The Secret Life of a Mulberry Mare

by SamuelK28

First published

Berry Punch, the so called worthless, jobless, town drunk finally feels the need to reveal her past life to her family.

Berry Punch has heard it all and often been laughed at for being Ponyville's town drunk. After stumbling upon her sister comforting her daughter, she realises that Ruby is growing up and deserves to know about her past life. She just hopes the past doesn't come back to haunt her. Set around the middle of season 3


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Berry Punch gazed into the mug of cider in front of her and sighed before looking up at the clock on the wall, 14:45, time to collect her little gem from school. It was Friday and soon she and Ruby would have the whole weekend to spend time together. With one almighty swig she downed the rest of her drink before getting up and turning to the stallion behind the bar.

“See you Monday Al” she said cheerfully as she started to stagger out of the bar into another bright, warm and sunny spring day in Ponyville, a smile growing on her face. Then the pain hit her.

It started in her right hindleg and flank and slowly spread across her body. By the time she’d reached Sugarcube Corner the pain had reached her left shoulder, its fiery intensity causing her to stumble into one of Sugarcube Corner’s outer walls. Pony’s looked over quizzically at the mulberry mare, mumbling under their breaths. Berry heard every word they said and had to fight back a tear. She’d heard it all before, how she was an unfit mother, why hadn’t Equestrian social services intervened and taken Ruby into custody. How they laughed at her and labelled her the town drunk and more and more insults. If only they knew the truth that it wasn’t the alcohol that made her wobble. The coat and mane specialists, the best in all of Equestria had done the finest job they could, but in the end they could only hide what had been done to her with a magical perception spell. Her left eye was made of glass and one of the latest advancements in Equestrian magical technology. She often had trouble breathing and would cough up blood on occasions and sometimes her speech would slur due to the countless head traumas she’d suffered. Then there were the psychological damages, the nightmares and night terrors not even Princess Luna could resolve. The memories that plagued every waking moment of her life and often caused panic attacks along with depression, mood swings and anxiety. She was a broken mare that no amounts of medicine or therapy could help and that’s why she drank. Imagine the few seconds a pony has till it dies after a dragon sets it on fire or being eaten alive by a manticore after it’s poisoned you with its tail. That’s the pain Berry felt every hour of every day no matter if she was awake or asleep. Alcohol was the only thing she’d found that numbed the pain, even if only for a short while and sitting in Al’s tavern reminiscing often made her realise just how lucky she actually was. All because of Ruby.

As the schoolhouse loomed in front of her, she finally released the tear she’d been holding in and let it slide down her cheek as the smile returned to her muzzle. She wouldn’t have changed her life for anything. She nodded to Derpy Hooves and her daughter Dinky as they passed her along with many other young fillies and colts, eager to get away from school and enjoy their weekend. The Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed to be devising their latest scheme, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were discussing a weekend trip to Canterlot and Pipsqueak, Button Mash and Featherweight were having a sleepover. Her little filly though was nowhere to be seen. A feeling of fear was slowly starting to grip Berry and she felt a panic attack starting to build itself within her as her breathing quickened.

“Stupid, stupid mare” she chastised herself “she’s probably just helping her auntie tidy up. No need to get irrational” she continued attempting to get her breathing under control as she walked unsteadily up to the schoolhouse and pushed open the door.

“Ruby dear, you in here.” She called as muffled sobs and the voice of her sister came from within.

“Ruby dear, you shouldn’t let them get to you. All that matters is what you think and I know you believe your mother is the best in the world.” Cheerilee cooed.

“I know auntie, but it’s just that what Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said is true. If I did bring mummy for my family appreciation day, what would she talk about. She doesn’t have a job and from what I’ve heard she spends most her time drinking special adult drinks whilst I’m at school. Diamond called her an alcoholic whore, what is that auntie? I’ve heard other ponies call her such names around town as well, a degenerate hick, the town drunk, an unfit mother. Why auntie? Why do they call mummy such hurtful names?” Her daughter asked between sniffles. Berry had heard enough.

“They just don’t know what I did. Your mummy is one of the bravest, toughest and courageous mares in all Equestria and maybe it’s finally time both of you learnt the truth.” Berry revealed herself making the other two mares jump.

“Mummy, I’m sorry” Ruby started, but Berry cut her off.

“You have nothing to be sorry for my precious little gemstone, it is me who should be apologising to you. I should have done this talk sooner, especially considering the recent events in Canterlot and what could soon transpire, but not here. The information is top secret and I’ll need to seek authorisation from Princess Celestia to let both of you know. Cheerilee, I’ve got to head back to mine and get something quickly but can you meet me at the Golden Oaks library in half an hour?” Berry explained seriously.

Cheerilee looked at her sister with concern in her eyes. “Of course”, she stammered nervously. “I’ll lock up straight away.”

“Excellent, and in advance I’d like to say sorry to the both of you. What you will both find out in a short while is neither a pretty or happy story, except the ending, because that is you Ruby, the most wonderful daughter a mother could ask for and if anyone ever tells you different come straight to me, I’ll deal with them.” Berry smiled, but her voice was laced with anger and venom. As she resumed talking, her voice had returned to its usual cheery tone. “Now come on Ruby, we’ve got to pop home before going to the library.” And with that Berry whisked her filly into a massive hug before setting her down and walking out of the schoolhouse. Ruby bounced behind her, the latter’s troubles seemingly forgotten for now.

