Pinkie & the Candy Factory

by Zenitram Nadroj

First published

Join Pinkie as she and four other ponies take a journey into Equestria's biggest candy factory for the grand prize at the end.

Pinkie Piecket has found a golden factory pass to enter the factory of Mr. Billiard Blonka. She along with her grandmother and other ponies with their parents journey inside the maze that is the candy factory. What kind of twists and turns will they encounter on their journey? One thing is for sure, they will certainly have a sweet tooth for the unexpected.

Pinkie's Family Matters

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The Ponyville clock tower rings signaling all of the citizens to end their activities and head straight home. At the Ponyville Schoolhouse, foals gallop out of the building and head out to the streets.

"Hey, Silver, like, I bet I could get the newest piece of candy before you do.", Diamond says.

"You're on, Diamond. You'll be eating my dust instead.", Silver mocks.

Soon they all gather and enter Bon Bon’s candy shop. Bon Bon comes out and is surprised to see how many foals were at the counter.

"Oh, my.", she says in shock. "Well, I better get to work."

She then hurries and gives them their orders.

“Alright, I’ve got a s’mores cookie pie for Sweetie Belle, A zapp apple taffy rope for Apple Bloom, and a bag of gumdrop gummi bears for Scootaloo.”, she says as she gives the candy to the foals. “And listen, I just received a brand new variation this morning.”

“What is it?”, the foals ask.

She reaches back and pulls out a half foot long bar of chocolate. She then shows it to the foals.

“This is called a del-ectable-icious bar.”

“Del-ectable-icious bar?”, Sweetie Belle asks. “How does he do it?”

“Well, my dear little filly, do you ask a griffon how it lays its eggs?”, Bon Bon asks her.


“Or a changeling how it changes?”


“No, you don’t. They only do them, because they were born to do them. Just like how Billiard Blonka was born to be a sweets stallion. And you look like you were born to be a Blonkateer.”, Bon Bon says to her with a smile.

She then shows the foals all kinds of candy that Blonka has made and they are all facinated by them.

(Song for This Scene Here)

“Now who wants some sour lemon bubblegum?”, she asks.

The foals then charge at the counter.

Meanwhile, staring from the window was Pinkie Piecket. She stares gloomily, because she had no bits to spend for any candy. Even though she loved candy more than any other flavor.

"I really wish I could have some of that candy. I would give up my entire rock collection just to eat a single piece of chocolate. Although I'm not sure if I could since all of my rocks are almost identical and odds are that I'll find more rocks like that...", she says to herself before realizing she was going on a tangent. "Oh, right. This is supposed to be a slice of life story."

She composes herself and looks gloomily through the window again.

"Oh, well. Some ponies aren't meant to always get what they want. Ok, that's enough sadness. Back to being happy."

She then hops back to Sugar Cube Corner and approaches the counter.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Cake.”, she says.

“Good afternoon, Pinkie.”, Mrs. Cake replies.

“I’m sorry I’m late.”

“It’s alright, dear. I’ve got another five batches of cupcakes for you to deliver.”

She gives Pinkie the new batches of cupcakes.

“Mrs. Cake, isn’t it pay day today?”, Pinkie asks.

“Oh, you’re right. Here you go.”

Mrs. Cake gives Pinkie five bits and she puts it in her saddle bag.

“Thanks, see you tomorrow.”, she says before she hops out.

“Goodbye, Pinkie.”

Pinkie hops all around Ponyville delivering the batches to various citizens. She then hops on her way home until she stops. She turns and sees Blonka’s candy factory right in front of her. The factory then stops and turns off its lights.

“There’s no use in trying to get in, young mare.”, a creepy elderly stallion says to her. “Those gates are always closed. Nopony ever goes in. Nopony ever comes out. You might as well stop trying.”

He then walks away without another word. Pinkie is disturbed by the stallion’s words.

"Ok. Goodbye elderly stallion who has no relevance to this chapter.", she says before she gallops off to her home.

At the Rock Farm homestead, Pinkie’s mother, Cloudy Quartz is making dinner for her family.

“Pinkie’s late again.”, Pinkie’s sister, Marble says.

“I don’t know why she has to work hard just to deliver cupcakes.”, her other sister, Limestone sighs. “One of these days, we should go to that bakery and request that she take some time off.”

“Calm thyself, Limestone. Pinkie works hard to provide nourishment for us.”, their mother says. “We have not been blessed with the lives of other high class ponies.”

Their other sister, Maud sighs.

“If only dad were still alive.”, she says. “He’d know what to do.”

“I know thou art all still concerned with your sister. But now is no time for anymore moping.”, she says as she gives them stone soup.

Just then, Pinkie enters with glee.

“Hi, everypony.”, she says. "I'm sorry I'm late. I would tell you what happened, but the author won't allow me to give any exposition. But I really wish I want to explain myself. There were so many kinds of obstacles while I was galloping, which is odd since I usually hop to travel..."

She then realizes she was rambling again and composes herself.

"Sorry. Moving on."

Her mother and sisters are happy to see her. She greets her sisters and mother with kisses.

“Hi, Marble. Hi, Limestone. Hi, Maud. Hi, Mom. I’m so happy to see you all.”

“Oh, don’t mind me.”, an elderly voice says.

She turns and sees her Nana Pinkie lying on her mattress.

“Nopony ever remembers to say hello to an elderly mare.”

Pinkie hops to her grandmother.

“Oh, Nana Pinkie, there’s no way I would ever forget you.”

She gives her a kiss and hugs her.

“It’s good to see you too, Pinkie.”, Nana says.

"In case you can't tell since this is all in text, Nana Pinkie looks like an elderly version of myself."

"Come now, Pinkie. There's no need to give to much explanation to the readers."

"Oh, and she can break the fourth wall like I do.", she giggles.

Pinkie looks on her grandmother's mattress and sees a bowl of stone soup.

“Nana, stone soup again?”, she asks.

“Well, it’s all we could be able to afford, Pinkie.”, her grandmother says.

“Mother is right, Pinkie. Ever since your father passed on, business here hasn’t been as busy as it was.”, Pinkie’s mother says. “We couldn’t even afford seasonings for our supper.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. It’s just I’m tired of eating stone soup every day. That’s why I’ve earned enough bits to purchase this.”

She reaches into her saddle bag and pulls out a three foot baguette. Her grandmother, mother and sisters are astonished.

“Pinkie, where did you get that?”, Limestone asks.

“Oh, Limestone, what difference does it make where she got it.”, Nana says. “The important thing is she got it. You see what she means by the author not allowing her to give any exposition?”

Pinkie takes the baguette and cuts it into six pieces. One for each family member. She puts them all on plates and gives them to her family.

“This was my first paid item.”

“I’m so proud of you, Pinkie.”, her mother says. “Tonight, we feast with real food.”

“Mom.”, she says as she pulls out some bits from her saddle bag. “Here’s my change for today. You can keep it.”

Pinkie gives her mother some of the change, but she still holds on to one gold bit.

“Nana, from now on, I’m going to pay for your rent.”

“No, Pinkie. You don’t have to, because when I can walk again, I’m going back to Vanhoover soon.”, she says.

Her daughter sighs.

“Come now, mother, thou has only stayed for a fortnight.”

“Well, Cloudy, a fortnight is not enough. But love from your daughter, that lives forever.”

“Come on, Nana. Take it.”

Her grandmother thinks hard and decides to reluctantly take the bit.

"Ok, Pinkie. How about you wait until night time to tell me about your trip back home.", Nana says.

"Don't worry, Nana. The readers won't stick around for long. The author will cut right to night time now.", Pinkie replies.

Later at night time, the family were fast asleep. They were asleep except for Pinkie and her grandmother.

“On my way back from my deliveries, I found Blonka’s candy factory. As soon as a looked at it, a strange elderly stallion approached me. I thought he was just a humble landscaper.”, she whispers. “And he said something weird to me. He told me that the gates were always closed, Nopony ever goes in. Nopony ever comes out.”

“He was right, of course.”, her grandmother said. “Those gates have been closed since that tragic incident.”

“What incident?”

“Well, years ago, before you were born, Blonka was the most successful candy maker in all of Equestria. He had made candy that made children happy for generations.

"Doesn't that seem strange since there are other candy making companies besides Blonka's?", Pinkie asks.

"Well, sure. But those brands weren't nearly as good as Blonka's.", her grandmother points out. "Anyway, He always made children happy, but his reception wasn’t always positive.”

“What do you mean?”

Nana sighs and continues with her story.

“All of Blonka’s employees have grown jealous of him. They were creating the candy, but Blonka was taking all of the credit. They were so jealous, that they started sending in spies to steal all of his recipes. But the worst one of all was Chaosworth.”

“That’s sounds horrible.”, Pinkie says.

“Yes. But it wasn’t long until Blonka found out what his employees were doing. So he fired them all and shut down his factory. For years, nopony has ever seen or heard from him after that.”

Pinkie frowns at the tragedy.

"That's a really sad story. And one time, I dropped my favorite doll in a sandbox."

“But then, one day, a miracle happened.”, her grandmother adds.

Pinkie grows intrigued.

"What happened?"

“All the lights were on, the vents exhausted and the machines were turning. The factory was officially back in business. And more and more candy was being made and sold than ever before. There were even new and improved varieties. But the gates remained closed. That way nopony, not even Chaosworth can steal one.”

“But, Nana. There’s gotta be somepony who’s helping Mr. Blonka make all of that delicious candy. After all he fired all of his employees. I mean who’s helping him?”

“That’s a good question, Pinkie. But there’s no answer to that. Nopony knows who’s helping him. That is the biggest question that desperately needs to be answered.”

Pinkie then yawns and gets off of her grandmother’s mattress.

“You better get to bed, dear. It’s late.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I better get ready to help Twilight and the others at the School of Friendship.”, her granddaughter says. “Goodnight, Nana.”

“Goodnight, Pinkie.”

Nana falls asleep on her mattress, while Pinkie groggily walks to her own room. She lies on her bed and stares out her window. Through the window is the candy factory as it shuts down its lights.

“I’ll figure out the mystery. One day I will. Goodbye everyone. See you in the next chapter.”, she says before she falls asleep.

Search for the Passes

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At the School of Friendship, Twilight Sparkletine is teaching a class on how to use spell books.

“Alright, class, I’ll call one of my friends to give a demonstration.”, Twilight says. “Pinkie Pie!”

“Yes, Twilight?”, she says as she pops up from her desk.

Twilight jumps for a moment.

“Where did you come from? You know what, never mind. I’d like you to do something for me.”

“Oooohhhh. What is it? Do you want me to show how to use a party cannon? You want me to show how to blow eight balloons at once?”

“Pinkie.”, she says.

“How to plan a party in only one hour? How to bake a cake while mixing frosting? How to wrap a twenty foot tall present?”


“How to make streamers for a family of eleven? How to make confetti out of grass? How to write a birthday song in fourteen languages?”

“Pinkie Piecket!”


“I just wanted you to show the class how to use a spell book.”

She then gets it and blushes furiously.

“Oh, sorry. I guess I got too excited again, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”

“Ok, let me take a look.”, Pinkie says before she picks up the spell book.

She then reads it for twenty seconds and Twilight takes the book away.

“Hey.”, she complains.

“Alright, Pinkie, now if I were to use a sicailocras spell, then use a poltinue spell and instead of a michasa spell, I would use a ghereiz spell, what would happen?”

Pinkie starts sweating bullets at Twilight’s instructions.

“Uh…..Is there any chance that spell book had a glossary?”, she asks hesitantly.

“Incorrect, Pinkie. It would be the weightless spell. You see how important it is to read the spell books?”

“Well, Twi, doesn’t it seem a bit unfair since, you know, I’m not a unicorn?”

“Well, I guess not.”

“But I guess it doesn’t matter since we’re two birds of a feather. Even though you’re the one who has wings.”

Twilight clears her throat and continues.

“Now, Pinkie, can you please try and lift this chalkboard?”, she asks.

“Okey dokey lokey.”, Pinkie replies.

She grabs the chalkboard and tries to lift it. She then stops.

“Now when I use the spell like this...”, Twilight says before her horn glows. “Now try.”

Pinkie tries again, but this time she manages to lift it over her head. The students are amazed.

