> The Wrath Of Prime > by Shadowflameking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was two years after the changelings had invaded, two long bloody years of war, now only a few pockets of free ponies where hidden deep within the everfree forest, and they knew soon enough they'd be found out, they had no chance to win this war without outside help, but no kingdom, or empire, was willing to send aid, troops, weapons, food, anything, not even water, because they didn't want to be targeted next. Queen Chrysalis, the one changeling that started this all, had begun by taking out Princess Celestia, rendering her magic useless with a chard horn, and then had done the same to Princess Luna, no guards had been able to repel the changeling invaders, for two years remnants of the guard fought for those who where left, now however the last command base's location, had been leaked, and now changelings in the thousands where on their way to quell their resistance to their invasion and occupation of Equestria, the last unicorns known to be free had all been gathered and where being debriefed now on their new mission. A white stallion with battered and dented guard armor stood in front of a room of about 32 or so unicorns, him being a unicorn himself, and cleared his throat, getting their attention. "I am the last commander of the royal guard, I am Bulky Buster, we are going to cast a massive spell in a last ditch effort to save our species from slavery, I have with us one of the last books about pony magic, we managed to snag a few from the Canterlot Libraries restricted sections, this one speaks of a way to summon a being that can end all wars, but the cost of it is that we will all be to weak to fight it after it's summoned if it decides to turn on us, however, I see no other option, the changelings will be here in less than an hour, we must do this and we must do this now!" The ponies looked to each other, each one looking tired, worried, worn down, but each one of them nodded with a smile, if they where going to go down, they where damned well gonna go down with a fight! Bulky Buster led them to a clearing that had been made, risky yes, but it was to late for stealth since the changelings knew where they now where, they all where given their part of the spell to complete, it was complex, even an alicorn of Celestia's level would have had a hard time casting this spell alone, their horns lit up and a runic circle 50 by 50 feet in diameter burned into the ground and hummed with power as a portal opened up and something large, and made of metal fell through. -----------------------------------------------In the Boston Airport, now an Enclave base----------------- The Enclave, the pre war government and military, had unlike what most thought, had not been defeated in Washington like many thought, they had just been in hiding, waiting for the prefect chance to strike back, and get their pride and joy back, Liberty Prime, they had tracked the Brotherhood of Steel to the Boston airport, and perfectly executed their plans, first they took over the airship using their own vertibirds, then they dropped ground troops in X01 advanced power armor, carrying plasma weaponry, the battle took only two days before the Enclave had complete control over the entire base, and everything within it, they first set to getting Liberty Prime back up, running, and upgraded, it had taken them two months, but they managed to get Prime back into perfect working order, they upgraded him as well, he now had anti air missiles, like those you'd see in the hand held missile launchers, and large plasma cannons build into his arms so he could use more than just his Mark 28 nuclear warheads and his bright red head laser to crush and kill enemies. President Crane, the new leader of the Enclave effective once the last one had died had been flown in to witness Liberty Prime being reactivated, he was seated behind a bomb blast room to view Prime from a safe distance, while Enclave soldiers marched around the base, fixing holes in walls, repairing power systems, but in the center of it all was Liberty Prime, upgraded, and ready to be activated, and Crane had been given the honors of doing so, with a grin, he pressed the big red button, and watched in glee as Prime started up for the first time in ages, the first time in ages he had been in the correct hands, the hands that had helped to create him in the first place, everyone on the base watched as Prime started up. "Voice module online. Audio functionality test... initialized. Designation: Liberty Prime. Mission: the Liberation of Anchorage, Alaska." Prime moved his large arms, closing and opining his hands, before he spoke again. "Power core, stable, weapon upgrades functioning at nominal efficiency, Liberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists." Everyone that had witnessed this, cheered, their hard work, years of dedication to taking back what belonged to them, and their job had only just begun, it would be years before America was once again great, radiation, and mutant free, but with Liberty Prime on their side, they had almost no chance at loosing, but before Prime had even been activated for 5 minutes, a large, circle of symbols appeared under Liberty Prime, glowing bright orange as it sucked him in and closed with a pop, leaving the Enclave speechless, their hard work, for nothing. -------------------------------------------------------------Back In Equestria, Resistance's last command base---------------- The ponies watched as a large being of metal, like nothing they had ever seen, fell through their portal and landed on the ground causing everything to shake, they had no energy left to stand as they layed there on the ground, at the mercy