Cheerilee watched them go before pulling a key off the underside of the top draw of her desk proceeding to unlock the bottom draw and removing a bottle of apple whiskey alongside a small glass. It had been nearly eight years since she last enjoyed the taste of alcohol, her job and being a good example and role model for the fillies and colts she taught taking precedence. Her face was grave as she poured the whiskey into the glass and downed it in one gulp. Today would be an exception to that rule. She had tried countless times over the years to get her sister to open up but to no avail. Now that the answers were finally in her grasp it scared her. What had happened whilst she worked for the Canterlot government and why had she been forbidden to talk about it? That incident in Canterlot surely couldn’t mean what had happened at the Royal Wedding and them bug like creature things. What were they called again, changelings? Surely she hadn’t had anything to do with them monsters? The thought alone made her shudder violently and she poured herself a second glass of the whisky, downing that along with a third glass to calm her frazzled nerves before tightening the bottle back up and placing it securely back in the draw. After returning the key to its hiding spot she rose and trotted to the door. Looking over her shoulder she saw the mess the schoolhouse was still in but ignored it, shut the door behind her, locked up and started for the library. Cheerilee just knew in her gut that the next few hours of her life were going to be some of the most difficult she would ever face.


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As the Golden Oak library loomed in front of Berry and Ruby they saw that Cheerilee was already waiting for them outside. The cerise mare gave her sister a curt nod as she approached heading straight for the library’s front door and pounding her front right hoof upon it. They were swiftly met at the door by Twilight’s young dragon assistant Spike who looked at the three ponies with a confused expression etched across his face.

“Mrs Punch, Miss Cheerilee, what can we do for you today” Spike enquired.

“I require the aid of your guardian Miss Sparkle in a family matter, is she home?” Berry enquired politely.

“Yes, she is, but would rather not be disturbed right now. She’s catching up with her reading after the Canterlot, Crystal Empire, Pinkie Pie, Trixie debacles.” Spike replied.

“I see, well this is quite an important matter but I’ll let her decide if she wishes to see me or not. Could you tell her that former Agent Black Seed of Celestia’s Secret Service Covert Operations Changeling Detection Division, Agent no.C8462C, discharged with highest honours 10 years ago due to severe mental and physical trauma, would like to see her and send a message to the princess.” Berry said, reaching into one of the saddle bags on her back and pulling out a beautiful half normal, half black diamond representation of a solar eclipse encased in solid gold and with the words ‘The Medal Of The Two Sisters’’ engraved in gold below it. “Also, show her this” she passed the medal to Spike as the Dragon, Cheerilee and Ruby stared at her open mouthed.

“Okay” the Dragon stammered after managing to regain some of his composure, taking the medal and heading back inside.

Twilight sat behind her desk reading a large tome entitled “Mythical creatures and beasts”. After the wedding in Canterlot and the return of the Crystal Empire she wanted to be sure she was prepared in case any other legendary bizarre creatures suddenly appeared and tried to conquer Equestria. She’d learnt more about manticores, their cousin the chimera, griffins, seaponies, hippogriffs, anthropomorphic cats, humans, changelings and many, many more weird and intriguing beings. It was in the midst of her studying that a loud knocking had occurred on her front door and she’d sent Spike to investigate, the dragon only to glad to assist. As she buried her head back into her studying it was only when she heard a loud cough behind her that she realised Spike had returned.

Not bothering to look up she simply muttered “who was it Spike?” Upon which her assistant responded.

“Former Agent Black Seed of Celestia’s Secret Service Black Operations Changeling Detection Division, Agent no.C8462C, discharged with highest honours 10 years ago due to severe mental and physical trauma, would like to see you and send a message to the princess.” Spike repeated Berry’s statement almost word for word. “And she wanted me to”

“That’s nice.” Twilight responded, to engrossed in the book she was reading and not really paying attention to what her assistant was saying.

“3, 2, 1” Spike deadpanned.

“WAIT, WHO?!?” Twilight shouted, her eyes widening at what Spike had just told her as she spun around and looked at her assistant who was holding something out to her in his claws.

She looked at what Spike was holding and her mouth dropped. Quickly leaping down from her chair Twilight pushed past Spike and headed to the front door where Berry Punch, her daughter Ruby and Cheerilee all waited.

“May we come in?” Berry asked.


To my Commanding Officer Princess Celestia,

10 Years have passed since I was relieved of your service and had my previous life signed away to secrecy. I think we both knew then that there would come a day when my daughter would need to learn of her origins. Today is that day.

I wished to keep my daughter from knowing about my past and her changeling lineage for as long as possible but sadly I no longer see this as a viable option. For one there is the recent Canterlot invasion and public awareness of the existence of changelings. This has, as expected, led to widespread paranoia and fear across the general pony population in Equestria and I fear constantly about what may happen to Ruby if she accidentally exposes herself, which grows more and more likely as she gets older with no knowledge of what she actually is. By letting Ruby, my sister and Twilight know of my past I hope that we can help her to understand and embrace her currently unknown changeling attributes whilst keeping them a secret from those who may wish to cause her harm. Secondly, as she is getting older she is becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and the insults that are being directed at me. Today I found her after school sobbing into her auntie’s chest asking what an alcoholic whore was and why her mummy was being labelled one. These questions will only grow as she gets older and this event ultimately confirmed to me that this conversation needs to happen now. Twilight has already setup the anti-scrying spell around the library, all I require is your permission along with the necessary paperwork so that we no longer have to bare this secret alone. Please my dearest and oldest friend, grant me my wish.

Finally, I’m sorry I was unable to assist you in your time of need during the recent Canterlot invasion and that if you ever require my services again, I will be more than happy to assist you as best as I can. Your forever loyal and faithful servant,

Agent Black Seed.

As soon as the green flamed letter had appeared in front of her with the seal of a black strawberry and bunch of grapes Celestia had retired to her quarters, informing Kibitz that all further duties were cancelled for the day due to a matter of the highest importance and urgency. Celestia had been expecting this for a while now and as she read over the letter from her prized asset, she couldn’t help but let a tear drop over her face.

“I’m so sorry my little pony for how I have failed you.” She muttered sadly to herself whilst pulling out a scroll, quill and ink from a draw beneath the desk in her room.

My dearest Berry,

I enclose the necessary forms and grant you my blessing. I am so sorry for the problems these secrets have been causing you and hope Twilight, Ruby and Cheerilee take the news okay. I just wish I could be there to support you but feel it is best we keep this as low profile as possible.

