Sunset’s Guardian Angel

by Jakub the Reshiram

First published

Sunset Shimmer wasn't the first Equestrian to make it to the human world. She was the second.

I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately, like is any of this for real or not?

That’s the question Jakub Sparkle Dash has been asking himself ever since he left Equestria. He left his Family who didn’t know him because of a memory spell gone wrong (with the exception of Shining Armour).

Jakub realises that Power isn’t everything as he trained with different people who had a different view of power, some said that power is used to protect those around you, other said that it’s a curse that will change you forever.

The Keyblade chose Jakub for a reason, but what is the reason he doesn’t know, yet.

On the other hand he must face trials that will forever change who he was when he lived in Equestria, one of those has already happened, he became a Skilled Killer, a grim reaper if you were to face him during the night.

His family and friends are what he cares about the most.
He would risk his own Life to save his loved one, even if it ment his own death.

But, Jakub will face an ultimate test to show if he truly is worthy of being a Keyblade Master.

Cover art was made by Marking an artist here on fimfiction all credit goes to him for making the newer cover images.

as for the editor pf this story, well i can't realy say if there is a permanent editor for this fic as of right now, but for now Jaxxon Markus Citadel is filling in the role of editor for this fic.

Prologue (edited)

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Dear princess Celestia,

It’s been six year since I last sent you a message in this diary, but things here in the human world have been going well for me and for Sunset. Well I have to thank you for asking Fausticorn to come in the human world the same day as I came here. She is quite the bundle of fun because she turned herself into a white wolf with red hair and a small pair of her wings. She can’t turn back, but she accepted it and is happy that I have a fellow equestrian to talk to and to cuddle.

Since my last message, I have learned a lot of different sword styles and hand to hand combat from the different worlds that I visit over any long holiday from high school, which in turn allowed me to make copies of the original weapons that my friends use.

But I still have to ask you this: why did you give me keyblade keychains the day I left?

Needless to say, I grew quite fond of using them for magic and the amount of combos I can pull off with the different types of keyblades.

I hope Twily will come soon.

I haven’t seen her for I think fourteen Equestrian years—equivalent to six Earth years over here.

As you should know, I’ve been able to access my unicorn powers for a while now. I use them when I’m out in the city as the Masked Saviorr or The Guardian Angel. What shocked me the most was that only yesterday—when I ponied up, as I like calling it—that I somehow appeared to have Pegasus wings even though I was born a unicorn.

You’re planning to turn Twilight into an alicorn, aren’t you? I’m not mad, but, as I said before I left, if this happens, I will know that the memory spell is going to break.

Your human counterpart is quite a nice woman—or should I say mare? I don’t know. She gave me a home to stay and she knows a little about Equestria, you, me and the portal.

Even if things are going well, I still miss mum and dad, but I can’t give up. I have to wait a week or two for the spell to be broken. Well. The last thing I need to tell you is that Sunset and me were a couple after freshman year, but went our separate ways after the second fall formal.

I think (and I hope) deep down in her heart she still loves me. I love her, but she should stop being a bully to other people here in Canterlot High. She still doesn’t know that I’m from Equestria as well, but every time we used to talk before our breakup, she would always say that my smile reminds her of her first friend she made—which you know is me. At least that memory is there, but I don’t know how long before she finds out that I came after her when she left you.

I gave her words of encouragement when we first met in the human world when the school year started.

I have to cut this letter to you short because I promised Vice-principal Luna a game of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, so I guess I will send a letter in a week or two to see if Twilight’s an alicorn because you know of the link between me and her.

Your nephew,

Jakub Sparkle Dash.

P.S Tell Shining that he has my regards for his wedding and say hi to Cadance for me.

——— 🗝️ ———

I close the book, putting it back on the desk and trying not to think about what Celestia will tell me, but I bet it won't be good news.

Before leaving my room, I look again at the cover of my diary for the umpteenth time.

The purple star burst with smaller, white ones next to it, and Oblivion and Oathkeeper crossing the purple star exactly in the middle.

My cutie mark.

I pondered its meaning for a long time—since I first met Sunset, and later when I told my brother what happened back at home with the memory spell that struck our parents and our sister Twilight.

Last year, however, my mentor King Mickey made me participate in one of his reflections. For him, my cutie mark was a symbol of a particular mastery of magic and a propensity to take care of my friends.

All I can say about how I met Mickey is that it was unexpected, but it quickly made me understand that I still have a lot to learn from Discord about dimensional travel.

Mickey told me he wasn't from my universe and I in response told him I was looking for someone who could teach me how to use a keyblade properly. Everything I knew was based on simple moves that old mentors taught me. I must especially thank my first mentor Gehrman, who trained me on how to move during a fight and wield a sword despite being inexperienced.

Mickey first passed to me his knowledge of magic, and was shocked at how I managed to juggle with the most powerful spells he knew. I even managed to combine two spells, as I can hold two keyblades. Two Become One and Sleeping Lion.

After the magical performances I gave Mickey, he asked me if I knew someone called Celestia, and I said yes, I knew her; she's my aunt.

He told me that he had sent her all the keychains that a friend of his, named Sora, picked up after defeating a man named Xemnas.

At first glance, I was shocked, and immediately realized that those were the events that occurred in a game I played in the human world, and in my old world. Mickey was once again surprised by what I told him and he added that he never expected Celestia to know and bring someone from another universe here. I told him it was a long story and that it was due to some sort of accident.

——— 🗝️ ———

Next to the door, there is a mirror in which I reflect before leaving the room.

I have always considered myself a normal boy.

At only sixteen, I don't care much about my appearance. My sky blue eyes are my favorite thing about me as they contrast my vanilla skin and dark brown hair.

I wear a t-shirt with a wolf print partly covered by a jacket similar to the one Sora wears in kingdom hearts 2. The only peculiarity is that my cutie mark is on the back of the jacket. My black pants have flames at the base of the legs, and my shoes are replicas of the shoes that Roxas wore at the start of Kingdom Hearts 2.

But five seconds later, there in the mirror stood a young, brown-maned, white alicorn with the same colour eyes as me. On each side of his flank was the same mark from the cover of the book and the back of the jacket.

I look at my pony self and almost cry for how much of equestria I miss, but I have to be patient. My sister will be here any day now.

Looking at the mirror for the last time before going to the sitting room to see if Luna has set up the PlayStation, I see that the reflection has turned back to my human self.

“Worried about your sister, Jakub?” I hear a voice say, and look to see Fausticorn—or as I like to call her, Rose—laying on my bed looking at me.

“Yes, Rose. I’m worried. I hope she's fine,” I say to her, and notice that she looks tired. “Go back to sleep Rose. Tomorrow, we’re going for a run to the pet shop to see if Fluttershy needs any help.”

She looks at me with her light blue eyes, saying “Goodnight, Jakub” before she falls asleep yet again.

“Goodnight, Rose. Sweet dreams,” I say as I close the door quietly before going downstairs.

Chapter 1 Animal shelter catastrophe (edited)

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As I wake up the next morning, I notice that Rose is laying on my chest. This was one thing I had to get used to: having Rose sleep in my bedroom. “Morning', Sleeping Beauty,” I say to her as she yawns, licking her muzzle.

“Good morning, Jakub,” she says as she jumps off the bed and lands on the ground. “So what are we doing today, Jakub?” She asked.

“Well, I was planning to go and help Fluttershy at the animal shelter,” I answer while getting out of bed, still wearing my wolf t-shirt. As I get up from my bed, I noticed that Rose really wants to come with me to the shelter, because she’s giving me the puppy dog eyes. God, I forget that she’s so cute when she does this.

From what I heard from vice-principal Luna, today was going to be nice so I know what to wear for the trip to the shelter. As I go to my wardrobe, I roll up my blinds so the sun shines down to my room. I start to check what t-shirt should I wear for today, because let’s face it, I like to change my outfit every week, so today I plan on wearing my Reshiram t-shirt, which I had ordered from Rarity two weeks ago and camo trousers, as well as my diamond dust keyblade jacket and an exact replica of Sonic’s shoes from the riders series, which I love.

As I finish changing my clothes, I go to my desk and open my drawer that had all my keyblade keychains in it. At this point I should choose wisely because who knows what might happen. In the end I chose two, Two Become One and Diamond Dust.

As I leave my bedroom, I put a note in the kitchen telling Luna that I went to help Fluttershy at the animal shelter and that Rose is coming with me, plus I was getting a bit hungry, so I’m probably going to stop by Sugarcube Corner to get something to eat and drink. Usually Rose stays at home most of the time when I go somewhere, but she does have a collar which I personally made which has a white rose pattern. The times she actually goes somewhere with me and Celestia or Luna is to the vet, which she doesn’t like because she’s afraid of needles. I start laughing when I remember her first visit to the vet and she was terrified of the needle, but that was when she wasn’t used to her new body, now she asks me to be there with her when she’s getting a check up.

As I turn to the garage door, I remember that the car I own is at Flash’s garage where he promised that he’ll fix it, because he accidentally broke the brakes when me and him were getting it out of the junkyard. It was about to get crushed, so I asked the junkyard owner if I could take it, and he said that I can, and showed me that it was functional, but needed to have some parts changed and a new coat of paint on it. I hope he fixes it before the Fall Formal, because I want to show off the car to the other students, so the only other option for me to get to Sugar Cube Corner is on the identical replica of Roxas’s skateboard.

As me and Rose go out of the house, Rose stops dead in her tracks.
“This is the first time I’m actually going somewhere with you, Jakub, somewhere other than the vet,” Rose said. “I’m scared of what others will think of you, Jakub, because I’m a wolf,” She’s on the verge of crying, so I do the only thing sensible.
“No, I don’t care what people will think of me just because you’re a wolf, Rose. I’m happy that you’re a wolf because you helped me get through tough times when I was younger, remember?” I say to her and she looks up to me with eyes that are asking for a hug. “Yes, I remember Jakub. Thank you,” she finally says and I pull her in for a hug.

After two minutes of hugging we head over to Sugar Cube Corner, which is open; I see that both Mr. and Mrs. Cake are behind the counter. I don’t see Pinkie Pie anywhere, so she might still be asleep at home or in the kitchen.
“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cake,” I say as I approach the counter.
“Ah! Good morning, Jakub. How are you?” Mr. Cake says.
“I’m good, Mr. Cake,” I replied.
“So what can I get you today, Jakub?” Mr. Cake asked me.
“The usual, Mr. Cake. And tea” I replied.
“Ok that’ll be $5.50, Jakub,” Mr. Cake said back to me as I hand him the money.
A minute later he comes back with a roll and a cup of tea for me.

As I head to my usual spot in Sugar Cube Corner, I notice that Rainbow Dash is sitting there. As I walk up to the spot, she finally notices me and gives me a look that means she needs my help with something, plus we do have this week off because Trixie thought it was funny, had literally set off the mother of all stink bombs in the school, but sadly for her, she has to clean up the school.

“Hi, Rainbow” I say as I sit on a chair.
“Hi Jakub, how are you doing?” she replies to me.
“Not bad, how about you?” I say back to her.
“Same as ever; so who’s the dog?” she replies.
“Wolf, Rainbow. And her name is Rose,” I say back.
“A wolf, are you crazy!!!!” she almost yells at me.
“She was with me for six years, Rainbow, and she is quite nice once you get to know where she likes to get rubbed,” I say as I start running my fingers in between her wings, which are invisible because of a spell Mickey put on her, so people won’t freak out that a wolf has wings.

As I was about to leave, I hear a wolf howl, which I knew was my phone. As I take out my phone, I notice that Vinyl has finished turning some of the songs I sent her into Nightcore. Why does she do this It's probably because I’m probably the only one that she actually talks to, plus she sometimes uses sign language if there’s a crowd. As I check which song she turned into nightcore, I noticed that she also put Megalovania from Undertale in dubstep. I start to remember playing Undertale with her and she must have loved Megalovania when we were doing the genocide run. As I check the nightcore songs I automatically put my headphones on my neck and turn “La Da Dee” on, and start heading to the animal shelter with my skateboard in my left hand.

