Apple A Day

by Fireflower

First published

One shot clopfic: canon x OC; based on the titular artpack collaboration between atryl, hallogreen, siden, featuring another artist's eponymous character, Topchap. A simple trip to the homestead instantaneously takes a sudden turn into sensuality.

The town of Ponyville is known for many things and of them happens to be the heartland of the homeland itself as a result; ergo, so much can happen in a sleepy community or so it seems, random and otherwise.

Speaking of which, a visitor from a seaside town arrives to acquire some produce only to be greeted with a more than friendly face of its local farmer, particularly one specializing in the horticulture of the certain fruit, hence the very namesake overall.

Although their differences became apparent at first glance, it would be of no consequence for either of them as they were both taken over by torridness and intrigue; considering the secluded environment and the temperate atmosphere, the world would be in no hurry to slow down for them both at once.

Cross Countryside Concupiscence

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If there was one thing that proved to be noticeable, then it would be the many things that were keeping things on the lighter side as of this moment in time. For starters, the rather big blue sky had remained clear enough to see the golden sun already shining about over the horizon with flocks of birds flying on. Within a large dream drop distance was a civilization defined in such various materials, most of them being the ones fit for the likes of even three little pigs. The calm gentle breeze surfed across the grassy knolls, the brilliant green surrounding it all on a solid lower plane of existence to the point of being uniform. Even the dirt road that guided its way over from a nearby forest, a curvilinear line worth holding as much as it is worth crossing did little to make a difference. In the background, a valley and ridge of mountains raged with growth and erosion in the process of their trying times as the burning star hovered overhead. The town bustled about with an utter abundance of lifeforms from various demographics: age, gender, finances, and social standing all coexisted within.

Out of many buildings in this rather quiet place, there was one which stood out amongst others: a large homestead in the very outskirts remained in the very distance by the sidelines overall. Rather than the amber waves of grain that shined onward thanks to the rays of sunlight bouncing off, leaving behind sparkles of glory in the process, an abundance of trees surrounded the barn. The encamping white fences around the premises served as the borders to the open field where lines had been drawn into the very dirt, each of them a home of plants sprouting up and at them. A little orange shed stood upright and running, occupied only by the acute sounds of clucking; without a doubt, it presence served to be a home for the ones that can’t even touch the sky at all. Nearby the lush archway had stood a lilac fountainhead with a little bucket and two barrels in close range, ready to provide nourishment for the vegetation dwelling within the very confines. All that remained out there was a big red house not on the lone prairie that stood out in the middle of them all, instantly overshadowing the little bales of hay that remained by its sides.

Speaking of which, a blue unicorn was found to be standing out and about upon the red barn with a dark purple mane and tail already blowing in the wind almost effortlessly to no end in sight whatsoever. Upon his face was a pair of orange orbs circling about the pupils, both brows furrowed into glazed lids as the left was adorned with a silvery monocle small enough to be fitted against his angular jaw. Adorning the blue unicorn’s stocky build was a suit and tie combo: a jet black jacket, a light green shirt, a red bowtie, and some brown khakis; additionally, an opened gilded timepiece was in his hands. Donned upon himself was a faint smile with dentition white as a thick wool of a sheep trained to make false teeth; through its thin gaps were air passages with compounds trading places with each other.

“The countryside looks so much nicer this time of the year…” the blue unicorn sighed, staring at the trees off in the distance where many in question already bore fruits ranging from green through yellow to carnelian.

Aside from the few passing travelers on either side, the homestead was basically barren in the very least; as a matter of fact, it had looked like that he was the only one standing altogether. Breezy skies above were also found to be carrying copious amounts of substances and scents to and fro, many of which were petals and leaves with the occasional blades of grass in the mixture. Calm on the outside but thinking all throughout time, the blue unicorn’s visage straightened out slowly but surely, the colorfully warm firmaments cluing him into the fact today is about to end.

He was about this close to leaving the premises immediately when a lone sultry voice had greeted him at once, “hey there, sugarcube; ya ain’t planning on leavin’ here so soon, aren’t ya…?”

“Applejack… I was wondering when you would arrive…” the blue unicorn answered as he’d turned around to face the origin of the voice in, “you’re looking fetching as ever…”

In his defense, he’d expressed his right to comment on the titular individual’s very appearance, graced with dignity and beauty at first glance. She was an orange pony with a blonde mane and tail combination already flowing out from her cranium and dock respectively therein at once. Applejack had on a set of green irises circling around her pupils, served with a bright salacious smile amongst her freckled moist integument. Compared to the blue unicorn, the orange mare was in a state of extreme dishabille, wearing only a widely brimmed headgear and black boots. Aside from three apples upon the flanks, her curvaceous yet bulky frame bore large bosoms, muscles underneath, a thin waist, and a sheath.

