> Power Rangers Starfleet X Godzilla: Hell-fire on Mystic Island > by Cobrawolf_Meiji2012 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The symbols of hope and The Folly of Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toho Company. LTD In association with Hasbro Animation And Toei Company, LTD Presents a FiMfiction Fanfic For many years now, Earth has been targeted by hordes of evil beings, beings who want only two things: power and dominion over all things. They wanted nothing more than to rule over all before them and to take control of the Morphing Grid, a source of power that flows through all things in the cosmos. Villains from Rita Repulsa to Evox and Vulcan sought to take control of the Power and to use it for their own nefarious purposes. But yet time and again, heroes would come to stand against time. Heroes who had the Power on their side, who welded mighty weapons and piloted powerful mecha. They were the Power Rangers, Defenders of all that is good in the Universe. They were the ones who fought against villains who could destroy whole armies in seconds, those who protected the week and helpless and gave hope to the hopeless. The Power Rangers were the symbol that all looked up to when evil sought to crush all before it. Yet even as the war between good and evil was being fought, both sides knew that there were things that could change the field of battle, things that were far more ancient and powerful. The people of Earth called them by many titles; Gods of death, Titans, God's wrath, Demons, The Greatest of Calamites, etc. But in the Modern world, these beings go by a name the Japanese gave them, which roughly translates as "large strange beast". Daikaiju These giant beasts were true natural disasters, monsters that could level cities without breaking a sweat, killing whole armies leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. The Daikaiju were true Gods among mortals. They were all powerful and nigh unstoppable. Human warriors feared to fight against them and prayed that none would come. Whole Nations shuttled at their names. Names like King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, King Ghidorah, Reptilicus, Gogro, Dogora, Gigan, Zilla, Anguirus, Iris, Gamera, King Cobra, Crustaceous Rex, Titanosaurus, Cloverfield, and others. Names that Awe and terrorize. They were names that many people around the world and even in the Universe would know. Many Daikaiju were born naturally on Earth, some were sea-creatures, others dug into the crust like moles while many flew in the air. Others came from Outer Space, from worlds unknown. But some were Created by Man, most of the time without knowing, like in the case of the Giant Desert Ants of New Mexico. When Humanity fought Daikaiju, it was only with luck that mankind won as when it came to Humanity against Daikaiju, The monsters would win. But the one thing that many would see odd was that Daikaiju would not attack places where the Power Rangers were and also the many villains the Rangers fought avoided the giants whenever possible. To this, Many people thought that the reason why the Daikaiju never attacked cities the Rangers were at was because of the rangers protecting them. But it is thought now that the Daikaiju just decided to let the Rangers and the Forces of evil fight among themselves. In fact, one Ranger, The famous Tommy Olver, said that Zordon, the mentor to the first Rangers, dreaded the day that the Rangers may have to face a Daikaiju because of the tale that one enemy of the Rangers, the evil Dark Spector, fought the all-powerful Kaizer Ghidorah when trying to invade Planet X and barely escaped with his life being the only one to get away as his forces were destroyed by Kaizer Ghidorah and the Xillian Armed Forces. But also Zordon knew that to defeat a Daikaiju, you had to have another Daikaiju. While many feared the Daikaiju, the people of Earth also cheered when Daikaiju like Mothra, Gamera and King Cesaer would fight to defend the Earth from other Daikaiju. In fact, even some Daikaiju that were enemies of Humanity, such as Megalon of Seatopia and Manda, the Guardian of Mu, would defend the Earth from invading Daikaiju, even if they and the ones they protected were against Humanity. Even Alien enemies, such as Planet X, and M Hunter Nebula were protected by their Monsters. But yet in the Age of Daikaiju, one monster was feared among all of them. a Monster that even Zordon prayed never would come back. a Monster that was the most powerful of them all. While King Kong was the first Daikaiju encountered by Humanity, he was not the last as in the Second World War, another was found while American and Japanese were fighting each other in the battle of Lagos Island on February of 1944. The Americans were almost about to defeat the Japanese force on the Island when they were attacked by a large Theropod Dinosaur. The Americans managed to drive it away but could not kill it. Then after the war, the United States started testing nuclear weapons in the area and because of them, the dinosaur mutated becoming larger, stronger and more powerful, able to unleash blasts of nuclear fire. This monster soon started its rampage on Odo Island, where the locals called it by the name of a Sea Dargon known as Gojira, but to western ears, it sounded different. That name was Godzilla. Soon, Godzilla made his first landfall on Odo Island, destroying villages and causing panic among the people, who believed it was the end of the World. Then Godzilla turned towards Tokyo for reasons unknown (even though may think that Godzilla was attracted to a Lay Nexus that Tokyo sits on top of.) The destruction brought by Godzilla was unlike any seen in the history of Tokyo, not even the Fire Bombings in World War II were as bad. Godzilla blasted buildings and people with his Atomic breath or smashed them under his feet. The Combined forces of the JSDF and US Military could not even beat him as all injuries they gave him healed instantly. Godzilla left nothing but death and destruction behind him. Soon the world feared that Godzilla would leave other cities in ruins until one man gave his life to kill the beast. Dr. Daisuke Serizawa would use the terrible weapon known as the Oxygen Destroyer and brought the reign of Godzilla to an end. But yet one thing soon was on the minds of all humanity: was the Godzilla that attacked in 1954 the only one or were there more Gojirasaurs that were living on Lagos Island? Would another Godzilla come onto the coasts of the nations of the world? For almost 65 years, many feared the very thought of a Return of Godzilla stayed in the minds of many humans, even as other Daikaiju and Alien Invaders ranging from Local powers like Planet X to Galactic Superpowers such as the United Alliance of Evil, The Warstar Empire and Shadow Galactica, were keeping Humanity and those that defended it on their toes. Yet in the vast ocean known as the Pacific, something was about to awake, something that will change the lives on one island and show the Universe who ruled Earth. Deep in the Ocean, Godzilla awoke............