Clair de Lune

by TheWingman

First published

A farmer's desire may soon come true... when he least expects it.

Millennia after Celestia and Luna set foot on Equestria, humans had prospered from their intervention. They never knew strife or hunger and thus were worshipped as gods. For Hakkar, a farmer that worshipped Luna, mere religious devotion wasn't enough. His heart yearns for her love. When Luna visits his farm one night, he'll find out that wishes sometimes become reality.

Contains: Vanilla sex, romantic relationship between a farmer and a goddess

A little Valentine's Day story for everyone to enjoy, set in an alternate humanized Equestria.

Cover art by Symptom99 on Derpibooru
Edited by The Fan Without a Face(Thank you, amigo.)
Story's Theme Music: Fly Me To The Moon - Sang by Claire Littlely and arranged by Toshi Omori.

Fly Me to the Moon

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For as long as the world remembered, when civilization blossomed, the sun and the moon watched over the lands below. Day and night, the people of Equestria thrived and prospered. Throughout the centuries, they gave praise to the celestial bodies with gifts as a sign of their adoration. But when the Age of Strife, the time where rage, hatred, and death gripped the land came, the sun and moon thought it best to take a more direct hand in Equestrian affairs. From their decision, the Goddess Sisters were made manifest. With their combined wisdom and strength, they brought Equestria out of the darkness.

Celestia, the eldest of the sisters and the embodiment of the sun, ruled over the people during daylight. Being also the Goddess of the Hunt, Strength, and Wisdom, the numerous towns of Equestria prospered and never knew strife. She was orderly and just, but more importantly empathetic, gaining the adoration of many with her compassionate personality.

Luna, the Maiden of the Moon, warded over the land at night. She was the Goddess of Dreams, Harvest, Beauty, and Fertility. Every night, farmers all over Equestria would take bits of their harvest and burn it in a pyre to pay her tribute. While they slept, she used her powers over dreams to give nightmares to the wicked and dispel them from the innocent. All those that were visited by Luna in their dreams described her beauty as having no equal. Though stricter than her sister, she was respected all the same.

Hakkar was a farmer living on the outskirts of Canterlot. For generations, his family owned and tended to the crops they owned. With the death of his parents years ago in a fire, the ownership of the property was handed to him. But, that hadn't shaken his faith. Like his parents, Hakkar was a devout worshipper of Luna. Each and every day, he gave tribute to her as his parents had. However, his love for the lunar goddess stretched far beyond that.

In his youth, he once saw her in person during a festival in Canterlot. Since laying his eyes on her, Hakkar’s heart began to pound furiously. Her visage and flowing hair, as dark as the night sky, had smitten him to her. Sadly, he knew he could never truly act on these feelings. Being one of the two goddesses, she had far greater concerns and couldn’t be bothered with such a minor matter. Yet as he grew, he would keep a journal where he would write down his feelings for her with the occasional poem. When he wrote, it allowed his heart to freely soar.

One mild spring night after tending the fields, Hakkar brought a basket to a shrine at the top of a hill. It was a sizable stone slab with many candles surrounding it. In the basket were bits of his harvest, ready to be offered. Taking his torch, he lit each candle one by one, blanketing the small area with light. Placing the basket on the slab with a bed of tinder, he knelt in front of it as he uttered a prayer.

“Luna, Lady of the Moon and Harvest, I offer a gift from my bounty as gratitude for your blessings. May you keep watch over my fields and continue blessing me with another fruitful harvest. Praise be your name.”

Outstretching his arm, he lit the pyre with his torch. In almost an instant, the night sky was almost pierced by the light of the flame. As the roaring fire danced and danced, Hakkar knelt in silence, mentally praying. When the flames finally died, save for some embers, he stood up and retreated back to the farmhouse, tired yet content.