“Thank you, class. And thank you Pinkie for the demonstration.”

A commotion disturbs the lesson and Twilight goes to the door. She opens the door and sees foals rushing past the school.

“Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, come over here.”

The fillies approach the door.

“Hi, Twilight.”, they all say.

“What’s going on out there? Why are all of the foals rushing to the front doors?”

“Didn’t you hear?”, Sweetie Belle asks.

“Hear what?”

“Billiard Blonka’s opening his factory. He’s finally allowing ponies to get in.”, Scootaloo says.

“What?! He’s gonna open the gates after all these years?!”

“Yes. It’s all over the paper.”, Apple Bloom says before giving her a newspaper.

It reads, ‘News Flash: Billiard Blonka opens gate for the first time since its reopening.’. Twilight is astonished by this revelation.

“Alright, everypony, class dismissed.”, she says with enthusiasm.

All the students cheer.

“Now hold on, it’s for five ponies. And they have to be mares or stallions.”, Sweetie says.

Twilight’s ears droop.

“Sorry, everpony. Class un-dismissed.”

All the students groan in disappointment.

“But wait. The newspaper says that Mr. Blonka has hidden five golden factory passes in various candy wrappers. And one of them will receive a prize that they can share with their friends and families.”, Scootaloo says.

“Are you serious?”, Twilight asks.

“Yes. We’re heading out to find the passes.”

“OK. Class re-dismissed.”

All the students cheer again and rush out the door. Twilight then follows suit. Pinkie stays behind in bewilderment.

“Mr. Blonka is opening his factory?”, she asks herself. “Imagine all of the candy I’d be able to eat when I get in. My family will never have to eat stone soup again. Well maybe once in a while, but still. I’ve gotta find those passes.”

She then zips out and closes the door behind her.

A radio broadcast spreads throughout the kingdom. A news pony talks about the current event.

“This just in. Ponies all over Equestria are searching through every single piece of candy to find one of Blonka’s five golden factory passes.”, she says. “The winner of this contest will receive what is possible to most amazing prize in Equestrian history, a lifetime supply of candy. Everypony is working hard to find those passes and only time will tell who will earn the most respect.”

In Pinkie’s home, she, her mother, her sisters and her grandmother are listening to the same broadcast as Pinkie turns to her grandmother.

“Nana Pinkie, do you think I have a chance to find a pass?”, she asks.

“A pass?”, she queries. “Heck, I bet you’ll be able to find all five of them. But then again, what’s the point of having this contest is all five of them are already found a the same time? Plus wouldn’t it be cruel if all of the other ponies never got a chance to find their own passes? Somepony should tell that stallion that there should be more of those passes that way everypony has a chance to...”

She then notices her daughter and granddaughters staring at her.

“Oh, sorry. Was I rambling?”

“It’s ok, Nana. I had the same problem in the previous chapter. Back to the story at hoof.”, Pinkie says.

“As of right now, four point seven million pieces of candy are being sold and hundreds more are being opened as we speak.”

Various ponies in various parts of the kingdom gather and swarm purchasing and opening every single piece of candy they can get their hooves on. Resulting in the Equestrian landfill to fill up more than ever. They were doing everything they can to get a piece of candy. Including making bets, offering trades, interrogating thieves and even taking wrappers from the landfill. Pinkie and her family were getting more and more anxious by the second. But Pinkie managed to make keep her family’s optimism stable.

Two days later, the news pony give her update.

“This just in, the first golden factory pass has been found. Last night the first pass has been found in the Cloudsdale cloud factory by a pegasus stallion by the name of Dumb-belloop. We have him over the phone right this moment. Dumb-belloop, you’re on the air.”

“Yes. It sure was an unexpected turn of events for me.”, he says. “And when my coworkers found out about it, they flipped. They tried to pay me their annual salaries just for that pass. But I said, ‘No way. This is my pass and I’m not sharing it with any of you bozos’. After that they forgave me and accepted the truth.”

“Uhhh. Wow. That’s quite a story.”

“Yes. Well I better get back to work. Later.”

The phone hangs up.

“Ok, there are only four passes left to find. Who will find them. Stay tuned to find out.”, she says.

In Cloudsdale, Dumb-belloop as he leaves the phone.

"Oh, man. I can't believe I was on the radio.", he says to himself. "Well I can officially cross that off my bucket list."

He then puts his hard hat and coat on.

"Alright. Time to get back to work."

Suddenly, he’s approached by a strange creature wearing a trench coat, glasses and fedora hat.

“What? Who are you? What are you doing here? And more importantly, how did you get in here?”, he says in shock.

The creatures approaches him and whispers in his hear.

Two More Passes

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At Pinkie’s house, her mother, sisters and grandmother celebrate her birthday. Pinkie then blows out her candles on her rock candy cake.

“Happy birthday, Pinkie.”, they all say.

“Hope thou art ready to consume cake.”, Cloudy says.

“Wait. Shouldn’t we give presents to Pinkie first?”, Marble asks.

“She’s right, Mom. We should open presents before we eat cake.”, Pinkie says.

“Very well. Proceed.”

“Pinkie this one is from me.”, Nana says.

She gives her a gift back. Pinkie takes out the paper and pulls out a pink and white checkered scarf.

“Oh, Nana. This scarf is beautiful.”, she says as she tries it on.

“Thank you, Pinkie. One of your friend’s grandmother came by earlier and helped me knit that for you.”

“Since winter is only a few months away, we figured we better get you prepared for when it comes.”, Cloudy says.

“Pinkie, this one is from all of us.”, Maud says as she, Marble and Limestone show their sister a small wrapped present.

Pinkie looks at it.

“Is that what I think it is?”, she asks.

“Well open if and find out, will ya?”, Limestone asks.

She takes the present and tears off the wrapping paper. Inside it is a Blonka Bar.

“It is. I can’t wait to eat it.”

“Wait, Pinkie. Remember the contest?”, Marble asks.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot.”, she blushes. “Sorry, I was just Pinkie Piecket being Pinkie Piecket. OK, let’s see that pass.”

“I don’t know, Pinkie. The percentage of that bar having one of those passes seems exponentially diminutive.”, cloudy says.

“Come on, Cloudy. Don’t discourage your daughter. The readers of this story are just as anxious as Pinkie is. Go on, Pinkie. Open it.”

“I’m still uncertain.”

“Mom, can’t you see how anticipated we all are.”, Maud says showing their ‘excitement’.

Their mother sighs.

“Pinkie, open it.”

She then carefully unwraps the bar and gasps.

“I got it! I got it! I got it!”, she exclaims.

Her family asks hopefully to show the pass. Pinkie then laughs.

“I so got all of you.”

“You mean, it’s not there?”, Marble asks.

“Ugh, don’t surprise us like that.”, Limestone says.

Pinkie then sighs in disappointment. Her grandmother puts her hoof on her shoulder.

“Pinkie, you’ll find that pass.”, she says.

“You think so?”

“I know so. If the readers believe in you, then we believe in you. And you should believe in you too.”

“Thanks, Nana.”

The then splits the bar into pieces for her family.

“Here you go. One piece for all of us.”

“But, Pinkie, it’s your present.”, Maud says.

“I know, but I already opened it. And I don’t want to eat this by myself. Granted that sounds out of character for me, but still. I don’t want all of you to think I’m selfish.”

They all agree with Pinkie’s words and they all take a piece each.

In Manehattan, all kinds of wrappers are being tossed our, shredded or burned and all of the unwrapped candy gets thrown in the carts. Pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies are tearing apart every single piece of candy that they can find. All of that candy was purchased by spending all the bits earned by the traveling unicorn performer, Trixie Lulamalt. She paces back and forth watching all of them getting rid of wrappers and pieces of candy.

“Trixie can’t believe this!”, she shouts. “It’s been twenty five whole days since this contest started and somepony found a golden factory pass before Trixie did.”

She then stops pacing.


Two unicorn colts wearing suits approach her.

“Yes. Miss Trixie?”, the both ask nervously.

“Have you found a golden pass yet?”

“Sorry, Miss Trixie.”, the green colt says.

“We’re working as fast as we can.”, the orange colt says.

“You better make them work harder and faster or Trixie will make the two of you perform a trick with a rabid manticore.”

They become frightened and bolt out.

“Come on, everypony! Miss Trixie’s getting more and more impatient by the second!”, the green colt says.

“How about whoever finds the pass first will get to perform alongside her and have their own star on the Applewood walk of fame.”, the orange colt says.

The citizens all cheer and start unwrapping faster.

“Wow. I can’t believe that actually worked.”, Trixie says.

She then continues pacing.

“Although I was still promised to receive a pass on the first day. Well, I guess I’ll just have to keep on pushing those colts much harder until their heads explode.”

Her stomach growls.

“Oh, it’s already lunch time.”

She then grabs a pack of peanut butter crackers and starts eating.

“Somepony should’ve stalled all of those ponies long enough for these citizens to start looking non-stop.”

Suddenly her lunch break is interrupted when she hears shouting outside. She looks and sees that a mare has found the pass. Her horn then glows and she vanishes. Trixie reappears next to the mare holding the pass. The mare gives her the pass and Trixie smiles.

“Thank you, Ma’am. And you’ve just earned yourself a star on the Applewood Walk of Fame. At last! Trixie found the golden factory pass.”

All of a sudden, the same creature who appeared in Cloudsdale appears before her.

“Huh? Who are you? And where did you come from?”, she asks.

The creatures whispers in her ear as well.

The next day, the news casting mare gives yet another update.

“This whole golden factory pass fiasco has been sweeping the entire kingdom.”, she says. “We have now entered day twenty six of the search for the passes. Not one single part of the kingdom has been spared of having wrappers all over their landscape. So far only two passes have been found. And after that, billions more pieces of candy are being unwrapped faster than ever. No one store, stand or event is safe from this ordeal. Who will find the remaining passes. Only time will tell.”

She then turns off her microphone and collapses on her chair.

“I’m so tired of giving so many updates.”, she complains.

“Miss Newscaster. Miss Newscaster.”, a voice says.

She turns to the voice. A stallion enters while dragging a super computer. She looks at the machine in query.

“Uh, what is that?”

“This right here is how we’ll be able to find out where the remaining passes are hiding.”, the stallion says. “I’ve just finished it this morning and gave it a test run. It is completely flawless.”

“Do you really believe it will tells us where the remaining passes are?”, she asks.

“Without a doubt.”

The stallion grabs a microphone on the super computer and speaks into it.

“Computer, will you please inform us where the last three passes are in Equestria?”

The super computer takes the information and processes the data. It keeps on functioning and then stops. It prints out a piece of paper and the stallion takes it. He clears his throat and puts on his reading glasses.

“It reads: ‘I can’t tell you where, because it wouldn’t be fair to the other ponies. I’m not a cheater.’”

The news mare raises an eyebrow. The stallion blushes and crumples up the piece of paper. He tosses it and takes the microphone again.

“Computer, if you tell us where the passes are, I promise to share the lifetime supply of candy with you.”, he says.

The super computer takes the information again and starts processing it again. Later it prints out another piece of paper. He takes it and reads the new piece of paper.

“It reads: ‘how could you share the candy with me if I don’t have a mouth?’”

The news mare raises an eyebrow again. He then blushes and crumples the paper. He then turns angrily at the super computer.

“I am personally going to dismantle you when we get home!”, he says before dragging it out of the room.

The mare sighs and goes back to her chair. Her receiver beeps and prints out the next update. She then takes it and sees something important. She quickly puts her headphones back on and turns on the mic.

“Attention, everypony, this just in. The third golden factory pass has been found. I repeat, the third golden factory pass has been found.”

In Ponywille, a group of ponies listen to the radio. And among those ponies is Pinkie. She can’t believe that another pass has been found. Her hopes of finding her own pass is quickly starting to vanish.

“It has been found by a mare in Rainbow Falls. Caller, you’re on the air.”

“Hello there, my name is Lightning Dusteguard.”, she says. “I was just trying to help improve the Washouts with their skills, but when I heard about this contest, I decided to temporarily disband the Washouts and go for a new record for fastest time to unwrap pieces of candy. Once I found that lousy pass, I've decided that once I win the prize at the end I'll make those Wonderbolt regret kicking me out of their academy.”

