outside from his window, he was staring at the moon *Red* A Red Pegasuses with a black scarf, who also has a blue horn along with silver wings and red eyes was seen running around the wood at 2 years old, then he sees that the whether starts getting stormy, yep this was Red. "Okay Dad, I'll gu buck heme" Red responds in his mind, then he runs back home and he goes through the door. "Red, What did we tell you about going out later than 7:00?" Green and had a purple dress on along with pink shoes that have green stripes asks Red, this was Red's Mother, Time Karma, then Red is seen smiling. "Naver go out lote unless you want to be beeten up I knuw" Red responds, then Karma smiles, and they suddenly see A Orange Hedgehog Like Sonic but they wore a black gloves with red claws coming out of both of them, they also had black shoes with red stripes, and their belly was white, this was Red's father, Dark Life. "Looks like you are definitely smart enough to remember some things" Dark states, then Red chuckles. "Yeah!" Red exclaims, then Dark and Karma smiles. "Okay Red, you can go to sleep if you want to" Karma confirms, but Red stayed where he was. "Hey Fatha can you showa me what's in yo room?" Red curiously asks, but Dark chuckled. "Sorry Red, but maybe when you get older is when you can go into my room" Dark responds, then Dark walks away. "Yay! I'll be uble to go te daddy's ruum!" Red yells as he claps his hooves, Karma then also chuckled due to how Red always acted. "Red" Karma says as she hugs Red, then Red hugs back. "Yuh?" Red asks. "Please don't ever change" Karma answers as she finishes the hug, then Red nods before he runs upstairs and Red is seen looking outside from his window, he was staring at the stars. *The Next Day* "Blue we'll be back!" Guitar yells as he takes Skillet to the hospital, now Blue was left home alone as he saw his Mom and Dad leave. "I wonder how habbies are made" Blue wonders, but then he is seen walking around his house, then he turns around and sees his door being kicked. "Ah, I've been waiting to beat you both up!" Blue heard, but he stands his ground while violently shaking, then he sees Dark at the door but he had completely red eyes. "Y-You a-are n-not g-gonna b-beat m-m-me" Blue nervously says, Dark then sees Blue and his eyes are no longer red and he sighs. "Who are you?" Dark asks casually, Blue then stopped shaking and he smiled. "Blue Moon!" Blue exclaims very happily (Wow he got over that quickly). "Who are your parents Blue Moon?" Dark asks again. "Guitar and Skillet!" Blue proudly yells, then he cheers as he said his first response without messing up his parents names. "Heh, you remind me of my son" Dark states, then Blue looks confused. "How?" Blue asks, then Dark smiles as he gets closer to Blue. "Well, let's just say that the both of you love to have fun" Dark answers, then he starts walking away. "Wait! How ure habbies made?" Blue asks, Dark then turns his head and smirks. "I'll tell you next time we meet" Dark states, then he walks away as Blue is once again left home alone. *The Hospital* "Send the babies to meet Blue, we want him to see the babies first just in case if something happens" Skillet informs a doctor, then they take all 11 babies out of the hospital. "Ah, All three of us had a time with each other didn't we?" A female doctor asks as she sits by Skillet and Guitar. "Yeah, you were the one who brought me and Skillet together" Guitar responds, then Skillet opens her eyes as she has already given birth to multiple kids. "Yeah, ever since we were all young, we all had one thing in common, we are were evil in our own right" The female doctor confirms, then Skillet chuckles. "Hey, Remember the time when we all teamed up and constantly kept beating up Dark because of how he use to always threaten us" Skillet states, then Guitar and the female doctor both smiles. "Yeah, you use to always yell, 'I FEEL INVINCIBLE!' and you genuinely did believe it" The female doctor playfully responds as she moves her hooves while talking. "Oh, I don't believe it anymore, I KNOW it" Skillet responds, then Guitar and Skillet held each other's hooves. "Yeah, you were the mastermind, I was the executor, and Skillet always would trash talk people as I'd beat them down" Guitar confirms as he looks at the female doctor and Skillet. "Actually, I'm the crack, in this Castle Of Glass" All three of them heard, then Skillet's eyes immediately fills up with fear while Guitar looks angry and the female doctor runs out the room, Dark let's her pass then he returns his attention to Skillet and Guitar as his eyes remained completely red. "She always was a coward, but that doesn't matter now" Guitar responds, then he gets ready to fight while Dark smiles. "Indeed it doesn't, because you two remember the promise I made, right?" Dark asks as a Dark Aura surrounds him. "I will eventually beat up the both of you, and when I do, don't expect me to show ANY mercy, that's a PROMISE!" Dark stated as he shook hooves with Guitar while they were both at their Graduations. "I know, so remember that next the time we face each other, you must not hold back AT ALL" Guitar states, then the two of them glares at each other. "Okay okay, you two can break it up now" Karma says as she pushes Dark back. "Hey! If he thinks he can take the Monster then tell him to think again, Because whoever is with me, is INVINCIBLE!" Skillet exclaims as she got in front of Guitar. "I can't believe that we were EVER together!" Dark yells, but Skillet just smirked. "That's what you said!" Skillet yelled back, then Guitar wraps his hooves around Skillet. "You four will be going at it forever" The female doctor stated, then Skillet, Guitar, Karma, and Dark all nods while they all glare at each other. "Yeah, that was one of the moments in my life I decided to treasure, because I knew that you would never break that promise" Guitar responds, then he gets ready to battle. "Hehehe, I always had a soft side for you Guitar, but that's only because Guitars were my favorite instruments, but as for you, I always more of a grudge against Skillet, but you always provided a good fight for me, so Guitar, DON'T HOLD BACK" Dark states as he smiles. "I won't" Guitar answers, then Guitar and Dark charges at each other, then... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dark is seen walking out of the building and he is seen with a lighter. "Heh, Light 'Em Up" Dark states with a bunch of bruises and scars on him while Skillet and Guitar were seen unconscious and Dark smiles as the hospital is seen empty of any doctors as he drops the lighter, and the hospital is seen burning. "I-I'm s-sorry" Guitar apologizes as he crawls to Skillet and he places his arm on Skillet, but Skillet smiles. "I accept your apology" Skillet answers, then the two smiles before they kiss each other, then the hospital completely burns down while Dark watches. "The Kill Count has begun" Dark states, then he walks away as the hospital is burnt. *Later That Day* "Blue Moon!" Blue heard, then he quickly runs downstairs and he sees the female doctor sen with Skillet and Guitar from earlier. "Where's my Mummy and Dadda?" Blue asks, but then the female doctor shows Blue his ten sisters and he smiles. "Here's your siblings" The female doctor confirms, then Blue smiles as he looks at all of them. "Yay!" Blue cheers then he holds one of his sisters in his hooves. "Who will you name this one?" The female doctor asks, then Blue smiles as his eyes light up. "I already gut nomes for all of dem, they're all gonna be named after ma fovorite showa! Destiny! Chara Mamia! Lowronica! Ashleave! Nahmanda! Kylvia! Bangela! Shame! Mahbee! Chatalie! and Pyle!" Blue exclaims as he holds Chara Mamia in his hooves. "I'm pretty sure that those aren't their names but you're just a kid, so I'll let those names pass" The female doctor responds as she smiles. "Wait, what about Mim and Dud?" Blue asks, then the female doctor looks down, the female doctor's name was Jodie Whittaker and she looks at Blue with tears in her eyes. "They are dead" Jodie answers, then Blue's smile goes away. "Hey Mommy, whot happiened to my bruddah and sista?" Red asks Karma while Karma was checking time, then she frowns. "When did this question come up?" Karma asks as she slowly turns around. "I just remambered seeing two more bronies when I was barn" Red answers, then Karma sighs. "Well, neither of them were your brother and sister, but they were instead our least favorite people to see, Skillet and Guitar" Karma starts answering Red's question. "Who are they?" Red asks curiously as he walks into his mom's room. "Villains" Karma states, then Dark is seen at the door to Karma's room. "Hi Duddy!" Red exclaims as he goes to hug his dad, but Dark doesn't hug him back. "Honey, What's wrong?" Karma asks, but Dark finishes the hug and he walks away while Karma and Red watches on in confusion. *At Night* Blue was seen asleep with tears in his eyes. "Mom...Dad...Please don't leave...Please..." Blue says while he sleeps, but then Red is seen waking up, then he quickly runs out of the house while his parents were sleeping. "Heh, As if I'd get hurt!" Red announces, then he starts running around the forest at night and he is immediately a red blur as Red randomly runs for a long time. "NOOO!" Blue yells as he suddenly starts sleep walking, then he walks outside of his house and he is seen sleep walking around the forest. "Called it!" Red loudly yells, then he randomly attempts to do a backflip at 2 years old but he just falls on his face. "PLEASE!" Blue shouts again while sleep walking then he accidentally trips over Red. "What the-!?" Red was gonna ask, then he gets up but he suddenly sees a red aura start to be used as a figure starts floating. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ME ALIVE! CHAOS BLAST!" Blue yells as the red aura surrounds him and he starts floating while sleeping, then he causes a giant wide blast which causes all the trees close to him to fall into little pieces and the blast knocks Red head first through a tree which breaks afterwards thanks to Red, then Red lands on the ground and is unconscious, he now had a scar going across his left eye, Blue then fell asleep for good as he stopped talking and falls onto the ground. *The Next Day* Blue gets up and he's to exhausted to see Red as he walks home. "S-Still a-alive" Red weakly states as he gives a thumbs up, then he slowly starts getting up and he sees a bunch of bruises on him but Red just starts walking home and he enters his house. "Stupid sisters" Blue comments as he goes to his house, he was moody now while his sisters were crying, then he went upstairs and shoved milk into all of his sisters mouth. "Red!/Blue!" Karma and Jodie accidentally yells in unison, then Red and Blue are seen looking at Karma and Jodie seperately. "Where were you last night!?" Jodie loudly asks Blue, but Blue just growled as he sees something under one of his sister's bed, then he quickly grabs it and holds it in his hand as he smiles. . "Where you'll be going" Blue answers Jodie's question, then Jodie's eyes widen as a bunch of yellow projectiles surrounded her. "B-Blue!?" Jodie asks as she looks at Blue, but Blue was smiling. "DODGE!" Blue yells like his father, then all of the projectiles hits Jodie and Jodie is sent through the window and out of the house, Jodie is now unconscious. . "Where were you last knight!?" Karma loudly asks Red, but Red shrugs, then Karma sees the scar going across Red's left eye. "I'm okay Mummer" Red tries convincing his mother even though he mispronnounces most of the words he speaks. "Red, Did you go into the forest at night?" Karma asks, then Red looks down and sighs. "Yeah" Red answers as he looks at Karma again. "Look, I know that you're curious about the world, and I know that just like your father, you want to get stronger" Karma responds to the situation. "I just want to be the very best, Like no one ever was!" Red exclaims. "I know, but remember that if you ever want to be stronger, than always rely on your friends even if you don't trust them" Karma tries convincing Red. "Heh, that's VERY cheesy" Red remarks, then Karma hugs Red. "Exactly" Karma responds, then Red hugs back then they both continue to hug while Dark watches. "..." Dark said nothing as he kept remembering what he did recently, then Dark walks to his room . Blue then jumps through the broken window and he looks at Jodie who has scars and shards all over her and she starts crawling, he was now He is now a Dark Blue Hedgehog with green eyes, he wears white shoes with red stripes (Like Sonic's shoes), and his belly is black. "What were you doing while my parents were burning?" Blue asks as he steps on Jodie's hand, Jodie then winces in pain a bit as she slowly looks up and looks into Blue's eyes with fear. "How did you-?" Jodie was gonna ask, but Blue just applies more pressure on her hooves and Jodie screams in pain. "Don't make me ask again!" Blue angrily yells while a Dark Aura surrounds him, Jodie then starts crying. "I RAN AWAY! NOW PLEASE LET ME GO!" Jodie admits as she looks down, but Blue lifts up his feet, then Jodie gets up, but Blue kicks the back of her head which sends Jodie through a tree. "Coward" Blue whispers, then he starts walking towards Jodie's unconscious body. "Coward" Blue says in a regular sound which could be heard by anyone, then the Dark Aura around Blue becomes bigger as his eyes then turns red. "COWARD!" Blue yells, then Jodie slowly gets up, but the Dark Aura around Blue causes a Chaos Blast like attack that sends Jodie into the air, and after Jodie almost hits the ground Blue hits her with a homing attack that sends Jodie into a coma and she ends up in another hospital. "Oh Hi Mark" One of the doctors say as they see Jodie. "Actually her name is Jodie" The second doctor correct. "It's bull-" The first doctor was gonna swear, but the screen cuts away. "What just happened?" Blue asks as his Red Eyes and Dark Aura disappears, then he sees the trees around him, but Blue shrugs it off before he walks home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > The Sun Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 2:The Rising Sun (Kids Part 2) *Intro Begins* *Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle* Intro Theme "Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!" Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids "Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!" A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!" Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house "Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!" Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1 "Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!" Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!" Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager "I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!" Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen Red vs Blue A empty forest is seen, it looked like the Evergreen Forest from MLP:FIM, then a red blue quickly speeds through The Forest, then the red blur stops by a broken down and rotten tree. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Someone yells as the door opens as a red peaguses with a black scarf, who also has a blue horn along with silver wings and red eyes, and they still have a scar going across their left eye, this was Red Sun now, then Red runs and instantly sitting at a carpet inside of his house due to his speed, he was 6 years old. "Hey Red guess what?" Dark Life asks a he jumps out of the ground. "Yes Dad?" Red asks Dark, then Time Karma is seen walking out from her room. "It's time" Karma puns, Dark chuckles at the pun, Red still waits for the answer. "You're going to school tomorrow!" Dark yells, Red jumped in excitement. "Yes! This is gonna be fun!" Red tells, he was 6 years old so he did not know the pain of school all of us knows too well. "So, your bed time is 9:00!" Karma annoyingly confirms, but Red went to sleep already, his parents chuckled. "Let's hope that our little kid can spread some darkness" Dark responds as he smiles. "Well, as long as it gets him a good future like I got, then the darkness will spread" Karma responds, then Dark walks away and disappears in a dark cloud, and Karma stops time and goes somewhere before time resumes, Red was asleep, but he was very, excited. *The Next Day* Red was ready for school, but he decides to check up on his parents, Karma was playing around using her time stop ability that her mother had recieved. "Hey mom! I'm going to school!" Red announces. "Okay, have a good day!" Karma yells back, then Red goes to his father, Dark was countering the white clouds by turning them into dark clouds. "School Day!" Red yells. "I know! And Red! Take care of yourself!" Dark yells, Red nods before he runs fast enough ti the point that now he wears a black scarf and is a red hedgehog, he wears blue snickers and has silver eyes, but he has a red scar going across his left eye, also he has red glove, this is Red's other form, Red The Hedgehog. "Gotta go fast!" Red yells, then he becomes a Red Blur. "Red Sun!" A blue pony with glasses and has white hair with glaases as her cutie mark yells, this was the teacher, Red quickly is in front of the class in his pony form. "Here!" Red yells, then the entire class looks at him. "Okay Red, you sit next to Diana Purpleheart" The teacher confirms, then Red instantly is by Diana, she was obviously 6 years old. "Sup, names Red" Red says to Diana, Diana was a purple alicorn with pink hair, followed by a white horn, and she had a purple heart as her cutie mark, and she had red eyes,but Diana was too busy reading a book to notice. "Okay, I'll stop tryin' to flirt with ya" Red responds, then Diana puts the book down. "I'm Diana, Nice to meet you Red" Diana greets, then they shook hooves, the bell rang for class to begin. *Time Skip* When reccess came, Red