“Thank the moon for another great harvest.” He muttered, brewing a cup of jasmine tea. Giving it a sniff, he drank the calming elixir. Immediately, it warmed his bones and soul. ”Oh yes, that’s nice.” Glancing out his window, he marveled at the steadily rising moon being risen by his idol. An ambient and calming light, subtly blanketed the landscape, a reminder of a goddess’s enduring vigilance. “Beautiful.”

Just as he was about to extinguish the candlelights, a draft swept through the house extinguishing them. Following that, a subtle aurora of darkness crept in, nearly obstructing Hakkar’s view. His heart began to race through a mix of fear and adrenaline. Who was accosting him? Was it benevolent or malicious in nature? The only clue he got was a feminine sounding giggle.

“I wish no malice, my subject. There’s no need to panic.”

Before he could say anything, the void dissipated, revealing an absolutely stunning sight. In his house stood the goddess Luna herself, clad in her dark blue dress. Her starry blue hair flowed like a pristine river. Her posture can’t even be described with words apart from...perfect. In fact, every aspect of her was perfection.

“Goddess…I...I mean, Lady Luna!” Hakkar gasped as he immediately took a bow. “It’s a blessing to be in your presence.” Luna looked upon him, kneeling at her feet. She drew an amused smile before placing a hand on his cheek.

“As much as I appreciate your gesture, formalities aren’t necessary.” Said Luna. “I just came for a visit, Hakkar.”

His heart calmed down, rising from his stance. From where he stood, Hakkar was half a head shorter than Luna. Being face to face before her magnificence made him incredibly nervous, something Luna was keenly aware of. Still, she sensed an unwavering devotion to her as many who worship her but stronger.

“I do apologize, Luna.” Said Hakkar as he cleared his throat. “This visit was rather unexpected, but a welcome one nonetheless. For what purpose are you visiting me?”

“Just a friendly visit, nothing special.”

“Hmmm, never have I thought the gods to be casual. Well, why don’t you have a seat, madam. I’ll get you something.”

“How nice of you.”

Hakkar retreated into his kitchen, reheating his tea. For him, it was an incredible moment where one of the gods would visit him in person. Even then, he wondered why she chose him over the many devotees of her throughout Equestria. Still, it was an honor he’ll enjoy, however brief it might be. Pouring the tea in cups, he carried them on a tray for his guest.

“Well, before you arrived, I was about to retire for the night.” Spoke Hakkar as he set the tray down. “But, I always appreciate a visit.”

“How welcoming of you.” Luna remarked as her immortal eyes glanced around the room while she sipped her drink. She noticed a scarcity of personal effects. “Pardon me for say so, but this home is rather bare it seems.”

“I chose to live a simple life,” Hakkar said as he sat down across from her. “I’m very much content with what I have here.”

“I see. So, this land was handed down to you by your family. It must be a daunting task to tend to these fields by yourself.”

“Some might consider it a burden but I don’t see it that way. I believe it builds quite a bit of character.”

“Hmmm, quite the humble mortal you are. Though, doesn’t it get lonely around here?”

“Well, after my parents died, I got used to the solitude. Between worshipping you and tending my fields, it takes my mind off that.”

“Remarkable. I’m always amazed at how mortals cope with tragedies.”

As Hakkar was setting his cup down, his hand twitched and lost its grip, sending the liquid splashing on her dress. Mortified, Hakkar began to mentally panic as he feared what her reaction would be. Would she send him to a dungeon? Would she smite him for sullying her dress by accident? As his mind processed the situation, his panic became physical.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!” He gasped as he scrambled around. “I’m deeply sorry, your omnipotence!”

“It’s quite alright.” Luna spoke up, doing little to alleviate his fears. “Accidents happen.”

“But I dirtied your dress.” He stammered. “Let me go fetch something to dry it.” As he rushed to his washroom, he rustled around the cabinets for anything that could dry up the spilled tea. After a bit of searching, he found a cloth towel. Nodding, he grabbed it and left. When he rejoined Luna, Hakkar found her examining a small piece of paper. Once she was finished, her eyes locked on him once more but with an expression of astonishment.