“Well, Lightning, life is just full of surprises, isn’t it?”, the news mare asks. “I’m sure you’ll be very thankful you’ve gotten to visit your old home town.”

“You bet I will. Alright, I’ve gotta go. That factory will soon meet its new champion. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye, Lightning.”

The phone then hangs up.

“You heard it here first, everypony. There are only two golden factory passes to be found. The clock is ticking.”

In Rainbow Falls. Lightning puts the phone down and goes outside and is about to take off. But the creature who was at Cloudsdale and Manehattan has entered here as well.

“What the?!”, she asks. “How did you get here? And I don’t have time to talk to you right now.”

The creatures whispers in her ear.

Losing and Having Hope

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In the rock farm, Cloudy is digging up some more rocks and putting them in her cart. She’s then interrupted by the sound of her daughter.

“Hi, Mom.”, she says.

“Pinkie, why are thou still here? Aren’t thou going to be late for you newest shindig?”, her mother asks.

“I thought I’d stay and talk to you for a bit before I go.”

“Very well. Here, you can assist me in taking this boulders to our cellar.”

Pinkie puts her own reins on and pulls the cart with her mother.

“How has everything been at your friend’s school?”, she asks.

“Everypony is doing fine. All of the students have been talking non stop about finding those passes.”, her daughter answers.

“And how has thy other job of delivering cupcakes been?”

“Well, not as good as before. Everypony has been busy looking for pieces of candy to open, that Mrs. Cake barely has any customers left.”

“I see.”

“Not to mention, today the third pass was found.”

“What? Already?”

She nods.

“Ok, I’ll be going now.”, she says as they finish loading the cellar.

“Pinkie, art thou feeling alright?”, her mother asks.

“Mom, I’m just not sure if I still have a chance. The third pass was found. And who knows when the fourth one will be found. Everyday I’m starting to lose more and more hope in myself. It’s very odd considering I eat candy almost every single day. But wait, what if there is a possibility that I ate one of the passes and never noticed it. I may have to make an appointment at the Ponyville Health Center to have the doctor do an x-ray on me. But I can’t imagine how expensive the bill will be. I mean I barely have enough to purchase two three foot long baguettes. That means I’ll have to work extra hard to keep my pay up and...”

“Pinkie.”, her mother interrupts.

She then blushes,

“Oh, sorry. I was rambling again. I swear the author of this story wants to make me a chatterbox.”

“Pinkie, there are millions, maybe billions of ponies who are looking for those passes. And only five of them will actually find them. Thou probably wouldn’t find one even if thou hath purchased a dungeon full of candy. Even when the event has concluded, thou won’t be any different from the other ponies who couldn’t find one.”

“But, Mom. I am different. I really want to find a pass. But I’m not sure if I ever will.”

Her ears droop and her mane and tail wither.


She looks into her mother’s eyes and she smiles to her.

“You will get your chance. Like your grandmother said, we all believe in you. And you should believe in you too.”

“You really think there’s still hope for me?”

“Of course. You didn’t give up, have you?”

She shakes her head.

“Then there you have it. As long as you never give up, your hope will be realized.”

Her mane and tail curl again and she smiles.

“Thanks, Mom.”

Her mother kisses her cheek.

“Now go. You’re gonna be late for your party.”

“Oh, you’re right. Bye, Mom. See you when I get home.”

She then gallops off the farm as her mother looks at her daughter’s enthusiasm. She gives a warm smiles at how happy she is.

(Song for This Scene Here)

“Come on, Cloudy, it’s getting late.”, her mother calls out.

“Coming, Mother.”

She turns back and sees her daughter is gone.

“Goodnight, Pinkie.”, she says before going inside the house.

The next day, the news mare does another update.

“News flash. The fourth pass has been found. I repeat the fourth pass has been found.”, she says. “We’re now receiving a call from the Crystal Empire. Caller, you’re on the air.”

“Hello there. My name is Stygievee.”

“Hello there. Tell me, how did you find a golden factory pass?”

“I was invited to attend an annual recruitment ceremony and after that we stopped from a feast. But then a kind little colt offered me his own candy bar out of respect for me.”

“Well, that’s very thoughtful of him.”, the mare says.

“Indeed it was. I just hope that Star Swirl and the other Pillars don’t think I’m stroking my own ego. Oh, I better get going. Princess Cadance is about to start the recruitment ceremony.”

“OK. Goodbye.”

The line then cuts off.

“Alright, everpony, four passes down. Only one to go. Who will be the lucky mare or stallion to find the final golden factory pass?”

In the Crystal Empire, Stygievee approaches the prince and princesses as they are approaching their newest recruit. But then, the same creature from Cloudsdale, Manehattan and Rainbow Falls appears.

“What are you doing here? This is an important ceremony.”, Stygievee says.

The creature lowers and whispers into his ear.

Later that night. Pinkie is fast asleep in her bed, when her grandmother quietly calls for her.

“Pinkie.”, she quietly calls.

Her snoring keeps her from hearing the other mare.

“Pinkie.”, her grandmother calls again.

She continues to snore. Her grandmother thinks and gets an idea.

“Pinkie, somepony’s calling you to schedule a party.”

Pinkie bolts up at the sound of scheduling a party. The then tip hooves down to the living room where she sees Nana in her mattress.

“Nana. Where’s the pony who wants a party?”, she asks excited.

“Pinkie, nopony’s asking for a party. I just wanted to wake you up.”, Nana says.

Pinkie then deflates and composes herself.

“Sorry. So why did you wake me up?”

“I have something for you.”

“What is it? A new can of seltzer? A new flavor of pie? Brand new wrapping paper?”

Her grandmother reaches under her pillow and pulls out a Blonka bar.

“A Blonka bar? How did you get that?”

“I asked your sisters to go to Ponyville and purchase it just for you.”

“How did they purchase it?”

“I gave them the bit you gave me that I was saving.”

Her granddaughter is in disbelief.

“But, Nana, that was for your rent.”

“Pinkie, it doesn’t matter where I’m living. What matters is that you’ll always be there for me. Come on, there’s only one pass left. Let’s see if this is the bar that has it.”

Pinkie shakes her head.

“No. How about you open it?”

“Pinkie, you’re just as excited as anypony else.”

She thinks about what her grandmother just said and makes her decision.

“How about we both open it together?”

“Are you sure?”, her grandmother asks.

She nods.

“Ok, here goes nothing.”

They each grab one end of the wrapper and carefully unwrap the bar. They take a look and see the bar, but no pass.

“Well, there’s nothing. You got that part right.”

“Pinkie, now’s not the time.”

“Sorry. I just had a thought. I think those passes make the candy taste like metal.”

They both chuckle. They both frown and hug each other.

“I’m sorry, Pinkie. I know how much you wanted to find a pass.”

“It’s ok, Nana. As long as I got to be here with you, that’s more important.”

They then both yawn.

“Ok, you better go back to bed.”, Nana says. “Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.”

“I hope so, too. Goodnight, Nana.”

“Goodnight, Pinkie.”

Pinkie walks up the stairs while Nana goes back to sleep.

The Last Golden Factory Pass

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Ponies have been doing whatever they can just to find those passes, including robbing stores, auctioning them off, holding ransoms and even using computers. And none of them worked. Ponies all over the kingdom are getting more and more antsy each day knowing the last golden factory pass is out there somewhere.

The newscaster mare has received a piece of paper and is in shock. She quickly puts on her headphones and turns on her mic.

“Attention, everypony. Breaking news. It’s all over. The last golden factory pass has been found. I repeat, the last golden factory pass has been found.”, she says. “We are now receiving a phone call from Applewood. Caller, you’re on the air.”

“Hello, there. My name is Svenerto Minugallop. I’m calling to confirm that I am the one who has found the last golden factory pass.”

At the Rock Farm homestead, Pinkie’s family are listening to the broadcast as Svengallop continues his call.

“After I was fired by Equestia’s finest singer, I have been trying to get back on my hooves. But when I heard about this contest, I thought this could be my shot to be at the top again.”, he continues. “I could sell all kinds of candy...”

“Cloudy, just turn it off.”, Nana says discouraged.

Cloudy sighs and turns off the radio.

“Well, that’s that. No more passes.”

“Ugh, why did that guy have to find the pass, but not our sister?”, Limestone asks.

“Pinkie’s not going to be happy when she hears about this.”, Marble says.

Unbeknownst to them, Pinkie happens to be listening from upstairs.

“Pinkie’s the happiest pony in all of Equestria. It would break her heart if she knew about this.”, Maud says.

“I don’t know who’s going to relay this news.”, Cloudy says.

“I think it’s best if we just tell her tomorrow. She has to go help her friend at her school.”

Her mane and tail wither and tears stream down her eyes.

The next day at the School of Friendship, Twilight Sparkletine is teaching her class another lesson.

“Now, everpony, we are going to learn about another form of magic. And that’s quantity reveal spells.”, she says. “Now what I mean by that is we’re going to determine how many of whatever can we unveil with just a simple spell. Of course, I’ll need one of my friends to assist me. Pinkie.”

Pinkie slowly rises with a frown and her mane and tail straight. She sighs and looks to Twilight.

“Hi, Twilight.”

“Whoa. Pinkie, you don’t look so good. What happened?”

“I’d rather not talk about it. Let’s just start the lesson.”

“OK, then.”, Twilight says reluctantly.

She turns back to her class.

“Now some of my friends have helped out with the recent contest and has told me how many pieces of candy they unwrapped. Now I’m going to tell you a number of how many pieces of candy they unwrapped and one of you try to answer which spell could be used to unwrap that amount in one sitting.”

She clears her throat and begins.

“OK, first, my friend, Rarity had opened four hundred pieces of candy. Who knows what spell could be used to open that many.”

Foals raise their hooves and Twilight points to a filly.

“Yes, you there.”

“A politornious spell?”, the filly asks.


“Now, my other friend, Fluttershy opened seven hundred pieces of candy. What spell can open that many?”

The foals raise their hooves again and Twilight points to a colt.

“You there.”

“A totsugholisha spell?”, the colt asks.

“That’s right.”

“OK, Pinkie, how many did you open?”, she asks her friend.

“Two.”, she says depressed.

“Alright. Now Pinkie has open two thousand pieces of candy. Now how many…?”

“Twilight.”, she interrupts. “I didn’t say two thousand. I just said two.”

“Two? Just two? Pinkie, I thought you of all ponies would have opened about two million pieces of candy by now. Why would you only open two?”

“Yeah. That’s what everypony would expect. Even the readers of this story.”


“Never mind. It’s just that my family doesn’t care that much about candy.”

“I’m sorry, Pinkie, but even a newborn unicorn foal would figure out what spell to use for two pieces. How about we just say you opened two thousand?”

“OK.”, she replies carelessly.

“Now, class, if Pinkie opened two thousand pieces of candy, what spell would open that many?”

As Twilight lectures, Pinkie just sulks and completely blocks out the lesson her friend is giving.

Later, Pinkie walks around Ponyville still moping. The other citizens notice her but decide not to speak to her as they assume she doesn’t feel like talking to anypony at the moment. As she continues to walk, a glare catches her attention. She turns to the source of the glare and notices a gold bit on the grass. She picks it up and looks at it. She looks behind her and sees Bon Bon’s candy shop. She looks back and forth between the shop and the bit.

“Maybe some candy will cheer me up.”, she says to herself.

She then enters the shop. Inside she sees Bon Bon organizing jars of jellybeans.

“Hey, Bon Bon.”

She stops and looks behind her.

“Pinkie, long time no see. How have you been doing?”, she asks.

“Doing fine, I guess.”

“Oh, I know that look. That’s your ‘my dream has been taken from somepony else’ face, isn’t it?”

Pinkie sighs.

“You read me like a book.”

“Maybe some candy will put a smile on your face.”

“I hope so.”

“Now what can I get for you?”

“What’s the biggest piece of candy you have?”

“Well, I do have a del-ectabl-icious bar.”

“Alright. I’ll take that.”

“OK, that’ll be one bit, please.”

Pinkie gives her the bit and takes the bar.

“Yeah. After the contest ended, business hasn’t been as busy as before.”, Bon Bon tells her.

