VIP Access

by Rakuen

First published

A Wonderbolts fan attending their show at the Cloudsdale Arena has a VIP pass that gives him access backstage and a guided tour led by Rainbow Dash. What he doesn't realise is just how much access that VIP pass will actually grant him.

A Wonderbolts fan attending their show at the Cloudsdale Arena has a VIP pass that gives him access backstage and a guided tour led by Rainbow Dash. What he doesn't realise is just how much access that VIP pass will actually grant him.

Contents: Male/Female, Musk, Oral, Sweat, Humiliation

VIP Access

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You know what's better than a bright, sunny day? Spending that same day at the Cloudsdale Arena watching the Wonderbolts. And you know what's even better than that? Doing it with a bucking VIP pass!

I reached down for what must've been the thousandth time to look at the access card hanging around my neck. I had won it in a Wonderbolt Fanclub competition and it entitled me to backstage access at their sold-out Cloudsdale Arena show. It was the most-hyped event for months! Not only was I there, in the front row seats but I had been able to choose one of the Wonderbolts to give me the backstage tour. I picked Rainbow Dash. Not only was she the youngest, most-amazing flyer on the team but she was damn hot! I was sure I wasn't the only fan to have a major crush on Rainbow Dash or a room filled with pictures of her and I knew nothing would ever happen between us but, at least, I would get a chance to meet her.

As the crowd cheered for the conclusion of the show, I made my way to the staff entrance to wait. I probably didn't have to be there so early – there are usually photo-ops, interviews and standard fan engagements just after the show – but I didn't want to risk missing out on the opportunity to meet my idol. Surprisingly soon, there was a gust of wind and Rainbow Dash appeared before me, as if from out of nowhere, clad in the sleek Wonderbolt uniform, and tossed her mane. Clearly she liked to make an entrance.

"So, you're the VIP guest that specifically wanted to meet me?" she asked, looking me up and down.

"R..Rainbow Dash! Y..yes, hello!" I stammered out a greeting, nearly speechless from finally seeing the blue pegasus in the flesh.

She looked even better in real life. Her body was the epitome of what a pegasus athlete should look like. And the way her mane and tail caught the light… I wasn't sure if it was natural or specially-done for the show but, whichever it was, I appreciated it.

She trotted forward, leaning in to check my pass then stood up straight, "All seems good to me…"

I rubbed a fore hoof on my leg as she trailed off and looked around the stadium. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up. I'd never been so close to a celebrity and it was freaking me out. But in a good way!

"Come on," Rainbow finally said, indicating towards a stadium door with a toss of her head. "Let's go in now and give you the tour. We can start at the locker rooms, they're the closest."

Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked past security, her flank brushing against me as she went. It felt good; better than when random ponies on the street bumped against me. I felt like prancing with joy but fought down the urge. It was too early to make her think I was a crazy pony and screw things up.


I felt my wing tips brush the door frame as I followed Rainbow Dash, my eyes drawn to the sway of her tail. I needed to keep my wings under control! With some difficulty, I pulled them back against my body and looked around the locker room. There was nothing special about it. There were lockers – it's a locker room, what would you expect? – some wooden benches and shower stalls, but nothing to really catch one's eye… except Rainbow Dash, of course.

"What do you think?" asked Rainbow, looking back at me.

"Not really that spectacular, is it?" I replied, glancing at the bare steel lockers and white tiles.

"I'm not spectacular?" She turned around, eyes narrowed.

"Wh..what? Of course you are! I was talking about the room!'re beautiful and amazing and awesome and…"

I trailed off as I saw her give a cocky grin and strut towards me.

As she passed me, she turned and softly spoke into my ear, "I am pretty awesome, aren't I?"

Oh goddesses! Did she have any idea what she was doing to me. It took all my willpower to keep my wings at my side and not accidentally knock her out. I could feel my face burning. Not trusting myself to speak, I gulped, nodding my head.

Rainbow Dash rested her hindquarters on a bench running along a wall. With wings framing her on either side, she leaned back into the corner of the wall, slightly at an angle relative to the bench with one leg on it and one on the floor. My eyes couldn't help but roam up and down her underside, her fur hidden beneath the tight, shiny cover of her flight suit. As I swallowed and looked up, I saw her smirking at me.

"That was quite a show" she sighed, flexing her wings. "I just don't think I have the energy to get off this suit. Perhaps you can help me out? The zipper's right here."

I nodded dumbly, stepping forward before raising a hoof towards my idol.

"Whoa there buddy," Dash interrupted. "I don't know where all you've been stepping and I don't need my suit getting dirty. That's just not cool."


"Use your mouth. You don't need to worry about getting close to me. Isn't that what you want?"