“Shoot, all that ya had to do was wait awhile, Mister Topham; besides, freshening up was the only thing needing to be done before we have some fun…” Applejack had laughed at him gently, tossing away her very hat onto the barn’s flooring adjacent from where the two were now standing.

It wasn’t long until the aforementioned unicorn replied, “please Jacqueline, call me Topchap; besides, it won’t be long until I return to Trottingham tomorrow evening…”

“True… true… but we have plenty of time before that; besides that, Ah am pretty sure that ya oughta be sampling some goods inside…” the orange mare said with a giggle, leading him right straightaway into the red barn by the hand, “besides, it would be nicer if ya were t’ come back here for lunch before ya here, if ya know what Ah mean…”

“I’ll consider it but I won’t get my hopes up on it though…” Topchap chortled as he’d quickly followed her along into the structure thereof.

Compared to the exterior features of the homestead in question, it was by and large minimalistic to a fault for the likes of themselves. Its skeleton was ligneous in nature: the ceiling, walls, and flooring were devoid of both fancy and rudimentary painting here and there. Aside from the windows where the sunlight had peered on throughout the glass surfaces, there were copious amounts of golden hay.

Of the two equines present and accounted for, Applejack started to take off her boots and asked the blue unicorn, “so before ya take me fer a ride, how about a little foreplay: eat me out or something…?”

“Contrectation, where could I start…?” he’d exclaimed only faintly, already surveying the orange mare’s body with glee, “I can barely decide…!”

“Here, Ah should help you along, ladies first and whatnot…” she’d answered, wrapping her arms around Topchap lightly and gently before closing both eyes.

It didn’t take long when their faces neared each other, let alone their owners’ lips also growing closer to one another before making first contact almost immediately. The pair of equines grew more eager as they had opened up to one another at once, their similar tongues finally slipping out to explore each other’s mouths in a daze. Such overwhelming ecstasy had caused themselves to quiver about as their hearts raced onward, still containing the strength to continue for at least a minute or two.

Before they had gotten too tongue–tied in that moment, the blue unicorn broke off from the osculation and cooed, “would you kindly start laying down…? I want to start being quim and cosh with the sweet nectar of yours…”

“Oh, how sweet of ya…” Applejack had laughed before tackling him right onto the hay strewn groundwork, “start running, ya sweet stud…!”

Topchap bent down on his very knees and placed his face upon the orange mare’s whispering eye, tongue slipping out the mouth before slowly sliding into her. It wasn’t long until the blue unicorn started lapping at her fork, feeling it being stretched by a pair of hands resting on their owner’s afflicted area immediately. Applejack moaned slowly yet loudly as he’d ran his tongue around the widening gaskins only centimeters away from reaching the fundament underneath itself. Topchap could barely help himself but drooled every time his pink tongue had gone sliding in and out of the orange mare repetitively with the occasional descent. In no time, she’d given out more small moans which then turned into loud yelps of happiness the moment the blue unicorn’s tongue licked deeper within the sheath. The sheer coldness from his icy tongue had caused a clear fluid to squirt all out from Applejack in return, even onto the warm taste buds and upon her very croup.

“Mm… you really outdone yourself, Jacqueline; after all, you do live up to your name…” Topchap moaned, drinking away the last of the concoction on the space within the orange mare’s flanks.

She giggled a bit in response, “t’ quote a certain poet, ‘what’s in a name? That which we refer a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…’ Not to mention, a handsome stallion such as yerself should know who it actually is…”

“Touche: a trick pony with another surprise under your sleeve; what more could you be hiding?” the blue unicorn chuckled as he nuzzled Applejack betwixt the cannons before lapping at her fundament, “perhaps, I might be able to find my answer down in those tempting nether regions of yours…”

“Just be careful now here; ya may not like what yer going to taste, sugarcube…” the orange mare warned him almost instantaneously before rolling over a bit to show off her callipygian croup.

Topchap slowly and gently stroked, massaged, and even rubbed the fur of her flanks a few times with his hands giving her the time to bite her lip and heard him speak, “I can live with that, my dear.”

