> Fallout: Equestria - CLASSIFIED > by Vic the Tricky Unicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Not Once Upon a Time... Just a Pocketful of Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION “You never saw this. This didn't happen. You tell anyone, and you're a dead pony!” *** *** *** War... “Delegates and Representatives of Equestria. It is my distinguished honor, to present The Princess of Equestria!” “Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…” “My little ponies... I ask you to place your trust in this nation, and your Princess. I am here today to declare a state of war, against a nation that we were at peace with, but no longer, the tribal empire of The Zebra Lands.” Zebra Caesar demands withdrawal of Equestrians from coal trade... “Damnit! Stop arguing! This isn’t just a test! Do you understand me!? WE are going to die, if we don’t get to the stable right now!" Equestria signs gem embargo, to cut supply to The Zebra Lands. “We... we do have coming in... that’s um... confirmed reports of... balefire detonations... My Celestia…” “You and your daughter qualified goddess damn you! If you’re not coming... then SHE is without you! Now hand her over!” Zebras lose 90% gem supply due to embargo. “Sir! We just lost contact with Canterlot! Permission to launch our payloads!?” Littlehorn Attacked: Princesses address nation today. War is declared. Equestria enters national war production drive. “TELL THEM TO FIRE EVERYTHING!” “There can be no peace in the world, until the military power of The Zebra Lands is destroyed. To do that, we are now in the process of arming our nation with the basic power of the universe. The force from which the sun itself draws its power, will be loosed against the Zebras who brought war to Equestria. It is called the Megaspell.” “Clear the way! They’re here! Clear the stable door!” “Its firepower will be unequaled in all of history. War has forever been changed!” “Ssshhh Ssshhh… Mommy... Mommy is gone now sweetie... You’ll be staying here from now on...” But war... war never changes... Static”...-nd it looks like the fire is out everypony. A record breaking number of buildings have been destroyed due to the inferno that blazed through downtown Dynasty last night. I’ll tell you, our neighbors up above are not giving us any breaks. We’re being told that the fire may have been possible to contain, if we had not had the unfortunate experience of high winds in the area. We encourage everypony who resides in Dynasty to contact local authorities if they have any information on who this suspected arsonist might be. Be on the look out for anypony who might associate themselves with groups that include, but are not limited to: The Ste-...”Static I growled as my magic rotated the radio’s dial, tuning it off so to shut myself away from the world around me. For Celestia’s sake, how many times are they going to broadcast that? I looked down at my Pipbuck, anxiously tapping my forehoof against the counter. Not quite time yet... Knock Knock Knock Knock My head jerked towards the screen that separated me from the adjacent room, startled by the quick and heavy knocks on its door. Repetitive and loud. My reaction was fast, quickly levitating a magazine into my .45. Earlier than what I expected... Damnit! I swear, if this isn't timed right... Slowly, I levitated the gun in front of me, pointing the end of the barrel toward the screen. Knock Knock Knock Knock My eye twitched, blood dripping down my muzzle from my stinging forehead, every knock echoing around my mind. "H-hello!? Is uh... is anypony in there?" I pulled the slide of my gun back with a satisfying click-clack. "I... I just... I really need to talk to somepony..." I sighed, focusing my magic on the trigger. "Come in..." The door opened, and a young mare -a unicorn by the look of it- trotted inside of the booth behind the screen. “Close the door behind you and have a seat.” I cleared my throat, trying to sound as comforting as possible. “Unburden yourself, Miss.” Desperate times I guess... She did as I told her to, closing the door before sitting in front of the mesh screen that separated us. To be honest, I can’t even tell if this is the mare. Her voice sounded similar at least. “I-I-... I’m not being a bother or nothin’, am I?” She asked, timidly. I shook my head slowly. The corner of my mouth twitched from the sound of her innocence before I answered. “Of course not...” I kept my voice low and soft, almost like a whisper, my mind breaking down every syllable that flowed from her mouth. “A-are you sure?” She fumbled with her forehooves in front of her. Even with our faces obscured, she avoided eye contact. Her shyness penetrated every corner of the booth. “I... I can come back later, if now isn’t a good time...” “I always have time for ponies such as yourself, Miss...” “O-okay... Well, uh...” She chuckled nervously. “Can uh, can you believe what happened with that fire? A-and with Mr. Mani--” “Was it you?” I interrupted. “Are you the arsonist they are looking for?” “What? N-no! I’d never do--” She cut herself short. “No it wasn’t me. But, I hope they catch him... A-a lot of ponies were hurt because of that.” “Hmm...” I shrugged behind the screen. “What is it that is troubling you, Miss?” “Well, it... it’s about my past, father.” She shuddered, obviously hesitant to tell me what was on her mind. “I...” She sighed. “I ran with a group of ponies out West..." Her breath rang hallow with fear... or perhaps guilt. "We... we did bad things... evil things... unspeakable... we... we were not good ponies." I grimaced to myself as I turned away, lowering the gun in my magic. "Were you a raider?" "No..." She sniffled, her voice cracking with emotion. "No, we weren't raiders. We were hunters. We had each others backs and...” Her eyes lowered to her hooves. “It’s hard to make friends out here, you know? The wasteland... This... this might sound silly, but... do you have any friends? Friends that... You’d want to do anything for?” Now it was my turn to lower my eyes to my hooves. “...Yes... ahem Yes, of course!” I shook my head into focus. “These bad things that you did... were they for your friends then? You may have sacrificed being a good pony, but you did it to be a good friend. Yes, they may have led you astray, but if used righteously you can accomplish righteous things... You shall accomplish harmony.” She clenched her eyes shut before shaking her head. “No... No, it wasn’t just that. W-we followed a dark pony. With dark magic. A dark goddess...” “You said that you were hunters...” I could feel her hesitation through the screen, before finally clarifying, “Folly’s Hunters”. I arched my brow. “I believe I am aware of this group... However, I recall that they are like a religion, as you said... that has priests of its own, does it not?” “B-BUT--!" She stammered as if needing to clarify further before my judgement. "I don't want that anymore! I can't... I can't take it anymore! I want to be forgiven for what we’ve done... For what I’ve done..." I gave a deep sigh before nodding. "I understand... but, the only way to be forgiven... is to confess to Celestia and Luna. What is it that you have done?" "I-... We-... N-no..." I heard her give a whimper before beginning to sob. Even through the screen, I could see tears roll down her cheeks as she turned away from me, ears folded back in horror. "No! No, I can't tell you father... Not anypony! Never..." My eye twitched as I heard her break down. "Very well..." I croaked, giving another restrained nod before tilting my head back towards the screen. "Tell me about your stable." Her crying was suddenly and immediately cut off by a shallow gasp. Slowly, her head pivoted back to stare at me through the screen in disbelief. "W-wha--? But I never-... H-how..?" She gulped before letting another whimper sputter from her lips. I could almost hear the sound of her heart break out of tempo and beat in panic. "How did you know I was from a stable?" 3... I furrowed my brow, grabbing the edge of the screen with my hoof, moving it away before my magic shoved the barrel of my .45 pistol into her panicking face. I narrowed my eyes in anger, as hers widened in shock. 2... I squeezed the trigger, inching the slide backwards along the barrel, until it finally snapped forward. 1... BONG The bell in the tower above began to ring its long and dreary bongs throughout the smoldering city. No second chances... BONG I watched as the mare’s blood and brain matter sprayed over the bullet hole in the wooden wall. A sloppy stream of red, only finding itself returned to its body as it slowly dripped back down over the mare's braindead, cross-eyed expression, stiff under her entry wound, while forever scared and lifeless. The smell of gunpowder wafted into my nostrils. I holstered my smoldering pistol back under my foreleg, before kicking the stall door open and cantering out to stretch my legs. Was I happy with myself? BONG My imminent smirk soon found itself turning to a disgusted frown, my eyes landing on the thick red splatter over the yellow ‘17’ on my stable jacket’s collar. I couldn’t tell if it was her blood... or my own. “Son of a bitch...” I groaned. BONG oooOOOooo “No No NO! That’s the wrong one. Quick, find the first one.” “I can’t! These things aren't labeled!” “Hurry, they’ll be back any minute now!” “Okay okay! How about this one?” oooOOOooo *BLAST* I jumped back in annoyance as yet another large bolt of magic struck the ground in front of me. "Damnit! I said stop with the magic bolts! Can't you things talk!?" I yelled, standing below the perpetrator. My eyes widened, however, after seeing -or more like not seeing- the source of the powerful magic vanish. The other creature, the quiet one, just stood there, once again ignoring my presence. “Alright I’m telling you for the last goddamn time! Open the goddamn door! You mutated, long-horned donkeys!” I was not in the mood for this... Coming out here in this dust bowl. As if the wasteland wasn’t depressing enough. I couldn’t believe anything out here would be worth defending, let alone expanding settlements into. There’s nothing but dust, dead trees and rocks. I’m pretty sure this place was a desert even before it was a wasteland. Who the hell would ever mark this place on their map? The only thing that stood above the desolate landscape around me was the lone structure I was currently yelling at. Yet, as hardened as a pony has to be to live on a frontier like this, this band of misfits had been tormenting whatever innocence there was to torment. If they didn’t brutally kill the ponies around the area, they took them. And, unfortunately, I was cursed with the knowledge of what shit goes down when they’d take them. Seriously... why would anypony come out here? Why would I agree to this? I sighed, looking back up at the motionless dark green creature, seemingly unaffected by my demand. I didn’t know what I was expecting. All these ones do is stare out into nothing until you say 'hi' to it, before the other comes along and tries to disintegrate you with its magic. A horn, two wings, and the power of ten unicorns, yet they just sit there like gargoyles, and mutter to themselves over and over. Okay, maybe pissing off Alicorns is the wrong approach here. She sat on the upper floor of the stone structure towering over me, staring out of its bombed-out window. Below her was a steel door, locked tight from the inside. I was pretty sure this place was once some rich pony's mansion... although the police barricades around it told me it was restructured as a military fortress of some kind before the war, probably the first line of defense against the zebras. It didn’t take an architect to tell me just how unimpressive the site was. The walls were made up of rotting wood and crumbling concrete. It might have been easy to attack with explosives. Given the current occupants, however, I knew the green Alicorn’s magical ability was the true source of defense. Theory tested and approved by a magical bolt of energy from her sister. “Hey! Are you listening! Hello!?” My voice echoed off the fortress’ walls. This place was so void, that echo was the only thing capable of eliminating the silence. “Aww forget it... Stem! Stem Root!” I hollered again. “Doctor Stem Root! Listen to me jackass! I know you’re up there! Get down here right now!” After what seemed like an eternity of shouting at a braindead Alicorn, I finally heard the response I was hoping for. “Mr. Sparky!? What in Tartarus are you doing out here!? I thought you were up North!” The voice of the young stallion was muffled as he made his way to the window where the Alicorn suddenly stepped aside. He frowned, peering down at me. “Well!? I don’t know what you were hoping to see! But I’m going to have to ask you to reconsider this... don’t make me kill you... don’t make us kill you.” “Who said anything about killing!? I just want to talk!” Okay... me just wanting to ‘talk’ might have been an exaggeration. He shook his head in disappointment. “You’re not fooling anypony Mr. Sparky!” He growled. “I know why you’re here! Everypony knows why you’re here!” He raised a hoof to the side of his head and tapped his temple several times. “And SHE knows! She doesn’t lie!” “Come on Doc! This isn’t you! They’re going to kill us all! They have everypony from the Stable. I can help you! Then maybe you can help me!” Three more Alicorns appeared. All were side by side, surrounding the former stable doctor. Their eyes were glued to the spot I currently occupied. Damnit, I already knew this was a long shot... But this was not going to end well... “You don’t get it! I am saved! Or... I will be...” He looked away, eying the Alicorns that were guarding him before looking back down at me. “You’re a liar Mr. Sparky! You’ve always been a self-centered piece of shit!” That was uncalled for. I could just shoot him. He’s lost it anyways, what use is he to anypony? It took all my might to contain my rage from his assault on my character, letting the insult slide. Alright Sparky... don’t do anything stupid... If he even suspected what I was thinking about doing, I’m a dead pony. Even if I surprised him, the glow from my horn would alert the Alicorns... They’d know what my magic would be grasping for. “...Doc!” “NO! No... This... This is my true purpose now, Sparky!” He opened his forelegs and gestured to the surrounding Alicorns. “No more Overmare! No more pretending to like assholes like you!” I tilted my head to the side until I felt a satisfying pop of one of the ligaments in my neck. And I thought I was a risky gambler. I looked back at him and his Alicorn companions. “And you think what's left of these guys is going to save you, is that it!? Unity's been dead for a while now!” He fell silent for a few seconds and took a step back from the window. “W-well...” The doubt in his voice triggered the Alicorns beside him to slowly pivot their heads. They stared at him with emptiness. But it was all it took to strengthen his faith. “It’s my only hope!” His voice cracked with emotion. “It’s everypony’s last hope! But they listen to me! SHE listens to me!” He hyperventilated, before he gave a sigh of containment. “As for you... Go back to those ‘tyrants of the sky’ or Enclave or whatever is left of who you're working for... and tell them... to send somepony who we can actually trust!” I finally realized my time had run out too late. That settles it then. There’s no convincing him the easy way. My eyes narrowed at the four adversaries. All it would take is for me to enter SATS and... gamble my accuracy. “There’s nopony else Doc...” I said, trying to look as benign as possible. “Just me and--” I impulsively cut my sentence short for a last-minute decision. Shit... I guess I was going to surprise him. I charged my horn with a quick surge of magic, entering the time slowing Pip-Buck ability of SATS. I was able to tag three targets, but before my magic could even raise my gun, the movement of the Alicorns matched my own speed. My EFS suddenly flashed their blips as red, one by one. I barely had time to react as their own horns glowed. Time hit me like a train, smashing me out of SATS. Whatever they did, they somehow were able to pull me out... and painfully. I dropped my gun as their magic pushed me backwards with a deafening ‘blast!’ and a loud crunch of bone and tissue. My nerves were shocked, feeling as if my senses were ripped from my body all at once. Right. Alicorn magic. Ten times more powerful than a Unicorn, means ten times more deadly. I dropped to my haunches with a grunt. My lungs emptied the last of whatever air they held after the explosive bolt of magic hit me. My vision faded to black and white, the irony taste of copper flowing over my tongue. Blood slowly expanded in a puddle around me, turning the dirt wet and red. ...what was I thinking coming out here? oooOOOooo “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” “Damnit! What’s wrong with him!?” “I’m guessing that’s not it!?” “I forgot how dangerous these things can be...” “Shit, the guards are coming! Just grab the whole thing and let’s get out of here!” FALLOUT: EQUESTRIA CLASSIFIED Some Time Earlier *** *** *** ”Civilization... I'll stay right heeeaaaaarrr~” “Ah~ 'Civilization‘. What savage pony would stay away from it? I’ll tell you mares and gentlestallions, we've got some great tunes lined up for you this evening... just like last evening... and before that... and... ahem! You’re tuned to the Stable Broadcast Station. This is Melody Charm~. Who needs anything but civilization when we've got it and a pocketful of dreams?” ”I’m no millionaire, but I’m not the type to care. ‘Cause I’ve got a pocketful of dreams...” This... This right here. This is the life... ”It’s my universe, even with an empty purse. ‘Cause I’ve got a pocketful of dreams...” I’m not talking about sleep, warmth, cleanliness, or safety. I'm talking about work. Yeah... maybe not the most unique thing in the world, especially for a pony. Ponies who base their whole lives on what makes them unique. To ponies, our unique talents highlighted our jobs... But there was not uniqueness about me... The job is what made me unique. ”I wouldn’t take the wealth of Wall Street, for a road where nature trods. And I calculate that I’m worth my weight... in goldenrods.” Listening to the Stable radio, my office terminal buzzing, the satisfying scent of tobacco from the smoldering pipe between my lips, and a fake pleasant face hiding a range of intimidated expressions on the pony sitting across from me. ”Lucky, lucky me, I can live in luxury...” "Suspected grand larceny..." I muttered, my eyes scanning the document through my reading lenses. ”‘Cause I’ve got a pocketful of dreams...” "Grand-... What!?" The mare in front of me gasped. "W-what do you mean, I-...” She scratched the back of her mane. “Grand Larceny?” "Grand Larceny...” I sighed, satirically raising my eyebrows. “See, now it's your turn to say it again." I peered down at her over the rims of my glasses before rolling my eyes and returning to the mare's file. Her brow furrowed as she sat back on her haunches, her expression now looking extremely worried... or, at least more worried than before. She bit her lip as I continued. "Mrs. Berryrise," I began, setting my pipe down on my desk as I puffed a cloud of tobacco around us. "...you do know the rules here, don't you?" I sighed again, removing my glasses. I held the document up to her face in my magic. "For the stable to provide a loan with a charge of this magnitude on your file, the fine is pretty steep." I counted the numbers in my head, before nodding. "You owe an extra... one thousand ration slips before we can free your stable aptitude credits. That's before taxes of course." "One... THOUSAND!?" She looked about as crushed as a tin can. "N-no... No! That's not fair! How... How did you even know that from--!" "I know it because I wrote it." I floated the document back into her file, giving her a smirk. "Next time, you should find a better place for your supervisor's gold necklace than your..." I paused to think of the word, "...your, 'special' drawer." The earth pony mare stammered, her cheeks turning the same color of her sunset colored mane while her pupils turned to pinpricks in embarrassment. "Y-you..! I..!" She gulped. "B-but--! I... I don't have those kinds of funds! I just had a foal, a-and... w-we need that ration slip loan! I’m just an Orange clearance nutritionist, I’ll never come up with that much! If I don’t take this now... the stable will haul away everything I own!" I shook my head with a grimace. "Sorry..." I picked up the red stamp in my magic and hovered it over her request contract. "W-wait!" She blurted; her cream-colored cheeks tinted with a deeper red than before. "I... I'll do anything! Please Inspector... It'd mean a lot to me and my family, and..." She leaned forward against my desk and casually placed her forehoof over mine, gently rubbing my fur. My eyes narrowed as her own were suddenly half-lidded, letting her bangs droop over one side of her face. "...and, I can make it worth your while~" Her offer gave me pause. I leaned in toward my hoof she was so professionally caressing, giving her what was left of my attention. "And uh... how do you propose to do that, Berry?" She brushed her bangs away with her other hoof. "Well... was there anything else in particular you saw to your liking in my..." She gave a surprisingly genuine and playful giggle. "...'special' drawer?~” The cherry on top was when she batted her eyelashes, seemingly able to penetrate deep into my soul. I blinked at her in surprise. I'd be lying if that wasn't the most tempting thing I've heard all week, but... damnit. Last thing I need is for the Overmare to come beating down my door over this... I saw her eyes begin to water as I lowered the stamp closer to the paper. “I... I can try some on! I can try all of them on for you. I-I can, while my husband’s not home... With you, and... and... You’ll approve my loan, won’t you? Nopony will ever kno--” My magic pressed the stamp firmly over her contract, leaving the red mark over her signature. “Sorry...” I sighed, sliding the paper back to her. “But, look on the bright side. You’ll be able to try again after next year’s aptitude cycle.” She stared solemnly down at her denied loan. “O-oh...” She whimpered with a sigh, her ears drooping, before taking the document into her hooves. “A year..? B-but... My bills for Orange level are all due now. Me and my family will have to move to Brown level if I can’t pay it off...” “Yeah... real sorry about that...” I said insincerely as I concluded her file on my terminal. "But, you know what they say? Some ponies are lucky, and some ain't." A thought flashed through my mind, giving pause before turning to the mare with dirty curiosity. “But uh... if you’d like comfort during these troubling times, when your husband isn’t home... Maybe I can see you open that drawer of yours...” I gave her a charming smile before her jaw-dropped several inches. ”Oh, I’m no millionaire, but I’m not the type to care. ‘Cause I’ve got a pocketful of dreams...” “Jerk!” The mare growled, storming out of my office, so offended that she shouldered the security pony trying to enter, shoving her back out of the doorway before galloping down the hall. If it were anypony else, she would have been arrested right there. “Oh yeah!?” I shouted after her, standing up behind my desk. “Well, purple isn’t your color anyway!” The security mare gave me a concerning look as she trotted in. “Do I even want to know what that was about?” I nickered, waving her off with my hoof. “Depends on what you think about me reallocating a nutritionist to the orphanage, instead of the psychiatrist they asked for. They kinda sound the same. You think anypony would notice?” She raised her eyebrow as she sat across from me. “I take it this... 'eye-catching' nutritionist in question is Berryrise?” “'Eye-catching'? Who said anything about that?" I gave her a look as if to say. Yeah, you would know, wouldn’t you... “And hey, we only need one of us to cheapen the situation here and I've got that covered. I just had to deny her loan contract.” “Right...” She said, giving me a doubtful look. “So, Berryrise storming out of your office, calling you a jerk, has nothing to do with ‘purple’ not being her color?” I grimaced as I opened a drawer behind my desk, pulling out a half bottle of whiskey in my magic, along with two drinking glasses. “Seriously... Purple!? I mean, come on..." I sighed, shaking my head before thinking. "Eh... it might have been worth taking her offer just to see...” She shook her head. “It’s a shame you can’t just be nice to ponies. You might actually be able to get a real relationship again, instead of...” She waved her hoof in front of my lost expression. "...whatever this is." I deadpanned. “If I wanted to experience that again, I’d just look deep into any mare’s eyes and act like you.” I gave an exaggerated pout and mocked her. “Oh, I’m so sorry that you can't afford your new foal. It wasn’t your fault that you stole your boss’ expensive jewelry. Of course, I'll take your offer. Why not? Moron...” I arched my brow. "Though with you, I'm sure a supply closet and a security baton would be involved somehow..." “O-okay, okay! Sheesh! You didn't have to go there...” She looked away in embarrassment, her cheeks burning adorably against her tomboy appearance. “You’d just wind up insulting her anyway.” I poured my whiskey into the glasses, levitating one over to her as I tilted my head in thought. “Why does everypony automatically assume that I’m incapable of being nice?” I levitated my own glass toward my lips. My terminal suddenly blinked, turning my attention to the screen. “Well...” She continued. “...there’s also the ‘do unto others’ thingy.” “You always did take Sister Cross too seriously...” I nickered, peeking over my terminal. “You never run out of ‘thingies’ to drool over. Just like that ‘blonde thingy’ you were chatting up the other day.” For the second time of the hour, I saw the same face of embarrassment sitting across from me. She stammered, face red as Berryrise's mane. “T-that wasn’t--! Ugh! She’s Stable security, like me! We were talking about... Security things!” “Oh yeah." I chuckled, "I'm sure security baton practice was the primary focus." She lowered her head with a groan, letting the bangs of her sea-green mane fall over her face. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” I chuckled as I quickly switched over to the mare’s file on my terminal. “Well, that depends, Officer Wave.” I arched a brow, my playful smirk slowly morphing into a skeptical one. "Have uh... have you been taking your 'prescription'?" “O-oh...” She stammered, obviously caught off guard by my question. Her ears flattened against her head as she gave a guilty wince. Don’t get me wrong, this mare is probably my best friend. Which is at least half of the reason why I’m concerned about her ‘routine’. She awkwardly rubbed her foreleg with her other hoof before finally meeting my judgmental look. "I... I haven't for a while... Besides, I don't need t--" "Aqua..." I gave her a warning look. She sighed. "I'll take it tomorrow morning. I promise." I held the look for a few more seconds, before finally shrugging in satisfaction. “Then I’d say that’s good enough for the records. Until next year’s aptitude cycle, that information is now...” I slammed my hoof over my terminal’s enter key. “...redacted.” She gave a half relieved and half defeated sigh, quietly picking up the glass I'd poured for her with her hoof. “You’re all heart, ‘Loyalty Inspector’." I smiled as I watched her finish the rest of her drink, myself following her shortly after. I hummed at the burn down my throat, savoring the taste, before putting the bottle and glasses away with my magic. “Alright... I’ve got work I need to be doing.” She rolled her eyes before standing and turning toward the exit. “I’ll bet... I guess I’ll see you at the cards tournament tomorrow...” “I guess so... And, hey! Tell Glitter I said ‘hi’.” My eyes traced her movements until she left the room. I activated the door panel, locking it behind her in my magic, before looking back over the new message. “Alright Diamond... What have you got for me tonight?” *** *** *** ”...‘Cause I’ve got a pocketful of dreams.” Footnote: Introduction “The name’s Spark Charger. What, do you want my Stable Security Number too?" S.P.E.C.I.A.L S - 6 P - 8 E - 5 C - 4 I - 6 A - 7 L - 4 Tagged Skills: Small Guns Sneak Speech Base Traits Discovered: Bloody Mess - By some strange twist of fate, ponies around you die violently. You always see the worst way a pony can die... Blueblood - You are as handsome as Prince Blueblood, but you are a lot less resilient than a "normal" pony. You gain +1 Charisma, but you lose -50 to your Carry Weight. > Prologue: Let Me Down Easy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mr. B, if I told you what my 'interests' are, you'd have me locked up." *** *** *** One of the earliest memories that I have of my father, is when he snobbishly explained to me how to tell if another pony is worth trusting or not. Spark Charger, he’d tell me, ...things like friendship are like half empty glasses of cider. I think, maybe, it was due to how he perceived loyalty, and how I would eventually perceive it in turn. I would consider his interpretation at a time in my life when everything was closed and disciplined. It was a time some years after I’d suffered through a fairly harsh falling-out with several ponies I’d spent my life knowing. The title of ‘Loyalty Inspector’, I thought, only meant the enforcement of the stable residents’ obedience towards the rules set by the Overmare, whether strict or liberal. But loyalty, that involves two parties. The one who is being loyal, and the one who must trust that the other is staying loyal. And I had a problem with knowing that, on top of what my father had told me. You can’t trust anypony, he’d say, and in turn, I’d proudly believe it. But, being an annoyingly curious foal, I’d ask more, and he’d respond with more fatherly advice. He’d say, I’m not going to sit here and pretend like us Sparkhorns were prophets of friendship, but we’ve been involved in the practice enough to know that if the ends don’t meet our benefits, we want nothing to do with it. If you want to rely on somepony… if you need to rely on somepony… Well, friends might provide that want... that need. The thing about friends is that you don't get to decide who’s your friend or not, because half of that decision is up to them to decide. And when they have that power, you can't know if their feelings are true, or if they’re just playing you for a chump. Sparkhorns have always been in control, he’d proudly boast with a hoof across his chest, ...so if you can’t control true friendship, then you’ll have to make do with something else. Ah, the Sparkhorns, as my bloodline was called... they were apparently the decedents of some powerful unicorns during the war. That’s power as in authority, although they certainty were no amateurs when it came to magic either. Wouldn’t have mattered to me either way. It would seem, however, that they had enemies in high places, possibly higher than the executive council on which they resided on, as it was like they had never existed after one tragic evening. Everything to do with the Sparkhorn bloodline had been permanently erased from the database in my stable, including everything about my parents. I didn’t care to feel sorry for them if the worst case scenario had occurred, so I preferred to think that perhaps they’d retired from the council, and died in their sleep one day, knowing that they could afford ignorance in at least one of their former responsibilities, while somepony who hated their guts decided to wipe their files out of spite. I guess it was up to me to carry on the bloodline... without any inheritance of course. I guess my destiny was unclear to me, as I became the victim of their last greatest con, since I was given up on before I could wreak the benefits of their death. To Stable 17, however, my destiny was to work in the maintenance department. I had gotten my cuitemark in a maintenance sector of the stable, on the reactor level, so naturally, I was all but meant to start my life working in the maintenance department. That's how things worked here. The thing is... those who start in maintenance, usually end in maintenance as well. I never really approved of what my destiny was either... It seemed the pair of electric cables, fitted with clips on either end, had taunted me with guilt ever since they had been magically and permanently plastered on my flanks. Maybe it would come as a surprise to say that it wasn’t a very exciting time... I hadn’t even realized I’d gotten it until I had woken up in the medbay the next morning. My parents couldn’t even be around to be proud or excited about it. Father Star and Sister Cross sure as hell weren’t. The Overmare at the time simply slapped a Pip-Buck on my leg, congratulated me, and slipped out before she could waste anymore of her time. I guess my friends, that my father would have no doubt disapproved of, were the only ones I could really show it off to, but I couldn't exactly tell them the truth. If anypony knew what really happened on the reactor level that day... I don’t know if I’d belong anywhere. All I knew, was that I had to find a way out of maintenance, and fast. As a colt, I had taught myself how to pick a pocket or two here and there, but that was just the beginning. As most ponies did in Stable 17, I made my mark by gambling my future. While many were somewhat annoyed by the annual gaming mandate, I was fascinated by it. That’s right, I said fascinated, not addicted! I was a cards’ pony at heart. I put my gambling skills to the test with the older ponies at cards tables and the stable ball games. But, skill can only take a pony so far, especially who’s talent has nothing to do with cards. I mean, do you really think I’d have any kind of natural luck? No... If I wanted luck, I had to make my own. So, gambling turned into swindling, the con turned into beautiful art, and the pony about to win 100 stable units on their access card, loses it all to me, when the pony they bet on is faking an injury for some extra ration slips. I had to learn to hide an ace or a jack here and there, but when word gets around, you’ve got to deal with impolite society. If some big shot king pin loses too much to some lucky eyed buck, he might want a cheater around to get it back. And take it from me, even when it feels like your life couldn’t be higher, it never ends well for the cheater. Some jobs involve a pony looking for vengeance, a wife who’s jealous of her cheating husband, or maybe a filly’s pet cat scratched the wrong Exec. Word spreads among certain members of society, I become a certain member of that society. My tolerance for such wouldn't last forever, though. After returning from a rough security draft, the criminal opportunity for hotbed get-rich-quick heists I’d pull off with my friends, was nothing but an embarrassing memory. Instead, I looked on in disgust at my stable’s loss of moral awareness and lack of uniformity. So, I decided to spend my well earned stable credits on a few cutiemark aptitude tests, which would eventually find that I was, without a cheat doubt, the perfect candidate for administrative training. How proud my parents would have been... I would work begrudgingly under one Overmare, before working to my satisfaction under the next; My ‘friend’ from the orphanage, Diamond Blossom. I owed her more than I cared to admit, and due to some unethical circumstances involving the execs, she owed me plenty in return. Such is the life of a politician I guess, that of which, many began to suspect I was complicit in becoming, as I used the same charming smiles I’d flash to get out of trouble with security, now to convince ponies that what I do is for their own good. I believed it too, of course. I still do, I guess, to a degree. I used to hate following the rules of the stable. Well, now I was the stable… and I ought to have enforced its rules. It’s what kept us stable ponies safe. And I of course was a stable pony.... And who out there would say I don't support the collective? I help run it, after all... Heh... It was sure nice talking to my dad. Footnote: [The goddesses disliked that...] New Traits Discovered: Stable Control - The goddesses did not let you down easy. So, unfortunately, you were born with a ‘nervous tic’. Most spells are now restricted by your own doing. -2 luck times every spell point used in one action. To compensate, your Strength, Endurance, and Agility are increased by 1. Four Eyes - From extreme near sightedness as a foal to farsightedness as an adult, your cutiemark had the odd effect of reversing it. Nonetheless, you still need glasses to see certain things you might not be able to up close. But, you've got a damn good eye when you have'em, Inspector. While wearing any type of glasses, you have +1 Perception. Without glasses, you have -1 Perception. > Chapter One: Flowers on the Wall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I keep hearing your concern about my happiness. But, all that thought you're giving me is conscience, I guess." classified/ˈklasəˌfīd/ adj. 1. Arranged in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics. 2. Organized in categories according to what is being advertised. 3. Designated as officially secret and to which available to authorized persons only, as for reasons of national security. VOLUME ONE ACT ONE: The Stable “Ace through five, straight!” I declared with a smirk, dropping my cards face up on the round table. “Damnit Sparkhorn!” The grey unicorn stallion sitting opposite to me slammed his cards down in front of him with a frown. Everypony else around the table followed him. They all glared at me with expressions of regret. The turquoise coated mare sitting next to me deadpanned, no doubt thinking her previous challenge typical. “Oh Celestia..." I chuckled as my horn glowed, everypony watching as the pot of poker chips was engulfed in my red aura. I looked over to the grey stallion, my confident smirk still present in my expression. “C’mon Kahn, you still got some chips I ought to have.” He gave an irritated grumble. “I should have known not to play at your table...” He crossed his forelegs over his chest, arching his brow as his forehead wrinkled below his receding maroon mane. “Fine, if I put in, you’re buying the next round with the units you won off of me.” “You’ve got a deal!” I looked across the table at the charcoal mare in security barding. “What do you say Glitter? You want a drink with Kahn’s units?” She gave a stressful sigh, blowing a strand of her pink mane out of her ruby eyes. “You better make it two, Sparks...” My eyes drifted to the next pony, a brown coated and silver maned earth pony in a white lab coat. "How about you, Doc?" "As long as it's Mr. Kahn's units, I'll take your offer." He frowned at his ever-shrinking pile of poker chips. "Not much use of staying sober anyway..." I continued around to the last pony at the table. I didn’t need to say anything to get her response. “Might as well...” Aqua said with disappointment, resting her chin on the tabletop. The air smelled of alcohol and tobacco smoke from cigarettes and cigars. Our own table had at least three smoking ashtrays from three pony smokers, not including myself as kept to my trusty corncob pipe. Aqua Wave was the only other pony who didn't have a cigar between her lips at some point during the night. “So, Spark?” Kahn asked, beginning to deal the next game in his magic. “Where’s Diamond?” I saw Aqua shoot him a glare. Heh... at least I could count on somepony to lay off that topic. I tried to hide my bitterness towards the question with a shrug. “Why would I know? There’s a reason we keep our affairs private.” “Yeah but you work for her, you sneaky son of a bitch!” Ah, speaking of affairs... Everypony at the table turned towards the direction of the uncomfortable, yet truthful comment about my boss, to see a steel coated unicorn mare, with a long black mane in greasy maintenance coveralls, shuffle up to our table in a drunken manner and sit in a vacant spot, her forelegs grasping the table for balance. It looked as if her body could betray her at any moment as she made an effort not fall out of her chair. Not many could have predicted how much she could have changed since our foalhood, yet… not many could still see how much hadn’t changed. I stayed silent, just glaring at her, pipe clenched so tightly in my teeth I could have chewed right through it. So, after she blew off our deal with the Overmare, she decides to show up here and play games while the riots -that she organized- were probably going on in maintenance as we spoke? Sheesh, if we were alone right now... Ho boy, she’d be in for one unforgettable lesson in loyalty. “Deal me in, Kahn.” She demanded with a drunken confidence. Glitter raised her eyebrow. “Well... I have to say that you’re the last mare I expected to see here tonight. I should cuff you and trot you down to lock-up right now.” The mare smirked, levitating a decent pile of chips into the pot. “Aww, has maintenance been giving you security dipsticks a hard time?” “Bucking hell Platinum!” Aqua yelled. “What’s your problem? Ponies are getting hurt because of you!” "I can vouch for that statement." The Doc chimed in. "My clinics in the med bay have been quite full after your little riots started again." He gave a glance in my direction, no doubt recalling myself being among them. Kahn attempted to calm the spike of tension around the table. “Relax everypony. She’s drunk. Just let her join in so she could lose to this asshat like everypony else...” He nodded in my direction. Well, I guess I can’t argue with that. “Besides,” He continued, “I think we all agreed a second ago to join her state of mind?" Platinum Braid agreed with a nod. “That’s right!” She hiccupped as she turned her attention back to me. “Except I’m not going to lose to the asshat. I’m going to win against the asshat!” Kahn rolled his eyes while Glitter and Doc face hoofed. Okay, the asshat thing is starting to get on my nerves... “She's such a bitch...” I heard Aqua mutter next to me as she picked up her cards in her forehooves... at least to the best of her ability. Earth ponies like her and Glitter usually had a harder time just keeping their cards to themselves than actually having a poker face. Unicorns like Platinum, Kahn and I... well... The cards were meant for ponies like us, but everypony had to use them. One of the things that ranged few and far between earth ponies and unicorns I guess. Which was kind of odd, given that earth ponies outnumbered us two to one down here. Then again, no pony ever took the time to add it all up to see who ended up on top. I think we already knew the answer... I sighed. “Well, why wait?” I waved my hoof at the bartender adjacent to our table. “Can we get a bottle! Hair of the dog!” I yelled over the increasingly crowded Atrium. I looked back to Platinum. “So, are we going to negotiate a new deal between you and Diamond, or did you just come here to lose to me at cards?” “Yeah right!” She waved me off with her hoof. “You’re just a smooth talker just like your ex-bitch!” She looked around the table. “C’mon everypony, let’s bust this ole’ swindler out!” Swindler, huh? I was pretty sure she was joking, but she ought to know that I don’t do that any... wait, why is everypony looking at me like that? My eyes shifted between everypony’s glares before I deflected them with a charming chuckle of innocence. “That’s... That’s funny, Platinum. You know, you’ve always been a joker...” I quickly called her bet, levitating my chips into the pot with hers. “But, I hope you brought more than just punchlines to gamble along with your units.” “Oh?” Platinum raised her eyebrow after another hiccup, her cheeks tinted red with drunkenness. “You mean like how you gambled security ammunition away to Pink Clearance? Lucky my own department was able to win quite a few hands of those.” Oops... Glitter’s ears flopped back as she glared at me. “I hope you’re not thinking about doing that again. You’re banned... permanently. I don’t care what the Overmare says.” She glanced up at the circular window to the Overmare's office, overlooking the Atrium before looking back at Platinum. “Now I know how your maintenance crew got their hooves on that weapons stockpile.” “Hey! That ammo was fairly confiscated and distributed appropriately! It was Pink Level's fault!” I defended. “Besides, you’ve still got plenty in the armory.” A large bottle of cider levitated over to our table, along with six drinking glasses. I reached out to grab it with my own magic, only for Platinum's green magic to beat me to the punch. Before I could even give her a scowl, a pair of turquoise forehooves swooped in to save the day, yanking the bottle away from the already drunk mare. "Hey, leave some for the rest of the stable, Platinum." Aqua smirked, playing keep-away from the tendril of green magic before the other mare finally gave up. "Pffffine! You used to be more fun, Aqua..." Platinum gave a strange giggle, using her magic again, this time to levitate more chips onto the pile to raise the bet. “...Anyway, I’ve found something interesting to help me win...” I sat back on my haunches against the back of my chair. We all looked at her in suspicion, anticipating her to explain how she’s going to win the game. “And?” I asked. “Let’s just say I’ve got an escape plan if I risk too much...” Well, at least everypony’s suspicious glares were off of me now. She raised her eyebrow at Kahn. "And what exactly is your excuse, 'Excec'? You ponies always give us maintenance crews the short end. I ought to kick your flank while your security detail is away." Glitter rolled her eyes, jabbing a hoof at her. "Oh for--! I'm sitting right here, Platinum! Kahn, can I shoot her? Please tell me you want me to shoot her!" "Pssht." Platinum turned to her with a doubtful look. "You do not want to be shooting me. I'll kick your ass!" "Oh yeah!?" Glitter growled. "Yeah!" After a short silence... Platinum began to giggle, followed by Glitter, then Aqua. Even I started to chuckle as all the mares broke out into laughter. Doctor Root just gave a passive smirk, while Kahn stared unamused into his cards. The tension suddenly evaporated as we were all reminded of the good ole' days. We’d all been old friends since our foalhood, save for the doc. Back in the day, we were probably the best group of friends this side of Stable 17. It was times like this when we could forget that there was this thing called adulthood, that had more or less deemed our friendship an irrelevant phase. Aqua ceased her laughter first, covering her muzzle with her hoof before clearing her throat. "So... have you guys been listening to Melody Charm's broadcasts lately?" Glitter nodded. "Oh yeah! I always wondered what happened to those old songs they used to play. I haven't heard songs by Coloratura or Sapphire Shores since I was a foal." I smiled, recalling Melody's most recent broadcast. "Yeah, I've been listening too. It's okay...." Aqua glared at me. "C'mon Sparks, these songs are classics!" She shook her head. “But… I didn’t mean the music. I meant the stories from Moral Pages.” "You mean that fairytale stuff." Kahn mumbled dryly, finally looking up from his cards to flick the ashes off his cigar with his magic. Aqua pouted. “No! Well, yeah, it’s fiction and all… at least I hope it is, but it’s good writing. And both her and Melody do a good job reading it during the broadcast.” "Ha!" Platinum laughed, slamming her hoof on the table. "The Overmare may have made her corrupt as shit, but I’ve got to agree with Aqua." She hiccupped. "Plus, music's not the only thing Melody's good at doing. Ain't that right Sparks?" My eyes darted at her in surprise. "What?" "What!?" Aqua squeaked beside me, nearly spilling the bottle of cider all over our game. I glared down at her, seeing what I could only assume was a mirror image of my blush. Though mine was more out of surprise that Platinum knew, while Aqua's sported a hint of jealousy. I cleared my throat, awkwardly prying the cider bottle away from Aqua's hooves and pouring it into the several glasses around the table. I looked sideways at Aqua with a sigh. "Well, go on.” I said, encouraging her to continue as the bottle reached her glass, quickly returning to the former subject. "What kind of stories do you like?" She shook away her blush as she picked up her cider glass. “Oh, you know… action stories. Exciting stories. But, maybe dramatic stories or adventure, or even horror…” Her blush quickly returned. “…Romantic stories too… Okay, I admit it! I like all kinds of stories.” Everypony around the table rolled their eyes at that. Kahn gave a low chuckle. “I think I misjudged you Aqua.. figured you'd be the type of girl sweet on happy endings where the day is always saved.” She gave shrug. “If you think I only like happy endings, saving the day doesn’t always mean it’s happy.” Glitter shook her head. “Get your head out of the clouds, security mare.” She teased. “If you want to keep working under me, you better start reading some crime novels.” Platinum rolled her eyes. “Fuck that, don’t listen to her. If you’re into action and romance, you need a good tragedy read, dissolution, neurotic characters. There’s nothing better than an underdog loser becoming a hero.” I stayed silent, sometimes nodding, sometimes rolling my eyes, but most of the time I kept my face in my cards, maybe taking a break from my pipe for a sip of cider. It wasn’t until Aqua’s eyes fell on me, that my ears perked at the thought of what kind of stories I liked. “I like contentious stories…” I saw Platinum raise a drunken eyebrow. “Conten-a--what?” I shrugged, before taking another puff off my pipe. “Stories that provoke some thought on what's right and wrong, you know? What you can or should do verses what you can’t or shouldn't do… maybe it'll show you what you have to do in order to keep the balance of the story. And maybe… it concludes with an answer you don't like.” This time, Glitter narrowed her eyes at me. “You have a problem figuring out what’s right from wrong?” She asked, amused. “I mean, to be honest it makes sense coming from you.” I shook my head. “No, no… I know what’s right and wrong. But I like stories that don’t care about what any of you say is the ‘right way’ of doing things. Instead, the characters, ponies, they know inherently what’s right and wrong. They know evil when they see it, and maybe not when the reader sees it.” Aqua stared at me in confusion. I could have closed her mouth with my hoof, she was so slack jawed. “I’ve… never heard of that genre before…” Kahn raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Actually, Sparks might be on to something there. Characters who are assertive, and who can take control of the story. If somepony else interferes, the hero can just take back what’s around them, because they don’t care about what other ponies want...” He looked sideways at Platinum. “Or what they think they want…” Platinum made a gagging noise, pointing her hoof down her gullet. “Eh, that sounds like crap and snoresville. Outdated, like something my great grandpa would read with his porridge. You can’t have a hero who starts at the top and can just blow everypony away. There’s no development in that.” Aqua contemplated what Kahn and I had formulated as she took another sip of her cider. “So… a character who’s not perfect, like what Platinum enjoys, but has biases, opens with experience, and saves the day… but doesn’t do it the way you’re supposed to do it…” She nickered, rolling her eyes. “You sure you’ve never written an entire bookshelf of novels before?” That got a laugh out of me. “Virgin, I’m afraid.” I winked at her, before looking across the table. “What about you, Doc?” I'd noticed he’d been awfully quiet since we started this conversation. “What kind of stories do you read?” His ears perked, only to give an unamused grimace. “If you’re referring to fiction, then I’m afraid I don’t read that nonsense.” He answered snobbishly, adjusting his glasses before picking his cider glass back up. "You don't read fiction?" Aqua asked, turning toward him with an expression of doubt. He shook his head. "Nope. I don't like it." Aqua's doubt suddenly turned to shock. "You don't like stories?" Platinum raised her eyebrow. "Wait, you're joking right? I mean, reading is one of the only things that keeps ponies sane around here!" The Doc rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, Miss Braid. Old ponies’ tales aren’t that important. And I think you are living evidence that disproves your claim." Glitter laughed at that, taking another drag off her cigar, as Platinum mumbled something under her breath. Aqua shook her head in disbelief. "Let me get this straight, you don't ever read stories?" The Doctor shrugged. "The stable’s journalism does just fine for me. Maybe even some Equestrian history. And of course, science and medical books.” "So, I’m guessing that’s a ‘no’ on listening to Melody’s broadcasts with Moral Pages?" Aqua asked doubtfully. He shrugged. "Hey, as far as I'm concerned, Miss Charm is a talented DJ who plays good music, and Miss Pages is a talented writer who writes good stories. But it's their job, they’re supposed to do that." "Oh, come on, Melody is nice." Glitter claimed, before taking a swig of her cider. "She's just like every other pony who's been in charge of the Stable radio broadcasts." He countered. My gaze shifted towards Platinum. “Well, I guess she can thank ‘Nightmare Maintenance’ over here for making her news broadcasts a bit more exciting.” Stem raised his eyebrow at me. "I'll bet that if Melody knew you, she'd never have another slow news day in her life." I felt my eye twitch as I squinted at him. "And what's that supposed to mean, Doc?" I asked, puffing a cloud of tobacco out the corner of my mouth. "Oh, I’ve got the feeling she already knows him pretty well." Aqua mumbled, crossing her forelegs. I smirked, before leaning closer to her. “Jealousy is not an attractive quality on you.” She rolled her eyes. “What? And you think smugness is attractive on you?” “Thanks for noticing.” My smirk continued to deflect. "Smugness is harder to maintain than it looks..." I turned back to the rest of my friends. "Alright... I raise you guys 50 credits." Celestia, I love poker. Alright, let’s get this over with... Once upon a time... in Stable 17, [REDACTED], Equestria. *** *** *** A Few Hours Earlier The blade wasn't too big... but hot damn, it was big enough. I sat on an examination table, leaning sideways against my flank in my dreary state of mind... and appearance. My ears flattened in annoyance at the sound of a mare with a fatal case of hysteria. Her screaming, even in the hallway outside the office, pierced through my eardrums worse than a knife to my leg. ...well, almost worse. The mare's crying finally lowered to a dull whimper, only for the background noise of medical drills and other patient complaints to replace it. I was grateful when a familiar pony in a white lab coat trotted into the room, though I'd never show or admit it. "It’s about time." I said, sourly. His tired-face and eyes suddenly shot up from reading his clipboard, to gaze at me from horn to tail. He shook his head with a forced grin. "Did they dig you out of the Storage Level?" I only snorted in response, rolling to my other side, yet still keeping pressure off my other foreleg. He rolled his eyes as he moved in front of me. "You amaze me, Mr. Sparky. You're either the most accident-prone pony in Stable 17, or you're just getting too lonely." He chuckled, half-heartedly. "What is it this time?" I deadpanned. "Well, what does it look like?" He rubbed his chin with a hoof, looking at the wound. "Well, I can tell you what it doesn't look like..." "Wiseass..." I groaned, lowly. “I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Anyway, let's take a look at it." He examined it further, poking and prodding at my leg, making blood and pus spill onto the table. I hissed, trying to hide the sharp intake of my breath. "You've got a bad bedside manner." I joked, doing my best to ignore the pain. The doctor laughed regardless. "And you've got a bad leg. But unlike your humor, it looks like we can save it.” I would hope so. I’ve definitely had worse. He moved over to a medical tray and pulled out some cotton swabs and a small bottle. "You know, you ought to start using the emergency room." "No, doc..." I winced as he dabbed my wound in alcohol and prepared several syringes on the medical tray across from where I laid. "Just sew me up here!" I demanded, hitting the examination table with my forehoof. He mumbled something under his breath, continuing to swab the punctured area and cleanse the broken tissue. "So, you still haven't answered me. Who stabbed you?" "Nopony important enough to care about." I muttered. "You know, one of these days I'm going to trot in here to something I won't be able to fix. With the amount of times you come in here? There's a high probability that you're already a dead pony trotting." "Don't I know it." I said, sounding bleak. He chuckled as he looked my left foreleg over again. "Have you ever considered another line of work?" My eyes narrowed at a syringe being filled with some kind of medical liquid. I knew these things were sometimes necessary to keep me going, and I always appreciated a little boost from time to time, but the conventional chems used in the clinics always made me drowsy. "Hey sport, none of that stuff, c’mon..." I said tiredly, ignoring his question. "You know, the bandages will be fine by themselves. None of that painkiller or healing potion magic stuff. Makes me feel all fuzzy when it wears off." He turned around in amusement. "Hey! Do I come up to your office to lecture you on how to beat a confession out of a pony?" I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Come on kid, I haven't got all night." He shook his head as he began to give me doses of the medication. Painkillers, healing potions, and all the bubbling medical dictionary terms I've yet to fully comprehend. "You might feel a bit nauseated, but if you do, just have your wife to fix a, um..." He caught himself as I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. He cleared his throat awkwardly, quickly fetching a bandage to wrap around my wound. "Sorry Sparkhorn... I didn’t know what I was thinking. I know that you’re--" “It’s fine, just forget about it.” I sighed, looking down at my bandaged leg as the doctor finished his work by biting the length of the cloth off, reminded of how I’d gotten it that morning. I still can’t believe she did that... it all happened so fast. I'll be having a little chat with the Overmare later. The doctor sighed as he checked my name off of his clipboard. “I assume this one will go on your tab as well?” He looked at me over the rims of his glasses, raising his own suspicion seeking eyebrow. I sighed, dodging another one of his questions of my life acquisitions. “I really appreciate this, you know sport?" Yeah, this obviously was not my first trip to the medbay. The shiny steel countertops, pink and yellow medical boxes, and clean grey atmosphere may not have been the most unique things in a stable, but it always made you feel like home. Wherever you went, you could never escape it. It's something everypony got used to here. One way or another, you got used to it. But this room especially was one of the many reoccurring highlights in my life. It hadn’t even been a year since the 'Doc', 'sport' or 'kid’ -who calls me by 'Mr. Sparky' in return- became the executive physician in the medbay, and he already knew me as a loyal customer. While my past has given me the knowledge of how to deal with stuff like this... you know, like knife wounds, given the circumstances, the Doc felt like the better choice. Though, dealing with his overused posh mannerisms, especially for a young earth pony, made the decision that much harder to make. But naturally, we got to talking about life and things, and we’d become somewhat good acquaintances. Not enough to really appreciate each other’s presence, but we found common perceptions, so that was good enough to talk life with him. “Hmmm...” He returned to his clipboard notes, writing his sentences with a stable-tec pen that he held between his teeth. He gave a nod, satisfied with his work, and dropped the pen in the medical tray next to him. “And that’s Doctor Stem Root, if you don’t mind... Mr. Sparky.” “Whatever you say, Doc. Am I good to go?” I slid off the med cot onto three of my good hooves. He rolled his eyes. “I guess so. I expect you’ll come up with some story about how you got that gash in your leg tonight at the cards tournament?” He asked as if accusing me of something. Really? Well, I couldn’t blame him for his suspicions. But that doesn’t mean he had the right to accuse me of all ponies. He’d better watch it. “Listen, whatever work you’re into is none of my business, but your tab has been around since before my predecessor tragically and unexpectedly died.” Hey, what’s wrong with somepony dying in unexpected tragedy? “And judging by your ‘habits’ you certainly are not a pony worried about rations. And...” Ah Luna... He’s forming speculations. I better stop him before he forms one too many. “Look Doc. It’s like I told you before; I’m just a Stable Loyalty Inspector. The Overmare takes care of it, including parts of what I owe in every health service budget. Now it’s like you said: My work is none of your business. So, do yourself a favor and stop worrying about it.” I chuckled, giving a reassuring smirk. “It’s nothing exciting anyway. Just as boring as your job.” Stem fell silent for a few moments, looking down at the concrete floor before taking his glasses off with his hoof to wipe the lenses on his lab coat. “Oh, trust me, as long as you’re alive this job will never get boring.” He said, putting his glasses back on. “What with the curious wounds and friendly indirect threats...” I’d be the first to admit that I was, without a doubt, a suspicious pony, whether I deserved it or not. But I worked for the Overmare. Usually, I could make it through the day without getting a second glance. Stem Root on the other hoof... No. He’s the executive physician which means the Overmare’s hoof is the hoof that feeds him. Sure, we’re all gambling ponies in Stable 17, but he better watch how much he’s willing to lose. I let myself out, rolling my eyes with a sigh. “Have a good day, Doc.” “Same to you Mr. Sparky.” I heard him sigh in a similarly defeated manner to mine. “Same to you...” *** *** *** I yawned as I trotted back from the medbay. I hadn’t gotten any sleep since the ‘incident’ that occurred the night before. My eyelids felt heavy as I made my way through the grey hallways. My leg didn’t feel all that bad, maybe a little sore with every step, but the Doc patched me up pretty good with all his pain relieving chems. Besides, pain is something that I’ve learned to tolerate. The chems, however, meant that my drowsiness would only increase. I stopped in front of the elevator to the living quarters and rubbed my eyes with my forehooves. Stem Root mentioned something about a card game tonight. “Oh crap, I almost forgot.” I croaked in realization through a throaty groan. The annual 52 cards tournament, aka, the Stable-Tec gaming mandate, started tonight. Blackjack, poker, roulette. The game room is usually where everypony goes to get a fix for their gambling addictions, but the cards tournament turns the entire atrium into a casino. It was an ingenious concept developed by Stable-Tec to... you know, give everypony the opportunity to earn some extra aptitude credits. Some ponies took advantage of that more than others. Everyday, for a week, you had to gamble for at least four hours. If you didn’t, well... That’s when admin would send somepony like me down to collect. Eh, but that was a rare occasion. Like I said, everypony here is a gambler of at least some degree. I pulled my hooves away from my sore eye sockets with another groan and hit the lift button for the elevator. The doors began to open. *ding* “Lev-...” *static* “...-edbay…” Hmm... that’s weird. When the double doors finally retreated, I froze in place, startled by the sudden prancing out of a young unicorn filly off the platform, before she bumped into my injured foreleg. I yelped in pain, even with all the ‘medical’ relief, as I glared down at her in anger. “Woah! Hey, damnit kid!” I looked up to see a timid colt trot out after her. His ears drooped upon seeing me standing in front of his friend. She squeaked with embarrassment -or fear, I wasn’t sure which- as she backed up against the wall alongside the colt, both looking up at me nervously. “Oh! O-oops! Sorry about that, mister.” The filly said, rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof. “Yeah...” The colt agreed, looking crossed at the filly next to him. “I guess SOMEPONY wasn’t looking where she was going.” The filly only giggled, both standing back up to trot around me. “Nice going klutz.” He whispered. “Sorry...” The filly shrugged. “Now c’mon, it’s got to be around here somewhere.” I watched the colt roll his eyes as they passed me. “Yeah, unless they left it outside the stable. Another brilliant deduction from the ‘Daylilly think tank’”. “Ugh! Whatever, jerk!” She said, right before blowing a raspberry at him. I sighed, rolling my own eyes as I started to trot inside the elevator. I swear, ignorance is bliss with foals these days. I noticed the filly keeping her eyes on me as she pivoted alongside the colt, pressing the elevator button again before the doors could completely close. I raised my eyebrow in annoyance, watching her smile innocently up at me. “Hey, uh... grumpy guy, before you go, can you tell us where the storage room is?” She asked, keeping her innocence plastered across her muzzle, while her coltfriend facehoofed. “Hey, uh...” I began, mocking her stutter, then deadpanned. “...no, ignorant filly, I cannot.” The colt growled in frustration as he tugged at her mane with his magic, making the large purple bow, tied around the back of her mane, bob up and down. “Damnit, would you come on and shut up! For the love of Luna, Daylily!” I stepped back onto the platform and hit the descend button. My lungs forced me to sigh, the doors once again starting to close. Oh c’mon, they’re probably just fetching some supplies for their parents. Damnit! I can be nice to ponies! I CAN be nice! I opened the doors back up before the young ponies could trot away. “Actually, yeah...” I said, both of them turning back towards me. “You’re on the wrong side though. Storage is in the West wing.” I pointed to the stairwell across the hall. “Just go through the East wing exit right there.” The colt remained unamused, while the filly gave a wide grin. “Thanks so much mister! It means a lot!” I nodded, trying to put on a friendly smile. I flinched, however, when she galloped up and hugged my foreleg... my... injured foreleg. “Hey! Would you--! Ow!” I hissed through my teeth in a wince, before I wrapped my magic around her and pushed her back across the hall towards the colt. “Do NOT do that!” THAT... is what I get for being nice! Figures... “Oops! Sorry!” She winced at me in embarrassment again. The colt groaned and slapped her foreleg. “Ow! What was that for!?” She pouted. “For being an idiot!” He scolded back, both starting towards the stairwell I pointed to. “Do you know what he is? Why don’t you ask him if he can show us around the place? Or better yet, paint another one in his honor, just for him to see, in case he doesn’t realize...” Punks... I ought to drag them up to administration for that. My mind throbbed against the inside of my skull. I hit the elevator door button, the two young ponies disappearing through the far doorway. Next time... Damn kids... Right now, I needed to get my mind off of the attack last night. Damnit, it was not supposed to go down like that! I can already picture the Overmare sending me a notice; ‘That I need to submit a report ASAP!’ Well, I say, 'damn her!' I’m headed back to my room, and after that I guess fate would decide if I make it to my bed before I pass out. I sighed, leaning my body against the wall of the elevator. The steel felt cool against my face, helping my mind stay awake. A moment later, the elevator stalled and static rolled out from the speakers again. A sudden plume of sparks erupted from the control gears, causing the doors to open and close repeatedly. “Son of a bitch!” I growled, repeatedly hitting the ‘close’ button on the control panel over and over. Not this again! “Come on you steel disaster, move!” Finally, after I reared up and pounded the control panel into the wall with an apple buck, the doors gave a satisfying clank, and began to close normally. I swear, do maintenance ponies ever do their fucking job around here? I specifically told Platinum Braid that the elevator between the atrium and the medbay needed to be fixed by last week! The double doors had almost completely closed, when my ears perked at a voice shouting towards me from down the hallway to hold them open. After what had just happened when I tried being nice? My hooves are staying firmly planted where they are, thank you very much! I nickered after a forehoof caught the narrow opening between the doors anyway, just in time, prompting them to reopen to my dismay. The pony who caused that dismay however, spawned some delight to brighten my mood. “Oh! Hey Spark!” The mare giggled. “Glad I caught you.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her. In a playful way of course. “Oh? Is there a problem, officer?” I tried my best to hide a smirk wanting to grow on my smug expression. “I swear, whatever it was it wasn’t me!” She seemed half offended and half amused by my response. “Oh, shut up, you stupid stallion!” She poked my chest with her forehoof and a mischievous smile. “You know it’s not like that!” The elevator doors finally closed behind her as we began to descend. I looked over the mare dressed in the blue security uniform with black armor padding and the yellow ‘17’s printed all over them. Her name was Aqua Wave, a smooth turquoise coated and green maned Earth Pony. If I could call anypony a friend in Stable 17, I guess it would be her. A pony that I’ve known since we were foals, Aqua and I grew up and wreaked mischief on the stable together, alongside some other friends who were all mixed up in living like a bunch of hoods. For some of us, that truth took longer to accept. So, when I heard that Aqua Wave had given up her cherry bomb chemistry set for hoofcuffs and a security baton, let’s just say that it was at least the fifth most surprising thing to ever happen to Stable 17. I guess I never got over the fact that almost all of my friends became the very thing we despised as fillies and colts. But I wasn’t going to say ‘no’ to having friends in high places. After a minute of futile attempts of swatting her forehoof away with my own, the elevator gave it’s staticky ’ding’ and opened its doors to the Atrium. It wasn't until we both trotted out into the hallway that she noticed my bandaged foreleg and finally stopped her poke assault. "Oh! Sparky, what happened?" She lowered her head to get a closer look at the blood-stained fabric that kept the wound from seeing light. Crap... Looks like I'll have to come up with something now instead of later. "O-oh this thing? Well uh... you know how it is, I--" "Sparky..." She quickly interrupted my search for an excuse. "Please don't tell me you're... 'working' again." The truth was definitely not far off. But still, I gave the most convincing sigh I've ever produced and did what I do best: I lied my ass off. "No, but you know how it goes. Somepony shot their mouth off, so I got pissed and they broke a Sparkle-Cola bottle on me. I swear it wasn't my fault this time." She shook her head in disappointment. "I'd expect this kind of thing from Platinum Braid, but you? You know better Spark! You're a Stable Loyalty Inspector for buck sake!" I rolled my eyes and gave her a playful poke on her side. A little revenge from earlier. "Oooh I'm sorry officer. You're not going to arrest me now are you?" I gave her that irresistible smile I'd learned to form. She gave a defeated sigh, but she couldn't help but reflect the same smile that I'd given her. "You're an idiot, you know that?" Well, I don’t know about that... The truth is that while I left that old life, the trouble from it likes to follow ponies around. I'd tried that once, to be an honest and responsible pony, and try the family thing. Well, that pursuit led me straight off a cliff and into a pit of misery, heartbreak, and a nasty divorce. Sure, I’ve been working for the Overmare for a while now, but that doesn’t mean much has changed. "Hey, that's debatable." I declared in amusement. "But what's not debatable is that I'm a handsome buck." I pointed to my cocky grin-plastered face with my forehoof. "I mean c'mon! Look at me! Do you really think I'm gonna let anything happen to this mug?" She gave me the biggest deadpan I had ever seen, slapping her forehoof to her face. *** *** *** "Hey, when the hay are you gonna get your mane cut?" I shrugged, looking over her own mane as I poured myself a cup of coffee. "Well, whenever you do I guess." Aqua gave me a look, leaning against the adjacent counter to the coffee machine, while sipping her own cup. "I'm a mare, Sparks. Come on, your sideburns are longer than your ears. Your mane is so old fashioned.” I shrugged. "Look, who's got time? I've been up all night, drafting this year’s census." Technically... that was the truth. Or it at least had some truth in it. The census has to accurately count how many ponies are in each department. A good way to know who’s working for whom... just in case they need to be paid a visit. "Hey, speaking of Kahn." She said, changing the subject "That was a pretty good pitch you made the other day. Him and Glitter were pretty pleased." I gave a satirical raise of my eyebrows. "Were they?" She nodded as I followed her out of the diner. "Yeah, they really were. Glitter wanted me to tell you, well done." “Well...” I said, rolling my eyes. "I can't tell you how deeply moved I am to hear that." She sighed, shaking her head. "How do you like that? I pass along a compliment, and all you can do is be snarky about it. 'Snarky Sparky'. You could at least be a little bit polite. It might not even kill you to say ‘thanks’." She chuckled. "I'd much rather say, ‘thanks’ to a ration slip raise." I said with a sigh, eventually making our way back up the hallway to the living quarters. "Hey Sparky!” My ears perked at my name, both of us turning around to see a grey-coated stallion with a slicked pompadour mane like my own, trotting up to us, but wearing a greaser jacket over his stable suit. He approached, Aqua rolling her eyes before trotting on without me. “Oh for Celestia’s sake. Tell me when he’s gone.” My eye twitched as I turned toward the other approaching pony. "You're a real genius you know that, Parlour?" He stopped with a confused look. "Huh?" I shook my head, "Do you just walk up to all your contacts when there's a security pony standing RIGHT in their face?" My magic materialized around the collar of his jacket, flipping it up. "And what the hell is this? Your old man is still letting you wear this thing after what happened with your ga--” “Yeah, yeah, please." He groaned, waving his hoof in front of me before flattening his collar back. "You don’t need to tell me the story. Look, all I wanted to ask is if you got that tip for this weekend’s game yet.” I furrowed my brow with a sigh, trying to remember which players were pitted to win versus take a fall. “The score should be 7-3 by the end. I’m still working on the rest.” He nodded, repeating the score I just gave him under his breath. “Okay, I got it. When you get the rest, come find me, and next time you play cards against my dad, he’ll be so out of it, he’ll be falling out of his chair.” "Hey..." I gave the younger stallion a look. "Greasy Gears may be one mighty bastard but we still go way back, so give him a break once in a while, huh? You ever think about how he raised you and your sister by himself?” He rolled his eyes. "Save it, will ya?" Letting my disappointment be known, I shook my head, and I turned back in Aqua’s direction. “Just show the buck some respect. You owe him that at least. Especially after he wakes up with half his losings split between you and me...” He shrugged before giving me a smirk. "Hey, you know the bosses are really missin' ya down in Pink? You ever gonna be workin' again?" I felt myself smile at that. I guess I should take pride in the fact that ponies still appreciate my work... even if it is from the old days. With a shrug and a click of my tongue, I trotted off. "Be seeing you at the mandate tonight, Parlour. Or else you'll be paying off another citation with your cut." He nickered behind me before I finally heard him trot away. The words “Jive-ass bastard” hissed from under his breath. I'll make sure to cite him for that later... “Alright Aqua, he’s gone!” I announced, looking around for the smaller mare. My ears perked at her calling me from around the corner. “Hey Sparky! Come see this!” I gave an exhausted yawn, making my way around the corner. Geez, I must really be tired. “What is it now? Don’t tell me you shot another poster!” She rolled her eyes, silently pointing her forehoof to something on the wall next to us. It took me a minute to realize what she was pointing at, before I saw... "What... the hell... are those?" I asked, looking down the length of the wall. Aqua was silent for a moment, before whispering... "I... I think they're called flowers." Right... flowers... well, whatever they were, there were a lot of them. It was a mural of endless flora images that must have stretched across the entire hallway, and right in the middle of the living quarters. They were artfully painted on the once-blank surface with what looked like regular maintenance paint made to look like something that'd belong on a canvas. Like pastels or... something. Hell, I don't know art. The former sea of grey and dullness was replaced by a green field of big yellow sunny-like flowers, some with small white petals, others blue or red, overlapped by a clear blue sky with a bright sun shining over the view. The only thing missing was Celestia herself, watching over the glory of Equestria. There were so many colors. So much light and life. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. Sure, I've seen stuff like this with grass and the sky in book illustrations and old pre-war photos. But, it was nothing as creative as this. I mean, it’s impressive... but I was still able to prevent a small smile from appearing on my muzzle. Good. Because if I didn't, then I might not have been able to resist imagining myself actually stepping into the world that the image produced... I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous thought. Who needs it? I could live without it. Eh... but Aqua on the other hoof... I looked beside me to see her staring in awe at the colorful wall. She looked a little more impressed at the art than I did. Flowers, I guess, aren't really my thing. Besides... I like grey. Grey is a nice, safe, and protective color. A unifying color. My favorite color even! ...though I like more of a dark grey, than the lighter steel grey of the stable, so that of course vindicates me of all bias! Anyway... It’s like I said before, the color is something you get used to here. Grey should be everypony's favorite color by now. But still... the change was intriguing. The only other things closer to excitement these walls get are the Stable-Tec motivational posters or the occasional heroic poses of ponies running for Overmare. That got old after seeing Diamond Blossom and Khan go at it for the fifth year in a row. No, the detail in each of these flowers; in each petal, in the sky and in the sun, it was unique. It couldn't have been an easy task. Whoever did this must be pretty skilled with a brush. Ah, geez... Red Alert, Inspector Obvious! A unique and colorful pony is on the lose! Trying to clash against the grey... against the Overmare's grey... against all of our grey. You have to get used to it if you want to trot these halls. Or else you pay the price. Nice, dull, safe, protective, unifying, grey-walled reality came back to me like a harsh slap to the face. This can’t be here. Yes, this was art. Eye-catching, creative... and half-way decent art. But more importantly, it was vandalism. And it just happened to be that we were the ponies who are supposed to be responsible for preventing things like this from happening. Maybe I liked the concept of erasing somepony’s attempted activism more than I should, but grey and dullness had to win at the end of the day. So, procedure would not only have us order this to be taken down, but also apprehend the artist. We’ll have to keep an eye out for an art-themed cutie mark. "Don't you dare!" I turned to see Aqua's angry expression fixed on me. "What?" I shrugged. "I know that look. You were thinking about reporting this weren't you!?" I stared at her with a raised eyebrow. "What? You're not?" "No! Are you blind!? Look at this! It's the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to this dull hallway. Hell, to this stable! And you want to tear it down!?" Ah Geez... Is she even speaking Equish? She knows why we have to! This time it was my turn to face hoof. "Uumm... Hello?” I pointed to the word ‘security’ printed on her chest pad. “Did you forget that we’re both in the rule enforcement business? They’re going to wonder how a security mare and a loyalty inspector went through the living quarters and somehow missed an entire vandalized hallway.” I sighed, despising the regret in her naïve eyes. "Besides, if we don't report this you know somepony else will, so we might as well wreak the benefits." She gave a pout, sitting down on her haunches to stare longingly into the mural. No doubt falling victim to her imagination, thinking that she could step into the false reality. "But... it's not fair..." I stayed silent for a few moments, myself staring back at the unnaturally pretty stable wall. I wondered how many flowers there were. How long did the artist spend painting it? Who was the artist? I turned back to Aqua, offering my hoof to help her up. “C’mon, maintenance will have this cleaned up before the tournament tonight." She pried her eyes away from the wall, looking at me with her pouting expression. I pulled her to her hooves once she took my hoof. "No... it'll probably be a security shift. Didn't you hear? Maintenance is rioting again." "I-- Wait... what!?" My head shook in disbelief. "Again!? But we just broke a deal last week!" Well that explains why the elevator was on the fritz. Platinum Braid. That long maned hippie can’t ever play by the damn rules. One of these days, I oughta give her a forehoof sandwich. Aqua nodded. “Yeah. Something about a maintenance mare going missing last night. Platinum Braid said the mare found some kind of holotape, and that the Overmare didn't want anypony to hear it. Platinum is accusing her of having the mare killed.” She raised her eyebrow at me. “You wouldn’t know anything about that would you, ‘Mr. Loyalty Inspector’?” “You’re... you're kidding, right?” My forehoof pointed at her. “First of all, that’s... that's just rumor! Nothing but baseless accusations from those pinko bastards down in maintenance!” I chuckled dismissively. "Had her killed... why would she... I mean what would she do to... eh... the hell do they know, anyway!? Insurrectionists! And hey! Second! Why would you think I’d know about that? I don’t do that kind of thing! And I resent the question!” “Right...” She pointed to my bandaged leg again. “How did you get that wound again?” “U-uh... I... I told you! It was just a bar fight in the mess hall. What exactly are you trying to accuse me of?” “Hmmf, nothing.” She shrugged. “Just doing my job.” "Ah..." I rolled my eyes before shooting her a smirk, "You would pick now of all times to start doing that..." Her glare quickly started showing cracks before we both gave a small laugh, finally trotting away from the crime scene. “So, what do you think?” “About?” I asked. Aqua gestured behind us to the wall. “Well... about the painting. Who do you think did it?” I thought for a second, trying to remember the usual suspects of stable vandalism. But... this seemed a bit different. “Well, Aqua... what I think sounds a bit too farfetched...” She gave me a puzzled look. “Well, hit me with it.” I sighed, thinking back to what she told me about the maintenance riots. “I think, what we have here is a case of memorializing vandalism. Those goddamn hippies in maintenance are trying to recall back to the old insurrection days. You remember the last time way back, the first time I got drafted, all that spray paint? Maybe they’re using flowers now instead of threatening messages, but it’s anti-overmare all the same.” I could see the gears turning behind her expression of thought. “So... other than repaint the walls, what are we going to do about it?” “Well, nothing...” I shrugged. “With over 300 ponies in the stable, and one third of them in Maintenance alone, it could have been anypony. And if they're really rioting again, then we’ve got bigger things to worry about than catching just one vandal. Could have been somepony close to Platinum who’d remember the riots, IF it wasn’t Platinum herself, though she was never the artistic type.” She raised a skeptical eyebrow at me. “Do you really think that maintenance is resorting to drawing flowers on the walls? For what, trying to spite everypony that lives here?” I gave another shrug. “Well, I don’t have evidence to prove it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find any to say that it’s part of the riots. BUT, unless we’ve got any witnesses, administration is just going to look at it as a random act, since it’s all the way up here in high clearance living quarters.” “So...” She said with a defeated sigh. “What are you going to do... Inspector?” She asked in the similarly playful way I called her ‘officer’. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, my enthusiasm for the subject decreasing with every word. “Well... You know, I could work the case on my own. Search for evidence, you know, prove my theory... allocate some security from maintenance, steak-out some hot spots for vandalism... OR I could spend the same amount of time and energy beating you all at the cards tournament tonight.” I teased with a devilish smirk. "I've thought about it, and I think I'd be a hell of a lot happier if I did the latter." Aqua snorted at that, rolling her eyes as we finally made it to my room. My horn glowed, levitating my badge ID to the lock reader, unlocking the steel door and sliding it open with a mechanical hiss. “Hold up, I almost forgot the reason I caught you earlier.” I turned to look at Aqua with a yawn. “What’s that?” “You’re banned from the gun range again. Glitter Punch wanted me to confiscate your gun. She says it’s serious this time.” “You’ve got to be kidding me...” I guess that’s what I get for being too friendly with a security mare. Then again, siphoning off security's ammunition for our loyalty agents in Maintenance might not have been the most prudent of ideas. “Fine...” I groaned, sounding defeated. My horn glowed again, pulling a .45 pistol out of my stable barding with my magic. I silently gave it to her before I turned back around. "Ahem!" I froze, my ears perking at her forehoof tapping the floor behind me. “And the one you stole... Plus, your forty-five seems to be missing its silencer.” She added, her smirk mischievous. Heh, that made two of us... Again, my horn glowed. This time levitating a 10mm pistol over to her, followed by the sleek black cylinder that I’d acquired some time ago to put on the muzzle of my favorite pistol. "Send Glitter my regards..." I yawned before finally entering my room. She giggled. “Are you sure you’re not too tired to beat me at the cards tournament?” I rubbed my eyes, working up a weak smile. “Oh, I’m making it. Sorry to disappoint you, but nopony’s stable units are safe tonight.” I snarked, trotting slowly toward my bed. “Don’t count on it Spark! I’ve got a new technique to use and everything. I’ll bust you out before you can say: ‘ace’!" *** *** *** The next morning hit me like a train. My head was pounding with a hangover from last night, and I couldn’t even remember how it ended. I groaned, pushing up from my bed, my legs hesitating to adjust to my weight. I could have sworn the mattress felt a bit uneven for just one pony sleeping in it. Eh... probably just imagining things. As my forehoof moved up in a futile attempt to numb the migraine, my eyes caught the bandage still covering my leg. Was I wearing this the whole night? Saving anymore migraine fuel, I used my teeth instead of my magic to unravel the blood-stained cloth. I gave a sigh of relief to see the wound was completely gone, save for a small scar that lied in its place. Another for the books. I finally rolled out of bed, drowsily moving over to the mirror and sink on the opposite end of my room. After a few dry smacks of my lips and a lazy attempt at rubbing the sleep out of my heavy eyes, I twisted the nobs until warm water drained from the spout onto my hooves. I winced when I splashed it on my face, the warmth only penetrating for a quick second before rendering my face to a tap cold state. Surrendering to the fact that using water to wake myself up was just as uncomfortable as getting out of bed, I quickly halted my efforts with a shake of my head, mane, body, a flick of my tail, and an exhausted groan. The steam from the water quickly fogged up my mirror, so I reached up with my hoof and wiped it clear, revealing the image of a dull blue unicorn stallion with a dark murky mane, blood-red colored eyes, and a hickey on his neck, staring miserably back at me. A guilty pair of jumper cables loomed behind me in the background, following my every move, as they always have since the day they had magically appeared on my flanks. I tried to ignore them, instead focusing on the curious love bite on my neck. I wonder who gave me that. Last night kind of turned to a blur once we opened up the third bottle of cider. I couldn’t even remember who won the game. I usually don’t get that drunk when credits are on the line like that. Well, since Aqua was sitting next to me, I should probably ask her. Hell, maybe it was her. Then again, I recalled her saying something about a shed or a barn to explain the black eye she gave me for asking her out once. Whatever that meant... There’s just somethings a stallion can’t have I guess. Well, whoever this mystery mare was, she wasn’t here now. Suffering through the pain in my head, I used my horn to levitate a comb. I turned on my Pip-Buck radio, hoping to catch whatever was left of the morning news broadcast. Usually, nopony bothered with the news since... well, nothing ever really happens. Nothing without our say-so anyway. But... today was going to be different, as Aqua had informed me the day before, another Maintenance riot had sprung up, almost overnight it seemed. static “...-ey there everypony. Hope you enjoyed that little tune of ours. This is Melody Charm, wishing everypony good luck tonight for the second round of the 52 Cards Tournament. This next one goes out to all of Stable 17 security. Keep holding those nasty rioters back. Drinks will be on me when you come by the Atrium.” With my mane turning from wet and soggy to combed and slick, I looked back up at the mirror, admiring the more pleasantly groomed reflection, as the stable broadcast station began to play a song. ”...playing solitaire till dawn, with a deck of fifty-one.” I looked over to my terminal on my desk. Reluctant to bother, I trotted over and switched it on. I typed in my password to access my office information, allowing me to search for any cues to indicate an all but expected new message from the Overmare. I had it opened to my residents’ files however, and feeling a sudden impulse to do so, I navigated to a tab that was questionably labeled, ‘friends’. What we had all talked about last night replayed in the back of my mind like a holotape, alongside the surprise appearance of Platinum Braid. A list of five ponies’ names appeared, each with a tab containing information about them, that I’d obsessively collected over the years. They were but a few of the friends that I’d made over the years, providing me company to suffer with as I grew up, and who would consequently become the banes of my existence sooner than later. Aqua Wave, a strong, cute, and somewhat naive mare who had the amazing, albeit cursed, ability to tolerate others’ maximum ignorance and far too inclined to reserve her judgment. When we were foals, Aqua always tried to get a science themed cutiemark with her lifelong chemistry set. Go figure she got hers by throwing a cherry bomb into the stable swimming pool. The wall of water that followed happened to drench a bunch of hoods running from security. Once in security herself, she’d finally sleep in the barracks instead of a cell. One of the first foals I had met outside of the orphanage was Glitter Punch. Another strong earth pony filly who loved to pick fights with the oldest and toughest colts in the school room, eventually getting her stars and brass-hoof cutiemark. She was the daughter of a hard-headed security officer. Wish I could have seen the look on her old buck's face when security dragged his daughter home after a night of her hanging out with foals like us. She was always physically competitive, even acting more boyish than most colts at times. But she eventually came home to law and order... sort of. Guess she felt she owed it to her pops... but me and her both know he'd be rolling in his grave if he knew exactly how she became our current Chief of Security. Kahn... don't ask what that's short for. He wiped every record of his full name from the stable database... I always imagined it was... Kahuna something... Anyway, he's a unicorn stallion, a bit older than me but still of my generation. He’d always have Glitter's back during her fights as foals, but his main concerns were ration slips and card credits. And the way to get those was by stealing other ponies' terminal passwords, lock-picking their safes, or hacking them straight up. He taught me, and arguably all of my friends, everything we'd know today on how to... take advantage of the stable. I went to school and formed a group of friends with him. And, before referring to him as an ‘old friend’, I knew him as the rebellious son of a wealthy exec, although, I’m not sure if he ever saw a single credit of inheritance. Most of the fortune he’d eventually have, I like to think anyway, was due to our adolescent heists of criminal activity that he’d conduct for our little circle of friends. He may not have ever paid the lawful price for that, but he sure as hell paid the social. He's currently the Exec in charge of the stable intelligence and data keeping department. Diamond Blossom was probably the prettiest and smartest filly in the orphanage, if not the whole stable. She knew more spells than any of my other unicorn friends combined. That should have left me impressed, however I always recalled more envy than anything, given my… condition. But she was useful; from stealing comic books to picking safe locks. Only trade off was the lack of a silver tongue she managed to possess today. It's a miracle that her stuttering attempts of persuasion didn’t get us killed. I’ll admit though, once upon a time, I had a pretty hard crush on her when we were growing up... Me, along with every other pony. Back then, I thought we deserved each other. I was her closest friend after all... I'd regret ever thinking that. Diamond had a profound need to be loved, so much so that she would do just about anything. Obviously not something an orphan could obtain very easily, but Celestia and I know, she was a resourceful one. One of the many cynics who would eventually join the ranks of the stable socialites, constantly having to put on an act to hide her sorrow, anguish and her crafty guile. Naturally, the ponies of Stable 17 chose her to be the Overmare, despite her past of running around with hoodlums like us. I guess when the alternative was an Overstallion named ‘Kahn’, she was the obvious choice. Then there was Platinum Braid, a poor, abused, unicorn filly, whose father worked himself to death in maintenance. Although, rumor has it, that she might have had more than nothing to do with his head getting smashed inside of a reactor. Her cutiemark was... Well, I wasn’t exactly sure what it was, and I'll leave it at that. While she wasn’t the smartest mare in the world, she was a unicorn who was decent at magic. She always saw herself as morally superior to all of us, though usually bucked us in the shins if we ever challenged her. She was incredibly self-destructive and just as prideful. She was the only one of us who would return to that side of the law. Now, this just might be my personal bias talking, but the supervisor of the maintenance department became a hard position for me to respect as is. This doubled in effect when I realized how much loyalty the position could divert from the Overmare and the Stable. When one third of our population works in Maintenace, you do the math. Ah... and then there’s the big question... Who am I? Well, lucky for you, I've made profiles of just about everypony. Including myself. No, that doesn’t make me obsessive, it's my job! Now, usually, I don't like other ponies to know much about my life, so... eh, forget it... what difference does it make? It’s not like any of this matters to me anymore... My name is Spark Charger. If you didn’t already pick up on it, I lived underground in a Stable. Stable 17. From what I knew at the time, it was some kind of stable specified for regional administrators and high-ranking military personnel, before the war with the Zebras broke out into total balefire and megaspell annihilation. Stop me if you've heard this before, but it wasn’t really ’total’ annihilation. Ponies survived in giant underground fallout shelters called Stables, such as mine. Lucky me for the stable... and the war too. I wouldn’t be here telling you this story otherwise. I was... I am a Stable Loyalty Inspector, usually a very general and average job for unicorns. Half the job is stamping contracts and writing reports, the other is... let's call it 'account managing'. I'm an accountant, in a sense. The Overmare's accountant, or Stable 17's... hell, maybe just Stable-Tec's accountant in general. When it came down to it, us Loyalty Inspectors had to keep track of everypony; everypony's actions, everypony's words... everypony's thoughts, especially. And if our first job was to add a name to a list, our next job was to cross it off. Was my work questionable? Not unless you think questioning it was worth a citation. After all, loyalty is a virtue. I’ve worked for the Overmares of the stable, and a few other power holders, in exchange for getting me out of a lifetime of working in the maintenance department. I mean, could you imagine? Me? Working as some kind of Pip-Buck Technician? The best thing I could do with a wrench is hit somepony over the head with it. There was no way I’d spend any more time down there than what my cutiemark permitted. But the ultimate power holder was still the Overmare. Of course, that gave Diamond Blossom the opportunity to use me in such ways the Execs may not have approved of. In exchange, she provided extra rations, paid for my medical bills and granted me use of the security gun range for target practice, as long as Glitter Punch played along. Were we corrupt? Were we abusing our power? It never mattered to me, and quite frankly, not to anypony else either. Nopony important anyway. Besides, as long as our stable-ops manual permitted it, everything was fair. But fairness and corruption aside, the stable still kept us all safe. And while I acted like the big and scary 'peacekeeper', nopony ever got too hurt. Well... again, nopony important. I had to enforce the stable's safety... And the hazards I clear would usually hit maintenance harder than other departments. I'm damn near a warrior for the working pony... but, I guess it's wishful thinking these days to say most aren't too busy being grime licking asshats to realize that. Suddenly, the light over my interface began to blink, telling me that I’d received a new message. ”Smoking cigarettes and watching captain kangaroo.” About time. Let’s see what she wants. ”Don’t tell me, I’ve nothing to do...” *** *** *** As I expected, the message was asking me to submit my report on my encounter with a mare named Sugar Spade. She'd found an old data terminal in one of the abandoned levels of maintenance below Stable 17. Nopony knew what was on it, not me, not even the Overmare… at least so I was told. Unfortunately for Spade, she managed to extract the data onto a holotape and refused to hand it over to Security, claiming there was nothing on it. Well, we knew she at least took something because the Overmare got an alert for a security breach from that very terminal, and security footage confirmed that Sugar Spade was the culprit. Still, she was by all accounts, innocent. A wife and mother, security can't exactly barge into her room and arrest her for concealing evidence that could possibly be embarrassing for the Overmare. That's where I come in. It was supposed to be a simple extraction; sneak in and grab the tape, then sneak out. That's it. nothing more.... Listen, some ponies are guilty enough to justify punishment... but, when it came to political threats, like that of Sugar Spade... sometimes it comes down to the most important pony in the room... and I’ve got to look out for number one. *** *** *** "Good morning Inspector." I nodded with a smile at the young mare. "Morning Cherry. Is the boss in?" The Overmare's secretary stood up and nodded as she escorted me through the door to her office, announcing my presence. "Overmare Blossom?" Oh yeah... and there was one more thing that I forgot to mention... "Your Ex-husband is here to see you." Her secretary closed the door as soon as I stepped into the Overmare's office. I saw the mare herself, silently facing her large circular window, looking down over the atrium, Pink clearance pit bosses preparing for the second night of the 52 Cards Tournament. She was a white coated unicorn with an icy colored, and dark blue mane. Her cutiemark, a yellow blooming flower, though instead of the bud, there was a perfectly cut diamond. I saw her eyes shift upwards, catching my image in the glass' reflection as I trotted closer to her semicircle desk. I cleared my throat, making my way to the center of the extremely immodestly decorated room. "You wanted to see me, Diamond?" She turned around with a look of... Uh oh... "Where. The fuck. Have you been?" She scolded. “I was expecting you in here, my office, at least 20 hours ago.” “Really?” I asked, mockingly. If I had any sense, I probably shouldn’t have taken the witty conversational route. "Well, that’s funny because I had no intention of being in your office 20 hours ago." Well, so much for proving I had any sense... The look in her eyes told me she was holding back every urge to turn around and apple-buck me in the face. "You--! Ugh! I told you to report back to me as soon as it was done!" "Hey! I was tired. The Doc had me on so many painkillers, I was barely able to make it back to the living quarters." This didn't calm her expression. She narrowed her eyes at me and began poking my chest with her hoof. And not in a playful way like Aqua would. "Do you think I'm an idiot!? I saw you in the Atrium last night, playing with those... hoodlums! Do you think we have nothing to talk about?" “No...” I shrugged. “I just can’t think of anything that I’d WANT to talk about.” “Can you act serious for once in your life!” She huffed, trying to regain some of her composure. Her eyes suddenly narrowed at my neck. I only realized too late what she had noticed. "...And what. Is. This!?" She tugged at my collar with her magic, feeling her eyes burn through a certain blemish on the side of my neck. "It's um..." I raked my brain for an excuse. It's not like it was the first time she'd caught me like this, but... the circumstances were a bit different. "Well, she didn't wake up with me this morning, so you couldn't expect me to know, could you?" She rolled her eyes in disgust, finally releasing her magical grip on my Stable jacket. "Do you have any idea how much of a liability you've become? You're compromising this entire operation. You steal from the armory only to trust the shadiest of all ponies to handle security munitions for our agents! You gamble, drink, sleep around, and now you’re going around parading that leg wound like injuries just fall out of the ventilation around you! And..." "See? I was right." I interrupted, snidely. "Nothing. I want. To talk about." She narrowed her eyes, her horn suddenly glowing again, levitating a tin of tobacco cut from my Stable jacket's front pocket. I winced as I watched her crush it in her magic and toss the loose stable grown cake to the floor. Damnit! If she knew how much that stuff costs me! To think I ever thought how Orange Clearance could afford to keep gambling. Hell, my ration slips alone probably keep their tobacco rackets running. I'll have to buy another tin later. Okay, so technically it was a code violation to smoke outside of the atrium or other specially ventilated rooms, along with all the other violations she had called me out on. But I knew that she knew, that I was indispensable, at least for the time being. I didn't think she was going to find anypony else with my... ‘experience’, any time soon. So, a few code violations didn’t hurt. "...And you lied to me about quitting! Ugh! You and that... that silly pipe!" She yelled, glaring at me with heated eyes. "It's... IT'S--!" I raised my hoof in protest. "It's what I always do, honey..." She looked at my leg, only to turn around with a sarcastic chuckle of surprise. "Yes well... It's amazing you even had the common sense to take off that silly bandage before you came here. Thank Celestia for small favors!" She sighed, plopping her head down in her forehooves as she sat at her desk, causing a few papers to slide off and onto the floor. We were both silent for a while. This part was always awkward for us. Or at least for me. We used to be happy, compromising, and dare I say understanding. The cold silence, save for the buzzing of her desk terminal, told me those days will never resurface. "Please tell me you have the holotape..." Her muffled voice barely escaped through her hooves. "Well... not exactly..." I sat across from her desk with an anxious sigh, my expression finally sinking to seriousness. "The mare is dead..." Her ears perked up, slowly lifting her head to glare at me. "...what?" *** *** *** "...And... the holotape?" I heard Diamond ask, cutting me off before I could explain the gritty details. My eye twitched in resentment as I glared down at her. "The holotape?" I asked, fuming from her lack of... well... sincerity? No, I never really cared about that. Responsibility? Responsibility, yeah let's go with that. "Diamond, two innocent ponies are dead because of that damn holotape!" I seethed. "Now I don't know what value she was to Platinum, but she's about to launch a revolution over this! So, you tell me, what was on that damn holotape!?” "You don't know what you're talking about!" She stood back up. The strands of her blue colored forelock fell in front of her ghostly face from stress. "The executive council will have my hide if they find out that vital Stable-Tec intelligence was stolen!” “Well...” I shrugged. “It’s not like this is the first time I’ve saved your hide from the executive council. What has it been? Three removal trials now?” She narrowed her eyes, aggressively pointing her hoof at me. “Do NOT go there... Charger...” I could have sworn I saw a few more strands of her mane spring out. “That holotape could have more than just political consequences. It could hurt the integrity of the Stable. Just imagine, ponies will want to open the door to the outside!" My head shook in disbelief. "Come on, I mean this is Platinum we're talking about here. She's a short-fused impulse of a grease horn, but she's not really that... crazy, is she?" She gave me a look. Okay, she honestly belongs in the stable asylum. I shook my head again and sighed, looking down at the floor, my thoughts teasing the idea of regret. "Oh Celestia..." She trotted out from around her desk to look me in the eye. "Don't tell me that you feel bad for what happened. And for what? For two ponies you had hardly met before they tried to kill you? You simply executed your right as a loyalty inspector and removed a couple of insurrectionists who threatened the integrity of our stable." I looked back up, eyes narrowed in disgust. “Fuck. You. Diamond.” I felt my ‘F’ accompanied by several drops of enraged spittle. “After what she did, it was either me or her, but that doesn’t mean it was supposed to go down like that!” I watched her give me a bewildered look, hesitating to respond as I continued to fume. “Doesn’t it bother you that the holotape wasn’t even there!? She was just a normal pony! No weapons or explosives... you know, besides a really big kitchen knife...” My forehoof instinctively rubbed over the scar on my opposite foreleg. “Meanwhile, maintenance is up in arms, ready to blow hay out of half this stable because of this mess!” Her face began to sour, even more so than what I thought possible coming from her. She jabbed my chest with her hoof again. “Don’t you dare lecture me, you son of a bitch! I didn’t want you to kill her either! That is all on your vigilante actions, that I have to justify by the way! I swear, we have ponies crying 'stable brutality!' every time you trot down the hall! Meanwhile, the executive council is cracking down on every decision I make to ease restrictions on security using excessive force, let alone any sort of violence used by my loyalty inspectors." We shared a moment of resentful glaring, myself picking my words of defense against whatever emotional artillery she was preparing to barrage me with, only for her to finally break up her temper with a regretful sigh. “Spark... I hate making excuses for our morals just as much as you do, but we--" "Oh, Luna..." I rolled my eyes, "Spare me... please, Celestia, spare me another one of your speeches." "You--!" She stiffened, giving me another painful poke in the ribs, my words pulling her temper right back. "...are so fucking... AGH!!" She threw her head back with a growl before returning a loathing stare. "Fine... we can call it what it is then. Evil for evil. That's what our excuse has always been, has it not?" I shrugged, giving a click out of the corner of my mouth. “Evil, huh? Who needs to make excuses for evil? Murder is evil, Diamond... An accident is fate. So long as the accidents happen to the right ponies...” That didn’t make it right... though I suppose it doesn’t make it wrong either. “I just want to make sure that Sugar Spade was the right pony. Because if this was all for nothing...” I shook my head and sighed. “Look, I’m not going to pretend like my conscience is completely clean here, but this better not come back to bite us.” "Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about that if you were a bit more prudent!" She snapped back. "Come on, don't turn this on me!" I seethed, knitting my brow in anger. "I work for you, remember!? Or do you forget, when we started this gig, that you told me to keep the political threats out of high clearance by any means necessary!?" "I am NOT going to debate this with you!" She stiffened further, her horn abruptly flashing and beginning to glow a vibrant hot pink, her magic rippling with fury. "You are the biggest pain in the flank in the entire history of the stable, you know that!? No wonder Angel Mist suspended you so many times! I oughta take your badge right now myself, before the Council finds out about this mess!" I barely noticed the change in atmosphere, the pink glow in the room fading to a darker red. After a spark of concern crossed Diamond's face, I could tell my own horn had lit up, my contained rage beginning to rupture. "I swear if you weren't the Overmare..." She narrowed her eyes and ground her teeth, stepping closer to me, muzzle to muzzle. "You better choose your next words very carefully, or else you’re finished as a Loyalty Inspector for Stable 17.” Her voice hissed like a snake, gradually raising with every determined word from her mouth. “And I’ll personally see to it that your ass is busted back down to maintenance! AM I CLEAR, CHARGER!!!?” Her horn suddenly flickered, her building energy making her aura glow brighter with rage. I could feel my own anger pulse through every cold running vein in my head, charging my horn with an even brighter red glow that grew around us. “Crystal...” “Cut. Your. Magic. NOW!” She demanded. My eye twitched as I stared down her muzzle, my rage finding nowhere else to go but to power my horn. Damnit! She knows that's hard for me to do while she’s--! I swear, if she makes me lose control, I'm gonna-- “Um... hello?” The sheepish voice beside us did nothing to dent our argument as we both turned instantly toward the new voice. “WHAT!?” We both screamed in chorus. Cherry winced, shrinking back a bit from our sudden snap before whimpering her response. “U-um... Your afternoon appointment is here, Ms. Overmare…” We both looked up to see the suspicion-seeking glare of a familiar grey unicorn stallion, accompanied by the somewhat amused and just as familiar charcoal earth pony mare in security barding. “Geez...” The security mare shook her head with a smirk. “I haven’t seen you two go at it like that since graduation day.” Her gaze shifted solely toward me. “You gonna do as she says, Spark?” She asked, warning me with a glare. “I don’t need to remind you what spells you’re prohibited from executing.” “...no.” I muttered in defeat, sharing an awkward look with Diamond. Finally, we both cut off the energized flow of magic from our horns. My own being harder to cut of course, hiding a grunt from forcing my aura back down into my skull. I swear, after all these years, I don’t know how I haven’t burst from magical overload yet. Diamond was the first to recover from her anger, as she greeted our new visitors. “Kahn. Glitter Punch.” She said, slightly out of breath as she brushed her disheveled mane back with a hoof. Kahn stared between us with an arched brow. “We’re not interrupting anything, are we?” Diamond forced a laugh, cantering up to them with all the graceful innocence she could afford. “Oh, no, no. Nothing important anyway.” She gave a quick glance back at me and sighed. “...but, could you be so kind as to wait outside for a moment while I finish... discussing things with Spark.” “Uh huh...” He shared a skeptical look with Glitter, before turning back on Diamond and I. “And... what is it that you two are discussing? Sounded pretty... heated.” The doubt in his voice was undeniable. Before Diamond was able to respond, I cleared my throat and spoke up beside her. “It’s a report... I was supposed to update Diamond on the state of the stable. As you know, Kahn, I’m working on the census in your department. I was supposed to give an update yesterday morning, but I slept in, and went to the cards tournament instead.” I nodded hesitantly at Diamond. “And... I am... s-sorry... that I did that... sweetheart.” I swear, every inch of my face was twitching with resentment as I forced myself to say that. Wait... Is Diamond actually blushing right now!? Sweet god of divorced couples, help me! “Yes! Th-that’s right!” Diamond awkwardly cleared her throat, motioning for Cherry to take them back outside. “Wewillbedoneinamomentsopleasewaitoutsidethanksbye!” She urged in one breath. Cherry nodded, quickly escorting them back through the door, but not before Glitter was able to snicker the word ‘sweetheart’ at the expense of Diamond’s flushed face. After closing the door, Diamond hung her head with relief, her mane once again falling over her red-tinted face. "SWEETHEART!?” I gave an awkward chuckle, watching her shoot me another glare. “Yeah, because who would buy that?” I could have called her by the usual ex-wife adjectives if she prefers that. The one starting with a 'B' comes to mind... A sigh escaped my lungs as she trotted toward a counter against the back wall of her office. “So, are you going to tell me what that was about?” She gave a defeated sigh, beginning to organize some dishes across her countertop. “Kahn, Glitter and I will be discussing how to proceed with the rising threat of the new maintenance riot, and how to silence them as soon as we can. Preferably without violence, unless we want the executives to come snooping around again. We’ll have to have a talk with Platinum Braid if we want things to work out, however...” She caught my attention when her horn began to glow, levitating what looked like a priceless china tea pot in front of her. "Tea?" She offered up a pair of teacups as well, lifting them between us. That actually got a laugh out of me as I raised an eyebrow. “Really?” She rolled her eyes, levitating one cup away and pouring one for herself. "It’s times like these that I wonder why we ever got married in the first place." I raised my eyebrows with a huff. "That'll be one of those ancient mysteries our future radroach overlords will be studying for centuries." She deadpanned at me before slapping her forehoof to her head. “Charming...” She cleared her throat and set aside her tea. “Anyway, in regard to Platinum Braid, she must be the one who has the holotape now." "Yeah? How'd you deduce that, Sherlock?" I watched her close her eyes and inhale deeply as if to keep herself under control. I winced. For Luna's sake, she's gonna pop a blood vessel. "Alright, sorry..." I expected what she was going to ask next. "What do you want me to do?" Peeking her eyes open, her next sentence caught me off guard. "Oh no. Not you. That ship has sailed and will be at the bottom of the ocean by the time the lights go out. Security shall be the ones to extract her... however..." There's always a catch. "If they require all hooves on deck, I won't hesitate to ask for your... 'expertise' to assist." She trotted back over to her tea set, drinking the remaining contents of her cup, before levitating a rag to polish whatever stain off that might have surfaced. "Now, was there anything else you wished to report... sweetheart?" *** *** *** Figures... I trotted miserably through the hallways of the living quarters, levitating the large bucket beside me. It was rush hour for the other residents. Ponies tried to move through the crowd to get to their labor departments or get to their quarters for those who had night shifts. It figures that she’d make me of all ponies do this. Arriving at my destination, I groaned in annoyance. A mob of ponies were admiring what I'd reported to the Overmare. I heard their collective opinions as I waded my way through them. "Wow!", "Look at that!", "Do you think it's really like that out there?", "No way, these things are just a myth.", "It's so pretty!" "Can I get a painting in my room too, mommy?", “I don’t know... is this even allowed?”, “Oh come on! They’ve got to leave it up.” Thud At the sound of a metal paint trough hitting the floor, the entire mass of ponies fell silent, gasping as they turned towards my position. I looked around, seeing every one of their faces turn to awkward frowns of confusion. “Spark?” One of the mares trotted up next to me out of the crowd. Her eyes darted between the paint trough and pail, before narrowing at me. Melody Charm, a cute, talented unicorn with a lemon coat and red and orange swirled mane, she was one of the ponies in charge of the stable broadcast station, delivering relaxing tunes as well as reporting on events of interest, and of course the mandated evening broadcast of the Overmare throughout our radios and Pip-Bucks. Now, while I may have a certain reputation among certain members of Stable 17 society, I have a... complicated reputation among the common public, and not just from being a lucky buck in the game room, or as the Overmare’s ex-husband. I admit, I get around the stable in more ways than one, and Melody, along with a [REDACTED] number of other mares, was somepony I’d share a drink with, and then a bed with shortly after. She being a member of the media, and me being... well, me... the relationship was, needless to say, frowned upon by Diamond. Okay, she frowns upon all of them, but you get my point. She blinked at me in surprise. “I didn’t know you were a painter.” She said, partly teasing me. I gave a half-hearted chuckle. “That makes two of us...” She tilted her head curiously. “Are you ‘working’ again?” I gave a tired sigh as I brushed my mane back with a hoof. “No... But, being a Stable Loyalty Inspector, I guess teaching a wall a lesson in conformity isn't completely out of my line of work...” Everypony around us began to murmur to themselves again, scratching their heads at my choice of words. I deadpanned. “I’m gonna repaint the wall grey...” “Aaaaawww....” The crowd of neighbors whined in harmony like a sad choir. After hearing I was going to take down the object of their admiration, the rest of them around us dispersed, their ears drooping, whispering sorrowfully with tiny expressions of disdain for me. Whatever. It's not like I owe them any favors... At least I probably don't. Unless... no... no, I'm good. Melody sighed, trotting around me with a sway of her hips. “I was really hoping that Overmare Blossom would leave it up. It’s such a beautiful monument to the glory of what life was like before the war.” "Uh huh..." My eyes caught her flanks as she swayed them from side to side, ignoring her sentiment for the flowery mural. I had to admit Platinum was right... music wasn't Melody's only talent. She looked back before I was fully able to retract my sinful stare. “I was wondering... since the Overmare is having one of the Stable Loyalty Inspectors repaint the hallway, you must have some explanation for why Maintenance is rioting. What would it take for you to give a statement for tonight’s broadcast?” She said, fluttering her eyelashes with a-- Hold up, I knew that look. With an irresistible smirk of my own, I responded the best way I knew how. “Well..." I smirked, "Have you tried knocking on my door?” She rolled her eyes, trotting back to me and stopping just inches away from my smug muzzle. Several unmentionable temptations played out in my mind before she crushed them with her forehoof tapping a familiar area on my neck. “Hmm... It looks like somepony's already knocked on your door today, and I’d hate to trouble you with anymore guests.” She said with a giggle. Okay, that’s it... Whoever you are, mystery mare, you just made yourself an enemy! ...You know, unless you’re cute... and want to do it again... and can keep me sober. Once again, she turned, trotting away with that seductive sway of her hips, while her tail slyly brushed under my chin. “I’ll catch that statement later I guess. See you around, Sparks.” “...be seeing you, Mel’.” By Celestia and Luna, she was good. I might just swing by her studio before the tournament tonight and-- wait... the tournament!? I looked back at the long stretch of wall, currently covered entirely by painted flowers. I sighed. I swear if I ever catch who did this, I’m gonna paint THEM grey. I tilted the bucket sideways until the thick and grey liquid poured out into the trough, then dipped my paint roller into it. I had to stop by the storage room to get the paint, where I’d found that a lot of the other colors were missing, presumably now covering the wall that stood in front of me. That meant that whoever did this, stole the supplies from storage. ’Maintenance is rioting,’ she says. ‘Security is busy holding them back,’ She says. ‘It’s your responsibility for reporting it,’ She says. Why didn’t I just listen to Aqua and keep my big mouth shut? Before I knew it, one row of grey paint covered the first foot of the floral mural. Then another. Then another. I better not miss the tournament tonight because of this. I counted each flower as layer after layer of grey replaced them. The once unique and vibrant colors evaporated into the sea of grey that covered the rest of the stable. Inch by inch, row by row. The traffic of ponies continued to flow behind me, some of them gasping in heartache after seeing their temporary break from the grey disappear before their eyes. I paid them no mind. “Stupid painting. Stupid mural. This is all your fault you know. You just had to get yourself painted. Damn you!” I stopped myself before I complained anymore to the non-sentient wall. It turns out that talking to a wall is literally just as useless as talking to any other wall. I winced in embarrassment, trying to ignore the looks of concern from the hallway. I deadpanned, still feeling the eyes of somepony behind me. “Well, are you going to finish sweeping, or do you gotta fly somewhere?” I heard her jump, startled by my apparent awareness. “W-what? I wasn’t-- u-uh...” I sighed, still double checking for any spots on the wall that I might have missed. “You always sweep this floor. Always... 6 o’clock sharp... every night.” I groaned to myself as I recalled the time of night, the same time for the last two years, ever since she joined maintenance, and the same tune she’d whistle over and over again that came with it. “O-oh! Uh... S-sorry!” The mare’s voice stuttered. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you just now. It’s just... you looked so... well, sad.” My eye twitched offensively at her claim before turning around to meet her face to face. Yeah... a Brown Clearance resident... Janitorial mare. Complete with coveralls, a hammer, spray bottle, broom in hoof, and that annoying blue and orange bandana that wrapped around her long pink mane. And, what a surprise... A broom cutiemark. She has no idea what I had to do to ponies like her during the last maintenance revolt. She had to have thought that I at least look like I could be from the generation that was drafted... yet she trots right up to me, like I’m some kind of-- Oh, right... I look like a painter... Wrong side, idiot! I glared at her, narrowing the distance between us, watching her backpedal and shrink back against the opposite wall with a nervous grin. “I-I uh...” She gulped, “I-I've never seen you in maintenance before. A-are you new? I just... well, I just thought that you could use... A friend? Somepony to talk to?” I raised my eyebrow at her. “Oh, well isn't that wonderful?" I said mockingly. "Is that what I could really use?” Her grin dropped like an anvil on her head as she stared up at me, fear in her eyes. “Yes?” She squeaked, sheepishly. I paused, a bit lost for words at her empty-minded response, before sighing. “Yeah kid, I could use a friend. And you ain't it. Now move along, before I kick you so hard, you'll be wearing your ass for a hat.” I levitated my badge ID in front of her. “And if I catch you slacking off again, I’m citing you with a code 1929.” She whimpered, giving a rapid nod as she sprang back to her rear hooves, balancing her forehooves against the broom handle. Before I knew it, she sped away, whistling that same stupid tune... except this time at a much faster pace, matching the new and improved speed of her sweeping. “Little punk...” I mumbled before turning back toward the abysmal wall. At least the job was done. I was out of flowers to count. No more brightly colored mural. Just a monotonous, dull grey. As it should be. I sighed, relieved that the job was finally finished. Well... almost. I gave it one last touch, mounting the descriptive poster that Diamond had given me, over the newly painted wall. Courtesy of Stable-Tec and The Overmare of Stable 17. No need to thank us. Well played Diamond... Well played. I couldn't help but laugh a little, as if to mock the ghost of the eccentric flowers. Take that, you freethinking assholes... My tiny flame of joy was only extinguished, when I looked down to see my stable barding splattered in grey paint. Great... Though as luck would have it, whoever this artist was had decided to paint the wall of the living quarters, which means my room was waiting right around the corner with a closet full of fresh stable jackets. Well, I’m sure as hell not going to sit here and watch paint dry. *** *** *** My ears flickered at the faint sound of shouting from a few floors above, where the generator rooms were. No doubt it was the maintenance crews yelling about taking down the Overmare or something of that nature. I trotted through the hallways with ease, rush hour thankfully over. No more ponies to run into, or yell at for running in the halls or something stupid like that. But, upon arriving before the last turn to my drying paint, my ears perked at a sound much closer. A small, yet high-pitched gasp came from around the corner. Curious, I trotted forward to see who made it. And there she was. A magenta-coated unicorn filly with a blonde and blue colored mane and tail. She wore her standard stable jacket, fitted for everypony her age, along with a big purple bow that adorned the back of her mane. She couldn’t have been any older than when I was picking ponies’ pockets as a colt. She had her back to me as her focus was solely on the wall I had just painted. Wait a minute... As I trotted closer, I noticed that her horn was glowing a greyish blue. What’s she up to? “Hey!” I shouted, galloping to her side. The filly’s ears immediately perked up, turning frantically towards my direction. Her eyes widened in panic at the sight of me. I could see why in an instant, as I saw a small yet colorful genesis of paint on the wall I had just done away with. Levitating between the two, was a splattered paint brush and color pallet engulfed in a greyish blue aura. I couldn’t believe my eyes, looking back at her, my heart thundered with a mix of shock and outrage. Wait a second... Looking for the storage room... where we keep our paint. Why, that little--! She’s the one who bumped into me yesterday with that colt. “You..? It was you!” I accused in surprise. I could have sworn I watched her wipe away a tear with a forehoof, wiping her muzzle with the other. It didn't take a detective to see the filly was on the verge of tears when she discovered what I had done to her masterpiece. She should have known better though. “Y-you--” She regained her composure enough to glare at me. “You’re the one who did this!” She pointed at the poster I had hung over the wall. “W-why?” I regained an authoritative seriousness as I looked down at her. “You know why. It’s against the rules to vandalize Stable 17 property. What the hell were you thinking?” With every step I took toward her, she took a step back. “It... It was pretty! I like the colors! I thought everypony would like it.” I shook my head in agitation. “Wrong answer.” I gestured to her painting supplies with my hoof. “Hand them over kid.” Her eyes widened, realizing what I'd just demanded. “W-what? No! These are mine! You can’t take them!” Before I could say anything else in response, she abruptly turned on her hooves and darted down the adjacent hallway. “Damnit Kid! Come here!” I hollered, galloping after her. Well we definitely shared something in common. We were both impulsive and weren’t kind on following the rules. And maybe if she was watching where she was going instead of looking at me behind her, she might not have run straight into a door frame and make her nose bleed. She fell back on her haunches, dropping the two items in her magic to clasp her muzzle in her forehooves. She whimpered in pain, only to gasp at her treasured painting supplies clattering to the floor at my hooves. I quickly scooped them up in my magic without a second thought. “Hey! What are you doing? My mom got me those! They’re mine!” She cried, leaping toward me. My reaction was harsh, quick, and on impulse. With an angry snort, I raised my foreleg and backhoofed her across her face, a purple bruise almost instantly appearing on her cheek. The contact lingered in a silent echo throughout the empty halls, the filly’s expression somewhere between pain and humiliation, struggling to comprehend what had just happened. She winced, beginning to sob from both my strike, and her confiscated treasures. Her legs suddenly wobbled, giving out from under her body, and forcing her back on her haunches. Her only defense was to stare up at me with pain and shock in her teary eyes. “B-but--! Y-you..! You hit me!” My eye twitched, before lifting my hoof up to inspect a splotch of red smeared across the back of it. I... I did hit her, didn't I. Slowly, I lowered my hoof back to the floor, still staring down at her coldly. Of course, I did... It's for her own good, after all. I couldn't count the times I'd been whipped by hooves, rulers, and paddles when I was her age. I shook my head in disappointment. “Yeah... Let it remind you about the rules we have here before you vandalize a hallway or run from a Stable Loyalty Inspector.” Her items only floated in my magic for a second longer before I pocketed them in my stable barding, my Pip-Buck registering them in my inventory. “Now get out of here before I cite you!” I told her firmly, wiping the filly's blood off my hoof onto the floor. She didn’t budge for my demand. In fact, she stood back up in protest, wiping away the tears streaming down her face. “But... that’s not fair! I... I need those! It’s the only way I can get my cutiemark! I... I was so close! I could feel it! It was better than any of my other paintings!” I looked down at her bare flank. No cutiemark, and no Pip-buck. She was a bit older than average to still be a blank flank, just like I was before I got mine. A thought flashed through my mind. She painted that whole mural, and that didn’t give her a cutiemark? I gave her a doubtful look. “What do you mean... other paintings?” She rocked back and forth on her hooves, looking embarrassed through her hurt expression. “W-well... a little before I painted that one, one of my paintings had a little... problem. But, how was I supposed to know that the nursery doesn’t allow bright colors because they cause foals seizures!?” I facehoofed as she continued. “But nothing bad like that will happen again! I have a lot more practice now! I promise!” I shook my head as I looked back up at her. “I hate to break it to you kid, but this is not what you’ll get your cutiemark in. Trust me, it’s not a good idea, you’re just going to cause more work for ponies like me. Do us all a favor and try something else.” I said, trying to sound as rational as possible. I could tell my words hit her deep. She looked at me as if I had just crushed all of her dreams at once, and then incinerated them for good measure, tears once again starting to form in her eyes. “B-but... I like painting... I’m really good at it.” She whimpered. “Well, the Overmare can’t have you painting any more walls. So, if you didn’t get your cutiemark from that, you never will anyway. Now beat it!” And with that, I finally left her alone. It’s not like I wanted to be harsh to the kid, but it was her fault that I had to waste my time painting that stupid hallway. It’d be better for both of us if she gave up on that endeavor. “W-wait!” My ears perked at the sound of her smaller hooves galloping toward me. “You... you can’t just leave me here!” I looked back at her, raising my eyebrow. “I can’t?” “I... I’m lost okay?” She admitted, obviously not happy she had to ask me for help after what I had just said to her, not to mention hitting her. “Er, well... actually, I'm not lost, but my parents are! My mom and dad have been gone since yesterday, and they never came home! I can't find them anywhere.” She wiped her muzzle with her foreleg, trying to fight off more tears. “You said you’re a Stable Loyalty Inspector? C-can... can you help me?” I stared at her silently for a moment. I had to admit I was surprised. If some asshole had just taken my stuff, slapped me across the face, only to then tell me to give up on my dreams, I wouldn’t give him the pleasure to gloat at me for being lost too. I looked at my Pip-Buck clock. I still had some time before the tournament tonight, but not enough to go around every level of the living quarters looking for her parents. “That's... that's not really in my job description." Her head hung low, her already sad gaze falling to the floor in despair. "O-oh..." She croaked. I gave an annoyed -albeit guilty- sigh. "But... security isn’t too far away. I can take you to lock-up, and they’ll hold you until they find your parents.” That got her ears to at least perk, looking up at me in surprise. She didn't seem all that relieved, obviously not thrilled by the idea of being ‘locked-up’. Still, she followed behind me with little hesitation. I led her towards the elevator to the Security offices. “So... I don’t think I got your name before...” She hesitated to answer me, eventually responding with a shy whimper. “It’s Daylily. And I...” I heard her give a sniffle beside me. “I’m sorry for the walls... I guess-...” Her voice shuddered, now sounding as if her whole reality had just been spun on its head. Her previous innocence and happiness that she’d expressed so carelessly outside of the medbay, had been thoroughly deflated. “I guess maybe painting was a stupid idea...” One way or another, you get used to it. Better she learns that now. “So...” I continued. “What’s with that colt you were with? Is he your coltfriend or something?” “W-what!?” She stammered in hilarious embarrassment. “Beam Spire isn’t my--! Why does everypony say he’s my coltfriend!?” *** *** *** “I’m telling you Glitter; this is a bad idea.” I’d arrived a short while ago, handing over Daylily to a couple of security ponies. They said she’d have to spend the night in lock-up until they find her parents. I didn’t like it, but she reminded me of Aqua when she was a filly. Naïve and innocent in mind. Though she didn’t have a group of friends to teach her how to break the rules a little more aggressively. Accidentally vandalizing a hallway with painted flowers is not exactly something we’d risk committing. The thought of it reminded me of my own time that I’d spent in these cells not that long ago. Maybe I should have felt guilty for her. Maybe... but I didn’t get this far in life by feeling guilty for others. The thought of Sugar Spade and her husband returned to me, if only for a second, but some ponies just get in the way. Luckily the familiar and uncomfortable atmosphere of the Security cells prompted me to leave before my mind tore itself apart, and I quickly trotted out. My ears perked at the familiar voices of Glitter Punch and Kahn. “Overmare’s orders, Kahn. With or without you, we’re going in. I swear to the goddesses, I don’t know why Diamond wanted you to be a part of this if you were going to whine the whole time.” “I'm not whining, I'm--! Nevermind... Anyway, this is an intelligence matter, Glitter. That holotape has critical information on it. Besides, the Executive council has just about had it with your department’s lack of transparency with things like this. Which is why I approve of Diamond’s cooperation to allow me to draft our plan here. Like it or not, I’m in charge of this op, and you’re going to follow my lead. We’re not going in there guns blazing. Platinum Braid is our only objective here.” “Yeah yeah. But you need to realize that it is my job to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the Overmare’s orders. And leaving the stable is a Security matter. I’m Security Chief, I call the shots!” Leaving the stable? What was she talking about? I cleared my throat as I entered the room. The two ponies paused their argument to turn towards me. “Hey Spark.” My ears flickered at my name as I turned to see Aqua in the room as well, trotting over to me. “We could use an extra gun, you gonna join us?” I raised my eyebrow. “Join you for what?” I looked to Glitter Punch and Kahn. “Platinum Braid is held up in the entrance with the holotape.” Glitter explained. I looked at her in disbelief. “The entrance? You mean the stable entrance?” Kahn nodded. “We think she saw what was on a classified holotape that one of her maintenance mares had stolen from my department. Now, for some reason, she thinks what was on it justifies her to leave the stable. Now, we all know she can't do that without the proper clearance, but we’re going in peacefully…” He glanced at Glitter. “...and we’re apprehending her. Hopefully we can talk some sense into her and end these riots.” Glitter raised her eyebrow at me. “Aqua’s right, we could use an extra gun. Diamond told me to ask you to join us if we needed it.” She picked up a 10mm pistol in her muzzle, and trotted over to me, before dropping it at my hooves. “Almost all of my security officers are spread out holding rioters at different levels. So... I guess your ban can be temporarily lifted for this.” I looked down at the gun, raising my eyebrow before smirking at her. “Only temporarily huh? Well I don’t know if this will be worth my time.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh Celestia, you are such a foal. After the amount of time you’ve spent in Lock-up, you’re not even legally allowed to own a firearm.” She groaned in defeat, seeing my unchanged expression. “Fine, you do this, you can come back in a few months IF this op goes smoothly.” I shrugged. "I'll agree to it, but..." My horn glowed, grasping the pistol in my magic. "I want MY gun back. Where's my forty-five?" Glitter shook her head. "Not a chance. You'll get that when I let you back in. If you think I'm letting you have it now, just so you can sneak away with it..." "You gotta be kidding..." I vented, rolling my eyes. "What could possibly make you think I'd ever do a thing like that?" They all looked at me as if I had radroaches crawling out of my ears. "As... we were saying..." Kahn said, frowning as he trotted up to me. “Just get this straight Sparks, we’re just going in for Platinum. You keep that gun in your holster and look scary as always.” His horn glowed, unhooking a pair of hoofcuffs from Aqua’s security barding. “Hey!” Her ears flopped as she watched them float away. We both watched as his magic floated them over to the armory. “Sparky might just be the confidence I need for this op...” He turned to me. “Platinum’s a Unicorn, so we’ll need a hoof-cuff spell unless we want her to escape the second we arrest her. Glitter, Aqua, and I need to focus on crowd control. You do know the spell, right?” I nodded. “Easy enough.” Magic spell casting... It’s the common ability that surrounds unicorns, and even earth ponies, so I’ve been told. Now, I don’t know about all of that, but when it comes to hard, physical magic, us unicorns are the only ponies who have it. Sure we were taught the basics like telekinesis and... more telekinesis. It was kind of up to us to seek anything better, and that usually depended on your clearance level. Naturally, maintenance ponies weren't allowed to use anything other than telekinesis, while each level above the other grants you the right to use something a little more powerful. Things like stun and combat spells, for instance, were only supposed to be used by ponies in or above security. The spells that I know are limited at that, and it didn’t help that ponies like me were limited to the type and amount of magic I could use, which for a unicorn, was a very... what's the word? INFURIATING rule. Sister Cross always told me that it was because I was born with a sort of ‘nervous tic’, deep within my magical aura of all places. At least telekinesis was pretty much the only spell I’d ever really need, right? Any time I’d ‘slip up’, it was the back of Father Star’s hoof or the end of Sister’s Cross’ ruler. But, thanks to Kahn, -who may or may not have helped me swipe some spell books out of the restricted section while we were foals- I knew my way around a few spells... the ones that I’m still allowed to use anyway... let’s just say that there’s a reason I keep a gun at my desk instead of spell book. But a hoof-cuff spell is simple enough. Just a quick flash of my horn, and they’ll appear around a pony’s forelegs. I guess I should be proud of the fact that I could use my magic for something at least, without causing too much... Well, without violating a code 2019. Glitter rolled her eyes at Kahn. “Why do I get the feeling you’re giving the arrest to him instead of security just to spite me?” Her eyes glanced sideways at me before narrowing back at him. “And... are you sure you want Sparks to? You know what happens when he... you know...” He did the same, prompting my own eyes to drift to the floor to avoid whatever judgment I may deserve. “It’s not a combat spell, Glitter. He can control it just fine.” Aqua giggled as she trotted between us, thankfully breaking the sudden wall of awkwardness. “Come on everypony! It’ll just be like old times! The four of us working together!” I smiled, her naïve excitement kicking down the mental guilt in my mind. Leave it to little Aqua to brighten my day... Thanks Awk’. But... no matter how much I appreciated her interjection, her comment still made me roll my eyes. “Yeah, except we’re taking orders from Diamond to arrest Platinum for going crazy.” I paused. “Actually, they’re both probably crazy...” “Don’t make me regret this, Sparky.” Kahn looked at me with a flash of doubt. "Whatever..." I shrugged. “Alright. We’ve got one more stop to make before we go in.” He levitated his own pistol to a holster on his side. “We’ll need a doctor in case things go sideways.” My eyes widened. “Wait! Does this mean we’re missing the tournament tonight!?” Heh... I’ll have to cite us all for missing the mandate. Glitter smirked at me. “Eeyup! But we’re all working on Security’s time now. So, we’re exempt. Sorry to disappoint you, but our credits are safe from your swindling ass tonight.” She playfully added. *** *** *** ding “Level Two: Purification Room.” I flipped through the many functions of my Pip-Buck, the five of us waiting for the elevator to reach the top floor. Finally, I got to the function I had been looking for: The map. While I despised situations when I had to use it, my Pip-Buck has been vital to me in more ways than one. For one reason or another, I've pretty much been on every level, nook, and cranny of Stable 17. Other than tracking some tagged ponies of 'interest', the map isn't really a function I've paid much attention to. The other times that I could have used it were when I was a colt, lost on the reactor level, and that was before I even had my Pip-Buck. Then again, if I did, I might never have gotten my cutiemark. I restrained myself from looking back at the image on my flank, as I looked through the map layout of level one. “Hey, Sparks.” The screen showed a glowing green blueprint of the generator room, entrance, and other miscellaneous rooms in the-- “Sparky!” Kahn’s forehoof shook my shoulder, bringing me out of my concentrated daze of my Pip-Buck. I looked up at him, standing across from me on the elevator platform. “Huh? Hey what was--?” “You’re wasting your time with that thing.” He nodded at my Pip-Buck. “If you haven’t been to level one before, your map’s not going to show up.” I looked at him in confusion. "Uh... you sure about that?" I raised my left forehoof, displaying my Stable-Tec standard-issue device. His eyes widened in surprise at the green glow. "I've been there before." I saw Glitter trade a glance with him, before joining in on the ‘glare at Sparky with suspicion’ train. “And... what exactly were you doing on level one?" I only realized my mistake too late. Crap... Don't get me wrong, I've had no problem lying to these guys about what I do. And while my cutiemark might argue otherwise, I'd say that deceit was probably my special talent. But with every slip-up, even small ones like this, it gets harder and harder to keep it up. Hiding my small hesitation, I shrugged. "You know... just..." I paused, before clarifying. "Just the Overmare's business guys, that's all you need to know." Kahn rolled his eyes. "That's the polite way of saying classified." He said, leaning next to Glitter. The security chief just pouted and turned away, obviously not happy about my shady response. Kahn remained unexpressed, but I knew they both shared the same disdain of holding high offices, while still knowingly being kept in the dark about things above their clearance. Kahn looked over to Stem Root, who we’d asked to come along and provide medical support if things got too aggressive, although I suspected the real reason was so that nopony would want to shoot at us if they saw we had a stable doctor with us. “Well, Doctor Root WAS the only one with a level one map..." He said, shooting an unappreciative glance in my direction. "...and his badge ID can access the maintenance departments too, so we’re going to follow him through." He raised his eyebrow at me. "Unless you have one of those as well." I remained silent, knowing I should probably keep my mouth shut before I made the suspicion worse than it already was. It shouldn't be that big a deal, really. Any time I needed access to certain levels; Maintenance, Medbay, Food Processors, Data Offices, etc., Diamond would upgrade my clearance on my Badge ID temporarily, and then return it so it was to not raise suspicion. The truth in this matter was a bit more... complicated, but my job was a fine cover nonetheless. "Sorry..." I finally said, making a click out the side of my mouth. "I don't have clearance." I looked over to Stem Root, who I was currently appreciating for being the only one not glaring at me in distrust. I hope the Doc knows what he’s doing. I wonder why he had security clearance for level one. I suddenly felt a trickle of guilt as I was reminded that, I too, am being kept in the dark about things above my own clearance. And being the one that usually keeps information from other ponies, it really ...no. No, I can't complain, can I? I know I have no right. I guess now I just know how everypony else feels. Diamond had chosen us to go solo, instead of a better trained security team, because of our relationship with Platinum Braid. Before we started up the elevator, Glitter and Aqua had suited Stem, Kahn, and I up with black security barding, except instead of the bright yellow security print, they had our proper job titles. I looked down at my own. Loyalty Inspector I might as well have just asked them to paint a target on my chest and call it a day. The new protection was heavy, no doubt made of lead to prevent any projectiles from penetrating. For going in peacefully, we sure looked like we were prepared for a fight. ding “Level One: Stable 17 Entrance.” The doors opened, and we all trotted out into a loudly humming pitch-black room. We all watched as the only light piercing through the elevator doors began to fade, leaving everypony in darkness. Without a second thought, we all switched on our Pip-Buck lamps, filling the area around us with a dull green light. Our ears perked at Stem Root trotting forward. “We’re in the generator room now.” His voice echoed around us. “Miss Punch? Our Pip-Buck lamps won’t suffice in this room. Could you find a--” “Gotchya Doc!” She yelled, every light in the room abruptly turning on, practically blinding us. It was apparent she found the light switch. We all jumped and groaned from the swift sea of light flooding the room. “Ah! Damnit Glitter!” I squinted, the light searing my eyes, moving my foreleg up to block the light out. “Could you have at least counted down from three or something!?” The room was large and covered in grease stains and small oil spills, yet still held the same colors and atmosphere of the stable rooms below. I myself backpedaled away from a rather daunting oil spill that had appeared just inches below my hoof. Celestia, I hate maintenance... The middle of the room was lined by the humming sounds of generators, all abandoned by the maintenance ponies supposed to be... well, maintaining them. “Well, this is maintenance territory all right...” Aqua croaked, trotting next to me at my side. "But... where are the other ponies? Not everypony could be at the entrance, could they?" "Eh..." I groaned, "Who knows with these freaks..." "Well... we will." Kahn answered, "And I think we all know what will be in there." I flatly replied, "...don't remind me. You know how long it'll take to interrogate the whole maintenance department?" “This way!” Stem opened the door across the room. Just like the doors below, it opened with a mechanical hiss. Glitter Punch and Kahn trotted side by side behind Stem, while Aqua and I trotted behind them. Glitter looked a lot more anxious than the rest of us. I hope she’s not thinking about doing something we’ll all regret. “How much further?” She asked. “Just far enough for you to change your mind about all this.” Kahn looked at her with a sigh. “So we can turn around and call that elevator back.” “Do you expect me to ignore an order from the Overmare, Kahn?” “No Glitter, I expect you to understand exactly what we’re up against here. Platinum Braid is not the mare we used to know. Sure, she’s still a crazy pinko... but she’s been getting crazier ever since that mare found that damned holotape. My department has been keeping track of Platinum, and... She’s been into some weird shit lately.” He looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. “And I don’t think the blame for her weapons stockpile is solely to blame on Spark. She’s been getting her hooves on weapons for months now. To be honest, we don’t know where she’s been getting them. So yeah, sometimes... sometimes it’s best to tell Diamond Blossom to pound sand and leave Platinum alone.” We all fell into an awkward silence for minute, soaking in what Kahn had just said. For the first time since I’d accepted coming on this escapade, I realized the gravity of the situation... We were going in to arrest our friend. After that, who knows what’ll happen to her. Will Diamond want her killed? Would she want me to kill her? The thought of Sugar Spade came flashing back to me, replacing her image with Platinum's. After hearing what Kahn had to say about her, that might have been closer to reality than before. Glitter huffed in his face. “Yeah, well... the stable has rules for a reason Kahn, and Platinum is going to learn that the hard way.” He rolled his eyes. “The hard way is not what we’re aiming for here...” Aqua raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, peaceful being the keyword here Glitter.” "Ah hah. See?" Kahn gave an appreciative nod at Aqua, "The padawan has become wiser than the master." Aqua blinked, blushing for a moment at the thought before shaking her head and giving him a dim look. "...the hell is a padawan?" Khan deadpanned, sighing as he rubbed his forehoof through his mane. “Doc, where’s the nearest intercom to the Overmare’s office?” “Aside from the one in the elevator, the only other one is near the Stable door. We won’t be able to contact her until we get there.” “Hmm... I don’t think Platinum’s Maintenance crew will be polite enough to give us time to use it.” As if on cue, our ears perked at the grinding sound of a security camera, following our movements as we trotted down the hallway. “I guess we’ll have to trust she’ll send reinforcements if Platinum doesn’t come quietly.” I chuckled. “Maybe we should have brought Diamond along instead of the Doc.” Aqua gave me a glare. “Uuh… you do realize that’d make us a bigger target than we already are?” “No. She’d be the only target.” I looked over to Kahn. “Yeah, and what kind of plan is this anyway, Kahn? It sounds like we’re trotting into an army, and there’s only five of us. Why did I say ‘yes’ to this?” He frowned. “It’s the plan that has the best chance of both pleasing the Overmare and keeping us all alive.” He shot a glance at Glitter. “However, that doesn’t guarantee either one. I’m open to abandoning this plan anytime you want.” So, it’s basically a suicide mission. Fan-freakin’-tastic. “Are you afraid of confronting a little pinko crowd of maintenance ponies, Kahn? What about you, Sparky?” Glitter asked in a teasing suspicion to both of us. Kahn stayed silent, which meant it was up to me to defend our honor. I looked at her and scowled. “No.” I said, mockingly. "I'm just afraid of us looking like dicks when we come out of there in body bags." Kahn shot me a piercing glare at that. But before he could give me an ear full, Stem Root cut him off. “We’re here.” We all looked to Stem as he stood at the end of the hallway. “The entrance is just through this door.” The sound of crowded chatter emitted from behind the door. I deadpanned as I switched on my EFS and saw a sea of cautionary blips just ahead of us. “You can’t be serious...” “Oh Celestia…” Kahn groaned, stopping behind Stem, most likely catching a glimpse at his own EFS. Aqua stared at the door in similar despair. “Oooh... that's... that's a lot of maintenance ponies...” Kahn nudged Glitter with his forehoof. “Last chance Glitter...” She sighed, not in defeat, but more in preparation for what we were about to do. “We’re going in.” Though disappointed and hesitant, Kahn nodded, looking over all of us. “Now listen up. We’re going to lay down some rules. Stick close, don’t pull your guns unless absolutely necessary, and let me do the talking.” He turned back towards Glitter, giving her a warning look. “Got it?” She rolled her eyes before nodding. “I've got it, Kahn.” Satisfied, he turned and nodded towards Stem. “Open it Doc.” *** *** *** “This ain’t right.” We trotted into a startling mass of ponies gathered in front of the Stable door. I winced, lowering my ears, not only to shut out the hushed voices of criticism around us, but also the blaring sound of the stable alarm system. Oh, what did these grime lickers do now!? “Cover my six, Sparks.” Aqua whispered, looking back at me as she moved forward. I followed behind her, making sure to hold my breath from the sheer stench of sweaty, overworked ponies surrounding us. “What are they doing here!?” The hushed voices around us grew louder as numerous maintenance ponies with contraband security batons, pistols, and riot shotguns turned to see us awkwardly trot through their crowd. “Be calm!” Kahn and Glitter addressed the mass around us. “Stay calm everypony, just go about your business, this doesn’t concern you. Go back to your departments, please! Nopony has to get hurt!” I had to say, now that we were here, Glitter’s idea of going in loud and dumb couldn’t have been worse than trotting straight into the middle of this with our guns holstered. “K-Kahn? I... I don’t like this...” I heard Aqua whisper in front of me. Suddenly, I felt somepony’s hooves push my side as I stumbled forward into Aqua. Eeww! They touched me! I immediately turned, feeling my blood begin to boil. A maintenance mare filled in the pathway we’d made through the crowd, this time directly shouting at us. “What are you doing here!? We don’t want anything to do with Loyalty Inspectors!” My eye twitched as my building rage began to dig my forehooves into the concrete floor. I weighed the consequences of accepting versus fighting the urge of claiming instant satisfaction by hitting her back. Just a little whack. A buck to the face. Break her nose. Tie her tail to a pipe and break her legs! SMASH HER FUCKING SKULL INTO THE--! “SPARKY!” I gave a distempered hiss as I felt Aqua’s forehoof grab my shoulder. I hesitantly turned back towards her as she gave me a distressed look. “What!?” I snarled. “Um...” Her expression turned extremely concerned, her eyes slowly locking above my forehead, tapping her own with her hoof. “...horn.” I blinked, looking up to see the charged red glow of my aura surrounding my horn. With a grunt, I quickly shook my head and cut off its magical current, hiding the difficulty of doing so as much as possible. Damnit... I can’t let it get loose like that! I exhaled, clearing my throat awkwardly before giving the ligaments in my neck a quick crack. “I’m cool...” “You better be...” She sighed, quickly trotting back out in front of me. As we waded through the threatening -but, so far non-violent- maintenance crews, we finally approached the stable door, seeing a spinning red light flashing above the entrance. I froze in horror, finally realizing why the alarm system was going off. My jaw dropped to the floor upon seeing it... and what they'd done to it. “Oh shit...” I stared, hypnotized by the vault shaped hole in the wall that used to hold the Stable 17 door, which was now rolled to the side of the room by its mechanical arm. They opened the door... to the outside!? Goddamnit, not again! Crazy bastards! What the hell was on that holotape that’d provoke this? “Kahn! Glitter Punch! Sparky!” The sound of the Overmare’s voice erupted from one of the nearby speakers, though I could barely hear her from the babbling of the crowd behind us. “We read you, Diamond!” Kahn shouted. I looked up at the entrance’s speaker. “Crazy sons of bitches opened the damned Stable door!” “I know!” She boomed. “Where’s Platinum!?” A fearful voice suddenly rose from the crowd behind us. “They’re here for Platinum Braid!” Well, I guess that cat is out of the bag... Glitter sighed, pointing her hoof at the hole to the outside. It looked like a cave tunnel through rock and dirt. Just within view, we saw another group of ponies gathered at the far end of the tunnel. “Three guesses where...” I deadpanned at Glitter, then at the speaker above us. “You don’t actually want us to go out there do you?” The sorry condition of maintenance I could deal with... but stepping out into the irradiated dirt of the stable made my skin crawl. “There’s no way I’m going out there!” The sound of my ex-wife boomed from the speaker. “I don't want to hear it, Spark Charger! You know your orders!” I groaned in protest. “Are we even getting paid extra ration slips for this?” “As for the rest of you...” The speaker spoke louder, attempting to address the riled crowd now behind us. “You are all under charges of treason! Stand back! Go back to your departments before you are all brought to security for questioning!” My eyes widened as Glitter stepped out of the stable and into the filthy cavern. “Seriously, is no one else freaked out right now? We are about to trot through a cavern filled with filth! Do you have any idea how unsanitary this will be!?” She stopped after taking a few audacious steps forward. She brought up her Pip-Buck, eying it cautiously, before turning to look at me over her rump. “Okay, look, I haven’t caught any disease yet, Sparks. I’m not gonna worry about getting a little dirty.” I narrowed my eyes and sat back on my haunches. “Yeah, I don’t think so.” Kahn grumbled behind me. “Let’s go, Sparky!” “No!” I crossed my forelegs in protest. Everypony rolled their eyes at me before groaning. Meanwhile, Aqua flanked me with a glare. “C’mon, Sparks! We can’t stay up here all day! Don’t you want to get this over with?” I shook my head. “Forget it! I'm not going out there! I don't care what the Overmare says!” “Aqua...” Kahn said with a devious look. “Get behind him...” She met his look with a smirk as she did as he told her. My eyes widened, realizing all too late what he meant, before I felt two pairs of forehooves grab my shoulders. “Hey!” I hissed, as they began to push me towards the exit. “What are you--!? No, no, NO!” My hooves scraped against the floor, trying my best to latch onto the safety of the stable as the filthy vault-shaped hole crept closer and closer to my body. “Ah! Stop it! You’re all crazy!” I could only backpedal against their force, but two ponies easily overpowered one. I was just inches away now, holding my breath after the stale smell of dust wafted into my lungs. My hoof finally snagged onto the cubic peg that usually kept the stable door in place. That only lasted for a few seconds before one final push threw me out into the cave, and I landed face first into the dirt of the outside. “Oh! Goddamnit!!!” I wheezed, desperately brushing off the cloud of dirt that sprinkled across my body upon impact. Oh, I think I’m gonna be sick... I swear to Celestia, I will bury these assholes alive out here! I looked up to see Glitter standing over me, just shaking her head in disappointment. Well, excuse me Chief Dirt Pony! She sighed, turning her attention back down to the other crowd of maintenance ponies, gathered at the end of the cavern. She tilted her head, giving her own neck an intimidating crack of preparation. “Alright everypony… Platinum’s waiting...” I stifled my disgust long enough to follow her gaze down the path of the cavern, no doubt filled with all manners of... who knows what! And we were about to trot through it... Celestia, I hate riots... Footnote: Level Up! New Perk: Filly Killer - If that love bite on your neck is any consolation, you know something that many other stallions don’t: How a mare likes it. +10% damage to the opposite sex and unique dialogue options with certain ponies. New Quest Perk: Dream Crusher - Something about your presence dampens others’ desires to exceed. Any enemy’s chance of getting critical hits on you is now reduced by half. > Chapter Two: UnStable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m talking about having our hooves in the holes and the whole damn dike’s crumbling around us.” *** *** *** *Clink-Flick* The immediate area around me glowed dully, as I brought the tiny flame of the flip-lighter to the end of a cigarette. The light pushed the darkness away, if just barely enough to see a hoofstep in front of me. My eyes fluttered closed as I inhaled the tobacco, relief finally flooding over me, as the nightmarish events began to fade to the back of my mind. I sat on my haunches, against the wall, watching as the smoke consumed inch after inch of the grey hallway in storage. I exhaled the cigarette smoke from my lungs to join the cloud bellowing from the inferno. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. I wonder what Diamond would think of me swapping my pipe for cigs. The chuckle turned into a painful cough as I felt the external stab still present near the side of my abdomen. Blood… My blood… A LOT of my blood puddled onto the floor around my haunches, conjoining the ever expanding red lake from the mare laying soaked and stiff in front of me. My own trail led from where I sat to around the corners of the hallway, all the way back to the burning wreckage of the elevator. I groaned, trying to forget about it all, as I kept the tiny flame of my lighter open to consume just that much more oxygen around me. My hoof traced the billiards 8-ball engraved on the side of it, as my ear flickered at the distant clopping of hooves. No... Not distant... just silent, as if they were navigating the corridors with caution. Security or Maintenance? Maybe both? I sighed as I felt myself slipping away. My eyelids felt heavy and my breathing became shallow. Everything around me, the smoke, the blood, the grey... everything blurred together. The last thing that I remembered, was the slightest of smirks fighting to tug my lips to one side of my face, as I flicked my cigarette to the floor in my magic and flipped my lighter closed. And just like that, I brought the darkness back... One Hour Earlier Every single step I took made my hooves burn with anxiety as we descended further into the cavern. ‘Hey, Spark, what’s new?’ Oh, not much. My pinko friend just started another maintenance riot, before opening the fucking stable door. So now, I have to trudge through a murky tunnel of dirt to arrest her. You? I gagged at the rather stale taste of air, the thought of which entering my lungs making me want to curl up and die. There was some consolation in the back of my mind that kept me going, however, which had me looking forward to knocking Platinum’s teeth out when we finally got to her. Still, I couldn’t help but groan at even the slightest cloud of dust being kicked up by our hoofsteps. “How did this devolve into me coming out here? You know we’re probably breathing irradiated air, right?” Glitter turned to glare at me. “Damnit Sparky! Would you shut up about the fucking cave! We’ve got a job to do.” I could feel Aqua flanking me with a glare of her own. “You smoke that stupid pipe of yours whenever you can, yet you’re afraid of breathing a little unfiltered air?” But, that’s... different! I rolled my eyes as we turned our focus back to the second crowd ahead of us. Don’t they know nopony who’s stepped out here has ever come back!? Come on, I..! I... Okay... To be fair, I’m probably the only one who would know about that. Poor bastards... Everything was dark and cold, with the only source of direction being the foggy light illuminating the very end of the tunnel. It winded downward to what looked like an old steel door with concrete walls around it. Luckily, it still looked shut... but, recalling the Thorn Petals Incident a few years back... Yeah, that door isn’t stopping anypony for very long. Kahn suddenly turned in front of Glitter, stopping the five of us before we reached the crowded last barrier between us and the outside. “Whoa, hold up a sec...” He extended his foreleg, swatting his hoof against Glitter’s chest. “I’ve got the feeling that you’re a little more anxious about this than the rest of us... If we do this, we’re still doing it my way: Calm and quiet.” Glitter gave him a dirty look, looking as if she were holding back every fiber of her being not to charge into the crowd and drag Platinum back to lock-up by her mane. But, swallowing her inferior judgment, she nickered in defeat. “Fine... let’s just get this over with.” “No argument there.” He looked to the rest of us. “Aqua, go back to the stable door, watch our backs, and don’t let anypony through. Take the doc with you.” Aqua nodded before turning around with Stem. She gave one last look at me, trying her best to appear determined. “Good luck Spark...” Right... Luck... As they back tracked their way to the stable door, Kahn turned to me. “Spark, you follow behind me.” I gave a hesitant nod, myself trying to appear determined, yet still showing them just how pissed I was for them bringing me down here, as I made a vain attempt to ignore the dust falling over my mane from the cave’s ceiling. I’m guessing my nod was either too hesitant or held too much of an ‘I’d rather be anywhere else but here’ kind of sway to it, as Kahn rolled his eyes at me, and turned to Glitter again. “And you... just try not to do anything stupid... This isn’t school.” All of our ears suddenly flickered and perked at the sound of a new commotion coming from the crowd ahead of us. The ensemble of voices sounded both distressed and excited, beginning to shout and chant in unison around the wall of concrete. “Folly! Folly! Folly! Folly!” Ah, geez… These assholes are off their rockers… Kahn cleared his throat and stepped forward. “Attention everypony! Attention!” Not one pony so much as turned their head, ignoring the Exec pony -and the consequences of doing so- continuing to rally around the wall, almost as if they were trying to push it down with sheer maintenance strength and force. Kahn growled to himself before trying again. “HEY! EVERYPONY LISTEN UP! HELLO!?” After another unsuccessful attempt, Glitter stepped next to him, putting her forehoof between her teeth, whistling loudly. “EVERYPONY! THIS IS THE CHIEF OF SECURITY! YOU ARE ALL VIOLATING A CODE 02!” Once again, they were ignored by the mass of ponies, raising their voices louder in unison to shut us out. ...are these two serious? I sighed, rolling my eyes as my magic grasped the grip of my pistol. Glitter nickered, she and Kahn inhaling one more time, ready to unleash a loud unified shout to try and out-wail the crowd. Before they could fruitlessly yell anything else, however, they were cut short-- BANG! BANG! BANG! Both Glitter and Kahn winced, the gun going off right next to their ears, as everypony else flinched in unison, all spinning around towards the frightening sound of my 10mm shooting upwards at the cavern ceiling. See? There's effective ways of doing things. “Asshole!” Glitter and Kahn cried in chorus, covering their ears with their forehooves. “What the fuck, Sparky!?” Glitter scorned. “Goddess damn you!” Kahn looked as if he were about to have a heart attack, clutching his chest with his hoof while glaring up at me in rage. “What part of ‘not pull your gun’ did you not understand!?” “What?!” I defended over the ringing in my ears. “It got their attention, didn’t it?” I suddenly felt an uncomfortably sized shadow fall from where I'd hit my shots, before its source landed directly on my head. Oh... that didn’t feel like dirt. I cringed, feeling it twitch around in my mane. “Gyah! Fuck! Not the mane!” I shrieked and gagged in disgust, shaking my head whilst frantically brushing the remains of a radroach out of my previously styled, now grossly disheveled mane with my hooves. The mutant insect’s twitching pulp and greenish brown ichor made the fur on the back of my neck stand on end, as if every nerve in my body was crying out in protest against the grotesquely sticky contact, now running down my entire back. That’s it! I’m commandeering the entire sanitation chamber after this! I only paused my degrading hygienic panic when I looked ahead of us to see the crowd of ponies now facing opposite of the door, staring straight at us, quietly murmuring to themselves. “Alright, I’ve had enough of this!” Glitter growled, stepping in front of Kahn. “Platinum Braid!” “Damnit Glitter, I said follow me!” Kahn hissed, but his complaint fell on deaf ears. “Platinum! Platinum Braid! Show yourself, right now!” She continued, “Come out, and no pony has to get hurt!” With a final shiver, I shook myself free of disgust the best I could before aiming my pistol toward the crowd, taking my turn again to break Kahn’s rules. I stepped in front of Glitter, narrowing my eyes in suspicion as I tried to pick out the mare from my foalhood through the ensemble. I huffed, becoming frustrated, the greasy maintenance crowd continuing to block my line of sight. “Alright! I’m only gonna say this once!” I warned. I heard Kahn huff to himself behind me. “Are you two purposely trying to piss me off!?” Kahn? He may think he’s the pony of reason. A natural leader... but, in reality he’s just envious of his true lack of authority. We’ve gone over things of this nature before. The fact is, he’s an entity of the executive council. Myself, an agent of the Overmare. And then we can’t forget Glitter Punch, the head of the Security department, always seeing herself as the only pony with enough grit to stick it where the stable needs sticking. Of course, we all had to play across the field of Stable 17’s defense and Stable-Tec’s offense. We all have... different jurisdictions. And we’ve only had one occurrence before now to test the grey waters in-between. And now we’re right back where we were, stepping over each other’s hooves all over again. Kahn’s anger, however, was nothing compared to mine, as I let my growing frustration for everything boil my rage over the top. Sugar Spade, the holotape, the riots, the poker game, the flowers, Platinum Braid and now this Celestia forsaken shit contaminated refuse of a cesspool! “EVERYPONY STEP ASIDE!!!” I commanded in a loud, authoritative voice. “And get back inside the stable, before we lock you all out here, AND TURN THE TURRETS ON EVERY LAST GODDAMN ONE OF YOU!!!” I was having none of it. I was angry. Resentful. These bastards had given Glitter and Kahn reason to drag me out to this shithole cave. They may have fallen for playing their game, but I haven’t! I’m done playing games with these grime lickers. These ponies are either going to end this riot right now, or I’m not gonna be held responsible for taking out my twitching radroach-infested-maned rage on every last toaster-repairing pinko bastard in maintenance. All eyes were suddenly on me, specifically the end of my 10mm’s smoldering barrel, their expressions beginning to shrink with fear. Finally, the small mass of ponies began to split in two, forming a narrow path as they dispersed around us, softly cursing disdain for loyalty inspectors under their breath. Just like that, they were gone, leaving us alone as if there was nothing wrong. All of them... except for one. We heard her whispering to herself as we turned our attention back to the lone mare, still fruitlessly pushing against the barrier. “Can you feel her?” The mare’s forehooves were placed against the rusted steel door. “Can you hear her?” She pivoted her head just enough to glance at our approach before turning back to the door. “They’re coming... She is coming... Getting closer.” Okay... she’s officially lost it. And I think I’m officially about to do the same from this shit. She sounded crazy. Insane. What the hell happened to her? How could a holotape have done... this to her!? I gulped, taking the time to holster my pistol again as Glitter and Kahn stepped forward ahead of me, fighting over which of them should take the lead to arrest our former friend. To be honest, I needed to calm myself down. I felt every vain in my body back there, pulsing that anger through to my head. That... came very close to breaking a code 2019 if I wasn’t careful. My eye twitched as I released the rest of my built up magic through my horn. I gave a painful hiss through my teeth while nopony was looking. Better to get rid of it now before it builds up again. I... I’m still in control. I’m still in control, damnit! This is not happening again! Can’t let it! The rest of the ponies had left the area, trotting back through the stable door. I looked up to see them pass a very anxious Officer Wave and Doctor Root. I shook myself back into focus, burying my rage beneath the dirt -more literally than you’d think- before I rejoined Glitter and Kahn. Still in control... I gave a slow sigh, ignoring the musty stench in and out of my nostrils... Oh, who am I kidding? I gagged so hard it made Glitter jump. Platinum continued her ramblings. “There will be death that follows... and only my maintenance ponies know what will happen next!” “Damnit Platinum!” Kahn growled, “Knock that crap off! Talk to us, for Luna’s sake!” Platinum slowly lowered her hooves from the door and turned towards us. And... her look matched her ramblings. Her black mane was messy and covered in grease stains -well, more than usual anyway- while her eyes were so bloodshot, that what would usually make up the whites of her eyes, now almost looked like my own red irises. And the smell... Luna! Is she allergic to soap or something!? I couldn’t tell if she was completely insane or just really REALLY hungover from the night before. I already wanted to take a day to rinse myself in a shower, but after just one look at her, -and whiff of her- I wanted to go through the stable’s radiation cleanser at least three times. “Platinum...” Glitter lamented, looking over her, sounding almost sorry for our friend’s miserable appearance, before she sighed and shook herself back into the mind of Security Chief. “You’re under arrest for inciting treason against the Overmare!” She nodded at my horn, prompting me to nod back as I prepared to generate my aura again, freshly cleansed and ready for a straight and stable spell. “Come forward Platinum... and do not use you’re magic.” She smirked as she took a step towards us. “You think you can take me?” She let out a giggle that made my skin crawl even more. “She will not let you...” “I told you she was into some weird shit now...” Kahn raised an eyebrow at her. “Where is that holotape? We know you opened the door with it.” I had to replay that in my mind a few more times for it to finally sink in. Platinum Braid somehow opened the stable door! We’ve... had that problem with ponies in the past, but Diamond and I fixed that by uninstalling the override. Only the Overmare, with Gold level clearance, has control of the stable door. So... how in the name of Celestia did it open this time!? Whatever was on this holotape, it must have somehow given Platinum the correct authorization. “The... the holotape?” She laughed, “Oh Kahn, Kahn, Kahn... You have no idea what was really on it, do you? None of you! Sugar Spade was the only other one and she took it to the grave.” She shot a glance at me. I narrowed my eyes before looking away from her accusing ones. I stayed silent for the moment, hoping she wouldn’t accuse me of being a part of it. I mean, Platinum always had her suspicions... but I knew that look. There’s no way she could have known... could she? “I’ve been enlightened... by a goddess!” “...what the fuck?” Glitter shook her head in disbelief. Kahn’s jaw dropped. I simply wanted to face-hoof. “You’ve got to be kidding me...” Platinum was never the type to turn to Celestia, let alone the type to be enlightened... But I had a feeling Platinum wasn’t talking about the former leaders of Equestria. “Is this some kind of sick joke!?” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I hope you’re not relying on a prayer for salvation or something, cause you’re not getting it here!” I sneered, gesturing to the hellish tunnel around us. She turned her attention back to me. “Do you not... believe me Sparky?” Again, I remained silent, but I grappled enough worthy energy to shake my head with a doubtful ‘you’ve lost it’ look. “I saw when the goddess let the first gear of Stable 17 hiss and begin to open. I heard her voice of love, prosperity... and hunger saying, ‘Leave this place and come and see the light!’” The steel-colored mare’s own voice echoed around the cavern, spreading out her forelegs as if she were preaching to her former crowd of maintenance goons. “ENOUGH!” Glitter demanded at the top her lungs, surpassing Platinum’s echo around us. “I said come forward!” Platinum sighed with another short laugh of insanity before she took another step towards us. “I saw the destruction of a diamond, the sparkling blood that flowed from striking these powerful walls, a prince of envy to lead the light bringers further into darkness...” Her deadly glare landed on me as she took one last step forward. “...and behold... it was a spark of wrath from Tartarus itself that followed us into the apocalypse... but Folly will not allow me to follow you.” The world around me fell frozen and silent as I stared into her eyes. She never blinked, focused on my confused and albeit, anxious face. I had no idea what she was talking about. None of it made any sense. What the hell was a Folly? She... she’s lost her mind. She’s lost her fucking mind! A friend that I used to follow, admire even as a colt, is now some kind of... I don’t know what... Was all of maintenance really buying into this crap to riot? “SPARKY!” I snapped out of her hypnotizing gaze to hear Glitter shouting my name. I couldn’t tell if it was the first, the second, or the fifth time. “Cast your spell on this bitch already!” She’s not that pony... not anymore. Platinum smirked, my horn glowing, pointing it towards her. I took a deep breath and focused my magic. I know I said it was simple enough... but this part was still always difficult for a unicorn like me. I cast the hoof-cuff spell, generating an illumination of red in the shape of two restrictive orbs around her forehooves. Her expression suddenly became peaceful, as she began to whisper. “You will learn your mistake in time, but soon we will all be together again Sparky... don’t... you... worry.” I let out a painful groan, forcefully cutting my magic, allowing the spell to stay suspended around her hooves. She smiled almost mockingly, tilting her head as if she were pitying my pain. “Still in control there, Charger?” I huffed in her face before trotting behind her and pushing her forward. “Bite me.” *** *** *** “Kahn! Glitter! We’ve got to get the buck out of here!” We trotted back through the cavern, leaving the lonely wall of concrete separating us from the outside to remain lonely and closed behind us. I brought up the rear, Kahn and Glitter trotting in front, keeping the crazed Platinum between us. I cringed as I felt my tail drag in the dirt behind me, though I had to remind myself that focusing on that was a whole lot better than the radroach guts dripping from my mane. I am dead serious. I don't care what Diamond says, the sanitation chamber will be ‘closed’ for the rest of the night. After following the path back up to the stable door, we arrived at a panicking Aqua Wave. “Hurry!” She shouted, “I dunno how much longer I can hold’em back!” “You can’t take her! We won’t let you!” The maintenance ponies behind her had gathered around the entrance as she pushed and shoved to keep them at a distance. “You can’t do this! Please don’t do this!” The ponies’ cries for Platinum’s release grew more intense and louder. “They’ve taken Platinum! They’re taking her away from us! Folly help her!” Diamond’s voice still boomed from the speaker. “Get her to security! Whatever it takes! I’ll try to contact you in the eleva--” She cut out as the ponies surrounding us began to grow more hostile, and a wrench flew out from the crowd knocking the intercom off the wall. Kahn shouted over them. “Aqua! Where’s Stem Root?” “He’s waiting by the elevator! He’s holding it for us!” She followed us, keeping her focus on containing the surrounding crowd. “I said stay back!” I shot a glare at Platinum as we continued through the path between the mass of angry maintenance ponies. “What’s this... ‘Folly’ you’re all talking about? You said her name back there too.” I had to admit I was a little curious. If there was one thing I knew about Platinum, it was that she was not one to easily submit to a higher power. So, what the hell made her change her mind? She slowly looked back at me with a disturbingly peaceful smile. “She is the one who will help us. Who will save us from this place. Who will devour the powerful...” I shook my head in bewilderment. “Platinum... Come on.” I groaned, “We know you better than that. We’re your friends, damnit! You can drop the act with us.” She only gave a peaceful sigh as I continued to guide her flank through the crowd. “Your skepticism is... unfortunate, Spark. But you WILL understand. All of you will. Everypony will... She promised me that.” Luna... she’s acting like a total whack job. And now I’m not so sure if she even IS acting. Well... we’ll find out soon enough. The second we get her off this floor, I’m taking her straight to my office for questioning. Hopefully, I wouldn’t need to take it too hard on her. Sure, I’ve been wanting to just let her have it ever since she showed up at our cards game last night, and we haven’t exactly been on good terms for a while now either... but, we still have a history. A history that still fits her under my ‘friends’ tab, no matter how far we may have stretched our friendship over the years. However, it was feeling... rather stretched to the limits right now. Stretched enough for my father’s voice to grow even louder in the back of my mind. Oh, what the hell? A little broken leg with six months for her to recover couldn’t hurt. I rolled my eyes, occasionally glancing from side to side, just in case a pony squeezed through Aqua’s amateur crowd control. My ears perked at the sound of hooves crunching bone, looking up to see Glitter apple-bucking a Stallion who was blocking our route, sending him wailing in pain on the concrete floor. I couldn’t help but chuckle. She still had the same moves now that she had as a filly, bucking school bullies off their hooves. “Everypony keep back!” She opened the door, quickening our pace to the elevator where we saw the Doc still waiting for us. “Come on Come on, faster!” I heard Aqua covering our rear, who was now the only thing between me and the threatening mob running us down to get to their supervisor. Seriously! How could anypony like their boss this much!? They followed us through the door and flooded into the generator room around us. Once again, we were surrounded. Bang! Bang! The sound of 10mm rounds being fired startled all of us, well... except for Platinum whose expression remained calm and unfractured. “Damnit Glitter!” Kahn scolded, trying to push her back with his forehooves. “What are you doing!” “Fck uff Krrrn!” She growled around the pistol grip in her mouth, aiming it threateningly at more maintenance ponies flanking us. “Em derrin mer jrrb!” Bang! Bang! She fired her pistol at the floor in front of the mob again, prompting the rest of us, even Kahn, to pull out our weapons too. Aqua’s teeth pulled a riot shotgun from her utility belt, while Kahn and I pulled our pistols with our magic; my 10mm and Khan’s .357 IF-38. “Stand back, Damnit!” Kahn yelled, galloping passed me to help Aqua. “Get Platinum to the elevator! Move!” After seeing our will to fire, the maintenance ponies finally began to raise their own weapons at us. Only they weren't aiming to simply scare us... I saw each cautionary EFS blip flash red, one by one, becoming hostile after Glitter’s warning shots. Luckily, what made up their numbers to outgun us, lacked in their shooting skills and accuracy. We all ducked nonetheless, hearing the pings of ricocheting bullets all around us. Bang! Bang! Bang! Blam! Bang! Stem waved his forehoof at us as we approached the elevator. “Bring her in! Come on you’re almost there! Get in!” I pushed Platinum inside as Glitter, Kahn, and Aqua followed. ...and so did everypony else. Stem Root began hitting the down button on the control panel, trying to close the doors as the flood of ponies tried to enter with us. Their legs and hooves slithered in through the closing doors like a grotesque mass of tendrils, some keeping us from leaving by prying the doors apart while others desperately tried to kick, grab, and scratch at us. I almost choked on my breath, seeing every single blip turn hostile red on my EFS, save for Platinum’s and the rest of the team, who’s blips ranged from blue to green. Kahn aimed his pistol at them. “Stop or we will shoot! Get the hell back!” Platinum giggled, watching us struggle to get the elevator to descend. “You all look so stressed. Oh! I know!” I could almost see the teasing lightbulb flash above her head. “Remember when we snuck that piano down to the old reactor room? It’s been a while since we heard a nice song, hasn’t it?” My eye twitched as I fought my mind between scolding her volatile thought process and focusing on the frenzied maintenance department. Well... I mean, has it really been that long since I played? Heh... I guess it had to have at least been before we-- Wait! Stable Control to Spark! Bunch of pinko hippie-horses about to fuck your shit up! Over! After mentally scolding myself, I eventually decided on the latter as the ensemble of ponies grew. I heard Platinum giggle again, still dubiously sitting behind us. “How about a song?” She asked, her demeanor ridiculously calm. Oh, I swear Platinum, if you start... Before anypony was able to decline her suggestion, she cleared her throat and began to sing. It was something her softly toned voice hasn’t done in a long time. But... It was as if not a single day had passed since I last heard it. “I don’t want to set Equus on fire...” The rest of us stood by the doors, trying to push them back. I winced as I tried to block them from getting further inside. “Get this thing moving Doc!” A forehoof suddenly reached through the mass of ponies and grabbed my leg. “Hey! Get off me!” I hollered, trying to tug away from his strong... and greasy maintenance-worker grip. “AGH! Fuck! I'm gonna rip your legs off, punk!” “...I just wanna start... a flame in your heart...” “Get them out of the way!” Kahn just stood there barking orders at us as we continued to struggle with them. He remained on guard, however, his revolver staying suspended in his magic, aiming straight at the crowd. I shoved and punched them with my opposite hoof, finally prying myself away before seeing another pony struggle with Glitter’s pistol, attempting to pull it from her teeth. Quickly, grabbing her in my magic, I tried to pull her back in, the elevator doors still repeatedly opening and closing around us. Kahn continued to bark demands and threats, Stem working frantically on the controls. The chaos turned to one giant blend of horror. I glanced to my left to see Aqua continuously bucking her hind legs against the maintenance ponies, their hooves still hooked around the elevator doors. She growled and grunted with every kick, easily breaking their bones, her hooves landing blows left and right against them... but hardly any cared to avoid her. “Get back!” She screamed, “I-... I don’t want to hurt-- H-hey!” Her rear hoof suddenly kicked against somepony’s foreleg attempting to reach for her. “Get us the buck out of here! Go down!” “In my heart I have but one... desire...” “I can’t! They’re blocking the way!” I watched Glitter close her eyes with a growl, before clenching her jaw tight, pulling the trigger, and firing a shot right into the pony’s face, his blood and brain matter spraying onto her and the ponies behind him. “Damnit Doc! Go! Go! Go! Go!” “I’m not an engineer Mr. Kahn! Get them out of the way!” I winced, as the pony’s grip -and life- faded, prompting him to fall back into the crowd and the force of my magic to throw Glitter to the back of the elevator. I had no time to ask if she was okay, as I witnessed the strength of at least fifteen ponies pry the doors open completely! I cringed, hearing the elevator's cords begin to strain, feeling the whole box rock us all back and forth. On pure impulse, my eyes darted to the warning label above the panel. Max Capacity: 8 ponies. "SHIT!" I snapped, before another pony slipped through the crowd. I formally greeted him by the underside of my pistol -whipping it against his skull- in my magic, as he tumbled back into another maintenance mare. “You like that, you grime lickers!?” I yelled, my magic resorting to prying their hooves off of the doors. “And that one is you... No other wi--” “SHUT UP! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? JUST SHUT UP!” Glitter pushed Platinum to the ground in an emotional rage before turning back to the frenzied ponies. “That’s it! Open Fire!” The pause was brief. VERY brief. In fact, I wasn’t able to count two seconds after Kahn gave the order, but it was there, and I could tell that we all felt it. But, in that instant, duty, the stable, and our safety all tied for first. There must have been somewhere between fifteen and twenty-five ponies now, all pushing their way into our boxed ride. That didn’t stop us... The five of us, Aqua, Kahn, Glitter, Stem, and myself, all relied on our guns, and fired into the throng of obstructive bodies. No S.A.T.S, we didn't need it. We just squeezed our triggers over and over. It was like shooting radroaches in a barrel. Bang! Bang! Blam! Bang! Blam! Blam! Bang! It maybe took a little more than a minute from the first shot to the last. Critical blows struck the ponies in front of us, their bodies flailing, their blood spurting, their voices crying, while some others actually had the sense to flee. But the rest of them... Celestia, these ponies are deranged! What did they just make us do!? In the end, I was able to count a good eleven maintenance ponies that laid dead, with a few severely wounded as the rest finally let go of the doors. They grinded close, conjoining a painted mural of blood red flowers... roses that surrounded the crevice between the two doors. I could already hear Diamond Blossom asking me to paint them back to grey. We... We just did that. And for what? All we did was take Platinum Braid a hundred yards -give or take-, and just like that... We sent THAT many more ponies to join Sugar Spade? Those... fucking maintenance assholes! WHY DID THEY MAKE US DO THAT!? WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE TO DO THAT!!? YOU..! Rrrr! You couldn't let me have a break, could you!? No, you have to make me shoot you like a bunch of fucking animals! Story of my life... I huffed enough of my rage through my nostrils to not kick Platinum’s teeth in when we all turned around to glare at her, frantically panting as if we’d just finished a marathon around the stable. The elevator finally began to descend from the massacre. I took a minute to release some more tension and lowered my magical grasp around my pistol. But, before I could even let out a breath of relief, all of our ears suddenly perked at a loud thud above us. We all blinked at each other from the strange noise, hesitating to shift our gaze toward it’s direction. The thought startled us so much, I don’t think we could have believed it possible. Thud! That was a mistake... “Wha-What was..?” Aqua whimpered as we all helplessly followed her gaze to the elevator's ceiling. “Th-that’s not what I think it is, is it?” Thud! Another... Thud! Thud! And more... A groan escaped my lips as my magic just about snapped in forlorn. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding...” Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! “Oh fuck...” Glitter muttered as we heard a loud ping and the elevator jolted. “We need to get them off the u--” CLANK! Everything fell silent and sedated as I lost my breath. I tried to gasp, but my lungs refused to expand in my chest. My magic cut out, followed by Kahn’s, then Glitter’s jaw, then Aqua’s, then Stem’s. Our guns slowly floated up above us, before I felt my own weightlessness lift my whole body into the air, then everypony else shortly followed. “I’ve lost all ambition, for worldly acclaim... I just wanna be the one you love...” Time slowly began to creep back to my conscience, seeing everypony brace themselves by grabbing onto the walls with their hooves. Minutes began to turn back to seconds. The freefalling box was filled with the sounds of our screams behind the unnatural singing voice of Platinum Braid, which seemed to drown out everything else under its alluring tune. I tried to grab onto the walls around me, but all I could do was push my hooves against them to try and brace for the impact we all knew awaited us below. “...and with your admission, that you feel the same...” My heart beat frantically as I looked around, trying to find something, anything to get me out this. But it was no use. My eyes narrowed at Platinum, still holding onto the floor somehow... and still looking as calm as before, as if there was nothing about to slam us into the bottom of the stable. “Spark!” I looked in the direction of Kahn’s voice calling my name to see gravity forcing him into one of the upper corners. It took me a second to realize his horn was glowing its white aura. “Use your magic! We gotta slow this thing down!” Without another second to lose, I focused on my magic, lighting up my horn. “Shit! What the hell do I use it on!?” Kahn screamed as I suddenly felt an external tug on our metal death trap. “ANYTHING!” I winced in pain as I concentrated my magic on one of the only things I knew existed on an elevator: The bottom. “I’ll have reached the goal I’m dreaming of...” I screamed, not from the notion of falling to my death, but from the weight of the elevator transferring to my horn. Flares of energy erupted from both of our horns. The strain on my magic was so great, it felt like a stake was being driven through the top of my head. I felt the elevator jolt back and forth from our efforts, but I couldn’t tell if it was actually doing any good. One thing was for sure... it wasn’t enough. Gravity suddenly flipped right side up, prompting my magic to implode in a migraine inducing snap. But I had no time to complain about it. No time to even feel it. The force of the impact slammed me into the floor, my surroundings turned to a blur, and my ears filled with the unnatural sounds of metal twisting, glass shattering, and concrete crunching. If I could be thankful for one thing... it was that my mind blacked out before I could feel the rest of my senses. “I don’t want to set Equus... ..on... ...fire...” oooOOOooo “Okay, I need you to hold still for me.” “Ow! Ow! Ow! Hey! That hurts!” I yelled at the nurse mare, reeling from a large ice pack she -rather aggressively- slapped over my black eye. The medbay… This was the third time this month. I never really planned on coming back to this place so many times... but I guess it beats the boring old orphanage. “Oh for--! What the hay happened to you?” I attempted to turn to see who asked the question, only for the nurse to jerk my head back to the ice pack in her magic. But I knew the voice. I didn’t need to see to know it belonged to one of my friends. “Hold Still!” Nurse Daisy scolded. “Sister Cross is going to hear about this one.” Great... as if I hadn’t heard her lecture a million times already. Kahn chuckled, more out of disappointment than amusement, shaking his head at me. “So... what did you do this time?” “I didn’t do anything!” I said, defensively. I tried to look at the older colt, but my vision was all blurry... plus the nurse kept me in place again. Kahn and I had met when he caught me picking his switchblade out of his pocket. I was pathetic. A loser. I had no rightful place in this stable before I met other foals like Kahn. I guess the colt took pity on me, because the next thing I knew, I was working ‘jobs’ with him, and some rather cute fillies I’d also met, who helped us expand our little partnership shortly after. I heard another young pony trot into the room behind him. “He threw a pipe wrench at a security officer... and missed.” Platinum gave a small giggle, making fun of my failed rebellious behavior. “So... the security officer threw it back at him, and... I don't mean to laugh Spark but, you should have seen it!" She put her forehoof over her eye and stuck her tongue out. "Hit him right in the face!” The two ponies, who ironically inspired me to do such an act, both erupted into a sudden fit of laughter. My heart sank at that. Here I was trying to make them proud, and all they do is laugh at me. I growled, trying to sound more annoyed than I was emotionally hurt... well, and physically I guess. “It’s not funny!” “Oh believe me... it’s more than funny.” I heard yet a third young pony trot in. I shifted my one good eye just enough to see the blurred image of Glitter Punch trying to hold in her own laughter with her forehoof. “This is too good. I’m not even going to ask what tempted you to do that.” Kahn stifled his laughter just enough to respond for me. “You don’t have to ask. The blank flank was obviously trying to get a cutiemark in... what would it be this time? Social Justice? Attacking security ponies?” He suggested jokingly. “They-- Ow!” I flinched from the nurse poking my eye harder with the ice pack. “It was the security and maintenance ponies! They started to fight! You always said to never let security ponies bully you, so... I tried to help!” This time it was Glitter who shook her head. “You’re an idiot, you know that? First of all, that didn’t help anypony. Second, what have we always told you?: Don’t get involved with that shit.” “Miss Glitter Punch!” Nurse Daisy gasped, turning to glare at the charcoal filly in shock. “Does your father tolerate that language!?” Glitter blushed innocently, rubbing her foreleg with her hoof, shamefully avoiding her glare. “N-no, Mrs. Daisy... S-sorry...” She tried to hide her embarrassment as she looked back up at me. “But... Yeah... Don’t get involved in that... in that stuff. You’re lucky you didn’t end up in lock-up... again.” The nurse rolled her eyes before finally leaving me with the ice pack. I lowered it from my eye, feeling the swollen flesh pulse and twitch in the exposed air. “Is it bad?” My sight may have been bad to begin with, but even I could see the cringe on each of my friends' faces. I squinted my one good eye at the mirror next to me. "Oh, c'mon, it doesn't look that bad." "Charger?" Kahn began with a skeptical tone. "Where are your glasses?" I scrunched my muzzle, my nearsighted gaze falling to the tile floor below, my chest stinging with shame. "I... I don't-- Ugh! They broke, okay!?" I growled, my magic levitating the broken lenses and black rims out of my pocket. I always hated those glasses. Like two giant rectangular magnifying glasses over my eyes. They were humiliating! Especially on a colt who's already the blank-flank laughingstock! If I wasn't too busy crying from taking a wrench to the face, I might have jumped for joy when I found out they’d finally broke. Of course, I realized the consequence of that was seeing nothing but fuzzy blobs for the fore(un)seeable future. "I... I don't need those stupid things anyway!” I sniffled, “I can... I can see just fine without them!" “Oh, c’mon, Spark...” Platinum sighed, “You know that’s not true... Unless you think ‘just fine’ is only being able to see an inch in front of your face. Besides, they don’t look that bad on you. I think you look really handsome with them.” The burning blush in my cheeks distracted me from noticing the glow around her horn, her magic pulling something out of her own pocket. "Here, take a look in the mirror with these." Before I could ask, 'with what?', another pair of nerdy glasses -this time an even more humiliating pair of circles- fit around my face. I blinked -or, winked, I guess- as my one eye adjusted to the clearer vision. That was when I saw my puffy, swollen eye, looking like some kind of mutant out of a Power Ponies comic, the lens magnifying it to maybe two or three times it's normal size. "Gyaaah!" I nearly sprung off the table, pedaling away in shock. Well, on the bright side... at least nopony can call me four-eyes for a while... Kahn cleared his throat as he trotted over to me, putting a foreleg around my shoulder. “Look buddy, you leave the fighting to us from now on, okay? Besides, you’re just a little colt. We can’t have you with a criminal record already. You’ll get that cutiemark sooner or later.” He tussled my mane with his other hoof. I groaned internally from him calling me, ‘little colt’. He wasn’t that older than me. Not old enough to be calling me ‘little’ at least. The only reason I let him get away with it, is because... Well, I guess I deserved it for not having my cutiemark by now. Ooooh! It’s not fair! I should have gotten it! I was patient enough when Glitter and Platinum got theirs. We’re the same age, so I couldn’t have been far behind, but now Diamond Blossom and Angel Mist already got theirs, and they’re younger than me! At this rate, Aqua will get hers before me next!!! What is wrong with me!? I sighed, taking the glasses off, hesitating to replace my old ones with them. I put the ice pack back over my eye, my shoulders slumping forward in defeat. “Gimme a break, Kahn... I can handle myself just fine. You don't need to treat me like a foal for crying out loud." He gave me a skeptical look. "Clearly..." He poked my ice pack with his hoof, prompting another 'Ow!' to escape my throat. "I suppose if you can handle yourself so well, then there's no need to ask you to come with us on our next job... You know, since you're too busy joining in on the riots. I guess you’d just prefer to sit around with Docker Blue all night, staring at a blank wall in Maintenance." "W-what? You’ve got another job?” I asked in surprise. "Wait! I wanna go with you guys!" "Oh yeah? What about your new maintenance pals?" Glitter teased. "Screw those... those... Grime Lickers! All they do is whine anyway!" I yelled, desperately trying to convince them. "Whatever you need me to steal, I’m your Buck!" Too determined to complain anymore, I put Platinum’s glasses back on my face without a second thought. “Just point, and I’ll get to work.” Kahn shared a look with Glitter and Platinum before turning back to me. "You'll be doing something a bit different this time, Sparky... Remember how I taught you how to play poker?” oooOOOooo Ding Lev-... Static “...can you hear me?” Static Le-evel fo- Static “Is everything okay?” Despite what I thought suffering in Tartarus would feel like, I never would have trusted it’d be worse than where I was now: Pain, destruction, darkness, pockets of flames around me... and the staticky voice of my ex-wife. “Are you there Kahn?” No. Not dead yet... but not exactly healthy. I blinked my eyes to try and drain the blurriness of my mind. The images of ponies slumped over broken pieces of material slabs filled my vision. “Chief Punch? Come on Glitter, please be there!” I gathered enough energy to turn my head and look around. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit! It hurt. Everything hurt. I coughed from plumes of smoke drifting through what I could only guess was the wreckage of the elevator. I groaned along with an attempt to sit up. “Aqua? Please? Officer Aqua Wave!” “Gaah!” A sharp spike of pain surged from my abdomen. Bracing for the worst, I looked down to see a jagged steel strip, shredded into the shape of a small blade, piercing through my right side, half sunk into my flesh, and soaked by the stained radius of red slowly expanding across my stable barding. This... is not something I can deal with... Okay, okay don’t panic. The Doc, he can... probably help me... “I don’t want to set Equus on fire honey... I love you too much...” I lifted my head up again to look around. To my relief, the blurry shapes of ponies adjusted back to the images of my old friends. Aqua laid to my side on her back, Glitter in front of me on her face with Kahn and the Doc behind her. A plume of sparks erupted over our heads, showering the debris coated floor. The elevator doors were nothing but twisted pieces of metal, bent just enough for there to be a small opening for light to shine through. “...I just wanna start, a great big flame down in your heart...” “Doctor Stem Root, are you there?” I winced at the sound of Diamond’s voice echoing in my ears once again. To my impulsive dismay, I realized the speaker to the elevator was indeed still operational, and my head happened to be resting in the ‘Sparky’ shaped dented wall next to it. We must have slowed our freefall down just enough for us not to be pancaked into the lowest level. If I remembered correctly, we were somewhere on the storage level. I took a shallow breath, searching for any energy I had left to respond to her. “Diamond? I’m... I’m here...” I lifted my ears, expecting to hear her response. “Are you there? Please! Somepony respond!” I only realized then, that I was calling out to nothing but sound. Suffering through another surge of pain, I turned my head enough to look at the speaker, barely intact, hanging off the wall to my left. There was a button next to it. Alright, that might be a problem... My left foreleg was trapped under some debris. Not thinking I could take any further pain, I tried to use my magic. Unfortunately, the only use that did was make my head throb. Yeah... let it be known that catching a freefalling elevator will exhaust your magic reserves. Why, Celestia, WHY!? I don't have time for burnout right now! With a deep breath of painful preparation, I reached for it with my right foreleg, twisting my impaled side in the process. “...you see, way down inside of me... darling I have only one desire...” Needless to say, I yelped in pain with every attempt at stretching my leg toward it. At this point, the only thing I’d be able to say to her is... “Aaaiiieeee!” “...and that one desire is you...” There it was again. My ears flickered at the sound of a soft and beautiful feminine voice, still singing in her unnerving tone, getting closer and closer, until the air around me was filled with nothing but a nauseous blend of song and static. Where... Where is it coming from!? I can’t see a damn thing, and-... FUCK! It hurts! Oh Celestia, it hurts! Please! Please, just get me out of this! Just--! Giving one last attempt, I stretched my foreleg just enough to push the button inward. Just as I was about to wail in pain through the intercom, something forced my hoof back. I gasped, a black aura engulfing my foreleg, violently pushing me back to my right side before it evaporated. My eyes widened at what I was snapped back to, standing over me with a glare of disturbing joy, finally uttering the last of her lyrics. “...and I know... nopony else... ain’t gonna do...” Platinum laughed at me as she stepped closer to my pinned body. She lowered her head to hover over mine, only to send an upheaval of cold hard shock through my body with a whisper. “She told you, you know... She said I would devour the powerful... and I’m so hungry...” “Hello?” I gulped as a purple light flashed around her, engulfing her legs, barrel and head, while creating a current of energy to blow her mane and tail through its invisible wave. Her entire body was using her magical aura’s energy. I’ve never seen anything like it. Not from this stable anyway... For a unicorn to use anything but their horn, let alone their whole being as their magical output, they had to be extremely powerful! And... Platinum’s not that powerful! Slowly, she began to glow brighter and brighter until she beamed a light so blazingly intense of blue and purple, that no other light in Stable 17, whether artificial or magical, could have ever compared to the phenomenon that I was witnessing, as I laid trapped under the debris. “P-Platinum...” I wheezed, my voice weak and wavering from shock as I tried to close my eyes tight, and shut out my friend’s sudden accumulation of literal blinding power. “Platinum, wha-- what are you--?” I found it impossible to finish that thought as she continued her incredible display of defiance, not just rebelling against us or the Overmare, but unironically against reality itself! Platinum Braid, Brown level Supervisor of the Maintenance department, a once fun and caring dark grey unicorn from my foalhood, a good friend of many years, a pony who, even now, I can still picture speaking a personal mixture of mock tough and tenderness while sober, and a suspicious faith of abrasive arrogance while drunk, breathed an excruciating gasp of excitement before her entire body burst at the seams, and the blinding light finally ceased. I could have sworn that time slowed, and my heart stopped. Platinum... N-no... The second of time I was trapped in slowly began to increase to its normal pace. I stared in horror as I watched a fountain of blood explode in every direction, as what was left of my friend fell to the floor in red chunks of flesh, meat and bone, and seemed to burn to nothing once they did. A grotesque wave of burning red pulp and ichor splashed over me, my unconscious friends, and every other inch of the elevator wreckage... yet, not a drop stuck to any object, living or otherwise, and instead just evaporated upon its wet and grossly sticky contact. But... Fuck... whatever internal thoughts I might have had to try and comprehend it, were all incinerated when I finally found the courage to blink, and the thing that replaced the shadow of the former pony slowly came into focus. I held back an urge to vomit as the creature, covered head to hoof in the blood of the mare who stood where it stood not a second ago, glared back at me with a nauseating grin of excitement... No... Celestia, she looked like she was in pure delight. “Sparky? Sparky!? Anypony!? This is Diamond Blossom! Pick up the fucking intercom!” Sweet princess of shit... The pony standing over me was not Platinum... at least not anymore. I guess it was mostly pony and a unicorn, with a similar horn, and eyes, despite a different color, -and sharing qualities similar to that of what I could only guess to be part bat and part mare, if not just a feral reptile pony- It still had the exact mold of the unicorn it once was. But, it couldn’t have been her! It just couldn’t..! “P-P-Platinum..?” I stuttered, not able to think of any other words to produce but the former mare’s name. Instead of Platinum’s friendly caramel green aura, this thing produced a foggy unholy black around its horn, the same that prevented my leg from reaching the intercom’s button. The frightening creature looked... I guess flirtatious would be the right word -her voluptuous proportions seemed just the right amount of dubious- She had a blood-red mane with spiky bangs and a particularly long forelock that arched in front of her face. But I couldn't tell if the red was her natural color, or if it was just from what remained of Platinum's gory insides. She had a dark purple coat, nocturnally glowing purple eyes, small fangs to curl over the rest of her pearly, red splattered white teeth, and a sickening evil grin that could have only been plastered across her muzzle by some plotting figure of Tartarus. I blinked again, feeling paralyzed by what I’d witnessed, my voice beginning to assist my brain for words it couldn’t find. “W-who... what, I-...” “Sssshhhhh….” My rambling search for an explanation was cut short when her forehoof met my lips. I tensed, as some blood on her hoof entered my mouth, and I tasted the tang of the irony substance. Nope! I screamed internally, trying to pull myself away from her reach. But the debris still held me in place. Okay... now I think I’m gonna be sick... All I could do was tighten my lips, allowing the rest of what was left of Platinum Braid to be smeared across my muzzle. “You’re so cute when you struggle my little pony...” After an insane giggle, she suddenly pivoted at another round of Diamond's voice blaring from the intercom. “They’re not picking up! I need every guard to the main elevator shaft NOW!” Looking up at the intercom, she let go of my lips, easily stepping over my body to whisper hauntingly to the speaker as she pressed the button. “Overmare?” A low cackle escaped her throat, one last time, before simply whispering, “...Run”. There was no response, just the empty noise of static emissions before the intercom was crushed under the pressure of the mare’s powerful magic. She giggled as she turned back to me. “You... Well, if I were you, I'd just stay right where you are... don't make things worse for yourself.” Her evil smirk slowly melted into an unappreciative glower. “...I trust you're believing now... I would keep your face in mind, but you appear... too weak to keep me full along our journey. You will satisfy my herd, though.” She sighed, a peaceful expression somehow returning to her face. “Welcome to my pasture, Stable 17...” With that, her horn glowed again, ripping the scrap doors down to the ground with a deafening thud. After kicking some debris to the side, she trotted out, whistling Dixie. Stunned was an understatement of an indescribable level. That... was impossible. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, as I heard the hoofsteps of whatever pony -or creature- that was, trot further away, the echo of clopping hooves fading with every step. "Sparks..." I heard a quiet groan next to me. Turning, I saw Aqua painfully roll to her stomach, letting her sea green mane droop over her face. I was too shell shocked to say anything. Hearing more painful groans, coughing and gasps in front me, I looked to witness everypony else begin to gain consciousness. The smoke around us began to grow thicker, which meant the pockets of fire must had been spreading. After Glitter regained her surroundings, she weakly began to stand, one hoof at a time. "We... cough We gotta get out of here..." The distant sounds of echoing hooves suddenly returned... except these were more than just the four of one pony... these were a lot of ponies. Before I naively believed these were the security ponies that Diamond was sending, my hopes were sunk by their growing conversation. "It was her!" "Platinum was right, she's opened the door for us. A new life!" "We're going to be in charge from now on!" "Ha! Not yet, stable dwellers! There's the elevator. It's time you showed your loyalty to her..." "Are... are you sure we have to--?" "Hey! She's blessed us to eat... so you eat..." That... didn't sound like a rescue party... The appearance of five red blips on my EFS confirmed my speculation. Kahn flicked his ears upon hearing them, frantically trying to get to his hooves. "C'mon... we gotta get out of here, now! Everypony up!" "Wait! Sparky's pinned!" I watched as Aqua stumbled to my side. "C'mon guys! Help me get him out!" "Oh, Celestia's ass!" Glitter cursed as she limped to the door frame. "We don't have time! We gotta get the fuck out of here!" She stumbled out, galloping through the smoke, and left us behind. B-but... but Glitter and I, we-- And she just--!? I sighed... or at least tried to in my condition. I guess I couldn't blame her. If I were in her position, I don't know if I would have stuck around to die or do the same... Good luck, I guess... bitch. "Glitter! Fuck! Hold on Aqua I'm coming over!" Kahn crawled over to the shredded steel sticking out of my side. "Doc! What do we do about..." He turned to watch Stem quickly limp out of the elevator after Glitter. Gotta say... I was surprised it took him that long to ditch us. "I'm going to kick their--!" Kahn gasped, hearing the maintenance crew's hoofsteps get closer and closer. He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. "Aqua, grab it! Quick!" His words finally snapped me out of my shock. My eyes widened with caution, only realizing too late what they were about to do. I finally found enough urgency to speak up. "Wait wait wait wait wait wait! Hold on! Don't do thaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Before I could finish my plea, Aqua's jaw latched onto the steel, and ripped it out of my flesh with a crunchy wet pop. I had been roughed up before. Punched, kicked, stabbed, even shot... It was quick and adrenaline fueled. But this... I hollered in anguish, attempting to clutch my torn open body with my free hoof. Agonizing pain burst from within as I heard the wet oozing sound of my wound, bleeding me like a butchered pig all over my coat and barding. "Sorry Sparks!" Kahn frantically moved to my left side to try and remove the debris pinning my leg. Okay, forget what I said about Glitter. I wish these asshats had just left me to die here too! Aqua threw the bloody piece of metal to the side. She gave me a 'sorry I painfully ripped something from your body' look. I shuddered in pain, finding another pocket of air to waste on my voice. "You ever do that again..." I wheezed, "...I'll knock your teeth out." She sighed. "Sorry, but we're gonna get you out... don't wor--" "BEGIN THE FEAST!" Wearing maintenance and storage coveralls, a group of ponies barged through the smoke-filled box, racing toward Kahn and Aqua. Before they could even react, three storage ponies grabbed Kahn as he barely finished clearing the debris, while two maintenance ponies grabbed Aqua from behind. She yelped as they grabbed her legs and neck. "Hey! Get the fuck off me! Help!" They both struggled and attempted to resist them as they were dragged out of the debris. I heard the crazed ponies chant, struggling off with them down the smoky hallway, the fire around me growing in size, until their silhouettes slowly faded through the haze. "Join us! Or feed us! Join Folly! Or feed Folly!" What the hell did they mean by that!? This is a fucking nightmare! I had to get out of here! I winced, the fire growing closer to me and spreading fast. If I didn't get out soon, I was going to be fried. Luckily, Kahn removed enough debris for me to pull my leg free. I yelped in pain as I began to crawl towards the light... No way in hell am I dying down here like this. But I was losing oxygen fast, choking on the burning smoke filling my lungs. I couldn't see. My eyes clenched tight from the toxic fumes... and the excruciating feeling of pain from the hole in my side. C'mon Sparks... you've been through worse. Giddyup, you asshole! I almost froze, feeling my rearhoof brush up against something heavy. With another grunt, and a quick prayer to whatever almighty smiter was out there, my horn flickered to life, burnout stabbing my skull with a migraine. I was just barely able to pick up the object in my magic. Yet, despite it all, a smile almost threatened to appear across my blood-smeared muzzle as I pulled the slide back. *Click-Clack* Okay, you pinko bastards... You want another war? You've got one... *** *** *** Knock Knock Knock Knock “Damnit, I’m coming! Keep your tail on!” Knock Knock Knock The door slid open, revealing the cranky grey-maned stallion on the other side, holding a steaming cup of coffee in his magic. “What the hell do yo-- Oh shit...” I spit the gun out of my mouth, prompting it to clatter in a puddle of blood below me. “Eeyeah...” My voice croaked. His magic imploded as the mug dropped to the floor and shattered, his coffee splashing and splattering all over his floor. He gulped, backing away from my staggered posture. “Evenin’, Inspector Sparkhorn...” “Evening, Docker...” My eye twitched as I stepped inside of his office. I watched his pupils shrink at the sight of my blood-soaked stable jacket, only realizing some of it was my own when my forehoof clutched the open wound at my side. “Where is everypony?” My breath was weak and gravely, even stifling a cough, yet my voice still struck the stallion with authority. “Shouldn’t you guys be working inventory?” He winced, his eyes incapable of leaving my bloody state. “I uh... gave them the night off...” I tilted my head, raising my one good eyebrow. “Huh...” My mouth clicked. “Doesn’t sound like you... You know that’s a code violation. 