Feeling Alone

by KikoGamez

First published

What if Gallus never stopped his friends arguing about what happened to the Hearths Warming Tree.

When Gallus's friends decided not to be friends anymore when they had an argue from the ruined Hearth's Warming Tree Gallus feels alone and decided to take his own life. Will his friends save him or remain gone forever?

based on the episode "Hearth's Warming Club"

Special Thanks to Nolamancy for proofreading Chapter 1 :

Special Thanks to Melinyne for proofreading chapter 2 :

Special thanks for Miner for proofreading chapter 3 and remaking chapter 1 and 2

It's my fault [remade]

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"Guess neither one of you confessed?" Sandbar asked.

Yona grunted while stomping a hoof on the ground, "Headmare Twilight said, wait here."

"Maybe they’re changing their minds about sending us home," Silverstream said.

"Why would they?" Smolder said. "Face it; we're stuck here."

"But... but I have to go home!!!" Ocellus said, tears swelling up in her eyes.

"My mom makes the best kelp fritters," Silverstream said, also tearing up.

Sandbar looked at Yona and Smolder, who looked like they didn’t care. "How can you be so cool about this?"

"We’re mad. Some of us just show it differently than others," Smolder replied.

"More like you don't show it at all," Sandbar said while he gave a stern looked at Smolder

Yona went over to Sandbar with an angered look on her face "What pony getting at?!"

"Maybe it wasn't just one prankster,” Silverstream said, "Maybe they were three of you. And you’re trying to hide your guilt by not being upset!”

“It does make sense," Ocellus agreed with what Silverstream said.

"Guys, stop it,” Gallus said, not trying to argue about who did it.

"Or maybe whoever did it is only pretending to be upset to throw us off!" Smolder said, pointing at Ocellus.

"Me? but I didn't!" Ocellus said.

"Come on, let it go," Gallus said, still trying to break up the argument.

But what use was it?

His friends kept on fighting about who ruined the Hearth's Warming Tree, blaming each other for what had happened. Gallus was the only one who wasn’t fighting as he was the one who actually ruined the tree. He kept trying to tell them, but he was unable to break up their bickering. He didn’t know what to do, and he covered his ears to try and block out the fighting, unable to take it anymore.

Sandbar reached the end of his rope. "YOU KNOW WHAT?” he yelled at the others, “I WISH I NEVER MET YOU GUYS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!"

"AND YOU KNOW WHAT?" Smolder angrily responded, "I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYWAY!!!"

"Yona never want friends who blame Yona when Yona did NOTHING!!!" Yona said, stomping a hoof on the ground. "AND HIPPOGRIFF IS THE MOST ANNOYING CREATURE EVER!!!"

Silverstream gasped at Yona’s comment. "You take that back!!!"

"NO!" Yona replied firmly.

"You know what? You guys are just UNGRATEFUL. I’m leaving!!!" Ocellus said as she opened the door to leave

"FINE!!!" They all yelled in response, proceeding to leave the room one after another.

Everyone, that is, except for Gallus.

Gallus was heartbroken. He couldn’t believe what he just saw; his friends broke apart all because he ruined the Hearth's Warming Tree. He wished that he hadn’t done that; he wished he had confessed and told them that he did it.

Gallus tried to go to each of his friends individually to explain himself, but it was to no avail... Smolder just breathed fire on his nose, telling him to leave; Yona just pushed him; Silverstream just walked past Gallus, pretending that he wasn’t even there; and Ocellus gave him a hiss that said "Do you want to lose your head?

Sandbar wasn’t any better.

"Please, Sandbar, don't do this," Gallus pleaded as he started to tear up. "Please, we can work this out becau-" but Sandbar put a hoof in his mouth before he could finish.

"Forget it, Gallus," he said. "Why don’t you just act like you don't care and fly away. It's what griffons do best." As he finished, he turned to walk away.

"WAIT... GUYS!" Gallus tried to call out to his friends, but his tears got the better of him, and he sat on the ground in defeat. "I was about to tell you... I did it," he said softly between sobs, proceeding to completely break down.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike had heard about the argument and decided to check on the others. When they opened the door, they found Gallus.

Twilight walked to him. "Gallus... are you okay?"


The three of them stood there shocked as Gallus flew away crying. They knew he was the one who ruined the tree in the first place and had hoped they could have used this opportunity to strengthen things between his friends. But it backfired, and they were at a loss as to what they should do next.

