My mom is the moon.

by Dimond Rainbow

First published

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? WRONG! Ok, yeah second chance at life nice, not so nice; I now live with pastel colored ponies. yep, life is just great.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? WRONG!
Ok, yeah second chance at life nice, not so nice; I now live with pastel colored ponies. yep, life is just great.
I might have been ok with this, but I wasn't for these reasons.
1: Everyone was a horse!
2: They only ate vegetables!
3: I got a mom, I mean I really didn't need a mom, especially a pastel pony mom!
4: Everyone thought I was sort of a freak! I'm the human, that's normal! They were talking horses with magic, that's messed up!
5: I went from an adult, to a frickin' kid!
But, hey, at least I'm alive right?

Rated Teen just to be safe and because there is mild swearing.

When Life gives you lemons,

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I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just driving home from college.

Yeah, ok, I lived in a kinda trashy home, but it was fine for myself and my girlfriend, Ada.

I never even saw the Semi turn the corner and slam into me, until my car was flying through the air, flipping over at least ten times. If I could have, I would have screamed, but I didn't get the pleasure as my baby blue sedan lit ablaze, in burning hot flames they consumed me.

Normal POV temporarily

The fire department tried, but the sedan was roasted to a crisp, there was hardly any frame left to it from the heat of the blaze, and all that the recovery crew found; was the charred remains of a box, which had been in what used to be the glove box.

"We're sorry for you loss miss." One of the men said to Ada, who just stared at the blackened box with shaky tear filled eyes. Their words meant nothing to the grieving woman, she had just lost her word, her everything, her Diamond. And yet the man who crashed into her had left with a few scrapes and bruises.

It just wasn't fair, it... It was unjust.

Sitting in her purple mini Honda van, Ada's fingers hovered over her girlfriends parents number, she could call them, tell them that their was nothing left of her, but her mother never really cared, all that mattered was her music career. Her Father, John, Ada knew kindly, despite being an attorney, when he and his wife split, he took care of Diamant, and gave her all she wanted, even after he remarried.

But, Ada paused, she could do that later, she wanted to know what was in that box, that now rested in her lap.
Carefully she opened the box, her breath catching in her throat, tears pooling in her eyes, and heart seizing with emotions.
Inside the charred box, was an ornate ring, with amethysts surrounding a ruby in the center, and inside the band she could barely make out the words, "With forever love, Diamant" In fancy writing.

She couldn't believe it, Diamant was going to propose.

The auburn haired woman choked on a sob, her hands trembling violently as she held the box, tears blurring her vision and burning down her cheeks.

After half an hour of persistent tears, Ada gained enough control of her emotions and dialed John's phone number.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

He answered: "Hey Ada, how are you?"

His tone was so, light hearted and nonchalant. The young woman could barely muster enough courage to tell him what she was about to tell him.

"H-hi J...John... There's something I need to tell you..." She choked out, sniffling back the remaining tears as she toyed with the ring. Good news or bad news first?

"Ok, shoot." He chirped, most likely reclining back in his office chair, propping his feet up on the cherry desk that Diamant used to play under as a child.

"Well... Diamant, she.... she proposed..." Good news first, she could wait to deliver the shocking blow, just a little longer, to be part of a real family, not an outcast, just for a few minutes more. A mournful smile tugged at her lips as she slipped the ring on her finger, the last piece of her lover, it fit perfectly.

He yelled over the phone line in joy, causing Ada to remove the phone from his ear. She could hear him celebrating, and the mumbling curses as his chair no doubt tipped over.

"But... John... th.… there has been... an... accident..." Ada choked, more hot tears beginning to roll down her already tear stained red cheeks.

His celebration was halted, and he no doubt took the phone off speaker by the sound of the clicks. "What happened?" John's tone was dead serious, he could congratulate his girls later, right now, he needed to know what had happened.

"There.... there was a... a car crash... Diamant... her car exploded... she... she's...." Ada couldn't, her resolve crumbled, and she let out powerful sobs, covering her mouth with her left hand, the phone slipped from her grasp and clattered under her feet.

John stayed silent, his world froze, he didn't question it, he knew Ada better, she would never lie about something like this, sure she could act, but not this good, and she would never, not about something like this.

Sitting on his office floor, he ran his hands through his graying hair, that no doubt had just lost a few shades. His daughter's laughter echoed in his ears, her beaming smile flashing across his closed eyes, those shining blue eyes as they sparkled as she told him, 'I love you daddy!' when she was five, tears began to glide from his grey eyes as he let the news wash over him, Ada's sobs making up the only noise he heard.