ran around the playground a lot of times in a few seconds, then Red stops as he sees A Dark Blue pony, he has black wings and a red horn, he wears a red hat, and he has a knife as his cutie mark. "Hey!" Diana yells, then the blue pegaseus hits Diana. "Take a hit! Now shut up before I'll hit you even harder" They yell, thier name was Blue Moon, and he was the same age as Red and Diana. "Hey Generic Bully!" Red yells, Blue looks at him, Red then instantly charges at Blue, but Blue uppercuts Red using his top right hoof, Red is sent flying into the air. "Scrub" Blue responds, but a red like comet comes down, it was Red, and Red kicks Blue using his lower right hoof, then a giant shockwave is sent throughout the school, but after it was done, Red stands om his four hooves while Blue slowly gets back up. "Hit! Hit! Hit! As hard as you can! You can't beat me, I'm THE Red Sun!" Red taunts, Blue groans. "Wow, not even a minute into our fight and you're already annoying me" Blue responds, Blue was back on his four hooves, Red started to jump in anticipation for the battle. "I get that a lot" Red responds, then Red and Blue charges at each other, but they went so fast that Red and Blue turned into their hedgehog forms and both of their fists clashes with each other, then they kept punching as multiple more shockwaves were generated. "Not bad" Blue says while fighting, then everpony evacuates the reccess field, then Red and Blue builds up speed. "TAKE THIS!" Both of them yells, then Red and Blue kicks at the same time which causes both of their feets to connect, then the impact causes a explosion which causes the entire reccess field to blow up. "Holy sh-!" A irrelevant pony was about to yell, but Red and Blue both stumbled after the explosion. "Okay Red, looks like you have survived, for now" Blue states, Red smirks. "Hey, I just wanna live, not just survive tonight" Red responds, Blue growls but a teacher comes between them, Red and Blue then goes back to their pony forms as the bell rings, everyone walks to class. "We'll fight again Red, but next time, on my terms" Blue references, then Red and Blue walks to class. *Time Skip* School ends, Red walks as slow as possible, which was the average walking speed. "Hey Diana" Red says as he walks with Diana. "What do you want?" Diana asks, Red smirks. "Well, I just wanted to ask you to explain to the Readers about my hedgehog and pony forms" Red destroys the 4th wall, Diana nods. "Well, We live in a timeline where Hedgehog's and Ponies live with each other after the former heroes of Equestria disappeared along with the villians" Diana starts explaining. "Sounds original" Red says, then he looks at me, but I stick my middle finger at Red, so, PISS OFF! "Then, We all lived in peace after a few hedgehogs helped out our ponies, then after that, ponies started somehow having hedgehog offsprings, but we all dealt with it and here we are now, 1000 years later" Diana confirms, Red finishes eating his popcorn he had somehow received. "Thanks for the exposition" Red thanks, Diana stares at Red, Red throws away the empty bag of popcorn. "What is the real reason for you to talk to me?" Diana asks, Red chuckled. "Well, I wanted to know if you could be my friend?" Red answers and asks, yep, now I'm confused. "Well, because of the fact that I don't have much friends, I'll accept your friend request" Diana answers, Red jumps in excitement, then he brings out a cannon. "Party Cannon!" Red yells, but the cannon shoots out a cannonball, but the cannon hits Red due to the cannonball, the cannonball is sent flying, Diana sees Red, Red's back is on the ground. "Sorry Red, but no one can use the party cannon quite like Pinkie Pie" Diana responds, Red chuckles, then Diana pulls Red's top left hoof up using her top left and right hoof. "We are gonna be great friends" Red says, then Red and Diana goes home. *Time Skip* Blue wakes up in his hedgehog form, Blue is immediately ready for school, then his 10 sisters runs towards him. "Welcome to The Loud House" Blue tells you, then his 11 sisters, they are all Dark Blue like Blue, but all of them had names, and all of them were now 4 years old. "Hello Big Brother!" Destiny yells, she was The Energetic One. "Don't yell!" Blue yells, Destiny frowns. "What's the deal today?" Chara Mamia asks, she was The Cool One. "Same old stuff" Blue answers, Chara nods. "Go knock youself out" Lowronica says, she was The Weak One. "Tell that to yourself, oh wait, you do knock yourself out!" Blue yells, Lowronica frowns. "Just hurry up!" Ashleave yells, she was The Crazy One, so Blue kicks Ashleave into the wall. "Why don't you AshLEAVE!?" Blue angrily asks, Ashleave mutters some irrelevant Feminist stuff before walking to her room. "Look, you don't run this family!" Nahmanda states, she was The Devil One. "Niether do you Satan" Blue responds, Nahmanda growls. "I just hope I'll live" Kylvia hopes, she was The Hopeful One. "Well you better hope I won't go after you" Blue responds, Kylvia shakes in fear. "Just shut up already! I do everything around here!" Bangela goes off, yep, she is definitely The Young Adult (A.K.A She likes to Over-react, Yell, and Trash Talk). "The only thing you do around here is sleep in bed with boys, so you're use to shutting your mouth" Blue roasts, then everyone oh's. "OOOOOH!" Everyone else yells, Bangela stays quiet, then Blue goes to his last 4 siblings, Shame, Mahbee, Chatalie, and Pyle, the four of then was the color ladies. "Hello Blue" All four of them said in unison, they were The Same Ones As Each Other types, if that makes sense. "Sup Spineless Sisters" Blue harshly greets. "HEY!" All of them yells, but Blue drops some apples. "Here's your apples everyone, don't get used to it though, I'm only doing this because our parents died" Blue explains, the his sisters starts eating the apple, Blue runs to school. *School* Red and Diana were walking with each other, they were both in their pony forms, Red cab easily change forms, and for his school it's ordinary for a form changing student to be there. "So, What about your brother and sister?" Diana asks, then Red frowns. "Well, I don't have a sister, and I prefer to not talk about my brother" Red confirms, he looks a bit ticked as he mentions his brother and he looks down. "Oh, Well why don't you-?" Dianna was gonna ask but then she sees Red look up as some strong gusts wind starts happening. "Now, this is on my terms" Blue responds, Red looked confused, but Blue roundhouse kicks Red through some trees, then Blue goes into his hedgehog form which only the ponies who have suffered physically and mentally can achieve, yeah I'm confused too. "I am a, Killer In The Mirror" Blue responds while smiling. "Well then, prepare to Set It Off!" Red yells, then Blue goes into the ground. Red looks around, but Blue comes out the ground and uppercuts Red into the sky, then Blue runs into the sky. "Not this time!" Blue yells, but Red turns into a red ball and hits Blue with a homing attack (It's when you automically hit something with the Spin Dash), Blue is knocked back. "Red Wind!" Red yells. then tornado shows up which has materials in it that hurts Blue. "That's it!" Blue yells, then he jumps off of one of the couches which was in the tornado and is above Red. "Looks like we are sky high" Red puns, but Blue's eyes turns red as he gets his hands ready. "Lazer Beam!" Blue yells, then a giant lazer beam which is like the Kamehameha, and Red starts getting exetremely bruised up and has tons of burn marks, but Blue keeps going. "AH!" Red yells in pain as the lazer goes on, then after Blue is finished with his Lazer Beam, he used up all of his power, and Red was too hurt to even open his eyes, so Red and Blue starts falling from the sky, other kids looks at the Lazar Beam. "Wow! That lazer went into the outer core of this planet!" One of the small ponies confirm, everyone was in awe, but Diana was looking at the sky and she saw Red and Blue falling. "Oh no" Diana makes a reference to Knuckles (Sonic fans will know what that means) then everyone runs away right before Red and Blue crashes into the front of the school which causes a wide dent which goes from the school to the forest nearby. "What in tarnashin happened here!?" A cowgirl teacher who is just a light green version of Applejack, Red slowly gives a thumbs up, everyone sees this. "Still a-alive" Red confirms, then Blue opens his eyes and gets up, Red slowly gets up and both of them goes into their pony forms, then the bell rings. "Looks like you lived to battle me another time" Blue states, Red smirks. "It takes more than a powerful lazer beam to kill me" Red remarks, Blue growls. "Do you guys need any help with your wounds?" The cowgirl teacher asks, then Red and Blue falls onto the ground. "That's a yes" Diana answers for Red and Blue. Red and Blue are seen punching which causes their fists to clash, then they constantly continue punching each other at speeds which you could see how fast they