719... If I’m not mistaken.” He gulped nervously, his gaze finally rising to meet mine. “You uh... you workin’ tonight..?” Half a chuckle escaped my throat, turning into another cough a moment later. “As a Loyalty Inspector?” I asked before nodding. “I guess you could say that.” Blood dripped down my muzzle into my smirk, offering me a coppery aftertaste. “I’m taking care of a few code violators. Anarchists, hoodlums, pinkos, hippies... you know how it goes.” “R-really?” He gave an awkward snicker as he backed up further against the wall. “Well... Well, I-I uh...” “Docker...” I let out another dry cough as I mirrored his hoofsteps toward him. “Where are they?” A nervous twitch pulled the side of his mouth back, shifting his eyes side to side in bewilderment. “W-who?” My forehoof left my bloody opening in an instant to back-hoof him across his face. The older stallion shrieked in pain, my hoof striking his muzzle. He backpedaled, my ears barely registering the sound of a tooth bouncing off the concrete. “You crazy bastard!” He fell back on his haunches, shuddering as he rubbed his now bruised jaw and bloody lip. Oh, I wasn't even close to finishing with him... I growled, horn glowing red, my magic grabbing him by the collar and throwing him to the hard, grey floor. “Maintenance! Maintenance you asshole! They’re rioting again!” I snorted, glaring down at him with all the threatening intent I could project. “You don’t think that I would know who Platinum Braid would go to first when it happened!?” He rolled over on his side, spitting a fresh red lump of phlegm onto the floor. “This is the storage level! I’m the fucking supervisor of storage workers! Not maintenance!” He jarred. My magic grabbed him again, holding him to the floor, while I wound my foreleg back for a stronger punch. He sputtered, raising his forehooves up as if to plead for mercy. “Wait! Hold on! I swear! Whatever is happening, I have nothing to do with it!” I narrowed my eyes, only hesitant to let him go. “Then why... did three of your guys just attack us in the main elevator shaft!? And two more outside!!!” He whimpered, crawling out from under me and back to his hooves, only to lose balance on his weaker legs and fall to his haunches again. “I swear that... I don’t have the slightest fucking idea... what you’re talking about!” He groaned, letting out a short coughing fit, spitting the red crusted contents of his mouth onto the floor in front of me. “Now... I think you would agree... that because of your... aggressiveness… that we should make our way to the medbay. I’ll mention that you had a...” He sniffled, his forehoof wiping the blood away from his mouth. “Let’s call it a muscle spasm... And as for you... well, you look like Tartarus chewed you up and spit you out...” “I’ve had worse...” My breath shuddered as I watched a trail of blood follow me from the door to across the room where I stood. I released some of my temper through a sigh, checking the corners of the room before peeking my head back into the hall. “Supervisor Platinum Braid is dead. They took Executive Kahn and Security Officer Aqua Wave.” “Wait, what!?” He shook his head in disbelief. “Who!?” I gave another frustrated growl, narrowing my eyes back on him. “I told you... Your goddamn storage ponies!” I arched my brow. “So... what have you got to say about that, Docker Blue?” He huffed, shaking his head again, now looking a bit annoyed himself. “I told you, I have nothing to do with it! I’m too old for riots! I--!” My ears perked at the sound of hooves clopping down a distant hallway behind us. I suddenly caught Docker’s uneasy gaze at the sight behind me, as he noticed the two dead storage ponies in the hallway. A pool of red expanded beneath them, blood flowing from their nostrils, a few gashes in their heads, and a couple bullet sized holes. “Docker?” He turned his attention back to me, a nervous twitch pulling the side of his mouth back. “Y-yes, Inspector?” I sighed, trying to brush some of the blood off of me with my forehoof... with limited success. “You’re a brown level supervisor. Brown level is rioting. So, give me a reason not to cite you... Like I did to these two.” I nodded back towards the pathetic heap of ponies behind me. He cringed as my words made his knees buckle. “I told you! I’m too old to--! To--!” “Okay, you’re too old.” I knitted my brow, “Tell me something I don’t know, Docker. Or else!” He shook his head with a growl. “Goddessdamnit! There isn’t anything you don’t already know! I don’t do business with the maintenance department! We’re on two completely different levels of the stable! Wouldn’t you know that!?” My doubtful eyes squinted at him, yet I could only see the desperate seriousness in his own. Eh... He may be brown level, but I knew when my old shift supervisor was shoveling shit my way. And he wasn’t doing that now. I gave a defeated nod. “I would...” He gave me one last look of concern -for me or himself, I couldn’t tell- “Well then, if you don’t mind, I now have a rather painful bruise to put ice on. So, if that’s all..?” He motioned to the door with his hoof. “G’night...” I sighed again, my forehoof drifting to my furrowed brow. “Hold on... You know, it’s pretty noisy down here... An old coot like you, especially, can tell when any number of ponies are screwing around on your floor. Would you say... eight, including myself?” He turned back toward me, narrowing his eyes in thought, before finally shaking his head. “I uh... I’d say ten.... not including yourself.” “Yeah... Do me a favor, will you?” I cleared my throat as my magic pulled a scrap of paper out of my stable jacket -stained in blood- and levitated it toward him. He gave a disgusted cringe before grabbing the shabby scrap in his own aura. “Get to your intercom and buzz that number.” He tilted his head in confusion. “Security?” “Yeah, tell them Inspector Sparkhorn thinks there’s a code 0 in progress on the storage level.” I stepped back into the hall. My magic reached for the pistol I’d dropped in the storage ponies’ blood, shaking it free of their bodily fluids, before pulling the slide back. “Be sure to tell them that it’s in progress.” The old buck nodded. “In progress...” He repeated, “Code 0... Alright, Spark, I’ll do this, as long as you promise to leave me alone.” I nodded. “Thanks...” My eyes suddenly began to water again as I coughed on the smoke wafting through the hall from the elevator. Shit... that’s gonna be a problem. “Hey Docker, tell’em there’s a code 1871 in Storage too... Main elevator shaft.” "1871..." He bit his lip nervously and turned towards his intercom, only to give another concerned glance in my direction. "Should I page the Medbay for you while I’m at it? You uh... You look like you cou--” "I'd appreciate that..." I nodded with a smirk. “Goodnight Docker.” My magic reached out and closed his door, dropping it back down with a mechanical hiss. I coughed again, wiping my muzzle free of blood before turning towards the next corner at the sound of more hoofsteps. Where the hell are those security reinforcements? *** *** *** “Gyaah!” I yelped in pain and skidded to a halt, feeling my wound tear further from my movements. “Son of bitch...” I cut off my breathing again, my ears perking at even more hooves trotting towards me. My eyes widened a moment later, heart stopping cold, as a gun engulfed in an orange aura floated out of the shadows through the door next to me. Okay... plan now and probably die in the next two seconds, or act now and die in the next two minutes... Duh! GRAB IT YOU ASSHOLE!!! I quickly lunged toward him, swatting his gun downward. He barely had time to gasp before my magic spun my 10mm a hundred-eighty degrees, and bludgeoned him with its cold, steel mouth grip. I struck him across his muzzle, prompting his magic to implode from shock. But, he took a page out of my attack as his own forehooves latched onto my pistol, knocking it out my aura. I struggled to take him down, minding his horn as it charged up. zzzzzzZZZZZTTtttzzzzz! I grunted as I ducked, the magical beam just barely singeing the tip of my ear and leaving a nice burn mark on the opposing wall. My eye twitched, pulling my foreleg back and punching his left foreleg above his Pipbuck. “You...” I growled, putting all my weight into my forehoof, hitting the same spot, causing him to yelp in pain. “...Code breaking...” My mouth ripped the gun from his hooves as I grabbed either side of his head and threw him to the floor. “Ashhhoorr!” My magic wrapped around his Pipbuck, pulling his bruised foreleg in front of him, before I slammed my body on top of it. With a loud crunch and twice as loud -and just as satisfying- scream from the stallion, I rolled to my hooves, aiming my mouth-gripped 10mm toward the next doorway, another pony trotting into my sites. I watched her eyes widen in slow motion after entering SATS. Bang! Bang! She fell in a heap as I turned right back toward the broken-legged unicorn’s head and clenched my jaw against the trigger, ceasing his cries before the targeting spell ended. "Goddamn grime lickers... Who’s next!?" "HHHHHHRRRRAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!” A mare charged right at me, wielding a sharp, steel object in her violet aura as she rammed my pistol out of my mouth. The gun clattered to the floor, my forehooves struggling to block the object from stabbing the center of my eye. Great... another crazy mare with a knife. The tip imbedded itself in the grey wall, not an inch away from my face. I could read the stable-tec engraving across the blade as her magic pulled it back out to swipe at me. My legs collapsed below me, sliding down the wall as the edge scraped across the grey, leaving a shaggy horizontal streak. I rolled, putting weight on my forelegs while my hindlegs sprung towards her and bucked her in the chest. She grunted, backpedaling away. Meanwhile, I was crying out, staggered in pain. That last kick must have tore about another inch out of the hole in my side. Okay... try something else... I clutched my wound again with another groan, the mare charging back at me, this time swiping at my neck. I jerked my head back, smacking it against the floor as the blade gave me a close shave below my chin. Ignoring the throbbing crack in my skull, I quickly rolled to my hooves and swatted the knife away again, the edge grinding against my Pipbuck, before going for the unicorn’s throat. Her eyes bulged in shock as my forehooves squeezed around her neck. She gagged, trying to struggle against me while bringing her knife back around. “GAAH!” I yelped, feeling the blade slice right through my rearleg, just as I felt her forehoof punch against my stomach wound. I’m not sure what kind of animalistic, non-equine scream escaped my lungs, but when it did, I remember feeling really... really pissed off. My horn finally glowed into focus, the mare's vibrant violet aura suddenly struggling with a blood red magic tendril, now turning the blade on her between us. A deeper concern faded in across her face as I pushed her to the floor, pinning her forelegs with my own. I was easily too heavy for the mare to push away with her strength, her magic remaining focused, still struggling for dominance over the knife. We both growled and hissed and kicked and bit. I could feel all of her body’s energy move to concentrate into her magic, not even bothering to move her legs against my hooves anymore. It could have taken her only a second or two to turn the blade back onto me and sink it into my throat. She could have... if she hadn’t had sacrificed her physical energy for her magic. She gasped as my forehooves abruptly left her throat for the knife, slamming down on its handle. The blade sank into her in the chest. She cried, screaming through her teeth as her magic loosened. I slammed down on it again... and again. Blood began to run down the corners of her lips. Soon I had to rely on my own magic to hold the knife, plunging it three more times into her. Finally, her violet aura evaporated, and her body fell stiff. The knife clattered into the red puddle below us, myself breathing deep and wet coppery breaths, before I rolled off of her. Celestia… Before Sugar Spade... do you know how long it’s been since I’ve killed a pony? ...well... I guess it doesn’t matter now. It’s been long enough apparently. I haven’t been this deep in blood since Ivy Locks was-- I coughed, tasting iron over my tongue as I looked up to see a thick plume of smoke surrounding the hallway. I couldn’t tell which way was up anymore. Regardless, a smirk found its way to my muzzle, followed by a smug chuckle. “And that’s ten... You haven’t busted this old swindler out yet, Platinum...” I crawled to the adjacent wall, almost ready to give up and let my body shake my consciousness loose before something else caught my eye. That smirk turned into a grateful smile. My magic wrapped around the object in the mare’s pocket. I levitated the small grey pack in front of me, opening the flap to allow me access to at least a dozen preserved cigarettes. Again, I chuckled, looking down at the mare’s twitching corpse. “Heh... Don’t you know these things are bad for you?” With that, I put one between by lips and reached inside my pocket with my magic. All too excited for the coming relief of tobacco and nicotine, I pulled out my flip-lighter and ignited its flame. *Clink-Flick* Footnote: Level Up! New Perk: Like Father Like Son - The apple did not fall far from the tree. Your father’s advice has forced you to see every little flaw another pony can have. When targeting an enemy in SATS, their specific damage resistance and vulnerabilities are displayed, showing you the best place to strike for a chance at a critical hit. > Chapter Three: Not Fade Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”I’m gonna tell you how it’s gonna be. Oh, you’re gonna give your love to me...” oooOOOooo BANG! I ducked my head under my forehooves, the bullet just barely grazing my mane. The .44 caliber sized hole impacted right where my face used to be not a half second before. “You gaddamn maniac!” I yelled back, while making sure to keep my head covered. “What the hell was that, Rail!?” "Enough is enough, Sparkhorn." I gulped, risking a peek back at the stallion through my hooves. I had to give the old bastard one thing: He had a killer left hook to knock you to the floor, and a quick draw to keep you there. Wiping the blood from my muzzle, I lifted myself back up to glare uneasily at him. My ear twitched at the sound of the second ace of spades fluttering to the floor, no longer concealed up the sleeve of my stable jacket. My gaze, however, drifted back up to his IF-18 magnum, still pointed at my forehead in his magic, the barrel smoldering from its last shot. “You uh...” I gave an awkward chuckle, “...you weren't really aiming for me... right?” "Hmmm..." He blew the smoke from his cigar into my face. "You'd better hope you'll win big soon, pal-y. Schemes or no schemes. Because next time I'm taking whatever you have left in your life as payment. You dig?” I searched my mind for something, anything to help me get out of this. “Luna’s sake Rail, c’mon I can’t just--” “YOU DIG!?” I suddenly felt his magic grip my collar and lift me up about a foot higher than any of my legs could reach the floor. I desperately tried to kick and reach for solid ground, but all my legs could do was swing and dangle below me as I tried to gesture to be lowered. “Yes! Yeah yeah! I dig, I dig!” He threw me to the floor, landing me back on my side. I hissed through my teeth, smacking my head against the concrete. Okay, the son of a bitch needs to realize that I can’t win him shit if he gives me a goddamn concussion! Slowly, I began to hoist myself back up with my hooves, but not before he plucked his cigar from his lips and tossed it down on my head. I grunted from the burning tip striking the side of my face. “Gettin’ outta maintenance ain’t free, Sparks.” He stated, the words rolling over his silver tongue, “Remember, you owe me! Don't think the Overmare can forgive what you owe just ‘cause you’re on security's payroll now! Don’t forget that I introduced you’s! In fact... she can make sure that you pay...” He stepped over me, blowing the rest of his smoke into my face, before casually trotting away. “See you around, gambler.” oooOOOooo “Yeah...” I groaned, slowly opening my eyes to the dull colors around me. My head felt like it’d been thrown through one of the generators on the reactor level, the light above blinding my vision with a silent, flickering buzz. “...see you around, assclown.” A laugh attempted to escape my throat, but the soreness from my lungs turned it into a coughing fit. Something felt... odd. I was in pain, but... This sure as hell didn’t feel like dying on the cold floor of storage. Rolling my head to the side, I realized I was resting on a white bed and some pillows. The comfort from the soft sheets pulled me into hesitation, but eventually I took a deep breath and looked around the room. Shiny steel countertops? Pink and yellow medical boxes? Clean grey atmosphere? Yeah... either Tartarus looks just like Stable 17’s clinics in the medbay, or I’m still alive. I slowly sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. “D-Diamond?” My voice sounded raspy and dry. “H-hello?” I groaned as I tried to roll over, seeing a blood pack hanging above my bed with medical tubes leading to different positions on my body. I felt an unnatural presence of plastic stretching up my nose and down my esophagus. Ack! Yuck! Stupid emergency room... here because of Stupid riots... And... Stupid Platinum! This is all your fault! You’ve gone too far this time! Putting me in the medbay… I oughta break your legs for this if you hadn’t-- ...exploded in the elevator. Shit... Platinum... what the hell was that? Why!? I... I can’t believe she’s gone... She must have... I don't even know! Overloaded her aura? Everypony always warned that could happen as foals... But, we knew they just said that to scare us... right? The pain alone would have been too much to bear before she could pull that off. Not to mention how strong her magic had to be... Platinum was only descent at spell casting. It's not like she could have become a goddamn sorceress over night! And that... thing that came out of her! I-- Alright, WHY THE HELL AM I HERE!? As I tried to bend my abdomen upward to get off the bed, I felt a sharp spike of pain surge up through my body. I gasped from the sudden soreness, uncovering my body from the sheets, revealing a large blood-soaked bandage taped across my right side under my foreleg. I gawked at my apparent bodily trauma and shuddered, straining my mind to remember more of what had happened. Right... I was the only one in the crash that got stabbed by serrated steel. Of course I was the only one... Just my amazing natural luck I guess. I couldn’t remember if I passed out from blood loss or smoke inhalation. Maybe a little mix of both. One of the doctors could probably explain why I wasn’t a bloated carcass rotting on the storage level. So, where the hell are they? “Hello? Hello!?” I winced as I slid off the comfort of the bed and slowly shifted my weight to my hooves... Wait... Why couldn’t I feel my hooves? “W-woah, no no!” I lost my balance and slammed into the adjacent wall next to my bed. The medical tubes all popped out of every attachment around my chest and legs, as well as the ones up my nostrils, when my body jerked them away from the life support system. Not working! Why aren’t my legs working!? I reached my forehooves out to latch onto one of the countertops so I wouldn’t hit the floor. Unfortunately, my forelegs still didn't feel like supporting my weight, and my muzzle slammed into the edge of a sink. --!!!! ...ffffffFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU--!!!! I grabbed my muzzle and gave a muffled wail of pain through my hooves. My breath shook as I looked up at a mirror hanging over the sink. Aside from the blood gushing out of my nostrils, the stitches on my rear leg, and my abdomen wrapped in bandages, the only other wound I could see was a stitched laceration above my right eye. My mane was messy and greasy from hours, if not days of lying in bed, and my scruffy, un-groomed face showed a day or two’s growth of fur. Okay... That means I was laying in bed for the same amount of time... Great... I would have opened the clock function on my Pip-Buck to check the time before I realized... There was no Pip-Buck. It was gone! Ah crap, why the hell would they take my Pip-Buck off!? There wasn't anything around the chafed patch of fur that looked or felt hurt other than a few bruises. I almost felt alien, seeing my bare left foreleg void of the instrument that had been strapped to me since I’d gotten my cutiemark. I was hesitant to shake my head out of it’s reactionary panic, and back to the strange situation at hoof. On the likely chance that this isn’t some sick joke, I’ve got a feeling I’ll be needing my Pip-Buck back. So, I’d better find it and fast. I looked back at the mirror. I had nothing on at all. No Stable 17 jacket. But, I had the same blue coat, foggy dark mane, red eyes... even the same love bite on my neck from an unknown mare -which had regretfully ruined my chances with Melody Charm- was still faintly there. He may look like a pile of rotten horse apples, but it's the same stallion that stared back at me from before all this happened. I watched, more blood beginning to drain from my muzzle, over my hoof, and into the sink. Sacrificing some spare dignity, I quickly unraveled a roll of toilet paper between the sink and my bed, wadding it up in my magic to make small nose plugs for my nostrils. I looked back into the mirror and sighed. And here I thought I couldn't look any more like a jackass... I stared regretfully at my pitiful state, watching my lips smack dryly, my tongue moving around in my mouth like it was a desert. It felt as if all the moisture had been sucked out of my mouth. What the hell did they feed me here, chalk? The growling in my stomach only answered me with a resounding, ‘No’. I guess a little meal was too much to ask for when I woke up. Without another thought, I turned on the faucet, and quickly stuck my muzzle underneath it to catch the anticipated cool and refreshing tap water... but not a drop of water came. Figures... I gave a dissatisfied grunt, looking around for anything else to drink. Irritated, I turned towards the door, still holding on to the countertop. "Hey! Anypony out there!? I'm stuck in a room; I need some help!" No response... just silence. What the hell is going on? And why the hell is there no water flow? The only thing that could be causing that would be our water talisman malfunctioning. Those maintenance bastards must have done something to it. I swear, I’m going to--! I cut all thoughts of rampaging short as I noticed my reflection’s horn begin to glow red with rage. With a forceful groan, I pulled my magic back through my skull and winced. Whew... Okay... I’m not going to get mad... I’m just going to get payback for what they did to us in the--! CRAP! I hope Aqua and Kahn are okay! Alright, I’ve got to... I’ve got to get to my office, brief Diamond on the situation and... “GODDAMNIT!” I snarled, “STEM ROOT!? NURSE!? SOMEPONY..! IS GETTING CITED..! A CODE VIOLATION..! FOR DERELICTION OF DUTY..! FOR FAILURE..! TO ASSIST..! STABLE LOYALTY INSPECTORS!!!" My words only accomplished shredding my vocal cords, pushing me to a fit of coughing. After a couple minutes of staring helplessly at the cold and hard floor, I risked another stumble, and slowly lowered my hooves to step forward. Okay... Welcome back to the land of standing on four hooves. Slowly and carefully, I limped over to the power mechanism and opened the door. *** *** *** I fell against the wall, trying to keep my balance, as I looked around. The walls were spinning over my head while the floors felt like they were going to swallow me up. I shook my head, trying to focus. The whole world around me felt out of joint. I have to get out of here. Okay, think Spark! Think! The medbay made up the entire level above the living quarters and atrium, but for some reason I was drawing a blank on where to go. I looked around again, trying to ignore the dizziness clouding my head. Looted medical closets, burnt out lights, empty healing boxes, patient stretchers, and useless statistical papers littered the hallway beyond. The place looked abandoned. “Hello? Anypony there?” My voice was so weak and dry, it nearly sounded like a whisper. I leaned against the wall, wobbling on my hooves through the dark hallway. There was still nothing, not so much as a squeak to answer me. Okay, come on! There’s got to be somepony around here somewhere! Where are all the doctors, nurses, and medbay staff!? Where are all the supplies!? I stumbled through another room, my hooves just barely holding me up as I tripped over the door frame. I clumsily began scavenging through locker after locker for some kind of aid. But there was still nothing. I risked a plummet to the floor after angrily slamming the last locker shut with my hooves, the door simply bouncing back open with a whiny creak. Everything was looted dry. It wasn't until trotting a little further that I gave a hopeful sigh, entering the next hallway, and finally spotting something of promise. I squinted, just able to make out the flickering sign next to the door. Stable 17 Office of Executive Physician: Dr. Stem Root On the off chance that Stem is actually in here, I might just forgive the fact that he’d left me to die in an elevator, so long as he could tell me what the hell is going on. On the likely chance that he’s not, I’ll bet there’s at least some rations he’s been saving up. I flipped the switch on the door's power mechanism and... nothing. My eyes narrowed at the flashing message on the terminal above the panel. Access Denied My ears fell flat in annoyance as the automated feminine voice of Stable 17's operational systems flooding the hallway. White Level Badge ID Clearance is Required "Son of a bitch..." I groaned, giving up on the door with an angry toss of my hooves. I'm going to need to find the right ID Badge if I want in there. Well, I guess it's about time I got my medical license. The thought of me wearing some stupid lab coat all day almost forced a laugh from my lungs, if the sudden reminder of pain from my side didn't produce another groan instead. Everypony in Stable 17 had a Badge ID card designated to them shortly after they received their cutiemarks and Pip-Bucks. Their clearance depended on what department they were stationed to. Maintenance had the lowest clearance, level Brown, which could only access certain maintenance departments and their living quarters. Diners, kitchen staff, or anypony to do with food growth or processing had Orange level clearance. Teachers and religious leaders had level Grey. I.T. or Data keepers had level Green. Pit bosses, media, and other entertainment ponies, like Melody Charm, had level Pink. Doctors and medical staff had level White. Scientists, researchers, and other lab staff had level Purple. Security had Blue level clearance. Administrators and Stable Loyalty Inspectors, like myself, had level Red. Execs had Black level clearance, which could theoretically access every part of the Stable, except for one thing, the Stable door, which required Gold level clearance, and that belonged to one pony, and one pony only: The Overmare. Which made the events of the night before all the more confusing. Somehow, Platinum Braid opened the Stable door without the Overmare's authority. Only a few ponies have managed to do that in the past. Some of whom, I’ve even had to deal with personally. Usually, nopony cared too much about what parts of the Stable they were able to access or not. The real value of our access cards was in our Stable-Tec units and Aptitude Credits which we could use to purchase a Cutiemark Aptitude Test, and... well, that's how you promote. I sighed, only now realizing that my own Badge ID was missing. I think I had left it somewhere in my room. Maybe instead of looking up and down the Stable floors for other ponies' access cards, I could just use my own clearance. But first, I've got to find my way out of the medbay. I headed down the opposite end of the hallway, trying to remember my way around. "Hey! Come on! I know somepony’s out there! Help me out!" I hollered, hoping I could at least catch somepony’s attention. Anypony’s... Hell, I'd take divine intervention at this point. Though, I probably should have known better than to petition the goddesses who’d likely smite me down to Tartarus the first chance they got. I almost fell on my face, my forelegs abruptly losing their strength, dropping me to my knees from a searing migraine deciding to pulse through my skull. "Hrrrg! Ow! What the ...ffffrrrk!?" There was something in my head... or, something missing. I couldn't even tell. It made me want to cut open my head and pull out what I needed to see. What I needed to-- Static“...B-b-be sure to remember these ba-basic RULES, brought to you by Stable-stable-stable T-t-tec. Rule number [REDACTED]: When accused of treason, be sure to line up against the wall for an easier sh-...”Static --Ow! Celestia, my head! Shaking my mind back to reality, my hooves latched on to the counter of the medbay’s reception desk, slowly pulling myself back up to balance on my rear hooves. A terminal buzzed silently on the other side. Narrowing my eyes, I just barely noticed its flashing light, indicating that a new message had been received. Not risking another stumble, I shuffled my way around the inside of the desk, curious to find that the terminal was indeed unlocked. My mouth clicked in disappointment after seeing that Nurse Carrot Stitch had forgotten to log out. Damnit, that’s a code violation! C’mon everypony! Is it so hard to keep things secure around here!? I sighed, reluctantly entering the mare’s messages. Alright, so they must have left in a hurry. The question is... why? Eventually, after finding difficulty tapping the right keys with my hooves, I opened the new message. This is Dr. Silver Lining from clinic room 10. Sorry to ask this, but can you keep holding the bed for me? We’re not going to be able to move the patient. That Loyalty Inspector we were working on isn't going to make it. We’re preparing transportation to the morgue, but Platinum Braid’s damn maintenance crews are blocking the way through. We’re working on it right now. I remained silent, just reading the message over and over. Call it paranoia, but I guessed that Loyalty Inspector patient was me. The morgue? I looked down at my still alive self and shrugged. Well, I ain't dead. They couldn't tell that? I think we might be paying our doctors too much. I looked around the empty hallways again. I gave a shallow sigh, easily hearing my breath echo off the walls around me. I could almost feel the life being sucked out of the place. As abandoned as it looked, it’s no wonder they thought to leave me behind. Still can't believe they thought I was dead. But... eh well, maybe it’s what I would have done. I guess this means that a few ponies will be pretty surprised to see me once I get out of here. It was then I noticed that only a minimal amount of the medbay's lights were actually working, some of them just flickering from a lack of power. Oh, that's perfect... Looks like the stable's power supply is on its last legs. Maintenance must have either tried shutting it off, or just decided to let it rot. Either way, if the power is dying, then trotting around in the dark will be the least of my worries. The ventilation system will start malfunctioning, which means goodbye recycled air. And with over 300 ponies in Stable 17, that's not going to last long. Well... that's assuming everypony is still here... and alive. I grimaced from the eeriness of my surroundings, trying not to remind myself of the strangely empty halls. I shook the thought out of my head. Damnit Spark, keep it together! C'mon! My eyes widened in remembrance, catching a glimpse of a sign with an arrow pointing down the direction I was headed. Elevator To the living quarters! It's at the end of the hall! Ha! The one that Platinum never fixed! That’s it, keep coming back to me! I opened the next door through the hallway, finally finding enough confidence and amateur balance to gallop. Okay... so maybe that might not have been the smartest thing to try in my current condition. I grunted as I collided with a medical cart just in front of the elevator's doors. I flew head over hooves, hitting the hard floor in a pathetic heap. As if it were an insult to injury, I heard the cart tip over and crash behind me from the impact, filling the soundless void around me with its ear shattering racket. Nice moves dipshit. 10 out of 10. I clenched my eyes shut, halfway expecting one of the medbay nurses to come galloping to my side to scold me for not watching where I was going... but once the rattling of the cart's spilled contents subsided, all that remained was silence. I gave another painful moan, hesitantly opening my eyes to see the elevator's control panel. Right... Overmare now. Clean up later. Pulling myself to my hooves, I hit the button, and... ...nothing happened. No ding, no automated voice, not even a mechanical click. My face fell limp, along with whatever excitement for finding a way out, pressing the button over and over with no result. I restrained my rage enough to prevent me from just ripping the entire panel off the wall. I just slammed my head against the steel doors instead, before turning and falling back on my haunches. Stupid! Power is dying. Elevators are down. I should get a gold star for wishful thinking after a participation trophy in gymnastics. I was short to call myself a complete idiot however, glancing back at the cart I'd thoroughly tackled, and its contents that had spilled out across the floor. They looked like some sort of syringes. I levitated one of them over and read the label out loud. "Stable-Tec Painkiller... Warning: Do not use under-...” Okay, I... I can’t read this without my glasses. But I at least got the important part: Painkiller. Well, it's no healing potion, and it's not going to alleviate my thirst, but it'll do. Without a second thought, I jabbed the needle into my chest, and pushed the plunger down. There was a reason I stayed clear of this kind of stuff, but needless to say, I was willing to risk an exception for today. I hissed through my teeth as I pulled the needle back out. I sat there for a moment, waiting for it to-- ...Whew! Oh-hoookay... That's a familiar feeling. Much better. I shivered, not from the cold or fear, but from... relief. Actual relief, as the pain numbing injection worked its way through to my wounds, cuts, and bruises. I felt good... numb... tired... "...SON OF A BITCH!!!" Anger took control of my hoof as I heaved the syringe to the floor, shaking myself awake. "Every time! See!? What did I tell you people!? I swear! Every time I take these things, they screw with my head!" I blinked, feeling as if confusion had just run me down with a train before skeptically checking my surroundings. "Damnit, who am I talking to!?" This is NOT the feeling I want in this situation! Dumb-shit medicine... While the effects did their best to make me as groggy as possible, I had to admit, the aching and stinging pain in my... a lot of things, had all but evaporated. After just a few more lingering moments of swimming in angered relief -wait, why was I angry again?- I sighed, finally finding enough strength to stand back up. "Well, what do you know? Sparky's back, everypony!" ...alright, quit screwing around! Time to find me some real first-aid. Now at least able to trot straight, I headed down the next hallway, finally spotting another sign and arrow. Stairwell It pointed to another doorway that expanded into a bigger room. I squinted at the sign above the door. Waiting Room I hit the control switch, and like the other low powered doors, it slid open with a mechanical, albeit dying, hiss. I trotted inside, remembering more and more trips to the medbay from when I was a colt, to just days ago, after Sugar Spade greeted me with a knife to the leg. It took me a minute to freeze upon reaching the middle of the floor, trying to contemplate what was wrong with the room beyond. That’s when I was absorbed into the horrific scene that laid in front of me. Bullet holes riddled in the walls, blood was splattered over the chairs and tables, and a body that was slumped over near the exit, his security armor torn apart by gun shots. A dead pony... Now, we may not be the most sensitive of ponies in Stable 17, but body bags were still body bags. It traumatized a lot of the stable to find a death that was unnatural, and believe me, we’ve seen our fair share of unnatural death. You can thank the riots for that. ...and maybe myself. Though most ponies found missing less tragic than murdered. We tried our best to chalk that up as, ‘war is hell’. This though... this didn’t look like war... My heart beat like a drum as I saw the rest of his body. His hide had been completely torn away from his legs, revealing nothing but bone and red meat, with chunks of flesh missing from the rest of his body. I gagged, swallowing whatever it was that was left in my stomach as it tried to escape back up my throat. Slowly, I started moving towards him. Well... not somepony I was familiar with. Maybe I saw him on the shooting range a couple times, and I'm sure I saw his face on the security roster in my files, but nothing more than that. Poor bastard. I avoided stepping in the pond of red, as I slowly rolled him over in my magic. I held my breath to evade the stench of decay, accompanied by the thin crusted ropes of dark red tar that strung between his battered carcass and the long since halted radius of his dry and flaky ichor, now staining the once grey and clean floor. Yet, I was forced to gag again, this time a bit more violently. "AHCK! Gross, shit!” I covered my mouth with a hoof and quickly let go of my magic. I fell back on my haunches in shock, my eye twitching uncontrollably as I watched his intestines coil out onto the floor, slipping through a hole eaten out of his stomach. Celestia, I was not expecting-- Eugh! Groaning in disgust, I pushed him the rest of the way on his back, revealing several bullet holes in his chest... as well as several teeth marks surrounded by torn flesh. The same pattern of bites went down his legs, up his flanks, and all the way up to his neck. By the way his limbs were as stiff as boards, his blood dry and dark, and his pupils frozen and blown, I could tell he’d been dead for maybe a day. What I couldn't tell though, was why. This is... new. At least, not something the Maintenance department has done before. Sure, they were dumb and aggressive, but not really psychotic or cruel like this. Somepony shot him and then... Something ripped him to shreds? With its teeth, it looks like. I guess those vests don't stop bullets after all... or apparently bites. Yeesh! What a way to go. I suddenly spotted an all too familiar object of interest underneath him. Levitating it out of his puddle, I gave it a shake, causing dried blood to flake off onto the floor. Getting a grip of myself, I sighed with a small smile, pleased to see the 10mm had a full mag inside of it. As I put a round in the chamber however, the dried blood caused the slide to stick, making me retract that smile as quickly as it formed. Ah, geez... I guess beggars can't be choosers... Before I could make any effort to scrub away his obstructive blood, my ears perked at the intrusive sound of voices coming up the stairwell. "Why the hell is she sending us all the way up here to kill him!?” Her eerie complaint echoed off the walls as I reacted in panic, quickly taking cover behind the corner, slapping a hoof over my mouth to silence my breath. “The docs said he's as good as dead anyway. We should be helping fight off the zekes! Not wasting our time on a goddessdamn corpse!" The greasy looking unicorn casually trotted into the room with a shotgun floating beside her. I clenched by jaw tight, my horn glowing in a fury of red, before pivoting around the corner, hastily raising my newly acquired, albeit crude, gun at the maintenance mare. "Stop, in the name of the Overmare!" I nearly cringed at my dry and dehydrated voice, not to mention more nasally than usual from the TP up my nose. "Drop the gun!" The mare's eyes practically popped out of her head in shock, her magic imploding from fear. With a sputtering pop, her horn cut out, the gun slipping through her grasp and landing with a clattering thud. "Oh Crap! HERITIC!!!" She cried, quickly darting back through the door and vanishing just as fast as she appeared. Holy shit, that actually worked! I mean, I knew everypony used to joke about how scary I was, but... those were just jokes, right? I thought back to my pathetic and beat-up reflection in the mirror. Okay... maybe they're just mistaking me for a zombie pony. Before I had a chance to taunt her back down the stairs, another Unicorn replaced her, this one with a midnight blue coat and pink and magenta mane. She galloped through the doorway with a 10mm suspended tightly in her magic. "I-I can't believe it..." She back pedaled, as though confused at seeing me here. "It's him!" I raised my gun again. "Alright, drop the gun! I don't wanna hurt yo--" BANG! She fired off a shot before I was able to finish. "Gyaaah!"I let out a scream of pain, feeling a 10mm ball of fire blast right through my left foreleg. THE LEFT AGAIN!!! Guess that painkiller can only do so much... "Ack! You've gotta be--! Same goddamn leg!" I shouted in annoyance as my limb collapsed out from under me, making me fall to my side. I was at an unusual disadvantage. No Pip-Buck, no SATS, and a really... REALLY hazy mind from the painkiller. With a growl, I tried to recover my aim, quickly squeezing the trigger before she was able to get another round off. My aim could not have been sloppier. For a Unicorn like me, my magic fluctuates based on my focus... and right now my focus was halfway between my gun and the new 10mm sized hole in my leg. The bullet flew high and right, but found a home in the mare's left ear, tearing it right off the top of her skull. She froze, blinking at me for a moment, as if not believing what had just disappeared from her head, before cold hard shock finally spilled over her. Screaming in pain, she fell back on her haunches, frantically patting the top of her head with her hoof as though to search for it. The action only proved useful in smearing blood around her mane from the open wound. I quickly let out a breath and focused more of my magic on my weapon, ready to finish her off while she was distracted. I squeezed the trigger. Clink! My eyes widened as the slide of my 10mm slid back but jammed on the security guard’s dry blood. “Shit!” I looked up, just in time to see the maintenance unicorn regain her own magical focus. While still holding the side of her head, her magic fired three more rounds at me. I could only scream as I scrambled off my wounded leg and around the corner, trying to avoid the shots of burning lead. I winced, feeling at least one of them graze the back of my neck. Great! Now their aim is even better than I remember!? This is turning into a loyalty inspector’s nightmare... “He shot my fucking ear off!” I heard the mare curse as she yelled back down the stairwell. “Get back up here and help me!” She began to trot towards my location, shooting more rounds into the wall that I hid behind. Shit! Shit! Shit! C’mon Sparks, think! I clopped my hoof against my head a few times before finally remembering what the first pony had dropped in her haste. The riot shotgun was still laying on the floor. I shut my eyes, held my breath, and focused my magic on the object's location behind the wall, waiting to hear the mare move in front of its path. I had no time to consider what I was about to do or what would happen when I did it. BLAM! I heard her scream again, this time in utter agony, as her body collapsed to the floor. I opened my eyes to see a shredded and bloody detached foreleg roll around the corner where I sat. The buckshot tore it off with a destructive force, her bone and flesh left in chunks, right above where her Pip-Buck was attached, which still flickered the pony's name below her crippling status image. Glossy Spring I winced as she continued to scream and cry like a hysterical filly. Okay, I can’t take much more of this... Just... please stop! Please! Just shut up! Shut up, Glossy Spring! She kept crying, kicking the other side of the wall. She wouldn't stop. Please... I finally stood up and grabbed the shotgun in my magic. I limped around the corner to see the mare trying to crawl toward the stairwell with only three legs and a gory stub where her fourth should be. A narrow trail of blood led from the corner to her position, halfway to the exit. “S-stop...” I was barely able to speak, my voice cracking over her grisly state. She didn't listen, likely not able to hear my hushed voice over her own crying and panic. With an angry glare, I aimed her friend’s weapon at her head, and pumped a round into the chamber, ejecting the empty spent shell before it clinked against the floor in a smoldering heap. "I SAID STOP!" This time, I screamed. Her voice choked up, as she did as she was told, lying still on the cold floor. She sniffled and shuddered, letting a pool of blood form from under her leg stump. I had no time to feel sorry for her... AS IF SHE DESERVED IT ANYWAY AFTER SHOOTING ME!!! I took a deep breath and sighed. Okay Spark, calm down! Stay in control... You need answers, remember? Desperate to agree with my own logic, I looked up to the exit stairwell, and shouted down to whoever might still be waiting next in line to attack. “Alright listen up! Glossy here is gonna die, if you don’t come up here and surrender right now!” She whimpered as I poked the back of her head with the barrel. With a groan, I leaned up against the wall to keep weight off of my wounded foreleg, all while aiming the shotgun at Glossy’s head. “Alright I’m gonna count to three! If no pony comes up here to talk, I’m gonna splatter her brains all over the floor!” Oh, fuck my horseshoes! That was something I did not feel like doing. These bastards better buy this. “One!” I gulped, perking my ears for some kind of reaction from her conspirators. “Two!” My magic grew tense around the trigger. Crap, they're not buying this! Damnit! Why me!? "Three!" “Okay! Okay! Don't shoot her!” My heart could have burst from relief, having to cut my magic for a moment to keep it from tightening any further against the trigger. Sheesh! I don't know if I've ever come that close to blowing somepony's head off... "We're... we're coming up!" The feminine voice was followed by four pairs of hooves trotting up the stairs. I felt every primal muscle in my body stiffen as a red Earth Pony stallion, holding another riot shotgun in his teeth, appeared through the door, emulated by a blonde Unicorn, the first mare from before, now unarmed. They both adorned maintenance gear and Stable 17 coveralls. Their eyes widened in shock as they stared down at their disfigured ally whimpering below. The stallion quickly shifted his gaze to narrow at me, as did the mare, only the former looked more determined and ready to blast me with buckshot at any moment, while blondie looked more cautious and worried. "W-what do you want?" She demanded through her shuddering voice. "No no no! You first, cupcake!" I snarled. "Why are you here to kill me? Where is everypony!? What in the goddamn happened to that security buck back there!?” I narrowed my eyes at another coming thought, feeling a sudden flicker of energized rage threatening to burst through my horn. It was controllable though... for now. “...and I swear on the name of the Overmare, if I find out you’ve done anything to Aqua Wave...” “Rrrt rrs hrrrrp hrrr, frrrsht.” The stallion’s jaw began to move around the gun in his mouth, starting to mumble some kind of response to answer or at least acknowledging my questions. I couldn’t tell for sure because... well, his mouth was filled with the grip of his shotgun, leading me to tense up further, fearing he might accidentally pull the trigger if his sentence was too complex. “Woah!” I flinched, “Do NOT talk to me with your mouth full of... that please!” He arched his brow with a huff, before pointing his hoof down at the sniveling mare on the floor. Glossy proceeded to shake and shiver, glaring up between us with tears in her eyes. The blonde mare gulped before considering me with pleading desperation. "He said to let us help Glossy first." She gave the mare a pitiful look. “She’s our friend...” I kept my eyes locked on them. "I wouldn’t let you piss on her head if her mane was on fire! Now answer me!" I winced at the sound of the stallion’s voice beginning to mumble again. I quickly pointed my blood soaked hoof at him with an angry glare. “NOT YOU!” I growled. Fucking earth ponies... Blondie sighed as she looked back up at me. "You don't need to harm us. You can join our cause and follow Folly into the wastes. Help us fight off the intruders!" I deadpanned, so much so, that I lowered the shotgun from the weight of her ridiculous sincerity. "You've got to be kidding..." Again with this Folly crap. "Do not scoff at Folly's name!" She yelled back as if offended by my doubt. "You've witnessed her power! She will save us from the evils of the powerful and bring peace to Equestria! Why would you stand against her!?" I narrowed my eyes solely on her, risking a spiteful sneer. Damn painkiller is making me feel loose! "And uh... what exactly is your plain if I do stand against her?" The smile that crept across her muzzle made my mane itch so bad that I could almost hear each strand demanding me to pull the trigger. "Then you will help us one way or another. You will give us power to break through the intruders. You will feed us..." ...Feed them. Oh, I'll feed’em alright. The stallion cackled around his gun. “Wree wrrr deffowrrr yrrr frrr Frrry!” The stallion’s muffled voice made my eye twitch in anger. What did I say? What did I tell him? And yet... He STILL does it! I ground my teeth as I turned to glare daggers into him. “I told you... NOT TO DO THAT!” I seethed, feeling the last bit of patience for these nut-jobs flee with my voice. Why can’t these ponies ever follow the most SIMPLEST of instructions!? EVER!? Their eyes widened from my sudden snap, taking a cautious step away from my booming voice. An urge swelled inside me. An urge demanding me to rid the itch of having a gun pointed at me. An urge that I no longer wished to fight. Could I still reverse? Talk to them? Get more answers? Calm down? No... I’m done being calm! Screw answers! The stallion’s eyes turned to pinpricks, my lips curling into an uncontrollable scowl that I had little doubt could petrify any so-called goddess they threw at me, finally giving him what they’ve been telling me I’d do for them. I fed him... Time came to a crawl. Obviously it wasn't SATS... but maybe... maybe it was an instant second of regret, forcing me to recognize the pony just seconds away from taking a fatal shot to the head. I knew him... not just from my files, but I had met him. A maintenance stallion from the reactor level. He was in my office just two months ago, signing a marriage certificate with his... with his-- ...Oh. "... You... you... YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Blondie screamed, her husband collapsing with one less side of his face, the other side tearing apart before it splattered against her grey coat in red gory chunks. The mare even had to flinch from what I could only assume used to be part of his brain, landing in her mane like a wet blob of meat. That scowl had faded even before the shotgun's barrel flashed, shortly replaced by a feeling of shock. Celestia... that was a bigger blast than I-- Godamnit, I didn't mean for the bastard's head to... do that. My whole body shook, my magic flickering, losing my aim and balance of the shotgun, honestly making an effort to point it away from anypony else, before I killed them too. "I-I... I just-- I told him to-- He wouldn't--" I blinked, not able to look away from the stallion, now reduced to a twitching quivering heap on the grey-- -Eh, make that red- floor. "...You..." I stifled vomit from coming up my throat, trying to regain my composure. "...you ponies are under arrest... for treason... against Stable-Te--" I barely got the sentence out, looking up to see Blondie's horn flash into its golden glow. My lungs just about collapsed, eyes widening at the sight of the stallion's shotgun being raised by the same aura. Thick streams of muddy tears ran down her cheeks as the gun roared between us, blasting me with the same buckshot that had just blown her lover's face off. WHY ME!? Maybe it was the tears clouding her vision, or her emotions making her aim impulsive, but whatever it was probably saved my life, the gun going off rather sloppily in my direction. I moved my own gun in the way of my face and chest, leaping to the floor. I shrieked in pain the whole way down, feeling the pellets dig and burn their way through my hide around the outline of my impromptu shield, the rest ricocheting off of the wall behind me. I landed next to Glossy's severed foreleg, just beyond her pistol, the same one that had left another hole in my leg. My shotgun was toast, catching the majority of the blast. Before her Pip-Buck's targeting spell could regenerate, my horn glowed again, picking up the 10mm. She'd turned back toward me with murderous intent in the meantime. I had no choice left. I frantically squeezed the trigger over and over, firing a barrage of burning lead in her direction until I heard the sudden climactic end of loud bangs replaced by metallic clicks. Only a few bullets found their home in the mare’s chest before she fell to the floor with one last shallow gasp for air. She clenched her eyes shut from the pain, only for a second, before widening them in cold hard shock, never closing again. The last sound she ever made was a short gurgled cry, her body finally stopping it’s spasms, falling still. Dead. I sighed, standing back up, still wobbling on my once again wounded leg. Thankfully the painkiller was still working its effects on my body, if only to allow me enough tolerance to stand. But I had no idea how much longer that would last. I looked down at the three new bodies that now joined the security guard's. Damnit, the bastards couldn't expect me to just stand there and-- ARGH! He was gonna shoot me! And she was gonna do... whatever in hell she was really suggesting. And he wouldn't stop talking with that thing in his mouth, even after I TOLD him--! sigh... These ponies had it coming... I just wish I knew why! My eyes narrowed onto Glossy Spring, who was still squirming to try and get away from me to the best of her ability... which was very limited at the moment. Well... At least I still have options available... "Alright Glossy..." I gave another click out the side of my mouth. "You’re up..." My horn glowed, wrapping my magic around her tail and pulling her back toward me. “No! NO!” She cried, kicking and screaming while her remaining forehoof desperately clawed at the floor. I dragged her through the waiting room, passed the half eaten stallion, through the doorway and into the hall, all the way back to the elevator. She looked back at me, her struggle beginning to weaken along with her initial panic. “Y-you won’t get away with this, Charger! Folly will make you suffer for this!” I shook my head and forced a chuckle. “Yeah... still don’t know what that is.” I pushed her against the wall and sat her up on her haunches. She let out another agonizing scream as she looked down to see her gory stub squirt another round of blood from her severed veins. She was losing blood too fast. That might be a problem if I still want answers. “Damnit... I’ll be back...” I muttered tiredly, before painfully hopping on three legs into clinic room two, only to return with a leather surgical belt levitated beside me. Glossy’s scream rang through the entire medbay as I buckled it around the base of her stub, biting down on the strap and pulling it tighter with my teeth to cut off the blood flow, prompting her to cry and wail even louder. “Hold still!” I snarled, making sure to pull the belt extra tight. I brought her back to the elevator for a reason... I just hope this is worth my time, dealing with this wreck of a pony. “Alright, that’ll do it...” I said, satisfied with the significantly less amount of blood draining from her body. Looks like I might have bought myself enough time. I picked one of the syringes off the floor and levitated it in front of her face. “Glossy... You ever hear of a game called sticks and carrots?” *** *** *** I groaned, shaking my head to stay focused again as I slowly stepped down every step of the stairwell. The painkiller was starting to ware off, while the pain in my side, not to mention my crippled foreleg, quickly began to resurge. My head ached from anxiety. Those ponies... I’ve come across their files once or twice, not to mention the conversations I’ve had to endure with them during inspections. They weren't the type to join Platinum's nonsense. I would have known if they were like that! They were just... ponies. Emphasis on 'were' though. Whatever Platinum did... Celestia, she turned them into a bunch of psychopaths! They shot me! They threatened to-- sigh I had to give'em what was coming to'em. Regardless, I still had blood on my hooves... literally. A pony could track my movements from the medbay waiting room to the upper levels of the Atrium, just by following the trail of blood splattered hoofprints. Glossy Spring told me what I needed to know, at least enough before she finally passed out from blood loss. She'll be dead before she wakes up. Her end will be a little more peaceful than squirming on the floor for the rest of what remained of her life. Thankfully, she chose more ‘carrots’ than ‘sticks’, and the doses of the painkillers persuaded her. Looking back, I probably should have let her squirm a little longer and saved one more for myself. It's not like I owed her any favors. She did fill me in on what's been happening though. This Folly that Platinum mentioned... that... thing that came out of her... they think she’s some kind of goddess. Damnit, it’ll take a field day to get all these crazies back on the wagon. Apparently, they’ve left the stable to head to her... ‘sanctuary’. I could only guess what that meant. According to Glossy, they've been going around the Stable threatening to sacrifice anypony who didn't follow them. Anypony they sacrificed, they... cannibalized. I guess that explained the half-eaten security stallion. Eventually, somepony from outside the Stable showed up and took everypony who was left with them outside... like outside, outside. Aqua and Kahn... I guess it was wishful thinking to expect Glossy to know anything about what happened to them. If these bastards took them, if they weren't... Celestia, if they were cooperative enough... then they’re out there somewhere. Somewhere... who knows where this ‘sanctuary’ is. But... FUCK! It doesn’t matter, does it? We don’t do search parties outside of the stable. Stable-Tec, the Execs, not even Diamond would ever approve of one. We’ll have to save whoever is left and close the stable door again. This time for good... While my best friend could be out there, and I can’t do a fucking thing about it! ...she might as well be dead. Goddamn it, I swear... I’ll make them pay... Some were able to escape or hide from them. That was three days ago. A group of the bastards stayed behind to finish whoever might have been left when they were attacked by something else... a group of intruders. What did the one mare call them? Zekes? There was only one thing we used that term for and... No, there's no way that could be possible. "Sparky..." "H-huh?" My ears perked at my name as I looked around. It sounded like... a mare. A very familiar mare... Yet, all that was there were the narrow grey walls of the hallway to the living quarters. I sighed, shaking my head into focus again. ...I must be imagining things. "Spark, you're still a doubter. That's your problem." I heard it again. That voice... I'd recognize it anywhere. But it couldn't be... "Oh, sorry I woke you Sparks." "Platinum?" I asked to the dull, thin air. "What are you afraid of Sparky?" "What the hell are you talking about?" I must have spun around several times now, expecting to see the steel colored Unicorn standing right behind me. Every time she spoke was as if she were nibbling at my ear. "Platinum!?" "What do you want from me?" I lost my balance and fell against the wall again. Just like in the medbay, everything was spinning. Still no sign of Platinum. I wanted to vomit, but I had nothing to throw-up. I clenched my eyes shut and groaned, the pain blistering my head. "You're... you're not really there! Shut up!" “Do you not... believe me Sparky?” Reality returned to me like molasses. I re-opened my eyes to find that I was face down on the floor. I picked myself back up with a painful groan, trying my best to ignore the rope of drool extending from my mouth. Oh, crap... how long was I out? I looked around again, thankful to find that the world around me was back in its place... for the most part anyway. I sighed, as I stared silently at the wall across from me. Yet another pony was slumped lifelessly against it, bullet holes surrounding her, all painted with the now all too frequent color of dark red. Just like the security stallion in the medbay, her hide had been torn and eaten by the other ponies. As my eyes adjusted, I’d noticed something else just above her. What I saw then, almost forced a chuckle from my lungs. Courtesy of FUCK Stable-Tec and FUCK The Overmare of Stable 17. No need to thank JOIN us. Now this screamed maintenance riots. So much for my vandalism theory... If that filly hadn't disproved it already. ’Memorialized vandalism with painted flowers’, what the hell was I thinking? *** *** *** Amazingly, I found my room, the door still wide open from when I left it last. I think that was to get a clean Stable jacket. I was happy to see that all of my belongings were still here. Well... most of them. I desperately grabbed one of my cans of water I'd kept on the shelf above my terminal. I poured it down my gullet faster than Kahn could pick a lock. I gasped for air after the entire can was empty, before moving on to my closet. After I zipped up my Stablesuit, I scanned the room one more time, hoping that the two crucial things that I still lacked would somehow have made their way to my room. More wishful thinking on my part... No Pip-Buck... and no badge ID card. I won’t be able to move through the stable without them. At least not very efficiently... I usually left my ID hanging on my terminal. My Pip-Buck... Well, I usually left that on my foreleg. Who knows where that could have ended up... A flashing light next to the terminal's screen suddenly caught my eye. A new message? Huh... must have been while we were arresting Platinum. Sucking in an anxious breath, I opened it. Hey Spark, you left your Badge ID on the bar in the Atrium during the Cards Tournament the other night. You forgot to grab it after you paid for all those drinks. Don't worry, nopony used it. I brought it back down to the game room with me, and it's nice and safe in the cupboard. Stop by when you've got the time to grab it. And before you ask, the answer is still NO. Stop asking me. -Cider Twist. A sinful smirk threatened to tug at my lips as I read the pony’s name... before realizing the particular thought should be about the furthest thing from my mind right now. What was more important... was that... I WAS THE ONE WHO BOUGHT ALL THOSE DRINKS!!?? Ration slips don’t grow on our artificial trees you know! Cider Twist was the bar mare in the game room. A beautiful white coat, apple red mane... and, unfortunately for me, has a suspected fondness for... let's see, how should I put this... fondness for other sources of femininity... which is an obvious violation of Stable 17 codes. But, I couldn’t really prove anything to security unless I caught her, and ponies like her don't exactly have an incentive to show off her... 'preferences' to the public. Eh... but, we went a ways back when we were in school, so I figured if she owed me a favor here or there, I could look the other way. I like to think my deal with Aqua is more beneficial to her as a friend than my deal with Cider Twist. Her prescription costs come out of my end after all, cause that's what friends do, right? Eh... but, I digress... I guess the game room is my next best bet. I shut off my terminal and prepared to head back out. If Glossy was right, I can expect a whole lot more trouble my way. I’d better grab what I can. I hastily levitated my old saddlebag out from under my bed, brushing aside some just as old -and just as dirty- magazines, and draped it across my back. Quickly turning back to my desk, I opened its drawers and levitated out some other useful trinkets of mine: A Pip-Buck glove -without a Pip-Buck- to fit around my left forehoof, and a fitted horseshoe -molded with a brass bumper in front- to hide underneath it. Haven’t used this since my Pink Clearance days. I guess it’s one thing I can thank Rail Shot for... Let’s see, what else? I sighed with relief as I spotted my cigarette lighter atop my desk, quickly wrapping my magic around it. *Clink-Flick* Check... After sliding the leather glove over my brass-hoof, I began checking what ammo I had left. Let’s see... one empty mag for the 10mm, and four rounds of buckshot versus an army of armed and angry nut-jobs... Yeah, I’d fold this hand if I wasn’t already all-in... I gave a regretful sigh as I kept the pistol in my jacket, while I slung the shotgun over my back. It's not much, but since Aqua confiscated my firearms, it's all the protection I can take right now. I'm going to need to keep confrontations with these asshats to a minimum. Well... guess it’s a good thing the power's out. Sneaking around will be a lot easier in the dark. My stomach suddenly grumbled, reminded of the diner next to the game room. I'd forgotten I hadn't eaten anything for who knows how long. The water helped, but I'm still pretty far from healthy. Maybe stopping by the diner wouldn't be such a bad idea. Hopefully it wasn't already looted dry like the medbay. With one last anxious sigh of mental preparation, I opened the door and limped back out into the hallway, trying to crouch low to stick to the shadows. Something that was well rehearsed after snooping around in places I wasn’t exactly welcomed in my whole life. I guess that’s every place now... Well... might as well go try my luck. Time to go gambling... *** *** *** "It's bad. She ambushed her, and now she's dead!" Well, that could have gone better. As soon as I rounded the corner of the hallway, at least four more greaseball rioters spotted me. I was barely able to lose them before they could pump my hide full of lead. One thing was for sure, those weapons weren’t just Stable Security weapons. Some were even automatic. Sure, maybe sometimes an assault rifle would pop up here or there, usually only by Execs, and I’ll admit, even I got my hooves on one once or twice, but now almost every other maintenance pony was carrying one. I remembered what Glossy Spring had told me. Those outsiders she was talking about must have been the ones slipping arms through maintenance somehow. What I wouldn’t give to wrap my magic around one of their guns... Outsiders... I swear, every time we have contact it represents the erosion of what we’ve always believed the world to be: A desolate wasteland of nothing outside the stable. The intel department, headed by Kahn, has always given that depiction, using the data collected from nearby outside terminals and other stables, accessed via underground connection. Yet here we are again. I’m not so sure if we’ll be able to cover it up this time around... I had trotted back to the stairwell and descended two more floors, all the while listening to them shouting after me, still trying to figure out where I’d gone. I could hear them everywhere, breaking down doors, looting rooms, and calling out for any survivors that might still be holding out. I thought I might have been the only one. That is, until I came across a stallion and a dead maintenance mare. Slowly, I tried creeping passed him as he shouted to more maintenance ponies in the next room behind his. “Shit! The zekes aren't down here already, are they!” “No, no. It’s her again!” “We need to find that heretic! She could be anywhere!” “She couldn’t have gone far!” I contemplated galloping in there and knocking him out with a loose pipe or something, take his ammo and gun for good measure... which would bring the entire maintenance department down on me. No, play it safe, Spark. There’ll be time for that later. One step at a time. I thought back to what they said as I continued to sneak through the shadowed dark corridors of the stable hallways. They said another mare attacked them. Well, thank Celestia for small favors! That means there’s somepony down here who still has their damn sanity! But, as much as I wanted to find somepony else on my side, I didn’t have the time to check every nook and cranny for survivors. At least it didn’t feel like I had time. I’d feel a whole lot better if I had the ability to bring up my clock on my Pip-Buck... or you know... THE MAP MAYBE!? I could only really make things up as I went along. I passed yet another assembly of maintenance ponies, searching room by room at the end of the hallway as I entered the game room. I didn’t have much time. I watched them slowly conquer each room, door by door, down the hall. I needed to get out fast before they get to this door. I shut it behind me and turned on the light switch. They all flickered on with hesitation, only half of them actually working, but at least it was enough light for me to work with. I made my way to the bar, passing the empty card tables, slot machines, and billiards tables. It was strange not to see anypony in here. Usually, the place was packed no matter what time of day you showed up, unless one of the Execs reserved it. Even then, the game room was very lively. Now, the only thing that held the crushing silence back was the haunted sputtering music playing from the jukebox. *Static*” ...how it’s gonna be.” *Static* “…-ou’re gonna gi-...” *Static* “...love to me. I wanna love you night and day.” *Static* “…-ou know my love’ll never fade away.” *Static* I froze, glaring down at yet another lifeless pony slumped over a card table, surrounded by scattered cards and the dealer’s bank of ration slips and aptitude credits. What was surprising, was that he was wearing Stable coveralls. He was a maintenance pony. Well, what the hell killed this guy? Shaking my head back into focus, I returned to my goal of finding my Badge ID. Contemplating a pony’s death wasn’t going to get me anywhere, especially with the sound of incoming hoofsteps getting closer to the room. Finally, I made it around the bar and began searching through every cupboard and liquor cabinet in sight. “Come on, where the hell is it?” I was able to open most of them, although some I had to break off their hinges due to them being locked. Nothing a little brute magic couldn’t fix. Yet, still no ID card. Damnit Cider! Where’d you put it!? It was when I spotted the very last thing I hadn’t opened -the thing I had been trying to avoid out of the corner of my eye- that I deadpanned and slammed my head against the countertop, groaning in disappointment. NOT a cupboard... Of course it couldn’t have been as simple as that! No, it had to be a wall safe... A locked wall safe. Fan-freakin’-tastic... I thought back to what Cider Twist had said in her message about her keeping it ‘safe’ for me. I know what you’re thinking, ‘a rebellious pony like me in my youth, never learned how to pick a lock?’ Well, it’s not that! I knew my way around a padlocked drawer or a personal liquor cabinet, no problem! But... sometimes picking a pocket for a key or hacking a terminal was better than wasting your time with bobby pins and a screwdriver. I never bothered to carry anything like that around with me very often. As a Stable Loyalty Inspector, I was expected to know my way in and out of other residents’ quarters, offices, and departments, not to mention to access any goodies they might have stashed away somewhere. And sure, I got the job done by stealing room cards or hacking terminals. But, lock-picking the real tight stuff like safes or doors was more of Diamond’s or Kahn’s thing.... and Platinum’s... and I’m pretty sure Glitter was pretty skilled with a bobby pin in her teeth, and then Aqua... OKAY! So, everypony was good at it but me, you happy!? The only pony who’d have the key was Cider Twist, and unless she’s hiding or dead somewhere in this room, I’m pretty screwed. I looked around one last time before hearing the hoofsteps from the hall grow even louder. They sounded like they were just outside the door now. Damnit! My EFS would be useful right about now! My eyes narrowed on another door near the back of the room. Without seeing any other options, I quickly moved over and opened it. Fuck! I’ll have to come back for my badge later. Maybe I could find a key in Cider’s Pink level cle-- “GYAAH!” I was suddenly met by a strong pair of hind legs apple-bucking me to the floor. I wheezed, my lungs going flat from the force of the impact. Growling from the pain of both the kick AND the pressure surging through my wounds, I tried to recover, only for the pony to wrap their forehooves around my neck. Goddamnit! Could this morning get any worse? "You're not gonna eat me, you son of a bitch!" I heard her scream, as I attempted to struggle back with her. Wait a minute, I knew that voice... I peered into her angry ruby eyes as my own forelegs held her body back. "Glitter!? Stop, damnit! It's me!" I felt her body freeze as if she were ordered to do so by the Overmare herself. Her eyes widened, looking down at me, half shocked, as her body remained on top of mine. "S-Sparky?" Her voice whimpered through her trembling lips and frantic breaths. “Is... Is it really you?” "No, it’s Moonbeam McFuckyourself- OF COURSE IT'S ME, DUMBASS!" I growled. "Now get the hay off of me!" I pushed her body off of mine, with a little help from my telekinesis. She let out a feminine squeak as she fell to the floor beside me. But, before I could even stand back up, I found myself suddenly wrapped in her forelegs again, though this time it was a much more welcoming embrace. Oh, Celestia, has Tartarus frozen over? I can’t even remember the last time she hugged me... I tensed, feeling her head find a rather tender crevice in my neck. Was she... cuddling me!? Ah geez... hugging the Chief of Security usually isn’t on my list of things I like to do, no matter who it is. I wanted to push her away, until her breath began to shudder, and my ears drooped at the sound of her crying. "Oh Celestia, Spark..." She whimpered between emotional breaths. "I thought you were dead! I-I... I left you and everypony in the elevator and-... Oh fuck! I'm so sorry! I was scared! When they found you, they said you were all alone, and-... They said you were dead! I-I'm so sorry! Everypony... they're gone! Aqua and Kahn, they... These sons of bitches! I thought I was the only one left!" I coughed as her pink mane obstructed my breathing, which I was currently only able to do through my mouth thanks to my nostril tissues. I blew her mane out of the way and patted her head, rather awkwardly. Oh, you can't blame me! It’s been years since I’ve seen tough and strong-willed Glitter Punch act this way. "Shhh!" I hushed her, more out of fear that somepony would hear her, than to actually comfort her. I didn’t need my EFS to know that those ponies were right behind that wall. They'll hear her sniffling and pouting if she doesn’t suck it up. "U-um... well... I'm here now... uh... it's okay, I guess... just uh..." Oh for fuck sakes Glitter, stop crying! Please... I sighed, prying her away from the emotional hug as I looked her over. Blood, presumably not her own, was splattered across her body and security uniform, as if some aggravated painter had flicked a paintbrush at her, after swabbing it in a red puddle. Her eyes were still filled with tears, as I glared at her and... Oh Celestia, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that face. The face of that charcoal-coated and pink-maned traumatized filly. Glitter Punch would never back down from a fight... a very different mare from the one quivering in my hooves at this very moment. The helpless stare she was giving me right now, was one of fear, worry, and desperation. Whatever she’d experienced since down here has practically broken her. So... I probably shouldn't blame her for wanting to cling to anything that could remind her of a time before all tartarus broke loose. And right now, that apparently was the raggedy colt she knew from her foalhood. She sighed, finally calming herself down a bit, wiping her tears and nose with a small gloomy giggle. “You look like shit...” “Oh I’m super.” I forced a smirk, lasting an impressive few seconds before a concern rose from the depths of my mind. "Glitter, do you know what the hay is going on? Why the fuck is Maintenance--? Luna! They're EATING other ponies! They threatened to eat ME! I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen the bodies..." She maneuvered her forehoof to cover her mouth in disgust, having to swallow whatever it was that almost came up her throat. "I... I know... did the same to me... I've been hiding out here, just... trying to keep them away. Sometimes going out there to try and get information, but... There's always more of them... And I... I don't think it's only the maintenance department..." I sat down next to her and sighed. "Yeah... I got a little bit of info from one that I ran into... Remember Glossy Spring? Old friend in Maintenance... and when I say 'old'..." I raised my bloody bullet pierced foreleg in front of her to show exactly what I meant by the word. "...The stuff they've been following these passed months... seems whatever is outside the stable has similar beliefs. That has to be where they got all these weapons. Damnit, I can't believe we didn't catch this before! They've had secret contact with the outside all this time!" "It... it's Platinum..." She said quietly as she glared down between her hooves. "She's the one who's been telling them to do this... our friend..." She stomped her hoof, a bubble of anger bursting through her sorrowful expression. "What the FUCK was she thinking!!? And just... just WHY!?" The mention of 'friends' pushed another concern to the forefront of my mind. “You see what happened to anypony else? Aqua? Kahn? ...Diamond?” She clenched her eyes shut, looking as if she were about to break down again, before shaking her head. “I don’t know...” I gave a solemn nod, trying to keep the thought of the ponies I’ve known all my life out of my head. “I saw Kahn and Aqua get dragged off. Whatever happened to them after that... I... I don’t think I’d want to know.” “Oh, Celestia…” She shuddered, wiping another tear from her cheek. C’mon, Glitter... No time for mourning. I sighed, shutting out the rest of the fates of my friends... for now. “Well, I guess it's just us then..." I gave her a skeptical glare. "That is... unless you've got better places to be..." After giving me a puzzled look, I rolled my eyes. "...elevator." I said, flatly. The mare couldn't look anymore crushed as I said that. "Spark! I--! I said I was sorry! I... I wouldn't ever leave you behind, I was just thinking so fast, and I was--!" "...scared. I get it." I shook my head with a shrug. "Look, just focus on what to do right now..." My brow suddenly arched at the unfamiliar darkness around us. "Hey, where the hell are we anyway?” She sniffled before trotting over to a light switch and hitting it, illuminating the entire room. The floor was a pattern of black and white tiles, while shiny red booths contrasted with the grey walls and shiny steel stools along the bar. “Uh... the diner. Geez, did you hit your head in the crash?” “Oh... right...” My eyes locked with a familiar looking jukebox in the corner. Something was really off. I knew the diner was next to the game room. I’ve always known that. Hell, I just told myself that, not twenty minutes ago! What’s wrong with me? I swear, it felt as if my mind was slipping away from me... Glitter gave me a look when I did nothing but shrug her off, but she seemed to care enough as she continued to look over my bodily trauma with concern. It wasn’t until I noticed her concerned look turn to fear that I figured she finally saw some red dots on her EFS closing in on our position. “Alright...” I sighed, “...please tell me you have a way out of here.” I kept my voice hushed as I limped over to her. She attempted to calm herself down some more as I finally began to recognize the mare I knew once again. “Yeah. I’ve... I’ve got a plan. C’mon...” She only took a few steps forward before stopping and turning back to me with another worried look. “Did they feed you anything while you were under?” Footnote: Level Up! New Perk: Grey Morality - You do not hesitate to cross professional and ethical boundaries in pursuit of your own vision of justice. 