Never Let Me Go

by Argenti Luna

First published

Everyone's been feeling disconnected from Rainbow Dash for a while, but when she comes back it brings feelings back to a certain Shy girl. All the while the rest of the friends are realising things about themselves in the background.

Rainbow Dash has been so busy recently she's hardly been around and some of her friends are beginning to feel the tension on their relationship with her, will she be able to patch things up with the others or maybe create something even stronger. Is it as her father says just one big distraction or is there more to life than soccer. Follow the mane 7 on their slice of life adventure, through the mundane and the crazy forming stronger bonds as they cut their own paths through life.

The fic will be heavily Flutterdash based but will include other ships that will be given attention in the background or in their own chapter if something big happens

Chapter 1 : Dawn of a new day

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In her own little corner of the world, a Rainbow haired girl sat atop a hill, sitting in blissful silence, her eyes glued to the horizon witnessing the beauty of a rising sun. This was Rainbow Dash the star athlete of Canterlot high and captain of the soccer team. While everyone you asked would usually tell you she was a competitive hothead always moving fast with the aim of going faster. There was always that secret side of her that could enjoy the quieter and slower things like this sunrise, it reminded her of someone she knew. She watched as the streetlamps shut off around the park as the sunlight did its job bringing light into the world. The secluded girl took a few deep breaths smelling the freshness of the air, pulling out her phone and taking a selfie with her back to the sun, allowing the light to bend and outline against her curves and muscles perfectly while still having enough light to show the smile on her face. She quickly sent it to the person she considered her best friend. Although recently things had gotten slightly more complicated and it was safe to say Rainbow Dash was feeling some external pressure attempting to keep them away from each other, to keep her away from all of her friends.

The athlete sighed putting her phone away and began her run back home, the world around her was peaceful with soft flowing streams; the sounds of birds and the sight of blades of grass dancing in the wind shimmering as the sun’s rays reflected against their dew covered tips. It was certainly a spectacle and the aspiring athlete could appreciate that, but right now she was in her own world psyching herself up as she rocked out to the music playing in her ears inspiring her to run as long and fast as she could. It was important to her that she always pushed herself to the limit, she needed to keep improving if she had any hope of getting a sports scholarship especially with the new soccer season coming up. All the major colleges would be sending scouts that she needed to impress if she ever wanted to take a career up in the sport she loved. Of course, she couldn’t win games alone and as team captain, she was already thinking of different strategies they could use to get the upper hand on their opponents. Last year crystal prep won the trophy and this year it’ll be Canterlot high or else my name isn’t Rainbow Dash she thought to herself fuelling her determination and pushing herself as hard as she could to pick up her pace and before she knew it she had run through the park and several blocks reaching her front door checking her phone to see how long it had been since she sent the photo.

“10 minutes I'm getting faster.”

Rainbow feeling proud of herself opened the door and strode into the home, her first sight being her parents arguing in the kitchen. This had been a common occurrence the past few days they would start arguing over something and Rainbow would go out for a run hoping they had finished by the time she returned, but this was the first time she’d come home to them already arguing especially this early in the morning. It wasn’t that they were bad parents, in fact, they were incredibly supportive even about the fact that Rainbow Dash had come out as a lesbian, it’s just while her mother supports her with love and kindness complementing her on how well she performs. Her father chooses a more demeaning approach picking at her faults, leaving her to consider him more of a coach than a father at times. The moment the pair realised Rainbow was stood in the doorway they immediately went silent going back to what they were doing in, avoiding even acknowledging that they had been arguing in front of Rainbow Dash.

“There’s my superstar, I’ve already made breakfast, so you just take a seat,” beamed Windy Whistles, Rainbows mother.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and slid into the nearest chair trying to avoid making eye contact with either of the pair attempting to salvage the situation as it didn’t need to be any more awkward than it already was. She watched as her mother started making up the plates before moving her eyes towards her father hidden behind a newspaper well at least what was left of one over 80% of it had been tossed into the recycling bin leaving just the sports section in his hands.

“Here you go eat up,” said her mother encouragingly handing her a plate piled with food full of protein and energy.

Upon receiving his breakfast Rainbow’s father Bow Hothoof dropped his paper to one side looking down at the plate with a primitive hunger in his eyes before playfully punching Rainbow in the arm.

“Yeah eat up champ you’ll need all the energy you can get in order to ace it out there on the field today.” He looked at her for a moment full of pride before his nose perked at the scent of food pulling his attention back to his breakfast. Rainbow Dash smirked as she began to eat knowing full well she didn’t need any of this to ace it, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t accept a chance to be even more awesome. The remainder of breakfast carried on in a similar fashion with the topic of the conversation being based around Rainbow Dash and her abilities to play soccer along with the anticipation of the upcoming season.

“So, have you got a new midfielder yet since Merry left the team?” Bow asked his stare locking onto his daughter.

Dash wasn’t paying attention she was too busy smiling down at her phone replying to a text she’d received from her friend in response to the picture she had sent.

“Dash!” Bow loudly growled gripping at her attention causing her to look up from her phone towards her dad.

“Huh, what did you say? I was replying to Shy,” Rainbow responded awkwardly rubbing at the back of her neck.

Bow sighed repeating himself with frustration in his tone, “I said have you found a replacement for that traitor Merry?” Rainbow was shocked by the harshness of his words towards someone he’d never even met.

“She’s not a traitor, she simply wanted to try other things she was good at soccer, but she just didn’t enjoy it as much as the rest of the team, you can’t blame her for that.”

Bow grinned in a way that filled Rainbow with dread, she knew that grin, that blasted grin. He leaned back in his chair looking Rainbow up and down before turning to her mother, his wife. “See I told you she was far too loyal, the girl goes and ditches the team right before the season starts, meaning if she isn’t replaced by someone competent it'll lead to the teams downfall, I can’t think of a more selfish thing to do,” he paused for a second turning back to look at his athletic daughter. “Yet our daughter the team captain still defends her, it makes me wonder if its loyalty or stupidity.”

“That’s enough Bow,” Rainbows mother snapped, her eyes glaring straight into his as she prepared to give him an earful at how that was completely out of line. As her lips opened she felt her voice cut short as she witnessed Rainbow get up from the table and head straight for her room. Rainbow didn’t usher a word or give any indication what was said had hurt her, all that could be seen was the fire raging in her eyes. Her parents sat in silence Windy’s eyes locked on her husband annoyed and stunned that he could say something so foul to their daughter. Bow looked over in her direction not a strain of guilt or worry on his face at the potential consequences of his actions.

“You done staring at me I just stated the obvious, not my fault she feels some sort of loyalty to anyone that gives her the time of day, just like that girl whose more mouse than girl, I know they’ve been friends for years but I thought she’d ditch her when she realised she was a coward using her for protection.”

Windy waited for the sound of Rainbows door closing, taking a deep breath trying to contain her frustrations, rising up from her chair to gather up the dishes, “SHE is your daughter and that friend of hers has a name too, its Fluttershy and she’s a lovely and sweet girl, don’t know why I have to tell you this you were the one who always suggested she came over for sleepovers and that she was welcome anytime.”

Bow raised an eyebrow before getting up and grabbing the things he needed for work, “Yeah I said those things years ago when nothing Dash did really impacted her life but we are talking about her future as a soccer player she needs to focus 100% on this season if she hopes to get scouted, and if that Fluttershy or anyone else is going to keep distracting then that aint a future she’s going to have, maybe you should check your morals because that’s not sweet.”

Windy sighed shaking her head, “Sometimes I wonder who the angsty teen is supposed to be in this house. You should go to work and think about how pathetic you just sounded.”

Bow grunted grabbing his coat and storming to the door, “I see I'm the only one who actually cares about our daughter’s future,” and with that, he left slamming the door shut behind him. Sending a shaking vibration rippling through the house and leaving behind a stunned Windy and an upset Rainbow Dash who at this point was sat in her room with her back leaning against the door questioning if it was something she did wrong. Minutes ticked by and Rainbow hadn’t moved from her spot against the door her mind rushing with newfound doubts about whether or not Canterlot high even stood a chance this year with or without a midfielder when a knock came at the door and her mother's gentle voice called, “Rainbow darling can I come in,” the annoyed girl delayed any response for a few moments finally coming to the conclusion that she should get up and let her mother in. Doing so caused Rainbow much surprise as her mother stood there tears welling in her eyes as she moved into the room wrapping her arms around her daughter

“I'm sorry about your father I know his work is stressful training all those athletes in his gym, but he has no right to speak about you or your friends in that way.”

Rainbow was stunned to see her mother in this way especially not over something her dad had started, “Mom don’t worry its chill, you know how dad can get I’m really not that bothered, trust me.” Rainbow spoke with the confidence she was renowned for clear in her voice, but this was her mother and she knew her daughter.

“You know you can drop the tough girl act with me it's not like you don’t drop it for Fluttershy sometimes.”

Rainbow smirked, “Whatever you say, Mom, it’s not like I even get to hang out with her anymore because as Dad says, friends just get in your way.”

“Yeah I know, maybe you should try changing that.”

“I guess we’ll see, I’d rather avoid dealing with Dad, but I’ll be alright I’m Rainbow Dash, after all, now I need you out so I can get ready.”

“That you are, and alright I’ll leave you to it,” Windy replied regaining her cheer as she was encouraged out of her daughter’s room leaving Rainbow Dash alone to herself. She took a few steps falling back onto her bed, taking a moment to relax this morning had been way out of the ordinary and definitely not cool. A few quiet minutes passed before she checked her phone seeing the notification that Fluttershy had replied during the arguing. Rainbow looked down at her phone admiring the wallpaper of herself and her band the Rainbooms all together on stage as best friends. She pushed a few buttons bringing up the text seeing it was from that familiar name Fluttershy.

Fluttershy’s morning had gone far more peacefully than Rainbow’s, she had woken up to the little pitter patter of rabbit feet as her pet Angel Bunny had woken up early and begun to hop about in its cage making just enough sound to stir the sleeping girl. This girl was Fluttershy the animal lover and the gentle soul of her friends. She very calmly arose from her bed heading straight over to open his cage letting him run about of his own free will before moving back to where she came from. She crawled back into bed curling up into a ball and wrapping the blanket around herself making a cuddly cocoon, closing her eyes and drifting into her own tiny form of hibernation looking to grasp onto even the smallest bit of extra sleep. Sleep precious sleep, Fluttershy repeated to herself as she slowly slipped back to into her dream.

After some time had passed Fluttershy couldn’t help being dragged out of her sleep to the sound of fabric ripping, at first Fluttershy had cast it off as nothing assuming it was all in her head before once again the sound was heard. Her eyes shot open remembering that somewhere in her room a little white bunny was hopping around getting itself into trouble. She quickly threw herself out of bed searching around frantically for the rabbit keeping her ears perked listening desperately for a sign to pinpoint the bunny’s hidey hole. *Vriip* She heard coming from a low point of the room throwing herself down to the floor, peering under her desk and bed when she caught a glimpse of light coming from under the bed that was reflecting off the rabbit’s eye. The pink haired girl slowly started to scoot over crawling under the bed to try and negotiate the item away from the rabbit.

“Angel bunny I don’t mean to be rude, but would you mind maybe giving me that, please.”

The Bunny looked at the girl almost as if it understood what she had said but didn’t seem to want to listen anyway causing Fluttershy to grow a slight frown out of sadness and frustration at the stubborn bunny. A bunny who took notice of this frown, rolling its eyes which is rather unnatural for a rabbit, but this was angel bunny and Rainbow Dash would argue that he was no normal bunny, no one could figure out when it had occurred, but Angel had become a little more human after interacting with Spike from the other world. Sunset had assumed some of the equestrian magic must have rubbed off onto him but Fluttershy couldn’t see any difference he was still a cute fluffy bunny with his own personality like the rest of the animals she knew. Angel let go of the item causing Fluttershy to quickly snatch it away in case his moment of sympathy faded crawling back out from under the bed and spreading it out in front of her to see what it was. To her surprise, it was a jacket but not one that she could remember ever wearing curious as to where it came from she pressed it to her face hoping to pick up the scent of whoever had worn it last. She took a breath in through her nose smelling a mix of sweat and vanilla, her mind raced to wonder who it could belong too and why it was under her bed when her phone vibrated causing her desk to shake slightly startling her and breaking her concentration. She hated leaving people waiting in case they thought poorly of her, immediately picking up the phone to check the notification seeing it was a picture message from Rainbow Dash.

“I wonder what this could be about, probably wanting me to check over the answers for her homework,” she giggled to herself quietly as to not bother the bunny hopping around her feet. She eagerly opened up the picture. What she saw was a stunning image of a rainbow-haired girl wearing tight sports clothing with the sun hitting the back of her body bending around her form to show her curves and defined muscles. Fluttershy blushed her cheeks turning a crimson red and pressing the phone against her mouth to hide it, she looked down at the rabbit that was now hopping on and off her feet.

“Oh, angel what do is say, do I compliment her, the sun or the nature around her. I don’t even know?” she slid down onto her knees letting the rabbit hop up onto them where she sat stroking it for a while before typing her response.

*What a pretty view*

The shy girl sat still for a moment anxious to how her friend would respond, for minutes she sat there looking at the screen for any indication that her message had been received. The frown from before returning to her face casing Angel to push itself into her stomach in an attempt to comfort her.

“Don’t worry angel I know she’s busy with her own things, I’m probably not the only one who got that and I’m more of a hindrance anyway always relying on her to protect me.” The gentle girl let out a long sigh, putting her phone down and went back to the matter at hand, discovering who the jacket belonged to. She was hesitant to check the pockets as it was rude to snoop through someone else’s things but felt it was necessary to figure out who it belonged to pulling out a piece of paper and unfolding to see it was maths homework from a few weeks ago with notes scribbled across it about different plays in soccer and a few doodles that could be recognised as handwriting belonging to Rainbow Dash. “So, this must belong to Rainbow,” she said to herself picking up the jacket and smelling it again now instantly recognising the smell as her daring friend.

She ran her hand across the fabric immediately realising what the sound she’d heard that morning was as her hand slipped into a hole about the size of an orange in the sleeve causing her to instantly panic. There was no way she could give this back to Rainbow Dash damaged, what would she think of her having let her jacket get ruined. A tear began to form in her eyes worried that this would cause her friend to think less of her, it was bad enough they didn’t get to talk all that much now with Rainbow dash being busy with sports. The last thing Fluttershy wanted to do was give her another reason to avoid her.

She sat petting Angel for a while only stopping when her stomach began to rumble startling the pair resulting in her to let out a small giggle lightening her mood. Fluttershy got up and put Angel back into his cage with half a lettuce for his breakfast and headed downstairs into the presumably empty kitchen, opening the fridge and rummaging through pulling out a few items to put into a salad, closing the door to see her mother sat at the table scrolling through her Phone. The sudden appearance of another human scared Fluttershy resulting in her arms losing their grasp on the food she was carrying letting it all fall onto the floor causing quite the scene. Panicked the flustered girl quickly picked it all up and placed it on the counter awkwardly looking over in the direction of her mother who had witnessed the whole thing her hand placed over her mouth in an attempt to hide her smile as to not further embarrass her daughter.

“Sleep well?” Her mother spoke up in a calm voice startling her daughter again.

“Y.. yes, thank you,” Fluttershy sheepishly replied turning to prepare her breakfast.

“You seem more tense than usual, this behaviour around others I can understand but with me is different what’s bothering you, sweetie?”

“Angel Bunny tore the sleeve off one of Rainbows jumpers that were under my bed,” Fluttershy silently squeaked out tears welling up in her eyes.

“Sorry I didn’t quite catch that,” Her mother said kindly motioning for her to repeat herself.

Fluttershy took a gasp of air, “I let Angel Bunny out this morning and fell back asleep, when I woke up I couldn’t find him so looked under my bed and he had something in his mouth, so I got it off him and I realised it wasn’t mine it was something Rainbow Dash must have left here ages ago and he’d chewed a hole in it so I can’t give it back.”

Fluttershy mother stared wide eyed in disbelief, “That everything?”

“Um yes,” The shy girl replied hiding her face behind her hair.

“Well that’s alright bring it to me, and I’ll see if I can’t patch it up,” Her mother replied remaining calm as to not worry her daughter further.

“Oh no, I could never impose upon you like that, you are busy yourself…”

“it's not an issue sweetie, go and get it for me and I’ll take a look,” she said interrupting Fluttershy mid-sentence.

Fluttershy smiled a weak smile and walked out the room reaching the stairs out of her mother’s view and bounding up them a feeling of excitement replacing the sadness inside as she grabbed the jacket and hopped down the stairs mimicking angel bunny stopping at the door and slowly walking back into the kitchen and handing it to her mom.

“That was fast, did you run?” Her mother smiled laughing softly to herself.

“No.. my room isn’t that far from here,” Fluttershy whispered diverting the question.

Her mother pushed her hand along the sleeve of the jacket looking and measuring the hole created using her fingers to wondering how best to go about repairing it. Fluttershy stood watching getting tingles down the back of her neck from the situation and the potential thought of being able to give it back to Rainbow, seeing the happiness on her face for returning it fading into a dream world of her being spun around by Rainbow them both laughing at the reunion of the jacket.

“Okay I think I can fix this I’ll go see if I can sow it back together now and I’ll get it back to you before you head out for school, you get back to your breakfast and make sure you clean up after yourself when you’ve finished.”

“Oookay,” Fluttershy said sheepishly going back to work, watching her mom walk out the room with the jacket in hand waiting until she was fully out of sight before doing a little celebration to herself. She quietly went about doing her morning routine eating her food and getting dressed and washed, preparing her bag and checking Angel was okay in his cage and had all the necessities when her phone buzzed in her pocket seeing that Rainbow had replied to the earlier text getting them into a conversation over text.

Rainbow: Yeah one of the benefits of a morning run.

Fluttershy: You must see so many animals while on your run.

Rainbow: I’ll see the occasional squirrel or bird flying around but not normally, I just hear the birds not see them.

Fluttershy: Oh, that is a shame they can be so pretty and uplifting to see.

Rainbow: Yeah I guess but you’re the animal person so I might not get the same kick from it. That explains why I think about sports when I run rather than look at the surroundings.

Fluttershy: Yes, I remember that the soccer season starts soon.

Rainbow: Yeah it’s pretty exciting I assume you’ll come to my games with the others like usual.

Fluttershy: I’ll try my best for you.

Rainbow: Thanks, I know I can count on you all to be there, but anyway, what are you up to.

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm just petting angel, how about you?

Rainbow: Eating breakfast while doing my best to ignore my dad XD.

Fluttershy: I Kinda know what that’s like he’s always complaining about the animals that come into our backyard x3.

Rainbow: You always do such cute emojis even when laughing.

Fluttershy. Oh, I don’t know about that :3.

Rainbow: Swear you are doing this on purpose now XD.

Fluttershy: I'm not it’s just the emotes I always use :3.

It was here the back and forth texting stopped which caused great confusion to Fluttershy who at this point was thinking that it was going so well, and they were going to have a conversation again although inside she knew it would be like the rest where they talk once every week or two the rest of the time she’s busy with her sports. Her eyes saddened at the thought of them drifting apart they were always the best of friends but now they were growing up and getting busy with their own things, it’s not like Rainbows life plan was to protect her from bullys. She thought back to the past to when they were in middle school Fluttershy was backed into a corner on the playground with three boys stood around her picking on her for her small and weak appearance. When a voice called out challenging them to bully her instead, Fluttershy could remember it so clearly she was stood there like a knight, her knight, who was arriving in her time of need to protect her scaring away the bullies and stretching out a hand.

“Hi, I am Rainbow Dash who are you?”

Fluttershy remembered how she was frozen in place just lying on the floor looking up at the hand that was being offered to her and anxiously placed her hand against it with the brave girl pulling her up and waving her hand in front of her face.

“I asked for your name,” Confusion and worry growing on her face as to why the girl would not respond to her. “I didn’t scare you did I?”

Fluttershy froze even more than before no one else other than her parents had ever been concerned about how they had impacted her they usually just picked on her, this girl was different, and she must try and be brave like her.

“I'm flut…” her voice fell off into a whisper causing the tiny young Rainbow confusion.

“I didn’t catch that dude.”

Fluttershy steadied herself taking a deep breath trying to grow her courage “Fluttershy” she said again quietly but loud enough for the other girl to hear.

“Well hi Fluttershy, do you maybe want to be friends?”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up in hope she’d never had a friend before and here she had a girl come and defend her from the bullies and now offer her friends what kind of dream was she living.

“I would very much like that.”

And with that, her attention was brought back to her current surroundings the memory still fresh in her mind as she smiled at the happy moment. they’d been best friends from that point onwards, well till at least a few weeks ago when she started to feel like Rainbow had been drifting away from her, but it wasn’t her place to ask those kinds of questions and invade on her privacy. All of a sudden a noise echoed from her pocket as her phone vibrated against her hip as a song performed by the band she and her friends were in started to play. Fluttershy recognised it as her ringtone pulling out the phone, answering it and meekly placing it against her ear.

“Hello, Fluttershy speaking."

“Hey, Flutters its Dash, you free to talk for a bit.”

“Yes I'm free right now, you sound upset is something wrong.”

“Yeah yeah I'm Rainbow Dash everything is perfect with me, my dad is the problem.”

“Oh is he still putting pressure on you.”

“Still putting pressure,” Rainbow laughed, “He’s been adding more and more with each passing day since this year started.”

“Maybe he’s just trying to push you to try harder.”

“I do try my hardest, he makes me feel like that’s not enough and I'm not a good enough sports player because I'm too soft.”

“Rainbow you are the strongest girl I know, how you could feel soft?”

“Not physically soft Flutters mentally soft.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy went quiet unsure how to respond to a comment like that.

“He basically said I'm stupid for not thinking Merry was a traitor.”

“Merry was the girl who left the team right?”

“Yeah Shy, that’s the one.”

“Well I don’t think you are stupid for being okay with her leaving the team it shows how good a friend you are and how mature you can be.”

“Me, mature tell me another joke shy,” Rainbow laughed her smile being heard through the call causing Fluttershy to smile and giggle too.

“You know,” Rainbow added, “I feel like it’s been ages since we just hung out together.”

“it’s been a good while,” Fluttershy replied sadness growing in her voice, “But it’s okay I know you are busy training and working with your team it's okay,” she quickly added covering her tracks.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I should make time for you and the other girls how about this morning I remember Pinkie saying she was going to be there early want to meet up with the gang a little before school starts so we can chill since I’ll be busy with training after school.”

“I’d very much like that it’ll be nice to see all the girls before I have to go into class might give me the energy to survive maths,” Fluttershy joked causing the pair to laugh together.

“Alright, Shy I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Bye Rainbow.”

The call ended with a beep and Fluttershy was left with a joyous feeling at the opportunity to hang out with all her friends, and with Dash being there it was like a cherry on top of the ice cream. She dashed downstairs and sat a while watching Monkey life a program about a group of monkeys living in the jungle and the shenanigans they get up too. After a while, the front door opened and in came a tired looking man who gave Fluttershy a kiss on the forehead before slumping down onto a couch across from the one Fluttershy was sat on and watched the TV his eyes visibly heavy. Like the meeting point of the house Fluttershy’s mother also then came into the lounge wishing her husband good morning and handing Fluttershy the jacket.

“I’ve patched it up it’s a little rough on the edges, but it’ll suit Rainbow’s style, so if anything she will consider it an improvement,” her mother laughed to herself at the thought of her saying it looks “way cool” in a typical Rainbow fashion.

“Thanks, mom it means a lot,” Fluttershy smiled folding it up neatly and placing it into her bag.

“What’s this, what’s what,” The slouched man, Fluttershy’s dad said in a loud and sleep heavy tone.

“Oh, it’s nothing dear Fluttershy just found Rainbows jacket in her room and Angel took to chewing it so I patched it up so she can pass it back.”

“Ahh, I told you that rabbit causes more trouble than he’s worth,” Her dad responded satisfied with the answer he’d been given. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was rolling her eyes at the comment about Angel and moved across to the side as her mother sat down beside her.

“You know Fluttershy I do wonder what an item of Rainbows clothing is doing under your bed, something you want to tell us,” her mother said teasingly intentionally joking to fluster her daughter.

“Oh, I don’t know she probably took off when we were all over here studying a few weeks ago and it found its way under there,” She responded blushing at the implications of the questions.

“You sure you won’t find any other items of clothing up there,” Her mother replied laughing aloud now more obviously teasing.

“That’s enough,” her father commanded, “That’s not something to joke about can’t even imagine her having an interest in girls.”

“You’re right dear my apologies,” Her mother replied before turning to Fluttershy and lowering her voice to a whisper, “You can love whoever you choose Sweetie, your father and I will get used to it if it's unconventional. But any way you best be getting off to school.”

Fluttershy gathered her things and headed out the door the sounds of her parents talking behind her.

Chapter 1.2 : Fresh Start

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A light began to seep through into the room as the sun began to rise in the world shining its light through the gap between the curtains leaking light into a bedroom, revealing stashes of books messily strewn around the room covered in scraps of paper that had obviously been used for excessive note-taking. The light rose to reveal a small alarm clock resting on a bedside table of the aspiring scientist Twilight Sparkle or Sci-Twi to her friends. Twilight had only recently managed to find herself a group of friends that she truly felt at a sense of belonging to making her days a little brighter as she learnt to adjust into her new life with them. Her dreams were often filled with the memories she’d fondly created with her newfound friends, like the time Pinkie had burst out of a cake to scare Rarity causing the whole group to erupt in laughter. Twilight although asleep was smiling contently at this memory blissfully unaware it was soon to be cut short as the alarm clock switched to 6:30.

*Beep Beep* … *Beep Beep*

The young scientist groaned at the familiar yet unwelcoming sound diving deeper under her blanket attempting to escape the new sound echoing throughout her room.

*Beep Beep* … *Beep Beep*

A second groan left the girls lips as she slowly uncovered herself sitting up and rubbing her eyes taking in her surroundings of the dark room, a slight glow emanating from her fish tank. She heavily arose from her bed letting her feet find themselves on the carpeted floor beneath them sluggishly dragging them across the floor towards the curtains. As she moved through the darkness she would feel herself knock into objects on the floor as she journeyed to the other side of the room, with a heave of effort she reached her arm up clenching the curtain and in one stroke fully pulled it back. Like a flash, the room erupted into light momentarily blinding the girl instinctively shutting them. Twilight’s eyes slowly began to open giving her sight into the state of her room fully revealing the extent of her book collection scattered around the room from her late night studying, she quickly got to work tidying up her room collecting the piles of books and pieces of clothing found straying around her room and gently put them away remembering to place her books back into the system she had created.

“Sweetie,” a familiar voice called, “Are you up yet breakfast will be served soon.”

“Yes, mother I’ll be down in a minute,” Twilight called back looking at herself in the mirror stunned at how messy her hair was, she let out a yawn grabbing the nearest brush and walked out of her room and towards the smell of food all the while brushing the knots out of her hair. She entered the kitchen and found herself a seat across from her older brother who unlike her looked wide awake and full of energy already fully dressed and ready for the day wearing a smart suit. It was quite fitting for his new role at crystal prep as its headmaster, a role he shares with his fiancé Cadence after the old headmistress Mrs Finch was ousted during the friendship games it only seemed fair for the two vice principals to take over together letting them split the work with Cadence being more focused on loving and leading the students and ensuring they achieve whilst Shining much preferred to be the guardian of the school keeping the students safe and secure.

“Morning sweetie how did you sleep,” Said a calm Twilight Velvet or more commonly known to Twilight as her mother, and to Twilights friends Mrs Sparkle.

“I had a really good dream last night, so I slept great,” she sighed, “I wish it didn’t have to end.”

Velvet could tell her daughter was disappointed. Whatever her she had dreamed; she was fond of it. As curious as she found herself she felt it was better not to provoke the growing teen to save her from embarrassment.

“OOOH was it about your imaginary boyfriend,” her brother Shining Armour began to tease.

“That’s enough Shining,” Velvet gently warned placing down two sets of pancakes for the pair to eat.

Just then a rather rugged man came rushing through the kitchen pinching one of twilights pancakes as he kissed her forehead.

“Sorry everyone I’m running rather late so good luck on your days and we can chat later,” said the man rushing around the kitchen only stopping to kiss his wife on the cheek. This was Twilights father Night Light who despite his panicked state kept a calm composure not showing a sign of worry on his face.

He gave his wife a final kiss as he grabbed his bag leaving for work, “bye honey, bye kids have a good day, I love you.”

“Love you too,” the rest of the family said in unison as they dug deeper into their breakfasts with shining finishing first and getting up to leave himself wishing the remaining family members a good day.

“Your brother is more like his father than he realises,” Velvet said to herself aloud picking twilights attention.

“And I’m like you according to 90% of the population,” Twilight said with a giggle.

“That you are my special daughter,” Velvet smiled back lovingly, “now what was that dream about.”

Twilight stayed quiet for a minute embarrassed at the idea of confessing how she felt. At how nice it was to finally have friends for a change. She took a breath and started to describe the dream her mother warmly smiling at the happiness her daughter was emanating as she recounted it.

“Well you know how at crystal prep I was sort of singled out and picked on and just hated it there and then there were the friendship games where we played against Canterlot high and all the girls were so much nicer. I made friends with them so quickly so I asked you if I could move school and we went through that whole little episode about me being too good for it.” Twilight took a deep breath after the sudden burst of words. “Well… I’m still friends with them and I was just dreaming about how nice it is to finally have friends and be accepted, so I just dreamed about us having a sleepover and having fun.”

Velvet took a moment still smiling to think of how she should appropriately respond to her daughter, “You know a simple dream like that could become a reality, I’ve already said you should invite them all over for dinner sometime so we can all meet them.”

“I don’t know mother they’re amazing and I know they don’t judge me for who I am and going to crystal prep but we’re kinda rich and I don’t want them treating me different because of it, I don’t want to lose what I got, and they just think I’m some stuck up posh girl,” Twilight shuddered with worry in her tone and watery eyes.

“Oh sweetheart,” Velvet took twilight into a close embrace wrapping her arms around her, “your friends won’t judge you for where you live and your background if these people are your friends they like you for you.”

Twilight sniffled a little composing herself, “you’re right, you’re right, I just don’t want them thinking I’m just as snooty as the others from Crystal prep.”

“They won’t don’t you worry, now you’ll be late for school if you don’t hurry up and go get ready.”

Velvet wiped away the last few tears away from twilights face and dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve before lifting her chin and sending her upstairs.

Twilight stopped in the doorway before heading upstairs and turned back to look at her mother, “Thank you mom, I love you.”

“I love you too,” Velvet said with a smile using her hands as a pushing movement urging her on her way.

Twilight simply smiled and headed upstairs straight into the bathroom; she checked the time to see she still had a good hour left till she needed to leave one of the quirks of going to a nearer school that didn’t require the bus. She gently grabbed her toothbrush, applied the toothpaste and started brushing her teeth. She looked at herself in the large bathroom mirror, seeing herself smile at the things her mother had said along with the knowledge that in an hour she’ll be reunited with her friends after a weekend that lasted a weekend too soon in twilights opinion. The more time she got with her new friends the better. She finished brushing her teeth and splashed some water against her face reaching for a towel and dabbing herself dry. She took one last look in the mirror before heading down the hall towards her bedroom she got changed into her usual outfit of a purple skirt and pink top and tied her hair back into a ponytail. Taking advantage of the spare time she had left to read a few more pages of her book.

Just then her phone began a to vibrate and a bubbly ringtone started to ring throughout her room, Twilight picked her phone up of her desk to reveal a photo of her and Pinkie Pie. Twilight without any hesitation answered the phone eager to speak to her friend after the few days of solitude.

“Hey Hey HEEEEEEY, I’m gonna be at school like super early and I'm gonna need my best friends to keep me company can I count on you Sci Twi the amazing to be there,” started an overactive pinkie pie.

Twilight laughed into the phone replied with a grin, “of course I can be there I’ll just get my things together and start heading to school.”

“SUPER DUPER,” cried Pinkie, “See you soon."

“I’ll see you soon pinkie I promise.”

Twilight hit the end call button finishing the conversation and began rummaging her shelves for her most important books. After an attempt to cram a few too many into her backpack and struggling to force the zipper shut she slowly put her arms through the straps pulling them tight to make sure it was secure and headed downstairs where her mother was sat in the living space reading the latest fashion and flowers magazine. It wasn’t that her mother cared much for vanity, but she still took pride in how she presented herself and the appearance of her home. Twilight stood awkwardly in the doorway, her hands behind her back she stood silent for a few seconds before moving into the room and taking a seat on the other couch across from her mother.

What felt like hours went by as Twilight sat there wondering when the right time to begin talking to her mother was after all it would be rude to interrupt her while she was in the middle of a page she thought to herself not quite realising the extent of which she sat staring at her from the other side of the book.

“Twilight you're burning a hole in my face, do you need something?” Velvet asked raising an eyebrow and lowering the magazine enough to peer over the top of it.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you I just needed to ask if you could drop me off at school early”.

“Is there a particular reason why, like are you maybe meeting someone or need to get some work done?” Velvet provoked with a smirk hidden behind the magazine.

“Yeah I'm meeting my friends like Pinkie and whoever else comes,” Twilight answered using the thought of her friends to gain some confidence in the social situation.

“Pinkie… Pinkie” Velvet pondered aloud, “Is that the one who gave you that cake for being a new friend that you brought back home and tasted simply divine.”

“That’s the one Mom,” Twilight giggled at the memory even though the cake was intended for herself, her mother made sure as hell she shared at least half of it with her.

“You know I'm kinda disappointed, you’ve made all these new friends but still no sign of a boyfriend,” Velvet was purposely teasing at this point she didn’t mind the fact her daughter hadn’t got into dating yet, but she still enjoyed seeing twilight blush whenever the concept of love was brought up.

“Well I um, guess um, MOM,” Twilight tried to say as she felt herself shrinking in the spotlight of the conversation.

“I'm teasing darling I'm teasing, can’t expect me to see you having all this fun with your friends and me not to take a slice a cake if you’ll pardon the pun,” Velvet giggled turning over to the next page.

“So about going early,” Twilight asked beginning to regain her confidence.

“Yes, yes it's fine when do you need to leave.”

“Anytime now I guess.”

Velvet folded the corner of the page she was on so as to not lose her place and closed the magazine leaving it on the coffee table and getting up.

“Make sure you wear your coat, today sweetie, there’s a chill in the air now that winter is nearing.”

The pair got up and prepared to go out the door with twilight collecting her bag and coat while her mother gathered the keys for the car the pair of them rendezvousing by the front door once they were ready.

“All set yet mom?” Twilight asked as her mother who was currently digging through a box in the cupboard under the stairs.

“Here we are you’ll need these,” Velvet remarked taking out and wrapping a green scarf around Twilights neck and placing a red bobble hat on top of her head, “we’ll need to get you a matching set this weekend, not that you look silly it’s just not perfect.” Velvet chuckled a little as she headed outside Twilight following closely behind only separating to head around and get into the passenger side as her mother got into the drivers.

Pinkie had woken up without the aid of her alarm clock that morning and had quickly thrown herself out of bed, gathering up all her things for the day ahead including stuffing a few pieces of candy into hidey holes within her hair so she could have a snack or two during lessons. She in pinkie fashion got dressed energetically accidentally putting her tee on the wrong way causing a spout of laughter to erupt from her lips as she corrected the mistake.

“What are you laughing about sister,” came a monotoned voice as the door began to creak open.

“My shirt was on the wrong way around my dearest most humorous sister."

“I’m not the funny one. Boulder comes up with all the jokes, I just tell them for him."

“Well give my compliments to the rock,” Pinkie joyously replied before bouncing past Maud and down the stairs towards the kitchen raiding her personal stash of breakfast cupcakes and stuffing her lunch cupcakes into a box in her bag. The party girl dropped her bag by the door and dived onto a seat in the lounge thinking of a method to pass the time when Maud walked into the room, her brow slightly furrowed in a way that anyone with an untrained eye would be unable to see. This wasn’t her usual flat expression, of course, Pinkie knew her sister and she knew this expression well something was wrong, and it was a sister’s job to get to the bottom of it.

“You okay Maud you seem down,” a worried Pinkie Pie asked leaning over the arm of the couch in a very odd way that if the laws of gravity applied to the energetic girl would lead her to find her face colliding with the floor, but this was Pinkie.

“You know those minerals that were delivered yesterday evening while we were eating dinner, well I can’t seem to remember where I put them down, any ideas,” Maud asked still showing little to no sign of worry despite her true concerns.

“Yesterday… yesterday,” Pinkie pondered for a moment when gravity decided it was time to turn on causing her to fall, slumped on the floor with her legs still on the couch. “Oh yeah, you put them on top of the fridge for safe keeping."

Maud slowly walked to the fridge sliding a chair from the table up against it and stepping up onto it effortlessly “You were right Pinkie I had put them here, thank you."

Maud retrieved the glass case of various minerals wrapping it in bubble wrap and placed it inside a box for safe keeping. She looked over at her sister still slumped on the floor giggling and moved over towards her helping her up to her feet and dusting her off.

“Thank you again, I could have gotten into quite a bit of trouble at work if I’d lost those,” while her voice and face didn’t show it Pinkie had a way of detecting how appreciative Maud really was throwing her arms around her pulling her into a hug.

“It’s okey-dokey Maud you know I wouldn’t want my bestest sister getting into any trouble."

Maud returned the hug giving the faintest of smiles before breaking apart and getting herself some breakfast, in this free moment Pinkie dived back onto the couch almost crushing her bag of sugary treats and pulling out her phone to call some of her favourite people. In particular a Miss Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, with her intentions being to get them bot to agree to come to school earlier that day in order for them to hang out. Once she had done phoning the duo she placed her phone back into her pocket and watched as Maud began gathering her usual things for school like her coat and bag however this time she was also taking the box of minerals which came as no surprise considering her older sister worked over at the museum specifically in the geology exhibit as her extensive knowledge of rocks and minerals could easily outclass Twilights knowledge on most things. Maud didn’t like the brag and boast in fact as far as anyone could tell Maud didn’t like anything other than rocks, and she seemed happy with that. She even had a pet rock called boulder but for as long as they had been living together Pinkie had doubts about her sister and whether she was truly happy with just herself and her rocks.

“Maud are you happy?” Pinkie asked, worry staining her face.

“I’m thrilled Pinkie, can’t you tell, we’ve finally got the last missing rocks for the mineral shelves at the exhibit,” replied Maud giving no indication that she was feeling an emotion besides her word.

“I just mean I'm happiest when around you and my friends so I'm wondering if you might need more friends,” Pinkie winced at how she’d accidentally insulted her sister with her wording.

“I’m fine Pinkie, besides you know I made friends with Lily Valley as we are both in the gardening club at school I do the rocks she does the flowers, why do you ask me this so often Pinkie do you not believe me when I tell you.”

It was true that Pinkie had asked this question a few times already in the past month and from how Pinkie felt it was likely to continue.

“I’m sorry Maud I just worry about you being lonely,” Pinkie hesitated her hair starting to fall flat.

“it’s okay I know you are just showing you care, oh and I have work after school so don’t worry if I'm not home straight away.” She took Pinkie in for a hug her face still flatlined empty of all emotion. Pinkie didn’t mind she could feel her sisters’ emotions and felt relieved that she hadn’t caused any harm lifting her mood back to its crazy way.

“OH MY GOSH, I forgot I promised Twilight and Sunset that I would be at school early come on Maud we are going to be late,” Pinkie started to lose her cool letting her energetic side take control again picking up her things and practically dragging Maud out the door.

“I’ll meet you at school Pinkie I want to take these minerals to the museum before school to make sure I don’t damage them. so I’ll see you there.” With that Maud took off walking at a slow speed leaving through the gate and heading in the direction of the museum. Pinkie stood in the silence watching Maud head off in the other direction to the way she was going. Once her mind was brought back to her friends she remembered her destination, Canterlot high as she stepped closer and closer to the school the reality of the situation started to kick in. Pinkie was alone, she couldn’t stand being alone.

Across the other side of town in an apartment block, a bacon haired girl was still fast asleep having slept through both the alarm and the backup alarm, when her phone suddenly began to buzz as if by fate and a shed load of luck. Pinkie Pie was calling. The sound caused the girl to shoot up sitting back dazed and confused, scanning around her room for the source of the noise when the phone chimed again vibrating her bedside table. She picked it up and accepted not checking who it was from and placed it to her ear.

“HEEEY SUNSET WHATCHA DOIN,” Came to an excited cry from down the phone taking Sunset by surprise momentarily deafening her.

“Huh. what. Who? Pinkie that you?” replied a still half asleep Sunset who’s room was still plunged in darkness besides a small glow coming from the phone adding strain to her eyes.

“Well, of course, it's me could you not tell it was one of your most bestest friends from her voice alone how shameful, any who I'm super bored and going to school early so I can meet twilight you should come like puuhlease,” Pinkie replied waking Sunset more and more with each word.

“Twilight will be there? This early?” Sunset replied answering the question once again with a question.

“Yeah, Twilight is already on her way slowpoke so ya gotta hurry or you might miss us,” A tone of seriousness beginning growing with traces of silliness woven between.

Sunset let out a yawn, “yeah yeah I’ll get up and get ready I mean what time is it.” Her eyes drifting across the room towards the clock above on the opposite side of her apartment. “8 AM,” Sunset shouted throwing her covers off herself “I’ve got like 10 minutes before I gotta leave we’ll have to see if I'm there see ya Pinks ill meet you at school.”

“Alright Sunset ya sleepy head, now be there or be square.”

Pinkie cheerily ended the call with a laugh causing sunset to feel a warm feeling inside herself, either because Pinkie had saved her from oversleeping and dealing with vice principal Luna’s wrath or because she just enjoyed her friends company, either way, Sunset had a new mission and that was to fit half an hour into 10 minutes. She shot up out of the bed and dashed down the steps of the raised platform that held her bed and went down into the lower space heading into the bathroom to tidy herself up as best she could before coming back into the main room and opening her wardrobe looking in to see the vast number of clothes she’d gathered all following the similar trend of a rocker/punk vibe. She pulled out a pair of ripped jeans, a plain top and a leather jacket she’d want to wear, she picked the usual one with a sun cresting the back of it while putting it on she glanced around to check her apartment was tidy just in case she brought any of her friends over after school. She scoped around seeing the one-room apartment with the raised bed sitting above her study area which besides a few misplaced books looked presentable enough, with that side checked she scanned her eyes over to the other side of the room seeing her couch and tv along with her guitar and amp. It wasn’t much but it was home, and Sunset liked it that way grabbing an apple and the bag she’d prepared last night and heading out the door with the hope of being able to meet her friends on time.

Chapter 1.3 : The last of the group

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On that very same morning, the sun was beginning to rise for someone else, its ray of light shining against a collection of trees revealing the bright red apples that glistened as the sun hit the skin of the fruit giving a red glow to the ground. The only lively thing upon this quiet orchard was a coop filled with chickens resting upon fresh eggs, from amongst the rows of hens arose a rooster awoken by the natural light of the sun who began to walk out into the small pen surrounding the coop to giv his usual morning crow. It was this caw that stirred the small world of the farm waking animal and person alike, in particular, a farm girl that had fallen asleep the night before on a few bales of hay her cowboy hat having slid over down over her face. She slowly sat up catching her hat on her thighs and placing it upon her head adjusting it to fit tightly and rubbing at her eyes.

“APPLEJACK!” a young voice called out, “WHERE ARE YOU?”

Applejack knew this voice it was her younger sister Applebloom who had no doubt been told to find the resting cowgirl.

“Am here in the barn sugar cube, I musta dozed off last night after putting all the tools away.”

“SHE'S IN THE BARN GRANNY,” the young girl cried out before sticking her head into the barn wearing a nightgown covered in an apple print, “You’ve been in the barn all night Applejack how could ya sleep out here when you got a comfy bed inside?” the young girl asked confused.

Applejack yawned before replying in a groggy voice, “It was an accident Applebloom guess I was jus exhausted after working yesterday and besides I’ve slept on a fair few floors in my time when having sleepovers this hay bale is like an angels kiss compared to that blasted spare mattress dash had.”

Applebloom just looked at her older sister and giggled watching her rub the sleep from her eyes for the fifth time since she had seen her, “if you say so big sis anyway breakfast will be done soon I gotta just get the morning eggs, come in when you finally wake up.”

Applejack rolled her eyes climbing to her feet and heading out the barn to see the rising sun, stretching her arms to her side and cracking her back as she let out a final yawn.

“Don’t you worry none Applebloom I’ll handle the chickens you go and get yourself inside.”

Not wanting to even attempt to argue and lose a chance to avoid work Applebloom went running back into the house telling Granny Smith the outcome of the interaction and heading upstairs to get ready.

Meanwhile, Applejack was taking off her Stetson and turning it upside down to create a makeshift egg basket, diving headfirst into the chicken coop to gather up the eggs and place them softly inside of the hat. She slowly picked up the hat as to not damage any of the eggs and carried them across the farm and into the home of the Apple family. Applejack headed inside pushing open the kitchen door and placing her hat down on the table. Just then an old woman slowly walked into the room complaining to herself about something stopping surprised when she spotted her granddaughter delivering the eggs, “Oh hey there Applejack you look gosh dang awful how many times do I gotta tell you to not sleep out there in the barn, now hurry off and get yerself cleaned up right.”

Applejack turned to look at Granny with guilt in her eyes, “aww shucks I’m sorry granny it was an accident,” she sighed guiltily heading towards the stairs only to be stopped by a young Applebloom charging down in her direction nearly knocking her down while talking on the phone to her friends about what activities they were going to try today.

“It's alright just don’t want you getting sick, the nights are getting colder as we get closer to winter,” a concerned Granny said as the last thing before starting to cook breakfast, “And Applebloom slow down ya gosh darn nearly toppled ya sister over.”

Applebloom went quiet for a moment out of guilt but quickly chirped back up as the conversation with her friends on her phone started to involve her again. Meanwhile Applejack was already halfway up the stairs crossing a larger character, her older brother big Macintosh or big Mac for short, they exchanged short glances as they crossed the older brother quickly realising the situation at the sight of his sister with her clothes still being clad in the dirt of yesterday and clumps of straw sticking out from her hair and pockets. He gave a small chuckle knowing too well he had been in that situation more than a few times letting her cross past him and shoot into the bathroom. The farmgirl quickly fiddled around with her buttons and belt undressing and stepping into the shower cleaning herself of all the dirt and dust, she couldn’t expect to show up at school covered in muck especially with a friend like Rarity. She’d get such an earful for even standing in proximity of the prissy girl while covered mud, Applejacks thoughts drifted her fashion-loving friend.

“It's not like I want to impress her anything just want to look decent, so I don’t get an earful.” The now soaked girl thought to herself as she stepped out the shower wrapping a towel around her to dry herself off and heading out of the bathroom.

Applejack at this point was stood in front of her wardrobe her skin softly glowing from being freshly dried her eyes scanning her wardrobe as she decided what she should wear. As her eyes prowled a glimmer of light caught drawing her attention to a beautiful gown that even a rugged girl like her could appreciate. It had been personally hand crafted by Rarity for the fall formal that took place last semester, she stared at it quietly realising just how well the dress reflected everything about her, wasn’t even all that dressy or flashy. The farm girl wondered if Rarity was simply a good designer or if she’d paid extra attention to her to make sure it was perfect. In Applejacks mind she knew full well it was because she was an incredibly skilled seamstress with an unmatchable eye for fashion, she had made all of her friends their perfect dresses after all. Although despite the evidence a small part of her hoped there was more too it.

“Damm AJ what are you thinking?” The farm girl thought to herself snapping out of her daydream.

Applejack grinned at how silly she was for even considering there was more to it, Hell she didn’t even know if she had a thing for girls never mind for Rarity, she lay the thoughts to rest moving on from the dress and grabbing a some more casual clothes for herself to wear.

Applejack crammed her books into her bag along with a raincoat and slung it over her shoulder heading out of her door and down into the kitchen to see what great food Granny Smith had whipped up. Entering the kitchen she saw the old Apple setting down a few plates for the other two members of the Apple family. It was a simple breakfast but that doesn’t mean it was any less filling or any less delicious, after all, if there was anything Granny Smith could do it was a fill a belly, there was a reason she’d been hired time and time again as the head chef of the Canterlot high lunch lady team. The family sat down together enjoying their breakfast as they sat talking about school, friends and the state of the farm, along with the preparations they’d need to make for winter. The table fell silent and all that could be heard was the clinking of cutlery when a young Applebloom decided to pipe up informing the table that the cutie mark crusaders had a new activity to find their special talent. Rock climbing, apparently there was an extra curriculum event after school all about it. Applejack knew what this meant, she was going to have to stick around for an hour or so at the end of the day so that she could still bring her younger sibling home on time. Although for once this activity didn’t sound too bad, much better than tap dancing in her opinion heck she might even give it a go herself. Once breakfast was all cleared up Applejack warned her younger sister to go and collect her things as they needed to leave for school in Applejacks truck.

In another corner of the town, a certain fashionista was starting her day, she began much like Twilight by waking to the sound of an alarm clock however her own was set much earlier than the scientists as Rarity had to make sure she looked perfect. It wasn’t that she wanted to impress someone she simply took great pride in her appearance, and after all, it was just her job to represent the fashion world in her group of unlikely friends. She starts with the usual sequence of heading into her on suite bathroom and turning on the shower letting the steam begin to fill the room allowing her to easily peel away at the face mask she’d put on the night before, taking the time to admire the soft and clear skin it left behind. With that over with she was ready to get showered stepping inside and closing the door shut letting the hot water hit her skin and run down over her body, but this was only the start as she would need to use her two separate body washes and then the face wash before using shampoo and conditioner a lengthy process but the upcoming fashion designer felt it was completely necessary. Once she was satisfied Rarity turned the taps off shutting off the water and letting the steam disperse adding a slight chill to the air, she didn’t like this, leading her to grab several towels and a robe covering herself head to toe in soft plush material wrapping her hair within the towel and draping the robe over herself heading back into her bedroom to locate her hair dryer and brush. She had a technique like no other heating the towel from the outside using the hair dryer to let small streams of hot hair flow through the tiny gaps in the towel letting it dry in a way that left it light and soft the touch but let it keep its curled shape. She would then spend over 10 minutes looking through one of her various wardrobes at the mix of purchased and crafted clothing trying to figure out what would be the perfect outfit for today, it had to be trendy but unique, stunning but practical, and with that she went for her typical royal purple skirt and baby blue blouse.

“There is nothing wrong with having a style you are renowned for,” She thought to herself, “especially one that’s so divinely made.”

Rarity slowly spun around in her mirror marvelling at her handiwork checking herself up and down to ensure there were no creases or folds in clothing, once satisfied she headed downstairs with the aim of finding the perfect healthy breakfast. She settled for a fruit salad neatly cutting and slicing at the various fruits blending a few up to create a type of sauce to increase its flavour before finishing it with a small sprinkle of thyme. She smiled at her creation taking it to the table and preparing a napkin before sitting down and starting to eat. Just then her rather rugged father came into the kitchen half-dressed and even less awake opening the fridge and taking a drink directly from the milk bottle causing rarity to gag in disgust.

“I’d really much prefer it if you would get a cup for that, you know we all have to use that don’t you”.

Her dad turned to towards her putting the milk back and rolling his eyes, “I paid for it I can drink it how I like,” he said slightly irritated he was already getting an earful so early in the morning before letting out a belch causing Rarity to gag again and her father to laugh. It was here the only other dignified lady of the house entered the room instantly become aware of the situation and giving the man a filthy look.

“Honey, don’t drink directly from the bottle it’s rather disgusting.”

That was Rarity’s mother Cookie Crumbles the only one of her parents that let you understand how Rarity fit into the family, her father was scruffy and frankly gross at times while her mother was always calm and clean definitely the neater of the pair but Rarity loved them both for who they were and while she would prefer it if her father would decrease some of his more gross outbursts like the belches. She knew while she could have the fashion world at her fingertips if she worked hard enough somethings she could never change. It reminded her of her one of her friends Applejack who lived and worked in an apple orchard on the outskirts of town, she was much like her father acting rather boyish accompanied with her own set of vulgar and tasteless moments, but she wouldn’t wish her to change either. She had grown rather close to the farm girl much closer than with a few of her other friends but that was only because for as much as they would clash they would also learn more about each other. These happy thoughts of Rarity's were quickly snatched away from her as her sister came charging into the kitchen on the phone to her group of friends one of which was Applebloom Applejacks younger sister.

“Sweetie Belle,” Cookie Crumbles called out in a warning voice, “how many times do I have to tell you about running in the house, the outdoors is for running not my kitchen.”

Sweetie stopped in place looking at the ground trying to hide the expression of guilt growing across her face, “Sorry Mom I will try my best to remember that,” She remained looking at the floor and sheepishly slid into the nearest chair at the table sitting across from Rarity and spotting her breakfast of assorted fruits reaching over to take a few pieces causing Rarity’s jaw to drop in a mix of shock and betrayal.

“Sweetie, please don’t touch mine my diet requires me to stick within the calorie guidelines I can't have you messing me up,” Rarity complained now eating ever cautious, ever watching. Sweetie Belle rather quickly gave up deciding it was best to get her own breakfast, much to Rarity’s horror as from a few inches away the young girl was hastily and quite messily tipping cereal into a bowl spilling some over the table. Sweetie lunged towards the fridge grabbing the milk and pouring it into the bowl also spilling drops of that over the table leaving a rather unimpressed Rarity to ponder how she could be related to such an untidy person. However, her questions were very soon to be answered as her father returned back into the kitchen making himself a bowl of cereal in very much the same fashion and manner as Sweetie Belle. Rarity hastily finished up her breakfast, she knew it was unladylike to rush but she couldn’t risk being covered in food, excusing herself from the table and washing her dish.