With the same tongue from before, the blue unicorn jutted into Applejack once again, sending tingles throughout her body as she shut both of her own eyes tightly and suppressed quiet moans in response. The orange mare reopened them to look back quickly, watching in contentment now that he held onto her fundament firmly in his grasp, muzzle buried inside at once running around and within thoroughly. Topchap still held onto to her despite stopping to lap at the adjacent whispering eye underneath, bringing out some more pleasure each time his tongue switched back to the croup and vice versa repetitively. Soon, Applejack felt her saliva curling down from the corner of her lips with the sensation of the blue unicorn’s exploration gave way to hunger and thirst; needless to say, she’d needed to return the favor. In the meantime, he’d stretched the orange mare’s flanks wide before forwarding his tongue back inside, causing her to collapse onto the wood flooring and closed her eyes again while giving out a loud moan. She’d started gurgling about at the thought of wanting to taste Topchap soon enough, the dribble from his tongue surpassed the point of wishing that she would’ve done more to support her body before then. Applejack attempted to reach down to her wet fork and started furbish it rhythmically as the blue unicorn began to permeate through the croup in such an illustrious manner, slurping and licking within them.

“That’s right, ya rascal… eat mah fruit salad…!” the orange mare had cried out as his saliva was dripping down through the abyss with warmth now enveloping him within those folds as the orange mare felt his subzero salivation now inside her very flanks altogether, “how does it taste; is it sweet enough for ya…?”

“Mm…!” Topchap gave out his answer in the form of a slobbering moan, having listened to the voluptuous sultry inquiries as some kind of encouragement to lick deeper inside her: to him, it was appetizing ‘til the dryness sat in, forcing him to relent, release, and retract; now, his tongue filled in both contents of his salivation inside as he was breaking away from the habit of it all.

The moment when the blue unicorn reached for the metallic entrance upon his pants, Applejack turned around to face him and his prepuce with a chuckle, “now hold on there, sir… as much as Ah enjoyed ya eating me out, Ah have yet t’ know what ya actually taste like; even so, Ah am pretty sure that you want to go back to lip service again. Tell ya what: lay down on yer back and Ah will make sure that ya can go on with riding me hard and fast like ya wanted t’ do since ya saw me in the buff; now, what do ya say, sugarcube…?”

“The old sixty–nine…?” he spoke towards the orange mare in brief confusion before taking on a seduced blitheness as she bit her lip lightly, “I supposed that should be fair and all; besides, I may be a paying customer but even a high–class pony must remember to return the favor now and then…”

Responsively, she turned her back towards Topchap literally and planted her knees next to his shoulders; after laying down upon himself, both of their bodies were now mutually inverted towards one another, the former’s hands making contact with the latter’s kneecaps as their owners’ mouths now aligned with their waistlines. Contentedly, Applejack had started to mollycoddle the blue unicorn’s shaft playfully by using a few of her own fingers to tickle its tip; in response, he got aroused and stuck out his tongue up at her sheath almost immediately, fully aware of the saturated state the region was in when some of its very solution just rained onto the latter’s muzzle. The orange mare swayed her waist reactively, bouncing around lightly for at least several times and moaning quietly in delight while caressing her bust before she decided to do the same to his yard and proceeded to forward her hot and heavy lips around it entirely, slurping and licking whatever would be exorcised in her muzzle slowly. Each time Topchap felt her stimulating, pumping, and licking his unyielding prepuce, it started to get harder and he’d started licking sharply inside the adjacent whispering eye; quickly, it got so hard his hands now grasped onto her rippling thighs and started to be rubbing up and down her firmly but soothingly, arousing her even more. Because the blue unicorn’s tongue was intertwined with Applejack’s fork and vice versa with the shaft, their instantaneous aria of libidinousness were stifled by their lips and tongues bringing pleasure to each other; needless to say, it was only a matter of time until the fruits of their labors came to fruition, a fact that they were well aware of. Soon, their tongues and mouths had started to transfer so much stimulating pleasure between themselves quickly, it would seem that they would have been able to get their wishes; however, only he got more gushing from the orange mare’s sheath to his open mouth like a waterfall while she’d received absolutely no such results whatsoever.

“Shoot, all that jazz and no spunk t’ drink from; Ah oughta milk ya dry till Ah get what Ah needed but what can ya do…” she snarled playfully at Topchap’s tumescence before rolling off from his body with her remaining strength.