You are in no fit state for active service and you know it, so please don’t beat yourself up about what happened in Canterlot, I and the whole of Equestria already owe you enough for what you have done. The Canterlot invasion was my fault and mine alone, I should have seen the signs. I am just thankful Twilight did. I would very much appreciate your help though in an advisory capacity on the current changeling situation and even more so would like to meet you and Ruby again as it has been so long. This would also give me the chance to talk to Ruby hoof to hoof about just how special she is. Enclosed with the forms are two train tickets and tickets for the premiere of Canterlot’s latest theatre production based upon the events of the royal wedding. I expect to see you in two weeks for a month-long visit where you will be my personal guests and have access to all the privileges the castle has to offer. I’ll also arrange a tutor so Ruby does not miss out on any schooling.

It was great hearing from you again, I’m just sorry it was not on better terms. See you in two weeks, your dearest friend,


As Twilight and Berry finished reading the reply, Twilight looked at the Mulberry mare intrigued.

“Okay, Mrs Punch you have well and truly got me hooked. You had that as soon as I saw your medal, so let us get these forms signed and then you can tell us your tale. SPIKE” she called.

The dragon quickly made his presence known, popping his head around the door to Twilight’s study. “Yes Twilight” he asked.

“Can you pop out and get pizza, ice cream and drinks. Oh, and take it out of my royal expense allowance, thanks.” She asked politely.

“Woah, you never let us use that money, this must be important. Any specific type of pizza or ice cream?” Spike respoded.

“Just get a mixture and take Ruby with you if she wants to go. We’ve got an interesting evening ahead of us.” Twilight stated.

“Okay Twi, see you in a bit” and with that the young dragon was gone.

“That’ll hopefully keep those two busy whilst you, me and Cheerilee go over the paperwork.” Twilight smiled, picking up the letter and adjoining items with her magic as she trotted to the door of her study.

Berry stood where she was looking at Twilight a little perplexed. “You’re taking this very well”.

Twilight turned and gave her a nervous laugh. “Well I am here studying friendship and what kind of friend would I be if I couldn’t help one in a time of need” She smiled warmly at Berry not waiting for a response as she walked out the door towards the main hub of the library where Cheerilee had been helping Ruby with her reading.

“Thanks. You are a good friend Twilight Sparkle” Berry whispered under her breath before following Twilight out of the study.


The paperwork completed and the importance of the secret she was about to be told emphasised to Ruby, the ponies tucked into the takeaway Spike and the young filly had picked up. As the ponies slowly devoured the meal that was in front if them an awkward silence hung over the table. It was Berry who finally broke it as she gathered enough courage to start her story.

“So where should I start” she said in a resigned tone. She turned to her little filly and stared solemnly into her eyes. “Some of the things I’m about to say you may not understand or be shocked by. If there is something you want explained just stop me and I’ll do my best. Just remember that I love you Ruby. You are the one thing that keeps me going. Got it.”

“Yes mummy” Ruby stuttered, feeling a touch scared by her mother’s sombre tone.

“Good” Berry replied. “So, let’s start from the beginning, my cutie mark. Many people see it as being related to alcohol and being able to distinguish a good alcoholic drink from a substandard one. In truth that’s only a part of it. My cutie mark illustrates my special talent of being able to identify the subtlest of differences between two things, whether this be the contents of two wines or a pony and a changeling pretending to be a pony.” She paused for a moment as she saw once again the stunned looks from the ponies around the table.

“Mummy, changelings are those horrid black bug creatures that attacked princess Cadence at her wedding, right?” Ruby queried staring up at her mother.

“That’s correct sunshine, but not all Changelings are horrid. I feel it’s best to get this out of the way first. I want you to look across at Twilight and concentrate really hard. Let the image of her flood your mind and make you want to be her. I know that sounds like a strange request but please just do it for mummy.” Berry responded nervously.

“Okay, for you mummy.” Ruby said a little confused, but did as her mother wished and concentrated her gaze on Twilight.

After a few moments there was a burst of green magic and an exact duplicate, if a little smaller, of Twilight sat at the table. This time the table was full of gasps at what they had just witnessed and Spike screamed toppling his chair over.

“Mummy” Ruby whimpered turning to Berry, “why is everyone staring at me?”

“Because you are the most special and unique filly in all Equestria, that’s why. You are a pony changeling hybrid, the only known one in existence and before you ask, no, that does not make you evil. You see, your core is that of a pony, a creature full of love, warmth and acceptance of other creatures. This neutralises the dark, cold evil that changelings usually possess in their core. Despite this, you are likely to display some changeling characteristics although thankfully it seems your appearance will be that of a pony except for the fact your canines are starting to develop into fangs and your tongue is forked. The latter is why you occasionally hiss at me when you are angry. Your diet also needs to supplemented with love, something which I’ve been more than happy to give to you, but is often the reason I seem quite tired as the whole process drains me of energy. I’m also unsure if you’ll ever get a proper cutie mark and as you’ve just demonstrated you can shapeshift into another creature. I know you must be feeling a lot of emotions right now but what you need to remember is that no matter what happens in the future you will always be mummies little girl.” Berry explained wrapping her filly in a hug as a stream of mulberry love passed between them.

As the embrace ended the Twilight duplicate looked up at her mother and said in her most grown up voice “as long as you love me mummy nothings changed. Except now I know I have super cool powers.” Ruby turned and looked at her aunt and with a flash of green the miniature Twilight was replaced by a miniature Cheerilee at the table.

Cheerilee had to hold back a scream and/or a laugh as she shivered reactively to the doppelganger of herself across the table. In the end she settled on “okay that’s just freaky, please return to your normal self and remember no doing that in public. All of us may be willing to accept what you are Ruby, but not everypony will be. I’m sure someday you will be able to reveal what you really are but for now we have to keep it a secret for your safety.”

“Okay auntie Cheerilee.” Ruby said with a small pout as she returned back to her normal self.