15% attack damage increase when engaged with enemies who have a different Karma level than yourself. > Chapter Four: Glitter Punch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go little darlin’ We’re dancin’, and we belong here...” *** *** *** ACCESS GRANTED ROBRONCO INDUSTRIES UNIFIED OPERATING SYSTEM -Server 6- Stable-Tec Resident Database: Welcome, User. Search Stable Resident? [Searching...] Resident Dossier Found Retrieving File... [Loading...] Name: Glitter [REDACTED] Punch Race: Earth Pony DOB: [REDACTED] Clearance: Blue Level Occupation: Chief of Stable Security Department Prior Offenses: Error! [DATA CORRUPT] Status: [REDACTED] Notes Relationship with subject: Friendly Highlighted engagements regarding subject: Mingling, debating, fighting, dancing, shooting, drinking, Poker... Highlighted emotion(s) expressed toward subject: Regret, Frustration, Loyalty, Envy, Love... [Emotional Relationship: Inconclusive] [Beginning Playback Sequence...] oooOOOooo "Hey colt!" Ms. Torch finally ended class for the day as all the fillies and colts my age filed out of the classroom and into the halls of stable 17. I smiled at a cute giggle from a filly I’d been seeing for the past year, blushing wildly after she’d caught me staring for the second time today. Diamond Blossom and I met after the orphanage transferred both of us to stable 17’s magical training room, which was just a nice way of saying, ‘stay in here so you don’t annoy anypony while throwing stuff around in your magic’. She wasn’t exactly the most social of fillies... especially since it took her almost five minutes just to get one sentence out. I guess when you’re desperate to get ahead, sharing your lunch with the colt who stole the teacher’s textbook to get out of that day’s lecture couldn’t have been the worst idea in the world. Her, my best friend Aqua and I have been friends ever since. Though, I couldn’t lie, Diamond was different... she felt special. This, however, isn’t that... no... that voice. Everypony in the hallway froze, turning towards me as they surrounded us in the usual curious manner of foals our age. "Huh?" My ears perked at the angry high-pitched shout from behind me. I looked over my flank to see the face to match the anger as a charcoal colored filly stood, legs spread, chest puffed out, glaring sourly at me. I raised my eyebrow over the rims of my glasses. "What do you want?" She growled under her breath as she huffed, blowing her pink mane out of her eyes. "I want what you stole, you thief!" Everypony around us began to murmur at her claim as they looked between the two of us. My eyes widened in surprise as I winced from the unwanted attention. "W-what?" I stuttered, shooting her that innocent smile I'd learned to show for all the grown-ups in the stable. "Who, me? C'mon, I wouldn't steal an--" "No! I saw you!" She shouted back, mirroring my steps. “The toy wagon! You stole it from my friend when you bumped into her!” What!? How the hay, did she..? I looked from side to side at our classmates’ collective whispering and judgmental stares as if they were all working together to reach inside me and pull out my guilt for everypony to see. Oh, hay in a hoofbasket! Did she have accuse me of that in front of everypony!? Stupid filly! My eyes narrowed behind the giant lenses of my glasses as I stood my ground, defiantly stomping my hoof in front of her. “Oh yeah!?” I shouted, childishly. Now, the exact meaning of this common exchange of debate is very relevant in the process of arguing your side of things. “Yeah!” She countered. “Says who!?” “Says me!” “Oh yeah!?” Yeah!” I furrowed my brow and tilted my head, taking in her rather boyish attitude and appearance for a filly. Bingo! I thought, the perfect way to get out of this accusation coming to me with a devious smirk. “Well, why don’t you prove it? Fillyfooler!” Everypony around us gasped, their attention suddenly transitioning to the utter mortified embarrassment of the now blushing tomboy filly. “W-what!?” She squeaked, before returning her angry glare, more fiery than ever. “What did you just call me!?” “You heard me!” I closed the gap between us, a cocky grin plastered on my coltish face. “Is that friend of yours really just ‘a friend’? I’ll bet that’s why you’re getting her stupid toy back, so she can give you a big wet kiss!” I caught a glance at Aqua Wave’s eyes widening in shock, before drifting to the floor awkwardly while she stood next to Diamond. Huh... why did Awk’ turn all red when I said that? “Ch-Cha-Char-Charger! Tha-That wasn’t v-v-very n-ni-...” “Not now Diamond!” I yelled back at my stuttering friend as I made a competitive effort to not break eye contact with the aggressive filly in front of me. I watched as she only grew more angry and emotional by the second. “I double dare you to prove me wrong!” I jeered, all but celebrating the reversal of her accusation, backing her into a corner. “Y-YOU--!” She growled, now trying to hold back tears as I laughed at her. “You’re lying! You’re just a stupid liar!” “Oh yeah!?” I countered back. “Yeah!” “Well, I double dog-- No... Double DIAMOND Dog dare you to prove it!” I waved my hoof across the crowd of young ponies still standing around us. “I dare you to kiss any one of us colts!” At this point, I wasn’t even sure if this was still part of defending myself from the fact that I had actually stolen the toy wagon from her friend, that dark shaded filly who she’d always hang around with. But it evolved into something I enjoyed just the same. Her ears drooped, staring at me in horror as uncomfortable jaws fell in shock all around us. I laughed at her expense, feeling myself swell with pride. “C’mon chicken!” “Are... are you kidding!?” She forced a nervous laugh, trying to deflect my taunt as she blew her bangs out of her eyes again. “Kiss you stupid colts!? That’s gross!” “That’s cause you’re just a carpet munching fillyfooler!” “THAT’S IT!” She screamed, lowering her head and scraping the floor with her hoof as if she were about to charge at me like an angry bull. Ha! What does she think she’s do--oookay… I’ve never seen anypony that angry before! The tide suddenly turned on me as I realized that I might have pushed her just a bit too far. I returned to taking several steps back from her as she glared at me from her threatening stance. She was so angry that steam could have been blowing from her nostrils every time she huffed or snorted. “I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR FLANK!!!” I could almost feel the shockwaves of her shout, the force making me trip over my own hooves. I fell back on my haunches, the fillies and colts around us beginning to grow in excitement. Uh oh... what did I just get myself into? “C’mon Sparks!” “Yeah Spark Charger! Get’er!” “Teach that colt a lesson, Glitter!” “Oh gosh... They’re gonna fight, aren’t they Diamond? Oh, why did Sparky have to say those things!?” “W-w-we gotta s-stop them, Aqua! Ch-Ch-Char-Charger! I d-d-dunno a-ab-...” “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” A fight!? No no no! That is not what I wanted! I turned back towards her, nervously watching every angry stomp she took towards me. Wait a minute... I looked between the bridge of my nose, remembering what rested atop it to magnify my eye sight. Yes! I thought, There’s no way anypony would hit a foal with a handicap! Thank the pony god of extreme nearsightedness for big nerdy glasses! My smugness returned, once again regaining my confidence. Besides, she’s just a filly. It’d be an unfair fight. I mean, what’s she going to do? Throw plastic tea cups at me? I crossed my forelegs and gave her a doubtful look, watching confidently as she got right up in face to glare at me. I rolled my eyes with a smirk. “Oh c’mon, you’re just a filly. I don’t want to hur--” WHACK! Everypony gasped as I fell backwards, the unexpected force of the filly’s forehoof striking my left eye, landing me flat on my back. I winced in pain, imediately trying to open it, already feeling the area beginning to swell. I was barely able to notice that she had punched the glass completely out of the left lens of my glasses, while splintering a nice crack in the right. She... hit me? She’d actually... Why, I oughta..! I stood back up with a growl, confronting her again after I'd adjusted what was left of my glasses, one of the rims snapping off as I did so. “Y-you--!” I stammered. “You’d hit a colt with glasses!?” The outrage for this filly not only to hit me, but to stomp all over my building ego and internal logic, made my voice seethe with anger. “You’re gonna pay for that!” She stuck her tongue out, just as cocksure as I was, even while watching my foreleg wind back. “Ooo…” She taunted, “What happened to not wanting to hurt a fil--?” WHACK! Her eyes widened, back pedaling in surprise. A pattern of red dots began to appear on the collar of her Stable jacket. Beads of blood were rolling down from her nostril, the area turning purple where my forehoof had struck her. “Y-you--!” She whimpered and hissed at the sting, looking down at the blood that she wiped away on her hoof. “You’d actually hit a filly!?” A defiant smirk formed under my black eye and busted pair of glasses... only to disappear, when instead of breaking down to cry like I’d expect her to, she only seemed to grow more angry and determined to fight. “U-uh... Heh...” I laughed nervously. “Should we call it square then?” She growled before scraping her forehoof against the floor again. This time, she really did charge straight at me like a bull. Thank Celestia she’s an Earth Pony or else I would have been impaled-- and I should probably start running now!!! “AAAAHHHH!” I yelled in horror as I turned on my hooves and bolted through the crowd to get away. “Oh no you don’t!” I heard her jeer, galloping after me at full speed. Seriously!? What is the matter with this filly!? Our classmates continued to cry for our blood as I galloped away for my life, unable to see the sign above, pointing to where I was headed. Little did I know what the storage level looked like until that day... *** *** *** “I said stand still!” I ducked my head as yet another one of her rear hooves came flying in my direction. “No!” I countered in defiance. The filly growled, rearing up to applebuck me again. “This is all your fault!” “Eep!” I let out a foalish squeal, her rear hooves just barely missing my horn. My poor eyes squinted, trying to see her next move through the splintered lenses of my glasses. I saw her rear up again in triples as I tried to pivot around her. “My fault!? You’re the one who chased me down here! This is all your fault!” She let out another growl as the sound of hoof against metal echoed around the room. “Well... Y-you got us lost!” She countered. She finally paused her assault to glare at me as I scrambled back to my hooves in front of a wooden box, about the same size as me. “Did not!” I yelled back. “Did too!” “Oh yeah!?” “Yeah!” With that she reared up again. Uh oh! “Yikes!” I dove back to the floor, not a second before her rear hooves hit the box that I was standing in front of. It splintered and broke in two from the impact. I stared wide-eyed between her and the ruptured crate. At least I’m pretty sure it was ruptured. Honestly, it was hard to tell if she really broke it or if my busted glasses just made it look that way. I was still impressed all the same. “O-oh crap, you’re strong...” I murmured, partly due to the realization that my head could have been what split in two instead of the crate. She paused, apparently taking my surprised statement as a compliment, and blushed, looking back at the busted crate. “You... you really think--?” She stopped herself to growl and shake her head. “Shut up!” She screamed, beginning to chase me around the room again. We were on the storage level, which meant we were under every other level of the stable. Nopony ever comes down here, not too often at least. Even storage workers rarely leave the main warehouse. So, even if I were to A: Survive getting my face bucked inside-out, and B: NOT be blind as a bat with a pair of pulverized glasses, I don’t even think I’d be able to find my way back to the orphanage, let alone out of storage. It’s like a maze down here. In a last ditch attempt to try and out maneuver the hoof-bucking-crazed filly, I made a sharp turn and skidded in front of a jungle of loose wires dangling from the ceiling, before sliding underneath and crashing into a box of old pots and pans. I grunted, the kitchenware falling on top of me and clattering to the floor around where I laid. The ear shattering racket would have made me cringe, if I wasn’t already wincing in preparation for the filly about to stomp my head into the floor. I waited, ears back, teeth ground, eyes clenched shut, waiting for the inevitable. I waited for it... and waited... and waited... “H-hey..!” My ears perked at the unexpected sound of... panic. “S-stuck... Stuck. Stuck! I’m stuck!!!” I peeked my one good eye open to see the tough charcoal filly helplessly tangled up in the loose wiring, her forehoof extended outward as if the mess of wires saved me from her final hardened-hooved strike. My breath shuddered, not allowing me to grasp relief as I watched her struggle, only making the wires' grip around her tighten like tentacles around prey. She screamed and grunted, finally beginning to cry tears. Two wires were wrapped around her front hooves while another two lifted her rear leg off the ground. One rather thick wire roped around her belly, forcing her to dangle while preventing her from touching the floor with her one free rear hoof. I gulped, not sure if I should sigh with relief, laugh at her expense, or cry along with her. Instead, I quickly turned towards the door and began to trot away. I’d better tell Ms. Torch about this. They can send somepony down here, and then-- “No no no! Come back!” She cried after me, still struggling and flailing her legs against the strength of stable-tec steel wires. “Don’t leave me! Please! Come back! Don’t leave me here! Come back! Come back! Come back!” I stopped dead in my tracks. My jaw clenched, feeling every one of her cries for help make deep penetrations into my soul. “P-please! I-I... I don’t wanna be alone! Don't leave me alone!!!” She... She was hitting me... She was attacking me! Trying to hurt me! Accused me of stealing in front of everypony! And now she wants me to help her!? Why should I!? She doesn’t deserve my help! She..! She... My ears flattened against my mane, my head hanging with a heavy sigh. Sorry, dad... *zzzzzZZZZZTTtttzzzz!* “Eep!” She let out a feminine squeak as she collapsed to the floor, the wires falling like noodles around her, smoldering from the sudden beam of magical heat. The filly hesitantly opened her big ruby eyes before staring up at me, seeing my horn smolder along with the wires with... What is that? Despair? Shock? Fear? Or... anger? She slowly stood up, glaring at me. I whimpered, instantly back pedaling away from her sudden lunge toward me with both of her forehooves. O-oh crap! Dad was right! I shouldn’t have helped her! Why do I even help anypony at all!? I winced as I tried to shrink away from the coming punch to my-- “Oh my gosh! Thank you!” Both of my eyes, even my black eye, shot wide open in surprise as the earth pony filly’s forelegs wrapped around me in a tight hug. Oh... Thankfulness... Oh, you can’t blame me! It’s not like I see that expression very often... My cheeks burned red hot, feeling her muzzle find the tender crevice of my neck, knocking my glasses off of one ear to dangle sideways on my face. My own forehoof moved around her head to pet her rather short mane. “W-well uh... heh... You know I... I couldn’t just leave you like that...” I chuckled nervously. “Those cables looked pretty scary...” I couldn’t help but smile at the giggle I got out of her with that. “They... they were...” She pulled away from our embrace, wiping a few tears away with her forehoof before extending it in front of me. “My name is Glitter Punch.” I nodded, something about the sudden friendliness of the filly making my heart melt, a warm smile spreading across my face. “I’m Spark Charger.” I replied, happily bumping her hoof with my own, before giving a reluctant sigh. “For what it’s worth, I... I’m sorry for calling you a carpet munching fillyfooler.” I winced, genuinely hoping she’d accept my apology. Her thankful smile wavered, but she nodded, awkwardly grimacing with a sigh of her own. “I-it’s okay... I... I get it.” She shrugged, “I guess I do look kinda butch... and I’m not real pretty like the rest of--” “Whoa, what?!” I held my hoof up in protest. “What do you mean? I... I think you’re pretty.” No sooner did the words leave my mouth, that we both adorned ferocious blushes. Glitter remained silent, a bit shocked by my words, before she looked away in embarrassment, attempting to hide her red face with a hoof. Oh! Stupid! Why did I say that!? She looked back at me with a goofy grin, before her eyes locked onto the wreck dangling off of my face. She gave a regretful sigh and frowned. “And I am... REALLY sorry for breaking your glasses.” I looked cross-eyed at the pathetic heap of my glasses before rolling my eyes and shaking them off my face. “I...” I couldn’t help but let a hearty chuckle escape my lungs. “I hated these glasses anyway.” We once again shared a moment of giggling, before I finally sighed, scratching the back of my mane with a hoof. “But, I won’t be able to see without them... So, I’m probably not going to be much help finding a way out of here. We’re... we’re really lost, aren't we...” She shrugged, leaning against me with a sigh of relief. We both sat back on our haunches, just staring into the emptiness of the dark hallway. “I don’t care about that... I... I just don’t want to be by myself. I hate being alone, Spark.” I can’t believe she went from hating me to... well, being so nice. Oh no... I know what I have to do... and I REALLY don’t want to do it... Her ears perked at the sound of my magical genesis again, just as a small toy red wagon rolled up between us. I made sure to look way, not daring to look her in the eyes as I gave what I stole from her friend back to her. It... It was the right thing to do... but now, she’s just going to go back to hating me. Heh... maybe my cutiemark will be getting others to hate me. I just need to tear down a few more ponies, and I’d bet I’ll get it in no time. I could almost feel her angry gaze burning a hole in the back of my head. Well... I guess I better get back to running away from her before she bucks me in the head. I was ready to push away from her coming anger... But, instead, my soul just about melted from the burn in my cheeks as I felt the filly’s lips press against my face. Wait... what!? I turned to her in disbelief. She... She kissed me! C’mon dude! Do something! Say something! Anything! “W-woa-- h-huh... t-thanks...” Nice going Charger... She blushed as she took the toy in her hooves. “You’re good, Spark.” “Y-yeah? Oh!” I looked up, knowing it futile to see the blurred image of my smoldering horn. “You mean... I’m good at magic?” I couldn’t help but smirk around my blush. “Yeah, I’m... well, Sister Cross and Father Star told me I can’t use that kind of magic, but I--” “No, no.” She said, interrupting. “I-I mean, yeah, that was pretty cool, but I mean you are good. You’re a good colt. A good pony.” She giggled. “You’re not so bad after all...” Huh... I hope she doesn't go spreading that around... “Platinum Braid is gonna be so happy when she gets this back.” She pocketed the toy inside her jacket before gasping with an idea, turning to me with a wide grin. “Oh! You should totally come and hang out with us some time!” She gave me a smirk, before nudging my shoulder with a hoof. “And don’t worry... I won’t tell her that you stole her wagon.” I gave a hesitant nod, feeling the intensity of my father’s words begin to fade away as we leaned back against each other. “Sounds fun!” I smiled, “Oh! And you should meet my friends too! You know Aqua Wave and Diamond Blossom, right?” oooOOOooo *** *** *** oooOOOooo “Hey Sparky!” “Hmm...” I groaned into my forelegs, barely hearing the voice beside me. “Spark! Spark Charger!” The voice suddenly turned to a pair of hooves nudging my shoulder back and forth. “H-huh?” My ears perked, quickly lifting my head off the table in a panic, a rope of drool snapping away from my mouth. “Oh, crap! I-it wasn’t me! It was Angel Mist! She’s the one!” I blurted out trepidly, the blurry image of a pony filling my vision. Only after contemplating a dash off the other end of the diner booth, did my eyes finally adjust to reveal the sad smile of a familiar young charcoal mare. “Oh... It’s just you, Glits...” I said with a sigh of relief. Glitter instantly frowned at the nickname, though continued to hold her concerned look for me. “Sparky... are you okay? What are you doing in here by yourself? Why aren’t you with Diamond?” I actually hadn’t noticed that I was by myself. I scanned the room around me, finally seeing that everypony, even orange level Diner ponies, had left the room. Probably long since after I had buried my head in my forelegs, hoping that time would just pass over the day as fast as possible. “Y-yeah... ahem Yeah!” I tried to shake my head back into focus. “Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be? Just uh... just lost track of time, is all.” She tilted her head in pity. “But... the dance?” “Oh...” I let out a sad sigh, shaking my head. “...Right. That...” I forced myself to shrug insincerely, while showing off my best confident smile. “Well, I... I never asked her. But, it’s no big deal. You know me, I’ve got more important things to worry about than that stupid dance. I was too busy to go anyway. Way too busy. Really busy. Just..." I caught the sad look she was giving me, her pitiful gaze penetrating right through my act. I sighed again, this time in defeat as I glared down at the red padded booth between my hooves, knowing that I looked nothing short of pathetic. "...just really... really... really..." Stupid! I just felt REALLY stupid! Diamond and I were really good friends, and I think I love-- Grrr! I was so close! She was right there in front of me! Why couldn't I ask her to this stupid Stable Ball!? It's the last one we could have gone to, until we're too old. Sure, there’s the Stable Gala... but that’s only for ponies who have high clearance to attend, and... -sigh- that'll never be me... But, no! Instead, I decided that vandalizing a rations dispenser for a free snack was a better use of my time! All because I--! B-because-- “I chickened out...” I sighed, feeling nothing but sorrow and anguish for myself as I let the malt-glass-for-two slowly melt in front of me on the table. Glitter gasped. "O-oh... Gosh, Spark, I'm sorry..." She awkwardly rubbed her leg with her opposing hoof above her Pip-Buck. "Can... can I sit with you?" I gave her another shrug as though to tell her I didn't care. I was expecting her to sit across the table from me, but instead, my eyes widened sheepishly as she hopped up on my side of the padded booth, sitting flank to flank next to me. She met my sad gaze before suddenly catching me off guard. My breath came to a halt, her warm body leaning in to give me a comforting hug. "Oh, c'mon Sparks, cheer up!" I immediately grew tense from her touch, her forelegs wrapping around me tightly as she nuzzled my cheek. My face was already red, but I definitely felt it burn as I felt her tail swish against my back. I sighed, finally giving in to her embrace, and relaxed in her welcoming hooves. Years had passed since the day she chased me down to the storage level where we became good friends. One of the few that I actually had. Since then, we had both gotten our cutiemarks, finished most of our schooling, and pretty soon will start our first jobs. We were excited to hear that Kahn had begun his work in the research department a couple years back. Well... I was at least. That’s where they kept all the restricted spell books; something I’ve been fascinated about since I was a foal. I mean, what else would you expect from a unicorn who’s been restricted from learning any new spells? I got my cutiemark in a maintenance sector, which meant I was exempt from taking the CAT test. It was straight to the maintenance level for me. Glitter’s future was looking a bit brighter, however, as her CAT let the labor department know that she was Security level material, just like her dad. Heh... Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure he was less than appreciative of his daughter hanging out with punks like me all the time. I’d grown into a young stallion -well, maybe not officially off the colt age yet- ready to work for the stable, yet still the conniving little rebel from the orphanage. The orphanage that I’ll be leaving for a tight-spaced brown level living quarters’ dorm. Well, at least Aqua Wave will be joining in on that particular fun in a year or two. Glitter on the other hoof, she’d grown into a beautiful young mare, her mane finally a bit longer to do away with her tomboy filly look, but still much stronger and athletic than most ponies her age. I couldn’t help but give a soft smile, just letting the tough hugger try to cheer me up. Sure, I’m not much of the hugging type, but even I had to admit, it was working for the moment. “Thanks...” I said, my smile reluctant to stay shape. It only lasted another minute, before it dropped back to a disappointed frown. “But... This was my last chance to ask Diamond to the dance. And I blew it...” Her sad smile returned, looking me in the eye with those big beautiful ruby ones of hers. “Hey, don’t feel bad.” She suddenly gave her own disappointed look, her eyes drifting between her hooves. “I uh... I wanted to go to the dance too. I mean, just look how happy Angel Mist was when Kahn asked her. I would have gone in a heartbeat, but...” She sighed, “Nopony ever asked me...” My ears perked, not believing that I'd heard her right. The sad look on her face told it all, though. My jaw just about hit the floor, absolutely shocked. “What!? But... How could they not!?” I asked, a bit outraged. “You’re like.... the coolest filly in the stable!” She shrugged, letting her eyes flutter shut as she gave another sigh, this one heavy with regret. Well that’s just... that’s just crazy! I thought, beginning to wonder who she'd hoped would ask her. Kahn was obviously head over hooves for Angle Mist, so she couldn’t have been expecting him. There weren’t a whole lot of other stallions her age that were available... none who were in her league at least. The fillyfooler thing was just a bad joke... I think... So, that only left-- Before I could ask, she suddenly shook her head, instantly pulling herself out of her own self-pity. I wish I was as good as that as she was... She looked back up at me curiously, before I saw her lips tug themselves back into her signature smirk. “Say, why don’t we put on some music to cheer us up?” She suggested, gently placing her forehoof over my own, nodding gleefully toward the diner’s jukebox. “We don’t need that stupid dance! We can have our own right here!” I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. “We-- what?” I gawked. She rolled her eyes, suddenly grabbing my forehoof with her own. “Oh, c’mon Sparky! It’ll be fun!” Before I could argue, she pulled me out of the booth with a strong tug, and led me to the jukebox. “Woah! Glitter, wait a second...” I protested, pulling my hoof back from her. She gave me a slightly hurt look, her eyes wide as saucers as they glistened in the dim lighting of the diner. Gyah! Don’t look at me like that! I could only give a heavy sigh and try not to feel too guilty. “You-- Uh...” Her hopeful eyes just about penetrated through to my soul as I struggled to avoid her pleading gaze. What is she doing!? We've never... danced before. Not... dance dance anyway. If Diamond saw us like that, all my hopes of ever asking her to be my special somepony are probably gone. But... Celestia, I don't know if it was because of her look, or if I just really wanted to be happy with a friend right now, but I only lasted so much longer before I caved. “You... have a song in mind?” I asked, with a sheepish grin. She just about gave me the most exited look I’d ever see come from the filly. “Sure do! Just a sec!” She turned with haste to the jukebox, her hooves hoisting her up so she could view the record selections. She slowly began to sway her hips, softly humming the tune of the song she was hoping to find, while the various records spun behind the glass in front of her. I felt myself fall into a deep blush, not able to help but swipe a sinful stare under her swishing tail. I instantly regretted it, having to tear my eyes away just as she looked back over her shoulder, like she somehow felt my gaze burning a hole right through her flanks. Damnit, Spark! You perverted idiot! She’s your friend for Luna’s sake! Her own face began to turn red with a gasp, her bashful awareness only sending me into a deeper tint of red. I gave an awkward laugh as I scratched the back of my mane, trying my best to keep contact with her eyes, and less so with anything below them. “U-uh... heh... just uh... yeah...” I quickly shut my trap before any other embarrassing mumbles of guilt spilled from my lips. She gave a cute snort, and giggled at my pathetic response. That confirms it... she caught me red hoofed. Oh, I can already tell that I’m never going to hear the end of this one. She dropped her hooves back to the floor and trotted over to me. Finally, the needle in the jukebox began to graze over the record she’d chosen for us to dance to, the nostalgic sound of the scratching disk filling the room. A sudden surge of pale embarrassment shot through me, twisting my stomach in a knot. “I uh... I don’t actually know how to dance.” I admitted, trying not to look too ashamed. Though... I kind of was. I honestly was just hoping that Diamond and I would have just stood around and talked to each other, while laughing at how bad other ponies danced... probably just more wishful thinking on my part. Glitter gave me a skeptical glare before her expression melted, and she lost herself in a shameless laugh. “Neither--!” She snorted again through her laughter. “Neither do I, Sparks!” Now, that... that got the first genuine and cheerful smile out of me in a long time. “Okay...” I nodded, “What do we have to lose?” With a bit of hesitation, and just as much nervousness, I took the filly’s hoof in my own, turning my smile into a grateful grin, just for her to blush at my gentlecolt antics. After I’d felt my heart skip a beat at her rather alluring gaze, the orchestra of brass, wood, percussion and strings began to play a slow dance tempo. Her other hoof draped over my shoulder, while I placed my other hoof under at her side. We both leaned into each others’ chests so we could balance on our rear hooves, then began to slowly step back and forth and side to side to the music. It’s all forgotten now, the trouble and the pain. Forgotten every word I said. Forgotten every tear you shed We’re still in love... My eyes stayed drawn to the floor, so to make it look as if I were watching where to place my armature steps. And I really was... though, the main reason was to avoid making any kind of awkward eye contact. It wouldn’t be until I snuck a quick peek that I’d realize she was giving the same complexed look, staring down at our rear hooves, blushing madly. Has... has she always been this cute? It’s all forgiven now. We’re back in Lover’s Lane, and though we wandered from our way... The corner’s turned and we can say... We’re still in love... “Hey, you’re pretty good...” I chuckled, giving her a teasing look. The song slowly died before the next record flipped and began to spin, this one much faster in pace. “I’m starting to think you’re just trying to lower my expectations.” She finally looked up at me in gracious surprise, before letting herself fall back into that sly smirk of hers. “Oh, you hush, you sweet talker~” We began to move a bit faster to keep up with the new tempo, now kicking our rear hooves as we swung each other back and forth. I even gave an armature attempt at twirling her around in front of me, before pulling her back into my hooves. She gave me a gasp after completing the dance move. “Oh, and you’re telling me that you aren’t lowering mine?” We both laughed at that as our hooves continued to stomp to the music. I had to say... I hadn’t expected this day to end the way it did, and maybe I was still a bit disappointed in the result... but, right now, dancing with her, I hardly could even remember why I was sad anymore. I was having a blast! We let each other go for the next songs, facing each other as we stomped our forehooves to the beat, going into some very humiliating freestyle dances. Glitter swayed her hips, and kicked her hooves, and shook her tail, and spun in circles. I just hopped on my hooves, sometimes doing a shuffle from side to side... and maybe a spin or two as well. To be honest, I just enjoyed how happy we both were. I don’t think anything could have brought down our wild grins as, for the moment, everything seemed bright and colorful instead of dull and grey. Something felt... wrong about that... But, who cares!? As the final record flipped, we paused, both of us starting to look tired. I lost track of how many songs we had danced the night away to. We panted, both looking rather flushed from the exercise. We might just have called it a night right there, maybe sit together and talk, while we shared the rest of the malt I’d ordered, but refused to touch, before the last song began to play, making both of us perk right back up. Rock rhythm music, beginning with guitars, a bass and a drum kit, finally started to play through the jukebox. Okay, now, this is going to be one crazy dance. Well, maybe it couldn’t hurt to... Oh, screw it, let’s go! Well, come on let’s go, let’s go, let’s go little darlin’ And tell me that you’ll never leave me, Come on, come on let’s go-a Again, again, and again. We both went back to our ridiculous moves, as if to taunt each other to do something crazier than the other. I took her up on that challenge, a devious grin spreading across my muzzle. My horn let magic flow through it in excitement, reaching out with my magic and wrapping it around Glitter's forehooves. Well, now, swing me, swing me all the way down there Come on, let’s go little darlin’ Let’s go, let’s go again, once more. "Huh? Sparky!" She gasped, as my magic began to tug her sideways. "What are you-- Oh gosh!” Her body was suddenly lifted off the ground as I began to swing her around me in a circle. “Oh wow! WHOOOOOO!!!" She hollered and laughed with excitement, spinning myself in place to match her speed. I snickered as her body was stretched flat, her rear legs being pulled behind her by gravity. Well, I love you so, dear And I’ll never let you go Come on baby, so Oh, pretty baby-a I love you so! “Oh my gosh, Spark, stop!” She continued to laugh as I spun her around me. “You’re gonna make me sick!” We both giggled at that as I slowed my swinging, minding her warning, and bringing her back to the floor in front of me. She wobbled a bit on her hooves before falling forward into mine. She let out a cute squeak as I caught her, holding her up with my hooves at her side, just above her waist, tilting her back. Meanwhile her forelegs once again draped over my shoulders, allowing her to gaze up at me affectionately. My grin slowly melted as I basked in her gaze, blushing uncontrollably as she did the same, only for her tongue to suddenly stick out and playfully lick the tip of my muzzle, giving me her own devious smile. My heart exploded... Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go little sweetheart And then we can always be together Come on, come on let’s go again... My mane stood on end, feeling myself turn pale as blood rushed to my head... as well as other places. I felt my limbs grow weak, Glitter’s body now feeling a lot heavier in my hooves, until her weight finally pulled me forward without warning, and we both tumbled to the floor. “W-woah!” We both yelped in chorus. “Sparky-yyy!” She whined, pulling herself up, only to instantly turn around and playfully jump on my back before I could fully recover myself. I let out an annoyed groan as she forced me back down on my stomach, feeling her forehoof tussle my mane as she giggled. “You dropped me, you dork!” I rolled my eyes with a smirk, pushing her sideways until I rolled both of us over, landing myself on top of her this time. The room was filled with us laughing at each other’s foalishness. Celestia, I’m glad Glitter’s my friend. I’m never gonna let her go. oooOOOooo *** *** *** oooOOOooo “Out we go, ass-wipe!” My magic quickly wrapped around the greasy unicorn stallion, hoisting him out of his seat and dragging him across the game room. His legs went limp after my hoof had met the end of his muzzle in a harsh strike. Blood gushed from his nostrils as we made our way towards the door, earning a significant amount of alarming gasps from the other stable ponies at the bar and cards tables. But they paid us little mind after the initial outburst. After all, if this wasn’t a regular occurrence here, I’d be out of a job. My aura swung him out the door and into the hallway, landing him on his ass. “And stay out!” I snarled. His last defense was to roll over and pout at me. I caught his look, only for me to threaten him further, aggressively pointing my hoof at him. “If I catch you cheating on Executive Rail Shot’s time again, I’m gonna break your horn off! You want that, grime licker!?” He whimpered and shuddered like a crying filly, finally shaking his head ‘no’. “Alright... well, what are you waiting for then? Don’t you have toasters to repair or something? Get back to maintenance where you belong. Don’t come back.” He finally stood up, wobbling on his hooves a bit, before limping off down the hall, holding his busted nose with his hoof. Damn hippies think they can come up here while their department is threatening to overthrow everypony in high colored clearance. Celestia, what is the world coming to? I slowly realized that my horn was still glowing red. My magic was still burning with frustration, even after I had finished the telekinesis spell. Seriously!? A simple telekinesis spell!? I swear, everyday it’s getting harder to control. I already had to fill two jars this week! And what about next week!? Don’t get me wrong, work is good and all, but... Damnit! If ponies like that keep getting on my nerves, one of these days I’m gonna blow a fuse. Just before I was about to trot back inside to get another jar, I froze upon hearing the familiar young and raspy voice of a mare. “Well, well, well...” My ears perked, hearing her voice followed by an amused laugh. “He should have known better than to try to swindle a swindler.” Something left my throat that was a little too close to a squeak as I quickly extinguished my magical build up before she saw me. Looks like I’ll have to find time to release later... I stifled a pained grunt before closing my eyes. Regardless of the abrupt headache, however, a genuine chuckle was able to leave my throat, shaking my head and matching her amused voice. “Sorry Officer... is there a problem here?” I could almost feel her eyes roll as she trotted up behind me. “Only if you make it a problem.” She giggled. I finally turned around to see the security mare herself, casually standing in front of me with a heartwarming smile. I only realized that it had to have been a lot longer since the last time I had seen her, because for the first time ever, she actually had to slightly tilt her head upward to meet my happily surprised gaze. “It’s good to see you again, Spark...” Before I knew it, the rough and tough charcoal mare draped a foreleg around my neck and brought me into a brief hug. I replied with a warm chuckle, hugging her back, warmly. "Hey, it's good to see you too, Glitter." It really had been a while since we talked. It was hard to stay in touch with friends when we all had new work to do. I obviously had my wife, Diamond Blossom, to keep me company, and Aqua and I made sure to have breakfast or lunch together often. Angel Mist sometimes came over to share a drink with Diamond once in a while, but Kahn... well, after a lucky aptitude cycle during the gaming mandate, he was a junior executive now on the Stable Council. Our ring leader didn’t really have much room in his schedule to spend time with us anymore. We never blamed him for that of course, but I think we all couldn’t help but feel a little... lost without him. Then there was Glitter and Platinum. Security ponies... Glitter, an experienced mare who had passed the security CAT exam, and Platinum -as of last week- only a new recruit after Overmare Hearts had proclaimed a new draft to once again fight off the Maintenance riots. I, on the other hoof, was a Pink Clearance pony, working in the Gaming and Entertainment department. Technically draft age, but... Well, the Administration department wouldn’t mind just one little discrepancy in my file. Especially if they knew not to mind it. My work was a bit more under the table than most ponies would have suspected. Most ponies... seasoned security officers like Glitter Punch, however... “Sparks...” She said as we trotted through the game room. I was about to guide her to the bar for a drink, expecting that we’d catch each other up on our lives since the last aptitude cycle. She was a bourbon mare if I remembered right. But she stopped in her tracks and nudged my flank. “Hold up a sec...” My ears perked, looking back at her over my rump. I arched my brow in concern, seeing her suddenly start biting her lip with an anxious look. “We need to talk... in private.” She darted her eyes from side to side before leaning closer to whisper. “You know... about our deal...” “Ah... Right...” I said with a sigh, “Do you want more aptitude credits, because I can get you--” “SSSSHHHHH!” She hissed, practically shoving her hoof into my mouth to shut me up. “Not here! Private! Private, Sparks!” I rolled my eyes and nodded to a backdoor in the corner of the room. “Alright, fine... Follow me.” I led her through the door to a small office space where Rail Shot usually conducted quick business. It was isolated from the rest of the room and was obviously soundproof. We both sat down at a table across from each other as I levitated my pipe and matches from my pocket. “So...” I began again as I put the stem of my cob between my teeth and struck a match. “What’s up?” My magic brought the flame to the top of the chimney, allowing me to fill my lungs with the soothing feeling of-- “I want you to accept the draft...” My eyes widened in surprise. “What!?” I sputtered, coughing up smoke from my lungs as my pipe's tobacco and ash blasted the mare in front of me, prompting her to cough as well. She waved her hoof between us in an attempt to blow it away. My tongue moved the cob to the corner of my mouth, my eyes watering, looking at her in disbelief. “That’s-- -cough- that’s a joke, right?” She shook her head with a sigh. “Spark... We’re the same age... I know you. You’re more than capable enough to join the Security Force, if--” “Glitter, we had a deal!” My brow furrowed in anger. “Rail Shot agreed to pay you aptitude credits, and in return, you look the other way and keep Chief Sense off my back.” I gave a frustrated shrug. “Sense is a bastard, but if he’s telling you to crack down on ponies like me, then the Overmare can tell him to back off. She knows I’m working for Rail Shot! Now, obviously Rail doesn’t want to owe Hearts anymore favors, but if we have to go over your head to get my exemption--!” “This isn’t about Chief Sense!” She barked, slamming her hoof on the table. “It’s about... It’s about us!” “Us..?” I forced an amused chuckle, shaking my head. “What? Is war getting too lonely for you?” I snarked, “What about your new partner? I mean, I'm probably a better kisser than Platinum, but--” “Damnit, Spark!” She snarled, giving a warning huff as she slammed both of her hooves on the table this time, making it tilt towards her... which was an impressive feat of her strength, considering that the table was made out of pure steel. “I swear, if you even think about calling me a fillyfooler…” "Hey, would you lighten up?" I defensively raised my forehooves with a chuckle. "C’mon, you know me. I'm just messing with you." My magic put a fresh cut of tobacco in my pipe and struck another match to finally light it again. “Besides...” I smirked before my aura waved the match out. “If I know you, you’re too prideful to stay in the closet.” She gave me an annoyed look, swallowing whatever words she'd been preparing to threaten me with before giving another sigh, replacing her outrage with desperation. “...Look, I didn’t mean just us us... I meant the entire stable us. Chief Sense appointed me to recruit every able pony into security to fight, and that includes you! He says the stable’s survival may rely on that, and I absolutely believe him. I’ve been up there, and I’ve seen it! The Overmare wouldn’t have anypony know this, but we’re getting our flanks handed to us. The rebels have never had so much... drive as they do now! And it doesn’t help that half of high colored clearance supports them. It... It doesn’t look good Sparks. They’ve almost taken a third of the stable! If things don’t turn around for us soon... we might end up having to concede to their demands. And nothing good will come of that! We need all the help we can get...” I paused, taking a moment to absorb what exactly she was telling me. Security... is losing. It’s never come to that before, so... that’s probably bad news. “Well, I... I didn’t know it was that bad up there, but...” I shook myself back to reality and gave her a shrug. “What does that have to do with me? You know, you're my friend, and I want to help you out and all, but you can’t actually think that one pony can make a difference here.” “But you can and you will! I know you will, Spark!” She sighed, “You’re young and strong, and we both know you can handle yourself in a fight. In fact, I made sure of that!” Her hoof suddenly gestured to the doorway. “I mean, hay, by the look of that stallion’s nose earlier, I bet you even used a move that I taught you myself!” Technically true... though the brass-hoof was probably what helped the short jab knock his muzzle into next week. “Plus, you were in maintenance before! You know their strengths and weaknesses.” She continued. Of course, she would have no idea that Rail Shot and Overmare Hearts had figured the same thing about me, when they offered me a little extra rations for some... pre-riot subversion in maintenance, usually involving a sly entrance and a greasy escape. Or vice versa. I got a bonus for obstructing some degenerate protests. How could I say ‘no’ to that? But that was in the past, before the riots officially started to get out of hoof. Plus, it wasn’t like I was in any immediate danger. One upside to being a rations handler instead of a gun handler. But now, Glitter is actually expecting me to join the rank and file ponies in uniform, who charge head on into the fight. She can’t seriously think that I’d agree to that... She met my eyes with a pleading gaze. “The point is, Spark... we could really use a pony like you. If we could just get a little more help pushing these rebels back, we could turn this mess around. Because, if we don’t... There may not be a Pink level clearance for you to stay in anyway.” Well... That certainly is a hard argument to counter. This is quickly turning into an offer I can’t refuse, if I ever heard of one. I mean... what would happen if security actually lost to those maintenance hippies? Damnit! After all the years it took me to get my hoof into high clearance, those moronic entitled pinko bastards are threatening to take it all away from me! And Glitter knows that I’d do almost anything to keep that from happening. Well, one thing is for sure, Rail Shot is gonna be pissed! I watched her lower her gaze to her forehooves as she fumbled with them over the table. “Look, if I have to give you back those aptitude credits to tell you how serious I am...” “No...” I sighed, shaking my head. “You don’t have to do that... You keep those for whatever you wanted them for, and... I’ll think about it, okay? Now, I don’t know about you...” I sneered, puffing more smoke into the air. “But, I could use a drink to quell my coming heart attack.” And I was serious... The thought of fighting those anarchists must have tripled my heart rate. No matter what the Overmare’s broadcasts told us... Everypony knew the bastards have been ruthless this season... I forced a chuckle in an attempt to melt her concerned look. “You look like you could use one too. How about a bourbon to get your mind off of all this riot crap? I’m buying.” That amused smirk of hers returned to her muzzle as she rolled her eyes. “Right...” She cantered in front of me to the door, allowing my eyes to catch those swaying hips with every step. It was almost as if she was purposefully exaggerating her movements to-- “So, you’re totally not just buying me one to raise my tail another inch?” Ouch! C’mon, she knows I’d never-... W-well, I wouldn’t try it with her while she’s-... Uh oh... I could almost hear a little Diamond Blossom pony begin to warn me about my vows in my head. Hey, I’m trying my best here, sweetheart! Glitter slowly looked back at me over her rump, her smirk turning from amused to a near evil as she teased me with a swish of her disheveled pink tail. Heh... I knew she’d never let me live that down~ I may be a married stallion... But, I think I might have just sold my soul to the security department... oooOOOooo *** *** *** oooOOOooo “Alright, hypothetical situation. Okay? Let’s say I’m your Grandmother, and I invite you over for tea, but you're surprised when I give you a pistol and order you to kill another stable resident.” The stallion pointed to one of the mares sitting behind the table. “Inspector Crisp will represent the other stable resident. Now, you have ten seconds to decide. What do you do?” My ears perked as I heard Toffee begin to count down from ten, while the young security mare began to freeze up and panic, swept up in the situation, with absolutely no idea of what she should do. She just sat there looking blankly at Inspector Apple, her eyes as big as saucers. “U-uh... Oh gosh, um...” She stuttered. “I... I will, uh...” This obviously wasn’t what she was prepared for. “Seven seconds Officer Fizzle!” Wooley slowly moved in on the young mare, who in turn slowly backed away. “U-uh...” With nowhere else to go, she backed against the wall, completely paralyzed. “I-I... I’d listen to my grandmother!” She exclaimed, trying to sound confident in her decision, only for her to look between Wooley and Toffee in absolute terror. “B-but... Wait! Isn’t killing somepony wrong?” “5, 4...” The stallion huffed at her question. “For Luna’s sake, don’t ask questions, do something!” “3, 2, 1...” “Bang!” Everpony’s eyes suddenly turned to me as I lowered my pistol’s aim from Toffee’s head, only to watch me holster it just as quickly as I drew it. Officer Fizzle gave me a worried look as I trotted passed her into the room. “You’ll find that you’ll go far in this business if you just obey your elders...” I sneered as I trotted around the table. Inside the board room were a hoofful of ponies, seated at the long, plain conference table in front of me. I immediately recognized Inspector Wooley Apple, a stallion I more often had disagreements with than encounters, and Inspector Toffee Crisp. Wooley was startled by my sudden appearance, especially with a gun pointed at the other Inspector’s head, but eventually frowned at me with a glare as I cantered in. Meanwhile, Toffee was kicked back in her chair behind the table. “I’m kinda surprised to see you here, Sparky.” She smirked, “Don’t tell me you got tired of working inspections and interrogations?” I rolled my eyes. “Other way around, Toff. I’m afraid inspections and interrogations got tired of me...” “You mean the Overmare finally got tired of your crap and tossed you out?” “Temporarily...” I admitted, before giving her a smug look. “She’s probably just jealous of my growing popularity.” She chuckled at that. “Sure... You’re about as popular as a radroach infestation, Spark.” Wooley grumbled to himself before giving a disappointed sigh and turned back to the security mare. “Uh... that will be all, Officer Fizzle...” “O-oh...” She gave a hopeful smile. “Did... did I pass?” Toffee awkwardly cleared her throat. “We’ll, uh... We’ll notify you when we’ve concluded the results.” Her voice held little promise. Fizzle gave a giddy grin and a nod regardless. “Okay! Wow, I can’t wait!” She can’t even see doubt when it’s right in front of her... who in their right mind let this mare get this far? The door hissed closed behind her after she naïvely pranced out with excitement. Yeah... I can already tell this is gonna be a long day... “You’re late, Inspector...” Wooley sighed as he looked down at his Pip-Buck. “The Overmare told you to be here forty-five minutes ago. Do you have any idea how many officers we have to test?” I rolled my eyes as I watched him trot back around the table where the rest of us sat. “Well... if we have any more candidates like Officer Fizzle, we should be able to get through them pretty fast...” I shook my head with disgruntled huff. “How in the name of Celestia did we get a mare like that to qualify for Security Chief?” Toffee shrugged, “Most of these ponies just got the aptitude credits through the gaming mandate. We didn’t have a lot of time to set up a CAT exam after Chief Sense passed...” Wooley nodded as his hooves began flipping through his notes. “We pick the top Earth Pony to fill his vacancy before the end of the day. The Overmare wants them sworn in by tomorrow morning.” My ear flickered at what the fellow loyalty inspector had just said, replaying it in my head as I mouthed the concerning term. “Wait...” I said, a bit baffled as I furrowed my brow. “Top Earth Pony? You’ve got to be kidding!” Ahem! My ears perked as another stallion, one who I hadn’t noticed had been sitting across the table this whole time, cleared his throat. “Is there something you wish to share, Inspector Charger?” My eyebrows raised in surprise as I turned towards him. “Oh...” I found myself smirking in amusement at the sight of the older buck. “Kahn... I didn’t see you sitting there.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s good to see you too, Spark.” Of course he’d be here. Of all the Execs that the Overmare could choose to monitor these oral examinations, she chose the pony closest to her. I’m sure it was somehow Angel’s doing for why the executive council decided to transfer me to the board in the first place. Anything to keep me from carrying out my inspections. She always voiced her concern and disapproval for my actions ever since I became a loyalty inspector, but after what had happened, I’ve suspected she doesn’t so much as find me untrustworthy as she does hate my guts. And I’d be naïve to think that some of my other ‘friends’ don’t feel the same about me. “So?” Kahn gestured to me with his hoof. “Say what’s on your mind, Charger.” I looked down to the folders of candidates with a shrug. “Well, I’m just a bit confused is all...” My horn glowed as I picked up the pile of dossiers in my magic. “I mean, everypony knows that it’s tradition for the chief of security to be a Unicorn...” I spread the candidates’ files out across the table as my brow remained furrowed in confusion. “Yet, as Inspector Apple said, we’re only interviewing Earth Ponies for the vacancy.” “Damnit, Charger!” Wooley growled, “It’s not that big a deal!” “No, no... It's alright.” Kahn said in a cool manner. “The Inspector has the right to be curious... I was skeptical about it myself at first, but Overmare Mist had a very convincing argument.” I rolled my eyes. “I'm sure she did...” He arched his brow at that. “I don’t need to remind you, Inspector, that it’s your duty to enforce your own loyalty to the Overmare's intentions. And right now, it’s her intention to not let things like tradition get in the way of conducting business in Stable 17.” “Her intentions... I see...” I slowly nodded, trying my best to process his reasoning as my forehead wrinkled in thought and forced a smile. “And just uh... just how does she figure to do that, Mr. Kahn?” He shared a look with our other colleagues before tilting his head at me. “Well...” He replied briskly after clearing his throat, “As you know, Overmare Mist has made it clear that she believes the harsher, unequal treatment of the lower clearances, and the lack of change in that regard, is the reason for why the maintenance department continues to riot. And, since Earth Ponies struggle with the use of cards more than Unicorns during the gaming mandate, a majority are unable to win enough aptitude credits to promote. So... for one thing, she wants to show them that we can break tradition by giving an Earth Pony the position of Security Chief.” My ass! If those ponies wanted a better clearance, they should have studied harder for their CAT exam! That department's filled with a bunch of entitled degenerates if you ask me! And I should know... I used to be one. Now our pinko Overmare is practically bending over backwards to appease them. Sooner or later, we’ll be at the point where we might as well have just lost the riots and gave in to their demands. Everything we fought for! Down the Goddamn toilet! She’s going to doom us all... I had to bite my tongue, and hard, feeling the excess rage make its way up my face, thankfully stopping to twitch my eye instead of lighting my horn. It took all the fiber in my being to turn my disapproving frown into a sneer. “And I suppose if an Earth Pony becomes Overmare, she could suddenly use magic to keep our apple orchards alive? Hell, better yet, stallions can run for Overmare now?” I asked, making my doubt abundantly clear to everypony. “The Overmare doesn't have to be the one to keep our orchards alive, that's still just tradition, and the job can be given to an appointed Unicorn who can.” Kahn shrugged me off, then chuckled. “And, you never know, Spark. Loyalty Inspector isn’t too far off from Overstallion.” “Neither is Executive...” I grumbled. “Well!” Toffee suddenly squeaked in an attempt to break the heavy cloud of tension between us. “We can uh... table this conversation for now, can’t we? As Wooley said, we’ve got a lot of candidates to judge, and we need a unanimous vote before the end of the day.” Wooley gave her a nod after glaring skeptically between Kahn and me. “Right...” He cleared his throat before shouting through the door. “Next applicant please!” I nickered, the door in front of us hissing open again. I heard the next pony trot in, my magic pulling my reading glasses out of my pocket, and resting them on my muzzle to magnify the mare’s file for me. I blinked, staring in disbelief as I read the name on the page over and over. I shook my head, feeling the urge to remove my glasses and wipe the lenses on my stable jacket. But there was no smudge... and no matter how narrow my eyes squinted, I could still clearly read the name. “Kahn... This uh...” I chuckled in amusement, before looking up to see who the pony really was. “This says that her name is--” “Glitter Punch!” Kahn greeted the mare in excitement. “It’s good to see you!” My smirk evaporated into jaw-dropping concern as my eyes widened to saucers. “Oh shit...” I muttered, once again earning every eye in the room to narrow on me, including Glitter’s. I could tell by her surprised look, that she obviously expected just as much to see me on the examination board as I was to see her in front of the examination board. The mare who got me to join security... That’s when it hit me. Like everypony else, she’s using her aptitude credits to show that she meets the qualifications for Chief of Security... the only thing is, that I knew she didn’t purchase all those credits with her mandate winnings. Ironic... If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t even be here. I watched her awkwardly acknowledge me before the others finally called her back to attention. "Officer Punch?" Wooley asked, reading over her file. "Yes... -ahem!- Yes sir!" She shook herself back into focus, only giving me a gloomy nod before turning back to the others. The stallion continued, “As you know, this is the final stage in your examination, where we will be judging you on your knowledge of both the rules of Stable 17 and how you would go about enforcing them as Chief of Security. We want to see how fast and accurate you can answer these questions to simulate a... stressful environment. So, we can start with--” “Uh, hold it one sec!” Kahn suddenly raised his hoof above the table after bombarding me with one constant icy stare. One which I had been trying my best to ignore ever since Glitter entered the room. “Sorry, but uh... I’d like to have a word with Inspector Charger in private, if that’s okay with everypony.” He flashed the two other inspectors with that charming smile of his as he stood up to trot toward me. Though they must have missed the reassuring wink he gave to Glitter as he passed her. “Go ahead and continue with your questions. We’ll be back in a bit.” “Alright, Kahn.” Wooley sighed, “But make it quick, or else this’ll take all night.” I gave Kahn a skeptical frown but knew better than to protest an Exec when he nods for me to follow him to the next room. He sighed as Wooley and Toffee returned to their questioning. “Alright, Sparks...” He raised his eyebrow with a stern glare. “What will it take?” “What?” My brow instinctively furrowed in confusion, shaking my head with a shrug. “What will what take?” “The way you looked at her when she came in.” He narrowed his eyes as if he were about to use them to drill right into my mind. “You’re going to find some way to embarrass her, aren’t you? Find some excuse to fail her. I’m asking what it’ll take to judge her fairly. Because you and I both know this ‘respect our traditions’ crap is complete horse apples coming from you!” My eye twitched at his accusation. “That’s ridiculous! It just so happens, Kahn, that I believe it’s more important to stick with traditions that haven’t failed, versus risking our way of life for the purpose of looking stylish in front of a bunch of good for nothing commie criminals!” “Damnit, Spark! Times have changed!” He hissed, “We’re not going to look at the Maintenance department as second-class ponies in this stable anymore! Angel is going to set new standards for the Executive council and future Overmares to follow.” I scoffed at that as I looked away. “Oh, well isn't that marvelous... There’s not going to be any future for anypony if this keeps up. You can't seriously think that this isn't a risk, Kahn!” "I understand the risks, Spark... I do..." He sighed, "Fine, you want me to say it? Yes! I think Angel has a different vision of what the Stable should look like, and I'm just as much skeptical of it as you are. But when it comes to our friends..." He stomped his hoof in front of me as he seethed. “You can pretend what this is about all you want... We both know the real reason why you’re gonna fail Glitter. So, I’ll ask again, what will it take?” “Oh, come on, Kahn...” I rolled my eyes in defense. “I never said I was going to fail Glitter over this! What makes you think I’d do that!? Just because of what happened between us!?” His face dropped into a deadpan. “Sparky... Please...” “Oh, here we go...” I nickered. “Can’t trust ole’ Swindlin’ Sparkhorn, is that it!?” He shook his head with a sigh. “Spark... You can’t blame us for thinking that... After what happened to Overmare Hearts...” I huffed in outrage, feeling my blood run cold and my jaw clench tight. “You think that I’d screw all of you over in a heartbeat, because of how Diamond and I handled the Thorn Petals incident! HA!!! Well, maybe there's a reason to fail her after all! Because why should I help my friends, when--!? -HRRG!!!-” Pain suddenly shot up through my head as a strained plume of raw magical energy erupted from the base of my horn. Kahn’s eyes shot wide open as I fell back on my haunches, growling in pain. “...WHEN THE PONIES THAT I KNEW ALL MY LIFE DON’T FUCKING TRUST ME!!!?” I slammed my forehooves against my throbbing head, pushing my glasses off my face as I hissed through my teeth. “...Gyah! Fuck!” It hurt... everything hurt. Some friends that I have... I peeked an eye open to see a clear glass jar, floating in white magic in front of me. Behind it was the pitiful gaze of the grey unicorn, while a burning red glow reflected back at me off the glass. I gulped, silently grabbing the jar in my hooves. A sharp growl grated my voice, my ears folding back as my magic began to surge through my horn. All the pain, all the rage, all the frustration... it all slowly began to fade away. After what felt like an eternity, I finally sighed with relief, opening my eyes to see the jar, no longer clear and glassy, but filled with a dark glowing red fog. “...sorry.” I hissed. “How long?” My ears perked at the question, looking up to see Kahn's forehoof extended out to me. Still out of breath, I grabbed it with my own hoof, and he pulled me back to my hooves. “Not since... you know... When it happened...” “Spark...” He gave me that fatherly look of concern I had learned to roll my eyes at. “...That was months ago! Are you telling me that you’ve been--” “Yeah, yeah...” I gave one more sigh after catching my breath. “Just shut up and give me a sec...” My horn glowed again, putting the jar away in my saddlebag before pulling out my pipe... and my new lighter. I clenched my teeth around the stem, packing the chamber with a cut of tobacco and quickly lit it to calm myself down. A few silent seconds passed, letting sweet nicotine flood my senses with every soothing puff of smoke, effectively capping whatever remained of my magical outburst. Finally, I shook myself back into focus. “Alright, I’m cool...” He tilted his head with a skeptical look. “You sure? You know, you can take the day off if--" "No, no..." I shook my head. “You're right. Glitter is my-- she’s our friend...” I felt a soft smile form across my muzzle. “Nothing but reasonable questions from me. I promise.” He looked me over one last time before nodding. “Alright Spark... You know if you want us to trust you, this will be a good test. Despite whatever you think of me or Angel now, you’re still our friend. And believe me when I say that we still want to trust you... Now c’mon, I’ll bet it’s just about your turn on the board.” He nodded back to the examination room as I followed his trot back through the door. Reasonable questions... “...so, you’ve been on the force for quite a long time. Ever since you passed the security CAT... You’ve got quite a good record on you.” Toffee was just about wrapping up her questioning as Kahn and I rejoined them back at the table. “And uh... What can you tell us about your time during the riots?” Glitter shared a look with me, knowing we were the only two ponies in the room who had served. I returned her look with a shrug. “I uh...” She cleared her throat. I couldn’t blame her for hesitating... it’s not exactly easy to talk about. Even now, I still don’t like to talk about it. “I did what I had to... we all did. To protect the stable... to protect ponies.” I did my best to hide a groan at that cliché response as I draped my foreleg over my eyes. “Sparky?” My ear flickered at Toffee calling my name. “What?” I groaned without removing my foreleg from my face. I could almost feel Kahn’s disapproving gaze returning. Trust is nice, but revenge? ...Sorry, Kahn. “It’s your turn to question Officer Punch.” I sighed, my hoof falling back to the table as I watched Glitter’s confidence begin to drain with every second we stared at each other. Her complexed expression looked as if she was trying to think of all the ‘gotchya’ questions that I’d ask her. “Questions, huh..?” I raised my brow with a teasing smirk. “What’s your favorite color?” She instantly opened her mouth to speak without a second between us. “Code 2219!” Every eye in the room, including Glitter’s and my own, shot wide open at her response, before we all tilted our heads in confusion. “I-I mean... uh...” She blushed, shrinking sheepishly between her shoulders, the pink bangs of her mane hanging over her face in embarrassment. “...red.” She finally said before an embarrassed chuckle. Somepony is certainly overthinking this... “Damnit, Sprarkhorn!” Kahn growled. Wooley shook his head. “Please, Charger, can you take this seriously?” I rolled my eyes with my own chuckle. “Sorry sorry… You know me, just having some fun, alright?” Glitter gave me a pleading look, as if to tell me to go easy. I could only give a devious smile as my magic lifted my glasses back over my face, before standing up behind the table, and levitating her file alongside me. “You know... before you came in here Officer Punch, we were having a conversation about the traditions here in Stable 17.” I trotted around the table to lean against it in front of her. “Unicorns... or, more specifically, Unicorn stallions, traditionally hold the position of Security Chief, neither of which you are, and--” “B-BUT--!" Glitter stammered as if needing to correct me before I made a judgement. “That’s nowhere in the Stable-Ops manual! It’s not a rule! It’s...” Her eyes widened in fear as her ears drooped, realizing she had spoken out of turn. “...S-sorry inspectors... I just--” “No, no, no...” I grinned, “You’re right. It’s not in the rules.” I shared a glance with Kahn, still glaring at me as if he knew I was plotting something. “In fact, uh... I was just about to say that perhaps what Stable-Tec doesn’t know won’t hurt them when it comes to things like tradition, and if we can find a way to benefit, maybe it wouldn't hurt to give it a go either.” Wooley gave an impatient sigh. “Just what are you getting at, Charger? Do you have a question or not?” I opened her file with a knowing smirk. “Officer Punch, you know if we make you Security Chief under the Overmare’s new guidelines, you’ll be in charge of the entire security department, with many new restrictions on your officers? A lot tighter ones than the last Overmare’s administration had.” Glitter nodded, “Yes... That’s how I understand it.” I narrowed my eyes, “Well then, Glitter, maybe you’ll tell us all here about how you’d proceed with enforcing code 1104.” She paused, shifting her weight uncomfortably as I watched her charcoal coat practically turn white. “...Bribery.” She gulped. “That’s right. Bribery.” I tried my best to hide my smugness as I continued, “Technically it’s been on the rule book for quite some time now, but... hasn’t been as thoroughly enforced as it will under Overmare Mist’s anti-corruption campaign. Oh! I got it...” I placed a hoof over my chest. “How about a hypothetical situation? I’m a pink level floor boss.” I nodded to the other end of the table. “...and Kahn over there is a Security officer. I go over and proposition that if he makes sure my draft number isn’t pulled, I’ll give him a decent increase in Aptitude credits from the gaming mandate.” I arched my brow at her, “Let’s say it’s enough to... oh, I don’t know, apply for Security Chief. Now, you find out what this officer has done. What do you do with him?” Kahn shot me a warning glare, only to slowly turn his curiosity towards Glitter’s hesitant response. She awkwardly cleared her throat, adjusting the weight on her hooves again, no doubt attempting to reclaim her confidence. But even the other inspectors had to notice the beads of sweat running down her face. She took a small breath. “He uh... ahem! He’d be stripped of his position and... sentenced to lock-up, depending on the severity of the result.” “Good...” I looked back over my shoulder at my colleagues. “She knows her bribery, that’s for damn sure.” I whistled and clicked my tongue around the cob in my teeth. “I’d hate to have anypony accuse me of bribery. Whew! Could ruin a pony’s career.” I caught her nervously biting her bottom lip as I turned back to her. “Alright... now, how about a code 9902?” This time... her eyes shot wide open in shock, her jaw dropping as her cheeks blushed to a dark crimson. “W-what!?” She squeaked. “I swear, I’ve never--!” She suddenly cut herself short, slapping her forehoof over her mouth with a dying squeak. “That’s enough, Sparky!” Kahn growled, slamming his hooves on the table. “I’m sorry...” I spun around to sneer at him. “Is that not a reasonable question? All I want to know is what she’d do if some mare came up to her with some flattering compliments and a wink and a nudge.” I shrugged, my voice rising intensely with every word. “Or maybe, what she’d do if a friend of hers really isn’t just ‘a friend’, which is why she’s probably getting that stupid toy back--!” I froze, swallowing the rest of my words as my brain caught up with my mouth. Glitter looked absolutely horrified by my rant, stepping back until her rump hit the door. “S-Sparky...” She winced, looking as if the walls were closing in around her. I was halfway expecting her to bolt out the door like a crying filly. To do anything to escape our judgement... but I should have known better coming from Glitter. She finally knitted her eyebrows with an angry scowl. “Stop!” At this point, I wasn’t even sure if this was still part of my original plan... all I knew is that it evolved into something I knew I’d regret doing. But I knew I had to do it. Glitter Punch, she’s my... well, I want to call her my friend, even after the Thorn Petals incident. But, that wasn’t why I was doing this. I wouldn’t want to give Kahn the pleasure of knowing I broke my promise over that anyway. If I’m being honest, Glitter deserves this job more than anypony… but this isn’t about her either. It’s about the Overmare endangering the stable, by destroying the ways of Stable-Tec that have kept everything under control all these years. Kept everything safe... Now, Kahn might be right in saying I wouldn't have cared about that before... But he doesn't know what I saw during the riots. What we had to do. So, when Angel Mist starts restricting me! My department! From doing its job to keep ponies in line!? This is my only way to throw the book at her... -sigh- Sorry Glitter. I tilted my head with a condescending sneer and a puff of smoke from my pipe. “You want me to stop? Oh, come on, you’ve been on the force for years! You should know that hippies, hoodlums and anarchists aren’t going to stop just because you tell them to!” My horn suddenly glowed again. Everypony in the room gasped as my magic levitated my forty-five out of its holster and pointed it right at her head. “They’re going to do this!” I yelled as I felt the air from her lungs hit me in the face. “So, what are you going to do now Officer Punch!? What are you going to do when they say, ‘DOWN WITH THE OVERMARE’!? DOWN WITH SECURITY CHIEF PUNCH!!!” I hadn’t expected the reaction I got... though I should have at least expected a similar result as her hooves wrapped around the gun with near lightning speed and ripped it from my aura, making my magic implode. I blinked in bewilderment... which I probably should not have done when I stepped towards her to grab it back. “Hey, what the--!?” WHACK! “GLITTER!” Kahn scolded as I back pedaled from the unexpected force of the mare’s forehoof. I bumped into the edge of the table before finally losing balance and falling sideways. I winced, nearly choking on my pipe in utter shock before spitting it out to gasp for breath, the ash of cake from the chamber spilling across the floor. My left eye already felt the horseshoe-shaped area around it beginning to swell. I was barely able to notice that she had punched the glass completely out of the left lens of my new reading glasses, while splintering a nice crack in the right. She... hit me? She’d actually hit... a loyalty inspector..? “G-Glitter... I cough ...I was just--” Her lip began to quiver before hiding her face behind her bangs again. She suddenly reared up, and before anypony could say anything, she bucked the control panel on the door like it was the trunk of an orchard tree. The panel sparked and crunched from the force of her strong rear legs, falling completely off the wall, but not before opening the door for her. I could have sworn I heard her sniffle before she galloped out in embarrassment, her pink mane and tail flapping in her wake. Ah crap... *** *** *** We would go through the rest of the day rather quickly, to Inspector Apple’s pleasant surprise. I think it was because we already knew we didn’t have a lot of choice on who to finally vote for. Even I knew I didn’t have a choice. I had asked Kahn if I could deliver the verdict, and to my surprise, he agreed to it with only a small amount of convincing. So, I made my way to the security wing living quarters with the results in tow. Knock Knock Knock Knock “One minute...” The tired and raspy voice of the mare came through the door as her hoof steps trotted closer, the door sliding open once she activated the panel. “Sorry, I just had something in my-- Oh...” I smiled down at the charcoal mare, trying not to stare for too long at the dampened fur around her cheeks. “Hey, Glitter, I wanted to--” “FUCK YOU!” She screamed. My face froze, the spit from her outburst splashing against my puffy black eye. “I... uh... wasn’t going to say that, but if you want to--" Tartarus burned harshly in her eyes, my words only fanning the flames. "...aaaand now I wish I was dead.” She looked on at me in disgust before reaching for the door panel. “Goodnight, Spark.” “No, Glitter! Wait, wait, wait, wait! OOF!!!” I tried to gallop inside, but she closed the door before I could make it all the way in. There was a mechanical whine in the doorframe, followed by a surprised yelp as the door slid closed right on top of my back, effectively pinning me to the floor, spreading my legs outwards in four directions like a pathetic radroach being squashed. I gave a frustrated groan as half my body laid flat on her floor, while my other half stuck out into the hallway. I looked up at her, probably for the first time since we were foals, only to see her face as sour as it was when we first met. “Hrrg! ...I just wanna talk!” “WHY!?” She seethed, “So you can call me a fillyfooler some more!? Or accuse me of bribery!?” She stomped her hoof in front of me. “If you’d risk your own hide just to humiliate me in front of everypony! To... LITERALLY ruin my chances at becoming Chief of Security... something my dad always dreamed of... -SOMETHING I’VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF!!!- then that tells me a lot about what we are, Sparks!” She growled, no longer able to hold back her tears. “You... YOU--! ASSHOLE!!!” “Glitter, I-- Hrrg! I-- Can’t... breathe...” A very concerning wheezing sound escaped my lungs as I clawed at her floor with my hooves, my body practically being crushed under the force of the door’s weight. Son of a bitch, these doors are strong! She rolled her eyes before her forehoof hit the control panel again, prompting the door to finally release its pressure and a coughing fit to erupt through my throat. “You are un-fucking-believable, you know that?” She shook her head and sniffled into her hoof, more tears falling down her face. “What could you possibly have to say that is worth anymore of my time?” She shuddered, the hurt and regret in her voice penetrating me like a bullet to the... lung. “Because whatever it is... it’s the last that I ever want to hear from you!” “You--” I grabbed my chest with my hoof, finally standing up. “You-- -cough cough- …” I fell back on my haunches as my horn glowed again, levitating the documented results of one ‘Glitter Punch’ between us. “...you passed.” It took her a moment to absorb my words, only to shake her head in disbelief. “W-what!? What do you mean!?” I half wheezed half chuckled as I pointed to the blue ‘approved’ stamp over her name. “...congrats, ‘Chief Punch’” She slowly... and very hesitantly took the document into her forehooves as if the paper would evaporate into a dream if she didn’t handle it gently. I watched her eyes travel back and forth across the page, reading over the stamp and the acceptance letter that came with it. At first, I was afraid she might think of it as some sick joke that I pulled to mess with her one last time, but eventually, though her eyes were still wide with bewilderment, I could see a glimmer of excitement start to light inside of her. “I... I passed?” She asked, not even believing her own words. “I... I PASSED! I ACTUALLY PASSED!!!” A big genuine smile spread across her muzzle, the last of her tears dripping to the floor. I finally caught my breath again, before giving her a reassuring grin. “Of course you did, you idiot.” I laughed. “I mean... I'd have been more worried about... oh, I don't know... violating a code 1717 for assaulting a loyalty inspector? Or maybe the bill for my reading glasses...” I said, half mumbling the parts that Kahn begged me not to bring up. While her smile slowly faded to a confused grimace, the sheer happiness in her expression didn’t seem like it could possibly leave. “But... but that means that you--” I nodded. “You needed a unanimous vote... and you got all of them... including mine.” She knitted her brow, baffled beyond all belief. “Then... why the hay did you--!?” “Because...” I sighed, my eyes drifting to the floor. “Because I thought if I could show Angel Mist that I’d be willing to sink you of all ponies... -‘the perfect candidate for security chief’- You know, she knew that you were practically a shoe-in... and believe me, she never would have broken tradition if it weren’t for you throwing your hat in. So, I thought I could call her bluff on this... ‘lack of change’ crap if she got somepony completely incompetent as security chief.” I shrugged, “Maybe... she might start thinking that the way we used to do things is the only way to do things...” I made sure to keep my head down, not daring to look her in the eyes as I gave my excuse. “But uh... I couldn’t go through with it after we watched how you handled my last question, and... I’m sorry, Glitter.” I could almost feel her angry gaze burning a hole in front of my head. I was just about ready to silently slip away, just in case she decided to close the door on top of me again... But, instead, my eyes widened with surprise after feeling the warm fur of the mare's cheek brush against my neck. “H-huh?” I pulled away from her nuzzling in disbelief to see that heartwarming smile of hers. “W-wow... heh... and here I thought I was gonna leave with one more black eye than what I came in with.” She shook her head with an amused sigh. “I know you, Spark... and you may be a complete idiotic jackass...” She giggled, prompting me to role my eyes before she continued, “...but, you always do the right thing in the end. Because you really are good, Spark. You’re a good pony.” My surprised look evaporated as she suddenly stuck her tongue out and playfully licked the tip of my muzzle, giving me that devious smile of hers that I’ve learned to appreciate. “You shouldn’t beat yourself up over the idiotic jackass part... at least not too much.” I couldn’t help but bask in her alluring gaze. We stood there for a moment, just grinning at each other with mad blushes. A thought crossed my mind in that moment, gently brushing her bangs aside with my hoof to give me full view of those soft beautiful ruby eyes of hers. “Well... shouldn’t we be celebrating your promotion then?” She finally broke our gaze, giving a shockingly cute whinny of excitement as she reared up and pedaled her forehooves in the air. “Bourbon! No... Champaign! Oh! I think I’ve got a bottle in the kitchen!” She was about to prance toward her fridge before my horn glowed again, and caught her forehoof in my magic. “Huh?” She tilted her head back at me. “What’s the matter?” I was silent at first... still unsure if I wanted to do this... but the words escaped my lips before my mind could reel them in. “You uh... You got any good... songs to play for us?” She gave me a playful smirk before trotting around toward her jukebox. “I might~” Her tail brushed my chin like pink silk as she passed me. “So long as you still got the dance moves~” oooOOOooo *** *** *** oooOOOooo Knock Knock Knock Knock “Spark Charger!” Knock Knock Knock Knock “Spark! Listen to me, asshole! I know you’re home! You open this door RIGHT now!” The entire room of my living quarters suite glowed a dark illuminant red, and it wasn’t just because of my tunnel vision. My hooves began stumbling over themselves toward the door. I was trying my hardest not to drown myself while trotting to greet the rather abrasive guest. The bottle of scotch held against my lips in my unchecked magic worked flawlessly against that particular plight. Another round of loud knocks rang my ears like a hammer to the head, pulling another groan from my hoarse voice. “…just… just go away, Glitter…” I must have slurred my speech without realizing it, based on the response she gave. “Have you been drinking again!? Goddessdamn you, Spark! What is the matter with you!?” I heard her hoof stomp from behind the door. “First, DB comes running into my office, crying about all those horrible things you said to her! And not only that! Her face was bruised! You—! You actually--!? How could you, Spark!? This isn’t you! You’re—!” She suddenly cut herself off with a sigh, as if to use the pause to recollect her thoughts. “Look… I know that what happened to Angel has got us all on edge. But that’s no excuse for... FOR THIS! And--! And you even yelled at Aqua Wave! You’ve never yelled at Aqua! She’s your best frie--!” The door suddenly slid open between us, my hoof finally hitting the panel to greet the Chief herself. I was expecting the usual sour look I’d get from her after I’d done something to piss her off to this degree, but instead, I only got an owl-eyed blink, her hooves stepping back cautiously from where I stood in the doorway. Her eyes locked on the burning red glow of my horn, fizzling and crackling, the shadows around us flickering in and out of being, as if cast by an unstable faulty light. “S-spark… Your… Your horn is—" “Am I--? -hrrg!