“Sweetie Belle we’re leaving for school in 20 minutes so make sure you are ready,” Sweetie tried to reply but was quickly stopped by her mother the second she opened her mouth due to her breakfast still being contained inside of her mouth causing her to go quiet and simply nod leaving Rarity free to go up to her room and work on her designs. Usually, Rarity would use this spare time before school to peruse the latest fashion trends and etiquette, but she had no time for that the Canterlot high Christmas ball was coming up and it was her job to ensure she and her friends glistened like diamonds by personally making each of their dresses. She went over to her desk and sifted through the many binders and folders of collages and design patterns she had created scanning through for the one she’d developed for her friends taking it out and opening it up. Inside the folder was cut up into sections for each of her friends listing previous outfits they’ve worn that suited them well and along with their sizes, style, hobbies and interests. She flicked through the many pages not because she needed reminding about who her friends were but because she needed inspiration. These last few days the fashionista had found herself dried up of ideas racking her brain, hoping for a spark of inspiration. Rarity sat there twiddling her thumbs her mind acing between her friends she’d made such brilliant things for them in the past, why was she struggling now. Her thoughts drifted between her friends before landing on Applejack, finding herself lingering onto the thought of her and how much effort went into her dress.

“How are you gonna top that Rarity,” She announced loudly to herself before being startled by a knock at the door.

“Who is it, you may come in,” Rarity said composing herself and hiding her frustration.

The door slowly opened, and her younger sister popped her head into the room, “it’s Sweetie we need to leave for school soon.”

Rarity tapped her finger against her phone causing the screen to light up showing a picture of her and all her friends together, causing a smile to fill her face along with even more determination to create the perfect dresses, but that wasn’t why she checked her phone. She was looking for the time and upon seeing it was getting close to 8 her younger sister was correct and they did need to head out.

Chapter 2 : As Good A Reunion As Any

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Twilight was sat in the passenger seat of the car, her head leaning against the window her eyes fixated on the world rush past her. She and her mother had shared a few brief conversations during the journey over various topics such as where they were going to purchase the scarf and what they were going to eat for dinner that night. Twilight shifted her body, shuffling her feet and adjusting her neck to allow herself to see out of the window from a more comfortable position. The scientist liked watching passers-by on their way about the world, it was almost like she was getting a glimpse into someone else’s life.

“Twilight darling don’t lean on the window you’ll leave marks.”

The sudden voice of her mother snapped Twilight out of her observational gaze lifting her forehead away from the glass and turning her attention towards the only other person in the car.

“Sorry, I was looking at all the people out there,” Twilight replied an almost embarrassed tone in her voice.

“Well you know they probably look back at you and think why is that girl staring at me,” Her mother jokingly said letting out a small laugh.

Twilight turned back towards the window rolling her eyes and responding in a tone dripping with sarcasm, “They probably wonder why I'm in a car with such a weird lady.”

Velvet joined in on the joke performing an over the top gasp for dramatic effect, “Twilight Sparkle how could you say such a thing about me, you’re loving and amazing mother.”

Twilight laughed along as her attention was drawn back into the outside world noticing one or two people that she recognised seeing around school like Silver Moon and her boyfriend Forest Blast, all the while her mother was still having a rather one-sided conversation not yet realising Twilight wasn’t paying attention.

“You know, ever since you made these new friends you’ve become far more sociable wouldn't you say so?…. Uhh, Twilight.”

The purple haired girl was once again pulled away from her daydreaming and back into the moment, “Yeah?”

“I asked you a question,” Velvet replied raising her eyebrow at the response.

Twilight looked down embarrassed that she had zoned out again “Sorry I lost my train of thought is all.”

Velvet took a breath preparing to repeat herself, “I said you’ve become a lot more sociable since making these new friends but I’m doubting it now,” She let a small grin begin to grow on her face at her attempt to tease.

It was at this point they hit the typical obstacle in a simple journey to school, a traffic light. The pair found themselves at the back of a rather large queue of vehicles just like their own leaving them stuck in place. Twilight took full advantage of the sudden lack of movement to bring her gaze back to those walking on the streets beside her. Usually Twilight’s eyes would drift from person to person creating little stories in her head as to who the person was and where they might be going, but that wasn’t the case today. The aspiring scientists’ eyes were locked onto a figure walking just ahead of the car, she couldn’t figure out what was so alluring about the character and why they’d managed to capture but something about the leather jacket they were wearing seemed familiar.

Velvet caught onto her daughters staring following her eyes to the stranger ahead of them, “You’re staring, do you know that person?”

“I don’t know, maybe?” Twilight replied not fully confident in her answer. Fortunately the lights shifted to green meaning they could now drive straight past the unidentified person, Twilight was eager to get a chance to take a closer look almost pushing her face against the glass as they moved past the stranger letting Twilight get a look at the face hiding inside the hood her flaming red and yellow hair almost obscuring any real defining features.

“You know I’ve been thin…” Velvet began to speak.

“STOP THE CAR PULL OVER,” Twilight blurted out interrupting her now startled mother as she pulled up onto the sidewalk.

“What, what are you okay is something wrong?” Almost like a repetition of earlier Velvet didn’t receive an answer as she watched her daughter open her door and spring out of the car to chase after the hooded figure.

The unidentified person turned around taking one glance at the fast approaching girl and instantly recognised her, “Twilight, oh my god what are you doing here I thought you were meeting Pinkie?”

“I am, I’m on my way there now with my mom in the car when I recognised you,” Twilight replied in an excited tone, happy to be reunited with her mystery friend.

“Well, it's great to see you, it feels like forever since I last saw you,” The girl said taking off her hood to reveal the full extent of her flame-coloured hair.

“It’s been three days Sunset,” Twilight smiled, a giggle slipping out from between her lips.

“To Pinkie that’s a lifetime,” Sunset responded giggling alongside her friend, “But anyway since you are here you want to walk with me to school?”

Twilight looked at her with an eyebrow raised before grabbing her hand and pulling her in the direction she came from, “You can come with us in the car dummy.”

The flame-haired girl didn’t resist the bookworm letting her drag her further down the street towards an awaiting car, “You sure Twilight, I don’t mind walking?”

“I was being driven to school anyway and besides it’s faster in the car,” Twilight contested opening the door to the back seats and urging Sunset to get inside.

Velvet had watched the situation go down from the moment her daughter had rushed out of the car, to the conversation she couldn’t hear, to now, the moment where her daughter was bringing a stranger into the car with her.

“Twilight sweetie I don’t mean to sound rude but who actually is this? You kinda shot off without a word.”

The studious girl thought for a second realising how strange and random this whole sequence has been, while a sheepish looking Sunset sat beside her looking at Twilights mother with a perplexed face.

“Mom, this is Sunset,” Twilight said smiling between the two other people inside the car, satisfied that her answer explained everything. All the while Sunset was giving an awkward wave accompanied with an even more awkward smile on her face, not entirely sure how she should react in the strange situation.

Velvet thought for a moment piecing together the pieces of the that had been thrust upon her settling for a calm approach, “Hello Sunset I’m Velvet, Twilights Mom, but twilight why is she now in the car?”

“Mom she’s one of my new friends you know out of the six of them this is Sunset we got to the same school,” Twilight responded rolling her eyes.

“Oh, so you are Sunset, the Sunset Shimmer.” Velvet said a smile growing across her face, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet one of Twilights friends I’ve heard so much about you all.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” Sunset replied now smiling more confidently as they began driving to school.

The rest of drive was made up of Twilight and Sunset talking about the various things they’d done over the weekend from the fifty books Twilight had read to the new video game Sunset had been playing. Velvet had remained fairly quiet adding little bit to the conversation here and there, just enjoying the sight of her daughter showing signs of having a social life. She was almost disappointed as they pulled into the Canterlot high parking area.

“Thanks for giving me a ride Mrs Velvet you really didn’t have too,” Sunset cheered as she clambered out of the car.

“It’s no trouble Sunset we were heading here anyway it’s only natural you should join us,” Velvet gave a smile to Sunset before turning her attention to Twilight, “Have a good day sweetie, I love you”.

“Love you to Mom,” Twilight replied slightly blushing at the sight of Sunset who had a massive grin from watching the two of them

“Give me a ring if you want a lift home or anything and I’ll see you later Sweetie.”

“Bye Mom,” Twilight said closing the door and beginning to walk into school with Sunset.

Suddenly the driver side door shot open and Velvet stepped out letting Sunset get a good look at the woman, her grey and violet hair running down and over her shoulders, “Forgot your bag Twily,” She called across to them lifting a bag out and passing it to her shocked by its weight, “Jeeze Twilight what is in this thing.”

“10 bucks it’s all books,” Sunset added laughing to herself and earning a glaring look from Twilight.

“I’m not taking a bet I know I’ll lose,” Velvet replied joining in on the teasing and letting out a small chuckle.

Twilight stood looking between the two, dead faced at their attempted teasing, “Of course it’s books how else am I going to ace every class.”

Velvet gave another chuckle, “Darling we are all very proud of your grades and such, but try to remember to have a little fun, you’ve got the friends for it after all.”

She gave a final loving smile before getting back into the car and driving away leaving the two students stood there watching. Sunset turned to Twilight and the two laughed together over what had happened, heading inside together in search of Pinkie Pie, they checked the usual spot in the cafeteria finding her at their table pushing buttons on her phone, her tongue sticking out as she mumbled something to herself about a princess and a castle. As they got closer Pinkie looked up spotting her two friends and shoving her phone into her pocket and bouncing over to them both throwing herself in their direction, wrapping her arms around them in what she called the Pinkie jumping hug welcome. They sat down together talking about Pinkies weekend and how she had been perfecting a muffin recipe with the help of a muffin expert.

“But anyway, how come you two came in at the same time, did you have a secret one on one meet up first,” Pinkie shiftily looked between the two girls.

A small blush started to grow across Twilights face as Sunset began to retell the steps that led up to them being here now, Pinkie giggling the whole time even at the boring bits.

“You invite any of the others Pinkie?” Twilight brought up starting a new discussion.

Pinkie looked at them both with a big smile on her face, “Nope just the ex-demons.”

Twilight awkwardly looked in the direction of Sunset screams for help lighting up her eyes in what she should say. Sunset uncomfortably brushed her shoulders off seeing the concern in Twilights eyes, deciding to take the lead.

“You know Pinkie we don’t exactly enjoy being reminded of that.”

Pinkie looked at them both not realising the discomfort she caused them, “Well duh it's like your bad history so I invited you here to show you that even though you went all evil we’re now the bestest friends ever, so much so that I’d invite just you two.”

“That’s very sweet of you Pinkie, I did feel like I was wanted as your friend this morning,” Twilight admitted taking the compliment through the insult, “Though you should read a few extra books to help you work on your vocabulary, that way you can say things the way you want too.”

“No thanks you’re the book girl I’m the candy girl.” The pink haired girl said digging into her pockets to pull out an assortment of different candies and dropping them onto the table.

Sunset instantly picked up a few tossing them into her mouth with Twilight hesitantly taking one while questioning how long they had been in her pocket, when a new arrival appeared sitting down besides Twilight, laying a jacket in front of her and slumping her head into it, her soft pink hair covering her face and ears like a blanket.

“Morning Fluttershy,” Twilight said smiling down at the girl.

“You alright there Shy?” Sunset added tapping her on the head causing the pale girl to shoot up.

“Yes, I’m okay don’t worry, it's just comfy to lie on,” Fluttershy said in her usual public tone which meant anyone who wasn’t within close proximity wouldn’t know she even opened her mouth.

“Have a good weekend?” Pinkie asked handing her a few pieces of candy.

“Oh yes thank you two of the animals got adopted from the shelter so if anything, it was a really good weekend,” A smile was beaming from Fluttershy’s face.

The pleasantries continued as the group began greeting Fluttershy, getting the typical quiet responses before Twilight began to engage them all in the discussion over the math test happening on Friday. No one really wanted to have this conversation particularly Fluttershy she hated maths not because she was bad but because the teacher Mr Iron Will was particularly aggressive in his teaching methods calling people out on the spot to test their skills. While the test of her skills was no issue as Fluttershy always did little bits of studying with Twilight, it was the pressure of being called out that was enough to trap her tongue making her seem dumber than she was. She often wished she could be in the other math class with all her friends and be taught by Miss Cheerlie, but fate can be cruel.

“Oh, I should mention I spoke to Rainbow Dash this morning on the phone and she said she was going to be hanging out with us this morning before class.”

Pinkie who was far more interested in learning more about her friends than maths jumped at the opportunity to change the conversation topic, “Really? Dash?”

Fluttershy nodded firmly certain that it was a fact.

“That’s a nice change to actually see her properly, feel like the only time we’ve seen her these past three weeks are when we have a class together,” Sunset added causing a few sour faces to appear amongst the group of friends. Seeing this Sunset quickly interjected adding, “But remember girls she’s just busy with sports, she still texts in the group chat so it's not like she’s abandoning us.”

“Then let’s throw her an I hope you do well in the league party!” Pinkie shouted standing up putting both her hands down on the table.

“I'm all for a party Pinkie but you can’t exactly throw one anywhere in the school since you got a month long ban from Principal Celestia,” Twilight said having not spoken for the past few minutes.

“Hey, it’s not my fault someone slipped alcohol into the punch and Soarin drank too much and threw up,” Pinkie said defending herself from the accusation.

“Yeah but Pinks you were the one who put it in there,” The flame-haired girl replied starting to laugh.

“Ooooh yeah,” Pinkie said giggling along, “and I’d do it again, I’ve never seen Fluttershy so confident.” Now giggling even louder

“It wasn’t funny Pinkie,” Fluttershy added before the whole group erupted into laughter together after sharing the pleasant memory.

By this point other students were beginning to arrive bringing with them two familiar faces that of Applejack and Rarity, though whilst Applejack always looked a little rough around the edges it was unexpected to see Rarity in the same shape, having a few hairs straying from where they should, with her clothes littered in a small layer of dust.

“Woah what happened with you Rarity” Pinkie asked as the two joined the table.

Rarity took a breath gaining her composure, “You would not BELIEVE the morning I’ve had; I mean don’t get me wrong it was all going great when all of a sudden. Complete. Disaster. I mean just look at my hair.”

“So, what did happen?” Twilight said scribbling a few notes down on a piece of paper curious to know more.”

“Come on Rarity we gotta go,” A desperate Sweetie Belle whined from the backseat of the small Volkswagen Beetle.

“Yes, yes darling I know, I know.” Rarity argued attempting multiple times to start the engine of the car meeting the same result each time with the ignition priming a few times before fading away, “For some reason, it’s deciding to not start.”

By the third attempt, Sweetie Belle was losing her patience rocking her legs back and forth and knocking the seat in front of her texting away to the other members of her club. Meanwhile, Rarity was beginning to feel the stress of the moment gently placing her head against the steering wheel, digging through her brain to figure out how she would find the answer to the current problem.

“Applejacks car works why can’t yours?” Sweetie Belle complained.

While it would be expected that this complaint would only further agitate the older girl it instead gave her an idea, she reached across to the other seat opening up her silver purse, softly sifting through its contents as to not upset the many containers of various types of makeup in the aim of retrieving her phone. Upon doing so she turned it on and flicked through her list of contacts selecting the one she was after and pressing it to her ear.

“Who are you calling?” Sweetie Belle asked from the back her feet still pressed against the chair in front of her.

“Hush I’m on the phone and get your feet off that seat I don’t expect to have to pay for this car to be fixed and then thanks to you require it to be cleaned.” By this time the person Rarity had called picked up the phone and they began talking about the situation Rarity and her sister had found themselves in.

“Yeah, it won't start…. No, not at all..… Really you don’t mind?.... Thank you Thank you, considering I am meant to be the generous one you are certainly giving me a run for my money… Okay, see you soon thank you again.”

About five minutes had past and Sweetie Belle was none the wiser as to how Rarity had solved the issue, or who she had talked to despite how much she had pestered; a surprise Rarity had said. It’s a way of getting to school so how could it possibly be a good surprise. Sweetie noticed out the corner of her eye a truck swing around and pull up in front of the car with Sweetie instantly recognising who it belonged to when a small Apple girl got out and ran over to Rarity's car.

“Apple Bloom, what are you doing here?” Sweetie called out as she too got out of the car running to meet her friend.

“Well me a ma sister are here to rescue you y’all” Apple Bloom responded, gesturing to the older farm girl that was getting out of the car herself.

The two pieces of the triangle that made up the CMC (Cutie mark crusaders) ran over to the truck climbing into the back of it while giggling and chatting leaving Applejack to head over to Rarity who was still in her car.

“You coming sugar cube?” Applejack asked extending her hand for the more refined girl to grab onto.

“Yes, just one moment darling,” Rarity replied her body leaning across the vehicle to collect her purse and bag placing them onto Applejacks extended a hand. Applejack stood bewildered at how she had managed to become a bag rack walked over to her truck placing them in the trunk before returning to collect the damsel in distress herself.

“I must say Applejack you’ve certainly been my knight this morning saving me from that disaster.”

“Ahh think nothing of it sugar cube,” Applejack said tipping her hat,

The farm girl turned the key to her truck starting it without a hitch slightly annoying the fashionista beside her that the bucket of dust and bolts worked fine but her lovely little car wouldn’t even start, but she was far too ladylike to show her annoyance to something so petty. The drive went rather smoothly besides a few bumps and potholes in the road that couldn’t be avoided knocking the inhabitants of the vehicle around a bit. The two younger girls in the back were treating it like a rollercoaster performing little screams as they went up and down the bumps, the bumpy ride however did not amuse Rarity as she would feel herself being thrown around in her seat having her head dragged across the headrest filling her hair with dust and frizzling the ends.

“Sorry Rares if I knew you’d be with us this morning I’d have tidied this thing out.” Applejack said guiltily looking over at the fashion girls attempts to dust herself off.

“It’s alright Applejack you are already giving me and Sweetie Belle a ride to a school I couldn’t ask you to move a second mountain for me.” Rarity said with a sigh after giving up on her attempts to save herself from the dust.

“Nonsense” Applejack replied with her smile being heard through her voice “Aint nothin I wouldn’t do for a friend.”

“Well, you certainly are one of the best friends I could ask for,” Rarity admitted looking at Applejack with a smile.

Inside Applejacks mind she was glowing, happy to be helping her friends when they were in need, she loved being the reliable shoulder they could all lean on and would always make sure to go to the furthest measures in order to help them, well except maybe wearing dresses and putting on a shedload of make-up, or if it meant she would put someone else in danger, or… you get the point.

Back to the current time, Applejack was sat on the other side of the table next to Pinkie listening to Rarity tell the story from her perspective making a few things a bit more dramatic than they actually were, but Rarity couldn’t tell a story without adding a little of her own flair into it. By this point, Rarity had roped Twilight and Fluttershy into helping her fix her hair as she herself attempted to brush the dust of her clothes.

“This blasted dust is going to ruin my whole outfit,” Rarity complained distress evident in her voice.

“Ya gotta puff ya clothes out and shake em flat and it’ll come right off,” Applejack added motioning for the fashionista to copy her movements.

“OH, I TOTALLY FORGOT!” Pinkie yelled startling Twilight and Rarity while also causing Fluttershy to recede into the safety of her hair. “Rainbow Dash is gonna be here this morning with us,” Pinkie said following up her previous statement but with her tone dramatically reduced.

“Well that is a nice surprise I haven’t seen her in a quite a few days, almost a week in fact, are you sure she isn’t busy being captain of the soccer team?” Rarity said pleasantly surprised that her day was going to improve now that she was able to reconnect after a week of not seeing her friend.

“Yeah, Fluttershy said she was gonna be here,” Pinkie replied pushing the spotlight onto Fluttershy.

Rarity now curious turned to Fluttershy with a smug look on her face, “So you’ve still been speaking to her then I assume darling?”

“Oh… no… um, just this morning on the phone,” Fluttershy meekly replied pulling Rainbows jacket from the table in front of her and clutching it to her chest.

“And that jacket is far too sporty for your tastes, not that I’m prying but we’ve been through your wardrobe together darling, so might I ask whom it belongs too.” Rarity said the smug look starting to become more devilish and teasing.

“Oh, its Rainbows I found it under my bed and was hoping to return it,” Fluttershy innocently said not realising the spark it was lighting inside of her fashion friend.

Rarity upon hearing this leaned over placing her elbow on the table with her hand to support her head, “and might I pry further in asking how it got there.” All the while Rarity was making slight eye movements that she aimed for only Fluttershy to see but had caught the silent attention of Twilight who didn’t say anything, only taking the information into herself to think on.

“Oh, I don’t know it could have been there weeks from one of the group's study sessions at my house, Flamenco.” While everyone else was satisfied with her response they all remained confused at her use of the word flamenco, well all except for Rarity who seemed disappointed returning back to an upright position and applying the finishing touches to her hair. Twilight once again to neither girl’s realisation had caught onto Rarity’s reaction and how it was different from everyone else, but she once again kept quiet making small connections in her head.

“Flamenco?” Applejack questioned raising an eyebrow at the shy girl.

“Ignore it, no idea why I said it, it must have slipped out when I started thinking about the show I was watching with my mom last night.” Fluttershy tensed up hoping no one else in the group would probe further taking a sigh of relief when no one did.

The group talked together for about ten more minutes discussing various subjects such as the upcoming ball and potential parties that Pinkie was planning to have when Applejack rose from her seat and shifted around the table to slide in next to Rarity leaning in to whisper something.

“I don’t really wanna let any of these girls down, but I’ve got a feeling dash ain't gonna be joining us this morning,” Applejack spoke her hushed tone unable to hide the concern in her voice.

“But why, what makes you say that,” A confused, and equally concerned Rarity replied keeping her voice down as to not alert the rest of the group to their secret conversation.

“Look over by the door there across t’other side of the canteen.” Applejack said making a small notion with her eyes of which direction she should look in.

Rarity turned and scoured the other side of the canteen seeing the open doors stretching out into the main corridor of the school, there a Rainbow haired girl could faintly be seen walking in the opposite direction to them carrying a ball under her arm while talking to two other members of the school’s soccer team, Fleetfoot and Spitfire. Rarity watched with worry as she saw the three sports players get further and further down the hall finally heading into the changing rooms obviously with the intent of getting some practice in before she had gym class in her first period. The fashionista turned to her farmer friend her eyes narrow with anxiousness only to find the look was being returned to her.

“What do we do, should we say something,” Applejack whispered unsure of how to bring the subject up to the remaining unaware friends.

“Say something about what?” Pinkie asked having heard what Applejack had said.

“Pinkie darling don’t you know its rude to eavesdrop on a private conversation,” Rarity stated tutting in the direction of the energetic girl.

“It’s also rude to whisper,” Sunset Shimmer boldly added a smug grin appearing on her face.

“Well if you all must know me and Applejack were simply discussing the current whereabouts of our dear friend Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said proudly defending herself against the claim that she was being rude.

“And where is she?” Sunset asked raising an eyebrow and shrugging her shoulders.

“Well dear, you see…” Rarity stopped herself mid-sentence looking beside her at the shy girl who was becoming visibly more and more disappointed that her athletic friend wasn’t going to be here.

“ya see we just saw her heading in the opposite direction into the locker room,” Applejack said taking charge of the situation.

“WHAT! WHY WOULD SHE,” Pinkie shouted getting rather aggravated that once again she wasn’t going to be able to see her prank partner in crime, “Fluttershy did she promise she’d be here?” The bright pink haired girl called turning to question the paler pink haired girl.

“Well um no she didn’t say she promised,” Fluttershy responded the sadness chipping away at the corners of her mouth causing a slight frown to appear that her friend was going to go back on what she had said. While the rest of the table continued the dispute on whether or not this meant Dash was ditching them for the fourth time in the past two weeks when she said she would be there, or if she was just caught up in some sports stuff that she couldn’t escape. Either way, Fluttershy sat there silently battling her thoughts.

*Of course, she wouldn’t want to come this morning, why would we get our hopes up, we aren’t even that important to her. *

*But she said she would make it up to us, maybe she still will. *

*Yeah but who knows when that will be, it gives her plenty of time to forget us. *

As the battle continued between her thoughts in her head she felt a hand delicately place itself on her shoulder.

“Are you alright darling? You look a little down,” Rarity quietly asked as to not draw any more attention to the girl with a sympathetic but still warm smile on her face.

“I’ll be okay Rarity thank you,” Fluttershy answered not wanting to look back at the girl as to hide as much of her sadness as she could.

Rarity leaned in a little closer giving Fluttershy a small hug, “Try not to take it personally sweetie, I doubt she is doing it intentionally.”

Just then the bell rang signalling for all the students to begin making their way to their classes causing the group to all get up giving their goodbyes with Rarity giving Fluttershy another hug and sending her on her way to math class as Sunset left mentioning how she had gym with Rainbow Dash so she would talk to her about what happened this morning. The group slowly drifted apart to head to their own lessons, Applejack and Rarity remained for a moment sharing a concerned look between each other for their friend Fluttershy as they watched her slowly walk away her eyes glued to her feet.

Chapter 3 : Coffee Anyone

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The sound of the frost covered grass crunching under foot rippled through the ears of the students running on it, each step creating a sound that mimicked the last. The warm-up lap around the field, as far as the substitute gym class teacher Ms. Harshwhinny was aware this was a necessary ritual as the previous Coach had always done this even when she was younger and was amongst the ranks of students partaking in the tradition. The class had naturally separated itself into two packs with the sportier pupils in one pack much further along the track all pushing themselves to their limits and a second much slower pack of students who were taking their time and treating it more casually. Ms Harshwhinny could see two people, in particular, standing out from the groups. The first was obviously the school’s star athlete Rainbow Dash leading the charge egging the members of her soccer team that were in the class to push themselves harder and use this as a way of getting in some more practice for when they are out on the field. The second was Sunset Shimmer who found herself pushing out and ahead of the slower pack her hair flowing behind her like a trail of fire as she worked to catch up to Rainbow, she had a few things she wanted to say to that girl, and you could be sure she was going to hear them before this was over. As she threw her legs forward one after the other her arms worked just as hard to match moving them in rhythm as she felt her speed increase, watching as the group ahead of her began to draw nearer. However this wasn’t the end, she needed to push through to reach the front, Sunset could feel the cold morning air fill her lungs with each breath she took which was simultaneously met with the exhale of warm air forming a thin haze of precipitate in front of her against the colder outside world. With each step, she saw herself get closer and closer to the leader of the pack; who at this time was turning around to egg her team on further. Her attention instantly being drawn to the new face giving it her all.

“Yeah Sunset keep it going, you’re showing my team up here,” Rainbow cried both complimenting Sunset and urging her team to work harder.

Sunset growled to herself she wasn’t here to be used by Rainbow as motivation for her team she was here to give Rainbow a piece of her mind, she let the rage fuel her as her feet gripped into the ground beneath pushing herself further through the group. Rainbow Dash wasn’t giving it her all she needed to keep close to her team after all, but she was still trying, and it was for that reason that her jaw dropped as the Flame headed girl started to creep into the corner of her vision as she caught up alongside her.

“Sunset uh, hey there,” Dash spoke her jaw dropping, before turning into a devilish grin.

Sunset was panting heavily looking over at the smug girl next to her, she glared at Rainbow her eyes matching her hair, “Cut it Dash where were you this morning?”

Rainbow looked over puzzled for a moment before her eyes glazed over, locked into a staring contest with the floor, by this point the lap was coming to an end and the pair slowed to a standstill sitting down beside the finish line their breathing heavy as they tried to regain themselves.

“Dash, why did you skip out on your word again?” Sunset asked again her tone harshened with aggravation.

Rainbow Dash finally looked at Sunset directly her eyes drowned in guilt, “I was on my way to find you guys and I bumped into Spitfire and Fleetfoot and we got talking about the work they’d been putting in together over the weekend and I got side-tracked and it slipped my mind and to summarise I’m an awful friend.”

Sunset who was not surprised by the response still found herself a little taken aback when she referred to herself as a bad friend. “No Rainbow you aren’t a bad friend to us, we all just miss you, and when you say you’ll be there and don’t show up it’s kinda like you are intentionally avoiding us.”

Dash looked down at the floor again a frown forming on her face as she let out a sigh, “I’m not intentionally avoiding you, I’d never. It’s just I’m so focused on this season and the pressure I’m getting from hom... Making my team succeed it’s just stacking up and I’m just losing myself in it all I guess.”

Sunset put an assuring hand on Rainbows shoulder, “it’s alright Dash we know you’ve got a full plate it’s just we miss you and seeing you lets us know you are coping with it all okay, besides Pinkie is losing her mind having not seen you in two weeks she’s made a ‘sorry that you’re dead’ party plan just in case you died and we hadn’t been told.”

The pair laughed together over the thought causing Dash to feel a little less guilty about everything that had been going on.

“And the others and Shy have they said anything?” Dash asked, standing up and doing a few stretches.

Sunset rose alongside her and started copying her stretches not being able to do some of the more flexibility demanding ones, “We all miss you but we know you are busy with responsibilities so Applejack gets it the most and Rarity understands, even Twilight knows the feeling since she says she sometimes gets so lost in a book she forgets to text back.” There was a pause, “but Fluttershy seems quieter, I didn’t notice it myself I but Rarity brought it up to me and AJ last week and it's true for the quiet girl she is, she seems more like a whisper.”

A fresh wave of guilt washed over dash feeling more like a tsunami than a gentle tide as she ran her hand along her forehead wiping the sweat from her brow. “I told Shy I’d be there this morning, oh god I essentially lied to her face, so much for being the embodiment of loyalty, how am I meant to fix this.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly not sure how to respond, “I guess you could start by making it up to us all. Show your face once or twice a week so we know you are still our friend.”

“Yeah but that doesn’t say hey I’m sorry I abandoned you and skipped out on you all,” Dash said a frown forming at the tips of her lips.

Sunset went quiet pondering on the thought for a moment, “Boom sleepover!” Sunset burst out with a charismatic smirk growing on her face.

“I mean I guess that could work, but when? and where?” Dash asked her eyebrow raised.

“My place, Friday,” Sunset said her smirk turning into a look of excitement.

“I mean I’ve got practice, but I can head over after if that’s cool with you,” Rainbow said asking yet another question.

“Yeah that’s perfectly fine If you bring your spare clothes I can take them home with me save you carrying twenty bags back from practice and you can shower at mine,” Sunset said creating a whole plan in her head.

“That would be great actually thanks,” Dash responded with a smile.

By this point, the whole class was back at the starting point with Ms Harshwhinny announcing that due to the situation concerning there being a soccer match next week and a good portion of the class partaking in that match the class would be playing soccer. This came as a surprise to absolutely no one, but what did shock them was when Ms Harshwhinny cut a line straight down the middle of the handful of the soccer team members in her class putting half on the blue team and the other half on red. With the remaining spots being filled by the rest of the class.

“You’re splitting up the team?” Rainbow cried failing to see the logic in how going against each other would help.

“You’d hardly get any practice playing against rookies now would you Miss Dash,” Ms Harshwhinny replied urging the team to split up.

Conveniently Dash and Sunset had both been paired up together and placed on the red team with Dash taking her usual striker position and Sunset following up on the right wing. The game went as expected with Dash making short work of anyone she come across besides the few members from her team and scored quite easily, what came as shock to her however was Sunset, she seemed to know her way around the field having found herself good space for passes as well as scoring a goal herself. Once the little practice match was over and Ms Harshwhinny was rounding all the girls back inside to change before the bell rang Sunset felt a familiar hand on her shoulder turning around to see Dash staring at her with a smile on her face.

“Uh you alright there Dash, you’re kinda staring?” Sunset asked snapping her fingers in front of Dash’s face.

“Yeah fine, great even, listen Sunset I’ve been having issues looking for a new winger for the team and I liked what I saw from you today, ever thought about playing? We are having try-outs after school?” Dash asked a huge smile on her face.

“I don’t know, I’ve never really played a sport competitively it’s a big commitment,” Sunset replied shrugging her shoulders.

Slightly disappointed but not about to let anyone see it, Dash came up with a compromise sounding as sure with herself as usual, “Don’t sweat it Sunset you’ve got all day to decide, it would just be awesome to have one of my friends on the team.”

“There’s no harm in trying out, I’ll think about it; I assume you meet here on the field after school?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah this is the place just head here if you fancy trying out,” Dash replied excitement building back up in her voice.

And with the sound of a whistle urging the students to get a move on they all headed inside to get changed, with Dash and Sunset being the last to head inside.

By this point during the day it was the second period and Fluttershy was in history class being taught about the Egyptian era by Ms Somnambula, Fluttershy liked this class much more than Iron Wills math class, as there was just so much more passion in the way it was taught, no one could put their finger on it but it was like Ms Somnambula was describing the Egyptian era like she had been their first hand. Another reason she much preferred this class was due to the atmosphere of the classroom it had windows either side of the room ensuring that sunlight was always filtering into the room causing the various replica jewels dotted around the room to sparkle. Fluttershy remembered Rarity mentioning how she would often slip into the room at the end of the day to marvel at their beauty in hopes of sparking some inspiration into her designs.

The quiet girl looked out of the window she was sat next to looking down at the school grounds below seeing a physics class taking place, they were shooting water pressured rockets into the air. She noticed how Twilight and Sunset were knelt beside their own little rocket setting it off and watching it rise higher than the rest before tumbling back down, only for them to note things down and attempt it again with different conditions to make it go higher. Fluttershy watched for a while smiling at her friend laughing and talking with each attempt they made when a whisper came from beside her.

“Heya Fluttershy how was your weekend dude?” The white-haired girl sat beside her asked.

This was another reason she liked this class she actually had a friend in this one, the girl was called Silver Moon and Fluttershy proceeded to repeat to her what she had said that morning detailing the animals that were adopted from the shelter. “And thank you for adopting the kitten I was telling you about, it's so rare for an animal to be adopted within a week of it arriving but I’m glad she was.”

Silver let out a smile, “it’s no problem, and you’re welcome to come and see the little scamp whenever you want.”

Fluttershy smiled back, the chance of being able to see an animal again after it had been adopted was rare. Typically it wasn’t a good thing if she saw the animal again as it most likely meant it had been brought back to the shelter, and that’s not really something she wanted, so it was nice she’d be able to visit it in its new loving home. The shy girl began to focus a little more on the class writing down some notes before starting to do little scribbles of butterflies on her page, she wanted to pay attention but the thought of Rainbow Dash lying to her that morning was leaving its mark in the back of her mind.

“You alright dude it ain’t like you to start doodling, something on your mind?” Silver asked.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure if she wanted to open up at this point, she had sat next to Silver Moon in history class last year and although it took a few months due to Fluttershy’s quiet nature and a bit of a push from Pinkie to actually speak to her they began to blossom quite the friendship and she felt she could trust her with this.

“Well, you see Rainbow Dash hasn’t been hanging around with me and my friends that much anymore, which is fine I know she is busy with soccer practice,” She added quickly trying not to sound too disappointed. “But this morning when I spoke to her on the phone she acknowledged not being around and said she would make sure she saw us this morning,” Fluttershy let out a sigh earning herself a reassuring look from Silver. “She didn’t show up and we saw her hanging around with her soccer team members instead.”

Silver looked down at the desk a look of sadness growing on her face, “I’m sorry to hear that, but I think I know what you are feeling right now.”

Fluttershy eyes shifted towards Silver surprise and confusion growing on her face, “You do?”

“Yeah,” Silver said with a sigh pulling out her phone and showing Fluttershy her most recent text.

*Really can’t be bothered with the hassle of eating lunch with you today so I’m hanging with the boy’s ttyl*

Fluttershy gasped upon seeing the text, “Who would say that, it’s not.”

Silver interrupted before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, “Yep that’s Forest.”

“I am awfully sorry to hear that, is everything alright between you and him, sorry that was probably rude of me to ask, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy panicked going from feeling curious to guilty.

Silver had a small smile begin to perk up on her face over the shy girl’s rapid shift in responses, “It’s all chill Flutters don’t worry, I know I can be a bit overbearing.”

Fluttershy’s jaw dropped with shock for someone who can find even the quietest person overbearing at times she knew for a fact that Silver was not, “You’re not overbearing, I should know I’m friends with Rarity,” Fluttershy said quietly joking to try and lighten the mood.

“I suppose you’re right,” Silver said her smile growing larger. “But hey seems we both got ditched this morning,” Silver added her smile opening up to let out a bit of laughter.

“It’s not exactly a good thing,” Fluttershy responded softly giggling herself.

The two girls decided it would be best for them to carry on paying attention with what was going on in the class before Ms Somnambula caught onto their chatting and intervened the last thing they wanted was to be stuck polishing all the artefacts in detention. The class went on with Fluttershy taking down a few notes about ancient pharaoh’s wondering what it would have been like to meet a sphinx, well if they were real anyway. Her pen drifted to the other side of her book and began to mimic the thoughts in her mind tracing the outline and shape of the Sphinx.

“You know that ain’t half bad, you’ve got quite the knack for drawing,” Silver piped up looking down at the ancient creature the shy girl had captured within the pages of her notebook.

“Oh it’s not all that good, I didn’t put much effort in,” There was a pause in Fluttershy’s sentence as she lowered the volume of her voice only speaking in a soft whisper, “But thank you.”

The progression of the class once again resumed with the teacher wrapping up the class ten minutes early to give the students chance to talk about what they had learnt today between themselves, obviously everyone just used this time to talk to their friends. The timid girl used this as a time to check her phone seeing that Sunset had texted into the group chat.

*hey girls I spoke to Rainbow, she ended up having stuff dumped on her this morning so she’s sorry she couldn’t come, we are gonna all meet up at my house on Friday and she says she’ll be there after practice. *

This received an instant response from Pinkie Pie questioning if this was a sleepover who once receiving the yes from Sunset began to fill the chat with balloons getting a laugh from Fluttershy.

“Read something funny, a meme perhaps.” Silver said laughing a little and leaning closer to Fluttershy.

“You wish meme lord,” Fluttershy replied jokingly.

“Woah where did the shy girl go,” Silver said teasing back.

“Oh, she’s here still,” Fluttershy said lowering her voice and receding back into her timid shell.

Silver rolled her eyes at the lost joke but took no mind of it she knows Fluttershy and this is just what she does, that didn’t stop her jumping in her seat when the meek girl beside her suddenly gasped at the phone she was gripping between her hands.

“You alright?” Silver said catching herself and checking on her friend.

“Look,” Fluttershy said not listening to the question and shoving her phone in Silvers’ face.

Silver looked at down at the phone decorated in its butterfly covered case to see she was being shown a text from Rainbow Dash.

*Hey Flutters, sorry for dipping on you this morning it was definitely not awesome of me, hope I didn’t cause you too much damage you said I was busy and stuff this morning and that you didn’t mind but like I said I’d be there, so super sorry dude. *

“Well at least you know she feels bad about what she did,” Silver said with a faint smile finding the light in the subject when she was quickly silenced by the phone as it vibrated alerting them to another message from Rainbow causing both girls to eagerly read the latest message.

*Sorry again dude, I’m gonna be at the sleepover on Friday but I still feel like I owe you one and I don’t exactly enjoy spending time at home so how about I hang out with you at yours like old times the next day like I don’t mind what we do so just like lemme know.*

Fluttershy’s face lit up with huge smile beaming from ear to ear causing Silver to have a grin matching it,

“Well Shy it seems she’s gonna make up the lost time,” Silver said nudging the smiling girl, “You should also probably respond to that,” she finished with a giggle as the bell rang out signalling for them to leave for lunch. “See you round Shy good luck and such.”

Fluttershy remained in her seat stunned to see that Rainbow wanted to hang out with her alone after the sleepover. She quickly snapped out of her daze and texted back leaving to find her friends in the lunchroom.

*Yeah that would be awesome Dashie :D*

The school halls were bustling as each eager student followed their noses to the cafeteria room with its hard floors and long tables. No matter where you looked you would never see more than an inch of wall with the space being filled with windows or tapestries depicting the various achievements of Canterlot high with a few being embroidered with symbols of sport and others music. The scent coming from the cafeteria was different every day but the theme of it smelling great would always remain and they had Granny Smith to thank for it, always making the best of the best with whatever ingredients she was given. The group of friends excluding Rainbow Dash had taken up their usual spot on the large table in one of the corners of the room.

“So from what I understand we are all going to be in your company this Friday evening?” Rarity asked taking her eyes away from her salad and looking towards Sunset.

“That’s the plan, you can either walk home with me straight after school or head over in your own time after you’ve been home,” Sunset replied stuffing a heap of mash potato into her mouth.

“I’ll bring candy!” Pinkie shouted causing bits of food to splutter out of her mouth heading towards a now panicking Rarity who closed her eyes awaiting the impact. A few seconds passed and she still hadn’t felt the mess of food and spit attack her skin causing her to slowly open her eyes seeing a rather disgusted Applejack wiping her hand on a napkin.

“Pinkie!, It’s unladylike to talk with your mouthful how many times must I warn you.” Rarity yelled her face turning red with anger as the rest of the group began to erupt into laughter.

“Quit your panicking Rares I saved you so we wouldn’t get an earful from you,” Applejack interjected.

Rarity went to speak but stopped herself, being drawn back by the temptation of the food on her plate regally collecting a few lettuce leaves and a tomato on the tip of her fork and placing it into her mouth, she chewed and swallowed taking the time between mouthfuls to tap her lips softly with her napkin. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was in her happy little bubble joyously eating her own meal with a huge smile on her face as she watched her friends go on about how awful their classes were.

“Oh darling, do you need me to bring anything, like activities or makeup?” Rarity questioned looking over at Sunset who by this time was in a deep conversation with Pinkie about her favourite types of candy.

“Nah I don’t think you will need to bring anything but it’s up to you really if you want to do something in particular, I’m down for it,” Sunset said smiling at Rarity before going back into the heated discussion to whether gummi bears or cola bottles were the better candy.

“Is it true Dash is coming,” Applejack said with a grin looking at the rainbow-haired girl approaching the table.

“You bet it is,” Rainbow Dash said her heading appearing between Sunset and Fluttershy her arms wrapped around either one of them as she sat down. “Can’t stay, but I owe you all an appearance from yours truly.

“RAINBOW DASH,” Pinkie excitedly screamed jumping up from her seat and running around to tackle the sporty girl from behind, “We’ve all missed you soooo much you can’t leave on us now.”

“Sorry Pinkie but I got to practice, which reminds me, Sunset you thought about it yet?” Rainbow asked her attention turning away from Pinkie and towards the flame-headed girl.

“Yeah I thought about it,” Sunset said trying to hide the smirk growing across her face, “I don’t know maybe it ain’t for me,” Sunset took great joy watching the light fade from Rainbows eyes, “I’m kidding you can count me in, I’ll be there.” She said the smirk now taking full control of her face.

“Awesome! I knew I could count on you Sunny,” Rainbow said patting Sunset on the back and standing up, “Oh and Shy don’t forget about that thing we were talking about.”

Upon saying this a few things happened within the group, Sunset, Pinkie and Applejack were all confused as to what she could have meant while an open-mouthed smile had wormed its way onto Rarity’s face as she smugly looked directly at Fluttershy who at this point between what Rainbow had said and the look Rarity was giving her was now blushing intensely. This left Twilight Sparkle the upcoming scientist and egghead of the group, who once again began making observations trying to learn from the social interactions she could see around her making a mental note of how Rarity was looking at Fluttershy and the face she was making.

“Anyway I gotta Dash, but there’s no scheduled practice tomorrow so I’ll be able to have lunch with you,” Rainbow added as she stood up, leaving the group to talk amongst themselves.

“So what in tarnation has she roped you into doin after school?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow in Sunsets direction.

“She asked me if I wanted to take part in the trials for the team later today, I said I’d think about it and I have so I’m gonna try out,” Sunset replied her eyes glowing with confidence.

As the pair continued to talk about sports the rest of the group began their own little conversations with Pinkie joining in with Applejack and Sunset whilst Twilight asked Rarity for some fashion tips on the hat and scarf her mother has offered to get her this weekend with Rarity offering to accompany them both in choosing. This quiet moment to herself gave Fluttershy a moment to glance around at the busy cafeteria spotting Silver Moon sitting at a nearby table talking with Octavia, Derpy, Vinyl and a few other girls. Silver caught a glance of Fluttershy looking over at her with a smile, causing her to return the smile as looked back in the shy girl’s direction.

“Speaking of after-school activities Rarity, ma sister Applebloom is staying after school to do some creative activity thingy with your little sister Sweetie Belle and their friend Scootaloo, so do you want me to take Sweetie Belle home afterwards save you sticking around for her?” Applejack asked turning her whole body around to face Rarity.

“Darling are you sure? Sweetie Belle can be quite the handful, I don’t mind waiting for her?” Rarity added a touch of concern in her voice.

“Naw don’t you worry a hair on your head it ain’t no trouble at all,” Applejack answered tipping her hat.

Pinkie suddenly gasped causing the group to jump in their seats all turning their attention to what was wrong with the bright pink haired girl, “I’m doing the activity after school Applejack you can’t just watch you can join in ITLL BE SUPER FUN” Pinkie said finishing her sentence by throwing arms in the air and yelling.

“Well since everyone else seems to have plans, Fluttershy, Twilight would you like to join me after school for some coffee or iced tea at sugar cube corner?” Rarity asked motioning towards the two quieter members of the group.

“I’d love too, thank you for the offer Rarity,” Twilight replied with a smile while Fluttershy just quietly nodded, whispering a soft thank you.

From here the lunch routine continued as normal with them finishing their lunches and talking about the upcoming slumber party being held at Sunsets only to be separated by the bell signifying the beginning of the next classes and the girls once again heading into separate locations in smaller groups to their next class.

Once school was over the group of girls followed through with their plans with Fluttershy and Twilight being led into the little coffee shop, heading over to Rarity’s favourite booth, the one which sat opposite the window. The girls all sat down on the cushioned seat and began to chat, Rarity mentioning how she loved the decorum noting how it makes perfect use of the space it has from the various posters plastering the walls advertising the various confectionaries and hot drinks to the booths that are both fashionable and comfortable. After a few minutes passed with Rarity watching as the queue to order began to slowly disperse giving her direct access to the staff. She got up taking orders of what the two other girls wanted to drink and headed over towards the counter leaving Twilight and Fluttershy alone to talk.

“Those treats you recommended for Spike went down really well he can’t get enough of them,” Twilight declared laughing to herself, her mind reminiscing at how quickly her dog had wolfed down the treats.

“Oh im so glad to hear, a dog at the shelter loves them just as much so I thought I’d tell you,” Fluttershy replied trying to imagine Spikes reaction to them.

“It’s made me realise that you are the expert to go to when concerning my animal needs,” the bookworm stated.

“Well I know a bit about animals but I’m no expert,” Fluttershy replied hiding her embarrassment behind her hair.

“Nonsense Fluttershy you are as familiar with animals as I am with the pages of a textbook.” The bookworm replied causing Fluttershy to crack into a giggle.

It was now that Rarity had returned with a tray in her arms placing it down on the table and setting down each of the girls drinks along with a small plate containing a slice of cake each, “I do hope I’m not interrupting girls, but I must ask Fluttershy, and I don’t mean to pry but what was Rainbow on about earlier when she referred to something that just the pair of you were talking about.”

Fluttershy’s face lit up bright red as she hid her face behind her hair, which earned her a reassuring look from Rarity as she took a sip of her coffee causing Fluttershy to look at Twilight and back at Rarity a look of concern growing in her eyes.

“You know I’m glad I’ve got the both of you here since I’ve been noticing something between the pair of you almost like a code,” Twilight spoke up as she began to summarise what she had seen today.

Rarity gasped covering her mouth for a moment, “Darling whatever do you mean?” Her eyes shifting towards a now redder faced Fluttershy who had begun sinking into her chair.

“Well it all started when Fluttershy said flamenco this morning it was so out of place and everyone reacted to it accordingly in which I mean they were confused, but you Rarity, you instead seemed disappointed. There have been a few little things like that, like the out of place eye movements this morning for example, when you were talking about the jacket.” Twilights response caused both Rarity and Fluttershy to awkwardly look at each other giving Twilight the chance to speak again. “It seems to happen whenever the topic is of Rainbow Dash so I can’t help but wonder.”

A smile grew across Rarity’s face as she looked between her two friends, “Fluttershy it seems our secret code isn’t so secret, would you like to as Pinkie Pie would say spill the beans?”

Fluttershy sighed her thoughts racing as she came to the reality that if they didn’t tell Twilight now, she’d start asking the others. She moved her hair from in front of her face and gave Rarity a quick nod, “Well me and Rarity are close friends and we trust each other with things, and well I told her that,” Fluttershy’s sentence was cut short as her thoughts began to betray her locking her jaw shut allowing only a small eep to escape.

Rarity placed a compassionate hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, “It’s alright dear, Twilight is our friend you can tell her,”

Twilight had a wave of guilt wash over she was the cause of all this commotion, “No if it's sensitive you don’t have to tell me, I’ll just forget I saw anything, I’m sorry if I have upset you just please don’t hate me.

“No I don’t hate you; I just struggle with talking, if anyone should be sorry it should be me for making you feel guilty about asking,” Fluttershy admitted feeling equally guilty herself over the position she had put Twilight in.

The two girls weakly smiled at each other seeing that neither person intended to cause any harm, causing them to break into a short hug showing that there were no hard feelings between them.

“Rarity can you tell it?” Fluttershy asked earning herself a nod from the fashionista.

“Well you see Fluttershy here is coincidentally rather shy as you already know I’m sure, and so she gets uncomfortable when she’s the centre of attention or whenever anyone speaks to her about something she is sensitive about. Now you know about how in the past we all stopped being friend’s etcetera, well me and Fluttershy here remained secret friends and would confide in each other to talk about our secrets. Not that they were important secrets it would just be a little embarrassing if the whole school knew like how I loved boy bands or who we were crushing on.” Rarity said as she began explaining only to be cut off by Twilight.

“So you made the code to be able to talk about or mention those things without anyone realising what were you were talking about them, meaning the spotlight wouldn’t be on Fluttershy,” Twilight said reciting the conclusion she had made.

“Yes,” Rarity said with a smile, “That’s basically it.”

Twilight took a bite out of the slice of cake she had been given her face clearly showing delight from its flavour, but as she chewed it turned from delight to confusion.

“Is something wrong dear?” Rarity asked spotting the shift in emotion on the bookworm’s face.

“So why were you using code when Rainbow was in the sentence,” Twilight said looking at the now heavily blushing Fluttershy and flustered Rarity.

“It’s well…” Rarity was desperately trying to find a way to answer Twilight without giving away her friend’s secret when she felt a light tug on her shirt coming from Fluttershy.

“It’s okay you can tell her, there’s no reason to not trust her with this now she knows why we keep it a secret.” The meek girl said a soft smile on her face as she looked at the smarter girl amongst them.

“Well, Twilight it seems your now part of our little secret club so you must keep this between us. The reason we were using the code earlier is that Fluttershy has had a little crush on Rainbow Dash for a good while now, and I was trying to see if maybe something had happened between them that would have resulted in her earning the article of Rainbows clothing.” Rarity looked back down at the shy girl beside her seeing her face glowing red with embarrassment.

“That was a conclusion I didn’t expect; you hide it well,” Twilight said complimenting the two girls on their secrecy. “Wait you’re gay?” Twilight blurted out as the reality set in.

Fluttershy didn’t say a word and simply nodded a look of concern on her face as to how Twilight would take the news.

“You know for how many books I’ve read I don’t seem to get any better when it comes to people and friends and all this relationship stuff like I had no idea you were gay Fluttershy, not that it changes anything of course.”

“I wouldn’t worry I don’t exactly tell the world,” The shy girl her replied her confidence starting to grow after hearing the acceptance from Twilight.

“And to add on that you said yourself when you first became our friend a few months ago that this whole friendship and people thing was new to you so I wouldn’t worry, you’ll be reading people like a book before long.” Rarity said covering her mouth as she laughed at her little joke.

“I hope you are right,” Twilight replied laughing herself.

The three carried on chatting together finishing their drinks and slices of cake, having to battle with Rarity’s generous nature to avoid having anymore bought for them.

“Twilight I am curious since you know about Fluttershy’s little crush. How about you, anyone taken your fancy?” Rarity asked a curious grin appearing on her face,

“I’ve never really liked anyone that way so I wouldn’t even know what it feels like to fall for someone, so if I have I don’t know it yet,” The aspiring scientist answered a depressing look on her face as she looked down at the floor.

Rarity reached across the table taking Twilights hands in hers, “You’ll know when it happens and you get a little sweet on someone, your heart will flutter, and besides you’ve got us now to talk about your love life with,” Rarity giggled a little at the thought of being able to partake in more gossip now they had a new companion to their little love talk.

It was at this time Twilight received a phone call from her mother wondering if she was staying behind after school since she was normally home by this time, Twilight going on to explain where she was and who she was with. It was also at this time that Rarity pointed out how they had been there for over an hour and should all probably get home soon, with Twilights mother offering to give all three girls a ride home. Twilight obviously accepting, and Fluttershy not wanting to impose politely rejecting the offer with Twilight saying it would be no trouble causing the meek girl to agree. This left Rarity who lived in the opposite direction to the other girls and thus to save time said she already had plans to get home which wasn’t wrong since she had planned on walking back that evening. The three girls continued to talk for another 20 minutes discussing how Rarity planned on giving makeovers at the slumber party this Friday and how she needed to bring some paper and her measuring tape in order to update the measurements she’s collected of the girls, along with getting Twilights so that she can start working on the Christmas ball dresses. When a familiar woman was seen entering the coffee shop and approaching the girls at the table.