Together, they both sat there, grieving.

That bright smiling blonde that meant the world to both of them, torn from them in an instant.

She was gone, never to come back.

"So, you ain't gonna dump us now are you Ada?" John croaked, all moisture gone from his mouth, his body lacking all strength.

Ada laughed dryly, wiping away the tears that still spilled from her cheeks with her purple painted digits. "As long as you still want me, I guess I can stay..."


I stared up at the sky, it was so bright, so blue. The grass tickled against my bare skin, whispering hidden secrets in my ear.

So, is this what heaven is like?

I could hear laughter in the distance, but I was so comfortable, I didn't move. The ground beneath me was cool, and the sun that was placed away from my line of vision was warm, covering me like a blanket.

I closed my sky blue eyes and let slumber overtake me, it was peaceful, serene.

wait for sugar

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A cold breeze tingled across my skin, stirring me from slumber, but not waking me up. I grasped for something to cover up with and was met with soft silk, that flowed through my fingers gently, like a soft stream of water.

I dozed off after that, unknown of the grand adventure I had just been whisked on.

When I stirred again, I was blanketed in warm softness, it felt like velvet and silk, and maybe even some fleece. I nestled in deeper as my mind began to awaken, I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to stay covered by this warmth forever and a day.

But much to my surprise, there was something different, I felt it more with my fingers, it was soft, it almost reminded me of a horse's fur -I knew this because Ada loved riding, and would drag me to a horse retreat almost every summer since we met- and then my digits were greeted by downy soft feathers, that flowed through my fingers.

I continued to feel this way and that, I felt something directly in front of me, as my eye refused to open and let in the cruel light that would no doubt fully awaken me from slumber. I could feel what ever I was touching rise and fall gently, akin to ones breathing, and I could feel a heartbeat. That sent chills up my spine, causing me to shudder, and open my sealed lids.

I stared at it, my breath short, eyes wild.

I tossed the blanket off of me, looking around the room.

It was dark blue, black and silver, almost everything seemed to be themed after the night. My gaze shifted left and right, then I saw it.

It was a large horned horse, made up of midnight blue, it's hair impossible as it flowed gently in an impossible breeze and was a clear moonless night, galaxies and constellations.

I was never flighty, no, I could stand my ground. But, I was suddenly covered in goosebumps, my skin like ice, this situation, had shaken me to my soul, I sucked in shaky breaths, my head spinning. I let out a shrill scream, wanting to wake up from this nightmare.

So, first I die, then I'm in some sort of heaven, and now I'm sleeping with a pastel horse, this isn't happening!

The blue horse's head shot up and they looked around the room, eventually finding out the never ending screech was erupting form my lips. "Ssh, my little one, your alright." I could tell from the tone, that this being was female, and again, a scream of horror erupted from my lips in:


I clasped my hands over my mouth, my voice that of a child, my sky blue eyes going so wide they felt as though they would bulge right out of my skull.

Taking a deep breath I struggled to ground myself, all I wanted to do was scream, I screwed my eyes shut.

This has to be a dream! Some illusion from the crash! I am not in bed with a talking, horned, winged horse!!!!!

"Please calm down, there is nothing to fear, you are safe here." The blue horse insisted, gently stroking a hoof down my back.

I shuddered, daring to open my eyes. I had to bite my tongue as so not to let another curse fly from my lips, through clenched teeth, I asked, my tone warbling and oh, so childish: "Who are you? Where are we? And why the fuck did you kidnap me?!"

"We- I am Luna, your mother my little one, as for where we are, we are inside my bed chambers, I neigh, I did not foal nap my own child." Luna said, her tone gentle and sweet.

"Look lady, I dunno what your issue is, but you are most certainly not my mother, My biological mother is a greedy pig that cares more about being the most successful German singer in America, and my step mother is the most kind loving lady in the entire world. Not some crazy nut job horse." I deadpanned, eyes glaring at the horse before me.

Luna looked affronted by my bluntness, her eyes taking on a look of hurt. "B-but..."

"Nope! Look just point me towards the nearest bus stop, and I'll be out of your freaky hair, promise." I said, jumping from the bed, I paused in front of the tall wall mirror, looking at my figure. My hair was still bright blonde, but had bright cyan streaks running through the crazy waves, my skin was unnaturally peachy, and my clothes; Not my normal below the elbow dress shirt and knit V neck navy vest, skinny jeans, and black and white striped dock shoes: I was in a plaid school girl skirt, black dress shoes, and a similar shirt s to what I normally wore. I was much sorter, and my hair, ugh, my hair was in pigtails! I hated pigtails! And of all cruel things life could have thrown me into, I was thrown into the body of a five-year old, with the clothing to match.

