Friendship Is Magic.

by King Ice

First published

Rainbow and Starlight are arguing, but they will soon understand the meaning of friendship. Their might be a death or two for that though.

Rainbow and Starlight are arguing, but they will soon understand the meaning of friendship. There might be a death or two for that though. Twilight will once again use the magic of friendship, like her mentor taught her and like she learned with all of her friends.

Characters will be OOC but only to make the story more humorous.

Friendship Is Magic.

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“I said no, Rainbow Dash!” A voice shouted in annoyance and anger.

“Why? We’re just gonna fly around, she’ll come back later! I promise.” Another voice replied

“I told you, she’s busy. Why can’t you just wait until she finishes,” the first voice said, “You’re too stubborn.”

“I-I’m stubborn? Look at you! Standing there, not wanting to let me pass to see a friend I’ve known longer than you did! She may be busy, but maybe she wants to get outside and take some fresh air. Out of all those books,” the second voice yelled. It was like they were in a contest of who can yell the louder.

Twilight Sparkle slammed her head into her open book. She was currently in her room, trying to find new efficient ways to teach the students of her school of friendship. She had decided to search for old schools, that didn’t exist anymore, and their teachings methods. Hence, she was surrounded by dozens off books with the records of approximately thousands of schools. Since she preferred being alone to be fully absorbed in the book she was reading, she told Starlight she was going to be busy and wouldn’t want to be disturbed. Of course, that didn’t mean she had to be hysteric at anypony that tried to talk to her.

Twilight grunted and jumped off her chair to get out of her room. She couldn’t bear hearing these two shouting at each other anymore. She came out angrily of her room and saw Starlight, and Rainbow Dash arguing.

“What’s going on, girls? Could you please try not to be so loud?” Twilight sighed in exasperation. The two of them suddenly stopped arguing and turned around to look at her; however, they didn’t say anything, “Alright. What’s all that commotion about?

“Well, I just came here to see you,” Rainbow Dash started before Starlight could even open her mouth, “then she’s being a jerk, I’m sorry for that word… Wait, no. Actually, I’m not sorry! She was a jerk and kept yelling at me because you wanted to be alone! I was coming to ask you something, it’s not like I wanted to murder you or something,”

“Wait, no, no, no. She’s just skipping everything she said before I was a “jerk”. Not to sound…” Starlight interrupted the rainbow-maned pegasus.

“Now wait, Starlight. Let Rainbow finish her side of the story. And you, don’t say mean words about your friends, again.” Twilight firmly said while pointing at Rainbow Dash, shutting Starlight up.

“I just wanted to ask you if you’d like to fly around with me. Just a few minutes if you’re that busy," Rainbow finished

Starlight looked away in annoyance. She was sure Twilight was going to refuse and she’ll make sure to tell Rainbow “I told you so”.


Starlight winded her eyes and stayed mouth agape for several seconds, trying to process what she heard.

“B-B-But… You said you needed to be alone… And that you had a lot of work!” Starlight tried to reason with Twilight.

“I did say that. However, I think I need to relax for a little bit. I never thought I’d say that, but I’m tired of books for now. Spending time with a friend would do me great. You should write that down, Starlight!” Twilight exclaimed happily, while Rainbow was smirking at Starlight.

Starlight’s right eye started twitching as she tried not to jump on Rainbow. She exhaled to try to calm herself, then turned around to go down the stairs, but stopped before going down. She just wanted to have some fresh air, too.

“Well, I’m sorry for trying to give some space to a friend! It’s not like I just wanted her to be happy and undisturbed!” She said, still annoyed by the fact she was called a jerk and that Twilight didn’t even reprimanded Dash for that.

“Why are you even so serious about doing everything that Twilight tells you to do?” Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow, “You’re always to imitate Twilight as I noticed. And when she’s around, it’s as if you’re her servant or something. You should have a personality of your own, instead of befriending somepony and trying to copy them.” Rainbow added as she smirked at the unicorn. Twilight facehoofed as she felt they were going to get back at it again.

“Now, Rainbow Dash, that was uncalled for. You know it’s not true,” Twilight replied to the pegasus.

Starlight bit her own lips and became red because of her anger.

“Yeah, well, at least I didn’t get a wingboner whenever I watched a show of the wonderbolts as a filly,” She retorted with a smirk. Rainbow winded her eyes, surprised and horrified while Twilight took a step back.

“H-H-H-How do you know that? It was supposed to be secret!” Rainbow Dash shouted as if the world was ending.

“Fluttershy. Well, looks like your friends aren’t that loyal to you,” Starlight responded, proud of herself she turned around to go down the stairs. She had hoped it was enough to embarrass Rainbow.

However, something else happened. Rainbow only saw red, her anger reaching unthinkable levels.

“That’s it!” She shouted before flying towards Starlight. The unicorn didn’t have enough time to react that Rainbow Dash slapped her on the butt. Hard enough to make her lose her balance. Bad luck that she was on stairs because she fell all the way down and it took several seconds to reach the ground, “Ooops…” Rainbow could only murmur, not intending to make her fall.