“Hey mom,” Twilight called being the first to greet her mother with greetings being followed by the other two girls at the table.

“So these are more of your friends, I must say after meeting Sunset this morning I didn’t think I’d be meeting any more of your friends for a good while, at least until you brought then home for a sleepover or something.” She smiled at the two other girls sat with her daughter taking a mental note of how they acted.

“So based on how you are behaving and from Twilights descriptions, you must be Fluttershy,” she said looking towards the quieter pink haired girl with her small frame and pale skin. “And from how well you’re dressed and how your hair is so well styled you must be Rarity.”

The two girls nodded with Rarity firing compliments about how refined Twilights mother looked and how well her style fitted with her the few accessories just completing the outfit. The greetings were cut short however as Velvet needed to get home causing them all to say their goodbyes as Rarity witnessed Fluttershy and Twilight leaving together. Rarity stood outside the coffee shop waving the girls off, and for a moment everything was quiet giving Rarity a chance to think about something that had plagued her mind. Sadly this was interrupted when her phone buzzed indicating she was receiving a phone call. Rarity opened the purse taking out her phone seeing the name Applejack appear on the front with a picture of them together, sliding the call button and placing it to her ear.

“Hello,” Rarity started.

“Heya sugar cube I just dropped ya sister off home and noticed ya weren’t back yet was wondering if ya needed a ride home while im out this way?”

“Applejack that would be wonderful actually I’ve just seen the other two off and was about to start walking.”

“Im bout two minutes away from sugar cube corner so you just sit tight, and I’ll be there quicker than a hare.”

The call ended and Rarity placed her phone back into her bag looking at the street surrounding her, watching the cars rush by as people headed home after a long day of work the sun setting and darkness beginning to creep back into the world as night-time approached. She checked her phone sending a text to Fluttershy making sure she was alright as she saw a familiar truck pull up alongside her.

The car journey hadn’t been going on long with Rarity telling Applejack what had happened earlier ensuring to step around the few landmines that had popped up since Applebloom was sat in the backseat texting on her phone and not wanting information that did not need spreading getting out, she instead kept it concise and steered away from the half confessions. As more and more light fled from the world around them with the sun beginning to fall behind the horizon the streets were flooded with a new sense of life as the streetlights lit up the darkened roads. It was at this time however that the slice of cake was taking its toll causing Rarity’s eyes to grow heavy and the lulling sound of the engine mixed with the deceivingly comfy seating of Applejacks vehicle, the fashionista found herself starting to drift off into sleep.

By the time they had reached Rarity’s home Applejack found her friend in a deep sleep deciding it was best not to wake her, she lifted her out of the car and carried her to the door only to be met with the familiar Sweetie Belle who began to guide Applejack through the house up to Rarity’s room. On her way, she walked through the living room seeing both of Rarity’s parents watching television who took the time to smile at Applejack as she carried their daughter through the home. Once reaching Rarity’s room Sweetie Belle scurried off away heading outside to try and get as much extra time talking to Applebloom as she could leaving the two older girls alone.

Applejack gently placed Rarity onto the bed removing her shoes and pulling the covers over the sleeping girl causing her to stir and wearily open her eyes.

“Oh Applejack I do apologise for falling asleep but thank you for bringing me in, you should have just woken me.” Rarity said her voice heavy with the need for sleep.

“It aint no problem sugar cube, you just get some rest.” Applejack with a smile as she picked herself up and away from the bed.

Rarity wasn’t done saying goodnight, lifting her arms up and around the cowgirl pulling her in for a hug, “I mean it thank you. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

Applejack remained still stunned by what was happening before returning the hug wrapping an arm around the girl below her. The hug lasted for what seemed like forever Applejack couldn’t even try to count to the seconds in her head as all she could think about was how nice Rarity’s hair was smelling. This confused the farm girl as thoughts rattled inside of her head over why on earth would she be thinking that Rarity smelt nice and not just that she smelt nice her skin felt delicate and soft and the hug was warm and welcoming to her. It was nice.


A sudden noise startled both girls causing them to break apart with Rarity shooting back letting out a gasp as Applejack pulled away quickly standing up, both scared half to death by the sound that echoed around the room with Applejack looking out the window to see its source. Outside was a smaller farm girl who was growing impatient using the car horn as a method of pulling her older sister back to the vehicle faster.

“I best be goin,” Applejack said her voice still shaky as she recoveredg from the sudden emotions washing over her from the contact she shared with her friend.

“Alright Applejack, goodnight.” Rarity affirmed turning over and facing away from the cowgirl a bright smile covering her face as she drifted back into sleep, dreaming of something or maybe someone.

Applejack at this time was slowly creeping out of the room closing the door behind her and heading downstairs making her way back through the populated room.

“Thank you for bringing both our girls home safe tonight Applejack you are far to kind to us,” Rarity’s mother said with a smile.

“Yeah you saved me having to go out and fetch the pair of speakers,” came a more humorous token of thanks from Rarity’s father.

“Aww shucks it aint no trouble.” Applejack said rubbing the back of her neck out of embarrassment from the praise she was receiving.

“Well just remember we appreciate everything you’ve done, I feel guilty we never really don’t anything for you in return, so if it’s any resolve you are welcome here anytime.” Rarity’s mother finished with a smile.

Applejack thanked the pair for their warming gesture and left, saying her goodbyes and heading back out to her truck, sending Sweetie Belle back inside as she climbed into the driver’s side of the truck and started heading home.

“So what took you so long im starving,” Applebloom questioned.

“Oh nothin much,” a smile growing across her face, “nothin worth thinkin about anyway.”

Chapter 4 : The Principal Wants To See You

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It was just your average day at Canterlot high, the sound of the lunch bell sending herds of students towards the cafeteria, there eyes desperate to see what delicious food was on offer. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had found themselves at the front of the queue giving them first pick of a wide selection of foods ranging from pasta and meatballs to a cheeseburger and fries. The girls chatted together, discussing what they should choose whilst having to hold their jaws shut as to not drool all over themselves. The pair grabbed a tray each and stacked it with as much food as they could carry and making their way over to the table where the group would typically meet for lunch. As they approached the table two smaller boys could be seen sitting at it, Snips and Snails, who at just the sight of the athletic girl and her party crazed friend quickly fled leaving their attempted claim to the table in the dust. Rainbow Dash snickered to herself almost proud of the fact that simply the sight of her is enough to instil dominance over the table, although it did raise a question in her mind. Did people find her intimidating, was she scary? However, this thought was quickly pushed to the back of her mind as her attention was caught by another duo of girls approaching the table their lunch trays looking near identical with a mix of salad and fruit positioned in portions on their trays.

“Rarity! Twilight!” Pinkie cried out in excitement her mouth already full of food.

“Pinkie it’s been less than 5 seconds, we are not being covered in the splutter from your mouth this early into lunch.” Rarity scolded as she moved away from sitting parallel to Pinkie in the hopes of avoiding coming under fire from any potential shrapnel that would find itself being ejected from the Pink haired girls’ mouth.

“Hey, girls how have your classes been so far today?” Twilight asked trying to shift the group into a conversation.

“Ugh they were super boring, but I just thought about the surprise I have planned for Sunset on Friday, so I managed to survive,” Pinkie said her face shifting from expressing boredom to intense excitement in the blink of an eye.

“Yeah I second what Pinkie said I can only take so much calculus,” Dash sighed a sigh of relief that she could now just focus on filling the hole in her stomach than cramming something she didn’t care for into a hole in her brain.

“Your studies are really important guys, you don’t want to fail and risk a retake or losing out on your future,” Twilight said her concern struck face sticking out like a sore thumb.

“Relax egghead,” A nonchalant Dash began, “I do enough to not fail and besides I’m going for a sports scholarship, not a maths degree,” She finished letting a laugh earning a raised eyebrow from Rarity.

“She’s got a point you know Rainbow they don’t offer scholarships to failures,” Rarity added trying to push a few of the athlete’s buttons.

At this time the shyer member of the group had made her appearance hearing the last half of Rarity’s sentence as she sat down besides Rainbow and adjacent to Rarity. “Rainbow you’re failing?” She asked worried for her friend.

“I’m not failing, I'm Rainbow Dash I never fail,” she announced proudly a smug grin on her face.

“Well you fail to notice some pretty obvious things sometimes,” Rarity said a devilish smile coating her lip.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dash asked as she tipped her head to the side in confusion.

“Nothing darling don’t you worry, now lift your head up you look like a confused puppy,” Rarity answered causing the table to begin erupting in laughter as the last remaining two friends Applejack and Sunset joined them at the table.

“Well what took you pair so long we’ve all been here for about 5 minutes already,” Rarity asked prodding the cowgirl that had sat beside her.

“You can blame Trixie,” Sunset answered, “One of her little magic tricks went off in class shooting confetti everywhere and we all had to stay behind and clean it up.”

“I thought confetti was banned after Pinkie kept shooting it out of her homemade party cannon, which by the way I’m not confident is legal to own,” Twilight mentioned.

“First of all they banned glitter because the janitor got sick of cleaning it up and secondly the cannon is not illegal, I checked and made modifications as needed like were you aware it is completely legal as long as it is powered by pressured air and is under 30 units,” Pinkie said a huge smile on her face.

“Pinkie what on earth could you do with that knowledge?” Applejack asked bewildered by the girl.

“Make a real cannon to defeat my enemies by keeping it within those parameters,” Pinkie replied erupting into a burst of fake evil laughter setting off the rest of the table to laugh with her.

“HA group laughter, CANNON TIME,” She shouted jumping out of her seat in excitement.

“NO! NO! I will not have my lunch ruined by you filling it full of shreds of coloured paper,” Rarity growled, trying to protect her plate with her hands.

“Okay no cannon now, but you just wait,” She said sitting back down with shifty eyes.

“Just don’t get me and Flutters when you fire it in this direction Pinkie we are innocent in your battle,” Dash laughed teasing Rarity.

“I don’t know Dashie it could be kinda fun,” Fluttershy said piping up in the conversation now she knew she could speak directly to Rainbow Dash.

“Really?” Dash asked a look of surprise struck across her face as she looked over at her shy friend, “You want to be covered in confetti?”

Fluttershy let out a small giggle all of her attention being spent on Dash, “Not afraid of a bit of paper are you now Dash,” The shy girl said a grin forming on her lips.

“Woah of all people to be suggesting I’m afraid of something it’s you Shy the girl who gets scared of her own shadow,” Rainbow said returning the teasing she had received from girl beside her, “Besides I’m Rainbow Dash nothing scares me,” The athlete proudly said leaning back in her chair.

“I should consider myself lucky then that I have such a brave friend to protect me from the pretty paper,” Fluttershy said with a bright smile.

“Well duh you can always count on me and everyone else here to have your back,” Dash responded, earning Fluttershy several other responses from the rest of the group letting her know that they could always count on her if she needed help. However, Rarity had remained silent a devilish look appearing on her face as a thought appeared within her mind.

“Fluttershy I must say you’ve been far more confident this lunchtime, is there a reason?” She questioned as she locked eyes with the shy girl sitting across the table.

Fluttershy’s face turned bright red in embarrassment, she couldn’t believe Rarity would imply something when Rainbow Dash was sat so close. Then again this is something she should have predicted, she already knew Rarity would try and push the pair together, as this was a trait she had spotted in Rarity whenever they had talked about crushes in the past. Rarity considered herself quite the matchmaker you see, often trying to pair Fluttershy up with whoever was crushing on her or who she herself was crushing on. Fluttershy glared at Rarity her face flushed red when out of the corner of her eye she spotted Twilight giving her a smile, winking once they had both made eye contact.

“Well duh, of course, I make others around me feel more confident how else do you think the soccer team thinks they will win every match!” Rainbow grinning boldly, trying to look as proud as possible unaware that she was saving Fluttershy from Rarity's plot.

“Well, Dash’s personality traits are renowned to aid in the boosting of morale so there is a science behind it and that in fact, it is simply her personality that brings out this behaviour. The results would be similar if Pinkie was in Dash’s position as her cheery attitude also helps make others feel at ease and welcome which results in them feeling more comfortable and confident,” Twilight said offering a logical explanation in an attempt to draw attention away from Fluttershy giving her a light smile once she felt no eyes were on either of them.

This worked successfully having caused Dash and Pinkie Pie to begin high fiving each other, beginning to joke around that they should both become to the alphas of the group because of science, earning themselves a few eye rolls and laughs in the process. The main thing here, however, is that Twilights plan had worked earning herself a silent thank you from Fluttershy which she returned with a simple nod before joining in with the laughing girls.

“I must say you saved that very well, I admit I may have overstepped the boundary there, but you did well to recover from it,” Rarity whispered as she leaned closer to Twilights ear. Twilight sat feeling more at home than ever, she patted herself on the back proud that she was able to look out for one of her friends.

The girls carried on with their lunches with conversation and laughter flowing with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a few one on one chats here and there as Fluttershy felt surer that she was no longer under suspicions allowing her to begin regaining her confidence.

“You know I’ve been thinking about this weekend I’m not gonna have enough blankets and pillows are you alright bringing some of your own?” Sunset asked chirping up into the conversation.

“Don’t worry darling I have plenty that I can bring,” Rarity said attempting to put the flame-haired girl's worries at ease.

“I can bring my blanket from home, but it would probably only be enough for two people,” Fluttershy added.

“Yeah that’s great, I’ve got enough for maybe three of us at a push so the extra’s would be really appreciated unless you want to get cold,” Sunset replied causing laughter and excitement to fill the group as they talked about the endless possibilities of things they could do. Sadly however this excitement was cut short as three girls approached the table.

“Yo Dash we gotta talk,” The girl at the front asked a sense of command in her voice.

“Yeah no prob Spitfire what’s up, I’ll BRB guys don’t worry,” Rainbow Dash replied getting up from her seat and following the trio to an empty table.

“What do you think that’s about,” Twilight asked the group of remaining friends.

“You know I’m not really sure but considering its members from her soccer team it's probably soccer related.” Applejack replied shrugging her shoulders.

“You’ll have to educate me here on who it is that she’s speaking too?” Twilight asked slightly embarrassed at her lack of knowledge.

“Oh, I can answer you that one since I met them at the try-outs yesterday,” Sunset said taking charge in answering the bookworm’s question. “The one in the middle who’s currently speaking to Dash with the orange hair is Spitfire, she has a bit of an attitude, but it makes her a more dominant player on the pitch. On the left there with the white hair is Fleetfoot, she’s pretty calm by nature but tries to play it cool like Dash, when it comes to her soccer skills her agility is her strong suit. Finally, we’ve got High Winds the one on the right with the blue hair she’s more of a follower of Spitfire than her own personality, but she still has a bit of character to her.” Sunset finished summarising looking to Twilight ensuring she understood everything.

“SOOOO we got Spitfire, Fleetfoot and High Winds, bet you can’t say it ten times fast.” Pinkie spoke not giving Twilight a chance to respond as she began reciting the names as quickly as she could.

While Applejack, Sunset and Twilight joined in with the excitable girl to see who could repeat the names with the fastest pace, Rarity found herself subtly watching Fluttershy who sat quietly watching Rainbow Dash interacting with her soccer team, having once again left at a moment’s notice. Fluttershy knew that Dash had said she would be back soon, but it still left her feeling forgotten feeling each ounce of confidence that she’d mustered slowly seep away. In Fluttershy’s mind, she felt it was petty of her wanting to have the complete attention of someone else, it’s not like they were kids anymore it was more than just the two of them and Dash had her own life to live.

After some time Rarity brought up her curiosity as to what they could be speaking about earning herself the attention of the table and shifting it onto the four girls who were sat on the other end of the cafeteria.

“My lip-reading skills tell me she’s talking about waffles and pixies,” Pinkie said trying to sound like an expert in the field.

“I don’t even think you could fool Derpy with those skills Pinks,” Sunset responded with a chuckle.

“Hey now you leave that poor girl alone she’s brighter than you might think," Rarity said defending the peculiar girl.

“Yeah she has incredible baking skills like she makes muffins as good as I make cupcakes,” Pinkie added the excitement in her voice increasing over the topic of baked goods.

“Hush now Rainbow Dash is coming back,” Rarity said snapping her fingers to obtain the girl's attention as the Rainbow haired athlete returned the table carrying a garment she had received from Spitfire.

“Heya guys I'm back and I bring some pretty big news,” Rainbow said with a huge smile on her face as she sat back down between Sunset and Fluttershy. “This here is for Sunset,” She said handing the article of clothing across to the flame-haired girl.

“Thanks but what exactly is it?" Sunset asked as she started to unravel it her jaw-dropping as it took its true shape.

“Is this the soccer teams’ uniform?” Sunset said asking yet another question, her face forming a smile as she began to piece the puzzle together, “Did I make the team?”

Dash gave a smile and nodded patting Sunset on the back, “That’s right I talked it over with the team and we’ve all come to the agreement that you held your own the best on the field yesterday, so we want you on the team, that’s if you still want to anyway?”

Sunset rubbed the fabric between her hands feeling its silky texture as she took a final moment to process the information she had been given, feeling pride in herself that she was wanted on the school soccer team. “Yeah I’d love to play it was pretty fun yesterday, so I don’t see why not.”

“That’s so awesome!” Dash cheered throwing a fist into the air, giving a nod to Spitfire who was stood at the other side of the cafeteria who upon returning the nod swiftly left walking out into the school corridor.

“You know Dash not to sound like I ain't got no faith in ya, but I thought that was the last we’d see of ya today when you got up and left with those three,” Applejack added.

“Guys come on I know I’ve been gone a lot, but I’ve not been That bad right?” Rainbow Dash asked looking between each girl sat around her at the table.

“It’s been pretty bad darling, not to sound like I'm kicking you down but until yesterday I actually hadn’t seen you for two weeks,” Rarity replied with a wince.

“Yeah you’ve been like a spooky ghost I thought you’d abandoned us all forever and ever and EVER,” Pinkie added putting on a deep voice for dramatic effect causing Rarity to emulate a facepalm as to not smudge her makeup.

“Really that bad, like I had an idea it was sucky after what Sunset and that had said to me but damm,” She cut the sentence short sighing to herself before turning to the pink haired girl beside her, “How about you Shy, you feel the same way?”

Everyone on the table had their attention brought down onto Fluttershy the quietest one of them all. However unlike Fluttershy’s usual reaction to this kind of thing, she hadn’t even noticed the numerous pairs of eyes watching her, she was fixated on Dash her thoughts racing on how she should respond. Fluttershy didn’t want to hurt Rainbow Dash's feelings but she needed to know how it had affected her, she wanted to tell her how it was making her feel inside, how much smaller she felt when Rainbow wasn’t around.

“Rainbow..” Fluttershy started letting the words begin to seep out before an orange haired girl who had just approached cut her off.

“Yo Dash,” Spitfire started unaware that she was interrupting, “We gotta get you and hothead here down to the principal’s office, she wants to see you.”

“Why Principle Celestia’s office when we all joined the team they just went over the stuff we needed to know in the changing rooms?” Dash asked warily of the fact that they could be in trouble.

“Yeah she’s just eating her lunch and asked me to take you both to her, apparently the new coach is there too,” Spitfire replied before heading back the way she had gone before.

“Well I suppose we better go Sunset,” Dash said awkwardly aware she was already leaving the group despite the previous conversation.

“Wait I’m hothead, why?” Sunset asked, a mixture of confusion and anger in her voice.

“Well probably two reasons, think you can guess them,” Rainbow replied trying to keep a straight face.

“My deduction would conclude that its one because of your hair colour and two your history of having a short temper,” Twilight answered acting as if it was a quiz.

Sunset did not look amused glaring between both her sporty and nerdy friend, “let’s just go already,” She said her glare breaking into a smile and letting out a laugh that was shared with the group.

“Well I suppose I better see to this I’ll be back as soon as I can and if that’s too late I’ll see you tomorrow,” Dash said grabbing her bag and standing up.

“Trust me if there’s time, I’ll drag her back,” Sunset laughed as she stood up and began walking with Rainbow Dash following in Spitfire's footsteps.

“Well I suppose we can’t blame her for this, after all, it’s by the principals request and the only thing higher than that would be royalty,” Rarity said her eyes glowing with the possibility of a world where Principal Celestia was instead a member of royalty.

“I know that look,” Applejack started, “What are you conjuring up in that their head of yours.”

“Well I just had an idea is all, that for the Christmas ball I could perhaps design our dresses to fit within the theme of royalty like think about it, tiara’s and glass slippers,” Rarity daydreamed over the endless possibilities that she could create.

“I don’t know how many times I’ll need to remind you this but I ain't exactly a dress gal,” Applejack brought up not even sure if Rarity was still listening at this point.

The next 5 minutes went on very much like this with Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy having a separate conversation between themselves letting the two go at it over whether or not Applejack would wear a dress.

“Not even for me darling pretty please,” Rarity begged, begining to flutter her eyelids.

“Don’t do that,” Applejack said the frustration in her voice growing.

“I don’t know what you mean, do what?” She teased giving her best puppy eyes and fluttering her eyelids even more.

“You know what you are doing with those damm eyes,” Applejack cried waving her hands in front of Rarity’s face.

“Darling I promise I haven’t a clue,” Rarity ensued Fluttering more intensely.

“FINE, FINE, I’ll put on the dress if you’ll pack it in,” Applejack said raising her arms to surrender to the more fashionable girl.

“Oh I’ll stop, after all, I need to focus on how many frills you’ll have,” She said still teasing and letting out a giggle.

“You sound like a married couple,” Twilight said jokingly causing Rarity to shoot her a stern look, causing the egghead to recede back out of the conversation confused as to what she had done wrong looking to Fluttershy who was softly giggling.

“You know what this calls for,” Pinkie said standing up with her hands flat on the table.

“No we don’t need a dang party cause I'm wearing a dress,” Applejack said trying to burst the party girls bubble.

“A PA.... oh,” Pinkie started sitting back down causing the whole group of girls to erupt into laughter.

At the other end of the school Rainbow Dash and Sunset were standing outside of the principal’s office talking to Spitfire as they waited to be called inside, the conversation they had was kept short and simple allowing them to drop it at a moment’s notice. They talked about a range of things soccer based from potential future plays to the things they saw from Sunset yesterday, letting her know her strong points and potential flaws to work on along with letting her know the plans they have for her, including plays she will be key in. Sunset did her best to follow along with what they were telling her, she knew enough about soccer to grasp what they were saying but hardly enough to be able to fully understand it.

“You may enter,” A commanding voice came from behind the door causing the girls to enter one by one into the dimly lit room seeing a woman sat behind a desk on one side of the room her cyan coloured eyes almost glowing in the darkness with her dark blue and lilac hair flowing behind almost emulating the night sky.

“She has asked you go straight in,” Vice-Principal Luna said in that same tone urging the girls to carry on over to the other side of the room where a door stood with a shining light seeping through the gaps and into the shaded office of Luna's. The three girls moved together greeting the woman behind the desk before entering into the other room.

This office was very much, unlike the one they had left behind them with the difference being like night and day, the office room having large windows on every corner of the room allowing massive amounts of sunlight to filter in with a desk sat in the centre of the room which housed yet another woman, Her hair was like a stream of daylight brandishing light mellow colours and her eyes a calm shade of pink. She wore a yellow jacket with a sun pinned to her chest, “Ahh, hello girls I’m glad Spitfire found you, I had a few things I needed to go over with Sunset and since you are the team captain Rainbow Dash I felt it was appropriate you were present.”

“Of course Principal Celestia, what do you need me to do?” Sunset asked starting to question what kind of sports team needed this kind of official initiation.

“Oh, it’s nothing major just need you to sign a few things that say you give us permission to take you out of the school grounds for matches. Usually, your parent or guardian has to sign it but well you’re a bit of a special case,” She said looking at Sunset with a warm smile as she flipped a document around for her to sign.

“And what did you need me and Dash for?,” Spitfire asked raising the question as she stood leant against the back wall of the office.

“Well that’s the main reason you’re all here together rather than me just chasing Sunset down for her to squiggle her name down, then hunting you down for this, it’s very exciting news you see,” Celestia said getting a little ahead of herself.

“Wanna tell us what it is?,” Rainbow Dash questioned motioning with her hand for Principal Celestia to carry on.

“Of course well you see Vice principal Luna and I have been interviewing for the position of the new Gym teacher and Coach and since you are both the Captain and Vice-captain of the soccer team we felt it appropriate that you should be formally introduced,” Celestia said to the three girls in the room before pushing a button on her desk to turn on the intercom, “Luna could you send in the new coach please?” She said lifting her hand away from the button to continue speaking to the girls directly.

“Now from what we’ve been told he himself was a star athlete and a captain of a soccer team himself, so he’s got the playing experience, and for coaching experience he’s not only a personal trainer but has done private coaching for several professional soccer players and that’s not even everything,” Celestia said in a kind tone.

“He sounds great, it’s exactly what the team needs to give us that edge over everyone else,” Spitfire said eagerly, coming away from the wall and heading over to the desk in the centre of the room.

“He sounds like my Dad,” Dash said jokingly.

“That’s the other thing,” Celestia said her soft smile still holding on her face, but her sentence was cut short by Luna opening the door and guiding the coach inside with the three girls turning around to see who their new coach would be. A tall man with short rainbow coloured hair stepped into the room looking at everyone with a smile,

“You guys ready for Canterlot high to take the trophy this year.” The man said extending his hand to shake Spitfires.

Sunsets jaw dropped at what she’d heard there’s no way this was actually Rainbow Dash’s dad although the similarities were there with the hair and everything, Sunset turned to Dash preparing to ask her if it was actually her dad, but she already got her answer just from seeing Dash. Rainbows face had lost nearly all its colour and her jaw was dropped wide open.

“Uh, you alright there dash?” Sunset asked nudging her friend with her elbow.

Rainbow shook herself trying to accept the reality of the situation, this was her dad, in school. Why was he in school? Why was he now her coach? Rainbow Dash slowly turned her head to face Sunset and silently mouthed, “This will not end well for any of us.”

Chapter 5 : Excitement Awaits

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It was a new day at Canterlot high no one truly knew what happened yesterday with Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, because no one saw them, or even heard from them. Fluttershy sat in the classroom pondering what could have happened that kept them so preoccupied, Rainbow Dash didn’t even respond to the text that she had sent the previous night. What Fluttershy didn’t know is that Rainbow Dash and Sunset would have loved to come back to the dining hall and re-join their friends, but it wouldn’t have been allowed. Bow had instantly taken over the team like an authoritarian having gathered the team that very same lunch and gone over the foundation rules.

“You want to win this season! you want to be scouted for your dream team! Then I suggest you listen up and buckle up! We will meet every night after school for practice with limited exceptions, you get to school early I want to see you on the field, your lunches will be spent here on the field. Without dedication, you will lose out on your dreams!” Bow boomed as he paced back and forth in front of the line of stunned soccer players.

“But Sir what if we have other responsibilities? Like I have band practice on Thursday lunch,” A girl called out from the line.

“Is it the school band?” Bow asked turning towards the girl and calling her to step out in front of the line.

“Yeah, I play the tuba.” She replied unsure of the kind of response she would receive.

“That is a responsibility to the school, and I can accept that since it is one session a week, however social calls and recreation will not be sufficient I can’t have you running off every lunch to play jump rope when you could be practising the field.” He said firmly dismissing the girl back into her place among the line of girls.

Sunset could hardly believe what she was hearing he really expected them to miss out on hanging out with their friends during every lunch, her face was struck with shock turning to look at Dash who simply nodded, weakly smiling as she understood exactly what Sunset was feeling.

“I told you this would mean trouble,” The smile dropping into a look of concern, “What are we meant to tell the others?”

“I don’t know Dash, but we’ll have to think of something, he’s your Dad can’t you talk some sense into him?” Sunset pleaded, trying to grasp at any chance of hope they might have. But this hope was quickly crushed before Rainbow Dash could even respond.

“And I want to make something very clear,” Coach Bow started, “Just because I am Rainbow Dashes father does not mean she will be getting any extra points or let off easy, if anything she will get it the worst as team captain she should be pushed harder than her team to ensure she is able to lead them. So she’ll be the first one here in the morning and the last one to leave at night.” He shouted shifting his glaring eyes across the team before settling them on his daughter the star player that he needed to succeed.

“Me and my big mouth,” Sunset whispered across to Rainbow Dash, “I shouldn’t have said anything about you being related to him.” A look of guilt on her face as she saw the frown grow further across Dashes face.

“Nah it ain't your fault, this is just my Dad for you.” She moaned a tone of misery clinging to her voice as she spoke.

“Now I wanna see what you’re made off so get out there and show me what you can do!” Bow yelled, signalling to all the girls to get out there on the pitch and partake in a practice match.

Back in Fluttershy’s world the fact she was lost in her thoughts was becoming more and more obvious gaining her the attention of her usual classmate Silver Moon. Usually Silver would check on her friend but she chose not to say anything this time after all class was almost over and she’d be leaving Fluttershy to go on her way to her group of friends, who do a much better job of looking after her. As if by coincidence the bell then began to ring knocking Fluttershy out of her thoughts and into the world around her.

“Wanna walk with me to the cafeteria from there we can split off and go to our usual places?” Silver asked as she packed her things away.

“Yeah I’d like that,” Fluttershy whispered having already packed her things away and standing up out of her seat.

The two girls began to walk out of the classroom wishing their teacher Ms Somnambula a goodbye and headed on their way down the winding corridors of Canterlot high in the direction of the cafeteria. They moved at a snail’s pace quietly giggling between themselves at the hordes of students rushing to get the first pick of the food, mainly the desserts. Fluttershy’s vision combed crowd finding itself captured by a girl amongst the crowd rushing past them only being noticeable due to her Rainbow coloured hair.

“Hey, isn’t that your friend Rainbow Dash?” Silver asked nudging Fluttershy with her elbow to get her attention.

“Yeah that’s her,” Fluttershy replied, hope in her voice as she began to realise this would be a good chance to ask about what happened yesterday. “Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy attempted to shout having no real success due to her version of shouting being at the same volume as a normal talking voice, its reach being drowned out by the many voices of louder students.

Silver held back her laughter at the shy girls attempt to raise her voice since it just made her sound like she was angrily whispering when an idea struck her, “YO DASH!,” She yelled a commanding presence in her voice achieving more success at grabbing the athletes attention who upon turning around saw Fluttershy and the girl who’d shouted her, heading straight over to meet them.

“Hey Flutters, I'm really glad I managed to find one of you, I need you to do me a favour and pass on a message to the group since I’m in a rush and can’t really stop,” Dash said her face still stained from the concern of yesterday.

“O.. oh, of course, Rainbow, is something wrong?” Fluttershy responded slightly worried by the lack of time the athlete appeared to have.

“You’ve have no idea,” Dash started as she tried to quickly explain, “Basically Sunset and I won’t be able to hang out with any of you guys this lunch or potentially any other lunch again because we have to partake in soccer practice. It sucks I know but right now we’re powerless to stop it, so if you wouldn’t mind could you pass the message on for me?” Dash asked desperation growing in her voice.

“I’ll let them know,” Fluttershy replied solemnly, wanting to say more but found herself denied the chance as Rainbow Dash instantly began to sprint off down the corridor grabbing onto a locker to fling herself around the corner.

Fluttershy was left in the corridor at this point basically alone since all the other students had made their way into the cafeteria and only Silver remained stood beside her, but none of that mattered. She was still trying to process what had just been said to her. Did she even hear it right? Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be able to hang around with them at any of their lunches, after only just starting to get her back? Fluttershy felt something close to emptiness, like something had opened inside of her, she’d felt it before when Rainbow Dash had stopped hanging around with them this cold empty feeling.

“You wanna carry on walking Shy?” Silver piped up catching the pink haired girls’ attention.

“Oh no I’ve got somewhere I need to be so I'm gonna go this way,” Fluttershy whispered, gritting her teeth as she battled off tears quickly walking in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

“But what about your friends,” Silver called after her, unsurprised by the lack of response.

Silver unsure what to do carried on with her original goal and headed into the cafeteria to the usual table with Octavia and Derpy. The two girls began to eagerly wave at their friend, their faces dropping when the approaching girl stopped in her tracks at a different table.

“Rarity would you mind if we had a quick word? I’m a friend of Fluttershy’s.” Silver asked awkwardly.

“Of course darling is everything alright?” Rarity said answering the previous question with her own.

Silver began to retell the events that had just occurred passing along Rainbow Dash’s message for Fluttershy and mentioning the sudden change in Fluttershy’s behaviour.

“I’m sorry darling, are you saying Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer will not be joining us for lunch for a good while and upon being told this Fluttershy has gone running off,” Rarity questioned, her face full of worry and confusion.

“Yeah I didn’t know what to do so I came to you guys,” Silver said with a panicked tone rubbing the back of her neck.

“Ya did the right thing sugar cube we can deal with it from here.” Applejack spoke while tipping her hat.

“I’ll make sure to come and speak to you when we solve this issue or get to the bottom of it.” Rarity added, a warm smile on her face, filling Silver with confidence that she had done the right thing and left the issue in capable hands.

“Alright thanks guys, I really had no idea what was up and as Shy’s friend I just wanna make the sure the right people are there to cheer her up.” Silver finished a compassionate smile on her face.

“You’ve done a marvellous job, now go and enjoy your lunch and I’ll let you know what happens.” Rarity said sharing the smile.

Silver smiled heading to her original destination where she was met with delighted faces and a handful of questions.

“So girls, time for a quick meeting. What do we make of this?” Rarity asked leaning over the table to close the gap and increasing the level of secrecy within the group.

“No meeting needed Sgt Rarity, Rainbow Dash has hurt Fluttershy and now Fluttershy is out there all alone and upset, operation cheer up is engaged.” Pinkie said her eyes squinted as they moved between each person on the table as she stood up and charged off in search of the missing girl.

“We should probably go after her,” Twilight suggested watching the party girl move further and further away from the table.

“You’re right we can’t leave Fluttershy with her, she’ll exhaust the poor mouse.” Rarity said looking between Applejack and Twilight.

“Well, I reckon you pair go figure out what all this business is with Rainbow Dash,” Applejack started, “An I’ll go see if me and Pinkie ain't able to help Fluttershy find her smile.”

“Sounds good to me, stay in touch so I know if she’s alright.” Rarity replied getting up with Twilight and walking off in search of the athlete leaving Applejack on her own.

“Now where on earth has that girl gotten too,” Applejack said aloud, attempting to follow the trail of candy and glitter that Pinkie always left in her wake.

Fluttershy had headed straight out the side doors of Canterlot high and trekked to the other side of the field. Heading right to the edge of the school grounds where a lone tree sat offering an oasis of shade to the area around it. This was a place Fluttershy had visited a lot during the time when their friend group had been disbanded leaving her with no one to speak too, it was the perfect place to avoid bullies, noise and well everything. Due to it being the only tree in the area it was often visited by birds and squirrels which only made her fondness for the secluded location grow. Everything was going as planned until she rounded the tree seeing a girl already sat there with a rock on her knee and phone in hand.

“Oh my, I’m sorry I didn’t realise someone was already here,” Fluttershy said shyly backing away.

“it’s okay I was just talking to boulder in a place where I wouldn’t be called weird,” The purple-haired girl said now turning to look at Fluttershy, “You are my sister Pinkie Pie’s friend aren’t you?”

“Yes I’m Fluttershy, you must be Maud,” Fluttershy said edging closer to the girl and sitting beside her.

“You are they quiet one, my sister has suggested in the past that we would get along as we share this trait,” Maud said placing the rock on her lap at her side.

“That’s a pretty stone,” Fluttershy spoke as she looked down admiring the smooth rock beside Maud.

“This is a boulder, he is my rock buddy,” Maud said picking boulder back up in her hands and petting its flatter surface.

“He?” Fluttershy asked tilting her head to the side in confusion.

“Yes it is a he, I come here to speak to him,” Maud said her face showing no emotion.

“Oh I'm sorry then I must be interrupting I can find somewhere else,” Fluttershy said her face turning red with embarrassment for intruding on something.

“No it is okay, you came here first meanwhile I know other spots, you may have this one I shall move,” Maud contested gathering her things and standing up.

“Oh no, I don’t want to make your move I really don’t mind leaving.” The shy girl responded, her face turning redder as she began to feel guilt welling within her.

“I’m serious and besides it looks as if you need this place more than me,” Maud said her face and voice still showing no emotion but Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel like she was smiling at her.

“T…thank you,” Fluttershy said softly as she weakly waved Maud off.

“Goodbye Fluttershy hopefully we can meet under better circumstances next time,” Maud said as she waved goodbye.

“I’d like that.” The pink haired girl said as one last thing before Maud moved too far away to hear her.

Now Fluttershy was alone and could think about the thinks plaguing her mind with insecurities.

“Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, where might you be?” Rarity questioned aloud as she peered into each passing classroom and corridor she came across.

“We should probably check the soccer pitch since that is typically where she is.” Twilight suggested looking over at Rarity who by now was almost pressed up against a window peering out onto the football pitch.

“I'm afraid she isn’t there from what I can see, which means she could still be in the changing rooms, quickly let us go.” Rarity announced strutting down the corridor like a woman on a mission.

“You know despite the dire situation this is kinda fun,” Twilight laughed, holding her book bag to her side hurrying after the fashionista.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was indeed inside the changing room taking her time to get changed in order to spend as little time as she could out on the field under the watchful rule of her father.

“I know it’s kinda intense the regime your dad has got us on, but it can’t be that bad.” Sunset started looking over at her glum friend.

“Dude we literally have no time to spend with our friends now,” Rainbow argued, tying her hair into a ponytail.

“He wasn’t like serious about that right, every lunch?” Sunset asked a mixture of concern and doubt on her mind.

“If I know my dad and trust me I do this is only the beginning,” Rainbow said her facial expression beginning to match Maud’s.

“Rainbow Dash are you in here darling?” a familiar voice called out.

“Rarity?” Sunset asked turning to see a girl with purple hair enter the changing rooms.

“In the spotlight darling,” Rarity said with a dignified tone, flicking her hair over her shoulder, “Now could I trouble you for a word outside please, this room rather offends my nostrils you see.”

“Uh yeah, I’ll just be a minute,” Rainbow responded as she finished dressing.

Rarity nodded and headed back out of the changing room and towards Twilight confirming that Rainbow Dash would be here momentarily, which after a minute or two she did.

“Hey, guys what’s up? Did Fluttershy pass my message along?” The rainbow-haired girl asked, closing the changing room door behind her and heading across the hallway to them.

This question earned her a concerned look from both Rarity and Twilight who looked at each other before answering.

“I’m afraid not, in fact, we had a white haired girl deliver the message in her stead.” Rarity replied.

“Oh that Silver girl that’s in her history class, yeah she was with her when I told her but why did she tell you and not Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked a look of confusion on her face.

“You see that’s what we came to you about, it appears your message has sent our dear friend AWOL, would you mind telling us exactly what you said?” Rarity said her eyelids closing slightly into a harsh gaze as she awaited the response.

“Well yeah, I just said that me and Sunset ain't gonna be able to hang out with you guys at lunch anymore because we have to do soccer during all our lunches, and we can’t really say no,” Rainbow answered trying to remember exactly what she had told the shy girl. “And what exactly do you mean AWOL.”

“Yes, I feared you’d said that,” Rarity started before being cut off by Twilight.

“Well she didn’t turn up to lunch and the girl you said was Silver came over and told us Fluttershy had gone off looking really down after you left,” Twilight answered.

By this time Sunset had appeared sticking her head out of the changing room door, “What’s this about Fluttershy being upset is everything okay?” She asked.

“Ahh Sunset, well you see Dash here has told Fluttershy neither you nor Rainbow herself will be able to hang out with us again unless it’s out of school time,” Rarity asked motioning for Sunset to come over.

“Well yeah Dash’s dad has taken over the team and those were his words, all our lunches and afterschool is now spent out on the field practising soccer.” Sunset began, “So hanging out with you guys is gonna be real hard besides that sleepover tomorrow.”

“Wait, Rainbow Dash your father is the new coach?” Rarity asked her voice mixed with shock and concern. Rainbow Dash didn’t reply she simply just nodded causing Twilight and Sunset to look at them both confused.

“Am I missing something here?” Twilight asked.

“Well let’s just say we aren’t the biggest of fans of Rainbow Dash's father, but this would explain quite a bit.” Rarity said to Twilight before turning back to Rainbow. “Does Fluttershy know?”

“No, I didn’t tell her that, I don’t want her worrying,” Dash answered with an awkward expression.

“Yo guys coach wants us out on the field now,” Spitfire called from inside the changing room, “I don’t like it either but we ain't got many choices right now.”

“We’d better go if he has the reputation you seem to be eluding at I don’t wanna get on his bad side,” Sunset said walking back to the changing room door. “Oh and about Friday can you let everyone know to arrive at five pm since I won’t be home till then.”

“I’ll make sure everyone knows five pm you can count on me,” Rarity said with a reassuring smile, Sunset quickly returned the smile as she headed back inside.

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, “I suppose I should follow her.”

“Just a moment if you don’t mind?” Rarity asked grabbing hold of Rainbows arm as she attempted to walk away. “What you said earlier, you didn’t want Fluttershy worrying.”

“Yeah, what about it.” She asked raising her eyebrow in confusion.

“Why don’t you want Fluttershy worrying, but you don’t mind any of us worrying.” Rarity said the tiniest of curls appearing at the edge of her lips.

“Well no I don’t want any of you worrying, we were just on about Fluttershy at the time,” Rainbow responded unsure as to what Rarity was getting at.

“I think what she is trying to say is why you do you not want Fluttershy worrying period,” Twilight asked catching onto what Rarity was doing.

“Oh well I dunno, I guess a part of me still feels like I have to look out for her like when we were kids,” Rainbow said her eyes wandering off somewhere as she remembered how things were back then.

“Do you care about Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“Well yeah of course I do, I care about you all and trust me I don’t like this lunchtime thing any more than you guys do I’d love for us all to be able to hang out every day,” Rainbow replied sadness welling in her eyes.

“Rainbow Dash where are you?,” A stern voice called out, followed by Bow appearing at the end of the corridor. “You are supposed to be outside the whole team is waiting.”

“Sorry, dad I was just.” Rainbow started before being interrupted.

“Talking, you were talking. Your whole team is waiting and you’re here flirting.” Bow said crossing his arms.

“Dad I’m not flirting.” Rainbow Dash started once again being interrupted but this time by Rarity.

“I can assure you, Sir, she was not flirting with us, we were simply discussing why she wouldn’t be able to hang out with us and our friends as she would normally do.” Rarity calmly said biting her tongue.

“She won’t be hanging out with you this lunchtime or the next lunchtime because she as the team captain should be out there setting the standard for her team,” Bow began his voice sounding angrier and angrier. “You are her friends then I assume, you should be encouraging her to work harder and practice more, that is unless you want to be responsible for her not being scouted for a scholarship.

“Sir, I am not suggesting she miss out on a very clear future but surely she deserves some recreational time.” Rarity said the leash on her tongue beginning to slip.

“Are you telling me how to raise my daughter.” Bow said his eyes glaring down at the girl much smaller than him.

“I thought she was the team captain but now she’s your daughter, maybe you should show some compassion.” Rarity hissed about two words away from getting into trouble.

“Rarity,” Twilight said nudging her friend to stop.

“The nerve,” Bow started before he himself was interrupted.

“That’s enough, I'm going out, they need their captain after all.” Rainbow Dash shouted grabbing the attention of both Rarity and Bow.

“Yes of course, and I must apologise there Mr Dash I stepped out of line a little there I shall remember to hold my tongue in future.” Rarity said snapping her fingers and regaining her composure while watching Rainbow Dash walk back into the changing room.

“I’ll let it slide, but as your gym teacher I must warn you to be careful who you speak like that too, could get yourself into some nasty trouble.” Bow said his anger fading into a compassionate smile as he began to walk down the hall and back outside.

“What was with his sudden change,” Twilight asked looking confused at Rarity.

“Well, it would seem he remembered he must be professional since this is his place of work, wouldn’t want to get in trouble for yelling at a student unprovoked.” Rarity said tapping her foot on the ground. “I don’t like this.”

“I’m not confident any of us like this,” Twilight said looking even more concerned and confused than before.

“Pst guys,” Rainbow whispered sticking her head out of the changing room doors, “He gone?”

“Yeah he’s gone back outside but I doubt you have much time,” Twilight said while checking to see if Bow was coming back.

“Yo Rare’s, have I really upset her?” Rainbow asked a worried look in her eye.

“It would seem so.” Rarity replied an equal look of worry within her.

“Well, I guess I’d better go,” Dash said with a sigh before disappearing back into the changing rooms to head through to the field.

“Come let us find the others.” Rarity said leading Twilight away in search of their friends.

“Flutter Flutter Fluttershy, where is yooooou,” An energetic Pinkie Pie called as she bounced down the hallway in search of her friend.

“Pinkie where’d ya get off too,” Applejack cried trying to track Pinkie down by the sound of her voice.

“I’m here cowpoke,” Pinkie answered nonchalantly appearing behind Applejack almost out nowhere.

“How in the hay did you, never mind. Any luck finding her?” Applejack asked looking around to see if Fluttershy was near them.

“Nope, I can’t even find a trace.” Pinkie said her smile turning into a frown.

“Ahh shucks well cheer up Pinkie I’m sure we’ll find her, we just gotta try asking about.” Applejack suggested turning her attention to Vinyl and Octavia walking in their direction.

“Good idea,” Pinkie responded turning towards the duo heading closer to them. “Hiya Octavia, hello Vinyl, have either of you seen Fluttershy.”

“I’m afraid I haven’t myself, but I can keep my eyes open and let her know you are looking for her if I see her,” Octavia replied, “how about you Vinyl?” She asked earning a shaking of the head from Vinyl.

“Ahh well thanks anyway you two,” Applejack said looking slightly disappointed, “Come on Pinkie let’s see if anyone else hasn’t seen her.”

The two girls worked together asking a few people if they had seen their missing friend with them all giving a very similar response. Almost ten minutes had gone by and the girls had made no progress only adding to their disappointment and increasing concern for their friend.

“She could be outside,” Pinkie suggested.

“That ain't a bad idea ya know,” Applejack added snapping her fingers and pointing towards the exit.

The pair walked together heading towards the main exit poking their heads into any of the empty classrooms they passed, hoping they would strike lucky and spot their shy friend inside. As they approached the glass doors the two friends could see Pinkie Pie’s sister on the other side heading towards the building. Applejack took the charge and took a few extra steps forward holding the door open for both Pinkie and Maud to walk through.

“MAUD!, fancy meeting you here,” Pinkie called the excitement in her voice being heard for miles around.

“Hello Pinkie, I’m happy to see you,” Maud said her face matching her usual emotionless state, causing Applejack to question her use of the word happy.

“So what are you doing outside Maud, looking for a friend for boulder perhaps?” Pinkie asked wondering if she had an excuse to throw a party for her sisters’ new friend.

“No I was talking to boulder when your pink haired friend came over and I offered her my spot,” Maud said unsure as to why Applejack and Pinkie’s faces suddenly changed to show huge smiles.

“We are actually looking for her, Fluttershy right?” Applejack said eagerly.

“Yes, your shy friend she is over there on the other side of the tree,” Maud said extending her arm and pointing to a tree on the other side of the school field.

“Thank you Maud, you’ve no idea how helpful you have been, officially the best sister EVER!” Pinkie announced bouncing on the spot struggling to contain her excitement.

“Yeah Maud you’ve saved us a million there,” Applejack said a sending a sweet smile in Maud’s direction.

“I’m not sure what I’ve done but you are welcome; I shall see you later,” Maud said continuing on her path.

“Well, I think we know where we are going.” Applejack concluded still smiling as she looked towards Pinkie.

“LET’S GO!” Pinkie shouted excitedly as she broke into a sprint, running across the field towards where they believed Fluttershy would be.

Fluttershy watched as Maud got smaller and smaller the further she walked away, leaving Fluttershy to herself, finally. It had only been a short time since Rainbow had broken the news that once again their group would be split apart, and just as things had started to look up. Just as soon as Rainbow Dash was hanging out with them again, she’s had to go again, and this time she’d taken Sunset too. A small pool of water began to glaze her eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

“What if we all stop being friends again, this is how it started last time, one by one we were all pulled away.” She said quietly to herself.

“Now why on earth would that happen,” Pinkie spoke her head peering out from behind the tree.

“She got a point sugar cube; I just can’t see that happening.” Came the voice of Applejack as her head peered out from the other side of the brown bark

“Girls, what are you? how did you?” A startled Fluttershy spluttered out as she slipped backwards leaving her at the base of the tree on her back seeing their familiar heads above her poking out from behind the tree above her.

“Need a hand?” Applejack asked stepping out from behind the tree and extending her arm out for Fluttershy to grab.

“And I’ll get the other one,” Pinkie said giddily hopping around from her side of the tree and offering her hand out as well.

“I think I’d rather just stay sitting down here,” Fluttershy responded letting her hair fall in front of her face to hide her eyes.

Applejack nodded and sat down her back leaning against the tree, tipping her hat against the sun to shade her face, “Now how come yer out here Fluttershy?”

“Yeah we’ve all been super worried about you ever since Silver told us you’d gone off looking all upset,” Pinkie said tackling Fluttershy in a hug.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry any of you, I just needed some time to think,” Fluttershy guiltily responded hesitantly returning the hug.

“Now what is it you came here to think about?” Applejack questioned.

“It’s nothing, really its silly,” Fluttershy stuttered from behind her hair.

“Well I love silly so now you have to tell me,” Pinkie Pie said excitedly while winking at Applejack. “Is it maybe about us not being friends when we totally are!”

“It’s nothing guys,” Fluttershy assured pulling her knees to her face trying to hide from the pair.

“You can tell us anything, we’re your friends,” Applejack said in a comforting tone.

“Yeah and helping each is other what friends are for,” Pinkie added trying to hug the meek girl once more.

“Well, I guess,” Fluttershy took a deep breath, “It’s just what if this is the beginning of what happened last time again and we are all gonna slowly peel away from each other leaving me pretty much alone again.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy,” Pinkie said dropping her usual happy go lucky tone for a more solemn one, surprising both Applejack and Fluttershy, “Nothing is going to come between us all now we’re best friends and none of us will have to go through that loneliness again.”

“Wow Pinkie you actually sounded serious for a change,” Applejack said the surprise still glued to her face, “By the way Fluttershy this wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with Rainbow Dash and Sunset supposedly not being able to hang out with us anymore.”

The shy girl didn’t open her lips to respond she simply remained behind her hair and slowly nodded.

“Oh that Rainbow Dash saying such crazy things,” Pinkie said reverting back to her energetic self, “Rarity and Twilight have already gone to get to the bottom of that, so you don’t need to worry that pink head of yours.”

“She’s right if anyone can figure out what’s going on with all this, it’s both the smartest one of us and the one with the most charm, working together they could solve anything.”

“You think Rarity is charming?” Fluttershy asked liftin her head slightly revealing a corner of her lips, perked with a smile.

“Now you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Applejack said beginning to fluster as the smallest blush appeared on her face causing Fluttershy to giggle a little.

“SHE LAUGHED! Mission complete,” Pinkie shouted while joining in with Fluttershy’s light laughter.

“Anyway don’t get worrying about any of this Dash business, the others are sorting it and besides we’ll be seeing them both tomorrow at Sunsets so it’s not like they are gone forever,” Applejack said that comforting smile returning.

“You’re right,” Fluttershy said finding herself empowered by her friends, “I can just make sure we meet up a lot out of school times.”

“I wonder if they found Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie asked aloud earning her shrugs from the two girls sat with her.

“We did,” Came a familiar voice as Twilight appeared from the other side of the tree, “I can’t judge on what kind of news I bring since I don’t know as much as Rarity seems to.”

“And where is Rarity,” AJ asked curiously.

“I’m here, I’m here, I must say Fluttershy as pretty as this place is it was not designed to be traversed by a lady in heels,” Rarity said stumbling over a few tree roots before giving up and sitting down where she was.

“How did you all find me?” The meek girl asked curiously.

“Pinkie an I found out from Maud, and then I shot Rarity here a text to let her know we found you alright.”

“So how was your mission?” Pinkie asked her eyes shifting from side to side like she was meeting with a high-level informant rather than her friend.

“Well, I can’t say its good news but also can’t say it’s bad. From what I can gather the new coach is being a little rough on them at the moment, but I doubt it will last I mean at some point one of the team members will complain to the principal and then something will have to change.”

“Oh, by the way, Sunset asked if we didn’t mind arriving a little later tomorrow since she has soccer practice first,” Twilight said recalling what she had been told.

“Well, why don’t we watch them practice and we can all head to Sunset’s together,” Pinkie suggested the excitement building in her voice.

“That sounds like a splendid idea but how exactly will we all travel there together, we don’t have a vehicle big enough,” Rarity contested.

“We can go in separate vehicles I don’t think we will need more than two of our own,” Twilight said having quickly added up the number of people and the average number of seats in a car.

“But I have things to bring to my car will be full,” Rarity said her lips slightly downturned.

“Well I can fit a lot of you in my truck including space for items, so if Rarity you take Twilight and Sunset. I can have the rest of them and collect everyone’s stuff in the morning and load it into the truck to save space.” Applejack suggested looking to Twilight to ensure it was possible.

