Loving You For You

by Autumn Jade

First published

Twilight and Trixie finally decide it's time to reveal their two-year strong relationship. What will the outcome be?

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. She has amazing friends, a royal title, a school, a castle, everything a mare could ever want in her life. She was perfect.

Trixie Lulamoon, a normal unicorn, no title, an amateur magician, and not very well liked by others. She spends most of her time alone in her wagon, lost in thoughts or hiding from ponies who hated her.

What happens when they finally decide to tell their friends about their relationship and sexualities?

"I"ll love you, even if they don't."

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"Are you sure about this, Twilight?" Trixie looked nervous, looking up at Twilight with eyes of concern and fear. This was something only a certain alicorn saw. Nopony else saw anything but her confidence and ego. Twilight gave a small smile as she draped her wing across the unicorn's back, pulling her into a gentle embrace.

"I'm sure about this, Trix. I promise, it doesn't matter what happens, I'll always love you. I don't care what others think about us, so you shouldn't either. Besides, if my friends can't accept you, then they aren't accepting me either."

Twilight and Trixie had been dating for a solid two years, and they had managed to keep their relationship a secret from everypony, even Twilight's closest friends and family. However, Twilight had finally gotten tired of hiding her relationship from her friends, as she knew it was hurting Trixie mentally.

Nopony knew this, but Trixie was sensitive. Not physically, Twilight knew she was strong, but when it came to mental challenges, she was much more fragile. She was extremely afraid when it came to ponies judging her, and even more so when it came to being rejected. Twilight was her comfort from that. Twilight accepted her for who she was, what she liked, and forgave her for all she had done in the past. She held her at night when she couldn't sleep, she was her comfort when she was feeling down, and she was there for her when nopony else was. Twilight didn't know it, but she confessed her feelings to Trixie at just the right moment and had unknowingly saved the unicorn's life. Twilight was all she had.

"Well, okay...what if they don't accept us though? What if they try to break us up?"

Twilight only shook her head and gave an encouraging smile. She sat down in front of Trixie and pulled her into a hug, "I really doubt that's going to happen, Trixie. They forgave Starlight, and what she did was much worse than any evil deed you may have performed in the past. As for us, if they can forgive you for your past, which they have already I'm sure, then they have no reason to have anything against us dating," The young alicorn kept her wings wrapped around Trixie in an embrace, which she extended by pulling the unicorn into a light kiss. Trixie gladly accepted and returned.

When they pulled away, Twilight stood back on her hooves, releasing her marefriend from her grasp, "Now, let's do this," Twilight said before turning and walking toward her throne room, Trixie following nervously behind her. As they approached the door, Twilight's horn ignited, the door swiftly but smoothly opening with the help of her magic. Her seven closest friends: Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all sitting around the Cutiemark Map, watching as the secret couple slowly entered the room, both now looking equally nervous, though the unicorn showing it slightly more. The first sentence spoken had Twilight's nervousness gone, however. That emotion being replaced with slight rage.

"What's Trixie doing here?" Rainbow asked, looking confused. However, her hooves being crossed indicated something else, another emotion that Twilight didn't want to guess. Twilight didn't reply yet, she only continued to her throne, where she sat down, her marefriend sitting next to her, silent as Twilight was. Looking around, the alicorn observed her friends expressions and thought about their beliefs and concerns. Most of her friends were straight, she realized. Applejack was extremely traditional and probably had a slight homophobic side to her. She always expressed the importance of a stallion and a mare being together when the subject of love was brought up. It wasn't that Applejack seemed to hate anypony that wasn't straight, Twilight just noticed the subject of it made her tense. It wasn't necessarily her fault, it just had to do with how she was raised.

Fluttershy was also straight, she had been dating Discord for almost two years as well, and everypony knew they would be getting married soon, possibly even having foals. Twilight remembered when Fluttershy and Discord first announced their relationship. It was a shock at first, but after thinking it over, it wasn't difficult to see how compatible the two were, even with their differences. The pegasus didn't seem like one to be against the LGBT Community, or against anypony, so long as they were happy.