Gallus was in his room, crying in his bed. He had just lost his friends and had no one to talk to. Applejack said that "Friends are like family,” and that couldn’t be truer for him. He never had a family; he lost his parents a long time ago, and Grandpa Gruff wasn’t his actual grandpa; it was just a title. He felt abandoned; there was no one left to talk to.

Gallus walked to his nightstand and opened the drawer, picking up a picture of his family. While griffons are usually grumpy and never talked to each other, even on the holidays, his family were the only happy griffons from his town. As he looked at the photo, he was reminded of a painful memory, one he couldn’t forget: It was when his family died in a house fire. Gallus lays on his bed with his family in his claws as a voice calls out to him in the darkness, “You are worthless,”

He lifts the picture as the voice continues, “What makes you think that you desire to live after what happen?”

Gallus’s heart sinks into his chest as he sits up, staring into the picture. As he does, a tear falls onto the picture, "Mom, Dad: I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he said, still crying. "And I wish that I could see you again."

“And you never will. Do you know why?” Gallus drops the picture as more tears fall, “Because it is your fault!” Gallus sobs rubbing his eyes, “But you know there is a way for you to end the everlasting pain. A way to finally end the nightmares,” Fear echoes through Gallus body as he stares deeper into the nightstand.

“No,” he says quietly,

“It is the only way. You cannot deny it,” Slowly Gallus reached back into the drawer, and stops, “What is wrong? Don’t you want to finally find peace in this ungrateful world?” He then pulls out the knife. It was a knife from his house that he picked up after it burned down. Every time he began to think about his parents, he would pull the knife out, observing it. But this time it was different. This time instead of putting it away he pointed it at himself “What are you waiting for? After all, why else would you keep it, if not for this very reason?”

Tears returned to his eyes as he started remembering the good times he had with his friends: when they hung out at the Castle of the Two Sisters, performing in the play, saving Applejack and Rainbow from the Bite-acudas, as well as many others. Now, they were nothing.

"Goodbye, guys," he said through tears. And without hesitation, he plunged the knife deep into his chest, the life starting to fade from his eyes. With every breath, he sank more and more.

Until after one last breath, he closed his eyes; life held on for one last moment, and then finally let go.

(To be Continued)

I'm sorry [Remade]

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Sandbar was in his room sitting at his table and thinking about what just happened with his friends. Part of him feels that his friends are just stupid, and part of him believes he was just overreacting. He thought about the first time they met. They didn't get along at first, but when they skipped school, they started to hit it off. He then thought about all the good times his friends had had, but an argument had broken them apart. He felt like he hadn’t meant what he had said, but said it in the heat of the moment because of angry he was that he wouldn’t get to go home for the holidays.

Suddenly he remembered one time he had seen Gallus with tears in his eyes. He didn't listen to him when he was about to say something but instead had said some cruel things to Gallus.

Why don’t you just act like you don't care and fly away. It's what griffon's do best.

"Maybe he did care about us," Sandbar said with a sigh. He had another thought. He got up and went to Gallus's room to apologize.

He knocked on his door to see if he was in there. "Gallus... are you in there?"

He knocked on the door again and noticed the door creaked a little, letting some light come out of the room. "Gallus... I’m sorry about what happened. I was just angry that we couldn't go home for the holidays. I didn’t mean what I said." Gallus didn't answer or respond. Sandbar looks to the ground, unsure if he should continue. His friend doesn’t want to talk, but he has to try. He stands up firm and gently pushes the door open. "Hey. Maybe we can work this out, you know like maybe we could have our own Heart Warm-” He stops as he feels his blood run cold at what’s lying before him.

There lying on the floor was Gallus. In a pool of his own blood. With a knife stuck in his chest.

"G..G...Ga...Gallus," Sandbar stammered, tears beginning to well in his eyes. "No no no no no no no!" Sandbar yelled, starting to freak out.

"GALLUS PLEASE NO!" Sandbar yelled, "HEADMARE TWILIGHT!!!!!" Sandbar screamed as he ran out of the room and went to the Teacher's Lounge.

In the Teacher's Lounge, Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike are sitting on their couch and talking about what happened.

"So his friends just broke apart because of him," Rainbow asked. "Why would he ever think that?"

"I don't know," Spike replied. "But when I got out of the office. I heard an argument inside the room where his friends were at.” He scratches his head in thought, "Something about the tree. It sounded like they were blaming each other for the ruined tree."