“Yeah, that seems logical by my standards,” Twilight finalised settling Applejacks doubts as to whether her idea was plausible.

"I suppose that’s settled then, I’ll ring Sunset in a moment and let her know.” Rarity said with a smile admittedly starting to feel as excited as everyone else, well everyone except Pinkie who at this point was bouncing around the tree giggling. “Though Applejack darling can I have a quick word it’s about sizes for your dress and it’s rude to discuss a lady’s size in the company of others.”

“I mean I ain't wearing a dress but sure,” Applejack said getting up and walking a little distance away from the group with Rarity.

When Rarity felt they were a safe enough distance away from earshot as to not let Fluttershy hear she began to speak, “Okay you need to keep this to yourself for now, but the new coach is Bow Hothoof.”

“Rainbows Dad?,” Applejack asked her jaw almost dropping.

“Hush hush, yes I’m afraid so, now the reason I dragged you over here is that Rainbow Dash isn’t keen on Fluttershy finding out as she says it’ll worry her.” Rarity said all the while keeping her voice to a hushed volume.

“So what your telling me is we can’t tell Flutters that the coach is Bow?” Applejack questioned.

"For now yes I suggest we keep quiet about it, Fluttershy already appears to be upset and if Rainbow Dash’s idea is correct and it’ll upset her further then I’d rather not push her,” Rarity replied a very clear level of seriousness in her voice. “How is she by the way?”

“She seems alright, we’ve made her laugh a little and we seemed to have cheered her up but she’s really beating herself up, thinking she’ll never see Dash or Sunset again, an that this is the start of a chain reaction where we all stop being her friend.” Applejack said dropping her hat down to block their voices from potentially reaching the group.

“She clearly seems to know more about Dash and her relations with her family since Rainbow was talking specifically about her and such. So its best we don’t tell her in case it sparks something.” Rarity said her mind wandering to how much more Fluttershy might know about Dash than the rest.

“You’re right, but anyway we should get back and try to cheer her up, I’m not exactly confident she’s feeling alright yet.” Applejack said as she began to walk back with Rarity.

“You’re very caring, you know that farm girl?” Rarity teased softly nudging Applejacks elbow with her own.

“Well I just try to be a good friend to you all,” Applejack said hiding the blush appearing on her face with her hat.

The two girls headed back to the group and collectively made it their mission to make Fluttershy feel back to her 100% shy but happy self. It took a little while but after Pinkie had pranked Applejack with a water balloon laughs could be heard from all around. Fluttershy felt like those dark ideas were now put at rest, she smiled for the rest of lunch and throughout her lessons as she conveniently shared her next two lessons with her friends. being able to sit next to Rarity during textiles and spent the final hour of the day baking cupcakes with Pinkie and Silver in food tech. All the while letting Silver know that things were okay now.

Rainbow had gotten home late, much later than usual and it was all thanks to her father, he’d made her stay till every last member of the team had gone home and then she had to pack all the kit away, “Like a real team captain,” She angrily muttered to herself mocking him. However now she was home and it was now far too dark for her father to thrust any spontaneous training onto her, meaning she was safe to relax.

She lay back on her bed and grabbed the remote for her tv flicking through the various channels, her eye catching onto a movie that looked somewhat interesting. From the short few seconds she’d seen, she had made the connection that this was about robots and they were gonna fight monsters coming out of the ocean. Rainbow Dash always found herself being unable to resist the call of a monster movie, something about a huge creature being fought always appealed to her. She recalled how her friend Fluttershy would always complain about her love for this genre of movie. “Tasteless violence against animals,” She would always say, Fluttershy hated seeing any creature or animal being involved in a fight even if it was a giant worm from out of space.

The memories rushing back striking her in an instant, what had happened today, what she had been told. Fluttershy was upset over something she had done, the guilt washed over her urging her to check on the supposed upset friend. So Rainbow did just that, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and shot her friend a text.

*Hey Shy, heard I’d upset you today, are you alright? Do you wanna talk? *

Rainbow Dash stared at the screen of her phone for a good few minutes, each passing second causing her to slowly feel more and more disheartened.

“Why would she want to speak to me now anyway, I’m the reason she’s upset,” Dash said with a sigh letting her phone fall onto the bed beside her and continuing to watching the movie.

This didn’t last long, the sheer effort that had been demanded from her that day and the energy she’d needed was starting to catch up with her, the athlete felt as her eyes began to feel heavier and heavier, her attempts to fight it off failing. She felt with each blink her eyes would remain closed for longer and longer periods every part of her body wanted to sleep and although her mind was fighting, it was an uphill battle and she was losing. Her eyes closed to blink once more, but this time they didn’t open. Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep.

Fluttershy was sat in her living room watching the ending to the latest episode of a tv series she’d been following with her mother. She lay on the couch in the dark room snuggled up under a blanket, the glow from the tv being the only light source, illuminating her face in the dark. She watched as the episode ended with a cliff hanger and the credits began to roll.

“Ooh what do you think that was all about then,” Her mother asked.

“I don’t know but it’s exciting to think about,” Fluttershy responded her voice only just loud enough to be heard from the other side of the room.

“Well I suppose we will have to wait until tomorrow to find out,” Her mother spoke finishing off the last few bits of popcorn from her bowl.

“I won’t be here tomorrow remember, I’ll be at Sunsets for the sleepover,” Fluttershy said hiding her mouth behind the blanket so her mother wouldn’t see how wildly she was smiling.

“Oh yes I remember, then we’ll watch tomorrow’s episode on Saturday before Saturday's episode,” Her mother said setting the next episode to record.

“I don’t know if Rainbow Dash would wanna watch this with us it’s kinda mushy,” Fluttershy said letting out a soft laugh.

“Why would Rainbow Dash be watching it?” She asked confused.

Fluttershy let out a gasp she’d had so much on her mind that she’d forgotten to say, “I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you that Dash is coming here to hang out after the sleepover.”

“Rainbow Dash?, like the ripped jacket Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah that’s the one,” Fluttershy gasped again, “I forgot to give the jacket back!”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen that rainbow dash, make sure she stays for dinner will you.”

“I’ll um try, but it’s okay if she visits right?” The meek girl squeaked.

“Oh yes I don’t see an issue with it, just make sure she has enough clean clothes and I’ll have your father get the air bed out for her to sleep on in case she stops over, and about our show. She’s gonna have to suffer through it since I’m not waiting another day to find out.” Fluttershy’s mother said giggling softly as Fluttershy would. “Anyway it’s nearly eleven pm you should get some sleep; you’ve got school tomorrow after all.”

Fluttershy sluggishly got up, wrapped in her blanket and slowly walked to the door stopping just as she was about to exit the room, “Night Mom.”

“Goodnight Sweetie,” Fluttershy mom responded as she began to switch off the electronics and make sure the front door was locked.

Fluttershy headed up to her room and collapsed onto her bed, getting comfortable underneath her blanket by wrapping it around her, she reached her arm out of her makeshift nest and picked up her phone from the bedside table to check she had an alarm set turning it on to the see the message from Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy heart instantly sank as she was reminded of the events of today and how she had acted, “Rainbow must have been so worried being told I was upset and having no explanation,” She thought to herself as she texted out her response.

*Yeah I’m okay I guess, I suppose finding out I wasn’t gonna be seeing you and Sunset at school anymore since we don’t share any classes and you no longer have a lunch got to me, sorry if I worried you, and yeah we can talk anytime I don’t mind as long as you aren’t busy.*

Fluttershy noticed the message had been sent over an hour ago meaning by now Rainbow Dash wasn’t sitting waiting for a reply and had probably gone to sleep. The sleepy girl plugged her phone in and left it on her bedside table retracting her arm into her nest and closed her eyes quickly falling into a slumber.

Rainbow’s room was pitch black besides the glow coming from her television, by now the movie had ended and the credits had begun to roll, the athlete could be seen lying on her bed out cold, asleep with her shirt screwed up on the floor. The television slowly faded to a dark screen as the credits finished and a number of ads showed before the next movie began to start, now at this point, it was after 11 and this particular channel begins to show horror movies at this time. The movie opened up on a mansion with a couple entering inside due to storm flooding the road and they could no longer travel.


The sound of lightning boomed from the tv shaking the sleeping athlete awake and sending her tumbling off her bed in fright. Rainbow Dash having left her sleep in a second to being now on the floor, found herself a little dazed looking all around the room to figure out where the sound had come from.


A woman’s high pitch scream echoed from the tv scaring the athlete once more causing her to throw herself back up onto the bed and glare directly at the source of the sound. Rainbow Dash could not have looked more unimpressed as she realised she’d been woken up by a horror movie getting up and turning it off all the while covering her eyes they felt weary of the light. She heavily moved back towards her bed, letting herself fall onto it her head slumping onto the pillow, she began to try and slip into sleep again, but something as caught on her mind like she was forgetting something. Fluttershy! Rainbow’s eyes shot open and she sat up grabbing her phone checking to see if the meek girl had replied. She had and fairly recently in the past half an hour, Rainbow made the decision and called her.

Rainbow sat in her dark room switching her lamp on and setting it to a dim light as to not blind her but still grant her the ability to see. Everything was silent except for the dull chirping of the dial tone, it dialled once, twice.

“H.. hel…hello,” A soft but croaky voice spoke from the other end of the line.

“Oh Flutters I’m sorry did I wake you,” Rainbow said as she facepalmed out of guilt for disturbing Fluttershy’s sleep when she herself was annoyed moments ago that her own sleep had been disturbed.

“Hmm, what no it's okay, who is it,” Fluttershy said with a sleepy voice her eyes glued shut.

“It’s Dash sleepyhead,” Dash chuckled quietly to herself.

“Rainbow is everything alright?” Fluttershy asked still not completely with it

“Yeah Shy, everything is okay I just wanted to check on you,” Rainbow said still chuckling at what sounded like a zombie on the other end of the line.

“Why did you video call me its pitch black on your end,” Fluttershy asked beginning to fully wake up.

“Huh did I?,” Rainbows questioned pulling the phone from her ear and holding it out in front of he where she could see Fluttershy lying down in her bed her eyes still squinting as she got used to the light. “Oh yeah, my bad,” Dash added.

But she gained no verbal response, all she could see were Fluttershy’s eyes opening fully and her face turning a bright shade of red.

“You alright there dude?” Rainbow asked unsure as to what was happening.

“Rainbow... I can see… you don’t… you aren’t wearing a shirt,” Shy stuttered out as she struggled to find the words.

Rainbow’s eyes shot open wider than Fluttershy’s looking down at herself to indeed see that she was wearing nothing from the waist up, “Omigosh omigosh,” Rainbow spluttered out grabbing her blanket and holding it above her chest, “I am so sorry, I had no idea I’ve just woken up I'm so embarrassed,” Rainbow said tripping over her words all the while her face was blushing equally as red as Fluttershy’s.

“It’s okay it’s okay, I was just shocked, and they were nice,” Fluttershy said not quite functioning to her usual shy level due to her still not quite being fully there.

“What?” Rainbow asked a mix of confusion and shock on her face.

“Huh, OH no... I said nothing it’s okay, what did you call me for anyway?” Fluttershy asked, trying to swiftly move on.

“Yeeeah erm right, it was about today, Rarity said I’d upset you with what I said,” Rainbow began, slowly getting over her embarrassment and remembering why she called in the first place.

“Oh yeah, that.”

“So what’s wrong, how can I cheer you up,” Rainbow asked while giving puppy dog eyes to try and get Fluttershy to open up.

Fluttershy sighed and took a deep breath, “You know how we were on about how we don’t really get to see you much anymore, and you acknowledged how you haven’t been around and were gonna try harder like with the sleepover on Friday. To just come up to me the next day saying that we can basically never hang out again.”

Rainbow’s face was ridden with guilt she knew exactly what it must have looked like to patch up a wound and then to cut it deeper so soon, “You’re right Flutters, I just can’t fully explain it the new coach just wants us out on the field as much as possible no exceptions, me more so than anyone else since I'm the captain.”

Fluttershy sighed again, “I know its selfish of me, you have your own responsibilities.”

“That might be true Shy, but I’ve also got a responsibility to my friends and that includes you Shy,” Rainbow said her face now showing as much compassion as she did when she was younger and was first offering her friendship to Fluttershy.

“Thank you, I needed to hear that,” Fluttershy said her heart doing little flips to hear that Rainbow Dash cared about her, sure she said her whole group of friends, but she’d singled her out. “What about hanging out together and stuff?”

“I'm gonna work on it don’t worry, I’m sure the coach will come around and besides a few of the girls in the team have already complained to Principal Celestia saying it’s overkill and ruining their morale and friendships with those outside the team so hopefully she’ll step in. On top of that, I’m coming to the sleepover tomorrow and then to yours after for a bit, so if anything we will just have to hang out at each other’s houses more, saying each other’s I mainly mean yours.” Dash said taking a few breaths here and there.

“Well that’s good, hopefully we will have you back with us by next week, we are all sad you know Pinkie especially since it’s like we’ve lost two of our friends, and what did you mean by saying it’ll be mainly my house,” Fluttershy replied trying to respond to each bit of what Dash had said. “Oh and of course yes I’ll see you tomorrow and my mom knows you’ll coming back on Saturday with me, which reminds me she said to make sure you have enough clean clothes.”

“That sounds like your mom, always looking out for me.” Rainbow said laughing slightly, “and about my place yeah it’s just not great my parents argue a bit as you know, and I don’t want it bumming you out.”

“I’m not gonna mind, it’s not like my parents don’t argue every now and then it’s just something that happens I suppose,” Fluttershy responded innocently trying to mask that she was aware it was far worse in the case of Rainbow Dash’s parents.

“Yeah, I suppose you are right and don’t worry you can tell your mom I’ll even bring my own snacks,” Rainbow said still jesting to bury the conversation about her parents.

“She wants to watch a series with me as well so I’m afraid you’ve gotta watch it with us,” Shy said giggling at the thought of Rainbow Dash watching a romance before letting out a big yawn.

“Yeah I don’t mind, I can always just get some shut-eye if it’s too boring,” Dash said returning her friends yawn with one of her own.

“You look sleepy,” Fluttershy said smiling innocently into the camera.

“So do you,” Rainbow Dash responded giving a short laugh.

“Pinkie is probably going to keep us up late tomorrow,” Fluttershy added an inch of dread in her voice.

“Without a doubt but at least it’ll be a lot of fun,” Rainbow started as she yawning again, “should probably get some sleep don’t want her attacking us with a marker pen if we fall asleep first.”

“Oh yes I’d rather not experience that again,” Fluttershy said doing her usual soft laugh.

“Well I’d better get off to sleep now, night Shy, see you tomorrow,” Rainbow said getting comfortable in bed ready for her to fall asleep.

“Night night Dashie,” Fluttershy said the innocent smile returning to her face as the call between them ended leaving Fluttershy to fall asleep happy that she had spoken to Rainbow and heard what she had to say spiking a vote of confidence that soon things would go back to how they should be with Rainbow Dash and Sunset hanging out with them again.

Meanwhile, the athlete Rainbow Dash was just laying on her side her eyes closed happy that she had gotten to cheer up her Fluttershy, it was nice to see her smile, and yet that wasn’t the highlight. Dashie, that was a nickname Fluttershy hadn’t called her in a long time, it was nice. This was the last thing on Rainbow Dash's mind as she drifted off to sleep wondering what the slumber party at Sunsets might bring.

Chapter 6 - This Terms First Sleepover

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“Applejack darling not the back row, we don’t want to be so far away that we can’t see, but also not so close that I get covered in mud,” Rarity complained as she climbed the steps of the bleachers following Applejacks lead.

“Alright, this here’ll do,” The farm girl replied as she started to walk across one of the rows, sitting down in the middle and handing Rarity one of the two drinks she was carrying.

“Thank you Applejack,” Rarity spoke taking the drink, “I must say I expected the others to be here by now, we didn’t exactly come straight here.

“Um I’m already here,” came a hushed voice from behind them.

“Goodness Fluttershy I must admit I didn’t even see you,” Rarity apologised as she assisted the girl in climbing over the chair onto their row.

“I was here first and didn’t wanna draw attention to myself, so I kept low,” Fluttershy squeaked, an innocent smile on her face, “I hope the others get here on time I think it’s starting soon.”

“Nah I can see Pinkie and the others now, so I think they’ll make it,” Applejack pointed out using her extra height to scope out the area.

Rarity gave a small wave flagging down the group to join them up on the bleachers. Once they were all seated, and Pinkie Pie was done handing everyone snacks out of her bag they sat and chatted for a while the excitement brimming within them as their thoughts bounced over what they would get up to that night. The chat was cut short when a whistle blew silencing the group of girls as they scanned the pitch for the appearance of the team. One by one they all walked out of the changing room in a line and onto the pitch where they gathered in the centre stretching. They sifted through the crowd for their friend’s trademark rainbow or fire coloured hair having Pinkie excitedly shout when she had seen them drawing her the attention of all the girls on the pitch.

“Woooo Dash and Sunset we’re here!” Pinkie shouted jumping up and down in her seat.

“Please keep still Pinkie dear you are shaking the whole row,” Rarity complained trying to hold her chair steady.

Rainbow Dash and Sunset took the currently absent coach as a chance to go and greet their friends, rushing over to the bleachers and up a few of the steps.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sunset asked with a big smile on her face.

“We thought it would be nice to come and observe you,” Twilight answered

“Hey Flutters,” Dash said climbing over a row of seats in order to get closer to her, “Didn’t expect to see you till later,”

“It was Pinkie’s idea.” Fluttershy shyly responded looking away to hide her blush.

“Well I’m glad she did, it’s so awesome that you are all here, and who knows maybe I’ll get my old cheerleader back,” Dash laughed at the thought of Fluttershy cheering for her from the side-lines.

“Oh I don’t know Rainbow,” Fluttershy said meekly her cheeks glowing redder.

“Either way it's so cool you guys are all here, I'm guessing this means we’re all heading to Sunsets together?” Rainbow asked

“Your deductions would be correct we have it all calculated,” Twilight responded as if she was answering a teacher’s question.

“Well I’m putting my faith in you since I haven’t exactly had time to plan, “Sunset said awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck.

“Not to worry darling between me and Pinkie Pie here we’ve got more than enough things planned,” The fashionista proudly reassured, resting her hand over her mouth as she laughed.

“You bet ya, I got hundreds and hundreds of super fun things,” Pinkie called excitedly between uncontrollable fits of giggling.

“I can’t wait to hear about it all,” Sunset started but was cut off by the sound of whistleblowing, “but I suppose its gonna have to wait.”

The two soccer players hurried back down the bleachers to re-join their team on the field narrowly making it back in time before the coach opened a door out of sight to the group of friends and could only hear his voice.

“I want you running a lap of the pitch to warm-up meanwhile Spitfire, Rainbow get in here and help me carry the gear out.” The coaches voice called echoing across the stands.

Fluttershy’s mind raced at the sound, why did that voice sound familiar? She could have sworn she’d heard it before but where. As if a lightbulb had switched on inside her mind she knew, a face had appeared in her mind to match the voice. That was Rainbows Dad, he was the new coach, now it all made sense as to why the whole soccer team was suddenly being pushed so hard.

“The new coach is Bow!” Fluttershy blurted out in a tone much louder than her usual one but it still couldn’t be considered shouting.

“Yes Fluttershy, it is,” Rarity answered, smiling weakly.

“I do hope he isn’t too hard on them all,” Fluttershy said her face showing concern.

“I think we all hope that,” Rarity declared taking a sip of her drink, her eyes narrow.

“I am going to be honest, I still haven’t a clue why you seem so on edge about him,” Twilight interjected curiosity staining her face.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out in time darling, you’re a smart girl.” Rarity scowled the memory of her interaction with Bow yesterday still fresh in her mind.

The group watched as the soccer team was set up to partake in a friendly match to help gain some practice in preparation for the upcoming games. Fluttershy’s eyes were drawn to her Rainbow haired friend watching her duck and weave through players as she made progress up the pitch passing the ball back and forth between Sunset.

“It’s rather impressive watching them work together, they are quite something,” Twilight observed.

“Yeah, she is,” Fluttershy silently said to herself unaware of the smile that had grown on the fashionista beside her.

Rarity looked at Applejack with the pair of them giggling between themselves having to pinch each other to keep their composure. Rarity had a sneaky idea to tease Fluttershy leaning in and whispering into her ear, “You might be thinking aloud there darling.”

Fluttershy’s began to find herself getting flustered letting out an eep and pushing all of her hair forward letting it cover her face as she hung her head in shame, causing Rarity to let out another giggle and nudge her shoulder, “I’m just teasing dear no one else heard it, so you can keep gawking at Rainbow which by the way I think she noticed,” Rarity said urging Fluttershy to come out from her hiding place to which she could see Rainbow Dash looking directly over at them giving a small wave unaware that she had let another player slip the ball past her and was rushing forwards towards her goal.

“RAINBOW WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT,” Bow shouted from across the pitch ripping Rainbows attention away from her friend.

Rainbow snapped back to what was happening, charging after the player in the hopes of reaching the ball, but it was too late. They had already scored, and Rainbow was to blame, she had let the ball get past her. Rainbow Dash looked around at her teammates each of them dumbfounded as to how she hadn’t stopped the ball, her eyes were drawn to the coach, her father. Bow Hothoof was stood arms crossed glaring straight at her, his eyes enraged, after a few seconds his attention turned to the group of girls on the bleachers that Rainbow Dash had waved at before looking back to his daughter shaking his head. Rainbow felt a blast of emotion wash over her; she knew what this meant, her friends were going to suffer because of something she did.

The game went on for another forty minutes with Rainbow Dash's game now permanently messed up, she was missing shots, passes, even tripping over her own feet at one point. Fluttershy watched in horror, she’d seen how it had gone downhill since the look Bow had given to Dash, its why she now sucked. The pressure Rainbow was receiving from her father was getting to her, it was messing up her game and her concentration. Fluttershy had this reinforced by the constant checking Rainbow would do looking over at her dad to see if he was still glaring at her his anger being portrayed through his eyes. It wasn’t just Fluttershy that had seen this, all of her friends had noticed it and a few of the soccer players like Spitfire and Cloud Chaser were feeling the negative energy between their star player and the coach.

The game wrapped up and Bow called in all of the players to gather around giving a commendation to the player that had scored against Rainbow and her half of the team. He also asked for Rainbow to stay behind for a short while as he needed to speak to her. He waved the soccer team into the changing rooms with a smile wishing them a good weekend waiting for the final player to fall out of sight before he spoke.

“What on earth was that!” Bow angrily shouted instantly on the attack.

“You should be proud of the team they scored,” Dash said dodging the question in an attempt to defend herself.

“Don’t smart-mouth me,” Bow spoke as he rubbed his eyes, “You were too busy waving at your friends than to pay attention to the game, I’ve told you distractions will cost you your future and they almost cost your team this game.”

“Dad this was a practice game, I wouldn’t do it in an official match.” Rainbow defended still fighting back.

“I’m putting a stop to it now before it gets any worse,” Bow started stopping himself as he saw his daughters’ friends arrive behind her along with Sunset fresh out the changing room.

“I’m sorry if I distracted you Rainbow Dash I really didn’t mean too,” Fluttershy guiltily spoke.

“It’s not jus you’re fault sugar cube, we were all here today,” Applejack said pulling the blame from Fluttershy aware of how angry Bow could get.

“Hmm,” Bow grunted, “This better not happen again, have fun with your friend's Dash I’ll see you Saturday.”

Unexpectedly that was it, just like that Bow walked away having gone from 100 to 0 just like that, Rarity stood bewildered, as this attitude did not match her expectations considering his mood when they first arrived.

“Well erm, we should probably get going,” Dash said awkwardly looking at her friends.

“You’ll be travelling with Applejack and Fluttershy. Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie Pie are with me,” Rarity cheered saving the mood and leading her group away so they could get to Sunset’s first.

“Lemme just get changed AJ and I’ll meet you in the car park,” Dash said waving off her friends as she headed into the school.

Sunset walked up the steps of her apartment putting her key into the lock and opening the door, “Feel free to leave your stuff over by the far wall,” She said pointing to space at the rear end of the room.

Pinkie went running in her face full excitement throwing her bags up against the wall and spinning in a circle in an attempt to get a full scope of the room.

“Be careful Pinkie you’ll make yourself sick,” Rarity warned her eyes drifting around the room admiring the decorum and style as she sophisticatedly placed her several bags and carrier down against the wall, “I must say the design is simple, but it just screams you, Sunset.”

“Yeah this place is super amazing Sunset you are super lucky,” Pinkie said toppling over from dizziness.

“Yeah I like it too, you’ve got so much space and your bed being above your desk is kinda neat,” Twilight added her face full of wonder, feeling drawn to Sunsets bookshelf curious to search its contents.

“Thanks guys,” Sunset said slightly embarrassed as a small blush appearing on her face, “Feel free to get out what you need and make yourselves at home while we wait for the others.”

Pinkie immediately jumped into actions running over to one of her several suspiciously large bags and pulling out a few metal poles and some string.

“Uh, Pinkie what is that for,” Sunset asked her face hesitant to know more.

“Making a sort of tent fort thingy for us,” The party girl cheerily replied

Sunset giggled a smile beginning to brighten up her face, “Well let me know how I can help,”

“I got loads more blankets in that bag so grab em,” Pinkie said excitedly pointing towards the bag besides Twilight.

“Oh let me help too,” Twilight added keen to join in on her first activity.

“You girls enjoy, I shall simply watch the madness,” Rarity commented, a light chuckle escaping her lips as she took a seat in one of Sunset’s chairs.

The three girls got to work piecing together as large a tent as they could in the corner of Sunsets room, despite Rarity’s earlier comment the three still found themselves being given her input, giving tips on how to make the fort more homely, advising them to use one of the plusher duvets from her bag to make the floor more comfortable. Once the girls felt they had done, they all joined Rarity in sitting down, cramming themselves onto the couch to marvel at the creation, it looked a little rough around the edges but comfy enough to suffice for its purpose.

“So what exactly is the tent for?” Twilight asked, curious of its purpose.

“Well it’s for later when we play some of the games like truth or dare or tell scary stories, it’ll make it more fun being in such a small space, and of course we can sleep in it too,” Pinkie said listing off only a small number of things she had planned for them.

“Let’s keep the scary stories fairly tame please, I don’t want us scaring Fluttershy,” Rarity warned.

“You can’t trick me Rarity you get just as scared as she does,” Pinkie giggled, teasing the fashion lover.

As Rarity was looking rather frustrated at a laughing Pinkie Pie the doorbell rang signalling their missing friends had finally arrived. Pinkie ran over to the door and pulled it open seeing Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy standing in the doorway, each with bags over their shoulders and arms open to greet their friends, well two of them had their arms open Fluttershy’s were wrapped around her blanket and pillows as they couldn’t fit in her bag.

“Pinkie it’s rude to welcome people into someone else’s home, you should have let our host do it.” Rarity tutted.

“Nah its chill Rares,” Sunset started, “and you guys can leave your things over there with the others.”

Fluttershy dropped her things and headed over to the couch realising there was little space for her and decided to sit on the floor near it instead, something she didn’t expect though was to see Rainbow Dash make the same judgement sitting beside her rather than cramming herself into any gap she could find.

“Your stuff is here Rarity,” Applejack said lowering her own bag and two others that looked a little out of the cowgirl’s style.

“Thank you, darling, I would have brought them myself, but my car was getting a little cramped,” She said thanking the farmer with a smile.

“Don’t mention it, now what are we all up too?” Applejack asked pulling her hat forward as she leaned against the arm of the couch.

Sunset ran through a few suggestions with the girls deciding that it would be better to leave watching a movie till later for when they were getting ready to go to bed having them all settle on playing a few of Sunsets video games, grabbing a controller and getting ready as Sunset got it all prepped.

“Okay we are gonna play Mario Kart first it’s pretty simple, use the stick to steer, A to go forward, B goes backwards and the triggers throw your items and let you power slide, it can be pretty challenging so I’ll go easy on you,” Sunset said smugly inserting the disc and taking her seat back on the coach.

The girls went through picking their characters all mainly based on appearance with Dash picking Yoshi as she thought he looked the fastest, Rarity picking Peach the most glamourous looking one and Fluttershy picking Mario in a cat costume because she thought it was adorable. Pinkie instinctively chose metal peach who was essentially just all Pink leaving Sunset to pick the character that had the best stats. Meanwhile Twilight and Applejack had picked at random since they weren’t at all fussy.

The game commenced with Sunset’s earlier confidence at her skills in the game earning her the position of fourth place being beaten by Dash, Pinkie, Twilight and surprisingly Fluttershy who was well ahead in the first place. Fuelled to not let her earlier statement fall flat she kicked into overdrive spending the next lap trying her hardest to get to the front, by the midpoint of lap three Sunset had managed to get herself into first place the goal in sight when she heard the dreaded words.

“I got this blue shell what does it do?” Rarity asked confused looking over at Sunset.

“Just throw it and find out,” Pinkie giggled knowing full well what was about to happen.

Sunsets ego hit an all-time low as she heard the blue shell approaching her character, she knew what this meant. Like fate had decided, it collided into her kart sending her up into the air allowing the other racers to start overtaking her when she had finally finished the race she was in sixth. She had only beaten Rarity.

“Woah Fluttershy you’re pretty good at this. Have you played it before?” Twilight asked amazed at how she had managed to come first.

“Um no, this is my first time playing this game,” Fluttershy whispered slightly embarrassed at all the attention she had brought herself.

“Teach me!” Sunset pleaded jumping over to the girl who had so easily outraced her.

“Well um okay, I guess I pushed A and went forward,” Fluttershy conceded confused over how dramatic Sunset was being.

Sunset buried her face into the ground she’d sunk hours into the game and been defeated by her friends so easily, the blue shell shall rue the day it messed with me Sunset thought as she awkwardly got back up and into her seat starting the next race. The group played a few more races before Sunset offered to switch to a fighting game, Rarity quickly decided this game wasn’t for her and along with Fluttershy and Twilight backed out and moved to away to a space in the room.

“You guys sure you don’t wanna play, I can change the game?” Sunset asked a little unsure as to how to handle some of her friends being left out.

“Not to worry dear I’m going to give these pair a makeover,” Rarity excitedly declared dragging the two more docile girls to the side.

“Well, you three have fun and let us know if you wanna jump back in.”

“Likewise darling you are all welcome to getting a makeover, it is a sleepover after all,” Rarity laughed to herself seeing the slight fear in Applejacks eyes.

She dragged her willing test subjects away pulling a bag to her side, unzipping it to reveal the large stash of makeup inside ranging from foundation to concealers, you name it Rarity had it.

“Woah Rarity you’ve got a lot there, did you bring everything you had?” Twilight asked sarcastically.

“This is about half I’d say,” Rarity proudly responded dismissing the sarcasm.

“Now then,” The fashionista began grabbing Twilight by her shirt and pulling her in close enough to speak at a volume Fluttershy wouldn’t hear, “Twilight wanna help me make Fluttershy look simply wonderful.”

“I’m not great at makeup, but I can give it my best,” Twilight whispered in return the eagerness in her voice bringing a smile to Rarity’s face.

“I like your passion, we have someone here that we need her to impress,” Rarity smiled winking at Twilight, with them both turning to look at Fluttershy giggling.

“Um, why are you laughing at me,” Fluttershy said feeling uncomfortably exposed.

“We were simply giggling over how stunning we are going to make you,” Rarity answered opening a container and dabbing a makeup brush against it.

“Why me?,” Fluttershy asked curiously one eye visible through a gap in her hair.

“Because we are gonna do you first silly,” Rarity beamed as she passed a bobble to Twilight to tie Fluttershy’s hair back.

Fluttershy sat as still as she usually would when Rarity needed to practice some of her techniques, but this time felt different like Rarity had an ulterior motive, she pursed her lips as Rarity often requested in order to better work on her, having gotten a little experience in having makeovers when her mother had taken her to a few fashion shoots last year.

“One more round, one more I can totally beat you this time,” Rainbow cried competitively shaking her fist in Applejack’s direction.

“Sugar this is the fourth time Sunset and I have wiped the floor with you and Pinkie you really think this will make a difference,” Applejack said tipping her hat to her teammate Sunset, all the while sticking her tongue out at Rainbow.

“It would help if Pinkie stopped throwing items at me, we’re on a team Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed throwing her arms into the air.

“I turned the friendly fire off two games ago Dash what’s your excuse now,” Sunset teased while fist-bumping Applejack.

Rainbow Dash screwed up her face in frustration her competitive side getting the better of her, it wasn’t that she needed to win she just liked to win, she liked to win a whole lot. A smirk broke through her lips which turned into a smile and then laughter causing all four of them to begin laughing.

“AHEM,” A voice called from behind them causing all four girls playing the video game to turn around seeing the source of the noise. There Rarity stood with Twilight and Fluttershy at her side all three of them having had their makeovers.

Rarity didn’t look much different probably because she already wore makeup to school every day as is, but Twilight and Fluttershy looked fairly different, not too much that you wouldn’t recognise them, but they’d gone from cute to jaw-dropping cute. They had their eyes and eyelashes enhanced making them more defined along with a nice base of makeup just to make their complexion fairer, they each had a small amount of lip gloss dabbed against their lips that perfectly matched their skin tone causing them to gleam, highlighting just how prepared Rarity was for each of her friends.

“Wow guys you look great,” Sunset said her mouth open at the talent of Rarity,

“Yeah YOU LOOK SUPER CUTE,” Pinkie cheered jumping over the couch and diving on Twilight.

“You all looked pretty before, but y’all belong on the cover of a magazine,” Applejack said nodding to Rarity.

Fluttershy blushed hard hearing all of the compliments pushing her hair in front of her face to hide it, she could peer through the gaps between the strands of her hair letting her still slightly see her friends, they all looked so impressed even Rainbow Dash. Rarity had done such a good job if only she had the confidence to match it, maybe then she could really impress her athletic friend.

Rarity aided in plying Pinkie Pie away from Twilight before sitting down on a chair beside the couch her stomach rumbling as she did.

“I think someone is hungry,” Pinkie said giggling.

“I might be hungry, yes, but a lady’s stomach doesn’t rumble,” Rarity admitted trying to hide the embarrassment.

Just then both Applejacks and Pinkie Pie stomachs began to rumble causing several of the girls to break into laughter, “Well I’m a farm girl, not a lady and I am starved,” Applejack chuckled.

“LETS ORDER PIZZA,” Pinkie declared excitedly.

“Oh I don’t really have that much money for pizza, this place is pretty expensive,” Confessed a red-faced Sunset.

“Not to worry dear you provided the locale we shall provide the food,” Rarity began, “now what pizza do you all want.”

“I can pay for my own don’t worry,” Fluttershy added softly.

“Nonsense darling I recently did a big order of costumes for the town halls theatrical showing of Romeo and Juliet I can handle it,” Rarity contested taking out a pen and paper to write down what people wanted.

That’s Rarity the element of generosity, Sunset thought as she chuckled to herself, asking for a pepperoni pizza.

“Can I just have a margherita please,” Squeaked Fluttershy earning a nod from Rarity.

“Yeah go on I’ll have a plain cheese one too,” Rainbow Dash called out.

Rarity noted down the rest of the girl’s order noticing something, “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, you both want a plain pizza right?” Rarity asked earning a nod from both of the girls, “Well, in that case, I’ll get a large one that you can split meanwhile us four can have the meat feat and pepperoni to share between us,”

Everyone seemed happy with the decision keeping quiet while Rarity made the call. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie had dashed over to the back of the room and began rummaging through her bag mumbling to herself as she did.

“Alright, it’s all sorted,” Rarity began before Pinkies overpowering voice interrupted her, “GAMES!,”

Everyone turned around confused to see Pinkie Pie stood with various boxes of games that they could play.

“I don’t mind what game we play as long as it ain't monopoly I ain't havin a repeat of last time,” Applejack announced glaring intensely at Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, it’s not my fault I was a little tipsy and frustrated,” Rainbow battled, rubbing the back of her neck out of embarrassment.

“Yeah tell that to the judge, it took us ages to gather all the pieces back up,” Applejack teased, attempting to push a few of the athlete’s buttons.

“Yeah, Sure,” Rainbow moaned, rolling her eyes at the farm girl, “Now Pinkie what you got.”

“Well I suppose we could start with charades,” The Pink haired girl replied tossing a box that looked suspiciously liked Monopoly over her shoulder.

“Sounds perfect,” Twilight and Sunset said in unison causing them to start laughing.

Pinkie prepared the cards placing them face down on the table between them all dedicating the first turn to Sunset since she was the host. The flame-haired girl stood up and took a card beginning to act as an Anteater in the best way she could, it took the girls a while since Sunset actually had no idea that an Anteater was an animal and so she just looked like she was eating peas from a plate. Upon the group's revelation that Sunset Shimmer had no idea what an anteater was they all burst into uncontrollable laughter with Sunset nearly falling over the table from her laughter causing the girls to laugh even harder.

“MY TURN MY TURN,” Pinkie said jumping excitedly knocking a few cards out of place as she took one from the top of the pile, she looked down at her card examining it and settling on the action she would perform, she placed her fist over her mouth and then clenched her other hand into a fist to spin around her other hand almost like she was squeezing icing into her mouth. The girls made a few mechanical based guesses when a quiet voice could be heard, “Mosquito,” Fluttershy said in her hushed tone not wanting to interrupt anyone.

“Someone said it!,” Pinkie gasped frantically looking around for the person.

“Um…Mosquito,” Fluttershy repeated her voice somehow sounding quieter in the silence.

“That’s right,” Pinkie said high fiving the meek girl who was looking a little embarrassed to receive the attention.

“How did you get Mosquito from that?” Sunset asked her confused expression showing just how bewildered she was.

“She was doing sign language,” Fluttershy replied.

“You and Pinkie know sign language?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded turning to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie and I took lessons at school so that we could talk to Vinyl better since she uses sign language a lot.”

“That’s actually really cool of you,” Dash praised patting Fluttershy on the head.

“Oh thank you,” Fluttershy replied looking down at the floor to try and hide the fact her cheeks were a crimson red.

“Fluttershy darling it’s your turn,” The purple-haired fashionista cut in, pointing to the stack of cards on the table.

“ okay,” Fluttershy conceded taking a card as she stood up, she looked at what was written on it.

*A bunny*

Fluttershy knew how to act like a rabbit she had angel bunny as her example. She placed the card face down on the table as to not give away what she was going to be. Closed her eyes and tried to get into character. When they next opened all she could see were groups of eyes staring at her. The whole rooms attention was on her, she felt her hands begin to sweat, her breathing intensifying, these were her friends, she shouldn’t be struggling with them.

“Fluttershy are you alright?” Rarity asked noticing the discomfort growing on the shy girl’s face.

“Come on Flutters you got this,” Rainbow cheered.

Fluttershy’s heart rate quickened but not because of the pressure but because of the support, the feeling of having Rainbow Dash and her friends support her invigorated her, giving her just enough confidence to stick out her butt and hop around.

“OOH a Kangaroo,” Pinkie shouted earning herself a no from Fluttershy.

“Is it a rabbit?” Applejack asked to which Fluttershy told her she was very close.

“Oh. Oh. a bunny,” Sunset called out nearly falling out of her chair as she leaned forward itching the answer out of herself.

“Yes it was a bunny,” Fluttershy smiled taking the opportunity to quickly sit back down.

The girls laughed as Twilight struggled to pull Sunset against the force of gravity, using all her strength to stop her from falling the ground when the doorbell rang. The sudden sound caused each girls attention to be cast upon the door, Twilight even going as far to forget she was attempting to rescue Sunset leaving her grip to weaken on the Flame headed girl resulting in her crashing to the floor.

“Pizza!” Pinkie cried jumping over Sunset and running over to the door and taking the boxes from the delivery guy.

Rarity also rose from her chair, but she instead headed over to her bag taking out her purse and paying the delivery driver what they owed.

“Thanks for ordering, you girls all take care now,” The delivery guy smiled as Rarity closed the door turning around into a room that was now filled with the aroma of food.

Pinkie placed the boxes down on the table, spreading them out and opening the lids letting an even stronger smell begin to escape. Meanwhile, Sunset had nipped over to her kitchen area and grabbed a handful of plates, some cups and a few bottles of soda placing them on the table alongside.

“Now we’re talking,” Dash grinned grabbing a slice of pizza and chowing down on it.

“Y,” Pinkie started but upon seeing the instant fire in Rarity’s eyes finished chewing her food first, “You can say that again.”

Rarity gave a smile of relief and a sign of approval to Pinkie Pie causing the excitable girl to feel bubbly inside that she was able to make her friend happy.

The girls began digging into the pizza the volume of the room alternating between quiet and chatty as they all filled their stomachs with cheesy goodness. It was all going great until Rainbow Dash noticed something. There was only one slice of pizza left in her and Fluttershy’s box. Both girls awkwardly looked at it unsure of what to do.

“I’ve had more than you so you can have the last piece Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash decided, instantly admitting defeat upon looking at the girls’ innocent face.

“No it's okay you can have it, I'm not that hungry,” Fluttershy responded her rejection causing Rainbow Dash to have a serious need to facepalm.

“I said it’s alright, it’s only fair you have this one,” Dash argued reinforcing her earlier point.

“I mean it I’m not that hungry,” Fluttershy contested her voice remaining quiet but her persistence increasing.

“Fine I’ll have it,” Pinkie called from behind, both girls stared in shock as a hand extended from between them swiping the final piece of pizza before gobbling it into her mouth.

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stared at each other jaws dropped that the slice of pizza had slipped from their grasp, “Hey that was ours!” Rainbow angrily called out after Pinkie.

“Oh please, you pair would have been at it all night and it would have gone cold,” Rarity tutted.

Rainbow looked back at Fluttershy gobsmacked, with them locking eyes for a good few seconds. Fluttershy was staring right into Rainbows pretty magenta eyes, she felt lost looking into them like it would take forever to explore them. The reality of the situation set in and Rainbow Dash started snickering causing a smile to grow on Fluttershy’s face resulting in the both of them rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter.

Across the table, Rarity had nudged Twilight in the side indicating to look at the two girls laughing between each other a bright smile on her face. The bookworm looked first at the duo and then to the fashionista who returned the look with a wink.

“Hey Twi,” A voice called from beside her.

“Oh hello, Sunset what’s up,” Twilight responded.

“Well I was just wondering how you were since this is your first real sleepover, or is your mom gonna come pick you up early again?” Sunset Shimmer asked turning to fully face the nerdy friend.

“She’s not coming till I call her tomorrow, so you’ve got me all night,” Twilight smiled before awkwardly blurting out a second statement, “but I mean if you want me gone sooner just let me know.”

“No it's cool, I’m glad you are gonna be here for the full thing this time, it felt like something was missing when you left us all last time,” Sunset said a charming smile on her face.

“I’m glad I’m staying too, I like it here with you all,” The bookworm replied returning the smile.

“I like you being here,” Sunset cheerily said her focus drawn to the party girl coming over with a metal box.

“Whatchu got there Pinks?” Applejack asked leaning forward in her seat to scope it out.

“It’s poker, I thought we could play it for a bit,” Pinkie said her eagerness being shown as she opened the box and laid out the card spread.

“That reminds me I’ve got a few pitch up chairs in the cupboard, AJ would you mind helping me?” Sunset asked as she walked over to a door on the other side of the room.

“Yeah it ain't a problem,” Applejack responded getting up and taking two folded chairs from Sunset carrying them back to the group noticing her seat had now been stolen by Pinkie leaving a sour taste in her mouth.

Sunset followed suit pitching up a chair for Fluttershy before sitting back down besides Twilight.

“Thank you Sunset,” Fluttershy kindly whispered shifting a little to the side to ensure there was enough room beside her for Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Applejack tossed the folded chair to Rainbow Dash who placed the legs on the ground and tapped the back with her foot causing it to spring into shape planting it down between the now sitting Fluttershy and the returning farm girl, Applejack placed the chair down and attempted to copy Rainbow Dash noticing that it wouldn’t unfold in the same way.

“Sorry AJ that must be the one that’s stuck lemme grab you another one,” Sunset said guiltily beginning to get out of her seat.

“No need sugar cube,” Applejack started urging her to sit back down as she brought her fist down onto the top of the chair forcing it to take the intended shape.

“How did you know that would work?” Sunset asked in amazement.

“You pick up a thing or two on the farm,” The cowgirl replied chuckling to herself as she positioned her chair between Rainbow and Rarity who sat in one of the actual armchairs.

Applejack sat down waiting to receive her cards when she felt something knock the side of her chair, she looked down out of curiosity to see a foot placed firmly against the side of it. She instantly recognised the owner by the blue trainers with the lightning bolt design, “Rainbow what are ya…Aaah,” Applejack shouted as Rainbow Dash drove her foot into the chair sending her falling towards Rarity.

As gravity had already decided Applejack fell into Rarity, causing the fashionista to look rather unamused with either of the two girls.

“RAINBOW DASH!,” Applejack shouted in embarrassment as she stood up taking a step towards the now laughing athlete.

“Rarity are you alright?” a concerned Fluttershy asked looking worryingly at the purple-haired girl sat opposite her.

Rarity would have said she was quite alright in her typical refined fashion but felt unable to speak as she witnessed madness occurring. Applejack took a step towards Rainbows chair putting her foot on it and pushing with all her might sending the athlete in the opposing direction. Rarity gasped as she realised the athlete was going to collide with a now panic-struck Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash saw herself heading closer and closer to her friend. The athletes quick thinking led to an attempt to grab onto the table alongside her, in the hopes of stopping or at least slowing herself down, but it wasn’t enough. She found herself colliding into the shy girl who squealed in shock as they both tumbled to the ground. The athlete using her honed reflexes to try and break the softer girls fall placing her arm underneath her head and using the other to reduce the damage.

Everyone watched in shock as the two girls tumbled onto the floor together, “Goodness darlings are you okay?” Rarity said standing up to get a better look at the pair now being found in a position where Rainbow Dash was on top of Fluttershy inches away from her face. “Applejack what were you thinking!”

Applejacks faced turned an even darker red in embarrassment as she turned to Rarity, “She pushed me into you I just pushed her back, I didn’t mean to involve Fluttershy, honest,” Applejack said in an attempt to defend herself. “Am sorry Fluttershy are you okay?” The farm girl asked stepping around Rainbow Dash’s now toppled chair in an attempt to help the pair only to stop and look up directly at Rarity a smug look on her face.

Fluttershy hadn’t responded to Applejacks question in fact she hadn’t even heard Applejack she was far too busy being lost in the eyes of the girl above her, she couldn’t believe she was so close. A bright red blush took over Fluttershy’s face as she felt her cheeks getting hotter. Her gaze drifting away from those surprisingly soft eyes to notice Rainbows cheeks beginning to turn a rose red.

From Rainbows perspective, she had started out just trying to do her best to ensure that Fluttershy hadn’t come under any harm from her and Applejack’s fooling around, but that felt like forever ago. Why she was still here holding the Shy girl below her? why hadn’t she gotten up yet?

“Need a hand,” Applejack said extending her hand to the two girls lying on the floor.

“Nah it’s alright I got it,” Dash responded snapping back to reality. She felt herself remain for a few moments her body urging her to take in the feeling of holding Fluttershy so close. She shook her head unsure as to what it was all about and carefully climbed off the girl, standing up and helping Fluttershy to her feet.

The girls all sat back down letting peace restore as Pinkie began to deal out the cards, they proceeded to play a few hands of poker having Pinkie win the majority of the rounds due to her incredible poker face and charm letting her bluff all the hands in her favour.

“Have you practised that poker face?” Sunset asked prodding the party girl in an attempt to make her smile.

Pinkie turned to face Sunset, her face remaining expressionless, “When you live with my sister Maud you learn a thing or two.”

The group collectively looked at each other nodding at the realisation that it must be a trick that runs in the family.

A few more rounds went on with Twilight going bust first followed by Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Sunset leaving Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie in the game.

“This ain't my first rodeo partners,” Applejack said tipping her hat in respect to the remaining players.

“I must say Fluttershy, I'm surprised you’ve managed to stay in this long,” The purple-haired girl admitted.

“Oh its nothing really, I’ve played a bit with my family whenever there is a power cut or storm, so I know what to do,” The meek girl said innocently, intentionally leaving out that she had practised a little on her own.

The game continued with the girl deciding that they should bet more chips in order to speed the game up, the next person to be out was Applejack having fallen for bait set by Pinkie along with a bit of luck in order to get the card she needed. This meant it was the final showdown between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, the spectators gathered choosing their sides and sitting in silence as Applejack took up the role of the dealer for fairness. With each card drawn Fluttershy felt confident in what she had there were 2 kings on the table and 2 aces, a strong pairing and Fluttershy felt like her hand was the better. Pinkie went all in causing Fluttershy to do the same.

“HA I WIN, there’s no way you’ve beaten me,” Pinkie said excitedly as a large smile punched its way through her poker face, “I’ve got pocket kings so it’s four of a kind my shy friend, four kings.”

“What did you have Flutters?” Dash asked looking over at her in curiosity.

“Um.. two pair,” She said shyly.

“You went all this way on two pair?” Applejack asked confused considering the skills she’d been showing earlier.

“Yeah I got a pair of aces on the table and another pair of aces in my hand,” Fluttershy said a devious smile rising on her face.

“FOUR ACES!” Pinkie cried in shock her jaw-dropping as she dramatically fell off the chair, “Well done, I submit Fluttershy you win.”

Rainbow Dash moved over and tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder, “Nice going dude, you’ll have to teach me sometime.”

Fluttershy blushed at the compliment shaking her head to let her hair fall in front of her face, “Oh…um thank you Rainbow Dash.”

The girls talked for a while as Pinkie packed everything away before re-joining the group and letting out a loud gasp. This having made Rarity jump in fear turned urgently to face her.

“Guys guess what,” Pinkie said quietly causing the other girls to lean in closer to hear her.

“What is it Pinkie Pie? you nearly scared me half to death,” Rarity said while quickly fixing her hair from the shakeup.

“It’s so important, I can’t believe I forgot,” Pinkie responded this time speaking even quieter.

“What is it, is something wrong?” Twilight asked now concerned for her usually excitable friend.

“Yeah, it’s just that…WHOMP!” Pinkie shouted reaching behind her to grab a pillow and raising it above her head before slamming it down onto the bookworm’s head. “Pillow fight!”

The group instantly broke apart spreading in different directions to find a pillow to defend themselves with Applejack having the worst luck as Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle proceeded to team up on her while she was still unarmed.

“Ha-ha guys no fair, I ain't got no weapon yet,” Applejack called using her arm to shield herself all the while laughing hysterically.

“That’s the point,” Sunset started still whacking her with the pillow, “Once you get a pillow we’re doomed,”

Applejack laughed trying to grasp at one of the pillows hitting her when she felt a third strike her turning around to see Rarity now with a pillow in hand lightly hitting her on the back, “Oh three of you now,” She said still laughing.

“GET HER!” Sunset shouted between fits of laughter.

“Right now that’s it,” Applejack called out from under the numerous pillows grabbing the nearest person to her and lifting them up by their legs throwing them down on the nearby couch.

“Ahh you ruffian,” Rarity yelled as she felt herself land on the plush couch.

“Oooooh someone’s gonna get it,” Pinkie taunted as she threw a pillow at Twilight.

“Oh yeah what’s she gonna do,” Applejack began but was cut off as a pillow collided with her face sending her tumbling onto the floor.

“I’ll do just that, I might be a lady, but I’ve still got a bite,” Rarity said now looking a mix between smug and proud.

“Strike her while she’s down,” Rainbow called, taking a cheap shot as she threw a pillow at an unsuspecting Sunset.

As Rarity watched the carnage begin to unfold she spotted a pale girl creeping away into the large makeshift tent to hide, deciding she had the right idea the fashionista slipped away retracing the steps. As she got closer to the tent she reached down and pulled the flap up crawling inside to see the light pink-haired girl looking rather on edge.

“Worry not dear Fluttershy I’ve not come to harm you, in fact, I’m here to hide with you,” She said taking extra care to sound as genuine as she could in order to earn the opposing girls trust.

“I didn’t wanna get hit with a pillow,” Fluttershy admitted receding from her cautious stance and now sitting more calmly.

“Yes I agree, my hair doesn’t agree with being thrown about,” Rarity replied pulling out her handheld mirror and messing around with her hair once more in an attempt to fix it.

“I don’t know it looked like you quite liked being picked up by Applejack,” Fluttershy said innocently teasing.

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Rarity responded lowering her eyebrows with venom on the tip of her tongue.

“Oh…I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it,” Fluttershy said beginning to feel uncomfortable.

“It’s quite alright darling, I’ll admit to you and only you that yes she does have something admirable about her,” The fashionista said snootily.

“You all did a really good job of making this place,” Fluttershy said looking around in amazement at the creation.

“I had very little to do with its creation well unless you consider the design part of it,” Rarity replied unable to stop herself from giving a little credit to herself.

“Of course helping design it is important, you’ve done a good job,” Fluttershy beamed an eager smile on her face.

“I hope she isn’t taking all the credit,” Sunset Shimmer egged as she crawled inside the tent followed by Pinkie and Twilight.

“No, no she took very little of the credit I promise,” Fluttershy defended innocently.

“There room for two more in there?” Called Applejack, her voice muffled through the layers of blankets.

“Yeah come on in, I made sure there was room for us all,” Pinkie called back, shifting out the way of the entrance so the others could join.

“Applejack you can sit there between Rarity and Twilight, Rainbow Dash you can sit….” Pinkie Pie scanned the area trying to find a place for their athletic friend to sit.