“Thank you Ruby. Now sister, I’m keeping calm and collected for Ruby, but if I don’t get some answers immediately, I am going to go Freakilee and you know what that means.” Cheerilee said looking sternly at her sister.

Twilight for the most part had just sat in silence jotting notes as her assistant picked himself up of the floor in a daze. “Yes, please continue and inform us how this all came to pass Mrs Punch. I must say your special talent is fascinating. You alright starting with an explanation of how you found out your talent?” Twilight questioned.

“Of course. As Cheerilee is well aware we are half-sisters and it is because of our mother’s actions that we ended up not only without a father growing up but also living in a two-room bedsit, with one of those rooms being the bathroom. After Cheerilee’s father left our mother suffered badly from depression, could barely hold down a job and developed an unhealthy drinking habit. I’m not going to go into details about our early lives, there are too many things to discuss as it is and I’d rather Ruby didn’t know certain things about my upbringing.” Berry began her story before her daughter piped up once again.

“Why mummy?” Ruby quizzed.

“Because it was not a very nice time of my life little gem and I don’t want to make you feel needlessly sad over something that was so long ago and which can never be changed. It is better just to look ahead and think positively about the future.” Berry answered her filly’s enquiry.

“Oh, okay. I can do that for you mummy.” Ruby looked at her mother with a smile on her face before a burst of green turned her into a miniature replica of her mother

Berry went wide eyed as Cheerilee broke out into a fit of giggles across the table.

“Ahh, she’s so sweet” cooed the cerise mare, trying to suppress the giggles.

Berry stuck her tongue out at her sister before turning to her doppelganger and chuckling “I’m going to have to get used to that. Okay sweetie enough with the games. You do want to hear the rest of my story don’t you.”

A flash of green and a nod of her daughter’s eager head was all Berry got in reply as she reached out and took another slice of Pizza.

“Thank you Ruby, you truly are the best daughter any mother could ask for. Anyway, moving swiftly on” Berry mumbled with her mouth partly full of Pizza, turning her attention back to the other two mares and dragon at the table. “One night shortly after my sixth birthday our mum was very late back from her latest job, so late that both me and Cheerilee had fallen asleep. The next day I found her cooking us a proper breakfast. By this point Cheerilee had been cooking our meals for over a year, so that was strange to begin with. The drinking also decreased and for the first time I could remember she showed great interest in me and offered to help in an upcoming school field trip of mine to Canterlot Castle amongst other almost unnoticeable things that all started to tell me this ‘thing’ wasn’t my mother”. Berry explained.

“Wait?” Cheerilee interrupted “Are you telling me it wasn’t a sudden cardiac arrest that killed our mother on the trip to Canterlot Castle?”

“Exactly, two weeks after the changeling had disposed of and replaced our mother we had our field trip. In short, I broke away from the group, found and confronted Princess Celestia and tried to tell her that something had replaced my mother. She was happy to listen politely to my ramblings until our supposed mother came to find and take me back to the group. That’s when it made a vital mistake. It said apologies my queen, I took my eye of her for one second and she snuck away. For some reason my daughter has had some crazy belief recently that I’m not her real mother and rather something that has replaced her. Anyone spot the mistake?” Berry asked pausing and taking a sip from her coke on the table to help wash down the pizza.

“Celestia’s a princess and not a queen” Twilight deadpanned.

“Correct. Celestia revealed the spy and the changeling tried to lunge at her with a knife, but I barrelled into its side before Celestia imprisoned and suffocated it with her magic. My cutie mark appeared and Celestia recognised my gift. It represents how although somethings may look or be labelled the same, if you look close enough you can often notice even the most minuscule of differences.” Berry continued.

“So, when Celestia took both of us in, it wasn’t just because she felt sorry for us.” Cheerilee pressed.

“After the whole event went down Celestia talked to me and that’s when she found out that me and you were now orphans. She told me that we could live at the castle if I assisted her in locating and tracking down more of those bug creatures. I had no idea what they were called at the time. Celestia told me how I had a very unique special talent and I’d be doing not just her a great favour, but the whole of Equestria. Initially I did it for neither of them sister, I did it for you” Berry enlightened her audience, smiling at her sister as forced back the tears that had started to form in her eyes. “You may only be three years older than me, but you did so much for me during my early years. You practically were my mum.”

Cheerilee let a gasp of shock leave her lips as tears also welled in her eyes. “I never knew you saw me that way. I can’t believe I got so frustrated and annoyed from not being able to spend much time with you over the course of the next five years. I’m guessing the whole boarding school thing was a lie as well?”

“Yes, over the course the next five years I was taught not just the normal curriculum but detailed classified information about the secret war with the changelings that although had been ongoing for centuries had only recently become an actual major threat to Equestrian security. I also had martial arts, stealth, weapons and many other forms of training required for one of Celestia’s field agents and was provided with my codename, Black Seed. I know it is one of Celestia’s biggest regrets that she had to push me into service so young, I wasn’t even twelve when the threat to our monarchy became all to real. You see my left eye, glass and one of the biggest developments in magical technology over the past century.” She tapped it to express her point. “It was a normal day at the castle like any other, but there was a feeling in my gut that something was off, I just couldn’t pinpoint it. As I lay tossing and turning in my bed that night I decided to get up and go for a walk. You won’t remember this Twilight as Celestia used a memory wipe spell on you but I saved your life that night.”

“WHAT?” Twilight exclaimed staring up at the mulberry mare from her notes. This story was getting more and more ludicrous by the minute.

“Yeah, it was shortly after you arrived and one of the servants had been replaced without us realising. Chrysalis must have felt your raw ability even then and decided to be safe rather than sorry, knowing your death would also have a huge impact on the princess. After I found the first dead guard I ran and followed the blood trail, fearing another attack on the princess. Seven guards lost their lives that night but I at least saved you, just. The changeling was seconds away from plunging a knife deep into your sleeping form when I got there. A struggle ensued, the knife ended up in my eye, the changeling didn’t end up getting up from the floor. It was the first of 1027 Changelings I would locate and help eradicate across Equestria over the next three and half years.”