"What do you think, Twilight?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight didn't say anything. She just stared at the ground sadly because of what Gallus had said.

"Um... Twilight?" Spike said with concern.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow said, concerned as well.

"It's all my fault," she said softly.

"What did you say?"

"This is all my fault!!!" Twilight said starting to tear up

"Your fault?" Spike said, confused. "Why would you think that it’s your fault?"

"If I hadn’t told them to stay here and clean up, they wouldn't have argued in the first place." She said, starting to sob.

"Twilight, this isn't your fault. It was your only choice," Spike said.

"Yeah, Twilight," Rainbow said. "I mean, you’re the Headmare of this school."

"Yes, but this is the School of Friendship, and I just made my student's friendship break apart," Twilight said, lowering her head in shame.

Rainbow and Spike looked at each other with a long 5-second silence. Spike decided to speak up first. "Well, even though they broke apart doesn’t mean that you can’t try to fix it, Twilight."

"Spike's right." Rainbow agreed. "Besides, what could possibly make the situation any worse?”

"HEADMARE TWILIGHT!!!" They heard a shout outside of the teacher's lounge in a voice they recognized as Sandbar’s.

Sandbar threw open two doors with full force with tears still in his eyes.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike noticed Sandbar crying. Twilight was the first one to speak, "Sandbar, what is it? What's wrong? Tell me what happened."

"I..it’s....G..G.G.Ga.." Sandbar tried to speak, but he was too distressed to get the words out.

"Sandbar, speak up," Spike said in concern

Sandbar finally found his voice and blurted out, "SOMEPONY KILLED GALLUS!!!"

"WHAT?!?!?!" Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike all said, their eyes widening in shock.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I saw it with my own eyes!!" Sandbar said, still sobbing.

"Where did this happen?"

Sandbar led the other three into Gallus' room and showed them where he lay unmoving. Twilight went over to Gallus’ dead body. "Gallus... I’m so sorry," She said while picking up Gallus with her magic.

"What are we gonna do?" Sandbar asked.

Twilight can only think one thing. "We have to take him to the hospital." She uses her magic to teleport them all to the hospital. Once there, Nurse and Doctors moved quickly to aid the young Griffen. It has been ten minutes since they got there, and no pony has said a word. They all sat there together in the lobby, waiting to see if Gallus would survive.

Twilight just finished sending a letter to Celestia, and Luna informing them of has happened and asked for a small squad of guard be sent to them to help protect to school from any more threats. When she heard a loud sniff coming from her left and noticed it came from Sandbar. She wraps her wing around the young pony, trying to comfort him.

Sandbar hasn’t stopped crying ever since they got there. He again felts like he’s to blame for the whole thing. He wished he hadn’t blamed his friends for the ruined Hearth's Warming Tree, and that he had been there for Gallus. Then none of this would have ever happened.

"Sandbar," Twilight asked with concern, "Are you okay?" but Sandbar said nothing. "Sandbar, I promise you Gallus is gonna be fine," Twilight said. "Everything is going to be-"

"It's my fault," she got interrupted when she heard a whisper from Sandbar.

"It's all my fault, Headmare Twilight" Sandbar looked to Twilight, still with tears in his eyes. "I destroyed our friendship. And what happened to your tree, all we did was just blame each other. And Gallus was the only one not fighting back, and I told him that... " he suddenly felt worse like he was about to cry. "I said to him to pretend to not care about friends because that’s what griffons do best. And then when he needed us the most, no pony was there to stop the pony who did this to him." Sandbar exclaimed, covering his eyes while sobbing. “Why would anypony try to kill Gallus?”

"Sandbar, don't blame yourself. Things like this happens, but things will get better soon.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow spoked up, “I mean, this is Gallus we are talking about here. He is not going to let a little cut like this stop him. I bet after he gets out of here, You and him will be splashing in the water fountains together and rearranging the books in the school library again.”

“What about the books in the library?”

Before Twilight could give an earful to her friend, a Doctor came into the lobby and called for them. "Your highness, I have news about your student," the Doctor said.

They quickly made their way to the Doctor as Sandbar was the first to speak, "Is he gonna be okay?"

"Yes, he is. The wound wasn’t serious. He's going to wake up any day now."

They all sighed in relief, knowing that Gallus will be fine, but Sandbar can only think one thing before he leaves. "Can I see him?"

Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike looked at him, and Sandbar simply said, "I want to be with my friend.”