“Fluttershy if you move a little closer to Pinkie Pie then she can fit in next to you,” Rarity added cutting off Pinkie Pie all the while giving a wink to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy groaned inside the last thing she wanted was Rarity trying to pair them together she’d already had enough contact with the athlete today to last a lifetime.

Rainbow Dash crawled into the tent having to take extra care as to not put pressure on anyone as she moved between the various limbs taking her place beside Fluttershy, “Seems we’re together again,” She smiled looking at Fluttershy.

“Um…Yeah,” Fluttershy responded blushing.

“TRUTH OR DARE!” Pinkie shouted out causing Rarity to jump in shock naturally diving towards Applejack for protection causing a few giggles and a frustrated exhale from Rarity

The girls arranged themselves to sit more comfortably in a circular formation. Pinkie had placed an empty bottle in the centre and announced that whomever the base of the bottle was facing would need to ask the person who was at the neck end the question of truth or dare.

“We all know the rules darling,” Rarity reassured.

“Maybe Twilight hasn’t,” Pinkie proposed.

“I kinda already figured it out,” Twilight added in an attempt to settle the dispute.

“Can we get on with the game please,” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Yeah I’m getting bored,” Sunset added reaching forward and spinning the bottle.

The girls watched is it spun a few times finally settling on the end result of Rarity at the base and Sunset at the neck.

“Well darling you know how it works, truth or dare?,” Rarity questioned.


“What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done at school,”

“Well besides the whole demon thing,” Sunset awkwardly began, “I once knocked my bottle of water off my desk and onto my pants making it look like I’d peed myself.”

Sunset leaned over and spun the bottle while the rest of the girls gave small snickers and giggles causing Sunsets face to turn slightly red in embarrassment. When it finally stopped it was Sunsets turn to ask Rainbow.

“So Dash truth or dare?” The flame-haired girl asked.

“I always take a dare,” She proudly responded.

“I dare you to take your socks off with your teeth,”

Dash’s face fell into confusion, it was a weird dare, but a dare is a dare. She lifted her feet up and attempted to grip her sock with her teeth. It took her a solid five minutes with the rest of the group laughing hysterically at Dash’s various failed attempts, Sunset laughing particularly hard when Rainbow ended up tipping over and falling backwards her foot still in her mouth. The next time Dash was seen upright she was there with her socks between her teeth looking rather proud of herself as she reached forward to give the bottle a spin. It was Applejacks turn to ask Sunset,

“Well, Sunset you know the drill,”

“I pick Truth,” Sunset responded still trying to catch her breath from laughing so much.

Rarity leaned across and whispered something into Applejack’s ear.

“I can’t say that," Applejack protested causing Rarity to begin egging her on to say it.

With a heavy sigh Applejack finally conceded, “Alright Sunset, who you crushing on?”

Sunset’s face reddened the colour matching the brightest streak she had in her hair, “W…what.”

“A said who you got a crush on,” Applejack repeated.

“That doesn’t constitute as a truth question,” Twilight interjected, “It has to be something she can answer yes or no too.”

“She’s right,” Applejack confirmed turning back to a disappointed Rarity.

“I just wanted to make things a little exciting,” Rarity admitted quietly sulking.”

“Okay now um let me see,” Applejack pondered, “Ahh I got, what is your crushes personality like?”

“Once again that’s not really the etiquette for a truth question,” Twilight contested.

“New rule. Ask what you want, and they answer truthfully boom,” Rainbow announced settling the issue before it began.

“But wouldn’t that,” Twilight began.

“I like it, it’s got an official pinkie stamp,” Pinkie announced silencing Twilight and causing all eyes to now fall back onto Sunset.

“Well I guess she’s really sweet and smart and although it’s probably not intentional I find her quite funny,” Sunset stated to the group with a smile as she took her turn to spin the bottle it now being her turn to ask Applejack.

“I know what you’re gonna ask and I pick dare,” Applejack said smugly as to avoid the fire being returned and her being questioned on anyone she had a crush on.

Sunset laughed a little, “I dare you to swap pyjamas with Rarity for the rest of the night.”

“What!,” Rarity cried, “You can’t expect me to give my flawless sleepwear to that ruffian and instead sleep in hers,”

“Rarity need I remind you that you made my pyjamas because you were adamant I needed new ones.” The farm girl replied

“Oh goodness you are correct; I mean after all they had a rip on one of the sleeves and legs. What was I supposed to do, let my dear friend suffer?”

“I wasn’t suffering they were comfy,” Applejack defended.

“Yes but I imagine the new ones are so much plusher and cosier.”

Applejack gave another sigh and scrambled out the tent followed by a hesitant Rarity in order for them to get changed, the remaining five girls sat in silence listening to them bicker over how they had to exchange clothes and that the green of Applejacks T-shirt matched poorly with Rarity’s complexion. The girls in the tent giggled at the arguing before witnessing them both crawl back in with their pyjamas on the opposing character.

“Do you sleep in your hat?” questioned Sunset.

“Well, sometimes I do aye,” Applejack answered.

“Then give it to Rarity,”


“You heard me, if you sleep in it then it counts so Rarity gets it for the night.”

“Now a farm girl can’t be without her hat,” Applejack argued.

“A dare is a dare,” smirked Sunset.

“Gosh darn it fine,” Grumbled Applejack roughly removing the straw hat and placing it onto Rarity’s head.

“You best hope it doesn’t land on me asking you,” growled Applejack as she spun the bottle around.

Applejack spun the bottle with it landing in the position where she would be asking Rainbow Dash.

“A assume you are gonna be going dare?” Queried Applejack.

“You know it,” Rainbow cockily answered.

Applejack grinned, “I dare you to sing instead of speak for the next few rounds.”

“Um Okaaaaaaay,” Rainbow sang causing Fluttershy to start giggling.

Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckles looking at Applejack with a devious smile reaching forward and spinning the bottle, Rainbow Dash’s smile quickly broke when there was a repeat of the previous go and it was once again going to be Applejack daring Rainbow Dash. This caused Rainbow to frown as she saw the delight appear on Applejacks face.

“So you want another dare,” Applejack questioned.

“Yes I dooooo,” harmonised rainbow.

“Let Rarity text anyone anything in your phone.”

“Alright, game on, it's not like Rarity is gonna try and get me killed.”

Rainbow Dash handed Rarity her phone only taking a second to hesitate before opting in and handing her phone to Rarity then moving back to the game and spinning the bottle this time Rarity asking Fluttershy.

“Can I have a truth please if that’s okay?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“Come on Flutters you always pick truth why don’t you try a dare,” Rainbow complained.

“You gotta sing Dash,” ordered Applejack.


“Um okay Rarity, I’ll try a dare for Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy meekly peeped.

“Hmm,” Rarity pondered a sly grin beginning to take shape, “Since you picked dare for Rainbow Dash I think your dare should involve Rainbow Dash,”

Fluttershy began to sweat as worry took over her, what on earth was she going to suggest? She wouldn’t make us kiss right? I always wanted my first kiss to be special Rainbow or no Rainbow.

“I dare you to spend the rest of the game sitting on Rainbow Dash’s lap.”

“What!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cried out in unison.

“A lady always speaks clearly so I know you heard me,” Rarity replied indirectly confirming what she had said.

Fluttershy blushed. Hard. Like magma was flowing behind her cheeks making her feel flushed as she looked between the bewildered Rainbow Dash and smug Rarity.

“Well a dares a dare,” reasoned Rainbow crossing her legs to create an impromptu seat for Fluttershy.

“Well um I guess,” Fluttershy awkwardly responded.

Fluttershy slowly began to scoot closer towards Rainbow Dash feeling incredibly embarrassed as to what she was being asked to do, she would move an inch at a time but to her it felt like a mile with each shuffle. Fluttershy’s knee knocked with Rainbows as instant regret settled in, “Why did I tell Rarity,” the shy girl thought as her athletic friend looked beside her, legs crossed for Fluttershy to sit between. Fluttershy sighed she knew this was a fate she could not escape. The pale girl rather awkwardly lifted herself into Dash’s lap struggling to enjoy a moment she’d fantasised about as she could feel the intense staring of many watchful eyes. She looked up at Rainbow Dash, how was she staying so calm and looking so cool. Well, It’s because she’s not like me.

“WHAAAAAT!,” was all that could be heard echoing around the inside of Rainbow Dash’s head, a rush of strange and unfamiliar emotions flowing over her as the quiet girl planted herself on the athlete’s lap, between the strange smile she was getting from Rarity and the rather uncomfortable look she was getting from Fluttershy, she was getting a few mixed messages, I mean she wasn’t dense. Could this maybe have a deeper meaning, Dash thought to herself having her short attention span triggered by the sound the bottle beginning to spin again.

“Are you serious,” Sunset laughed seeing how Rarity had to ask Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“Wait how does this work?” Twilight asked her eyebrow-raising as her brain attempted to concoct an answer.

“Well duh, it’s gotta be a joint dare or they both gotta answer the truth,” Pinkie clarified.

“Is that so,” Rarity smirked a devious look in her eyes.

Fluttershy felt a wave of dread wash over, “What else could she do now,” she thought hoping the worst was over.

“Well I think we should do a truth before this gets weird Shy,” Dash suggested looking down at her friend.

“G…good idea,” The shy girl quietly whispered out causing Rarity to look rather disappointed.

“Aww, and I had such a good dare. Well alright, I suppose…” The fashionista went quiet for a moment pondering what she could ask when a eureka moment struck. “Does the person you are crushing on go to our high school.”

Fluttershy paused waiting to see if Dash would answer first, she counted the seconds in her head, “One. Two. Three. Four. Oh please answer first, Five. Six.”

“Well, I suppose if I was actually crushing on them,” Dash spoke up scratching the back of her head. “because I ain't exactly sure, but my answer would be yeah.”

Fluttershy looked up at Dash her mind racing at the possibility it could be her. However, it didn’t take long for her to begin scolding herself she knew she wasn’t going to be good enough in Rainbows eyes she’d want a strong athlete to keep up with her.

“Fluttershy you gotta answer as well,” Twilight piped up snapping the daydreaming girl back into the game.

“Oh…oh of course, I would also answer yes.”

“Damm so even Fluttershy is more in touch with her romantic emotions than me,” Rainbow muttered silently to herself so that not even the quiet girl in her lap could hear.

Dash realised one of them would need to spin the bottle and it might as well be her, she ran her arm around Fluttershy and awkwardly pushed at the bottle trying to get it to spin.

“Let me help,” The girl on her lap kindly spoke as she too reached forward to spin the bottle for them.

“No, I got it, just one more try.”

“Just let me help it won’t be an issue.”

Sunset rolled her eyes at the pair of fumbling hands trying to grab a hold of the bottle and knocked it with her foot causing it to spin,

“Hey, I nearly had that,” Dash growled as she in one last effort lunged forward to try and make the bottle spin faster but instead sending it twirling out of the tent.

“I suppose that’s the end of that, even though me and Pinkie didn’t get a turn.” Twilight sighed disappointed she missed out on participating.

“Aww not to worry, last time Applejack didn’t get a turn either and it just means we have to play it again sometime. So now its official we need another sleepover,” Pinkie announced excited that they now had to have another sleepover.

“I mean I can just get the bottle back if you want?” Sunset asked confused as to why this meant they had to stop.

“But if you went to fetch it you’d be missing out on Spooky stories,” Pinkie said sealing the small hole in the roof causing the space to dim to complete darkness.

Fluttershy was never a big fan of the dark it made her feel on edge and tense, she found herself subconsciously gripping onto the closest thing to her clutching it tightly out of fear of the unknown.


A small light flickered against the Party girl as she sat there with a small torch shining at her face, everyone’s attention was on Pinkie as she began to mimic the laughter of a mad scientist, Sunset leaned over and whispered something into Twilights ear causing her to giggle.

“Wasszipit, it’s time for me to tell you a tale,” Pinkie began ignoring the hushed laughter.

Everyone listened as Pinkie started her story detailing the main characters arriving at a cabin in the woods.

Fluttershy gripped tighter onto what she was holding feeling more and more anxious over the topic of creepy stories her eyes locked onto Pinkie when she heard a whisper.

“Uh, hey Shy, you okay there?” Came a hushed voice in her ear.

The meek girl looked at what she was holding, she’d wrapped Rainbow Dash’s arm around her and was clutching it tightly to her chest. Her face went pale not because of the horror she was hearing in the story but the horror of her own actions.

“I’m so sorry,” Shy apologised, instantly letting go, watching the arm drop to her lap.

“It’s alright Shy, you can hold onto me if you’re scared. I used to protect you from bullies I’m sure I can manage a swamp monster,” Dash whispered softly chuckling into Fluttershy’s ear.

Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat. She remembers. She still cares. The thin girl was filled with a wholesome delight as she heard that the athlete she looked up to was still willing to protect her. A small blush began to rose her cheeks, but it was too dark for anyone to notice.

“And as they moved closer and closer to the sound in the basement they could see a small figure in the corner. Hello, are you okay, the remaining girl asked, but it was short-lived as the figure began to stand up. Stretching and contorting into a figure the size of two men, the teenager moved her flashlight to see her friends had been merged into a monster that then ATE HER!” Applejack explained as she ended her story. Fluttershy yelped burying her face into Rainbows chest her breath heavy as she composed herself from the fear, Rainbow Dash rather awkwardly looked down at her not sure what to do. Her gaze was brought up and towards Rarity pleading for help, Rarity kindly nodded motioning the Rainbow-haired girl to place her hand on Fluttershy’s head to comfort her.

“Am sorry there Fluttershy I dint mean to scare ya,” The cowgirl apologised her face stricken with guilt.

“It’s okay I didn’t mean to get so scared,” She responded embarrassed over how she was reacting.

Rainbow Dash once again looked towards Rarity for help, who motioned for her to stroke her hair causing Rainbows eyebrow to raise questioning if that would really help only to be egged on further by Rarity.

Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash began to awkwardly run her hand through Fluttershy’s hair noticing how Fluttershy tensed up at her touch before melting into the comfort it offered.

“I think it’s time we move back into the living room and stick a nice movie on,” Sunset suggested crawling out of the tent and heading over to fiddle with plugging her phone into the tv to turn on a movie, Pinkie and Twilight rushed out to join her scrolling through her collection to decide on what they should watch.

“Are you alright Fluttershy?” Rarity asked placing a caring hand on her back.

“I’ll be alright I promise,” Fluttershy meekly responded wiping away a tear.

Rarity weakly smiled exiting the tent dragging Applejack by the collar and pulling her out with her.

“How could you make it so scary, what were you thinking,” The fashionista hissed as she pulled the farm girl out of the tent, the sounds of them bickering continuing over into the main room.

“Uh, you sure you are alright Shy?” Rainbow persisted.

Fluttershy nodded removing her head from Rainbow’s chest to revel her puffy red eyes and tear streaked cheeks, “I suppose I was meant to get off your lap when the game ended.”

Rainbow let out a chuckle, “It's alright Shy no harm done and besides I doubt you would have lasted through the story if you weren’t still on my lap.”

The pair looked at each other kindly, Fluttershy leaning in a little closer, opening her arms to hug the athlete, “I can’t do this, she’ll think I’m weird,” the shy girl thought to herself recoiling from the hug an awkward expression glossing her face.

“Are you pair coming?” Sunset called to the two girls as the sounds of a movie opening could be heard from outside the tent.

“Come on they’ll think we are doing something weird in here if we don’t get out there,” Dash said with a smile helping Fluttershy off her lap and heading out the tent to join the others.

Fluttershy took a minute to compose herself taking a deep breath before she herself crawled out into the open room heading over to the group but unable to find anywhere comfy still available to sit.

“Yo Shy you can sit here by me,” Dash beckoned shuffling over to one side of an armchair to make room for the slender girl.

“Oh…um…only if you are sure, you’ve done enough,” The shy girl responded in her typical shy tone.

“It’s all good shy don’t worry; I couldn’t leave you upset so you can stick by me so I can keep an eye on you.” The athlete smiled.

Fluttershy slowly shuffled over, taking her time to step over the various legs that blocked her way before finally reaching her goal and sitting down besides Rainbow Dash. They were pact closely together their sides pushed up against each other.

“There isn’t really enough room, I’ll move,” Shy insisted.

“Shy don’t worry we just gotta work with the space,” Dash said confidently raising her arm and placing it over the shy girl allowing her to comfortably lean on her.

Fluttershy lay her head on Dash’s chest her eyes growing heavy as the light from the TV flickered against them.

“You comfy there?” The concerned rainbow-haired girl asked to which she received no reply.

“Shhh she’s fallen asleep darling,” Rarity whispered standing up and draping a blanket over the pair.

Rainbow Dash smiled in response to the gesture pulling at the blanket to make sure both herself and Shy were covered before going back to watch the movie. It can’t have been that interesting for Dash as she too found her own eyes closing for good.

“She’ll be okay now right?” The concerned athlete asked.

Rarity nodded, “You’ve done a good job Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah Dash, looking out for your friends like that is way cool,” Sunset added throwing her team captain a thumbs up.

Rainbow laid her head back against the chair smiling to herself, looking out for her friends, being showered in praise. She could get used to this, The athlete didn’t last much longer than her the shy girl she’d taken into protection soon drifting off to sleep alongside her, the sounds of hushed talking lulling her to sleep.

Chapter 7 - While Others Slumber

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Pinkie had her target; she was slowly creeping up to the unaware victims a pillow in her hand. Meanwhile, across the other side of the room, a purple-haired girl’s eyes sparked gluing themselves onto the suspicious pink figure. She watched in horror as the pink haired party girl gripped the corner of the pillow tightly between her fists slowly lifting it up above her head. Panic struck the more refined girl flew her hand out pointing at the party girl her finger pointing directly at the character.

Twilight, who at this time was quietly whispering with Sunset about their pasts sharing what memories they had between each other, found her attention pulled to the sudden movement making the connection between the pointing hand and Pinkie Pie. Twilights eyes shot wide open jumping forward and grabbing hold of the girl.

“Just one whack, I always prank Dash she’ll love it,” Pinkie whispered an eager smile on her face.

“No, you’ll be disturbing Fluttershy too,” Rarity quietly hissed urging Sunset to help.

Sunset nodded clawing at the pillow immediately meeting Pinkie’s resistance, “How are you so strong.”

Rarity rolled her eyes at the scene, “Honestly if you want something doing correctly you should do it yourself,” She looked down at the floor seeing the farmgirl who was beginning to drift off to sleep, she nudged her with her foot knocking her awake.

“Huh what who where, Rares?” Applejack shakily spoke not being fully with herself.

“Applejack go and help them, make yourself useful.” The fashionista urged giving her another prod with her foot.

Applejack sat up looking over at the commotion seeing Pinkie attempting to hit Rainbow and Fluttershy with a pillow while the both of them were fast asleep, “Now hold up,” She whispered getting to her feet and dragging Pinkie back to the couch placing her between Twilight and Sunset.

Pinkie looked slightly disappointed obviously trying to decide whether it would be worth attempting her prank on Rainbow again. But felt drawn into the conversation when Twilight mentioned her birthday was in a few weeks and she thought about having a party.

Applejack yawned, rolling her eyes at the scene and walked back over to where she was laying sitting down with her back leaning against the arm of the chair Rarity was occupying.

“Thanks for that Cowgirl,” Rarity sighed resting her hand on AJ’s head.

“It’s no trouble, but are you alright?”

“Hmm me, yes I'm quite alright,” The fashionista responded subconsciously beginning to massage the scalp of her friend.

Applejack sat silently confused by the massage all the while beginning to silently count down in her head. “Three, two, one.”

“It’s just strange how,” Rarity began in an almost silent tone moving closer to her friends’ ear to ensure no one would hear what she was about to say. “It’s just strange how when I try and give Fluttershy a little bit of a push in the right direction to winning the heart of her friend, she doesn’t seem very happy about it.”

“Well, Fluttershy as we know, has her own little safety bubble that she uses to try and keep out of situations that would be a little too much for her, maybe you’re putting too much pressure on that bubble and she’s worried you’re gonna go too far and burst it.”

“Oh Applejack you seem to always have the right answer,” Rarity sighed laying her head next to AJ’s beginning to feel guilty over what she had done.

“Nah I just say what I see and besides it was you who told me about Fluttershy and her bubble,”

Rarity gasped feeling guiltier than before, “How could I forget,” She groaned dramatically facepalming in typical Rarity fashion.

“You don’t mean to tell me you forgot?” Applejack asked her eyes closed and sleepy but her tone full of surprise.

“I… I’m a bad friend,” Rarity sulked, “Fluttershy told me how she felt, and I’ve only been worsening it. I just wanted to help.”

“Well from what I can see you’ve helped, but you did go a little too far, then again remind me about this bubble of hers as you call it.”

“I probably need reminding of it myself, well from the chat I had with her that one night about why she was so shy she told me that it was because she felt uncomfortable in a lot of situations. She doesn’t like being the focus of attention or crowds or just any kind of social pressure,” Rarity summarised.

“So that just reinforces you’ve been putting a lot of pressure on that bubble tonight,” Applejack concluded.

“Yeah, I’ll speak to her about it tomorrow I need to stop myself from meddling, it’s just she won't make any progress if she isn’t pushed out of her bubble, like I don’t wanna say I’m responsible for what they are doing now but,” Rarity sighed once more looking over at Fluttershy fast asleep with a smile on her face.

“I mean they are just sleeping it ain't like you’ve married them off,” Applejack gave a soft chuckle ensuring to keep her volume low. “But if what you say is true and Shy’s got a crush on Dash then she’s gonna need to come out of that bubble, they’ve been friends since they were kids, so she’ll need to do things she’s never done before to get Dash to see her in a new light.”

“That would actually be good advice AJ I didn’t realise you were such a love guru,” Rarity said her face showing both a stunned and impressed expression.

“Nah I’m just rambling I don’t even know what day it is,” The farm girl chuckled again her eyes glued shut from her need for sleep.

“Yeah it’s obviously late, we should get some sleep, goodnight AJ.” Rarity whispered closing her eyes awaiting a response but only receiving the sounds of Applejacks light snoring.

“So you’re saying you’ve never had a birthday party with your friends ever,” Pinkie gasped staring straight at Twilight.

“Well I suppose not, Cadence comes over, but I suppose she doesn’t count anymore,” Twilight went red with embarrassment.

“Do you even have parties on your birthday?” Sunset asked trying to flesh out the information they had.

“Not really, I just sort of go out for a meal with my family and my brother’s girlfriend,” Twilight began to worry as the two girls she was talking to were frowning.

“Pinkie I think we have a job to do,” Sunset smiled eagerly.

“We gotta make this the best birthday party ever, how else are we gonna make up for the lost ones,” Pinkie cheered throwing her hand out for a high five.

“I mean if you guys want, I’ll have to speak to my mom about you guys taking the reins she usually does the planning for me,” Twilight murmured, shushing the pair to not wake the sleeping inhabitants of the room.

“Well once she meets me the amazing party planner she’ll be begging for my help,” Pinkie beamed her confidence radiating onto the others.

Sunset smirked while raising her eyebrow in disbelief, “I’m sure it’ll go just like that Pinks.”

The three girls quietly laughed between each other with Twilight taking the opportunity to scope what the other members of their friend group were doing, with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash asleep on a chair along with Rarity sleeping on the other chair near Applejack.

“Gotta nip to the bathroom,” Pinkie announced waltzing herself away.

“Hey Twilight, is there something going on between those guys?” Sunset asked her voice almost silent as she signalled over to the other pairing of girls

“I um, don’t know, probably not,” Twilight blurted out taken aback by the question.

Sunset didn’t reply just simply smiled and nodded, “Do you maybe think it’s weird or wrong for people to you know,” She paused for a moment, “Have like feelings for someone your friends with.”

Twilight sat quietly for a moment thinking about the question, “I don’t think there would be an issue with it, but I can promise you I’m no expert on love and feelings, I’ve not really ever had a crush on anyone.”

“Hmm, maybe you’ve just not realised had a crush on them.” Sunset pondered staring right at Twilight.

“Weeeeeell I couldn’t help overhearing,” Pinkie piped up appearing from behind the couch, “Forming a relationship with your friend can be very risky business, while true it can lead to a blossoming and amazing relationship if it all goes sour you could potentially lose that friend forever.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound like a good thing at all, more like a gamble than anything,” Sunset deduced looking slightly disheartened.

“It’s a high risk, high reward kinda thing,” Pinkie nonchalantly responded sitting back down and instantly falling asleep snoring loudly.

“H.. How did she do that?” Twilight asked struggling to find any logic in what she had seen.

“It’s Pinkie sometimes it's better to not know the answer,” Sunset reasoned letting out a small laugh.

The two went quiet sitting alone together in the darkness the sounds of slumber being heard from multiple directions around them. A few minutes went by before Twilight slowly turned to see Sunset sitting beside her looking troubled,

“Are you alright?” She asked.

Sunsets stare broke her attention snapping onto Twilight, “Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking.”

“Was it about what Pinkie said,” Twilight deduced.

“Yeah but it’s nothing, I just hope none of our friend’s date and then fall out with each other, we could end up having to choose between one or the other, but anyway I’m gonna try and get some sleep, goodnight Twilly.”

Twilight hadn’t felt anxious about the secret she was harbouring before until now if Fluttershy achieves her goal and gets with Dash and then they fall out. She didn’t want to have to decide between which one to have as a friend she cared about all of them and could never pick one over the other.

“Twilight,” A familiar voice called, “Should anything like that ever happen just promise we can stay together as friends, I really like you and you might not realise it, but you’re a great friend.”

The bookworm looked to the source of the noise the flame-haired girl that was beginning to doze off, “I really like you too Sunset and I’m glad to have you all as my friends,” Twilight said with a smile giving the girl a hug before pulling away and finding a comfy place for herself to sleep.

Chapter 8 - Rise And Shine

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Twilight Sparkle was the first to wake up, slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. The bookworm’s eyes scanned the room looking for any other signs of movement but to no avail, she was without a doubt the first to wake. Twilight put her arms down either side of her and pushed having to use a lot of force to get her sleepy body up on her feet.

“Ow!” A voice called out from down by her side.

Twilights eyes shot open in a panic expecting to have done the worst. The next moment of her life clarified that expectation as she saw her flame-haired friend sit up clutching her stomach.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” The panicked Twilight spluttered out.

“Yeah, I’m alright, just a little winded,” The girl replied breathing heavily to catch her breath, her eyes glued shut with sleep, having to reach an arm up and rub at her eyes to see. “Twilight that you?”

“Y…yeah it’s me, I’m sorry,” Twilight responded her face ridden with guilt.

“It’s okay Twi, it was just an accident. Besides as the host you gotta wake me up first anyway,” Sunset smiled attempting to assure her friend it was okay.

“Well, as long as you’re sure it's you’re alright.”

“Yeah its completely fine, just be a little gentler the next time your sleeping over here and you wake up first,” Sunset jested prodding Twilight as she yawned.

“You mean I can come again?” Twilight replied her jaw almost falling open.

“Yeah dude of course you can, you’re a great friend why wouldn’t I want you to come hang out and besides I didn’t get to talk to you nearly half as much as I wanted too,” The flame-haired girl replied noticing the rest of her friends sleeping, ensuring her laugh was at a much lower volume.

“Well, there is some time now.”

“So there is,” Sunset Shimmer smiled a slight blush to her cheeks. “Do you wanna help me cook some breakfast for all these guys?”

“Of course I’d be happy to help,” Twilight smiled getting up and helping Sunset to her feet.

Fluttershy began to stir her eyes gently opening to take in the scene around her, there on the far side of the room was the only source of noise in the whole apartment, Twilight and Sunset stood over in the kitchen giggling and laughing with each other, on the couch across from her was a sleeping Rarity looking as regal as usual, somehow managing to even sleep elegantly, at the feet of her chair was the slumped cowgirl looking like it wasn’t her first time sleeping in a strange position. Over on the other couch was Pinkie, hanging over one side of the chair drool running out of her mouth as she muttered something about frosting in a sleep talking trance. Finally, there was Rainbow who was sat right beside her in fact so close Fluttershy was leaning on her chest. The girl’s breathing stopped for a second as a silent gasp escaped her lips, “What am I doing next to her,” she thought to herself.

Fluttershy’s mind raced recounting the steps that occurred last night that landed her in this predicament, “Oh right I was scared and there was nowhere else to sleep.” She felt a warm feeling across her chest and face she shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as she was, but she was determined to make it last. The pale girl lightly closed her eyes imitating the action of being asleep and snuggled herself into Rainbow Dash, it was okay if no one saw, they couldn’t judge her for enjoying it a little longer if they didn’t know.

Fluttershy tried to find Rainbows scent, a smell she had always enjoyed even before finding her jacket, it made her feel safe, but it was to no avail she couldn’t smell Rainbow Dash at all, only strawberries and lavender. She quickly noticed the blanket draped across both her and Rainbow Dash was her own, and she knew it was sprayed with her own perfume. Which now meant Rainbow smelt just like Fluttershy. The meek girl nestled her head against Rainbows chest when the conversation of the two girls in the kitchen reached her ears and piqued her interest.

“So about what you said last night Twilight, have you really never had any friends around for your birthdays,” Sunset asked.

“I’ve never had friends over at all never mind for a birthday party,” Twilight admitted her face red in embarrassment.

“Oh, I guess we are somewhat alike then,” Sunset smiled awkwardly beginning to feel embarrassed herself.

“Before I met these guys I didn’t have any friends and so I know how you feel, and you know what I'm gonna be the one to break the trend, I wanna come over to your house and hang out sometime.”

“You mean it?” Twilight beamed her eyes lit up in excitement.

“Yeah, I’d love too.”

Fluttershy smiled contently listening to the sweet conversation enjoying the fact that Twilight and Sunset were able to relate to each other in order to forward their friendship. “I wonder if they’ll become best friends,” the shy girl thought to herself.

“Sunset I’m wondering something about what you said,” Twilight awkwardly brought up.

“Yeah what is it,” The flame-haired girl said raising her eyebrow in confusion.

“Well you know how you said you didn’t have any friends,” Twilight began her face showing her regret for even bringing this up. “Well I don’t believe you really have any family here either, so who do you spend time with during the holidays and such.”

Sunsets face dropped the smile instantly fading from her face as she looked down to her feet much to Twilights horror. “I…” Sunset readied her lips but struggled to find the words. “I don’t have a family here; I didn’t have anyone before you guys. I spend the holidays alone.”

Twilight stood stunned for a moment she didn’t mean to bring up a bad memory what on earth was she meant to do. From across the room, Fluttershy secretly stared in horror her eyes wide with fear of what was about to happen. Twilight let her instincts take over and stepped closer to Sunset wrapping her arms around her.

“I’m sorry for bringing it up, please forgive me,” Twilight quietly cried, guilt staining her tongue and a tear on her cheek.

“It’s alright you didn’t know,” Sunset sighed composing herself, “let’s just get this food sorted out.”

The two girls quietly went back to work attempting to make idle gossip in the uncomfortable air.

“Man oh man what can I smell,” Pinkie suddenly called out her eyes shooting open instantly.

Fluttershy smiled she knew Pinkie would save the day for the two girls, feeling more content with the situation as she drifted back into sleep.

Fluttershy began to stir 0once more her eyes fluttering open to a feeling of vibrations against her cheek and a familiar voice ringing out into her ear. “You serious AJ, Applebloom is starting dancing classes.” That familiar voice called out.

“Aye, she decided she wanted her own hobby and Granny thought it was a good idea,” The farm girl responded.

“Well I, for one thing, it’s a divine idea it would serve you some good to see some extra grace in your life,” A more refine voice added in.

“I got enough grace in my life with you I don’t need two pains in my ass,” Applejack jested chuckling to herself as a flustered Rarity was lost for words.

While the two began to bicker Fluttershy opened her eyes looking around at the girls in the room a smile coming to her face upon seeing Twilight and Sunset the friends who she last saw in a bad situation now laughing along with Pinkie. Her eyes drifted closer to herself looking up and seeing Rainbow looking directly down at her.

“Morning Flutters, sorry if I disturbed you,” The athlete said smiling down at her.

“Oh no it's okay,” The typically shy girl responded shyly.

“Ooh Fluttershy good morning darling,” Rarity called out across the room waving over at her.

Fluttershy sheepishly waved back blushing to the fact that Rainbow Dash’s arm was still draped around her.

“Hey um shy I didn’t wanna disturb you earlier but uh,” Rainbow leaned in closer to Fluttershy’s ear, “I kinda gotta pee.”

“O.. oh,” Fluttershy squeaked blushing in embarrassment as she quickly climbed up off of Rainbow.

Fluttershy awkwardly shifted over to the other couch and sat down beside Rarity.

“Oh, Fluttershy would you like something to eat?” Sunset asked.

“No, no it's okay, I'm not hungry,”

“Fluttershy darling,” Rarity said grabbing the shy girls attention, “we’ve already gotten changed and washed up and such, so when Rainbow comes out you can go get ready.”

Fluttershy came out of the bathroom feeling fresh with the first thing she saw being Applejack and Pinkie gathering their things together,

“What’s happening?” The shy girl quietly asked catching the attention of Rarity.

“Applejack was heading out and offered to drop Pinkie off on the way home, so they’ll be going soon.”

“Oooh okay,” Fluttershy looked around sheepishly trying to find the best place to be in order to keep out their way.

Sunset who was sat over on the couch waved the shy girl down urging her to come and sit with her and Twilight. The shy girl agreed and crept over narrowly avoiding bumping into Applejack who was dismantling the tent and sat down beside the flame-haired girl.

“You sleep okay flutters? You were kinda the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up,” Sunset asked eager to gather intel on how the sleepover went.

“I slept really well thank you, I did wake up earlier this morning when you and Twilight were talking but I must have fallen back asleep.” Fluttershy’s smile dropped for a moment before quickly returning to her face.

“Well, at least you slept well, and have you enjoyed your time here? I’ve asked the others but I wanna check with you.”

“Oh yes I’ve had lots of fun, I can’t wait for the next one,” Fluttershy admitted blushing slightly at the connotation she had enjoyed sleeping on Rainbow.

“That’s just what I needed to hear, I was worried none of you guys had fun and wouldn’t wanna do this again,” Sunset looked relived, mentally crossing everyone’s name off a list in her mind of people she had to ask.

Applejack and Pinkie were all packed up and waiting by the door with all their friends lined up to see them off. Fluttershy and Rarity got up to hug them off but Fluttershy found herself quite awkwardly waiting with Pinkie while Rarity and Applejack had a rather long hug, resulting in Fluttershy giving Applejack a short hug before going off in search of a place to hide, finding herself up a corner of the room pretending to mess around with her bag.

Sunset and Twilight walked downstairs with Pinkie heading towards Applejack’s car leaving the four remaining friends still in the apartment.

“I’d walk down with you all, but I need to speak to Fluttershy,” Rarity said waving Applejack out the door before heading over towards Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy sweetie, I was speaking to Applejack last night and we concluded something, “ The fashionista sighed.

“Oh is it what I think it is,” Fluttershy guessed excitement brewing in her voice.

“Perhaps,” Rarity paused, “About how I’ve been trying to get you and Dash to be in a situation that will help you win her heart like making you sit on her lap, that was inappropriate of me and definitely uncalled for, I could have made things worse and it wasn’t nice to put you in a position like that.”

Fluttershy looked down blushing, “It’s okay Rarity.” The meek girl leaned in closer. “I mean, it was kinda nice getting to spend so much time with her.”

Rarity gasped, “You mean it’s okay if I keep doing it.”


“Wha…whaaaaa, but you said.” The fashionista contested her brow furrowed in confusion.

“It was nice, but it’s too much, it made me uncomfortable. So um if you could stop that’d be nice,” Fluttershy awkwardly smiled at Rarity who was still trying to figure out what to say. “If it’s not a problem.”

“No no it's alright I’ll draw it back; I won’t fully stop because I’m me I can’t help it. But even Applejack agrees you need a little push, but you need to do it yourself.”

“I don’t know…” Fluttershy cut herself short as she watched the girls return to the room Rainbow Dash included.

Rarity nodded and took the cue to announce she’d be heading out soon as she had some business she needed to attend to ensuring to thank Sunset for the 50th time since she’d arrived.

“We should probably think about heading out soon too so we can get out of Sunsets hair Shy,” Rainbow suggested putting her few belongings back into her bag.

Fluttershy nodded copying suit and gathering all of her things up as well as collecting all the used cups.

“You don’t gotta do that, I can sort it out after,” Sunset assured taking the cups from Fluttershy and placing them in the sink herself.

“Just trying to be helpful as a way of saying thanks,” Fluttershy replied showing a light smile.

“You know before I head out I wouldn’t mind indulging myself in a coffee if you don’t mind me using your kettle,” Rarity asked taking a few sachets of coffee out of her purse.

“As long as I get one.” Sunset joked getting a few mugs out. “The rest of you want one.”

Twilight nodded while Rainbow and Fluttershy rejected the offer not wanting to settle back down after getting packed up.

Rainbow and Fluttershy were stood in the street outside of Sunsets apartment their belongings in hand and hugs being shared all around.

“You guys better be prepped because next time we hang out here I'm giving it my all on that game,” Dash said confidently fist-pumping the air.

“You can count on it,” Sunset smirked fist-bumping the athlete.

Meanwhile, Rarity was fussing over Fluttershy, “You really shouldn’t be carrying all this stuff on your own Fluttershy get Rainbow to carry some.”

“No It's okay I can manage,” The shy girl said her blanket and pillows stacked up in her arms her two blue eyes just managing to peer over the top.

“Oh nonsense,” Rarity tutted, “Excuse me Rainbow Dash,” She called grabbing the athlete’s attention, “Will you please offer Fluttershy some assistance.”

“Oh yeah, it’s no problem,” Dash smiled slinging her soccer bag over her shoulder and heading over to Shy grabbing the majority of what she was carrying and holding it under one arm.

“Um, thank you.” Fluttershy sheepishly said admiring Rainbow Dash’s form thinking how cool she looked, always managing to make performing the simplest things look attractive.

“See there’s no harm in asking for help, now you pair run along.” Rarity chirped pushing the two girls on their way waving them off along with Sunset and Twilight watching them reach the end of the street and turn the corner.

The two girls walked for a while Fluttershy struggling to keep up with the hastened past of her athletic friend. They walked for around 40 minutes Rainbow Dash on several occasions stopping the meek girl in her tracks beside the side of the road ensuring it was safe for her friend to cross.

“Um, Dash you know I can cross a road on my own,” Fluttershy said looking curiously at the athlete blocking her path.

Rainbow looked at the road and back to Fluttershy the sense of the situation finally being realised, “Oh dude my bad sorry it was kinda an instinct my bad dude.”

Fluttershy began to innocently giggle bringing a grin to Rainbows face as she dramatically signalled it was safe for her to cross the two of them skipping across the road in an over the top fashion laughing the whole time.

“My house is just around the corner,” Shy smiled stepping off the road and onto the path.

“I know dude I’ve been here countless times when we were kids,” Dash said returning the smile and instinctively walking on the side closest to the road.

The two walked a few more streets slipping down a few side paths and walking along the steppingstones leading up to the door, Rainbow Dash noticing the large assortment of coloured flowers scattered around the garden. Fluttershy opened the door letting her friend and herself inside.

“We should go and say hello to everyone so they know we got here okay,” Fluttershy suggested leading Rainbow into the kitchen area where Fluttershy’s mother's voice could be heard. She pushed open the door her expression becoming confused upon seeing there was a guest sitting at the table.

Dash followed suit with Fluttershy walking closely behind her having to step around the frozen Fluttershy to see what she was so fixated on. It only took a second for her eyes to meet with the other guest.

“Oh hello Rainbow fancy meeting you here,” Rainbows mother Windy Whistles said with a smirk as she took a sip from her tea.

Chapter 9 : We Have To Stop Meeting Like This

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“Good morning girls,” Fluttershy’s mother kindly greeted, signalling with her hand for the pair to come closer.

Fluttershy walked closer her eyebrow raised in confusion as to why Rainbow’s mother was here but remained polite enough to not stare. She stepped closer feeling herself become wrapped in her mother’s embrace.

“MOM!, What are you doing here,” Rainbow shouted stepping closer while rather dramatically flailing her arms about.

Fluttershy and her mother giggled as they witnessed the interaction between Rainbow and Windy.

“What, what are you doing here?” Rainbow blurted out to her much calmer mother.

“Well Sweetie I got your text last night saying how hanging out with your friends was amazing and you were much happier, sooo I decided to pay a visit to one of mine.” Windy Whistles replied taking a sip of her coffee.

“Text? I didn’t send a text,” The rainbow haired girl questioned her head tilting in confusion.

Fluttershy gasped loudly drawing the attention of everyone in the room causing her cheeks to turn red in embarrassment, “Um truth or dare rainbow,” she quietly squeaked out.

“Oooh the regal princess sent you that text,” Rainbow grumbled reaching into her phone to see the text for herself, it read.

*Hey Mom, it’s awesome hanging out with my friends I feel it’s been ages since I got to hang out with them, I miss it. Maybe you should try hanging with one of your friends tomorrow you’ll see what I mean. *

“Now you that you mention it, it doesn’t quite seem like how you would write a text, you shorten everything but either way send Rarity my thanks I’m rather enjoying my time here with my old friend.” Windy smiled kindly towards Fluttershy and her mother.

“You’re welcome anytime, it’s actually nice seeing you again,” Fluttershy’s mother said returning the smile and sitting down at the table across from her, “So you played truth or dare did you, anything fun happen.”

“Rarity and Applejack swapped pyjamas, you should have seen Rarity’s face it was hilarious,” The athlete burst into laughter as she recalled the event causing Fluttershy to softly laugh along.

“How about you pair,” Windy began, “Either of you end up doing something crazy.”

“Oh, Rainbow had to take her socks off with her teeth,” Fluttershy pointing out taking a seat at the table.

“Don’t forget you had to sit on my lap,” Rainbow laughed.

Fluttershy’s face turned red as both their mothers looked directly at them with a cheesy grin on their faces causing Fluttershy’s already tinted red cheeks to turn a crimson red, sinking lower in her chair out of embarrassment.

“I wondered why you smelt of lavender and strawberries.” Windy Whistles mentioned taking a sip of her coffee.

“Ahh, a bit of Fluttershy’s perfume must have rubbed off onto your clothes,” The shy girl’s mother said taking a sip from her own coffee.”

“Well I mean it’s from that or when we slept together,” Dash reasoned.

In unison, both mothers’ eyes widened at the sentence spitting out there coffee in shock and looking directly at their own daughters.

“You what?” Fluttershy’s mother asked

Rainbow looked at the two adults slightly confused at the response before looking to her side witnessing Fluttershy now burning red cheeks with her hands covering her eyes in a sort of embarrassed facepalm. “What we fell asleep under her blanket on the same chair?”

“Oh… Oh,” The two mothers awkwardly looked at each embarrassed that they jumped to such conclusions.

“Hey um Fluttershy maybe you should show Rainbow you’re room it’s been a while since she’s been here.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea it has to have been a few months or maybe even more,” Windy added.

“O... Okay,” Fluttershy nodded getting up.

“Yeah it’s been far too long I almost lost you as a friend, no thanks to dad,” The athletic teen growled getting up and following her shy friend out the room.

“Ugh and just when the conversation had turned away from Bow,” Windy sighed leaning into her hand.

“It’ obviously a concern for both you and your daughter,” Fluttershy’s mother kindly responded placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Rainbow lay down on the freshly made bed watching as Fluttershy continued to put the rest of the belongings she had taken with her to the sleepover away, gently removing a few items of clothing and neatly putting them away in her drawers.

“I’ve got some space in my closet if you have any clothes you wanna hang up?” Fluttershy sheepishly asked.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to hang up a few of my things if you really don’t mind,”

“It’s okay I don’t mind, really.”

Rainbow Dash sat up and walked over towards her sports bag pulling out a handful of T-shirts and a jacket, messily cramming them into the closet showing far less compassion or care than her animal loving friend had.

Fluttershy watched awkwardly, not really sure what she should do to keep her friend entertained.

“That’ll do,” The athlete announced satisfied with the condition of her clothes, throwing herself back onto Fluttershy’s bed kicking her feet up in the air and staring at the ceiling.

The pink-haired girl rolled her eyes at the fact Rainbow had left her closet door open and walked over to close it, her eyes catching on the mess her friend had left behind, she quickly went to work correcting the mistake and folding the clothes into a neat pile before completing her original aim and shutting the closet door, finding a seat at the end of her bed.

Rainbow was lost in thought for a moment, her mind racing over the upcoming sports season before a noise came from the girl sat at the end of the bed. The shy and quiet girl she knew was quite possibly yawning in the most adorable way she’d ever heard feeling her heart melt at the sweetness.

“Dude that was like a puppy’s yawn,”

“Huh, what,” Fluttershy called her head snapping to look in the direction of her lounging friend.

“You just yawned, you sounded like a puppy,”

“O… oh is that ba,” Fluttershy began.

“It was adorable.” Rainbow cut in knowing that Fluttershy was going to self-defeat herself before she cut her off.

Fluttershy looked away her cheek’s red with blush.

“So dude, you’ve got me till tomorrow what do you wanna do,” The rainbow-haired girl asked.

“I don’t mind we can do whatever you want,” Fluttershy replied innocently while her blush intensified as her mind raced at all the things she’d like to do.

“What about that animal game we used to play when we’d have sleepovers, you still got that?”

“You mean Animal forest explorers, the game that’s like mousetrap?” The shy girl asked getting up and disappearing under her bed before returning with a box in her hand.

“Yeah that’s the one, you used to make me play it for hours when we were little,” Rainbow said with a smile sitting up and making space for the game.

Fluttershy sat across from her friend attempting to place the board down realising there wasn’t enough space on the bed to sit facing each other with the board between them.

“Scoot around here and it can fit where you’re sitting.” The athletic friend suggested.

Fluttershy nodded sliding over and sitting beside Rainbow setting the game down in front of them on the board.

“Should I go over the rules,” The shy girl asked.

“Nah I remember I used to always beat you at this so I shouldn’t have a problem,” Dash cockily cooed, “So youngest first?”

“I mean you’re only younger by like a month or two but that’s fine by me.”

“Awesome,” Dash cheered grabbing the dice and rolling it out across the board to begin the game

“Best three out of five,” Dash contested staring straight at her giggling friend.

“Dash, I’ve won twice in a row do you really think you could beat me,” Fluttershy teased.

“I’m Rainbow Dash I always get the win in the end,” She proudly announced placing her hands on her hips and posing like a hero.

“Maybe next time,” Fluttershy teased prodding at the athlete’s stomach.

“Hey, stop that it tickles,” The rainbow-haired girl said trying to hide the smile forming on her face.

“Stop what,” Fluttershy giggled repeatedly prodding at her stomach and waist.

“I said stop,” Is all Rainbow managed to squeak out between the fits of giggles her friend was putting her under.

“O…okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,” Fluttershy said her tone returning to her typical meek one.

Rainbow watched as the smile disappeared from Fluttershy’s face as she hid it under her hair avoiding eye contact with her friend.

“No shy I didn’t mean like stop everything, we were only having fun I’m not mad,” Rainbow kindly spoke almost forgetting her tough girl attitude.

“I’m sorry.”

“Shy I said it’s alright this is why I liked it so much when we used to hang out together all the time way back then, you used to be so much more relaxed with me and only tense up when we were around others and strangers.” Rainbow’s eyes widened a frown appearing in place of her smile. “Has it been that long, are we now basically strangers.”

“No, we’re still friends I just… I don’t know,” The shy girl said exhaling a sigh. “It’s just been a while.”

“It’s been too long, and I’m gonna make damm sure what happened doesn’t happen again. Besides I forgot how awesome it could be hanging out with you all.” Rainbow said eagerly fist-pumping the air.

“You mean it?” Fluttershy questioned brushing her hair to the side her eyes glowing with pure joy.

“For sure, from here on out Dash is no longer all about sports her friends are just as important, no matter what my dad says.”

Fluttershy had a big smile on her face and was looking straight up at the now standing Rainbow Dash. They looked at each other in silence feeling nothing but the air around and between them, A small blush came across Fluttershy’s face causing her to quickly look down breaking the hold.

There was an awkward silence Fluttershy was silently scolding herself, “How could I have let myself blush now she’s gonna think I’m weird.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was looking rather smug, “Typical Shy, getting embarrassed over the simplest things.”

There was another awkward pause that probably could have lasted forever had Fluttershy’s stomach not growled.

“Sounds like you’ve got something to say,” Rainbow giggled.

“I guess I haven’t eaten anything today,” The Shy girl replied

“You didn’t have anything this morning either?”

“I didn’t wanna impose on Sunset,” Fluttershy guiltily answered.

“Nah neither did I, wanna go get something?”

“Sure I’d love too,”

“RAINBOW DASH, COME DOWN I’M GOING NOW!” Windy Whistles voice yelled out from downstairs.

The two girls headed out of Fluttershy’s room and towards the source of her voice.

“Oh Fluttershy you didn’t have to come as well,” Windy said a sweet smile on her face.

“I was told its polite to see guests off,” Fluttershy meekly responded.

“You’ve raised her well,” Windy complimented towards Honey, (Fluttershy’s mother) causing the shy teen to blush out of embarrassment. “Anyway Rainbow I called you down to say I’m heading home and wondered if you wanted to come back with me.”

Fluttershy’s heart sank, the last thing she wanted was for Rainbow to leave she’d finally gotten her to herself and she could potentially be lost in a few moments.

“I was kinda hoping I’d be able to stay a little longer,” Dash turned to look at Fluttershy’s mother, “If that’s okay with you Mrs. Shy.”

“Yes dear I don’t mind so you can stay as long as you like, unless Fluttershy here disapproves.” Fluttershy’s mother answered with her familiar kind smile.

Fluttershy’s cheeks blushed red, “Oh no I don’t mind at all.”

“Well I suppose it’s settled then I’m abandoning you here.” Windy teased laughing to herself.

“I can handle myself Mom, don’t worry.” Dash proudly assured.

“I know you can sweetie, but don’t be too rough with Fluttershy she’s not as tough as you she’s gentle like a lady should be.” She continued to tease.

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Rainbow said in a fluster her cheeks turning red.

“I’m saying behave yourself, you can get a little carried away and competitive, I don’t need an angry phone call about how you scared her over a game of scrabble,” Windy’s face dropped a tone of seriousness in her voice.

“It’ll be fine Mom I’ve hung around with Fluttershy countless times when we were little.”

“I know Sweetie I just worry; you know I’ve always been fond of Fluttershy I remember when you used to be such best friends. So it makes me happy to know you still get along.”

“We’re still best friends’ mom and of course we get along,” Rainbow said still assuring her mother she wouldn’t embarrass herself.

“Anyway I’d best be off, call me if you need anything dropping off, I’ll take any excuse to visit a friend of my own and it’ll get me out of your fathers’ way. Oh, speaking of your father I’ll try and keep him off your back so you can enjoy the peace and quiet.”

A smile grew on Rainbows face as she leaned forward embracing her mother, they shared their goodbyes and waved as she got into her car and drove away leaving the three left stood in the doorway.

“So you girls got any plans?” Fluttershy’s mother asked.

“We were actually gonna head to the mall and grab a bite to eat,” Rainbow replied.

“Ahh well in that case,” Fluttershy’s mother said heading into the kitchen and returning with her purse, holding a note out for Fluttershy, “You’ll need this.”

“Oh I don’t mind paying Mrs Shy,” Rainbow honestly said attempting to refuse the money.

“Nonsense take it, it’s been so long since you hung out together you deserve to have a good time get yourselves some ice cream or something.” The older lady said with that same kind smile.

“Thanks Mom,” Fluttershy said meekly accepting the money and putting into her own purse.

“Now go on you girls have a nice time and be back before its dark and remember Fluttershy we’ve got a show on later so if Rainbow is staying over she’ll have to watch it with us or entertain herself as I’m not missing it.”

“You mean it’s okay if I stay over?” Dash said a mix of excitement and wonder in her voice.

“Of course, of course, it’s perfectly fine I’ll have Zephyr get the air bed out for you with some blankets.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile. “Well come on Shy we better get going.”

Fluttershy and her mother exchanged their goodbyes, giving each other a hug, ensuring to lecture the pair about the importance of road safety and not talking to strangers, before ushering them out the door and on their way.

The two girls walked together to the Canterlot City mall; their sights being set on the food court.

“You know purple looks really good on you, but I can’t quite find the right shade, what do you think Mrs Sparkle,” Rarity said scanning her eyes up and down her bookworm friend as she handed her accessory after accessory.

“Purple is definitely her colour and I’ve told you Rarity it’s okay to call me Velvet.” The bookworms mother said politely, “You know Twilight I’m glad your friend has come along I’d be hopeless without her, she’s got such a keen eye for fashion.”

“Don’t sell yourself so short,” Rarity argued, “That outfit you’re wearing looks perfect on you.”

“Guys!, I thought we were here to get a scarf why am I now trying on shirts?” Twilight asked looking at the pile of clothes and accessories in their shopping basket.

“Well,” Rarity paused realising just the extent they were going too, “I thought you could maybe do with a new outfit too.”

“Rarity I’m fine really I’ve got clothes, and besides this will cost a lot more money than the scarf alone,” Twilight theorised trying to sway her into stopping the shopping spree.

“Its fine Twilight, I want you to have a few fashionable outfits, you might wanna look particularly nice for someone at some point and with the help of Rarity these few outfits will ensure that.” Velvet said while tapping Rarity on the shoulder to notify this would be the last one.