The shock was back on everypony’s face, even her daughter looked at her open mouthed. It was Twilight who finally broke the silence.

“So what happened?” She asked cautiously taking a slice of pizza from the table in her magic.

“Shortly after my fifteenth birthday Chrysalis finally located and pinned down me and my team in a little village in southern Equestria. Six ponies versus the queen of the changelings and over 1000 of her drones. The fact that the queen herself had left the safety of her hive to deal with us shows you just how much we had pissed her of. In short, we knew we were bucked. There was no place to run or hide. I’d say we took down at least a quarter of them before the last of my comrades, my friends, were ripped to pieces limb by limb in front of my eyes and I was pinned down. The queen had special plans for me. They hogtied and blindfolded me and took me back to their hive. Chrysalis used me as her play thing for over two years.” Berry went on.

“That’s when Celestia informed me there had been an accident on your way back to Canterlot from boarding school and you were currently missing. She refused to give me any further details despite how much I pressed.” Cheerilee added.

“I always wondered what she told you when I disappeared.” Berry said continuing with an element of sorrow in her voice. “Anyway, what you see before you is simply a very powerful illusion spell. I have the spell with me if you wish to see my true appearance, but will not expose my daughter to such a horror. I have multiple permanent scars and burns, patches of missing fur, an unnaturally twisted right back leg and serious muscle tissue damage in my left shoulder both of which effect my walking along with the permanent lung damage I suffered from countless broken and re-broken ribs that affect my breathing. I’ve also suffered numerous head traumas and my right ear is missing. In truth my real form looks like Frankenpony’s monster and I’m in agony 24 hours a day, not just from my physical wounds either. My body was exposed to so much changeling venom that it has become infused with my blood and naturally reproduces itself within me. No doctor in Equestria can really explain what’s happened other than although I seem to have built up a strong enough immunity to prevent it from killing me, the level of toxicity it causes makes it feel like I am being burned alive from the inside constantly."

"Fascinating" Twilight interrupted, adding a few more notes to her already nearly full notebook. "Sorry, please continue." She quickly added seeing everypony glaring at her.

"Anyway" Berry persisted. "That’s before you even consider the psychological trauma.” Berry’s mouth twitched as she finished that last sentence, her eyes glazing over with a faraway look as tears started flowing freely down her face before she continued. “The horrors that monster did to me are unspeakable. I only got away due to her finally getting bored with me and telling a few of her drones to dispose of me. Buck, I still don’t know how I managed to overpower them in the state I was in and get away, but I did it and I’m sure unknowingly it was Ruby giving me the strength to do so. Chrysalis didn’t even bother sending another search party to find me, that’s how sure she was I was as good as dead. Five days I wandered on aimlessly through desolate landscapes scraping to find food and water just to keep me going until I finally hit a military outpost and word was able to get back to Celestia that I was alive despite the delirious state I was in. An initial medical examination followed up by a more thorough one in Canterlot revealed I was two months pregnant with Chrysalis’s child and Celestia officially signed me off with highest honours and awarded me the highest medal in Equestrian history along with a healthy pension. As Cheerilee had just been offered the position of school mistress in Ponyville I moved and have lived here ever since. Still, if it wasn’t for Cheerilee and Ruby I doubt I would still be alive today. They are the only two reasons that have kept me going ever since I was first captured by Chrysalis and then after I moved to Ponyville” she finished turning to her daughter with the medal in her hoof as Twilight fainted at the reveal of who Ruby’s father actually was. “So now you” she didn’t finish as her daughter wrapped her arms around her in the biggest hug imaginable.

“You are the bravest, coolest, most badass, amazing mother ever” Ruby squeaked. “I can’t believe you gave up so much to help so many others. I couldn’t love you anymore if I tried”.

Tears of relief and happiness streamed down Berry’s face in response at her so understanding daughter “and neither could I love you anymore” she murmured as she hugged her filly back feeling another hoof on her shoulder as yet another mulberry wisp of love passed between mother and daughter.

“We’ll be by your side now and forever dear sister, this fight is no longer solely yours to bare.” Cheerilee whispered in her ear.

Family Appreciation Day

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Berry Punch walked into the schoolhouse on Monday morning with a smile plastered across her face despite the pain that coursed its way ceaselessly throughout her entire body. This was going to be fun. After the big reveal on Friday evening she’d spent much of the weekend in the library with Twilight and Ruby. After waking up on her couch with Spike fanning her, Twilight quickly got over her initial shock that the daughter of the queen of the changelings was in her home and became fascinated about the once in a lifetime research opportunity that had been presented to her. Ruby for her part had been the perfect test subject, although the ‘gifts’ Twilight lavished on her may have played a part in her good behaviour.

Ruby and Berry had had a further mother to daughter heart to heart to clarify certain things. After the initial excitement of the discloser Ruby had felt a little scared of the ‘monster’ she might grow into. Berry had been honest with her daughter, saying she couldn’t be sure what physical changeling changes she may experience as she grew into adulthood over the next few years and that there may never come a day when everypony would accept her for what she was. Berry had assured Ruby though that as long as she didn’t let hatred, anger and evil corrupt her heart, she was sure she would be just fine and that one day the general population may be willing to accept her secret. One thing was for certain, Ruby now knew what she was and there was a collection of ponies willing to help her. Berry and Celestia had granted Twilight permission to inform her friends and Pinkie was now planning a super-secret we love you no matter what you are party for Ruby at Twilight’s after school today. Berry had also had a private talk with Cheerilee and if anything, the revelation had only made the weakening bond between the two mares a lot stronger and not destroyed it completely as Berry had feared.

As she heard her sister’s voice on the other side of the door, she knew it was time to begin one of the best days of her daughter’s life so far.