are attacks each other, then Blue is seen a bit grown up as Red knocks him backwards, Red also looked a bit taller, then the two of them charges at each other and they grow even bigger, the force knocks both of them backwards. "This never gets old!" Red and Blue thinks as they lands on their feets, they are seen taller again and are in 4th Grade, plus they are both 9 years old. "And homing attacking each other" Dianna states as she starts sketching, she is also 9, then a shock-wave happens but Dianna looked normal as a tower was seen being build behind her. "EVACUATE!" A teacher yells, then a bunch of students walk in while Dianna casually walks inside and she also looked taller, she was 10 and it was now the second to last day of school. "ROUND 999!" Red and Blue shouts, then they both immediately tries kicking each other but their kicks cause a explosion between that sends them both into the air, Blue teleports and the both quickly punches and kicks each other while falling, then they both land on the ground on their feets. "In the end I'M GONNA WIN!" Blue yells, then he runs at Red. "Fighting's just begun!" Red also yells, then he runs back at Blue, then the two of them charges at each other, Blue goes to trip Red, but Red jumps over his feet and quickly spins but Blue ducks below before Red could Kick him while spinning, then when Red's finished spinning, Blue charges at Red, but Red smiles as they both get ready to punch each other. "I'll end it in One Punch MAN!" Red yells, but Blue growls and a very thin Dark Aura is seen slightly appearing but it can't be seen. "The only thing you'll end is my misery of fighting a idiot all the time!" Blue yells back, then the both of them punched each other's face, then the punch sends them both crashing through the walls of school. "We're already on it" A teacher's phone was heard, then they hanged up as the hospital ponies took Red and Blue (In their Pony Forms) to the Hospital again. "When will this end?" Dianna asks in her mind as she sees Red and Blue unconscious with a smile on each of their faces. *Last Day of School for 5th Grade* Diana was showing Red a Math Problem. "So, here's what's the Scientific Notation for 50089601009?" Diana asks Red. "Diana, you know as well that I do, that I suck at Math" Red responds, Diana chuckles. "Yeah, so that means that I can't fix what's already broken" Diana remarks, Red smirks at the roast. "Looks like you've learned the way to The Red" Red responds, then he sees Blue. "Blue is behind us isn't he?" Diana asks. "Yep, you know the drill" Red responds, then Diana and Red gets up. "All irrelevant ponies come with me!" Diana yells, then everyone except for Red and Blue goes to a steel building where they can all watch Red and Blue battle without getting hurt ot involved, they built after Red and Blue's 100th battle. "Ready to loose?" Blue asks, Red rolls his eyes. "If I had got a new penny for each time I've heard those words, then I'd be a millionaire" Red remarks, Blue growls. "You are so annoying!" Blue yells, Red yawns. "Can we just fight now?" Red impatiently asks, then Blue goes into his hedgehog form. "Let's do this" Blue states, Red also goes into his hedgehog form. "Finally, words that I can listen to without yawning" Red remarks AGAIN! Apperiently everyone loves making remarks. "FIGHT!" The irrelevant kid ponies yell, then Red and Blue charges at each other and then a bunch of quick flashes are seen, they were both in their hedgehog forms. "Same! Old! Sh-!" Red was about to yell while clashing with Blue, until Blue kicks Red in the face. "Less talking, More plot kicking!" Blue yells, then Red is sent flying, then Blue appears above him. "Seriously?" Red asks, but Blue knees the back of Red's head and he teleports as Red flies even higher. "Lazar Beam!" Blue yells as he is above Red, then he shoots out a giant lazer out of his hand, and Red is surrounded by the lazer. "Not Again!" Red yells while the lazer keeps going on, everyone kept watching as Red was devoured by the lazer. "Please Live" Diana whispers, then Red was yelling in pain due to the Lazer Beam while Blue was watching with joy. "Hahahahaha! Yes! DIE!" Blue yells with with satisfaction as the Lazer Beam kept going on. "AH!" Red yells in pain, it looks like he was gonna die, everyone was now watching with horror. "Oh my god, It looks like Red's gonna die!" One of the other ponies yell, Diana was closing her eyes and praying. "Please Don't Die, Please Don't Die" Diana was praying, then Blue was still going on. "Hahahahaha!" Blue was still laughing, but Red couldn't even respond because his eyes were closed. But Blue finally finished his Lazer Beam and started falling down, Red was also seen falling but Red was completely unconscious. "Hahaha" Blue silently says while falling, then Red and Blue crashes onto the ground. "MEDIC!" A teacher yell, not even teachers could stop Red and Blue, it didn't end well for any teachers. "I'm n-not d-done" Blue weakly says as he gets up, Everyone looked at Blue. "Blue Wins!" One of the ponies loudly confirms, then Blue smiles before he fell down. "We really need more Medics" One of the doctors say as the other ones get Red and Blue to the hospital while they were both in their pony forms. "Can I come?" Diana asks. "Sure I don't see anything wrong with that" The Doctor says. "Wait, What's your name?" Diana asks. "Just call me The Doctor" The Doctor answers. "Doctor Who!?" Dianna loudly asks but Red, Blue, and Diana are sent to the hospital while The Doctor watches them getting taken away. *Later On* "Ugh, What happened?" Red asks as he wakes up, then he sees Diana. "You and Blue fought each other" Diana answers, then Red smiles. "It was a tie again wasn't it?" Red asks. "No" Diana answers, then Red looked shocked. "Is that a joke?" Red asks again (Wow Red likes questions) until he saw Blue walking in front of him. "Heh, That felt great" Blue states as him and Red locks eyes, then Blue walks off while Red takes in what just happened. "Red?" Diana asks, but Red just stays silent before he finally spoke. "I lost" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > The Changing Tides > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 3: The Changing Tides (Almost Teenagers) And here is the Second Part! *Intro Begins* *Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle* "Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!" Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids "Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!" A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!" Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house "Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!" Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1 "Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!" Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!" Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager "I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!" Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen Red vs Blue Red is seen walking around school in his Pony Form, then he sees Dianna. "Hi Dianna" Red greets as he sounds more down than usual. "Look Red, one day you'll beat Blue, and besides, it was just one lost" Dianna tries cheering up Red, then they start walking with each other down the hallway. "Yeah but, imagine what will happen if I'm not strong enough to protect him from you" Red responds as he looks down, but Dianna gets in front of Red and stops him, Red looks up and sees this. "Red! This isn't like you, so please remember that even if you lose, I'm always here!" Dianna yells, Red had a blank face now. "What if you're not?" Red asks. "I will be back before you even can even remember" Dianna cheeringly responds, then Red smiles. "This is why we're friends Dianna" Red confirms, then they walk together while smiling, but Red still REALLY wanted to beat Blue. "I'll fight Red at the end of the school year, I don't want to just keep fighting him anymore, I want him to be stronger, so when I face him, we'll have our GREATEST BATTLE YET! In the meantime, I'll train" Blue thinks as he observes Red and Dianna, then he walks away. "Okay then, Red, if you make it to the end of Middle School, then I will show you a way to defeat Blue" Dark (Red's Father) had told Red before he went to school. "I can't wait" Red states as he looks at the sun, but Dianna looked confused. "What do you mean you can't wait?" Dianna asks, but the screen immediately cuts off *Time Skip* Red is seen opening his door and he is now 11, then Red runs around outside and he hits a homing attack on multiple trees which causes the trees to split in half and fall down, Red smiles as he watches this, meanwhile Blue is seen knocking out a Pony in School and he finds a Chaos Emerald which he collects from the ground, The 11 Year Old Blue then chuckles. "Hey Red!" A female voice was heard, then Red turns around and he sees a 12 Year Old Dianna, then the camera cuts to Red