The Doctor nodded and led Sandbar to the room where Gallus was in, and the others followed him. The Doctor pointed into a room, as they all went in. Gallus was in a bed with a heart monitor making slow and continual beeps. There were bandages wrapped around his chest, and an oxygen mash over his face. Sandbar walked up to him and then sat beside the bed where Gallus lies,

"Gallus... I’m sorry," Sandbar said, looking down in shame. "If only I had been there for you... then I could have… saved you." He put a hoof on Gallus’s claw, “I am never leaving you alone again.”

As Sandbar was talking to his unconscious friend; The Doctor pulled Twilight and Rainbow out of the room. To speak in private, “I can’t thank you enough, sir.”

“Don’t thank me just yet, your highness. We still have a problem on our hooves.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow spoke up, “Why like why somepony would try and kill Gallus? It doesn’t make any sense? What did he do? I mean, he is just a kid.”

“That is what I want to talk to you about,” He takes a deep breath to calm himself, “I already know who tried to kill Gallus.”

“What! How?” Twilight exclaimed before lowering her voice, “The case just started, and we haven’t collected the evidence from the crime scene yet.”

The Doctor looks back at the children in the room, “Even the best detective doesn’t need much to understand what happened here.” He closes his eyes before facing them again. The wound is self-inflicted.

Twilight felt horrible because not only had she indirectly caused an argument between her students that caused their friendship to break-apart but as a result, one of her students felt like suicide was the only option left. She felt terrible but knew that she had to pull herself together for the other’s sake.

Twilight told the Doctor and Rainbow to keep this between themselves. She will inform Starlight on the matter and schedule private sessions to see if there are any signs of Gallus wanting to kill himself again. For now, everything will continue as nothing happened. This is one friendship lesson that Twilight is not sure if she knows how to solve.

After Rainbow and the Doctor bid each other good night. Twilight went back inside and saw Sandbar sitting beside his friend holding onto him. She smiles at this, watching the adorable moment with Sandbar and Gallus. When a puff of smoke appeared in front of her before, it turns into a scroll. Quickly she read it to find that Luna has sent a squad of ponies to be at the castle by dawn to prevent any more attacks on the students. She was going to tell her that they are not needed but had a second thought. If guards were patrolling the school grounds, then Gallus would have a harder time committing suicide again. And even if he did, there will be a higher chance of finding him if he does. She nods to herself before slowly making her way to Sandbar side.

"Sandbar, It's time to go," Twilight said,

“But I can’t leave him!” Sandbar said, not letting go of his friend, “That pony is still out there. They might come back for him.”

“I understand, But a squad of guards is on there way here as we speak. That pony will have to think twice before they could do something like this again. Especially now that me and my friends know that they are around. The best thing you can do for Gallus is to let him rest. You can come back tomorrow and as many days after that.”

Sandbar sniffs before he stood up, and they left the hospital.

Sandbar was in his room again, thinking of what to do. Gallus would be waking up pretty soon, and he needed to be there for him, but he then thought about his friends that abandoned him.

He could only think of one solution to make this up to Gallus. And to catch this pony murder. He needed to get their friends back together.

Fixing friendship's

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It is the next day,

Sandbar has woken up and looked out the window. He remembered the painful moments last night. He remembered seeing Gallus with that knife in his chest and seeing him in the hospital. He then remembered when they left the hospital, and he promised himself to Gallus to recover friendship, so he won't be alone anymore when he wakes up.

"I have to hurry," Sandbar thought.

Moving as fast as his hooves could go. He made his way to the rooms of his friends. And he knows which one he is going to see first. Before him stand the door to Smolder's room. She was blamed for what happen to the tree. And if he is going to get Yona and Silverstream to listen to him. He is going to need her help. After all, he was the one who accuse her in the first place.

He knocked on the door and got no response.

"Smolder, it's me, Sandbar." But there's still no response. Sandbar knocked again, but she didn’t answer, "Smolder I know you’re in there." Sandbar said, "And I know you're probably going say 'go away,' but I’m here.... to apologize." Sandbar waited for a response but again just five seconds of silence. Sandbar thought that it was no use, but he wasn’t going to give up. With a look of determination, he starts shouting at the door, “Okay Smolder I don’t care if you won’t forgive me for what happen yesterday. But I need you to listen to me. And if I have to shout at your door for hours until you open up then I am going to do it starting now!”

He then starts to sing a song Professor Fluttershy was trying to teach them in class, but purposely singing out of tune. He only got to ten words of the song before a very angry dragon open the door.