Her ears lay against her skull as I screamed loud enough to shatter the mirror, my body felt like ice, and jello.

A white horse flashed into the room, her hair also impossible, but like the aroura borealis, and to top it all off, she -as I assumed- was taller than Luna.

"So," The White one said, intrigue laced in her tone as she peered down to my level. "Is this the little one you found in the gardens?"

"Yes Tia, she's been asleep for most the while now, but I can't quiet seem to calm her down..." Luna spoke with a downtrodden tone, it made me want to gag. What did they think I was? Some sort of pet.

"Well you could imagine her shock, little sister. I still think that before you grow too attached to her that you should ask her opinion." Tia said, her tone kind a mothering.

"FINNALY! Someone with reason! Look, I just want to get the fuck out of this crazy place and back home to Bristol Connecticut, to my girlfriend, because I gots some important things to do. So, ya wanna just point me in the way out of this fucking place?" I said, leaning against the door.

They each arched a brow and gazed at me as if I had said Fairies were real or something stupid.

"What is this 'Bristol Connecticut' you speak of?" Tia asked, her face full of bewilderment.

I almost screamed again, anger budding inside me, but all the blood had left my head, and I fell down, cold and passed out.

Don't make this lemonade

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"Oh, mein Kopf..." I groaned, rubbing the back of my head.

Colors swirled around nauseously, and the ground tilted beneath my feet.

" Ich denke, Ich werde krank…!" I said throwing a hand to my mouth, I barely managed to swallow the vomit that tickled the very back of my throat.

It took but a moment for the vortex of which I was seated to stop spinning so wildly, to calm its rampant twists and jolts. With bleary blue eyes I looked up and covered my eyes as white hot light burned them.

"Bist du in Ordnung?" I heard Tia's voice cut through the thick hazy fog that was my mind, and all I could even think at that moment was:

So, you don't know where Connecticut is but you know verflucht German?!

I must have thought aloud, because that white rainbow hair pastel horse answered with lightheartedness.

"As Princess, I must be fluent in many languages. Although, the tongue I was speaking was Germane."

I slumped back onto the floor, Not only were these crazy horses, but they had monarchy and had played a cruel pun on one of my favorite foreign countries.

Luna walked over to me, her mood soured no doubt by my wanting to leave, I mean if she wanted kids, she could just I don't know adopt or what ever they do here, I mean Ada and I had talked about what we might do in the case of wanting a family.

I must have spaced out because Luna's words didn't reach my ears in the slightest. "Huh?"

"I said... I'm terribly sorry if you are unhappy here, and I promise to do everything in my power to make your time here enjoyable..." The blue horse said.

"Ook then, if that's the case." I stood and clapped my hands together, rubbing them menacingly, oh I could do a lot, maybe even send these two gals for a loop. "First off; I need something, like a ginger ale or sprit. Heck, maybe even a capuchin. And maybe a phone, I gotta tell my family I'm ok and not dead or whatever. I also am going to need a pizza, and maybe a map. I need to know where I'm at, and maybe some paper and pencil."

Maybe a few thousand dollars?

Tia nodded to a guard, who took off down the many halls.

"So, perhaps we- I could inquire your name, little one?" Luna asked, sitting on the floor near her sister, across from me.

"Diamant Hört-auf Childers. Daughter of world renowned German singer Crystal Cadenza Juwel, and John Xavier Childers famous defense attorney. And the most amazing step mother Gia Ariana Dores-Childers I count as my mother rather than the pompous singer who birthed me. I've got three younger brothers whose name is not of importance. The most fucking beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, sexy, hot perfect girlfriend Ada Éblouir Juliom who has the most amazing voice and body to match! I, myself; well I'm supposed to be; a twenty-one-year-old college student, studying music, art, and history. I'm normally 5"4' and that is me in an entire nutshell. Any questions, because right now I just want to get this over with and out of this fucking place!" I said, my tone a falsified chirp.

"Diamond Heartsong… What a beautiful name." Luna smiled, clapping her hooves in front of her joyously. I facepalmed and was going to correct her when a guard brought in some of my requested Items.

I picked up the breeze bay ginger drink, assuming it was a soda, and took a long drag. With the sweet and bubbling liquid still tingling my taste buds, I picked up the map, paper and pencil -or more correctly- a box of crayons.

I took to work and began to trace a map of the states from memory, granted it was very off, but at this point in time it would have to work.

Then I began to compare my map to the one brought in by the guard.