Sweet Celestia! Worry about getting close? If she only knew how many times I'd thought about getting close to her… there's no way she would let me. So many dirty thoughts, so many fantasies. I could feel the ache in my wings as I leant in. I could feel them quivering, a breeze blowing past my sides. They were out!? My eyes flickered upwards but still she sat there, cooly looking down at me with the same smirk. Did she know what was I thinking? Had she noticed my wings? If she had, she would've kicked me out of the stadium by now, ...right?

"Come on! I don't have all day."

I gripped the zipper at the top of her neck between my teeth and started to pull it down. There was no way I could control it; if my wings weren't all the way out before, they were now! With each inch the zip travelled, it revealed more of her light blue fur, all of it damp with her sweat and radiating heat from her intense athletic activities. My nose flared wide, taking in her scent, almost making me dizzy as, now freed from her suit, it flooded out into the locker room. My mind could barely focus, my pupils expanding to fill my eyes as I continued to move down her front, steadily exposing her. I had to tilt my head to go lower, letting out a moan as this caused my nose to press against her delicate fluff. I had to do it! The angles and… I thought I heard her chuckle but, at that point, I froze.

I had nearly reached the bottom of the zip when I found myself with either side of my snout touching one of her breasts. This couldn't be real, could it? Was I really this close to Rainbow Dash, hero of Equestria, Wonderbolt and the most amazingly awesome pony ever!? I let the zipper drop from my teeth, panting heavily as I looked down. Her suit was stretched tightly over her body, the taut material clearly showing where it clung to her marehood. It twitched!

"Hey!" Rainbow's rasp broke through my reverie. "You gonna just stop there? You may not be a Wonderbolt but if you're fan, you don't give up! If you want the prize, you have to earn it."

The prize? Did she mean… I could feel my shaft swelling rapidly. I didn't know how we had got here but I was not going to give up! I was going to get the prize! I fumbled a little as I grabbed the zipper once more; tugging it the rest of the way before I was basking in the sight and breathing in the tang of oestrus.

With her flight suit now completely open, Dash began to shift around, slowly peeling the sticky material off her limbs. I just sat there, my eyes roaming over her body, my cock throbbing between my hind legs. It was so much better than a poster! Even if she was stiff from the show, there was no way it would take so long to remove the garment; she was definitely doing a strip tease. For me! A bead of pre oozed out from my tip and rolled down my length.

"Like what you see?" Rainbow asked, quickly receiving a nod in confirmation. "I thought you might. I am pretty awesome, if I do say so myself."

She flexed her wings before bringing them down, generating just enough lift to slip the suit out from underneath herself. Dragged by its own weight, it rolled down her hind legs, finally falling to the floor in front of the bench.

"You know, I have the record for the fastest aerial acceleration of all time? I could've gone faster but the wind wasn't right."

Of course she had the record. I just had to look at her and I could've guessed. Every one of her muscles was perfectly-proportioned and visible under her fur without even a hint of fat. Briefly, I wondered if I was drooling as I looked over her. She had a presence to her that drew attention. Cocky, that was clear in her posture, but she could back it up as well. Mmm… and her scent. Should any pony smell that good? Especially with her sweaty fur now pointed in all directions after removing her flight suit.

"There is one problem," she sighed, beckoning me closer.

I felt my ears drop in sympathy, despite not even knowing what troubled her, and leaned forward, taking a deep sniff.

"All the showers are broken and I'm such a dirty mare…"

"A..all of them?"

Her rainbow-coloured tail flicked the air as she snapped, "Yes. All of them. If only I had someone to help me. Perhaps you could help…"

She reached out a hoof, drawing it up my main and pulling me even closer, until my lips reached her chest. "Lick me clean."

I didn't refuse. I didn't want to refuse. I would've done anything for her. I extended my tongue, ran it through her fur and heard her soft moan of pleasure. Our wing tips grazed against each other, primary feathers meshing together at their farthest reach.

"Mmm! Just like that…"

We must have spent several minutes as she gently guided my muzzle. Each time my tongue passed through her damp fur, I could taste her, her delicious, salty sweat. I'd never done anything like that with a mare before and it was intoxicating. She let out a yip as my teeth pinched her skin, giving a light tug as I would when preening. I loved it; feeling her squirm, hearing her panting gasps. All because of me!

Suddenly, she gripped both my ears, one of her hooves wet and sticky, and yanked me downwards, holding my muzzle firmly to her dripping pleasure cave.

"K..keep l..licking!"

I didn't need to be told twice! Nostrils flaring with every breath, I plunged my tongue deep inside of her. I could feel my arousal running hot through my veins as I tasted her nectar. I was tasting Rainbow Dash! My first time with a mare and it was the hottest flank in all Equestria. How did I get so lucky?

She was already close when I had begun and it was only seconds before I felt her walls spasming around my tongue. Somehow, she muffled her scream of ecstasy, not wanting us to be discovered, but there was no mistaking when her forelegs went limp and slipped off my head. I lifted my gaze to see her smiling down at me, eyes soft. She was panting heavily, looking even more worn out than before that, for a moment, I feared I would get no further, until she hopped off the bench, onto all fours, with tail held to the side.