of this being, they could only hope it would target the changelings and not them. The large being spoke, causing the air around it to shake with the wrath of an angry vengeful god, on a mission to kill anything that stood in its way on its mission for vengeance. "Warning: Forcible impact alert. Scanning for Chinese artillery." A blue light shined from the giants eye, scanning the area around it before changelings crashed into the ground, surrounded in green flames, like the first day they had invaded Canterlot, leaving craters in their wake. The changelings looked up at the large metal giant, before hissing and shooting their green magic at it, much like a plasma blast actually, but to their shock and horror, the blasts of deadly changeling magic, had no effect on the being, it didn't flinch in pain like the ponies did when they where struck by it, it didn't yell out not to hurt it, they couldn't even feel any emotions from it, which should have been impossible, all the changelings knew at this point, was that this metal being was between them, and their food, they had made the worst mistake of their lives when they had attacked it however, now in the sensors of Prime, they where hostile targets to be eliminated, and the ponies who had not attacked it, where allied forces of America. "Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged, engaging Chinese invaders." Prime aimed his head down at the changelings and shot his head laser in retaliation to their weak plasma shots, those that had been hit with the laser turned to red ash that flew away in the wind, those not killed had horrible burns, and where unable to fight, the changelings that where not hit however, were not very happy at this metal being preventing them from getting to their food, and defending the ponies by killing them, even they did not kill, they needed the ponies alive to harvest love from them after all, but regardless the changelings took to the skies and dived tried to dive bomb Prime, setting themselves on fire from their horns like they had just moments ago. "Initiating directive 7395 -- destroy all Communists." Liberty Prime's shoulders opened up, and small missiles shot out in the dozens, changelings that had been trying to dive bomb Prime, where shot out of the sky like the dirty bugs they where, when there was only twenty changelings left, they retreated, using the hive mind to inform their Queen what had happened, and to prepare for a defense against the metal giant, however, they didn't get to far as Liberty Prime took them out of the sky using his head laser, he was not just going to let an enemy combatant get away. The ponies watched as the giant stomped off out of the everfree. "Alaska's liberation is imminent." Queen Chrysalis, was not a happy changeling at the moment, she had gotten word through her hive mind that a metal giant was killing her children, and doing so easily, her horn glowed as she sent orders through the hive mind. 'I want all changelings to come to Canterlot at once, you are to defend your Queen, and this city, to the last changeling, no metal giant shall destroy the empire we fought hard to create, come my children, to me!' With that order given, every changeling across Equestria, swarmed towards Canterlot, this swarm much larger than the first one had been, since changelings had been breeding rapidly, they numbered at about, 5 million changelings, each one ready for combat the moment their queen demanded it. Soon enough all changelings had been in Canterlot, powering a large green dome shield, with all of them powering it, nothing would be able to get through, not even Celestia would have been able to break this shield, sadly for them a force much stronger than Celestia was on its way to that very city at the moment, one that would never surrender, it would continue to fight till it was unable to do so anymore. Liberty Prime stomped through abandoned towns, well, mostly abandoned, ponies in various stages of ,malnourishment, watched in awe as this metal giant shot any changeling that had decided to try and take their food with them to Canterlot, turning them to ash or a glowing green pile of goop, Liberty Prime was on a mission, and that Mission was at Canterlot. Prime finally made it to the mountain, and began to climb, slowly but surely, he would make it there soon enough. Queen Chrysalis on the other hoof, was interrogating a weakened Celestia, she had been cocooned to a wall with her horn covered in the green goo as well, Chrysalis growled as she smacked Celestia in the face, waking her from her magic induced sleep. "What kind of stunt have your ponies pulled?! there is a giant metal being killing my children by the thousands! you will tell me what is going on or you will die here today!" Princess Celestia, although exausted, drained of most emotions from the Queen who had imprisoned her, and battered with bloody wings that had their feathers plucked, grins, and chuckled, that chuckle turned into a laugh, and that laugh turned into a hackle that would make even the joker piss himself in fear. "Your empire, built upon the countless lives of my little ponies, will end today, and with it your life, even if I am to die here at this very moment, nothing you do will stop the wrath of a summoned god, I detected it even with the limited magic I have left, my ponies summoned a god out of desperation to defeat you, only Discord could possibly defeat it, and you smashed his statue the moment you took over, so that he would be no threat to you." Celestia smiled widely, but this was not a normal smile, it was one filled with malice, and anger, anger at the being who had turned her ponies into slaves, ponies where born, then drained of their emotions and left to rot, only