-” I winced, reaching a hoof to the stabbing pain below my horn. “Am I under arrest?” I swear I could have felt the heat from my anger burn my throat, though that was probably from shredding my vocal cords earlier at Aqua… and Diamond. She quickly regained her composure, trotting forward with an embittered glare until her forehoof was able to poke my chest with enough aggression to make my ribcage sore. “You should be! Celestia knows I should cuff you right now on domestic abuse charges… let alone assaulting the next Overmare of the fucking stable!!!” There was a pregnant silence between us, finally stopping her hostile chest pokes. I shook my head after a moment, raising an eyebrow. “…but?” Her anger eventually melted with a sigh, turning her head to avoid my gaze. “…know me that well, huh?” I shrugged, “It’s my job, Glitter. I know everypony well…” My horn flared up again. I hissed and snorted, eliciting another look of concern from Glitter until it finally died down. I gasped for breath, taking a minute to adjust, before looking back up at her. “I’ll see you at the funeral… So long as I’m still invited, I guess…” “Well, yeah… Of course you ar—” Something registered in her mind, swiftly darting her eyes to narrow on mine. “You… You didn’t have anything to do, with--? Oh goddesses… Please tell me this wasn’t you!” I closed my eyes as gently as I could. Even with all the pain, a small smile couldn’t help but appear on my muzzle. “Okay… ‘this wasn’t me.’” I sighed, leaning my head against the door frame. “Is… is that what everypony thinks of me? That I had… ‘something’ to do with this?” I opened my eyes. “Is that what you think?” “I… I don’t know what to think anymore, Sparks… I don’t even know who you are anymore. You’re… You’re not that sweet colt I met in storage, anymore!” I caught the tears pooling under her eyes, her lip quivering as if to try and keep herself from crying. “It’s like… It’s like you pushed us all away! Not just from you, but… FROM ALL OF US!!! It was you! Ever since—’ “WHAT!?” I snarled, my horn threatening to flare up again… but I didn’t care. “Ever since what, Glitter!? Ever since Angel Mist? The outsider? Or before that!? Since Overmare Hearts? Or Rail Shot? Or maybe Chief Sense? Or how about Ivy Locks, huh? Executive Slide? Supervisor Style? Or… OR— Va— VA--… VAPOR MORNING!!?” My whole body had begun to quake, my unchecked aura igniting my horn again with rage. She recoiled, looking stunned as she searched for a response. “Spark, I… I don’t-- I-I was just--” Her face suddenly reversed back; her eyes determined to burn holes through my forehead. She snorted and shook her head. “Kahn was right about you… We’re not the ones who changed, Spark… Maybe… maybe it’d be better if you just stayed home tonight… at least until we figure out what the fuck happened between you and DB…” She turned, only to give me one last glare of disgust over her rump. “…She’s in medical right now… And no… it’s not because of the bruise…” “Huh?” I squinted, watching her trot away, her hoof steps silent and almost solemn, while I stood there, only now alone and confused. “What do you mean!?” I called, but she didn’t stop or so much as turn her head. Her ears simply folded back as she trotted out of sight. I could hear her sniffle... sounding regretful, maybe... but she never showed me any tears. “Hey! Glitter! Why would she be in medical, if--?” A final whisper reached my ears. “…sorry, Spark…” The words hit me, and immediately knocked my mind into the harsh reality of what she meant. My heart sank, my eyes widened, and my legs collapsed, futile alarms ringing in my head. She couldn’t… She… SHE WOULDN’T!!! I… I LOST CONTROL, IS ALL! IT WASN’T LIKE I’D MEANT TO!!! I LOVE HER!!! I-I… I LOVE--… I wanted to run. I wanted to burst into medical screaming. Begging! But all I did was catch my face and tearful eyes in my forehooves and weep. In my heart… I think I knew it was too late. All because I lost control… “Diamond… N-no…” oooOOOooo [Playback Sequence Terminated] *** *** *** Three days after collapse. Okay, staying alive? A definite work in progress. Dying of thirst and hunger? I’ve got that squared away for now. Glitter was able to save up a decent pile of food from the diner’s freezer. Unfortunately, after three days, not much was left but a few artificial apples and carrots. Now to figure out the apparent blunt trauma to my body, the stable power supply, and oh yeah, the insane ponies running around with guns wanting to eat us. Those are my current problems right now, but give it time, I’m sure there’s something like a zombie pony waiting around the next corner or something. In the meantime, my nosebleed finally ceased, and I was all too anxious to remove the pathetic TP stuffed up my nostrils. “C’mon.” Glitter whispered back to me as I followed her through the halls. I never thought of her as the ‘sneaking around’ type. I guess surviving three days of endless hunting could teach you a few things. I wonder what else she’s learned. We'd made our way back to the opposite stairwell, ascending to the same floor of the medbay, but this time on the other side of the stable. This was the security wing. This was Glitter’s floor. And probably the most well-guarded part of the stable. Crazy Maintenance bastards were everywhere. We couldn't dare leave the shadows or speak above a whisper. Luckily the Stable was still nice and dark thanks to the lack of power, but we didn’t want to take any chances too early. So, as soon as Glitter saw a patrol passing by, she pushed me into a broom closet, one just big enough for two ponies to hide in... so long as we stood on our rear hooves, muzzle to muzzle. “...this is cozy.” I whispered, smirking down at her as she replied with a disgruntled huff to my face. She kept her body pressed against mine, having to blow a strand of her mane out of her eyes, so she could raise her brow at me. “You know, out of all the mares I’m sure you’ve lured into closets just like this one, I never thought my standards would drop this low for me to be in their same position...” She sneered, feeling her forehoof pat a familiar spot on my neck. "And it looks like I'm not even the first of the week..." I laughed internally as I puffed the air back into her face. “I think you're forgetting the day we drowned our sorrows after Ivy’s funeral... and I also remember a certain night after you'd been appointed Chief~" She rolled her eyes, trying to hide her flustered grin with a disgusted groan. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Inspector, because the only thing I remember is you telling me, ‘We were just tired, Glitter! I swear, nothing happened! I’m married after all!’" I nickered at her inaccurate mockery of me. “Whatever... honestly, we were both pretty drunk that night, so I don’t even remember either. You’re probably right though...” I tried to hide my dubious tease with a shrug. “You were always a little too butch for me anyway, sweetheart.” She snorted as she closed the gap between us, pressing the tip of her muzzle to mine with a devious smirk. “Well, you were always too much of an asshole for me... sweetheart.” Of course, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think she was an attractive mare. A disheveled pink mane, a smooth charcoal coat, beautiful ruby eyes, and an athletic body. How could I have said no to her? But that was some years ago. Today, right now, the memory of her leaving me to die in an elevator practically incinerated any other memory involving her. Practically... maybe the thought wasn’t all that bad. Still, I had no intention of trying to replicate that anytime soon. I finally pushed her away from our rather flirtatious embrace and opened the door after the sound of the hoof beats faded into the distance. I could almost feel her eyes roll behind me as she huffed in disappointment. Sorry Glitter, but I’m not falling for that anymore. We both quietly trotted back into the hall, before I looked back over my rump to see her pouting behind me. She froze upon looking up to see my eyebrow raise. “Something wrong?” I asked, quietly. She sighed, following behind me as we crept along the shadows of the wall. “I don’t know...” She whispered, her flustered gaze awkwardly watching her hoofsteps. “It’s just... well, I just can’t help but feel that you’ve changed, Spark. A lot... It’s like I don’t even recognize you anymore. You know, you weren’t always an asshole. You used to be so fun to be around when you were a colt... You know, as long as we weren't fighting each other. Now it feels like the last few years, half the time we’re at each other’s throats...” I glared back at her for a moment, trying my best to avoid the more insulting parts of her words. “So, what’s your point? I grew up, and so did you. So did everypony, for the most part... Mistakes were made and we drifted apart. That’s part of life, isn’t it?” She shrugged. “I guess, but... my point is, Sparky...” She suddenly hung her head with another sigh, only to look up at me through her bangs. “We’re, uh... we’re still friends, right?” I paused, hearing the sudden emotional shift in her words. Was... was she serious? That’s what she’s worried about!? I sighed, just looking back at a mare that I once did call my friend. But that was before the time we’d spend apart... the time before Diamond became Overmare. I decided to answer her with a shrug. “We’re working together now, aren’t we? Just like old times...” She looked a bit saddened by my lack of an answer... obviously disappointed by the idea of what I actually thought about us. Her ears drooped as she looked back at the floor, nodding her head in silence. I might have been saddened myself by that broken-hearted look of hers, but she knew as well as I why we were distant. Why all of our old friends were so distant. Even Aqua and I, though closer than anypony else, we still felt a fog between us. So... why do I feel like I'd just lost something if I'd never cared for it? "Do you trust me, Glitter?" She looked at me as if I were back on the board of personnel, only this time asking if she was worthy of friendship instead of Chief of Security. "O-of... Of course I do! I've always--" "Glitter..." I turned on her with as much seriousness as I could manage while glaring down our muzzles. "Look me in the eye... and tell me you still trust me." "I-I... I still--" She stammered, her mouth moving with words she wanted to say... but couldn't. She diverted her gaze after she failed to answer a second time, looking small and even more hurt... but understanding. "That's... -sigh- that's what I thought." I said quietly, starting to walk towards the next room, until suddenly feeling her gaze rise back up behind me. Then she blurted... “Do you still trust... me, Spark?” I paused, looking over my shoulder at her, not angry or sad or teasing... just calm and genuine. "I guess I do still trust you the same..." Her ears snapped up, her eyes actually filling with hope for the moment. But the more she looked at me, the more the light faded in her expression, before finally being crushed, "...cause I've never trusted anypony, Glitter. Anypony." And just like that, I turned away and limped forward so I wouldn't see her crumble... almost afraid I'd never hear her hoofsteps following behind me again after that. I guess I'd understand if I didn't. Hell, everypony who's abandoned me yet has given reason to, whether good or not, and I'd probably deserve it again now. But if I knew Glitter Punch... I gave a small smile after hearing the hesitant clip clop of her hooves in my wake. I felt half relieved... but the other half was... well, something new... or at least something so old it was hard to recognize. New Companion Available: Glitter Punch - Glitter has lots of experience when it comes to fighting off mean ponies, all while caring for her friends, so long as they stay on her good side. Glitter will gain a confidence boost to fight harder alongside you for Good Karma actions. > Chapter Five: Second Chances > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You’ve forgotten far more important ponies than me...” *** *** *** “Check the room, Sparks...” Glitter hissed as she nodded toward one of the adjacent doorways. Something must have been occupying the maintenance crews now, the hallways becoming more and more vacant as we pressed on. Patrols that were once back and forth every five minutes, became one every twenty. Glitter and I both suspected a trap as we got closer and closer to her office. They had to have realized by now that the three ponies sent to kill me were taking much longer than they should have to simply place a pillow over a comatose stallion. Now they’ve got two -what did they call us?- heretics to worry about. But, if Glossy was telling the truth, and these ponies were still here to hunt survivors down... that means there’s still more of us around here somewhere. We began checking every room between us and the security chief’s office for anypony else who might be holding out. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of having to sneak around with a group of ponies who could slow us down, but Glitter was insistent that we’d be safer in numbers. That being said... splitting up didn’t sound like strategy of the week either, but I wasn’t about to start arguing with the only pony who had a plan here. So, I nodded back to her, and peeked into the room. Nopony here. I trotted inside a little further. It took me a few more seconds before I realized that I was standing in security lock-up. The administrator desk, the holding cells... all the memories of where I was came flooding back... and they were not particularly pretty ones. Thinking back, this was where I was right before Aqua, Glitter and Kahn asked me to come with them to arrest Platinum Braid. I was here because... Right, I remember now. The filly, the little brat who vandalized the hallway. What was her name again? Damnit, she was an idiot, but... I reluctantly trotted over to the holding cells and looked inside the one I saw her locked in. Well... it’s empty. I didn’t know what I was expecting or even hoping for, but my apprehension suddenly reached a level I wasn’t especially comfortable with. I found my own curiosity getting the better of me, as I moved to the security terminal. The filly, Daylily, had to have still been here when the apples hit the fan. Call it guilt, but that’s something I’ve learned to lock away and bury a long time ago. Maybe it was just a sliver of concern for somepony who I felt slightly responsible for putting in lock-up... and crushing her dreams all in the same day. Oh, fine! It was guilt... I opened the occupants tab and searched for her file. Daylily Occupant: Daylily Offense: Vandalism Apprehending Officer: Inspector Charger Cell: 2 Time-in: 3 days Time-out: In use I raised my eyebrow at the terminal registering her as still in the cell. I looked up, just in case I missed her carcass rotting on the floor or something, but the cell was still void of anything to do with the filly... I peered through the bared gate again, suddenly noticing a displaced vent near the bottom left corner of the cell, with a few loose screws littering the floor around it. The square hole to the ventilation shaft was just big enough for a small pony or filly to squeeze through. The little runt actually escaped... I guess security figured she looked too innocent to be hiding anything like a screwdriver in her tail. Maybe she wasn’t as flowery as she led everypony on to believe after all. I couldn’t tell if that made me feel more relieved or more uneasy. Just because she escaped, doesn’t mean she got away. Maybe if she stayed in her cell, she’d be tagging along with us... Okay, probably best that didn’t happen anyway. I quickly returned to the terminal to read the rest of her file. Maybe security was able to find her parents before-- "They're coming... she is coming... getting closer..." My ears perked at the return of the ghostly voice. “W-what..?” "Back off Sparky!" It sounded as if she was close enough to be brushing against my tail. "Platinum!" I growled as I spun and whipped my pistol around, quickly lining up my sights. And there she was... standing right there in front of me. Her steel coat, her jet-black mane, her caramel eyes, her twisted metal-forge cutiemark. I slid a round into the chamber, aiming right at her head, before I-- "Sparky!" A blinding flash suddenly struck me, flooding the room and my vision with a bright white light. I winced, quickly covering my eyes with my foreleg and groaned from a headache beginning to surge. Grrr! Is this some kind of sick joke!? Risking the sting in my retinas, I squinted my eyes and aimed down the sights once more, ready to squeeze the trigger before the rival unicorn got the best of me... only to see that I was staring at nothing. There was no Platinum. No voice. Just an empty grey doorframe. There was a subtle pulsing through my head, not the usual one of rage that I was used to, but just a constant cloudy throbbing... I swear, it felt like my mind was going to rip itself apart. I'd hardly realized I was holding my breath the whole time. Lowering my gun, I fell back against the desk, gasping hard to catch my breath. "I'm okay, Glitter!" Glitter crept into view with that typical concerned look about her. "Okay? Sparks, you are not okay. You can barely stand, for Luna’s sake. It... it looks bad. REALLY bad.” Oh, so now she cares about me. Now she wants to help me... Before I could even shrug her off, her hooves invaded my personal space yet again, poking at the stitches above my eye. "Ow! Glitter! Cut it out, damnit!" I hissed as I swatted her hoof away. She frowned at me before moving to the bandage on my side. "Oh, you are such a foal. Just shut up and let me look at you. I might be able to help." I shrieked a bit louder than what felt comfortable in this situation, as she poked my side where the serrated steel had stabbed me. "NOPE!" My horn glowed an intense red, my aura wrapping around her entire body and pushing her a good 10 feet away from me, my own body falling back on my haunches with a thud. "Definitely NOT helping!" She huffed, blowing her bangs out of her eyes again. "Sparky, you could be seriously hurt! The docs thought you were dead for a reason. I don't want to lose you again. I--" She paused, hesitating to finish the thought, but eventually knitting her brow, looking confident and determined. "I love you, you idiot." She... wait, WHAT!? I quickly caught my breath after feeling the painful surge up my side, so I could finally shoot a doubtful glare at her. Oh, she loves me, is that it? Because nothing spells romance more than leaving me to DIE to a bunch of PINKO MAINTENANCE CANNIBALS IN AN ELEVATOR! "You... love me?" I made my skepticism clear, raising an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes, once again closing the gap between us. "Please don’t make this weird... Of course I do! Sure we've been distant, but I still care about you! Why do you think I wanted to become security chief in the first place? I care about all of you guys.” I sighed as I pulled myself back to my hooves, holstering my gun back in my jacket. “You’ve never cared about me before Glitter, there’s no need to pretend like you do now.” The gasp that came forth couldn't have sounded more hurt, looking at me, eyes wide and glistening, as if I’d just broken her heart. “That’s... that’s not true, Sparky! I’ve always cared about you!” "Ha!" I guffawed, shaking my head. “That's funny... I must have missed your concerned cries for me as you bolted out the elevator.” I scoffed. “But really, don’t sweat it. If it makes you feel any better, I probably would have done the same to you.” Like I said before, I don’t blame her for what she did. But that doesn’t mean I have to forgive her. "But... but that's not--" She stammered a bit at my words as I trotted passed her. She wasn't able to finish her sentence. She didn’t have to. She just hung her head in shame and drooped her ears. She was a selfish mare. Everypony in this Stable was. Deep down, we were all selfish in some way. That’s just the way it was. My dad was right, if you’re going to survive to your full potential, you have to assume everypony else around you is just as selfish as you are. Maybe this was the first time that she realized how easy it was for that to show, if only for a small moment. If she didn’t understand my answer to her friendship question before, it was crystal clear now. I could have sworn I saw a tear roll down her cheek before I limped into the next room. As much as I tried to avoid it, another guilty thought flashed through my mind. What if she really did just reveal she cared, and I just crushed her like she was a radroach? Maybe... maybe I should have let her care. Maybe she really felt guilty for leaving me, and she was just that scared. Likely story... But that would blow my entire concept of equinity out of the water. Damnit, Dad... I looked back at her and sighed, watching her slow gloomy trot behind me, head hung low, probably contemplating where she went wrong with me, aside from the obvious. Sheesh, now she’s the one who’s acting like a foal. Aw, crap... C’mon, you heartless bastard, you can’t just leave her looking like that! "...I’m... sorry....” Her ears suddenly perked up, looking up at me with a sniffle. “H-huh?” "Look, I know I can act like a real ass sometimes, and..." I sighed, my voice heavy with regret. "Well, you know how I can get... I didn’t mean it.” My amateur apology got a small smile out of her as she sped up to trot alongside me. "What does Aqua always say to you? 'Shut up, you stupid Stallion.'" With a playful punch of my shoulder, -Ow! Damnit! She hits hard- she trotted ahead and took the lead again. “Now, c’mon! We’ve got a rebellion to crush!” A friend? Maybe she still was, but... I still don’t know, especially after what she did to me... I swear, if she wasn’t the closest thing that I had to family right now, it would be a lot easier to just... Sigh Oh, who am I kidding? I've missed her... Aqua, Kahn, even Diamond and... Well... Yeah, her too... And... I guess I didn’t want to lose them either. Not anymore than I already had at least. So... maybe it couldn't hurt to give Glitter another chance. …. Okay, then again, maybe it could... A lot. In fact, I’m pretty sure that if I give out anymore extra chances, it’s going to kill me. Celestia, I need a drink... *** *** *** “Oh goddesses... I had no idea.” Glitter stopped to catch her breath after making a desperate gallop into her office. We barely had enough time to evade a maintenance patrol as she fiddled with her Badge ID to open the door. Inside her office, there was a large desk with a terminal buzzing on it at the end of the room, several end-tables, a Stable-Tec banner above the doorway, but what really spelled ‘Glitter Punch’ were the display cases of weapons collected throughout the years as Chief of Security. “Fuck...” She pointed at a picture she had on her desk, her breath still heavy with exhaustion, as she trotted over and picked it up. I caught her complexed look, unsure of whether she was about to break down and cry or scream at the goddesses in rage as she observed it in her hooves. "What's that?" I tried to get a better glimpse, peeking over her shoulder, only for her to swiftly turn and shove the frame into my hooves, nickering in anger. It was an old black and white photo that looked like it could have been pre-war. The ponies in the picture told me that definitely was not the case. Though probably decades younger, I still recognized the miserable looking foals in the picture. Two colts and five fillies. It wasn’t until she pointed at the one that resembled a much younger Platinum Braid that I realized what she was seething about. “That fucking bitch!" She suddenly reared up and bucked the side of her desk in a rage, sending her terminal crashing to the floor. "This is all her fault! We’re going to find her, Sparky. We’re going to find Kahn and Aqua and Diamond. And together, we’re going to kill every last one of these pinko Maintenance assholes if we have to. Fucking lunatics!” I looked at her as if she had just forgotten the Stable’s walls were grey. “What do you mean, ‘find her’? She’s--” She was dead... right? No, I remember; She was torn apart by that monster pony. She’s nothing but burning chunks of meat in the debris of an elevator shaft. Of course, I chose not to mention that or what had happened back in lock-up either, or before that in the living quarters. It’s probably best I kept that to myself. I don't need her thinking I’m crazy or something, because... heh... I’m not! She turned to me with determination. “She’s out there. Outside. We are going out there, and we’re going to drag her by her mane back to a holding cell, and then--! I-I don’t know what, but-- She’s not gonna like it!” Woah. What did she mean by ‘we’? I scratched the back of my mane, trying to comprehend what she was saying. “How do you know all this?” “My security officers scouted them a few days ago. They reported everything to me before they were...” She sighed, trying to catch the emotion from escaping with her breath. “...captured or killed or... worse.” She... she didn’t see what happened in the elevator, did she... “Glitter...” I tried to tell her what I saw after the crash. That Platinum is dead... but to be honest, I didn’t even know what I thought I knew anymore. But part of me didn’t want to believe that anyway. Her security officers told her that she was alive. Maybe I did hit my head in the crash, and all of those gory details of Platinum and the creature were just figments of my cruel imagination. And now Glitter wants to leave the stable and go after her. She wants me to leave the stable with her. “I’m not going to have any of that shit, Sparkhorn!” She glared at me in anger, as if she were reading my hesitant thoughts. “We are going out there, and we are gonna get some revenge! So suck it up!” She held her Pip-Buck up between us, switching to the map function. “I’ve got a map of the outside downloaded onto my Pip-Buck. As far as I know, they’re taking everypony they captured to this... Folly or whatever the fuck she is. I’ve got their tracking beacons. Once we get outside, all we have to do is follow them.” She stomped her hoof as she fumed, only to look me up and down a moment later and sighed. “Okay... maybe we should get you healed before we get some revenge...” She gave a small chuckle, her eyes suddenly fixed onto mine. “We’re gonna get out of this, Sparks.” Right... Out... When she said we were going to put an end to this rebellion, leaving the stable on some wild goose chase was not what I had in mind. If outside was anything like that damn cavern beyond the entrance... Ick! The smell still hasn’t left me after three goddamn days! Damnit! Why couldn’t we have locked ourselves in the sanitation chamber!? The idea of reestablishing order inside the stable was something I could at least get behind, but after that... Well... goddamnit... we’re actually gonna have to do this, aren't we... I gave a half hopeful, half doubtful smirk back at Glitter as I watched her trot over to her desk and open a drawer. “First thing’s first. Here.” She suddenly pulled a bulky looking object out with her hoof before tossing it over to me. I caught it in my magic, only registering what it was after pivoting it around to see the hopeful part of my expression gain a little ground in my reflection, as I stared at the Pip-Buck’s empty screen. “Nice!” Without a second thought, I strapped the device on above my left forehoof, only to blink my eyes in surprise at the sudden feeling of discomfort, as if it wasn't meant to sit the way I'd positioned it on my leg. "Huh? What the--?" It took a minute or two of head scratching and wondering why all the buttons and dials were upside down, before realizing I had put the device on the wrong hoof out of habit. A right-hoof Pip-Buck? Great... I don't suppose the maintenance department would be willing to lend me a Pip-Buck technician to help me get used to swapping hooves. Not that I'd want to share a conversation with those ponies anyway. Sitting around in their stalls with nopony to talk to all day can turn a simple casing repair into an hour of wanting to bang your head against the wall while they chat your ear off. Seriously, I could write a book of their life story with a single visit down there. Swapping over my brass-hoof and glove, I strapped the Pip-Buck on above my right hoof this time and powered it on. After a moment of booting up, it began to run its diagnostics on me and adjust to my measurements. It was an older model, not as fast and a bit bulkier than my own, but it at least had an EFS and SATS. I sighed with relief as it finished, and the dull green screen lit up Glitter’s office, once again displaying my status HUD in front of me. Of course, it was no surprise to me that the first thing the screen displayed was a warning with an animated image of a stallion wincing in pain. Crippled limbs Well, no shi--! Wait... limbs, plural!? That's when I saw that it wasn't only my foreleg and my body, but the dotted outline around the stallion's head also indicated that it was crippled too. Crap, no wonder... I really did suffer some head trauma. Which means... All that crazy shit that I saw in the crash... The purple creature thing... Hearing Platinum’s voice... It was all probably just a... hallucination or something. Ha! I knew I wasn’t crazy! It’s only a major concussion! What a relief... Glitter caught my attention again after hearing her break open one of her display cases and pull out what might resemble a standard 10mm pistol. This was a bit more unique, obviously not Stable-Tec legal. It had a stock, extended magazine, longer barrel, and enhanced sights. She tossed the submachine gun to me before breaking another display case, this time with a full stock and barrel combat shotgun. “We’ve got to arm ourselves.” She blew on the drum magazine to clear the dust, before she stuck it in her newly obtained weapon. I looked over the gun she had given me; Full auto magazine, 30 rounds, sights lined up, and safety off. The thought of Glitter being the pony to trust me with this type of firepower managed to scrape a laugh from the bottom of whatever deep dark pit I kept my humor in. “Wow... I didn’t think the last op went so well that you’d lift my ban.” “Smartass...” She mused, rolling her eyes at me. She reached under her security vest and pulled out her Badge ID card, still hanging from a lanyard around her neck. “Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. The armory is just around the corner. I'll open it up, and we'll grab everything we need to fight our way out of here. I thought about doing this before, but I didn't have the clearance to access the Overmare's office and open her emergency exit." She smirked at me with overwhelming confidence. "I was going to try and collect a third Badge ID to override her terminal.” I gave her a questioning look. “Third? What was the second?” Her smirk suddenly retracted into a grimace, her eyes drifting away from mine. Slightly hesitant, her forehoof reached under her barding again, this time pulling out a different ID card, a touch of shame in her expression. I gave a surprised laugh when I saw the steely eyed gaze of the pony’s profile picture. “Kahn...” “I snagged it from his office, okay? It’s not like he’ll be missing it...” She sighed, looking as if she was trying to push away the reminder that he was gone. “But... now that you're here with your Badge ID clearance..." Ah hell! I see where this is going... I winced, hissing through my teeth after realizing. "So, yeah... about that..." "What is it?" All I could do was follow instinct, which was apparently to chuckle nervously and shrug. "I... don't have my Badge ID card..." Her face gave the hardest deadpan I'd ever seen it do. "You've got to be kidding m--" “HERETIC!!!” My ears perked at the sound of voices nearing our little break from chaos. I quickly raised my hoof to Glitter's mouth, effectively silencing her before she went off on me. "Shhh! You hear that?" “AAAaaiiieee..!” I gulped, the hallway bursting with agonizing screams, followed by gunshots and laughter from the maintenance ponies. It came from a mare by the sound of it. Frenzied cries, calls for help, and excited whinnies mixed together to form an orgy of disgusting howls, savage squawking and demonic chanting. They were tearing her apart... “Feast! Feast! Feast!” I saw Glitter tense up, grinding her teeth together. I recognized the killer in her eye as she furrowed her brow. It was a look I understood, I think, more than anything. Damnit, Glitter, don’t do it... I winced, lighting my horn not a second after her first determined step towards the door. This is what I meant by her doing something we'd all regret back up at the entrance. As quick as I could, I wrapped my magic around the shotgun in her mouth and tugged her backwards before she could land another hoof forward. Her outrage suddenly turned to me. She was so angry, I almost thought she was about to pull the trigger on me out of spite. I was reminded of the maintenance stallion in the medbay, pointing his shotgun at me, my horn becoming extremely itchy and ready to raise my own gun at her. Thankfully, however, Glitter possessed a bit more curtesy than her Dirt Pony kin, finally spitting her gun out into her forehooves to glare at me. “What!?” She snarled. Now this look... Yeah, I’ve seen it on her before. Her determination. Her anger. All right before we arrested Platinum. “Glitter...” I sighed, looking into her angry bloodshot ruby eyes. “You promised Kahn that you wouldn’t do anything stupid.” Her eyes went wide as her expression loosened, looking somewhat offended by what I had said. “I--! W-what the hay are you talking about!?” My magic took advantage of that, levitating the shotgun out of her reach completely and set it on her desk, finally giving her that skeptical look I’ve learned to often give. “You were like this before everything went down. When we arrested Platinum. You want to tell me why you're acting so impulsive?” “Impulsive!?” She stood back up, looking at me as if I had just accused her of fillyfooling. Her nostrils flared at me, her narrow pupils glaring daggers into mine. Her breathing was deep and heavy, getting faster and faster, until... “She was our friend, Sparky!!!” ...she broke. My eyes widened as I watched her break down, tears streaming down her cheeks until she finally began to sob. “Platinum... She was like our sister, you know? All my life I trusted her... And--! And she causes this!? She did this to us! How could she!? After everything... it... It doesn’t make sense!” My eyes drifted away from her to the floor. "I know..." I mumbled, softly. I had known Platinum Braid almost my entire life, but... I didn’t know how to feel about it. I mean, of course, I’d give anything to get that long maned hippie back, but what exactly are we going to do when we find her? Arrest her? You know, I could only imagine the amount of betrayal that Glitter must have been feeling. She was friends with Platinum longer than any of us... but we practically had to yank her tail back to keep her from charging down that cavern and kicking Platinum’s teeth in. Hell, I wanted to break her legs... And that was just after threatening to leave the stable. Now, after all this... only Celestia knows what we should do with her. Maybe betrayal was what I was feeling too. Despite her being a recent thorn in my side, Platinum was still a friend. Was... It might have been stupid of me to think so... Some in the maintenance department might even go as far to say that we were the ones who had already betrayed her. I guess the death of Sugar Spade wouldn’t exactly help my argument against that... Glitter tried to rein in her sob as she stood back up. She looked up at me with those sad bloodshot eyes, before giving an anxious sigh. “We have to stop this! We have to! Or else... or else more of what's out there--” Another desperate scream echoed through the hallway, making Glitter wince in sorrow. I grimaced at the thought myself. Quickly feeling the need to change the subject, I tried putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Hey... When was the last time you got some sleep?” She gave another shudder, wiping her nose with her forehoof before shrugging. “I dunno… A day maybe... two... What does it matter? We don’t have time to--” “Glitter...” I gave her a look. She crossed her forehooves with a pout. “Well somepony has to keep watch, and you’re in no shape to--” “Glitter, I’ve been asleep for three days. I'm about as well-rested as I can get.” She rubbed her forehoof anxiously with the other as she looked me over. “Well... yeah... but, you’re still not as good a shot as me!” What?! Blasphemy!!! She groaned to herself, trotting tiredly passed me. “Maybe if I begged a little harder to get you to do the rest of your ‘20’ in Security, I think we’d both be a little more prepared for this...” I shrugged, my eyes trying to ignore her toned charcoal flanks and brass-hoof cutiemark sway around me. “Well, Glitter... you know, you’re the one who taught me how to fight after all.” I watched her bite her lip in thought before turning back to me. “Do you, uh..?” She began, clearing her throat as if uncomfortable with what she was about to ask. “You remember how to cast... you know..?” I furrowed my brow in confusion. “What?” She sighed. “You’re a unicorn, Spark. Earth Pony style can only take you so far...” My ears drooped as soon as they heard those words. “Glitter..." I glared at her, my eyes narrow with disbelief. "You’re not asking what I think you’re asking, are you?” I shook my head, lowering my gaze between my hooves. “You know what happens when I--! Do you know how long it’s been since I--? You saw it happen! You were there! I-- I... I took an oath!” “Yeah, well that ‘oath’ hasn’t stopped you before...” I shot her a look. “Just--!” She sighed again, gently putting her forehoof on my shoulder as our red eyes -ruby and bloody- locked. “Promise me... that if we need you to, you do whatever you can, alright?” My mouth twitched as I hesitated to make that promise. Whatever I can, huh? I can't believe she'd even suggest that after what had happened. We both know from experience that 'whatever I can' will almost always lead to violating a code 2019. Aggressive use of magic is not only a danger to everypony around me, but also... to me specifically. Don’t get me wrong, I didn't exactly appreciate the rule that prevented me from doing what comes natural to unicorns. But I also did NOT feel like turning myself into an orange by accident or something! I had to learn to both despise and respect my, ‘nervous tic’ for what it was. Of course, that didn’t stop me from being well read, thanks to Kahn’s access to the restricted section from when I was a colt. I know the spells... I know how they work... I know what they do... And now, Glitter wants me to take advantage of that... I may be a gambling pony, but that’s like going all in before even looking at your cards. Besides, I’ve gotten this far without it anyway. And, as far as Glitter is concerned, I’ll be prepared... You know, promises are like playing poker. You could always fold if you have to. Why be hasty when you could bluff? After a bit of contemplation, I shrugged before raising my eyebrows. “Whatever it takes for you to let me take the first watch while you catch some Z’s.” I raised my forehoof as if I were retaking my oath to the Overmare, Stable-Tec, and the Executive Council. "I promise... okay?" She pondered that for a moment. Come on, Glitter... The last thing I need is for you to lose it while we’re sneaking around these bastards. She gave another anxious sigh, before nodding with acceptance. “Alright, you win... You can take the first watch... Just...” She looked between me and the corner of the room, having the vantage of the whole office space which included the entrance. “Can you..?” She blushed, as she hesitated to ask, “Can you just--? I-I... I'd sleep better if I wasn't... alone, Spark.” My ears perked, lightly blushing right along with her. “Oh...” I trotted over to the corner with her, not able to help but mischievously grin at her the whole way. “You want me to hold your hoof while I'm at it, tough girl?” She rolled her eyes before giving me a playful punch -Ouch! Still hurts- before sitting back on her haunches against the wall. “I am still the Chief of Security, asshole... So... don’t tell anypony about this, or you're a dead stallion.” *** *** *** "They're around here somewhere. Check the Chief's office." "Ah, c'mon! We've checked it already! No one's got in there without a security badge." "We'll there's somepony runnin' around here, and we're missin' a bunch of names. Just check it for Folly's sake!" My ears perked, tiredly creaking an eye open toward the door. The hallway chaos seemed to had dissipated. Now only a few ponies remained... Ponies who were right outside the door, their hooves echoing around the hall. My eyes blinked open as I saw one big blob of EFS dots clot right outside the door. Aw crap! I guess sleeping for three days isn’t as refreshing as I thought! Maybe if it weren't for Glitter's fear of the dark... My muscles tensed as I tried to stand, only to feel my friend's forelegs tighten around my barrel, muzzle sinking deeper into the crevice of my neck. I hissed, quickly feeling my body turn to a cold sweat. My heart beat like a drum as I desperately fought against the warm embrace of the mare's pathetic cuddling. “G-Glitter...” I groaned. I could hear them outside, at least five ponies trotting up to stack behind the door. "Mmmnn..." Glitter tensed up in our embrace, finally stirring with a tired moan. I growled a little louder as I tried to shake her awake. “Glitter!” “H-huh? Wha--? What’s going--?” She yawned. My horn glowed, my aura ripping her away from our embrace, and prematurely standing her on her hooves. She fell back on her haunches with a surprised yelp. “They’re here!” I quickly grabbed my 10mm in a panic. She rubbed her eyes with her forehooves in confusion. “Sparks... They don’t have the clearance to--” Access Granted Argh! She had to say it... BANG! "What the--? SHIT! They're in there!" One of them yelled as they all began to fire at us with, somehow with more precision and discipline than a maintenance pony. Glitter’s eyes widened in disbelief. "W-what--? Wait! They're... they're security! Hold your fire, damnit!" I couldn't tell if she was talking to them or me. Either way I couldn't help but ignore her. Once again, my magic wrapped around Glitter, this time pushing her behind her desk, diving beside her myself in one swift motion before levitating the shotgun back to her hooves. My EFS showed their bars as red. Well, that's good enough for me. I aimed my gun and fired into the crowd entering the room. "Wait! Stop! Don't shoot them!" Glitter yelled, trying to push my gun from my magic. But it was too late. They chanted as they continued to pepper our cover with hot burning lead. "For Folly!" *** *** *** "C'mon Glitter, just leave them. We've got to get out of here." I said, counting out the bullets I had left. Unfortunately, I didn't even have a full magazine left. Only 11 rounds. Glitter, on the other hoof, probably had plenty of slugs left in her shotgun, especially since she left me to defend ourselves in her office. Still, definitely not enough to take on the rest of the maintenance department... and apparently what was left of Stable Security. We better get to the armory and fast before any more show up. I looked at the ponies that Glitter quietly wept over. The ponies who we just killed... They wore Stable security uniforms and barding. They were able to open the door because they had Security clearance Badge ID cards... they were Security ponies. They were Glitter's ponies. And they were working with maintenance to hunt us down and kill us or... well, it doesn't really matter now, does it. Just another problem to deal with. Glitter stood back up, wiping the tears from her eyes once again before giving me an angry glare. "I said not to shoot them, you asshole! They were Security! They protect ponies, and you just killed them!" I rolled my eyes, shrugging defensively. “Well, they weren’t doing a very good job once they started shooting us, now were they?” Okay, I didn't mean to sound like a wiseass, but.. The words hardly left my mouth before she turned on me and growled, swiftly planting her forehooves on my chest and pushing me backwards with her earth pony strength. I fell to my haunches with a surprised grunt. Bitch! She pointed an accusing hoof at me. “You--! They could have helped us! If we had just talked to them...” She’s been attacking these guys for the better part of three days, and she picks NOW of all times to get pissy about a few lost lives. You can add two more to that list if somepony hears us arguing. “Oh, well excuse me all to Tartarus, ‘Mrs. Pacifist’!” My horn glowed, gritting my teeth in frustration, as I caused her to fall back on her own haunches after a vengeful telekinetic push. “Your security ponies were red! I shot at red bars! They were EFS red Glitter! They must have been caught before they could escape. They brainwashed them or... or something. Hell, who knows with these sons of bitches?” I had the weirdest sense of Déjà vu as I watched her stand back up in determination, huffing and puffing like she was about to charge at me. “You don’t give a shit about them! And you have the audacity to think that I’M selfish!? These were my ponies! My friends! You son of a bitch!” She galloped up to me, pulling out her Badge ID again. “You can forget about helping... You obviously don’t care. I’ll go back to the game room and pick Cider’s lock to get your Badge ID myself! I still can’t believe you never learned how to pick a stupid lock.” She huffed, trying to sound calmer, to no avail. She pointed to a pair of double doors behind me. “That’s the armory there. Once I’m out of there, you can do whatever you want! That’s obviously all you’re good for.” More tears rolled down her cheeks while my heart sank from her words. Yet still, I recovered quick, replacing whatever emotions I felt with angry disbelief. “I can’t believe you weren’t going to shoot them. I was just--” “You were just what!?” She asked accusingly. “You were just ‘shooting at red bars’? Well, they were more than red bars to me! Seriously, what the fuck was Diamond having you do for you to be so damn trigger happy!? How about Platinum!? I want her alive because, red bar or not, she’s still our friend! How about me, huh!? Am I just a fucking green bar to you!?” “No!” I yelled. “They. Were. Shooting. US!” I face-hoofed, feeling our time draining. “Damnit! We need to get out of here. Can we just discuss this later?” “You still don’t get it, do you!?” She said, barely able to keep her emotions from spilling out onto the floor. “Maybe you were right. Maybe I shouldn’t care about you! Not anymore! Not after you’ve changed into... into this! No wonder Diamond divorced you...” “I--! I...” I looked at the floor, realizing perhaps a bit too late that this wasn’t just about killing her security ponies. “...I’m sorry I didn’t realize you cared for the ponies that were trying to kill us... and I'm sorry I didn't realize you cared for me after all these years of not a SINGLE sign that you do! Not a, ‘Hey Spark how’ve you been?’ or, ‘Hey Spark, how about a drink?’ or, ‘Hey Spark, don’t worry about that mistake your Loyalty Inspectors made mishandling munitions, of course you can still keep your mom’s gun,’ OR--!” I made one final hiss before forcing a jeering chuckle. “OR, ‘Hey Spark, don’t worry! I’M NOT GONNA LEAVE YOU TO DIE IN A FUCKING ELEVATOR!!!’” I made no effort to hide my outrage. “...but, I am NOT going to APPOLOGIZE for killing ponies who were trying to kill us!” I took one more deep breath as I finished with, “--AND I DIVORCED HER!” She stayed silent for a minute, stunned by my words as she struggled to say anything in response. But eventually, her emotions bubbled back up -in a different form- with a heartbroken sigh. “Well, I do care, okay? Now, I don’t know if that sweet little colt is still in that icy heart of yours or not, but if he is, I REALLY need him right now. I’m going to load myself up with as much firepower as I can carry, with or without you, and I’m going to avenge these poor bastards! I’m going to find everypony they took! And I am going to find our friends, Sparky!” “Goddamnit, Glitter!” I growled, poking her chest with my forehoof and a stern look. “Stop. This does NOT have to be our fight.” My brow furrowed as I spoke firmly. “I say we get the power reactor up and running again and hunker down in the armory while we kill off every last one of these traitors. Everypony who went outside, they’re... They’re gone, Glitter! At least for now... Damnit, you know I’d give anything to get Aqua and Diamond and Kahn back... But, right now, we need to start worrying about what we have left! We need to worry about ourselves!” She fixed me with a look so furious that she could have burned a hole through my forehead. “YOU KNOW I CAN’T DO THAT!” “WHY NOT!?” I scoffed, seething as I did my best to suppress the flow of energy, desperately wanting to light my horn through my rage. “You did it to ME in the elevator, so why not now!? In fact, why should I even consider following you out there!? WHY SHOULD YOU, OF ALL PONIES, DESERVE MY HELP!?” She glared at me, her jaw going slack from my response. The sheer surprise and disappointment on her face was unmistakable. Her lip began to quiver as her ears drooped, hanging her head to hide her resentment, her pink bangs helping her by falling over her face. “I... I really thought you’d say you’d help…” Her breath hitched in her chest as she sniffled, wiping her nose with her foreleg. “I guess… I guess a mare can’t have a second chance, huh? After all, I... I tried giving you one after... a-after Misty's funeral. But now, I'm... I really am on my own, then…” She clenched her eyes shut, before stomping her hoof in anger. “…well… F-fine! I-- I don’t nee--” “Glitter…” I groaned, feeling her desperation hit me like a kick to the chest. She may not have deserved my forgiveness, but... Damnit! Why's she got to make this difficult?! Okay... Okay, fine! Besides the fact that we’d BOTH be screwed if I walk out on her now... I hate seeing her like this. I can’t just leave her... “I… I didn’t say I wouldn’t…” I said hesitantly, my gaze drifting to the floor. “…h-huh?” She whimpered, looking up, her tears splashing against the floor below her. I gave a defeated sigh, looking back up to meet her wet gaze before placing a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “I am going to regret saying this, but…” I tried to focus on her sorry face, sad gorgeous ruby eyes and all, still the same glistening eyes that I adored from when we were foals, even now through her greasy and disheveled mane. She flinched, clenching her jaw at my touch, and hesitant to meet my gaze as tears rolled down her cheeks again, her expression somewhere between hopeless and downright terrified. My mouth twitched as I struggled to show her any kind of comfort, still trying my best to put out whatever resentful coals were still burning around my heart towards her, -she, no doubt, doing the same- until I was able to conjure up a genuine -100% Sparkhorn Approved- reassuring look. “Glitter, you know I can't leave you to do this. No matter how pissed we make each other or how bad I lose my temper, you know I couldn't. Sigh So, I guess I’m with you, Glitter. Just like old times…” The smallest amount of hope suddenly shined through her as she gasped. She looked up at me, her surprise and optimism mixing together to form that excited giddiness she often held behind those big eyes of hers. I thought that she might just light up at any moment, like a filly on Hearthswarming, or perhaps like on the day she'd been appointed Chief. But she did her best to hold it back, and instead of excitement, she just grimaced and nodded, a wave of relief finally washing over her. She let the remainder of her tears roll off her cheeks before wiping them away with her hoof. A sigh escaped her throat, at last letting a heartening smile spread across her muzzle. “You… you really mean it?” She asked, her eyes turning from desperate to hopeful. “Hey!” I nickered in amusement. “I’ve never swindled you before, have I?” Her smile threatened to stretch into a grin, but instead, it flipped into a skeptical frown, shooting me the dirtiest glare I had ever seen her give to a pony. “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t say that… but…” Without warning, her forelegs suddenly made a swift lunge toward me, once again wrapping around my barrel in a quick and gentle hug, catching me a bit by surprise. “Thank you…” She whispered. I couldn’t help but give a sad smile, returning the hug -as quick as it was- by draping my foreleg around her back and holding her close. Her thankful nature managed to throw in a quick nuzzle, before she hesitantly pulled away from our warmth and trotted over to where she had dropped her shotgun, avoiding the maze of dead security ponies while doing so. Did she forgive me for what I had done? Probably not. Did I forgive her for what she did? Hell no. But… I think we both decided that, given the circumstances, we at least deserved a chance to make it up to each other. It’s funny... For a moment there, when she was giving me that thankful nuzzle of hers, I was reminded again of when we were foals. Even after everything she had done to me, I... I couldn’t just leave her there... And now? Sure, I knew I had just as bad a chance of surviving without her as she did without me, but I think, deep down, I was just glad I had my... my friend. I’d hate to admit it, but... Yeah... I guess I’m okay with that. She picked her gun up in her hooves, examining it one more time before she turned back to me, mirroring the same sad smile I was giving her. It looked like she was calming down again, her face bringing back that strong-willed, determined look of hers. “Now c’mon! It’s time to get some revenge.” She said, her voice filled with confidence, as she trotted ahead towards the armory. *** *** *** Power level critical. Door recognition system: Offline “Oh, fuck me with Celestia’s--!” Glitter growled as she pulled her Badge ID away from the card reader. “Work you son of a bitch!” I sat back on my haunches and shook my head. “I told you it wouldn’t work.” I sighed, looking over the control panel with a frown. “We’re probably running on auxiliary power right now. I’m surprised any of the doors are working at this point.” In contrast to our office doors, naturally more important rooms, like the armory, had to be magnetically sealed. This meant extra power to open them... a luxury we currently did not have at the moment. Glitter let out a frustrated groan. “We’ll have to unlock it manually then.” She promptly pulled a screwdriver from her barding, fitting the bit into each of the screws that held the panel in place and twisting it between her forehooves, eventually unscrewing the entire panel to reveal the buttons, dials, cables, and inputs on its circuit board. She dropped the screwdriver into our saddlebag as the panel’s exterior clattered to the floor. Raising her Pip-buck to the input, she bit down on its plug and connected its hacking tool to the door’s controls. I raised an eyebrow at her in surprise. “When the hell did you learn to manually hack into our card readers?” “Err Hrrd ter lrrrn, ccrrs Err drrrdnt hrrrv drr rrrrt crrds!” She mumbled around her Pip-buck extension. “Glitter…” I warned, rolling my eyes. She finally released the plug from her mouth once she had connected it to the control panel. “I said, I had to learn. I didn’t have the right cards for the other doors.” She began to watch the progress bar slowly move along the screen of her Pip-buck. I watched her Pip-buck curiously as my eyes narrowed at the slow molasses speed of her progress bar, inching toward the opposite side like a bright green slug. “So… how long is this going to take?” She gave an anxious sigh and shrugged. “I don’t know… ten, maybe fifteen minutes?” She looked behind her, cautiously scanning the several corridors connecting to the armory at a ‘T’ joint. “You’re going to have to cover me while I work on this, okay?” “Yeah.” I huffed, holding my submachinegun in my magic as I pulled back on its bolt, the click-clack echoing around the eeriness of the empty stable halls. “Way ahead of you.” I limped between her and the junction, scanning the three directions. “Ow! Shit!” My ears perked at Glitter’s yelp, raising my eyebrow, but keeping my focus on the hallways. “You okay?” I asked through a small chuckle. She growled to herself as I heard her strike the wall with her hoof. “Goddessdamned thing just shocked me!” I gave a lighthearted snicker at that. Sure, she might have learned a few things to get all smart on me, but she’s still the same old Glitter Punch. The same since we were-- My ears suddenly perked again, this time at the faintest sound of... giggling? Yeah... I swear it just came from down the hall. At first, I thought it was just Glitter trying to suppress a laugh. I turned to look, but... No, her face was still sour from the circuit’s jolt of energy. I suddenly felt an undeniable chill -from my nerves or the air around me, I couldn’t even tell- as the soft audio of immature laughter reminded me of... “Aww, has maintenance been giving you security dipsticks a hard time?” I froze, my ear twitching at the return of the voice. “No…” I swiveled my head around to find the source. “Glitter, did you hear that?” “Huh?” Her eyes instantly shot up from her Pip-buck, checking her left and right flank. “No… What is it? Another rebel?” My eyes widened, gawking in disbelief as I beheld a steel-colored hoof and foreleg sticking out around the corner down the hall, like it was waving at me... calling me to come closer. What the--? I clenched my eyes shut, shaking my head aggressively as if it would erase the unnerving image. “Come on Sparks... It’ll just be a minute. You’ll be right back...” “G-Glitter, I uh…” I gulped. “I’ll be right back…” “Hmm? Oh...” Her shoulders rose as if she were about to shrug me off... only to shake her head and double take. “Wait, what!?” She scoffed before turning to glare daggers into me. “What do you mean, ‘you’ll be right back’!? You said, you’d cover me!” I stayed silent as I opened my eyes, hoping that what I had seen... what I had heard, was just my cruel imagination torturing my beaten mind. Only one way to know for sure though... “You--” Glitter gulped after seeing my determined look. “You can’t just leave me here while I’m hooked up to the--” “I said... I'll be right back!” I growled through my teeth, turning to scowl at her, my horn suddenly sparking into my magic’s red glow. Her pupils contracted as she winced in horror. “S-Sparky?” She whimpered, panic dropping like a bucket of water over her head. My eye twitched at the way she looked at me, like a frightened filly. I huffed, quickly shaking the energy out of my head, while I struggled to cut the flow of magic from my horn. “…damnit!” I hissed, giving her a concerned look as my aura dropped back down the base of my horn. “Glitter, I-- sigh I'm sorry... I didn’t mean to--” “I-it’s okay!” She sighed, relieved as my aura finally dissipated above my head. “Just… Tell me what it is!” “It’s uh…” I glanced back to the corner at the far end of the hall. Whatever it was, it wasn’t there anymore. It was all in my damned head! It had to be! My Pip-buck said it was crippled. It’s the only explanation! I hit my head in the crash, and I’m-- Grrr!!! I just… I have to make sure… ”Do you trust me, Sparky?” I slowly turned back towards her. “Do you trust me, Glitter?” It was the same question I'd asked before. No sarcasm, no greasy smirk, no hesitation, just a genuine look... only this time, it was one of hope as she met my gaze. “I…” She paused, her gaze falling to the floor as if she needed to think on her answer again. I guess I couldn’t blame her if she still couldn't... After a few moments of looking me over, she finally nodded, giving me a heartwarming look as her eyes met my own again. “Yes… Yes, I think I do, Spark.” Something... twitched inside my chest as I heard that, blocking out the other voice and dousing whatever hot anger I had with cold water. She... she trusts me? Celestia, that felt... felt... I don't know. Like those words melted something inside me, like she had when we were foals lost in storage. I took a step towards her. I didn't want to leave her... hell, her words made me want to be with her more than ever. But now the question lingered; Did I trust her? Could I? Even after what she did? Even after what I've taught myself? Damnit! I could! I know I could! But... But the thought still felt hallow the more I tried to think of a way to say it back. She hadn't noticed my lips begin to mouth the words as she sighed, glancing back to the door panel before giving me one more hopeful look. “You’ll be right back, right?” I cocked my head at her question, before shaking myself back to the fact and stepping back... though it felt more as if something had pulled me that way. “Right back!” I reassured her. “I promise.” The smallest of smiles appeared on her muzzle after giving a hesitant nod. “You’d better…” She demanded, still holding the smile, but with bleakness still entrenched in her voice. She quickly started watching over her own shoulder, her shotgun at her side, as I took off in a trot down the hall. My hooves echoed off the floor, turning right to follow the direction of the disembodied voice... and her hoof. Damnit… It’s not really you! I thought, It can’t be! But... She’s... Grrr! She’s screwing with me somehow! My eyes narrowed as I approached the end of the next hall where I’d seen it last. As if it could sense its own magnetism, the foreleg extended out again, right in front of me, waving for me to come even closer. As soon as I could even acknowledge its intentions, something else echoed through the hallway. This time, I could easily make out the soft giggle coming from around the corner, the way a mare might giggle, sweet and naïve, like a laughing foal. I got closer and closer to the corner, my limp fading as my trot steadied, almost as if the disembodied hoof was the thing controlling the cadence of my hoof steps, while my mind was just along for the ride. I got so close to it, that I could have reached out and touched the mare’s dark grey limb, before the giggling suddenly stopped, and whatever was behind the next corner, pulled its hoof back behind it in a blink of an eye. I stopped in my tracks, pausing to take a deep breath of preparation while readying my submachine gun floating beside me. This better not be some kind of sick joke... I swiftly turned the corner, gun first, aggressively aiming the sights to check every inch of the next hallway. For some reason... I was ready to shoot at whatever was standing in my way. I was like this before, too. All I had to do was pull my aura against the trigger. No... Don’t hesitate now! I have this thing right where I want it! It’s... it’s not really her... It’s not! I can do this! For my own sake, just do it! Just when I was about to fire a magazine of lead into my target... I froze, only able to gasp when I took in the stretch of hallway in front of me. “What..!?” My eyes shot wide as I stood there in disbelief. …nothing was there. It was completely empty. The hallway only stretched so many more paces to a dead end. There weren’t even any doors for the pony to run through or hide in. It was just an empty hallway. But, that’s impossible! I just saw her! She was--! I had the sudden impression that there was something still here with me... watching me. Ponies were watching me... studying me like I was some sort of... unwelcomed guest! But I’m... I’m a Loyalty Inspector! I can go anywhere I want! I could just feel it! The grey wall behind me was lined with colorful unicorns and earth ponies, both old and young, mares and stallions. The criminal and the competition. All of them clad in tattered and bloody and burned stable jackets, jumpsuits and coveralls. Their dark silhouettes were all too familiar, as they stretched across the floor on either side of me, the light easily shining through their wide-open grins. They just stood there, watching my embarrassing attempt to gun down the mysterious pony, as if I were some bumbling antagonist in a play. They think they’re better than me, is that it!? I quickly jerked my head around to glower and perhaps mock them for how they met their own demise... but the hallway behind me was still empty and grey, with only the knowledge that Glitter Punch was still somewhere around the previous corner. That... No... No no no NO! I’m not falling for it! Just... quit jumping at shadows! Pull yourself together, Sparkhorn! I took a deep breath as I turned back toward the dead-end hallway in front of me. I still wasn’t convinced... I gave in to the urge to take a step forward, swiveling my ears around to listen for any kind of sound. Any kind of movement. But all I heard was the echo of my hoof-clop, returning to my ears from the opposing wall. I took another step forward with the same effect. Then another, and another. The further I went, the more distant I began to feel from reality, my thoughts growing hazy. Perhaps it was out of pure bewilderment from what I had just witnessed: A pony... vanishing out of thin air! And then the shadows... My horn began to itch, begging for me to ignite it as harrowing alarms rang in my head. I could begin to feel the skin under my coat crawl with every step, while the short hairs of my mane prickled and stood erect with the fur on my neck. Finally, I heard something that wasn’t my own hooves as I reached the middle of the hallway. With my heart thundering against my chest at an almost paralyzingly slow rate, I stopped... and listened. It was… music? At first, I thought I was hearing my own imagination, the sound just barely audible enough to penetrate my thoughts. But, resuming my trot, its volume only grew, growing louder and louder with every step that carried me near the end of the hall. It was as if somepony was playing an old pre-war record on a phonograph. It started with the soft tune of a piano, before the rest of the orchestra joined in, the slow party music echoing off the dull and grey walls of the hallway. This wasn’t just an empty stretch of stable anymore. Something was wrong. I suddenly fell into a cold sweat, as a chill went up my spine, and my limbs locked for a moment to shiver. You could feel it in the air. My ears began to twitch from a soft ringing -which grew louder with the intensity of the drifting tune- before they anxiously folded back against my skull. You could hear it in the music. A dull stench began to waft up my nostrils too and irritate my sinuses. I sniffled as my muzzle scrunched and my forehoof instantly shot up to rub my nose. Celestia, you could even smell it! I winced, my nose-rubbing hoof shooting up to my horn next, as I felt the intense pressure of my magic build against it. It hurt, but... but, it was for my own good, wasn’t it? Almost on impulse, I clicked out of the corner of my mouth with my tongue. It made me feel... happy. NO!!! I protested internally, feeling my right eye fall into an uncontrollable fit of twitching. But, I... I could be, though. I really could... What’s wrong with being happy, anyway? After everything I’ve done for this stable, I deserve to be happy, don’t I? The stable... it can make me happy if IT’S happy. This... this was a-- POP! “Aah! Luna!” I yelped, one of the light panels flickering above me before suddenly popping loudly, showering me in a plume of sparks. I was so startled that my magic imploded, dropping my gun to the floor in an ear gore clatter. I winced, ducking my head as pieces of glass from the bulb bounced off of my body. The ponies were back again, them and their arrogant shadows, giggling and laughing at me as they tried to hide it behind their hooves. But I could hear them. I could feel them. And... if their blips would have only appeared on my EFS, I would know for a fact that they were NOT part of my goddamn imagination! I plugged my ears with my forehooves, desperately trying to shut them out... but I could still hear it... the laughter... They’re not really there! They had their chance, and they can’t come back! Ever! They’re just jealous! They’re jealous that I’m here, and they’re not! They’re only trying to-- “Still in control there, Charger?” My eyes raised in anger as I heard the return of the ghostly figure, standing right behind me. I seethed, grabbing the rapid-fire weapon back in my magic, and spun around, aiming the sights right smack on her smug looking face. “Shut up!” I screamed, “Shut up, Platinum!” Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! *Click* *Click* *Click* My eye twitched in annoyance as I watched every one of my bullets pass right through her and strike the opposite wall at the end of the hallway. Just as quickly as she appeared, she was gone in another flash of blinding light. What..? Where did she go!? She was right in front of me! Before I could pursue that thought any further, a mareish shriek of terror echoed throughout the halls, followed by three blasts from Glitter’s riot shotgun. “Sparkhorn!” My ears twisted back around at the sound of Glitter crying my name, prompting me to shake my head back to the reality I belonged to, and away from whatever mind torturing chamber that Tartarus apparently has in store for me. “Glitter!” I yelled back, galloping back around the corner to see her sitting against the armory wall, shotgun clutched tightly in her forehooves. She looked completely petrified, staring daggers into… something on the floor in front of her. “Glitter, what happened!? You okay!?” She didn’t even flinch from my call, her eyes still glued to the floor. I grew more and more concerned with every second that passed without her response. She remained silent, aside from her deep and stressful breaths. “GLITTER!” She finally glanced back down the hall to where I stood. “I-… I-I’m okay!” She gulped, quickly returning her focus to whatever had rattled her. I gave a relieved sigh after hearing her. “I don’t know what you’re doing up there, but you’ve got to see-…” I turned to point back down the strange hallway, when suddenly something slammed into my muzzle. “Ow! What the f--!?” I fell back on my haunches with a grunt, while my forehooves clutched my nose. I gave a short cry of pain into my hooves, my muzzle still very sore from the last time I had hit it. Celestia, it better not start bleeding again… I’m sick of losing blood out of this particular spot for the day. A groan escaped my throat as I gently put pressure on the tip of my muzzle, testing my tolerance for any more pain, before finally snapping out of my daze. I shook myself back into focus and looked around, frantically trying to find what had hit me, only to realize that… there was nothing. The only thing to greet me was a big, dull, grey wall that did nothing but absorb the impact of my face when I slammed straight into it. My eyes widened in disbelief as I stood back up. No… What!? How could this--? Where the hell did this wall come from!? Where’s the hallway!? I gently tested reality by placing my hooves over its surface, where the corner had previously turned. Now, I only stood in the stretch of stable that led from the right of the armory. Just a useless part of the stable that nopony ever used. Always has been… never more, never less. “Sparky!” Now it was Glitter’s turn to sound concerned for me. “Sparky!? Get back here, quick! S-something happened!” I mentally slapped myself, giving the wall one last skeptical glare, before turning to gallop back towards Glitter. I am not going crazy, I am not going crazy, I am NOT going crazy! I skidded to a halt before following her gaze. “What is--?” I cut myself short when I saw what she’d been staring at. “Oh... Damnit! Where did she come from?” It was a mare. At least, that’s what I could only assume, now that half of her hide was missing and she was drenched in her own blood. She laid, still somehow clinging to life on the floor in front of us, with pony shaped bite marks traveling up and down her body that had violently torn her flesh away, along with three new large holes through her chest and face, courtesy of Glitter’s buckshot. Once again, wrongful colors contrasted with the stable’s dominant grey as a bright red pond of pulp bubbled out from the mare’s final seconds of short choking breaths. She died, thankfully, a moment later. It was apparent she'd been losing a massive amount of blood for at least some time before, a trail of it leading back down the hall from where she came, presumably due to the meal that had been made out of her by the maintenance department. She must have barley escaped before the bastards could finish her off. “I-I… I-I-… I’m so, so, sorry…” Glitter mumbled, still rattled by the mare’s appearance. “I-… I didn’t see her until the last second, she… she came up so quiet, and I… Oh Celestia, what have I done!?” Her hooves let go of the smoldering shotgun as it clattered to the floor. I tore my eyes away from the mare to look at Glitter, noticing that her Pip-buck had been disconnected from the door panel, rather violently. Her device’s cable sparked as it dangled worthlessly from the controls. Oh, brilliant… I groaned internally as my face fell limp. “So… is there any chance you finished overriding the power before you ripped the transfer cable out of your Pip-buck?” Glitter just continued to stare at the mare, wide-eyed, before silently shaking her head. I sighed, my magic yanking the broken cable out of the panel before connecting my own -or at least my temporary- Pip-buck transfer cable to the door. “Alright, tell me how to finish this?” I swiveled my ears, waiting for her directions, only for her unnerved blubbering to continue over the mare. “GLITTER!” “Huh?” She snapped out of her daze for the moment as she looked back at my Pip-buck. “Oh… Um… Yeah, just-… I-I need a minute.” I shook my head with a growl. “Glitter, we don’t have a minute! If she’s here, then the bastards that did that to her can’t be too far behind.” “B-but…” She stuttered, her focus drifted back to the mare. “I-I’m the bastard…” She wiped her nose with her hoof, once again trying to hold back her tears. “I’m the one who did that to her…” “No. You didn’t.” I gave her a stern look. “That was mercy.” “NO, IT WASN’T!” I winced, as her scream echoed up and down the three hallways. “I fucking shot her!” She cried, “She wasn’t a maintenance pony! And I just-…” “Hey! You hear that!? All of you, go check it out!” Our ears suddenly perked at more ponies yelling to each other, before the sound of their galloping hooves began to close in on us. Oh, great! Leave it to her big mouth... I turned back to Glitter, panic beginning to wash over us. “Unless you want to join her, I implore that you shut the fuck up, and help me!!!” She clenched her eyes shut, desperately trying to pull herself back together before trotting over to my Pip-Buck. “O-okay... Uh...” “NOW!” I screamed. “I’m thinking, damnit!” Her breathing deepened as she tried to ignore the determined hoof beats getting louder and louder. “To initialize the power sequence, use the terminal interface on your Pip-Buck.” “Okay...” I squinted, following her direction while my opposing forehoof tapped on my Pip-Buck’s functions. “Same thing we use for hacking terminals, huh?” I tried to sound calm... but truly, my heart was racing against the clock as the same frantic sounds reached my ears. Glitter anxiously bit her lip, making a tiny string of red drool drip down from her mouth. She maniacally began looking between me and the left hallway, the one we were both sure the maintenance ponies would be charging through any second. “Oh crap... U-uh...” She gulped, “T-tell me when you see the progress bar, it should be up, right now!” I looked down at the start-up screen to see the empty bar flash in front of me, slowly beginning to fill up again. “Okay...” Aw crap! We’re going to have to start this over!? “Tell me when you see it!” She yelled, beginning to pace back and forth in front of the hall. Her eyes kept drifting between the stretch of hallway and her shotgun, still laying next to the bloody corpse of the half eaten mare. “Talk to me, Sparks!” “I have it!” I furrowed my brow. “But we’re going to have to wait for it to fill up again!” “It’s coming from the armory! Through here! Don’t let those heretics get inside!” The group of ponies continued to shout and gallop towards us, their echoes now filling the entire hall around us as we sat there, waiting and waiting. How long before they came racing through the final door at the end of the hall? Two minutes? One? 30 Seconds? It felt like we were just sitting on borrowed time now with our tails in a knot. I heard Glitter whimper beside me. The anticipation for death was literally beginning to kill her... And I have to admit, I wasn’t far behind her. “Hey!” I shouted, trying to snap her out of it... for both our sakes. “They’re coming!” She shuddered. “They’re gonna kill us!” “Shut up and listen to me!” I hissed. “We’re going to need to make this quick. You go first, then I’ll run in and drop the door.” “They’re coming...” She continued to warn me, grinding her teeth and growling in angst. She winced at the sound of several mechanical doors opening as the maintenance ponies galloped through them. “...we need more time...” I barely heard her as I kept my eyes glued to my Pip-Buck, waiting for the moment to bolt as fast as we could through the door the second it allowed us. “...then we load up! Just like you said... and we come out guns blazing.” “We need more time...” She repeated, bleakly. Suddenly, the sound of a shotgun bolt reached my ears. I quickly twisted in place to see Glitter holding the riot shotgun in her forehooves. “Glitter?” Oh, I did NOT like that look in her eye... She sighed, turning her desperation into determination. “I’m going to buy you some time...” She nodded. Wait... WHAT!? I felt my face plummet to levels of stupefaction I wasn’t sure it was capable of reaching until now. “Glitter... What are you-..?” I was interrupted as she suddenly tossed something at me. I looked down to see her Badge ID fall to the floor at my hooves. “You’ll need that to get the good stuff.” She said, turning towards the hallway. “When the door opens, don’t wait for me. Just drop the door and grab as much as you can. The bigger the better.” “No, no, no, no! Hey! That’s not the plan!” I hollered, finally realizing what she was about to do. I watched in panic as her jaw latched around the shotgun’s trigger. Before I could protest, her rear legs sprung her down the hall, breaking into a gallop toward the sound of the coming crowd. “Glitter! Stick to the plan!” Blam! Blam! She began to fire wildly into the air. I could have sworn I heard a battle cry screech around her mouth grip, before she eventually turned the corner, and the sound of her own hooves and shouting mixed over the others'. Blam! Blam! I screamed her name, about to take off in a gallop after the only friend I might have left -the only family!