I continued to compare the two, emptying my soda as the day wore on the two princesses watching me work.

When I finished, I realized that I was no where near my home, the maps didn't match up at all, true some of these towns sounded like cruel puns of towns I knew of, but damn I never expected this at all.

I slumped back, blowing air out my lips. "Well, unfortunately for me... I'm stuck here. Lucky for you... I'm stuck here..."

The blue-pain-in-the-butt looked giddy at this, while Not-so-annoying-white-horse seemed to look at me with pity.

"Huzzah! I-er... What I mean to say is, that's unfortunate, but I'm glad that you will be staying here my daughter!" The blue one said, looking slightly sheepish.

"Look, let me lay down some ground rules if I'm going to be staying here there needs to be boundaries. 1: I don't want to be treated like a little kid, I'm not, I'm a young woman. 2: If I'm going to be staying here, I'm going to need clothing, other than this. 3: I do not need a new mother, so, hate to be a downer princess, but no matter how you wish it I'm not going to call you 'mom'. 4: I need a balanced diet, so sorry to burst your vegetarian bubble but that means; I need meat." I said, folding my arms in front of me.

Both princess blinked, and looked to each other, then to me, back and forth. "Well... I can see what I can do about the cloths..." Tia said, both seeming to be slightly disturbed by my statement about meat eating.

"I can perhaps ask our advisories in griffon stone, the dragon lands, and in mount Aris if they could perhaps spare a chef and some meat... And despite what you have said I shall keep my hope alive, that we shall share the bonds of mother and child!" The Blue princess cringed at the mention of all things made of animals, and bounced right back at the thought of this relationship.

I facepalmed.

She'll never learn will she?

I paused, even though I had looked at the map, I didn't pay attention to all the names. "Wait... There are fucking horses who eat meat?!" I asked, bug eyed.

"No. We are ponies. But, Griffons, Dragons, and Hippogriffs eat meat, and perhaps they can spare a chef to prepare these foods you need." Luna said, lifting me up in a cloud of pale blue smoke.

I twisted around, as she placed me on her back, unsure at what had just happened. "What the hell was that?!"

"Magic." She said, a bemused smile dancing across her lips. "And Tia. I know just the pony to make Diamond clothing! If you need me, I shall be in Ponyville!"

I barely had time to scream, or hang on as the insane blue mare jumped off the balcony and took flight towards a small town in the distance.

Well, it's not like things can get worse

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Wind rushed past me, and I clung to Luna for dear life.

This is not the way to win brownie points with me lady! just fucking land already please! I HATE HEIGHTS!

A scream burst from my throat and blended into the howling wind that rushed past my ears, I wanted so badly but the rushing wind made closing my eyelids impossible.

On and on this went for a good half hour until my throat was raw and sore, until she finally landed in a very small Podunk town. And all I could think from atop this mad-mare's back was:

You've got to be kidding me! I've been in malls bigger than this place!

She walked down the dirt streets and more ponies waved to us, some staring at me shockedly, before continuing about their business. I folded my arms and busied my self biting my tongue, seeing how long it would take for the muscle to bleed.

We walked into a building that reminded me of a carousal, like at fairs and stuff, except this one was a house or shop apparently.

"Welcome to carousal boutique where every piece is- Oh! Hello Princess Luna! What might you be in the search for today?" A white unicorn with purple curly hair asked.

"Actually, Rarity, I'm not looking for myself, I was wondering if you could make some clothes for my daughter." Luna said, bearing a proud smile as her horn began to glow, said glow wrapping around me.

"Oh! Princess! I had no idea you were expecting! How far along are you?" Rarity asked, quirking a brow, and all I could do is roll my eyes at her naivetés.

"Ermm.. actually, I've taken a child by other means." The blue pain in the butt (literally now after having been sitting on her back for who knows how long) princess said nervously.

"I am not your daughter! For the last time! And get this magic-y stuff off me! I know how to dismount from a horse!Sheesh, I've gone riding before..." I said begrudgingly, dismounting from the princess's back and crossing my arms firmly in front of my chest as I looked the white pony up and down.

"Oh... I've never created anything for anypony with such a unique physic before... I'll have to make new patterns entirely.... Yes, yes... Do you have any specific likes little one?" Rarity hummed, trotting around me, taking measurements.

"Right now, as long as this is clean, all I need if fresh underwear, a bra, and some pj's, preferably before the morning, but if your taking requests..." I stopped my list of needs and began to ponder my list of wants. "I don't like green, spots, or plaid. love zebra print, different shades of blue, purple, and black. Oh! And for the pj's -they had better be a shirt with pants, I don't care if they're loose or tight fit- Blue with gold gem stones and purple music note pattern or sheet music and hearts! I'd be happy for just basic white underwear, and nude tone bra."