“Settle down class, I’m glad you had a good lunch, but it’s time for another family appreciation day.” She heard her sister on the other side of the door. Cheerilee continued as the class started to quieten down. “This pony is also very close to my heart and has done a lot for me without me even knowing, thus without further ado I’d like to introduce my sister and Ruby’s mother Berry Punch.”

Berry took a swig from a hip flask, put it back in her saddle bag and said under her breath “well here goes nothing” before pushing open the door and smiling at the class of fillies

Her daughter stared at her open mouthed as a few murmurs and sniggers erupted from a few of the young ponies in the room.

“Good afternoon class, may I ask what the joke is.” She asked politely. Silence greeted her as her eyes locked with those of Diamond Tiara, a leer drawn across the young filly’s face. “Well I guess the joke is me then. You know it’s not nice to judge ponies before you meet them and can get their side of the story. You may have heard stories of me from your parents, the unfit, jobless, deadbeat of a mother who spends all her spare time in the local tavern, but in actual truth I am retired on medical grounds.”. She placed her saddle bags down next to Cheerilee’s desk before going on. “Me and Cheerilee were both orphaned when we were around your ages and I ended up becoming the youngest student of Equestria’s military academy. Whereas your school days are full of fun, laughter and making friends, mine contributed of middle of the night 10-mile runs, obstacle courses with electrically charged barbed wire and 20ft walls to climb over, and combat training against ponies three times as old and as big as I was.” The foals looked at her with wide awe-struck eyes as she persisted. “Anyway, who’d like a demonstration. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, would you be so kind as to come up here.”

The three fillies rose nervously from their seats and walked to the front of the classroom.

“No need to be shy, we are just going to play a little game.” She reached into her saddlebag and pulled out three freshly baked chocolate muffins she’d acquired from Sugarcube corner and put them on Cheerilee’s desk. “Your mission is to pin me to the ground and get me to submit, you have three minutes and a further minute to think of a strategy. Your prize if you succeed is on the desk there. You may use your own unique gifts, Earth pony strength, Pegasus flight and Unicorn magic but no outside items. Do you accept your mission?”

The three fillies looked up at with wide grins plastered across their faces. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Equestrian Soldiers” they squealed gleefully huddling together to discuss tactics whilst Berry looked at them with a grin, this could be interesting.

Just as the minute was edging to a close Apple Bloom burst free from the other two fillies and charged head first at Berry. Surprise and distract, she thought, not taking her eyes away from Scootaloo who had slunk to the back of the room and was arching her way around the desks to catch her from behind. Then came a burst of magic and her vision blurred for a moment as Apple Bloom cannoned into her. Even with her distorted vision she quickly pacified the young Earth pony with a mild sleeper hold. As she slumped to the floor Scootaloo charged from behind, her look of triumph swiftly replaced with one of shock and terror as Berry rose from the floor and turned with unnatural grace and speed, picking the little Pegasus up and pinning her against the chalkboard.

“Yield?” She chuckled.

Scootaloo fought valiantly but in the end gave up and murmured angrily “yield”.

As she lowered the Pegasus to the floor, Sweetie Belle, who had been in a state of shock from seeing her mock adversary swiftly deal with her friends launched another blast of magic to try and distract Berry, but this time Berry was prepared. She dodged the blast and pre-empted the young unicorns next move, intercepting her.

“Got you” she sniggered just as her back right leg gave way in a fit of pain and she cried out in agony before murmuring “Sweet Celestia that’s painful. Okay Sweetie Belle, sorry to cut it short but the demonstration is over. You and your friends can each help yourself to a muffin.” Berry winced as the class stared at her with concern.

An anxious Sweetie Belle finally enquired “we didn’t hurt you Mrs Punch, did we?” her voice tinged with sorrow.

“No, no. Just one of the reasons I was relieved from duty” Berry grimaced as Cheerilee helped her up into a chair. “I was a silly fool for thinking I could provide you an active demonstration of some of the manoeuvres I learnt.” She laughed trying to hide the pain she was feeling as she reached for her saddle bag and took out the hip flask taking a hearty swig.

“Huh, what happened, did we win?” Apple Bloom rose groggily from the floor.

“Sleeper hold little one, the effects will wear off over time. In the end it was my body that failed me so feel free to help yourself to a muffin.” Berry said, graciously accepting defeat as the three fillies happily took their prizes and went back to their seats. “Anyway class, sorry about having to cut that demonstration short, I hope it at least showed you some of the things I learnt during my time at the academy. Also, a big hoof of applause for my three volunteers, especially for a good use of tactics and teamwork. I’m sure most individuals would have been subdued by your manoeuvres and you each earned your reward.”

She paused as wild roars and cheers filled the room to congratulate Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bellle who gratefully accepted the praise with the biggest grins imaginable.

“Alright now, settle down and I’ll continue my story.” The room fell silent almost immediately, all eyes locked on the mare at the front of the room. “So not only was I the youngest member of Equestria’s military academy but I also became its youngest servant at just eleven years old”. She paused as gasps echoed round the room. “In truth, it was just a further part of my training, to see how our outposts were run and worked. Still, there were occasions when the threat became all to real and I was called into action to defend the border. One of these occurred shortly after my fifteenth birthday. I can’t go into details about the incident as the report is highly classified, but I ended up being the only survivor, managing to not only report the incoming attack but repel it for long enough that Celestia and reinforcements were able to arrive and assist. Sadly I suffered multiple wounds both physical and psychological that forced me to retire despite my desire to continue and was personally awarded ‘The Medal Of The Two Sisters’’. It is the highest honour in the whole of Equestria and was awarded by Princess Celestia herself for my service and sacrifice. She pulled out the medal and showed it off to the class of fillies who were hooked to her every word and ooed and aahed at the item in her hoof as she went on. “It is said that after banishing her sister to the moon and enwrapped in grief, Princess Celestia spent thirty days and nights locked in her private chambers carving the most beautiful of trinkets so that she would never forget her sister and the good times they had had. She was so pleased with her work and how it had eased her grief that she then decreed and made it an official award to ponies in Equestria’s service who went way above and beyond the call of duty. In over a thousand years the process of making such an exquisite gem has remained one of Princess Celestia’s most guarded secrets and, although only she knows the exact figure that she’s made, I believe that fewer than ten including the original have ever been made. And that my dear little fillies brings to an end my presentation for Ruby’s family appreciation day.”