-, only for the tug of my Pip-Buck’s cable to remind me that I’m not going anywhere. “GLITTER PUNCH!” Blam! Blam! Blam! Footnote: Level Up! New Trait Discovered: I See Dead Ponies - Yeesh! You hit your head real good, didn’t you pal. You can already see the worst ways ponies can die. But, perhaps that little laceration above your eye is a little deeper than you originally thought. Looks like you’ve knocked a few more marbles loose... or, maybe into place. Either that or there’s something really strange going on here... Just try to resist the urge to put on one of those stupid tinfoil hats! The higher your perception, the higher chance of unusual visions occurring that normal ponies would otherwise never see. Careful now... while some visions may try to help you, others intend on leading you astray. > Chapter Six: Come on, let's go! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You must promise me that you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless...” *** *** *** [EMERGENCY POWER OVERRIDE COMPLETE] Access Granted The door slid open with a satisfying hiss, nearly diving through the doorway to hit the counter door panel. It closed just as the ponies rounded the corner, their bullets ricocheting off the opposite side of the steel panels. The fire only lasted a few more seconds before they finally gave in to the futility of shooting through it. I sighed, trying to shut out every other emotion except for relief. I slumped against the wall, suddenly realizing that I was right back to where I started the day... alone. I couldn’t help but feel a silent pain in my chest... Yet the physical feeling of pain, in both my head and my leg, returned to me like a magical gust of fire. Glitter, what she’d just done, for me of all ponies, felt like an endless void of a nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. I gazed down at the administrative photo of her face, centered on her Badge ID card. Her expression was plain and emotionless, just like everypony else's photo, yet I begged for her to so much as smile back at me. Just give me that confident smirk from when we were stupid kids! Or just... anything! Glitter... aww shit, Glitter. Why the fuck did you do that!? We had a plan! Hell, it was your plan! You... you didn't have to go-... Damnit! What am I going to do now? *** *** *** For the first time, after what seemed like hours -but was only several excruciating minutes according to my Pip-Buck- of struggling to unravel the nightmarish turn of events, I looked up to see the heavenly sight of untouched Equestrian-made weaponry. “Wow...” I actually found myself smiling in surprise at my murmur. For a minute, I had forgotten all my troubles, all of the deaths and sorrow and losses, losing myself in what I could only explain to be security officer heaven, and took in what power awaited me. “Thank you Stable-Tec.” ...never thought I’d ever say that out loud. Just as I was beginning to calm down, the sound of several automatic rifles began to fire in unison, just outside from where I was standing, hearing more bullets ricochet off the opposite side of the door. I yelped, startled as I jumped from where I sat, feeling another surge of pain rocket through me from the sudden movements of my injured limbs. I landed on my side, knocking a grunt out of my lungs before frantically scrambling back to my hooves. What in the name Celestia's..!? What? Are they just shooting the room out of spite!? "The door is made of steel, you dumb sons of bitches!" I scoffed, before catching my breath. I placed a hoof over my heart, sighing from the relative safety of the sealed door, as I turned toward the center of the armory. Even with the power override, they won’t be able to get in without Blue level clearance... which apparently some of them might have. Here’s hoping they’re not smart enough to check the security ponies that we killed earlier. Isle after isle of shelved weaponry and ammunition stretched across the entirety of the room. I had always come through here to get to the gun range in the back, but even with the special clearance given to me by the Overmare, I only got to use the standard issue security weapons like the 10mm pistol or riot shotgun. Only by the rare favor owed to me or the occasional worthy gamble, did I ever get to use the bigger sized guns locked behind the security glass. Breaking into those would give me a permanent record of all sorts of code violations. I smirked as I looked back down at Glitter’s Access Card. “Alright Glits… Don’t fail me now.” I reached the security window, before waving the badge in front of the card reader. Access Granted The glass suddenly unlocked and slid open, giving me hoof-reach access to machine and submachine guns, auto shotguns, and assault rifles. My smirk curled into a grin that may have looked just a bit maniacal in the glass' reflection. Quickly unlatching the hooks that held one of the heavy machineguns to the wall, my greedy magic wrapped tight around it and levitated it out into the open armory. “Time to get some revenge...” *** *** *** “Alright you grime lickers...” I hit the control panel, readying myself with the machinegun and several belts of .50 caliber rounds wrapped around my barrel and draped across my back. While my magic lightened the load a little, I was definitely weighed down, just enough for it to be difficult to move, especially with a crippled foreleg. Well... it wasn't like I was hauling these rounds for show and tell. The load will get lighter, one by one, once I'm through with these bastards outside. As soon as the door slid open, I galloped out, straining my leg as I sprayed my entire surroundings with thunderous gun fire, making my ears ring with every rapid-fire 'boom!'. But I didn't care, the feeling of adrenaline pulsing through my skull numbing the ear ache for now. The machinegun orbited around me in my magic, pulling half a belt of ammunition through in the process. “YEEEAAAAHHHH!!! DIE! Di-... Woah!” My hooves suddenly stumbled over something on the floor in front of me. I fell forward, the extra weight of the ammo throwing me off balance, while my magic soon lost its grip on the heavy gun... Well, not its entire grip. The machinegun clattered on the floor with a metallic thud, its spent cartridges sprinkling around it like brass hail. Meanwhile, I landed on my face, which proceeded to splash in the red sticky carnage of several dead maintenance ponies around me. Okay... I'm pretty sure, the last time I checked, there was only one pony here who was shot. The thought was temporarily incinerated from my mind after a rather large bullet whizzed passed my head. “Woah, shit!” I hissed, ducking my head flat against the floor as I realized my horn was still glowing, and my magic was still tightly clenching the machinegun’s trigger, making it spin on its side while sending .50 caliber bullets flying in every direction. I quickly cut my magic, but not before the gun ate up the rest of the ammo belt, allowing a few hallow clicks to insult my injury. Oh, come on! Is it really that hard to control? And no... I’m not talking about my magic! That could have happened to any unicorn! But... with this gun’s size and all... aside from carrying it and its ammo around, it shouldn’t have been anything more than a point and shoot weapon. I shouldn’t even have to aim with it! I mean look at this thing! I groaned, hesitant to hoist myself back up with my hooves as I observed four extra dead ponies on the floor. Fresh blood trailed through the rest of the halls, both presumably through the way they came and through the only exit. I looked around, mentally bucking myself for not doing so before I charged out guns blazing, as I scanned my EFS for anything that might still be alive. I gulped anxiously after seeing none. Well, something killed these ponies! I thought back to the shots that I’d heard after I bolted inside the armory. My mane suddenly stood on end, the thought leading me to observe the several rounds of spent ammunition casings -that were not from my non-lethal shooting spree- surrounding the bodies, all peppered with a fatal amount of assault style rifle rounds. Then I remembered the gun shots, all firing in unison, not sloppy like maintenance pony riot attacks, but instead, more organized like a security firing squad. They... they were killed by somepony else? Maybe... Maybe it was other survivors and... the rest of Security must not have been taken! And maybe Glitter’s still... I was about to sigh at the ridiculous yet wishful thought, before my ears perked at the sound of voices. My head swiveled quick towards the hallway where the trail of blood, bodies, and empty cartridges led from. Wait... Glossy Spring... She told me about the other ponies. The ponies that helped them blow a hole through the cavern slab. But another group of outsiders showed up and started killing them. It was the... No. No, there’s no way that can be possible. It’s almost been 200 years! I looked back to my machinegun, giving it a hesitant glare before floating it back to my side. I struggled to replace the ammo belt with a full one. With my patience running thin, I growled out of frustration and smacked the top of the feeder with my hoof, doing my best to push the belt in without causing a jam. Okay... maybe going with the biggest gun in the armory, that I doubt anypony has even used before today, was not the best choice. Seriously, I’m more of a quick and discreet kind of pony, not one who just charges in head on, guns blazing. Too many eyes on me at once. It feels weird! Plus, there's no way I can keep moving around like this, especially with my busted foreleg. But... Glitter did say to load up with as much firepower as possible... Last time I listen to her... I mentally laughed at the thought, before realizing the quite literal possibility of that being the last time I’d ever be able listen to her. I sighed, considering just dropping the heavy weapon for something lighter and easier to sneak around with, before the sound of somepony’s hooves, approaching through nearby doorways, reached my ears with a twitch. I narrowed my eyes, the hoof steps gradually shrinking in distance, and growing louder. I pulled the bolt back with a click-clack, gambling the better odds of hitting my target with my current gun, as I limped closer, down the hallway, following the trail of dead maintenance ponies to the far door. I came to a halt, hearing the hoof steps just through the next room, like they were only seconds away from opening the door and trotting right into me. My lungs quickly expanded... and I held my breath for the inevitable. The door opened... and a pony dressed in some kind of tactical gear casually stepped toward me, carrying what looked like an assault rifle in its mouth. Wait... scratch that. It was NOT a pony. Not even before the door had completely opened, the equine had froze at the sight of me standing in front of it, aiming a .50 caliber machinegun at his head. Is that... what I think it is!? If it were any other pony, I might have thought he was part of some kind of... Stable-Tec salvage crew. But... this wasn’t just any kind of pony. In fact, if it weren’t for my utter shock of what I was looking at, I wouldn’t have even hesitated to fire an entire belt of ammo into every inch of its body, no matter how yellow my EFS was telling me his blip was. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there, just staring each other down, waiting for one of us to make even the slightest sign of movement. Some kind of gasmask covered its face, the assault rifle somehow fixed into it, along with a dark grey military uniform with harnesses and ammo pouches covering its body. Not Equestrian or Stable-Tec colors. And speaking of colors... there were none that I could make out on what wasn’t covering its coat, or its mohawk sticking out of the top of its mask. Just black and white... S-S-STRIPES?!! Yeah... stripes that traveled from its exposed ears, all the way to its puckered up tail with tuffs of hair at the end, that stiffened at an angled behind him... Definitely not a pony. I felt my eye twitch, while its ear flicked through the opening in its gasmask, followed by a metallic click from its mouth. That was all I needed to hear. His blip suddenly flickered, though I hardly paid attention to it. For all I know, it could have turned from yellow to red. Or yellow to blue. Or yellow to... whatever the hay other colors my EFS had! Not that it mattered. It only existed for a few seconds before the end of the stalemate. Stable-Tec Arcane Targeting Spell, or S.A.T.S is one of the functions that us Pip-Buck wearers have the luxury of having, specifically a spell matrix to assist in combat. Most ponies in the stable rarely use it in peace time, but when trouble comes knocking, you’re better safe than sorry. From frying pans to 10mms, S.A.T.S gives you a huge advantage when you’re trying to hit something. Hell, the first time I ever used it was in maintenance, when I squashed a radroach under a pipe-wrench. It wouldn’t be the last time it came in handy. Time appeared to slow to a crawl as the targeting spell matrix showed me all my options. Head, legs, weapon, with the torso showing my highest chance of accuracy. So, with enough spell power to shoot at least half the ammo belt into him, I placed all of my targeting brackets over his torso. I guess the war isn’t over yet... The spell charged and I squeezed the trigger in my magic. S.A.T.S was in control now, making my aim much more straight with the heavy gun than normal. “Zebra...” I muttered, before slowly raising my voice to a shout. “...Zebra... Z-Z-ZEBRA!!!” I could barely hear my own blood curdling scream over the sound of my machinegun booming around me, echoing continuously in a vortex of Equestrian made magic. I watched the bullets tear the striped stallion's body apart... literally. His painful scream only lasted for a second before he was shredded by the large caliber penetrations. His limbs detached from his body, his organs bursting out through his chest, before his head exploded into gory chunks of brain and skull. Finally, after a molasses period of thunderous gunfire, S.A.T.S let go of my magic, and time returned to normal... but the thunder wouldn’t stop. It took all my energy to finally release my own magical grip from the trigger, the gun’s fire ceasing only after it ate the entire ammo belt, finally stopping with a click. Even then, it was hard to let go. I found myself out of breath, staring down at the bloody pile of striped equine stew that I’d cooked up as if I were the personal chef for death itself. There was... barely anything left of him. You couldn’t even tell if he was a zebra anymore... and I did that to him... I... I didn’t mean to lose control like that, but I... I just-... Oh, Luna... My forehoof suddenly slapped to my mouth, preparing for a violent expulsion of vomit. Zebras... Goddamn Zebras!? Oh crap, are we under attack!? How the fuck did they get here!? What about our National Guard and the Army!? And what about the radiation levels!? Our analysts said that there were pockets of survivable levels, but most of everywhere else is supposed to be fatal! There’s no way Zebras could have crossed over! We-..! Okay... get a hold of yourself, Sparks. We need to contact the national authorities. This has officially gone beyond Stable-Tec’s jurisdiction. If the zekes are still out there, then the Equestrian Army ought to be too. C’mon, think! Uh... The coms center! Melody Charm could send a distress call, if... if by some miracle she’s still here and alive. Shit! If she were... she would have sent one by now... If I could just get my Badge ID... and find where Glitter ran off with Khan’s, we could open up Melody’s radio studio with an override. My ears perked again at voices, this time sounding more frantic as I recognized that... they weren’t speaking any language that I understood. Rarely anypony down here spoke anything else than Equestrian Ponish. Sliding another ammo belt into my gun, -and wiping my mouth free of my stomach contents- I limped through the door that the Zebra entered through, kicking aside his pulpy organs and severed limbs. I headed for the next room, my hooves making sticky wet pops with every step. *** *** *** “I’m not telling you anything! Let me go!” Oh... You have no idea how happy I was to hear that voice, no matter how in distress it was. Glitter, being the only pony that my Pip-Buck had tagged as ‘friendly’, was but a single green blip in a room holding several red ones, all talking in strange tongues. Well... except for one. There was a stallion speaking rather aggressively to her in what I could only assume was zebra, before another spoke to her in... pony. Quietly putting my ear to the door, I listened. Wait... that’s no zebra! “Uh huh, okay.” A pony with a softer voice cleared their throat. Not quite feminine sounding, though the stallion spoke with about as much masculinity as a preteen colt. “He wants you to calm down.” “CALM!?” She scowled. “Do I not sound CALM TO YOU!?” Her voice echoed through the wall, dwarfing all the other zebra sounds around them. “Tell him to stick his encryption up his ass!” “Y-you...” He stuttered nervously. “O-oh boy. Do you really want me to translate that?” She gave a very angry huff. I could almost picture her blowing her mane out of her eyes again. “What I really want is for all of you to get the fuck out of my Stable!” BANG! BANG! “AHH!” Glitter shrieked, painfully whimpering as I heard her body slump against the floor. “That’s... bullshit..!” I wasted no time after hearing that, quickly flipping the switch on the door panel as it slid open. I stumbled through, only to witness every head and eye immediately turn towards me. There was about five striped equines within my sight, one Earth pony stallion with a dirty white coat, frazzled black mane and big circular glasses over his eyes, and one Glitter Punch, a hole in each of her forelegs, blood beginning to matte around them in her charcoal fur. “S-Sparky!?” She cried, her eyes drifting in shock to the end of the very large barrel of my gun. “Oh crap..!” Usually, if it was just me, my .45 and my dossier targets, I'd likely be able to make short work of these punks by simply sneaking in and pulling the trigger while they weren’t looking. Sure there’d be some commotion, but I could probably silence that as soon as it started. This is not one of those usual times. I’ve got a gun half my size, a broken leg, voices in my head, and everypony… and everyzebra... was staring right at me! There’s no way I’d be able to take them all out... Even the translator pony’s blip was red on my EFS. The asshole is going to make me kill him, isn't he! “Glitter..!” My lips curled down in a scowl, clenching my jaw as I scanned every red blip with a gritty stare. The zebras themselves almost seemed too shocked to react at first. “Don't forget, I'm a dork!” She looked at me, completely baffled by my words, before her eyes suddenly widened... and she dropped to the floor at the same time the zebras began to raise their guns. *** *** *** Painful, painful moans... A decent amount of them too. I was able to tag a couple of the zekes in the room, the bullets easily missing a majority of them before they fled from my wild firing spree. I didn’t think it was possible to let my guard down with any seriousness at this point, but I definitely felt better at the sight of two zebras collapsed in a heap, squirming and moaning over their expanding puddles of bloody essence. They wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon. I lifted my focus away from them for the moment, slowly limping toward what I guessed to be a treacherous zebra sympathizer, and my incapacitated friend. My magic cut, dropping the smoldering machinegun to the floor with an ear shattering clatter. I felt my hooves kick aside several spent caliber casings, hearing them roll away with an eerie jingle. I clenched my jaw tight as a few striped severed limbs, ripped apart by my fire, did the same. Swallowing my disgust, my magic reached inside my jacket and pulled out my 10mm. I saw Glitter trying to stand on her bullet pierced limbs, whimpering as she tried to hold back tears. “Glitter...” I voiced, watching her wince in pain. Her eyes returned my concerned look. “Sit tight... Get ready. They’ll be back...” She groaned with a nod, falling back on her haunches to lift her two mangled forelegs from the ground. Her lip quivered after finally absorbing what had happened to them, appalled by the image of her once strong and fit legs being left weak and broken. I gave her a sorry look... but I had bigger concerns at the moment. My gaze slowly turned to the white stallion. One of the .50 calibers managed to ricochet into the stallion’s chest, rendering him to the floor, desperately wheezing for air on is back. After a hard cold stare, I raised my magic and pressed the end of my pistol against his forehead. Despite the hole in his ribcage, his vitals still seemed optimal enough to let him panic. He shuddered, looking cross-eyed at the gun pressed to his head. “W-wait..!” He yelped, giving a futile attempt of gesturing for me to put the gun down by waving his forehooves up at me. “...y-you don’t n-need to d-d-do that!” “Give me a reason...” I growled through me teeth. He gulped, only to choke a bit on his own blood as he tried to spit it from his lungs. “I-I... I want nothing to do with you or your stable! They picked me up outside of The Hoof! They told me they needed to access some data here, that’s all I know! I swear!” He coughed, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks in thick mud-like blobs. I pressed the pistol harder against his head. “Why, in the name of Celestia, would you be working with zebras, you turn-coat son of a bitch!?” “W-what!?” He gasped at the feeling of me driving the barrel harder against his skull. “N-no...” He let out a nervous chuckle, seemingly trying to collect his thoughts. “This is just a misunderstanding... There’s no more war between ponies and zebras!" He coughed, though it sounded forced as if to clarify his words. "W-well... not for us anyway. Ponies in the wasteland don't care anymore! It ended when the bombs fell! You stable ponies have been away for so long... It’s almost been 200 years! They don’t want to hurt you...” My eye twitched at that as I glanced back towards Glitter’s blood soaked forelegs. She was busy giving him the dirtiest look in the history of Stable 17. My magic pulled the slide back, cocking the 10mm threateningly. “It’s not my fault!” He screamed, catching our looks. “All they wanted were the files encrypted in your Stable’s data archive! These... cultist ponies kept putting up a fight!” He quickly nodded towards Glitter. “She was the only one who seemed she wasn’t a part of it, given she was trying to take five of them on at once! The Zebras wanted her to help them access the archives before you showed up!” I raised my eyebrow. “All I’m hearing is more reasons to pull the trigger...” His face cringed in fear, now beginning to cry. “No! Please! It wasn’t supposed to go down this way! They had caps! I-I... There aren’t a lot of ponies in the wastes that can speak zebra! They offered me so much! I needed it for my family! Please! I-I... I have three foals to feed!” This was leaving me with more questions than actual answers. What the hell are caps? I groaned in annoyance. His whiny voice was starting to get on my nerves. “Celestia, you sound like a pencil neck...” “Sparky!” Glitter shouted from behind me, looking somewhat saddened by what she was hearing. “Just... just let him go. He’s not worth it...” I frowned at that, not daring to look her back in the eye as my magic began to squeeze the trigger. BANG! “AAAHHHHH!” He shrieked as the bullet sank into his left foreleg. BANG! ...the other going into his right. “Oh, Luna! Sparky!” Glitter gawked. The buck shook and squirmed and screamed in pain, his limbs trembling from the lead snapping his bones... but it wouldn’t kill him. Not quickly anyway. Glitter gasped as I turned back towards her, leaving the whimpering heap of a pathetic stallion to his fate. She looked... frightened. By me or perhaps in general? It didn’t matter. She clenched her eyes shut a moment later to snap herself out of it. After what they did to her, she should know that was far more merciful than what he deserved. My horn glowed, wrapping my magic around her and pulling her up just enough for her to feel lighter on her hooves, though still touching the ground. I groaned, her weight putting an unpleasant pressure on my horn. “Can you--?” “Yes...” She answered, quickly. “Yeah I... I think I can...” She tested the support her forelegs could hold, slowly standing on all four hooves. She hissed through her teeth as she did so. Even with my telekinesis assisting her, it still looked painful as hell. Our ears perked at the sound of more zebra talk coming through the adjacent doors. We were out of time, and Glitter didn’t look remotely ready to run for her life. Showing less mercy for my own handicap, I expanded my aura around her, lifted her off the ground, and draped her over my back. “Gyah!” I yelped, feeling the extra pressure on my foreleg. I had to ignore it all though, moving as fast as my three good legs could carry myself and a full grown mare. She gasped again at my apparent pain as I began to pick up our pace, grunting to myself with every step. Oh... You had to run ahead, I thought, You had to choose now to be the hero, didn’t you... Just look where that got us... *** *** *** We had made our way back to the armory, the zebras still scattered about after my little charge. We snuck back through, this time with ease, now that the access power was rerouted to the door. To Glitter’s disappointment, as well as my own, she couldn’t use anymore guns or shoot at anything in her condition. She was losing blood, and fast. If we didn’t do anything about that, pretty soon, she’ll be about as useful as Glossy Spring. To my surprise, however, our luck was not completely in the gutter after all. I practically began to drool after finding a confiscated medical box. Still no healing potion -which was what both of us desperately needed at this point- but, some healing bandages and even another dose of painkillers. I thought carefully before trotting over to Glitter with the supplies in my magical tow. “Alright... on your ass, let’s go.” “W-what..?” She forced what humor she had left into chuckle as she looked between me and the pink and yellow medical box. A sigh escaped her lungs, relaxing a bit and doing as I told her to when she realized what I had meant. I rolled my eyes at her look, watching me skeptically as I unraveled the bandages. “You sure you know what you're doing with those?” She asked, tired but still just as skeptical. “Hold still, will ya..?” I chuckled with her, before returning a reassuring look. “Don’t worry, Glits… I’ve done this before.” She hissed between a soft, and pretty cute giggle after saying that, while I wrapped the bandages around her wounds. “You... You haven’t called me that since we were foals, you know? Gosh, that... that feels like it was so long ago now.” She attempted to give me a stern look, but failed over her pained, yet rather bashful smile. “I always used to hate it when you did... and Celestia, I’d never know how much I’ve missed it, until...” Her eyes locked with mine. They’ve been doing that a lot lately, haven’t they... Celestia, she looked tired and beaten, like she’d been sucked dry of all her strength and last bit of hope. We both held our gaze for a while, somewhat lost in each other. She hardly noticed that I had finished bandaging her legs, ignoring the amounts of blood being absorbed into the fabric, eventually helping to stop the bleeding. I could tell, just by the light in her eyes, that all of the emotions that had been building up, even the ones she was able to hold back from the last time, all of it, was coming out. As if that tiny foalhood memory of my nickname for her caused the final crack in the levy, leaving her mind to be flooded by everything. Her eyes began to water, her ears twisted back against her head, and her lips quivered uncontrollably. She didn’t speak, only giving a cute sniffle as she leaned forward onto my chest, and began to sob. It was a quiet sob, sniffling more as she let her tears run down into my fur. She attempted to wrap her forelegs around me, trying desperately to feel our warm embrace again, but her new handicap wouldn’t allow it. So... I did what I had to do... and wrapped my own legs around her instead. “Ssshhhh…” I hushed her, gently rubbing her sides with my hooves to comfort her. Damnit Glitter... you had to go and get yourself shot... I wanted to chew her out for that, and believe me, I was never going to let her forget it, but... I knew this wasn’t the time. Not when she’s like this. So, I guess she could use a little sympathy. This time, I’m not going to brush her aside for getting too clingy, but to tell her... well, that her friend was there for her. Oh, son of a bitch, I was just glad that she was alive! I rested my chin against her head, burying my muzzle in her messy mane while breathing slowly, her pink hair tickling my nostrils. “Celestia… I thought you were dead, Glitter... I thought you were gone...” I whispered as she continued to cry. I felt her shake against my chest. "...I-I'm sorry! I-I had to... Th-they... they were going to--" Her words broke, trying to speak through deep heaving sobs. I could only try to hold her tighter. "I'm... I'm fucking scared, Sparks... I... I don't want... I don't wanna die!" “Hey! Hey, c'mon! It’s okay. You're not gonna die... Just--" She disagreed immediately, shedding thicker tears as she wailed. "I will if I can't walk!!!" She sniffled, "A-a-and now you're gonna leave me!!!" "What!?" I pulled back, my wide eyes and dropped jaw just staring at her. She'd actually think that I would--? No I... I wouldn't! I couldn't! Not Glitter... I-- I think I might have wanted to cry after hearing that... Fuck, after what we had been through the last few hours, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I really did. Especially hearing those words... with what she said to me... But, I didn't. I may have wanted to, but... Celestia, I don't even know if I was capable of crying! Glitter Punch, she... she deserved a time and a place for that. Now... Now it was just her time to cry. To just let it all out. I didn’t want to rob her of that... I just... wanted to help her do it comfortably. You could probably tell by now, but I'm obviously not much of the crying type. Isn't it an unspoken rule for stallions not to cry, anyway? While ponies like Glitter like to push their emotions into the limited capacity of the levy, I prefer to lock each and every one of mine away into their own coffins, hopefully never to see the living world again. What was left of it anyway... She continued to cry, leaning into me again. I could feel her tears begin to matte my fur between the opening in my jacket. "I killed that mare, Spark... I killed her..." She wept through a shaky voice, her whole body still trembling. "She just wanted my h-h-help and I-- ...they're gonna get me like they got her! They're gonna get me for killing her! A-and..." She paused, drawing short, hyperventilated breaths as she slowly pulled away, looking down as if to avoid my confused wide-eyed stare. "Maybe... m-maybe they should... maybe--" "Stop that!" My voice cracked, hugging her tight once more. Emotions creaked open inside me... and I hated it! "No they're not! You hear me? They're not gonna get you, alright!? Now say it! Say you're gonna be alright!" Her shivering and blubbering cries only continued. She didn't want to believe it... "SAY THE GODDAMN FUCKING WORDS, GLITTER!!!" There was a long silence, her shivering and sniffling taking their time, only to gradually settle with every breath. Eventually her rattling fear and anxiety calmed back down to a simple sob. Her breath was still shaky, her eyes were still wet, her legs were still broken... but her voice... "I--" She gulped, "I-I don't... I don't want you to leave... Please say you won't leave me..." Those words bit me deep. I wanted to scream it at her. I wanted her to know I'd never do that! After gaining her trust! After all these years! I couldn't just throw that away again... could I? The question felt as if it were forced down my throat to squeeze the answer out of my heart. Could I? Would I? ...Should I? Well, Spark... She's waiting. Say the goddamn fucking words! Slowly, I tilted her chin up with my hoof to glare at her, my eyes more stern and serious than ever before. "Hey... I've got your back, remember? You said you trusted me. So, Celestia damn me if I don't give you what you paid for! I didn't leave you when we were foals, and Glitter Punch, I am not gonna leave you now! I'm NOT gonna let you die! We’re gonna get out of this… Just like you said! I promise. I-I... I...” ...I'm so sorry. She blinked, sniffling every so often as she absorbed my words. Quietly, she spoke, a quivering smile threatening to appear below her snout. "O-okay... then... I-I'm gonna be alright... gonna... gonna be alright with you..." She finally relaxed, falling softly against my chest once more. She eventually moved her forehoof between us. I tensed, worried she'd hurt herself if she strained the wound too much, only for a soft gloomy giggle to leave her lips, placing her hoof over my heart. "I... I knew that sweet colt was still in here..." I sighed, chuckling lightly. My breath blew a bit of her mane aside while gently nuzzling her between her ears. Relief finally beginning to resettle between us. "I'm sure you're gonna enjoy teasing me about that later..." We enjoyed our warmth for a moment longer... even while trapped between the hell that was currently consuming our soon to be former home... it was nice to feel each other again. After we finally departed, it struck me that... that was the longest time we'd hugged each other since we were foals. But... as much as I wanted it to last, we had to get moving. "Now... we've gotta come up with a plan." *** *** *** “Tell me how it goes again?” I flinched, squinting my eyes with a groan. I shifted my lips to blow the silky pink tail hairs out of my face again. “Glitter...” I warned, probably for the third time now. “Oh... S-sorry, Spark...” She finally lifted her tail above my head before swishing it to the side. “I... I guess I can’t help it...” I could almost picture a dark crimson tint form across her cheeks as she said that. Glitter’s rear legs dangled on either side of my head -forelegs on either side of my flanks- while she laid parallel across my back while on her stomach... and facing the opposite direction. On any normal day, I wouldn’t be caught dead like this... however, that being a legitimate possibility, I figured it might be worth the risk of humiliation. Especially since the only ponies who would take the time to laugh at us now would probably kill us all in the same breath. She watched my back with a 10mm, while I levitated a pristine assault rifle that I’d grabbed from the armory beside us. She suddenly tucked her 10mm pistol back between her chin and my rump. I had to ignore the agitating metal digging into my hide for the moment, knowing she only took the grip out of her mouth if she needed to speak, or ask questions. I got used to asking what she wanted before she even opened her mouth because of that, as we... or more accurately, as I slowly limped down the hall towards the game room with her on my back. Her tail would often flick upward on instinct before landing over my face. “Yeah... I can tell...” I said, slightly out of breath as I resumed our trek down the hall. “You know, my neck feels like it’s on fire right now...” She suddenly gave a distasteful nicker. “I swear, if you make one more joke about my-...” “Hey, relax. I’m only teasin’, alright?” I chuckled rather weakly at my joke, even though on any other given day it would at least deserve a hearty snicker. “You said you wanted me to go over the plan again?” “Yeah... If you could...” She sighed, “I just... I need a little bit of reassurance right now, that’s all.” “You said it...” I bleakly agreed before clearing my throat. I made sure to stay focused on the area in front of me, sometimes taking the energy to peek down any adjacent hallways or any open rooms, just in case there was a maintenance pony patrolling around us. The assault rifle wasn’t as powerful as the machinegun, but it was a hell of a lot lighter and faster to move with. Plus, I don’t think I’d be able to carry both Glitter and the .50 cal belts. Still, I should be able to make short work of any bad guys, striped or not, so long as there weren’t too many at once. Hopefully they’d be too concentrated on fighting each other to worry about two poor and broken loyalists wandering around. “Right now...” I began, once again explaining the plan we put together while we cuddled in the armory. “...we’re close to the game room. Once we’re in there... well...” I was soon remined of her two crippled forelegs, the tightly wrapped limbs bouncing worthlessly against my flanks with every step. “...I guess you won't be able to work your magic on that safe with your legs like that. You’ll have to coach me through picking the lock while you keep a look out... After we get my badge ID, we’ll head straight to the medbay, and get us a healing potion to share or something. We’ll have to use our three badge IDs to open Stem’s office. He’s bound to have something in there at least.” I felt the 10mm dig into my hide again. “And then...” Glitter began, shifting slightly atop me, apparently feeling a bit more encouraged as she picked up the rest of our plan. “...hopefully while whatever supplies we find are working their magic, we’ll be making our way to the coms center to open up Mel’s broadcast. If the zekes are still out there, then ponies still oughta’ be kicking too. We’ll call the Army, the National Guard... hell, we’ll get Canterlot on the line if we have to...” She paused for a moment to think. “So, do you think he was telling the truth?” “Who?” I asked, still keeping most of my attention ahead of me. “You know... The poor bastard who’s legs you shot?” She mumbled, a tone of obviousness surrounding her voice. I simply shrugged. “Glitter... you are the poor bastard who’s legs were shot... that bastard was a scumbag outsider working for Equestria’s worst enemy...” I thought back to what he had said... and the way he said it. ’There’s no more war between ponies and zebras!’, ‘All they wanted were the files encrypted in your Stable’s data archive!’ The guy was so scared, he would of told me if he was wearing mares’ underwear if I asked him. I shook my head with a sigh. “Doesn’t matter if he was telling the truth or not... The zekes are here for something and they’re obviously inclined to shoot us down to get what they want.” I stopped abruptly in my tracks after catching several red blips surrounding us on my EFS, seeming to appear out of nowhere. I felt my heartrate spike once they started closing in on every side. Oh Crap! There’s no way we can take on all these bastards! I rotated the rifle 180 degrees around me, checking every inch of my vision for potential threats... but, after looking back and forth, twice, nothing was there to shoot at. The red blips just continued to trot invisibly around us, as if whoever was making them were just ghosts of stable’s past, paying us no mind as they casually moved through the halls... although, I’d be surprised if we weren’t the ghosts at this point... Okay, Spark, I’ll let that cryptic thought slide this time, but if it takes me one minute longer than it already will to fall asleep tonight, I’m gonna slam my head against the wall... I prevented myself from sharing reason to panic with Glitter, remembering just how misleading our EFS can be, especially on an older model Pip-Buck. I have no way of telling if they’re a floor above us, a floor below us, or right around the next corner. And even still, if I’m looking at a crazed maintenance mare, a striped foe, or a goddamn nest of radroaches. My hesitation only lasted for a few seconds before I shook myself back to the plan at hoof. “Uh, where were we?” “Oh..!” Glitter cleared her throat before continuing. “From the coms center, we go to Diamond’s office and open the Overmare’s escape tunnel.” “Right...” I sighed, “...then we track down Aqua, Khan, Diamond-...” “And Platinum!” Glitter’s voice was intense, as if to specifically prioritize finding our treacherous friend. My brow raised with a nod. “...and Platinum... and we’ll kill any treacherous bitch or bastard that gets in our way...” I felt a smirk creep across my muzzle, despite the excruciating pain that should have been shooting up and down my leg. It was a good thing we found that painkiller. “So... you feeling reassured yet?” I heard her give a doubtful sigh. “I’ll let you know once we get to the Medbay…” “Well that’s not a long ways off now.” I finally stopped us in front of a door, maneuvering the rifle’s butt to the adjacent control panel. “We’re here...” I said, my magic smacking the end of the rifle against the switch, prompting the game room door to slide open. I took one step inside, equally prepared to gun down any possible maintenance goons already occupying the bar, card tables and slot machines as I was to find the room completely empty. Even if I was fatally unprepared for what I would see next, it still only took one step before I froze, immediately planting my hooves into the grey floor. My joints locked so tight that my hooves could have started growing roots right through the cement. There, not ten hoof steps in front of me, was Platinum Braid... grinning ear to ear like a mad mare. N-no... No... No, it’s not her! Just... my mind playing tricks again... My ear twitched at a voice behind me. A voice of concern. It was Glitter... asking why I had stopped. My shoulders had lurched forward with the suddenness of my scare, threatening the mare to nearly fall off my back. Her voice was tiny though, barely worth registering in the back of my mind. Right now, it felt like only two ponies existed on whatever realm I had just stumbled into. My eyes were wide as saucers, staring down the mare in front of me. My blood pulsed thickly through my temples, while a deep and silent breath absorbed all the moisture inside my mouth, making it as dry as a desert. My jaw simply hung limp at the startling sight. Yet Platinum just stood there, silently mocking me with her big smug and drunken grin. So Platinum Braid, the mare who had been my friend since foalhood, the mare who I trusted through most of my life, the mare I disobeyed the rules of my father to stay friends with... the same mare who had begun poking the hornet’s nest of stable authority -of which I was a part of!- and had launched the biggest revolution the stable has ever seen against us, the mare who I swore I watched die in an elevator, and the mare who has been haunting me ever since... was standing right in front of me. ...so what!? She-- It was only a figment of my imagination, nothing more. It was stupid to think that Platinum was actually dead, and that she was somehow haunting me. Heh... I’m already the biggest skeptic of ghosts and the supernatural, despite the cryptic poetry of such that believes it in the back of my mind. Besides, Glitter said that her security ponies saw her alive, and still leading the traitors! Even if those same security ponies had joined her ranks... they probably wouldn’t have thought to try and mislead us by telling her she’s still alive, right? Right!? I’ll just step right passed her and go around the bar to Cider Twist’s safe, risking more pain in my leg to trot a little bit faster, maybe, to make sure she doesn’t whip some gun out in her magic, or cast some offensive spell… She learned the same things that I did, after all... No, no, but that’s not going to happen, because she’s not really there! I cleared my throat before leaning my head back towards Glitter, not taking my sight off the pony in front of me. “Y-yeah... uh... it’s nothing. Just... It’s nothing...” I unconsciously brightened the glow of my horn for a possible spell of my own, the room now beaming a dark red ambience around us. I took a deep breath and another step inside. I was only halfway through the doorway before I stopped again. I nearly gave in to the urge to slam my head against the wall for once more forgetting to use another stable-tec value. I wouldn’t dare to take another step toward that dauntingly joyous look on Platinum’s face before I checked my EFS. And... Okay, so what if it shows her green blip right where she’s standing? That could be a part of my imagination too! Right? My breath was dry and sour in my throat. Panic was beginning it’s slow conquest across my body. I was starting to wish that Platinum would do something, anything, other than just stand there. Then at least I would know for sure. In hind sight... I oughta be more careful what I wish for... I tried to take in another breath, but my lungs were already at full capacity. No, wait... I just stopped breathing after I watched her throw her head back... and begin to laugh. She laughed hard... hysterically... Maniacally! She wouldn’t stop! Her jet black mane dangled loosely in front of her face and bounced up and down with every gut-wrenching holler that came up her throat, starting to pound the floor with her forehooves. I found myself gaping at the steel colored mare, unable to believe what I was still surely seeing... what I was hearing. Her laughter would die into a stretch of continuous giggles before inching its way back to hysteria. She... she’s laughing at me! Why is she laughing at me!? Panic was finally beginning to surrender to anger and frustration, nearly feeling the coals of resentment burn red hot in my chest. She knows that she’s been fucking with me! She thinks she’s winning her little game, and that-... Grrr! THAT PISSES ME OFF!!! I instinctively tried to reach for a pack of cigarettes in my pocket to calm my nerves... but I was never lucky enough to find one while searching through the rooms. I was on my own to control my temper... and right now, I had no intention of doing so... “I told you... TO SHUT UP!!!” I screamed, though I could barely hear myself think, the words forming from the glowing embers of anger. After everything she’s done to me today, she just stands there and arrogantly laughs at me... “S-sparky?” Glitter’s frightened voice came up behind me through a vortex of my own rage, whittling away at whatever better influence it would have had on my rationality. I whirled the assault rifle around toward Platinum. The coals in my chest had grown into a raging bonfire, feeling as if its flames could have been burning holes through my eyes. I narrowed the gun’s sights right on her laughing face. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, PLATINUM!!!” “Wait, what!?” I felt Glitter quickly shift atop my back. She rolled over and landed beside me on her rump, turning toward Platinum Braid at lightning speed. But she only sat there in utter confusion, blinking her eyes between me and the hysterical mare before finally deciding to look at me, her eyes wide with bewildered terror. “Sparky! What are you talking about!? There’s nothing-...” “Don’t feel bad when you get her killed, Spaaarks~” Platinum abruptly teased while the shadowy pony figures from before resumed the laughter behind us. And that... was the last straw... I clenched my jaw tight. I'm not sure if it was Glitter's horrified expression or the way that my throat felt like grated cheese afterwards, but I could have sworn that some kind of animalistic growl escaped from the back of my throat. “YYYEEAAAAHHHHH!!!” I squeezed the trigger. My aura wouldn’t let it go until it was satisfied with the constant sound of loud fire being replaced by hallow clicks. I watched as the bullets flew into my foalhood friend... It was for her own good... It was for Glitter’s own good... It was for my own good! But not a drop of her blood was spilled. Just like before, each and every one of my bullets passed right through her. And, just when I was about to throw my gun down and charge at her, she began to giggle again. No... NO!!! She did it again!!! I huffed, not wanting to let her insult my intelligence any further as I realized what would come next. She was gone not a moment later, forcing me to flinch from another flash of blinding light. “SPARKY!” Glitter’s frantic voice practically knocked me aside the head. “Did you see her!?” I turned back to her and pointed my hoof towards yet another wall that I had apparently shot to death. “She was right there! Please tell me you at least saw her!” Glitter just stared at me, wide-eyed and panic-stricken, only shaking her head. “What. The fuck. Is wrong with you!? There wasn’t anything th--” “HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” It was an understatement to say that I was getting sick of ponies laughing at me... I thought it might have been the shadows again, continuing to torture me beyond their graves... but, I wasn’t the only one to hear it this time. Glitter’s ears perked too, her eyes widening, her breath halting... her heart sinking, all at the same time that mine did. These were not the ponies of my past, though their shadows cast over us all the same, yet in a dominate manner that the former did not. This was not the laughter of jealous ponies enjoying the chance to see me fail, but the cruel laughter of somepony… somepony who was like me... That’s the way I might have laughed if I had watched some punk trip over his hooves while he was running from me. Maybe I wouldn’t have done it out loud like this... but... I knew the laugh... “Looks like we’ve caught a couple of heretics, everypony…” A raspy mare snarled behind us, speaking around what could have been her mouth salivating from the thought of a tasty meal. “Folly has rewarded us once again!” I gulped, knowing the sea of red blips behind us, this time, was nothing but true. The bastards must have heard my shots... Double damn me for that!!! At least ten ponies stood in the hallway, hooting and hollering over us as we sat there, frozen with fear. For the first time in what seemed like a lifetime, I was truly at a loss for... anything. I could only think about how fucked we were. Two ponies who could hardly stand, let alone run... we might as well have been served to them on a silver platter. If there was any opportunity we had to escape, we surely missed it, as every single red blip lunged toward us, shouting and chanting and laughing in unified throngs. “FEAST, FEAST, FEAST, FEAST!” “RUN SPARKS, RUN!!!” Glitter moved before I was able to snap out of my forlorn trance, attempting to gallop away with her life. This time was all too different from her great elevator escape. Aside from the fact that she had at least encouraged me to run with her, she hardly made it a single hoofstep before her broken forelegs collapsed out from under her, and she went crashing head first into me, knocking the gun out of my magical grasp. I grunted, both of us hitting the floor, myself landing completely whole inside the game room, while Glitter only made it half way, her rear legs sticking out into the hallway. She screamed not a moment later. I recovered just in time to see at least four greasy, tattered, and blood thirsty earth ponies latch on to her legs and begin to pull. “NO!” I hollered, my aura diving for her forelegs. She screamed even louder as my magic gripped her hooves and pulled as hard as I could. I could see the terror and pain in her eyes, screaming at her wounds tearing back open in front of her with sickly wet pulls. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK!” She cried, frantically looking back at her attackers as they pulled her back towards their snarling, toothy grins. “Celestia and Luna! Get them off me!!!” These were no maintenance ponies. No pony from a stable could look or... smell like that! These were... these were savages! Tattered, ragged clothes adorned their sun bleached coats, stained with mud, blood and... who knows what else. Dirty, rotten, diseased... like the translator buck, but a million times worse! No... these ponies... these were the outsiders! They continued to laugh, almost as if they believed this was some sort of game we were playing. Like they enjoyed watching our futile attempt of escape. I desperately looked around the room, searching for something, anything, to get us out of this. My eyes suddenly locked with the assault rifle on the floor beside me, its barrel still smoldering from its last use. I quickly replaced my magic with my forehooves, growling from the new strain on my own leg, while continuing to pull against the dominant strength of the crazed ponies. “Hold on, Glitter! Fuck! Just-... Hrrrg!” It was still no use. Now I was being dragged across the floor, towards the hall along with her, my strength out matched 4 to 1. Without a second to lose, my magic wrapped around the assault rifle and swung it around, aiming it just above Glitter’s head. Déjà vu struck me again as the rest of the murderous bastards began to crawl their way around the ones who were grabbing Glitter’s legs. It would be like... shooting radroaches in a barrel. This time, I didn’t need to wait for Khan’s order. I clenched my eyes shut and squeezed the trigger. *Click* I squeezed it again... *Click* No, no, NO! I can't be out of ammo, now!!! Maybe... maybe it's just a misfire! *Click* It was impossible to breath anymore as I desperately pulled back against the trigger over and over, begging for the rifle to give me even just one loud crack… Celestia, Please! JUST ONE!!! *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* Glitter let loose a blood curdling shriek. All I could do was watch them bite down, all four of them sinking their teeth into her legs. “Fuuuuck!” She cried, tears streaming uncontrollably down her face as she began to bawl like a newborn foal. The ponies -...if you could even call them that anymore- started to tear the flesh of those once beautiful, muscular, athletic legs that Glitter had prided herself in strengthening all her life, completely away from her body in red stringy chunks. “Oh Celestia! OH FUCK! It... IT HURTS!!!” I dropped the gun, letting it clatter to the floor in a heap. My stomach churned at the sight of them digging into my friend. I didn’t know whether to feel horrified or disgusted. Oh, for fuck sakes! DO SOMETHING YOU IDIOT!!! You promised to have her back, and she's being eaten alive!!! But I couldn’t... I couldn’t even shoot them. I couldn’t try and save her. I couldn’t do anything! I had wasted the last of my ammo on my mind fucking imagination of Platinum Braid. But you’re a unicorn! You promised her that you’d use your magic if she needed you to! WELL SHE SURE AS FUCK NEEDS IT NOW!!! USE MAGIC! Blast them! Zap them! Beam them! Do something! ANYTHING! “But, I... I can’t...” I had to think faster as my cannibalistic kin laughed even harder at the audible clicks of my empty gun. Glitter’s 10mm! I screamed in thought, almost as if to announce the suggestion to myself as loud as possible. My magic instantly dove for the object next. Meanwhile, I had to prop my shoulder against the game room’s side of the door frame to keep myself from being pulled into the hallway. With the whorish, bittersweet luck that it was, the outsiders were now more focused on eating Glitter than pulling her further towards them. Yet still, I kept my forehooves committed to hooking around hers, while hers did the same around mine. Finally finding it’s grip, my magic yanked the pistol out from under her body, entering SATS just as three more of the bastards came through the door, and fired what remained of the magazine. My eyes widened for a moment of shock as I felt a mist of coppery liquid pepper my face and body after the quick shots. The spell matrix evaporated around me, and the three ponies collapsed to the floor in a bloody heap... that was at least seven ponies too short. I winced at the sound of my gun going click again. “Fuck!” The curse grated my throat harshly, as I desperately threw the pistol into the wall of red blips. It struck one of the stallions -munching down on Glitter’s legs- in the face, rendering him to the floor with an abrupt end to laughing with his mouth full. In fact, all of their laughter seemed to have hitched for a moment of surprise. Within the last thirty seconds, they had just lost four ponies they once had. I saw three more red blips make their way towards the door frame, when suddenly, I felt something tug at the collar of my barding. Oh... FUCK NO!!! My mouth twitched in panic and anger, looking down to see a greenish glow grasping my stable jacket like a falcon’s claw, before it aggressively pulled me towards the door. My rear hooves scraped backwards against the floor, trying desperately to pull away from the magical force... but with Glitter still in my hooves... “S-Sparks...” My ear twitched at her calling my name. I looked down at Glitter's horrified face. She was biting her lip, quivering from the pain. Her big watery eyes shined up at me as if to beg for me to pull her out of this, away from harm. To save her. She could barely speak through her crying, her trembling hooves digging into my own even harder. “AAHHHH! IT HURTS!!!... Why does it hurt if I can’t feel my fucking legs, Sparks!?” She sniveled the question through her bawling. I... had no idea how to answer it as I fought for her life. “D-don't let them t-take my cutiemark! For Luna’s sake, u-use... M-magic! Just... Please! You promised!” “I uh...” I mumbled, still struggling to stay on my side of the door as my hooves... suddenly -if ever so slightly- gave the cultists a bit of slack over her body. “I know...” In that instance, there was only one thing that came to my mind... and that one thing grew... it grew strong and fast, breaking through every other emotion and thought in my mind... it grew so strong, it began to chip away at that weaker material shell of mine, and began to expose my very core. I complained about Glitter being selfish... and I said that everypony… everypony practiced it. One way or another. Whatever guilt I could have felt never stood a chance. It wouldn’t matter if I’d ever be able to forgive myself either... It wouldn’t matter here... Not in this moment. The emotions that creaked out before felt as if they were being locked away by some internal force. It... it made me feel... better. No... NO NO NO!!! Not now... I... I can still--! I promised her!!! But... for some reason... something wouldn't let me hear her begging. I couldn't hear her plead to get me to promise I break my oath. Instead... I only heard myself think that I could get away with lying to her... tricking her... Yes... why be hasty when you could bluff your way to victory? I couldn't hear her saying she trusted me, after all these years of skepticism and looking at me like I was a snake... SHE SAID SHE TRUSTED ME!!! But, instead, all I could hear was my own cold words...I've never trusted anypony, Glitter. Anypony. Why should she be any different? I couldn't hear her thanking me after cutting her out of the wires! I couldn't hear her crying in my hooves in the armory! I couldn't hear myself GENUINELY promise her that I wouldn't leave her! I couldn't hear when she-- a-and when I--... I... ...I... I'm gonna die... I'm gonna die for her... I'm gonna get myself killed. Unless... “N-no...” Glitter shuddered, no doubt catching the way my eyes unconsciously rolled upwards to gaze longingly at the door’s control panel above my head. “S-Spark? Spark Charger, please...” My mouth twitched as I slowly looked back down at her. She had quieted down a bit, the screams now whimpering sobs. Our eyes locked again... And I could see the emotional fear and pain... and hope in her eyes. Me? I just gave a steady, breathless stare. Glitter’s eyes, even still through her sweat soaked pink mane drooping over her face, were as beautiful as the day I had met her. Like rubies glistening against whatever light shined in the darkness. “Please...” She repeated, “Please, don’t...” My horn glowed, my magic brushing her mane out of her face to give me a better look at her eyes. My hooves were too busy to do so, still locked with Glitter’s... The red aura slowly traveled down her face to lovingly caress her cheek. I gulped... and closed my eyes. Take a deep breath... and count to ten... Goddesses... if things were different... If I had only really seen how amazing she was when we were foals. I would have fell head over hooves for her. I would have stopped moping over my chances with Diamond, and the impossibility with Aqua. I would have asked Glitter to that stupid stable dance when we were teens. She never told me, but... I knew the way she always looked at me and Diamond. It was me... Glitter wanted me all that time. If I could do it over, maybe... maybe we could have had a life... I think we... we would have made it good. I wish... I wish I could see what that would have been like... Heh... Glitter R. Punch and Spark C. Charger... We would have made a pretty good team. Well... I guess we did in the end... “I’m sorry...” I let my hooves fall limp across her forelegs. "Let... let go of me, Glitter..." My magic let go of her face, before moving to pull the switch on the control panel. At last, the rival unicorn’s magical grip flickered, and then weakly imploded in on itself as the closing steel panels obstructed her view of me. Not... a very strong sorceress... “NO! PLEASE! YOU CAN STILL HELP ME!!! YOU CAN STILL-- GYAAAAHHHH!!!!” Even as I let her go... her hooves just wouldn’t give up, still clawing, desperately trying to hook around me... trying everything she could to grab me, knowing in her heart that I would see a way... see a way to still save her. Just as the door was about to slam on top of her, she let out a shriek that made my ears ring, and my stomach lurch. Their teeth were making their way up her back now... just like the security buck in the medbay, or the mare she shot in the hallway. Even after the door had pinned her to the floor, she still made an effort to cling to me. "C-come on, now... let go..." I hated that I had to pry myself away... but she was persistent. "I said, LET GO!!!" I growled, finally yanking my hooves back. Her breath was becoming shorter now, turning into high pitched wheezes. Her lips continued to twitch and quiver, a stream of red flowing from the corners of her mouth. “...d-don’t...” She gasped and coughed, her big eyes trying to stay open, glaring up at me desperately. “...don’t leave... m-me...” My magic made sure to wrap around Khan’s Badge ID card, still dangling around Glitter’s neck before I yanked it free as well. It’s not like you’ll be missing it... I was cruelly reminded of what she’d told me back in her office, as I added it to my new collection. I made the mistake of looking back down at my... at my friend. One of the few that I ever had as a foal. She was just lying there, eyes beginning to flutter up at me... still hoping, as she bathed in a horrible puddle of red ichor and pulp from her very own assorted organs which continued to spill out and expand under the gap in the door, turning her once clean blue security barding to a sickening dark crimson. The smell was excruciatingly strong, reeking of copper and easily overwhelming the previous stench of sweat and panic. I wasn’t sure how to feel. I just knew that I wanted to do something for her. She said she cared about me, or at least something close to caring. And then she trusted me... and what do I do, but just... break my promise. A promise that meant more to her than you could imagine. I knew it did... and yet I still broke it. She deserved better than that. I cared too... I realize that now. I cared for her a lot. Maybe not always, but... Celestia, I didn’t want her to go! Not like this... My heart began to ache. I was hesitant... but, I knew whatever I did next wouldn't change how this would end. Sighing, I offered my forehoof back, and returned a worthless grip in my leg to do nothing but gently hold hooves with her. “Glitter... you stay strong now...” I said quietly, hardly standing to look her in the eye. I’m not sure how long I sat there with her, giving her an earful of what would be the final words she’d ever hear again. And most of those words... Well, I’d prefer if they’d stay between just me and her alone. I reached my hoof up to wipe my eyes free of any tears... Yet, I almost despised the fact that they were still completely dry, only to twitch resentfully from my own touch. Glitter simply grabbed my hoof a bit tighter in response... but, only for a few seconds. “Hey! You hear me!? You’re a brave mare... You're the chief of security! You’re...” I paused for a moment, realizing I was running out of time. She was losing consciousness, her eye lids starting to look as if they weighed a ton on the poor girl. But she fought on to keep them open. It was all she could do now. Even her grip began to fade away from my foreleg. I ignored that, just continuing to hold her. “Glitter, we’re... We’re really lost, aren’t we...” I closed my eyes as I gently nuzzled her cheek with my own. She closed her eyes as well, taking a shaky deep breath that sounded chronic, painful and short... Yet, I didn’t know what else I could do! “You said you didn’t care back then, but... I’m scared too, Glitter. I’ve always been scared...” I did my best to swallow the pain surging up my chest... but even I couldn’t do that anymore. I sputtered a sigh as I pulled away, knowing that last attempt of comfort would always feel cold in my memory. “I... I have to go now...” “Go? D-don’t... don’t go, Spark... Don’t want you to... t-to...” Her eyes remained closed, not clenched tight like mine were, but peaceful and calm as if she were napping, despite her ongoing struggle to simply breathe. She lost consciousness for a second, finally dosing off into the blissful rest she deserved. There were still light tugs being pulled against my hoof. Even now... she still thought I could change course... It was true, I guess... I could have... It wasn't too late... all I had to do was open the door and-- She suddenly stirred, groaning as her eyes tiredly fluttered back open to look up at me. “S-Spark Ch-Ch-Charger?” She asked, sounding as if she hadn’t seen me for days. I was at loss as she gave me a weak smile. “S-Spark... you came back... I knew you wouldn’t... leave me... You’re a good... pony...” She looked happy... like she was relieved to see me only after closing her eyes. It only lasted for a moment longer before her smile finally faded to concern. She looked around and blinked. “W-where’s..? Are our f-f-friends... here? DB? P-Platinum? M-Misty? Khan? A-Aqua?” Her eyes landed on me again. “Spark? Oh, Spark... Cheer up... Please don’t cry... I don’t like it when... my friends... c-cry...” I gave a dry swallow and reluctantly nodded. "They uh... they will be. They’re on their way... everypony will be here soon, Glitter. I... I promise I'll find them." Another empty promise, Spark? NO!!! I--... I'll... I'll find them... "Oh... that's good... I really wanted to see them... it's been so long..." She gave the weakest of giggles, ending it in a painful cough as she trembled in my hooves. "It's... it's getting cold, Spark... I think I'm... sick..." I couldn't take much more... The flow of my magic increased, letting my horn glow brighter and brighter. I gave her one last look, even as it stung to keep my eyes open. One last tired grunt escaped my lungs before swinging my aura against the door’s controls. The panel sparked and crunched from the force of my charged magic, falling completely off the wall... while the door remained closed on top of her. I furrowed my brow before finally letting go of her hoof and trotting back towards the bar with my empty assault rifle. It’s done... “...w-wait... no...” Her voice was hardly even a whisper now. “...c-come ba-back... pl-please don’t... l-leave yet... everypony will... be here... soon... we could... h-have a... d-d-... dance...” At long last, she fell silent, her chest ceasing to rise and fall in a shudder. She finally relaxed, her eyes forever memorialized in sadness while anxiously fixed on me, hoping that I’d accept her offer to dance... but, all I could see was her still begging for me to pull her away. It was the last time our eyes would ever lock. I’m not sure if she was even still in there to hear it, but when I saw her finally slip away like that... Celestia, I couldn't stop looking at her. “I... I won’t be far, Glits. You know I won’t be far...” It was quick. Very quick. I didn’t even have time to say what I wish she could have heard from me, before their final and most violent pull ripped her completely out from under the door. I fell backwards in shock, the steel finally slamming shut against the blood drenched concrete, never to reopen... or at least until they put their repair skills to the test. It would buy me enough of the time I needed either way. I stood back up behind the bar. The only sounds that remained were the horrific sounds of meat being chewed sloppily from behind the door. A good pony... You’ve always called me that... And maybe... if I’m lucky... you really did still think of me that way, deep down. Even if I’m the last pony who deserves to be called that. I wasn’t sure how long I stood there, just staring at the game room entrance, the door beginning to smolder from the busted wiring on its panel, giving off mechanical whines that thankfully replaced that disgusting sound behind it. Even then, I wanted to forget the new danger that I was in. Like this was just some kind of sick nightmare, and all I had to do was gallop up to that door and open it to see Glitter standing there, as if she had just knocked on the door to my quarters, wanting to go out to the lounge and grab a drink. Then maybe later we’d dance, and... I’ll miss you Glitter... Maybe it was my seeping anger for the ponies in the hallway. Maybe it was the mechanical clanks of the malfunctioning door. Maybe it was the tangy smell of blood. Maybe it was the impossible fact that zebras, speaking in strange tongues that few dared to waste time on, were attacking our stable. Or, maybe it was the reminder that if I stood there in shock for much longer, somepony was going to eventually find me... and my friend’s death would have been for nothing. But, whatever it was, it snapped me out of my clouded daze of longing for that mare. I blinked, feeling my blood run cold as I turned to see that dark steel box, still sitting there, tucked between the wall and the shelving of the bar, the tumblers inside its lock laughing... mocking me for my lack of criminal skill... I was not in the mood for it... You... you want to see criminal, is that it? Because... I can show you criminal... My magic wrapped around the handle of Cider Twist’s safe, my horn emitting an unconscious, yet intense glow of red that couldn’t have looked anything less than a representation of my purebred hatred and rage... and sorrow... but my face remained cold as I simply grimaced down at the pathetic mass of metal, preventing me from reaching my Badge ID. I pulled... Or, I guess it was more of a yank. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It was just... I knew I couldn't open it any other way, okay!? Not without the help I was expecting to get from Glitter... and that wasn’t going to happen anymore. All I had left was brute force, just like I did with the cupboards several hours ago. But this... It was an accident! I couldn’t see how bright my horn was glowing! It... It could have happened to anypony. Or, more precisely, any Unicorn... All I tried to do was break it open! I just... lost control of my strength for a small second. A second! A short erosion of magical constraint... Just a few more extra units of energetic force than were necessary... The concrete around the safe cracked, the steel atop the counter dented, and the wood of the cupboards next to it splintered. The entire safe suddenly dislodged from the wall with a loud crunch! My eyes twitched as I held the steel box in suspension. I stared at it, trying to ignore the little pony in my head telling me to admit to what I already knew... But, Sparkhorns are always in control! My ears suddenly perked at more voices running around the corners of the halls around the game room. I shook myself back into focus, recollecting my-- our previous plan in my head. I quickly spun on my hooves and headed for the back door, the one that led into the diner. I wouldn’t forget what had happened the last time. I opened the door... almost nostalgic when there was no hardened buck to the chest that greeted me when I entered. I stopped dead in my tracks and gave one final look back at the entrance to the game room... sighing as I made sure to lock regret back up in its coffin. It was the last moment I had before turning and limping away with my life... the safe in my magical tow. I’m not sure why or how... but the diner’s jukebox made a sudden loud twang, its needle swinging across the last record it had played for the ponies enjoying their meal here over three days ago. Then, the record started to spin... The eerie scratch made my teeth grind, before the song finally began to play. I gulped and quickened my pace, knowing that whatever it was... I didn’t want to hear it. Weeeeeell~ come on let’s go, let’s go, let’s go little darlin’ And tell me that you’ll never leave me, Come on, come on let’s go-a Again, again, and again... Later Glitter... I won’t be far... Well, I love you so, dear And I’ll never let you go... Footnote: You’ve Lost Karma! You’re running out of excuses, Spark... > Chapter Seven: Ascend From Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I used magic so I wouldn’t use magic. I should have guessed that would backfire...” oooOOOooo “This kind of opportunity comes once in a lifetime, Glitter.” I said, passing by Glitter Punch for the umpteenth time while I paced around the C shift security barracks. B shift was about to end, and any minute now, Chief Sense would call us to take over holding back maintenance for the night. But... that wasn't the reason for my current anxiety. “I have to take it.” She chuckled skeptically as she took another drag off her cigarette and sat up from her security cot. “You’ve got to survive it first, Sparks. You’ve been in maintenance before, you know what it’s like. Hell, they love to attack security ponies, just think what they’d do with a Loyalty Inspector.” It had been a year since Maintenance had began another riot, in which the stable-ops manual gave the Overmare permission to draft everypony able enough into security. It wasn’t until a few months after paying Glitter off to ‘postpone’ my draft card, that she finally persuaded me to join. I couldn’t say I was exactly thrilled about my new security clearance, but a fish has got to eat. Besides, it wasn’t like I could say ‘no’ to a chance at preventing those good for nothing rioters from tearing the stable down. So, I had to invest my current safety for my future safety, meaning a ‘promotion’ from shady Pit Monitor Sparky to Security Officer Charger. It only took one week of training for me to realize that maybe... just maybe, this could be a blessing in disguise. After settling into my new position, I began to enjoy looking at what my life could be in the Stable. What everypony’s life could be. Security is just one step closer to Administration, after all. I sighed as I sat across from her on my own cot. “I’m not asking for fortune and glory here, Glitter.” She smirked after blowing her tobacco smoke at me. “Says the buck who'd bet his own grandmother to win at poker.” I rolled my eyes and shrugged. “Hey, what can I say? I’m an opportunist. But, just because I take advantage of... some things, does NOT mean I’m a goddamn sociopath. I mean, come on! I want to help as many ponies as I can, just like you. And if I were a part of this administration, I could make sure that none of this riot bullshit ever happens again. If only I could get the right amount of credits and maybe make a name for myself during this, my future-...” “Thinking of taking on the entire Maintenance department single-hoofed Sparky?” The sound of Platinum Braid's taunting skepticism interrupted me. I turned to see the mare herself resting on her cot behind mine, crossing her hindlegs while her forehooves rested behind her head. While I was just starting to enjoy the promotion, she had to endure through a demotion from Administration, as she was seen as ‘expendable’ in the eyes of the department. Of course, my beautiful wife got to stay in administration due to her... ‘higher abilities’. Needless to say, Platinum was just... thrilled about joining security. Well... I always figured she took it a little harder than anypony else. But, I always believed that she shared the same common goal as me: To make life better for everypony... I guess we just had some funny ways of getting to that. She gave a half-hearted chuckle before she continued. “You don’t seem the ‘Commander Macintosh’ type to me.” “Yeah? And what the hell is your problem?” I said, standing up with anger. “You act like you’re going around collecting for Sister Cross’ poor box.” Damnit, just as my anxiety was starting to fade. I began pacing the room again. She didn’t stop. She sat up from her cot and trotted in front of me to block my next pass. “Damnit Sparky, listen to yourself! We used to hate authority bossing us around! Never let security ponies bully you, remember? Now look at us. Look at all of us!” She gestured to our black security barding over our jackets. “Khan struck it rich, which means he’ll be an executive soon, Angel’s an administrator, Diamond’s becoming a Loyalty Inspector, and we’re all stuck in security! The only one left is Aqua Wave... but how long will that last?! We should be the ones fighting the Overmare, not helping her!” I turned on Platinum with another angry look. “Well that’s just how it fucking is Platinum! Get over it! Hell, you wanted to join Administration. Has all that changed, just because our situation is suddenly inconvenient for us? Our duty is to progress up the system as much as possible and keep the stable running.” She rolled her eyes, groaning to herself in disappointment. “Are you telling me, that YOU of all ponies would rather stick with the system?” “Alright, calm down you two.” Glitter said, standing up from her cot to get between us. As if pretending Glitter wasn’t there, I glared daggers passed her into Platinum’s angry expression. “Platinum, I hate the goddamn system. But until somepony comes along with some changes that make sense, I’ll stick with it.” Platinum did the same to ignore Glitter, trying to trot passed her to stare down my own muzzle. “Oh yeah!? Well how about that sudden spike in your credit transaction last cycle!? You never explained that, ‘Mr. Integrity’!” My eyes widened in surprise. “What!? What the hell are you--?” “Oh, don’t even try to act stupid!” She screamed. “I notice you and Rail Shot have been getting awfully hostile with each other. What does he have over you? You owe him credits?” I fell silent. Now even Glitter stepped aside to look at me suspiciously, waiting for me to explain. What? Her too? It’s not like she’s any more innocent! Platinum’s jaw went slack for a second, her eyes widening in realization before I could come up with a good excuse. “You cheating son of a bitch! He loaned you credits, and you used them to qualify for a pit boss position. That’s a code violation! And now you have to pay the bastard back! How exactly do you plan on doing that? With the credits you earn in Security? Or how about Administration?” She was pushing me. I had to fight off every urge to lunge my hoof at her muzzle with face breaking satisfaction. But instead, I sighed, slowly shaking my head. “You have no idea what you’re talking about...” She ignored me, continuing her aggressive assault on my character. “’Not asking for fortune and glory’, my ass! You’re not here to help anypony. Our duty is to progress up the system and keep the stable running, while everypony else's is to die for our wonderful future...” I planted my forehoof on her chest and pushed her a leg’s length away as aggressively as possible. It was my best attempt to transfer my rage. “You--! Ugh!” Platinum, however, transferred her rage to her head. Her horn flickered to a green glow, charging her magic as she ground her teeth at me. "Oh ho ho! Okay... you want to play it like that? Well, you know two can play the same!" I seethed, my blood boiling back up from her aggressive tone. I began mirroring her anger, charging my own red magic from my horn. “SPARKY, DON’T YOU DARE!” Afraid of a magical Unicorn dual, Glitter quickly stepped between us again, this time forcing us away with her strong forelegs. "That's it you two!" She shouted, "Are we on a fucking playground here!? Huh!? Calm down, or I'll throw both of you in lock-up!" She turned towards me as Platinum, reluctantly, cut her magic. "Sparky! You know better than to charge up like that! And I swear to Celestia, if she's right about this, you're going to have a real problem." She threatened, standing side by side with Platinum. I huffed, stomping my hoof on the floor, as I too -with greater difficulty- cut my magic off. “I'm gonna have a problem!?" I countered in shock. "Oh, so it’s just fine that the stable allowed an incompetent, treacherous unicorn, who murdered her fucking father, to qualify for security, let alone Administration... But I'M THE ONE WHO'S GONNA HAVE A PROBLEM!?" Before I could even comprehend what I'd just said, something snapped in front of me. My muzzle suddenly stung like a bitch, blood beginning to trickle down from one of my nostrils while my mane and fur felt singed and smoky. My eyes blinked in shock, taking a step back to see Platinum’s horn, still smoldering from the burst of magical energy to my face. My eyes landed on her own, as tears drizzled down her cheeks and her lip quivered from a quiet sob. “I-... you-...” My voice got caught in my throat as I wiped the blood away with my hoof. What could I say? Platinum... I’d never seen her this angry before... She’d never hit me like that before. I heard her give a whimper, wiping tears away with her forehoof. She started sobbing, before galloping out of the room, her long black mane and tail flapping in her wake. “Wait! Platinum!” Glitter gasped, galloping halfway after her before turning back to me. “You know, you can be a real dick sometimes, Sparky! Calling her those things, you’re lucky I don’t buck you for that! You know that rumor about her dad kills her on the inside! YOU of all ponies should understand that! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” She growled, only for the voice of Chief Sense to suddenly blare from the intercom, asking us to head to the atrium for briefing. She glared at me as she grabbed her gear. “She'd never say that about you and Vapor Morning, you know? We WILL be talking about this later, when you apologize to her. Now c’mon...” I sighed, wiping my muzzle with my hoof, avoiding eye contact with her while I grabbed my own gear and headed out. Damnit... A cheap shot like that, and I can’t even tag her back. It’s unfair... I grumbled to myself before sighing in defeat. Why can’t I learn to keep my big mouth shut? oooOOOooo The only word that I can use to describe today, is chaos... and that’s compared to yesterday. Access Granted The door to my office slid open, the mechanical systems sputtering before finally making an opening big enough for me and Cider Twist’s safe to trot through, having to duck my horn under the slow moving panel. I winced, quickening my pace to get out from under the doorway, before closing it behind me, a chill going down my spine from the thought of what happened the last time I’d gotten stuck under it... and what could happen if I got stuck under it now. I was given a full demonstration just minutes ago... I had made my way back up to my office. It wasn’t as luxurious as the Overmare’s, which continued to taunt me with it’s escape tunnel, waiting just a trot down the next hall. No, my office was... Well... I looked around the generous space that the title of Stable Loyalty Inspector provides. My red wood desk sat in the center of the room, holding all my work essentials, such as pens, approval and denial ink stamps, clipboards with this month’s census or financial data, a small lamp, my terminal, a telephone with a line to the intercom, an ashtray for my cigarettes -cigars if I’m feeling especially content- and I know I had a bottle of scotch underneath in one of the drawers. Hey! Sometimes the job involves social calls. A professional keeps prepared, after all. Along the sides of the room were more personal requests of mine once the space came under my ownership. Extra filing cabinets filled with years and years of our stable residents’ files, floor lamps, full body mirror, record player, cushiony armchair, a collection of authors I admired shelved in a bookcase, both prideful and guilty awards and medals, a ceiling fan to keep me cool while I worked, blueprints for the stable’s layout, and an armoire... an armoire I made sure to keep locked. My friends were aware of my skeletons... but even they could never imagine the amount I had stashed away in that red wood closet. I remained silent as I trotted further inside, the safe still levitating beside me in my magic. I didn’t know what felt appropriate to do right now... even breathing felt wrong after I left Glitter to-... Gone... Gone, gone, gone, gone, GONE!!! She’s gone, and there’s nothing you can do about it! She’s gone because... Because I... I turned to look at my parents’ old mirror by my door, seeing my ungroomed disaster of a mane, my blood splattered face and coat, my red glowing horn, and my cold... emotionless stare. Because I FUCKING left her!!! The voice was loud... but distant. Distant enough for me to lock it away in its coffin and burry it beneath my other problems. I had to tear my eyes away from the tired looking buck. I think if I stared at him any longer, it’d make me feel sick. I’m not entirely sure why I even came here. Maybe it was to find another moment’s peace while I recollected my thoughts, but all I could do was stand there, the heavy safe beginning to wear my energy down. I finally couldn’t take the weight any longer, gently maneuvering it to my desk before setting it down. Still, I just stood there, staring into it at a loss. I attempted to think things over... and over, and over again. Every time, making me more and more furious with what had happened... with the promise I failed to keep... She trusted me... Celestia only knows why she did. Hell, I don’t even trust myself... ”Trust doesn’t have to work two ways, junior... You know that.” My ear flickered at the voice. It was a familiar, welcoming voice that I’ve known longer than any other. I sighed, hanging my head in regret while resisting the urge to look back at the pony in the mirror. “I finally got her to trust me again after all these years... and I just used her in the end...” ”That’s because you’re so good at it...” “Never trust anypony... You taught me that. Maybe if she learned that same advice, she might still be alive.” “Or you’d both be dead! You needed her trust... You may have gotten her killed, but you’re the pony who matters here.” When Glitter said those words... when she said she trusted me. I felt as if a real damn heavy weight had just been lifted off of me, that... I hadn't realized had been on me. I was happy... But, was that because I potentially got my friend back? Or was it because I made her into a safety net? No... No no no! That's not--! “NO! It's not true! It's not! I wanted her to live, damnit! I wanted to be with her! I-... It-... It wasn’t my fault!” I slammed my head next to the safe on my desk, clenching my eyes shut as I buried my ears under my forehooves. But the voice just wouldn’t leave me alone. “If she hadn’t have run off in front of the armory and gotten herself shot, we’d-..!” “...BOTH BE DEAD!!! Don’t think for a minute that you could have survived that without her trust... You learned long ago that you have to make your own luck, and you succeeded just as you always have. Don’t forget that now, son...” My blood began to boil, feeling it flow like magma through my temples. The cool and charismatic words from the old buck’s gruff sounding voice filled me with rage. Sometimes I despised it when he was right... I growled, snapping my eyes open, before finally pushing myself off the desk to confront him in the mirror. “She was my friend, you BASTARD!” I seethed, my horn igniting in outrage, huffing lividly through my nostrils, while glaring fiery daggers into his just as firey red eyes... only to find my own pissed off reflection scowling back at me. My jaw clenched tight as a fuse blew inside my skull. My senses felt out of control, my eyes and ears twitching, my forehooves digging into the floor as my rearhooves instinctively prepared to launch the first thing that stood behind them into the air. My horn flared more and more intense by the second, the entire room becoming a state of my pure undisciplined temper, consumed by the hellish ambiance of Tartarus red. In that instant, I reared up and bucked the underside of my desk, my magical rage transferring to my rearlegs, flipping the desk completely on its side. The steel safe and the rest of my work loudly crashed to the floor. My chest heaved as I fell back on my haunches and slammed my head down into the frogs of my forehooves, the brass underneath my Pip-Buck glove giving my right eye a nice painful bruise. But, at least I was used to that kind of pain. I’m a pony who has to keep his cool... I can’t lose my cool. I can’t lose my temper. I can’t lose control! All I had to do is accept and let everything go with a sigh, fix my mane and brush the wrinkles out of my stablesuit. But I couldn’t stop shuddering as deep breaths of madness huffed and puffed around my hooves... before going completely out of my skull. I finally stood up and screamed, angrily kicking my other office furnishings, shoving my bookcase into my filing cabinets, both crashing over to let months of wasted organization spill across the room, before pulling my chair over my head only to slam it to the floor. Anything I could physically hold, magical or otherwise, was fair game, throwing any object in my path against the wall like a magical lunatic. Soon, my once clean and organized office was in shambles, the only things left standing were the mirror and my armoire after my record player had shattered to pieces against the wall. Yet... my horn was still glowing wildly. Idiot! Fuck! I gotta get rid of this before I blow! I need a jar, fast! I galloped to the armoire, my magic practically ripping its wooden doors off its hinges while the tumblers in its lock violently burst apart. Several shelves of glass clinked together, my aggressiveness shaking the entire container of jars, all filled with swirls of red glowing nebulas. The collective glow from the jars easily overshadowed my horn, as the room was suddenly lit up in a red light that was both somehow brighter and darker. I quickly began searching around, pushing row after row of rage, anger, hate and sorrow to the side, desperately trying to find an empty jar while being careful not to break any of the filled ones. Damnit! Where are they!? I can’t be out already! But, all of them were occupied by my previous releases. Shit! I never got the chance to request a new set from the science department! Oh Celestia, what am I going to do!? “Hrrrg! Fuck! It hurts!” I hissed and growled like an animal as I began to panic. My hooves trotted me back and forth across the room, before finally catching my reflection in my parents’ old mirror again. No!!! I... I don’t want them to see me like this! Not when I don’t have control! I’m... I’m a Sparkhorn! A Sparkhorn for Celestia’s sake! We’re supposed to be in control!!! My heart beat like an off tempo drum, sporadic and fast. I watched in horror as my reflection’s horn glowed even brighter, just as bright as the open armoire. I began to hyperventilate, desperately searching for somewhere to release... but it was no use. I needed a target... With one more look at my parent’s mirror... I had no choice but to let it loose. “Hrrrg! GRRRAAAHHHH!!!” My vocal cords were violently shredded by an animalistic shriek, feeling as if they might rupture as I swung my head forward, sloppily aiming my horn at my reflection. All my enraged energy painfully flowed through my body to concentrate inside my horn. Safety was thrown out the window, as more and more magic surged through my skull, so much so that most unicorns would pass out from the unbearable migraine it would cause. But I had to... I had to burn out, fast! The mirror no longer reflected any other image, instead just crystalizing the glass into a glowing plate of red. I was blinded by my own magic, the intense red gust of raw unicorn essence blasting my vision until the world finally shattered. *** *** *** Reality swirled around me in a vortex of gut churning dizziness and a strong scent of ozone, before I finally woke back up. I hadn’t collapsed when I blacked out, but I at least woke up sitting on my haunches, my vision swimming until the image in front of me finally came back into view. I found myself staring at what was left of the antique mirror. The only remaining thing to remind me of my parents were the shards of shattered glass around the empty ivory frame. I groaned, trying to catch my breath, eventually standing up to limp closer to the pitiful debris. “Now look what you’ve done...” I groaned, head hung low to catch my face back in my forehooves. “That was your own goddamn heirloom, you maniac!” I sighed in defeat, taking a moment to work up the courage and peek back through my hooves at the remaining jagged pieces of glass attached to the ivory. They splintered the same tired looking stallion into several different reflections, each of their horns still smoldering like torches... only now, their entire reality was filtered by a foggy screen of red. I tried to blow the magical smoke away through my mane, only to follow it up with a click from my tongue to help me think. I watched the splintered glass mimic my every move with at least five other Spark Chargers, trapped in their own broken triangular prisons of red mist. The painkiller was finally beginning to wear off again, a pain that was gradually becoming an all too routine feeling had once again returned to my crippled foreleg. It’s times like these where I realize some first-aid spells might have come in handy. I never would have had to risk the suspicious trips to the medbay if I could have just licked my wounds with a mending spell, or something like that. No more nauseous pain relievers or healing potions... Just me, my magic... and my uncontrollable nervous tic... Damnit! Alright, that’s it! Pull yourself together, Spark. You’re... you’re fallin’ apart... I took a deep breath and stood back on my hooves, noticing my sweat and panic had made my bangs fall over my face in an undesirable manner. My lungs exhaled a good amount of my anxiety, doing my best to recollect what dignity I had left. I brushed my mane back to an acceptable style and parted it to the side with my forehooves. “Alright...” I hissed, “I’m fine. I’m cool... everything is... just fine...” That’s it... just keep on lying to yourself... I'm sure there's a puppy at the end of this too! With a dreadful grown, I limped back over to my priceless turned over desk. After a moment of regretting the damage I’d caused to it, I engulfed it in my aura and rocked it right side up again with my newly stabilized, yet sputtering, magic. It may have cost me a valuable heirloom from my parents, but the purified feeling in my aura was worth just about anything, even with the throbbing migraine that accompanied a burn out. I almost sighed in relief... if I wasn't already grunting from the occasional flicker threatening to make my telekinetic grasp slip. Right... gonna have to lay off the magic for a while... Switching to my hooves, I opened one of the drawers and looked inside to see the last couple of weeks worth of confiscated items. Contraband that I’d find while searching ponies’ quarters or picking their pockets. You know, tactics that the stable-ops manual authorizes me to use, when-... Ah, shit! The stable-ops manual! I winced, frantically shifting priorities as I scanned the room. Of course! Why didn’t I think of that earlier!? A book with all the answers for us to follow in case of... well, let’s say a simultaneous uprising and zebra attack, -probably under the emergency tab in the index- would be pretty valuable right now. I tried to pick out the little blue booklet, with the yellow stable-tec logo on its cover, from the ruble of my belongings, now littering my office floor. It only took a minute for me to halt my search with a disappointed eye roll and a facehoof. Typical that I’d forget not to bother with it. I had lost mine a few months back while patrolling the storage area. I’m sure some maintenance idiot picked it up and... well, as they say, ‘finders keepers’. Probably ended up on a shelf somewhere in brown level, collecting dust. As if those punks know how to read anyway. Although, I was always a bit concerned where those cyanide pills ended up... I shook myself back into focus before returning to my contraband drawer. It didn’t take much longer for my search to end, easily finding the key to my success... or possible failure. A pack of bobby-pins. I didn’t bother counting how many were in the small cardboard box. Whatever was in there had to be enough or this whole idea of surviving was toast. I guess it’s time I tried my hoof at picking locks again. My face fell into a cynical grimace as I turned towards the safe, the steel box still laying where it landed on the floor. Bobby-pins by themselves wouldn’t get me anywhere. I’m gonna need something to turn it with. My eyes suddenly widened, realizing something I still might have. I dropped my assault rifle to the floor and wiggled out under my saddlebag, quickly opening the flap. There, resting on top of all the ammo and supplies that Glitter and I had collected, was a screwdriver with a ruby red handle. It was the one Glitter had used to open up the armory door’s circuit board. Picking it up in my hoof, I observed the tiny bite marks from the way Glitter would hold it in her mouth. She always did bite down too hard on things... Aaaaaaannnd I pushed THAT particular thought as far away as I could. In fact, I gave it a coffin, wrapped it in chains, and buried it alive beneath a lake where hopefully no pony would dare to find it. After what had happened, that’s the last thing I’d want to remember Glitter by. She deserves better... I clenched my eyes shut, doing my best to shake both thoughts out of my head. No time for mourning. I’ve wasted enough time as it is. The sound of gunfire on the floor above me began to ring out through the stable halls as I went to work on Cider’s safe. Another zebra unit must have broken through... well, at least it will help distract the mainte-- er... the cultist ponies from noticing me. I cursed under my breath when my first bobby-pin snapped, not five seconds after fitting it through the keyhole. I shook a few more out of the box, and tried again. Usually, on easier locks, all it would take is sliding a pin in for the tumblers to fall into place, and then it simply unlocked after turning it once. Maybe twice. But this was no liquor cabinet or lingerie drawer. This was a tightly locked safe, which means I’m gonna have to find the right sweet spot to maneuver the pin in. I had some time to think as I desperately tried to keep the pins from snapping under the force of turning the lock. I went over each step of the plan again. Unfortunately, I discovered one fatal flaw in what Glitter and I had cooked up. The low power supply. If I had to guess, the Overmare’s exit tunnel is going to need more than just fuming emergency power to open, which means I’m going to need to get to the power generator room... which meant going through more maintenance ponies with a craving for hoof on a stick... Fan-freakin’-tastic. “Add it to the list, Sparks...” I growled through my teeth, the startling voice of Platinum Braid making my mouth slip just enough to break the bobby-pin inside the lock. I closed my eyes and sighed, spitting the broken bobby-pin to the floor. Damnit! I swear I almost had it that time! I deadpanned, finally looking back at the smug steel colored mare. “Yeah, well you’re not exactly helping, Platinum...” I hissed, still trying to find the right angle that will allow the lock to twist 90-degrees. “Just... Just leave me alone!” Oh, great... and now, I’m talking to her as if she’s really here. She chuckled, leaning against my desk and crossing her hind hooves behind her. “Hmmf, if you think that I’m in your mind, then technically I am really here... but you don’t know if I’m really here or not, do you?” Okay, I guess she’s got me there... more out of turning her explanation into a riddle, but I’m void of responses nonetheless... I paused with a puzzled blink. Wait... did she just read my mind? Or... does she even have to do that if she’s already in my mind? Agh! This is bullshit! “Oh, and some friendly advice...” She continued, her voice as condescending as it was affectionate. “The more you put pressure on those bobby-pins, the quicker they’ll break.” Ah geez, has she always sounded this friendly when she’s sober? It’s almost scary to listen to... She gave me a soft smile I found both annoying and nostalgic. “You know, Khan taught me that when I was a foal.” Her tone of voice suddenly shifted to a mockery of the grey stallion’s. “Try easing the lock with the screwdriver instead of forcing it in every position.” She even tried to scrunch her muzzle to mimic a coltish version of Khan’s aggressive expression. I laughed back at her, rolling my eyes at the mind fuck that was unironically coming from my own mind. “Trust me,” I said, "I’ve got a pretty good idea what a dead low-life like yourself should look like." I started back on my next bobby-pin, hesitantly trusting her advice, this time being more gentle with the screwdriver. Oh forget this! I need magic if I'm gonna do this right. I was still exhausted from the burn out, but I figured these pins were light enough to keep my tolerance for it out of the negative. I hissed, levitating yet another pin to the lock, this time in a weak field of flickering magic. Oh, come on! This is almost worse than using my teeth! Still, I hated resorting to earth pony tactics when it came to something as simple as levitation. My face twisted in concentration, trying to speak through my tired grunts. “Glitter is fucking dead because of you... so shut the hell u-- actually, better yet... -hrrg!- I’m going to shut the hell up, and open this... -hrrg!- stupid lock! …Because you’re not really here!” CLICK I felt the positioned bobby-pin suddenly turn the lock 90-degrees, the square steel door creaking open shortly after. I blinked, completely stunned. I... I did it! I opened it! Spark: one, Lock: zip! I grinned widely and chuckled, surprising even myself as I spotted my Badge ID Card sitting alone in the center. I never thought I’d be so happy to see that depressing Stallion’s face from the mirror again, but there he was staring back at me from the card. “Ha! Holy shit, it worked! You see that, Platinum!?” I turned, only to see that I was talking to an empty desk chair. Right... Bullshit... I picked all my gear back up, my access card now dangling around my neck along side Glitter's and Khan’s. I trotted back out of my office and into the hallway, checking to see that the way was clear, before continuing towards the stairwell. I’ve had just about enough of this concussion crap... I needed to find out what was wrong with me, and then, by some miracle of Celestia, I needed to find a way to fix it. And there’s only one place down here that could have the answers... *** *** *** Access Granted The door to Stem Root’s office slid open as I retracted Khan’s Executive Badge ID from the card reader. “And that’s three...” I mumbled with as much enthusiasm as I could fake for myself, before trotting inside. The medbay was once again quiet, aside from my hoof beats on the echoing floor. It was no surprise to me to trot passed a well since deceased Glossy Spring at the top of the stairwell when I made my way back. My initial reaction to shooting her leg off felt like a faded memory. I couldn’t help but wonder if other ponies would have looked down at her rotting severed foreleg the same way I did now, and shrug it off as if it happened every day, maybe covering their nose as they trotted by... It’s actually come to that, hasn’t it? Unnatural death everywhere... Boy, was I in for a rude awakening soon after... Glossy Spring... a hard working maintenance mare, divorced, single mother of a fairly eccentric filly... And I killed her. Did the painkillers make it peaceful? Maybe... but some ponies don’t deserve peace when it comes their way. Sometimes peace needs to run through them like a blade and split them open. But a deal was a deal. The painkillers, I assumed, made her death just that much quicker. If there was one thing she and every other mutineer deserved though, after everything I've seen them do these last several hours, it was death. Quick or slow, it didn’t matter in the end, just as long as it came. A thought flashed through my mind, stopping just a few hoofsteps through the door. Is that what’s happening to me right now? A slow death? My mind being tortured by the ghost of a former friend turned insurrectionist, hunted by ponies who she trained, watching one of my oldest friends break down before getting her legs blown away by the nightmarish image of zebra stormtroopers invading our stable, only to be eaten alive! Everypony else either dead, missing, or trying to kill me. What if I’m still just lying on the floor in the storage level, and my mind is just letting out one last line of offensive thought before I pass on into whatever afterlife awaits me? Damnit, Spark! That’s it! No more Heart Pound L.C. books before bed! I shook my head and sighed. The room ahead of me was dark and murky. I could hardly see my own forehooves, doing my best to peer through the near pitch black room. The only source of light was the dull green glow of Stem’s desk terminal, sill powered and silently buzzing on the other end of his office. It barely illuminated half his desk, and maybe a small portion of the bookshelf directly behind it. I took another skeptical step toward the green light, only to hesitate and stop again. Something besides the lights felt... off. It took me a while to recognize a strange background stench about the room, like two foul odors wafting up my nose with every breath. One reminded me of the reason I stay away from the Orange level ‘processing’ facility. It wasn’t like my clearance was high enough at the time to dine on artificial meat, but I was sick for a week nonetheless. While the second smell I easily identified as dried up urine. Stem was an odd stallion, I’ll admit, but I don’t think he’d be one to enjoy a scented candle that reeked of piss and rot. My ears perked, the smell not the only thing off-putting about the place, but the noise... At first, I might have mistaken it for the buzzing sound of the terminal, but this was no buzzing electronic. This was... creaking. The stable is made of concrete and steel... it doesn’t creak... not like this anyway. This was an eerie screech that rocked back and forth from above me, in a similar pattern to the way one might hear the ballroom’s chandeliers squeak when nopony was around. It wasn’t like I was afraid or worried. Why should I be? The room had been locked ever since I woke up, and without the right badge ID, no pony could have gotten in here. That’s what I thought anyway, before I saw something move in front of me. I wasn’t alone here... A dark shadowy foreleg drifted between myself and the light, casting a silhouette that loomed over me like a tall specter of a pony, rearing up on her titanic, princess-sized hind legs as if to charge straight through me. “O-oh, woah!” I gasped, my hooves blindly slapping the edge of the room in search of a light switch as I stumbled backwards against the wall. I wouldn’t so much as dare to peel my eyes away from the grim reaping figure in front of me. Luna! What the fuck is that!? My magic flickered, still exhausted from the burn out, but I was too terrified to care about the intense stab of the migraine. I tore off my assault rifle in a panic, loading and raising it as swift as my sputtering magic could, ready to squeeze the trigger the instant I could actually see what was there. One of my forehooves finally came in contact with the panel’s dial, twisting it, before the lights came on in a snap. I hollered in defense, the sudden illumination of the terrifying silhouette startled me so much that my magic flinched against the trigger, sending a burst of fire in its direction. I watched as its sliver coat was peppered by the few precious bullets I'd managed to swipe on my way up, nudging it back with every tiny hit, before making it slightly swing back in my direction. I still stood there out of breath, my body braced against the wall, just watching it swing back and forth. “Oh, shit...” I sighed, finally realizing what I’d just shot at. “Doctor Silver Lining, I presume?” The earth pony mare simply stared down at me, silent and stiff. Her head was rolled at an excruciating angle, hanging by her neck from a noose, the rope tied to one of the light hooks on the ceiling. Her magenta eyes were half covered by her calm and peaceful expression, but enough for me to see her dilated pupils glaring down at me. Her ice blue mane was still in its signature bun, but much more unkempt and scraggly than what she’d dare show to her staff or patients. Her forelegs dangled by her sides, the bullet holes fresh in her chest, but never bled an ounce of blood through the torn fabric in her white stable lab coat, no doubt hiding the decaying flesh and fur beneath it. Finally, her tinted yellow, piss-stained hindlegs hung a good foot off a puddle of the same tint on the floor, while Stem Root’s office chair laid not too far away, physically kicked over on its side. “Celestia...” I croaked, ignoring the smell as I made my way closer to her. She was a good mare, maybe not exactly the happiest of ponies, but that came with the job of being the second highest ranking doctor in the Medbay. I always figured her to be a bit jealous of being passed up for the second time to be Executive Physician, especially after somepony as young as Stem Root surpassed her. We weren’t necessarily friends, but we went to school and shared a few drinks together... It’s too bad... But, nonetheless, my Loyalty Inspector instincts kicked in. I reached out, still straining my magic to pull her lifeless foreleg out in front of me. High ranking medical official, meant Pip-Buck files that might need redacting... Hey, just because the stable is pretty much a goner, doesn’t mean the system is null and we can just buck it. So, as much as I’d like to spend the small amount of time I have on getting the hell out of here, I’ve still got a-... *Static*“Reminder number [REDACTED]: Remember Little Ponies, Stable Tec is here for you. Forever and ever and ev-”*Static* ...duty to... execute. Zounds! My headache is back... Feels like I just got bashed in the head with a wrench... My magic had barely grazed Silver’s Pip-Buck casing, when the tape deck behind its screen suddenly popped open with a loud clack, revealing a holotape still inside. RECORDING COMPLETE, appeared in bold lettering across its dull green screen. I shook my head in confusion. Strange... our devices usually aren't that sensitive... Eh, maybe static electricity. Yeah... that makes sense. I gave the mare a quick glance, dislodging the holotape from her Pip-Buck and placing it inside my own. My Pip-Buck curiously named the recording, 'Night Three' under my Notes tab. As soon as it was ready, I hit play. Well Silver... let’s see what you’ve got for me.... “Oh Celestia, this is hopeless...” Her voice came through the speakers, full of dread and exhaustion. “Night three... The Overmare has been nothing but quiet for the passed 16 hours... The last we heard from her, she gave us the order to lock down our departments... barricade all entrances, and wait for ‘official’ instructions while avoiding all contact with anypony wearing maintenance coveralls...” She gave a shuddering sigh before continuing, “...well, apparently that poor security buck in the waiting room didn’t get the memo! Fuck! O-oh FUCK! They fucking killed him! And then they-... What the fuck has gotten into them!?” She began to sob. I know I couldn’t see her, but I could almost picture the mare curled up under Stem’s desk as she shuddered her entry into her Pip-Buck. “We can still fucking hear them! We can hear all of them! Above us, below us, all around us... They’re all being slaughtered and we can’t do a FUCKING thing to get to them! We sent what little security officers we had to recover any wounded yesterday... none of them have come back... We had to stop and keep the rest to protect us...” She suddenly scoffed a hopeless chuckle that was a little too close to something an asylum patient might mutter. “Rookies... they’re all fucking rookies! The type the more hardened officers left to guard us while they tried to recover the wounded! I mean, they're all younger than I am! Barely even adults! One of them even passed out from seeing a smidge of blood yesterday! A SMIDGE! A FEW FUCKING DROPS!!! I’ve seen more blood in the sink after my husband’s done shaving! UGH!!! I know we’re all fucked... but, I can’t let the others know... the last thing we need is for everypony’s spirits to run dry.” She sighed, “Well... dryer than they already are. I don’t know how much longer Blossom expects us to wait here. We only have so much supplies left, and already, the other doctors are talking of letting the more critical patients off life support in order to preserve the rest of our food. I know it’s only been two days, but... who knows how long we’ll be stuck here until-...” Silver was suddenly cut short by an emission of loud electronic whirs, as if the entire stable was purring in distress throughout its inner speakers. She gasped, a distant alarm and siren being heard through the recording, followed by the automated voice of a mare, whose stern and calm tone contrasted almost frighteningly with the actual panic it must have caused everypony. ”WARNING! THE CRUSADER SHIELD HAS BEEN ACTIVATED. ALL STABLE RESIDENTS ARE TO FOLLOW THEIR DESIGNIATED INSTRUCTIONS ACCORDING TO THEIR OFFICIAL SECURITY CLEARANCES, AND REPORT TO SECURITY FOR EVACUATION. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! WARNING! THE CRUSADER SHIELD HAS BEEN ACTIVATED...” “She... she actually activated... THAT!?” Silver whimpered in disbelief, “Goddesses... OH, GODDESSES!!! This can't be happening! We're actually LEAVING!!? That means they must be breaking through!” A few papers ruffled below her as she frantically mumbled under her breath. “Where’s that stable-ops manual... ah ha! Here it is! Okay... okay... Operation Crusader Shield... white clearance... acting executive... designated instructions, and... oh... Oh, n-no... No no no! This... this can’t be right!” There was a long pause from the mare, with only the sound of blaring background alarms, the automated alert system, and growing panic from doctors and patients alike outside the office. Finally, she broke the silence with a shudder. “Pills?” She sniffled, “But I... I don’t have any pills... And if they’re really breaking through, then they’re going to...” A despairing sigh came through the recording, though I suppose her voice couldn’t sound any more hopeless than it was since she started rolling. “I... I have to do what I have to do then. Doctor Root... Stem... He has a rope as a temporary fix keeping his medicine cabinet shut. Thank the goddesses for small favors... and... Oh, Celestia and Luna forgive me... fucking forgive us all...” A racket of wood scraping against the floor came next as the recording’s time was almost up. “Goodbye... I’m sorry...” The chair once again scraped against the floor, but this time much more sporadically as it fell over with a violent crash, shortly followed by the sound of Silver’s airways being cut off by the rope. Gunshots, panic and screaming suddenly erupted from the floors around them, only to abruptly end, the recording coming to a full stop. "Operation Crusader Shield..." I muttered, ejecting the holotape. I guess nopony thought to ever mention that to me. Sure, I knew what it was. Most higher ranking officials do. It was a scenario used in case the stable ever fell into the wrong hooves... which meant anything that maintenance or... outsiders or zebras or any other possible adversary could use to benefit their cause had to be secured or destroyed, whether that be materials or... ponies designated as such. Department executives, supervisors, scientists... and loyalty inspectors were all on that list to guarantee our enemies never had the upper hoof while everypony else abandoned ship. Cyanide provided in a cut out pocket of the stable-ops manual. And, of course, if we failed to follow our designated instructions, security would shoot us on sight anyway. Only difference is we go down as cowards instead of heroes. It was the last trick we had up our sleeves... and Diamond actually executed it... I thought about suggesting it to Glitter back when we were still struggling to think of a plan to get out of here. Though, I decided it best to leave that particular way out of here from the debate. She probably would have bucked me in the head for even mentioning it. Or worse... she'd agree to it. I may be a loyalty inspector who, despite my self intended prosperity, is as loyal to stable-tec's orders as can be... I was loyal because I knew they kept me safe, and one of my rules is to look out for number one. However, if those orders ever came to contradict that rule... Heh... I'd swipe an orange level Badge ID for my own, faster than you can say Swindlin' Sparkhorn. Glitter must have known it'd been activated since she at least was awake when it happened. Did... did following the orders ever cross her mind? I wonder if she even had her stable-ops manual to follow it. She may not have even known... or if she did, she never went through with it. Maybe if I hadn't had shown up when I did, she might have become so hopeless that she'd had done it. I shook my head before examining the rest of the room around me. It was no surprise that Stem's office was in contrasting perfection from the rest of my looted stable, you know, aside from the corpse hanging from the ceiling. I learned one thing, at least. The stable was under evacuation orders at the same time Maintenance was taking ponies out into... Celestia only knows what. That means there's potentially two groups of us out there. One taken by the nutjobs, and the other led by Diamond, so long as she wasn't taken herself... or killed. And I had the sinking feeling that Aqua, Khan and probably Stem Root were all part of the former. And then there's me... What in the name of Stable-Tec's grey walls happened to me? I guess it's time I find out... I maneuvered my way around the hanging corpse of Silver and over to Stem’s personal terminal on his desk. The terminal flickered on as I tapped my hooves against the keys, opening the log menu. I scrolled down until I found my name in a patient file with another holotape ready to play. And, with a swift tap of the terminal's enter key, it began to play. “We’re recording, Doctor!” “Clear the Medbay! Patient coming through!” The terminal’s speakers blared the familiar voices of the medbay nurses. Some of whom were a little more than just, ‘familiar’. “We’re losing him!” “Multiple lacerations, fractures, pupils blown, head-trauma, large puncture wound, Celestia only knows what else!” “Sparky!? What happened!? Where did you find him!?” That particular voice, however... I’d know that one anywhere. “Overmare Blossom, please, we can’t have anypony in here, not even-...” “How dare you!? I happen to be the Overmare of this Stable Doctor Silver! I demand to have access to my staff! Not to mention he’s my hus-...” She paused awkwardly. “...An old friend...” I didn’t need to be there to see the terrifying glare on her face as she stared Silver down... Well, I guess I technically was there. “Doctor!” The other nurse exclaimed. “He’s not going to last much longer like this, we need to help him now!” Silver Lining sighed in defeat. “Alright! Just follow us. Damnit, we could really use Doctor Stem Root right about now. Where the hay is he?!” “If I knew, I’d tell you! Sparky is the only one accounted for as of this very moment, so the sooner you wake him up the better!” “You can’t rush this! Especially after whatever he’s been through. The security team you sent got a tip from old-buck Docker... currently unaccounted for. They found the Inspector barely clinging to life on the storage level, after a skirmish with at least seven of Braid’s maintenance fighters. The elevator crashed and there was no sign of Chief Punch, Executive Khan, or anypony else. Security thought best to come to me with the Inspector before reporting back to you... which was smart of them, I might add.” I could hear Diamond scoff to herself before continuing. “They’re not rioting... no, this is something else. Alright, I’ll find that security team for report. I’ll be sending a security detail to guard the medbay entrances. In the meantime, please take care of the Inspector. Oh, zounds! Wait! There may be critical information on his Pip-Buck. Security will need to take it through processing.” I heard the sound of my Pip-Buck unlatch. "You are hereby my acting medbay executive, Silver Lining. I will contact you via intercom for further instruction..." She began to trot away, before raising her voice over the rush of crowded doctors. "And I expect a full recovery for Inspector Charger, is that clear?". Funny enough, her concern for me almost sounded genuine as she faded into the distant sounds of the riot. “Doctor Silver, what do we do!?” She sighed, determination once again returning to her voice. “He’s in shock. Start two large-bore IVS. Get him to ICU, stat!” “He’s not responding! This guy is a train wreck. We’re losing him!” “Give me that damn recorder! Get him to clinic room 10! As acting executive physician, I will be running the medbay, and have access to the head office... I will archive the case as per instructions. I want a concentrated effort on this, ponies! All updates are to be on my desk as soon as they are made.” She gave an anxious sigh. “I don’t want the Overmare’s ex-husband to die on my watch... for all of our sakes.” “Doctor... I... I’m afraid he’s going to comatose...” I heard Silver vent audibly. “Well, keep him out of it! Get on the intercom with the science department! Tell them we need a healing potion ready and up here STAT for his head trauma, I want it on my desk as soon as-...” BOOM “What the fuck was that!?” There was a sharp surge of static before the recording came to an end. I didn’t know what to think. The recording almost spawned more questions than answers. The biggest of which -the one that I currently had wished I wasn't thinking about- was how I wasn't dead. However, my apparent traumatized mind replayed the part about a certain missing healing potion. With an ambitious inhale, I pulled open one of the drawers in the desk... and finally, I was rewarded with something that could have made my eyes swell with relief. A clean and sterile white box. And if the heavy weight of the object didn’t already reveal the turn of my luck, I could only assume that the healing potion Silver Lining had ordered for me was inside. For the first time in what felt like a while, I gave a genuine hearty chuckle. Quickly opening the lid, I picked up the bottle in my mag-- Wait... this... this is one weird looking healing potion. The thing suspended in front of me wasn't even a potion. Actually, the needle poking out the top meant that I had to inject it like I did the painkillers. Huh... some kind of new healing syringe? Must have missed a memo from the science department. It was similar in size to a healing potion I guess, but... what were all these extra tubes feeding into the point? I mentally began checking off all the injuries I'd aquired. Let's see... one for my head. One for my abdomen. One for the gash in my leg. Eeyup! That's three tubes for three injuries. That can't just be a coincidence, can it? An appreciative smile spread across my face. I'll have to thank the lab bucks if I ever see them again. I raised the object to Silver's lifeless expression, still looking down at me, her body twisting toward the desk. "I always liked you Silver... best acting medbay executive from the bookshelf to the door... to the hallway for that matter!" I laughed to myself, gently lowering the syringe against my injured foreleg, the needle pointing at it. Hopefully the juice works for both legs... Here’s to my health, wealth... and a future career in improbable day to day survival... Celestia kill me now. My magic practically twirled the large bottle-shaped syringe in delight, before slamming the needle home. I hissed... and I think the syringe did too... I stared at the feeders, watching a strange goopy liquid drain from the tubes into my leg. Uh... is this stuff supposed to be... grey? I probably should have known it was too late to consider that. I gagged, my magic imploding as the syringe bounced off the floor below me. Yeah... this isn't a healing syringe, is it... I lurched forward, trying to brace my hooves against the desk to keep from slamming into it... only to quickly find that I couldn't move my hooves anymore! I rolled off the side and hit the floor, clutching my head and stomach, my vision swimming. Ooooh! What... the... FUCK... did I just take!? Somepony was screaming... I think it might have been me. I felt something... something very wrong twisting me from the inside out. It took another moment of squirming against the floor for me to register that the feeling was not one of being ripped apart... but instead being put back together. My voice shook, crying and whimpering like a foal while bone and flesh begun to mend. My head was first, like shards of my skull were being reformed and pulled into place. Then it went down my-- Ugh! I swear, if that’s prunes I’m tasting, somepony is getting shot! I found the strength to roll over and glare back up at Silver with a nasty sneer, before the bone in my foreleg suddenly cracked and dislodged itself beneath my skin. "Gyaah! I take it back... we could do better..." I hissed, as my leg snapped back into place, the 10mm sized hole magically refilled by strong and beautiful collagen and calcium beneath my mending coat, the larger spot on my stomach taking longer, but eventually doing the same. Then... just like that... it was over. The pain was still there, if just a fraction of what it was, and I could still vaguely feel a tingling beneath my coat, but... everything else was... well, back to normal! My brow arched as if to expect another round of bone and tissue tearing itself apart before regenerating piece by piece. But, after rising to my hooves and a quick test trot around the room... Well, I'll be damned... That was... really fast! Faster than any healing potion I've seen regenerate. Not to mention, I wasn't really expecting my bones to heal like that... not that I'm complaining. I mean, WOW! I couldn't help but take a couple practice swings with my forehooves. I feel like I could take on the whole maintenance department! Hell, all of low color clearance for that matter! What the hay was in that thing? I saw the strange syringe sitting against the desk legs. I picked it up, squinting at the label over the base of its reservoir. I was about to curse whoever thought typing warnings in small text was a good idea, before remembering that Stem Root and I shared a little something in common. Placing a pair of his reading glasses I'd found inside the desk over my eyes, I read the inscription. Experimental Healing Syringe... Warning: Stable-Tec is not responsible for unwanted side-effects due to the possible hazardous materials collected from the [REDACTED] creature in the making of this substance. Please contact your nearest physician if you experience disfiguring growths or death. That sent chills down my spine, gently placing the syringe back on the desk as if only recognizing now that I might have just done something that I probably shouldn't have. I slowly trotted backwards out the door, minding the hanging Silver with a nervous grin, all while keeping my eyes locked on the syringe, just in case it somehow decided to come to life and inject me with more of its goopy grey sludge. It DID hiss at me after all... Yeah... DEFINITELY missed a memo... *** *** *** *ding* Level Seven: Reactor Room. Well, the power’s back and the elevators are working. The only problem is... “There he is! Get’em!” BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! “Goddamnit! Gimme a break! This is bullshit!” I fired my rifle behind me in my magic as I galloped towards the waiting elevator. Hey, look at that, I can gallop again! RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT! RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT! RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT! More maintenance ponies rounded the corners to join the two that found me. I didn’t dare look back to check if any of my bullets hit home. Sometimes the worst tactic is the best tactic. In this case, spray and pray. Whatever, I wasn’t asking to be sniper elite here, just for enough fire to cover my ass while I ran for my life. Good thing it looked like training wasn’t included with the weapons stockpile. I was just able to restart the main power supply before they started shooting. I guess word has spread that I’m more interested in shooting the crazies than joining them. A few months back, Diamond wanted me to run inspections down here. Luckily, the main reactor terminal still had the same password from before: Meltdown. The lights stopped flickering, and the halls finally became illuminated by one bright light after the other, all while the sound of hot lead on metal ricocheted all around me. Here’s hoping that the new password I set will buy me enough time to use Melody's-... I skidded to a halt as the elevator doors opened, revealing a crowd of striped equines armed to the teeth with assault rifles. “Zounds!” I swung my rifle around to strafe the opening with the remains of my magazine before I darted down an adjacent hallway. “Stairs! I love stairs! Stairs haven't failed me yet!” As I maneuvered my way through the machinery of the reactor levels, a sudden low frequency emitted from the speakers above, sounding almost like a record needle stuck and replaying a certain fragment of a song over and over... or like a holotape trying to restart its recording. It screeched before playing a voice that was much too fast paced and high pitched to tell whether it was a mare or a stallion... or even automated. "W-w-w-w-war-war-war-war-war-war-war-war..." It suddenly crashed, before rewinding the tape to start again, now in a much slower and deeper pitch as it crept back up to a normal speed. Finally, it transitioned into the recognizable voice of the mare who was the base for our stable's automated systems, alarms and sirens ringing constant and loud throughout the halls. ”WAAAAAARRRRRNNNNNNNNING..! ....the crusADER SHIELD HAS BEEN ACTIVATED. ALL STABLE RESIDENTS ARE TO FOLLOW THEIR DESIGNIATED INSTRUCTIONS ACCORDING TO THEIR OFFICIAL SECURITY CLEARANCES, AND REPORT TO SECURITY FOR EVACUATION. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! WARNING! THE CRUSADER SHIELD HAS BEEN ACTIVATED...” Sorry honey, but I'm declaring those orders officially null, so save me the ear ache, will ya? “Zekes are here!” “Fuck!” “Open fire!” “For Folly!” I heard the Zebras and the maintenance crews start to go at it again, as I galloped up the stairwell. Best I leave them to it... *** *** *** Access Granted I panted heavily, the door to the Overmare’s office sliding open with ease. Quickly, I reversed on the control panel, more bullets- specified for Zebra Rifles- hitting the steel plated entrance before sealing shut behind me. I collapsed to the floor, my lungs wheezing, trying to catch a breath. The sound of more rifle fire, along with the outraged shouting of zebras continued to echo outside the room. What? Have they never seen a steel door before? "Yeah, keep trying to shoot through it you dumb striped bastards! You definitely won't run out of ammo before you hit me!" I grimaced at my own snide statement, ironically pulling my rifle's trigger, only to hear it click back at me on an empty magazine. With a heavy sigh, I tossed the weapon to the floor and pulled out my 10mm pistol, ejecting the mag. Last one... better make it count. I groaned, almost looking at the weapon in disgust as I reminisced in the disappointing fact that my .45 was missing from the armory. It wasn't even in the confiscations locker where it was supposed to be! I swear if some hippie young-hooved jackass took my gun... there's pretty much nothing I can do about it at this point. They better just hope I don't find them while either of us are still breathing... They have no idea how much that piece means to me. Holstering the 10mm back inside my stable jacket pocket, I trotted over to the Overmare’s round window, the same one I found Diamond staring through the day this all started. I paused right where she stood to oversee the Atrium. The ruins of the card tournament littered the floor below, with scattered cards, game room chips, and empty cider bottles. However, the bodies of ponies and zebras alike made the scene look less like a bar fight gone wrong, and more a snapshot of a costly battle during the Great War. This is all going to hell... I barely had enough time to send out a distress signal. Zebras... the damn zekes control everything from the stable entrance all the way to the storage department. It's only a matter of time before they take the reactor level, then the place might as well be painted in stripes! It's like half of the entire goddamn legion is down here! And these bastards are trained to fight. I'm talking marching through the halls in organized patrols, not like the occasional group of drunken maintenance ponies we'd get roaming the halls. It was a matter of weaving through the rooms and crossing the hallway behind them after they passed until I got to the Communications Center. That wasn't exactly empty either... And of course, it ended up being a COMPLETE waste of my time. I sighed as I thought back to what Melody Charm was trying to explain to me a while back. 'Yeah, we never receive any signals from outside the stable. The only broadcast anypony can hear down here is mine. So... presumably, nopony out there -if there even IS anypony out there- would be able to hear anything we say. There'd be no point for any ponies bent on resistance to try and contact the outside. There's absolutely no other radio in range of our stable... either that or something's jamming our sig-- Mmf! Spark! Are you even listening? I'm trying to--! O-oh gosh~ U-um... You better lock the door...' Huh... maybe it would have been smarter to have taken note of that logic... though my mind must have been elsewhere. It wasn't like she invited me into her studio to do much talking... ~ ~ ~ "Mayday, mayday. This is Inspector Spark Charger of Stable 17. Anypony read me? Over." I lifted my hoof from the receiver, my ears perking as I listened out for a response. I wasn't exactly expecting a miracle here. I knew there was no instantaneous rescue standing by from the military or even Stable-Tec. Especially after nearly 200 years. Realistically, I knew what I had to do. I understood that leaving the stable... my home... well, it's my only option if I'm going to keep 'looking out for number one'. But, at the very least, whoever I'm able to contact might be able to send somepony to recover the stable from these bastards... and maybe even get a search party out for everypony who left. Maybe Aqua and Khan and Diamond... -if they're still alive and if they're able to survive long enough out there- maybe somepony can get them back. That might not be in our stable's jurisdiction, but there's gotta be somepony out there with that responsibility! Yet, after several minutes of waiting, there was only a sea of static to answer my distress. "Okay, let's see..." Putting Stem's reading glasses to use, I flipped through the pages and read the broadcasting instructions in the Stable-ops manual. Hell, for all I knew, this could have been Melody's version when I found it sitting next to the microphone. She's nowhere to be seen though... I guess that should be considered good news for her... I sighed, my hoof pressing the button on the receiver again. "Stable HQ, do you copy? Over." I lifted my hoof... still static. "Stable HQ! I am a Loyalty Inspector of Stable 17! Over." ...*Static*... "Zounds! Mayday, mayday! Our stable has been overrun! Crusader shield has been activated. Everypony has evacuated from an uprising, and... we're under attack from the Zebras! On Equestrian soil! -as far as I know- Whatever! Stable HQ! Do. You. Read me!? Over." Nopony there... I growled, pressing down on the button again, harder this time. "Mayday mayday! Is anypony out there!? This is an emergency! RESPOND! OVER!!!" Still nothing. "This is Inspector Spark Charger broadcasting on an open frequency! Uh... Stable 16, do YOU copy? Over." *static* "Stable 18!?" *static* "Stable 20!? Stable 31!? 49! 66!!! Uh... fuckin'... 99! 101!!! Shit! Canterlot!!! Manehatten! Fillydelphia! Las Pegasus! Anypony with a gaddamn ear!!! ....over." Nothing but static... I was about to let the whole world have it through that radio microphone, when my ears suddenly perked at a mechanical hiss behind me. I held my breath and reacted as quickly and as silently as I could, grabbing my assault rifle in my magic, whirling it around to aim it at the doorway. It took a while for the uniformed equine to actually notice me as she trotted in through the door, still talking natively to some other zebra colleague behind her, before finally turning towards me. She gave a startled gasp once she realized that she'd just walked into a gun pointed right at her head. I may have been bombarded by strange and otherwise impossible things today... but I knew for a fact that a rubber gas mask wasn't going to stop a bullet. I was suddenly struck by déjà vu, staring into those cold black saucers protruding from the bug-eyed mask. We both stood there, frozen. All I had to do was pull the trigger and make a gallop for it... just like last time. Oh Celestia, I did NOT want this to be like last time... She stayed quiet, taking another cautious step towards her, nearly pressing the gun against her temple. "Alright..." I whispered, "You're a dead mare unless you do exactly as I say..." I wasn't even sure if she could understand a word of what I just said. She didn't respond, her legs only trembling under her as she glared at me... or more like her mask glared at me with it's big hallow eyes... but, it didn't take a psychiatrist to tell me her anxiety was through the roof with fright. Finally, after a moment of silence, she began to stutter a word... "C-c-co-co-..." At least I assumed it was stuttering. I obviously didn't speak any kind of... whatever language that was. “C-c-con..." I furrowed my brow, trying to comprehend the striped mare's blubbering. "Con? Wait... do you mean Khan?" I asked with a look of disbelief. "You know Khan?" "Con-... con-... con-..." My face nearly fell limp as she continued to stumble over the same word. "C'mon, kid. Spit it out. I haven't got all-..." "CONTACT!!!" "Gyaaah! Luna!" I jumped back in shock as the mare screamed the word at the top of her lungs. There was a radio strapped to her chest, yet she screamed so loud, I'm sure somepony could have heard her from outside the whole goddamn stable. Seriously, are all radios just for show now!? I could already hear the other zebras rushing towards the room at sound of her cry. "You bitch!!!" I yelled, charging my way passed her as my magic pushed her to the floor. Well, so much for doing this quiet!!! ~ ~ ~ Eh... it was worth it... I turned around to look over the Overmare’s large office space. Diamond certainly cherished her talent for home décor; however this office has always been decorated the same. Lush, fur carpets, china cabinets, expensive vases, framed paintings and photos alike, but the most unique of them all were the stuffed heads of old animals that lived above ground, all mounted on the wall. I pondered that as I closed my eyes with a anxious sigh. Above ground... For the first time since I adopted this plan from Glitter, I realized the gravity of what I was about to do. When I find that escape tunnel, it’s going to lead me straight outside... outside, outside. This is... going to be filthy... I instinctively lowered my head to my foreleg and gave it a sniff. The smell of sweat, gunpowder, grease, dry blood, and just the general lack of my hygiene at the moment, almost made me vomit right there on top of Diamond’s bear skin rug. Ah geez... is it too late to reconsider Crusader Shield? I heard more angry shouts of zebras outside the door, still banging on it with their hooves and guns. Yeah, still don’t speak... that. But I presume it means that this is the only option I have. I trotted over to Diamond’s terminal and opened the interface. Password: sparkyisaliar. Access Granted Welcome, Overmare Blossom Yeah... I’m doubting she really thought that one through. The terminal chirped and began to list off all of its options that it could provide. I noticed the indicator for Clearance Updates, however something else grabbed my attention... Two things actually. One was something called, Stable 17 Failsafe. The other.... “...Message to Platinum Braid?” I muttered in surprise. With a tiny voice of second thought, I tapped the keys and entered her messages. I didn’t know what I was expecting. But what I found, definitely blew whatever it was into the abyss. To Platinum Braid: Platinum, you’ve finally crossed the line! Khan informed me today that one of your maintenance mares accessed and stole unauthorized data from one of our intel terminals. That is Stable-Tec property! I am aware of the contents that she extracted onto a holotape, no doubt as an effort to attempt another riot. And after Sparky spent so long drafting an agreement between us! Before you think of violating any of the terms, I must warn you that the consequences of activating Stable-Tec’s emergency failsafe are astronomically negative for the entirety of Stable 17. For the love of Celestia, do not, under any circumstances, play that holotape. There may not be a stable left for you to riot against. That bitch! She really DID know what was on it! The Failsafe? I thought Crusader Shield was our failsafe... I wonder what else she's been keeping secret. From Platinum Braid: Re: Diamond, I swear I had nothing to do with this! That maintenance mare, Sugar Spade, she won’t listen to me. Ever since she found that fucking holotape. I told her to turn it over to security, but she won’t! She started threatening ponies she was friends with. She threatened ME! Saying I’m a coward for not tearing up that agreement that Sparky came up with. Which I honestly can't blame her for, because that agreement was COMPLETE bullshit by the way. Next thing I know, Glitter Punch is breathing down my neck thinking that I ordered her not to hand it over! I don’t want that! She's my best friend! All you guys are! I don’t want whatever is on that holotape! It... It’s changed her. Somehow, I don’t know. Just, please, don’t overreact like usual. She’s a good pony. I know she’ll come around, and then we’ll find out what’s wrong. What the fuck is on that holotape anyway? From Platinum Braid: Re Re: You psychotic bitch! I know you did something to Sugar Spade! Her entire fucking family has been missing for two days! Ponies just don’t disappear into thin air down here. I know what Spark does for you. All that classified shit, sneaking around, and cover-ups! Damn swindling bastard doesn't know what he’s doing working for you! I’m surprised you even let him off the leash to gamble at the tournament last night. Well, you’re probably realizing by now that he doesn’t have the holotape. That’s because I have it! Sugar gave it to me after I convinced her she’d be safer without it. She trusted me! But I think she was far from herself. Now it’s my turn. You’ve also probably noticed that the maintenance department is rioting again. Happy Hearths warming! This holotape is the answer I’ve been looking for. I was blind, but now I see what you are. I see what all of us are! To Platinum Braid: Surely, you cannot be serious, Platinum. Do you have any idea what you have done!? Can you hear yourself? Your mind is faltering from the holotape’s contents. It’s corrupting you, just like that Maintenance mare. You are saying things that are completely insane, and I will not stand for anymore of this! Our number one goal should be to prevent any more violence from happening. I will be sending a delegation led by Khan for negotiations. And I may remind you that I will be ordering Glitter Punch to use any force necessary if things do not go their way. If you think I'm angry... wait till you hear what Glitter is going to do to you. She wasn't very happy to hear that her best friend is leading a riot... especially after what you two have been through in the previous riots. And Sparky... I'm sure he doesn't care as usual, but you can bet your rations that he'll be having a 'word' with you in his office after this. Platinum, I know what you’re thinking about doing. You must understand that I will do whatever it takes to preserve this Stable, no matter who is threatening it. Even if it’s my friend. From Platinum Braid: Re: She is here. They are coming. We will live. You will die. Run. Her mind was faltering from the holotape? So it... wasn't just another access key to the stable door then. 'It's corrupting you...' How the hell can a holotape do that!? What happened to you, Platinum? I guess, sometimes its better to quit while you're ahead, before you find out what's really going on behind the scenes, or else you'll just find yourself appalled, offended, or just plain disappointed. I swear I've told that to countless other ponies trying to dig a little deeper than what they should into the way things are run around here. Well, I guess I never knew myself to practice everything I preach... I looked over the Stable 17 Failsafe tab, only to disappoint myself further, reading the notice upon hitting enter. [REDACTED] Please contact terminal administrator "But I AM an administrator!" Damnit! I should have figured as much. Even with the clearance I’m going to have, I’m still not the Overmare. I’m still unauthorized. I’d have to be somepony from corporate. From a Stable-Tec headquarters. Oh well... Whatever this failsafe is, I won't be sticking around much longer to worry about it. *** *** *** "Identity confirmed. Hello Inspector Charger." The stable’s automated voice spoke in its usual cheery voice, as if everything hadn’t gone to Tartarus in the last three days. "Attention. Security breach on multiple floors. This is a Stable-Tec high alert. Maximum security measures are recommended." "NO SHIT!" "Unrecognized command phrase. Repeat. Security breach on multiple floors. This is a Stable-Tec high alert. Maximum security measures are recommended." Well if I wasn’t already annoyed by her voice before... “Um... activate security measures?” "Security systems are currently offline" Brilliant... I couldn’t have expected any less. I looked back at the terminal screen and sighed after seeing nothing remotely close to “escape tunnel”. Please tell me that Glitter wasn’t just talking out of her ass when she told me this plan. With a large amount of disdain towards my available options, I looked back up at the speaker above the Overmare’s desk. “Can uh... can you open the Overmare’s escape tunnel?” I winced, anxiously waiting for her response. Suddenly, a small hatch opened up on the desk, revealing a small card reader blinking a dull green. "Please present your Stable 17 Gold level access card." Let’s hope this works. I levitated out Glitter’s Badge ID for the panel to read. The interfaced flashed blue as it scanned her face. “Identity Confirmed. Hello Chief Glitter Punch.” Her card was followed by Khan’s, the reader also scanning his face before twice blinking to black. “Identity Confirmed. Hello Mr. Khan.” I then held my breath, ejecting my Badge ID from the terminal and pressing it against the reader. It flashed red. "Override Accepted" "Access Granted" My ears twitched at the sound of a small click behind me. I turned, just in time to see the administrative portrait of one of the Stable-Tec founders rotate, and creek open to reveal a small passageway. My eyes widened as I peeked my head inside. Lights flickered on, one by one, revealing the clean hallway of concrete stretching to an unknown destination... presumably the outside. I let out my breath and smirked at the speaker above me. “Thanks sweetheart.” "You are welcome Inspector... But... I'm afraid you mispronounced my designation. My name is not 'Sweetheart', it's Sweetie Belle." I chuckled as I stepped through the opening. “Sorry, but I’m not going to bother learning that.” A short gust of wind flowed through the tunnel, making my mane flap against its current. I could already tell that this was not Stable filtered air. And if on cue, my Pip-Buck began to click with its mini radiation detector. I clenched my teeth, trying to ignore the thought of breathing irradiated air into my lungs, and slowly started forward. “I ain’t sticking around long to remember it...” I gave one last look over my shoulder, watching the portrait of whoever the lavender maned unicorn was swing back closed behind me and lock, sealing me inside the dark murky corridor. This was it... I'm about to leave everything behind... Everything. My room, my office, my belongings, my life... Glitter... I shook my head and sighed. I promised I'd find them for her... And if we ever want to live here again, I oughta make that a priority. Smacking my Pipbuck with a hoof, its lamp illuminated the way forward in a dull green glow. I shivered, clenching my eyes shut as I felt the outside winds infect me with goddess knows what. I took a deep breath, trying not to think about the 'goddess knows what' part I was breathing in exactly. "It is just another hallway. It is JUST another hallway," I reassured myself with every step. I could feel the force of the wind increase... hear it's howl bounce off the hallow stretch. The outside... came closer and closer to reality. This... wasn't taking me to the Stable door, was it? I thought with another sigh. "Well... I guess it's about time I greeted the neighbors." Footnote: Quest Complete. Level Up! New Perk: Thief - Not bad cracking that safe. The blood of a thief runs through your veins. With every rank, you get +5 to both the sneak and lockpick skills. A well rounded thief is a live thief.