I saw them visibly flinch at the mention of zebra print, and I almost rolled my eyes but Rarity's question stopped me dead in my tracks.

"What's a bra? And underwear?"

I blinked, she had to be kidding! These ponies were nude! All but the crown, horseshoes, and collar the princess wore. I shuddered, of all the gross things, this was one that hit high on my list. I mean they were colored crazy ponies, with tattoos on their butts, wings, and horns! I honestly thought I might gag, but I had a more pressing matter.

I wrinkled my nose and asked through gritted teeth: "Do you have anywhere I can change? You can look at what I've got on, they're not clean just so you know, and please don't rip them apart so you can look at the patterns this is all I've got."

"Oh, yes, right over here." Rarity said leading me away from Luna and to a dressing room. I took off everything, I mean if she was going to make me clothes, she'd need all the visual aid she could get, I wasn't embarrassed or anything, it wasn't like I hadn't gone around naked for long periods of time, I normally slept without anything on, but that was when I was alone, and until I had my own room secured in that castle, I'd be sleeping next to somebody other than my Ada.

"Can you get me a towel, or a piece of cloth, or something?!" I squeaked, and covered my mouth at the childish noise that passed from my lips.

I heard Luna chuckle to herself softly, and my cheeks burned like the sun. "SHUT UP MOON BUTT!"

She went silent, and I could see her eyes harden from the other side of the curtain. For the first time since I had met her, she was stern with me. "Watch your tongue."

I snickered, covering my mouth with my hands, trying not to laugh.

"Try these darling, they might fit you." Rarity's voice called distantly, magicking a rack full of costumes to me.

My eye twitched as I looked through the cloth things, finally settling on the only thing that vaguely fit; A puffy blue princess dress, with glitter, lace, beads, pearls, gems, embroidery, and ruffles.

By the time I was in the awkward outfit I looked like an over puffed doll, from a terrible movie, like one who tried to beat the simpler princess with her over the top dress.

"Ich schwöre, ich werde jeden töten, der lacht oder diesen Laden betritt…" I growled as I pulled the curtain back and sat on the modeling stage.

Princess Luna had to stifle her giggles behind a hoof and wing, but I could still hear them. I glared murderously at her, which didn't help my situation, she only laughed more.

I sighed irritably, and flumped back, waiting for either my life to end, or for that curly haired pony to bring back my clothes.

Rarity didn't return for FOREVER!

I paused in shock at my thoughts, that sounded like something a little kid might think! I rubbed my eyes with my palms, already I was beginning to think like a child, sounding like one I could handle, but I wasn't ready to start thinking like some snot nosed little brat!

But I quickly took my clothes and dashed into the changing room to get out of this ridiculous dress.

"Hold on Darling, I need you to try these on and see if they fit." Rarity chirped, magicking some clothing into the room.

I survived the pattern, she had gone with gemstones and hearts on baby blue fabric in a loose fitting outfit, for my pajama's. Granted it wasn't exactly what I asked for, but hey, it fit, and was really comfortable. I was actually shocked that she knew how to make pants, but hey, maybe the stallions didn't like their stuff showing all the time?

Who was I to know what these animals would do?

"Yeah, they fit, and so does the underwear 'n stuff!" I called, quickly changing back into my clothes, with a relieved sigh.

"Perfect!" The pristine pony smiled, putting the items into a bag. "I should have some other outfits made within the week, any preferences there?"

"No dresses. I hate -no- I loathe dresses. Just make me some jeans, and some leggings, that'll be perfect, trust me." I huffed. Out of all the ponies I'd met thus far, Rarity... Rarity was tolerable.

She kinda reminded me of my eldest little brother's class mate Raven, except Raven wasn't as handy with a thread and needle to my knowledge. Of course I'd only met her a few times, but hey, who was to say?

I paused as the princess put me on her back, and took the clothing bag as we took off into the sky, how were my brothers? As annoying as they were, if I was dead in the real world, how were they taking it?

Adam.... John jr..... Dillan…..

Any tears that might have escaped my eyes were blown away by the wind, the height and the ponies the farthest thing from my mind as the sinking sun warmed my back with it's receding light, and I wondered, deep down mournfully.

Would I ever get to see them all again?

Counting pennies

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When The princess and I returned to the castle, I was in a haze.