“H-Hakkar, I never knew you were a poetic soul.” Upon hearing those words, Hakkar’s heart dropped as he knew what paper the goddess was holding. It was a poem he finished writing last week, one dedicated to a certain moon goddess. He’d poured a lot of his heart and emotions into it. Embarrassed, he desperately reached for it, only to be held in place by her mystical abilities. Clearing her throat, she began to read it out.

Amidst the starry night sky as I lie, a bright ball of white shelters all.

From its light came a woman that watches over us at night.

Beautiful and graceful, mild and gentle, her love for us knows no equal.

Hair as ethereal as the air, smile as bright as the night sky, ever shining.

In my dreams, my hands outstretched, she remains unreachable.

Yet, her presence and beauty inspire me all the same.

Every time in my dreams, the sight of her makes my heart flutter with love.

Night and day, I speak her name…

Luna, Maiden of the Night.

For a moment, Luna was left speechless, releasing the farmer from his restraint. Realizing that his secret love poem was read out loud, Hakkar conceded defeat, eyes to the floor with shame. He anticipated everything from getting a hard hand across his face to the sharpest of rebukes. In that moment, he hoped for the mercy of Luna instantly erasing him from existence.

“Hakkar… this is… very thoughtful of you.” Looking at him, she became worried. She knelt down, placing a hand on his cheek. His gaze locked on her with tear filled eyes. “I feel no anger towards you.”

“Y-You don’t?” He meekly replied.

“Of course I don’t.” Luna grasped Hakkar’s hands and helped him up. Guiding him to his bed, they both sat down. “In fact, I thought your poem was very sweet. Is that what you do with your free time?” Still embarrassed, Hakkar replied with only an affirmative nod. “I see. Let me ask you this. How long did your heart ache for me?” That was it, the moment of truth for Hakkar. There, he was forced to confess his secret.

“S-since I was 13, during the Festival of Abundance, I saw you being paraded around Canterlot. You looked so beautiful that my heart raced faster than I could breathe. Since then, I just couldn’t get you out of my head.”

A silence filled the room, not even a chirping from a cricket. Before he could even so much as breathe, Hakkar was pulled into a powerful embrace as a set of heavenly lips touched his. Opening his eyes, his mind couldn’t believe that Luna was giving him a kiss. His heart outpaced his breaths and his mind. Soon, his vision faded to black and his extremities went faint as he passed out next to her.

When Hakkar came to, his eyes beheld a most beautiful landscape. Green grass, patches of purple and blue flowers, trees, waterfalls, and springs, it was awe inspiring to his mind. The area had a strangely calming aura that permeated the air. At first, Hakkar swore he reached the heavenly afterlife but the calming breeze brushing his skin proved him wrong. As he got up, Luna appeared from behind him, nearly startling him.

“Where am I?” He asked as he stood up.

“You stand in my private sanctuary, a realm separate from the mortal plane and you are the first mortal to set foot here.” Said Luna as she stared out into the landscape. “It is a place of my design. Even goddesses like me can grow weary from stress. Here, I can find solace.”

“I never knew deities could experience stress.” Luna turned around and held Hakkar’s chin in her fingers, looking at him seductively.

“Well, during our time in your world, my sister and I have come to understand you mortals better.”

“Looks like we’re not so different. But, why have you brought me here?” Luna’s smirk then formed into a frown as she turned away, leaning against a nearby tree.

“If I may be honest,” The goddess sighed. “Even a being such as myself can get lonely. Like my sister, I wield indomitable power, enough that I can shape life. Still, one thing tugs at our hearts. We hold a love for those we watch over yet we yearn for it ourselves. My heart aches for the love of one who will love me for more than just my mere appearance or status. While you were unconscious, I took the liberty of examining your heart. To my surprise, you truly have feelings for me.”