“Bon Bon, your candy is worth more than anything. I’m sure you’ll have more customers again.”, she says as she eats the bar.

“Pinkie, take it easy of the chocolate, you’ll get a tummy ache.”

“Sorry.”, she says as she finishes. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”, Bon Bon says before going back to her jellybeans.

Pinkie is about to leave before she stops and thinks about something. She then goes back to the counter.

“Hey, Bon Bon.”


“Actually, I’d like to buy another piece of candy for my Nana Pinkie.”

“Nana Pinkie is here? My gosh I haven’t seen her since she moved away to Vanhoover.”

“Yes. She’s only visiting though.”

“Hmm.”, Bon Bon thinks. “Tell you what, since you care about her that much, you can have a plain Blonka bar free of charge.”

“Really?”, she asks.

“Of course. Give my condolences to your grandmother.”

“Thank you, Bon Bon.”

She takes the bar and leaves the shop. Suddenly, as soon as she leaves the shop, she hears ponies exclaiming as they gather around a radio stand. Pinkie raises an eyebrow.

“What’s going on over there?”, she queries.

She then walks to the stand and listens to the broadcast.

“News flash. The final golden factory pass is a fake. I repeat, the final golden factory pass is a fake.”, the news mare says. “Svenerto Minuallop has stated he bought a pass from the FlimFlam brothers and all three of them have been taken into custody by the royal guards. We have this exclusive recording from the stallions.”

The news mare plays the recording.

“Those idiots said that I would be rich and famous again if I helped them! I should have never resorted to trusting con artists!”, he exclaims.

“Uh, brother, do you think it’s too late to start signing our wills?”, Flim asks.

“Brother, we had to sell our will to pay for the mortgage.”, Flam says.

The recording ends.

“That means the fifth and final golden factory pass is still out there somewhere. Whoever finds it will be the talk of the century.”, the mare says.

The news makes Pinkie’s mane and tail reinflate themselves. Pinkie now knows the fifth pass is out there somewhere. She walks away from the stand in disbelief.

“The pass is still out there. But where?”, she asks herself.

She then has a thought. She takes out the bar she was gonna give to her grandmother.

“Could it be?”

She then unwraps it slowly. And as she opens it the inside of the wrapper starts glowing. Her eyes widen as she continues to unwrap it. She unwraps it and sees what she thought she would never be able to see, the last golden factory pass. She takes out the pass and drops the bar. She is marveled by it and smiles again, until she is interrupted by another mare.

“Hey! She found the last golden factory pass!”

The mare drags the other mare with the pass and the other citizens crowd her asking to give it to them. She starts getting crushed by them, until Mrs. Cake intervenes.

“Back off, everpony. She found that ticket fair and square. Nopony else can have it.”, she shouts. “Go, Pinkie. Hurry on home. And don’t stop until you get there.”

Pinkie takes the pass and starts galloping off to her home.

The Candy Factory Opens

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Pinkie continues galloping on her way home. She thought she would never smile again after hearing that somepony found the last golden factory pass before she did. But when she found out it was a fake and then found the real pass, she was smiling more than ever. She runs past various ponies on her way home, she then goes under a bridgeway, when she is suddenly stopped by the creature who was in the previous places where the other passes were found. The creature gives a nightmarish grin at the mare.

“Congratulations, young mare. You’ve finally found the last golden factory pass.”, he says. “Allow me to introduce myself.”

He snaps his fingers and makes his ID appear.

“I am Discord Chaosworth.”

Pinkie’s eyes widen as she recognizes that name.

“You. You’re one of the spies who tried to steal Mr. Blonka’s recipes.”, she deduces.

“Indeed I am. Ever since Mr. Blonka has closed his gates, I was unable to go inside. There was even a magic proof shield, so not even I could get in.”, Chaosworth explains. “So because of that, I created my own candy factory, but my candy didn’t have the same appeal or same knowledge as that stallion’s creations. But I have a proposition for you.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“If you listen to what I’m going to say to you, I’ll make you rich and famous, so you could have all the candy you can ever eat. Now here’s the plan. Mr. Blonka is currently creating a new piece of candy called the Forever Tasty Gulpstacker. If that stallion reveals it and shows it to the kingdom, he’ll bankrupt me and shut down my business. All I need you to do is steal one of those and bring it to me, so I can get the recipe for it.”

“Wait, Discord, you have chaotic magic. Couldn’t you just use your magic to make one appear yourself?”

“Well I’ve tried, but the spell prevents anything inside it to come out. But we needed to put some more suspense in this story.”, he whispers. “Now then, if you bring me a forever tasty gulpstacker, I’ll reward you with ten million bits, a new home for your family and quality food that’s actually food and not just stones.”

“Hey, how do you know that we’ve been eating stones?”

“You live in a rock farm. How could anypony not put two and two together? Plus I’ve read the first chapter of this story.”

“Oh, fair enough.”, she says.

“Heed my word, young mare. Do not forget the name, forever tasty gulpstacker.”

He then leaves without another word.

“Wow, he’s more creepy than that stallion from the first chapter.”

Pinkie continues galloping to her home.

Pinkie finally arrives at her home and bursts through the door.

“Everpony, I have amazing news!”, she shouts.

“Pinkie, the door was unlocked.”, Maud says.

“What’s going on?”, Cloudy asks.

“I found the last golden factory pass!”

“Pinkie, we told you, there aren’t anymore passes. The contest is over.”, Nana says.

“But Nana, the fifth one that was found was a fake. This is the real one. Look.”

She gives her grandmother the pass. Her mother, sisters and she gather around as her grandmother reads it aloud.

“Hello, lucky finder of this pass, I am Billiard Blonka. And I present this pass to you as admission to my candy factory. Present this pass at the factory gates on the day before the Summer Sun Celebration and do not be late. You are allowed to be accompanied by another mare or stallion. Preferably one from your family and only one. And nopony could ever dream of being a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity and awaiting by the end will be the biggest reward that you and only you will ever get your hooves on. Pinkie, you did it. This is the last golden factory pass.”, her grandmother praises.

“This is unbelievable. Our sister is about to enter the biggest candy factory in Equestria.”, Marble says.

“That’ll show that stallion who used a fake pass who’s boss.”, Limestone says.

“Nana, is says that I could take another mare or stallion with me. Preferably from my family.”, Pinkie says. “I wish you could come with me.”

Nana takes in her granddaughter’s words and makes her decision.

“Well, your wish is granted.”, she says before removing her sheets.

“Mother, what art thou doing?”, Cloudy asks.

“Pinkie, grab my lower hooves.”

Pinkie grabs her grandmother’s lower hooves and positions them to the end of her mattress.

“OK, now help me up.”

She then grabs her front hooves and starts lifting her up. She’s able to hoist her up, but she falls on top of her granddaughter.

“Mom, girls, help me out here.”

Her mother and sisters help Nana get on her hooves. They try to keep her from falling again and manage to keep her still. The family is amazed and what they are seeing. Nana looks down and she couldn’t believe her eyes, she was standing on all four of her hooves.

“Look at me. I can walk again. I haven’t felt this good in years.”

Pinkie and Nana are so happy that they start to get ready for the big day.

(Song for This Scene Here)

“Mother, Pinkie, cease and desist.”, Cloudy shouts. “This pass says the day before the Summer Sun Celebration. That’s tomrrow.”

“My goodness. Pinkie, we’ve got a lot to do. We have to crush the rocks, clean the house, wash our coats, prepare the dishes, cook the suppers, make our beds, polish the crystals, fix the fields, manage the bills, brush our...”

“Mother!”, her daughter interrupts. “I shall take over those tasks.”

“Pinkie we don’t have a lot of time.”, Nana says.

“Nana.”, Pinkie says. “I have something important to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“On my way here, I ran into Mr. Chaosworth.”

“What? You saw Chaosworth?”

Pinkie nods.

“What did he want?”

“How about I tell you in secret, while the readers will cut to the next scene?”

“OK, then.”

The next day, the citizens are at the gates of the candy factory with all kinds of music and decorations about. The newscaster mare gives her report.

“Here we are live at Billiard Blonka’s candy factory where the five lucky contestants are awaiting for the gates to finally be opened. For years nopony has ever seen or heard from Mr. Billiard Blonka, but now he’s about to make his first public appearance since his factory’s re-opening. Everypony is on their hooves to prepare for what’s to come in the next half hour.”

While the ponies are waiting, Pinkie and her Nana greet the other finders of the passes.

“Pinkie, I never thought I would see you here.”, Stygievee says.

“Indeed. Say who’s accompanying you on this trip? I mean if it’s not rude to ask since you don’t have a family.”

“Well since I don’t have a family, I asked the princesses to request me an escort on my trip, and here’s who they suggested.”

“Hello, Pinkie.”, says a familiar pink alicorn.

“Cadance? You Stygievee’s escort?”, Pinkie asks bewildered.

“Yes I am. The princesses asked me since I am one of the most trustworthy princesses in the kingdom and also to decipline him if he ever gets out of line.”, Cadance says.

“Princess Cadance, you didn’t have to tell her that.”, the stallion says embarrassed.

Pinkie and Nana laugh at the stallion’s embarrassment.

“Oh, so the annoying pink pony is here too.”

They turn and see Trixie with a stallion.

“Oh, hiya, Trixie. How have you been doing?”, Pinkie says gleefully.

“You know, I liked you better when you didn’t have a mouth.”, she says in disgust. “But if you must know, I’m currently touring the kingdom with my magic show. And once I get a hold of this prize, ponies will come to my shows just to get their hooves on one piece.”

“That’s nice of you.”, Nana says. “And who’s the stallion?”

“This here is my dad, Jack Pot. A performer at Las Pegasus.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Pinkie. My daughter has told me a lot about how your friend bested her at magic and soon made friends with you and the others.”, Jack Pot says.

“Well, I’m sure that you’ll both be great magicians in your own ways.”, Nana says.

“We’ll see about that.”, Trixie says before she and her father leave.

“Hey, I know you.”

They turn and see Dumb-belloop descending from the sky to them.

“Your one of Rainbow Crash’s friends, aren’t you?”, he asks.

“Yes I am. And you must be one of those peagasi bullies who works in the Rainbow Factory aren’t you?”

Her grandmother laughs.

“Wow, somepony who works in a factory is going into another factory. What are the odds of that?”

“You better can it. Don’t forget, I’m the first pony to find a golden factory pass.”

“Now, Dumb-belloop that’s not how we greet our fellow contestants.”

An older yellow pegasus mare approaches the stallion. The pink mares are astonished.

“Hey, your Spitfire’s mother, Stormy Flare.”, Pinkie says.

“What are you doing here?”

Dumb-belloop groans.

“I told the guards I didn’t want anypony to accompany me, but they said that another pony is required to go with me on this trip. I was then appointed the mother of the captain of the Wonderbolts.”

“That’s right. And you better behave yourself or I’ll report to the factory what you were doing the day spontaneous thunder storms were leaking out.”, Stormy Flare temps.

“Well, I guess mothers don’t have to be related by blood to show how much they care for children.”

“Hey, you.”, another voice calls out.

They turn and see Lightning bolting to them.

“How the hay did you find a golden factory pass?”

“Hey, you’re Lightning Dusteguarde, right?”

“That’s right. And this here is my dad.”, she points as her father enters.

“Hey, that’s Wind Rider.”, Nana says.

“So you’ve heard of me, huh?”, he says.

“You tried to frame Rainbow Dash to keep your perfect record.”, Pinkie says.

“Yes. That pegasus humiliated both of us. Once we get the prize those Wonderbolts will be begging for us to come back.”

They both laugh. The bell tower then rings. Everyone turns to the gates. One the other side the doors to the factory opens and out comes a purple colored stallion with a top hat, a cane and a peppermint cutie mark. It was none other than Mr. Billiard Blonka. All the citizens cheer as he exits the doors. They all stop as he walks slowly towards the gates. All of the citizens watch anxiously as he continues. As he gets closer to the end, he removes his hat and drops his cane. He stops at the gates as they all watch him.

He then does a full somersault and gets back on his hooves. All the citizens cheer again. He grabs his cane and puts his hat back on.

“Thank you, everpony.”, he says. “Welcome to my candy factory. Would the finders of the golden factory passes come forward, please?”