I missed my family, as I was sure they missed me. Maybe even my bitch mother missed me, and even though we never got along... I missed her just a bit... If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know foreign languages, how to properly sing, or even be alive. She might not have been the best mother but still.

I barely remember dinner, apart from the cake and salad.

And I barely protested when it was time for bed, I just droned into my pajama set, and climbed up into the bed, feeling weary yet not tired.

Luna kissed my forehead and whispered. "Sweet dreams, my Diamond..." Before walking out onto the balcony, overlooking whatever she could see.

I couldn't sleep, I didn't want too. Every time Luna would look in on me, I would close my eyes and steady my breathing, when in all reality, I was laying awake, staring at the intricate patterns surrounding me, thinking not of them, but of the life I had left behind.

I had been born in April, on a wet, rainy day, in 1998 on the 12th. I don't remember much of my young childhood, other than my parents separating when I was three, and my father remarrying when I was three and a half. Gia had to be one of the prettiest women I had ever met or seen, and she was always so kind and caring towards me.

Most of my fondest memories were with her.

Then not even a year after they got married my little brother Adam was born, I don't think I was ever so proud, nervous, happy, and I can't even describe how it makes me feel to this day my emotions and strong love for the little jock. And I don't think my other mother had ever been so livid and absolutely enraged before, her face is still priceless, a vicious snarl over ruby lips, her left eye twitching in anger -a trait I gained- It still makes me laugh to think about her face.

Then the brutal Custody battle my parents and I went through.

It was... hard to even remember it... I did my best to repress everything from age five to nine.... All those fights... the plane rides... lonely nights... It all in a dark spot in my past.

But I can smile remembering my father using his top grade attorney skills to gain full custody of me instead of visitation, and the stunned look on his face when the judge said: "Congratulations Mr. Childers. You've got full custody of your little girl."

And when John jr. was born, I think poor Adam was more nervous than me seeing this tiny little baby, we called brother. He had asked me why , JJ, as we always called him back then, was so little, and why he always slept. I think I just shrugged the question off each time he asked, not truthfully knowing the answer.

My music recitals, trips back and forth to Germany to hear my mother sing, as despite her faults, was still a large part of my life.

All of my life was filled with happy memories.

The huge shock when I was 12 when my baby brother was born, Dillan, of course I always called him 'Diggy' for I the longest for I don't know why. I think -no- I know it was a shock to a seven year old Adam and four year old John, and even my dad.

Highschool, and the almost grueling music lessons my mother would make me take. And the ever so pleasant car rides in a rented convertible with Mom during the summer, the top rolled down, our hair loose, singing to every song on the radio no matter how ridiculous the lyrics were, laughter causing the melody to be incorrect and sometimes end abruptly on both our parts.

The arranged marriage my mother had set up when I graduated high-school. I stopped talking to her for years after that.

Going to college! I had never been so exited or scared in my life.

Meeting Ada one night at a gay karaoke bar. Granted I was attracted to both men and women, but damn! Ada was something else! Her hips, those eyes, her voice, those lips. All of her is burned into my physic to this day.

How nervous I was on our first date. The first time I heard her, Ariana, and Sonia sing together, like sweet honey flowing from roses, there was an indescribable beauty to their sperate and combined voices.

My first performance at college.

My first performance in front of Ada. I was more nervous there than preforming in front of thousands of people.

Ada and I, growing closer as time wore on.

Me ring shopping for her, I still surprise myself on that one, I never expected I'd ask her to marry me. But I never got the chance to...

I hope she at least got the ring...

Driving home that day.

Contemplating how I would ask her that weekend, just two days away.

The impact, and the skin melting heat.


That's where my memories as Diamant hört auf Childers, a happy twenty-one-year-old woman ended.

I still recall everything that has happened in these past two days in great detail. But Why would I recollect that when it only seems to hurt more.

Sleep never took me, and I recall watching Luna do something with her magic, my eyes sore and heavy with lack of sleep. The sunrise was beautiful, I can say that much.

How long had I been up now anyways? Over an entire day at least.

Still, I stared at the wall, recollecting everything, all the good. Of course, this had to serve as the worst part of my life thus far.

I mean, dying. You can't get worse than that.

Of course living with ponies, I defiantly didn't expect that.

Whining and Dining

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I sat up and rubbed my crusty eyes, sleep, it didn't happen.

Luna trotted over to me, her smile bright, but eyes tired. "Good morning, Diamond! Did you sleep well?" She chirped, as I tossed the blanket off, smacking my lips.

My hair stuck up in odd angles, and I gave her a dry look, my throat dry. "Coffee first, talking later."