Standing there in shock, Hakkar was at a loss for words. Since inheriting his farm, he found himself too busy for companionship. Yet here, the goddess his family worshipped for generations is not just seeking romantic companionship, but his. For him, it all seemed like a fever dream but it was reality. He loved her and she was touched.

Deep into her thoughts, Luna was oblivious to her surroundings until a pair of arms wrapped around her body. Before she could say anything, Hakkar’s lips met hers. As she was pinned against the tree, Luna became lost in the rapture as her immortal heart surged with love. Hakkar too reveled in the moment, oblivious that his lower region was beginning to harden. The moment his turgid member prodded her groin, Luna broke the kiss with a blush.

“Hmmm, looks like you’re enjoying it as much as I was.” Luna purred.

“Apologies,” Hakkar stammered. “But your beauty knows no equal.”

“You flatterer.” Luna’s gaze turned toward a nearby spring with a waterfall. After a moment of thought, the moon goddess found a way to tie their love together, one only a being of her station could devise. With a soft giggle, her half-lidded eyes fixed on his with the warmest of smiles. “So Hakkar, I have an idea but you’ll need to trust me on this.”

“I’ve always put my trust in you, my lady.” Replied Hakkar as he was led by the hand to the edge of the spring.

“Now, I want you to sit down and close your eyes.” She purred.

“For what?”

“Oh, you’ll see.” Following her instructions, Hakkar sat at the stream’s edge with his eyes closed. He had no idea what was going on with the only clue being a sharp audible snap and sudden rush of the night time breeze all over his being. Opening his eyes, he looked ahead to see Luna standing waist deep in the water, naked and bathing under the waterfall. It was an incredibly beautiful sight, seeing her naked form, her soaking wet hair dripping water down her backside, one in a million. Only then did he realize that he was completely nude as well with his member standing tall and proud. Turning around, Luna walked seductively towards the hot and bothered farmer.

“Wow, you possess quite the gift there.” She purred as she got between the farmer’s legs, licking her lips with ravenous hunger. “The only thing I can tell you is that you’re about to earn the honor of laying with a goddess.”

“L-L-Laying?!” Before he knew it, a moist tongue wrapped around the base of his cock, before proceeding to go up and down. It was a sensation that Hakkar had never experienced before in his life. Jolts of pleasure and ecstasy pulsed through his nerves as Luna’s lips started sucking on his tip. He moaned, grunted, and writhed as his mind became clouded by lust.

“I can certainly tell that you’re loving this.” She telepathically said. “I bet you’re wanting to cum in my mouth. But not right now. I have other plans for you.”

With a flash of light in her eyes, Luna doubled her efforts, sucking harder and faster. Just as Hakkar was about to orgasm, a force he couldn’t describe prevented it right before he did. He felt nothing, apart from a slight aching sensation in his balls. Looking down, he saw Luna taking his cock out of her mouth.

“It’s a simple spell, Hakkar.” Luna remarked. “You’ll last as long as I do.”

“W-Why?” He stammered.

“Because, I want us to cum together.” Pulling him into the waters, Luna wrapped Hakkar in a loving embrace before engaging him with another passionate kiss. Skin touching skin, tongues dancing, emotions being let out in a display of passion, a mere mortal would be in awe at such a sight. But for Hakkar, a simple nude caress was not enough for him. He wanted to express his love properly.

Placing one hand on her ass and the other on her back, Hakkar started to hump her. His throbbing erection grinding against her groin drove him nearly wild has he held her tight. The passion fueling him made his kissing more driven and lustful than before. Water splashed all around as his movements became more wild and desperate. Luna soon found her legs wrapped around his waist as his passion skyrocketed.

With another orgasm near, Hakkar broke the kiss and rested his head on her shoulders. Holding on for dear life, he grinded with the fury of a windstorm before he felt his shaft quiver as he braced for another orgasm that didn’t come. His balls started to ache more and more, yearning for release. His heart still ran at the pace of a rabbit yet his stamina wasn’t tapped out completely.