few where allowed to grow at all, after all the changelings needed ponies to feed from, they'd be kept alive as a species, barely. Queen Chrysalis growled again and shot a beam of magic into the goo on Celestia's horn, causing the mare to scream in agony, before blacking out again from the forced sleep spell, Queen Chrysalis then walked off and got out to the balcony to watch her swarm powering the shield she had told them to construct to protect her, and her city. Liberty Prime had after 3 or so hours, made it to Canterlot, only to encounter a large green barrier, with the enemies behind this barrier. Queen Chrysalis flew to the head of her swarm, and enhanced her voice using magic so it would be loud enough for the metal giant to hear. "This is Queen Chrysalis Queen of the changelings, you will leave at once, or face the might of me and my swarm!" Liberty Prime stared for a few moments at the barrier, scanning and calculating what it was. "Embrace Democracy, or you will be eradicated." Queen Chrysalis laughed, and she laughed hard. "And just how do you think your going to do that? there are millions of us! and ONE of you! added to the fact there is no way you can possibly get past the barrier I am standing behind." Liberty Prime shot his head laser at the barrier of green magic, and continued to do so for two minutes, before his laser shut off, the barrier had no cracks or any damage done to it. "Established stratagem: Inadequate, Revised stratagem: Initiate photonic resonance overcharge." Prime placed his hands onto the barrier of magic, and with the force of a god electricity charged through the barrier at the speed of light, causing changelings to scream and stop the spell to stop the pain, causing the barrier to shatter into a thousand glowing pieces and blow away in the wind like colored glass dust, while Queen Chrysalis stared in shock as this one being, broke a barrier that would have been strong enough to withstand the force of Celestia, before her eyes narrowed. "Attack my children! KILL IT!" Changelings hissed and growled, charging at Liberty Prime, their intent no longer to stun, but to kill, their horns alight with powerful green blazes of magic as they let off bolt after bolt of balefire at their target. Their attacks had almost no effect on Prime, other than burning the paint off him. "Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom." With that, Liberty Prime took aim with his new plasma cannons, and fired, letting loose thousands of shots of hot plasma, much like the changelings own blasts, however, these blasts where much more powerful than the weak ones they had been shooting, their's where akin to a weak plasma pistol, while Prime's plasma cannons where like a Plasma Caster in terms of firepower, changelings began to die by the dozens, then by the hundreds, and then by the thousands. Any changeling that got to close, was stomped on, crushed to a green paste, flat as a pancake, large groups of them on the ground had Mk28 nukes thrown at them, turning most to radioactive ashes or melted piles of flesh and chitin, an to everyone's surprise, aside from Prime, ponies that had been kept captive, gooed to walls and such, locked in rooms, treated as slaves, began to riot, grabbing anything that could be used as a weapon, and killing any changeling they could with it, Prime mistook them for rebel American captives who had been taken hostage by the Chinese. "We will not fear the Red Menace, Freedom is the sovereign right of every American, Democracy is non-negotiable." The Queen was getting nervous, as this being showed no signs of stopping despite the large burns it had, it showed no emotion, no signs of pain, she began to gather power in her horn, drawing from every changeling around her, draining them of their energy into one large and powerful attack, one that most likely would even take discord out, but in doing so she caused the changelings to fall to the ground, twitching as their magic was forcibly ripped out of their bodies. Queen Chrysalis grinned, a mad look in her eyes as she took aim and shot Prime strait in the chest causing the metal to buckle, heat, and warp, but not causing enough damage to destroy the robot, much to everyone's surprise the robot looked as if it had only been lightly annoyed, she was done with this and flew up into the sky before yelling out at the robot. "Just who do you think you are!? YOU HAVE RUINED MY PLANS! You have killed my children! and destroyed what we had worked so hard to create! JUST WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" Liberty Prime payed no mind to the downed changelings, abit he didn't avoid stepping on them as he walked within distance of the Queen. "I am Liberty Prime, I am, AMERICA." With that last word, he shot his head laser at the Queen, she shot a laser of her own to try and defend against it, but it was for nothing as her laser was over powered by the heat beam laser Prime had shot, she screamed as she was burned and turned into ash that blew away in the wind, ending the reign of the changelings once and for all, and ponies cheered, now that the threat had been taken care of, as changelings could not function without a queen to control the hive mind, now lay there comatose, ponies began to rescue other ponies that had been trapped, chained up, anything, even Princess Celestia had been rescued and escorted outside the Castle walls to see what had saved her kingdom, and her little ponies, Celestia grinned seeing the metal giant stomping on changelings that lay on the ground defenseless, her kingdom was hers again, all she had to do was keep it that way, and with their new friend, she was sure nothing would ever dare to try and take Equestria from her and her subjects hooves again.