As I come closer to the shelter, I notice that Fluttershy is outside, and that she has dog leashes, so I think I understand what she meant by needing help. Also, I notice that there aren’t any dogs to be seen, so they must have ran off somewhere.
“Hi, Fluttershy. I see-“ before I could finish the sentence, I hear Fluttershy squeak and she runs straight towards Rose and starts hugging her as if she was a plushie. As Fluttershy is cuddling Rose, I take the leashes from her hand and start looking for the dogs.

They weren’t that hard to find, because I was covered in Rose’s scent; they started coming to me after five minutes of skating around the shelter. As I return to Fluttershy, I notice she’s still hugging Rose, who is asleep.
“Eh, Fluttershy, I got the dogs back. Can you stop cuddling Rose for me, if you can?” I say to her as she finally looked up to me with a smile,

“Oh, sorry, Jakub, I just saw your pet and I couldn’t keep myself from hugging her,” she tells me. “It’s fine Fluttershy I think you would like to know why my pet is a wolf, yes?” I ask her and she nods,

“Well Rose has been with me for the past six years since I left my home, and I met her when walking through a forest,” I tell her. This of course, is a lie, because I don’t think she’ll believe me if I said she was from another world. But before she could ask anything else I notice a blue puddle coming straight towards me, Rose and Fluttershy.

As the blob comes close enough to see us, it transforms into something that I wouldn’t think would still exist.
An Unversed. To be more accurate it was a Flood Unversed.

Mickey told me about the Unversed when I was learning about the different types of enemies. Apparently they’re made out of negative emotions or energy; I can’t remember which, but he did mention that three Keyblade wielders named Terra, Aqua and Ventus (who preferred to be called Ven) fought the Unversed, but what he said next shocked me. He said that the maker of the Unversed, Vanitas, was made when Ventus’s heart was divided into two separate entities: Ventus and Vanitas.
He also said that Ven struck down Vanitas sacrificing his own heart. But how can the Unversed be here if Vanitas is dead. Unless he somehow came back.

I can’t let them close to Fluttershy, or Rainbow will kill me. As I look at Fluttershy, I notice she’s scared, and I know that I have to use my Keyblades to fight the Unversed. So I give her a look that says “I got this”, and reach out to my right pocket and take out the keychains for Two Become One and Diamond Dust. I place Diamond Dust’s keychain in my left hand and Two Become One in the other hand and raise both hands in the air, and as the first two Floods come close enough for them to attack, I swing both hands down as both Two Become One and Diamond Dust materialise in my hands and hit the Flood, making them disappear.

“Come and get some!” I shout to the groups of Floods coming our way. “Fluttershy, take the dogs and Rose to the shelter, I’ll take care of this and stay there. I’m not letting you get hurt, ok?” I ask her and she nods in reply. As she runs to the shelter with Rose and the dogs.
I can finally take care of the Unversed.

As I get into my fighting stance, which is similar to the Valor drive form stance, I put on Sinister Sundown to make the atmosphere of this fight more battle-worthy.

The fight itself isn’t that hard, because if I heard correctly from Mickey, the Flood unversed act like Shadows and Dusks, then water magic should deal a lot of damage to them and stop them from going underground.
“Guess I have to get a bit wet,” I say as I cast a Waterza spell which not only make the Unversed come from the ground, but also make most of them vanish.
As the fight goes on the Unversed start to vanish as if they’re scared of me or they’re needed someplace else, but as I turn to head to the shelter I spot him.
“So, a Keyblade wielder in a different universe than my own world, still it’s surprising that you bare the Keyblade, but I should warn you, kid, get in my way, and you’ll pay with your life” Vanitas said as he vanishes.

Walking up to the spot Vanitas stood, I notice a keychain lying on the ground. The keychain itself looks like a heart, but has only two thirds of the heart filled and two wings on it: one going up the other down. As I inspect the keychain light starts to cover the keychain and in its place was a Keyblade that I only saw when playing Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

“What’s Lost Memory doing here, shouldn’t it be with Ventus?“ I say to myself. There’s no doubt about this Keyblade, it’s Lost Memory. As it returns to it’s keychain form I place it in my pocket so no one can take it. I start heading to my actual destination which is the animal shelter, still thinking about how did Lost Memory get here in the first place.
Opening the door, I knew that I had to tell Fluttershy everything about what happened today and ask her to keep it a secret.

After finishing telling Fluttershy about what she saw, she promised me that she won’t say anything to anyone else, plus she is still keeping my secret identity safe as well. I have to head home because I don’t want Luna to be mad at me for being late.

As me and Rose come home I noticed that Celestia’s car is parked in the driveway. She left on Friday to check up on my cousin Nyx who was in the hospital. Nyx is also Equestrian because in her mind lies Nightmare Moon, but to some extent. Moonie, as Nyx calls her, that told me that she was trying to recreate her body, but failed and was sent to the human world with the soul of a little eight year old girl by accident, and after spending two years with me, Nightmare finally understands friendship and love as well as being in a family. Nyx was quite young to die in her old world, but from what Moonie told me, Nyx was an orphan living on the streets. I promised Nyx when I first met her that I’ll protect her no matter what happens, but I couldn’t keep that promise because two weeks ago she had an accident and I wasn’t there to protect her.

From what Celestia told me, that day Nyx had her accident she was hit by a car, but luckily didn’t take serious damage only a few deep cuts, but in turn caused her to go into a coma which is why she was in the hospital. The driver of the car had to pay for the hospital bills, and had his driver's license taken. I didn’t visit her because I never had time, and was afraid that she’ll hate me for not being there.

As I open the door, I start hearing Nyx’s voice talking about how happy she’s going be to see me again. So I do the only thing possible, which is to enter the room and go over to Nyx. She doesn’t even hear the door open or me walking behind her, because she’s talking very loudly to Luna about school tomorrow, and just at that moment I say “booo” and Nyx jumps straight into Luna’s outstretched arms clinging tightly around her neck. “Jakub!!!” Nyx screamed as she stopped clinging to Luna and runs towards me with arms outstretched to embrace a hug from me as I crouch so she doesn’t hug my legs.

While Nyx asked me questions on what she missed in school, I just told her that she doesn’t need to worry about school for now, because she just got out of the hospital and that school will be next week. Nyx asks me, can she sleep in my bedroom, and of course I allow it, meaning Rose will be sleeping on the floor.

As Nyx and Rose fall asleep, I take out a picture of a little girl I met when visiting another world when I was only fourteen. I kept this picture away from Nyx because she would want to meet this girl.
“I hope you’re doing okay, Maeve” I say to the picture as I go to bed. I take one last look on the picture.
The picture shows a young snow leopard in a black dress and blue shirt looking out of a doorway, with silver hair and light blue eyes. This was the only picture I have of Maeve, but this was taken by accident, because the camera on my phone has a unique camera feature that takes pictures of people even if the camera isn’t facing them. This was probably the only work Ignis helped me make before I left Lucis.

Maeve was quite nice when I met her and her mother.
I better get some sleep because tomorrow I plan on taking Nyx and Rose to the park.
As I’m about to fall asleep I notice a shooting star so I make a wish “I wish I could see Maeve again,” I say as the star disappears and immediately after that, I fall fast asleep.

Chapter 2 Operation Snow leopard (edited)

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As I stare out of the window of my bedroom I notice the storm outside is getting heavier by every minute passing.
I don’t know what this is about, but I start to get a feeling that someone I know is in that storm and whoever they are they need help and fast.
I check my radio to see if the police need help with anything because they actually found out that I was the guardian angel that appeared three years ago. And just when I was about to turn it off there it was.
“All backup is needed, there has been sightings of a snow leopard in the city over” one of the officers say and I respond,
“Need any help with this you guys? because I’m just here sitting bored as hell and tired of checking Blue Rose if there’s any damage done to it”, “Jakub? I thought you were done with this? But hey, you do have the experience of a tracker so might as well send you the last known location of the snow leopard” he responds and I respond back “all right, but what are my orders?”.
I wait for a few minutes until I get a response “ The least you can do is capture the animal so it can be sent back to where it came from” , “Okay” I say back as I turn the radio off.

Knowing that this is a snow leopard I might as well take some sleep darts so it’ll be easier for me to keep it calm.
I also might as well send a message to Crystal to take care of Nyx because both Celestia and Luna are gone to the school to see how Trixie was doing with the cleaning.

How I met Crystal was by accident we bumped into each other at the shopping centre when Nyx, Celestia and I were getting some clothes for Nyx. Crystal has light tan skin, white hair with black stripes and purple eyes. The clothes she usually wears is a black t-shirt with a white tiger pattern jacket as well as the same pattern on her trousers and purple runners with black soles. She also wears white fingerless gloves that have a black dragon on them. Her attitude is kind of a mix of aggressive and kind, but also caring. She doesn’t go to CHS but goes to Crystal Prep Academy, but she doesn’t care what the principal thinks about who she talks to.

Anyway I’m about to send a message to her until I noticed a message from the sergeant of the police saying that I’m to meet up with a new recruit that goes by the name Flare. Apparently he only joined and I have a feeling that I met him already.
I open up MyStable and look for Crystal’s account which is called Darkfang and send her a message in private.

Wolf's Requiem: Hey Crystal could you come over to my house I need you to take care of Nyx?

Darkfang: Sure I got time Jakub I’ll be there in five minutes.

Wolf's Requiem: Thanks Crystal see you soon.

Turning off my phone I start walking towards my bedroom so I can change into my guardian angel uniform.
The uniform was actually made by myself. It consists of a long deep black Trench coat which is bulletproof, underneath the trench coat I wear a white long sleeve shirt which is also bulletproof. I also have black trousers and a pair of spiked shoes basically retractable spikes that go back into the sole of the shoe which are black and red. The final part of the uniform is the mask this was the hardest to make because of the amount of metal and cloth put together to make it. It’s an exact replica of the persona 4 protagonist’s persona mask. I am a huge fan of that game mainly because of the protagonist’s persona Izanagi. Plus I also made izanagi‘s weapon so I wouldn’t have to carry all the different keychains all the time.

After changing into my uniform I was about to leave the room when Rose suddenly jumped from somewhere and sat in front of the door which shocked me because I didn’t see her come into the room or anywhere to be seen when she was there.
“So why are you wearing that uniform Jakub?” She asks. I knew I wouldn’t be able to lie to her because like Applejack she knows when someone tries to lie.
“Okay you got me I was heading out to the city because the sergeant told me that apparently there’s a snow leopard on the loose and he also asked me to tag along with a new recruit.” I replied.
“Jakub please tell me the reason why you’re actually going out?” She pleads. I know I have to tell her the truth about why I kept looking for different mentors because I know the look she’s making right now isn’t a look for asking about the safety of the city or myself, but a look asking why I’m actually going.
“I guess the reason why is because of the promise I made with Gehrman six years ago before he died, I promised him that I will protect those that I love and those that are my family.” I say before continuing “everyone thinks I have a perfect life, but in reality I don’t have a perfect life, I saw a lot of my friends die in front of my own eyes I couldn’t save Lunafreya from Ardyn and I tried to stop him, but he tossed me into a wall saying that I was just a waste of time for him.” I take a deep breath before continuing “ I couldn’t save Djura from that psychopath of a hunter six years ago even though he risked his life to save me from the blood starved beast and even then I didn’t have time to say thank you before that psychopath killed him in cold blood” I take another deep breath before continuing “ And the Saturday before last I almost killed Cloud with that anger I had in me and Sephiroth, he was on the verge of fainting because of what I did I-I” I never get to finish that sentence because I start crying like mad.

It took almost fifteen minutes of me crying before I could head out to see this recruit. Before I left Rose knew what to do after my mental break down, she went and hugged me. “Thank you “ I whisper before going out of my room with the mask hidden in the trench coat and hopefully Crystal won’t notice it because apparently she’s already in the house playing with Nyx as a give a look to Crystal she nods going back to playing with Nyx as I head to the front I start thinking about who to talk to about my mental breakdowns because I have no clue whatsoever on who I can trust. When I get outside I noticed a police car parked in front of the house. A young looking teenager probably my age was sitting in front of the wheel of the car this must be Flare.