“What is your problem!” Smolder said rubbing her eyes, “It is way too earlier in the morning for this!”

“I have got to talk to you it urgent.”

“Looks Sandbar, unless somepony is dying. I really don’t care right now.”

Sandbar hushed up at how on point her sarcastic comment was. He looked around trying to think of a way to tell her, but the silence between then was starting to get Smolder worried.

“Dude I was kidding,”

“Can we talk in your room. I rather not let anypony else know.” Smolder open the door for him and closed the door behind him. Inside the room Sandbar can see that her room was a mess, stuff shattered, walls scratched, it looked like she's been so angry for a while.

"Wow, um... Smolder, your room is a mess," Sandbar said, trying something to speak because the silence was getting awkward.

“Well I was angry okay. Now what this about somepony dying. You better not be joking about that.”

“I am not. It Gallus.”

“Is Gallus trying to kill somepony?”

“NO! Somepony is trying to kill Gallus!”

Smolder felt a wave of shock wash over her. She didn't even say anything for five seconds. "W- w- what?!"

“Like I said somepony was trying to kill Gallus.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Last night I went to his room trying to apologies for what happen with the tree, and I found him on the floor with a knife stuck in his chest. There was blood everywhere.”

“Calm down Sandbar. Where is Gallus now?”

“Headmare Twilight got him to a hospital in time. They said that he is going to be alright. But they haven’t found out who would want to kill Gallus.”

“This is starting to sound like one of the mystery books Ocellus has being telling me about. A group of friends have a disagreement with leaves their friendship shatter and the next thing they know someone turns up dead.”

“Now is not the time to joke around Smolder.”

“Who said I am joking? I am being serious here. If somepony want to kill Gallus it would have to be somepony from Griffenstone.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Hey we all may had a fight last night. But something like that is not enough to make any of us wanting to kill each other. I already had time to cool off already and was going to look for the girls in the morning to see if they still wanted to hangout today before you show up with your awful singing voice. To which I am going to tell professor Fluttershy about.”

“Please don’t.”

“Take it up with her. Anyways we are going to need the others help with this investigation. Come on,” Sandbar and Smolder went to gather the others before going to the hospital to see Gallus.

Later that day, In the Castle of Friendship, the Main six and Starlight were having a meeting in the throne room. Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight and Pinkie Pie had no idea what the meeting was about, they were about to have a holiday with their families when Twilight and Spike came in their place because something’s wrong in the middle of Hearth's Warming Eve. They were concerned to know what happened. Rainbow and Spike already knew what happened, but Twilight told them not to tell them about Gallus until she was ready to tell them about it.

Twilight on the other hoof still feels like it’s her fault that The Young Six broke apart, and it made her feel even worse that Gallus tried to kill himself. But she needs to calm herself and not panic and try her best to try and get rid of the guilt. She breathed in and out when she opened the door, which caught her friend’s attention.

"You might be wondering what's going on, girls," Twilight said as she sat down her throne.

"Yeah. I was about to make the best Christmas party with Applejack and my family," Pinkie said, and Applejack nodded. "I even brought a holly jolly delicious Christmas cake that me and Sugar Belle made."

Then she took a slice of cake from Pinkie's mane. "I even got one slice of cake if you want soooommmmeeee." No even said a word. "Eh, suit yourself." She tossed the cake into her mouth.

"Well, I was just about to hang out with Trixie in her wagon with some hot cocoa," Starlight said.

"Me and Sweetie were just about to go to our parents and celebrate." Rarity said.

"And I was about to fly to Cloudsdale to visit my parents and my brother." Fluttershy said and then finally asked the question the everypony had going on in their heads, "Is there something wrong?"

Twilight then took a deep breath and explained to them. "Yesterday somecreature pulled a prank and ruined the Hearth's Warming tree, and it's one of my six students."

Everypony gasped, and Pinkie was the first one to speak, "That seemed like a Christmas party pooper to me!"

But Twilight wasn't finished "Well, me, Spike and Rainbow Dash figured out that it was Gallus, but we agreed that we should let him try to speak the truth because honesty is one of the friendship lessons... but it backfired"

"Really... what happened?" Starlight asked.

"We heard a huge argument coming from the lobby, and we just saw Gallus just sitting there breaking down, and he said that their friendship broke apart" They gasped again.

"And then what happened?" Fluttershy said, sounding very concerned.