“She’s right, someone might catch your eye and with these, you can make yourself look simply divine for them.” Rarity cheered her eyes glowing with excitement.

“But there’s no one like that?” Twilight said crushing Rarity’s hopes.

“Anyway I think we’ve done enough shopping for today, why don’t you girls go decide what you want for lunch from the food court downstairs and I’ll pay for these and head down and meet you.” Velvet directed heading off in the direction of the checkout.

The fashionista and bookworm headed out of the shop and into the main area of the mall, standing on the upper floor being able to look over the balcony at the lower level, below them was a variety of stores from fabrics to bookstores, sportswear shops and pet shops, the Canterlot mall had pretty much everything you could ever need. Including an entire area dedicated to food. The girl’s eyes followed their noses having their sights drawn to an area below where food stalls stood selling all kinds of foods from sweet to savoury and a rather commendable variation of cultures.

“Just look at that display of delicious foods and confectionery couldn’t you just soak it all in,” Rarity commented her eyes catching on a suspicious head of hair before it disappeared out of sight. Twilight did you see that?” Rarity’s eyes kept scanning the area before realising she hadn’t gotten a response, “Um Twilight?” The purple-haired girl called out again waving her hands in front of her face to draw her attention.


“No it didn’t look like Sunsets it was pinker,” Rarity said confused as to how she could have gotten the hair colours of her friends mixed up.

“No look Sunset,” Twilight extended her arm pointing towards a figure riding down the escalator to the lower level her flame-red hair tied up in a bun with earphones in her ears.

“Oh, so it is,” Rarity concluded turning back to Twilight to find her gone, “Twilight?” The fashionista called out throwing her head either side before spotting her missing friend quickly heading towards the escalator in hot pursuit of their friend. Her eyes locked onto the space between them. She let out a sigh and slowly began to make her way after her nerdy friend, all the while scoping around the area adamant she’d seen a familiar face before.

Twilight was rushing her way down the escalator reaching the bottom and taking a few steps reaching her arm forward and placing it on her shoulder.

Sunset turned her head her eyebrows raised in surprise as she lay her eyes on the aspiring scientist before her, “Twilight, what are you doing here?”

“I’m shopping with my mom and Rarity, what are you doing here?”

“Me? I was just picking up this new game that came out, oh did you say your mom and Rarity are here, that’s cool.” Sunset replied raising the shopping bag in her hand to express what she was saying.

“Yeah they’ve been dragging me through all sorts of shops, we only came here for a scarf now I’ve got half a wardrobe.”

“I was about to head home, but I can hang with you guys if you are sticking around,” Sunset said pushing a few buttons on her phone as she took out her earphones.

“I mean we were about to get some lunch I doubt they’d have any issue with you joining,” Twilight said her smile showing pure innocence.

“You sure they wouldn’t mind?”

“We wouldn’t mind at all,” two voices said in unison as Twilight and Sunset turned to see Rarity and Twilight’s mother stepping closer to them.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Sunset said a smirk peaking her lips.

“Why don’t you three go grab us a table and I’ll go check out the Thai place Rarity was telling me about on our way over to you, oh and don’t worry Sunset I’ll get something for you too.” Velvet announced passing the bag she was holding to Twilight for safekeeping.

“Oh Ms Sparkle you really don’t have too I don’t mind sorting myself out I’m kinda used to it,” Sunset contested her face turning red with embarrassment.

“Nonsense my dear I couldn’t leave you out it wouldn’t be fair and besides you are a friend of my daughters so you’re a friend of mine.” Velvet argued standing her ground on the matter.

“Well only if you insist and even after you buy I don’t mind giving you the money.”

“You’re very sweet dear but it’s fine don’t worry.” And with that Twilight Velvet was walking away leaving the three girls to find a seat.

“Follow me darlings I spied the perfect spot from above,” Rarity called as she began to walk to her destination.

Sunset and Twilight both looked at the fashionista so focused on leading the way that she wasn’t aware she was leaving them behind, the two girls turned to each other laughing before running to catch up.

“There you go Shy,” Dash said grinning to herself as she handed a vanilla ice cream cone to Fluttershy.

“Oh how did you know I’d ask for this,” Shy said raising an eyebrow.

“Because it’s what you always used to ask for when your mom was buying us ice creams when we were small, and for how much you’ve changed since we were kids some things always stay the same,” Dash responded with a bold smile proud of her accomplishment.

“So let me guess you got strawberry?”

“Like I’d get anything else,” She answered revealing her iced treat as she sat down.

“Maybe you’ve not changed as much as I thought,” Shy said with a weak smile.

“Well let’s hope the only changes make us more awesome,” Dash said eagerly.

“I’d like that.”

The two laughed together as friends, only stopping to take another mouthful of ice cream.

“Hey, I didn’t know Rarity was gonna be here today,” Dash wondered aloud shocking the meeker girl into choking on her spoonful of ice cream.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy coughed while tapping her chest.

“Yeah she’s actually coming this way, hey Sunset and Twilight are with her.”

“Fluttershy’s face turned red, hanging out alone with Rainbow Dash. Rarity would never stop asking her and teasing her about this.

“Well hello you two,” Rarity said in a typical dramatic sense, “Fancy meeting you pair here.”

“I could same the same about you three,” Dash returned.

“Well me and Twilight here were shopping with her mother and then we found Sunset only recently, frankly I’m just waiting for Pinkie Pie to jump out of a bush somewhere,” Rarity joked earning a chuckle from Sunset.

“Don’t say that the last thing I want is confetti in my ice cream,” Dash groaned.

“What’s wrong with confetti in your ice cream,” Came a sudden energetic voice.

“No way, Pinkie is actually here.” Dash spluttered her dropped as she looked for the suspected Pinkie Pie.

“Um… Dash that was me, Pinkie is working today it’s why Applejack left early with her.” Twilight laughed

“You almost had me fooled then,” Sunset jested nudging Twilight in the shoulder.

“Alas we’re interrupting, Fluttershy we must speak later I’ve got a few things I wanna speak to you about,” Rarity began to announce, “Besides, I’m rather looking forward to a bite to eat.”

Fluttershy simply nodded shooting the other two girls a smile before gently taking another spoon of ice cream into her mouth.

“Have fun you two, and hey shoot us a text if you go to like the arcade or something,” Sunset added once again having to walk after the fashionista.

The athlete and animal lover were left to themselves looking at each other rather bewildered over what had happened, “You know I'm surprised Rarity didn’t stick around,” Rainbow said curiously rubbing at her chin.

“Nothing can stop Rarity from getting food when she’s hungry, well maybe besides a crowd of fancy people,” Fluttershy replied.

“But hey maybe Sunset was onto something wanna hit up the arcade for a bit when we finish this,” Rainbow asked secretly hoping the meek girl would agree.

“I don’t mind, I’m just happy to hang out with you.”

“Suppose it’s settled then.”

Meanwhile across the other side of the food court Rarity was rhythmically tapping her nails against the table her eyes shifting from Twilight’s mother to Rainbow and Fluttershy, The area they were sitting had been handpicked by Rarity meaning it was as glamorous as it could be, they were sat right at the edge of the court near a large window that opened up into a garden centre with rows and rows of beautiful flowers and plants producing colours that rivalled even Rainbow’s hair.

“You alright Rarity you look a little shifty,” Sunset asked offering a worried glance to Twilight.

Rarity’s eyes flickered to the call of her name her attention snapping to the table, “Oh yes sorry darling, my mind was wandering it all.”

“It’s nice that they are hanging out together, kinda like us,” Twilight added sparking the conversation.

“Yeah it’s pretty convenient I met both you guys and them, and hey I got to hang out with you pair,” Sunset smiled enjoying the company of her friends.

“I know right,” Twilight added, “I love being able to hang out with you guys, as Rainbow Dash would say, It’s awesome.”

“I too enjoy your company, and I must say shopping with you has given me a huge boon for aiding in the design of your dress.” Rarity said deciding to join in on the conversation.

“My dress?” Twilight asked her eyebrow-raising.

“Yes your dress, I have told you all I’m making your dresses for the Christmas ball right?” Rarity asked a tinge of worry in her voice.

The two girls shrugged and shook their heads.

“Is that what you meant when you were talking to Applejack about measurements and dresses?” Twilight asked.

Rarity’s face fell into her hands as she let out a loud groan, which came as quite a surprise to the now returning Twilight Velvet.

“Is everything all right Rarity,” She asked kindly, placing four cups of Thai noodles on the table.

Rarity shot up, the aroma of food breaking her mourning, “Yes I simply forgot to tell everyone something important.”

“And what might that be?” Velvet asked sliding into a seat beside Rarity, facing her daughter who was sat beside Sunset.

“I forgot to tell everyone I was making their dresses for the Christmas ball.” She groaned again feeling the urge slap her own write to punish her forgetfulness.

“Well, you’ve just told us,” Twilight cut in.

“Yeah and Applejack already knows so all you gotta do is tell Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie and you’re all good,” Sunset added.

“Fluttershy already knows,” Rarity replied as she took a forkful of noodles into her mouth.

“Then that’s like half of us already, what you so worried for anyway?” Sunset asked.

“I… I don’t know I’ve got time, measurements everything I’d need.” She sighed, “But no ideas.”

“You’ll figure it out Rarity, maybe treat it like one of my books and just go for it,” Twilight suggested looking to Sunset for help.

“Maybe go from the drawing board, see what you’ve done in the past, like ideas and creation wise and just start throwing stuff together see what works,” Sunset added looking back at Twilight hoping she’d done enough.

Rarity’s fist slammed down on the table, “You’re absolutely right,” there was a fiery passion burning in her eyes that made the appearance of Sunsets hair look cold.

“I like that passion,” Came a tomboyish voice as an extroverted Rainbow Dash approached the table, behind her an introverted Fluttershy.

“Why thank you Rainbow Dash, it seems I’ve found my spark for the winter ball dresses,”

“Yeah Fluttershy mentioned something about that earlier, I know you’ll work wonders.”

“Are there more of your friends, Twilight?” Velvet asked curiously.

“Yeah this is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy,” Twilight said proudly.

Rainbow threw up a peace sign a smug expression on her face, while the much shyer girl squeaked out a quiet hello.

“I’m sure I can figure out which one is which,” Velvet chuckled lightly.

“Sorry for disturbing you,” Fluttershy said her head peering out from behind Rainbow.

“Yeah sorry, just came to let you know we’re gonna hang in the arcade before we leave so feel free to meet us there in a bit if you fancy it.

Everyone was stood around Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, they were playing street crisis 4 and had managed to get onto a level no one had seen before, even Velvet who had no attachment to the game realised by the reactions of the five friends this was an impressive feat.

“You know it’s a shame the others aren’t here,” Fluttershy said her eyes glued onto the game.

“Hmm that’s a good point,” Rarity replied flicking through her phone, “Okay Pinkie will be here before you know it and Applejack is about 20 minutes away,”

“What?” Twilight said her attention being stolen from the game.

“I simply invited our other friends; I mean why leave them out.” Rarity reasoned flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“Hey, looks like someone noticed you,” Twilight pointed out nudging Rarity to look to the other side of the arcade.

Rarity looked across to where the bookworm was pointing where a boy could be seen looking over at Rarity quickly looking away once he’d been seen. “It’s not the first time I’ve had an admirer darling. When one is as well dressed as I, it's guaranteed to happen.”

“Does being modest come with the outfit,” Rainbow sarcastically joked causing Fluttershy and Sunset to snicker.

Rarity simply rolled her eyes waving down the new completely Pink arrival, “Good afternoon, I see you’re wearing Pink.”

“I always wear Pink silly,” Pinkie Pie giggled pushing dashing over, “I see the news it true you really are on level six.”

“You bet ya we are, me and Rainbow are on fire,” Sunset smugly said earning a smirk from Rainbow Dash.

“Well let’s put you out before you burn,” Pinkie chortled emulating the action of throwing a bucket full of water onto them.

“Can’t stop this run,” Rainbow announced.

“You’re gonna jinx us man,” Sunset groaned lightly punching Rainbow in the arm.

“I believe in you Rainbow woo.” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

“See even Flutters has our back,” Rainbow laughed throwing a thumbs up to the shy friend behind her.

The two girls carried on with their game their spectators standing in awe as they moved through level after level having gotten further than anyone else they knew to this point.

“I swear we’ve been trying to beat this game for four years,” Pinkie said giddily.

“Rainbow didn’t you and AJ almost fail a test one year because you were too busy trying to beat this thing,” Rarity added teasing Rainbow Dash

“Why don’t you ask her yourself,” Twilight interjected pointing to the door, where an approaching cowgirl could be seen.

“Applejack you made it,” Rarity cheered running rather eagerly over to her friend.

“Well o’ course I made it; I couldn’t miss the chance of us finally beating this thing.” She replied giving an approving look towards the two girls now advancing on the 8th level.

Velvet disappeared returning with a coffee and taking a seat at one of the nearby tables not really interested in the game all that much but decided it best to not crush the teenager’s enthusiasm. After all, she was just happy to see her daughter interacting with her friends.

As the girls progressed level after level getting deeper into the game than ever before a crowd began to appear around them all with eager eyes to see what could be fine in the depths of the game. Fluttershy had been pushed from the front to the back with a group of much taller boys blocking her vision, she tried to squeeze through a gap hoping to get a glimpse at her friend but to no avail. She sighed mentally giving up and wandered over to where Velvet was sitting. She was surprised to see Rarity and Twilight already sat down alongside her.

“I see it was getting a little too much for you too,” Rarity greeted, giving a small wave.

“I'm surprised you lasted longer than us,” Twilight added.

“I guess I was too distracted to notice,” Fluttershy replied taking a seat beside the fashionista.

“Or maybe by someone else,” Rarity teased sticking out her tongue.

“I thought I sensed something,” Velvet pondered aloud, “Did I say that out loud,” She added her face turning red with embarrassment.

“Mom! You’re meant to embarrass me not my friends,” Twilight growled.

“It was an accident, I apologise Fluttershy truly.”

“It’s okay, no harm done. Really.” The Shy girl replied a compassionate smile on her face.

The four continued chatting when a collective groan was heard.

“Damm we almost got to the final boss, ahh well suppose we’ll have to try again another time ay Sunset,” Dash said smiling at her teammate.

The two fist-bumped smirking as they stepped away from the machine, a ruckus beginning to form in the gathered crowd.

“I can’t believe you lost to that when you got so far.”

“What a waste of time.”

“You both suck.”

“Y’all wanna put your money where you’re mouth is,” A familiar voice with a farmer accent called out.

“Oh yeah got something to say barnyard.”

Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity jumped to their feet knowing exactly who it was.

“Run that one by me again I dare ya,” Applejack said pushing a boy who was getting into her personal space away.

“I think that’s enough, I suggest we all go our own ways,” Rarity growled getting between the pair and holding them apart.

“Get your prissy girlfriend out the way,” The roguish teen hissed as he cracked his knuckles.

“I suggest you all leave now,” A commanding voice demanded as the crowd turned to see Twilight Velvet stood with her arms crossed.

“Stay out of this grandma,” The boy said the venom still on his tongue.

Rainbow Dash and Sunset had moved to stand beside Applejack pulling Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity behind them. The situation was looking dire, Pinkie had slipped into the group behind the much tougher girls, no doubt waiting for her chance to jump out.

“I believe the lady asked you to leave,” A much more commanding voice came now striking fear into the hearts of everyone, “Don’t make me ask again.”

Everyone’s eyes shifted to the tall male stood to the side of them all, looking like he’d be able to easily topple all of them combined. The gang of riled teens dispersed fleeing the arcade leaving only our seven friends and Velvet stood in the doorway. Applejack stepped forward and giving him a short hug, “Big Mac? What are you doing here? I thought you had something you needed to do today.”

Big Mac simply nodded, giving the girls a wave before walking away.

“A man of few words,” Velvet said watching as he walked away.

“That’s Applejacks brother, and yeah I’ve never him say anything more than yes or no,” Twilight said almost shocked at the revelation.

“Well, that situation turned sour rather quickly,” Rarity spoke up trying to break the ice.

“Yes I must thank you for taking my daughter into your protection, she’s picked some good friends,” Velvet added a kind tone in her voice although her eyes looked worried.

“Well shucks it ain't no big deal, I ain't about to let any of my friends get hurt,” The cowgirl proudly announced as Rainbow Dash cheered in agreement.

“How about we try something we can all get involved with this time,” Pinkie said rubbing her hands together evilly,

“I think it’s time we went home.” Velvet contested looking at everyone with a motherly gaze.

“Perhaps so, I’ve had enough excitement for one day,” Rarity added checking her hair in her pocket mirror.

“Oh and don’t worry girls, I know you’re not in the wrong those were just a bunch of ruffians.” Velvet smiled an honest smile putting the friend’s minds at ease. “But you better try harder to diffuse it next time.”

The group all nodded making small talk between themselves as they walked to the front entrance of the mall and out into the car park.

“Applejack darling, could you do me a favour and swing round by my house later. I’m rather hopeless at fixing my car and remember you saying you’ve done all sorts with your truck.”

The farm girl thought for a moment pulling a face when she knew she’d have to say no, “Shucks Rarity, I’m gonna be busy later dealing with the harvest, but I could pop round tomorrow to take a look at it if you can wait that long?”

“Yes, yes that’ll be fine, thank you.”

The girls all split off with Pinkie joining Applejack in her truck since her home was on the way, with Rarity heading with Twilight and her mother to their own vehicle.

“So I’d better get a move on, got a bus to catch,” Sunset said giving the remaining pair a wave as she dashed over to an approaching bus.

“Well that leaves just us, wanna start heading back, we’ve been gone a few hours,” Rainbow said turning to the Shy girl beside her.

Fluttershy simply nodded taking a step closer to Rainbow Dash as they began to walk together.

Chapter 10 : History revealed

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Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash returned to Fluttershy’s house about an hour after leaving the mall, they could have gotten there much sooner but Fluttershy wanted to take a more scenic route through the park. Rainbow had watched the immense joy on Fluttershy’s face as they witnessed various creatures preparing for their winter hibernation, it reminded her of her own passion for sports. They made small talk as Fluttershy lectured her athletic friend on all the animals they were seeing, Rainbow wasn’t really all that interested in animals and although she couldn’t explain it, she still found herself listening intently to the Shy girl walking beside her. She looked down at her pink-haired friend smiling to herself as she went on about how a squirrel prepares for winter. “She’s pretty cool,” Dash thought to herself.

They entered into the house and moved into the front room where they were greeted by Fluttershy’s parents,

“Hey girls, how was the outing.” Fluttershy’s mother asked with a smile urging the two girls to sit down.

“Yeah it was pretty fun, we ended up bumping into a bunch of our other friends so sorry we were gone for so long.” The meek girl apologised as she sat down with Rainbow.

“You can stay out as long as you like when you’re with Rainbow Dash, I know she’s capable of looking after herself.” Honey added still smiling, “As long as you’re back by nine.”

Rainbow Dash laughed at the interaction finding her attention brought onto the television, the conversation went on with Rainbow Dash offering very little other than a few little bits here and there, Fluttershy’s father was watching a soccer match and she couldn’t take her eyes off it.

“You really like soccer huh?” Fluttershy’s mother wondered aloud.

“It’s pretty much my life right now,” Rainbow answered with a proud smirk.

“You hoping to go big one day?” Fluttershy’s father asked bringing his attention from the game.

“You bet, that’s my goal!” The athlete answered.

Fluttershy looked to her side and up at the athlete’s face, she could see her eyes glittering with pride and ambition. A sense of pride filled her to know she had such an aspiring friend, it almost made her believe her own dreams were possible.

The game finished with the team Dash was rooting for winning, much to Fluttershy’s fathers’ glee as he was rooting for the same team. They cheered together before he and his wife got up to begin preparing dinner, leaving Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash alone.

“Do you wanna go upstairs?” Fluttershy shyly asked.

“Yeah, I’m down.”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were now sat in Fluttershy’s bedroom, her walls painted a mellow yellow that complimented her leaf green bed sheets, Rainbow couldn’t put her finger on how, but the room just sang spring. Fluttershy had put on a movie of Rainbow Dash’s selection it was one that they’d seen much earlier in their lifetime at one of the pairs sleepovers, but it made Dash feel nostalgic.

“You know this is pretty awesome,” The rainbow-haired girl said as she leaned against her back against the wall stretching her legs out across the bed.

“Hmm, is it?” Fluttershy asked worried she wasn’t doing enough to entertain her more active.

“Yeah, it reminds me of the old times, you know.”

“You mean like when we used to hang out?”

“Exactly, when our only worries were what flavour juice box we wanted,” Dash’s smile began to fade into a frown. “When there wasn’t so much expectation, if we messed up we could just get back up and carry on, but now we can’t let ourselves fail,” She sighed. “I can’t fail.”

“Rainbow…” Fluttershy sympathetically called out, reaching her arm out and placing it on her friends’ shoulder.

“Yeah Shy.”

Fluttershy gulped hard, and from the way, Rainbow was looking at her it was obvious she’d heard it. She already felt nervous but now Rainbow knew she’d felt nervous, which only made the feeling in her gut more gripping. She needed to be there for her friend, and she needed to know it.

“Shy is it really that hard for you to be yourself around me.”

The meek girl opened her lips, but no words came out, just a small squeak, Fluttershy watched in horror as Rainbows already sad face only fell lower.

“I’m here for you,” Fluttershy blurted out. “If you um want me to be.”

A small smirk appeared at the corner of Dash’s lips, “That must have been hard for you, I really appreciate you saying that.

Fluttershy looked up making brief contact before looking away again.

“What happened to us,” Rainbow sighed sitting forward her arm leaning against her knee as she placed her palm to her forehead.

A tear trickled down Fluttershy’s cheek, why did she feel so powerless, Rainbow usually brought her out of her shell. Her thoughts went to a dark place in her mind, “Did we really drift so far apart?” She thought to herself.

Fluttershy had a welling feeling in her stomach, she kept her eyes locked onto the floor so Rainbow wouldn’t see her sadness. “What was she meant to do, what did Rainbow Dash need,” She thought to herself. The sound of sniffling reached her ears, Fluttershy looked up ignoring any voice that told her not too, her gaze caught on Rainbow Dash who was physically fighting back tears.

“Rainbow what’s wrong,” Fluttershy spoke up inching closer to her friend.

“I’m sorry, it’s nothing I just got an eyelash in my eye.”

“Here let me help,”

“No I’ll be fine don’t worry about it, I’m Rainbow Dash nothing bothers me.”

“Dash, you know if something is bothering you, you can talk to me.”

“You mean that Shy?” Rainbow asked looking directly into her shy friends’ eyes.

The nerves and fears began to take hold of Fluttershy once more, only a few squeaks leaving her mouth, leaving Dash a little disheartened. “She needs you to say this,” Was all that was repeating through Fluttershy’s mind.

“Dash…” She took a deep breath, “I promise you can talk to me anytime, be it morning or night. I’ll be there if you need me.”

A smirk appeared on Rainbow Dash’s cheeks as she smiled kindly at her shy friend, “Thanks Shy, you’re an awesome friend.”

Fluttershy returned the smile, her eyes widening when the athlete embraced her in a short hug.

“I mean it dude not many people would do that for someone.”

“Well, I’d do it for you,” Fluttershy replied as their eyes locked the stare holding for what felt like an age.

The door swung open as an older boy with blonde hair stuck it head into the room, “Yo Shy get downstairs, dinners done and all that.”

Rainbows stomach growled, “That’s good timing, I am famished.” She climbed off the bed pulling Fluttershy to her feet as they proceeded out of the room.

The whole family was sat around the dinner table with Rainbow Dash being pointed to a seat beside Fluttershy, the athlete sat down admiring the spread of food along the table. The table chatted as Fluttershy’s mother handed everyone a plate, Fluttershy’s looking much greener than everyone else’s cuts of meat.

“You sure you don’t want any meat,” Her father called.

“Um no thank you,” Fluttershy said quietly nibbling on her food.

“Yeah I forgot you were a vegetarian, suppose I’ve known it so long It’s just natural for me to see you that way,” Dash said looking at the assortment of vegetables and pasta on her friends’ plate.

“I feel like as an aspiring athlete, you’d be encouraging her to get some meat in her system for that protein.” Her father added chuckling to himself.

“Nah a few members on my team are vegetarians, and besides you can get protein from more than just meat.”

Fluttershy’s father shrugged his shoulders and flicked the tv on turning his attention towards it.

“So Rainbow how’s school going, Fluttershy mentioned you’ve taken on a pretty big role at school now,” Honey asked, trying to ignore her husband’s rude behaviour. “And ignore him, he can be a little shallow-minded,” She teased, flashing Fluttershy a wink.

“Yeah, I’m the captain of the soccer team so it's up to me to make sure the team brings home the trophy, wait you talk about me Shy?” Rainbow asked looking over at her friend who had an immediate blush glow her cheeks.

“Well, it had been a while since she’d talked about you but recently its been on the rise,” Fluttershy’s mother interjected saving her daughter from embarrassment.

“Yeeeah, that’s my bad, things got a little strained,” Dash said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck.

“Well it’s been a good while since we’ve seen you ourselves, so let’s hope this is a sign things are on the mend between you pair.”

Fluttershy and Dash both smiled, sharing a high five. Dinner didn’t last much longer with everyone cleaning their plates fairly quickly leaving the two girls free as Zephyr was tasked with the washing up.

“Don’t you pair go running off, we got a show to watch remember.”

Fluttershy nodded pulling her friend into the living room and sitting her down on a couch beside her, “It’s okay if you don’t like it Dash, I don’t mind if you go walking off or something.”

“Nah it's alright, I’m sure it’ll be awesome if you like it.”

The two girls sat talking for a while watching as Fluttershy’s father took a seat on the other couch and started flicking through his phone, it wasn’t until more time had passed that Fluttershy’s mother entered the room carrying two bowls, handing one to the two friends before sitting down beside her husband and playing the show. Rainbow Dash went straight to work dipping her hand into the bowl and popping a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth Fluttershy giggled at her friend’s eagerness as she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position. The rooms lights switched off to ensure all focus was on the television, the athlete tried her best to pay attention but having missed so much found herself lost with what was going on. She felt her eyes grow heavy, either from the show or the full stomach but something was making her sleepy. The tired athlete leaned back against the couch feeling herself slide over and lean against her shy friends’ shoulder. Rainbow could feel Fluttershy tense up at the contact but didn’t move, she was far too comfortable resting her head where it was.

Fluttershy had entered panic mode, how could she focus on the show when she had Rainbow Dash resting against her, a few minutes passed and Fluttershy had finally managed to regain control of her breathing as she got used to the new feeling. Her attention fell back onto the show when she felt Rainbow Dash shiver against her, she looked down at herself wrapped in a blanket and took the initiative to drape it across the pair of them, hearing her athletic friend lightly snoring against her. About an hour had passed and the weight of her friend was beginning to overpower her small frame, Fluttershy shifted her body to allow Rainbow to slide down letting her lay softly on her lap.

Rainbow Dash although asleep could feel the change in position nesting her head against Fluttershy’s thighs realising how much softer they were than her own pillows and falling back to sleep. The next time Fluttershy stirred her the room was in pitch black besides a small glow from the light in the hallway.

“Um Dash,” Fluttershy whispered, lightly tapping at her cheeks, “It’s finished, Dash we can go get into bed now.”

“Come on sport can’t have you sleeping here,” Fluttershy’s father called to the pair of them snapping Rainbow into the world of the awake.

“Huh yeah, all right,” Rainbow said opening her eyes to see Fluttershy’s soft eyes looking down at her.

“Wow the stars are really pretty tonight,” Dash said not fully herself

“What?” Fluttershy replied looking back in confusion.

“Nothing,” Dash answered rolling over and falling onto the ground, “I’m alright.”

Fluttershy let out a small giggle as she stood up helping her friend up to her feet. The pair got to their feet heading upstairs, getting changed in the darkness before collapsing down onto their respective beds.

“Remember that time you climbed that tree to get a closer look at a bird and I had to come to rescue you,” Dash said as she looked up at the dark ceiling.

“Oh don’t remind me, I was so embarrassed.”

“Hey, I didn’t mind none, it was pretty fun climbing it with you.”

“You mean that?”

“Of course I do, hanging out with you was like my favourite thing to do when we were kids,”

“I guess its sports now, hmm?”

“I dunno man I love sports and the feeling of winning,” There was a pause, “But I feel like my Dad’s ruining the game for me.”

“Oh, what do you mean?”

“He doesn’t approve of fun,”

“Is that why you had to stop hanging out with us all?” Fluttershy asked her voice weak.

“Yeah,” Rainbow sighed, “He said if I never got serious, I’d never amount to anything.”

“That’s awful.”

“But no matter how much I tried; it was just never enough for him.” Rainbow Dash sat up leaning her head on Fluttershy’s bed. “Nothing I’ve ever done is enough for him, it’s always okay now do it better, just never satisfied with anything I do.”

Fluttershy turned over to face Rainbow her stomach in line with the athletes head she leaned on a lower portion of the mattress, she hesitated but stretched out her arm placing it on Rainbows head and stroking her hair to comfort her.

“I just wanted him to say he was proud of me, just once. Hell, even a thumbs up would have sufficed.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy quietly called out to her friend. “I’m proud of the things you’ve accomplished.

A weak smile grew on the athlete’s face as she looked at her the outline of her friends face her timid nature masked in the dark, “Thanks Shy.”

“Like I said I’m here for you if you need me.”

“I appreciate it,” Dash lay her head back down on her own mattress, “We’d better get some sleep, who knows what could come out way tomorrow.”

“Dash?” Fluttershy quietly called out once more.

“Hmm,” Rainbow answered in a sleepy stupor.

“It’s nothing, sleep tight,” Fluttershy held her breath, now wasn’t a good time, in her mind, no time was a good time. She thought about trying again but felt herself succumb to her weary eyes falling into a slumber.

Chapter 11 : Wet And Cold

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There was a light knock at the bedroom door stirring the two sleeping girls, “Girls is it okay to come in.”

“Yeah Mom it’s fine,” Fluttershy sleepily called out as she watched her mother creep into the room.

“Rainbow Dash, you might wanna get up your dad’s here.”

The athlete let out a large groan placing her hands on her face, “Well it’s been good Fluttershy, but I suppose I’ve gotta go.”

Fluttershy flicked on her phone to check the time, “Mom why is he here at 6 am,”

Rainbow Dash let out another groan, “Can’t even get 24hours of peace.”

“I’ll just let you get changed,” Honey said as she slipped out the room.

“I’m sorry Rainbow if I’d known I’d have made sure you didn’t have to watch that stuff with us yesterday and you could have done what you wanted,” Fluttershy said a frown forming on her face.

“it’s chill Shy, and besides I had an awesome nap, couldn’t have had that much if I didn’t lay on you,” Dash smirked, trying to make light of the situation.

“If it was that comfortable you can lay on my lap anytime,” Fluttershy added, letting a large yawn as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Don’t say that or I’ll take up that offer,” The rainbow-haired girl snickered as she threw on her clothes and gathered up her things.

Fluttershy heavily clambered out of bed, following Rainbow Dash out of the room and towards the front door to where her dad was waiting.

Fluttershy’s mother was chatting with Bow her voice much less warm than usual, “I wish you hadn’t come so early, I’m still in my dressing gown.”

“Dash should have been awake already so you wouldn’t have to, I’ll make sure she gets a scolding.”

“Rainbow hasn’t done anything wrong she was simply hanging out with her friend.”

“Well maybe she shouldn’t stay over, I ain't letting her slack on her training.”

“I’m sure one day wouldn’t hurt her.”

Fluttershy’s face was stained with worry and Rainbow didn’t like that, “It’s fine dad I’m here.”

“About time, you should have been prepared, yo…”

Rainbow Dash cut him off, “Training comes first I know.”

The rainbow-haired girl watched as her father walked over and got into his car giving her the chance to say goodbye. The athlete turned to her meek friend giving her a friendly hug, Rainbow broke the hug and jogged through the rain towards the awaiting car and clambering inside.

Fluttershy slowly waved off her friend, her mood matching the weather, she let out a sigh as Rainbow’s car disappeared out of sight. Honey closed the door hugging her daughter herself, “Go get back in bed sweetie, it’s far too early.”

Fluttershy did as she was told, sluggishly walking back to her room before collapsing back onto her bed, her heavy eyes quickly sending her back to sleep.

Rainbow Dash was sat in the moving car the tension between herself and her father was so visible Dash swore you could have cut it with a knife, she remained in her seat her eyes glued onto the raindrops trickling down the window.

“You’ve got a face like thunder, what’s up with you?” Bow grunted.

“I can’t believe you came and got me at 6 am.”

“I know you wouldn’t have trained if I didn’t.”

“I would have done it later; can I not just spend some time with my friends in peace for once.”

“Sounds to me like you care more about your friends than your future.” Bow said the anger growing in her voice.

“That’s not what I meant,” Rainbow battled the desperation in her voice.

“I expect twice the amount of everything from you today to prove that.”

Rainbow Dash sighed; she’d much rather have been asleep in Fluttershy’s room still right now.

“Rarity what in the hay are you wearing,” Applejack cried rubbing her forehead with her hand.

“Well this is my mechanic outfit, I designed it specifically for when I need to work on a car,” Rarity said swaying her hips to show off her attire.

“Sugar cube,” Applejack sighed, “Why do you have a costume for fixing your car when you don’t know how to fix your car.”

Rarity’s joyous expression disappeared from her face, “Well if you were going to be so critical I wouldn’t have bothered, I don’t see why I can’t look pretty while trying to help.”

“You don’t need some fancy outfit to look pretty you manage it just fine on your own,” The Cowgirl replied instinctively as she focused on checking the engine.

“Aww darling, you think I’m pretty,” Rarity cooed.

“I think everyone can see you’re not a bad looking gal, Heck you were saying earlier how you had someone ogling you yesterday,” Applejack added, shooting the fashionista an unamused glance.

“It’s true but it means far more to me when hearing it from your mouth,” Rarity replied leaning over the car engine, her face asking to be told how she could help.

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Quit your teasing and hold this for me,”

“But it's covered in grease and oil, Rarity whined, turning her nose up at the tool.

“Do you wanna help or not?” Applejack said with an unamused expression.

“I’m holding the umbrella am I not,” Rarity answered twirling the umbrella around in emphasis.

“You’re doing a fine job, of course, I couldn’t possibly expect more from you,” Applejack sarcastically argued, her hair and clothes dripping wet over the poor job Rarity was doing. “You’re lucky I’ve discovered the problem.”

“Oh darling I knew you could do it, so why won’t my baby work?” Rarity asked flicking the umbrella over her shoulder in glee once again allowing the cowgirl to be soaked by the rain, “My bad.”

Applejack growled again, “It’s fine, a little rain never hurt anyone, besides it’ll do my farm some good. Now your problem is that your radiator hose has dried out, meaning I gotta just replace it. Can you do me a favour and go get the red box out the trunk of my truck.”

Rarity nodded wanting to help in at least some way, heading over and pulling out the red box and prancing back over towards her busy friend.

“Cheers sugar cube,” Applejack said taking the box from her friend and rooting through it for the replacement parts and tool she needed, “Just hold that there for me.”

Rarity stood bewildered by what she was doing due to her lack of the inner goings-on of a vehicle despite her fitting outfit. Applejack quickly went to work replacing the necessary part before sending Rarity round to start the car, the fashionista hopped inside turning the key and starting it flawlessly. Rarity cheered hopping out of the car and hugging her saviour, “Thank you, darling, you’ve saved the day once again.”

“Aww shucks it was nothing,” Applejack replied lightly blushing.

“Nonsense you deserve a reward, come inside and we can get you dry with a cup of cocoa,” Rarity insisted dragging her cowgirl friend into her home.

“Rarity, don’t wanna impose besides won’t I be a bother.”

“Nonsense dear no-one else is home, they’re visiting a relative, so it is just you and I, and you’re no bother to me.”

“No one at all?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Nope,” Rarity called from the other room.

Applejack listened intently as she heard the kettle whistling, followed by the sounds of water pouring. Applejack watched as her fashion-loving friend returned carrying a tray containing two cups and a small bag of marshmallows. “I thought you’d like something sweet with it,” She said placing them down on a coffee table in front of the couch Applejack was sitting on, “I’ll be just a moment darling,” She said disappearing out the room and returning with a towel, “Careful it’s hot.”

Applejack sat stunned in place as Rarity sat down beside her draping the hot towel over the pair of them, “Ugh Rarity?”

“Yes dear,” She replied scooting closer, so her side was touching Applejacks, reaching forward to take a sip of her cocoa.

“Don’t you think you’re a little close,” The cowgirl spoke her voice shaken, a combination of dripping water and sweat running down her face.

“I mean I’m rather cold, if it were up to me I’d get closer,” She teased flicking the farmgirls chin.

The two girls blushed hard, Applejack was stuttering unsure of what to say or do. Rarity let out a slight chuckle resting her head on Applejacks shoulder, “This is nice isn’t it, from a cold rain shower to a warm cup of cocoa and hot towel, quite an invigorating experience.”

“Ugh yeah,” Applejack replied her mind racing. “What is she doing, what is she doing, is she playing a trick on me I don’t get it.”

“Um darling, I think you’re thinking aloud,” Rarity said a small giggle escaping her lips.

The farmer's face went pale the colour fading from her cheeks, as the sweating only intensified.

Rarity chuckled again, “Well aren’t you just my silly apple.”

Applejack took a deep breath, “Rarity what are you playing at like I’m being serious what is all this.”

Rarity pulled away from Applejack the towel falling from her, “I’m sorry, this was uncalled for,” She stood up walking out of the room her eyes watery.

Applejack quickly took to her feet following her all the while calling out to her but was only met with her closed bedroom door. She could hear Rarity slump down with her back against it.

“I’m sorry Applejack it was inappropriate of me.”

“Rare’s it's fine, I mean it, you just took me by surprise.”

“I just feel safe with you, like you’ll be able to fix any of my problems.”

“Aww shucks, I ain't all that, I’ll fix what I can but I ain't perfect.”

“You are to me,” Rarity said silently to herself, getting up and opening the door a weak smile coating her lips.

“There’s a second towel, I’ll just get it.” She sighed, “I’ll meet you downstairs before our cocoa goes cold.”

Applejack smiled heading back to the couch and planting herself down in the seat taking a few sips of her now barley warm cocoa. The farm girl watched as her purple-haired friend walked into the room draped in a towel and sitting somewhat beside her, Applejack smirked letting out a small chuckle wrapping her arm over Rarity’s shoulder and pulling her into her, “I said I didn’t mind, I just wanted an explanation.”

Rarity looked down at her mug of cocoa, “I was cold and thought it’d be better for keeping warm.” She said solemnly once again resting her head against Applejack.

“How do you think it went between those pair?” Applejack asked.

“Oh you mean Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, apparently it went well until Bow came and collected her at 6 am this morning.”

“6 AM! Man, that guy has some serious issues, I just feel bad for Dash.” Applejack sighed.

“It’s certainly not ideal, but Dash opened up to Fluttershy about what’s been going on a little, she wouldn’t give me the details because it's Rainbow’s business, but I got a grasp that it's essentially Bow being controlling.”

“It’s quite amazing you know, how Fluttershy can get Dash to drop the attitude.”

“Well it works both ways, Dash seems to bring our dear Fluttershy out of her shell.”

“Yeah they’ve got a strong friendship, I hate seeing how all this is bothering Shy though.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Rarity began but was cut off by Applejacks phone beginning to vibrate.

“Aww shoot Rare’s,” Applejack began, “I’m needed back on the farm the winds blown down a tree. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Nonsense,” Rarity smiled, “They need to borrow my hero for a little while, go on and I’ll see you at school.”

“See ya Rare’s,” Applejack replied returning the smile as she headed out the door.

“WAIT!” Rarity called after her stopping the cowgirl in her tracks.

“Yeah Rarity,” She said turning around only to be tackled by the fashionista throwing her arms around her into a hug, “W…what’s all this now,” Applejack stuttered taken aback by the sudden contact.

“Consider it my way of thanking you, now go on, go save the day.” Rarity teased ushering her friend to her car as she closed the door.

It was Wednesday lunchtime and the whole group had finally gotten the chance to gather over lunch, Rarity and Fluttershy were debating how fair it was that the quality of the vegetarian meal appeared much higher than the other options. The two girls looked towards Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie who were just gorging on their meals, they laughed between themselves realising the answer between themselves.

“So you guys get Wednesday’s off,” Applejack said, taking a bite of the apple she was holding.

“Wednesday lunch specifically,” Sunset groaned, coming out of her conversation about physics with Twilight and joining the group.

“So you still have to practice after school?” Twilight asked.

“Yep,” Rainbow rolled her eyes, “You can thank Vapor Trail that we have this time, she went to Principal Celestia and complained, apparently there was a pretty big dispute. My dad put up quite a fight over why we should be training so much, saying its how the big leagues do it and if they want a spot on a big team one day they gotta show their dedication now.”

“In theory he is correct, professional soccer players train for 4-5 hours a day.” Twilight began, “However not everyone on your team wants to go pro, they simply do it for fun. Meaning only really people like Rainbow should be putting in the extra hours.

“Which I do before and after school,” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Precisely, I’m sure the principal will see the reasoning, not even Crystal prep trained this much, even before my brother lightened the pressure on them,” Twilight added.

“I’m sure it’ll figure itself out, these things tend to with time,” Rarity said, dabbing her lips with a napkin as she finished her last mouthful.

The Pinkie and Dash began talking about a potential prank they had which involved filling the school’s band brass instruments with bubble mixture, the two girls broke into uncontrollable laughter only being stopped when Rainbow felt a tug on her shirt. “If this is something about my Dad or soccer it can wait till after lunch,” Dash groaned turning around to see it was just Fluttershy, “Oh Shy sorry about that, I was half expecting Spitfire,” She quickly spluttered out her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

“Oh that’s alright, I don’t mind.” The shy girl quietly returned.

“So how can I assist ya?” The athlete asked as Rarity began to rather strategically distract the party girl she was originally talking too.

“Well I was just wondering how you and Pinkie are always so full of energy and I’m always so tired in the morning, I know Pinkies secret it sugar but I was wondering if you had any advice.”

“Well I suppose my morning run helps to wake me up, why not give that a try?”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up eagerly, “I’ll give it a try tomorrow, thank you Rainbow.”

“It’s my pleasure,” The athlete replied with a smile.

“So how was hanging out together this weekend?” The farm girl asked interrupting the end of their conversation.

“Oh it was fun,” Fluttershy sheepishly answered.

“I mean you guys were with us for most of it, all we really did when we were alone was play a board game and watch a movie,” Dash added, nodding to Fluttershy.

“Hey, speaking of hanging out at the weekend, you fancy coming to hang out Twilight, I think you’d really dig this new game I’ve got since it requires thinking, micromanaging and tactics. It’s probably the perfect genre for you.” Sunset asked turning to Twilight

“Yeah, I don’t see why not, you seem really into the game, it’s all you talked about in maths so I’m happy to check it out. I’ll bring a few books anyway so if it’s not my thing I can just read in your company while you play,” Twilight replied.

“Awesome,” Sunset said catching Dash’s attention. “You can come any day like Friday, Saturday or Sunday I’ve got no plans so it’s up to you.”’

“How’s Friday, it’ll give me a chance to go home and get stuff while you’re at soccer practice.”

“We’ve got a game on Friday remember; it doesn’t start till the time practice typically ends.”

“Ahh, so we do, Saturday then?” Sunset asked.

“Sounds good to me,” The bookworm replied with a smile.

Fluttershy was woken to the sound of her alarm clock, she rubbed her eyes turning over to try and go back to sleep, “Come on you said you’d try morning running for Rainbow.” Fluttershy rolled over once more growling to herself, though it sounded more like a cat’s meow, she lowered her feet to the ground holding her head in her hands. “Me and my big mouth, I just wanna sleep,” She groaned aloud pushing herself up onto her feet and heading over to her wardrobe. Quickly getting changed she headed downstairs letting her mother know where she was going and headed out the door.

She took off at a slow pace her music softly playing in her ears as an attempt to wake her up further. She checked her phone seeing a text from Rainbow.

*How’s it going buddy? You giving it a go or are you sleeping in like the Shy I know. *

Fluttershy let out a soft giggle sending a quick reply before putting her phone away and continuing on her way heading down towards the canal.

*Yeah I’m giving it a go, though I think this cold air is what’s waking me up. *

Fluttershy looked around seeing the frost-covered grass and leaves, considering it was still autumn this was surprisingly cold weather, “I do hope the animals were prepared for this,” She thought to herself as looked at the water of the canal topped with a thin layer of ice.

She jogged for another few minutes before her phone buzzed again, pulling it out to see Rainbow had replied, seeing it was from Rainbow Dash.

*Yeah man I saw a patch of ice earlier so be careful where you’re running. *

Rainbow Dash hadn’t realised just how real that message was about to become, Fluttershy kept jogging her eyes locked onto her phone as she typed a reply, she took a few more steps feeling her footing sliding from under her as she stepped onto a sheet of ice coating the path in front of her. Fluttershy panicked placing other foot down for support however only resulting in her feeling even less confident in her situation as the inevitable happened. Her footing shifted from under her sending her toppling over and into the frozen water beside her.

Fluttershy’s vision became unclear and fuzzy as she felt her body stiffen up at the sudden shock of the cold embrace, her breath felt short as she struggled to keep her composure her eyes growing heavy and forcibly closing. Everything went silent as the numbness took over her body, The last thing she could remember was the sound of panicked voices and an arm plunging into the depths of the water and pulling her out.

Chapter 12 : She Shoots. She Scores

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The fashionista drifted through the school halls, eyeing up the other students that passed her by, each one being defined by their style and fashion, Rarity found it to be a refreshing sight especially since a few of them had sought her out personally so they could request the perfect outfit for themselves. Rarity loved seeing people who looked happy while looking good, with each outfit she admired her head sparked with potential ideas and how she could improve each and every one of them. Not that they needed improving it was just a habit Rarity had developed, everything needed to be perfect, not a feather or sequin out of place. Applejack had called it a problem, but the only problem Rarity saw was that she could never make herself look perfect, only those around her.

Rarity entered into the cafeteria heading over to where two of her friends had gathered, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. She approached the table pulling out a seat and dusting it off before she sat down, “Greetings girls, how are you all?” She got no response; Twilight had her head buried into a book which was a very common sight but what came as a shock was Pinkie’s absence of a response.

“Girls!” Rarity called much louder, seizing the attention of the two sitting around her, “How are things going?”

“Oh things are going great this book my brother’s fiancé got me is fantastic,” Twilight answered with a smile.

“My bad, I was just soooo bored when Twilight wasn’t talking to me, so I zoned out on this game,” Pinkie added, turning back to the game on her phone.

“Well I’m getting nothing from you,” Rarity said sarcastically, turning away from the already zoned out party girl, “So Twilight how’s the book?”

“It’s amazing, It’s all about stellar astrophysics and….” Twilight began to drone on her eyes wide with ambition, the words sounding foreign as they reached the fashionista’s ears.

“That sounds simply fascinating, I can see why you are reading it.”

“You’re more than welcome to borrow it when I’m finished so you can read it,” The aspiring scientist spoke as her eyes went back to absorbing all the information the book had to offer.

“That’s very kind of you, but science is more your thing, I’m so wrapped up in my work I doubt I’d have the time to read it. Thank you for the very generous offer though however.” Rarity kindly declined with a smile. She exhaled loudly relieved to have escaped having to read a book when her eyes were drawn to a girl on the opposite side of the cafeteria helping carry some boxes into the kitchen. “I’ll be just a minute girls,” She announced as she stood up and headed over towards the gap between the kitchen and the dining area leaning over the empty steel trays where the food was usually displayed. Her eyes watched as her cowgirl friend was walking around unaware she was being watched as she brought boxes inside for her Granny.

“Seems we got a peeping Tom,” Granny Smith called, tapping Applejack on her shoulder, “Aint that one of yer friends or somethin’.”

Applejack stood up turning around with an apple in her mouth to see Rarity leaning over the counter and staring at her, “Ra…Rarity?” Applejack asked, the apple dropping from her mouth and into her hand.

“In the flesh darling, I thought I spied you and came to check it out.” Rarity admitted leaning onto the counter and resting her head in her hands.

“I was jus’ helping Granny here bring in the morning supplies for lunch,” Applejack said blushing lightly as her older brother pushed a box into her hands.

“Well, that’s very sweet of you, always helping out when you can. It’s something a lady can admire, feel free to join us at the table when you’ve finished, but be warned neither of them are talking.”

Applejack chuckled, “Lemme guess one’s got a book and the other one is Fluttershy being, well shy.”

“You are correct with Twilight but the other is Pinkie Pie, she’s got her face glued to her phone on some game.”

“Damm Pinkie ain't talking, what a treat.” Applejack jested as she stuck out her tongue.

“Don’t be rude now, farm girl,” Rarity teased as she stepped away from the counter and headed back to the girls at the table.

It didn’t take long for Applejack to join them, finding it equally difficult to gauge the attention of those keeping Rarity company, “Damm they’re really hooked,” She laughed.

“I told you, and if you get Twilight’s attention expect to be taught astrophysics,” Rarity joked.

“Who wants to learn about astrophysics?” Twilight asked eagerly looking around the table causing Rarity and Applejack to burst into laughter.

“You know I don’t think we’ve got all that much time, I swear the bell is gonna ring any minute,” Applejack reasoned looking down at her watch.

“Well then let’s use the time we…” She was immediately cut off by the ringing of the school bell symbolising the start of the school day, Rarity’s face fell, she was unamused by the situation only getting more irritated as the sound of Applejack’s chuckling reached her ears.

“Time for class, see you all at lunch,” Pinkie said skipping out of the cafeteria.

“Come on brainiac we’ve got our first class together,” Applejack teased pulling the book from Twilight’s hand to snap her out of the reading trance.

“Fine, fine, just give me my book back,” Twilight moaned puffing her cheeks up in frustration.

“Hey has anyone seen Fluttershy? She’s usually in before now,” Rarity asked as she pulled the book from the farm girls grasp and handed it back to Twilight. Both girls shook their head in response, looking rather concerned.

“She’s probably just late or with Rainbow Dash,” Twilight deduced as the three walked to their respected classes.

Rarity’s class was in full swing as the teacher began discussing the native villages of the rainforests, Rarity groaned to herself, she hated Geography. Her mind wandered down to her blank page as she scribbled down a few notes before moving her pen towards her notebook, she began sketching ideas from her mind down onto the page planning the dress she was intending to create for Rainbow Dash, it had to be perfect and fit her perfectly. She thought for a minute before her mind landed on Fluttershy, Fluttershy would know exactly what Rainbow would want. She looked down at a phone and subtly attempted to text her missing friend when her phone began to ring out in her hand startling her into dropping it onto the floor. The whole classrooms eyes fell onto Rarity as she awkwardly picked up her phone.

“Excuse me this is really important can I nip outside and answer this?” Rarity asked the teacher earning her a nod and being told she can have five minutes.

Rarity quickly hurried out of the classroom and placed the phone to her ears, “Fluttershy where are you? I’ve been worried sick you’ve texted good morning by now if we don’t see each other before class.”

“Hi Rarity, it’s Fluttershy’s mother,”

“Mrs Shy, is everything okay?” Rarity asked panic growing in her voice.

“Well yes and no, Fluttershy got into a little accident earlier and now she’s in the hospital, she was adamant I couldn’t tell Rainbow Dash for some reason but when I mentioned that her friends will worry she said I should inform you.”

“Never mind us, is she going to be okay, what’s wrong?”

“She fell into frozen water this morning and thankfully was quickly rescued, her body went into shock and so they’re keeping her here to make sure everything is fine, so far so good.”

“Oh the poor dear, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“I don’t think you are allowed to leave school just like that.” Honey interjected concern in her voice.

“Nonsense this is an emergency.” Rarity returned putting the phone down and heading back into class explaining how there was an emergency and she needed to leave immediately.

Fluttershy’s hospital room opened gently as a nurse with fair peach hair led a refined purple-haired woman into the room.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy weakly called out, “What are you doing here? You should be in school.”

“Nonsense darling I came as soon as I heard, I couldn’t let my best friend sit and suffer alone.” Rarity answered firmly walking over and handing Fluttershy a bouquet of an assortment of flowers.

“I’m not alone my mom’s with me,” Fluttershy interjected.

Fluttershy’s mother made a loud coughing noise to gain the fashionista’s attention before giving a small wave.

“Oh you know what I mean,” Rarity giggled, “You’ve got some extra company.”

Fluttershy smiled weakly, her eyes widening with fear as Rarity got even closer.

“What were you thinking! Why would you go jogging in such a dangerous place when the weather was how it was? I know it’s warmed up a bit now, but it was freezing this morning.”

“I’ve already been through this, you’ll get the same response as me,” Honey called as she flicked through the pages of a magazine.

“It was a suggestion from Rainbow Dash for a way to help wake me up in the morning.”

“That Rainbow Dash! I’ll be giving her an earful don’t you worry, such a silly idea not even a weather warning.”

Fluttershy felt herself shrink into the bed as she quietly attempted to interrupt, “She um… um… she warned me, but it was too late.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Nonsense I can’t have anyone hurting my best model.”

Fluttershy lightly giggled before a more serious tone returned to her face, “Please don’t tell Rainbow Dash I don’t want her to worry over me it’s not fair.”

“Darling she needs to know, you’re her friend after all. The others already know they’re coming after school.”

“But they have things they need to do, I’m not that important.” Fluttershy protested in an attempt to avoid the attention.