who was also 12, then he smirks. "You can help me" Red immediately states, then Red walks with Dianna as Dianna showed him a book. "I recommend for you to read this" Dianna says as she hooves over the books to Red before she runs away, then Red smiles as he goes into his house. "I will not loose" Blue tells himself, then he runs around and he goes into a room where it has 300 more gravity than the one on Earth. "Use this wisely" Chara Mamia tells her brother, then she walks away as Blue smiles. "Okay Red, prepare for your pride to be SHATTERED!" Blue yells then he goes into the room and bones were immediately heard breaking as Blue fell down. "NICE JOB BLUE!" Destiny was heard yelling with excitement, then Blue slowly rises up and he was 13 years old and is now in 8th Grade, the Gravity is still 200 times stronger. "Get to school!" Blue yells back, then Destiny runs away as Blue then walks out of the room and places a Green Chaos Emerald with 6 Other Chaos Emerald's. "I must BEAT BLUE!" Red is 13 as he tries to motivate himself, then he punches the ground which causes a mini crater, but somepony touched his shoulder. "Red, Always remember one thing" Dianna says, then Red smiles as he looks up. "Yeah, I know, remember that even if I loose then just remember that I'll always have you" Red says, then Dianna chuckles as she passes Red another book. "Looks like you're getting better at life" Dianna states, then Red opens the book and they read it together, but the next day was gonna be the biggest day of Red and Blue's lives so far. *The Last Day of Middle School* Red is seen sleeping while his clock is heard turning off. "RED SUN!" A voice was heard from downstairs, then Red wakes up and he quickly runs down the stairs in his Hedgehog Form. "What time is it!?" Red quickly asks, he already had his clothes on for some reason. "It's time for you to get back at Blue!" Dark announces, then Red gets excited. "Okay just be careful with Red, okay?" Karma warns Red and Dark. "Yeah Yeah, Anyway show me what will help me beat Blue!" Red yells, then Dark and Red walks downstairs and Karma went to her room. "Okay son, Have you ever wanted to desperately beat up someone?" Dark asks. "Heck yeah! I'm trying to beat the you-know-what out of Blue!" Red loudly responds, then Dark opens a door and sees complete darkness in it. "Well then, you will learn of what I do when I'm desperate" Dark confirms, then he walks in. "How convinient, the pony named Dark literally lives in a Dark Room, heh, you might as well be Batman!" Red playfully yells before he steps into the room and closes the door, then he no longer sees his dad. "Hehehe" Red could hear, then he gulps as he looks around, but then he suddenly sees Red Eyes open up in front of him. "HOLY-" Red was gonna yell, but then he saw a Red Aura surround a Hedgehog shaped figure. "Are you the one who wants to beat this Blue?" The figure asks, Red was now shaking as he started to sweat. "Y-Yeah" Red nervously responds, then the figure could be seen with sharp teeth and they smiled. "Okay then, will you let me be apart of you?" The thing asked, then Red closes his eyes before he breathes in and out. "YES!" Red quickly yells, then he gets ready to block if the figure attacks him. "Perfect, This Blue, will now LOOSE!" The figure yells, then they go through Red's hand and they get inside of Red, then Red's head starts shaking rapidly as he falls down. "ARGH!" Red was heard yelling but then he turned to his back side and a White Light was seen shinning upon Red's unconscious body, and Red's body starts rising off the ground while he remains knocked out, and he is seen rising 6 feet up before the light disappears and Red falls back onto the ground. "Hehehe, I'm HERE" A creepy voice was heard, then Red Eyes were seen as the screen immediately turns completely dark. Blue then opened his eyes and he gets out of his bed in his hedgehog form. "What was that dream?" Blue asks, then he gets out his bed and sees that one of the Chaos Emeralds he has, has turned dark, then Blue picks it up and looks at it before he observes it "Wait, the only way a Chaos Emerald can turn dark if..." "BLUE!" Blue heard, then he pulls out 6 other Chaos Emeralds from his drawer and he hides all 7 Chaos Emeralds in his backpack. "Looks like Red, will have to wait longer if he wants to beat me" Blue states. "BLUE MOON AKA THE PLOT-HOLE!" Blue continued to hear, then he growled in annoyance and he walked downstairs. "If you call me that again then I will not hesitate to let you meet Mom and Dad!" Blue was heard harshly yelling. Dianna was seen walking around school with no backpack on, and she starts getting worried "When is read gonna be here?" Dianna asks in her mind as she looks around, and she accidentally walks into the girls bathroom, then she looks in the mirror and sees Blue in his Pony Form. "What the-?" Dianna was gonna question, but Blue somehow jumps out of the mirror which causes the glass to fall apart and he kicks Dianna's face which sends her crashing through the wall of the bathroom and into the gate of the school that was built in Middle School once the School learned that Red and Blue were gonna be there, and Blue slowly walks out of the girl's bathroom he smiles and sees that him and Red will be battling outside. "That should catch his attention" Blue states, then a Red Blur is seen stopping in front of Dianna, this was the last day of school for Middle School and Dianna got hurt. "Dianna!" Red yells in his Pony Form and normal, then he pulls Dianna onto her hooves with his hooves he uses as hands and she heavily breathes. "Like always, you're there for me" Dianna responds as she smiles, then Red and Dianna hugs each other. "Hey Red, You still mad about Elementary and Middle School!?" Blue loudly asks, then Red and Dianna finishes the hug, Red then walks up to Blue. "Yeah, but I represent the Elementary of Knowledge!" Red jokes as his usual self, Blue then immediately looks ticked off. "I am on the verge of LITERALLY going to jail!" Blue snaps, then a dark aura surrounds him which could be seen this time. "Looks like you also have a Dark Form to?" Red asks, but Blue smiled. "No, in fact, I have something better, but you can show me what you unlocked" Blue responds, then Red's face turns from happy to angry. "Perfect" Red says in a creepy voice, then a giant Dark Blast is seen taking over the entire school, but as the darkness fades away nothing was damaged, but the sky was still dark, and the screen slowly looks down and shows Red in his Hedgehog Form with Dark Skin and Completely Red Eyes. "Let's end this" Blue states, then he smiles as his backpack's zipper opens up and the 7 Chaos Emeralds come out of it and they surround Blue, then Blue yells as a Yellow Blast then covers the screen, and when it fades away half of the sky is Yellow while the other half is Red, It was Night and Day time now, and Blue was completely yellow as a Red Aura still surrounds him. "Let's kick it up into high gear!" Dark Red and Super Blue yells, then a bunch of students runs away and they go to the elementary school. "Beat him up Red" Dianna whispers, then she runs away with all of the other kids. "Why are you running!?" A random pony yells. "Red, Blue, Powerful, Need Protection!" A student announces, then a Teacher Pony opens the door and everyone in Elementary and Middle School gets inside the Safe Place. "TAKE THIS!" Dark Red and Super Blue yells, then they clash with each other, a Yellow and Dark Powers connected with each other, then a giant explosion happens int he middle of it, then the Yellow and Dark aura's are seen going into the sky, then they clash with each other faster than the eye can see and a bunch of shock-waves which shakes the ground and the rocks are seen breaking into pieces. "CHAOS CONTROL!" Super Blue yells, then everything completely stops as Super Blue hits Dark Red with a Homing Attacks that sends Dark Red into the ground, then Super Blue charges at Dark Red from below, but Dark Red lands a homing attack on Super Blue's head and Super Blue falls onto the ground. "Karma" Dark Red states, then he jumps onto his feet, Super Blue stumbles but he gets up as the Dark Aura around him got bigger. "RED!" Super Blue yells, but Dark Red smiles as he let's Super Blue power up, and the ground Super Blue and Dark Red is standing starts floating off the rest of the ground. "Can't wait to DESTROY his pride" Dark Red states, then Super Blue immediately punches Dark Red's stomach, Dark Red then starts coughing but Super Blue punches his face and Dark Red is sent into the air. "Hehehe" Dark Red chuckles, then they spin in the air and as Super Blue appears above him, he is kicked in the face and he is sent into the floating ground. "Looks like you do have a brain!" Super Blue yells, then he gets off of his back, but Dark Red is seen in the sky and he goes down so fast to the point where he's basically a lightning bolt and he strikes Super Blue with enough force to