Twilight had to tell them the most heartbreaking moment. "While me, Spike and Rainbow Dash were trying to process what had happened, Sandbar came in and told me that... that," She couldn’t even finish that sentence.

"What... WHAT IS IT!?" Pinkie shouted.

Applejack agreed "Yeah what happened... did something happened to our students-"

"Gallus tried to kill himself!!!" She finally said it when she snapped.

Everyone in the room was shocked by the news. A student committed suicide because a friendship broke apart.

"WHAT!?" Starlight said.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy said in tears.

"By Celestia," Rarity said.

"AAAH!!" Pinkie screamed because of what she said.

"What do you mean he killed himself!?" Applejack asked.

Twilight continued, "When Sandbar found out about it, he led me and the others to his dorm, and there he was, with a knife in his chest. I got him to the hospital in time he is going to be alright. I sent word to Canterlot on what happen, and they sent a squad of guards here.”

“Well that explains the guards, I saw near the school this morning,” Starlight said,

“At first, I thought that somepony tried to kill one of the students to close down the school. However, the Doctor that treated Gallus said that wounds he found on him were self-inflicted. Apparently, for some reason, he felt so scared and alone and committed suicide. It might have been because I told them to stay here in the school and clear the mess Gallus made and that made them break apart, or something else entirely, but I have no idea! And I FEEL LIKE IT’S ALL MY FAULT!!!" at this point, she started to sob because she can't take this guilt anymore.

Her friends are speechless not only because one of the students committed suicide; it’s because The Princess of Friendship is the one who blame everything that happened yesterday.

"But Twilight" Starlight said. "this isn't your fault that Gallus tried to killed himself"

"Yeah, Twi," Applejack said. "I mean sure you told them to stay during the holidays, and they were mad about it, but you were just doing what the headmare does in the school of friendship."

"Yeah," Rainbow added in, "That's what me and Spike said when we find out about it."

"I know you guys are trying to help me, saying that I wasn't the cause of what happened," Twilight said, trying to calm down. "But I just need time... to think."

Twilights friends stayed silent and wait until she calms down. Then over five seconds of silence Starlight Glimmer approaches to her "Twilight... I know things are bad now but were not here judging about what happened. We are your friends and we’re here to comfort you even if you still think you’re the one to blame that one of your students killed himself, were here for you Twilight" then she smiled

Twilight looked at Starlight and her friends, and she knows that she's right even though she blamed herself, she always has her friends back, so she smiled back. "Thanks, Starlight."

After she calmed down, Applejack asked, "So what do we do now?"

“For now, I would like Starlight to have some private session with Gallus once he is discharged from the hospital. Maybe she can find out why he did that and hopefully stop this from happening again.”

“I will do my best,” Starlight said,

“And what about Sandbar?” Applejack asked, “How is he trying it?”

“Sandbar thinks that it was somepony else who tried to kill Gallus last night. For now, we will let him continue to believe that. I know that it doesn’t sound like a good idea. But if Gallus is to move on from this, then he is going to have to be the one to tell his friends what happen. Even if I were to tell Sandbar the truth, he wouldn’t believe me. He has to hear it from Gallus himself.”

“I see your point dear.” Rarity said,

"Well, then. What are the rest of us going to do about this?" Applejack asked.

“Well for now we are going to keep a watchful eye on Gallus once he is out of the hospital and hope for the best. This is a very delicate situation. If we intervene too much Gallus might run away and kill himself somewhere else. He needs to know that we are here for him, and not trying to ruin his life. For that, we are going to have to be supportive and patient.”

“Well... um, can I go see Sandbar?" Fluttershy said as the girls turned to her. "I think that one of us has to keep an eye on him and the rest of them to make sure that they don’t do anything rash. If that alright with you.”

"She does have a point," Spike added.

"Ok Fluttershy you can go," Twilight said

"Well, since this is happening," Pinkie said, "when Sandbar's finished making up his friends, I’m going to set him an 'im-sorry-about-what-happened-everyone's-is-given-you-love-so-you-don't-have-to-be-alone' party."

"Do Griffons even had parties?" Rainbow wondered.

"We can trrrrryyyyy!!!!" Pinkie said, and Rainbow has no responses; she only sighed.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight are now trying to think about the situation, and Fluttershy left the castle to find Sandbar. Twilight on the other hoof is still blaming herself, but she has her friends comforting her. As they were, Twilight thought about Gallus.

"What happened to you my little griffin?" Twilight thought.

(To be continued)