“Nonsense, you are our friend and we want to check up on you.” Rarity argued, a smile forming on her face at the meek girls defeated squeak.

Honey laughed from the corner of the room her face masked behind her hand as she signalled she was stepping out the room for a moment her phone pressed to her ear.

“Why don’t you want Rainbow Dash to know?” Rarity blankly asked getting straight to business.

“Because she’ll blame herself and I don’t wanna put that on her, I don’t even want her worrying over me it could throw her off her game.”


“And it’s all my fault anyway she’ll probably realise I’m just a klutz who can’t even walk in a straight line.” Fluttershy rambled her worries spewing out in words.

“Fluttershy,” Rarity persisted looking rather irritated by the lack of response she was getting.

“And then she’ll never wanna be my friend again because she got me hurt and it’s my fault and she feels bad so she can’t focus and loses the important game tomorrow.”

“FLUTTERSHY!” Rarity snapped earning an embarrassed nod from the shy girl herself.

“Ahem,” Rarity said aloud as she cleared her throat and regained her composure, “I’m going to tell Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy sighed and weakly smiled, nodding slowly as she watched Rarity grab her phone and step outside her company being replaced by her mother returning with a tray of rather distasteful looking hospital food.

Rainbow Dash was still blissfully unaware that her friend had succumbed to any danger this morning, she sat in her final class of the day twiddling her thumbs as she watched the seconds tick by till the end of the day. She restlessly began to count down the remaining thirty seconds having already prepared to leave at the moment the bell rang. *RING* “Right on cue,” Rainbow thought to herself and she got to her feet and slung her bag over her shoulder following the bustling crowd out of the classroom and into the corridor. Her destination was identical to every other night this week, the moment the bell rang she’d be expected out on the soccer field and tonight was no different. The athlete took a small detour cutting across a different corridor to catch Sunset Shimmer as she headed out of class so they could walk together.

“Out on the bell I see,” Sunset remarked seeing the approaching athlete.

“I see you weren’t,” Rainbow Dash smugly responded.

“You can blame the quote, ‘the bell does not dismiss you, I do’,” Sunset added causing both girls to simultaneously burst into laughter.

They proceeded to head together towards the changing rooms barging through the door and over to their lockers to retrieve their kit, Rainbow in her typical fashion got changed quickly her locker door staying open for barely a minute, a minute Sunset found very enlightening. Inside the rainbow-haired girl’s locker, two pictures could be seen taped to the inside wall. The first was of the entire rainbooms all standing together proudly with their instruments, the second was a rather tattered picture where a much younger Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could be seen playing together on a swing. Sunset deduced that one of them must have a swing set in one of their back-gardens and a parent must have sneakily taken the picture.

“So you all set for tomorrows match?” Rainbow asked drawing the flame-haired girls’ attention away from the now closing locker.

“I think we can win,” Sunset half-heartedly answered.

Rainbow gently punched her friends’ side, “Not a think, a definitely. Canterlot High is 100% gonna win tomorrow.”

An excited chatter began to build up in the changing rooms as the whole team finished getting into their uniforms.

“BECAUSE WHO ARE WE!” Rainbow shouted as she raised her fist into the air.

“WONDERCOLTS!” The rest of the room erupted as they began to chant.

Rainbow Dash stared at Sunset with a devilish smirk, if there was anything Rainbow could do it was a pep rally, I mean there’s a reason Celestia asked her to help work up teams that she wasn’t even on before a big tournament. The girl was a natural at building up the spirits of those around her and Sunset was no different reaching her arm up to join in with the cheer. The team flooded out onto the field leaving just Sunset to tie her shoelaces, her team captain stood by her side.

“You can go you know; I’ll catch up.” Sunset urged.

“No way, I ain't leaving without my whole team.” Dash eagerly replied sharing a look of respect between her teammate.

The pair would just about to head out when Dash’s locker began to violently vibrate taking the two girls by surprise, Rainbow Dash stepped over to her locker flinging the door open and rooting inside for the source her arms returning holding her phone and pressing it to her ear.

“Yo, this is Dash.”

“Hey Rainbow, its Rarity your most well-dressed friend.

“I know who you are without the extra explanation, only one Rarity in my life.”

“Aww how sweet, anyway I come bearing some rather bad news.” Rarity said her cheery tone dropping into a serious one.

Dash sat down on the bench beside her locker her expression becoming a mix of serious and concern, “What’s wrong Rare’s.”

“Well darling, its Fluttershy.”

Dash leaned forward, resting her free hand on her forehead, “What’s happened with Shy?”

“This morning she went for a little jog and took a tumble into the canal. The water was extremely cold, and her body went into shock, she was quickly rescued and brought to the hospital.”

“Why am I only hearing about this now!?” Rainbow asked in an equally confused tone as it was aggressive.

“Well Fluttershy was adamant you didn’t know; she didn’t want you to worry.”

Rainbow Dash let the phone drop from her ear, sighing heavily into her hand before returning the phone to where it was, “So she’s in the hospital now?”


“What room?”

“Ward B, ask at the desk.”

“I’m leaving now.” Dash finished, hastily pushing her things into her back and throwing her arms through the straps.

“Woah, Rainbow where are you going?” Sunset asked in confusion.

“She’s in hospital, fell into cold water, I’m going to see her.”

“But your dad,” Sunset said urging her friend to reconsider her sudden leave.

“Tell him something important came up, he knows I’m more than ready for tomorrow,” Dash answered turning her back to the field and heading back through the school to find her meek friend.

Dash rushed through the hospital doors and straight towards ward B her hands landing heavily on the desk startling a young nurse.

“Can I help you?” She asked raising an eyebrow at the manic looking athlete.

“Shy. My friend was brought here this morning, the names Fluttershy,” Rainbow wheezed, catching her breath as her gaze locked onto the nurse.

“Oh yes I recently sent her a bunch in, quite the popular one I see, you’re after room 13.”

Dash thanked her beginning to walk down the hall when the nurse’s voice could be heard again calling out to her.

“Just be aware that visiting hours end at 9.”

Rainbow simply gave a nod reaching the room hearing a voice on the other side as she entered.

“I just don’t know what went wrong, you saw her in here earlier there’s an awkward air between us. Oh Fluttershy, what have I done.”

It was Rarity currently resting her head on Fluttershy’s lap, upon seeing the athlete she shot up from her knees standing to greet her friend.

“Rainbow… darling… glad you made it,” She called out stepping over and giving her friend a small hug.

“Am I interrupting something?” Dash asked a strange feeling welling in her chest from what she’d witnessed.

“No, no of course not, I was simply telling Fluttershy my current drama,” Rarity sighed stepping to the side allowing Rainbow Dahs a full view of her weak friend.

“Shy,” She cried loudly heading over and sitting by her side, “Are you alright? What happened?”

Fluttershy sighed, “It’s nothing, really I'm fine, just still feeling a little cold.”

Rarity sat down beside Rainbow Dash placing a hand on the meek girl’s knee, “The doctor said that’s the pneumonia you contracted from being so cold for so long, they’ve been keeping you here to monitor you to ensure you aren't too weak to fight it.”

Dash had a look of determination on her face, “You can beat this Shy I believe in you.”

“Dash it’s just a cold,” Fluttershy softly giggled bringing a smile to the three friends faces.

The door opened up and honey stuck her head into the room, “Rarity could I borrow you for a moment,” her eyes fell onto the new arrival. “Oh hello Rainbow Dash glad to see you could make it, this is convenient actually since now Shy won’t be left alone.”

Rarity hurried out the room following Honey down the hallway leaving the two alone.

“Shy… I’ve gotta know, why couldn’t I know?” Dash asked with a sigh.

Fluttershy fell silent as her eyes wandered down the bed, resting on the door hoping someone would barge in and save her from the situation. But no one came.

“Shy please, I need to know why you didn’t want me here.” Dash’s voice fell into what sounded like desperation.

Fluttershy’s mind emptied itself focusing only on the friend beside her, *Rainbow Dash never lets anyone see her emotions, and here she is expressing them to my face, first her worries about her dad now this, * She thought to herself.

“I didn’t want you to get in trouble with your father, you know after what you told me,” Shy squeaked out.

Rainbow Dash sighed to herself, “I didn’t tell you that so you would keep things from me. You’re in the hospital Shy, I need to know this stuff.”

Fluttershy looked innocently at her loyal friend, “Then why did you tell me?”

The athlete’s eyes drifted to the ground, “Well you’re my best friend, everyone else expects me to be the amazing and awesome Rainbow Dash, but you don’t.” Rainbow looked up her eyes meeting Fluttershy’s, “Around you, I can let that little voice out that tells my weaknesses.”

Fluttershy wrapped her arms around the athlete fighting back the tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, you can always be yourself around me if it makes you feel any better. I feel like you bring out a braver side in me, and around you and I can just let loose and have fun and you won’t judge me.”

Rainbow Dash smirked and nodded, “What can I say, I’m pretty awesome.” She cheered causing both the girls to let out a small laugh.

“But Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy spluttered out, a panicked tone ringing through her voice, “What are you doing here, you’ve missed practice your Dad is gonna kill you.”

“Screw him.”

Fluttershy gasped, “Rainbow how could you say that?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “Dude he gives me an earful when I go to practice anyway, the important thing here is checking you’re okay. Hell even if you just fell and grazed your knee I’d come and check on you, practice or no practice.”

“But why?”

“I can’t really explain it, I just know you’re important to me and I wanna make sure you’re always okay.”

Fluttershy softly blushed, “Thank you for coming to check up on me, I know I’d come if you were hurt.”

“Don’t mention it, of course, I’d check up on you, and that seals it we really are great friends.”

“Yeah… friends,” Fluttershy repeated sounding slightly disheartened.

Rainbow Dash saw this and intended to press on but found her tongue caught in her mouth as her eyes locked onto the opening door, in walked Honey and Rarity carrying a tray of food that looked far too good to be hospital food.

“Woah where did you find this,” Rainbow called standing up and stepping out the way so Fluttershy’s mother could place the food on her daughter’s lap.

“Well, I nipped to the store and asked Rarity to come and help since she eats similar meals to my dear Fluttershy here,” Honey said, smiling with glee as Fluttershy began immediately tucking into the meal.

The door swung open once more as Sunset stepped into the room, “I headed straight hereafter practice, Fluttershy are you okay?” The flame-haired girl asked between sharp breaths.

“I think I’ll be alright.” The shy girl meekly replied.

“I’m glad to hear,” Sunset smiled kindly her face turning more serious as she looked towards her team captain, “Oh, by the way, Dash your dad was livid that you skipped out on practice.”

Rainbow Dash returned the sentence by shushing her flame-haired friend and ushered her out the room, dragging her into the hallway.

“Watch the dad talk around Fluttershy, she specifically said she didn’t tell me she was in the hospital because she knew I’d come and my Dad would get annoyed,” Rainbow Dash hissed as she watched Rarity follow them out the door and stand with them.

“Well call Fluttershy psychic because he kept us behind an extra 30 minutes, saying how the worst punishment for you is knowing that we got punished,” Sunset replied her tone equally annoyed.

“Are you serious? Dammit, I'm sorry Sunset I didn’t mean to get you all in trouble,” Rainbow apologised her face full of guilt.

“Its fine Dash don't worry about it; you did the right thing coming here to Shy, Spitfire and Fleetfoot both agree.”

Dash smiled as Rarity cleared her throat to announce she was going to speak, “I quite agree Rainbow Dash your father using your team as a way of punishing you was very tactless, however I need to speak with you in private for a moment, Sunset would you mind going in and keeping Fluttershy company.”

Sunset nodded with a confused, but compliant look upon her face as she entered the hospital room she had just come from.

“Yo Rarity, what’s up?” The rainbow-haired girl asked, raising her eyebrow in wonder.

“Oh it’s nothing major, I just wanted to talk about your father for a quick moment and about Fluttershy,” Rarity began. “You remember what happened with Cloudy Kicks?”

“You mean how my Dad essentially broke us up the moment he found out I was dating her.”

“Yes, well I’m worried he’s going to try and do the same again.”

“But I’m not dating anyone, so it's fine, I don’t even have feelings for anyone…” There was a pause. “Well, I don’t think… maybe.”

Rarity hid a smirk behind her hand before clearing her throat once more, “I’m saying just be careful, if he’s getting this intense then maybe he’ll start keeping you away from your friends.”

Dash sighed, “Rarity he calls you distractions, threats to my future and all sorts. What do you think the whole lunchtime thing was about, he’s trying to keep me away from everyone but the team and the sport!” Her final words sounded much sharper than she had intended.

Rarity frowned, “Rainbow we just got you back and Fluttershy is happier than ever, just be careful.”

Rainbow smirked a glint forming in her eye, “Don’t sweat it princess, I’m Rainbow Dash I always make things go my way.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and headed back into the room announcing how she would need to leave before it got too dark with Sunset agreeing with the sentiment as they both gave their goodbyes and headed out leaving Fluttershy’s mother and Rainbow Dash to remain with the sick girl.

“Rainbow Dash you should head home too, it’s going to get real dark soon,” Fluttershy’s mother warned from her little section of the room.

“I can’t leave yet; I feel responsible for what happened, I gotta stay till I’m kicked out to make sure Shy is okay.” Dash politely argued.

Fluttershy gasped, “Rainbow Dash why would you think you were responsible for what happened?”

Dash turned her jaw-dropping, “Are you seriously asking that? I told you to go for the run and look what happened.”

“Dash it was my fault, I should have looked where I was going.” Fluttershy contested.

“You wouldn’t have been out there if I hadn’t suggested it.”

“I wouldn’t have known I enjoy it if you hadn’t either.”

The room fell silent for a moment as Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck, “You enjoyed going for a run.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy responded her voice confident enough to put Rainbow to shame.

“Then if you ever want to do it again you better tell me.” Dash rationalised sitting down beside the meek girl.


“So I can go with you, I don’t mind running to your house, then taking you out running and running back.”

“But Dash that’d add like 20 minutes to your morning.”

“I know and I’m fine with that if it means I can keep an eye on you.” The room fell silent again, “And I’ve been meaning to up my routine anyway,” She blurted out her cheeks slightly red with embarrassment.

Fluttershy’s mother could be heard chuckling from the other side of the room causing the athlete to groan in embarrassment. Fluttershy lightly blushed hiding her cheeks under the blanket. Rainbow Dash was preparing to defend herself further but kept quiet as the door opened and the familiar nurse from earlier stepped into the room.

“Good news Fluttershy, you can go home. Your body is more than capable of fighting off pneumonia with the help of the antibiotics.” She smiled kindly walking over towards Fluttershy’s mother and explaining the routine to which she would need to take medicine.

“Dude that’s awesome, you’re gonna be okay.” The huge smile on Rainbows face could only be described as half joy half relief.

Fluttershy smiled placing her feet on the ground and standing up, she rocked on her still uneasy knees feeling them buckle as she fell. Rainbow Dash reacted quickly grabbing a hold of the weak girl and holding her up, “I got you Shy.”

“Thanks, Dashie.”

The group walked down the stairs, the shy girl still using her athletic friend for support as she took slow steps. They made it out towards the car park and Rainbow helped Fluttershy into her seat.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash, I think I can manage from here.” Fluttershy’s mother kindly smiled looking up at the black sky above them with its stars scattered few and far between. “It’s dangerous for you to head home now, hop in and I can drop you off.”

“That’s kind but no thanks, you’ve gotta get Flutters home.”

Mrs Shy put Fluttershy’s belongings in the trunk of the car as she spoke, “Nonsense Rainbow Dash, your mother would do the same for Fluttershy should the roles be reversed.” She got no response. “Rainbow?” Nothing. “Rainbow Dash?” She said once more turning around to see the athletic girl bolting away in the opposite direction. Fluttershy’s mother rolled her eyes as she got into the car, “I’m telling you Fluttershy, that girls gonna get herself into trouble being so selfless one of these days.”

“Rainbow? Why?” Fluttershy said in a panicked tone attempting to look out the rear window for a sign of her friend.

“Oh nothing I’m just thinking aloud, wouldn’t have hurt for her to accept the lift, however.”

Rainbow Dash hadn’t stopped running since she left Fluttershy and her mother at the hospital, she was about 5 minutes away from home and slowed to a snail’s pace, slowly inching closer and closer to her front door. She sighed to herself, the moment she stepped through that door she knew she’d have her dad at her throat. She looked at the puddles on the ground seeing her dimly lit face reflect against them. Besides the streetlamp lit path Infront of her, the surrounding area was black despite the mass of stars in the sky. She reached the gate to her house, the athlete stood staring at the door with her hand on the fence, it felt like days had passed before she finally walked up to the front door and let herself in. She was instantly greeted by her mother, Windy Whistles who began immediately asking how Fluttershy was having seen Rainbow’s text earlier letting her know why she’d be home late. Rainbow smiled letting her know how it was all going to be okay her face dropping when her eyes caught onto the silhouette standing in the darkened kitchen doorframe.

“Where were you?” His voice boomed into the hallway; Rainbow Dash could hear her mother’s teeth clench at the sound.

“I was checking on Shy, I texted both of you.” Rainbow honestly answered.

“I’m on about practice, we’ve got a game tomorrow, so I’ll ask again. Where were you?”

“I just told you I was at the hospital checking on Fluttershy.”

Bow grinned, “You’re not getting it. Now where the fuck were you!”

Rainbow snarled, “I was ditching the team to go and do something irrelevant and distracting to my future.”

Bow sarcastically clapped, “So the selfless idiot gets it, you are right. So you’d better do something about it, don’t think I won’t do what I did before if I think this Fluttershy or anyone else is going to get in your way.”

“Dad it’s fine I’m not going to lose tomorrow, I’ve practised enough. Seeing her was important she’s my friend.”

“Oh so now she’s your friend, not a distraction, I must be confused,” Bow growled back

“Yeah she’s my friend, so is Sunset you gonna stop me from seeing my teammates now too,” Rainbow argued trying to show him teason.

“If she becomes an obstacle then yes I’ll have her removed.” He replied firmly set in his ways.

“This is outrageous you’re being so pathetic; she was in the hospital.”

“And while you were swanning off to check she was okay your team suffered, don’t let it happen again.” Bow finished his sentence with a grunt before heading up the stairs shooting his daughter a disappointed look.

Windy looked at Rainbow with watery eyes, “I’m sorry he’s like this, he means well he’s just.”

“An idiot,” Dash cut in storming off up the stairs and towards her bedroom.

She took off her dripping wet clothes and changed into her pyjamas collapsing onto her bed. She picked up her phone to set her alarm and saw she had 8 missed texts from Fluttershy. The most recent read.

*I’m sorry for bothering you Rainbow I just didn’t get to say goodbye, so I wanted to make sure you are alright, I also hope your dad isn’t being too rough on you. *

Dash sighed shooting her a quick reply before rolling over and going to sleep.

*I’m alright Shy thanks for checking up on me, he was as harsh as usual but it's whatever. Let me know if he bothers you or anyone of our other friends, you know what he can be like. *

The sound of cheering echoed through the young athletes’ ears as she led her team onto the pitch, her vice-captain Spitfire at her side. They all walked to the centre and met with the other team shaking hands and exchanging the usual complimentary when two teams meet. This was a new team, not seen in this league before, Rainbow remembered her dad saying how this was some rookie team from a new school from the far side of town and that they weren’t all that, however, Dash knew better than to underestimate an opponent. The teams got into position; it was ruled that Canterlot high would begin with the ball. Rainbow Dash and Sunset stood in the centre waiting at the start position, Rainbow giving her partner small indications as to which tactic they would begin with.

The whistle blew, the game was on.

Rainbow Dash was immediately passed the ball, who herself then passed it back to Spitfire allowing the three girls to travel up the pitch passing it between each other, while Dash couldn’t deny they were being met with some talented resistance, especially from one of their defenders she felt confident her team was better, the three girls easily dribbled and passed the ball up towards the opposing teams goal before crossing it towards a sprinting Fleetfoot who knocked it closer to the goal for Dash to intercept and strike at the enemies net. The game had only been going on a minute and Canterlot High was already up. Dash ran to her team celebrating the first goal, catching a glimpse of a smirk appeared on her father’s face before quickly returning to his typical stern look, her eyes wandered to the stand, none of her friends had made it but that was okay, she was still going to win.

The game went on in a similar fashion with Dash scoring another goal when a lucky cross from Sunset found itself directly in line with the athlete’s forehead allowing her to easily headed it into the goal, once again the team broke into a cheer as they got back into position for the enemies turn to attack. Dash having let the glory go to her head found herself missing an easy tackle worry hitting her but soon receding as her team backed her up, specifically Fleetfoot and Sunset taking the ball back themselves and pushing up for Sunset to earn herself a goal.

Dash did the usual cheering but made sure to thank the two girls for having her back making a point to the team that it doesn’t matter how strong a player they are; they can always rely on the team and herself should they make a mistake. “All about having faith in the team!” She shouted, very aware of how pumped she was getting her fellow soccer players.

The opposing team seemed to rally, working hard to score themselves, as that earlier strong defender who was obviously putting in her all to stop any more players for reaching her team's goal with the ball. The second half went much more back and forth with the ball constantly shifting possession and no goals being scored. It wasn’t until the final five minutes before the game ended that Sunset got in a brilliant slide tackle taking out one of the other players and sending the ball rolling in Dash’s direction.

“Now or never,” She thought to herself determined to get the lucky third goal and earn herself a hat trick in her first game. She pushed up twisting and turning between the opposing team, showing off the full extent of the tricks she held up her sleeve. As she flicked the ball over another players head her vision was pulled to her father shaking his head, he never did like her tricks nothing but silly games that will always keep you as a minor league player he would say. Dash’s mind focused on this pulling her from the game allowing the other team to easily take the ball back, Dash looked down at the ground in regret before gritting her teeth, she wasn’t going to let this slip away from her because of him.

She quickly spun around setting her sights on the ball that was being vastly taken further and further away from her as the opposing team headed towards her goal, she stuck her hand in the air giving a signal for Sunset and Spitfire to close in form the sides while Fleetfoot used her speed to move closer to Dash.

“Just like we practised guys!” Dash encouraged watching as Spitfire and Sunset perfectly executed the play taking the ball from the other players and passing it with finesse up to Rainbow Dash. This is what she needed, she took the ball and charged up the field passing it between Fleetfoot and herself as they winded between the opposing team's defence getting closer to the goal.

“Take the shot Fleet,” Dash called clenching her fist with determination.

“No way cap, this one's all yours,” Fleet replied flicking the ball towards the Rainbow-haired athlete.

They shared a nod between each other as Fleetfoot blocked a defender allowing Dash to strike the ball towards the goal. Dash watched as the ball flung forwards smashing into the back of the net. The team erupted in cheer, meeting together in the middle to hug it out before turning to the opposing team and respectfully shaking their hands, wishing them good luck in future games and that they want a rematch at some time when they’ve gotten better. The opposing team captain gave a respectful look to Dash complimenting her on the tricks she pulled off.

“It’s all about having fun and looking good while you do it, as my friend Rarity would say.” Dash laughed.

“You can say that again,” Sunset joined in the laughter pointing out the freshly sewn badges onto the outfits with the numbers outlined in a new layer of fabric.

“Give her my compliments, I look good.” The team’s defender Sassaflash chuckled as she walked off the pitch heading into the changing rooms.

Rainbow and Sunset laughed between themselves as they too went into the changing rooms, everyone was about half-dressed when a knock came at the door followed by a voice.

“Nice work out there ladies, really showed them we mean business this season, The referee is calling for votes on the man… I mean a woman of the match.”

The room fell into hushed murmurs as Rainbow Dash continued to get change taking little notice of the words being passed around.

“Yo coach you still there,” Spitfire shouted, earning a yes from Bow to confirm it. “We pick Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash pulled her head out from inside her locker looking around at all the faces smiling at her.

“We couldn’t have done it without you captain,” The team cheered all gathering around the rainbow-haired girl and patting her on the back.

“Then I’d better make sure we win the next one too,” Dash smiled hugging a few of her teammates.

The team slowly dispersed from the changing rooms to head home until just Rainbow, Spitfire and Sunset remained.

“Now we’ve got you, rookie, I think we’ve got a good chance of winning this year,” Spitfire said lowering her shades and nodding at the flame-headed girl.

“She’s right you know, we couldn’t have won this game without you,” Dash grinned playfully knocking Sunset on the arm.

“I doubt it, you guys were awesome, I was playing the support.”

“Exactly, without you, we wouldn’t have had the ball nearly as much or scored.” Dash cheered.

Spitfire simply nodded, smirking at Sunset’s embarrassed blush.

“Rainbow Dash, I want a word.” The coaches voice called out through the changing rooms.

Dash sighed getting up and heading out to confront her father.

“Hey Dad,” She groaned.

“Well done for winning, but don’t think you’re getting off easy over yesterday, the next games won’t come on a platter like this one. You’ve gotta work for that future remember, I’ve already looked into it and there will be scouts coming to Canterlot high’s games if they make it further into the tournament. We’ve built a reputation and the scouts want to check it out.”

“Well, the whole team deserves the chance to be scouted so I’m not surprised.”

“Rainbow,” Bow grunted, “This is about you, you need that scholarship if you wanna go big. You can spend the next two days relaxing but come Monday we hit the training hard you hear?”

“Yeah Dad, I promise.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Don’t let me down.”

Rainbow exhaled heavily, that was probably the best conversation she had ever had with her father, she took another breath before walking back into the changing rooms to reunite with her two friends the three of them walking out of the school grounds together before going their separate ways.

Rainbow Dash steadily stepped up to the front door of Fluttershy’s house, clenching her hand into a fist and knocking against the door. The athlete had a huge smile on her face, she couldn’t wait to tell her friend all about how the game had gone, she stood there for a few seconds listening as a key could be heard turning in the lock, the door swung open as a rugged teenager looked down at the girl.

“Oh, it’s just you,” Zephyr, Fluttershy’s brother, said opening the door all the way. “She’s upstairs in her room, my mom has nipped out so don’t make a mess or I’ll get blamed.”

“Don’t worry man, I’m just here to check up on Shy,” Dash replied stepping inside and kicking her shoes off.

“Rarity was here recently, you only just missed her.”

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad luck,” The athlete jested earning a chuckle from the brother as he walked back to his room.

Rainbow Dash headed through the house, looking around at the walls decorated with pictures of the Shy family, there were photos of holidays and family outings. A frown formed on Dash’s face. “So this is a happy family,” The athlete quietly mumbled to herself, she stopped outside of Fluttershy’s room, placing her palm against the door and slowly pushing it open.

“You in here Shy?” The rainbow-haired girl called as she poked her head into the room.

“Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked as she saw the head of rainbow hair entering her room.

Rainbow Dash stepped into the room closing the door behind her, the meek girl could be seen curled up under her blanket surrounded by stuffed animals and pillows, her tv was on showing an animal-based program.

“Hey Shy, how you holding up?” The athlete asked sitting down on the side of the bed.

“I’m doing okay. I’m just a little sick,” The shy girl weakly coughed.

“You’ll be alright,” Dash added patting her on the head.

“How was the game? Rarity said you had one earlier.” She asked her eyes glowing with excitement.

“Oh yeah, the game… Well, it was erm.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy quietly spoke patting her friend on the back.

“We won!” Rainbow said with a smug look, “The team scored four goals with three coming from me.”

“Don’t tease me like that,” The pale girl giggled softly slapping her friends’ arm. “But I’m really glad you won, and he doesn’t get three have its own title?”

“A hat trick yeah,” Dash answered her smug look only growing smugger.

“I’m so proud of you,” Fluttershy cheered sitting up and hugging her friend before falling back down onto her pillow.

“Thanks, Shy, it means a lot,” Rainbow said with a kind smile. “But I mean we were gonna win anyway because I’m on an awesome team with an even more awesome captain. Got voted woman of the match after all.”

The two girls chuckled between each other when a knock came at the bedroom door accompanied by two familiar faces, Fluttershy’s parents.

“Hey Sweetie, we got you a pizza on the way home, OH! Rainbow Dash I didn’t realise you’d be coming over otherwise I would have got you something, Fluttershy you should have said.”

Fluttershy went red with embarrassment, “I didn’t know either, and its fine I can just share. I’m not really that hungry anyway.”

“Make sure she eats Rainbow; she’s hardly touched anything all day.” Fluttershy’s dad said smiling at his daughter before exiting the room.

“You look after her for me,” Honey said smiling to herself as she flashed Rainbow Dash a wink.

The room fell quiet as Rainbow forced Fluttershy to consume a few slices of pizza before feeling it was okay to take one herself, “You’re parents are awesome.”

“They can be pretty neat sometimes.”

“What, no way sometimes, all the time. I couldn’t imagine them doing anything to upset anyone.”

“Well, my dad doesn’t really like gay people,”

“And that would only really bother me, but he’s shown me no aggression.”

“Well no, it's more specific he doesn’t want any of his kids to be gay.” Fluttershy squeaked out her voice getting lower and lower.

“Again, that doesn’t affect you…” Dash said pausing for a moment, “Wait does it?”

Fluttershy let out a loud eep throwing her blanket over her head as she made a long and high pitched squeak, Rainbow Dash gasped loudly causing the Shy girl to only squeak louder.

“Wait are you actually?” The athlete admitted feeling rather dumb that she couldn’t spot one of her own.

Fluttershy didn’t come out from under the blanket, she remained hidden causing Dash to chuckle slightly.

“Hey man, it’s fine no matter what, you’re my friend. You showed me respect and comforted me when I came out, so I’m going to do the same for you. That’s if you are, you still haven’t given me a straight answer.”

The rainbow-haired girl gently tugged at the blanket watching as it fell from the meek girl’s face, her eyes welling with tears, “I only told Rarity, and very recently Twilight kinda figured it out.”

Rainbow ditched the usual tough girl look, she knew how hard this could be for someone, “Shy it's fine honestly, I’d much rather you let me know who you are than hide things from me.”

A tear ran down the shy girl’s cheek, she looked down watching the tears trickle off her chin and seep into the blanket below her. She felt Rainbow’s hand place itself upon her shoulder, it felt warm. She dove headfirst into the athlete’s chest pushing her face against Rainbow Dash’s body to mask her tears.

“There, there. It’s all gonna be okay,” Rainbow said compassionately as she ran her hand through the crying girl’s hair just as Rarity had instructed her those many nights ago. They sat there together for what Fluttershy felt was forever the only sound being heard was the sniffle of Fluttershy’s nose as she fought back the tears.

“Hey, let’s not talk about this right now, you’re sick so let's do something nice,” The athlete said as the shy girl pulled her face away from her chest looking up at her.

“What did you have in mind?” Fluttershy sniffled.

Rainbow’s eyes scanned the room latching onto the collection of movies, “How about a dog’s adventure 2, you used to love that movie.”

“I still do,” Fluttershy said meekly getting back under her blanket and curling into a ball as Rainbow put the movie on.

The athlete having no idea where to sit made herself comfy on the floor leaning her head against the shy girl’s dresser.

“I don’t mind if you wanna lay on the bed, there’s enough space so that we won't have to touch or anything.” Fluttershy quietly whispered not wanting her voice to overpower the movie.

“Nah don’t worry about it, I’m pretty awesome down here,” Dash said flicking through the praise the team was receiving on the Canterlot High social media page.

“Rainbow?” A shy voice called out from on the bed.

“Yeah Shy?”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to watch your game,”

“Honestly Shy I’d have been more worried if you were there, you need to be keeping warm and getting plenty of sleep, I much prefer you being right here, with me now.” The athletic girl chuckled.

Fluttershy gave a small giggle, “I promise I’ll be there for the more important ones.”

“As long as you’re not sick that’s perfectly fine.”

“Rainbow Dash, can I talk to you for a second,” A woman’s voice called from a different side of the house, our athlete was drifting in and out of consciousness as the voice reached the room, she snapped awake standing up seeing how the whole room was plunged into darkness. “I must have fallen asleep, sorry Shy.” The athlete said standing to her feet and turning towards the bed seeing Fluttershy fast asleep, “My bad,” She added in a whisper making her way towards the bedroom door and slipping out of it.” She headed through the home and into the living room where Fluttershy’s mother was sat waiting for her.

“Ahh Rainbow, it looks like we woke you sorry.” She said apologetically.

“It’s fine, Shy fell asleep, so I doubt she minded.” Rainbow let out a small burst of laughter.

“It’s just Fluttershy’s father is off to work and so we thought to save you walking home since you were kind enough to visit we’d drop you off, and you can’t say no this time.” The caring mother added letting out her own laughter.

“Yeah, I didn’t bring anything other than my bag so I’m good to bounce whenever,” Dash replied casually.

“Good because I’m ready to go now.”

The pair hopped into the Shy family car and began the drive, Fluttershy’s father spoke about soccer learning of the game Rainbow Dash had recently played, congratulating her on the team’s success and her hat trick. He mentioned how he and Zephyr were going to watch a motorsport race soon with Rainbow realising that her dad was going to the same one. They laughed at the coincidence as they pulled up outside the athlete’s home. The father thanked the athlete for watching over her daughter, the pair giving their goodbyes as Rainbow let herself in and walked upstairs to her bedroom. She met her mother halfway informing her of the recovery Fluttershy was making before crashing onto her bed and sticking on a video game to play.

Chapter 13 : A Short Stay At Sunsets

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Twilight, bags in hand raised her fist and knocked on the door of Sunset’s apartment, “Sunset it’s me.”

“Coming!” Sunset called back with excitement in her voice.

The door swung open revealing Sunset Shimmer dressed in a violet turtleneck jumper with blue jeans. Her hair was tied back behind her ears but left loose to flow down across her back. She stood there with a smile inviting her purple-haired friend into the small apartment.

“Sorry if it looks different, I moved some of the furniture round to make it easier for us to just hang out,” Sunset added, taking Twilight’s bags from her and placing them on the countertop in her kitchen area.

Twilight stepped into the room scoping it out, it indeed looked different. The amp and guitar had been moved to the other side of the room with the table being pushed directly in front of the tv with the couch nestled alongside, with a few blankets hanging over the back. The aspiring scientist took a few more steps as she was guided towards the couch walking past a large mirror giving her a good look at herself. Her fringe was sitting just above her glasses as her hair flowed freely behind her, she was wearing a sweater that hung below her shoulders showing off her yellow and heart patterned pyjama top hidden underneath.

“Oh have you eaten lunch yet? I know it’s not that late into the afternoon, but I thought I’d check since I haven’t,”

Twilight’s thoughts turned to her empty stomach, “I’ve not eaten anything, no.”

“I don’t have much since I was only really planning on making something nice for dinner, so are you alright with sandwiches,” Sunset asked an embarrassed look on her face.

“There’s nothing wrong with sandwiches,” Twilight cheerily beamed, as Sunsets face dropped into a frown.

The room fell silent as Sunset sheepishly went to work making the pair a sandwich in her kitchen unaware as to the peering eyes of the bookworm, “Sunset is everything okay, you’ve gone quiet and frowned, my book on social interactions says I should take notice of this and check you are okay.”

Sunset turned to her friend laughing, “You’ve got a book on talking to people.”

“Well if there’s something I don’t know, I read a book on it,” Twilight answered proudly.

Sunset laughed harder wiping a tear of water from her eye, “Never change you big nerd.”

Twilight puffed up her cheeks in a frown which only made Sunset laugh harder, “Hey, you’ve a whole shelf full of books on stuff people should know like rules of the road so don’t judge me.”

Sunset tipped an invisible hat in Twilights direction, “Yeah you got me, I didn’t know it, so I bought a book on it.”

Twilight stuck her tongue out through her smiling lips, a proud look on her face that caused Sunset to retaliate by sticking out her own.

Sunset sat on the couch besides Twilight handing her the plated sandwich, “Thank you,” Twilight replied, eagerly biting into the combination of bread and cheese.

Sunset simply nodded with a smile reaching forward across the table and turning on her video game console, “So I’m gonna put the game on and let you play through the tutorial, so you know what’s what.”

“That’ll explain everything right?”

“It’ll explain everything you need, and I can always fill in the blanks,” Sunset replied as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

Sunset watched eagerly as her friend began playing the game watching carefully for any sign that she was or wasn’t enjoying it.

“This is pretty fun,” Twilight said causing Sunset to breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’m so glad you said that because I didn’t plan a backup,” She said laughing awkwardly as she collected the now empty plates and placed them in the sink.

“I like how you have to think before you do anything, evaluate the situation, it’s more enjoyable than the one Rainbow was describing the other day where you just point and shoot.”

“Well this is a different genre; it’s called a tactical role-playing game with turn-based tactics.”

“I think I’d like to keep playing this game with you if you don’t mind?” Twilight instantly asked catching Sunset by surprise.

“Of course, I’m more than happy to play it through with you, just be warned the later missions are really tricky I’m stuck on chapter 12,” Sunset added her cheeks turning slightly red in embarrassment.

“Well with our brains working together I’m sure this game will be a breeze,” Twilight said imitating Rainbow Dash and raising her fist in the air.

Sunset sat watching her friend as she played through the beginning missions, taking completely different approaches than she had, “You know you’re doing this different to me.”

Twilight stopped, “Wait am I playing wrong?”

“No, no, no don’t worry. You are playing fine, amazing even, I took my team up the right side and it was a real challenge, but your tactic is working amazingly.”

Twilight blushed at the praise, “Thank you.”

Sunsets eyes were lit up in amazement, watching her friend complete the mission far more smoothly than she had, although she didn’t get into as many fights which meant her team lacked exp she was still doing a fine job. She turned to look at the book worm whose eyes were glued on the screen her tongue sticking out as she concentrated. Sunset stared at her for a minute her cheeks turning slightly red. “I think you’re amazing.”

“What?” Twilight asked in confusion.

Sunset shook herself from the daze, “Oh my bad, I was just saying your amazing at this game.”


“Oh?” Sunset pursued.

“It’s nothing I was just lost in thoughts.”

A few hours had passed, and the two friends were still sat on the couch playing the game, between the pair of them they had managed to catch up to Sunsets progress through the game finding themselves on chapter 12.

“This is the big one, I’m stuck here,” Sunset cautioned as she tossed a bit of scrap paper they’d been taking notes on to the side of the room.

“If we work together we can do this,” Twilight said in an attempt to comfort her flame-haired friend.

“Now if we don’t beat the three mini-bosses we’re gonna have to deal with way, way more troops by the time the actual boss gets here on turn 11.”

“We have to do all that in 11 turns,” Twilight cried surveying the map to figure out a strategy.

“Yeah, it gets pretty intense from here on out according to what I’ve read online.”

“We’ll have to split the team up,” Twilight deduced separating her team into three groups.

“Yeah but the bosses have different weaknesses and strengths meaning balance won't kill them in time. Also, the guy in the middle on the dragon is like really strong, we’ll need half our team or more to beat him.

“Paper,” Twilight called being instantly slid a piece of paper by Sunset.

The two girls went to work figuring out all the stats of the enemies and the strengths and weaknesses of their units putting their minds together to try and find the perfect strategy. They planned everything from where they’d move, to where they expected to the opposing army to move against them. Once they were finished they got to work playing through the mission their battle plan working perfectly, Thanks to Sunset’s tip about how to reduce the number of reinforcements the pair found it easy to conclude the mission and deal with the boss of the map easily. The two high-fived in celebration cheering as they jumped around the room, it wasn’t until after the pair were worn out that Sunset’s stomach began to grumble.

“Oh man, it’s actually kinda I better get started on dinner before its really too late.” Her eyes were drawn to the room noticing the piles of scrap paper scattered across the desk and along the floor, “But maybe we should clean up first.”

Twilight looked around the room her cheeks flushing crimson in embarrassment, “My bad, I kinda got carried away.”

“I think we both did,” Sunset laughed picking up a few pieces of paper and popping them into the recycling bin.

“I suppose we make a pretty good team,” Twilight said with a smile.

“We make a great team,” Sunset confirmed, her cheeks turning red too, but she was blushing.

Twilight smiled back she scrunched up the paper and tried to throw it into the bin, missing completely and hitting Sunset on the head.

“Oh it’s on Sparkle,” Sunset said deviously as she lunged for some of the scrap paper, screwing it into a ball and throwing one back at her friend.

The two girls spent the next moment of their lives diving around the room giggling like children as they threw balls of screwed up paper at each other. Sunset quickly learnt that Twilight couldn’t throw straight finding that none of the projectiles heading her way was actually making contact, Sunset chuckled to herself going out of her way to make sure the balls she was throwing herself missed a little more than they would normally.

Sunset watched as Twilight dipped behind the couch, the sound of rustling paper reaching her ears. A sly grin took over the flame-haired girls face as she slowly crept over towards the couch slowly sticking her head over the top to catch Twilight off guard.

As her eyes locked onto the bookworm she noticed something, she wasn’t collecting more balls, she was staring right back at her, with several balls already in her hand. Sunset gulped as the sudden barrage of paper pelted against her face knocking her back over the couch for protection only to see her nerdy friend stand up continuously emptying her hands of the paper balls.

“No fair, no fair, you’re way to close,” Sunset giggled as she blindly waved her hands to try and shield herself.

“This is the only way I can hit you,” Twilight contested her voice cracking with laughter.

“Cheeeeaaater,” Sunset screamed in tease struggling to get her words out as she laughed.

“Fine, fine,” Twilight replied as she halted her fire, her eyes widening as she took the chance to look around the room.

Sunset laughed finally getting up to her feet, looking around the room as her friend did, “There is paper everywhere.”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight stuttered her eyes getting wetter as her thoughts turned against her making her believe her friend would be furious.

“Nah don’t worry about it, I’m just as much to blame, you mind picking them up while I start dinner?”

“You’re cooking for me?”

“Well, of course, I’m not gonna let my friend starve.”

A smile picked at the corners of Twilights mouth as she breathed a sigh of relief, they were still friends. Twilight quickly got to pick up the mess of paper. Her eyes drifting across the room every now and then to glance at her friend stood over in the kitchen. The bookworm dropped the final piece of paper into the recycling bin before walking over to her flame-haired friend. “Any way I can help?”

“Yeah would you mind chopping that pepper while I fry up this Quorn.”

“Quorn, I didn’t realise you were a vegetarian.”

“Yeah I hope that’s not an issue, I’ve tried meat, I just get chills from eating it, like it tastes good, but god do I feel guilty.”

“No it’s okay, I understand where you’re coming from, well kinda.”

Sunset chuckled sliding the freshly cut pepper into the pan, “It’s fine we demons gotta stick together.”

“That’s not funny,” Twilight whined her cheeks puffin out in embarrassment.

“Hey, you got way less trouble for it than I did, should consider yourself lucky,” Sunset replied weakly smiling.

Twilight smiled as she watched Sunset begin to wrap the contents of the pan up in tortillas.

The two sat down sharing a meal together as Sunset flicked on a movie to keep their eyes busy as they chatted.

Sunset’s eyes felt heavy as she sat in the darkroom, the glow of the tv illuminating her face, she looked to her side where her friend Twilight was laying on the couch resting beside her, her mind in a deep slumber. She looked up at the clock her eyes wearily widening in shock as she realised just how late it was. She yawned removing her headphones from her head and laying them onto the table in front of her, Sunset turned off the TV taking another look at her guest, she rolled her eyes, softly smiling at the bookworms sleeping state. Sunset reached her arms forward removing twilights glasses and placing them onto the table, she clambered up the steps towards her bed and pulled the blanket from it. She huffed and puffed as she heaved it down towards the couch and draping it over her sleeping friend before laying down beside her.

“Goodnight Twilight,” The flame-haired girl said with a smile

“Fluttershy, do you plan on getting up today?” Her mother’s voice calmly called from the sleeping girl's bedroom door.

Fluttershy slowly stirred groggily opening her eyes, “Hmm what?”

“It’s One o’clock, you’ve been asleep half the day.”

Fluttershy sat up a look of regret staining her face, “I’m sorry,”

“Nonsense Fluttershy, if anyone deserves to sleep in today it's you, however, your older brother does not,” She huffed turning around her posture becoming much firmer, “ZEPHYR! If you’re gonna be all night playing those damm video games and keeping me awake, you can bet I’m gonna do the same to you. Now get up!.”

Fluttershy winced at the sound of the yelling voice, she never liked it when anyone would get upset and yell.

Fluttershy’s mother took a deep breath turning back to Fluttershy her precious attitude returning to her face, “So how come you were up so late, Not sleeping well?”

“Well no,” Fluttershy replied a small blush coming to her cheeks, “I was talking with Rainbow Dash.”

“Aww she’s sweet, she and Rarity came round this morning to check on you before heading to Applejacks.”

“You should have woken me.”

“You’re still recovering, I’d rather you get the sleep you need so you can recover faster.” The motherly figure said, a warm smile gracing her lips.

“I guess,” Fluttershy replied slightly disheartened.

“Oh that reminds me, Rarity left a message telling you to check your voicemail.”

Fluttershy nodded grabbing her phone and loading up the audio message, sticking it on speaker for both her and her mother to hear.

“Hello darling, Rarity here,” it began with Fluttershy faintly hearing Rainbow Dash call her own name from the background, “Yes and Rainbow Dash, we tried to visit you earlier, but we’d rather not disturb you while you’re sleeping. Please ring me back to let me know you’re alright and whether or not you’ll be able to join us for the yearly golden road trip that we always do at Applejacks farm, it would be a real shame for you to miss it but we all understand if you’re not strong enough to accompany us. Well hope you feel better and remember to call me back when you get this. Ciao.”

Fluttershy could hear Rainbow and Pinkie shouting goodbye in the background as Rarity had ended the audio message, Fluttershy frowned for a moment before a small smile perked at her lips.

“Can I go Mom?” She asked quickly in an attempt to hide her desperation.

“Well, how do you feel?”

“I feel fine just got a bit of a cold, nothing major,” Fluttershy confidently answered.

“Well you can go, but someone has to come and fetch you and walk you back, that way I know at least one of your friends is keeping an eye on you.”

“O-okay,” Fluttershy replied.

Smiling to herself she grabbed her phone and began to dial back the fashion lover.

“Hello, hello.” Rarity’s voice echoed through the phone

“Erm hello, Rarity,”

“Fluttershy is that you? It’s so good to hear from you, how are you feeling?”

“I’m doing good.” Fluttershy replied, “Am I too late?”

“Too late for what darling?”

“The falling leaves, at Applejacks farm.”

“Well a few are beginning to fall but Granny Smith reckons the big event won’t happen for a few hours from now when the wind picks up, why should we be expecting you?”

“Well that’s the thing,” Fluttershy said awkwardly, “My mother says it’s not safe for me to go unless someone comes and picks me up and then makes sure I get back home.”

“I Just want to make sure she’s safe,” Honey loudly added to ensure Rarity heard her.

“That makes perfect sense, just give me one minute.”

The line went quiet as distant voices could barely be made out from the other end of the phone. A few minutes passed and Fluttershy looked awkwardly at her mother.

“I guess they can’t manage it,” Fluttershy said the awkward expression turning to sadness.

A loud noise came from the other end of the phone as Rarity pulled the phone to her ears, “Sorry for taking so long I had to round those here up to let them know, Rainbow Dash has offered to come and fetch you and she promises she’ll keep an eye on you while you’re here and make sure you get home safely so you don’t miss out and your mother's mind can be at ease.”

“That’s strangely responsible of her,” Fluttershy said a look of genuine surprise on her face.

“I think she still feels guilty, maybe hoping this will make up for it,” Rarity added.

“But is that good enough for you and your mother?”

“That’s fine by me Rarity thank you for being so understanding of this overprotective mother,” Honey joked.

“It’s perfectly fine to be worried after what happened, we’ve all had it on our mind and wouldn’t want to put Fluttershy back in harm’s way.”

“Thank you for being so understanding.” Honey warmly smiled.

“Well our athletic friend has just gone dashing away, so I’d assume she’ll arrive relatively shortly.”

“Guess I’ll see you soon,” Fluttershy awkwardly replied feeling like she needed to end the call to give her a chance to get ready.

“See you soon darling, oh and flamenco,” Rarity squeezed in as a clicking sound came from the phone alerting the room that she’d put the phone down.

“Flamenco?” Honey asked raising an eyebrow in confusion, causing her daughters to face to glow a crimson red.

“I’ve no idea, you know what Rarity can be like,” Fluttershy replied attempting to defuse the situation.

“Yes, she certainly likes to be dramatic,” Honey chuckled to herself as she walked out the room.

Fluttershy watched as her bedroom door slowly began to slide shut, the quiet clicking of the latch echoing through Fluttershy's ears. The shy girl stared at her door for a moment as she waited for the sound of footsteps to dwindle away leaving her in complete silence as the door acted as barrier between her and the rest of the world.

She took a moment to recount what had happened, recalling how Rainbow Dash could turn up at any point. She looked down at herself realising she was wearing her yellow duck print pyjamas, a sudden urge to change out of them came over her body as she crawled out of bed and began changing into more suitable and comfortable clothes. Fluttershy who had finally managed to squeeze her head through the turtleneck sweater knelt down at the side of her bed to feed her pet rabbit. The girl's phone buzzed in her pocket spooking both herself and Angel Bunny, Shy rolled her eyes pulling out her phone to see a text from Rainbow Dash.

*I’m bout 15 mins away make sure you’ve eaten*

Fluttershy smiled, while she hated being the centre of attention, it felt nice to know she had friends who cared for her.

“Fluttershy! Your friend is here,” Zephyrs voice echoed down the hallways as Fluttershy hastily shovelled the last few mouthfuls of cereal into her mouth.

“You ready Shy, don’t wanna rush you but we don’t wanna be too late,” Rainbow Dash called as she knocked on her shy friend's door.

While typically Rainbow Dash would just barge into a room since she loved being at the centre of attention she knew she’d have to tone it down around her friend especially after what had happened.

“You can come in,” Her friend meekly replied.

Rainbow stuck her head around the corner spying Fluttershy stood in front of her mirror as she zipped up a leaf green jacket she wore with blue jeans and a lavender scarf, for a small moment Rainbow Dash felt a flutter for Fluttershy.

“I’m ready to go don’t worry,” Fluttershy responded walking towards her friend and leading her down the hallway. As they approached the front door Fluttershy’s mother intercepted them placing a hat onto her daughters head.

“Now remember girls, stay wrapped up, don’t do anything silly,” Honey locked eyes with Rainbow Dash her tone becoming firm, “Don’t do anything silly, you all stay as a group and you all behave.”

“You can count on me,” Rainbow Dash confidently said removing any evidence of nerves by wiping the sweat from her brow.

Honey smiled, “And remember to have fun.”

“We will mom, and don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it.”

Honey waved the two girls off as they headed out of the front door and on their way, with Zephyr surprisingly joining in the send-off.

“I’m surprised you’re letting her go,” Zephyr remarked.

“You’d be surprised how caring her friends can be.”

“Even Rainbow?” He snickered.

“Even Rainbow,” Honey confirmed a small smirk picking at her lips.

Chapter 14: A Golden Sky

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The sun hung low over Sweet Apple acres as 5 girls stood at the gate by its entrance. The setting sun cast a crimson sky overlooking the orchard its beams reflecting off the many coloured fallen leaves to create a golden hue along the ground.

“What could be taking them so long.” Pinkie cried in anticipation of her boredom getting the better of her.

“Now now Pinkie I’m sure they’ll be along soon,” Rarity replied turning her face away to hide her own frustrations at the wait.

“Ugh it feels we’ve been waiting what? Four years for these two!” Sunset groaned leaning her head against the fence.

“Now ladies you all know the condition Fluttershy is in we can’t go expecting her to sprint over here,” Applejack huffed.

The girl’s took a moment to look at each their faces with disappointment over their behaviour.

“Perk up it’s them,” Twilight called out waving her hand in the air. “Over here guys.”

In unison the group looked up as two more girls could be seen walking at a fairly slow pace in their direction.

Rarity let out a kind smile as she approached, “So how was the walk talk about anything fun.”

“Not really, she just kept asking about any missed homework,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Fluttershy was wrapped up nearly head to toe her face poking out from behind her scarf. “I just don’t want to end up behind.” She meekly added in an attempt to defend herself.

“Bah forget about homework today about funnnn,” Pinkie cheered spitting as she spoke causing Rarity to scowl in her direction.

The girls didn’t long to chat as their voices were broken by a loud clang the group turning to see Applejack taking the lock of the gate letting it swing ajar.

“I do declare this -NAME HERE- walk open,” she chuckled as she said it pretending to cut a ribbon that didn’t exist.

“You’re so talented,” Pinkie began. “I had no idea you were a professional mimic.”

“Like one of those treasure chests with teeth?” Applejack questioned recalling an enemy from the game they played at sunsets.

“I believe she was referring to a mime they’re very popular in Frances culture.” Twilight interjected.

“YEAH a mimey mimic man. A mimey limey mimic.” Pinkie said her eyes darting back and forth aggressive.

“Sure,” Sunset said sarcastically patting the Pink haired girl on the back.

The group burst into laughter with Fluttershy only getting a few small chuckles in before she began to cough.

“Fluttershy are you okay!” Rainbow Dash asked her voice stricken with worry.

“Yes.. yes I’m quite alright it just tickled my throat.” Fluttershy said a small blush appearing on her cheeks over the visible concern she was receiving from her crush.

“Come on what are y’all waiting for!” Applejack cried pushing the group onto the path. “ I ain’t waiting another dang second.”

The girls began to walk side by side down the path, the sun beginning to dip below the horizon. The orchard path transformed before them into a serene, golden haven. The trees adorned with leaves the color of precious metal, glow warmly in the waning light. Each leaf catches the sun's final rays, creating a shimmering canopy that sways gently with the breeze. The path itself, lined with a soft carpet of fallen leaves,

The air is filled with the earthy scent of the orchard, mingled with the sweet aroma of ripe apples. Birds sing their final songs of the day, their melodies blending harmoniously with the rustle of leaves.