Luna picked me up in her magic and placed me on her back, I didn't complain, my brain was too drained. "You drink coffee? but, your just a child."

I grunted as she trotted down the halls, I didn't want to talk. I was tired, my head hurt, and my neck was sore.

I sat at the table between the two princesses, food splayed out before me.

I took long drags of a large cup of coffee, the hot liquid, sweetened and sliding down my throat with an awakening warmth.

"Today the foreign chefs shall be coming, but I'm afraid that it won't be until late." Celestia said, stirring up a conversation.

My coffee still hadn't kicked in and I just listened to them drone on.

I wanted Ada.

But I couldn't have her.

I still must be tired, I was thinking in delirium.

"Oh, Diamond... Don't cry... Whatever is that matter?" Luna cooed, her eyes looking worriedly at me.

"I'm not crying!" I sobbed, but when I spoke, I knew I was. I touched my cheeks and felt warmth trailing down my cheeks.

"Please... tell me what is wrong..." Luna asked, her eyes gentle and pleading.

I didn't want to tell them, to seem weak, but crying wasn't helping my case, and the fact that the more I tried to repress it, the more I seemed to cry.

Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that was making me act this way? I didn't know but my head throbbed as the tears continued to cascade down my cheeks.

"Tell me... Please let me help you..."

I whipped my nose, tears still flowing. "I... I miss..." my voice died in my throat, I couldn't say it. I didn't want to say it out loud.

"Yes...?" Both princesses asked, each gazing with pitied and worried expressions.

"I miss... I miss my Ada... my girlfriend... she was..." My voice was nothing but a pathetic whimper and whine, I sounded like a toddler. Still more tears rolled down my face in warm rivers. "She was my everything... we had... everything planned out...! I was going to finish college and we were going to get married... get a house... have kids... our lives were... everything was gonna be..."

A powerful sob rocked my body as I slumped against the table, not caring that my nose was running, or that my head was beginning to pound with a horrendous headache.

Luna wrapped wings around my back, kinda like a hug.

I didn't complain, I just continued to pour out my emotions.

I had to admit, the hug was awkward, but comforting and warm. I had enough conscience not to lean into the hug, I didn't want this emotional break to lead to something more, my tears persisted.

I didn't want to keep crying but it persisted.

My head pounded, and my eyes burned.

I wiped my nose on my sleeve, and suppressed a hiccup that threatened to burst forth.

"Are you better?" Celestia asked softly, her warm purple eyes looking to me gently.

"I... I need to..." I couldn't finish, my head was fuzzy again, but I didn't pass out.

I leaned into Luna's fury side, her heartbeat almost soothing. I felt her tense, but my eyes felt heavy and weighted down by lead.

When I woke up it was dawn again, and Luna was close to me.

I could have pushed away but... I will deny this if you quote me... it was comfy.

Snuggled close to her side, her heartbeat close to my head. I nestled in further, her fur felt soft, warm and silky.

I couldn't believe my actions but I was tired, and she was comforting. So, I nestled in closer, sleep taking me again.

When I awoke again, Luna was running a brush through her mane, which still boggled my mind, and another through her tail. I blinked hazily, and yawned.

"Wassup moon butt..." I groaned, rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"The chefs from the other realms arrived late last night and are preparing their best dishes this morning, they'll be preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for you today. And you'll pick which ones you like best." Luna said, adjusting her royal attire. "Oh, and Rarity sent over some new clothes for you, some of those pants you asked for, shoes, and a few shirts."

I blinked tiredly, and climbed out of the bed, saying. "I'll be back in.... give me 10 minutes." As I entered the bathroom.

I might have been in a child's body, but I had a woman's needs, and I was going to take care of them.

After I got myself taken care of, and then looked in the mirror.

My hair was a wild mess, and dark bags clung under my eyes, sleep crusted itself on my face, and my pj's were wrinkled beyond a doubt.

I splashed water on my face, shaking off the liquid.

I ran finger's through my tangled terraces, to no avail. My mind becoming more awake and sharp, thinking with the same clarity I always did, sharp and crisp, clear and vivid.

I walked out of the bathroom, the princess adorned in her dark royal regalia. I picked up my folded clothes, fresh and new that Rarity had made with such fine care.

I picked a pair of jeans, black dock shoes, a clean shirt, but to my dismay; there was no new navy knit sweater vest as I so fondly wore, so, I grabbed my old one, dusted and wrinkled as it was and finished dressing myself.

Then with utter displeasure, I picked up the harshest toothed comb Luna had, and began to run it from the top down, wincing as blonde and cyan strands of knotted hair was pulled from my scalp, The princess regarding something on scrolls behind me.