The ponies and their escorts head towards the gates. Pinkie then notices something or someone familiar. Chaosworth is within the crowd staring coldly at her.

“That’s Chaosworth, Nana. The guy I told you about yesterday.”

They all reach the gates and Mr. Blonka greets them.

“Welcome. It’s a privilege to meet all of you.”, he says. “So glad you’ve all found my passes. This will be such a fun day for all of us. Now then, will you show me your passes?”

One by one they introduce themselves and present their pass.

“Trixie Lulamalt, at your service.”, she says.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Trixie. And you are?”

“I am her father, Jack Pot. Here’s my card.”, he says as he gives him his card.

“Well, I’m certain you’ll both do well with your magic shows. Alright, next.”

“Dumb-bellop’s the name, competing is my game.”, he says.

“Well, Dumb-belloop, you sure have a lot of determination in your eyes.”

“Just watch, those punks will be crying once I get through this freak show.”

Stormy clears her throat. The stallion groans.

“Sorry about that. I’m Stormy Flare. Dumb-belloop’s escort.”

“Miss Flare, I take you’re keeping watch on this stallion.”

“Indeed I am. Just making sure he doesn’t get too wrapped up with what’s to come at the end.”, she says.

“Lightning Dustegaurde. Pleasure to meet you.”

“Ah, Lightning, I’ve heard about your team, the Washouts, temporarily disbanding. And you must be Wind Rider, correct?”

“Indeed I am.”, her father says. “Once we win this prize, those Wonderbolts will have no choice but to ask for us back.”

“Glad to see so much vigor in very little ponies.”

“My name’s Stygievee.”, he says.

“Nice to meet you, Styg-”, he says before the other stallions eyes start glowing black.

“Oh, my goodness.”, Blonka exclaims.

“Stygievee?”, Cadnace says.

“Apologies, Mr. Blonka. I’m still getting used to living in this modern world.”

“No worries.”

He then turns and sees the princess of the Crystal Empire before him.

“Princess Cadance.”, he says before bowing to her. “It’s an honor to see you here at my factory.”

“At ease, Mr. Blonka. I’m just here to escort this stallion here.”

“Of course. Proceed.”

“I’m Pinkie Piecket. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Blonka.”, she says. “Could I just say that I absolutely love your candy? I live in the poor part of Ponyville that’s a rock farm. I work very hard just to purchase only one bar of candy. Bon Bon is an old friend of mine, but even she won’t give me any discounts for them. And not to mention I wish to ask who’s helping you make all the candy when nopony ever enters your-”

Her grandmother stops her.

“Pinkie, there’s no need to give too much information.”, Nana says.

“Yes. I’ve heard of you. You’re that pony who found the real final pass after the supposed fifth one turned out to be a fake.”

She nods her head.

“And who’s this?”

“That’s my grandmother, Nana Pinkie.”

“It’s an honor to meet you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Blonka.”

“OK, that’s all of the contestants and their escorts. Now in we go.”

Everypony cheers as Mr. Blonka and the others walk towards the doors and enter the factory.

The Candied Room

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Mr. Blonka and the ponies enter the main hall of the factory.

“Alright, remove all hats, bonnets, coats and shoes and leave them here. We have lots of time with so little to do.”, he says. “Wait, sorry. I always get that phrase backwards.”

Some of them puts their coats on and see tentacles emerging from the holes. They scream as they pop out.

“Sorry. I guess I should’ve warned all of you that this factory has surprises around every corner.”, Blonka apologizes. “Now then, let’s continue with our trip.”

They all approach a velvet curtain with an ink bottle and five quills in front of it.

“Alright, will the ponies who found the passes step forward here.”

The ponies all walk to the curtain. As soon as they all arrive, Mr. Blonka pulls a rope which pulls back the curtain. Behind it is a ten foot tall contract.

“Wait a minute. Is that a contract?”, Jack Pot asks. “What would we need a contract for?”

“Lightning, you’re first.”

“Now hold on. Listen here, buster. What’s this all about?”, Wind Rider asks.

“Well this is to ensure that the ponies agree with the required terms and agreements before they can enter. It’s the only way to reinforce my factory’s safety precautions and to be safe from lawsuits.”

“Oh, no. I’m not holding my daughter responsible for anything that happens here.”, Jack says.

“I’m sorry, sir. But those are the requirements for admission.”

“I’m not waiting another minute, I’m getting in the factory right now. Let me take that quill.”, Trixie says before taking a quill.

She then hastily starts signing her name on the bottom.

“There’s the commitment I was expecting. Excellent work, Trixie.”, he congratulates her. “Lightning, you’re next.”

Lightning takes her own quill and signs her name.

“I’m still not sure about this. What’s all of that information that’s so small you need a magnifying glass to see?”, Wind Rider asks.

“Oh, that’s all my contact information. If you wish to file a complaint, you may call that number. Thank you very much. Stygievee, Dumb-belloop.”

They both grab a quill and sign their names.

“Now, Mr. Blonka, I’ll have to remind you that as a princess of Equestria, I have the right to notify the other princesses if any casualties occur in this factory.”, Cadance warns him.

“I understand, Princess Cadance.”

“Hey, Nana. Can I sign now?”, Pinkie asks.

“I don’t see why not.”, Nana answers.

Pinkie takes her quill and signs her name. Mr. Blonka then reviews the signatures.

“Alright. Everypony has signed and agreed. Very good, now on we go. Everypony follow me.”

He then walks and the others follow suit. They then approach another door which has a combination lock. He then puts in the combination.

“Ten, zero, six, twenty, seventeen.”, he says to himself.

He then opens the door.

“The factory is on the other side. If you will.”

They then enter the room, but it stops short. They all exclaim.

“Ow, what the heck.”, Trixie shouts.

“Why is the this room so small?”, Wind asks.

“Help, I can’t breathe.”, Stygievee shouts.

“Where’s the other door?”, Dumb-belloop asks.

“I can’t find it anywhere.”, Cadance says.

“Hmm. I know it’s here somewhere.”, Blonka says. “But where was it?”

“Hey, somepony’s hoof is on my flank.”, Lightning shouts.

“Oh, sorry. I thought those were my flanks.”, Pinkie says.

“Alright, alright. Simmer down. Ah, here it is.”

“Is your hat over your eyes? That’s the same door we came in.”, Jack says.

“It is? Hmm. Let me see.”

He then opens the door to reveal another room.

“Ah, the door to the next room.”

“What the? Is this some sort of trick? I know tricks. I am a magician.”, Jack shouts.

“Really, are you astonished by how tricky it was to find this room?”

“That’s it, we’re going back.”, Dumb-belloop says.

“No, no. You can’t go back. You can only go forward.”, he says as he enters the room. “Let’s get going.”

“Wait, is Mr. Blonka getting bigger?”, Pinkie asks.

“Don’t be ridiculous, the room is getting smaller.”, Stormy says.

“We haven’t even started and it’s already turning my brain into mush.”, Trixie says.

They all follow him and stop at another door.

“Hey, I’m not going through that small door.”, Jack says.

“I’m not sure what spell I would use to fit all of us in there.”, Cadance says.

“Oh, no, Your Highness. No magic will be necessary to open this door.”

He then turns to the whole group.

“Now, my dearest of friends, you are all about to enter the very heart and soul of my entire factory.”, Blonka says as he turns to the door. “Through this door, every single one of my dream has come true and is existing inside that very room. And every single thing inside it is completely edible.”

“Well if everything’s edible, then open up. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”, Dumb-belloop.

“Now, calm yourself, Dumb-belloop. We wouldn’t want anypony to have a pony pass out from overexcitement, would we?”

He then pulls down a keyboard from the door.

“Very well. Now this is a musical keyboard. I’ll just play the song to open this.”

“Coloratura, how classy.”, Cadance comments.

“Mares and Gentlestallions, colts and fillies, the candy room.”

He then opens the door and reveals the room. Everypony is flabbergasted at what they see. Inside the room is candy everywhere. And everything is made of it. The grass, the plants, the pavement, the stones and in the center of the room is a river made entirely of melted chocolate. They travel deeper and deeper into the room and Mr. Blonka allows them to explore everything in it.

(Song for This Scene Here)

“Ugh, what is with this water filthy?”, Stormy asks.

“Oh, that’s not water, it’s melted chocolate.”

“All of that is chocolate?”, Trixie asks.

“Yep. I recognize that scent anywhere.”, Pinkie says.

“This is truly remarkable.”, Nana says.

“Mm-hmm. Ten thousand gallons per hour. And take a look at that waterfall. The weight of that water falling is churning the chocolate so it’s nice and runny. No lumps anywhere. Let me tell you, no other candy factory in Equestria mixes their chocolate by waterfall. Not as good.”

“Nana, look over there. On the other side of the river.”, Pinkie says as she points to the other side.

On the other side of the river are little flying bugs wearing little uniforms.

“Are those winged bugs?”, Cadance asks.

Everypony is amazed that bugs are working in a candy factory.

“How is this possible that bugs are working in a factory? Hasn’t there been any reports of vermin.”, Big says.

“They aren’t vermin. They’re Para-Barasprites.”, Blonka responds.

“Para-Barasprites?”, they all ask.

“Of course. From Bara Hollow. A barren area in the Everfree Forest.”

“Bara Hollow? There’s no such place.”, Cadance says.


“Mr. Blonka, the princesses know this kingdom like the back of their hooves, and there is no such place as Bara Hollow.”

“Well that’s because it’s so horrible it was never put on any map to make sure nopony ever entered it. That place is riddled all sorts of danger. Especially monsters. There were so little food over there that the Para-Barasprites were unable to multiply, and that meant there weren’t that many of them left because the rest of them were devoured by the monsters who also lived there. On one of my expeditions, I accidentally stumbled across them. They told me that they lived in small trees to avoid being spotted by the monsters. I then told their leader to come live in my factory so, they can all have a place that has plenty of food and no monsters anywhere. No more manticores, cockatrices chimeras and bug bears.”

“Bug bears?”, Jack Pot asks. “Why would any of those creatures be in a place that’s never been heard of?”

“Sorry, sir. But if you wish to ask questions, you must submit them in writing.”, he says before continuing. “Anyway, as a sign of secrecy. I’ve managed to safely and discreetly transport all of the remaining Para-Barasprites here. And they’ve been living in my factory ever since. Now that they have food and a safer place to live in, their population has been growing more than ever before.”

“Gee, that’s a very vivid tale you’ve just told.”, Lightning says.

“Wow. Hey, guys, you’ve gotta try this chocolate.”, Dumb-belloop says.

They turn and see Dumb-belloop drinking the chocolate river from his hooves.

“Hey, Dumb-bellop, you can’t drink all of that chocolate.”, Stormy says.

“Dumb-belloop, please. My chocolate shouldn’t be touched by hooves. Dumb-belloop, I’m serious you shouldn’t do that. You’re contaminating my chocolate. Dumb-belloop.”

He suddenly slips and falls into the river. He starts flailing in the chocolate.

“Don’t just stand there, do something! His wings are wet and he can’t swim.”, Stormy says.

“Pinkie, grab that lollipop.”, Nana says.

Pinkie grabs a giant lollipop and stretches it to Dumb-belloop.

“Dumb-belloop, grab this.”

Dumb-belloop tries to grab it, but it slips.

“I’ll get him myself.”, Stormy says as she flies to him.

But before she can grab him, he sinks to the bottom.

“What the? Where’d he go?”, Lightning asks.

“Oh, dear. Looks like the pipe’s got him.”, Blonka says nonchalantly.

“Pipe?”, Stormy asks.

“Oh, did I forget to mention that pipes come in hourly to suck up some of the chocolate and take it to another room?”


“Must’ve slipped my mind.”

“Do you see him?”, Wind Rider asks.

“There he is.”, Lightning says.

“He’s stuck.”, Stormy says.

“Hey, get me out of here!”, the stallion shouts through the pipe.

“He’s blocking all of that chocolate.”, Trixie says.

“Oh, no worries. The pressure is already building up.”, Blonka says. “Here it comes in”

Dumb-belloop suddenly shoots up the pipe.

“Oh, no. Mr. Blonka, where does all of that chocolate go after its been sucked?”, Stormy asks.