blow up the floating ground and Super Blue is seen unconscious as he is seen getting shocked, then he falls on the ground and he is on his back. "Less talking, More plot kicking" Dark Red taunts as he softly lands on the ground, Super Blue then slowly gets up, Dark Red then smiles as he starts staying in one place while he's charging up his speed, everything then goes into slo-motion as Dark Red runs at Super Blue and gets ready to punch him, but Super Blue gets shocked again. "I'M NOT DONE YET!" Super Blue yells, then a lightning bolt strikes him and it causes Dark Red to be knocked away, but he remains on his feet. "Now this is getting annoying" Dark Red states, but then he looks up and sees that instead of half of the sky being day time he sees Dark Could, then he looks at some smoke in front of him. "My Super Form can be formed via the Chaos Emeralds, but I can go BEYOND THAT WITHOUT THEM!" Super Blue yells, then blue electricity surrounds Super Blue. "Super Saiyan 2, Interesting" Dark Red responds, but SSJ 2 Blue raises his hands. "METEOR SHOWER!" SSJ 2 Blue yells, then multiple energy rays are sent at Dark Red, Dark Red then dodges all the rays, but SSJ 2 Blue appears right in front of him and punches him 10 times in a second which causes Dark Red into the air, but Dark Red stops in the air, though SSJ 2 Blue appears behind him and he raises his hand. "Oh, Sugar Honey Iced Tea" Dark Red says as he turns around. "SPIRIT BOMB!" SSJ 2 Blue yells as he throws a ball of energy at Dark Red that was the size of a basketball, but it causes a explosion that sends Dark Red crashing into the ground and it created a little crater, but Dark Blue gets up and growls, SSJ 2 Blue then charges at Dark Red, but Dark Red smiles. "CHAOS BLAST!" Dark Red yells, then a giant Red Blast destroys everything near him and it knocks Blue out of Super Saiyan 2 and Blue is unconscious on the ground in his Normal Form. "D-Dammit" Blue says as he slowly gets onto his feet, there were bruises all over him and he started coughing. "Taken down without a HIT, What a disappointment" Dark Red states as he starts walking to Blue, Blue tries raising his hand. "SPIRI-!" Blue was gonna yell, but Dark Red punches his face and Blue crashes into the ground. "You were SAIYAN" Dark Red makes a pun, then he picks up Blue by his throat. "I-I'm n-not d-done y-yet" Blue says as his eyes starts to close, but Dark Red smiles, until he saw a Yellow Aura start to surrounds Blue again. "Looks like you have some fight left in you, I'd like to see you use ALL OF IT!" Dark Red yells, then a Yellow Lightning bolt strikes Blue, Blue then is no longer in Dark Red's hand, then Dark Red smiles as he looks behind. "SUPER SAIYAN 3!" Blue's voice was heard, then he was seen with longer quills and he was Yellow again with Blue Electricity still surrounding him. "I am gonna enjoy this" Dark Red states, then SSJ 3 Blue charges at Dark Red, Dark Red then goes to punch SSJ 3 Blue and the punch lands which sends SSJ 3 Blue into the school, then Dark Red runs into the school, but then he looks lost. "SUPRISE!" Dark Red heard, then SSJ 3 Blue kicks the back of Dark Red's head and he is sent through the entire school, Dark Red gets up and immediately back hands SSJ 3 Blue before he could punch Dark Red and SSJ Blue is sent into the air, Dark Red then quickly runs around and causes a Dark Tornado around SSJ 3 Blue, but SSJ 3 Blue stayed flying and the tornado didn't affect him. "WEAK!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, but Dark Red then hits SSJ 3 Blue with three homing attacks that sends him into the cars and trees in the tornado and is sent crashing into the ground, the dark tornado then goes away and Dark Red appears in front of SSJ 3 Blue as soon as he gets up. "Who's weak now?" Dark Red taunts, then the two of them starts attacking each other faster than the eye can see and a bunch of shock-waves starts shaking the world. "WOW THEY ARE STRONG!" One of the ponies in the tower yells. "I'm thankful I prayed before this" Dianna thinks, then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue are seen fighting faster than the eye can see until Dark Red lands a punch on SSJ 3 Blue and sends him into the ground but SSJ 3 Blue lands on his feet, Dark Red then goes for a homing attack. "CHAOS BLAST!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then Dark Red is knocked out of the sky, and he lands on the ground on his back, but Dark Red quickly gets up. "Okay, looks like you're smarter than expected" Dark Red states, then SSJ 3 Blue goes into the sky and he places his wrists by each other, Dark Red sees this and smiles, Dark Red then does the same. "KAME-!" The both of them starts to yell, then all of the students inside of the tower starts freaking out. "AHHH!" One of the ponies yells as they run around. "HAME-!" The both of them continues to yell as a ball of energy is seen building up inside both of their hands. "I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU!" A boy pony was seen hugging another boy pony while crying. "GO RED!" Dianna yells as she is not afraid like everyone else and she looks like she's supporting this. "HAAAAAAAA!" The both of them yells then they both fire the blue energy's then the energy's clash which causes the planet to shake again, Dark Red's blast started to overpower SSJ 3 Blue's blast. "I WILL NOT LOOSE AGAIN!" Dark Red yells, SSJ 3 Blue starts closing his eyes as his blast is almost completely gone. "YOU ARE NOT GONNA DIE LIKE THIS ARE YOU!?" A voice was heard in SSJ 3 Blue's head, then he opens his eyes as his dark aura is seen again, then his blast turns from blue to dark and it starts overpowering Dark Red's blast. "WHAT!?" Dark Red loudly asks as he sees this. "I'M! NOT! DONE! YEEEEEEEEET!" SSJ 3 Blue yells as his Dark Blast completely overpowers Dark Red's Blast and SSJ 3 Blue's Kamehameha Wave hits Dark Red and completely consumes him. "NOOOOOOOO!" Dark Red yells, then everything turns white and after the white-ness disappears the screen showed the destroyed school and multiple crater's, Red was seen unconscious in his Regular Form, he now had plenty of scars on him. "Dramatic *breathes* Finish" SSJ 3 Blue says while breathing then his SSJ 3 form goes away and Blue falls onto the ground. "WE'RE ALIVE!" Another pony yells, then the tower falls down and the screen shows all the destruction caused. Red slowly opens his eyes and he sees that he's in the hospital in his Pony Form "Red, are you okay?" Dianna asks with worry, Red weakly nods, then he sees The Doctor walk past the door but he dismisses it. "D-Did I-I w-win?" Red asks back, then Dianna looks down, Red knew immediately what this meant and he looks in front of him, he sees Blue with a bunch of bandages and caskets on him in his Pony Form. "You will never win, Red" Blue states, then he limps away while Red looks on, then he looks at Dianna again. "Sorry Red" Dianna apologizes, but Red just smiles. "Well I did loose" Red says happily, Dianna then looked confused. "Wait, how are you not down?" Dianna asks, but Red chuckles. "Because, you're with me" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > Growing Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 4: Growing Up (Teenagers Part 1) Here is the Third Phase to the Red and Blue origin story which I will call Red vs Blue! Also, I will say this to myself, Shut Up and Begin The Chapter! *Intro Begins* Intro Theme *Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle* "Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!" Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids "Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!" A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!" Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house "Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!" Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1 "Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!" Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen "Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!" Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager "I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!" Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen Red vs Blue Red is seen during summer and he walks around. "Dianna, I love you, but I NEED to defeat Blue" Red thinks in his mind, then he goes into the room seen in the previous Chapter. "Looks like we've failed out first battle" A dark voice confirms. "Eh, We'll get him next time, but for now, please don't take control around Dianna, please?" Red begs, then the voice is heard sighing. "Fine" The voice answers, then Red smiles as a Dark Aura comes out of his mouth, Red then smiles as he walks out of the room. "Red!" Dianna yells as she knocks on Red's door, Red then uses his hooves to open the door. "Hello Dianna" Red greets then they both hooves-bump each other (Basically a Fist Bump but with Hooves). "So, Why did you invite me over?" Dianna asks as she walks into Red's house, then Red closes the door. "Well let's just say that I'm inviting us TO A PARTY!" Red announces, Dianna then raises a eyebrow. "Red, are you aware that I'm not a fan of party's?" Dianna asks. "Oh come on, it will be alright, after all, I'm with you" Red tries convincing Dianna, then Dianna smiles. "Fine, I guess I'll join tonight's party" Dianna confirms, then Karma and Dark were walking around, now they see Dianna. "Red, who is this?" Karma asks, Dark got closer to Dianna. "Oh, this is Dianna!" Red answers, then Dianna starts backing away from Dark. "Yep this is Red's girlfriend!" Dark yells, then Red's and Dianna's faces turn red as Dark walks away. "Oh okay then, I hope you two have a good time tonight!" Karma states, then Karma and Time leaves the house which left Red and Dianna awkwardly staring at each other. "Eh" Red shrugs *Later That Day* A bunch of ponies were seen going into Red's house and loud sounds were heard. "What am I doing here? Oh, Here, Oh, Here, Oh" A brown pony with long black curly hair was doing karaoke. "I am better than you dude, so prepare to LOOSE!" A pony with tattoos all on them raps. "You think just because I'm old that I am the worse? Even though you make people commit suicide every time you sing a verse, I don't need a nurse or shades, I'm *bleep*ing THE REAL SHADY! So don't call me a Nazi because like my album I'm gonna blow you up, KAMIKAZE!" Another pony with clothes on raps back, then he drops the mic before walking away as the crowd cheers. "Hey do you guys want to see who can make it over that table?" A fat pony asks a muscular pony. "21 JUMP STREET!" The muscular pony yells as he jumps over the entire table (The Entire Length of a table) and almost gets hit by a bowl of fruit punch every party has had since Carrie came out. "WWE!" The fat pony yells, but when they jump they immediately falls down and crashes through the table. "Well, this is a interesting party" Red spectates as he looks around, then he sees a fat DJ eating a cheeseburger. "I'M DJ VALID!" The DJ pony yells, then they start playing another song which gives Red a idea, then Dianna is seen in the middle of the dance-floor with every other pony dancing around. Dancing Music (Ironically Enough) *WALK THE MOON-Shut Up and Dance* "Oh don't you dare look back" Red was seen walking through a bunch of ponies while DJ Valid plays this song "Just keep you eyes on me" Red makes it through the crowd and is in the middle with Dianna while the crowd of ponies looks at them "I said you're holding back, She said" Red continues singing as they both smile "Shut Up and Dance for me" Dianna sings the next part as they lock eyes "This women is my destiny, She said" Red and Dianna are then seen going into their hedgehogs form and they are both now 14 years old "Oooh, Shut Up and Dance For Me!" Dianna sings the next part, the crowd had bigger and more ponies this year "We were victims of the night" Red then spun Dianna around in a circle "The chemical, physical, kryptonite" Two ponies make a love symbol which they place on Red and Dianna "Helpless to the bass and the fading light" Red and Dianna locks hands as they do a random slow dance "Oh we were bound to get together" Then every pony in the background starts jumping "Bound to get together" Red and Dianna finishes slow dancing and Red does a backflip "She took my arm" Dianna then spins around before ending it by rolling backwards and standing up "I don't know how it happened" Red and Dianna then fist bumps each other as the screen focuses on their hands "We took the floor and she said" Then their hands suddenly are bigger and they hold each other's hands as the camera starts zooming out "Don't you dare look back" Red and Dianna are now seen at 16 years old, Red had some bruises on him but that didn't matter "Just keep your eyes on me" Red and Dianna were both spinning in a circle while holding hands "I said you're holding back" Red sings as they spinning, Dianna was smiling "She said Shut Up and Dance for me" Dianna sings the next part again "This women is my destiny" Blue rolls his eyes while he watches Red and Dianna dance "She said, Oooh, Shut Up and Dance For Me!" Dianna yells, then they both accidentally let's go of each other's hand and they fall onto the ground *Song Cuts Off* "I love parties" Dianna says as her and Red gets up. "RED! PREPARE!" Blue yells from the crowd, then he stands near Red, then Blue goes into SSJ 3. "Perfect, Let's fight again" Red states, then the Dark Aura comes flying out of the door from earlier and it goes into Red, Red then smirks as he goes into his Dark Form. "You two boys better not kill each other!" A teach scolds them. "Shut up!" Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue yells in their heads, then they get ready to fight each other as everyone else leaves the house. "Got the Time Barrier ready!?" Dark loudly asks, but Karma already surrounded Red and Blue using a Green Barrier, or a Time Barrier as they call it. "I'm always ready" Karma responds as she winks at Dark, then Dark chuckles as they both watch Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue charge at each other. "I WILL BEAT YOU!" Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue yells, they were still annoyed from the teacher earlier, now they go to punch each other but a giant white flash happens. "WHAT THE-!?" Dark loudly questions, then A White Hedgehog with completely Blue Eyes, A Red Scarf, A Multi-Colored Explosion on his gloves, Black Hair, and Orange Shoes. "Whoa!" The figure asks themselves, then they see Dark and Karma looking at them with concern in their eyes. "Dark what is this!?" Karma loudly asks as she looks at Dark. "I think, that we have the strongest son in this universe" Dark responds, but the White Hedgehog looks confused. *Time Skip* "Okay, Are you two ready for some serious exposition?" Dark asks as he sits, the The White Hedgehog also sits down while Karma remains standing. "So, What is going on?" The White Hedgehog asks, then Karma summons a hologram that shows Dark Red and Super Saiyan 3 Blue. "Have you ever heard of Hyper Shadic?" Karma asks, then The White Hedgehog nods. "Yeah, Sonic and Shadow fused together to defeat Nazo in their Hyper Forms, that's the first thing we learn in High School" The White Hedgehog confirms, then the hologram shows Sonic and Shadow fusing together to make Hyper Shadic. "Yes, but what if I told you that in another place, that didn't happen yet" Dark states, then White looks interested. "Say hello to the Multiverse" Karma confirms, then the hologram shows a bunch of Universes near each other while White watches with awe. "Wait, What does this have to do with us?" White asks, then Karma looks at Dark. "Well, the two of you are powerful enough to do what very few beings can do, and because you both were able to feel the same way, you both had a fusion" Dark confirms, then Karma knows what this means as she looks at White. "Yes, and we knew that this would happen a long time ago, which is why we call it, Hyper Colors" Karma states, then Hyper Colors smiles as he looks at himself. "Perfect, So I am guessing that we can use this power to destroy any opponents in our way!?" Hyper Colors loudly asks. "Not exactly, you see Hyper Colors holds immense power, but it is possible to defeat the both of you, and if you two aren't as unified as you both are now, mainly because of the both of you being long time friendly rivals, then Hyper Colors will not work" Dark responds, then Hyper Colors chuckles. "So only use it when necessary, got it, Also how do we undo the fusion?" Hyper Colors asks, Karma then makes the hologram show Hyper Colors. "Well when the both of you want to do so, then you can change back into your Regular Forms" Karma answers, then Red and Blue jumps out and they are no longer together. "Well, at least we know when to use each other" Blue states, then he goes into SSJ 3. "You really have gotten more serious haven't you?" Red asks, then he goes into his Dark Form and smiles, Karma then places the barrier back up. "FIGHT!" Dark yells then Red and Blue charges at each other and they clash. *Time Skip to The Next Day* Red was seen walking around with Dianna, it was gonna be the first day of school for 11th Grade. "Hey Dianna, I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time but, why did you hate parties?" Red asks, then Dianna sighs. "Let's just say that every time I went to a party, I was always left out" Dianna confirms. Dianna was seen drinking Fruit Punch while everyone else was dancing. "SO WAKE ME UP!" Every pony yelled in unison, but Dianna says as she puts away the Fruit Punch. "I'll be alone in school" Dianna tells herself, then she walks out of the party while Every other Ponies were all having fun as another song plays. "But I'm WEAK! And What's wrong with that? Boy oh Boy oh, I love it when I fall for that, I'm WEAK!" Weak by AJR plays as Dianna walks home while it was nighttime. "But luckily