Rarity was also straight and was just about as strong on her beliefs as Applejack was. She was known for her relationship with Fancypants. The unicorn didn't associate with the LGBT Community at all and even seemed to look down on it. Rainbow was the same way, despite her mane color. She was with Soarin and had been for nearly a year.

The more Twilight thought about it, the only friend of hers she knew to be in the LGBT Spectrum at all was Pinkie Pie. She was Pansexual. Her thoughts made Twilight more nervous that her friends weren't just going to reject her being with Trixie, but they were going to reject her for being not only a Lesbian but also being Asexual. That was something only Trixie and her sister-in-law, Cadence, knew. There were very few ponies Twilight knew that accepted her for being Lesbian, and even less that accepted her for disliking the more sexual activities.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, Twilight took a deep breath. She had called her friends here for a reason, and she wasn't going to back down. If she wasn't going to do this for herself, she was going to do this for Trixie, who in retrospect, needed this far more than she did, and who knew, she could be wrong, her friends could be completely accepting of her and her romantic interest. Either way, she would stick by Trixie's side, "Well, girls... there are a few things that I...that Trixie and I, need to tell you."

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked, her voice innocent and meek, but curious and clearly intrigued.

"Well, to package a load of information into one sentence...Trixie and I...we're...we are..." Twilight paused and glanced over at her marefriend, who looked at her with a nervous expression that hinted with fear. Twilight took another deep breath, before expressing herself in one action and sentence. She draped her wing around Trixie as she stated, "Trixie and I are in a relationship."

The room went silent. All eyes were on the couple, some mouths agape in shock and all eyes wide in surprise. It was dead silent for a good few minutes, though Applejack was the first to speak, "Ya mean that...you and Trixie...are dating?"

"Yes, we are," Twilight replied, frank and firm.

"How long?" Pinkie asked. She was the only one in the room still smiling.

"Two years today," Twilight said, smiling again for a moment.

"That's great! Well, I'm happy for you two!" Twilight gave a nod of gratitude, and Trixie gave a tiny smile as well.

"Yes...well, why didn't you tell us sooner? Not only have you been dating her for the past two years, but you're also...what? Lesbian? Bisexual?" Rarity asked.

"I'm a Lesbian, yes. Trixie is Pansexual," Twilight informed, her wing still around Trixie, though her grasp was a little more firm, more protective.

"Hey! Trixie and I are twins!" Pinkie giggled, though Twilight and Trixie were the only ones who seemed to hear her. However, the next thing said, turned the atmosphere from neutral to a warzone.

"Well, that makes sense," Rarity said, her tone cold and expression unforgiving.

"Excuse me?" Twilight asked, turning to the pale unicorn.

"Well, aren't 'Pansexuals,' okay with dating anypony? No matter the gender or whatever?"

"Yes..." Twilight's eyes narrowed, and Pinkie and Trixie were both staring at Rarity, confused and a bit concerned.

"It just seems a little desperate to me to associate yourself with such a title. It seems like that kind of pony would love anypony that walks if they don't care what gender they are. Unfortunately for them, however, not everypony is that way. Pinkie is living proof of that considering she's single."

Twilight's cheeks turned pink with rage, Trixie's ears went against her head, and tears filled Pinkie's eyes. Twilight stood from her seat and slammed her hoof on the table in front of her, "For your information, I asked her out, not the other way around; and just because you clearly disagree with my choice in dating, does not mean that you can not only insult my marefriend, but the sexuality all together! You also had absolutely no reason to call out Pinkie like that. If she's single, then that is proof that Pansexuals do NOT 'love everypony that walks,' it just means she hasn't found the right pony for her yet! If you have such a problem with that, then you don't have to be here!" The room was completely silent. Rarity stared at Twilight in shock, as did the rest of the ponies and dragon in the room. Nopony was sure what to say or what to do, so Twilight continued speaking, "Today is a special day for Trixie and myself, and we finally got the courage to tell you all. Coming out as a Lesbian and Pansexual and revealing our two-year strong relationship is not easy, and it seems the only mare who can understand that here is Pinkie!"