I was still sitting there on the floor, staring up at her like some love-struck puppy when she started to circle me, licking her lips.

"Oh, we're not done yet," she purred. "It doesn't matter how hard my workout was, there's no way I can't keep up."

I gave a desperate whimper, my cock rock solid and desperate for this receptive pegasus mare. I could still taste her on my lips and I swear her scent had only grown more intense. I couldn't remember ever feeling so worked up.

"Now, it's time for your little buddy to get some action."

Dash approached me from behind, leaning over my shoulder and nipping my ear while she curled one wing around the other side to run her feathers up from the base of my shaft.


That was all it took. I spurted hot bursts of seed straight up toward the ceiling the instant she touched me. It was hard to tell which of us was more shocked, me or Rainbow Dash. While I felt a creeping sense of shame at having cum so easily, it was still the best orgasm I had ever experienced. For Rainbow Dash, her mouth just hung open as she watched her chance to deal with her oestrus disappearing in shots of creamy white.

"Bu.. I.. Are you kidding me!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You didn't even last 10 seconds!"

"I'm... sorry…" I lowered my ears, giving an ashamed whine.

"I know I'm awesome but… but I barely touched you! You know what it's like dealing with this heat and you… you couldn't even finish inside me? And you made a mess of my suit!"

I folded my wings around protectively around myself, head drooping lower the whole time. All the warmth that I'd felt moments ago seemed to be rapidly draining away. It was not how I had wanted my first time to go. Especially not with Rainbow Dash. Yeah, she was feeling disappointed but did she have any idea how much I wanted to stick it in her!

Any further discussion on the subject was cut off as, with a bang, the door to the locker room slammed open and Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, stepped inside.

"Rainbow Dash! There you are!"

Both of us jumped; her tail flicked down between her legs as she stiffened while I spread my wings to cover my deflating, but still dripping, cock. I could hear my own heartbeat thudding in my ears. Had we been caught? Were we in trouble? Did Spitfire have her crop with her? Was she going to punish us? I had to fight to get a hold of myself as I tried to process everything that was going on.

"Rainbow Dash, I need you outside. There are reporters doing a special piece on the Wonderbolts and they need a photo of the whole team. This is a big publicity moment. Get your suit on and follow me. On the double!"

"" stammered Dash.

Both her and my eyes moved to the crumpled flight suit on the floor, still lying open in front of where I had been facing when the… incident occurred. It hadn't been a small load. Even if we'd had time to give Rainbow what she wanted, I wasn't sure my balls were up for the job. Right now, everything they'd been able to produce was splattered on and oozing down the inner folds of Dash's flight suit.

"I'm not-" started Rainbow, before being cut off by Spitfire.

"Now, Crash! That's an order. You can talk to fan ponies and sign autographs afterwards."

"Y..yes, ma'am!"

Under Spitfire's stern glare and my own, ever-widening eyes, Rainbow stepped into the skin-tight suit. I saw her shudder as she pulled it up and zipped it closed, spreading my copious load through her fur and feeling the rest start to run down the inside of the legs.

"Hey, kid," Spitfire called to me.


"Are you okay? Your nose seems to be bleeding."

"'s fine! I'll clean it up now."

I reached up with a hoof. There was definitely blood leaking out!

As Rainbow, stiffly, made her way over to the orange-and-yellow pegasus at the door, she shot a glare my way and I heard her grumbling under her breath, "If this dries in my fur, you are dead!"

As soon as she and Spitfire turned away, I rushed to the nearest basin and began to rinse the blood from my muzzle.


I only ever read the newspaper when there was something about the Wonderbolts but the article about that show was extra special. I flew all the way to Manehatten to get the full-page photo of the Wonderbolts after that Cloudsdale show. Even so, you had to look closely to notice the stiffness in Rainbow's posture; not quite as confident and smooth as she usually looked. But I was one of only two ponies in Equestria that knew why.

It was weeks later before I got a chance to see Rainbow Dash again. It was an autograph session and I waited in line for hours. Finally I was there, standing in front of her, once again, sliding the cut-out newspaper picture across the table.

"That's an old one," commented Rainbow before looking up.

I blushed, barely able to meet her eyes but, as they widened, I knew she recognised me. Time seemed to slow as potential scenarios raced through my mind. Would she cause a scene? Refuse to sign? Invite me backstage? Surely, there were too many ponies around for her to do anything?

"Next!" called an assistant, breaking me out of my trance and shooing me along.

I looked down at the picture.

It was signed:

"From the fastest pony

to the fastest pony.

Rainbow Dash."

She gave me a smirk as I took it, my blush deepening.

I never got a chance to meet her again after that but I still have the framed picture on my shelf. There's a sting in her autograph but it reminds me that, no matter how down I might feel, I still got to spend some intimate time with the most awesome mare in Equestria.