"OW!" I yelped, as the brush got entangled with a particularly stubborn knot. "Dummer Fickkopf…"

Moon-butt gave me undesired attention and took the brush from my hair and hand with out pain in her blue magic mist, and picked up a softer brush and some sort of oil.

"I don't need your help... I can brush my own dummkopf hair.." I grumbled, folding my arms.

I hated this!

I hated being a child and needing to depend on an adult for many things I was too small to do on my own.

The blue wonder only chuckled softly and used her magic to coat my hair in the lavender smelling oil, and then run the soft brush through my disobedient locks. Much to my aggravated surprise.

I puffed out my cheeks, my face turning red. I had been proved wrong, again. "What is that stuff you put in my hair anyways, moony?"

"It's a special herbal mixture to help keep your hair soft and silky, as well as keep it untangled." She giggled, a small smile across her muzzle, as she hummed gently.

I swallowed, hard.

What she was humming was the very same song Ada used to hum or sing to me when she would tame my unruly mane with the skill of a lion-tamer, as she herself had an even wilder jungle to work through thrice everyday.

We sat in the royal dinning room, the table strewn with what seemed to be hundreds of different food spreads. Some it smelled delicious, other's looked delicious, other's repulsive to sight and scent.

The first breakfast dish I began to eat, was tasteless meat, cooked to a rubbery char. I chewed and chewed, but finally had to spit it out, it was like eating gristle! "Umm whatever that was.... ugh.... that needs some serious help..." I grimaced, and the dragon chef came and took away his dish, head hung in shame.

I almost felt bad for him, almost!I felt worse for my mouth which had been so cruelly subjected to tasting whatever it was that I had just tasted.

Next dish I tasted was actually quite good.

It was still some unknown meat, but had a bit of sweetness too it, topped with some sort or cornmeal, or something of that ilk.

"Ok, that definitely -mmm!- is an attention getter! Me likey!" I hummed, taking a few more bites of the heavenly dish.

The third and final dish I savored looked like a some sort of biscuit, and tasted even better! They were just these tiny, puffy little doughy, meaty disks full of flavor! I ate at least five!

"Ok, we definitely have a winner for -mmph- bweakfest!" I remarked, mouthful of my sixth of what ever it was.

Lunch rolled around not long after, and I had just sat in the dinning hall, sketching a picture of these ponies as humans. Which was not as easy as one might think considering that they were horses. and had no actual colors expect pastel, but

I managed pretty good for myself if I do say so.

For Celestia it was hard not to draw her in some lewd skimpy gold armor, which I might draw on a later date and keep it privately, but in the end I decided on giving her a skill very sexy gold two piece bikini, her wings and I dunno why but I decided to keep the back hooves.

And for pain in my backside Luna, I also thought about this sexy Amazonian design, but I also felt compelled to do something a little.... cuter. But I also could see her looking sorta badass. There were a lot of choices that I'd play with later, but for now, after erasing her at least fifteen times, I went with this.

Then there was Rarity, and since I had no idea how to do trendsetter clothing, I went with a more simple and chic design.

And for the guards, well that was easy enough.

But I put my drawing aside as the food was brought on.

I sampled the first dish, praying it wasn't like breakfast.

I moaned as savory venison tantalized my taste buds, it was savory with a hearty gravy, and the Ruby potatoes' that went with it were divine!

"Ok, dis ish good!"

Then I ate the next coughing it out the minute it hit my mouth. "Was der Fick gemacht habe, habe ich gerade gegessen?!"

This time, rather than I expected, The griffon chef came out and collected the plater with his food as I gulped down two whole glasses of lemonade to get the putrid taste from my mouth.

Next was the third and final dish, which looked like sushi, very, very, very, very yummy looking sushi.

I could feel drool dribble down my chin and quickly wiped it up as I took a bite of the tantalizing dish before me. Warm rice and poached salmon that was perfectly salted was quickly devoured, and again I ate more than what I should have.

But give a girl a break, it was , sooooooooooo goooooooooood!

"This one's gonna go places! Mean! Mmph! Ish sho guud!"

Dinner went the same as breakfast and lunch, and by the time I had finished eating each savory dish, I was at a fork in my chef choosing road.

The dragon couldn't cook breakfast if it came up behind them and bit them in the tail.

The griffon couldn't make a decent lunch if her life depended on it.

And the Hippogriff, ugh, couldn't make a dinner like they could breakfast and lunch.

Out of all the food was just too good.

I looked to each of the chefs, their faces hopeful as I made my decision.