For a moment, it was silent, before a new voice spoke up, "I understand Twilight..." Looking to see who spoke, the alicorn saw it had been Fluttershy, "Revealing my relationship with Discord was really hard for me as well. I wasn't sure if you guys would accept us because of how different he is from the rest of us. I guess luck was on my side though, as you all did accept us, and were happy for Discord and me," Twilight gave a soft smile to the pegasus, who returned with a smile as well, "For the record, I think you two are a lovely couple, and there's nothing wrong with loving who you want to, no matter what gender."

"Thank you, Fluttershy..." Trixie said, finally gathering enough courage to speak up. Smiling still, Fluttershy stood from her seat and walked over, giving the newly announced couple a hug, before turning to Pinkie and giving her one as well.

"Don't listen to Rarity..." Fluttershy whispered to Pinkie, who nodded with a meek smile as she wiped a few stray tears away.

"Fluttershy are you really being serious right-" Rarity began, before being cut off by Fluttershy, who was now glaring in the unicorn's direction, her entire demeanor changing in a split second.

"-Yes! I am being extremely serious! To be honest, Twilight and Trixie's confession got me thinking, and they've given me the courage to reveal that...well...I'm Bisexual."

It was finally Twilight and Trixie's turn to be surprised, "You're what?" Twilight asked, looking at her friend with genuine surprise.

"It's true, sure I turned out to be with Discord, but I have a little attraction to mares as well. I kept it a secret because I was afraid of reactions like Rarity's and I wouldn't have anypony to help me through it. I thought about coming out when Pinkie did, but I was more Bi-Curious at the time..."

"Hmph...wow Fluttershy, I can't believe this! Does Discord know about it?" Rarity asked, her gaze still cold.

"Yes, actually. He was the first creature to know! Honestly, Rarity! If this all offends you so much, why don't you just leave?!"

"Yes, I think I will," Rarity snapped, before turning on her hooves and storming out of the castle. The room remained kind of quiet for a moment before Pinkie spoke to lighten the mood.

"Well, congratulations, Fluttershy, we're proud of you!" Pinkie said with a giggle as she pulled her friend into a warm hug.

"That was certainly, unexpected," Starlight finally said, "Personally, I only feel attractions to stallions, but I'm not against anything you guys identify with. I am a school counselor, after all, I've been brought problems very similar to these on multiple occasions."

"What do you tell them?" Twilight asked, intrigued.

"Well, when a couple in hiding comes to me, I just tell them that they need to talk it through together to decide what they should do about telling their friends or parents. Usually, I'll step out of the room and allow them to discuss it there without fear of any creature overhearing them. If it's one pony or creature coming to me about sexuality problems, I talk to them about what specifically they're struggling with. If it's coming out, I give them support on their choice and let them know that any true friend will accept them as they are. I forwarn them that parents may have a harder time accepting them, and some creatures will need time to think about it before completely accepting them, and that there will be those who hate and criticize. However, it's vital that they remain true to themselves because you have no reason to hide who you are." Twilight had a huge smile on her face hearing her ex-student speak.

"Wow, Starlight, I'm so proud of you! I'm so glad I chose you to my school's counselor. You clearly have the right, open mind when it comes to all situations, don't you?"

"Well, for the most part, I suppose so," Starlight laughed, blushing a little bit.

"Well, we seem to have a little bit of acceptance going on around here, what about the rest of you? You've been pretty quiet," Twilight said, looking at Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Spike.

"I'm okay with it. It's all a little surprising and I'll need time to get used to it, but you have my support!" Spike said with a smile as he hugged Twilight's leg. Smiling, the alicorn wrapped her free hoof around the young dragon.