“Oh, to the s’mores room.”

“The s’mores room?! He’ll be drowning in chocolate and marshmallow.”

“Don’t worry. I know what to do.”, he says before pulling out a flute.

He plays a melody and two Para-Baraspites approach him.

“I’d like you two to take miss Stormy Flare to the s’mores room and find the stallion that she’s chaperoning. And make it quick. The chocolate will be poured along with the flaming marshmallows.”

“Flaming marshmallows?!”

“Just follow them, they can handle it.”

The pegasus follows the insects as they leave the room. The other Para-Barasprites then stop working and leave to the next room.

(Song for This Scene Here)

The Creepy Tunnel

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Cadance shakes her head and turns to the stallion.

“Mr. Blonka, I warned you if there were any casualties, I would report this to the princesses.”, Cadance says.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but that won’t be necessary.”, Blonka says.

“And why not?”

“Because your stallion companion along with the others signed the contract. Which means my factory is officially immune to lawsuits.”

“What?! Are you serious?!”, Jack Pot asks.

“It was in the fine print.”

“Gee, Cadance, I thought you of all ponies would’ve understood the circumstances of signing a contract.”, Stygievee comments.

“I’m gonna need a vacation after this fiasco.”, Cadance sighs.

“Hey, Blonka, what kind of twisted factory are you running, anyhow?”, Wind asks.

“Damas y caballeros.”, he says. “Ahora vamos a hacer un pequeno gran viaje en barco.”

“Does anypony know what this guy is saying?”, Jack Pot asks.

“Te gustaria subir a bordo del Blonkatania?”

A boat with a Para-Barasprite at the steering wheel and two operating the motor, then enters the room and stops at the runway.

“Ooohhh. I’ve never seen a boat that can travel on melted chocolate.”, Pinkie says. “Then again there’s no logic in the context of this whole story, but still.”

“I wonder if we can eat it.”, Nana says.

“Nice touch, Mr. Blonka.”, Wind says. “You certainly are full of surprises.”

“There’s no need for compliments. All I ask is for all of you to climb aboard.”

The ponies all get on the boat and Blonka heads to the front of it.

“Gee, I’m sure glad Applejack isn’t on this thing. She wouldn’t go two seconds without getting sea sick. Or chocolate sick in this case.”

“Alright, everypony. Prepare to be dazzled by this boat ride.”

“What could be more dazzling than this whole room. I mean look at it, everything is edible. I’m not sure exactly what could be more exotic than this. Unless there’s some sort of other edible room, but that would be pointless if there were two edible rooms. Wait now that I think about it, what if every room in this factory is edible? How would the entire factory run if every room was edible? And is it possible that some of those Para-Barasprites have already eaten some of those rooms? Somepony should check on them to see if they haven’t gotten into anymore misch-”

Nana suddenly puts her hoof on Pinkie’s mouth.

“Pinkie, don’t you think the readers are staring to get tired of your rambling?”, she asks.

“Sorry, Nana.”, Pinkie says through her grandmother’s hoof.

The Para-Barasprite rings the bell signaling the two in the back to start pedaling the motor. The boat then starts to move down the river.

“I wish my travel cart could be a boat. That way I can perform at sea.”, Trixie says.

“If you ask me, what that mare needs is a good kick in her flanks.”, Nana says.

Pinkie giggles.

“Good one, Nana.”

“I can hear you, you know. Don’t make me take your mouth again, because I’m not afraid to do it again.”

“So glad my husband isn’t here. He’s not good with boats.”, Cadance says.

“Cadance, are you saying Shining gets sea sick as well?”, Pinkie asks.

“Well, actually he gets air sick. He almost lost his lunch fifteen times when we went on that zeppelin. It’s the motion of this boat that’s the same as the zeppelin.”

“Well it looks like there’s one thing Shining and Applejack have in common.”

They both laugh. They then see a tunnel up ahead.

“Wait a second? Why is there a tunnel? And what’s inside that thing?”, Wind Rider asks.

“I don’t know. But I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”, Jack Pot says. “Blonka, you better get us off this thing.”

“Welcome to the tunnel of the unexpected. All sorts of wonders await you here.”, Blonka says. “Now let’s go faster.”

As they enter the tunnel, the Para-Barasprites in the back start pedaling faster, causing the boat to go faster. All of the ponies on board start exclaiming in concern. Strange lights then start flashing around the boat. They then see Blonka smiling as if he is oblivious to what’s happening right now.

“Hey, Blonka, what are you smiling about?”, Jack asks.

“You’re not even seeing what’s happening right now.”, Wind asks.

“You’re right. I’m not seeing, because I know exactly what’s going to happen right now.”, he says with a straight face.

“Uh, Nana. Even I think what Mr. Blonka just said is starting to make me nervous.”, Pinkie says.

“Nervous, but excited?”, Nana asks.

“You know me so well.”, she giggles.

“This is starting to get creepy.”, Trixie says.

As she says that, an image of a manticore appears. They suddenly scream at it.

“That’s it! I want off this thing right now!”, her father shouts.

They then see cockatrice hatchlings emerging from their eggs. Looking deformed and slimey.

“Ugh. Now I’m about to lose my lunch.”, Cadance says.

“What is going on here?”, Stygivee asks.

A chimera glaring appears next.

“Look, buster, are you playing any games right now? Because I’m not having fun!”, Wind shouts.

“Dad, you probably shouldn’t shout at him.”, Lightning says with worry.

They then see a cragadile crushing a pony shaped skull with its jaws. They then scream at it. Suddenly an image of Chaosworth appears for a brief second. Pinkie turns to her grandmother.


“No. It couldn’t be.”

They then start getting more and more frightened the further they go. A hydra then starts eating its food in a disgusting manner. Blonka then starts giving a melody as they keep going in.

(Song for This Scene Here)

Just when the ponies couldn’t see anymore terror, a bug bear appears with its stinger ready to strike.

“Make him stop this thing!”, Trixie begs.

“Blonka, this trip is over!”, her father shouts.

“Indeed it is. Stop the boat!”, he says.

The Para-Barasprites finally stop the boat.

“Here we are. Hope you all enjoyed your boat ride.”

The ponies are shaking in fear as they leave the boat.

“Did that really just happen?”, Pinkie says. “That was more insane than us going against the Tantabus.”

“Well, I’ll never look at fear the same way again.”, Stygivee says.

They then approach a door that has ‘Invention Room’ above it.

Pinkie and Nana see a storage room next to it with its contents displayed in front of the door.

“What’s this?”, Pinkie asks. “Dairy cream?”

“Whipped cream?”, Nana says.

“Coffee cream?”

“Vanilla cream?”

“Mane cream?”, they both ask.

“Watashinotomodachi, watashi no chui o kudasai.”, Blonka says.

“Great, now he’s speaking more languages.”, Cadance says.

“Anata wa ima mottomo kyomibukaku, soshite dojini watashi no kojo no mottomo himitsu no heya ni yattekimashita.”

“You think we should’ve brought a linguist with us?”, Wind asks.

“Minasan, inbentorirumu.”

He then unlocks the lock and opens the doors.

“Alright. Just remember. No messing around in this room. No touching , no tasting, no telling. Understood?”

“No telling? What for?”, Jack asks.

“Inside are my most top secret inventions. Every single invention that’s being planned, built and tested are all in here.”, he explains. “Old Chaosworth will stop at nothing to get his paw and claw on one of them. He’d even resort to manipulating an innocent foal to try and take one of my inventions. So do not touch a thing. Got it? Good, let’s go.”

They then enter the room closing the door behind them.

The Invention Room

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They enter the invention room. Inside are all kinds of machines creating all sorts of candy in various flavors, shapes and sizes. Para-Barasprites work the machines and test the products.

“This is an inventing room?”, Nana asks. “Gee whiz. This place is even more productive than an asylum for criminally insane creatures.”

“I don’t think even Chaosworth with his magic could find anything in all this.”, Pinkie comments.

“Mr. Blonka, this place seems highly hazardous.”, Cadance says. “Have you, by any chance, hired a single safety inspector for this room?”

“I agree. I mean you’re not even wearing rubber gloves.”, Wind Rider points out.

“You could seriously damage your coat with all of this sciencey stuff.”, Jack Pot says.

“These inventions are are ninety three percent blood, sweat and tears, six percent electricity, three percent evaporation two percent of butterscotch ripple and zero percent of nothing at all.”, Blonka says as he finishes preparing a root beer float.

“But that’s a hundred and five percent. Are you sure you were approximating correctly?”, Cadance asks. “I could ask my sister-in-law to give you some pointers.”

He takes a big gulp and tests the after taste.

“Well, how is it?”, Big asks.

“Very exquisite.”, he says as he heads to a cauldron with content.

He then grabs a clock and puts it in the cauldron.

“Time is what it takes to make something perfect.”

“Why would anypony eat a clock in candy?”, Trixie asks.

“Hey, when you think about it, it actually makes sense.”, Pinkie says.

“Pinkie, with you around, nothing makes sense.”

He then hops onto an egg beater bike and starts pedaling.

“Hey, he’s got an egg beater bike like I do.”, Pinkie says. “Do you think he’s my distant brother?”

Blonka pedals as he hums to himself. Suddenly and without warning, the inside of Stygievee’s mouth explodes. It catches the attention of the other ponies. The force of the explosion sends him flying into a pot rack. Cadance approaches him.

“Stygievee, are you alright?”, Cadance asks.

“I said not to touch anything, silly stallion.”, Blonka says nonchalantly.

“What the heck was that?”, Stygievee asks. “Was there some explosive chemical in that piece of candy?”

“Stygievee, say ahhh.”

He opens his mouth and she sees that his teeth are all filled with holes.

“Ugh, your teeth are all messed up.”

Stygievee then smacks his lips.

“You know, that piece of candy wasn’t half bad.”

“Those are nitroglycerin drops for your enemies. They sound great, but they’re not ready yet. We’re still testing them.”, Blonka says.

He then goes to another cauldron and scoops a hoof full of its content. He then licks it and doesn’t approve of it. He then searches around and grabs horseshoes.

“What are those horseshoes for?”, Big asks.

“To give more kick to the flavor.”

He then goes to another cauldron and sticks his hoof in. The then exclaims as he pulls it out.

“What happened? Is it hot?”, Stygievee asks.

“It’s cold. Way too cold. I need to heat this up a bit.”

He then opens a steel crate and grabs giant tongs. He reaches down and pulls out a steaming lava rock. He then puts it into the cauldron.

“That aught to do it.”

Wind Rider looks behind him and sees an invention covered in fabric sheets. As he starts to take a peek, the alarm goes off. Blonka looks behind him and pushes him away.

“No, no, no. You musn’t look underneath these sheets. Nopony should look underneath.”, he warns. “This right here is my most important invention in this entire factory. This right here is sure to be the one that will give Chaosworth a run for his money.”

“What is it?”, Pinkie asks.

“Would you all like to see?”

He then pushes a button and activates the machine. It starts beeping and turning its gears underneath its sheets. One by one it puts out its creation. Blonka picks one up and presents it to the others.

“What is that?”

“Everypony, I present to you, a Forever Tasty Gulpstacker.”

The golden factory pass winners widen their eyes at the mention of its name.

“A forever tasty gulpstacker?”, Stygivee asks.

“Indeed it is. You can suck on these forever and it will never lose its flavor.”

“I’d like a forever tasty gulpstacker!”, Trixie says.

“Me too.”, Lightning says.

“I’d like one as well.”, Stygivee says.

“Very well.”

He’s about to give one but stops for a moment.

“But on one condition.”, he warns. “Once I give them to you, you all must promise to never ever show these to anypony else, understood?”

Trixie gives a slight mischievous grin as she and the others hold out their hooves.

“Agreed.”, they all say.

“Very well.”

He then gives them all on gulpstacker each.

“Alright, on to the next invention.”

They all follow him to another invention.

“Now this right here is my latest invention. We’ve finished this right before we opened the gates to the factory.”

“What is it?”, Nana asks.

“I’ll show you right now. Now where’s that button?”

“Over here, Mr. Blonka.”, Pinkie says.

“Ah. Thank you.”

He then presses it and the machine starts working.