“This truly is a marvel,” Rarity said her eyes glowing with inspiration.

“Yurp why do ya think we host the event every year,” Applejack proudly replied.

“Event?” Twilight and Sunset asked in unison sharing a small chuckle between themselves.

“The running of the leaves o’course,” Applejack began. “It’s when we get the community together to run along this track tryna race some money for the farm and charity, the mayor comes and everything.”

“Can anyone take part?” Sunset asked.

“They certainly can I always have a go at it and rainbow and pinkie have done it once or twice, why ya thinking of trying?” Applejack questioned her eyebrow raised.

“Well if it’s for a good cause I don’t see why not.” Sunset admirable chimed back.

“I’d certainly give it a try.” Twilight interjected.

The seven girls carried on with their forest walk, their chatter mingling with birdsong. As they meandered along the winding path, they naturally split into three groups.

Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack, leading the charge, surged ahead, their laughter echoing through the trees. Behind them, Sunset and Twilight strolled leisurely, deep in conversation about their latest books and video games. Trailing further back were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, her weakness bearing over her causing her to walk at a much more sluggish pace as she admired the wildflowers and birds singing above.

“You okay?” Rainbow Dash asked, loyal to her friend, Honeys warning hanging over her to make sure she was safe.

“I’m alright thank you Dashie,” Fluttershy softly replied.

“I can’t believe you actually still call me that,” Rainbow Dash chuckled reminiscing about their days as children. “I promised your mom I’d looked after you Flutters.” She added a small grin peaking her lips.

“It was what we’d call each other way back when, before we met the others and grew up,” Fluttershy replied a light blush gracing her cheeks.

“I’m glad we’re friends again but come on let’s not fall behind,” Rainbow Dash smiled urging Fluttershy to catch up with the others

In the golden light of the autumn afternoon, the two girls wandered through an orchard following the trail of crushed leaves the others were leaving. Where trees bowed under the weight of ripe apples. The crisp air was filled with the sweet scent of fallen leaves and the occasional burst of laughter. Fluttershy, her cheeks flushed with the cold and something more, stole glances at her companion, Rainbow Dash. The way the sunlight wove through her hair, turning it into a cascade of colours, made Fluttershy’s heart flutter.

Rainbow Dash, clearly oblivious to these secret feelings, chattered about school and soccer. She reached up, plucking a golden apple, and called out to Applejack with a mischievous smile. "AJ Catch!" she called, launching the fruit and knocking Fluttershy of guard. Fluttershy fumbled, her thoughts scattered by Rainbows easy Athleticism and bright magenta eyes.

The path ahead was a carpet of vibrant leaves, and as they walked, their hands brushed, sending sparks up Fluttershy’s arm. She longed to close the distance, to hold Rainbows hand, but for now, she savored the simple joy of being near her. In the quiet moments, as the world turned gold around them, Fluttershy dared to hope that Rainbow might one day feel the same.

“If only it was possible she’d never see me that way.” A disheartened Fluttershy said to herself

Meanwhile up ahead the farm girl and fashion diva were beginning to break away from the group

Applejack walked along a dusty path, her boots scuffing the ground. She loved the serenity of the orchard and the rhythm of farm life. Rarity meanwhile, in her stylish boots and designer jacket, looked out of place yet belonged.

As they walked, they talked about their lives. Applejack sharing stories of early mornings and the satisfaction of hard work. Rarity of fashion shows and dress designs. Despite their differences, a connection had blossomed between the pair which while Rarity wanted to embrace. Applejack felt a growing anxiety as Rarity’s admiration became clear even though she thought herself dense in the love area she couldn’t help but notice Rarity’s lingering glances and subtle compliments.

Their hands brushed as they walked, sending a thrill through both, but Applejack pulled away, fear knotting her stomach. She admired Rarity’s confidence but worried about the implications of her advances. Rarity sensing the hesitation sighed a deep breath and gently asked, "Is this okay?"

Applejack stopped, her eyes searching Rarity’s. "I'm not sure," she confessed, "our worlds are so different. I don’t even know if I like girls but I think I might like you.” She paused “I’m just afraid of getting hurt, and besides what would the others think.”

Rarity nodded, her gaze softening and eyes showing her delicate side. "I know what you mean who knows what it could do to everyone and you’re right we are so different.” She looked away from the tall farm girl beside her. “We could always try and take it slow," she offered.

Applejack hesitated “I’m not so sure Rarity I need time to think about this.” A frown appearing on her face.

“I understand darling I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable.” Rarity calmly said before pull away from her friend and wiping a tear away as she slowed to rejoin the rest of the girls.

As they neared the end of the trail and the tree canopy began to think Rarity with a weak smile called everyone to gather around pulling her satchel from her waist and opening it up revealing an assortment of cloths. Rarity being the organiser she was, had meticulously planned every detail, from the checkered blanket spread on the grass to the wicker basket brimming with homemade treats. She watched her friends with a smile, grateful for these moments that felt both timeless and fleeting.

“Has everyone got some cider?” Applejack asked standing above the 6 girls handing out glasses from the back of her truck.

As she turned her back she heard a collection of yes’s, yup’s and ayes.

“So Twilight, what did ya think of the walk?” Pinkie asked her eyes focusing on the bookworm.

“I thought it was amazing I can’t say I’ve ever seen such natural beauty though I have read about events like it around the world,” Twilight replied her eyes glimmering.

“Speakin of, have you ever actually been here before?” Applejack added.

Twilight shook her head with sunset adding she’d never actually been here before either.

“Golly I guess I forget you how little I have you guys over,” Applejack rubbed the back of her head sitting as far away from Rarity as she could.

Rarity sighed looking over at Fluttershy who was sat between Sunset and Pinkie earning herself a weak smile.

The girls sat for a while chatting amongst themselves with the conversation drifting between the Christmas school party and their future timetables.

“It’s the Christmas ball!” Rarity would incessantly remind everyone.

As the group started to laugh at her Fluttershy began to vibrate the group turning to look at her as she let out a small eep. The group chuckled as Fluttershy pulled out her phone and answered it. After a few yes’s nods and mhm’s she put her phone away.

“My mom’s on her way she says it’s getting late.” Fluttershy meekly announced to the group.

“I guess that means it’s time to bounce,” Rainbow added stretching as she stood.

The group of girls began to steadily make their way back down the road. As the light faded, a sense of peace and wonder envelops the path, offering a perfect moment of reflection amidst nature’s splendour . This crimson sunset in the orchard is a fleeting, yet unforgettable, glimpse of natural beauty.

Despite their different paces, the girls felt connected, their camaraderie woven through shared experiences and whispered secrets. Together, yet apart, they revelled in the peacefulness of their forested adventure.

Chapter 15: A Downward Spiral

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The city was a canvas of lights as Honey drove the two girls home. Neon signs and street lamps painted streaks of color across the wet pavement. Fluttershy sat in the backseat, her heart fluttering with each passing second. Beside her, fingers nervously twisting the hem of a blanket her mother had brought along, was her best friend, Rainbow Dash.

Honey hummed along to the soft tune on the radio, oblivious to the silent drama unfolding in the backseat. The girls exchanged glances, Fluttershy praying that the other would one day make the first move. The city lights flashed rhythmically, mirroring the pounding of Fluttershy’s heart.

“So how was your evening?” Honey asked as the radio track grew quieter.

“I had a great time tonight,” Fluttershy whispered, breaking the silence. Her voice was barely audible over the hum of the engine.

“Me too,” Rainbow Dash replied, looking at Honey in the rearview mirror.

Honey turned a corner, the headlights sweeping across the faces of late-night pedestrians. The city seemed to hold its breath, waiting with them.

Rainbow Dash smiled, moving her hand over to pat Fluttershy on the shoulder. Her touch felt electric, and Fluttershy could hardly contain her feelings. In the front seat, Honey glanced in the rearview mirror, catching the bright eyes and glowing cheeks of her daughter. She smiled to herself, remembering her own first love.

The car continued its journey through the shimmering cityscape, and Fluttershy stared into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist, replaced by the warmth of a crush and the promise of what could be.

*BRVT BRVT* Fluttershy’s phone vibrated.

“I swear, for how you shake when your phone goes off, you’d think it was bigger than you,” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Oh, it’s Rarity,” Fluttershy said, reading the message. “She says, ‘Oh, darling, it’s terrible! I tried to make a move and it went awfully. You should have seen how she reacted.’”

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. “She made a move?”

Fluttershy gasped, her mind racing. “She must have been talking about her fashion line.”

“Yeah... totally,” Rainbow Dash replied, but she couldn't help but feel like Fluttershy was hiding something.

As the car rolled on, the city lights reflected in their eyes, the unspoken feelings between them growing stronger with every passing moment.

The car pulled up to Rainbow Dash’s house, and Honey turned off the engine. She looked back at the girls with a warm smile. “Thanks for looking after Fluttershy today I really appreciate everything you’ve done for her.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Shy it’s the least I can for a friend,” Rainbow Dash said, opening the door.

Just as Rainbow Dash stepped out, her mother, Windy Whistles, emerged from their house, a concerned look on her face. “Fluttershy, are you alright? I heard about what happened.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, everything’s good she’s doing fine,” Rainbow Dash said a relief in her voice.

Honey rolled down her window and smiled. “Hi, Windy! Fluttershy is doing fine we’re really quite lucky, How are you?”

“Oh, Honey, I’m fine. Just the usual worries and of course bow.” Her face swapping from a smile to a frown and then retuning to a smile once more “Thank you for bringing Rainbow home.”

“No problem at all. The girls had a great time tonight,” Honey replied.

Windy walked over to the car, glancing at Fluttershy and then back at Honey. “I’m glad to hear that. We should catch up sometime.”

“Absolutely,” Honey agreed. “Maybe over coffee this weekend?”

“That sounds perfect,” Windy said, smiling warmly. She turned to Rainbow Dash. “Come on inside, dear. You can tell me all about your evening.”

“Goodnight, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said softly, lingering for a moment.

“Goodnight, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash replied, giving Fluttershy a quick wave.

Just then, Rainbow Dash’s father, Bow Hothoof, appeared in the doorway. “Rainbow, you need to get to bed! You’ve got soccer practice early in the morning!”

Rainbow Dash sighed, rolling her eyes. “Alright, Dad, I’m coming.”

As Rainbow Dash begrudgingly walked past her parents into the house, Honey turned to Fluttershy, who was still gazing wistfully at Rainbow Dash. “You know, Fluttershy, you’ve seemed a lot happier lately,” Honey said gently. “I think reconnecting with Rainbow Dash has had a really good influence on you.”

Fluttershy blushed, a soft smile playing on her lips. “It has, Mom.”

Honey smiled, her heart warmed by her daughter’s newfound happiness. “I’m glad to hear that, sweetie. True friends are hard to find.”

Fluttershy nodded, her thoughts lingering on Rainbow Dash as they arrived at and went inside their own home. The city lights outside continued to twinkle, a reminder of the night’s quiet revelations and the promise of a bright future.

Morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over Fluttershy's room. She stretched and yawned, feeling the lingering remnants of her flu but decidedly better than the night before. She could hear the faint sounds of birds chirping outside and the distant hum of her mother making breakfast downstairs.

Rubbing her eyes, Fluttershy slowly sat up and reached for her phone on the bedside table. She saw a good morning text from Rainbow Dash and smiled, the memory of the previous night warming her heart. Despite her lingering fatigue, the thought of possibly seeing Rainbow Dash at school gave her a boost of energy.

She slipped out of bed and padded over to her closet, pulling out her favourite pastel-colored sweater and a comfortable pair of jeans. As she dressed, she could hear her mother humming a cheerful tune from the kitchen, the scent of pancakes wafting through the house.

Fluttershy took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She still looked a bit pale, but her eyes were brighter, and the flush of health was slowly returning to her cheeks. She brushed her hair gently, thinking as she tended to her pet bunny.

Downstairs, Honey was setting the table when she heard Fluttershy’s footsteps on the stairs. “Good morning, sweetie!” she called out. “How are you feeling today?”

“A lot better, Mom,” Fluttershy replied, entering the kitchen and taking a seat at the table. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

Honey placed a plate of pancakes in front of her daughter and gave her a warm smile. “I’m glad to hear that, Fluttershy. You seemed so happy last night, too. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, I did. It was good to hang out with Dash again,” Fluttershy admitted, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Honey chuckled softly. “She really has made a difference in your life, hasn’t she?”

Fluttershy nodded, taking a bite of her pancakes. “She has, Mom. I’m starting to feel more like myself around her.”

After finishing breakfast, Fluttershy grabbed her school bag and headed out the door. The morning air was crisp and refreshing, further invigorating her. As she walked to the car with her mother, she felt a sense of anticipation for the day ahead.

Arriving at school, Fluttershy spotted Pinkie waiting by the entrance. Pinkie’s face lit up when she saw Fluttershy approaching.

“Hey, Fluttershy! You look much better today,” Pinkie Pie said, giving her a quick hug.

“Thanks, I’m feeling a lot better,” Fluttershy replied, a small smile appearing on her face.

As they walked into school together, Fluttershy felt a surge of gratitude for her friends. She knew that they all cared about her but it felt nice to be treated this way. And as the school bell rang, signaling the start of the day, Fluttershy felt a renewed sense of hope and happiness, ready to embrace whatever came next.

Anything but PE that is, Fluttershy made her way to her first class. She felt more energized and optimistic than her normal self, but the thought of PE still made her uneasy. As she walked down the hallway, she spotted her friend Silver Moon by her locker, rummaging through her backpack.

“Hey, Silver,” Fluttershy greeted.

“Hey, Fluttershy! I heard what happened how are you feeling” Silver Moon replied, closing her locker. “Are you fully recovered?”

“Almost. I’m feeling a lot better, but I’m still a bit tired,” Fluttershy admitted.

“That’s great to hear. I was worried about you,” Silver Moon said, adjusting her glasses. “Are you ready for PE today?”

Fluttershy sighed. “Not really. I’m still a bit weak, and I was hoping I could sit out, but I’m afraid of the coach.”

Silver Moon nodded sympathetically. “Maybe if we explained your situation, he’d understand.”

“I hope so,” Fluttershy replied, feeling a bit more reassured.

“So what did you get up too last night,” Silver asked her friend.

Fluttershy’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “I hung out with the girls It was a lot of fun, Rainbow kept an eye on me she’s been such a good friend to me.”

Silver Moon noticed Fluttershy’s blush and grinned. “You two seem really close. It’s nice to see you so happy.”

Fluttershy smiled, feeling grateful for her friend’s support. “Thank you I’m really glad she’s managing to still hang out with us.”

When it was time for PE, Fluttershy took a deep breath and approached Coach Bow Hothoof.

“Coach Hothoof, can I talk to you for a moment?” Fluttershy asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

He nodded “What’s up?” Coach Hothoof replied, looking up from his clipboard.

“I’ve been recovering from the flu, and I’m still feeling a bit weak. Is it okay if I sit out today?” Fluttershy explained her voice cracking and hurdling over each word.

Coach Hothoof studied her for a moment, his expression stern. “I understand you’ve been sick, but you and your gang managed to keep my daughter distracted yesterday so try to keep up with the warmups and see how you feel after that?”

Fluttershy felt her heart sink but nodded. “Okay. I’ll try.”

Coach Hothoof gave her a quick nod. “That’s the spirit, now I still expect maximum efforts but I’ll allow sub par results. Just this once.”

As she walked away she spotted Twilight coming out the changing rooms and joined her in the warm-up exercises, feeling a bit anxious. As she stretched and jogged lightly, she found that the movement did help clear some of the lingering fatigue from her joints and muscles at the cost of choking on air as she breathed.

After PE, Fluttershy had history class, which went by in a blur. She tried to focus on the lecture, but her mind kept drifting to lunch, where she would meet up with the others. Finally, the bell rang, signalling the end of the period.

Fluttershy gathered her things and headed to the cafeteria. She spotted Rarity at their usual table unusually alone, looking quite glum as she poked at her salad. Rarity looked up and waved weakly, a sad smile on her face.

“Fluttershy, darling. Over here,” Rarity called softly.

Fluttershy made her way over and sat down across from Rarity. “Hi, Rarity. How are you holding up.”

“Not well, I’m afraid,” Rarity sighed. “As you know I… I was rejected last night.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened with concern. “Oh no, Rarity! I’m so sorry. What happened?”

Rarity sighed again, her shoulders slumping. “I made an effort with Applejack thinking she’d at least return the sentiment, I thought cared about me, but the look on her face told me everything it was like disgust. ”

“Oh, Rarity, that must have been so hard,” Fluttershy said, reaching across the table to hold Rarity’s hand. “I’m really sorry you had to go through that.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy. It’s just… I thought there was something special between us, but I was wrong,” Rarity said, her eyes welling up with tears.

Fluttershy squeezed her hand gently. “It’ll be okay Rarity maybe she was just scared.”

Rarity nodded, wiping away a tear. “You’re right, Fluttershy. It’s just difficult to see it any other way right now.”

As Fluttershy continued to comfort Rarity, Twilight Sparkle approached their table, a concerned look on her face.

“Hey, you two. What’s going on?” Twilight asked, sitting down beside Rarity.

Rarity took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. “I… I was rejected last night, Twilight. I confessed my feelings to someone, and they didn’t feel the same way.”

Twilight’s eyes softened with sympathy. “Oh, Rarity, I’m so sorry. That must have been really tough.”

“It was,” Rarity admitted. “But Fluttershy has been very kind, and it’s helping a little.”

Twilight nodded, giving Rarity a reassuring pat on the back. “We’re here for you, Rarity. You don’t have to go through this alone.”

“Thank you, Twilight. Both of you,” Rarity said, managing a small smile. “Your support means the world to me.”

As they sat together, sharing comforting words and supportive gestures, one by one the rest of the group trickled over causing Rarity to quickly regain her composure and hush her two friends before the rest reached earshot. Light conversation was held between the girls but it was obvious there was an awkward air between Rarity and Applejack. Given time it would likely have been mentioned but Subset had a more pressing concern.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash?” She asked scanning around the room.

Fluttershy looked around, she was right there was still an empty chair.

“It can’t be training right sugar cube as you’re here?” Applejack spoke questioning Sunset.

“I don’t believe so it’s only Thursday lunch we lose for soccer.” She answered her face still puzzled.

“Has anyone actually seen her today ?” Said Twilight finally taking her head out of her book.

A collection of no’s were heard all around causing a small panic to occur within Fluttershy as she thought about her friend’s well-being.

Rainbow Dash groaned as the shrill sound of her alarm clock pierced the early morning silence. She groggily reached out to hit the snooze button, hoping for just a few more minutes of sleep. But before she could, her bedroom door flew open, slamming against the wall with a loud bang.

“Get up, Rainbow!” her father’s voice thundered through the room. “It’s five-thirty, and you’re already behind schedule!”

Rainbow Dash bolted upright, her heart pounding. Her father, Bow Hothoof, stood in the doorway, his face a mask of frustration and anger. His large frame filled the entrance, casting a long shadow over her bed.

“I told you to be up at five! What do you think this is, some kind of vacation?” Bow Hothoof snapped.

“I’m sorry, Dad,” Rainbow muttered, rubbing her eyes. “I just needed a few more minutes…”

“A few more minutes? A few more minutes is all it takes to lose a race! You think your competition is sleeping in? Get your lazy butt out of bed now!” he yelled, his face turning red with fury.

Rainbow Dash swallowed hard and threw off her covers, quickly getting dressed in her training gear. She could feel the tension in the air, the familiar weight of her father’s expectations pressing down on her. She knew better than to argue with him when he was like this.

As she laced up her sneakers, Bow Hothoof continued his tirade. “You think you’re going to make it to the top by sleeping in? You’ve got to be the best if you want to go pro, and that means no slacking off! You got that?”

“Yes, Dad,” Rainbow replied quietly, her eyes focused on her shoes. She could feel the sting of his words, the sharp edge of his disappointment cutting into her.

Bow Hothoof grabbed her arm and yanked her toward the door. “Come on, we’ve got to get to the field. You’ve got a lot of ground to make up.”

Rainbow Dash followed him silently, her heart heavy. She loved running and soccer, but the constant pressure from her father made it hard to enjoy. As they drove to the pitch, Bow Hothoof continued to berate her, reminding her of every mistake she had ever made, every game she hadn’t won.

By the time they arrived, Rainbow Dash felt drained. She stepped out of the car, the early morning chill biting at her skin. The pitch was empty, the only sounds the rustling of leaves and the distant hum of traffic.

“Start with your warm-up laps,” Bow Hothoof ordered, crossing his arms. “And I don’t want to see you slacking off. Push yourself!”

Rainbow Dash nodded and began jogging around the track. Her muscles protested at first, still stiff from the early hour, but she pushed through the discomfort. She knew better than to show any sign of weakness in front of her father.

As she ran, her mind drifted back to the previous night. She had spent it with Fluttershy, her best friend, and the evening had been one of the rare moments of happiness and peace she had. But now, that memory felt like a distant dream, overshadowed by the harsh reality of her father’s relentless demands. She watched until his back was turned whipping out her phone and sending her dear friend a text good morning.

After what felt like an eternity, Bow Hothoof blew his whistle, signaling her to stop. “Alright, that’s enough warm-up. Now get to your sprints. I want to see you give it everything you’ve got!”

Rainbow Dash panted heavily, her breath visible in the cold morning air. She lined up at the starting line of the track that ran around the school field, her father’s eyes boring into her. She took a deep breath, then took off, pumping her arms and legs as fast as she could.

“Faster! You’re too slow!” her father shouted, his voice carrying across the track.

Rainbow Dash pushed harder, her muscles burning with exertion. She could feel the familiar ache in her chest, the strain in her legs, but she didn’t dare slow down. She had to prove herself, to show her father that she was worthy of his expectations.

After countless sprints, her legs felt like jelly, and she could barely catch her breath. But her father wasn’t done with her yet.

“You’re going to stay here and train until I see some real improvement,” Bow Hothoof declared. “No more slacking off. You’ve had your fun, now it’s time to get serious.”

Rainbow Dash nodded weakly, her body screaming for rest. She glanced at the clock on the scoreboard; it was already late morning, and she hadn’t eaten anything since the night before. Her stomach growled, but she knew better than to ask for a break.

For hours, Bow Hothoof pushed her through a grueling training regimen. Laps, goal kicks, drills he left no room for rest or recovery. Each time she faltered, he was there, yelling at her to keep going, to push past her limits.

Finally, around 8:30, Bow Hothoof allowed her a brief break. Rainbow Dash collapsed onto the grass, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She reached for her water bottle and took a long drink, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat.

“Don’t think this means you’re done,” her father warned. “You’ve still got a lot of work to do. No lunch for you today, you’ve had your fun, now it’s time to pay for it.”

Rainbow Dash’s heart sank. She had hoped for at least a small reprieve, but it seemed her father was determined to push her to the brink. She nodded silently, knowing that arguing would only make things worse.

After a few minutes, Bow Hothoof ordered her back onto the track. Rainbow Dash forced herself to her feet, her legs trembling with exhaustion. She could barely muster the energy to jog, but she pushed through the pain, knowing that giving up was not an option.

The whistle blew one more “Right get to class and remember I expect to see you at lunch!” He boomed across the field.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur. Rainbow Dash felt like she was running on autopilot, her body moving through the motions while her mind screamed for rest.

The school bell rang out through the classroom a hurdle of students barrelling out the door before the teacher could even react leaving only Rainbow left in the classroom.

“You’re not normally the last one out, something wrong?” The teacher asked.

Rainbow let out a sigh,” no, no. Everything is fine I’m just a little tired is all.” She stood up out of her seat swinging her bag over her shoulder and heavily walking out of the room.

As she stepped back out onto the field joining a two of her other teammates a small smile picked at her lips. She’d hoped that with their being others around he’d maybe go a little easier.

“Right you three,” Bow started. “I think you three here are the best and have what it takes to go big so I’m giving you some special training, and don’t go complaining to the principal especially you Rainbow what’s she gonna do call your dad,” a wicked smile forming on his face.

Rainbow groaned she’d gone an entire day without seeing any of her friends she’d not even had to the time to text back Fluttershy she’d been so drained. Afternoon training and drills went as usual with Rainbow once again being forced to give it her all in order to avoid being reprimanded. She could feel the wear and tear affecting her body with each step she’d take her feet would send pain shooting up her body.

By the time Bow Hothoof finally called an end to the training session, the next class was beginning. Rainbow Dash could barely stand, her entire body aching with fatigue. She stumbled over to the changing rooms, her father’s stern gaze following her every move.

“Tomorrow, I expect you to be up on time and ready to work twice as hard,” Bow Hothoof said as they drove home. “No more excuses, Rainbow. "No more excuses, Rainbow. If you want to be the best, you have to prove it."

"Yes, Dad," Rainbow replied weakly, staring out the window. She felt a deep sadness settle in her chest, the weight of her father's expectations pressing down on her like a physical burden.

Rainbow Dash returned to her classes still physically exhausted from the amount of training she’d been doing. Beside her sat Sunset who was now berating with questions about where she’d been and what was going on.

She let out a sigh retelling her day ending with a question, “what did the others have to say?”

“They’re just worried about you Rainbow, we all are. We know you’re trying but you’re being inconsistent.” She paused “Not that’s it’s your fault we know this just one minute you’re here then you’re not then back again.”

Rainbow Dash looked stared in her direction the too exhausted to even show concern at this point. “I’m sorry, I’m trying my best.”

“We know rainbow. We know.” Sunset warmly smiled trying to cheer her up. “Just make sure you’re keeping in touch with Fluttershy, Twilight told me she’s really starting to worry about you again.”

Rainbow Dash paused the exhaustion washing away, “she’s worrying about me?”

“We all are Dash, we’re your friends.” Sunset added patting heron the shoulder.

“You know we’re just training again tonight don’t you?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah but I’m here for this one so hopefully I can have your back.” Sunset eagerly spoke raising her hand and clenching her fist with determination.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of drills and exercises. Even with the entire team there she felt the same pressures from her father as before. The sun beat down mercilessly, and the track seemed to stretch on forever.

By the time Bow Hothoof finally called an end to the training session, the sun was beginning to set. The whole team stood panting trying to catch their breath. Rainbow gasped for air between sips of water the colour having faded from her face.

“Pack everything up and get on home!” Bow ordered sending the team of girls into a frenzy scuttling around the pitch packing everything away just to escape Bows torment. With everything finally away Sunset and Rainbow shared a scattered goodbye with a weak smile and weaker wave Rainbow started walking to the car with her father.

When they finally arrived home, Rainbow Dash dragged herself to her room and collapsed onto her bed. She felt too tired to even change out of her training clothes. Her stomach growled loudly, a painful reminder of the lunch she had missed.

As she lay there, exhausted and hungry, she couldn't help but think of Fluttershy and the comfort she found in her friend's presence. The memory of their time together the previous night was a small beacon of hope in an otherwise dark and demanding world.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, trying to summon the strength to keep going. She knew that tomorrow would bring more challenges, more demands from her father. But she also knew that she had friends who cared about her, friends who would support her no matter what.

With that thought in mind, Rainbow Dash drifted off to sleep, her body aching but her heart holding onto the hope that things would get better. She dreamed of a future where she could find balance, where she could pursue her dreams without the constant pressure and harsh words of her father.

And as the night deepened, Rainbow Dash held onto that dream, finding solace in the knowledge that she was not alone.

Fluttershy sat on her bed, the soft glow of her phone screen illuminating her worried face. She had been waiting for a text from Rainbow Dash, but her phone had remained stubbornly silent. She glanced at the clock; it was already past midnight. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

She sighed and sent another text, hoping for a response this time. "Hey Rainbow, are you okay? Haven't heard from you since this morning. Just worried."

Minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. Fluttershy’s anxiety grew with each passing second. Finally, just as she was about to give up and try to sleep, her phone buzzed.

"Hey Flutters, sorry for not texting back. I passed out as soon as I got home. Dad had me training really hard. I'm okay though. Promise.”

Fluttershy felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Oh, thank goodness. I was really worried. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just really tired. How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I know you're okay, we were all worried when you weren’t there at lunch.”

“Yeah Sunset mentioned.” Rainbow Dash texted back.

“Just make sure you’re looking after yourself.”

"I’ll try thanks, Flutters. I’m gonna get some rest night.”


Fluttershy smiled softly at the screen before setting her phone down. She still felt a lingering concern for Rainbow, but knowing she was okay and resting helped ease her mind. With Rainbow now asleep, Fluttershy’s thoughts turned to her other friend, Rarity.

Picking up her phone again, she sent a quick text. "Hey Rarity, just checking in. Are you okay?"

It didn't take long for Rarity to respond with a phone call Fluttershy quickly answering "Oh, Fluttershy, darling, thank you for asking. It’s been a rough night, but I’m managing. How are you?” The fashion diva began to speak.

"I’m alright. Just worried about you and Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy whispered back worried about waking her parents.

“I’ll be quite alright darling I’ve thrown myself into my work I just can’t believe I’d do something so stupid it’s probably ruined our friendship.” Rarity added a tear running down her face.

“You don’t know that Rarity,” Fluttershy began. “For all we know she just panicked and is thinking about all this.”

“Well darling I’d like to say I know Applejack and one of two things are likely happening of which I hope neither are.” Rarity spoke the sound of worrying etched in her words. “Either she’s sitting there confused or disgusted by me or she’s bottling up all these feelings and has no one to talk to them about.”

“How do you know she’s got no one to speak too.” Fluttershy replied a concern growing in her mind.

“Becuase she used to speak to me.” It’s why I thought we had this connection. Rarity replied a few more tears following the first.

“Well maybe you should reach out, things might not have gone how you planned but you’re still her friend.” Fluttershy kindly added.

“I’ll give her some time but you’re right she might need me for a change.” Rarity wiped away her tears a confidence returning to her voice.

“And I’m here if you ever need me.” Fluttershy added.

"Thank you, Fluttershy. Your kindness means a lot. I might take you up on that offer soon. For now, I think I just need some sleep."

"Of course. Take care, Rarity. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, dear."

Fluttershy set her phone down and lay back against her pillows. Despite the worries that had clouded her mind, she felt a bit more at ease knowing that her friends were alright, at least for now. As she closed her eyes and let sleep take her, she hoped that tomorrow would bring a better day for all of them

Chapter 16: Selfish Generosity

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Rarity stood at the threshold of her room, a heavy sigh escaping her lips as she surveyed the chaos that had taken over. Clothes were strewn everywhere, fabrics and designs in various stages of completion lay haphazardly across every surface. The usually meticulous designer was now living in what could only be described as a whirlwind of disorder.

It wasn't as if her room had always been pristine, but this level of clutter was unprecedented. Over the past week and a half, the mess had escalated to the point of being downright untidy. It had been over a week since the incident at Sweet Apple Acres, and since then, her life had spiralled into disarray.

With the deadline for the Christmas Ball loomed just two months away. Rarity still had six dresses to design, and inspiration was nowhere to be found. She groaned in frustration, the sound echoing in the stillness of her cluttered sanctuary. She hadn't spoken to Applejack in over a week, and her contact with the rest of her friends was at an all-time low. She had secluded herself, trying to throw herself into her work, but every creation she produced felt wrong, lifeless, uninspired.

Rarity sat heavily on her bed, putting her head in her hands. Her once elegant hair was now ragged and messy, a mirror to her internal turmoil. She felt ready to give up, the weight of her frustration and self-doubt pressing down on her.

Her phone pinged, breaking the oppressive silence. She glanced at the screen to see a message from Twilight, asking for fashion advice. Rarity forced herself to sit up straighter, adopting a brave face. She couldn't let her friends see her like this. She replied, offering to help but requesting an hour to get ready and meet them.

She stood slowly, her movements sluggish as she dragged herself towards her closet. She rifled through the pre-selected outfits, a remnant of an OCD overload where she had organized every single one of her clothes. She chose a simple yet elegant ensemble and dressed with care, despite her fatigue.

As she turned to look at her messy room, frustration bubbled up inside her. How had she let it get this bad? She moved to her vanity, doing her hair and makeup with practiced precision. A brief smile crossed her lips as she admired her reflection, but it quickly faded as she turned away.

Rarity met Twilight outside Sugarcube Corner, forcing a smile onto her face. They exchanged pleasantries, Twilight not seeming to notice the strain in her friend's eyes.

"Hi, Twilight," Rarity greeted, trying to sound cheerful. "You wanted some fashion advice?"

"Yeah, my mom is adamant I don’t actually have enough clothes being I always wore the same uniform before and wants me to actually get an outfit. I was thinking we could go to the mall first," Twilight suggested. "It might help to get out of the house and get some new ideas."

Rarity hesitated, but then nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

They set off for the Mall, a sprawling complex filled with shops, boutiques, and cafes. The mall was bustling with activity, the energy of the crowd providing a small distraction from Rarity's worries.

Their first stop was a trendy boutique known for its avant-garde fashion. Twilight eagerly browsed the racks, while Rarity tried her best to engage her artistic eyes and took in the latest designs with a critical view.

"Look at this dress, Rarity," Twilight said, holding up a sleek, black gown with intricate beadwork. "Isn't it pretty?"

"It is," Rarity agreed, running her fingers over the fabric. "The craftsmanship is exquisite. But it's not quite what I think you’re looking for."

Twilight nodded, “it is a bit fancy but I thought you would like it.”

“Your style is less,” Rarity looked down at the dress again “Flashy… and more contemporary, comfortable.”

“I think you might be right,” Twilight agreed looking at her reflection and current ensemble of a sweater and jeans.

As they continued to browse, Twilight chatted excitedly about her recent projects at school. She had been working on a research paper about magical artefacts and their potential impacts on society, and she was eager to share her findings with Rarity.

"I discovered this ancient amulet that was said to enhance magical abilities," Twilight explained. "It's fascinating how such a small object can hold so much power."

"That sounds… Great," Rarity said her voice trailing off as a fog strayed across her mind. She was genuinely interested but was struggling to focus. "I'd love to hear more about it sometime when I’m a little less frazzled.” She added trying to show a level of compassion.

They made their way to a chic café in the heart of the mall, where they ordered salads and iced tea. As they ate, Twilight continued to share aspects of her research as Rarity nodded along picking and playing with her food.

Following this with their purchases in tow, they headed to a bookstore, where Twilight immediately made a beeline for the history section. Rarity wandered through the aisles, her eyes scanning the titles until she came across a book on fashion design.

She picked it up and began to flip through the pages, absorbing the tips and techniques outlined in the text. The book was filled with beautiful illustrations and insightful advice from renowned designers.

"This is exactly what I needed," Rarity thought, feeling a slight renewed sense of purpose.

Twilight found her engrossed in the book and smiled. "Looks like you've found something interesting."

"I have," Rarity said, holding up the book. "This is going to be very helpful."

They made their way to the checkout, and as they left the bookstore, Rarity felt a weight lifting from her shoulders. The outing had been just what she needed to clear her mind and find some much-needed inspiration.

Their final stop before returning to Sugarcube Corner was a cosmetics store. Twilight picked out a new eyeshadow palette, while Rarity sampled various lipsticks and perfumes.

"This shade would look gorgeous on you," Twilight said, handing Rarity a tube of deep red lipstick.

Rarity smiled and applied the lipstick, admiring her reflection in the mirror. "I think you're right. It's perfect."

Beginning to feel a little more like herself than she had in days, Rarity thanked Twilight for suggesting the outing. "I really needed this, Twilight. Thank you."

Twilight gave her a warm smile. "I'm glad I could help. Sometimes a change of scenery is all it takes to get back on track."

With their shopping bags in hand, they made their way back to Sugarcube Corner. As they entered the bakery, Pinkie Pie greeted them with her usual exuberance, though her eyes lingered on Rarity with a hint of suspicion.

“What can I get you girls?” Pinkie beamed, excited to see her friends.

“Just the usual, darling,” Rarity said, a crack in her voice betraying her effort to sound normal.

“Okie dokie,” Pinkie said, turning around to start preparing their drinks.

As she did, the two other girls chatted about their purchases, Twilight pulling up a few pictures from her phone of things she’d seen. Rarity looked on with dull eyes, her face cramping from the forced smile. At this point, Pinkie had returned with the drinks, her head tilting as she looked at Rarity.

“Here’s your drinks!” she cheered, proud of her work, her eyes still locked onto Rarity.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity replied, shifting her attention to Pinkie. She reached forward to pick up the two drinks, still maintaining eye contact with Pinkie.

“Keep it together,” she struggled to herself, tensing her hands around the two cups when her left eye twitched.

"Rarity, are you still in control?" Pinkie's voice cut through the chatter of the busy cafe, causing both Rarity and Twilight to freeze.

Rarity's forced smile faltered, her hair seeming to droop as her face darkened. She shook her head slowly, unable to maintain the facade any longer.

"Is it as bad as last time?" Pinkie asked gently.

A flashback flooded Rarity's mind: she had been in a similar state of disarray, the odds were stacking up and she was losing control of everything whilst trying desperately to work on a design for Pinkie. Her energy levels had been depleted, and in a fit of frustration, she had thrown her tools across the room before collapsing into tears.

"It's not as bad as before," Rarity replied, her voice barely a whisper. "I just need a little push."

"I can get Applejack to help again," Pinkie offered.

"No!" Rarity hissed, her voice sharp. "That'll just make things worse."

Pinkie held up her hands in a placating gesture. "Okay, okay. After work, I'll come over. We'll help you get things in order. Help you feel a little more in control.”

Twilight nodded, unsure of what she was getting herself into but placing a hand on the refined girl's shoulder in reassurance.

Rarity opened her mouth to argue but then closed it, nodding in resignation. If Pinkie was being serious, it was something she needed to deal with.

The day passed in a blur, and before Rarity knew it, she was back in her room, awaiting her friends. The mess seemed even more overwhelming now that she knew help was on the way. She changed out of her fancy clothes, donning a plain t-shirt and slacks, trying to hide herself in simplicity.

When Pinkie and Twilight arrived, Pinkie let out a low whistle. "Whoa, it's bad again. Good thing we brought backup."

Rarity's shoulders slumped, a wave of sadness washing over her. She no longer felt like the glamorous designer she tried so hard to be. Her friends got to work without another word, each taking a different area of the room.

As they worked together, the room slowly began to regain some semblance of order. With each piece of clothing folded and every sketch put back in place, Rarity felt a little of her tension ease. Yet, the weight of her unresolved issues with Applejack remained heavy on her heart.

Eventually, the room was tidy, and Rarity sat on the edge of her bed, tears streaming down her face. "I've ruined my friendship with Applejack," she confessed, her voice breaking. "I let things go too far."

Pinkie placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Rarity, we're here for you. We all make mistakes."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Applejack is the most honest of us all. If you just talk to her, I’m sure this will all work out."

“No… I saw the way she looked at me,” Rarity sobbed her head falling into her hands.

Pinkie walked over her hair still hanging low, “here,” she placed a small piece of artisan chocolate into Rarity’s hand. “We’ve got your back you can always count on me and the rest of us.”

Rarity sniffled, a small glimmer of hope flickering in her chest. She pulled out her phone and typed a message to Applejack, her fingers trembling. "Can we talk soon please?“

She hit send, feeling a mixture of fear and relief.

Twilight cleared her throat, “Has this happened before Rarity, Pinkie is acting like it is.”

“Yes darling it has,” Rarity replied as she dabbed away the tears sliding down her cheek. Rarity began to retell the story of what had happened just over a year ago.

*A year prior*

Rarity sat at her sewing machine, the hum of the motor a dull roar in her ears. Swatches of fabric cluttered her workspace, half-finished designs and sketches were strewn about, and the deadline for her fashion line loomed ominously over her. She felt as if she were drowning in a sea of unfinished projects and unmet expectations. Her usually meticulous nature had given way to a chaotic frenzy as she tried to keep up with her own impossibly high standards.

For weeks, Rarity had been pushing herself to the limit, surviving on little sleep and too much coffee. The stress had built up to a breaking point, and today, it all came crashing down. She sat back in her chair, staring blankly at the mess before her, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't take it anymore. The pressure, the expectations, the constant demand for perfection—it was all too much.

A sob escaped her lips as she buried her face in her hands. She felt like a failure, a fraud. She had always prided herself on being the epitome of elegance and grace, but now she was nothing more than a broken mess. In her darkest moment, she felt utterly alone.

Just then, her phone buzzed on the cluttered desk. Through blurry eyes, she saw a message from Pinkie Pie: "Hey Rarity! Haven't heard from you in a while. Just checking in! 😊"

Rarity didn't have the energy to respond, but Pinkie's message was quickly followed by another from Fluttershy: "Rarity, I'm worried about you. Are you okay?"

Moments later, Applejack's name flashed on her screen. "Sugarcube, we miss you. Let us help."

The concern of her friends pierced through her despair. Reluctantly, she sent a brief reply: "I'm not okay. I need help."

Within the hour, there was a knock on her door. Rarity dragged herself to answer it, finding Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack standing there, their faces etched with concern.

"Oh, Rarity," Fluttershy whispered, pulling her into a gentle hug. "You should have told us sooner."

Rarity broke down in tears, the weight of her emotions spilling out. "I just... I can't do it all. It's too much."

Applejack stepped forward, her green eyes filled with determination. "Alright, Rarity. You take a break. We've got this."

The three friends stepped into Rarity's apartment, taking in the chaotic scene. Applejack rolled up her sleeves. "Let's get to work, y'all."

While Rarity rested on the couch, her friends set to work. Applejack took charge, directing Pinkie Pie to sort through the sketches and Fluttershy to handle the delicate sewing. Rarity watched Applejack with a mixture of admiration and something deeper, her heart fluttering whenever their eyes met.

As the hours passed, Rarity felt a sense of relief. The overwhelming burden she had been carrying alone was now shared. Her friends' unwavering support, especially Applejack's, gave her the strength to face her challenges.

When the last piece of fabric was neatly folded and the final sketch placed in a portfolio, Applejack sat down beside Rarity, her presence a comforting anchor. "Feeling better, sugarcube?"

Rarity nodded, tears of gratitude in her eyes. "I don't know what I would have done without you all. Thank you."

Applejack smiled, her hand resting gently on Rarity's. "That's what friends are for. And remember, you can always count on me."

Pinkie Pie grinned brightly. "That's right! And next time, don't hesitate to ask for help, okay?"

Fluttershy took Rarity's hand gently. "We're always here for you, no matter what."

With her friends by her side, Rarity felt a renewed sense of determination. She still had a lot of work to do, but she knew she wasn't alone. Together, they had turned her darkest moment into a turning point.

As they sat together, laughing and reminiscing about happier times, Rarity couldn't help but steal glances at Applejack. The way Applejack had taken charge, her strong yet gentle demeanor, had deepened the admiration Rarity felt for her. The weight of perfection no longer seemed so heavy, and the future, once so daunting, now felt full of promise and hope.

As the evening drew to a close the only two left in Rarity’s room were AJ and Rarity. Applejack walked over towards Rarity’s front door the fashionista following closely behind. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" Applejack asked, her voice soft.

Rarity nodded, her heart swelling with affection. "I will be, thanks to you."

Applejack gave her a warm smile and a reassuring hug before turning to leave. Rarity watched her go, feeling a flutter of hope and a spark of something new, something that made her believe she could face anything, as long as Applejack was by her side.

*Back in present day*

Rarity’s heart felt heavier how could she have been so wrong, she’d been telling herself for so long that Applejack would always save her from her problems. Yet now she is the problem.

“Wow Rarity, your friends really helped to save the day and Pinkie no wonder you noticed something was up and how we could help.”

“I’m not quite out of the woods yet girls,” Rarity spoke her voice saddened by her heart as she slowly raised her head to look at her friends.

“And we’ll keep looking out for you until you are it’s what friends are for!” Pinkie cried excitement building in her voice over helping her friend.

“I know she said no to Applejack, but why didn’t you invite Fluttershy again?” Twilight asked turning to Pinkie Pie.

“I tried texting her a few times but I’m getting nothing from her,” Pinkie replied a sharing a small look of concern between the other two girls.

“You know I’ve been so wrapped up in my own problem I don’t think I’ve properly spoken to her at all this week.” Rarity gasped falling backwards onto her bed. “I’ve been so selfish it’s always about me ugh.” She moaned.

“Nonsense Rarity you’re important to you know? Besides I’m sure she’s okay I mean sure we’ve hardly seen her for a week and Rainbow has basically gone radio silent, but they’ll be okay right?” Twilight began with a smile but ended her sentence with a frown.

Another awkward and worried look was exchanged between the trio.

“It’s never easy anymore is it,” Pinkie cried frustration on her face, “I just want a party!”

The girls broke into a soft laughter the two helpers remaining by Rarity’s side as she stared down at the text message she’d sent to from delivered to read. But no reply was yet received.

Her friends stayed by her side for a few more hours, their presence a comforting balm to her wounded heart. As they finally left, Rarity gave a weak smile, feeling a little more cheered up. She had a long way to go, but with her friends by her side, she felt like she could start to find her way back.

Chapter 17: The Other Side Of Silence

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Fluttershy lay sprawled across her bed in the dim room, her eyes closed but her mind wide awake, a soft glow from the TV casting shadows on the walls. She had muted the volume hours ago, the scenes playing out soundlessly on the screen. Her phone rested heavily in her hand, the screen lighting up her face every so often with the hope of a new message. But it was always just a notification from some app she didn’t care about or an email from a store she never shopped at.

It had been over a week since Fluttershy had heard anything from Rainbow Dash. They usually texted daily, sharing jokes, gossip, and plans for their next meetup. But now, her messages to Rainbow Dash went unanswered. She had sent a few texts, trying not to overdo it, but the lack of response gnawed at her. She wanted to send another message, just to make sure everything was okay, but she didn’t want to seem desperate or clingy.

She turned over on her side, clutching her pillow tightly as if it could shield her from the anxiety building within her. The room was dark except for the flickering light of the TV, casting a pale glow that danced across the walls. She tried to focus on the muted images on the screen, but her mind kept drifting back to Rainbow Dash. The what-ifs plagued her thoughts: What if something had happened to her? What if she was hurt or in trouble? What if she was mad at her?

Fluttershy sighed deeply, feeling the weight of her worry pressing down on her. Her phone buzzed again, and she glanced at it with a glimmer of hope, only for it to fade when she saw it was just another notification from a game she had long since stopped playing. She tossed the phone to the side, feeling the sting of tears in her eyes.

The door to her room creaked open, and Honey, her mother, peeked in. Her concern was evident as she took in the sight of her daughter lying in the dim room, eyes red and puffy from unshed tears.

“Fluttershy, are you alright, sweetie?” Honey asked softly, stepping into the room with a gentle grace.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and sat up, the dim light accentuating the worry lines on her face. “I’m fine, Mom,” she replied, though her voice lacked conviction.

Honey crossed the room and sat beside her daughter on the bed. She placed a gentle hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “You don’t look fine, honey. What’s going on?”

Fluttershy hesitated, biting her lip before she spoke. “It’s Rainbow Dash. I haven’t heard from her in over a week, and I’m worried. I’ve sent her a few texts, but she hasn’t replied. I don’t know if something’s wrong or if she’s just busy or…”

Honey nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. “I’m sure she’s alright, sweetheart. Sometimes people get busy or caught up in things. And well there’s always her father, Have you tried calling her?”

“I didn’t want to seem pushy,” Fluttershy admitted. “What if she’s avoiding me, or he’s making her avoid me?”

Honey hugged her daughter, rubbing her back soothingly. “I know it’s hard, but try not to jump to conclusions. Rainbow Dash values your friendship; she wouldn’t just ignore you without a reason. Especially after how caring she’s been acting towards you recently. Why don’t you try calling her tomorrow? Maybe she’s been dealing with something herself.”

Fluttershy leaned into her mother’s embrace, feeling some of the tension ease from her body. “Thanks, Mom. I just feel so helpless not knowing what’s going on.”

Honey continued to hold her, rocking gently. “I know, sweetie. But sometimes all you can do is wait and trust that things will work out. And remember, I’m here for you.”

Fluttershy pulled back slightly, looking into her mother’s eyes. “Mom, have you heard from Rainbow’s mom lately? You two were supposed to meet up last weekend, right?”

Honey’s face darkened slightly. “I was wondering if you’d ask. We had planned to meet for lunch, but she never returned my calls. I left a few messages, but I haven’t heard anything back.”

Fluttershy’s anxiety spiked. “That’s not like her. Do you think something’s wrong?”

Honey shook her head slowly. “I don’t know, honey. It could be anything. Maybe she’s busy or something unexpected came up. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

Fluttershy nodded, trying to take comfort in her mother’s words but feeling a fresh wave of worry. “I hope you’re right, Mom. I just… I miss her.”

Honey squeezed her hand. “I know you do. Try to get some rest, and tomorrow you can call her. Things will be clearer in the morning.”

Fluttershy smiled faintly, her heart feeling a little lighter. “Thanks, Mom. I think I’ll try to get some sleep now.”

Honey kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, Fluttershy. Sweet dreams.”

As Honey left the room, Fluttershy lay back down, clutching her phone to her chest. She stared at the ceiling, the flickering light from the TV casting eerie shadows. Her thoughts wandered once again to Rainbow Dash, thinking of the laughter and adventures they had recently. She closed her eyes, trying to draw comfort from those memories, hoping that whatever was keeping Rainbow Dash silent would soon be resolved.

The next morning, Fluttershy woke up with a sense of determination. After a restless night, she decided she would call Rainbow Dash. She had to know what was going on. She grabbed her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she dialled Rainbow Dash’s number.

The phone rang and rang, each second stretching longer than the last. Fluttershy bit her lip, hope fading with each unanswered ring. Just as she was about to give up, the call went to voicemail. Disheartened, she sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, it’s Fluttershy," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I’ve been worried about you. Can you call me back when you get this? I just want to make sure you’re okay."

She ended the call and sighed again, dropping her phone to the floor beside her bed. The sound of it hitting the carpet seemed to echo in the quiet room. Fluttershy lay back, staring at the ceiling, feeling more lost than ever.

After a few minutes of staring blankly, she got up slowly and walked back into the kitchen. Honey looked up from her cup of tea and smiled. “Feeling better?”

Fluttershy shook her head, her face downcast. “I tried calling her, but she didn’t answer. I left a voicemail, though.”

Honey’s expression softened with sympathy. “I’m sorry, sweetie. Maybe she’s still dealing with whatever’s keeping her busy. Give her a little more time. I’m sure she’ll get back to you soon.”

Fluttershy nodded, though the worry still gnawed at her. “I hope so, Mom. I really do.”

Honey reached out and squeezed her hand. “Anytime, sweetie. Anytime.”

Fluttershy managed a small smile, grateful for her mother’s support. She finished her tea slowly, the warm liquid providing a small comfort. When she was done, she walked back to her room, feeling the weight of her worry with each step. As she entered, her eyes fell on Rainbow Dash’s jacket hanging on the back of her chair. The sight of it brought a lump to her throat. Rainbow had left it there the last time they’d hung out, promising to come back for it soon.

Fluttershy walked over and took the jacket off the chair. She held it close, inhaling the faint scent of her friend that still lingered. The familiarity brought tears to her eyes, but also a small measure of comfort. She slipped the jacket on, the fabric cool against her skin. It was a little big on her, but the feeling of being wrapped in something that belonged to Rainbow Dash gave her a sense of closeness she desperately needed.

She climbed back into bed, pulling the covers up over the jacket. The warmth and the scent of Rainbow Dash made her feel a little less alone. Clutching the jacket tightly, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep, hoping that when she woke up, there would be a message from her friend waiting for her.

Rainbow Dash sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the blank wall in front of her. Her room, usually filled with trophies and posters celebrating her love for soccer, felt like a prison cell. Her father had taken her phone away, claiming it was a distraction from her training. She had always known he was strict, but this time, it felt different. This time, his anger had a cruel edge to it.

The echo of his harsh words still rang in her ears. "You need to focus, Rainbow! No more distractions. Do you understand me?" he had shouted, his face inches from hers. "I warned you things would get serious if you didn't shape up."

She hadn't dared to argue. Arguing only made things worse. Instead, she had nodded, biting back her anger and tears. It wasn’t the first time he had been verbally abusive, but it always felt like a punch to the gut. Her father expected nothing less than perfection, and anything short of that was unacceptable.

Now, without her phone, she felt completely isolated. She couldn’t text Fluttershy, couldn’t let her friends know what was happening. She worried about Fluttershy, knowing how sensitive she was. She knew her friend would be worried, and the thought of causing her any distress made Rainbow’s heart ache even more.

Her father’s voice bellowed from downstairs. “Rainbow! Get down here! Time for training.”

Rainbow sighed, the heavy weight of dread settling in her stomach. She got up, her legs feeling like lead, and made her way downstairs. She knew better than to keep him waiting.

As she entered the living room, her father stood there, arms crossed, glaring at her. “You better give it your all today,” he said, his tone menacing. “You’ve been slacking off, and I won’t have it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Rainbow replied quietly, her eyes downcast.

“Good. Now, let’s get started,” he snapped, turning towards the door.

Rainbow followed, her heart pounding. She knew she had to endure it, had to push through the pain and the fear. But as she stepped out onto the field, all she could think about was Fluttershy and how she wished she could tell her everything. She wished she could hear her friend’s comforting voice, feel her gentle support. But for now, all she could do was survive and hope that one day, things would get better.