Free from the weight firmly placed upon the blue unicorn, he licked away the last of the liquids with a gasp, “forgive me; this usually never happens to me, save for a rare nocturnal emission every other month…”

“Don’t worry about it, sugarcube; yer little friend here must still be eager for more action so Ah have a way to make this work: strip down and go sit on the bench over there so Ah can finish ya off already…” Applejack sighed as he was directed to one piece of furniture nearby the hay bales next to her hat.

Topchap finally started to join the orange mare in the altogether, casting aside his attire while making sure that they were all neatly aligned. As the blue unicorn was doing so, his musculature was also shown off, albeit being less detailed than her unclothed form due to such thinness. In addition, he also had something donned upon his very flanks as well: two chocolaty cake discs standing right against an orange glass bottle.

While Topchap finally sat down on the bench at once, Applejack was still bent down on her knees, glancing at the sodden prepuce with a profligate grin while quietly giggling to herself. Initially, the orange mare used her bare hands to knead the yard around playfully like a joystick; before long, she got her own tongue slipping out the mouth and slowly sliding around and about. Somewhat helplessly, all that the blue unicorn could do was rest one of his hands on her blonde mane, stroking and patting about based on the movement she made from licking his prepuce.

It didn’t take long for him to grit his teeth when Applejack now forwarded her very mouth in as he blushed about, whispering quietly in her ear, “good girl… just like that.”

The orange mare enjoyed the fact that her own tongue was stimulating and syphoning Topchap’s shaft even to the point where he spread his legs a bit further to give her more room to lick around. The blue unicorn could barely help himself but drool and blush every time he’d felt her hot and heavy lips going around his yard before being nestled in between her massive cleavage without warning. Now with his prepuce sliding throughout ‘til its point became seen underneath the adjacent chin, Applejack had now started squeezing both her bosoms mutually on each side of it all with such mania. The orange mare started swaying them up and down concomitantly while her tongue started to slip through and out below her lips before reaching the tip of Topchap‘s shaft, bringing up more saliva. The blue unicorn started to become aroused at what she was trying to do, only this time his soft moaning was the only sound being heard in the red barn, driving the thought of going inside her faster.

“Ohhh…!” Applejack moaned hungrily as it wasn’t long until her sandwiching and tongue tickling around his elongated yard caused it to splatter across her very neckline and then dripped downward between her bared bust while commenting about, “shoot yer hot cum all over my tits…!”

“Jacqueline, my dear…!” Topchap had sighed loudly, calling out to the orange mare’s name as he watched her becoming caked further with their own fluids.

Once again did she turn around to present her croup to the blue unicorn with a dirtied smirk, “go on ahead and take yer pick: sugarcube, Ah don’t mind if ya rut me in the cooch or right the plot hole; Ah want t’ feel your cock inside of me already now that we know what we taste like already…”

“Oh, my lovely pony, you seem to be making this easier for me and yourself…” he’d sniggered while holding onto his prepuce in place with his left hand and pumping it right back to its rigid and upright form, “brace yourself, Jacqueline…you might want to reconsider this if I were you…”

“Ahhhh…” Applejack cooed as Topchap now rested his hands onto her flanks, stretching them wide before plunging the shaft into them through slowly and progressively; this made the former’s blushing grin grow more excited.

Needless to say, the orange mare was now feeling more pleasure each time the blue unicorn slowly rubbed against her while sliding his yard in and out rapidly; as a result, she wavered around and increased in luxurious synchronicity. Some vastly small high–pitched moans had escaped from her wet lips again along with the added panting, turning into intensely loud yelps of happiness once again as more jolts travel up her spine while the friction grew amongst each other. Even he could barely help grunting, panting, and moaning as well every time that his thrusting prepuce punctured through Applejack’s fundament, causing herself to wriggle forward and back like a lavish caterpillar in response to his efforts.

Topchap then stopped himself, catching his breath just in time to watch the orange mare up in front of him standing upward upon her knees, prompting the former to ask the latter, “Applejack, what’s wrong; did I forget to give you the reach–around yet…?”

“Not at all, sir: Ah just needed some room t’ polish mah pearl while you were at it…” the titular blonde answered as she’d placed her left hand over the whispering eye, still soaking about in its solutions from long ago thanks to blue unicorn’s actions thereof, “ya can carry on now; Ah didn’t feel you cum inside me yet…”

Still grasping onto Applejack tightly, he moved his right hand to grab onto her adjacent elbow while his other hand now groped the tacky cleavage when the shaft was moving inside the croup. The resumption of movement, although slow like before had started to gain some momentum as the orange mare used her left hand to go in between her legs and start wiping her fork slowly. They couldn’t even help to love every minute of such togetherness with a little more tenderness: Topchap’s prepuce was buried inside her flanks and she’d occupied herself with her own sheath. Each time they moved around and about, they felt their coats rubbing off of each other in this hot and heavy atmosphere with only the tradewinds of the outside world providing themselves relief. The two ponies were still in a touching grip, their perspiration already pouring through one another and salivation slowly escaping from their mouths as they moaned more loudly than ever. The active Applejack now pushed two of her fingers inside her whispering eye while the blue unicorn used his left hand to chafe her bust smoothly and pinch one her soiled nubbins gently. Their continuous efforts were getting to another highpoint closely since such excitement was just around the corner; for what it was worth, they were all comfortably numbed to the environment. The orange mare couldn’t even take it any longer as she yelled out at the peak of her own pleasure, shooting out more juices all over from the fork and onto the left hand in full force. Contrariwise, although that the blue unicorn was plunging in her fundament, not one drop of his extract was shot out; needless to say, whatever joy remained now slowly turned to discomfort.

“I’m sorry, Jacqueline, but I’m afraid this isn’t working out lately…” he’d grunted, sliding out from Applejack in defeat and leaving her indignant.

It wasn’t even long until the orange mare looked back and grabbed onto Topchap’s shaft with a disbelieving scoff, “already; so what if ya can barely cum after what ya did to me? Ya had more going in ya pants than when ya came all over my breasts; d’ya think Ah be taken as somepony t’ give up that easily, especially since you were willing to sample mah body. Let me repeat mahself, I want ya t’ ride me hard and ragged until that white stuff goes into where Celestia’s sun can’t shine however ya see fit so don’t ya dare stop until Ah feel it pooling about…! If all this spunk can make me a pearl necklace, then the least ya can do is shove your cock into my loose caboose like the slut Ah am; besides, we still have plenty of time before my family comes back.”

“My, my, such determination from a dirty little filly; if that’s what you want, then so be it…” the blue unicorn chortled before pecking her on the cheek, “no use in giving up yet; the sun is still up in the sky…”

“That’s the spirit, now let me get mahself into a more comfortable form, if ya know what Ah mean…” Applejack cooed as she threw herself onto some hay bales behind them, gently raising her legs high enough to let her hooves face the ceiling while presenting her haunches to him once more.

Suffice it to say, there was no turning back for the likes of Topchap himself as he’d surveyed the orange mare’s body: compared to the latter’s abdominal region, both her sheath and croup were relatively cleaner. It wasn’t long until the blue unicorn knelt down and buried his muzzle in between her legs again, earning a sultry pant from her almost immediately as she started watching him go back to work onto them at once. He started to clean the residue off of Applejack’s whispering eye, leaving behind some salivation in its place around the very borders with such overwhelming attention to its details all present and accounted for. The orange mare had managed to stop herself from giving off even a small moan despite the very isometric onslaught, still fully aware of her own state so as to avoid causing Topchap’s any form of inconveniences. This started proving to become more increased with difficulty as the blue unicorn’s tongue was put into the adjacent flanks, causing its owner to tense up before relaxing as he’d licked away furiously at once. She couldn’t help to heave and moan as she secreted some more and had dripped around him in due time; of course, her legs were spread open again, this time by his hands even as he kept at switching about. Applejack had sighed in relief with some arousal while Topchap’s upper teeth nestled against the flange of her fundament prior to forwarding his whole mouth with it as he pushed himself inside without hesitation. Despite what had happened before, the blue unicorn still refused to break off the engagement as he’d licked the orange mare well and clean, almost freed of her own achromatic essences from not too long ago. She was left in ecstasy now that he was about finished with servicing her, not to spoil their pleasures that were allowed thanks to the most requested and intimate contrectations from before prior to another try.

Topchap took a stand once more with feelings of satisfaction and enjoyment as he finally asked Applejack, “are you sure you want to do this…?”

“Sugarcube, just stop toying with me and fuck already, will ya please…?” the orange mare answered haughtily with a snort, glancing at the blue unicorn’s still hardened yet dried yard up in front, “it’s bad enough that ya had to go and eat me out twice; Ah wanna feel ya burst yer load inside of me…!”

“You’ll get your wish soon enough…!” he’d snarled while shoving his tumescent prepuce into her croup once more, this time with feelings of determination being shared by the likes of both equines, especially her chuffed up in excess.