Looking at him I notice that he is an undercover police officer because he’s basically wearing casual clothes. A black zip up hoodie with a white flame coming from the bottom, a Latias t-shirt, camo Jeans and Black running shoes. His hair colour is a mix of red-orange and yellow, the colours that most pictures of fires have. As I come closer I notice he’s asleep so I do the only thing I can think of.
“Wake up recruit” I say as he wakes up screaming like a little girl. He finally looks at me and motions his head to the seat beside him before the two of us head to the last known location of this snow leopard.

The drive to the location was a bit long since the roads were crowded, but during that time I got to know Flare a bit more.
He’s one of the few people living in Canterlot that plays Pokémon professionally and placed third in the world tournament two years ago, he also attends Crystal Prep, but like Crystal he doesn’t like Chinch and says that she only cares about winning the friendship games every year that most of the school students are actually bored of winning and the lack of fun. His father said that after the Halloween break he’s going to attend CHS. When he asked me how come I can perform magic I said to him I had a lot of people teach me magic from a young age and told him if we talk to each other while I wear the guardian angel uniform he’s to call me Angel.

“So how long were you the guardian angel Jakub?” Flare asked. “About two and a half years” I replied this of course was true because I didn’t start being the angel until I was thirteen years old and had at least some knowledge on basic hand to hand combat as well as multiple non-lethal takedowns. I only would use my weapons as a last resort or if the people I’m after are armed and have a death bounty on them, but I try to bring them in alive. But if for some reason my spear is broken I have an ace up my sleeve. A memory is coming back as I think of the ace up my sleeve.


Location: Lucis tomb of the Wise
Time: eight o’clock in the morning

“Soooo what are we doing today Ignis?” I asked my mentor Ignis. “Well Cor, a friend of ours has contacted us while you were sleeping in the regalia that Noct is ready to start collecting the royal arms of the thirteen kings” Ignis replies to my question. Being eleven years old was tricky for me because Ignis would always tell me that I can’t help out the others because I’m too young to fight.

As we approach the tomb the others notice Cor standing in front of the door of the tomb. “You came” he says only then noticing me with the other “ so I see that you took him with you no matter the more the merrier, as you know Noctis you’re the chosen king so it’s your responsibility to look for all thirteen royal arms, not only will this be a hard task for you gathering all thirteen will bestow a great power that you’ll be able to use” he finishes. Cor walks up to the door of the tomb and places a key in the lock which in turn opens the tomb of the Wise to us.

As we walked in, I suddenly feel great power coming from the sword, I look to see if anyone’s looking and I take my chance to see the sword when time stops.
“an Equestrian in Lucis now that’s something you don’t see every day so what brings a young Equestrian all the way to Lucis?” a voice asks me “I was looking for a mentor so he or she could teach me how to use different weapons and magic” I reply to the voice “ well you’re quite young eleven years old I presume well no matter the reason I’m talking with you is that you have the same potential as the chosen king meaning you can wield the royal arms as well and you’ll not lose life energy when using them, so I can see that you’re going to ask how am I to keep them equipped well I’ll use this Buster Band+ and I put a spell on it that will allow you to summon any royal arms that you’ve touched ok?” he replies and I nod. Suddenly a wrist band appears in front of me.

But as I take the wristband the sword of the Wise appears in my left hand shining in a purple aura and then disappearing in the same aura before time returns to normal. I walk up to Cor to ask could he be another person able to wield the royal arms that isn’t the chosen king and he says “no, no one but the chosen king can wield the royal arms, but others can wield them for a short time if the chosen king unleashes an Armiger chain link, but---” as he finishes I summon the sword of the Wise to show him that I can wield the royal arms. The face he made was so funny that it made me burst into a fit of laughter, Noctis and Prompto start laughing as if we had breathed in too much laughing gas.

End of flashback

“Eh Jakub are you coming out of the car?” Flare asks me as I noticed that we have arrived at the last known location of the snow leopard “sorry I was recalling a memory. “ I replied as I leave the car, but as I leave I notice something in the bush that is five houses away from the two of us. A big fluffy tail coming out of the bush. I give a look to Flare saying that I found the leopard, as soon as I give him that look he goes and grabs sleeping darts, but was unable to get them because I gave him a look that says we won’t be needing them.

As we finally reach the bush I start hearing a familiar voice saying “help me”. I know this voice too well to know who’s hiding in the bush. “It’s okay Maeve you can come out of there” I say hoping that she’ll leave the bush which she dose and in turn shocks Flare because he’s looking at a talking young snow leopard that walks on its hind legs wearing a coat and trousers with a hole in them for the tail to go trough. “J-J-Jakub!?!?” She almost screams with happiness as she runs up to me jumping into my outstretched arms before she starts crying. “Flare can you bring me and Maeve back to my house “ I ask “Sure, but you’re probably not going to tell me who is that snow leopard because she’s your friend so I’ll just stay quiet as I drive you home” he replies and starts running to the car.

The drive home was quite mainly due to the fact that Maeve went asleep the minute we started driving. I answered some of his questions on who Maeve is and what she is, things like that.
Knowing that Maeve is in my world means something must have happened to her mother Adira because I did promise her that if something happened to her I would take care of Maeve no matter how old I would be if during the time Maeve would appear in my world. I hope that Nyx will be able to stop herself from brushing Maeve’s fur to which I doubt she’ll listen. I take out my phone and send a message to Crystal saying that she can go home. I probably will have to look for a psychologist real soon if Maeve’s going to live with me, Principal Celestia, vice-Principal Luna, Rose, and Nyx. It’s still quite early eleven o’clock to be exact today plus tomorrow’s a Monday so I can’t complain. I hope Trace will send me something so Maeve can start CHS next week and a letter given me an explanation on why Maeve is in my world.

As me and Maeve enter the house, the first thing I notice is that Nyx is asleep and Crystal is nowhere to be seen, so she must have left after Nyx fell asleep so I can’t complain about why she left.
Taking Maeve up to my bedroom I notice Rose giving Maeve a quick look before going downstairs knowing I’ll have to explain to her who is the person I just brought to the house.
This will be a long Monday for me.

Chapter 3 Peaceful days without fighting (edited)

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Today is Tuesday and I have to help Rainbow because she had to reschedule our meeting from Thursday to today because apparently her mother and father are coming home on Thursday and she doesn't want them to think that me and her are dating because she knows that I still love Sunset.

The first thing I notice from the message that she sent me is that the problem has to do with her pass time when not training which is playing video games and knowing Rainbow she really needs help because she would never ask me to help her with gaming because me, her and Applejack are quite competitive and back when the two of them were still friends, they told me that I’m not allowed to help them with a game that they’re having trouble with because they knew I was better than them and I knew some hidden features for example the duplication glitch in “Fallout 4” which isn’t still patched.
Honestly, I'm starting to wonder what game Rainbow needs help with because from what I can tell she’ll probably need help with an achievement for that game or a level, heck maybe even a whole boss fight.

Secondly, she asked that I put my PlayStation up to my bedroom because she doesn’t want to spend a whole two hours listening to Luna rant about the game she needs help with and dear God if that happens I might as well tell Luna to go somewhere because I for a fact know that someone will have to go shopping today because the fridge is almost empty. But there’s a problem for bringing my PlayStation to my bedroom which only came to the house only yesterday, Maeve. I had to literally explain to Celestia and Luna about who and what Maeve is without going into a mental breakdown because I’ve known her mother for quite some time and the moment I hear from Trace and he says that Maeve’s mother is dead then I’ll have the biggest mental breakdown I ever had not to mention I still have to find a psychologist that could help me with these mental breakdowns before they start to get out of hand.

“Will I ever have some peace and quiet from others other than my family and friends” I say as I start to hear Maeve slowly waking up from my bed because I just didn’t bother to make a second bed for her so I let her sleep in my bed while I sleep in a makeshift bed made out of two armchairs which isn’t the first time I did this, the last time I did this was when Nyx first came to the house because neither did I or Luna know what to put in Nyx’s room back then. As Maeve slowly starts to move in my bed I notice that there’s a letter right beside her head. As I try to walk slowly to my bed I accidentally put my foot on one of Rose’s squeaky toys which in turn woke Maeve up and in response she puts the blanket around her body so the person that made the noise wouldn’t see her. I start to wonder if Maeve still remembers me because from what she just did it’s no surprise that she feels scared because she’s in an unknown location.

“Maeve everything is fine it’s me Jakub you remember me don’t you?” I ask her to see if I’m still a part of her memory. She flinches when I say my name and slowly uncovers her head from the blanket and moves her head to where I’m standing. Tears start to go down her face as she looks at me and out of nowhere she jumps right to where I was standing and starts hugging me.

Twenty five minutes had passed when Maeve woke up, she may be a keidran, but she can be a handful. Only five minutes had passed and she’s asking what a computer is well, she has never seen one before so I can’t complain about that.
Rose and Nyx are helping Maeve get used to her new home as I start opening the letter that was beside her this morning.
Right before I start reading the letter from Trace I look around to see if anyone is in the house and can see Luna getting her morning coffee, so the only option I have is to go to my bedroom and read it there.

As I finish the letter my heart stops. The letter explains what happened to Maeve’s mom and her dying wish was for me or my parents to take care of Maeve for her. Naturally, I knew that this fell on me because Maeve once said to me that I was like an older brother to her. I also knew that I have to write a letter to my aunt asking her to send an adoption paper to my parents so they can adopt Maeve making her part of the family, I already did this once for a friend I made in another world and he was lonely for all most all his childhood and his teenage years, he is a year older than me, but still I couldn’t leave him without a friend that in turn was like a brother to him.

Putting the letter in my desk I start to think about how will Maeve be able to go around town without looking like an animal because the only way possible would be if she could change her appearance which for a fact I know she can’t, so the only other possible way would be if Trace would be able to send a necklace or a ring with a spell that could change her appearance to that of a human, which I think is the safest way for Maeve.

As I leave my bedroom and start heading to my forge I start to wonder if I should take the Burial Blade from its resting place back in modern Yharnam which is a fifteen minute drive from the school. Modern Yharnam is a city that is home to the hunters guild which the guild master is one of the two hunters that survived that psychopath hunter. The guild master goes by the name of Henryk, he may look old, but is probably the only family left for Father Gascoigne’s children. Henryk was a friend I made while I was training under Gehrman and was lucky that the hunter was going after Rom the Vacuous spider. Even though Eileen was meant to look after me, what made her mouth drop was when Henryk came back to the cathedral with me sleeping in his arms. I don’t know what happened next but something tells me that he asked Gehrman about traveling to my world if Gehrman was to die.

I stop thinking about the burial blade for now because I’ve got a gauntlet to repair. I learned a lot of metal work as well by working in a blacksmith’s forge in another world. The gauntlet is actually the chimera gauntlet from ‘’Assassin's Creed: Syndicate”. How it got broken, well let’s just say I got into a fight and the hidden blade shattered when I tried to stab a wanted man so he wouldn’t stab me and I missed, the blade hit a wall and the blade in turn shattered from impact.
The forge also held all my weapons I carried in other worlds from my trusty Saw Cleaver to the legendary Kukris wielded by Nyx Ulfric. Each weapon I keep on the wall or on a shelf and I clean each weapon every two weeks. The forge I use is made from titanium which I brought with me from a world that is similar to the game Terraria, but the design of it is very different from the game.

As I leave the forge after two and a half hours I go to sit on the couch in the living room and I notice that Maeve is human.
“Well about time you send something for her Trace Legacy, because if I ever find out this was from your soon to be wife I swear on my own aunt that I will break your arm so much that it’ll have to be magically repaired” I say as I look at Maeve sitting on the couch with Nyx and Rose watching Shaun the Sheep. As I look at Maeve for almost two minutes I notice that she has the same skin colour as me, her eyes stayed the same as well as her hair and hair colour. As I go to sit beside Nyx and Maeve the doorbell rings.

“Coming” I say as I reach the door and open it to see Rainbow standing with her gym bag by her side, “ I didn’t think you’ll be this quick to get here, it’s only twelve o’clock” I finish as Rainbow comes inside the house. “Sorry for intruding Jakub, but this is urgent and well I can’t do this on my own “Rainbow says as she enters the house and puts the gym bag on a table “you remember how me, you and AJ made a bet that whoever was to finish ‘’Assassin's Creed: Rouge’’ remastered to one hundred percent complete was to receive two hundred dollars from the loser right?” “Right” I reply before Rainbow continues “well, I’m stuck on the last legendary battle and I need your help I did fully upgrade “The Morrigan”, but I still can’t beat that ship, so if it’s alright with you can you do it for me?” She finishes as she takes out her PlayStation form the bag and places it on the table. “So is the captain of almost every team in the school asking me to help her with possibly one of the hardest fights in “Assassin's Creed: Rouge?” I asked Rainbow before finishing the question for her, “ alright I’ll do it, you don’t have to get all angry at me just bring the console to my bedroom and hook it up to my tv ok?” “Ok” she replies before taking the PlayStation and going up to my bedroom. “Ok you three be good while I help RD ok?” I ask Nyx, Rose and Maeve before they answer “okay“.

The next two hours were probably the most annoying because I had to remember the strategy I used for the Storm Fortress when I was taking it on five weeks ago and boy was it hard to remember that strategy, but in the end the battle was won and Rainbow was happy for me that she said that if one day she and AJ would forgive each other, they would give me something that I wouldn’t expect from them.

The rest of the day was nice apart from Pinkie coming into the house out of nowhere to give Maeve a small party for her arrival to Canterlot and for Pinkie, going for a small welcome party was well unexpected from her because she normally has a big party where everyone is invited, but she did say that her Pinkie sense told her not to make a huge party because she thought it would scare the person that is getting the party.

As I put both Maeve and Nyx to sleep because they begged Celestia and Luna to ask me if I could read them a bedtime story which I couldn’t resist because both Nyx and Maeve were giving me the puppy eyes.
I start to think about something Pinkie said to me during the party that she’s going to pick me up at ten o’clock in the morning for some reason.

The next day I wake up at five o’clock in the morning.
“Well today’s supposed to be the anniversary of the day I met Ignis, Noctis, Gladiolus and Prompto. I wish I could see them today, but they’re probably really busy especially Noct since he is the king of Lucis.” I say to myself as I get out of my bed and go to the drawer to find a photo album that was given to me before I left Lucis for the second time.

Looking through the album I start to remember how the five of us used to get into a lot of fights back then, and good old Prompto thought it would be funny to take pictures while we were fighting to which I started laughing when one of them showed Noctis getting hit in the face by an iron giant’s sword, I give a small chuckle as I remember that particular incident. As I find the picture I was looking for I sit back onto the bed and look at it, this particular picture shows me sleeping at the edge of the campsite with Ignis sitting right beside me while I slept. Prompto said he couldn’t resist taking this picture because of how cute I looked when I was sleeping, but I can’t complain no one back home took any pictures of me when I was sleeping.

After five minutes of looking at the picture, I put it back into the album and put the album back into the drawer. “ Well, better go for a morning walk while everyone is sleeping,” I say to myself as I get out of my pajamas and change into my usual clothing before asking myself “Should I wake Rose up and take her with me?” I say and start to think about her when she comes into the room and says to me “Well it would be nice to get some fresh air once in a while Jakub”. “Okay I’ll take you just be quiet ok?” I ask her and she nods in approval. “This’ll be a long day,” I say before getting out of my bedroom while putting on my jacket. Going downstairs at this time of day is a risk because last time I done this Luna literally scared the hell out of me which in turn caused me to faint face first.

After leaving the house safely and walking to the park I notice someone in the horizon. Standing by a tree in the park centre was a boy wearing a long black cloak looking straight at me. As me and Rose get closer to the tree the boy runs off leaving a slip of paper where he was standing. “Who was that boy?” I say to Rose who just came back with the slip of paper “I don’t know Jakub, but apparently he wants to help you” she replies before continuing “because he must have known about your mental problems and was desperate to get the number of a physiologist which is on that piece of paper.” I look at the piece of paper and it shows the phone number to a man called Dr. Darkfang. Darkfang, I know of only two people with that at the end of their names. Crystal who I ment in the human world and the other being my friend and a royal that was asked to keep an eye on me when I lived in the castle who went by the name of Wolf Darkfang. “So you and Blue went after me” I say out loud “I might see you soon old friend”. Rose gives me a look of confusion to which I give a small chuckle.

After leaving the park at around nine o’clock I start to walk to downtown Canterlot to the address on the piece of paper that the boy left in the park. I brought my daggers along with me for protection just in case I get attacked by Wolf who has a habit of trying to break someone’s hoof if he was in a bad mood. Rose on the other hand chose to hide in my school bag because she knew that I can’t bring animals to a stranger’s house even though that person may be my friend. Walking to the address wasn’t that bad since I was happy to see my old friend.

Reaching the clinic that it’s located directly below Wolf’s house meaning he might be home even if he finished work. As I open the door to the clinic I notice some of Wolf’s personal equipment ranging from old military jackets to his personal weapon of choice: a sword and shield with his cutie mark engraved in them. Wolf’s cutie mark is a gray wolf head with a full moon behind it. Wolf did say to me once that he used to walk in The Everfree Woods during a full moon and used to walk right beside the timber wolf packs who didn’t attack him for some reason, he never told me why they didn’t attack him.
After looking at the sword and shield I start to move towards the door labelled Dr. Darkfang.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“Enter” a voice calls out from the door signaling me to enter. Opening the door and entering the room I notice a man in his mid twenties sitting behind a desk looking at me. The man had purple eyes with black hair with a silver line going on the left side of his hair. There’re also scars on his face showing that he’s been through a lot of difficult fights in the past. He’s also is wearing an unbuttoned white shirt with a gray t-shirt beneath the shirt meaning either his finished work or it’s hot in the room or both. “I believe we haven’t met before so allow me to intro-“ he starts saying before I interrupt him “We’ve met before Wolf.” I smirk at him before saying something that only he knows “you used to have a pet called Fang when you weren’t a royal Guard.” The moment he hears this he smiles and says “long time no see Jakub” after saying that he gets off his chair and walks over to me and brings me into a bear hug.

“So you and Blue made a makeshift portal from Equestria to the human world, but it didn’t have a set of coordinates for the portal here so it sent you and Blue to Japan instead of here, where you stayed there for half a year because you didn’t want Blue to have a relationship at his age correct?” I ask Wolf who replies “Pretty much” after he says that I continue “Ok, so after you got money for a plane you and Blue went to Ireland where you stayed for three years before you come to the human version of Canterlot where you’re planning to send Blue to CHS after the Fall Formal which is happening next week on Friday.” I finish the summary of the story that Wolf told me, after releasing me from his bear hug which took an hour and a half to tell. “Yeah, Sorry for showing myself when I first came here, but trust me I had my reasons” he says and is about to continue before I interrupt him “ Wolf, you don’t have to explain it to me, but right now I have to run to Sugar Cube Corner, because I made a promise to someone I’ll be there in less than an hour so I have to go also you’re not allowed to talk to Blue about that I go to school here ok and that I’m in the same city?” I tell him as I’m running down the corridor and hear him shout his replies “YES!!!!”.

After running straight to Sugar Cube Corner I skid into a stop because I remembered that Rose is in my bag. “Looks like someone doesn’t like long talks” I say to myself as I open the bag and notice Rose sleeping in the bag so I do the only thing I pick up the sleeping body of Rose and put her on the ground before zipping my bag shut and picking her up in my arms yet again. She reminds me of a fluffy cloud to which I give a small chuckle. Walking slowly to Sugar Cube Corner with Rose in my arms “So what’s the big surprise, Pinkie” I ask Pinkie as she gives me a quick look before pulling me over to a table and going into the kitchen to pick a meal that I can’t believe she made, unless HE somehow was able to come here and make it because I did tell Pinkie that today was special for me and I think she may have went too far to actually to go to insomnia to get him is way beyond my understanding, but as I learned from the others I shouldn’t question Pinkie.

The meal that was brought before me was a dry-aged tender roast stew which looked as if it was made by Ignis. As I’m about to say something to Pinkie I hear a voice coming out of the kitchen which sounds way to familiar “It appears you still have the same look on your face as you did when I first made this dish when camping with the others Jay” my mind explodes when I hear the nickname Jay and only one person would ever use when I was around and he was my second mentor, “no, it can’t be” I said before the person in the kitchen comes out and walks to where I was standing because at this point I got up to give Pinkie a hug for doing this for me it’s a special day for me no matter how ordinary it may be. Standing beside Pinkie was Ignis who looked the same as ever with the only difference was he didn’t have his walking stick with him. he became blind in one eye as you could tell from the colour, his eye that didn’t have the scar was back to its original colour meaning he wasn’t blind in that eye while the other was still blind.

“Ignis how did you come here, don’t you have someone to give advice to?” I ask him because after Noctis took the ring to the crystal I knew he would die so I stopped him from doing it because if he did that Y'jhimei a friend the five of us made and who has a crush on Noct for some reason would be heartbroken if he died. Before Noctis could sit on the throne a beam of light went into the crystal causing the ring of Lucii to break and allowing Noctis to live and bringing light back to the world, where the light came from was from a Keyblade that was in my hand. I never saw which Keyblade it was because of the light caused everyone to close their eyes and when the light died down I fell unconscious from exhaustion, they never told me what the Keyblade looked like, but only told me the whole Keyblade was of a white colour.

“Wow I never would have thought of that Ignis” I say to him after he tells me about what happened in Lucis after I left for the second time. Nothing special happens in Lucis apart from Prompto marrying Cindy the week after the events with Ardyn and the crystal. I was shocked on how Ignis got here because from what he told me he put himself in a box that was sent to modern Yharnam which is connected with a portal to Eos and back. I spend around an hour with Ignis before he had to go back to the king.

After saying my goodbyes to Ignis I walk over to where Pinkie was and gave her a big hug for doing this for me.
“Thank you” I whisper in her ear before letting go of the hug I gave her and walked to the door, “guess I’ll have to get that recipe for sea-salted ice-cream for her so I don’t have to go to Twilight Town every two weeks to restock ” I say as I start walking back home not knowing that the boy I saw in the park was watching me walk back to where I live.

“Why didn’t you wake me up when you and your friend Ignis were talking?“ Rose yells at me after she woke up in her bed back at the house, “Well, I thought you would be bored to death from that talk alone” I reply to her knowing that she is a little bit angry, but I can’t complain she’s always like this whenever she wakes up after a very nice dream. After leaving my bedroom I walk into the sitting room and I notice that both Celestia and Luna are sleeping on the couch meaning they had a very busy day because there was a bottle of wine on the coffee table meaning they’re both drunk. “Looks like those two had something very bad happen if they drank the whole bottle of wine” I say as I take the empty bottle of wine back into the cupboard where all the empty bottles lie. I was gone for the whole day and that left both Luna and Celestia in charge of minding Maeve and Nyx.

After taking a shower and getting in my shorts and t-shirt I notice something on my phone that I wouldn’t believe was there. On the screen showed a message from Sunset. I look at the message for about fifteen minutes before I read it.

Sunset: hey Jakub I know this a bit sudden and the fact I literally called you an idiot. Well, I can understand that you’re going to delete this message, but if you don’t then well I was wondering if you know me and you would like to go to the cinema or something I know that people bullied you after I won the title of princess of the fall formal last year, but truth be told I’m starting to understand what you meant when you told me that power isn’t everything. Look to cut to the chase will you be able to pick me up from my house tomorrow if you’re available of course. I heard what happened to Nyx, Jakub and I’m sorry even though I bully everyone, you stood by my side ever since we met each other and I think after this fall formal I’m going to change, you know show that I can be helpful and kind anyway I’ll be waiting at my house tomorrow.
P.S I overheard from Flash while I was shopping for guitar strings that you own a car, but from what I heard it’s under reconstruction so if you have a spare car it would make this way easier well goodnight Jakub I’ll see you tomorrow if you accept.

I can’t believe it, she still cares for me and Nyx, even though she is a bully and that’s something Sunset doesn’t show very often while bullying others. I know that she may be a bully, but inside she is still the kind person I fell in love with. Back when I was about to go to the human world before Sunset went there I promised Princess Celestia that I would protect her little sun as she called her that because she felt guilty for what she had done and to be fair I never expected her to feel sad when I was about to leave Equestria and enter the human world. As I opened my contacts I start going down the amount of contacts I have until I find Sunset’s phone number and dial her.

“Hello who is it” I hear her say through the phone “hey Sunset I’ve read your message and to be honest, I didn’t think you would write to me or at least talk to me, what made you change your mind?” I ask her “ Well to be fair I was doing this to just spend time with you, because we are technically still a couple because neither of us said that we’re breaking up right?” She asks, “Well, that’s true so what time do you want me to pick you up and is it okay for me to bring someone with me?” I ask her “sure, I don’t mind meeting someone else” she replies “thanks Sunset I’ll see you tomorrow then goodnight” I reply before she say “goodnight” and turning off her phone.

I know I don’t have a spare car, but I do know someone that can get me a car by tomorrow and that person is Flare.
I find Flare’s MyStable account at midnight and send him a message asking if he has a car that I could buy from the police.
By the time I get a reply from him I was on the verge of falling asleep because of the time.

Blazing Flare: So what do you need Jakub.

Wolf’s Requiem: well, does the police have any car I could buy off them that were taken from street racers?

Blazing Flare: well, yes there’s a car for sale, a Dodge Viper to be exact this was taken five weeks ago so you can buy it if you want it’s already through commission and the insurance is paid off till today of next year so you won’t have to pay for it till next year.

Wolf’s Requiem: Flare, is it possible for you to respray it yellow and put a darker yellow and red stickers on the sides that resemble flames?

Blazing Flare: sure anything else

Wolf’s Requiem: how much for the car?

Blazing Flare: it’s actually free and I’m guessing you want me to drop it off at your house correct?

Wolf’s Requiem: yep could you drop it at ten o’clock in the morning because I’m planning to go out to the cinema with a friend and possibly Nyx and Maeve will come as well

Blazing Flare: Sure see you at ten

Wolf’s Requiem: see you at ten

After closing MyStable and putting my laptop on the desk I get to my bed thinking of what movie I should watch with Sunset, Maeve, and Nyx which is a tricky decision because of Maeve’s and Nyx’s age group, hopefully Sunset will understand.
After a long day like this I think I will have the sweetest dreams.

Chapter 4 At the movies and The Blood Staved Beast fight

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“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I scream as I wake up after experiencing the most scary looking nightmare I ever had because of what happened in it. “By the love of God I feel as if I need to take an ice bucket challenge just by remembering that I was impaled through my chest” I say as I start to shodder just by remembering that dream.

Here’s the thing no matter what dream I have even after doing something nice before going to bed there is always a chance that a very nice dream will turn into a nightmare. After getting out of bed and change into suitable clothes a simple t-shirt and trousers. I start to think about one thing that I hope that will happen today and that’s Sunset meeting Maeve and seeing how the two of them would react to each other. I notice a message from Flare on my phone saying that the car is finished and he is heading straight to my house with it.

“Well things have been peaceful for the past four days which is odd because I’m usually busy with doing hunts for the guild guess there’s no reason for me to take my keychains with me” I say to myself as I leave my bedroom and notice that Celestia is awake and is looking at me with a look that is saying “your in trouble mister”. I gulp when I see that Luna is nowhere to be seen. “BOOO!!!!!!!” I hear someone scream behind me causing me to fall off the railing of the second floor. “Jakub!!” Maeve screams as I fall to the floor. Before I hit the floor I preform airial recovery so I land on my feet. “That was close” I say as I land on the floor. “What?” I ask everyone who was looking at me “was it something I done?”

“Well I was about to ask you where you were yesterday until Luna gave you that fright but that can wait because it looks like you’re planning to go somewhere so please take Nyx and Maeve with because myself and Luna want to have some peace and quiet today okay Jakub?” Celestia asks me to which I reply “okay, come on girl get changed into something more suitable because we’re going to the cinema.” “Wait for real?” Nyx asks me as she looks at with tears almost coming out of her eyes. “Yes we are but first I need you and Maeve to change into your normal clothes because I’m not going to bring you two in your pyjamas” I say and before I can say anything else they run up the stairs, pass Luna and enter Nyx’s bedroom to change.

After they changed into their outdoor clothes I start to hear an engine roar outside which ment that Flare has arrived with the car. “Okay girls we’re going “ I say as I open the door and go outside followed by Nyx and Maeve. Outside the front gate of the house was a Yellow Dodge Viper with a deeper shade of yellow and red flame like art on the sides and a wing on the back of the car and custom license plates saying SUNSET. “Well you out done yourself Flare because I’m impressed” I say to Flare as he gets out of the car and tosses the keys to me and says “you’re lucky because I was at the police station fixing the pursuit cars and when you sent me that message I was actually about to talk to you about the car because I met your friend Flash the other day and he told me that he was fixing your original car that you were ment to have”. “Hey that car is still being fixed and don’t worry I’ll give you this car back when the other car is fixed okay?” I ask Flare. “Keep it I don’t need a car anyway “ he replies before walking in the direction of the police station. I look at him before shrugging and looking at the girls who were waiting for me to make a move. “Alright get in the car you two before you give me your puppy eyes” I say to Nyx and Maeve as the two of them get into the back of the car and put their seatbelts on. I chuckle for a bit before getting into the car myself and starting the engine. I give a look to Nyx and Maeve before I put my foot on the pedal and start driving to Sunset’s house.

“Alright you two you can stay in the car or you can come with me if you want?” I ask the girls to which they reply “yes.”
After getting out of the car and locking it, we walk up to Sunset’s apartment but I stop as I notice Rarity walking towards the three of us.
“Shit and there goes plan A now what am I going to do I can’t have Rarity see me here or she’ll kill me” I think in my head as Rarity keeps walking towards us. “Hi Rarity “ I say as she walks towards me, “Well hello there darling I didn’t expect you to be so close to your ex-girlfriend house” Rarity says to me. True everyone thinks me and Sunset aren’t a couple anymore but in reality we never said that we’re breaking up to each other in front of the school. “Actually me and Sunset never broke up and I still think she wants to go out with me and before you will say something stupid I’m only planning to spend some time today with her because yesterday she sent me a message asking was it possible for me to hangout with her today?” I say to Rarity, “okay Jakub but please don’t plan on helping her with anything to ruin the school or anyone else “ Rarity says to me before walking away until she stops right in front of Maeve who runs away from her and hides behind me, “Sorry about Maeve Rarity but she is still getting used to meeting new people, tell you what I’ll come over to your place tomorrow with maeve so you can make some clothes for her and in turn I’ll tell you anything about Maeve deal?” I ask her with my hand in front of me waiting for Rarity to shake it, “Deal see you tomorrow darling “ she says as she shakes my hand and starts walking to where ever she was going to.

As I enter the apartment with Nyx and Maeve I start to think on something that I’ve been thinking about since I came to the human world, should I tell Sunset that I’m from Equestria as well, “No if I tell her now then she’ll think Princess Celestia asked to follow her to this world, for the love of god why am I thinking about that right now” I think to myself as we get near Sunset’s front door. I knock on the door three times before I put my hand behind my back and lean on the wall. After five whole minutes of waiting I walk up to the door and put my hand on the door knob and to my surprise it twisted meaning the door was unlocked, “That’s strange Sunset never leaves her front door open even when I was in her house” I say as I enter the house.

The house was as clean as ever. As I walk around the house before going upstairs to sunset’s bedroom technically speaking it was a room that overlooked the rest of the house, as I keep looking for Sunset I notice that her bed is undone meaning that she’s still sleeping or on the ground beside the bed. “Sunset, Sunset were are you because I have a surprise for you” I start to say, this was one of,the things I would do to Sunset when we were younger. “Ten more minutes princess “ Sunset says in her sleep. “Maeve can you turn on the cold water in the bathroom?” I ask Maeve, “Okay big brother” she says and go to the bathroom and turns the water on. I stand there for a few seconds, “Maeve just called me big brother” I thought before pulling of the blanket from Sunset’s body revealing her without any clothes on.

“God I forgot she dose this, oh well it’ll be easier that way and the fact that Maeve knows about people sometimes take of their clothes is better because I don’t have to explain why sunset isn’t wearing any clothes” I think to myself as I pick Sunset from her bed and walk down the stairs and into the bathroom and walking over to the bath which is filled with cold water. I drop Sunset into the cold bath which surprisingly wake her up, “C-c-c-c-c-cold” she says while getting out of the bath and onto the floor. “Morning sleeping beauty” I say to Sunset as she looks up to see who put her in a cold bath. “Jakub how did you get into my house and why aren’t you shocked to see me naked?” She asks me, “Well I known you for quite some time and really I used to always come to your house when you were asleep during Christmas while being your secret Santa I I always saw you without any clothes on and technically speaking this is your house so you can wear whatever you want also could you get changed quickly because I got four tickets to see a movie and I want it to be a surprise for two particular people I love” I say to Sunset as she put on a towel and leaves the bathroom.

“So who is this person I’m suppose to meet Jakub because all I see is you, Nyx and a little girl who has been hiding behind you ever since I saw her” Sunset asks me as I move Maeve in front of me, “Sunset meet Maeve my adoptive little sister, Maeve meet Sunset my girlfriend” I say as Maeve now hides behind the couch, “she’s a bit shy probably even more shy than Fluttershy” I continue before Sunset interrupts me “did something happen to her that she’s this shy Jakub?” She asks me, “I’ll tell you when Maeve and Nyx aren’t around okay because it’s a very touchy subject for Maeve to even listen to but right now I only know one way for her to stop hiding from you” I whisper to Sunset, “What do you mean Jakub?” She asks, “the one song the two of us sang on your first fall formal victory you know the one I like” I say before Sunset gives me a look of surprise, “Are you sure this’ll work” She says to me “positive she looked at me with her eyes sparkling when I was singing it” I replied before I take out my phone and look for the instrumental version of the nightcore variant of Wake me up. “You ready Sunset “I say to Sunset as she nods in approval. “Okay here goes nothing” I say as I turn on the song.

During the whole song Maeve slowly moves out of her hiding spot and sits on the couch.

After Maeve finally stops being afraid of Sunset we went to the movies which to be fair it wasn’t half bad. What we went to see was something child friendly for Maeve and Nyx to see so I chose to watch Pokemon detective pikachu, never played the game but I’m not going to bother to buy a Nintendo 3DS just to play it. I did ask Sunset did she enjoy the movie and she did enjoy it, right now I’m driving to Modern Yharnam since I wanted to show Sunset the Hunters Guild where I work.
Both Maeve and Nyx have fallen asleep while we were driving.

“So Sunset what you’re about to see is probably the-“ I stop talking to Sunset as my phone starts ringing “excuse me for a moment,” I say to Sunset before I answer the phone, “Hello The grim reaper of the hunt speaking or otherwise know as Jakub Dash how may I help you” I say before the person talking tell me something important, “Henryk I know this is sudden but tell me were is this kid heading to anyway and what is it he/she want to kill” I say but the next part petrified me “A kid that is called Blue Darkfang plans on killing the blood staved beast on his own!!!!!!” I scream, The Blood staved beast or the bsb as I like to call it is the most aggressive beast that anyone could hear of and it’s best not to fight it alone. Oh did I forget to mention that it is also is poisonous and a Hunter should always bring antidotes with him/her and I remember that there are 4 antidotes in the arena so I calm myself down, “alright Henryk get to the area of the blood staved beast and leave a handgun loaded with one thousand Cursed flame bullets and leave the required weapons list for me to make once the Fall Formal is over Ok” I finally say before saying bye to Henryk.

As I drive like a street racer trying to runaway from the cops, I tell the situation to Sunset to mind Maeve and Nyx for me while I go to find the kid and murder that Blood starved beast once and for all.

After twenty minutes of driving like a mad man we reach our destination of the old cathedral road, I leave Sunset and the girls as I start to walk to the old Cathedral where Blue and the Blood Staved Beast are I notice that there is a small box on a barrel, walking up to the box I noticed the Hunter’s Mark on it meaning it’s from Henryk. Inside the box was a bullet pouch filled with cursed flame bullets and a Desert Eagle with a scope on it, grabbing both pouch and gun which I instantly load with the bullets I continue to move forward to the cathedral knowing the danger and that I could get hurt or worse.

I slowly climb one of the walls of the cathedral and I finally notice Blue sitting on a ledge with a Keyblade by his side which the tip of the blade was drenched in blood. Blue was wearing a blue jacket with white lines on the edges, a white t-shirt with a star in a silver crescent moon with a wing coming out of the moon mark in the middle which was his cutie mark, he wore the exact replica of Roxas’s trousers and shoes. His skin is of a light blue colour, his hair is a mix of dark blue and brown and his eyes were cyan coloured. The Keyblade looked similar to the star seeker Keyblade that I only had when I was training with King Mickey but the difference between star seeker and this Keyblade was that this Keyblade has a midnight blueish colour with the night sky on the Keyblade as well. The one thing I notice is that the small circles that hold the guard have the PlayStation x, circle, square and triangle button on two on each side, but from my point of view I can only see the X and Circle.

Apparently he must have fell asleep because the Blood Staved Beast hasn’t even spotted him, yet. I knew that if that beast got Blue or worse escaped then I would never be forgiven, so I do the only thing possible and jump straight into the arena, which in turn makes the fog appear in all the entry points from the roof to the doors and the beast finally notices me and runs straight towards me,

Dodging it’s swigs was really hard since I was scared of it, after all I was ten years old when I faced it for the first time and I had help then but now I’m alone so I start shooting cursed flame bullets into its eyes in rapid speed and in turn it was about to charge attack me and a bullet hits it and stun locks it allowing me to preform a visceral attack which I quickly use the chance to get a few decent hits on it with the gun while it was getting up from the floor. “I’m so dead” I say as it screams and poisonous gas starts to come out of it meaning that it has entered it’s final phase which means I have to stay away from it at all time or else I’ll get poisoned which I hate.

Now the fight is just getting started. “I better teleport Blue back to his house so he doesn’t see me” I say to myself as I open a portal beneath Blue and see him go through it with the Keyblade. As I move, the beast moves behind me and lunges straight at me which in turn causes my jacket to be ripped as if it was made out of paper, but it also gives me enough time to fire a volley of bullets into it’s chest. After the last bullet hits the beast slowly drops down onto the floor and exploding into pieces of flesh and blood which I’m lucky that I moved behind a pillar or else I would’ve needed to take a shower.
Walking out of the cathedral I notice Henryk jumping of the building and running back to his house as I myself start running to the car.

The drive home was rather interesting since Sunset asked me if she could sleep at my house tonight I agreed that she could stay if she would bring some pyjamas which she agreed to but the problem was would Celestia and Luna agree for her to be able to stay at our house tonight. But even if they allowed her to stay I would be in serious trouble if anything that is owned by ether Luna or Celestia were to be found broken. Both Maeve and Nyx were fast asleep meaning no radio or music. “Do you think they’ll allow me over Jakub?” Sunset asks me, “Well I don’t know about that but it depends on what mood they’re both in” I replied to Sunset as we reach her house so she could grab her pyjamas and some spare clothes. After she get back from her house with a yellow and red coloured school bag and gets into the car, I start driving back to my house.

After we’ve driven back to my house and arrived at the front door I got out of the car as did Sunset to get Maeve and Nyx out of the car.

“Do you think this’ll work Jakub?” Sunset asks me while holding Nyx in her arms since Maeve and Nyx haven’t woken up yet,

“I don’t know but my guess is they’ll ask why are you with me and I’ll say that I invited you to come over and have a sleepover and that I wouldn’t be able to carry both Nyx and Maeve into their bedroom without waking them up” I replie as I open the door to find Luna in her nightdress and a cup of coffee in her left hand,

“do you even know what time it is young man?” Luna says as I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time.

Midnight, I gulp while bad memories start to come back to me last time I came home at midnight. I start shaking like mad and both Luna and Sunset notice this as both of them ask

“Jakub is something the matter?” before I can say anything both Sunset and Luna finally notice each other before Sunset says,

“Jakub invited me for a sleepover today after our little outing with the girls to the movies but we had to stop at Modern Yharnam because a friend of Jakubs called that a boy was seen going after something in an old cathedral and Jakub had to go there himself so he asked me to watch over the girls while he was gone and neither of us checked the time so we’re both sorry for being this late so if it’s possible can we talk about why we were late tomorrow because Jakub from the looks of it is on the verge of falling asleep in the front door”,

true I was on the verge of falling asleep and so was Sunset. Luna just stared at us before moving from the door allowing us to come in.

Sighing Luna moves away from the door allowing us to go inside.

"Can't believe she allowed you to come in?" I say to Sunset as I'm getting her bed ready. We placed the girls in their room and tucked them in bed.

"I'm surprised as you are Jakub because for a second I thought she was going to make me go home" Sunset tells me as she changes into her PJs and put her clothes that she wore today into her bag. Right before I put the blanket on the bed I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get that" I say as Sunset takes the blanket and lies down on the bed. Opening the door I notice Rose sitting in front of it with a rock in her mouth and bits of wood on the floor.
"Come here you" I say as I lift Rose from the ground and go back to my room with Rose in my arms.
Sunset notices Rose and looks at her with a smile, I guess Sunset likes wolfs or something along those lines.

After I change into my PJs which consisted of shorts and a t-shirt with the words "Seeker of Truth" written on the back in orange and blue and a picture of Reshiram using "Blue Flare" on the front of it, I get into bed as Sunset does the same thing and the two of us close our eyes.

Five minutes later I open my eyes to notice that Sunset is in my bed and has her arms on my chest as if she's holding me.

"Your not going to let go of me aren't you?" I say to Sunset,

"Nope" she replies.

"Goodnight Sunset, sweet dreams" I say before I close my eyes and go to sleep.

"Goodnight Jakub, I love you" Sunset said quietly as she kiss me on my check and goes to sleep.

Chapter 5 Jakub's Nightmare and learning the Truth

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A scream.

A scream wakes me up.

I hear someone screaming close by—something that I'm not sure about.

Opening my eyes, I find out who is screaming, and it terrifies me.

Right beside me was Jakub, screaming my name, Maeves' ,Nyxs' and someone else that I'm sure I haven't met as if something bad happened is his dream.

No—his nightmare.

After opening my eyes fully, I hear it.

"No! Don't you dare kill them. P-p-please have mercy on them. They didn't do anything to you," Jakub said before something bad happens in his nightmare.


I move myself into a sitting position and move my hands on Jakub's body and start shaking him, hoping that he'll wake up. "You got to wake up Jakub. Please," I say over and over again until I give up, knowing that it won't work.

——— 🗝️ ———

I don't know how long I've sat there beside Jakub hearing him scream over and over again.

"Why does this have to happen to the only person that cares about me?" I think only for a second later to feel something gripping my pajama top.

Grabbing my phone from the night stand beside Jakub’s bed, I turn on the flash light function, and shine the light at the thing that is gripping my top, only to find Rose biting into it as if she wants my attention.

"What do you want Rose? Don't you see that your own-" I ask, but never finish since Rose pulled me so hard that I fell out of the bed.

"How in the name of Celestia is she so strong?" I think as I get up off the floor and stand up, finding Rose waiting in front of the door.

"You want to show me something?" I ask as I walk up to her and open the door. I follow her downstairs. She starts headbutting a door with a sign saying "FORGE".

"You want me to open that for you right?" I ask and she nods.

I never knew Jakub was able to train Rose into actually nodding or shaking her head when she's being asked, I think to myself as Rose enters the room that I opened for her.

After entering the room and turning the lights on, I come to a sudden realization about my Boyfriend.

In the middle of the room was a book—a book with the cutie mark of my old teacher.

"Why haven't you told me about this Jakub? I thought you were my friend," I say.

"He didn't want to tell you about this until the time was right, Miss Sunset Shimmer, and that he didn't want you to think Celestia ask him to bring you back to Equestria," I hear someone say, but don't know who is talking since it's only me and Rose in this room.

I look around to see who just spoke, until I look at Rose, who is looking straight at me as if she's waiting for me to ask something, which I do after walking to an odd-looking sword.

The sword itself was so huge that a normal person would have to carry it with two hands., It had bandages around the beginning of the blade and at the hilt of it. There were also runes on the blade that I can't understand.

"Wish Jakub was awake. He would have said what this sword is, let alone what everything in this room is," I say as I look at Rose.

"That there, Miss Shimmer, is the Holy Moonlight Greatsword—a gift from Ludwig the Holy Blade to Jakub," she says.

"You you can talk!?" I screamed.

"Yes I can talk Miss Shimmer and I'll will explain everything to you only if you read four documents and that you'll keep this a secret from Jakub, because if you don't I won't get any roasted chicken that's cooked by him until I've learned my lesson" she says as she leads me to another part of the room.

Following her I start to question why Jakub never told me about anything he does and then a memory of him smiling at me when the two of us were in Canterlot Castle pops up into my mind, reminding me that he's is just a funny person at times when he was younger.

——— 🗝️ ———

This part of the "FORGE" has bookshelves and other things that I don't recognize, there's also a desk with a chair and four documents laying on the desk.

Walking up to the chair and sitting on it, I quickly recognize two of the documents to be from Equestria, while the other two from a different place all together.

"I would suggest reading the documents that aren't from Equestria Miss Shimmer" she says as I pick up the two documents that aren't from Equestria.

Each document has what appears to be a mouse head on the front of them.

"I honestly don't know why these documents are important to Jakub but it might give a clue as to why he has them in the first place" I think as I open the document on the left which also has a silver crown apart from the mouse head.

The document shows a picture of a young boy with blue eyes, spiky brown hair and skin that looks closely like Jakub's skin color.

Name: Sora

Age: 16

Current location: Unknown

Home: Destiny Islands

Gender: Male

Current status: Alive

Reading this document I noticed that the age of this boy is the same age as me and Jakub.

Looking closely at the picture that came with the Document I noticed that he has a silver crown necklace which was also on the document.

Closing the first document, I pick up the second document and slowly opening it.

This document as the other one has a picture included with it.

Name: Riku

Age: 17

Current location: Unknown

Home: Destiny Islands

Gender: Male

Current status: Alive

"How come Jakub has documents of these two individuals Rose?" I ask Rose.

"You'll understand after reading the other two, just read them in the same order and I would also suggest remembering the colours that the two boys have on them. She replies.

Opening the first Equestrian document it shows a young colt that was just born.

I noticed quickly that this colt has the same mane and tail as Sora who's hair is brown and spiky like the colt in the picture. Another thing about the picture is that it shows the colt's eyes which are the same as Sora's eyes.

Name: Silver Crown

Age: unknown

Current status: deceased

Parents: Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

Siblings: Shining Armour, Twilight Sparkle and Jakub Sparkle Dash

When is saw the current status of this colt my heart almost gave me a heart attack but then I remembered something important.

"Rose is Silver Crown actually deceased or is he actually Sora" I ask Rose.

"Yes Sunset, Sora is really Silver Crown" she says.

"Then how come it says deceased on the document from Equestria while the other one says he's alive?" I ask, wanting to know the reason.

"I don't know Miss Shimmer, only Jakub knows why but please don't mention this to him from what he told me when he came back from his last mentors place he was really angry" Rose answers, "but as you saw in the document if Jakub's sister comes here from Equestria for some reason please pretend that you never heard of her it'll be for the best, since she doesn't remember Jakub."

I nod and close the first document and placing it on the desk. Picking up the second document I notice that instead of a Sun on the front, there's a moon replacing it.

Opening it, I immediately noticed that it's very old. The picture that came with it shows a yellow unicorn colt with silver mane and tail and teal eyes just like Riku's.

"I'm guessing this is actually Riku since the two have similar hair colour and eye colour" I think to myself.

Name: Black Heart

Age: unknown

Current status: deceased

Parents: Princess Luna and Sombra

Current whereabouts: unknown

Closing the last of the documents I look at Rose, who immediately sighs.

"Now you want me to explain everything to you correct?" She asks me, to which I nod. "Very well I'll explain everything there is to know."

——— 🗝️ ———

After fifty minutes of explaining, me and Rose are heading back to Jakub's bedroom when I hear a sorry slowly open.

Looking back, I notice that the door to Nyx's and Meave's room is open.

Looking more closely, I notice a small anthropomorphic snow leopard standing in the doorway with the same PJ's that Meave was in when me and Jakub put the girls to bed. Also the snow leopard is holding a teddy bear in its left hand.

Looking more closely at the snow leopard, I quickly notice how it and Meave look similar to each other.

"Miss Shimmer if you please excuse me, I have to bring little Meave back to bed and before you ask, yes that's Meave in her true form, I won't explain why she is that way but I can only say this, Meave is from another world and her mother there passed away and the responsibility of Meave fell to Jakub" Rose says as she walks over to where Meave is and slowly starts tugging Meave by her PJ.

I shrug as the door closes to the girls room.

——— 🗝️ ———

After getting back to Jakub's bedroom I notice that he's not screaming anymore and is holding what appears to be a my cutie mark as a keychain.

As I move to were the bed that Jakub made is and slowly laying onto it I hear Jakub say something almost in a whisper.

"May my heart be my guiding key"

Hearing this I know for a fact that Jakub doesn't have a nightmare anymore, meaning I can finally go back to sleep.

"Good night Jakub" I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

——— 🗝️ ———

Standing right in front of Canterlot high school was a young boy wearing a black coat that went all the way down to his feet. The boy was also carrying two swords in each hand.

"The time is almost here Jakub, Twilight is going to be here next week on Wednesday" he says as he slowly starts walking to the statue that's in front of the school.

"I better get this to your-our older brother so he can give it to Twilight when she visits him after she becomes an alicorn" he says as he looks at his right arm. In his hand was a black crown keychain that was turned into a necklace.

He looks at the school for the last time before going through the portal and saying "May Oblivion keep you safe Princess Twilight Sparkle when you're in need of his help"

——— 🗝️ ———

On the other side of the portal was a white unicorn with a blue two toned mane and tail. His cutie mark was a shield with a purple starburst in the shield.

Looking up at the mirror that his aunt gave him and his wife he noticed that the surface of the mirror is moving.

A minute later there's a figure standing in front of it. Said figure has a long black coat with holes for the wings which are white.

"Jakub is that you?" The unicorn asks.

"No I'm not Jakub, but I'm one of his friends" the figure says before continuing "I've got something that I want you to give to your sister when she visits, Jakub wanted to do this himself but he didn't have the time to do it."

Moving his head, the figure pulls out a black crown necklace and tosses it to the unicorn, who catches it with his magic.

"What's this?" He asks the figure.

"It's a good luck charm your brother wanted to give to his sister" the figure replies before turning back to the mirror.

"Can you at least tell me what your name is?" the unicorn asks.

"My name is"

Chapter 6 Clothes shopping galore, AJ's suspicion and the return to Equestria

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"Roxas," I say as I put on my gauntlet onto my right arm and move to put on my bracer onto my other arm when I notice that Sunset is slowly waking up. "Morning, sleepy head," I say moving to where Sunset is laying down.

"Morning to you too Jakub, what time is it anyway?" Sunset asks.

"It's nine o'clock in the morning and I have to go with Maeve soon so Rarity can make some clothes for her since she only has her dress and her PJs from when she first came here."

"Ok. Can you at least drive me home when you're taking Maeve to Rarity's place please?" Sunset asks as I nod in approval.


The drive to Sunset's house was quick since it was close to Rarity's place, meaning I could walk with Maeve to the shop after dropping Sunset off at her home. Walking up to the door of the shop, I notice that someone is there. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and head inside with Maeve close by.

"Sorry to be interrupting anything, Rarity, but you wanted to make some clothes for Maeve," I say as I look to see Rarity is still in her nightgown. "On second thought, maybe I should come on a later date since, eh, you must be really really tired if you're still in your nightgown."

"It’s alright, darling. I was just about to text you, but seeing that you came early, I can take a bit more time to measure your little sister to see if there are any clothes that are for her size," Rarity says as she takes out a measuring tape and slowly walks over to Maeve, who in an instant runs away to hide in a changing room. "I didn't mean to frighten the poor girl, Jakub. I was just going to measure her—that's all."

"It's alright, Rarity. Maeve is just shy. She acted the same yesterday when you met her," I say as I walk over to where Maeve was hiding and crouch down, since, by the look of things, she's curled up in a ball. "It's okay, Maeve. Rarity just wants to check your measurements so she could find some clothes for you and maybe a new set of pyjamas since the ones you have are Nyx’s old pair of pyjamas."

"Okay," Maeve whispers as she walks out of her hiding spot andover to Rarity. "Sorry, Miss Rarity, for running away from you."

"It's all right, darling. Everyone is scared of meeting new people. Even though I was a bit scared when I met you older brother back in freshman year of CHS, I did try and talk to him when I met him," Rarity says as she picks up the tape and starts measuring Maeve.

I suddenly hear a wolf howl coming from my phone. "Excuse me for a moment. I need to check this," I say as I walk out of the shop and take out my phone.

Two messages were sent to me—one from Vice-principal Luna and the other form Applejack. Opening the message from Luna, I notice that it's a shopping list for today.


1 pineapple

2 kgs of sugar

2 bottles of milk


Lord of the Rings movie trilogy

Hobbit movie trilogy

Fast and Furious movie trilogy

Bottle of shampoo

1 full watermelon

7 to 10 apples

Video games for the PlayStation 4

Just looking at the list, I know I'm not going to lose a lot of money since, being an X-class hunter for the guild, I get high paying jobs that would usually take four to seven veteran hunters to finish.

Checking the message from Applejack, I notice that it's only one short sentence.

We need to talk. Come to Sweet Apple Acres, and we'll talk there.

"Could AJ be suspicious about me?" I think to myself as I go back to the shop to find Rarity occupied and Maeve nowhere to be seen."Eh Rarity, where's Maeve?" I ask her, only to feel my hand being pulled back. Looking who was pulling my arm, I see that it was Maeve pulling it. Looking at her I notice that she's wearing a tiger t-shirt (knowing that she loves tigers), a light blue skirt and a pair of pink and white shoes.

"Maeve I want you to stay with Rarity since I gotta go somewhere and I ask you to not be afraid of anyone and Rarity if Maeve ever hides play the Nightcore version of Wake me up that's switching vocals," I say to both of them as I exit the shop and walk to my car.

"Next stop, Sweet Apple Acres."


The drive to AJ's place was fast since the viper was a fast car (not as fast as a Bugatti Veyron). Getting out of the car, the first thing I notice is that Mac is fixing the family tractor.

"Hey Mac where's Applejack? She said she wanted to talk to me about something" I say as Big Mac looks at me and points to the house, "thanks!"

Walking up to the house, I noticed that someone was repainting the outside of the house since there's a paint bucket lying on the ground open.

"Didn't think you would come" I hear Applejack say, as I look to she where she is.
Standing in the doorway of the house was AppleJack wearing her usual clothing and her trademark hat.

“Well you did say you wanted to talk immediately judging by the message, so here I am,” I say as I move to the bench that’s beside the house and sitting down on it.

“Alright sugarcube you’re hiding something aren’t you?” AJ asks me, as she walks up to the bench and sits down beside me.

“Well there is something that I’m hiding but I promised someone that I won’t say it until the time is right,” I say.

“It’s not that but, I saw you with Sunset, Nyx and another girl yesterday and judging by the look in your eyes I can already guess you and Sunset are still a couple, but I wanted to ask you who was that little girl that was beside you, Nyx and Sunset,” she asks.

“That’s Maeve, Applejack, she’s my adopted little sister,” I say before starting a long talk that I’m guessing will take about an hour to explain.


After the talk with AJ, I feel as if someone just stabbed me in the back multiple times.
“The portal closes on the night of the Fall Formal, maybe I should take a quick trip back home and talk to Aunt Celestia and ask her why she lied to my family about Sor-Silver,” I say to myself as I drive back to Rarity’s place.

Trying to keep myself from going into what I call Rage Form since I don’t want to start breaking things, I turn on the good old radio and start listening to some music while driving. In all fairness most of the music cds I have in my car were made by Vinyl after a long music discussion, she did make me a lot of cds for a few reasons.
Reason one, is that I like racing music while I drive in the occasional race or two at the stadium and reason number two is that most of them are from Need For Speed games.


After picking up Maeve from Rarity’s place and getting back home and putting Maeve to bed since it’s 9pm and again she fell asleep while I was driving.

Packing my small rucksack with a few personal possessions that I want Shining to have and a few books to leave for Twilight since from what I heard she is addicted to reading books.

“And where do you think you’re going Jakub?” I hear Rose say, as I turn my head to where she was.

Sitting on the bed was Rose looking at me with her sky blue eyes.

“I’m going to Equestria, Rose. I won’t be back until tomorrow evening. I’ve got to have a little talk with my aunt about something that she hid from me, Shining, Twilight and my parents. Please take care of Maeve while I’m gone” I say before exiting the room not even hearing Rose’s reply.


After getting the documents about Sora and Riku from the Forge I walk to the school I started to think about what Celestia will say after I show her the documents about Sora and Riku.

Finally arriving at the statue where the portal was. Taking a deep breath I put my hand through the portal to see if it was open.
Looking back at the school for the last time before I come back tomorrow, I go through the portal for the first time in six years.

Chapter 7: Revelations

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“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” A scream was heard throughout the Crystal Palace.

“Did you hear that Cadence?” Shining Armor asks his wife as he slowly gets up from their bed to investigate the sudden scream.

“Yes, I did hear that but, it sounded like you little brother screaming?” Cadence says before she notices that her husband has already left.

“Note to self, have Shining to have a wall with cushions built here in case he doesn’t want his own brother to have possibly broken bones if he was to ever visit through the portal” said a young white alicorn stallion who was wearing a black jacket with two sword like weapons crossing over a purple starburst on the back of it. This was of course Jakub Sparkle Dash.

“Who goes there!?” said an alarmed Shining Armor, “I’m warning you I could easily send you to Canterlot Jail!”

“A little help here” Jakub said he slowly raised a hoof from the wall that has been dented on impact.

“Jakub? What, how?” Shining stuttered as he saw his little brother on the wall.

“Less talking more helping big bro!!!!!” Jakub said as he was wanting to get out from being stuck in the wall very badly.

“Ok, ok, no need to shout Jakub” said Shining as he pulled his little alicorn brother from the wall.

“Thanks Shining” Jakub said as he got up onto his hooves after he was off the wall, “I have a lot of things to tell you Shining, some that you might find me proud of, others you wouldn’t be proud of.”

“What do you mean I wouldn’t be proud of you, you’re my little alicorn brother of course I would be proud of you,” Shining says as he and Jakub start trotting to get Cadance so Jakub could tell them and possibly Celestia and Luna if he could send a letter to them.

“Shining, I'm trained to kill Shining, it’s part of my first mentor’s teaching and to that I’m grateful since I was young and fragile back then and wasn’t nicknamed the GRIM REAPER OF THE HUNT, in all fairness Shining the only time I ever kill someone or in this case somepony is to protect myself and others that are with me,” Jakub says as he summons two ghostly hands with his magic.

Shining almost falls onto the floor from what his little brother has told him, but is more surprised when Jakub summons two odd looking swords into two ghostly hands that he mad with his magic.

“Shining I’m what you call a Keyblade Wielder, my mission when I’m called by my last mentor is to protect the worlds from the Heartless, Nobodies and the Unversed,” Jakub says as he dismisses the two Keyblades and the ghostly hands as he walks to the throne room.

After Cadance woke up and entered the throne room, Jakub told both his older brother and his sister in law about what happened to him during his time in the human world and what he has done in other worlds.

Cadance was both terrified and emotionally broken when she heard what happened to her little brother first mentor who judging by what Jakub said was almost a father to him. She was also proud of him for saving their adopted little sister’s mom with the help of his friend.

But both of them were shocked when Jakub told them about his and Shining’s brother Silver Crown. Shining was angry at his aunt for keeping this a secret from his family about his other brother Silver. Cadance on the other hoof was shocked when she heard everything that was told about Jakub and Shining’s brother. She decided to have their aunt come to the Crystal Empire and question her why she kept this a secret.

“Think this is a good idea sis?” Jakub asks as he hides behind the throne. He was starting to feel bad about the whole thing to do with his brother Silver and his cousin Black Heart.

“It’s going to be ok, that is unless you get angry at Aunt Celestia, you did mention that you have a friend who is capable of flipping a whole building so I think your safe,” Cadance says as she moves her attention to the doors of the throne room. Shining was with the new recruits, training them.

After ten minutes of waiting the doors opened, standing there was Princess Celestia, “Cadance did something happen that you needed to talk to me today?” Celestia asks her niece.

“Oh nothing much auntie just a question popped into my head after a talk with someone, why didn’t you tell my parents in law, my husband, my sister-in law and my brother-in law about Silver Crown?” Cadance asks her aunt. Celestia was both shocked and confused about how did Cadance find out about the third son of Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

“H-how do you know about that?” Celestia asks, she starts sweating after Cadance asked her the question about Silver Crown.

“I told her auntie” Jakub says as he comes out of his hiding spot, with a ghostly hand floating beside him with another Keyblade then the ones he showed his sister in law and older brother.

This Keyblade was pure white with light blue on some parts of it and occasionally the Keyblade would slowly light up with a fire like aura on parts of the blade, mainly the handle, hand guard and blade. The keychain looked like a small white dragons head with blue eyes.

Celestia was trembling with both fear and shock to see her alicorn nephew that lived in the parallel world who was also starting to stare at her with his eyes, with rage in his eyes. Slowly Celestia took a deep breath before regaining her confidence and strength.

But right before she said a word, she caught a glimpse of Jakub’s appearance changing, from the young alicorn that was standing there to a creature that she only saw once in the past, a human, the human she saw looked just like Jakub but wearing white armour with pure white wings that were larger than her own wings, his face was covered with a mouth mask that looked like a dragon’s mouth, his hair was now a pure white colour and was flowing in the absence of the wind as if it were flowing because of magic and finally she occasionally saw parts of the armour, wings and hair start to change from white to a light orange to orange to an orangey red and finally to a crimson red colour as if those parts were slowly igniting.

As she blinked the figure turned back to the young alicorn that was her nephew, she knew too well that he must have made a great companion possibly even a friend.

Jakub on the other hoof hasn’t noticed the white Keyblade that was held in one of his ghostly hands, since he was too busy staring at his aunt with anger.

“I didn’t know this day would come when I explain why your brother Silver was actually alive,but I have a feeling that you know that I also sent my own sister’s child into the future during the same time I sent Silver to the Destiny Islands” Celestia says as she looks from her niece to her nephew who was on the verge of exploding, “guess I have no choice but to tell you everything that has happened to your brother Silver and your cousin Black Heart.”

Jakub dismisses his Keyblades as well as the ghostly hands as he sits where he was standing to listen to what Celestia has to say about Sora and Riku.

After approximately two hours of explanation about why she sent Sora and Riku to the Destiny Islands was that she was afraid of them dying, Sora from the lack of Pegasus magic and Riku from his mother who was almost Nightmare Moon at the time. She also explained that if Sora and/or Riku where to ever return to Equestria she would tell both of them why she did what she has done in the past to them.

“I guess that I’ve gotten most of my questions about why you never told me or my parents or my sister or my older brother or your own sister about Sora and Riku” Jakub says as he comes closer to the portal back to Canterlot High School.

“Yes it does my dear nephew and I’m deeply sorry about never telling you or your family about this,” Celestia says as she goes out of the portal room but before she exists the room she speaks again, “have you ever met or seen the Legendary Pokemon Reshiram?”

“Yes, Reshiram is my friend back in the Pokemon world, why are you asking?” Jakub asks his aunt but to his disappointment she has already left.

Jakub walks through the portal, leaving a small note for Cadence or whoever stumbles upon it that says, “Home is where family is.”

Not knowing that he may get a visit from someone he hasn’t seen for a very very long time soon.

EQG Chapter 1: The Beginning

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“Where am I?” Twilight says as she wakes up on a platform with nothing but black surrounding her and the platform she was laying on.

“Is this the same dream I’ve been having ever since I became an alicorn?” she asks herself. True Twilight has been having weird dreams of a creature she never seen before fighting different creatures every single dream she had. Monsters, creatures the person she had dreams of calling them Demons, machines and more.

The last dream she had was of the same creature she dreamed of, fighting two different kinds of creatures, the black ones with a black heart crossed with red chains he called them the Heartless while the white ones he called Nobodies.

After a few minutes of thoughts a door appears in front of Twilight.
“Wonder where this will go to” Twilight said, as she goes to the door, opens it and enters it, she doesn’t know that someone was watching her.

“So this is your sister, I guess what I seen through your memories was true, but still she’ll get lost in this dive to heart if she keeps going through the memory doors’ the Figure says to himself as he walks to where the door is and enters it.

“You shouldn’t be here” said the figure as he finally catches up to Twilight, “you’ll get lost within the memory lane if you keep going forward plus there’s things that you shouldn’t see since they might scare you.”

Twilight spins around to see who was talking to her, she slowly turns around to face the figure.

“Aaaaahhhhhhhh” screams Twilight as she sees the figure but stops since the figure puts his hand on her mouth.

“Don’t scream, I just wanted to talk to you, but not here somewhere more calm” the figure says as he takes his hand of Twilight’s mouth.

Twilight doesn’t have enough time to calculate what just happened since the scene changed to a clock tower during a sunset.

“This brings back memories “ the figure says as he sits down on a ledge and looks at the sunset. He points to the space beside so Twilight could sit down right next to him.

Twilight nods as she realises what the figure wants to tell her.

“Who are you and where are we?” Twilight asks as she sits beside the Figure.

“The answer to the first question I’ll tell you before it happens, but as for the second question I can” the figure says before looking back at the sunset, “Twilight Sparkle, welcome to Twilight Town”

“Twilight Town?” She asks the figure.

“I know what you’re going to say, no we’re not in Equestria, we’re in another world,” the Figure says before continuing, “Though people who come from other world have to keep the world order which has been broken a few times already by my somebody and his friends.”

“What do you mean Somebody?” Twilight asks, she was curious about what the Figure just said.

“I’m what you call a Nobody, a shell of a person without a heart” he says as he pulls out an ice cream, “Do you want some Ice cream?”

“No, I’m good” Twilight says as she looks at the Figure eat the ice cream.

“That black crown necklace your wearing is special, keep it safe for him when the time comes when he needs to use it” the Figure says as he summons a door, “you need to wake up soon, something that can’t be changed is about to happen and don’t worry about what happens after that, it’s part of a plan to make someone come out of hiding.”

Twilight doesn’t have time to respond as she’s being pulled into the door by some sort of force.

Twilight wakes up just in time to see someone take her crown. And boy she doesn’t know what will happen after this small but crucial event.

As Sunset returns from Equestria she notices that the crown/element of harmony is missing.

“I go out of my way to get this stupid element for you Mister Guardian Angel, but now it’s missing!!!” Sunset shouts not knowing that the Angel was close by.

“The crown was taken by the human Fluttershy, which in turn was handed to principal Celestia, but do not worry, it's all part of the plan” the Angel says, “now go, someone’s coming.” He looks at Sunset who immediately runs into the school.

The Angel checks if anyone is around and sees that no one is close by, he places his hands onto the mask and takes it off, revealing his true identity, Jakub Sparkle Dash.

“Three days before the portal closes for the next fifteen moons, I just hope this plan of mine works and Vanitas takes the bait” Jakub says as he takes of the attire of the Guardian Angel and puts it in his spare bag.

Meanwhile back in Equestria Twilight learns about Sunset and about the other person who travelled to the other side of the mirror, not only did she learn that this pony can help her on the other side but he can in her mind help her retrieve the crown.

Princess Celestia shown her the pony’s cutie mark but she also mentioned that cutie marks on the other side appear on clothes.

Twilight fully understood that this had to be done alone.
Just after Twilight goes through the portal Spike runs after her just as everyone shouts “Spike!!!”

The experience going through the portal was dizzy for both Spike and Twilight.

Both of them arrive at the same time on the other side of the portal and thankfully Spike was somehow not knocked out from the dizziness.

“Note to self, never run through any magical portals or they’ll make you dizzy,” Spike said to himself as he gets up from the ground noticing that he has something similar to his claws but more softer.

Not far from the portal Jakub was looking at the two who appeared from Equestria.

“I thought this worlds Spike would turn into a dog like the others did?” Jakub asks Rose who was with him.

“I realise that, but some worlds are different in different ways like that one version of both the pony Equestria and the human Equestria where everyone was the opposite gender,” Rose said with a smug look.

“Please don’t remind me of that world,” Jakub said while shivering, remember that world and the experience he had.

“There was the good side of that visit, which allowed you to change gender at will,” Rose said.

Note to self: never talk about other world that has people you’ve met but with the opposite gender,” Jakub reminds himself.

Looking at both Spike and Twilight, Jakub notices that Flood Unversed are going after both Spike and Twilight.

“Damnit!” Jakub shouts as the Unversed reveal themselves and prepare to attack both Twilight and Spike, “I hate grappling onto friends or family.” With that Jakub summons the Swords of the Wanderer and throws one of the two daggers at the statue and warping right were the Dagger was sticking.

Spike looks to whom just appeared right above him and Twilight but before he can clearly see who this person is, a Bruiser tries to hit him with its fists.

He quickly closes his eyes as the Bruiser starts charging at him and Twilight.

“DEFENCE!!!” The person who appeared above them shouts as he jumps from his position and right onto the pavement in front of Spike and Twilight with two daggers hovering with bolts of electricity beside him while two more swords appear out of thin air in his “claws” and instantly the person cast a spell to protect them.

“How about you take someone your own size, can’t you Unversed know the difference between a welder and a none welder” the person says as he puts his blades that appeared in his hands onto his back and snaps his fingers shoutings, “DIE IN THE DEPTHS OF HELL” while the two daggers start to stab into each of the unversed multiple times and leaving a trail of Lightning behind them with each strike.

After 10 seconds the person grabs the blades from his back and points them to the sky and shouts “THUNDAZA!!” As huge bolts of Thunder rain down onto the Unversed that were linked with the trail of lightning.

Twilight during all of this was knocked out, thanks to her dizziness, Spike on their other hand was not only shocked but in disbelief, how could someone in this world be able to use magic let alone such powerful magic.

The person looks at spike, grabs his arm and puts him onto the statue.

“I can’t believe how big you are Spike” the person says with a smile on his face.

“Do I know you?” Spike asks, “how do you know my name?”

“I guess you can say that we’re family but not really since Mom and Dad and Twilight don’t remember me while Shining and Cadence know about me they promised me they won’t talk about me while I’m here, hehe” the person says as he’s getting a bit nervous with a smile on his face, “would you look at the time, I’ve got run Little B, please don’t say anything to Twily she won't remember me.”

“What happened where am I” Twilight says surprising Spike as he gets from the statue and kneels down to face Twilight.

“Well we’re definitely on the other side of the mirror and definitely in new bodies” Spike says as he chuckles since Twilight finally sees that her body is different and her hooves are gone.

“I’m guessing something happened? Since the grass is blackened and I feel like I’ve been shocked” Twilight asks.

“You have no idea what just happened, but we'd better get into that building since I have a small grudge that the element is within the building” Spike says as he starts walking towards the building.

Twilight being Twilight decides to walk on all fours to the building until Spike gives her a small cough and points to himself walk on his two legs.

“This’ll be a long visit here,” Twilight says to herself quietly.