“Oh, my Celestia! Are you okay, Starlight?” Twilight yelled, panicked her friend’s fall. She ran down to her with Rainbow flying beside her. “Starlight! Starlight!” Twilight kept shouting as she shook Starlight to wake her up, “Oh no… Is she okay? We have to take her to the hospital!”

“I don’t know. She doesn’t look too good. Her neck is kind of in a weird angle,” She said as she tried not to look too disgusted.

Twilight stared at Starlight and saw that her head was completely looking at her back. Her eyes were still opened, but not moving. And her tongue was coming out of her mouth. Twilight covered her mouth with her wings and started shedding tears.

“D-D-Do you think she is…?” She started, not wanting to know the answer.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash took a stick out of nowhere and started poking one of Starlight’s eye with it.

“Oh, my wonderbolt! She’s dead!” She yelled as Starlight didn’t react at all.

“You can’t be serious! She can’t be… What are we going to tell the girls? Everypony will be so sad! I hate funerals! I don’t want her to go!” Twilight started crying

“Crap! Okay, okay. We can say we were playing tag and it was an accident… No, no, no! We’ll say I wasn’t even there! Uh… I was at my cloudhouse, bragging or something!” Rainbow said as she tried to find an alibi.

“What? What are you doing, Rainbow? Aren’t you going to take responsibility?” Twilight asked, dumbfounded by her friend’s reaction, “And how can you have that reaction? Aren’t you even a bit saddened about what just happened?”

“Well, I’m still upset about the fact that she just revealed one of my biggest secrets.”

“You killed her, Rainbow.”

“I know!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she started flying around to try to stay calm, “Look, if we tell somepony what happened, Princess Celestia will surely put me in jail or even banish me to the moon!”


“Do you know what’ll happen after that? The girls, and you, will get into depression because you’d have lost two friends at the same time. Think about it. Fluttershy wouldn’t be able to take so much sadness, so she’ll likely kill herself. AJ won’t be able to work at the farm and they’ll lose everything! No more cider! Pinkie Pie will go insane because of everything and she’ll likely become a serial killer. And… You get it!” Rainbow yelled as she landed in front of her friend, “the most important is you. You’ll be invaded by darkness and anger because you’ll loath Princess Celestia, that would hate you because you didn’t protect your friends, because she banished your marefriend on the moon! You’ll become like Nightmare Moon and destroy the world,”

“W-W-What do you mean? Marefriend?” Twilight asked as she tried to process the thought.

“Yes. I was going to confess, to you, or something. Then I killed her, although it wasn’t on purpose. If this had gone like it was supposed to, the we’d be marefriends,” Rainbow explained as Twilight still didn’t know what to answer, “I’m sure you won’t reject me Twilight; I mean I’ve always been your best friend and we did so many things together… Like flying… and reading… and everything else. My heart would be broken and…”

“Okay, okay! I won’t reject you. I think you’re a good dating partner anyway. But Starlight is DEAD, and we have to do something. Oh, my gosh…” Twilight replied as she started crying again.

“Look, Twilight, I killed Starlight in your castle. In your home in front of you! That means you’re responsible too!” Rainbow said as she pointed at Twilight. The lavender alicorn sniffed as she tried to stop crying and understand where Rainbow was getting at, “And I’m you’re marefriend, so your responsibility is doubled. Since we have to be helping out each other no matter the risk. Don’t forget what will Celestia do if…”

“Okay! I get it,” Twilight grunted as she swept away her tears, “What should we do?”

“It’s obvious. We have to…”


Spike and Rarity were slowly making their way to the castle of friendship. They were spending their day together for a reason that Twilight never received. Although, they were at Rarity’s, earlier, Spike had to get something in the castle that could be very important in the situation he was in. However, both of them stopped in their tracks when they saw Twilight carrying a big black plastic bag in her magic. Rainbow Dash was helping her by flying and lifting it a bit.

“What are you two doing?” Spike asked as he raised an eyebrow. Twilight and Rainbow turned around, startled by the sudden voice that they almost dropped the bag.

“I think it’s obvious, Spike,” Rarity started before the princess and the wonderbolt could answer, “they’re taking out the trash. Can’t you sniff that horrible smell?” She added as she tried not to puke from the smell. Spike pinched his nose as he smelled it too.

“Exactly! There was a… uh” Rainbow Dash started; however, she wasn’t the best at lying and didn’t really know what to say.

“A little accident. You shouldn’t go in the castle right now,” Twilight added as she chuckled nervously, trying to sound like normal. Rarity and Spike looked at each other, staying silent for several seconds, “Well… goodbye.”

Spike stared at the ponies that were leaving and sighed.

“You know what? Forget it, let’s go in those bushes,” He simply said


Twilight and Rainbow were pretty much paranoid since they came out of the castle. Maybe because they had the corpse of somepony in a bag they were holding. They knew where hey were going and the obvious reason for it. Even if it didn’t make Twilight feel better, they had to bury their friend. They chose the Everfree Forest to make sure nopony finds it.