Topchap began to thrust himself into Applejack, using his right hand to massage her cleavage as she supported herself upon his mobile body with her cannons. The passive orange mare already had spread both legs apart with her own hands to allow the blue unicorn easy access for him already occupying her very flanks. Though initially gentle, his exploration gradually went up in speed; of course, she didn’t mind him at all for the most pat since she was in bliss sure enough. Topchap was delivering crushing blows upon Applejack’s fundament, leaving her moaning about as they had racked up some perspiration almost instantaneously. The orange mare felt her fork gathering up even more fluids from the constant bump and grind courtesy of the blue unicorn already attending to her whims. Her tongue lolled about as he panted and moaned alongside her every time he went in and out like a functioning piston, albeit within a confined area of flesh. Needless to say, their time was fast approaching and of the two in question, Topchap was well aware of it as his shaft was building up inside Applejack’s croup. The leaking sheath that had belonged to the orange mare now added as an emollient for the blue unicorn whom let out a big moan and some tincture at once. Almost immediately, she, too had joined in as well, already satisfied enough to surrender herself to lethargy brought about by their fruits from the labor of love.

Despite the numbness brought about within the flanks, Applejack bit her tongue as she felt the substance that covered her very bosoms earlier now leaking out from there as well with a pant, “damn, Ah knew… ya can do it; just look at… all that cream… ya plowed into… mah rump even… after what happened…! Now then, it’s mah turn… to ride ya ragged…!”

Sure enough without any warning whatsoever, the orange mare had quickly seized this very golden opportunity, using her middleweight body to rest upon his waistline where his yard was. It didn’t take long at all in the very least for her whispering eye to be firmly aligned almost immediately, giving a small passionate but heavy breath from the mouth rather instantaneously. Topchap had started resting his very hands right on Applejack’s fundament, slowly burying his muzzle into her vast and large cleavage as he started running his tongue around the wet edges. The orange mare didn’t care that the blue unicorn was currently sapping away her bust without warning, already feeling his prepuce directly in her fork calibrating their collective movements. In the midst of the very ordeal, she’d wrapped her two arms around the back of his neckline in an attempt to keep him closer as they were both trading momentum with one another in the process. Now that both their coats of fur were starting to give off a small static of satisfaction from the stretch of rasping, feelings of pleasure came by as each movement made the two ponies moan. Gearing up for another expulsion from Topchap’s shaft inside Applejack with intensification of the pulp friction, she gave off a resounding happy moan amid the heavy breaths and panting. Somehow, the blue unicorn was unable to shoot in the path of the orange mare’s sheath, his otherwise rigid prepuce refusing to give way and undergo what had been done to her fundament.

“Hah…!” he’d struggled to breathe deeply as he collapsed onto the very flooring, releasing his grip onto her tenderized body, “balderdash… pardon me for letting this happen again, my dearest Applejack; it seems that I have once again reached my limit: it’s seems that between the reaming and the skin fluting, I don’t know what else to do here…”

“Don’t worry about it… ya did well; Ah am so fucking glad that we made it this far, sugarcube…” Applejack sighed, following after Topchap to plant a sopping wet kiss upon the lips, an act that made him rest both hands behind her body like what had been before, this time on a much higher spot yet still beneath the former’s neckline.

The blue unicorn was firmly aware of the state that the orange mare was recently in and said, “aren’t you worried about being seen by your kin in the buff…?”

“Don’t be worryin’ yerself about it, honey… mah folks won’t be back ‘til nightfall so we have plenty of time to clean ourselves off before they return…” she’d giggled a bit quietly before kissing him on the lips yet again, this time on the side of the cheek where his monocle had remained, “besides, Ah want to stay here with ya a bit longer…”

“I don’t mind doing the same with you, my dearest Jacqueline; matter of fact, do you mind visiting me at Trottingham some other time…?” Topchap asked Applejack, earning a playful nod before resting her weary head right upon his abdomen with little warning whatsoever almost immediately.

After another minute or so, the blue unicorn had turned his head aside to find that the sun was now over the horizon, giving the skies a warmer color in the process; needless to say, they were both happy to be spending this time together with one another here of all place for such reasons. Much of it was self–explanatory and evident to a fault based on the living bodies of evidence: she was resting on top of him in a mess of things, uncaring of how tacky her skin was already in; he was stuck between her and the hay strewn floorboards, accepting of the turn of events thereof. With both ponies slowly but surely straightaway snuggling in the soaking sweat, the slavering salivation, and the secreted saps they have shared and served each other all simultaneously, Applejack and Topchap had now softly sunken into the soothing sensations of stagnation soon.