Groans and moans erupted from the engrossed fillies as Cheerilee got up to address the class. Berry on the other hoof couldn’t help noticing that one filly seemed awfully quiet in the back row next to Ruby, a little yellow Pegasus with a violet mane. She shuddered. Oh no, no, no not here, not now. Slowly one of her hooves reached into her saddlebag.

“Settle down everypony.” Cherilee commanded waiting for the grumbles to subside before continuing. “Now does anypony have a question” Cheerilee didn’t finish as Berry, flew past her with a knife in her hoof.

“GET HELP NOW” Berry screamed as she launched herself at one of her sister’s students in the back row with a knife in her hoof, ignoring the burning pain that throbbed endlessly throughout her entire body and instead allowing the adrenaline rush to take over.

Realising there was no point hiding anymore there was a flash of green as the changeling reverted back to its original form, hissed viciously at the oncoming mare and then launched itself into the fight as young fillies and colts panicked and started running everywhere.

“OUTSIDE NOW” Cheerilee commanded trying to get the spooked foals under control as her sister grappled with the changeling on the floor. “Applebloom go get Big Mac and Applejack, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, buck it, little fillies just scream and get whoever you can to help” Cheerilee continued finally marshalling the last of the fillies out of the schoolhouse before looking over at the fight only to see the Changeling hurl her sister through a window.

“Stupid, weak pony, you really thought you could kill me. You are pathetic.” The changeling goaded pulling the knife from its flank and leaping through the window after Berry.

Before she knew what she was doing Cheerilee leapt through the window after the changeling, crashing into it as it stood over the limp form of her sister. The two forms went tumbling across the playground in a knot of entangled limbs with Cheerilee ending up on top as they finally came to a stop. Pinning the changeling down with her back hooves the school teacher mustered as much of her Earth pony strength as she could and tried to pummel the changeling senseless and into submission.

Unable to dislodge the weight on top of it the changeling opted to transfer back to its little filly form in a puff of green magic and whimpered with tearful eyes “why do you hurt me Miss Cheerilee?

Cheerilee froze in her onslaught for a split second and that was all the changeling needed. Reaching out it grabbed the knife that had been lost in the initial scuffle and plunged it into Cheerilee. Her eyes glazed as she looked down and saw the knife that now extended from her chest. She tried to say something but found she couldn’t as her strength failed her and the changeling pushed the dead weight from itself with ease.

The changeling rose groggily before choking and gasping violently as it transferred reactively back its usual look. It looked down to see a mulberry hoof and a shard of glass wedged in its neck.

“Game bucking over” Berry spluttered angrily, spitting blood into the Changelings face as it looked at her in shock and disbelief before plummeting to the floor, dead.

Berry staggered and swayed for a few moments as the final wisps of strength ebbed away from her body giggling as a mob of ponies from town came rushing around the corner of the schoolhouse.

“Thanks Ruby but me and Cheerilee took care of it. You look awfully funny.” She giggled some more her vision blurring and head swimming as fatigue engulfed her and she collapsed to the ground hearing the muffled screams of her daughter as darkness washed over her.

The End?

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Berry awoke in absolute agony. Nothing new there she thought as she tried to get her bearings to determine where she was. Looking around at the clinical looking sterile white walls, the heart rate monitor and the cables attached to her she gathered she was in Ponyville General and by the position of the sun out the window it was early morning.

“Great, what the buck happened this time” she muttered to herself before remembering the changeling at family appreciation day. “Well, I suppose at least I gave the young ponies a good show” she chuckled to herself before wincing at the pain it caused her. “Bollocks, where’s a drink when a gal needs one” she continued finally seeing that her left hind leg was raised in a cast. “Brilliant, just brilliant, there goes my third leg, wonder what else I’ve done this time” she raised the covers to inspect herself as the vision in her left eye flickered in and out of focus. “Hmm, seems I’ve knocked the spell out of tilt, those unicorns are not going to be happy about that.” She looked down at her body to find it almost entirely covered in gauze. She looked like she was prepared for Nightmare Night. “My word that changeling certainly did a number on me, but to be fair I’m not exactly on top of my game anymore. Multiple bruises, a black eye, cuts and lacerations, probably yet another broken rib or two. I know my back feels mightily sore after that unexpected flight through the window. I guess if a broken leg and being unable to walk for the foreseeable feature was the worst injury I suffered I guess I got off lightly, just glad Cheerilee.” Her heart stopped remembering the limp form of her sister on the playground as she started to black out. In an instant she was trying to force herself out of bed, pulling leads out of her left, right and centre that caused alarms to go off all over the place.

As Nurse Redheart and Dr. Horse came sprinting into her room she screamed “where is Cheerilee, where is my sister, tell me, tell me now.” Tears flowed down her face as the fear she felt for her sister’s safety hit her.

“Mrs Punch. Please calm down, your body needs time for the Earth Pony magic to heal you the best it can. This flailing about will only re-open your wounds and make things worse. If you don’t calm down, we’ll have to sedate you.” Nurse Redheart tried to explain as more nurses entered to assist her and Dr. Hooves with the uncooperative patient.

“TELL ME NOW.” Berry demanded, somehow pushing Dr. Hooves off her as she stared desperately into Nurse Redheart’s eyes.

The Nurse couldn’t hold her gaze, turning her head away from Berry’s pleading eyes. Berry broke down, wailing and sobbing more than any pony could possibly imagine. She didn’t even feel the needle enter her flank as she slowly grew more and more sleepy, finally drifting off into an uneasy dreamless sleep.