on the Next Day, I met you" Dianna states, then she smiles as she looks at Red. "Well that explains why you thought that Freaky Friday sucked" Red says as him and Dianna continues walking. "Actually I just hated it because it was bad, also Girls Like You was better" Dianna playfully responds. "Nah, That song is boring, Now Freaky Friday, that's another song entirely" Red responds, then they see a mirror in front of them. "What the-?" Red was gonna ask. "DODGE!" Dianna yells as she tackles Red out the way, then Blue is seen crashing out of the mirror which shatters, and Blue lands on the ground. "And here I thought there was not gonna be any filler this Phase, but here we are now" Blue states as he smirks and is looking at Red and Dianna. "Looks like I know which band you like" Red says as he gets up along with Dianna. "Yeah I'm a Set It Off fan, and I think you know which song I like from them" Blue responds, then he gets ready to battle. "Yep, Killer In The Mirror, but as for me I think of myself as an Angel, but let's stop talking about songs and just fight" Red states, then he also gets ready to fight, Dianna runs away and she already saw every pony in the tower of safety. "Yeah we are WAY too use to this" A female pony who looks like the pony version of Lady Gaga says, then Dianna goes into the tower as Red and Blue keeps on preparing. "Wait, I have one more question!" Red yells, Blue then groans. "What do you want?" Blue asks. "What happened leading up to the party yesterday? You know, so the Reader can understand how you got up to here" Red breaks the 4th Wall. "Eh, it'll just be explained in a flashback" Blue predicts what's gonna happen next, and he's correct. *Flashback* A 13 year old Blue was seen walking around the woods. "Once again, I have defeated Red, and now all I need to do is train so I can defeat EVERYONE IN THIS MULTIVERSE!" Blue yells, then he pulls out a Chaos Emerald. "CHAOS SPHERE!" Blue yells as he fires multiple projectiles, all 10 of his projectiles breaks down some trees, then Blue quickly jumps up and a sword ends up in his hands (He's in his Hedgehog Form). "CHAOS CONTROL!" Blue yells again, then Blue immediately appears in front of all the trees and he safely lands on the ground, then as soon as Blue drops his sword, the trees that were somehow in the sky immediately falls onto pieces as a dark aura surrounds him again. "Talking about ripping off from Dragon Ball Z!" Blue heard, then he turns his attention to his other sister, Destiny. "Do you wanna get punched?" Blue asked. "NO! But I do want you to watch a show" Destiny nervously responds, Blue raised an eyebrow. "I'm interested" Blue confirms, then Destiny let's Blue sit on a couch, then she turns on a show. "Dragon Dragon" The show started to play, Blue then started whispering the lyrics. "Dragon Dragon" Blue then whispers, then it fades to no one being there. "Okay ready to watch the Movies!?" Destiny loudly asks, then Blue runs downstairs and sits down. "Sure, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were both good anime's so I'll watch the movies" Blue states, he was now 14 years old and he had a sword sticking out of his backpack. "Dragon Ball Super is here!" Destiny announces, then Blue sat down and his 9 other sisters joined in, Blue was 15 and he had a wig of a Super Saiyan. "HECK YEAH!" Blue yells, then Destiny plays the show, Blue had some bruises on him but he didn't mind it. Blue was now 16 and he didn't finish Dragon Ball Super yet, but now he had a show he LIKED for once, but he still fought Red here and there, and he had time to train, but he FINALLY heard of the annual Party Red throws, so he decided to go there and then... *After The Party* SSJ 3 Blue and Dark Red clashes with each other which causes the barrier to shake. "Looks like they are naturally getting stronger" Dark confirms, then SSJ 3 Blue and Dark Red clashes with each other, then after they break up the clash Dark Red constantly punches SSJ 3 Blue, but Blue kept dodging, until Dark Red punches Blue's stomach, Blue's then goes to clutch his stomach but Dark Red kicks SSJ 3 Blue into the barrier. "Dammit!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, but Dark Red started constantly punching them and SSJ 3 Blue was getting beaten up. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Dark Red laughs as he continues beating up SSJ 3 Blue, but then he takes 1 second attempting to punch Blue, but Blue was able to dodge his punch and the barrier shocks Dark Red which causes him to be sent into the middle of the barrier. "You're too SLOW!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then Dark Red gets up by SSJ 3 Blue kicks him from behind which sends him into the barrier which sends him back at Blue, but Blue jumps above Dark Red before he summons a bunch of projectiles. "CHAOS SPHERE!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then Dark Red starts getting hit by the projectiles. "Hehehe" Dark Red quietly chuckles, then as the smoke clears from his Chaos Sphere Blue sees that Dark Red is gone, then SSJ 3 Blue goes to turn around and punch Dark Red, but Dark Red catches his punch before he slowly starts crushing Blue's hand. "GRRR!" Blue tries hiding his pain, then he goes to punch Dark Red again but Dark Red throws SSJ 3 Blue into the barrier which causes the barrier to start cracking. "Oh no" Karma whispers, then SSJ 3 Blue moves right before Dark Red punches him and Dark Red causes the crack to grow bigger, but then a big shock causes Dark Red to stumble, so SSJ 3 Blue growls as he summons a little disc. "DISTRUCTO DISK!" Blue yells, then he throws the disk, but Dark Red catches the attack using his hand. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Dark Red laughs again, then he rips the disc in half which causes SSJ 3 Blue to be shocked. "Okay, you're a bit stronger than yesterday, but I'M NOT DONE YET!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, but Dark Red smiles, then a bunch of Dark Red's surrounds SSJ 3 Blue, and all of them takes turns quickly punching and kicking Blue. "ARE!" One of the clone yell as they kick Blue's back. "YOU!" Another clone as they uppercuts Blue into the air. "DONE!" The next clone says from above as they do a homing attack which sends SSJ 3 Blue into the ground which causes a little crater, but he jumps onto his feet. "YET!?" All of the clones yell in unison, then they all attempts SSJ 3 Blue. "CHAOS CONTROL!" Blue yells, then everything stops and he prepares another attack. "CHAOS BLAST!" SSJ 3 Blue shouts again, then the Chaos Blast sends all of the Dark Red clones into the barrier and they all disappear, not the entire barrier had a crack on it, Dark Red then falls onto the ground, and SSJ 3 Blue stands in front of them. "DO IT!" A voice yells inside SSJ 3 Blue's head, then the Dark Aura surrounds him as he jumps up and he raises his hand. "I MUST WIN!" SSJ 3 Blue yells, then his Yellow Aura is completely replaced by a Dark Aura. "Sorry Red, but you must win this by yourself, but to be fair, you wouldn't have wanted our help in the first place" Dark confirms in his mind. "Huh?" Red questions as his Dark Form fades away, then he looks up and sees SSJ 3 Blue with a Dark Aura. "SPIRIT BOMB!" SSJ 3 Blue yells as he throws the Spirit Bomb (Which is the size of a mountain) at Red. "RED!" Karma yells with worry, then Red's Eyes turns Red. "I'M NOT GONNA LOOSE!" Dark Red yells then they jump at the Spirit Bomb. "YOU FOOL!" SSJ 3 Blue yells while he starts to yell, but then Dark Red stops in the air and prepares his attack. "KAME-!" Dark Red yells with his eyes closed, SSJ 3 Blue then laughs due to Dark Red's stupidity. "HAME-!" Energy starts building up, then the Spirit Bomb almost hits him. "HAAAAAAAA!" Dark Red yells as he fires his Kamehameha Wave which goes into the Spirit Bomb, then the Kamehameha Wave pushes the Spirit Bomb at SSJ 3 Blue, Blue then tries to push it back but the Spirit Bomb clashes with him and it knocks him into the barrier, but the Kamehameha Wave also was pushing Dark Red against the barrier. "AHHHHHHH!" Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue yells in unison, then the barrier starts to break. "Holy sh-" Dark was gonna state, but then a giant explosion happens which breaks the barrier and everything suddenly turns white... The barrier was completely broken and there was nothing left of it but the barrier's shards which was all over the ground, plus Karma, Dark, Red, and Blue were all unconscious on the ground while the house had a lot of cracks in it. *Flashback Ends* "Was the part about our battle yesterday REALLY necessary?" Red asks, Blue smiles. "At least the Reader now knows what happened yesterday, now, LET'S END THIS!" Blue yells, then the both of them gets ready to battle again. "HERE WE GO!" Red and Blue yells in unison, then they runs at each other... They both get ready to punch each other and yell... "I WILL WIN!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .