Flash Sentry

by shortskirtsandexplosions

First published

Flash Sentry is a young teenage boy who attends Canterlot High School.

Flash Sentry is a young teenage boy who attends Canterlot High School.

School Day!

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The young teenage boy known as Flash Sentry woke up at six in the morning to the blaring sound of his alarm clock. He got up out of bed, took a shower, put on his clothes, and had a quick breakfast. After gathering his schoolbooks and belongings, he slung a backpack over his shoulder and stepped out of his house.

Flash Sentry got into his car with a bright blue lightning bolt and gold shield crest on the front hood and drove across town as the sun rose beyond the horizon. It was daylight by the time he got to the parking lot of Canterlot High School, which was already bustling with activity. After parking his car, Flash Sentry stepped inside the school building and headed for his locker.

"Hey there, Flash!" said Flash Sentry's friend Thunderbass from across the hall.

"Good morning, Thunderbass!" Flash Sentry said back, all the while putting away his gym clothes and gathering his book for his first period class.

"Are we still getting together for a jam session tomorrow night?" Thunderbass asked with a wink.

"You know it, bro," Flash Sentry said, winking back and giving a thumb's up.

Flash Sentry closed his locker and walked to his first period class. It was Algebra II with Cranky Doodle teaching. Flash Sentry paid attention to all of the instructions and wrote many notes down.

At the sound of the bell, the first period ended. Flash Sentry walked to his next class. It was World Literature taught by Miss Cheerilee. The subject of the day was about prisoners of war. It was a very serious topic.

When the bell rang next, it was time for lunch. Flash Sentry went to his locker to put some books away. Then he went to the cafeteria. There, he stood in line, listening to the silly conversations of his classmates. Somebody said something funny and he laughed.

At last he got his food. It was a plate of chicken alfredo with an apple and some chocolate pudding. Flash Sentry took the food to a nearby table and sat down. He ate calmly while talking with his friends Sandalwood and Microchips.

"I'm going to be champion of the hacky-sack tournament this year!" Sandalwood declared.

"You keep your hackies and your sacks!" Microchips stated, adjusting his glasses. "The A/V club is where it's at!"

Flash Sentry laughed. "You two are so funny and I love having lunch with you!" And he smiled.

When lunch was over, Flash sentry threw the apple core away and recycled the tray and the Styrofoam plates. He then went to his locker and got his P.E. clothes and headed straight for gym. Once there, he dressed out of his normal guy clothes and into his athletic guy clothes. He made sure to put on deodorant before heading out into the field.

Coach Spitfire blew a whistle as soon as Flash Sentry arrived. "I better see you sweat, cadet!" the off-duty ROTC instructor shouted raspily.

Flash Sentry did not like breaking any rules so he did what he was told. He ran ten laps at an even pace, making sure to take full deep breaths and visit the nearby water fountain in order to keep himself properly hydrated. He finished his regular calisthenics before most of the class and had a chance to sit and rest on the bleachers and catch his breather after so much jogging.

"Well, hey there, stranger," said a voice from behind. It was Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh, hello, Sunset," Flash Sentry said with a smile and a wave. "Fancy meeting you here!"

"Ha ha ha," Sunset Shimmer laughed. She was joined by Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash and Rarity and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and Applejack. "You are so silly and charming."

"How is your band doing?" Flash Sentry asked, smiling. "I heard the Rainbooms are the talk of the town!"

"Oh, we're rockin' it real hard!" Rainbow Dash said while making awesome gestures with her hands. Everybody laughed.

"But we also hear that you're making good music!" Sunset said, smiling at her ex-boyfriend. "You should come and jam with us sometime!"

"Yeah, maybe I should," Flash Sentry said, and P.E. was over.

Flash Sentry went back to the locker-room, changed into his normal clothes, and made sure to wash his face. After that, he headed for home economics, taught by Granny Smith. He baked a pie along with Derpy Hooves. Derpy Hooves fell at one point and spilled strawberry jam all over the floor.

"Don't worry. I've got this," Flash Sentry said, helping Derpy Hooves back up and smiling. He was such a gentleman and Derpy could not help but blush. Flash Sentry mopped up the mess right until the bell rang, ending the class.

Flash sentry returned to his locker to grab his things for the last period of school. He put the books into his backpack, stepped over the corpses, and arrived at his Biology class, also taught by Cranky Doodle. "Today we're going to learn about Ebola!" the teacher said, and then he played a movie.

The last bell rang. The halls were full of clattering feet as students rushed home. Flash Sentry took his time. He got into his car, checked his mirrors, and used his turn signals properly.

He drove home, still slightly stinky from P.E. class. It was funny. He took a shower, then dried himself off. Changing into normal casual guy clothes, Flash Sentry turned on the radio and sat down to do his homework. He hummed to his favorite tunes, occasionally daydreaming about the next jam session he would have with Thunderbass and friends.

At night, he watched a movie on Netflix, laughing at the silly parts and shivering at the scary parts. He took a shower and brushed his teeth, then put on his normal guy sleeping clothes.

He lay down in bed, looking at the ceiling and smiling at how good everything was. He then turned off the light and fell asleep.