As the black void lifted and she once again returned to the land of the living the first thing she saw was Ruby sniffling into her bed covers. Slowly the pieces once again formed together in her mind and the tears started to return. Cheerilee, her sister, was gone.

“I’m sorry Ruby, this is all my fault. I was just trying to protect you, protect your classmates, protect Ponyville, protect Equestria.” Berry rambled. “If I’d let that changeling leave that classroom, it could have been any of your friends or anyone in Ponyville who suffered because of it. It may never have been possible to track it down again. It could even have panicked and attacked you or another student in the classroom. It was a split-second decision, I didn’t ask for Cheerilee to help, but she did so because it was her duty to protect the fillies and colts under her tutelage along with the fact she didn’t want to lose me again, her sister.” Berry wasn’t even sure she was making any sense anymore.

Ruby for her part just looked up into her mother’s distant tearful eyes and jumped on her hugging her tight and burying her head into her mother’s chest, sobbing violently “I thought I was going to lose you to.” A muffled barely audible squeak emitted from the little pony-changeling hybrid.

“There, there Ruby, let it all out. Mummy is here for you now.” Berry murmured closing her eyes as the tears started to return and embracing her daughter tightly despite the considerable amount of discomfort it was causing her.

As mother and daughter continued their embrace, a heavenly voice rose from across the hospital room. “It wasn’t your fault. You simply did what you were trained to do. Protect Equestria no matter what the cost may be and your sister, even unintentionally, did the same. Let us not mourn her departure from the physical plain and be lost to the darkness grief can cause, but instead remember her for her kindness, selflessness and bravery. She shall posthumously be awarded the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage along with you my friend.”

Berry opened her eyes and looked up from her embrace to see Celestia and her student smiling warmly at them, their own faces stained with tears. Still clutching tightly onto her daughter, she replied. “Thank you, dear friend, it will be a fitting way for Ruby to remember her amazing auntie. I am still in shock, I just can’t believe my beloved sister is gone. Was it at least quick?” The last words barely audible as she forced them from her mouth.

“The knife went straight through her heart. She died almost instantly. Nurse Redheart and me tried our very best to bring her back but there was nothing we could do.” Twilight sighed sadly.

“Thank you for telling me. Knowing that she at least died quickly and without much suffering at least brings me some comfort. How long was I out for? She pressed.

“Nearly three days. Ruby’s been staying with me when she’s not been glued to your bedside. I knew Earth Ponies were strong but the fact you managed to stand on that broken leg of yours especially considering your deformed right hindleg was utterly unbelievable.” Twilight waffled on.

“Never doubt the strength of an Earth Pony.” Berry forced a smirk before sighing heavily. “When can I get out of here and when’s the funeral?”

“The funerals in three days and hopefully if you rest enough you’ll be out by then. Me and the girls will each take turns to look after you during your recovery.” Twilight replied.

“Good and no need. I’ll be heading to Canterlot as soon as the funeral is over. I may be a broken mare but I’m still probably the best weapon we have against the changelings. It is my duty to continue serving you Celestia in whatever capacity I am able to. I hope you respect my wishes, princess.” Berry said stoically.

“Of course, you and Ruby will be most welcome and although I’d rather not have need of your services once again Mrs. Punch, I feel I really don’t have much choice on the matter. For one, reports of possible changeling activity and attacks have risen exponentially since the attack on Canterlot and it would be foalish of me to refuse your experience and knowledge on the subject. Secondly, you wouldn’t let me stop you anyway, so what’s the point of arguing about it.” The princess deadpanned.

“Glad to know we’re on the same wavelength princess. I’m sure your student can assist me in writing up my report for you over the next few days. I know this talk has been a brief one, especially as we haven’t seen each other in so long, but if you two don’t mind I’d like to be alone to grieve with my daughter right now. She’s lost her auntie and nearly her mother the past few days and I can’t imagine the effect that’s had on her.” Berry stated lugubriously.

“Of course, we can catch up over the next few days. I’ll be around till the funeral and the three of us can head back to Canterlot together afterwards in the royal train car.” Celestia smiled heading for the door with Twilight. Just they were heading through it Berry spoke up again.

“Twilight, if you could stay just a moment longer.”

Twilight turned her head back to the mulberry mare in the bed still wrapped in her filly’s embrace “Yes?” she enquired.

“Thank you for looking after Ruby the past few days. I want to know if you are willing to promise me something? With Cheerilee gone you are the only other pony I can trust to keep my daughter safe. The future is uncertain and I’m unsure where it will take me and Ruby, so please, if anything should befall me, will you adopt and take good care of her for me.” Berry requested.

Twilight looked at Berry with a look of disbelief fixed upon her face, silence engulfing the room except for the odd sniffle from Ruby buried deep within Berry’s chest. After what felt like an age, Twilight gave another deep sigh and spoke. “I’m sure it will not come to that Berry, but I give you my word that I’ll always be there for you and your daughter, just as you were for me when I was a young filly. If a time comes where you are unable to look after her then I solemnly swear on my life that I’ll keep her safe and raise her properly for you.”

“Thank you Twilight, you don’t know just how much that means to me.” Berry smiled warmly at the lavender mare, yet another tear rolling down her muzzle.

“The pleasure is all mine Berry and I’m sure I do, but let us hope such a day never comes. Now I’ll give you two some privacy.” Twilight smiled back, turning and heading out the room after Celestia.

Berry held her daughter to her chest as tightly as possible as Ruby clung likewise to her mother. Neither said a word as they each remembered the good times they’d had with their sister and auntie as well as being thankful that they at least still had each other. Slowly over time Ruby’s bleary eyes closed and she settled into an uneasy sleep on her mother’s barrel.

Resting her head atop her daughter’s Berry whispered “no matter what, I’ll always be with you my little gem” before she to fell asleep, both mares still clutching each other tightly as a wisp of mulberry love was shared between them.