"I'm not against you, but I'll definitely need time to think about it as Starlight said..." Applejack said, "I don't...agree with it, but I don't think anypony should insult you for your choices."

"Thanks, Applejack. That means a lot," Twilight replied.

"I'm with AJ on this one, I have to think about it. Totally uncool how Rarity acted though," Rainbow said, glaring at the door the unicorn stormed out of.

"I'm sure once she thinks about it, she'll realize she was being unreasonable, and she'll come to talk to us. I really don't think she wants to lose all of her friends over something like this," Twilight said, also giving the door a quick glance.

"I hope so!" Pinkie exclaimed, "She acted like a true Canterlot-Born mare! I think spending so much time there with Fancypants has had a bad influence on her!"

"That's possible as well," Twilight replied, "Either way, I'm glad that you guys support our choices at least a little, it means more to us then you'll ever understand."

"We're glad!" Starlight said with a smile.

The girls and Spike all joined in a small group hug, before heading to Sugarcube Corner for a small "Coming Out Party."

That evening, Twilight laid in her bed, staring at the unicorn next to her. Twilight's wings were gently wrapped around her for warmth and her hooves around her for protection. She gave a gentle sigh as she looked at her. Trixie gave a small smile in return, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine. Today was quite the adventure though, don't you think?" Trixie laughed at that.

"Most definitely! I wasn't expecting such a good outcome."

"What were you expecting?"

"I was...expecting everypony to hate us being together, and for them to try to force us to break up because I'm not good enough for you..." Twilight stared in shock at her marefriend for a moment, before giving a small smile and nuzzling her cheek.

"I would never leave you because of something my friends want. I love you because I know the real you. They may only know your ego and over-confidence right now, but the more they choose to hang around you, the more they'll see the side of you that I fell in love with. You showed Starlight your friendly side and even a little of your sensitivity, and now you two are close friends. You showed me your sensitivity, your compassion, and your caring side. Now we've been together for six entire months, and I don't plan on ever leaving you. One day, I want us to get married, and to be together forever." Trixie smiled, and snuggled up to her, laying her head on Twilight's chest.

"I'm glad, considering you gave up immortality for me, I think I can believe you love me." Twilight blushed at that, remembering when she went to Princess Celestia, who was reluctant at first until she explained just how much she loved Trixie, and that she couldn't stand to lose her one day. Trixie had cried a lot that day, and so had Twilight. It had been her one-year anniversary present to Trixie, and she had definitely not been expecting it, "I still can't believe you did that for me."

"Well, you're worth it, to say the least." Twilight giggled.

"Oh really?" Trixie laughed, "I would never have guessed. By the way, when are you gonna tell your friends that?"

"Our friends and I don't know, but as long as you're with me, I don't think I'll have any trouble telling them."

"What about being Asexual?"

"Okay now! Let's not get ahead of ourselves! That is gonna take more than a little strand of courage to announce and you know it. Remember how I was when I told Cadence I was Ace?"

"How could I forget? You cried the whole train ride there and kept trying to teleport out of the train!" Trixie giggled, making Twilight glare at her with a sad expression. Trixie stopped laughing almost immediately and smiled encouragingly, "I laugh because there was nothing for you be worried about! You should know Cadence of all ponies would accept you! She's the Princess of Love! Besides, there's nothing wrong with being Ace, you aren't broken, and you are completely normal! Love without sex exists, just like love with sex exists."

"I know, I know..." Twilight giggled nervously, "I'll tell them about both things soon. I promise. I think I'll let them process all we told them today first though."

"Fair enough," Trixie said with a smile, before looking up at the alicorn next to her and sharing a sweet, gentle kiss with her. Once they parted, Trixie placed her head back on Twilight's chest. The two both yawned in sync and began to close their eyes. However, before letting sleep take over her, Twilight managed to say one last thing.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Trixie Lulamoon, and no matter what happens, I'll love you, even if they don't."

Trixie smiled, as did Twilight, and the two fell asleep together, falling into a blissful sea of dreams.