“Ugh, are we there yet?” Rainbow Dash asked, wanting to get it over with quickly. She couldn’t stand the smell anymore.

“Almost. Remember, when we arrive at the Everfree, we still walk several minutes more to bury her far from the town,” Twilight responded still trying not to think about what they were about to do.

Half an hour later, the two ponies were surrounded by dark trees and shadows. They dropped the bag on the ground, and Twilight used her magic to dig a hole large enough.

“Sooo, do we bury her with the bag or just the body?” Rainbow asked as Twilight didn’t touch the corpse since she dug the hole.

Twilight remained silent, but soon started whimpering. Rainbow looked at her, confused as to why she was reacting like this now.

“Oh, my gosh, Rainbow! What are we doing? We are about to bury the corpse of the friend we killed without anypony knowing! We’re not just the worst friends ever, we are monsters!” Twilight yelled as she cried again, making a puddle of tears.

“Oh, come on Twilight. That’s not true,” Rainbow tried to cheer her up in vain.

“No. We can’t do this. I have a better idea,”


Twilight walked forward as the shadows of the night were engulfing the place, she was in. With her were Rainbow Dash that just finished drawing a red circle on the ground with Starlight’s corpse in the center.

“Aaaaand done! How do you know dark magic?” Rainbow asked as she washed her hooves in the river.

“Princess Celestia let me read a few books on it. She trusts me, so she knows if I ever had to study dark magic, I wouldn’t use it in a bad or evil way,” Twilight replied proudly before making float a chicken beside her with a magic grip. Then she took a sacrificial knife and decapitated the chicken before throwing in the circle. Even without its head, it started running around, splattering blood everywhere. “So, did you find the other animals?”

“Yes, they’re here,” Rainbow pointed at a wooden cage full of three squirrels, two pigs, four birds and a bear cub, “I got them at Fluttershy’s cottage. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

“Cool!” Twilight exclaimed as she got them out of the cage and started slaughtering them with the knife and making sure their blood was in the circle and on Starlight, “Now, necromancy is something har to control and if you’re not a master of it, you’ll just make mindless weak zombies. The thing is, we want our Starlight back. Not a mindless servant. So, I had a wonderful idea! We’ll use the magic of friendship!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked as she didn’t know anything about magic.

“Well, the most powerful magic is the magic of friendship. And since I’m the princess of friendship, I’m strong at it. So, I’ll combine dark magic with friendship magic and Starlight will be revived good as new!” Twilight explained, Rainbow Dash grinned, finally understanding. She took a step back and watched Twilight carefully.

The princess concentrated her magic in her horn, surrounding it with black and lavender magic. She gritted her teeth as the red circle became green and started glowing. Her legs were shaking because of the strain it was putting on her, but she continued, nonetheless. Starlight fur became black and green lines appeared on her body, her mane’s color didn’t change though. Suddenly, lightning struck her corpse several times, startling Rainbow Dash in the process. And finally, everything stopped.

Twilight almost dropped on the ground, but Rainbow came in time to help her stay on her legs. They both looked at their friend’s corpse. Suddenly, it shifted and stood up. Twilight beamed with joy.

“Starlight! Are you ok… eww” She turned around to avoid looking at her friend. Indeed, they forgot to replace her head in the right angle.

Rainbow slowly flew to her and grabbed her head, “Here,” she said as she turned in the right direction, making a disgusting sound. Twilight looked at her and saw that Starlight’s eyes were green.

“So, how are you?” Twilight asked, mindless zombies couldn’t speak, so if Starlight reply now. It’ll mean they succeeded, and everything will be normal again. And it will be a new friendship lesson.

“Braaaain,” She replied as she kept her mouth open. Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other.

“WE DID IT!” They exclaimed

“Welcome to the world of livings! You had a little accident, but nothing serious! You’re all patched up now!” Twilight explained to her undead unicorn friend.

“Eat meat… want friend meat,” Starlight simply replied.

“I think we should go back to the castle now that everything is good,” Rainbow interrupted their conversation.


Spike entered in the throne room with several scrolls in his hands, He saw three of his friends, eating on the cutie map and each having a plate full of vegetables. Except for Starlight that had a plate with something red and mushy. He came closer, noticing something weird.

“Hi Twilight, Rainbow and Starlight!” He waved at them.

“Hi Spike!” Twilight and Rainbow replied as they were chewing their food. However, Spike’s eyes locked on Starlight that was still mouth agape and had green lifeless eyes. Twilight and Rainbow gulped while watching Spike narrowed eyes.

“I knew it! You changed your haircut, didn’t you Starlight? Because you look lovely tonight,” Spike said as Starlight didn’t respond. A spider came out of her mouth and entered her ear. Twilight and her marefriend released a breath of relief, then started laughing. Spike looked at them, confused, “I don’t know what’s so funny, but I’ll laugh anyway,”

And soon, the three of them started laughing while Starlight’s head fell off her shoulders, in her plate of food, in the background. She was still talking though.

“Never forget this lesson: Friendship Is Magic!”