“I present to all of you the most innovative form of candy I have ever created.”

A single gumball dispenses and Blonka pulls it out.


“That’s it?”, Stygivee asks.

“Do you realize what it is?”

“It’s a gumball, so what?”, Lightning says.

“So what? This isn’t just any gumball, this is the most amazing gumball ever created.”

“What’s so special about it?”

“It’s essentially a royal feast rolled into one single gumball.”

“Oh, really? Let me give it a try.”

“Uh, Lightning, I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”, Blonka warns.

“Oh, please. I didn’t train to become a Wonderbolt for nothing.”

“But you’re not a Wonderbolt.”, Pinkie says.

“Quiet, you.”

She then takes it into her mouth and starts chewing.

“Well, how is it?”

“It’s amazing.”, she exclaims. “I can taste carrot and potato soup running down my throat.”

“You should probably spit it out now.”, Blonka says nonchalantly.

“Why doesn’t she just listen to Mr. Blonka?”, Pinkie asks.

“Because, Pinkie, she likes to be a boaster.”, Nana says.

“Hey, the flavor is changing now. Now I taste steamed broccoli and diced tomatoes.”

“Wait how can a single gumball change its flavor so quickly?”, Jack Pot asks.

“Oh, my goodness. Now I taste chocolate cake and apple pie.”

“Oh, dear.”, Blonka says.

Suddenly, Lightning’s face starts to turn red.

“Hey, why is her face turning red?”, Trixie asks. “Is she mad or something?”

“No, she’s not even scowling.”, Stygivee says.

“Lightning, what’s happening to you?”, Wind asks.

“What are you talking about, Dad?”, she asks before looking at her hooves.

Her eyes widen as she sees it’s all red.

“I told to her spit it out.”, Blonka says. “We haven’t properly fixed it yet. It always goes wrong when it gets to the dessert. So now she’s becoming an apple.”

“An apple?!”, Wind asks in shock.

Lightning starts growing a stem on her head and grows peels on her hooves.

“I don’t feel so good.”, Lightning says.

“I don’t know what the problem is. Every single Para-Barasprite I tried it on already became apples.”

“You are so going to pay for this, Blonka!”, Wind shouts.

“Well, I supposed there’s one thing I can do to fix this.”

He pulls out his flute and plays the melody again. Lightning then starts swelling up.

“Why is she starting to swell up?”, Wind asks.

“She’s being filled with apple juice.”

“Apple juice?”

A Para-Barasprite approaches the stallion.

“Would you please roll Miss Lightning Dust to the juicing room?”

The insect nods and goes to the mare.

“The Para-Barsprites are going to take her to the juicing room to squeeze all the juice out of her before she becomes an apple permanently.”

(Song for This Scene Here)

The Para-Barasprites roll Lightning out of the room with Wind following them.

“Great, now we’ll never be accepted by the Wonderbolts now.”, he says with grief. “Why me? Why, oh, why, oh, why?”

The Golden Phoenixes

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“It is a shame. Those ponies could have learned to be more considerate of their choices.”, Blonka says. “Well, no time to dilly dally. On with the journey.”

They follow the stallion to another door as he turns and sees the remaining ponies.

“Well, well, well. Two selfish and needy ponies gone. Three thoughtful little ponies left. This is quite the conundrum.”

“Mr. Blonka, I really wish you would let me notify the princesses. Because this is the second casualty that happened today.”, Cadance insists.

“Well, maybe you should have read the fine print before your pony companion signed it.”

“Seriously, Cadance. He’s got a point.”, Stygivee says.

“Now then”, Blonka says before opening the door to the next room.

The enter another hallway. Before they can continue, he stops by the wallpaper.

“Oh, wait. I want to show you this.”

He gestures the wallpaper. The other look at him.

“It’s just wallpaper. What about it?”, Trixie asks.

“This wallpaper is lickable. Go on, give it a try.”

The ponies reluctantly taste the wallpaper and they enjoy it.

“Wow, this tastes good. These grapes actually taste like grapes.”, Pinkie says.

They continue licking it until Pinkie sees that Trixie’s tongue is purple. She then laughs at the sight.

“What are you laughing at?”, she asks.

“You’re tongue is all purple!”

“Well you’re tongue is green.”

She stops and looks at her tongue. All of the other ponies have their tongues in different colors.

“Oh, I guess I forgot to mention if you lick the wallpaper too much, it changes the color of your tongue.”, Blonka says. “Right, on we go.”

They continue going forward until they reach another room.

“Ah, this is my most recent creation.”

They then see a room that has vials, glasses, flavor syrups and bubbles everywhere.

“All sorts of bubbles all around. You can play with them, but you can’t drink them. At least until now.”

“Mr. Blonka, what are they making?”, Pinkie asks.

“This here is Root Beer Floating Floats. Just a few gulps and they’ll fill you up with gas. Gas so light, you’ll float like a balloon.”

“Wow, that’s amazing.”, Trixie says.

“I agree.”, Stygivee says.

“But it hasn’t been stabilized yet, so it’s still too strong.”

“Aww.”, the unicorns say in disappointment.

“Look I can’t sell this stuff while it’s in its current state. Every single foal, pegasus or not, will be floating all over the kingdom. So nopony is allowed to drink it. I want you all to promise me that you won’t drink it.”

“We promise.”, Trixie and Stygivee say.

“I pinkie promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”, Pinkie says with joy.

“Good, now on to the next room.”, Blonka says.

The others follow suit, but Nana stops Pinkie.

“Nana, what are you doing?”

“Pinkie, doesn’t that root beer floating float look delicious?”, Nana asks.

“That does look very tempting.”

“So let’s take a drink.”

“Nana, I can’t. I pinkie promised I wouldn’t drink it. And you know I never break a pinkie promise. Believe me, I know.”

“Pinkie, you’ve made billions of pinkie promises. Breaking one promise won’t hurt anypony, will it?”

She then thinks about her grandmother’s words.

“Well, that root beer floating float looks good. I guess it’s OK if it’s just one pinkie promise I can break.”

“There you go. Here, you grab a bottle and I’ll grab one.”

They both grab a bottle each. Pinkie opens hers and the cap pops off. Nana’s does the same.

“OK, just one sip and that’s it.”, Pinkie says.

They both take a small sip from the bottles.

“Hmm. Maybe just a few more sips.”

They both chug down their bottles.

“Mmm. That’s was good.”, Nana says. “Well?”

“Nana. We’re not floating.”

“Well, Pinkie, maybe Mr. Blonka isn’t as accurate as he...oh, my goodness!”, she says before she starts floating.

Pinkie floats after her.

“Nana, we’re...we’re floating.”

“Pinkie, this is amazing. We’re like pegasi, but without wings.”

They both start flying around and perform tricks. They then see below and realize that they are getting higher and higher.

“Wow, look how high we’re getting.”, Pinkie says.

“I haven’t had this much fun since I was a filly.”, Nana says.

They continue going higher and having fun until they realize something.

“Wait, Nana, how do we get down?”

“Oh, my goodness. I-I don’t know?”

They continue going higher, until they are horrified when they see what’s above them. Above them is a filter fan that’s spinning very fast.

“Oh, no. Nana, we’re heading towards that filter fan!”, she yells.

“Pinkie, what do we do?!”, her grandmother frantically asks.

They both start screaming for help until Nana suddenly burps.


“Excuse me.”

But then she starts to get lower.

“Pinkie, I’m going down. You have to burp.”

“Well, it doesn’t sound very Pinkie like, but OK.”, she says before she burps herself.

“That’s it, Pinkie. Keep burping.”

They both continue to burp until they finally reach the bottom.

“Finally, back on solid land.”, Nana says.

“Yeah, let’s leave the flying to the peagsi.”, Pinkie says.

“Come on. The others can’t be far behind.”

They leave the room and catches up with the others in another room. Blonka smirks at what they are seeing.

“No, this isn’t a trick. They actually are doing what you think they are doing.”, he says.

In front of them are scales with phoenixes above them.

“All of those phoenixes are laying golden eggs.”

“Are those eggs made of solid chocolate?”, Trixie asks.

“Correction, solid golden chocolate.”, Blonka says.

“How does all of this work?”, Cadance asks.

“You see those contraptions below the phoenixes? Those are the eggs-aminers.”

Pinkie laughs at the joke but stops as the others stare at her. She then stops and blushes.

“Anyway, each egg that gets laid by one of those phoenixes lands on the sensor to see if it’s good or bad. If it’s a good egg, it gets taken and packed to be shipped to candy shops.”

An egg lands on the sensor and the light glows green. A Para-Barasprite takes the egg and carries it to the wrapping table.

“But if it’s a bad egg, it goes down the garbage chute.”

Another egg falls on the sensor. But this time, the light glows red and the chute opens, dropping the egg in.

“Wow, I’m sure Twilight would be envious of this.”, Cadance jokes.

“Hey, Dad, I would like a phoenix that lays golden chocolate eggs.”

“Oh, boy. Trixie’s being Trixie again.”, Pinkie says.

“Huh? What for?”, Jack Pot asks.

“With a phoenix like that, my shows will sell more, because the parents will throw bits just to get one of those eggs for their children. I’ll make millions with one of those phoenixes.”

“Hmm. I suppose that does sound like a sure fire way to advertise your shows. Alright, I’m sure we’ll find a phoenix after the trip is over.”

“No, Dad. I mean I want one of those phoenixes.”

“Mr. Blonka, how much for one of those phoenixes?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but they’re not for sale.”, Blonka says. “She can’t have one.”

“Hey! The Great and Powerful Trixie does not take ‘no’ for an answer! I need a phoenix today! The sooner the better.”

(Song for This Scene Here)

She then gets mad and ruins the room and climbs onto the sensor.

“You better give me a phoenix right now.”

The light glows red and the chute opens. She looks down and is regretful of her decision.

“Uh oh.”

She then screams as she falls down the chute.

“She was a bad egg.”, Blonka says. “Didn’t surprise any of us though.”

“Where did she go?”, Jack Pot asks.

“Where all the other bad eggs go to, to the incinerator.”

Jack then laughs.

“That’s hilarious. For a minute there, I thought you said the eggs go to the incinerator.”

“Uh, I just did.”

Jack then laughs again.

“She’d end up like a burnt piece of toast.”

“No worries. We only light it daily at four in the afternoon.”

“Um, Mr. Blonka, it’s four in the afternoon, right now.”, Pinkie says.

Their eyes widen at the fact.

“Well, let’s just hope there’s a possibility that they decided to not light it today.”

Jack then continues to laugh and then runs to the chute in a panic.

“Hold on, Trixie! Daddy’s coming!”

The light glows red and the stallion falls down the chute.

“You think somepony should have reminded them that their unicorns and that they could have just teleported out of the chute?”, Nana asks.

“There was no need to stop a father who thinks he’s doing the right thing.”, Blonka says.

“I guessing they didn’t have common sense either, because he should have just asked me to bring Trixie back up.”, Cadance says.

(Song for This Scene Here)

Radio Broadcast

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“I have no idea what is happening.”, Blonka says. “The ponies are vanishing and there isn’t even magic that’s doing it. Well, we still have each other. Now off we go.”

“Mr. Blonka, don’t you think we should rest now? My hooves are killing me.”, Cadance says.

“Not to worry, Your Highness. Transportation is just past this doorway.”

They follow Blonka to a hi-tech carriage. Para-Barasprites are just finishing fueling the vehicle and robotic pegasi are in the front of it.

“Behold. I give you, the Blonk-Arriage. Isn’t she a beauty? Alright, everypony in. We’re about to transport.”

“Mr. Blonka, what are they putting inside it?”, Nana asks.

“All kinds of beverages. Cola, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Fizzy Water, Caffeine, anything that’s carbonated that gives you serious belching problems.”

“Sorry I asked.”, Nana whispers to her granddaughter.

“I don’t think even I can take that much soda.”, Pinkie whispers.

“Do you think that Chaosworth will reward us extra if he were to know about this?”, Stygivee asks.

“It’s best if we just stay focused and not say anything.”, Cadance says.

“OK. Everypony buckled up?”

“Hey, Nana, you think this will go really fast?”

“Heck with all of that soda inside it, we’d be lucky to travel to the moon if we’re lucky.”