“I know you’re quite passionate about me.” Luna purred as they climbed out of the water. “I admire that.”

“Well, I just couldn’t help myself when you were so amazing.”

“Why thank you, Hakkar. But, now the time has come for the coup de grace. Come with me.”

Taken by the hand once again, Luna led the farmer to a small floral garden with a stone slab in the center. It had a maroon colored mat on top, no doubt for comfort. Letting go, Luna climbed onto the slab and laid on her back. Spreading her legs, her moist sex was in Hakkar’s sight. With a wag of her finger, she gave him the look of that spelled come hither.

“Come here, Hakkar.” Luna said as he obeyed her commands. “Come and engage in coitus with me.” Hakkar climbed onto the slab, kneeling between her legs.

“Never did I believe this day would come to pass.” He mumbled.

“But now it’s become a reality.”

Emboldened, Hakkar positioned the tip of his cock at her wet entrance and thrust his hips forward. He was taken aback at how warm, snug, and moist it felt inside. After getting his bearings, he looked upon the beautiful face of Luna. Her eyes sparkled like the stars of the night sky. In that moment, it was as if their hearts established some emotional bond between each other. Slowly resting his body on hers, Hakkar and Luna made out amidst the floral alcove.

Breaking the kiss, Hakkar began thrusting in and out of Luna’s pussy. The goddess moaned and moaned as the love struck mortal claimed her nethers as his. He gradually picked up the pace in his thrusts as he saw the hypnotic sight of her bountiful chest jiggling all over. It felt great, it felt incredible, it felt…divine. For him, the only thoughts on his mind were pleasing Luna and the promise of sweet release as his balls ached.

As he was about to experience another non-orgasm, Luna quickly flipped him over. Having changed places, the penetration was much deeper for her, prodding her cervical entrance. She spent a few moments to catch her breath as her nethers quivered and moistened. Grabbing his wrists, she placed Hakkar’s hands on her chest, encouraging him to fondle them as she started to bounce.

From the sounds of her moans and screams, Hakkar deduced that she was close and so was he. Grabbing hold of her hips, he used his remaining strength to time his thrusts with her movements. He was rewarded with a symphony of sharp screams and yells as he pounded away with abandon. Sensing her release was nigh, Luna’s spell activated and with a long winded scream, let her orgasm loose. Her inner walls clenched around his member as he came with an audible grunt. Ropes and ropes of his seed flooded her insides, slightly making her stomach bulge from the size of his load. Feeling light headed, Hakkar was about to fall faint before another spell from Luna revitalized him.

“W-W-Wow,” He gasped as Luna laid upon him. “I can’t describe how good that felt.”

“Having existed since time immemorial, I know of a way to make the most of pleasure. For your first time, you did admirably.”

“Thank you, my lady.”

“You’re quite welcome, Hakkar. But, there’s something I want to let you know about.”

“What would that be?”

“After I read that poem of yours, I felt you truly cared for me. As I said, being a god can be incredibly lonely. I want a companion that can call my lover. So I offer this: Will you be…. My consort?”

For a minute, it seemed as if time froze around him. For all intents and purposes, Luna, the goddess of the moon herself, was asking him to be her spouse. To think that laying with her would bestow such an honor to him was crazy. But, noting the sincerity in her tone, she meant it and desired it. With a nod, Hakkar agreed to her proposal.

“Yes, I accept this great honor, my love.”

The last part resonated within Luna’s heart as her search for a companion was at an end. Taking him in her arms, Luna thanked him with another quick but loving kiss on the lips. As much as he took great joy, the thought about what’ll happen to his farm began to eat away at him. Much of it was uncertain and it worried that the change in his life would see his family’s legacy erased. But, a reassuring look from Luna gave him the feeling that it’ll all work out at the end. She was now his spouse and he trust’s her more than he ever did before.