“Now off we go.”

He whips the robotic pegasi and they start their rocket wings. The carriage takes off in the air. As it’s in midair the carriage starts bubbling and burst its contents.

The ponies scream as they getting covered in fizzy bubbles. The carriage is completely covered in bubbles until it reaches a tunnel. It comes out all spotless and lands.

“Hey, Nana, what did we just go through?”, Pinkie asks.

“Resnaelc Aknolb.”, Blonka explains.

“Was that old Equestian?”, Cadance asks.

“No, that’s ‘Blonka Cleanser’ spelled backwards. Alright, mares and gentlestallions, off we go.”

They then exit the carriage. They then reach a door with rainbow suits and matching goggles next to it.

“Now everypony put on these suits and goggles.”

“Uh, I don’t know. Rainbow’s not really my color.”, Pinkie says.

“Pinkie, just put it on.”, Stygivee says.

“Now put these on, because behind this door is my most advanced room.”

They then put on the suits and enter the room.

Inside the room is a giant microphone in the center of it. Para-Barasprites are inside it also wearing suits.

“Blonkast Radio. My most complex and the invention I am most proud of. I’m sure you are familiar with how radio works.”

“Of course.”, Stygivee says. “It’s when you take a sound or your voice and transmit it into a microphone. And then sound waves are transported in millions of directions and is broadcast through a speaker.”

“You know, nopony likes a know it all. It makes them feel inferior. So I thought to myself, you can hear a radio broadcast, but is there any way to see and feel a radio broadcast? And that’s why I invented this. Allow me to demonstrate.”

He then whistles and Para-Barasprites bring in a five meter wide Blonka bar.

“I’ll send this candy bar from this microphone to that radio. I just say what I’d like to broadcast into the microphone and the microphone transmit the subject through sound waves and into the radio. Alright, goggles on, everypony.”

They put the goggles on.

“Observe.”, Blonka says as he approaches the microphone. “Candy bar.”

The microphone activates and zaps the bar out of the room.

“Remove your goggles.”

They remove their goggles and see it’s gone.

“Where’d the candy bar go?”, Pinkie asks.

Blonka points above and they turn to the direction. Above them are sound waves transmitting.

“The bar along with my voice are being transmitted by sound waves and heading towards the radio.”

They then approach the radio.

“Now watch carefully.”

The radio broadcasts the bar and it becomes small and solid.


“Whoa.”, they all exclaim.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. And I once dared myself to eat a hundred gumdrops in under three minutes.”, Nana says.

“Go on, try it.”, Blonka tells Pinkie.

Pinkie grabs the bar and takes a bite out of it.

“It’s incredible. It tastes better when it’s shrunk.”, she says. “I could just imagine how many pieces of candy could taste better when they come from a radio. But I guess I would have to ask Twilight if she would use a growing spell to make all of the other pieces grow. And who knows how long it will take her to make every piece of candy grow. And not to mention, we still need time to work in our jobs, also running the school. I suppose we could hire some replacements to keep the students in check while….”

She looks as the others stare at her.

“Oh, no. I was rambling again, wasn’t I? I should really work on that.”

“Uh, Mr. Blonka.”, Stygivee asks. “Could you possibly broadcast other things besides candy?”

“Well, anything you wish.”, he answers.

“What about ponies?”

“Ponies? Hmm, never tried transmitting ponies before. Yes, I suppose it could be possible. Although there could also be some strange side effects if that were to happen.”

“Perfect. I’ll be the first pony to ever be broadcast on radio.”, he shouts as he approaches the microphone.

“Stygivee, what are you doing?”, Cadance asks.

“Stop, no, get back here.”, Blonka says nonchalantly.

“Stygivee!”, he shouts.

The microphone activates and he’s zapped out of the room.

“Stygivee! Where did he go?”

“Up there. Through sound waves.”, Nana points.

“Oh, no. This is bad. The princesses aren’t gonna like this.”

“We better check the radio.”, Blonka says.

The radio then emits Stygivee and appears the size of a mouse.

“Well. Now there’s something you don’t see everyday.”, Nana says.

“Oh, Stygivee, are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Princess Cadance. So that was how being part of radio was like. I should really jot this into my memoir.”

“Well, he’s completely unharmed. And unchanged, I presume.”, Blonka says.

“How could you possibly say that with a straight face?!”, Cadance asks. “Do you know how long it’s gonna take for me to find a spell to bring him back to his normal size?”

“Wait until, Star Swirl and the other pillars get a look at me.”, Stygivee says.

“I’m sorry, Stygivee, but the pillars must never know about this.”

She then grabs hold of him with her magic and puts her in her saddle bag.

“Mr. Blonka, you would have been filed for at least four casualties today if he and the others didn’t sign the contract.”

“Well, Your Highness, you won’t worry about having to find a growing spell. We’ll just taking him to the taffy pulling room and that will put him back the way he was.”

He approaches a Para-Barasprite and takes the bag to them.

“Take this stallion to taffy pulling room and try to put him to normal size. And make sure you console the princess so she doesn’t have a panic attack.”

The insect then whispers in his ear.

“No, we won’t be held responsible for this. They signed the contract.”

The Para-Barasprites take the bag. She begins to hyperventilate before she faints.

“Well, Your Majesty, it looks like it’s time to say goodbye.”, Blonka says.

The Para-Barasprites grab hold of her and drag her out of the room.

(Song for This Scene Here)

The Grand Prize

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Pinkie, Nana and Blonka exit the room and remove their suits and goggles.

“Alright. Now if the two of you will excuse me, I have some work to do.”, he says before opening his office door.

“Mr. Blonka, what’s gonna happen to the other ponies who were taken out in previous chapters? Dumb-belloop? Trixie? Lightning? Stygivee?”, Pinkie interrupts.

“Calm yourself, young mare. I guarantee you, they’re all fine and soon they’ll go back to their old miserable selves. And maybe they’ll be a bit more aware when they play the game. Anyway, good day to you.”

“Hold on. What happens next, Mr. Blonka?”, Nana asks.

“Oh, right. The exit is just up those stairs and straight ahead. I’m sorry I can’t guide, but I’m a bit busy at the moment. Thanks for playing.”

He then closes the door and the mares are confused?

“Nana, what’s going on? Where’s the prize? Did we do something wrong?”

“I don’t know, Pinkie. What what I do know is I’m going to find out what.”

Nana opens his office door and she and her granddaughter enter.

Inside are furniture, appliances and supplies that are only half of everything. They see Blonka sitting at his desk. Nana approaches him carefully.

“Mr. Blonka?”, she asks.

“Can’t talk. I’m busy right now.”

“We were just wondering if we could receive our lifetime supply of candy. When should we get it?”

“You don’t.”

“What? How come?”

“Because you broke the rules.”, he says sternly.

“What? But Pinkie is never known for breaking rules. Not to mention we didn’t see any rules. Did we, Pinkie?”

“Wrong, ma’am, wrong!”, he exclaims.

He then goes to his safe and pulls out half a copy of the contract with half a magnifying glass.

“Under section 68 F on the contract signed by her, it states clearly that all offer will be rendered null and void if ‘I, the undersigned shall give up all rights, honors and licensing and hearing contained, et cetra et cetra, facts, promises, et cetra, et cetra, incognotam.’. All there, black in white, crystal clear. You stole Root Beer Floating Floats after you promised not to! You got some of your coat fur on it which now has to be sanitized and steralized. So you get nothing! You lose! Good day, ma’am!”

“I don’t believe this. You were just playing with us. And not even the fun kind.”, Nana says. “You promised us a grand prize if we followed your demands and you cheated us. That’s what you are. Are liar and a cheater! How could you raise a young mares hopes of having her sweet tooth satisfied and take it away from her?! You’re nothing but a monster!”

“I said good day.”, Blonka reaffirms.

Nana sighs and turns to her granddaughter.

“Come on, Pinkie. We’re leaving.”

Pinkie’s mane and tail withers as she learns the truth. She then follows her grandmother to the door.

“If Chaosworth wants a Gulpstacker, we’ll give it to him.”

But before she reaches it, she turns to the stallion.


She then walks to Blonka and puts the gulpstacker on his desk. Blonka looks at the gulpstacker and picks it up.

“A sign of selflessness. Given to a pony of pure heart.”, he says under his breath.

He then stands and turns to the mare.

“Pinkie.”, he calls. “My little pony, you won. You did it.”

He then swings her around.

“I had a feeling in my gut you would do it. And you did it. Oh, Pinkie. I apologize for putting you through all of that hard work. Mr. Trickison, come in, please.”

The door opens and the same creature Pinkie met under the bridge enters with a smile on his face. Her eyes widen at who she sees.

“Pinkie, I’d like you to meet my dear friend, Mr. Trickison.”

“Hello, there.”, he says.


“No, it’s not Chaostworth, he works for me.”

“What? I don’t understand.”

“It was all part of a test. And you passed. You passed.”, Blonka says.

“Wait, so we won the prize after all?”, Nana asks.

“Of course.”

Pinkie mane and tail curls up again.

“We won the candy?”, she asks.

“Yes. But the candy is only the beginning.”

He then puts his hat back on and grabs his cane.

“We better get a move on. We lots of time with so little to do. Wait. I got that backwards again. Over here, please.”

They then approach an elevator.

“We’ll take the Blonkavator.”

The then opens the door.

“Pinkie, Nana Pinkie, please enter.”

They enter the Blonkavator and Blonka closes the door.

“This right here is the Great Glass Blonkavator”, he says to the two mares.

“But this looks like an elevator.”, Nana says.

“No, it’s a Blonkavator. An elevator can only go up and down. But the Blonkavator can go in other directions. It can go zig zag, loop de loop, twirl, sideways, slantways, backways and frontways and any other ways you can think of.”

“Whoa.”, the mares say.

“You just push any of these buttons and off we go. And up until now, I’ve pressed every one of these buttons. Except one.”

He then points to a red button that’s bigger than the other buttons.

“That one. Pinkie, would you like to do the honors?”

“You want me to press it?”, Pinkie asks.

Blonka nods. Pinkie then reaches up and presses the button. The Blonkavator activates and starts going up.

“Here we go!”, he exclaims. “Hold on tight now.”

They see a speedometer on the wall and see that it’s accelerating by the second.

“Hurry up. If it doesn’t pick up enough speed, we won’t go through.”

“Go through?”, Pinkie asks.

“You mean we’re all going...?”, Nana asks.

“Up and out.”

“But the roof is made of glass, we’ll break into pieces.”

He then laughs.

“Here we go. Up and out.”

The Blonkavator then breaks through the roof and flies over the kingdom.

“Go on. Take a look outside.”

Pinkie and Nana look through the windows and see the kingdom from above.

“Wow. So this is what it’s like from the eye view of a pegasus. Ponyvillle looks so small from up here.”, Pinkie says.

“And look Pinkie. We can see our homestead.”, Nana says.

“Hey, there’s the School of Friendship.”

“How did you like the candy factory, Pinkie?”, Blonka asks.

“It’s one of the most amazing places in all of Equestria.”, she says. “It’s truly amazing.”

“I’m glad you like it. Because I’m giving it to you.”


“You’re giving Pinkie the whole factory?”, Nana asks. “But why?”

“I don’t have that many years left. I thought who would watch the factory and the Para-Barasprites when I’m gone? I had to find a mare or stallion that was the right age. Not too young and not too old. But most importantly, I had to find a pony who was kind, selfless and trustworthy.”

“So that’s why you gave out the passes.”, Pinkie says.

“That’s right. And now my precious factory is now yours. You can move in immediately.”

“What about me?”, Nana asks.

“What? But Nana, aren’t you going back to Vanhoover soon?”

“Pinkie, your mother, sisters and I wanted to surprise you with this.”

She gasps as she figures out what she has been planning.

“You mean, you’re moving in with us?”

She nods. Pinkie sheds a tear and hugs her grandmother.

“Well, I guess your family can move in as well.”, Blonka says.

She then hugs Blonka in joy.

“And, Pinkie, don’t forget what happened to the little pony who got everything she always wanted.”

“What happened?”

“She lived happily ever after.”, he says with a smile.

They all give a group hug as the elevator flies off into the kingdom.

(Song for This Scene Here)